loyola 2012–2013 Annu al Report
our Second Century of Excellence: TranSforming the Vision into Reality
IN THIS REPORT 1 A Message from Our Leadership 2 A Strategic Vision for Our Second Century of Excellence 4 Report from the Principal 5 Highlights from the School Year 15 Report from the Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment 16 Report from the Vice President of Mission and Ministry 17 Highlights from a Year of Faith and Service 20 Report from the Vice President of Advancement 21 The Year in Advancement 33
Report from the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer
34 Financial Statement 36 Honor Roll of Donors
To form women and men for meaningful lives of leadership and service in imitation of Jesus Christ through a college preparatory education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition.
leadership A Message f rom Loyol a’s Presid ent an d Board Ch air
As we complete the fifth year of our second century, Loyola Academy is in the midst of an extraordinary renaissance. We have instituted exciting new academic programs, embraced the latest learning technologies, embarked on visionary capital enhancement projects and deepened our faith traditions. Still, our Jesuit mission challenges us to do more. To continue to serve as a national model for Jesuit, secondary education in a changing world, we must provide a 21st century learning environment for Loyola’s Ramblers. We must strengthen our tradition of cura personalis to meet the diverse needs of students from every culture and community. We must Going forth to set the world on fire: A member of our continue to invest in the spiritual and professional development Class of 2013 collects her diploma from Fr. McGrath at of our talented and accomplished faculty. We must envision our 103rd Commencement Exercises as Board Chair new ways to form young people with compassionate hearts and Peter J. Broccolo ’74 looks on. critical minds who are prepared to take on leadership roles in a global society——and we must expand our spiritual, social and educational offerings for Loyola parents and our global network of more than 26,000 alumni. Over the past several years, we have been shaping a Strategic Vision for Our Second Century of Excellence that will guide us as we work toward these goals. To generate the support needed to transform this vision into a reality, we welcomed Robert O. Miller in FY13 as our new vice president of advancement and charged him with the task of communicating our strategic objectives and fundraising priorities to the larger Loyola community. We are deeply grateful to the members of our Board of Trustees for their wisdom, energy, foresight and diligence throughout the strategic visioning process; to the administrators, faculty members and alumni who provided valuable insights and input to help bring our strategic priorities into focus; and to the benefactors who gave generously of their time and resources to help us achieve some of our strategic objectives in FY13. We are confident that this strategic vision will lead us to new heights in the 21st century——and that Loyola’s greatest days are yet to come. Thank you for ensuring a second century of excellence at Loyola Academy with your generous support! In Christ,
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ Peter J. Broccolo ’74 President Board Chair
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A St rat eg ic Vision for Our Secon d Century of Excell en ce
How can we best prepare our Ramblers to learn, lead and serve in the 21st century? What more can we do to meet the needs of our diverse student population? How can we expand our role as a faith and education center for Loyola families? And how can we continue to forge deep and enduring connections with a global network of more than 26,000 alumni living in 50 states and 28 countries? These were just some of the questions under consideration in 2009——our centennial year——as Fr. McGrath began working closely with the Board of Trustees to reimagine Loyola’s time-honored tradition of Jesuit education for a changing world. Over the past four years, a strategic vision for Loyola’s future has emerged from their ongoing process of reflection, discussion and discernment. The four strategic priorities of this vision are outlined below. We will be sharing more details about these priorities in the coming months and years as we work together to transform this vision for Loyola Academy in the 21st century into a reality.
A Learning Community:
Cura personalis, a Latin phrase that means “care for the person,” is one of the core imperatives of Jesuit education. In the spirit of cura personalis, we seek to design a learning environment that simultaneously supports and challenges our students. Cura personalis also impels us to increase access to a Jesuit education at Loyola for young people from every culture and community. To strengthen our tradition of cura personalis, we will:
Jesuit education is distinguished by its bold dialogue with the world and its insistence on critical thought and imagination coming together in action for justice. Those formed in this tradition are called to leadership, which puts their gifts and talents at the service of the community to advance the common good. A Jesuit school is called to be a learning community in which students, teachers, parents and alumni are constantly learning and growing. To enhance excellence in Jesuit education through an ever-deepening emphasis on student and faculty learning, we will:
Cura Personalis
n deepen the formation of all adult members of the school community in our Ignatian spiritual and Jesuit traditions; n enhance our athletic and cocurricular programming and promote the participation of underengaged students;
enhance the learning-centered culture of Loyola;
integrate more service and reflection experiences into student life;
n develop a model fine arts curriculum and coursework to benefit all students;
n maintain student admissions policies that foster geographic, socioeconomic, ethnic and racial diversity;
n create a distinctive, Jesuit, four-year leadership curriculum and integrate this curriculum into classroom, cocurricular and athletic activities;
n provide necessary supports for minority students and foster the development of a welcoming and challenging school environment.
n develop a substance-abuse education, care and prevention program that will serve as a model for other schools;
n maintain fiscally responsible levels of financial aid that meet the needs of deserving students and families and create a culture of gratitude and generosity in which all students are formed to appreciate the gift that is Jesuit education;
Excellence in Jesuit Education
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continue to integrate technology into the learning process;
n develop the nation’s most comprehensive Ignatian professional development program.
THE VISION To strive to be the leading Jesuit, college preparatory faith and education center in the nation. To be a diverse and committed community responding to our God-given call to become women and men for others who are religious, intellectually competent, physically fit, loving, open to growth and committed to doing justice.
An Inspired Worldview:
A Jesuit Hub:
We will establish Loyola Academy as the leading Jesuit formation community in the United States by allocating significant resources to the Ignatian development of our Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, students, parents and alumni. To deepen the Jesuit formation of our community members by providing more opportunities for personal encounters with Jesus Christ, we will:
The pace of change has accelerated in the 21st century and the role of technology in our lives continues to grow. As we use technology to network with one another, we have become more connected, yet less personal and intimate. We have observed that Loyola serves as a spiritual, educational and social hub for students, parents and alumni seeking more meaningful connections. To maximize these connections and expand what we offer as a Jesuit, Catholic resource for our community, we will:
Formation in the Jesuit Tradition
n implement a multiyear plan for the formation of our Board of Trustees;
In the Church and for the World
n partner with the local Church, especially our feeder parishes, to share Catholic resources;
n require all adult employees of Loyola Academy to participate in ongoing formation in the Jesuit tradition;
n deepen our relationship with Jesuit colleges and universities, with a special emphasis on Loyola University Chicago;
develop an integrated plan for student formation;
n launch a curriculum for parent engagement, partnership and faith formation; n support our global network of more than 26,000 alumni in their ongoing faith development through onsite programming, out-of-town gatherings and social networking.
partner more effectively with our feeder schools;
n connect our alumni to Loyola and to one another through social networking events and activities focusing on faith formation and professional networking; n engage young alumni in their 20s and 30s in ongoing formation, networking and leadership development; n
offer parent faith and education programs.
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Report f rom th e Pr in cipal
Rambler Report Card A shortlist of achievements by the 532 Ramblers in our Class of 2013
Number of Summa Cum Laude Honors Graduates (94.7 GPA and above)
160 107
Number of Illinois State Scholars
Number of National Honor Society inductees, the largest group in more than a decade
50 21
Number of AP Scholars
Number of National Merit and Achievement Semifinalists, the highest number of semifinalists since 1994 and a sevenfold increase over FY12
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Magis is the Latin word for “more.” St. Ignatius used it to encourage others to live more generously, with more discipline and a greater emphasis on serving others. Kathryn M. Baal, PhD Principal This Ignatian imperative was at the heart of our commitment to do more as we prepared 2,000 Ramblers for lives of leadership and service in the 21st century. While we remained true to our century-old mission to foster the intellectual, spiritual, social and moral development of our students, we also evolved to meet the challenges of a changing world. Time-honored Jesuit traditions coexisted with 21st century technologies and pedagogical practices as we piloted new programs, launched new initiatives, enhanced
our curriculum and introduced new resources to meet the diverse learning needs of our students. In Fall 2012, we took an exciting and transformative step forward as we piloted our new One-to-One iPad Program. We launched a Literacy Initiative to increase our students’ fluency in reading and writing across the disciplines and enhance their critical thinking and analytic skills. We implemented a new Communication Across the Curriculum program to integrate speech-related skills into our world history, geometry, English and formation courses. We opened doors to the arts for all Ramblers with the debut of our Br. James E. Small, SJ, Arts Guild. We integrated service into our freshman theology curriculum and rolled out a revised sophomore theology curriculum to provide a deeper, more reflective faith experience for our students. These are just a few of the highlights from our year of doing more for the greater glory of God. When I reflect on the tremendous progress that we made in FY13, I am reminded that none of this would have been possible without your support. Thank you for “living generously”——to borrow a phrase from St. Ignatius——so that our Ramblers can continue to discover their passions and pursue their dreams!
Transforming education through technology
The ipad pilot
T “ Technology plays an integral role in today’s world. Learning styles are changing as
young people access information through a wide variety of devices, platforms and channels. Our goal is to stay in front of that curve as we strive to educate, engage and inspire our students as 21st century learners.
oday’s Ramblers are digital natives ——young people who have grown up with access to computers, the Internet and mobile digital devices. They are as comfortable with digital technologies as previous generations were with pencils and paper. So it seems fitting that a digital device——the Apple iPad——was at the heart of an exciting new pilot program with the potential to transform teaching and learning at Loyola Academy. Percentage of pilot Loyola launched the yearlong One-to-One iPad Program participants who reported that the iPad enhanced pilot in Fall 2012 to test the effectiveness of the mobile their learning experience computing devices as 21st century learning tools. When the 238 Ramblers participating in the pilot were surveyed in December 2012, 88 percent reported that the iPad had enhanced their learning experience. Participants also noted that they were more engaged in the learning process and that they had better interactions with their teachers. The overwhelming success of the pilot paved the way for the iPad program to go schoolwide in FY14. To prepare for the full-school rollout, Loyola hosted a One-to-One Conversation for Parents, teachers participated in iPad workshops and students attended mandatory iPad orientation sessions. When Ramblers returned to Loyola’s classrooms in Fall 2013, the ubiquitous digital devices created boundless new possibilities for learning. Teachers shared timeless ideas in new and powerful ways, while students enjoyed unprecedented access to interactive textbooks, audio and video files; apps for everything from note taking to rendering; and the vast resources of the Internet to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the world.
Kathryn M. Baal, PhD Principal
Creating new possibilities in the classroom: A yearlong iPad pilot program in FY13 paved the way for a schoolwide rollout in FY14.
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Rebooting Science Education for the 21st Century
From Old School to New School
or the past EIGHT years, the Loyola Academy Science Initiative has been paving the way for a new era in science education by generating support for the development of 12 state-of-the-art laboratories for chemistry, physics and integrated and life science. In Summer 2012 and 2013, construction crews completed the fifth and sixth science labs in the series: high-tech marvels equipped with closed-circuit television, video microscopes, interactive audio and visual systems and tablet computers for computer-driven labs connected by the Internet. Number of 21st As fundraising to support the conversion of our remaining century science labs envisioned for Loyola’s outdated laboratories continued in FY13, our Science Department future science wing faculty incorporated a cutting-edge educational concept called the flipped classroom into their science instruction. How does the flipped classroom work? By turning traditional teaching methods upside down. Instead of lecturing in class, teachers videotape lectures and post them online for Ramblers to watch at home. Students then apply the lesson in the laboratory or classroom, with the teacher guiding their learning experience.
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Restoring Wild Spaces Every year, Loyola science students gain firsthand knowledge of the natural world at our Munz Campus in Glenview. With its prairie, wetlands and wild spaces, this natural oasis offers a welcome opportunity for budding scientists to conduct field studies and observe living ecosystems. In FY13, Loyola received a Conservation and Native Landscaping Award from the EPA and Chicago Wilderness for the restoration of the Munz Campus wetlands. The restoration has been ongoing since the campus opened in 2003.
An Evening of Artistic Expression
oyola’s art scene was hopping on April 25 as our Rambler artists and musicians showcased their talents at our Spring Art Show and Music Festival. At the opening reception for the art show, exhibiting artists from our studio art, photography, architecture and design courses discussed their visual art and its meaning with Loyola community members. Elsewhere in the building, Rambler musicians were tuning up for a View video highlights from our Spring Art Show and Music festival of music performed by the Loyola Orchestra, Concert Choir, Man Choir, Festival. Chorale, Contemporary Vocal Ensemble, Honors Chamber Singers, Concert Band and Symphonic Band. As we celebrated the creative achievements of our students, we also applauded our Music Department, which received the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation’s Support Music Merit Award for supporting and advancing access to music education. Presented by a NAMM representative on the night of the festival, the award recognized Loyola as one of the year’s best communities for music education. Loyola was the only high school in the state to earn this distinction during the 2012–2013 academic year. “For many years, Loyola has been dedicated to instilling a love of music in its students,” wrote Illinois Governor Pat Quinn in a congratulatory letter. “You have truly gone above and beyond in your role as educators by inspiring and empowering countless students to achieve to the very best of their abilities.”
Number of Ramblers enrolled in visual and performing arts courses As our students expressed their creativity in courses ranging from studio art and architecture to theater, music and dance in FY13, our Development Department continued to seek support for the construction of 21st-century visual and performing arts facilities through the Loyola Academy Fine Arts Initiative.
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View ME-TV’s Learning to Win video featuring theology teacher Mark Chang.
The Canisius Program
Forming Master Ignatian Educators
o foster the development of Ignatian faculty leaders committed to pursuing more in their respective fields and in their daily lives, Loyola Principal Kathryn M. Baal, PhD, and Vice President of Mission and Ministry Gary A. Marando spent FY11 and FY12 mapping out our new Canisius Program. Number of faculty This holistic, eight-year, formation and enhanced compensation program is members participating in the Canisius Program named after St. Peter Canisius, SJ, a 16th-century Jesuit educator who serves as a during its inaugural year role model for academic integrity, leadership, creativity, originality, intellectual competence in FY13 and love of God. Faculty members who successfully complete the program will qualify for a significant increase in compensation. Team taught by Dr. Baal and Gary Marando, the new program was implemented in FY13 with 36 faculty participants. The cohort attended a three-day spiritual retreat during the fiscal year and met twice a month to learn about topics such as Ignatian spirituality, leadership and pedagogy; the life of St. Ignatius; and the Spiritual Exercises. The Canisius Program is one of the strategic objectives outlined in Loyola’s Ignatian Educator Initiative, which generates support to fund growth opportunities for the educators who carry out our distinctive Jesuit mission.
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Prepping Every Rambler for Success
he value of cura personalis (care for every student) is one of the core imperatives of Jesuit education. In FY13, we enhanced our care for Loyola’s Ramblers with a host of new programs and resources developed to help them succeed in high school, in college and in life. At the start of the school year, Loyola Principal Kathryn M. Baal, PhD, rolled out a Literacy Coaching Initiative, which pairs a literacy specialist with content-area teachers to embed literacy across the curriculum. This initiative is designed to increase Ramblers’ fluency in reading and writing and enhance their critical thinking and analytic skills. Director of Literacy Sandra Smycz, who oversees the Literacy Coaching Initiative, also developed and implemented a literacy curriculum tailored to the needs of O’Shaughnessy students and set up a new View a video about our O’Shaughnessy Program, which has Writing Lab in our Academic Resource Center. given Ramblers the support they The English teachers who staffed the lab helped need to succeed since 1973. Ramblers develop essential writing skills, such as creating a thesis, organizing information and embedding research and textual evidence as they worked on writing assignments for their academic courses. View a video about our Academic Resource Center, which offers a comprehensive array of academic support programs for Loyola’s Ramblers.
First to College
n FY13, Loyola’s College Counseling Department piloted a new College Counseling Seminar for Loyola seniors from Chicago Jesuit Academy (CJA), a full-scholarship, college preparatory middle school for boys of modest means on Chicago’s West Side. “While talking to the students and their families about topics such as finding the right fit in a college and financial aid opportunities, we learned that many of our CJA seniors were the first in their families to go to college,” comments College Counseling Chair Mark Porcaro. This inspired Porcaro to create a new First to College seminar to help all firstgeneration, college-bound Ramblers and their families prepare for a successful transition to higher education. The seminar was developed in FY13 for an FY14 launch.
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Cocurricular clubs and activities
Growth Beyond the Classroom Loyola offered one of the most comprehensive and innovative cocurricular programs in the nation in FY13. With 65 cocurricular activities to choose from —— ranging from
the Philosophy Club to the Ping Pong Club —— our Ramblers broadened their horizons, developed leadership skills, discovered hidden talents, forged new friendships and shared favorite pastimes with like-minded Ramblers throughout the year.
The Br. James E. Small, SJ, Arts Guild
his new cocurricular program was launched at the start of the 2012-2013 academic year to expose more Ramblers to the arts, including theater, music, dance, visual art and architecture. Every month, members of the guild gathered at a cultural destination or event, participated in art activities and workshops, studied the theory and practice of individual art forms, developed critiquing skills that enabled them to see the themes embedded in the arts and reflected on the connection of art to their own lives and the interconnectedness of all art forms. Eighteen Ramblers signed up for this new cocurricular in FY13. In the guild’s second year, membership has nearly doubled.
Number of cocurricular activities offered in FY13
I am already involved in theater and the visual arts at Loyola, but the arts guild has expanded my horizons tremendously. I have learned so much more about different art forms and made
many new friends.
It has been a life-changing experience for me.
” “
Danny Holmberg ’14 Br. Small Arts Guild member
My perspective of art
has changed greatly from my guild experience. I used to look at art and interpret its literal meaning, but now I search for different messages that the artist was trying to communicate. This has made my experience
more interesting, meaningful and enjoyable.
with art
Opening doors to the arts for all Ramblers: Members of the new Br. James E. Small, SJ, Arts Guild took a trip to Chicago’s Loop in February to view Chagall’s mosaic artwork, The Four Seasons, and reflect on the artist’s use of the seasons to represent human life, both physical and spiritual, at its different stages.
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Cara Caputo ’15
Br. Small Arts Guild member
Dublin 2012
A Pilgrimage to Ireland
hen Pat Mahoney came to me over a year ago and suggested sort of sheepishly that perhaps we could go to Dublin to play football, I laughed out loud,” Fr. McGrath said from the pulpit of John’s Lane Church during the closing liturgy of the Ireland trip. “My first thought was, ‘what would I have to have wrong with me to agree to take, oh I don’t know, 200 students to Dublin for a few days!’” But the more Fr. McGrath and Loyola’s leadership looked into accepting the invitation from the Global Ireland Football Tournament (GIFT), the more they saw it as an opportunity——not only for the football players, but also for members of the band, cheer and pom squads and the golf team, as well as other students, families, friends, faculty, board members and alumni——to experience culture and camaraderie. View our online photo gallery of Despite losing 30–29 after Dallas Jesuit kicked a field goal with 49 seconds Loyola moments in Dublin. left in the game, the Ramblers won over the crowd for their “grit on the gridiron.” As proof, out of 500 high school athletes, quarterback Peter Pujals ’13, who ran for two scores and threw a 77-yard touchdown pass to Luke Ford ’13, received the tournament’s Play Like a Champion award for character and leadership. Special Assistant to the President and Alumni Relations Director Dennis R. Stonequist ’90, one of the trip’s primary organizers, made certain that the Loyola students and their families had plenty to do outside of sports. “I’ve never been so proud to be a Rambler,” reports Stonequist. “One of my favorite events was the kickoff parade. As we marched through the streets of Dublin singing our fight song and waving our maroon and gold, I couldn’t believe how many Loyola fans were there cheering us on. We also enjoyed tours of the city and countryside. The final Mass, when 500 of us gave thanks for this amazing experience, was really powerful.” “What you and I have done here in Ireland,” Fr. McGrath said at the closing Mass, “is nothing short of a pilgrimage. Ask God now and as you go forward to show you the grace you’ve experienced and to help you be grateful for all that we have and all that we are called to be.”
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View our video of Conor Dwyer’s victorious return to Loyola.
Honoring Conor J. Dwyer ‘07
A Rambler Athlete Realizes His Olympic Dream
he whole world was watching as former Rambler swimming and diving team member Conor J. Dwyer ’07 won Olympic gold in Summer 2012——a triumph he shared with fellow relay team members Ricky Berens, Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps. Dwyer returned to Loyola less than a month after his Olympic victory to accept the St. Ignatius Loyola Medal at our Mass of the Holy Spirit. Olympic gold! Conor J. Dwyer ‘07 The medal is presented to students and alumni who embody the Ignatian (second from left) celebrates with fellow winning Olympic relay team ideal of striving for more as they use their God-given gifts and talents in a members (left to right) Michael Phelps, spirit of gratitude and generosity. Ryan Lochte and Ricky Berens. In a post-win interview, Dwyer credited former Loyola swimming and diving coach Dennis R. Stonequist ’90 for encouraging him to stick with the sport when he was plagued by injuries during his freshman and sophomore years at Loyola. “I don’t know if I would have kept swimming if not for Coach Stonequist,” Dwyer confided. “I was struggling mentally and physically, but he pushed me and he pushed me well.”
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ur hoop dreams came true on January 8 as Loyola’s Boys’ Varsity Basketball Team captured the coveted Jesuit Cup after winning 38–22 against St. Ignatius. The winning streak continued on January 9 as the team trounced Notre Dame 63–54 —— their 10th straight win for the season.
The Year’s Top Athletic Achievements Girls’ HIGHLIGHTS
Basketball — GCAC
Basketball — CCL North Champions (ninth in school
history), Jesuit Cup Champions
Crew — Second Place in
Field Hockey — Second in State in the IHSFHA
the Midwest Scholastic Championship
Football — CCL Blue Division Champions,
Golf — GCAC Champions
Golf — CCL Champions, IHSA Regional Champions
Lacrosse — IHSWLA State
Champions Soccer — GCAC Champions,
IHSA Regional and Sectional Champions Swimming and Diving — 100 Breast Stroke State Champion, Six All-Americans, Fourth in U.S. in 200 Medley Relay Water Polo — IHSA Sectional Champions
IHSA Semifinalists Lacrosse — IHSLA State Champions Swimming and Diving — MCAC Champions (first title since 2010); Lawless Awards to Head Coach Michael Hengelmann and to Swimmer of the Year Andrew Iovanovic ’13, who also won 200 IM and 100 Backstroke Titles; 50 Freestyle Champion; 400 Free Relay Team Champions Volleyball — CCL Champions, IHSA Regional Champions Water Polo — MCAC Champions (first since 1978)
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RAMBLERS BY THE NUMBERS Fast facts about our students in FY13
Life-Changing Partnerships
Number of Ramblers enrolled at Loyola
Number of zip codes represented by Loyola’s Ramblers
Loyola Academy partnered with the following scholarship organizations in FY13 to make a Jesuit education accessible to qualified students from families of all income levels. These students received tuition assistance from Loyola, as well as from our scholarship partners. Big Shoulders Scholarship Fund (10 students)
Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund (20 students)
Boys Hope, Girls Hope (10 students)
LINK Unlimited (11 students)
Percentage of Ramblers who received tuition assistance
Ramblers from the Suburbs 1,275 (63%)
Ramblers from Chicago 749 (37%)
Destination: Higher Education The Top 15 The top 15 colleges and universities attended by our 2013 graduates are listed below. A third of these destination schools are Jesuit.
Attended private feeder schools 61%
Catholic 83.7%
Attended public feeder schools 39%
Non-Catholic 16.3%
Boston College Indiana University at Bloomington Loyola University Chicago Marquette University Miami University Purdue University Saint Louis University University of Dayton University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign The University of Iowa University of Missouri–Columbia University of Notre Dame University of Wisconsin–Madison Xavier University
Members of the Class of 2013 who continued on to four-year colleges and universities
Attended Jesuit colleges and universities
Attended other Catholic colleges and universities
Attended out-of-state colleges and universities
Attended in-state colleges and universities
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Report from the Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment
Number of eighth-grade students who participated in our Shadow Day program
Number of students who applied to Loyola after shadowing a Rambler for a day; 556 of these students enrolled for the 2013–2014 academic year
Number of feeder schools attended by the members of our Class of 2017
Percentage of incoming freshmen with a parent who attended Loyola
Percentage of incoming freshmen with an older sibling who attended Loyola
Loyola Academy has a rich tradition of excellence in Jesuit education that attracts students from many different communities in Chicago and its suburbs.
