Home Remedies for Tooth Infection

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Home Remedies for Tooth Infection By: Linda M. Poole

Source: http://toothdecaycure.guideyoushouldtrust.com

Home Remedies for Tooth Infection

The pain sensed when one has a throbbing tooth may be due to several reasons including a cracked or impacted tooth or a mouth injury. Nonetheless, toothache pain is usually associated with poor oral hygiene and dental decay and infection due to the bacteria which causes the root to swell. When the bacteria present in our saliva gains contact to the food residues left between our teeth a chemical reaction occurs which cause the teeth to corrode. Constant exposure of the teeth to such reaction eventually leads to cavities. These openings may grow if left untreated, which can be extremely painful especially when the bacteria already reached the nerves and infecting it in the process. Severe soreness can interfere with a person's daily routine even with sleep. >>>Click here to get more information about home remedies for tooth infection<<<

The best way to prevent tooth pain is to keep the teeth and gums healthy by maintaining a good oral hygiene as well as a regular visit to a dentist for at least twice a year. One must also keep away from eating too much sweets or sugary foods and drinks without proper tooth care to avoid bacteria from accumulating inside the mouth. But in cases when professional service or over-the-counter pain killers cannot be availed yet, here are some of the home remedies for tooth infection that may temporarily ease the stinging sensation. We usually apply a cold compress to the cheek closest to the puffed-up area to alleviate the pain and reduce soreness. But one study shows that rubbing an ice on the webbed area of the hand between the thumb index finger can help lessen toothache pain. In the science of acupressure, this particular spot of the hand is commonly referred to as the "Hoku" point or L14 pressure point, which is usually massaged to relieve aches and pain anywhere in the body. Researchers believe that rubbing ice over this pressure point may significantly ease toothache pain by interfering with the pain signals. Try to rub ice gently over the Hoku point of the hand that is on the same side as the swollen tooth or gums for five to seven minutes in order to relieve the pain. To get more information about home remedies for tooth infection, please visit this site


Another alternative is clove, which is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for tooth infection. Cloves contain eugenol, an active ingredient which makes it potent for fighting bacteria and reducing pain and inflammation. Clove oil may be applied directly on the aching tooth for immediate relief. Undiluted clove oil could come strong and may cause burning, so one may opt to daub a small amount around the affected area with the use of cotton balls. Cloves may likewise be chewed so that its juice may directly contact the decayed tooth. Caveat: When ingested, undiluted clove oil may cause severe allergic reactions, seizures, vomiting, sore throat, as well as serious problems such as bleeding, respiratory difficulties, and kidney or liver failure. It is also know to have adverse effects on children. As such, it is advisable for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women to refrain from using it. Again, as tooth sensitivity could be an indication of dental decay, applying merely home remedies for tooth infection does not absolutely solve the problem. Since these are just short-term solutions, a good oral hygiene is highly advisable as well as a visit to a dentist, when necessary. If you want to get more information about home remedies for tooth infection, please click here.

To get more information about home remedies for tooth infection, please visit this site


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