Home Remedies for Tooth Decay

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Home Remedies for Tooth Decay By: Linda M. Poole

Source: http://toothdecaycure.guideyoushouldtrust.com

Home Remedies for Tooth Decay When it comes to handling tooth aches, grandma’s tried and tested remedies combined with modern approaches may work just fine. There’s a lot you can do to prevent bacteria from accumulating in the mouth, beginning with regular brushing of the teeth after meals. Use a good toothpaste and warm water along with a natural mouthwash when brushing your teeth. It helps control pain in the cavity. A good oral rinse like a sodium bicarbonate solution can lessen harmful oral microbial flora and alkanize the mouth. >>>Click here to get more information home remedies for tooth decay<<<

Cavity-prone individuals must also monitor what they eat. Including garlic and onion as a regular part of their diet can work wonders in minimizing cavities. Consuming healthy beverages like wheat grass juice can also work wonders in minimizing bacterial growth and eliminating toothache. Regular consumption of onion helps prevent cavities. If toothache recurs, you can put a sliced onion on the affected tooth, or chew a small piece each day. Onion is highly touted for its remarkable ability to absorb germs.Other remedies for tooth pain are guava leaves (chewing them can offer some relief). Chewing raw garlic or better yet, consuming lots of it as part of your meals can offer relief from cavity pain. That’s because garlic contains a substance called allicin which has antibiotic properties. Another recommended home remedies for tooth decay is applying apple cider vinegar on the sore tooth using a cotton swab. It numbs the pain, thereby offering relief. The age-old remedy of using baking soda to clean teeth can also be useful in fighting tooth decay. Combined with good oral hygiene habits like regular brushing of teeth and application of natural substances like salt, baking soda can help avert teeth & gum problems. To ease tooth pain, you can also apply a paste of mashed peppermint leaves on the sore area. An alternative remedy is to apply some clove oil mixed with a pinch of pepper right on the cavity. Wrap some ice cubes in a hand towel and put it on your jaw, right To get more information about home remedies for tooth decay, please visit this site


next to the painful tooth. Or swish warm salty water in your mouth for a few minutes. Before hitting the sack, you can also apply peppermint or tea tree oil directly on sore tooth. These natural remedies for tooth decay can offer temporary relief from toothache. Have lime in your pantry? Slice the lime (which is rich in vitamin C) and chew it along with the skin. It’s a surefire way to lessen pain emanating from a tooth cavity. The other approach is to make a paste by combining some lemon juice with asafoetida powder. Asafoetida is rich in vitamins and minerals that can strengthen teeth and soothe cavity pain. Combating tooth decay can be done, but some effort must be exerted. If you want to use only natural home remedies for tooth decay, make sure you've checked with a healthcare provider if the herbs you’re thinking of using are fine for you. If not, you can rely on grandma’s old standby – baking powder, plus some other natural ingredients noted for easing pain and/or hastening healing. If you want to get more information about home remedies for tooth decay, please click here.

To get more information about home remedies for tooth decay, please visit this site


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