Genevieve Baisley Atwood Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment
During FY13, our 2,000 Ramblers hailed from 96 different zip codes ——a rarity on Chicago’s North Shore, where the majority of the secondary schools draw students from an average of five different zip codes. This diverse environment —— combined with a learning experience rooted in the vision of St. Ignatius Loyola, a rigorous academic curriculum and our Jesuit tradition of educating the whole person —— has attracted an ever-growing number of prospective students over the years. As our applicant pool has increased, our acceptance rate has decreased from 89 percent in 2003 to 69 percent in 2013 for the Class of 2017. Our recruitment efforts for this newest class of Ramblers reflected our commitment to St. Ignatius’ call to make a Jesuit education accessible to young people from families of all income levels. In Fall 2012, we visited 65 feeder schools in the heart of Chicago, in the city’s north and west side communities and in the suburbs to tell the story of Loyola Academy to students, parents and school administrators. We also partnered with four Chicago-area scholarship organizations to identify prospective students of modest means who would be a good fit for Loyola. Students who qualified for admission, but could not afford the full cost of tuition, received needbased tuition assistance. On the first day of school in August 2013, our efforts were rewarded as we watched the 556 members of our Class of 2017 arriving by foot, by bus and by car from all over Chicago and 35 suburbs to greet Fr. McGrath and take the first tentative steps in their journeys of faith, scholarship and self-discovery. We cannot wait to see who they become!
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Report f rom th e Vice Presid ent of Mission an d Minist ry
Ramblers REFLECT on the First Jesuit Pope
one of us saw it coming,” wrote Fr. McGrath in a letter to Loyola alumni, parents and friends. “A Jesuit pope? Never. There were all sorts of good reasons that this was the case. St. Ignatius did not want Jesuits ambitioning for positions of leadership in the Church. Instead, he wanted Jesuits busy working for the pope and the Church——always on the move for the mission.” But, as Fr. McGrath noted, “It seems that the Holy Spirit had other designs.” As he walked through Loyola’s hallways and classrooms on March 13, the day that the pope was elected, Fr. McGrath was stunned by students’ exhilaration at the news. “Student after student expressed great enthusiasm and hope,” he observed. “They felt connected to the Church in a new way.”
View a video of our Ramblers as they reflected on this historic moment and offered their congratulations to Pope Francis I.
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As Vice President of Mission and Ministry, I work closely with Fr. McGrath to ensure that we remain true to our rich Ignatian heritage.
Gary A. Marando Vice President of Mission and Ministry
I oversee Campus Ministry, which includes service, retreats and liturgies; serve as an Ignatian resource for our school community; and act as a liaison between Loyola and the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus, as well as other Jesuit high schools. During the past four years, we have paved the way for a renaissance of all things Ignatian at Loyola Academy. We’ve reviewed every aspect of our programming; introduced our Arrupe Service Program to create a deeper, more reflective community service experience for our Ramblers; added Ignatian formation programs for parents, teachers, board members and alumni; increased the number of all-school liturgies; and reinstituted our Christmas food drive. This renaissance continued in FY13 as we collaborated with the Theology Department to integrate A Freshman Day of Service into the theology curriculum, formed a Service Learning Committee to explore ways to integrate service learning into content courses across the curriculum and piloted a new Parent Day of Service. One of the year’s most significant developments was the creation of our new Gesu Program. This four-year program of organized prayer and worship for Loyola students is a reformulation of our Chapel Program, with themes that are more closely aligned with our theology curriculum. Named after the Gesu Church in Rome——the mother Church of the Society of Jesus——it is designed to cultivate a lifelong practice of Ignatian spirituality that promotes an enriched Catholic faith and a personal relationship with God. It has been an exciting time to be at Loyola —— a time of spiritual reaffirmation and renewal. I look forward to another year of working alongside Fr. McGrath as we carry the spiritual traditions of St. Ignatius into our 21st century world.
The year of our first Kairos retreat
Number of Kairos alumni at Kairos 200
Kairos 200
Celebrating the gift of Kairos
ince 1980, nearly 6,000 Ramblers have participated in Kairos retreats—— a four-day faith experience that invites our students to reflect deeply on the presence of God in their lives and to respond to God’s call to lead lives of integrity and service. In January 2013, 300 of these Kairos alumni reconnected with their fellow retreatants at a reunion celebrating Loyola’s 200th Kairos retreat. After a Mass by Fr. McGrath, Kairos alumni reflected on their retreat experiences, including Joe Cushing ’81, who spoke about his “spiritually energizing” participation in Loyola’s first Kairos retreat in 1980. “This was a wonderful opportunity for us to give thanks for the gift of Kairos and what it has meant to us as individuals and as a community,” reports Special Assistant to the President and Director of Alumni Relations Dennis R. Stonequist ’90. “Our current students had an opportunity to learn about Kairos’s beginnings, and they enjoyed hearing about the important role that Kairos has played in the spiritual life of Loyola’s Ramblers over the years.”
View video highlights from Kairos 200.
Number of Ramblers who participated in Kairos retreats since 1980
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Homeless for a Night
n November 2012, 54 Loyola students left the comforts of home behind to spend a cold and sleepless night huddled in cardboard boxes. The sleep-out was hosted by Campus Ministry to raise the Ramblers’ awareness of homelessness. Although a one-night sleepout cannot possibly replicate the feelings of stress, fear, desperation, humiliation and hopelessness experienced by Chicago’s 116,000 homeless, the evening’s other activities gave the students plenty of opportunities to witness poverty and reflect on issues of social inequity and social injustice. Before they retired to brave the elements in their makeshift shelters, the students purchased a paltry dinner with the $2 they were given to spend on a meal, attended a vigil for the homeless hosted by the Student Alliance for Homeless Youth and took to the streets to pass out sandwiches and clothing to homeless residents in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. “I live five minutes away from here,” commented one Rambler, “and I never realized that there were so many people in need.”
View video highlights and listen to Rambler reflections from our Homeless for a Night experience.
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View a video of Sr. Prejean’s visit to Loyola Academy.
Sr. Helen Prejean visits Loyola
Talking About Life, Death and Social Justice
ince 1984, Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ, has divided her time between counseling death-row prisoners and educating citizens about the death penalty. She has sparked a national dialogue about the death penalty and helped shape the Catholic Church’s vigorous opposition to what she calls “statesanctioned murder.” Best known for her award-winning book, Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States, she is also the author of The Death of Innocents: An Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions. In January 2013, Sr. Prejean spent a day at Loyola Academy talking about her experiences ministering to death-row prisoners, their families and the families of their victims. She spoke to Loyola students at an allschool assembly and in small groups during the school day and returned in the evening to share her story with parents, alumni and community members. “Her visit reminds us of a very important social justice issue that often goes ignored,” commented Gavin Sullivan ’13, who interviewed the Catholic nun for Loyola’s student newspaper, “and invites us to take a deeper perspective on issues that we haven’t considered.”
Community and Summer service
Serving Others at Home and Around the World
eats once observed that “education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” Nowhere is this more true than at Loyola. St. Ignatius Loyola believed that we must do more than impart knowledge and prepare young people to live successfully in the world. He believed that we must light a fire in the hearts of young people to “help souls” and fight for social justice. In FY13, we offered many opportunities for our students to live out the call to be women and men for others. Through our Arrupe Service Program, 654 Ramblers served food in soup kitchens, taught English to immigrants and day laborers, tutored children living in homeless shelters, befriended the elderly, worked in hospice programs, taught citizenship classes and, at two new service sites, worked with refugees and visually impaired individuals. During the summer months, 250 juniors served at 22 summer service and immersion sites in the United States, Guatemala and Nicaragua. As they ladled out soup in urban shelters and soup kitchens, built houses for low-income families, tutored schoolchildren and helped with gardening and farm work in rural areas, they gained an understanding of life in other cultures and communities, witnessed the ways that society treats its most vulnerable citizens and learned about the ways that each of us can bring about positive change in the world.
Percentage of members of the Class of 2013 who participated in voluntary service work
Number of Ramblers participating in community service programs during the academic year
Number of juniors serving others at 22 summer service sites in the U.S. and abroad
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Report f rom th e Vice Presid ent of Advan cem ent
$6.9 million Total advancement revenue for FY13
$4.3 million Net advancement revenue for FY13
$1.6 million
Amount raised through our Annual Giving Program —— the highest year-end total in Loyola history
Amount raised at the highestgrossing Alumni Golf Outing in Loyola history
2.1 million
Number of visits to our redesigned website —— an all-time high
The fiscal year was an extremely successful one for our Office of Advancement, with a net revenue of more than $4.3 million —— significantly ahead of our projected goal.
Robert O. Miller Vice President of Advancement
These higher than anticipated revenues were driven by a strong performance in major giving and a record year for our Annual Giving Program, which raised $1.6 million——the highest year-end total in Loyola’s history. Our 2013 Ramble raised $1.1 million, generating 31 percent of the $3.5 million in tuition assistance awarded in FY13 in a single night. We also celebrated the highest-grossing Alumni Golf Outing in Loyola’s history and the establishment of our first two corporate scholarships. As we continued to seek funding for our ongoing Fine Arts, Tuition Assistance and Aquatic Center Initiatives, we made heartening progress on our Science Initiative to develop a dedicated science wing with 12 state-ofthe-art science labs. With six labs completed, we are halfway toward our goal. While we raised funds to support every aspect of Loyola’s mission, we also strengthened our connections with the Loyola community. We enhanced our Alumni Relations Program, launched a new Class Agent Program to promote ongoing class involvement among Loyola alumni and developed a new College Mentor Program that pairs alumni graduates of Jesuit colleges and universities with graduating Ramblers heading to the same schools. Meanwhile, we were working behind the scenes to open new avenues of communication with our school community. We established a new Communications Department, redesigned our website, went live with a new president’s web page, redesigned our alumni e-news, created a uniform visual identity for our print and electronic media and enhanced our social media presence. These are just a few of the highlights from a very busy year in our Office of Advancement. We are deeply grateful to the community members who gave so generously of their time and energy to help us achieve our advancement goals——and to the loyal benefactors who paved the way for a second century of excellence at Loyola Academy with their continued commitment and support.
President’s Leadership Council (PLC) member Colin C. McCourt ’98 (far left) welcomed Loyola alumni and parents to the Leaders in Law panel discussion and introduced (l-r) Loyola graduate parent and panel moderator Angelo J. Bufalino, a shareholder and Intellectual Property Group chair at Vedder Price PC, and panelists District Court Judge Hon. Amy St. Eve, Winston & Strawn LLP Managing Partner Tom Fitzgerald, Pretzel & Stouffer Litigation Partner Richard M. “Dick” Waris, District Court Judge Hon. Virginia Kendall and Vedder Price Shareholder and Corporate Practice Area Chair Thomas P. Desmond.
Networking and Professional Development
Loyola Leaders in Law
n November, more than 75 Loyola alumni practicing law in the Chicago area gathered at Vedder Price to network, socialize and listen in on a panel discussion about what it takes to succeed in the legal profession. View photos of the Leaders in Law panel discussion presented by our The event was sponsored by the President’s Leadership Council, a board President’s Leadership Council of young alumni leaders who serve as ambassadors to the school’s young and hosted by Vedder Price in alumni community. November 2012. “We have a large group of Chicago-area lawyers who take pride in being Loyola alumni,” comments Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ. “This event has energized them to form the Loyola Academy Bar Association, a networking and professional development group for Loyola alumni, parents and friends in the legal field.” Officially launched in 2013, the 24-member Loyola Academy Bar Association hosted its first panel discussion —— Using your JD for AMDG: Bringing Civility, Professionalism and Catholic Values to the Practice of Law —— in June 2013.
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An evening for the arts
Amount raised at the Shamble to support the Brother James E. Small, SJ, Arts Guild
Shamble On!
early 200 young alumni were surrounded by great art and great music as they rocked out with the Funk Crusaders at the Museum of Contemporary Art in October 2012 at our third annual Shamble fundraiser. Hosted by our President’s Leadership Council, the event raised $5,000 for the Brother James E. Small, SJ, Arts Guild, an art appreciation program launched in FY13 to expose more Ramblers to theater, music, dance, visual art and architecture.
18th Annual Ramblers Golf Outing
Generosity on the Green
t was a perfect autumn day as 126 members of the Loyola community gathered for our 18th annual Ramblers Golf Outing in September 2012 at the North Shore Country Club in Glenview. Thanks to the generosity of our golfers——and to Loyola parent Perry M. Mandera, who donated some truly outstanding raffle prizes —— the event was the highest-grossing golf outing in Loyola history. Ronald E. “Reb” Banas ’81 and his committee members organized the outing, which grossed more than $86,000. Proceeds from the event supported our Tuition Assistance Program and our Needy Family Fund to benefit Patrick Stein ’11 and his family. Golfing for Others: The winning foursome for the low-ball contest (l-r): James M. “Jamie” Baisley Jr. ’92, Philip B. Kenny Jr. ’96, Stephen L. Goering ’96 and their friend, Rick George.
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Staying Connected in a Digital World
ne of the many benefits of a Loyola education is the lifelong connection that our graduates have with the school community and our global network of more than 26,000 alumni. In recent years, our growing use of electronic media has opened up new avenues for alumni connections and communication. In FY13, nearly 5,000 alumni, parents and friends joined our Facebook community to keep their fingers on the pulse of local and global Loyola life. Another 1,500 followed us on Twitter and more than 2,000 tapped into our LinkedIn network to help one another climb the career ladder. There was a spiritual dimension to our digital connections as well. At our Kairos 200 celebration in January 2013, we announced a new program called PrayLA, which gives our students an opportunity to pray for the intentions of the greater Loyola community. Community members submit their prayer requests online at prayla.goramblers.org and their intentions are prayed for by students every Wednesday. PrayLA apps for mobile devices are now available for downloading on the PrayLA web page.
Rambling from Coast to Coast
oyola alumni celebrated their Rambler roots in six cities across the U.S. on a single night at our second annual Universal Reunion on March 21, 2013. The reunion attracted more than 400 alumni representing class years ranging from 1948 to 2012 to reunion sites in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, DC —— as well as Atlanta and Dallas, two Number of alumni cities that were represented for the first time this year. who participated in “We had a great turnout,” reports Special Assistant the Universal Reunion to the President and Director of Alumni Relations Dennis R. Stonequist ’90. “Many alumni were surprised to find so many Ramblers living in the same part of the country. We’re already looking forward to next year!”
Mentoring Those who Come After Us
n 2011, our President’s Leadership Council piloted a new Leadership Development Program that Number of Ramblers paired 23 students with young alumni who wanted to mentored by alumni make a difference in a young person’s life. in the Leadership Development Since that successful first year, a total of 55 alumni Program in FY13 have joined the Leadership Development Program. In FY13, these alumni mentored 67 students——coaching them about everything from college and career paths to networking opportunities. They also accompanied the students to athletic, social and service events; a Career Day experience at Digitas, an e-marketing and branding agency; and a group dinner at Vincent, the Andersonville restaurant owned by chef Chris Reed ’00.
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A chance to say thank you for a lifechanging gift: At our 2013 Scholarship Donor Mass and Reception in May, nearly 100 tuition assistance recipients met some of the donors who helped make their Loyola education possible.
View our Night of Gratitude video.
Major Gift Highlights We are deeply grateful to the generous benefactors listed below for their major gifts of $25,000 and above to support a second century of excellence at Loyola Academy. The Estate of John C. Altman ’71 bequeathed a gift to the General Unrestricted Endowment Fund.
Fund, Annual Giving Program and President’s Dinner.
Mr. David Baker and Ms. Catherine Carpenter
President’s Dinner, the Ramble and the Guardian Angel Fund.
supported the Annual Giving Program and Mothers’ Club. The Helen V. Brach Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon
supported the Technology
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Mr. and Mrs. William J. Caffrey supported the
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini supported the
Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner, the Ramble and the Guardian Angel Fund.
The Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ’50 supported the
Denten Family Scholarship and the Annual Giving Program. The Estate of Philip H. Corboy bequeathed a gift
to the Unrestricted Capital Fund. Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci
supported the Annual Giving Program and the
Ramble and made a gift in honor of Rev. John J. Foley, SJ, to commission a bronze statue of St. Ignatius for the Foley-O’Donnell Athletic Commons. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Dowdle ’68 and the PotashCorp contributed
to the Ramble and established the PotashCorp Scholarship Endowment to support students from Big Shoulders schools.
generosity Support ing a secon d century of excell en ce
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doyle ’68 supported the Rev. James C.L. Arimond, SJ, Scholarship and contributed to the PotashCorp Scholarship Endowment. The Harold F. and Suzanne D. Falk Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Thompson ’86 and Mr. and Mrs. T. Sands Thompson ’83
established the Thompson Family Scholarship and supported the Mothers’ Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner supported the
Science Initiative by naming a science lab and contributed to the Annual Giving Program, the Guardian Angel Fund, the Ramble, the Class of 2013 Scholarship and the Mothers’ Club. Mary and Ralph J. Gesualdo ’75 supported
the Ramble and hosted a gathering at their home in support of Loyola’s Major Giving Program.
The Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher ’40 bequeathed a gift to
The Globe Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz
the General Unrestricted Endowment Fund and the Annual Giving Program.
contributed to the General Unrestricted Endowment Fund, the Annual Giving
Program, the President’s Dinner, the Ramble and the Guardian Angel Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ’79 supported
the President’s Dinner, the Ramble and the Guardian Angel Fund and contributed a gift in kind. The Estate of Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ’31 and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs
bequeathed a gift to the General Unrestricted Endowment Fund. Mr. Jack R. Jennings ’97
established the Smithereen Scholarships Endowment for employees of the Smithereen Company.
Paving the way for scientific exploration and discovery: Robert V. and Louise V. Sanborn joined Fr. McGrath at the dedication of the Sanborn Science Laboratory at Loyola Academy in FY13. The Sanborns made a major gift to name the science lab in FY12.
Supporting excellence in the sciences: Loyola held dedication ceremonies for two generous Loyola families that made major gifts in FY13 to support the development of state-of-the-art science labs for Loyola’s Ramblers. Above left (l-r): Teresa B. and Robert Lewandowski with Fr. McGrath and their children, Mark A. Lewandowski ’03 and Katherine T. “Katy” Vega ’01, at the dedication of the Lewandowksi Family Science Laboratory. Above right (l-r): Laura K. Gardner ’11, Gary and Karen Gardner and Daniel Gardner ’13 with Fr. McGrath at the dedication of the Gardner Family Science Laboratory.
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The Kampen Family Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ’81 supported the
O’Shaughnessy Program, the Ramble, the Mothers’ Club and the Fathers’ Network. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ’57 contributed
to the Rev. James C.L. Arimond, SJ, Scholarship. Amb. and Mrs. James C. Kenny contributed to the
Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner, the Ramble, the Guardian Angel Fund, the Michael E.
Finnegan Scholarship, the Mothers’ Club and a gift in memoriam. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny contributed to
the John E. Kenny Sr. ’31 Scholarship and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon supported the
Annual Giving Program, the President’s Dinner, the Ramble and the Guardian Angel Fund.
President’s Dinner and the Ramble. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski established
the Lewandowski Family Science Laboratory Endowment in honor of their children, Katy ’01 and Mark ’03, and supported the Guardian Angel Fund. The Loyola Academy Jesuit Community supported the
Guardian Angel Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera supported the
supported the Annual Giving Program, the Class of 2013 Scholarship, the
Annual Giving Program, the Ramble, the Guardian Angel Fund and the
In April 2013, Loyola held a dedication ceremony for a new statue of St. Ignatius Loyola in the Foley-O’Donnell Athletic Commons. The statue was commissioned with a gift from the DiMucci family in honor of Rev. John J. Foley, SJ, and his many years of dedication to Loyola’s Ramblers and their families. Yvonne DiMucci and her son, Sal DiMucci ’99, are pictured below with Fr. Foley.
Needy Family Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. O’Malley ’52 supported the
Annual Giving Program. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott
supported the Chicago Jesuit Academy Graduates’ Scholarship, the Ramble and the Mothers’ Club. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sanborn supported the
Annual Giving Program, the Ramble and the Mothers’ Club. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea
supported the Aquatic Center Initiative. The Estate of Harry Staffileno bequeathed a gift
to the Constance Staffileno Scholarship. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan supported the
Loyola Academy Big Shoulders Scholarship, the Guardian Angel Fund and the Ramble. The ViBern Foundation
contributed to the ViBern Foundation Scholarship and matched gifts to the Annual Giving Program through the ViBern Challenge. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wenzel supported the
Annual Giving Program, the Ramble and the Mothers’ Club.
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Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, (right) joined Chaircouple Jo Ellen and Sean M. Madden ’77 (left) and Lord Award recipient Rev. John J. Wall to celebrate Loyola’s mission with 700 members of the school community at the 55th annual President’s Dinner in November 2012.
Honoring a Man Who Lives the Magis
he November night air was brisk, but the mood was warm inside the Grand Ballroom at the Chicago Hilton as 700 guests gathered to support Loyola’s mission and honor Rev. John J. Wall for his service to youth. “Tonight we honor a man whose life is a model of the Magis,” said Fr. McGrath, who went on to describe Fr. Wall’s efforts to “revivify a once-dying parish into a beacon of hope” as the pastor of Old St. Pat’s and to support and strengthen poor mission dioceses across America in his current role as president of Catholic Extension. “He is a hope-charged champion of grace and change —— a gift to all of us who have come to know and love him,” concluded Fr. McGrath. “It is my extraordinary privilege tonight on behalf of the entire Loyola community to present the Rev. Daniel A. Lord, SJ, Award for Distinguished Service in the Cause of Youth to our friend, Fr. Jack Wall.” We are grateful to Dinner Chaircouple Jo Ellen and Sean M. Madden ’77 and their committee members for their contributions of time and talent, which helped raise $370,000 to support tuition assistance and the mission of Loyola Academy.
Number of Loyola supporters at the 55th annual President’s Dinner
Amount raised to support tuition assistance and Loyola’s mission
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Th e Year in Annu al Giving
$1.6 million
Total amount raised in annual gifts in FY13
Amount donated by the Class of 2013 and a generous Loyola parent who matched the first $10,000——the highest giving total by any class in FY13
2,088 Total number of annual donors in FY13, compared to 1,548 in FY12
Number of annual gifts in FY13, compared to 1,887 in FY12
Number of gifts matched by employers in FY13
Amount contributed by employers in matching gifts in FY13
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he Annual Giving Program was once again a bright spot on Loyola’s philanthropic horizon——thanks to a continued effort by Annual Giving Director Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor ’02 and our principal gift officers to increase participation among Loyola alumni, parents and friends. “We focused on educating Loyola’s constituents about the importance of unrestricted giving through print appeals, video messages, electronic media, social media and our annual phonathon,” reports O’Connor. “Many people were not aware that annual gifts are a vital source of support for virtually every aspect of the Loyola experience——from tuition assistance to service programs to cocurriculars. O’Connor also encouraged community members to get involved at any level, rather than not giving at all because they could only give a little. “We celebrate the $5 gift as much as we View a video thank you to the Loyola celebrate the $5,000 gift because every gift, no matter community members who supported what the size, has a direct impact on today’s Ramblers,” our Annual Giving Program in FY13. says O’Connor, who makes a point of calling every donor to express her gratitude for their support. With 2,088 donors in FY13, that meant a lot of calls, but O’Connor maintains that this is her favorite part of the job. “Everyone has a story about why they give to Loyola,” she explains. “Because I’m a Loyola graduate, these stories resonate with me——and it’s a pleasure to hear them directly from our donors.” By the end of the fiscal year, although the average gift size had decreased slightly as the number of young alumni donors rose, participation had increased by 26 percent over the previous year. Annual giving revenues had risen from $1.298 million in FY12 to $1.6 million in FY13——the highest year-end total in Loyola’s history.
Who gave in FY13? Giving Group
Total Amount Given Number of Donors
$ 678,033
Graduate Parents
$ 582,124
$ 447,248
$ 10,990
The ViBern Challenge
Fr. McGrath with members of the Class of 2013
The Young Philanthropists
ne of the most gratifying annual giving stories of the year is the story of our Senior Class Gift Program, which was launched in FY11 to introduce graduating seniors to the concept of giving back. With the generous support of an anonymous Loyola parent, who matched the first $10,000 in donations, the program generated $30,000 from 203 members of our Class of 2013 ——an increase of nearly 400 percent in participation from FY12 and the highest giving total for any Senior Class Gift campaign. The gift will be used to fund a Class of 2013 Scholarship in honor of Fr. McGrath. We applaud these young philanthropists for their commitment to Jesuit education and the Ramblers of the future.
he VIBERN FOUNDATION generously supported the Annual Giving Program at Loyola with a grant of $50,000 and a challenge to cultivate 1,500 alumni donors —— a challenge we met with a year-end total of 1,629 alumni donors. We are grateful to the ViBern Foundation for its continued support and commitment to increasing annual giving among our alumni.
Top 10 Classes By Participation Class Year
Percent Participation
Total Number of Alumni in Class
Number of FY13 Annual Giving Donors
26 37
Questions about annual giving? Please contact Director of Annual Giving Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor ’02 at 847.920.2439 or eoconnor@loy.org.
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Named and Endowed Scholarships Since the founding of Loyola Academy in 1909, thousands of donors have made gifts to establish or contribute to more than 138 different scholarships at Loyola Academy. The list below includes scholarships established through June 30, 2013. Fully endowed funds are indicated in bold print. Over the years, the dollar amount for establishing an endowed scholarship has increased. Fully endowed scholarships are recognized according to Loyola’s history of funding requirements. John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship Rev. James C.L. Arimond, SJ, ‘57 Scholarship for Excellence Endowment Brian Baker Scholarship Endowment Br. Paul Becklenberg Scholarship Endowment Berner-Hoyt Scholarship Endowment Paul W. and Catherine A. Boltz Scholarship Endowment Julia G. Boyce Scholarship Endowment John A. Breen Sr. Scholarship Endowment Mary Cagney Scholarship Endowment Richard Cagney ‘30 Scholarship Endowment Rev. Raymond J. Callahan, SJ, Scholarship Endowment The Bruce and Kathryn Carbonari Scholarship Endowment Centioli Family National Italian-American Foundation Scholarship Jaemo Chang Scholarship Endowment Nora and Daniel Clarke Scholarship Endowment Class of ‘51 Scholarship Class of ‘52 Scholarship Class of ‘59 Scholarship Class of ‘60 Scholarship Class of ‘61 Scholarship Class of ‘62 Scholarship Class of 2013 Scholarship Robert J. Corboy Scholarship Endowment Stuart D. Corboy ‘43 Scholarship Endowment Fran and Jean Corby Scholarship Endowment The Corcoran Family Scholarship Rev. Walter Crane, SJ, Scholarship Endowment David and Mary Lou Decker Family Scholarship Denten Family Scholarship Tony DeRosa ‘90 Scholarship Endowment Edward J. Detmer Memorial Scholarship Endowment William G. Diederich III Scholarship Endowment Richard and Ruth Dooley ‘24 Scholarship Endowment Robert J. Dooley 1927, 1955, 1981, 2012 Scholarship Endowment The William F. Dooley ‘56 Scholarship Dorschel Scholarship Endowment John A. and Julie Dowdle Scholarship Endowment Eileen T. Doyle ‘06 Scholarship Dumbach Classics Scholarship Endowment Catherine A. Dwyer Scholarship E.A. and H.S. Egan Scholarship Endowment Patrick and Jana Eilers Scholarship Endowment Endowment for the Advancement of Tuition Assistance Rev. Michael English, SJ, Scholarship Endowment David Fear ‘70 Scholarship Endowment Laura Fieberg Scholarship Endowment
Christopher Fink ‘98 Scholarship Endowment Kevin Michael Fink ‘97 Scholarship Endowment Michael E. Finnegan Scholarship Thomas J. Fitzgerald Scholarship Augustine A. Flick III ‘47 Scholarship Endowment Floberg Family Scholarship Endowment Joseph S. Flood Memorial Scholarship Endowment Michael Ganey Scholarship Endowment Hugh P. Hackett Scholarship Rev. Norman E. Harland, SJ, Scholarship Endowment R. G. Harrington ‘44 Scholarship Endowment Rev. Donald J. Hayes, SJ, ‘43 Scholarship Endowment John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43 Scholarship Endowment Lawrence and Ada Hickey Family Scholarship Endowment Edward J. and Grace V. Hirsch Scholarship Endowment Albert A. Hoffman ‘45 and Rev. John C. Hoffman, SJ, ‘48 Scholarship Endowment Robert H. Huffman Jr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, Scholarship Endowment The Jennings Family Scholarship Endowment John R. Jozwiak ‘45 Scholarship Endowment Raymond J. Kavanagh Scholarship Minnie R. Kehl Scholarship Endowment James Kennedy Scholarship John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 Scholarship William T. Kernan ‘02 O’Shaughnessy Program Scholarship Mathias A. Klein Jr. Scholarship St. Stanislaus Kostka, SJ, Scholarship Robert Kubon Scholarship Lafferty Scholarship Endowment Langley Family Scholarship Endowment The Joan F. and William J. Lavezzorio ‘46 Scholarship Peter John Leemputte Scholarship Endowment Gerasime M. Legris, SJ, Scholarship Endowment Loyola Academy Big Shoulders Scholarship Endowment Loyola Jesuit Community Scholarship Patrick Lynch ‘87 Scholarship Endowment Suseela and Prasad Madhavareddy Scholarship Endowment Rev. Robert G. Mair Scholarship James J. Maloney ‘47 Scholarship Endowment Gregory J. Mann ‘35 Scholarship Endowment Mazza Legacy Scholarship Endowment McDonald Brothers Scholarship Endowment McDonnell Family Memorial Scholarship Betty McGarrity Scholarship Endowment John Michael McKechney Scholarship Endowment John F. McKerr Jr. Scholarship Endowment
Elizabeth D. and William B. McNulty ‘38 Scholarship Endowment Rev. Edward F. Mulhern, SJ, Scholarship Endowment The Mulvihill and Mohr Family Scholarship Rev. Theodore G. Munz, SJ, Scholarship John and Mary Naghten Scholarship Endowment Edward J. Nesbitt ‘35 Scholarship Endowment Nesbitt Family Scholarship Endowment Ray O’Keefe Memorial Scholarship Endowment James M. O’Loughlin ‘62 Scholarship Arthur and Barbara Pantle Family Scholarship Robert P. Perkaus III ‘77 Memorial Scholarship Endowment Perkaus/Reed Scholarship Endowment PotashCorp Scholarship Endowment Henry A. and James V. Proesel ‘39 Scholarship Endowment Quaker Oats Co. Scholarship Endowment Michael Rebarchak ‘79 Scholarship Endowment Thomas A. Reynolds Jr. ‘45 Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ritten Scholarship Endowment The Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 Memorial Scholarship Jarett Romanski ‘94 Scholarship Endowment Patrick and Shirley Ryan Minority Scholarship Endowment St. Thomas of Canterbury Scholarship Endowment Alyce Salerno Minority Scholarship Endowment Vincent Savage, SJ, Scholarship Endowment Francis E. and Mary R. Schlax Scholarship Scholl Foundation Scholarship John and Kathleen Schreiber Scholarship Raymond A Seng ‘21 Scholarship Endowment William J. Sennott Scholarship Endowment Marc and Grace Shantz Scholarship James M. Sheerin ‘72 Scholarship Endowment Smithereen Scholarships Endowment Constance Staffileno Scholarship Rev. John Stejskal, SJ, Memorial Scholarship Endowment Philip J. Stelnicki Scholarship Endowment Joseph C. Thomas ‘02 Memorial Scholarship Thompson Family Scholarship Joseph and Marcelline Valenti Family Scholarship Endowment I Joseph and Marcelline Valenti Scholarship Endowment II Stewart Vergne ‘76 Scholarship Endowment ViBern Foundation Scholarship Rev. A.F. Walker, SJ, ‘34 Scholarship Endowment Bridget F. Walsh Rochford Scholarship Endowment William and Margery Weiss Scholarship Endowment Anna and Michael White Scholarship Endowment Raymond M. White ‘32 Scholarship Endowment
To learn more about establishing a named or endowed scholarship, please contact Vice President of Advancement Robert O. Miller at 847.920.2428 or bmiller@loy.org.
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Reasons to give to Loyola Academy: Our Ramblers!
Ways to Give Since 1909, Loyola Academy’s mission has been made possible by the generous support of our alumni, parents and friends. Your ongoing support in our second century will enable us to continue to form women and men of competence, conscience and compassion as we adapt our mission to a changing world.
Annual Giving Program Annual gifts are our most critical source of philanthropic support because they fund virtually everything on campus. Your annual gift will have a direct impact on our students, our faculty and our Jesuit mission. It will enable qualified students in need of financial aid to attend Loyola Academy, help bridge the $2,500 gap between tuition fees and what it actually costs to educate a Loyola student and enable us to maintain our facilities and meet unanticipated expenses throughout the year. To find out more, please contact Director of Annual Giving Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor ’02 at 847.920.2439 or eoconnor@loy.org.
Matching Gifts Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Matching gift programs allow you to double and, in some cases, even triple the value of your gift to Loyola Academy.
Capital Initiatives Your support of Loyola’s capital initiatives ensures that our Ramblers have state-of-the-art facilities. To see our current capital improvement plans, please click here.
Estate/Bequest Planned Giving By creating a lasting legacy with a charitable bequest to Loyola Academy today, you will shape the Jesuit experience of our Ramblers for generations to come. Planned gifts preserve what means most to you, while offering financial flexibility and giving you the option to change your mind at any time.
Gift Options • Gifts of cash •
Gifts in honor or in memory of a teacher, coach, friend or family member
• Gifts of insurance • Matching gifts though your employer • Monthly or annual recurring gifts • Planned gifts • Pledges with payment plans • Gifts of real estate
Gifts to the Endowment Today, Loyola Academy’s endowment is worth more than $31 million. Within the endowment are individual funds —— restricted and unrestricted——that have been established over the years by generous benefactors to support Loyola in perpetuity. Although there are several types of funds in our endowment, the majority of the funds are directed toward scholarships. Currently, $175,000 is required to endow a scholarship fund. If you would like to contribute to an existing scholarship fund (see opposite page) or establish a new scholarship fund, please contact Vice President of Advancement Robert O. Miller at 847.920.2428 or bmiller@loy.org.
• Gifts of retirement assets • Gifts of stocks and bonds To make a gift to Loyola Academy, please click here.
Thank you for your continued support!
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Ramble 2013
Celebrating the mission
n May 4, 2013, nearly 600 loyal supporters stepped out to “Celebrate the Mission” of Loyola Academy at our 44th annual Ramble. This extraordinarily successful event generated $1.1 million to make a Jesuit education possible for the hundreds of Ramblers who rely on tuition View the video shown at our assistance to attend Loyola. 2013 Ramble. “The Ramble is one of the most important nights of the year at Loyola Academy,” states Vice President of Advancement Robert O. Miller, “because it generates nearly a third of the tuition assistance funding we need for the academic year in a single night.” We owe a debt of gratitude to our Ramble Chaircouples Frances and Perry M. Mandera and Stacy and Scott Perry and Co-chaircouples Pamela and John R. Perkaus ‘78 and Margaret and Michael J. Tower for making this year’s Ramble such a phenomenal success.
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Ramble Chaircouples Frances and Perry M. Mandera (left) and Stacy and Scott Perry (right) with Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, at Loyola’s 2013 Ramble
Number of Loyola supporters at our 44th annual Ramble
$1.1 million
Amount raised for tuition assistance
Percentage of the $3.5 million in tuition assistance granted to Loyola students in FY13 that was generated in a single night at our 2013 Ramble
Report from the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer
A Fiery Beginning to 44 Years of Fundraising
ur Ramble auction dates back to 1969, when a fire in the school’s library caused significant damage to the book collection. Fr. John Reinke, SJ, Loyola’s president at the time, began looking for ways to raise funds to replace the books that had been destroyed. One day, Fr. Reinke read a magazine article about a The year of the Seattle jeweler first Ramble who organized benefit auctions for nonprofits. He contacted the jeweler and the Ramble was born. The first Ramble on April 11, 1970, was fashioned after a French marketplace in springtime, with fresh flowers and market stalls topped with green and white striped canopies. It was a charming and colorful beginning to a long line of Ramble auctions that continue to this day. It is interesting to note that a benefit born of fire has enabled Loyola’s Ramblers to, in the words of St. Ignatius, “go forth and set the world on fire” as leaders in faith and service for nearly half a century.
Loyola Academy generated overall revenue of $36.2 million in FY13 —— a 4.5 percent increase over the prior fiscal year. Terence K. Brennan The primary contributors to this Vice President, Chief increase were higher fundraising revenues Financial Officer and (+13.5 percent), increased revenue from Chief Operations Officer other related activities such as our summer day camp (+4.8 percent) and tuition and fees (+3.4 percent). Expenses were $35.6 million, which represents a 1.1 percent increase over the prior fiscal year. The largest expense increases were in administration (6.1 percent), general school (10.7 percent) and other related activities (5.9 percent). These increases are primarily the result of training and other expenses related to the launch of our One-to-One iPad Program for FY14, as well as investments in enhanced security measures for our students, faculty and staff. These higher expenses were offset by a decline in tuition assistance (7.8 percent) and lower interest expense (44.9 percent). The decrease in tuition assistance reflects the return to more traditional levels of tuition assistance after the peak years of need during the recession beginning in FY09. The year-over-year decline in interest expense resulted from the restructuring of our interest rate swap in December 2012, which significantly reduced our borrowing costs. During FY13, we made some significant financial investments to enhance teaching and learning at Loyola Academy. In Summer 2013, we completed a major upgrade of our information technology infrastructure in anticipation of the schoolwide launch of our One-to-One iPad Program in Fall 2013. This upgrade, which was identified as a need during our iPad Pilot in FY13, enables us to accommodate more than 2,200 iPads operating simultaneously throughout the school day. We also invested in the construction of our fifth state-of-the-art science laboratory, which was completed in Summer 2012, as part of our ongoing Loyola Academy Science Initiative to create a dedicated science wing with 12 laboratories for chemistry, physics and integrated and life science. Construction on our sixth science lab was completed in Summer 2013 —— and we are now halfway toward our goal.
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Financial Statement
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013
I ncome : $36,239 ( in tho u sands )
Tuition and Fees 81.5% / $29,525 .
Student Organizations .8% / $276 Education and Other Related Activities 8.8% / $3,196*
Annual Fund, President’s Dinner, Ramble Auction and Restricted Gifts 8.9% / $3,242
* Summer Camps, Cafeteria, Bookstore
H istor y of the E ndowment F u nd and debt ( 1 9 8 0 - 2 0 1 3 ) 55 50 45
( in millions )
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 $0
1995 2000 DEBT
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ENDOWMENT
E x penses : $35,607
D evelopment C ontrib u tions
( in tho u sands )
( in tho u sands )
To Operations
Instruction 36.2% / $12,901
Student Services 9.4% / $3,330
Administration 11.6% / $4,147 Development 3.4% / $1,215
Plant Maintenance 8.5% / $3,009
Bonds and Interest 3.2% / $1,129 General School 3.4% / $1,201
Annual Fund Alumni $ 646 Parents 336 Graduate Parents 232 Friends, Corporations, Foundations 426
Total Annual Fund Contributions
President’s Dinner and Ramble Auction $ 1,487 Restricted Gifts 115 _________ Total Contributions to Operations
$ 3,242
To Endowment Restricted $ 2,196 Unrestricted 1,533 _________
Education and Other Related Activities 12.9% / $4,598*
Total Contributions to Endowment
Student Financial Aid 11.4% / $4,077
$ 3,729 _________ _________
development contrib u tions over a five - y ear period ( in tho u sands ) CONTRIBUTION SOURCE
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
To Operati ons
Annual Fund
$ 646
$ 715
$ 658
$ 668
$ 508
$ 336
$ 294
$ 270
$ 274
$ 209
Graduate Parents
$ 232 $ 104 $ 96 $ 97 $ 74
Friends, Corporations, Foundations
$ 426
$ 185
$ 170
$ 173
$ 132
Total Annual Fund Contributions
$ 1,640
$ 1,298
$ 1,194
$ 1,212
President’s Dinner and Ramble Auction
$ 1,487
$ 1,495
$ 1,487
$ 1,529
$ 1,186
Restricted Gifts
$ 115 $ 64 $ 108 $ 74 $ 83
Total Contributions to Operations
$ 3,242
$ 2,857
$ 2,789
$ 2,815
$ 2,192
$ 2,196 $ 1,125 $ 911 $ 2,764 $ 871
$ 1,533
$ 1,125
$ 1,119
$ 1,071
$ 1,621
Total Contri b ut i o n s t o E n do w m e n t
$ 3 , 7 2 9
$ 2 , 3 5 9
$ 2 , 0 3 0
$ 3 , 8 3 5
$ 2 ,4 9 2
$ 6 ,971
$ 5,217
$ 4 ,818
$ 6 ,650
$ 4, 6 8 4
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commitment L oyol a Aca d emy Honor Roll of Donors
Lifetime Benefactors
Lifetime Benefactors are donors who have made cumulative gifts to Loyola Academy totaling $100,000 or more. We are deeply grateful to these generous benefactors for their lifelong commitment to Jesuit education. I gnati u s L o y ola
Anonymous (3) Helen V. Brach Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Mr. John J. Dwyer RIP and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dwyer Mr. Thomas “Tim” D. Foley ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Foley RIP Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lavezzorio ‘46 RIP and Family Loyola Academy Jesuit Community Mazza Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Sr. ‘40 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation F rancis Xavier
Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Hackett Jr. ‘69 Jem Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Morahan III ‘70 Br. James E. Small, SJ Stepan Company Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 A lphons u s R odrig u e z
Mr. Thomas E. Caestecker ‘49 Mr. Philip H. Corboy RIP Philip H. Corboy Foundation Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher ‘40 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43 Illinois FIRST Mr. Jack R. Jennings ‘97 Mr. Robert B. Latousek ‘50 RIP and Mrs. Robert B. Latousek ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Navarre II Estate of Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 Dr. Scholl Foundation
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Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby ‘83 Estate of Raymond A. Seng ‘21 Valenti Charitable Foundation Mr. Joseph E. Valenti Sr. RIP and Mrs. Marcelline Valenti A lberto H u rtado
Anonymous (1) Mr. John C. Altman ‘71 RIP American Airlines Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cotter ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ‘50 Mr. Ralph E. Doane RIP Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dooley ‘56 Wilma and William F. Dooley ‘56 Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Dowdle ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doyle ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Egan ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gallagher ‘45 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mr. John T. Geldermann ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Jane Geldermann Mr. David F. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graf ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hickey ‘75 Estate of Grace V. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ‘31 RIP and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs RIP Estate of John R. Jozwiak ‘45 Mr. David M. Kavanagh and Ms. Mary M. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. Mathias A. Klein Jr. RIP and Family Mathias A. Klein Memorial Klein Tools, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Mr. J. Barry McRaith Sr. ‘57 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John D. Norcross ‘54
Ignatius A. O’Shaughnessy Family Ignatius A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation Mr. Donald A. Pantle ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry PotashCorp Sanborn Family Foundation The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schreiber ‘64 Estate of John B. Seng ‘57 Smithereen Pest Management Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Valenti Jr. ‘68 ViBern Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ‘72 E. L. Wiegand Foundation L ifetime F o u nder
Anonymous (3) Abbott Laboratories Fund Matching Grant Plan Mrs. Misook Ahn Aon Corporation Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner Jr. ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill Jr. Mr. James B. Blacklidge ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Borders Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Briggs Sr. RIP Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Carroll RIP Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro M. Cena ‘81 Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Cole ‘48 Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Crane ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Croghan ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Daly ‘83 Dearborn Capital Management, LLC Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation
The Tony DeRosa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci Jr. RIP and Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan Jr. ‘43 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dooley Jr. ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Feeley Jr. ‘59 The Fieberg Family Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Fink Sr. ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. FitzSimons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. Donald L. Fortunato RIP and Mrs. Lynne Fortunato The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Mr. A. James Gallagher Jr. ‘39 RIP and Mrs. Marie Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Haggerty ‘81 Mr. William J. Halligan Sr. RIP Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hayes ‘48 Mr. Richard M. Hector ‘48 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John R. Heller ‘68 Eileen L. Heyd, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Jr. ‘70 Lawrence and Ada Hickey Foundation Mr. Lawrence Hickey ‘41 RIP and Mrs. Ada Hickey Mr. and Mrs. James J. Higgins ‘85 Mr. Albert A. Hoffman Jr. ‘45 J.P. Morgan Chase Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Jaunich Mrs. Gwyn Jennings Mr. Richard E. Jennings RIP John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Keller
George R. Kendall Foundation Mr. John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. James D. King Mr. K. Frederick Kleiderer RIP and Mrs. K. Frederick Kleiderer Mrs. Gwenda S. Klein Mrs. William R. Kohl Jr. RIP Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kolleng ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Robert Kubon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Lahey ‘67 Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Langley Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Jr. Loyola Paper Co. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden ‘77 Mr. James J. Maloney ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Marineau ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Marotta ‘35 RIP Mr. Thomas J. McDonald ‘82 Mr. Charles E. McGarrity ‘78 Mr. William A. McIntosh ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McKeever ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. David K. McNulty ‘67 Mr. James J. McNulty ‘69 and Ms. Jamie K. Thorsen James J. and Jamie Thorsen McNulty Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James A. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Meenaghan Mr. James M. Moran ‘36 RIP and Mrs. James M. Moran Motorola Foundation Mr. Richard Nash Jr. RIP and Mrs. Charlotte Nash Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Nesbitt ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien ‘72
Rev. Henry J. Dumbach, SJ, Society of Planned Giving Donors
Mr. and Mrs. John B. O’Connor ‘39 RIP Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Connor ‘71 Mr. John M. O’Meara ‘63 RIP and Mrs. Cheryl O’Meara Mr. J. Michael O’Shaughnessy ‘58 RIP and Mrs. J. Michael O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi ‘62 The Patrick Group Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Poden ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Proesel Sr. ‘39 RIP Quaker Oats Company Mr. and Mrs. Maynard L. Reuter RIP Mr. Thomas A. Reynolds Jr. ‘45 RIP and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds III ‘70 Dr. Shirley A. Roy and Dr. J. Fred McLimore RIP Mr. Edward J. Sackley ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Lois A. Sackley Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Schuba Jonathan Schwabe Memorial Fund Mrs. Beverly Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Singer ‘54 The Siragusa Foundation Estate of Harry Staffileno Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Tarchala ‘32 RIP Dr. Charlene Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Valenti ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Wambay Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Wanandi Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb Mr. and Mrs. William B. Weiss RIP ‘37 Robert L. Wenger Trust Mr. Raymond M. White ‘32 RIP Mr. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. Garry A. Woodward ‘62 Mr. James F. Woodward Jr. ‘60
This giving society is named in honor of Loyola Academy’s founder, whose vision of Jesuit education is being carried on through the generosity and foresight of our planned giving donors. The Dumbach Society builds on the excellent work of the late Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, and the Loyola Academy Wills Society, which was the first formal society established at Loyola to recognize planned giving donors. Anonymous (71) Mr. William A. Abrams ‘47 RIP Estate of John C. Altman ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Anger ‘45 RIP Mr. John L. Baldwin ‘40 Mr. William A. Barnett ‘34 RIP Mr. G. Duncan Bauman ‘30 RIP Mrs. Dorothy Becklenberg Estate of Louise K. Berner Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bishop ‘40 Mr. Ward Bourn Estate of Julia G. Boyce Estate of Jane M. Breen Mrs. Nancy Bruzzini Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden ‘51 Mr. Frank X. Cagney ‘32 RIP Mr. Francis J. Calkins ‘28 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cassin, CLU ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro M. Cena ‘81 Mr. Charles J. Chapin ‘36 RIP Mr. Francis E. Clarke ‘40 RIP Estate of Mary Clarke Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Cole ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Conley ‘26 RIP Mrs. Doris Corboy RIP Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corboy ‘48 Mr. Philip H. Corboy RIP Mr. Theodore E. Cornell Jr. ‘38 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cotter ‘53 Mr. Frank M. Covey ‘50 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Crean ‘58 Dr. Sidney R. Cruz Rev. John J. Cullinan ‘23 RIP Mr. John P. Cunneen ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Cuny ‘27 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Curley Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Curran ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Curran Jr. Mr. Robert M. David ‘28 RIP Mr. Robert J. Dixon ‘62 Mr. Ralph E. Doane RIP Mr. Terrence P. Doyle ‘62 Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dwyer Mr. John J. Dwyer RIP Mr. Ralph W. Emerson ‘14 RIP Mr. and Mrs. William O. Feeley ‘43
Mr. Albert C. Fellinger RIP and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Fellinger Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Fieberg III ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. F. Barry Fitzgerald ‘28 RIP Mr. George W. Fitzgerald ‘23 RIP Mr. J. Raymond Fox ‘28 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gavin ‘64 Mr. John T. Geldermann ‘43 RIP and Mrs. Jane Geldermann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Geldermann ‘44 Mr. Joseph C. Geraghty ‘41 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerlach ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Glueckert ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grimes ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen Mrs. Maureen B. Hajduk Mr. William J. Halligan Sr. RIP Mr. Richard G. Harrington ‘44 RIP Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harris ‘21 RIP Hon. Neil F. Hartigan ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hayes ‘48 Mr. Lawrence J. Hayes ‘44 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon W. Hayes ‘41 RIP Mr. Richard M. Hector ‘48 RIP Mr. Lawrence Hickey ‘41 RIP and Mrs. Ada Hickey Mr. and Mrs. John B. Higgins Mr. William J. Hoffman ‘38 RIP Mr. Donald E. Horton ‘63 Mr. Bruce W. Hunt ‘65 Mr. James L. Hurley ‘33 RIP Mr. William G. Hurley ‘42 RIP Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ‘31 RIP and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs RIP Cmdr. and Mrs. Jay B. Jans ‘65 Mr. Joseph S. Kearney Sr. ‘26 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney Jr. ‘51 Mr. John E. Kenny, Sr. ‘31 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Kurkowski Mr. Donald E. LaVigne RIP ‘42 and Mrs. Patricia LaVigne Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Leander Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Loritz ‘29 RIP Mr. George C. Lyman Jr. ‘50 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mann ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Marschall ‘56 Mr. Emil G. Matz ‘32 RIP
Mr. Robert L. McCarthy RIP Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. McPartlin ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Meenaghan Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Morrissey ‘61 RIP Mr. Richard E. Murphy Jr. RIP Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Naphin Sr. ‘23 RIP Mr. William J. Nugent ‘30 RIP Mr. James C. O’Connor ‘24 RIP Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw ‘54 Mr. William E. O’Neil Jr. ‘33 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Malkan A. Pearlman ‘31 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Peterson ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Polk Rev. Richard K. Pusch ‘56 RIP Mr. and Mrs. James P. Quinn ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. B. Reed Jr. ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Reichmann Jr. ‘47 Mr. James P. Reichmann ‘20 RIP Mr. John F. Revell ‘47 RIP Mr. Edward F. Robinson ‘39 RIP Estate of Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 Ms. Susan D. Romanski Rev. George N. Ross ‘55 RIP Mr. George K. Ryan Jr. ‘47 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schinler ‘64 Mr. Thomas G. Schleiter ‘47 Mr. H. M. “Bud” Schnitzius ‘41 RIP Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schriver III ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Schwartz ‘65 Estate of John B. Seng ‘57 Estate of Raymond A. Seng ‘21 Mr. Charles W. Severn ‘34 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Sextro ‘26 RIP Estate of Mr. John W. Somers ‘48 Estate of Rose Stejskal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Tarchala ‘32 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan ‘61 Mr. George W. Vander Vennet Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wagener ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wambach Mr. Robert L. Wenger RIP Mr. Raymond M. White ‘32 RIP Mr. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Woythal ‘51 Mr. Harold F. Yegge ‘17 RIP Mr. Richard A. Youhn ‘55 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Ziebell RIP
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FY13 DONORS The donors listed in this section include unrestricted and restricted gifts received during the 20122013 fiscal year. Annual donors support Loyola in many ways, from gifts to the Annual Giving Program and support for endowed scholarships to participation in yearly fundraising events such as the President’s Dinner and Ramble Auction. Each year, we depend on the generosity of these donors to help us shape the hearts, minds and spirits of 2,000 young people from many Chicago-area communities.
Loyola Academy Giving Societies I gnati u s C ircle
Named for St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, the Ignatius Circle recognizes our most generous benefactors who make annual gift commitments of $50,000 or more. Xavier C ircle
Named for Francis Xavier, Ignatius Loyola’s closest companion and great apostle to India and the Far East. Includes gifts of $25,000 to $49,999. D u mbach C ircle
Named for Loyola Academy’s founder, Rev. Henry J. Dumbach, SJ. Includes gifts of $15,000 to $24,999. H u mbert C ircle
Named for Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, who spent 35 years serving Loyola Academy as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, headmaster and development and alumni officer. Includes gifts of $10,000 to $14,999. L egris C ircle
Named for Rev. Gerisime Pere Legris, SJ, who served as a teacher, counselor, day camp and alumni director and chaplain at Loyola Academy from 1940 to 1994. Includes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999. P resident ’ s C ircle
The President’s Circle recognizes benefactors who contribute $2,500 to $4,999 or more each fiscal year. F o u nder ’ s C ircle
The Founder’s Circle recognizes benefactors who contribute $1,250 or more each fiscal year. P rincipal’ s C l u b
Includes gifts of $750 to $1,249. D ean ’ s C l u b
Includes gifts from $500 to $749. Maroon and Gold Club
Includes gifts from $350 to $499. rambler ’ s C l u b
Includes gifts from $150 to $349.
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Parents I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wenzel Xavier C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. David Baker and Ms. Catherine Carpenter Mr. William J. Caffrey and Mrs. Paulette Gagliardo-Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott D u mbach C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Chestnut ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Joyce ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pandaleon Mr. John Pellouchoud and Mrs. Kristyna Pellouchoud-Driehaus Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. James N. Perry Jr. H u mbert C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. James B. Biery Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Larkin S. Flanagan ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Justin C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Karlson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kolada Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Zeller L egris C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Adler ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Akey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldrich Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Banas ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baudhuin Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Mr. and Mrs. Normal C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Chereskin Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Clune Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Daly ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Driehaus Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Finkel Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fox ‘78 Mr. Thomas W. Halloran ‘84 and Mrs. Bridget A. O’Connell Halloran LdM ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Henn Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ‘79 Dr. James W. Hoag and Ms. Marcia E. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Gerard S. Leider Jr. ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Malin Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQuillen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Meehan Mr. Thomas Migala Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Mauricio Morales Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien Jr. ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. O’Malley Jr. Mr. Edmund J. Orr ‘79 and Mrs. Susan M. Barrett Orr LdM ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn Mr. and Mrs. David S. Petrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Rodriguez ‘75 Mr. Dieter A. Schmitz and Ms. Megan C. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sefton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Shea ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Thompson ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thuet Dr. Nicholas Volpe and Dr. Francesca Mattone-Volpe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Zidar P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anton Mr. Terrence P. Bannon ‘71 and Ms. Barbara A. Kilian Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bernstein Mr. James W. Blake Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brault ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Busscher Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Canning ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carini III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carlotti Dr. Howard Chrisman and Hon. Amy St. Eve Mr. and Mrs. James B. Coleman ‘84 Mr. Diarmaid A. Collins and Ms. Sarah N. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cowan Dr. and Mrs. John J. Cudecki ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Davies Sr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flocco Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Galanis Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Goldberg ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Harte ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hermann Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. Gary M. Holihan ‘77 and Mrs. Andrea M. Holihan LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horne ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hurtgen Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Just Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kincaid Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kramer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kurkowski ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. LeBrun Mr. Thomas A. Loftus and Mrs. Kathleen M. Madden Loftus LdM ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyons Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Melbinger Mr. and Mrs. Randall Miller Ms. Kelly Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murphy III Mr. Stephen M. Naughton and Ms. Nancy E. Naughton, JD Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Nicholas Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Odle Dr. and Mrs. Arturo Olivera Jr. ‘75 Mr. Francis W. O’Malley and Mrs. Loretta O’Connell O’Malley LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Reed Jr. Mr. James S. Rowe and Dr. Cynthia L. Rowe Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rushin Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. James A. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan ‘77 Mr. John D. Shugrue and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Price Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon Dr. and Mrs. John N. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sullivan ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Timm ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tritsis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Van Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Voss Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmermann Jr. ‘83 F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ashley IV Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Baker Mr. James M. Beck and Dr. Julie A. Laverdiere Beck ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Steve Birchard Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Boesen ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Borkowski Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Bottini Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bowen ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James Brady Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bredemann ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brett Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Browne Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Mr. and Mrs. William E. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Byrne ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Caestecker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Steven Y. Cheung Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Condon ‘77 Dr. Peter J. Cormier and Dr. Elisabeth K. Cormier Mr. James R. Cruger and Ms. Marie F. Osadjan Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Falkenhayn Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Flanagan Sr. ‘83 Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Foley Mr. Christopher W. Gardner ‘80 and Ms. Eileen McCarthy Dr. and Mrs. John J. Grayhack Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hagedorn ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harrington Jr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jenko Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelly ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kreb
Mr. Peter J. Langas and Mrs. Jacqualine E. Langas LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Largay Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Lodarek Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lyman III ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Lynch ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Magner ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McCormack ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Melson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Michalek ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Mollman Mr. Michael L. Monticello ‘85 and Dr. Karin Ulstrup Mr. John M. Murphy and Mrs. Catharine B. Brault Murphy LdM ‘81 Mr. Gary Rogaliner and Dr. Jane Nani Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nickele Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Mr. Brian Norton and Dr. Kathryn Grace Mr. and Mrs. Bradd W. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Olavarria Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Panozzo Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Pinelli ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lazar P. Raynal Mrs. Julie P. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. John Saliba Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schoenheider Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shave Dr. and Mrs. Walter Stadler Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sullivan ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. D. Christopher Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Totaro Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh III ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Wetoska ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Wetoska ‘84 Mr. Thomas J. Wimbiscus and Mrs. Maureen A. Philbin Wimbiscus LdM ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wuertz ‘75 P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John J. Ahearne RIP and Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ahearne Mr. and Mrs. David Archibald Mr. and Mrs. John M. Berens ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braasch Jr. ‘85 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Burke Dr. and Mrs. William F. Burns ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Capitani ‘79 Ms. Gina M. Capitanini Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Carlin ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Corbett Jr. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. John DeCorrevont Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Foley ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Foy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freda Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Germano Dr. Ramon J. Castro and Mrs. Beata Gocal Mr. and Mrs. James Gruber Mr. Charles L. Heekin Mr. David G. Hill and Mrs. Theresa McGeary Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mr. Joseph D. Hull RIP ‘76 and Mrs. Mary A. Hull Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kelsh Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Kitchie Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Ledden Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mallahan ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Malles Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martinus Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. David Melsheimer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moran Dr. and Mrs. David Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Newell Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nicholas Mr. John Nickele and Mrs. Mary Gomez-Nickele Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Pasco Mr. Jim Petit and Mrs. Mary F. Petit LdM ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Phelan Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Prassas ‘86 Ms. Lynn Reedy Mr. Mark B. Reedy ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Reichert Mr. Gregory P. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Sherman F. Reynolds ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Rigg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Roddy ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ruebenson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Rule ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Russell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Schafer ‘87 Mr. Steven Schragel Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sharp Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron W. Sheble ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tallis Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Topping Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weiss ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Zaccari Jr. D ean ’ s C l u b
Anonymous (1) Ms. Elisa A. All Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Allen Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Angelus Mr. and Mrs. Duncan B. Ashurst Mr. Gregory J. Eisinger ‘74 and Mrs. Jeanne G. Borscha-Eisinger LdM ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brombach Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Callahan ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Randy D. Cecola Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Cichon Mr. and Mrs. John G. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Day Mr. and Mrs. Ian de Hueck Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dooley III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Dowdle ‘72 Mr. Thomas R. Fallon and Mrs. Jeanne M. Reynolds LdM ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fedorak Mr. and Mrs. Stephen X. Foley Jr. ‘77 Mr. Nicholas R. Ford and Ms. Callie l. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Gaughan Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gerbel Dr. and Mrs. Chris Gonzalez Mr. Peter E. Goschi and Dr. Barbara M. Goschi Mr. Steven G. Hall and Ms. Claudia L. Dawley Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hanhardt ‘83
Mr. David E. Haracz ‘79 and Ms. Mary S. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Harrington ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Heldring Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Hill ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James Hoban Mr. William M. Hoffmann and Ms. Beth M. Linnen Mr. William F. Hough and Dr. Margaret A. Foley Mr. and Mrs. John D. Iglar Mr. and Mrs. Brad J. Jaros Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Kane Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kariotis Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kozloski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kubicek Mr. Greg E. Kulis Mr. Rik Lantz and Ms. Ann C. Logue Mr. and Mrs. William H. LeCompte Mr. Justin L. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. LeVert Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Loftus Mr. Glenn V. Lombardi and Mrs. Mary K. Brinati Mr. and Mrs. Primo Lomibao Mr. Thomas J. Lyman ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Marquez Ms. Karen S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Maschmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Matousek Mr. and Mrs. Sean H. McGuire Mr. Mark E. Mullins and Dr. Mindy Nora Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. O’Connor ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ocwieja Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Petersen ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Prange Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ray Mr. David L. Reahl Mr. and Mrs. William F. Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Juan J. Rocha Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rockhold Mr. George E. Sargent ‘88 Mr. David E. Scherer and Dr. Martha Scherer Ms. Michelle Schragel Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Scolaro Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaw Urbaniak Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Van Solkema Mr. and Mrs. Brent C. White Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Witkowski Mr. and Mrs. David R. Yaccino Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Yardley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Zadina M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Adrian Mr. Phil C. Angotti and Ms. Kathleen McElderry Mrs. Nicole M. Barron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boleky Mr. Ben A. Buettell Ms. Stephanie M. Buettell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cirignani Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cutler Mr. John A. Dunkas and Dr. Teresa A. Hubka Dunkas Mr. Michael Elisha
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Feifar ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Giella Mr. and Mrs. Andy M. Kohl ‘86 Mr. Jeffrey P. Later and Ms. Betsy Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leaman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maher ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McKeough Mr. Richard A. McMenamin and Ms. Patricia J. Mulvihill ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. McNabola ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Art W. Mergner Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. O’Brien ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I. O’Shaughnessy Mrs. Koung S. Pak Mr. Ramon Perez and Mrs. Alison R. Cassity Mr. Jeffrey J. Preston and Ms. Janet C. Davies Mr. Andrew C. Ray and Ms. Sara Buchen-Ray Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rourke ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Sassaman Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Schaupp Mr. Dan Steenstrup and Ms. Maria Mooshil Mr. Charles K. Stevens ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James N. Thilmany Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vanecko ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wiertel Jr. R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Alexopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Phil Andrew ‘85 Ms. Gloria K. Athanis Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Barbour Dr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Barger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baumeister Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bishop Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Boersma Mr. and Mrs. Gregory N. Bolino Dr. Thomas Bordignon and Dr. Josephine Bordignon Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Boucher Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brown Jr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Buckley Ms. Karen Burey Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Burns ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. William Capodanno Mr. Guy Chipparoni and Ms. Rebecca Ruff Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Coleman ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Collopy Jr. ‘82 Mr. Robert M. Desherow ‘93 and Mrs. Danielle L. Desherow LdM ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Dino C. Di Giovanni Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Donofrio Mr. and Mrs. Carey M. Dowdle ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Ehlman Dr. and Mrs. Glynn J. Elliott III ‘85 Ms. Joan Ferraro Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald and Ms. Mary Krigbaum Mr. and Mrs. Marc P. Franson Mr. and Mrs. John Gariti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hahn ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hawley Mr. Brian M. Hayes ‘88 and Mrs. Kathleen Sheridan Hayes LdM ‘88 Mr. John M. Hermanek and Ms. Mary M. Drill Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hitt Jr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Kane ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kanellitsas Mr. Karlo Karacic and Dr. Theresa Karacic
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kelly ‘81 Ms. Karen Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Kindelin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Klauke ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Koehn Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Krackenberger ‘94 Mr. Donald J. Law and Dr. Teresa M. Law Mr. Keith Lord Mr. and Mrs. John S. Martin Mr. Richard McDermott and Ms. Jane E. Nagle Ms. Mary M. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. McKinley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. McQuillen Mr. and Mrs. Jose Mejia Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Migely ‘84 Mr. Douglas J. Miller and Ms. Ellen Burke LdM ‘74 Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Molloy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Morrissey Mr. Vernon Sebby and Mrs. Mary Anne Nash Sebby LdM ‘71 Mr. Edward O’Connor Ms. Judy M. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Norton F. O’Meara Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. David P. Pasulka Mr. and Mrs. Remo Picchietti Mr. and Mrs. P Marc Poggioli Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Pontarelli ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Post Mr. and Mrs. Antonio M. Prieto Mr. and Mrs. Ihor Ralko Mr. Jeffrey Richmond and Dr. Mary Beth Richmond Ms. Suzanne M. Rossi Ms. Alice M. Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saletta ‘81 Mr. Mark F. Santacrose and Ms. Margaret M. Fiorenza ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Schueler Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Scopelliti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Sexton III ‘81 Mr. Mark G. Sheridan and Dr. Mary M. Sheridan Mr. Len Siegal and Ms. Cathy Stix Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spallone ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Spina ‘80 Mr. Peter Stack and Ms. Lorna Scott Mr. Scott F. Stratford Sr. Dr. Sreedhar Sundaram and Mrs. Mery V. Zuniga Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Tighe Mr. John M. Touhy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Waltman Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Mr. Roger L. Worrell and Dr. Deanna L. Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Wright Mr. and Mrs. George J. Zaccagnini Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahorik ‘80 O ther D onors
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Affinito Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Rajan S. Ahmad Dr. and Mrs. Ghassan Aldurra Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Alvarado Mrs. Stephanie Arkus Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Arman Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Bachert Mr. Mikael Backstrom and Ms. Patricia Bochey Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Badovinac Ms. Carol Bagley Mr. and Mrs. Hootan Bahmandeji Michael J. Banks, PhD, and Mrs. Mary Jo Banks
Ms. Florita Barros-Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Bentivenga ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beresheim Ms. Leanne M. Bertucci Mr. and Mrs. Craig Besant Mrs. Maria Bieniek Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Boehm Mr. John Boex Ms. Lori R. Boex Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Bouchard Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre P. Boustany Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bradley Mr. William R. Brandstrader ‘88 and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bredemann ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Mr. and Mrs. David A. Buffo Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Burke ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Byrne ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Calk Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Cassidy ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cheaks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Choate Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cichon Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Cienkus ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Neal Clark Mr. and Mrs. H. Glen Clarke III ‘82 Mr. Douglas J. Clingan ‘85 and Dr. Beth A. Clingan Mr. Marc Collins and Dr. Madeline Collins Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Colosimo Mrs. Lynn Composto Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Conley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Conte Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Craddock ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Croft Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cusick Mr. and Mrs. James V. Daffada Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. DeFrank Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deligio Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Demakos Mr. and Mrs. David D. Di Paolo ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John DiSilvestro Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. DiSilvestro Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Divane ‘86 Mr. Daniel Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dormin ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dowdle ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William G. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Durkin ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dwyer III ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dwyer ‘80 Mr. George W. Ernst and Mrs. Jill Ernst LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Eshoo Mr. Anthony Faoro Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Feldheim Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Ferstel ‘82 Mr. Thomas E. Festle and Ms. Jackie A. Hair Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Finn Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Finnegan Ms. Patricia Fitzgibbons Mr. and Mrs. Bryan M. Foley ‘83 Dr. Stephen M. Folga and Dr. Anna B. Folga Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fox ‘74 Ms. Barbara A. Franco Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fridman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Funck Mr. and Mrs. John Furton Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Gamber ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gatti ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gavula Mr. and Mrs. Richard Geary Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gentzkow
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13
Parents continued
Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo S. Medina Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merucci Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gillespie Ms. Sharon A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Gleason ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Christpher P. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glowacki Moran III ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Goss Mr. and Mrs. James M. Moriarity Mr. and Mrs. John C. Graham Mr. and Mrs. James Morrissey Dr. and Mrs. Gavin J. Green Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Mugnolo Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Greener Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mulcrone Ms. Margaret Guira-Friend Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Murphy Mr. John J. Hagerty and Ms. Nancy C. Naab Mrs. Ann L. Hagerty LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. John Nagai Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Halpin ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Nasser Mr. and Mrs. E. Shamus Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Natke Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harris Mr. and Mrs. Bartley J. Nee Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hartzel Jr. Ms. Jeannette Needham Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heinen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dr. Hector M. Hernandez and Neumeyer Ms. Sylvia I. Rasch Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. and Mrs. John Hess Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Jr. Nimrod III ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holecek Ms. Kathleen Nugent Mr. Thomas J. Holmberg Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael Horton Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hovanec Mr. Timothy D. O’Brien ‘84 and Dr. and Mrs. John A. Howington Mrs. Aimee M. Meccia O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Hubbard Mr. Patrick O’Connell Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Huettle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. O’Connor Dr. Kevin S. Huh and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Oddo Ms. Lynn A. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. David S. O’Dea Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John E. O’Donnell II Mr. and Mrs. Serafin J. Ilagan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Mr. Jeffrey H. Jacobs ‘74 and O’Donohue Mrs. Susan C. Comerford Jacobs Mr. Dozie Ogbuefi and LdM ‘75 Dr. Adaora Ogbuefi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jardeleza Mr. and Mrs. John D. O’Grady ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Joyce Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daryl J. Okrzesik Mr. and Mrs. John T. Joyce ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Olin Mr. and Mrs. Manuel L. Juarez Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Malley ‘83 Ms. Janet Kaiser Mr. Ted J. O’Malley and Dr. and Mrs. John C. Kaminski Mrs. Aileen M. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kane Sr. ‘83 LdM ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Kapst Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Kebr Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Ms. Cynthia L. Kennedy Papakyriacou Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kennedy Ms. Roberta Pasquesi Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kerrigan ‘81 Dr. and Mrs. Milan N. Pastuovic Mr. and Mrs. Jeff C. Kinzel Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Dr. and Mrs. Chris E. Krueger Paxson ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kuchuris ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pembroke Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kummerer Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Pesmen Mr. Kuaku O. Kwakye and Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Phelps ‘78 Mrs. Angelina Kubi-Kwakye Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Plodzeen Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle Jr. ‘82 Mr. Jay J. Poydence and Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Langill ‘81 Mrs. Eileen M. Mitchell Mrs. Maria LaTorraca ‘81 Poydence LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Laughlin ‘77 Mr. Michael Prah and Mr. William L. Lederer Jr. and Ms. Ellen McRaith Mrs. Mary O. Lederer LdM ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Purcell Ms. Alice Lee Mr. and Mrs. P. Timothy Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Leinenweber Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Rapp Mr. and Mrs. Hommel LeRoy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rechtoris Mr. and Mrs. David B. Loucks Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. MacGregor ‘88 Reckamp Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reger ‘83 Mrs. Mary C. Manahan Mr. and Mrs. John Regnier Mr. Stephen R. Manahan Mr. Michael J. Reno and Mr. and Mrs. David Manna Ms. Angela L. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McDonnell Richmond ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGarrity Mr. Steven A. Ring and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McGarvey Ms. Jennifer A. Gallagher Ms. Maureen M. McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McHugh Jr. ‘85 Mr. Brian E. Ritzenthaler and Mrs. Ann M. Ritzenthaler Mr. and Mrs. Rodger McNaughton LdM ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McPike ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Terence L. McTague Mr. and Mrs. Marcelo Rosa Jr. Mr. Joseph Madonia and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell Ms. E. Lynn Grayson
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sampey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. San Roman Jr. ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Saperstein Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Sassen Mr. Robert Scesniak Dr. Robert A. Scheidt and Dr. Laura Haugh Scheidt Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Schermerhorn ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Anton T. Schirmang Sr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Schulte Mr. Stephen Serio and Dr. Michelle Peifley Serio Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Shearson Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Skarzynski Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Smolinski Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sneed Jr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sowa Mrs. Patricia M. Stachnik Mr. Raymond E. Stachnik Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Stanton ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Stevens Ms. Monique Stevens Mr. and Mrs. James B. Sugrue Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. John Talaga Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tamisiea Mr. Giancarlo Tanas and Ms. Kirsten M. Meskill Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Tata Mr. Anthony R. Tomas ‘83 and Mrs. Fatimah F. Dalao Tomas LdM ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tong Dr. Belen B. Tornesi Mr. and Mrs. George B. Trapp Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Treiber Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tsakalios Ms. Jennifer Turner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turro Dr. Robert A. Uhland and Dr. Mary Uhland Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Uhm Mr. Victor Vaccaro Mr. and Mrs. James Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Vance Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Verhey Mr. Blase Viti and Mrs. Kristine Viti LdM ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Martin Watts Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Weber Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weschler Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. White Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Wilson Mr. J. Michael Yager and Ms. Ellen Dooley Mrs. Laura A. Yasko Mr. and Mrs. David R. Zahn Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zapart Ms. Kimberly M. Zeman-Walker Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zigmond ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zinkula
Class of
O ther D onors
Class of
Class Participation 7.0%
Class of
Xavier C ircle
Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs RIP
Class of
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Raymond F. Goodrich RIP R ambler ’ s C l u b
Dr. Raymond A. McDermott Jr. O ther D onors
Mr. John F. Kennedy Mr. John H. Lemond Mr. Frank J. Rothing RIP
L egris C ircle
Mr. John M. Grady RIP
Class of
Class Participation 13.6%
Class Participation 10.4%
Mr. Richard H. Vlerick Mr. Charles A. Whittingham F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. John J. Schornack Mr. Raymond E. Fink Sr. Mr. James J. Maloney M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. John A. Hafner R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Robert J. Foley Mr. Thomas G. Schleiter Mr. Michael P. Wrenn
Mr. Edward J. Sanders
M aroon and G old C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. John L. Donoghue
Mr. Robert T. O’Brien Mr. Robert F. Stephan
P resident ’ s C l u b
Mr. John E. Benz Jr.
Mr. Bruce A. Berens
Class of
Class Participation 23.6%
L egris C ircle D ean ’ s C l u b
Dr. Robert A. Esser
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Class of
P rincipal’ s C l u b
O ther D onors
Mr. James E. Brennwald
Class of
Class Participation 7.8%
O ther D onors
Mr. Charles A. Feit Mr. James G. Gannon Mr. Robert H. Garmoe Mr. Louis J. Glunz III Dr. Edward J. Gorny Mr. J. P. Reichmann Jr. Dr. John A. Striebel Prof. Peter P. Weidenbruch Jr.
Class Participation 7.4%
H u mbert C ircle
L egris C ircle
Mr. Thomas A. Geldermann
Mr. Theodore E. Cornell Jr. RIP
P rincipal’ s C l u b
O ther D onors
Mr. Joseph J. Bredemann Sr.
Class Participation 16.5%
Mr. John M. McNally
D ean ’ s C l u b
L egris C ircle
Mr. James E. Quinn RIP
Mr. Edwin L. Ryan Jr.
O ther D onors
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Louis J. Desmet Mr. Daniel J. Heffernan
Mr. Raymond L. Berry Jr.
Class of
Class Participation 7.1% M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Joseph L. Waldvogel O ther D onors
Mr. Philip A. Schaack
Class of
Dr. James B. Cloonan Cmdr. William J. Corbett III, USN (Ret)
R ambler ’ s C l u b
M aroon and G old C l u b
Class Participation 6.7%
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. James W. O’Hara
Mr. Richard J. Garrity Dr. Charles J. Homan RIP Dr. Bruce R. Jagor Mr. Francis J. Maloney Mr. Henry N. Theisen RIP Dr. John C. Tobin
Class of
Class Participation 5.0% O ther D onors
Mr. Robert E. Cunningham Rev. Joseph F. O’Reilly
Mr. John J. Lane R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. William B. Bowen Mr. Donald J. Dodereau Mr. Robert J. Haselsteiner Mr. Daniel J. Kehoe O ther D onors
Mr. Nicholas E. Bedessem Mr. James G. Condon Mr. Joseph B. Connolly Mr. William D. Driscoll Mr. Gerald G. Gotsch Rev. James A. McDonough, OP Mr. Richard N. Sweeny
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Class of
O ther D onors
Mr. Charles D. Bishop
Mr. Michael R. Corboy
Class Participation 9.9%
O ther D onors
Mr. Robert E. Gallagher RIP
P rincipal’ s C l u b D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. F. V. Lahart Mr. Leonard G. O’Connor Jr. RIP Mr. Frederick H. Pape
I gnati u s C ircle
Class of
Class of
Class of Class Participation 7.4% Mr. George M. Baker D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Richard W. Larkin R ambler ’ s C l u b
Dr. Thomas A. McDermott Mr. Eugene L. Mitchell Jr.
Class Participation 16.0% H u mbert C ircle
Mr. Constantine P. Pappas RIP
L egris C ircle
Mr. Harold G. Buell Mr. Francis J. Gerlits
Mr. Stuart C. Harvey Mr. John E. McCann Jr. Mr. Donald W. McKenzie Dr. William J. Newell Mr. B. M. Pallasch Mr. John C. Pinter Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Smith
D ean ’ s C l u b
O ther D onors
Mr. Frank A. Connolly Jr. Mr. Albert E. Pyott
Mr. James A. Coleman Mr. Roy L. Fabbrini Jr. Mr. Mark J. Gamber Mr. Jerome N. Groark Mr. Thomas J. Hebson Mr. William J. Juneau Mr. Daniel J. McMahon Mr. Richard C. Schleiter Mr. James H. Thureson
Mr. Robert L. Berner Jr. Mr. Thomas E. Caestecker F o u nder ’ s C ircle
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Arthur R. Greenwood R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Jack B. Allen Mr. Philip N. Collins Mr. Richard N. Theriault O ther D onors
Mr. Michael J. McNulty Mr. Robert C. Simon Mr. James B. Strong Mr. Gerard J. Theisen Mr. James A. Weber
Class of
Class Participation 14.9% Xavier C ircle
Mr. Edward G. Denten P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Robert D. McHugh
Class of
Class of
Class Participation 24.8% P resident ’ s C ircle
Dr. James J. Burden Mr. Paul J. Gerlach Mr. James P. Quinn F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Joseph S. Kearney Jr. Mr. Richard J. Mizerny Mr. Laurence T. Youhn D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. James J. Schumann M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Ronald M. Pontius Mr. G. G. Roberson Jr. Mr. George D. Rounsaville Mr. Richard E. Shea R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. John B. Barranco
Class Participation 16.8% L egris C ircle
Mr. John T. Nugent F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Frank J. Hogan III Mr. William M. Plante Mr. F. Q. Stepan Sr.
O ther D onors
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. James A. Bailey Mr. Eugene D. Feit Mr. Thomas M. Finnegan Mr. Earl J. Freise Mr. Thomas J. Henry Dr. William E. Marshall Mr. John H. Scheid Mr. Leo J. Sheridan Jr. Mr. Richard H. Whelan
Mr. Edward A. Heberg Jr. Mr. Robert P. O’Meara D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Barrett J. Gleixner RIP Mr. David S. Mann
Dr. Warren W. Furey III R ambler ’ s C l u b
Dr. Gerald R. Blake Mr. Ralph D. Considine Mr. Thomas P. Feit Mr. Leo P. Finn Mr. Theodore P. Kral Mr. Thomas L. McRaith Jr. Mr. Dennis J. Price Mr. James T. Revord O ther D onors
Mr. Peter J. Cannon Mr. Edward J. Condon Mr. John A. Degnan Mr. James H. Ferguson Dr. Ronald E. Hillenbrand Dr. Charles J. O’Malley Mr. Bruno F. Roti Mr. Alan E. Samuelson Mr. William A. Stanmeyer
Class of
Class Participation 20.8% L egris C ircle
Mr. John P. Glunz Sr. P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Richard A. Shantz P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. James J. O’Sullivan Jr. M aroon and G old C l u b
Adm. Robert B. Abele, USN (Ret) Mr. Joseph A. Rice III
Mr. Kurt F. Lang Mr. Terrence J. MacLean Mr. John E. Owens Jr. Mr. Peter J. Wrenn D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. R. James Seeberg M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Jerome L. Duffy Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw Dr. Kenneth J. Printen Mr. William J. Rooney R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. John T. Bycraft III Mr. Raymond H. Drymalski Mr. Frederick P. Geyser Jr. Mr. Frank A. Healy Mr. J. P. Irmiter Mr. Michael J. Lane Mr. Lawrence F. Loughlin Mr. Robert E. Moroney Mr. Edward G. O’Malley Mr. Thomas J. O’Regan Jr. RIP Mr. John W. Philbin Mr. Thomas F. Strubbe O ther D onors
Rev. M. J. Casey, SJ Mr. Charles F. Caufield Mr. Samuel T. Cowling Dr. Michael J. Fitzgerald Mr. Albert J. Glueckert Mr. Kenneth R. Jansen Mr. Walter A. Ovaert Mr. John C. Schaffer Mr. John F. Smith III Mr. James F. Walsh
Class of
Class of
Dr. Edward M. Colbach Mr. Louis H. Scherb Col. John D. Weides, USMC (Ret) Mr. G. D. Zally
Mr. John C. Brons Mr. John T. Dempsey Mr. Otto A. Kreuzer Mr. William J. Nellis Mr. John M. O’Brien Mr. Thomas A. Rubel Mr. Owen G. Shive
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Dr. Arthur J. Becker Mr. James H. Black Jr. Mr. Anton R. Iberle Mr. Robert J. Isbell Mr. James P. McGuire Mr. Sheldon H. Moore Mr. John S. O’Callaghan
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
O ther D onors
Dr. James T. Bolan Mr. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. Dr. Eugene P. Sinclair
O ther D onors
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. James Allan III Mr. James T. Ferrini Mr. Michael P. Hartnett Dr. John D. McBride Dr. Joseph S. Morrissey Mr. Jerome C. Neyer Mr. John F. O’Keefe Mr. Hugh A. Sweeney
Anonymous (1) Mr. Patrick J. Kearney
Mr. Michael E. Crane
H u mbert C ircle
Class Participation 25.7%
O ther D onors
Xavier C ircle
L egris C ircle
Mr. James C. Dowdle Mr. Marshal I. McMahon
Mr. Wilbert F. Crowley Mr. Vincent R. Daley Jr. Mr. Michael A. Hanlon Mr. James P. McCarthy Jr. Mr. Raymond A. Mitchell Mr. Raymond T. O’Keefe III Mr. Jeffrey R. Vertenten Mr. William C. Weinsheimer
Mr. Thomas A. Kloempken Mr. Richard P. Merrill Mr. William P. O’Keefe Jr. James P. Tasto, MD
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Patrick B. Brady Mr. Fred R. Egloff
Class of
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Thomas P. O’Malley
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Richard M. Citti Mr. Charles M. Collins Jr. Mr. James M. Daly II Mr. E. R. Egloff Mr. James C. Martin Jr. Dr. Carl F. Stocker
Mr. John D. Norcross
Xavier C ircle
M aroon and G old C l u b
O ther D onors
Class of
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Class Participation 24.5%
Mr. F. R. Kerrigan Mr. James A. Bernhart Dr. James J. Bransfield Rev. Michael J. Hoolahan, CP Mr. Robert C. Lane Dr. Frank J. Seidl
Mr. Ronald A. Carr Mr. George J. Dramis Jr. Mr. Peter F. Gamber Dr. Kevin P. Glynn Mr. William E. Haberkorn Mr. George B. Kearney Mr. John T. Kennedy Mr. Edwin B. McConville Jr. Mr. Robert M. Niesen Mr. William T. Tietz Mr. Lambert J. VonBank
Mr. Timothy J. Casey Jr. Mr. John B. Cashion Mr. Edward A. Jackson Mr. Richard A. Lahart Mr. Norman P. Lind Mr. John F. Littau Mr. David G. Lynch Mr. Peter M. Marino Mr. Dennis J. McDermott Mr. Gerald J. McGivern Mr. Ralph W. Murphy Dr. Jerome E. Schoen
Mr. John J. McHugh Mr. James D. Shurr Mr. Philip O. White Jr.
D ean ’ s C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Class of
Class Participation 24.3% P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Jay L. Doty Mr. James S. Hogan Sr. F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Thomas J. Cavanagh Mr. Charles A. Hodapp, USN (Ret) Mr. Edward J. McAdams III
Class Participation 19.8%
Class Participation 16.1% Mr. John E. Callahan Mr. Richard J. Kenney
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Thomas J. O’Keefe Dr. Donald C. Parker
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Edward W. Fitzgerald Jr. Mr. Martin J. Harty
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John W. Lally Mr. Henry E. Mawicke Mr. Brian B. Whalen
R ambler ’ s C l u b
D ean ’ s C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. David R. Bryant Mr. Richard F. Geimer Mr. Richard D. Henderson Mr. Frederic W. Mueller Mr. Philip R. Murtaugh Dr. Robert A. Ryan Mr. Vincent D. Vinci Sr.
O ther D onors
Mr. Michael J. Brown Mr. Timothy J. Hartnett Mr. Barry R. Hillenbrand Mr. Ralph J. Kownacki Mr. Dale C. Leonard Mr. Robert A. Lloyd Mr. Richard L. Plante
O ther D onors
Mr. Mose J. Glynn Mr. Timothy J. Groark Mr. Donald J. O’Meara Mr. Denis J. Owens Mr. Edmund A. Stephan Jr. Mr. Michael T. Wiegand Karl J. Youtsey, PhD
Class of
Class Participation 10.4% H u mbert C ircle
Mr. Timothy J. Leahy
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Class of
Mr. Frank J. Cihak Mr. William F. Dooley Mr. Thomas E. Kneafsey Mr. Robert F. Toland Mr. William J. Trapp
Class Participation 15.9%
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. James H. Cronin Jr. Mr. Edward T. Kennedy III Mr. J. T. Solon Mr. Robert J. Stankiewicz
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
P resident ’ s C ircle
Capt. James S. Baumstark, USN (Ret) Mr. Carl M. Buss Mr. Patrick T. Driscoll Jr.
Mr. Dennis M. Crean Mr. Gerard A. Swick P rincipal’ s C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
D ean ’ s C l u b
Dr. Gary K. Burger Mr. Arthur N. Cordell Dr. Alexander J. De Grand Mr. Patrick E. Fahey Dr. Dennis A. Faith Mr. John R. Fitzpatrick Mr. A. M. Kakuska
Mr. John T. Crilly
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. George T. Coleman R ambler ’ s C l u b
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Patrick J. Barry Dr. John D. Hastings
P rincipal’ s C l u b D ean ’ s C l u b
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. John E. Grimes Mr. William H. Kelly Jr. Dr. John J. Kottra
Mr. Carl E. Moore Jr. Prof. T. M. Pendergast Jr. Mr. James F. Woodward Jr.
Mr. P. W. Ziebell
Mr. Bruce R. DeMaeyer Mr. Lawrence Z. Greenley
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Richard H. Balog Capt. James A. Biggins Mr. Richard W. Glueckert Mr. James H. Hughes Mr. Philip J. Jones Mr. Bruce E. Noble Mr. Peter Shepherd Mr. John A. Stemwedel
Mr. James E. Davitt Mr. Edwin R. Dunn Mr. Martin L. Durlacher John H. Gerding, DDS Mr. Joseph C. Lane Mr. Michael M. O’Brien
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Allen J. Busa
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13
O ther D onors
Mr. Thomas T. Hoskins III Mr. F. M. Stockreiter
Class of
Class Participation 16.7%
Mr. Robert J. Murphy Jr. Mr. Vincent M. Scorsone Jr. Mr. Michael P. Scott Mr. Clifford J. Smoluch
Class of
R ambler ’ s C l u b
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas M. Lera Mr. Donald R. Pardieck
Mr. John B. Sheridan
Class Participation 12.8%
O ther D onors
Class of
I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. Charles R. Beauregard Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Deeley Jr. Mr. Brian P. Kozlowski Mr. Michael E. Roeder Mr. James B. Russo Mr. Michael J. Zasiebida
Mr. Ronald L. Binnebose Mr. John P. Cunneen Mr. William F. Poland
Mr. John G. Schreiber L egris C ircle
Class Participation 19.7%
Mr. Philip A. Marineau
L egris C ircle
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. William H. Edwards Jr.
Mr. Richard A. Devine
Mr. Richard M. Jordan Mr. Norman X. Raidl Mr. Brian J. Redding
P rincipal’ s C l u b
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Robert J. Thornton D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. James F. Binsfeld Mr. Daniel V. Considine
Mr. James F. Foley Hon. Michael J. Hogan Mr. Vincent C. Scully III Mr. William M. Stover
Mr. Lawrence J. McPartlin
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas D. Foley
Mr. Charles J. Mann Dr. Robert C. Oehlberg Mr. Ralph K. Packard Mr. Lee T. Polk Mr. Robert D. Riedy
Mr. George C. Delaney Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Giallanza Dr. James C. Kleeman Mr. Robert D. Leydon Mr. James M. Mann Mr. Thomas F. White
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. James B. Blacklidge F o u nder ’ s C ircle
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Dennis M. Amaturo Mr. Michael L. Griffin Mr. Timothy E. Griffin Dr. Michael J. Hogan Mr. Robert P. Lowell Mr. John F. McCormick Mr. James R. McDonnell Mr. Ralph K. Nottoli RIP O ther D onors
Mr. Michael J. Conerty Mr. Paul M. Drucker Dr. Thomas M. Duffy Mr. Charles R. Harrity Mr. William R. Otter Jr. Mr. Andrew W. Runge Hon. George C. Stoll Mr. Alexander J. Topp III
Class of
Class Participation 14.9% L egris C ircle
Mr. James R. Voss P resident ’ s C l u b
Mr. Edward A. Oehler Mr. George P. Sullivan Jr. P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas F. Leahy Mr. Harry F. McDonagh D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas M. Blake Mr. Paul H. Fieberg III M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. J. D. Hofherr Mr. Patrick D. Kelly R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. William S. Barranco Jr. Mr. George T. Cenar Jr. Mr. Michael K. Cox Mr. Paul W. Hitzelberger Mr. Patrick J. Hogan Mr. Frank J. Murtha Mr. Joseph M. Robinson O ther D onors
Dr. Warren J. Busscher Capt. Dwight D. Fisher Mr. Stephen R. Kennedy Mr. Peter J. Lynch III Col. James M. Murphy, USAF (Ret.)
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John E. Becker Mr. Cezar M. Froelich Mr. Charles H. Ketteman Mr. Paul O. Savard Mr. Richard Souyoul Mr. John A. Stevens D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Philip J. Butzen Mr. John R. Graham Mr. George W. Lamping Mr. Terence J. Mahoney Mr. John W. McCaffrey Dr. Patrick J. Murphy Mr. Brian J. Murray Mr. Raymond J. Podlasek Dr. John T. Preston Mr. Gerald L. Prior Jr. Mr. James C. Runkle Mr. John R. Valko M aroon and G old C l u b
Col. Jeffrey H. Markey R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas J. Beaven Michael J. Beierle, MD Mr. Robert E. Gorman Jr. Mr. Bruce R. Hartney Mr. Joseph M. Havrilko Dcn. John V. Lucas Jr. Mr. Robert E. Murphy Mr. Ed J. Murray Mr. Joseph F. Schwaba Mr. Robert W. Thomas Mr. David C. Ure O ther D onors
Mr. Richard R. Arens Mr. Reid J. Duffy Mr. Raymond F. Ferrara Mr. Robert V. Ferrara Mr. Konrad Gerstenbrand Mr. Francis T. Kirwin Mr. Loren R. Miller III Mr. William R. Moody Mr. James J. Nagle Mr. James E. Ostry Mr. Donald V. Potter Mr. Richard E. Segerson Mr. Thomas M. Sheridan
P rincipal’ s C l u b
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Thomas M. Kennedy R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. E. P. Dunn Mr. Alexander T. McIntosh Mr. Philip McNally Mr. Horst J. Metz Mr. Thomas J. Mikos Mr. Barry J. Mitchell Mr. Michael J. Pettinger Mr. Stephen T. Quinn Mr. Robert G. Ratcliffe Jr. Mr. Gregory D. Stevens O ther D onors
Dr. Richard N. Altieri Mr. Daniel J. Callahan Mr. Thomas M. Cleary Mr. Robert B. Foreman Mr. Gerard J. Heinrichs Dcn. Paul C. Konold Mr. Robert J. Krueger Dr. Joseph R. Lentino Mr. Brian R. McCormick Mr. Eugene A. McEwen Jr. Mr. John H. Moran Jr. Mr. Patrick W. O’Brien Mr. Thomas L. O’Gara Mr. Ronald A. Papini Mr. Lawrence H. Rubly Mr. John M. Struhar Jr. Mr. Charles K. Swanson Mr. Robert J. Weskamp
Class of
Class Participation 4.5% F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. John B. Sullivan P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John J. Langdon D ean ’ s C l u b
Class of
Class Participation 10.5% H u mbert C ircle
Mr. Christopher Q. Stephan Dr. Charles A. Thorsen III P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John D. Marshall Mr. James A. Smith Jr. D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Patrick B. Nuccio Mr. Paul T. Prikos Dr. Anthony W. Savino Mr. Mark D. Steffens M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Lawrence J. Eiden Mr. Mark G. Jacobs Mr. Keith P. Schoeneberger R ambler ’ s C l u b
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. James W. Ford Mr. Jerome L. Gavin Mr. James C. Hayes Mr. Matthew J. Hayes Jr. Mr. David K. McNulty Mr. Michael S. Meyers Mr. William E. Muno Mr. Howard Pritchard Mr. Richard C. Rushkewicz O ther D onors
Mr. John P. Curran Jr. Mr. Michael H. Dann Mr. John E. Dwyer III Dr. Patrick J. Fahey Mr. Adrian Ivancevich Mr. Marshall V. Kearney III Mr. Hugh V. Larkin Mr. Richard H. Leehr Mr. James V. Walsh Mr. John E. Zarek
Class of
Class Participation 9.2% I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. Stephen F. Dowdle Mr. William J. Doyle
Class Participation 7.3% P resident ’ s C l u b
Mr. Robert J. Bates Jr. Dr. John L. Vander Schilden F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Dr. James L. Fox Jr. Mr. James G. Grafft D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Peter A. Howlett Mr. John F. Kelly III Mr. Michael F. McKeever Dr. John M. Ortinau Mr. William H. Schniedwind M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Robert E. Hamer R ambler ’ s C l u b
Dr. Charles L. O’Brien Mr. James L. Powell Mr. Stephen C. Schulte Mr. Philip K. Serwich O ther D onors
Mr. Kevin C. Amhaus Mr. Peter J. Chaput Mr. Joe R. Danielewicz Mr. Robert J. Eisinger Mr. Robert P. Halpin Mr. Thomas M. Kent Mr. James R. O’Connor Mr. Robert J. Schmalfeld
Class of
Hon. John L. Huff Mr. James J. Kane Dr. Michael P. Kennedy Mr. W. K. Meier Mr. John J. Murphy Jr. Mr. Michael P. O’Brien Mr. James J. O’Keefe Mr. Michael J. Samis Mr. Ronald P. Smith Mr. James A. Tracy
Xavier C ircle
O ther D onors
Mr. Joseph T. Daly III Mr. Joseph H. DiClementi
P resident ’ s C ircle
M aroon and G old C l u b
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Mathias A. Klein III
Mr. John T. Hickey Jr.
R ambler ’ s C l u b
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. John E. Benz III Mr. Donald J. Goschy Mr. Donald J. Healy Jr. Thomas J. Kuehn, PhD Mr. William F. Masterson Jr. Mr. James M. McMenamin Dr. Paul D. Moore Mr. David W. Morrison
Mr. Kevin P. Courtney Mr. Michael K. Masterson Mr. Thomas S. O’Donoghue Jr. Mr. Thomas P. Valenti
O ther D onors
Mr. Joseph T. Cipolla Mr. William J. Deevy Mr. Mark K. Proesel
Mr. Timothy L. Flanagan Mr. Anthony K. House Mr. Robert M. Howell Mr. James E. Hussey Mr. John P. Hussey Mr. James L. Jackson Mr. Brian P. McIntyre Mr. R. B. McKeever Jr. Mr. James M. Meinken Mr. John P. Metzger Mr. Robert M. Rushkewicz Mr. Richard M. Schmalfeld Mr. John Q. Springer Mr. Richard E. Sullivan
Class of
Class Participation 9.5% L egris C ircle
Mr. James R. Flaherty
Mr. John W. Amberg Mr. Mark K. Lahey
M aroon and G old C l u b
P resident ’ s C ircle
Dr. Glenn S. Forbes Mr. Stephen D. Killian Mr. Joseph W. Koss
Mr. Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. Mr. William T. O’Donnell Jr. F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Robert B. Hamilton Mr. Mark S. Seeberg
D ean ’ s C l u b
Class of
Mr. Patrick B. Kenny
L egris C ircle
Class Participation 5.8%
Mr. Joseph E. Valenti Jr.
I gnati u s C ircle
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Anonymous (1)
Mr. James L. Claus Mr. Bradley N. Edwards
L egris C ircle
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Christopher R. Birren Mr. Neil M. Chisholm Dr. Peter D. Donofrio Mr. David G. Jones Mr. Robert J. Koller Dr. Thomas R. Malek Mr. John M. Phillips Mr. William A. Schirmang Mr. James S. Stanis Mr. Gary G. Stanton Mr. David T. Tan Mr. J. G. Theisen Mr. William B. Von Holdt Mr. Richard J. Witry
Mr. Joseph J. Bredemann Mr. Joseph E. Morahan III Mr. Michael B. Hagen
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. John R. Brinkman R ambler ’ s C l u b
O ther D onors
Mr. David A. Ebert Mr. John A. Jackson Dr. Allen V. Lentino Mr. Elias Lyman Jr. Mr. Thomas E. McAndrews Mr. John P. Sullivan Mr. Edward W. Thomas Mr. Peter J. Tracy
Class of
Class Participation 7.4% I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. John C. Altman RIP P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Terrence P. Bannon Mr. Timothy J. Cooney F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Vincent D. Pinelli Mr. Henry A. Proesel II P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. George M. Baker Jr. Dr. Robert C. Kissel D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas L. Garrity Mr. John H. Kehl Jr. Mr. R. F. Seebeck Jr. M aroon and G old C l u b
Dr. Thomas F. Gleason Dr. Raymond A. McDermott III R ambler ’ s C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Carey D. Brunelli Dr. Paul J. Carry Dr. Christopher A. Lewandowski Mr. John P. O’Brien Mr. Frederick J. O’Laughlin Dr. Ferdinand B. Schiappa Mr. Robert E. Strunck Mr. Frank E. Trager Jr. O ther D onors
Dr. Raymond J. Bielinski Mr. John P. Bredemann Mr. William J. Dunn Jr. Mr. James P. Igoe Mr. John M. Klemundt Mr. Charles F. Mascari Mr. Christpher P. Moran III Mr. Richard W. Mortell Jr. Mr. Daniel P. Nolan Mr. John R. O’Connell Jr. Dr. Philip P. Sweeney
Class of
Class Participation 15.3%
Mr. Thomas C. Hillsman Mr. Thomas R. Hughes Mr. Michael L. Janda Mr. David L. King Mr. Timothy J. Lahart Mr. Timothy E. McElroy Mr. Mark W. Moore Mr. Andrew W. Nieman Mr. Joseph J. Nimrod III Mr. Robert A. O’Brien Jr. Mr. Edward J. O’Malley Mr. John A. Ouska III Mr. Edgar U. Peyronnin Mr. Christopher E. Pfannkuche Mr. Timothy R. Powell Mr. H. A. Rill Mr. Michael W. Roache Mr. Knute R. Ruggaard Mr. Michael C. Rydel Mr. Philip A. Saigh Jr. Dr. Robert F. Sasso Mr. Joseph P. Tauber
Class of
Class Participation 8.7%
Mr. Gerard A. Brost Mr. Michael J. Garvey Mr. Robert E. Hyde Mr. Michael J. Miotti Mr. John E. Musker Mr. Charles F. Scholl Jr.
D u mbach C ircle
H u mbert C ircle
Mr. David B. Kennedy H u mbert C ircle
Mr. Peter J. Broccolo Mr. Joseph C. Zuercher Jr.
Mr. Stephen P. Donahue
L egris C ircle
L egris C ircle
O ther D onors
Mr. Timothy E. Broccolo
Mr. Richard G. Daly Mr. Michael R. Denten
Mr. John L. Donnelly Mr. David G. Gleason Mr. Stephen O. Huff Mr. Thomas J. Kearney Brian J. Krakora, DDS Mr. Vito A. Mastrangelo Mr. Joseph E. McMenamin Mr. William H. Morris Jr. Mr. Patrick M. O’Day
P resident ’ s C ircle
Class of
Class Participation 9.9% D u mbach C ircle
Mr. John W. O’Brien
Mr. James F. Rollings Mr. Patrick E. Sullivan F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Erhard R. Chorle Mr. James P. Doherty III Mr. Matt J. Matthews P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John J. Kurgan D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Robert W. Hart Mr. P. K. McLaughlin Mr. Mark D. Nesbitt M aroon and G old C l u b
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Ronald J. Herte Mr. Bruce A. Luecke P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas J. Corbett Jr. Mr. James E. Hughes Mr. Sherman F. Reynolds D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Robert J. Berry Mr. Gregory J. Eisinger Hon. Terrence J. O’Brien Mr. Douglas E. Wambach M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. David R. Barry Jr. Mr. Richard A. McMenamin Mr. Richard J. Wynne
Mr. William E. Sullivan
Vice Adm. Peter H. Daly, USN (Ret) Mr. Terrence J. O’Laughlin
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Todd T. Ford Mr. Robert E. Otter Mr. Martin J. Perry Mr. David P. Wagener
Mr. Michael T. Joyce Mr. Shawn F. McCarthy Col. Steven R. Petersen, USAF Mr. James K. Rudolph Mr. Michael J. Wrenn
Mr. William E. Bransley Mr. John J. Keating Mr. David K. McHugh Mr. James P. Reichmann III Mr. Harold W. Sullivan Jr. Mr. Richard W. Wiermanski Mr. Paul A. Zieske
O ther D onors
O ther D onors
H u mbert C ircle
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Lt. Col. Michael S. Sackley, USAF (Ret) Mr. Edward J. Wehmer D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. E. A. Broccolo Jr. Mr. Philip A. Delaney Jr. Mr. Raymond J. Dowdle Mr. Matthew F. O’Connor Mr. William C. Schindler M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Charles W. Bidwill III Mr. Michael P. Dooley Dr. Kevin J. Kirby Mr. Timothy J. Schlax
Mr. Cornelius C. Armstrong Mr. James A. Barasa Mr. M. H. Benson Mr. William A. Biang Mr. Michael P. Burns Mr. Richard F. Cucco Mr. Timothy J. Daly Mr. Alexander R. Danel Mr. Patrick L. Dowdle Mr. Mark W. Dussel Mr. Peter M. Dzialo Mr. John F. Ewen Mr. Peter G. Fedyniak Mr. Michael M. Forester Mr. William F. Geldermann Mr. Gregory M. Gormaly
L egris C ircle
Mr. Peter G. Leemputte Mr. Mark R. Muench Mr. J. H. Murnane Jr. Mr. Gabriel M. Rodriguez P resident ’ s C ircle
Dr. Arturo Olivera Jr. F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. David J. Wuertz P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Adolph G. Letke Mr. Peter F. Steger Sr. D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Bernard P. Kane Jr. Mr. James M. Valenti M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Thomas M. Feifar Mr. Paul V. Otter
Class Participation 8.1% H u mbert C ircle
Mr. James P. Hickey
Mr. Kevin G. Dowdle Mr. David J. Fox Mr. Michael P. O’Brien
Mr. Andrew J. Annes Mr. Michael J. Bates Mr. Joseph P. Karlovich Mr. Timothy J. McNulty Mr. Robert E. Mitchell Mr. Donald K. Paras Mr. Christopher J. Perille Mr. Martin J. Pflum Mr. John P. Schermerhorn
Class Participation 8.6% L egris C ircle
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Daniel A. Byrne Dr. John E. Croghan Mr. John R. Perkaus Sr. P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Richard J. Adler Jr. Mr. William H. Phelan Jr. Mr. Mark B. Reedy Mr. John R. Weiss
Class of
Class Participation 10.4% Mr. Sean M. Madden
O ther D onors
Mr. Jeffory T. Adams Mr. Mark R. Brice Mr. Thomas J. Dormin Mr. Joseph D. Hull RIP Mr. Timothy E. Kemper Mr. Michael J. Ouska Mr. Joseph J. Spellman Mr. Bernard J. Widera
Dr. Michael F. Burns Mr. Kurt M. Freund Mr. Bernard C. Garvey Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Hupp Dr. John C. Quinley Mr. Ronald F. Weglinski Mr. Richard H. Wehman Jr.
H u mbert C ircle
Mr. William V. McMenamin
R ambler ’ s C l u b
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. John C. Cassidy Mr. John J. Compernolle Mr. David T. Erie Mr. Herbert C. Gresens Mr. Michael J. LaVaccare Dr. Joseph G. Thometz
Mr. Joseph P. Davies Sr. Mr. Gary M. Holihan Mr. Leo J. Sheridan Mr. Thomas D. Whalen F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Thomas M. Condon Mr. Burtis J. Dolan III Mr. Robert E. Harrington Jr. Mr. John C. Nicolau
O ther D onors
Mr. Kevin J. Byrne Mr. Kevin M. Casey Mr. John J. Conway Mr. Gerald C. Daus Jr. Mr. Paul J. Hulseman Mr. James R. Kennedy RIP Mr. Thomas A. McKnight Mr. Mark T. O’Toole Dr. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. Mr. Daniel J. Wolf
Class Participation 9.7% D u mbach C ircle
Mr. Edward R. Casas Mr. Patrick C. Dowd Mr. Stephen X. Foley Jr. Mr. Anthony M. Mallerdino Mr. Mark J. Steger
Mr. Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III
M aroon and G old C l u b
L egris C ircle
Mr. John M. Baker
Mr. Mark E. McNabola Mr. Frank J. Ungari
P resident ’ s C ircle
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Peter D. Sullivan
Mr. William L. Davis Mr. Christopher P. Dolan Dr. William J. Hoffman Mr. John P. Murawski Mr. James P. Nally Mr. John A. O’Hara Jr. Rev. Brian G. Paulson, SJ Mr. Mark F. Santacrose
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Gallagher Mr. Michael W. Jamieson Mr. David G. Klick Mr. John W. Person Mr. Ron W. Sheble Mr. Richard M. Tsoumas D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Robert A. Curley Jr. Mr. L. P. T. Finn Mr. Thomas J. Lyman III Mr. John W. Patton Jr. Dr. John M. Phelan M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. James D. Arden Mr. William E. Schultz R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. John C. Amato
O ther D onors
Mr. Terrence R. Brady Mr. Richard A. Carlson Mr. C. G. Gehrke Mr. Jeffry W. Kamrow Mr. Raymond P. Knoll Mr. Daniel C. Kusswurm Mr. Juan J. Mir Mr. Thomas E. Moroni Mr. Ronald J. Nierzwicki Mr. Anton T. Schirmang Sr. Mr. John S. Sneed Jr. Mr. Robert B. Wish
Mr. Brian G. Callahan Mr. Patrick J. Dwyer Dr. Michael H. Filippini Mr. Frederick J. Proesel Mr. John R. Smith Jr. Mr. Peter A. Meister
Mr. Theodore R. Cahall Jr.
D ean ’ s C l u b
D ean ’ s C l u b
M aroon and G old C l u b
L egris C ircle
Class of
Mr. Brian R. Bidwill Mr. Michael J. Warga
O ther D onors
D u mbach C ircle
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Class of
Class of
R ambler ’ s C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas M. Arens Mr. Robert E. Egan Mr. Jeffery H. Jacobs Mr. George A. Kowalik Mr. Richard J. Lamermayer Mr. James E. McAvoy Mr. John R. Taylor
Mr. Thomas P. Bredemann Mr. David B. Fallon Jr. Mr. Kenneth J. Kadleck Mr. S. T. Rill Mr. Thomas E. Schufreider Mr. Stephen A. Smith
Class of
Class Participation 10.7% I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. Roger P. Hickey L egris C ircle
Mr. David L. Hill Mr. James W. Lyman Mr. Robert T. O’Brien Jr. Mr. Edmund J. Orr Jr. Mr. William M. Sneed P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. James L. Brault Mr. Patrick J. Dolan Mr. James R. Schufreider Mr. Daniel L. Timm F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Fred J. Osborne Mr. Daniel B. Peterson Mr. James P. Walsh III P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John M. Berens Mr. Joseph S. Capitani Dr. Michael A. Cascio Mr. Timothy F. Foley
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. James A. Berardi Dr. Paul V. Fahrenbach Mr. David E. Haracz Mr. John P. Jennings M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Eugene J. Lenzi Mr. Timothy J. Maher Mr. Steve A. Michels
Class Participation 9.8% I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. T. David Van Zelst D u mbach C ircle
Mr. Bradford B. Couri H u mbert C ircle
Dr. David E. Blume Mr. Jose L. Ferrer Mr. Daniel C. Powers Mr. Walter J. Weglinski
Mr. Robert L. Michels
O ther D onors
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Terry E. Burke Mr. Kevin C. Hughes Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Mr. Daniel F. Marren Mr. Thomas P. McPike Mr. Christopher J. Paxson Mr. Francisco P. Quintanilla Mr. John C. Seeberg Mr. Steven W. Skinner
Mr. James P. Boyle Mr. Christopher S. Canning Mr. Joseph B. Carini III Mr. Thomas L. Harte Mr. Robert D. Horne
L egris C ircle
Mr. Ronald E. Banas
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. William C. Doyle D ean ’ s C l u b
Class of
Mr. Robert J. Dooley III Mr. Don J. Engels Jr. Dr. Mark J. Humenik Mr. Robert R. LeClercq III
Class Participation 10.1%
M aroon and G old C l u b
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Timothy J. Haggerty Mr. Daniel J. Kelly
Dr. John J. Cudecki F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Martin J. Bredemann Mr. Christopher W. Gardner Mr. Michael J. Kelly Mr. George C. Lyman III P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Michael S. Carlin Mr. Daniel W. Grombacher Mr. Thomas P. Phelan D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Michael J. Harrington Mr. Terence P. Kane Mr. Fred J. O’Connor Mr. Steven P. Petersen M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Edward L. Cooper III Mr. Robert M. Daly Mr. Mark T. Horton Mr. D. K. Houlihan Mr. G. Preston Kendall III R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Patrick J. Coleman Mr. Milton D. Flanagan Mr. William S. Galliani Mr. Louis J. Glunz IV Mr. Michael R. Huspek Mr. Anthony J. McKerr Mr. Timothy L. O’Brien Mr. John V. Owens Mr. Timothy G. Pontarelli Mr. William P. Spagnolo Mr. Kenneth P. Spina Mr. Robert E. Zahorik O ther D onors
Mr. Richard J. Dowdle Mr. Daniel A. Durkin Mr. Michael J. Dwyer Mr. Thomas E. Ganfield Mr. John D. Mitchell Mr. William J. O’Brien Mr. Daniel T. Schermerhorn
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Class of
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. David A. Bruhn Mr. George S. Connor Jr. Mr. Kevin P. Garvey Mr. Christopher P. Godziela Mr. Gregory P. Hahn Mr. Michael G. Helfenbein Mr. William B. Kelly Mr. Thomas J. Saletta Mr. Thomas W. Sexton III O ther D onors
Mr. Scott C. Bentivenga Mr. Joseph X. Cushing Mr. Patrick E. Feeley Mr. Craig D. Hesselberg Mr. Michael J. Kerrigan Mr. Robert J. Langill Mr. Frank J. San Roman Jr. Mr. Michael J. Sullivan Dr. Peter T. Vaselopulos
Class of
Class Participation 9.6% Xavier C ircle
Mr. Michael R. Mallahan Mr. Joseph P. Roddy D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Enrique Guevara Mr. Terrence M. Hill M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Sean C. O’Brien R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas M. Berens Mr. Charles E. Collopy Jr. Mr. James C. Dowdle Mr. Kevin G. Kuhn Rev. Thomas M. Mannebach Dr. Walter R. Petri Mr. John A. Tarvardian Dr. Roy P. Yanong O ther D onors
Dr. William J. Andrew Mr. Robert S. Boroff Mr. Mark F. Cassidy Mr. H. G. Clarke III Mr. David D. Di Paolo Mr. Daniel L. Douaire Jr. Mr. Mark W. Ferstel Mr. Mark F. Hayes Mr. Paul J. Hogan Mr. Thomas P. Kelly Mr. John G. Kyle Jr. Mr. Mark A. Mazur Mr. John A. Newman Mr. Lawrence G. O’Connell Mr. John D. O’Grady Mr. Todd M. Richmond
Class of
Class Participation 17.8% D u mbach C ircle
Mr. John C. Hitt Jr. Mr. Joseph M. Klauke Mr. Daniel L. Lyne Mr. Michael M. McGuire Mr. Patrick G. Meehan Mr. Robert H. Muriel Mr. Michael P. Murphy Mr. Raymond C. O’Byrne Mr. John R. Przypyszny O ther D onors
Mr. Kevin P. Clarke Mr. John T. Collins Mr. M. C. Conaghan Mr. Albert D. Connor Mr. John W. Craig Mr. Albert S. Cualoping Mr. Joseph P. Daly Mr. Anthony N. Florek Mr. Bryan M. Foley Mr. Daniel J. Galante Mr. Kevin G. Gleason Prof. Raymond M. Gorsline Mr. Terrence C. Hackett Mr. Michael D. Hart Mr. James P. Hinkamp Mr. John P. Huml Mr. Michael J. Kane Sr. Mr. Justin S. Latona Mr. John F. Lesner Mr. Anthony Luzin Jr. Mr. T. R. Mackin Jr. Mr. Patrick G. McDermott Mr. John P. O’Malley Mr. Robert J. Patton Mr. Timothy J. Reger Mr. Michael C. Rossetti Mr. John B. Sadler III Mr. John F. Schoen Mr. Jim E. Slingo Hon. David C. Sullivan Mr. Anthony R. Tomas Mr. Gary M. Tsoumas Mr. William J. Winger Jr.
Mr. Matthew T. Adler Mr. Patrick G. Shea Mr. T. S. Thompson P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. John J. Zimmermann Jr. F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Michael S. Flanagan Sr. Mr. John F. Kelly Mr. Patrick J. Lynch Mr. Eric J. Savage Mr. Joseph F. Scoby Mr. Christopher P. Valenti Mr. Terry R. Zeman P rincipal’ s C l u b
Anonymous (1)
Mr. Thomas N. FitzGibbon Mr. John F. Kane
P resident ’ s C ircle
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. Mr. Edward L. Hocter Sr.
Mr. Edward W. Hanhardt Mr. Paul F. O’Keefe
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. James M. Beck Mr. Edward F. Bowen Jr. Mr. John H. Compall Mr. Daniel Michalek Mr. Daniel J. Sullivan
Mr. D. S. Carr Mr. Matthew E. Collopy Mr. Timothy J. O’Donoghue Mr. Michael P. Rourke Mr. Robert G. Vanecko
P rincipal’ s C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Dr. William F. Burns Mr. Christopher J. Degenhardt Mr. Mario J. Donato
Mr. Fred L. Brandstrader Mr. Edward J. Brown Jr. Mr. James P. Gaughan Jr. Mr. Peter G. Haracz
Mr. Brian T. McCormack Mr. Christopher J. Prassas
Class of
M aroon and G old C l u b
Class Participation 9.1%
R ambler ’ s C l u b
D u mbach C ircle
Mr. Edward A. Chestnut L egris C ircle
Mr. James J. Higgins Mr. John W. Schmitt P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Andrew C. Goldberg Mr. James E. Masterson F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Daniel A. Kim Mr. Robert E. Largay Jr. Mr. Michael L. Monticello P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Robert J. Braasch Jr. Mr. Michael A. Herbert D ean ’ s C l u b
Anonymous (1) Mr. Michael P. Donato Mr. Steven E. Doran
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Brian L. Elliott Mr. Daniel Q. Herbert Mr. Nikolaos A. Vlahos Mr. John T. Buckman Mr. Andy M. Kohl Mr. Robert M. Ghislandi Mr. Timothy P. Kane Mr. Michael M. Reischl Mr. Thomas S. Souleles O ther D onors
Mr. Daniel T. Atkinson Mr. Martin L. Bartman Mr. Christopher F. Chmelar Mr. Steven J. Hartzer Mr. Mark J. Kuchuris Mr. Michael J. Latousek Mr. James W. Ostry Mr. Patrick T. Purdy Jr. Mr. Michael H. Stanton Mr. William J. Zigmond
Class of
Class Participation 6.7% P resident ’ s C ircle
M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. David A. Decker Jr.
Mr. W. D. Britt Mr. Michael P. McCarthy Mr. Charles K. Stevens
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
R ambler ’ s C l u b
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Paul J. Darling Mr. Michael R. Gervasio Mr. Christopher W. Rule Mr. Brian M. Schafer
Class Participation 6.5%
Mr. Phil Andrew Mr. Thomas J. Cleland Dr. Glynn J. Elliott III Mr. Kevin A. Krakora Dr. Reinhold H. Llerena Mr. Michael T. O’Regan Mr. William J. Spallone Mr. Paul C. Spellman
L egris C ircle
O ther D onors
Mr. Thomas W. Halloran Mr. Thomas J. Jackson
Mr. Mark A. Bernhard Scott B. Cienkus, MD Mr. Douglas J. Clingan Mr. Michael J. Craddock Mr. Christopher J. Dean Mr. Steven J. Habeck Mr. Daniel J. Osman Mr. Eugene M. Pilawski Mr. Thomas M. Prommer Mr. Christopher J. Shanahan
Mr. John C. Joyce L egris C ircle
Mr. Daniel M. McGowan Mr. Daniel K. Mennemeyer Mr. Timothy D. O’Brien Mr. James J. O’Gara Mr. Thomas M. Theisen Mr. Paul E. Thielemann
Class of
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. James B. Coleman Mr. John L. Kurkowski F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Raymond W. Boesen Mr. Daniel J. Garvey Mr. Edward W. McNabola Mr. Stephen R. Wetoska Mr. Keith R. Cienkus Mr. Michael J. Phelan D ean ’ s C l u b
Class Participation 7.0%
M aroon and G old C l u b
D u mbach C ircle
Mr. Robert T. Bielinski Mr. Philip J. Spagnolo
Mr. Hanley Dawson IV
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Larkin S. Flanagan
O ther D onors
Mr. John J. Gatti
D ean ’ s C l u b
Dr. James H. Black III Mr. Michael F. Borkowski Mr. Neal R. Brauweiler Mr. David M. Brown Mr. Phillip A. Pinello Mr. Timothy D. Spillane M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Phillip A. Couri Mr. Jeffrey J. Reichenbach R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Donal P. Barry Jr. Mr. Brett E. Kedzior O ther D onors
Class of
Mr. John J. Pikarski III
Mr. Robert J. Asakura Mr. James E. Dentzer Mr. Michael P. Keller Mr. James G. McCarthy Mr. Peter B. Migely
Mr. Christopher M. Novy Mr. Matthew J. Wetoska
H u mbert C ircle L egris C ircle
Mr. Douglas T. Thompson
Mr. J. M. Avila Mr. Daniel P. Dowling Mr. Michael P. Kyle Mr. Lawrence J. Mongoven Mr. Thomas E. Nowak Mr. Rene A. Sese Mr. Peter R. Vlerick
Class of
Class Participation 18.5%
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Brian L. Collins Mr. James G. Hagedorn
Mr. Daniel B. Cashion Mr. David N. Fritzsche Dr. George D. Tsonis
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. Leo T. Mahon Mr. James B. Novy Mr. James R. Sullivan Mr. Daniel J. Williams P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Peter T. Bowen Mr. David J. Burden Mr. Yung D. Kim Jr. D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Matthew J. Keefe Mr. George E. Sargent M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Andrew T. Cavallari Mr. Patrick J. Heneghan Mr. John C. Kinsella Mr. Thomas M. Pasquesi Mr. Sean P. Whalen R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. William C. Berghoff Mr. William H. Dale Jr. Mr. Brian C. Deasy Mr. Andrew J. Engels Mr. John P. Gallagher Mr. Patrick M. Garvey Mr. Roger J. Grabowski Jr. Mr. Brian M. Hayes Mr. Michael Lehman Mr. Gregory E. Matz Mr. Peter J. Prommer Mr. Kenneth W. Sain O ther D onors
Mr. Jamil A. Abdala Mr. Jonathan P. Arendt Mr. John W. Birmingham Mr. Adelqui J. Boué Mr. William R. Brandstrader Mr. John M. Briody Mr. James R. Calto Mr. Eric D. Carlson Mr. Gaetano V. Comerci Mr. Greg B. Curtis Mr. Atanu K. Das Mr. Timothy P. Devine Mr. Vincent P. Fattore Mr. Michael J. FitzGibbon Mr. Gregory J. Fraterrigo Mr. Kevin J. Gallery Mr. Edward A. Garcia Mr. Robert W. Harrer Mr. Michael E. Hogg Mr. Gerald J. Janowski Mr. Christopher P. Janson Mr. Michael J. Kadlec Mr. Peter J. Kane Mr. Thomas N. Kearney Mr. Michael M. MacGregor Mr. Joseph L. Marziani Mr. Stephen R. McCall Mr. Mark A. Meccia Dr. Philip J. Metres III Mr. Timothy P. Muldoon Mr. Michael J. Muriel Mr. James P. O’Reilly Mr. Jason P. Pompeii Mr. Paul L. Prikos Mr. Robert G. Ratcliffe III Mr. Sean M. Ronan Mr. Patrick V. Roppolo Mr. Lesley J. Seitzinger Mr. Matthew J. Smith Mr. Christopher C. Tomsheck Mr. David R. Turner Mr. Joseph M. Voss
Mr. Peter J. Wallin Mr. Paul W. Waring Dr. Christopher T. Youtsey
Class of
Class Participation 5.7% P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Erik E. Maurer Mr. Henry J. Munez F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Class of
Class Participation 2.7% L egris C ircle
Mr. Thomas L. Benedict R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Timothy M. Duet Mr. Michael Q. English Cdr. Michael P. O’Hara, USN O ther D onors
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. James M. Glascott Mr. Martin R. Phelan Mr. Dennis J. Verdico Mr. Benjamin C. Zorn
Mr. Richard W. Malek Mr. R. M. Murray
Class of
Mr. Patrick C. Magner Mr. Brian K. Stearney
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Richard E. Carrigan Mr. Patrick S. Kenney Mr. Paul L. Lynch M aroon and G old C l u b
Class Participation 5.4% L egris C ircle
Mr. Patrick S. Tray
Mr. Jason S. Baine Mr. David A. Behof
R ambler ’ s C l u b
P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Matthew T. Abrams Mr. John P. Ginley Mr. Michael P. Kailus, JD Mr. James B. Murray Jr. Mr. Sean E. Russell
Mr. James M. Baisley Jr.
O ther D onors
Mr. James P. Carroll Mr. Mathias A. Klein IV Dr. Todd C. Schirmang
Mr. Peter A. Berzins Dr. George T. Chiampas Mr. Daniel J. Langrill Mr. Mark J. Momongan Mr. James X. Sullivan Mr. Kevin P. Toomey
Class of
Class Participation 6.3% L egris C ircle
Mr. Gerard S. Leider Jr. D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Christopher J. Bender Mr. Stephen B. Crilly Mr. Bennett W. Dixon M aroon and G old C l u b
Dr. Christopher W. Edwards Mr. Dennis R. Stonequist R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Paul E. Bambrick-Santoyo Mr. Gregory D. Clingan Mr. Peter G. Lawrence Mr. Michael O’Shaughnessy Mr. Edward D. Webler O ther D onors
Mr. David J. Foley Mr. Alex N. Fritzsche Mr. Charles A. Giglio Jr. Mr. Jon P. Hirsch Mr. Michael A. Mackin Mr. Patrick M. Mahoney Mr. J. C. Matthews Mr. Christopher M. Murray Mr. Kurt W. Warnstedt
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Randy J. Roginski P rincipal’ s C l u b
D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Joseph F. Taylor M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Steven D. Baker, CPA Mr. C. B. Sethness R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Thomas J. Craddock Mr. Edward F. Fitzpatrick Mr. George A. Lane Mr. Daniel H. Plunkett Mr. Stephen E. Rigney Mr. Clancy E. Ryan O ther D onors
Mr. T. P. Byrnes Mr. Thomas S. Heidenrich Mr. Sukhmeet Singh
Class of
Class Participation 16.2% F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Daniel I. Burns P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. William D. Drehkoff Jr. D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Sean L. Cunningham Mr. James E. McNulty M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. David J. Egan R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Peter W. Ahern Mr. Robert M. Desherow Mr. Ziv G. Lalich Mr. Mark J. Marinacci Mr. Mark J. Smolenski
O ther D onors
Mr. Ryan E. Agulo Mr. David R. Brown Mr. Michael B. Burke Mr. Christopher J. Close Mr. Michael W. Corr Mr. Brian M. Dempsey Mr. Alexander C. Denja Mr. Jamie J. Dihiansan Mr. Daniel J. Dunn Mr. Terrence L. Dunn Jr. Mr. John E. Dwyer Mr. Matthew W. Egan Mr. Sean F. Fearon Mr. Robert W. Fincutter Mr. William T. Fitzpatrick Mr. Ryan T. Gallagher Mr. Matthew T. Haughey Mr. Erich K. Haupt Mr. Alexander Ingles Mr. Jason P. Jimenez Mr. Jeffery J. Johnson Mr. Ramsen A. Kasha Mr. Brian S. Kelley Mr. Timothy J. Kelley Mr. John P. Kleiderer Mr. John M. Lafferty Jr. Mr. Keith Lambert Mr. Jay Lavender Mr. Ryan T. Leonard Mr. Jeremy W. Lyons Mr. Luke E. Lyons Mr. Brendan C. McCarthy Mr. Arthur R. McGivern Mr. Geoffrey M. Miller Mr. Robert J. O’Brien III Mr. Brian P. O’Meara Mr. Mark C. Passerini Mr. Jason M. Penyich Mr. David J. Petitti Mr. David W. Pryzbyla Mr. Andrew M. Raucci Jr. Mr. Michael T. Roche Mr. Matthew J. Schabes Mr. Jack J. Schwieger Mr. Navin K. Setia Mr. Andrew G. Wald Mr. Mark J. Watychowicz
Class of
Class of
F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Sean P. Eirich Mrs. Eleanor G. Hall Mrs. Elizabeth A. Marut Ms. Colin C. McCourt Ms. Joan E. Spiotto
Mr. Ryan M. O’Donnell
O ther D onors
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Class of
Capt. Patrick J. Fahey, USMC Ms. Emily L. Farrell Mr. Ryan J. Flood Mr. Curt N. Foxx Mr. John A. Hundrieser Mr. Martin G. Jennings Mrs. Megan Kate McIntire Ms. Colleen E. Meszaros Mrs. Christine M. Vegosen
Class Participation 2.5%
Class of
Class Participation 0.9%
Mr. Theodore C. Kalmbach Mr. Connor J. Riley O ther D onors
Mr. Christian M. Felix
P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Matthew C. Brett Mr. John M. Michalik D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Stephen L. Goering R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Patrick J. Lahey Mr. Steven C. Schick Mr. Andrew T. White O ther D onors
Mr. Mark C. Baby Ms. Winifred W. Chane Mr. John F. McKinney Mr. Fritz V. Wilson Class of
Class Participation 4.1% I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. Jack R. Jennings P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Peter C. Lee Mr. Conor R. O’Brien M aroon and G old C l u b
Class Participation 5.2%
Mr. John L. Hammond III Mr. Christopher M. Hunt Mr. Michael P. McHugh Mr. Padraic F. Stanton
M aroon and G old C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Jason E. Schmitt
Mr. David K. Jochum Mr. Michael P. Moran Mr. Kevin R. Murphy Mr. Marc Zahr
R ambler ’ s C l u b
Anonymous (1) Mr. Richard L. Fitzgerald Mr. Robert B. Flannery III Mr. Brian R. Hopman Mr. Michael C. King Mr. Edward I. Marut O ther D onors
Mr. Adrian R. Autry Mr. Daniel M. Braasch Mr. Thomas J. Brinkworth Mr. Scott A. Girard Mr. Ryan E. Kehoe Mr. William P. Kelly Mr. Paul J. Lisowski Mr. Christopher D. McHugh Mr. Barrett M. O’Donovan Mr. Robert J. Tierney
R ambler ’ s C l u b
O ther D onors
Mr. Finley W. Brown III Mr. Michael L. DeMarino Mr. John Paul LaCorcia Ms. Alison E. Mitchell Ms. Sally A. O’Brien Ms. Cecelia M. Ungari-Hoskins Mr. Xavier Vazquez-Gil
Class of
Class Participation 3.4% P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Jerome F. Crotty D ean ’ s C l u b
Mrs. Courtney L. Murphy
Class Participation 4.7% P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Michael A. Salvatore D ean ’ s C l u b
Ms. Christine M. Collins R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Patrick J. Andrus Mrs. Carolyn E. Caruso Mr. Daniel S. Caruso Mr. Joshua A. Dunn Mrs. Margaret Mary A. Hammond Mr. Evan J. Hoobchaak Mr. Timothy D. Lahey Mr. Kevin A. Oldenburg Mr. Patrick V. White Mr. James C. Wilhelm O ther D onors
Anonymous (1) Mr. Anwar Ali Ms. Emily A. Bestvina Mrs. Kathryn E. Birch Mr. Christopher J. Callahan Mrs. Victoria A. Curry Mr. Andrew J. Franger Mrs. Alison C. Girard Ms. Kathleen C. Reynolds Ms. Kristin L. Ulaszek Mrs. Elizabeth P. Watson
Class of
Class Participation 4.0% F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Michael A. Gramins P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Patrick J. Collins Mr. Adrian Guerrero Mr. Jason J. Hough M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Matthew A. Cook R ambler ’ s C l u b
Ms. Mary Jean Candioto Mrs. Kelly A. Caruso Mr. Michael P. Caruso Mr. John W. Kelly Mrs. Isabelle Mason Ms. Maura M. McIntyre Ms. Laura M. Reardon Mr. Christopher W. Stephens Mrs. Mairghread R. Wycklendt
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13
Class of 2000 continued
O ther D onors
Mr. Charles N. Allworth Jr. Mr. Richard J. Brennen III Mr. Joseph B. Kennedy Ms. Shannon D. Kenny Ms. Meghan L. Koeppel Mr. Owen J. Kopon Ms. Kaitlin A. Kratzmeyer Mr. Kyle P. Martin Mr. Richard W. Mortell III Ms. Kelly A. Petersen Dr. Patrick J. Ryan Ms. Heather J. Scoby Mr. Patrick J. Slattery
L egris C ircle
Class of
O ther D onors
Ms. Marie Jochum Ms. Carolyn Kozlak Ms. Lia M. La Monica Ms. Jennette C. McCloskey Ms. Mary Kate K. Radelet
Class of Class Participation 5.7% Mr. Peter A. Frantz II P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Matthew B. FitzSimons D ean ’ s C l u b
Ms. Margaret S. Hermes Mr. Daniel J. Valenti M aroon and G old C l u b
Mrs. Caroline F. Newell R ambler ’ s C l u b
Ms. Cathleen M. Cramer Mr. James P. Hickey Jr. Mr. Matthew F. Lunkes Mrs. Erin K. Shea Hauri Ms. Katherine T. Vega Mr. Edward J. Wehmer Jr. O ther D onors
Mr. James M. Binsfeld Mr. John J. Czerwionka Mr. Francis A. Gesualdo Ms. Jessica E. Godwin Ms. Katheryn V. Goodrich Mrs. Colleen M. Kuhlmann Mr. Terence J. Kuhlmann Mr. Alexander P. Maier Mrs. Aileen M. McAnally Ms. Mary C. Mortell Mrs. Nell C. O’Connor Mr. William G. O’Connor Mr. Sean F. Sloan Mr. Timothy J. Smith Mr. Christopher T. Storey
Class of
Class Participation 5.4% F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Patrick J. Tierney P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. Daniel W. Cagney Mr. Derek A. Klein D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. Michael P. Culhane M aroon and G old C l u b
Mrs. Hillary A. Bufalino Mr. Michael P. Bufalino Mrs. Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Jerome A. Espino Mr. Jonathan W. Jamieson Dr. Lesley J. Luka Mr. Thomas P. Murphy Mrs. Erin M. Ray Mr. James P. Suehr
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
Class Participation 4.5% P rincipal’ s C l u b
Anonymous (1) D ean ’ s C l u b
Ms. Kate E. Valenti M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Mark A. Lewandowski R ambler ’ s C l u b
Miss Amy E. Babington Ms. Celine Cannizzaro Ms. Megan A. Doherty Mrs. Danielle M. Kelly Mr. Steven J. Lesniak Ms. Laura Navarre O ther D onors
Mr. David C. Baine Ms. Anne Candioto Mr. Stephen J. Canzona Mr. Matthew T. Coffey Mr. John C. Criezis Mr. Michael J. Ireland Mr. Matthew C. Jamieson Ms. Rachel C. Kopczyk Mrs. Clare C. Marlin Ms. Caitlin A. Moran Mr. Joseph J. Nimrod IV Ms. Kate E. Schulte Mr. Bryan M. Tews
Class of
Class Participation 3.4% P rincipal’ s C l u b
Ms. Morgan Brunelli O ther D onors
Mr. Kevin Binder Mr. Daniel Breslin Mr. James Bretz Mrs. Laura C. Bretz Mr. Thomas J. Bufalino Ms. Julie Collins Mrs. Emily Fiorilli Ms. Robyn Jennings Mr. Daniel Kozlak Ms. Gabriella I. Lenzi Mr. Robert E. Lofgren Mr. Joseph Peedikayil Mr. Mark Reagan Ms. Sheridan Root Mr. Peter F. Steger II Mr. Steven Tazalla
Class of
Class Participation 4.0% P rincipal’ s C l u b
1st Lt. Michael K. Murtaugh, USN R ambler ’ s C l u b
Ms. Mary C. Casey Mr. Christopher M. Cichon Mr. Michael L. McIntyre O ther D onors
Ms. Ashley R. Blume Mr. Patrick Caruso Ms. Stephanie R. M. Couzin Ms. Colleen M. Desmond Ms. Katie K. Digan Mr. Christopher R. Heredia Mr. Thomas J. Hermes Mr. Michael T. Jelinske Ms. Kathryn E. Johnson Ms. Maureen C. Lanigan Mr. John P. Marlin Mr. Connor J. McMenamin Ms. Maureen M. Schulte Ms. Jennifer Seeberg Ms. Meghan C. Tighe Ms. Erin M. Wehmer
Class of
Class Participation 3.9% M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Mark McGuire R ambler ’ s C l u b
Ms. Christina T. Arrom Ms. Meghan K. Healy Mrs. Katherine C. Kragh-Buetow Ms. Megan J. McLaughlin Mr. Jordan M. Wyrwa O ther D onors
Ms. Kimberly A. Bauer Mr. Peter M. Berg Mr. Kevin A. Bufalino Mr. Patrick J. Cagney Ms. Mary K. Dwyer Mr. Michael B. Eisinger Ms. Suzanne R. Joyce Mr. Rory P. Kenny Ms. Anne M. Laughlin Ms. Elizabeth J. Maddock Mr. Daniel Mortell Ms. Kaitlyn E. Nierzwicki Ms. Colleen A. Pastuovic Mr. Jeffrey R. Skowera
Class of
Class Participation 4.3% P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Jaemo Chang M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Michael F. LeFevour R ambler ’ s C l u b
Ms. Jacqueline M. Cichon O ther D onors
Ms. Amy L. Bilek Ms. Abigail R. Carney Mr. Ryan M. Freedman
Ms. Erin L. Gorman Ms. Hope H. Holmberg Ms. Meghan E. Huffman Ms. Kathryn A. Kennedy Ms. Nora K. Koziol Ms. Clare P. Lanctot Mr. Malcolm A. Maier Mr. Peter McMenamin Mr. James Melia Mr. Edwin O’Connor Ms. Louise Reynolds Ms. Laura Schramm Mr. John J. Smith Ms. Jessica Stevens Ms. Mary A. Wehmer
Class of
Class Participation 5.9% M aroon and G old C l u b
Ms. Lauren N. Kus R ambler ’ s C l u b
Ms. Hannah E. Cushing Mr. Matthew D. Gabinski O ther D onors
Ms. Kiley C. Bielecki-Mooney Ms. Meghan E. Borah Ms. Natalie A. Borzeka Ms. Bridget M. Bredemann Mr. Timothy R. Compernolle Mr. Patrick R. Eisinger Ms. Kathleen R. Ford Mr. James L. Fox III Mr. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. Patrick W. Kasten Ms. Kristin S. Kirland Mr. Paul E. Kubasiak Ms. Megan E. Lyman Mr. Terence P. Mahoney Mr. Marcus P. Maier Mr. Ryan T. Martin Ms. Meghan T. McVary Ms. Erin E. Mueller Mr. Timothy P. O’Brien Ms. Laura M. Pastuovic Ms. Jacqueline E. Pasulka Mr. Timothy J. Person Ms. Gia M. Puch Mr. Daniel J. Ryan Mr. Harry E. Sullivan IV Mr. Brian W. Tower
Class of
Class Participation 0.4% R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. Alec J. Kosminskas O ther D onors
Ms. Caitlin E. Desmond
Class of
Class Participation 0.8% D ean ’ s C l u b
Ms. Alicia J. Hoag Mr. Edward L. Hocter Jr. O ther D onors
Mr. Thomas M. Connelly Mr. Steven M. Freedman
Class of
Class Participation 2.6% M aroon and G old C l u b
Mr. Robert T. Kus R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. John P. Weisenberger O ther D onors
Ms. Lauren R. Marino Ms. Estelle A. Pappas
Class of
Class Participation 2.4% O ther D onors
Anonymous (1) Mr. William G. Bobrinskoy Mr. Fintan J. Donnelly Ms. Bridget R. Galassini Ms. Madeline M. Green Ms. Kathryn L. Hughes Ms. Christine R. Johnson Mr. Matthew E. McBride Mr. Robert J. Murray Mr. Derek E. Schmitz Ms. Megan M. Szurgot Ms. Elizabeth A. Wuertz
Class of
Class Participation 38.0% h u mbert circle
Anonymous P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. John W. O’Sullivan O ther D onors
Ms. Emily L. Affinito Ms. Steffani A. Alexander Ms. Mary A. Antar Mr. Alexander C. Armstrong Mr. Harrison P. Armstrong Ms. Frances M. Avery Mr. Preston N. Babcock Ms. Jenna M. Bagley Mr. Matthew J. Bahmandeji Mr. Richard C. Bailey Mr. John Ball Ms. Erica A. Barger Ms. Margaret C. Benson Mr. Thomas Bernacki Mr. Matthew D. Boyle Mr. Tris A. Bucaro Ms. Rorie M. Buchanan Mr. Joseph E. Burke Ms. Casey E. Burns Ms. Erin Buscemi Mr. Barrett E. Busscher Ms. Meghan M. Byrne Mr. Vincent B. Capodanno Ms. Katherine S. Cha Mr. Forrest D. Christensen Ms. Jennifer M. Cichon Ms. Julia C. Clafford Ms. Fiona M. Collins Mr. Daniel J. Connolly Mr. Jack P. Considine Ms. Anna E. Conway Ms. Emily M. Conway Mr. Matthew J. Cormier Ms. Anna C. Cox Ms. Mia Cudecki
Mr. Jeffrey W. Curran Ms. Therese M. Cushing Ms. McKenna R. Damon Mr. Patrick Dancer Ms. Sophia M. Day Ms. Hope F. Di Paolo Ms. Moira K. Dillon Ms. Katherine Dolan Mr. Michael A. Donato Ms. Brigid Dowdle Ms. Emily Drouillard Mr. Samuel Durkin Mr. Scott Durning Mr. Michal Dwojak Ms. Elizabeth K. Ebert Ms. Katherine L. Eilers Mr. Paul El Zoghbi Mr. Geremias Fesalvo Ms. Haley J. Fischer Ms. Grace E. Foley Mr. Luke J. Ford Ms. Mary Therese Forsyth Mr. Michael P. Fox Ms. Virginia A. Fox Ms. Austen C. Friend Ms. Therese Gaffney Mr. Charles Gamber Mr. Daniel Gardner Ms. Jennifer G. Gault Ms. Samari L. Gilbert Mr. Brian T. Ginley Mr. Aidan M. Gleber Mr. Patrick H. Gordon Ms. Shannon P. Gorman Ms. Victoria Graham Mr. Patrick C. Griffin Ms. Charlotte A. Griffith Mr. Thomas J. Groden Mr. Pawel Gucik Ms. Angelia Hanhardt Mr. Robert E. Harrington III Ms. Madeleine O. Hartmann Mr. Zachary N. Hayes Ms. Martha M. Hick Mr. John E. Hickey Mr. Michael H. Hickey Mr. John H. Hocter Ms. Tara M. Honda Ms. Kara M. Hoy Mr. Daniel B. Huffman Mr. Michael J. Hultquist Ms. Megan P. Hussey Ms. Shannon K. Jacobs Ms. Laura M. Jacobson Mr. Michael M. Jamieson Mr. Justin T. Johnson Mr. Andrew N. Jovanovic Mr. Levvin C. Juarez Ms. Sarah M. Kendzior Ms. Clare E. Kennedy Ms. Kathleen M. Kenny Ms. Emma K. Kerrigan Mr. Henry W. Klauke Mr. Kevin F. Knoll Ms. Caroline M. Kolada Ms. Erin K. Kollar Mr. James J. Kuczynski Mr. Robert F. Kummerer Ms. Aleksandra K. Kurzydlowski Ms. Teresa M. Lally Ms. Jennifer N. Laxner Ms. Ji Eun Lee Ms. Julianna A. Lee Ms. Brittany A. Lodarek Ms. Jessica Lomibao Mr. Thomas J. Lyman IV Ms. Kathleen A. Lynch Ms. Rachel F. Macam Ms. Haley B. Mack Ms. Mary C. Mahoney Mr. James Mangan Ms. Kristin M. Marren Ms. Megan A. Marren
Mr. Daniel R. Martin Ms. Rose McBride Mr. James V. McCabe Mr. Ryan T. McGarvey Ms. Michelle K. McGuire Ms. Kelly D. McKeough Mr. Corey J. Meehan Mr. Chris Mergenthaler Ms. Lauren A. Michels Ms. Hannah R. Miller Mr. Seth Miller Ms. Dorothy J. Mims Mr. Blake T. Morgan Ms. Krista N. Morgan Mr. Brendan P. Murphy Ms. Molly Murphy Mr. Robert B. Murphy Ms. Amanda Neri Ms. Meredith Novak Mr. Alexei S. O’Brien Ms. Kristen N. O’Brien Ms. Meredith R. O’Brien Ms. Emily R. Ocwieja Ms. Danielle C. Oddo Ms. Brighid A. O’Donoghue Ms. Mary Claire O’Malley Mr. Ryan J. Orloski Mr. John O’Sullivan Mr. Ian P. Pappas Mr. Matthew J. Petersen Mr. Jack M. Picchietti Ms. Allison A. Pierce Ms. Shannon A. Pierce Mr. Benedikt Pleuhs Ms. Hannah L. Post Mr. Richard T. Poulton Mr. Peter E. Pujals Ms. Erin Quinn Mr. Nicholas A. Rejebian Mr. Timothy Reynolds Mr. Robert A. Richards Ms. Margaret C. Ritzenthaler Ms. Brenda Rivas Ms. Casiana E. Rocca Ms. Megan M. Rogers-Reilley Mr. Patrick M. Rourke Mr. John P. Rushin Mr. Timothy J. Ryan Jr. Ms. Maura A. Sanborn Mr. Sean R. Sanborn Mr. Michael B. Schiappa Ms. Anna M. Schueler Mr. Charles J. Schufreider Ms. Bridget N. Sebby Mr. Ryan P. Seymour Ms. Margaret S. Simons Ms. Cailin P. Smith Mr. Nathan S. Sonnier Ms. Tierney Stein Ms. Jamie E. Stoner Mr. Kyle T. Strobel Mr. Gavin S. Sullivan Mr. Matthew J. Sullivan Ms. Evan C. Swenson Mr. William S. Thies II Ms. Gretchen Thomas Mr. Joseph R. Tomaska III Mr. Jack R. Tower Ms. Christina N. Ulowetz Ms. Mary K. Vanecko Mr. Oscar Y. Villagran Ms. Nyaluma Wagala Mr. Conor K. Walsh Mr. Connor J. Watts Ms. Ruth Weschler Ms. Emily F. White Ms. Alexis M. Wilk Ms. Elizabeth R. Wittenberg Ms. Catherine P. Yardley Mr. Nathan W. Yasko Mr. Gabriel Yousif Ms. Olivia S. Zimmermann Mr. Jacob T. Zinkula
Graduate Parents and Friends I gnati u s C ircle
Mr. Philip H. Corboy RIP Mrs. Isabel E. Gallagher RIP Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Xavier C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci Jr. RIP and Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Amb. James C. Kenny and Mrs. Margaret M. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. Harry Staffileno RIP Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan D u mbach C ircle
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan H u mbert C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Darragh Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis Mrs. Lauretta Langan RIP Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Mr. and Mrs. James A. McShane Ms. Sarah J. Nolan Mr. Thomas H. Nolan Jr. Ms. Mary Jane O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perry Mrs. Marilee Stepan Wehman Ms. Amy M. Welzer L egris C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Borders Mr. and Mrs. James F. DeRose Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond Mr. and Mrs. William M. Doyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George El Zoghbi Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Jr. Rev. Theodore G. Munz, SJ Ms. Rosemary O’Neil Mr. Timothy Russell Mr. Martin J. Stock Mr. and Mrs. David W. Terrell Mr. and Mrs. John P. Terzis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Thalmann III Ms. Suzy F. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb P resident ’ s C ircle
Mrs. Misook Ahn Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Becker Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Bufalino Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Dancer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dwyer Mrs. Elizabeth Finzer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fullman Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gault Mrs. Mary Beth Ginley
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jackson Mr. David M. Kavanagh and Ms. Mary M. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Maurer Mr. Maurice W. McGrath RIP Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Spence Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Steele F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Avery Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Ms. Patricia M. Bidwill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bindley Mr. Richard D. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Costello Ms. Sharon DeRosa and Mr. Rich Ostrom Ms. Deeanne DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drouillard Ms. Christine Dwyer Mr. John Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flannery Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. John B. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hoesley Mr. and Mrs. Dean Honda Mr. Francis Jules Ms. Jennifer Just Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kadison Mrs. Elizabeth I. Keyser Ms. Elisa Kline Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Kus Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marren Mr. and Mrs. James V. Martin Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marut Mr. and Mrs. John K. McMahon Mrs. William B. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mitchell Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Mulroe Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Nigh Mr. Carey Orr and Ms. Colleen Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas Mr. and Mrs. David P. Radelet Ms. Susan D. Romanski Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. Dr. James H. Toraason and Dr. Deborah A. Toraason P rincipal’ s C l u b
Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William S. Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Babington Mr. and Mrs. Forrest D. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Carbonari Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Croisant Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Crotty Mr. and Mrs. John L. Demand II Mrs. Colleen M. Detjen Mr. Steve Donisch Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Falcone Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. David F. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Quentin C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Kendzior Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Koley Mr. Grant A. Krafft and Ms. Patricia C. Cain Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor III Drs. Robert and Elaine Lee Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rogoz Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Romer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Karl Slowiak Mr. Mike Stone Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Vender Mr. John T. Walsh D ean ’ s C l u b
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Abendshien Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Annotti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Mr. Peter Beale-DelVecchio Mrs. Mary Boyle Mr. Robert D. Boyle RIP Mr. Ted Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Brian Butler Mr. Joseph B. Carini Jr. and Mrs. Barbara Carini RIP Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cassady Mr. and Mrs. Tip Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Doherty Mr. Robert B. Egan Mrs. Mary L. Feeley Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Gabbard Ms. Mary Gauntner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Godward Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Havey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hogan Mr. Ralph J. Iacono Mrs. Patricia Keeley Mrs. Ann Klein Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lipton Mrs. Katherine Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McCaskey Mrs. Betty A. McDonnell Mr. John F. McDonnell RIP Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morand Mrs. Kathryn Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Neckermann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. Paloian Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke Dr. Shirley A. Roy and Dr. J. Fred McLimore RIP Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Lesley G. Seitzinger Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shaeffer Mr. Bernard Shapiro and Ms. Mary McGinn Br. James E. Small, SJ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Tilmont Mr. John J. Vitanovec and Mrs. Kathleen A. Geary Vitanovec Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Webler Mr. and Mrs. Kenn A. Wolf M aroon and G old C l u b
Anonymous (1) Ms. Ann Acker Ms. Mary Bienemann Mr. and Mrs. Andrzej Bil Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Calderon Mr. Robert J. Creeden Jr. RIP and Mrs. Victoria Creeden Mr. Paul J. Curl Mrs. Maureen B. Hajduk Mr. J. Michael Joyce IV Mrs. Joan Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lanigan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Linke Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lynch Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Magner Jr. Mr. Ernesto Reyes Ms. Laura A. Reyes Dr. and Mrs. Donald Szachowicz Ms. Mary P. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. James M. Vaughan R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Abercrombie Mr. David K. Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angarone Mr. and Mrs. George Antar Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Babcock Sr. Mrs. Doris Bachman Mr. and Mrs. James M. Baisley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Ball Ms. Susan M. Benton Mr. and Mrs. John S. Benway Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Buckman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carlson Mr. Domingo J. Carreira Mr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Clingan Jr. Mr. Bill Coumas Ms. Susan Curran Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. DeGiulio Mr. Matthew Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dooley Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dutmers Dr. and Mrs. James D. Eggers Mr. Donald J. Engels Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Farina Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Garippo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Gariti Mr. Rick Gayeski Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Grabowski Mrs. Rose Anne Grimes Mr. Denis J. Healy Mrs. Barbara Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roderick G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. King Mr. and Mrs. Casimir J. Kotowski Mr. and Mrs. Konstanty E. Krylow Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Mr. and Mrs. R. Kevin Lane Mrs. Monique J. Lawless Mr. and Mrs. Marc H. Levison Mr. Randy Lindenberg Mr. Joseph Lombardo Ms. Nancy A. Lyon Mr. Thomas A. Matheson Mr. Russell K. Mayerfeld Mr. and Mrs. John R. McCambridge Mr. and Mrs. William G. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. John A. Muntean Dr. Joseph R. Nora Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Brien Mrs. Nancy O’Connor Mr. Sean Palacios Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petros Mr. Jay Pezza Mr. Christopher B. Powers Mr. Andrew K. Prindable Ms. C. F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. David S. Richter Mr. Jeffrey R. Rosenthal Dr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Saksena Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Salk Mr. and Mrs. David Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Spellman Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Spoo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stark
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13
Graduate Parents and Friends continued Mr. and Mrs. Harlan TenPas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tomaska Ms. Colleen Treutler Mrs. Erlene Vandenbranden Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. White Mr. and Mrs. John R. Windlinger Mr. Kenneth C. Witry Mr. Donald C. Yi Ms. Ann Zdeb Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zdeb O ther D onors
Ms. Julie Africk Mr. Ernest R. Akemann and Dr. Sandra Akemann Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Albrecht Mr. Peter Alex Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Anthony Ms. Josephine Augustyn Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Baby Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James Begley Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Jason Berne Mrs. Joyce Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. David J. Blockowicz Ms. Mary R. Blumer Reed Ms. Sandra C. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Braun Mrs. Millie C. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bright Ms. Ann T. Brunett Mr. and Mrs. John R. Buchanan Ms. Christina Burke Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Canel Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Caulfield Mrs. Michelle Ciabattari Ms. Andrea Ciolino Mr. and Mrs. John Clafford Mr. and Mrs. James F. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Clissold Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cogan Ms. Katherine M. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Collins Mr. Kevin Connolly and Ms. Linda Rohaly Mr. and Mrs. William F. Conrick Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Cook Ms. Moira Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios A. Criezis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Curran Ms. Wendy David Mr. and Mrs. Vincent De Vito Mr. and Mrs. Ronald de Vlam Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Delaney Mrs. Patricia Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Marty DeRoin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Doane Mrs. Jean R. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Duffy Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Eirich Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Ellen Mrs. Kathy Erlenbaugh Mrs. Madeleine Felix Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fernstrum Mr. Jim B. Ford RIP Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Ford Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Fordon Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Fox Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fox Mr. William O. Fox Mr. Mark Franzen Mr. and Mrs. William Fredrick
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froehlich Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Funkhouser Mr. and Mrs. John P. Galante Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Garvey Mrs. Geri M. Gaughan Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Gehrke Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gescheidle Mr. Samuel Gilbert and Ms. Jennifer Lee Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Girgenti Ms. Nancy Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Scott Graf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gross Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gryll Mr. and Mrs. Janusz Gucik Ms. Jacqueline Gunn Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hagnell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hancir Ms. Pamela Hannon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hengelmann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Rich Hill Mrs. Ann Hillenbrand Mrs. Janice Hinsdale Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hipskind Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hirschle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Hofmeister Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Holy Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hoover Ms. Patricia C. Horne Mr. Reid A. Hyams and Mrs. Cyndi J. Risley-Hyams Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hynes Ms. Maudlyne I. Ihejirika Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. James Mr. Gregory Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaczmarek Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kearns Ms. Barbara R. Kelly Mr. Donald G. Kempf Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kenny Ms. Eben Kent Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. King Dr. and Mrs. David A. Klodd Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kohl Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kollar Mr. Fred Kolokotrones and Ms. Kelly Jackson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kopczyk Ms. Maria Koster Mr. Raymond T. Krewer Ms. Susan S. Krieg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuczynski Mr. Philip LaBerge Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Lally Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lander Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Lariviere Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Lenzi Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Lisle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Los Mr. and Mrs. William Louis-Charles Mrs. Marjorie L. Luken Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Maddock Mr. John M. Mahowald Mrs. Kathleen D. Mahowald Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Maloney Hon. Daniel G. Martin and Rev. Carmen A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Maschek Prof. and Mrs. John H. Matheson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maunsell Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark May Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McBride Mr. Michael McGreal Mrs. K. F. McGuinn Mr. and Mrs. Edward McHale Mrs. Henry McIntosh
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McVary Ms. Katherine Meeker Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Melnick Mrs. Sally J. Mesa Mr. Kenneth Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Michalak Mrs. Virginia K. Michel Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mikucki Ms. Ann Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kurt J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Miller Mr. Lawrence Montalto Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morgan Jr. Dr. John B. Murphy Mr. Morgan Murphy and Hon. Lisa Ruble-Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Murphy Mrs. William D. Murphy Mr. Lawrence W. Murray Ms. Donna Nadel Ms. Carol S. Nee Mrs. Richard Nell Mr. and Mrs. David A. Noll Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Novak Ms. Blair Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. O’Connell Ms. Loretta A. O’Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Olofson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pals Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Papastefan Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Partyka Ms. Mary Pawlowski Mr. and Mrs. Gamini J. Perera Ms. Mary H. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Peters Ms. Mary L. Philipp Ms. Agnes L. Piszczek Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard W. Pleuhs Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Pujals Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Reger Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Rejebian Ms. Kimberley Ribordy Mr. Michael Riley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rinozzi Mrs. Phyllis Rivera Ms. Sheila Robbins Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roever III Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rogers Jr. Mr. Paul M. Rollins Mrs. Carita Rothing Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saccommano Mr. and Mrs. John A. Saladino Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Sarthy Ms. Barbara J. Scheidt Mr. and Mrs. Lohtar Schick Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt Dr. Kenneth D. Schmidt Mr. Peter Schoonmaker Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Schuering Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scichili Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Short Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Smith Ms. Kara M. Snyder and Ms. Brooke A. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. John Sonnier Ms. Ruth Soto Mr. and Mrs. William M. Speth III Mr. and Mrs. John W. Spoeri Mr. Donald E. Sprague Mrs. John Q. Springer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Strobel
Dr. Thomas Strunk and Ms. Jamie Leslie Mr. and Mrs. John Sutehall Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Tazalla Mr. John Terry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Tidei Ms. Erin B. Timm Ms. Katherine A. Tracy Ms. Marguerite Treacy Mr. Yevgeny Tsyrulnikov and Ms. Olena Dryzhakova Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Ulaszek Mr. Joseph Ulowetz and Ms. Mary R. Savitsky-Ulowetz Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Valdez Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vanecko Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vasiljevich Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Veech Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Velde Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Vesperman Mr. and Mrs. Ilmar Vilcins Mr. and Mrs. David Vreeland Ms. Jean Wade Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Wagner Ms. Lonie J. Walker Ms. Alison L. Walsh Ms. Laura J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Kevin White Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Whitehand Nat Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wilk Ms. Cheryl Wilks Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Woodworth Mr. and Mrs. Nick Zagotta Mr. John P. Zimmer and Ms. Paula M. Kowalkowski
Employees L egris C ircle
Mr. David A. Behof ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan F o u nder ’ s C l u b
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Culhane Mr. Christopher K. Howe Ms. Catherine A. Kendrigan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Taylor D ean ’ s C l u b
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Flinchum Ms. Mary Just Ms. Melissa Krein Mr. Timothy Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schniedwind ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stoner M aroon and G old C l u b
Dr. Kathryn M. Baal Mrs. Susan Beerhorst Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Mrs. Rosanne Coury Mr. Charles W. Heintz and Ms. Erin Melley Mr. and Mrs. Angelo P. Manis Mr. Mark McGuire ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Penna Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 Mrs. Colleen M. Whelan R ambler ’ s C l u b
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Alexopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Atwood Mr. Lyle E. Baier Jr.
Organizations Mr. and Mrs. Marc Butvilas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cramer Mr. Robert M. Desherow ‘93 Ms. Joan M. Dowdle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gorman Ms. Patricia A. Griffith and Mr. Thomas Moore Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hahn ‘81 Mr. Joseph Haney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Kane ‘86 Mr. Mark R. Lawson Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ Ms. Selina E. McGuire Mrs. Nicole G. McKendry Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morrissey Mr. Phil Nieman and Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan Mrs. Erin K. Shea-Hauri ‘01 Mrs. Jennifer L. Snyder LdM ‘90 Mr. Christopher W. Stephens ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. David Wick O ther D onors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aufderheide ‘85 Mr. William R. Brandstrader and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM ‘84 Rev. Peter W. Breslin, SJ Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cerney ‘74 Mrs. Lynn M. Composto Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dwyer III ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gleber Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Jennings ‘98 Mrs. Maria LaTorraca Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mahoney ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. McNulty Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Sassen Mr. and Mrs. Lesley J. Seitzinger ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tsakalios Mrs. Laura A. Yasko
I gnati u s C ircle
Anonymous (1) Helen V. Brach Foundation Globe Foundation Kampen Family Foundation PotashCorp Smithereen Pest Management ViBern Foundation Xavier C ircle
Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Loyola Academy Jesuit Community McNamara Purcell Foundation National Philanthropic Trust D u mbach C ircle
Anonymous (1) Catholic Church Extension Society Columbus Vegetable Oils Couri Family Foundation Franczek Radelet PC Higher Path Foundation Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Ann and Robert H. Lurie Foundation Sanborn Family Foundation Fred B. Snite Foundation H u mbert C ircle
Anonymous (1) C2 Foundation The William and Kathy Doyle Foundation Foley Management International, Inc. John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund Daniel M. Kerrane Jr. Foundation The William F. O’Connor Foundation PCS Administration (USA), Inc. Ryan Enterprises Corporation Dr. Scholl Foundation Wintrust Financial Corporation L egris C ircle
Anonymous (1) Andersen Office Interiors Ayco Charitable Foundation CDVSJ Foundation Michael E. Crane Attorney At Law Crossland, LLC Harold F. & Suzanne D. Falk Foundation Louis Glunz Beer, Inc. McShane Foundation Pais Foundation Inc. Perry Family Charitable Foundation P-K Tool & Manufacturing Company Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation S.R.B.F. U.S. Cellular The Joseph Valenti Jr. Family Foundation P resident ’ s C ircle
Bankers Life and Casualty Chicago Community Foundation CNO Services, LLC The Custom Companies, Inc. Dearborn Capital Management, LLC James and Catherine Denny Foundation Dollars for Scholars Hackney’s on Lake, Inc. Marshal McMahon and Associates Law Offices John and Martha Odle Family Foundation Inc. Polk Brothers Foundation
Sullivan/Turek Family Fund Walmart Foundation F o u nder ’ s C ircle
Anonymous (1) The Cain Agencies, Inc. Citizens for Richard A. Devine The Tony DeRosa Foundation Dowdle Family Foundation Family Dentistry of Edison Grove Partners, Inc. Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation Kadison Construction Company Bruce and Laura Lee Family Foundation 1 Plus 1 Funding, LLC Target Take Charge of Education Thompson Flanagan and Company, LLC Wilmette Optimist Club Foundation
Time Warner Matching Grants Program 2614 Partners LLC Wells Fargo Foundation Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club M aroon and G old C l u b
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program The Boeing Company Cleonardo Studios, Inc. Cranley Awards, Ltd. Meeker-Magner Company Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Morgan Stanley Schuba’s Harmony Grill Spartan Construction Stormy’s Tavern and Grille Unforgettable Edibles
P rincipal’ s C l u b
R ambler ’ s C l u b
The American Ireland Fund AMG Charitable Gift Foundation Bredemann Toyota Patricia and Albert C. Buehler Jr. Foundation Carbonari Family Foundation Chalet Landscape, Nursery & Garden Center Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Henry Crown and Company Wilma and William Dooley ‘56 Foundation Draper and Kramer, Inc. E.J.’s Place Geneva Trading Gewalt-Hamilton Associates, Inc. Louis Glunz III Family/ Regis Technologies Foundation John W. Lally Attorney At Law Lorraine and John Langdon Foundation Lawlor Foundation Loyola Academy Junior Varsity Wrestling Team The McShane Companies Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. The Robison Family Foundation Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government
Anonymous (1) Abbott Laboratories Fund Matching Grant Plan Adult Children of Alcoholics American Express Gift Matching Program American Jebco Corporation Anne Advantage, Inc. Bimeda, Inc. DeGiulio Family Charity 42 Degrees North Latitude Garvey’s Office Products Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program InCapital LLC Kidney and Hypertension Consultants SC Loyola Academy Girls’ Freshman Basketball Team Maday Auto Service, Ltd. MB Financial Bank Morgan Stanley The Patrick Group Pembroke, Jefson and Associates Saint Martha Catholic Church Ferdinand B. Schiappa, DDS 1340 N Bosworth LLC 1350 N Bosworth LLC 1376 N Dean LLC U.S. Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus-Chicago U.S. Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus-Milwaukee Stephen V. Speranza Attorney at Law Weichert Relocation Resouces Inc. Zlan Partners
D ean ’ s C l u b
AA Service Company Abco Electrical Construction and Design LLC Akers Packaging Service Group Alta Packaging, Inc. Bredemann Lexus in Glenview Burke Sound and Security Corporation California Community Foundation Chicago Partners Investment Group, LLC Colliers Bennett and Kahnweiler Kevin P. Courtney Attorney At Law Dowd & Dowd, Ltd. Gemini Bistro Group, LLC Gibsons Restaurant Group Glenview State Bank Hispanic Medical Services, SC Jennings Chevrolet-Volkswagen, Inc. Joyce Family Foundation Lee Family Foundation Loyola Academy Rowing Association Loyola Academy Swimming and Diving Teams MPM Food Equipment R and W Machine Division Reebie Storage and Moving Company Sandman, Levy and Petrich Attorneys at Law Sauganash Community Association
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program KSMB Associates, Inc. Lady Bijou, Inc. Lake County Technologies Locke Lord Bissel & Liddell Loyola Academy English Classes Loyola Academy Girls’ Volleyball Team Michigan Shores Club Mosaicos, Inc. Nimrod Maintenance and Construction Co. Nuveen Investments, LLC Law Offices of Frank J. Olavarria, PC Paulina, LLC PiperJaffray John Plunkett Design Potomac II, LLC Project Leadership Associates St. Emily Women’s Club Schaefer’s Wines, Food & Spirits Snap Solutions, LLC Toraason Dental Associates, Ltd. Tulsa Community Foundation United Asset Strategies, Inc. Village of Lincolnwood Whitney Foods, Inc. Winchester, LLC
O ther D onors
Edward A. Anderson Company Auto Estate, LLC Richard H. Balog Attorney at Law Beechwood Partners, LLC Breckinridge Capital Advisors, Inc. Bumblebee Properties, LLC Century 21 Kreuser and Seiler, Ltd. Damen II, LLC 1808 Glenview, Inc. eScrip E-Z Case Loans, LLC Feather Loft Fletcher II LLC The Happ Inn Hayes Funeral and Cremation Service LLC Hewlett-Packard High Touch-High Tech HLM Sales, Inc. KDM II, Inc. Kenmore LLC Robert B. King Insurance Agency, Inc.
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13
St. Louise de Marillac Giving Societies
Commemorative Funds
S r . C onstance C ircle
S r . C onstance C ircle
Named for Marillac High School founder Sr. Constance Dahinden, DC, for her spirit, dedication and foresight. Includes gifts of $10,000 or more.
Mrs. Andrea L. Holihan ‘80
J ohn D . A iello E ndowed S cholarship
S r . C y rilla C ircle
Named for Sr. Cyrilla Verhalen, DC, who presented freshmen with the Miraculous Medal in a special ceremony each year and who is remembered for her loving care of Marillac’s rose garden. Includes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999. L o u ise C ircle
Named for St. Louise de Marillac, DC, who founded the Daughters of Charity with St. Vincent de Paul in Paris, France, in 1633. Includes gifts of $2,500 to $4,999. F o u nder ’ s C l u b
Includes gifts of $1,000 to $2,499. N orthstar cl u b
Includes gifts of $500 to $999. G reen and bl u e C l u b
Includes gifts from $250 to $499. L d M cl u b
Includes gifts from $100 to $249.
S r . C y rilla C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mrs. Bridget A. O’Connell Halloran ‘84 Mrs. Susan M. Orr ‘79 L o u ise C ircle
Mrs. Kathleen M. Madden Loftus ‘75 Mrs. Loretta O’Connell O’Malley ‘83 Mrs. Nancy A. Hochstetter Pins ‘82 F o u nder ’ s C l u b
Mrs. Katie L. Bowen ‘88 Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley ‘74 Mrs. Jacqualine E. Langas ‘83 Mrs. Catharine B. Brault Murphy ‘81 Mrs. Mary F. Petit ‘81 Mrs. Maureen A. Philbin Wimbiscus ‘86 N orthstar C l u b
Mrs. Jeanne Gerard Borscha-Eisinger ‘77 Mrs. Kristen M. Brown ‘87 Mrs. Julie Sheridan Delaney ‘76 Mrs. Julie A. Engels ‘82 Mrs. Jeanne M. Reynolds ‘79 Mrs. June Giroux Rzepczynski ‘79 Mrs. Mary Stover ‘71 G reen and B l u e C l u b
Ms. Ellen Burke ‘74 Mrs. Danielle L. Desherow ‘93 Mrs. Leslie P. Pollock Kennedy ‘71 Mrs. Jennifer L. Snyder ‘90 LdM Club
Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader ‘84 Mrs. Karen Eiten ‘76 Mrs. Ann L. Hagerty ‘85 Ms. Patricia A. Heffernan ‘83 Mrs. Mary O. Lederer ‘78 Mrs. Mary Kay Mavrogenes ‘73 Mrs. Julie D. Durkin Montague ‘76 Mrs. Joan K. Kenny Rose ‘73 Mrs. Mary Anne Nash Sebby ‘71 Mrs. Kathleen S. Sheridan ‘88 Mrs. Fatimah F. Dalao Tomas ‘86 O ther D onors
Mrs. Colleen Aufderheide ‘85 Mrs. Mary A. Casey ‘78 Mrs. Mary Ellen Chabalowski ‘73 Mrs. Martha Cucco ‘74 Ms. Diane E. Duffy ‘78 Ms. Kathryn M. Gallagher ‘78 Mrs. Susan C. Comerford Jacobs ‘75 Mrs. Mary Jensen ‘78 Mrs. Kerry A. Lambert ‘94 Mrs. Elizabeth C. McBride ‘92 Mrs. Aileen M. O’Malley ‘88 Mrs. Kimberly A. Osman ‘86 Mrs. Anne M. Sommers Pauls ‘77 Mrs. Eileen M. Mitchell Poydence ‘80 Mrs. Carolyn B. Ress ‘73 Ms. Mary Kay Scheid ‘84 Ms. Susan Smith ‘72 Mrs. Kristine A. Viti ‘73 Mrs. Maureen Wilde ‘83
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
Ms. Rosanne Coury Ms. Mary Gauntner Mr. Michael L. Monticello ’85 and Dr. Karin Ulstrup Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rollings ‘73 T he F rank J . A mato T rack and F ield A ward
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Buell ‘49 Mr. Matthew Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jackson ‘84 Mr. Michael L. Monticello and Dr. Karin Ulstrup ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Morahan III ‘70 Dr. and Mrs. John L. Vander Schilden ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Souleles ‘86 R ev. J ames C . L . A rimond , S J , ‘ 5 7 S cholarship for E x cellence E ndowment
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bryant ‘57 The William and Kathy Doyle Foundation Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jackson ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kearney ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ‘57 John W. Lally Attorney At Law Mrs. Lauretta Langan RIP Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Leonard ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Scherb ‘57 Mr. Donald E. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Whalen ‘57 Mr. G. Daniel Zally ‘57 Pa u l W. and C atherine A . B olt z S cholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Boltz ‘61 G erard B rost A ward
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Brost ‘71 R ev. R ay mond J . C allahan , S J , S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Spellman C lass of ‘ 5 2 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Philip O. White Jr. ‘52 C lass of ‘ 5 9 S cholarship
Mr. Frederick W. Axley ‘59 RIP Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Hillenbrand ‘59 Mr. Richard J. Kenney ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Leonard ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Martin ‘59 Mr. Peter Shepherd ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Toland Jr. ‘59 C lass of ‘6 0 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Ms. Lucy R. Woodrow ‘11 T he C orcoran Family S cholarship
Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran R ev. W alter C rane , S J , S cholarship E ndowment
Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy Dr. John B. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James T. Revord ‘52 D avid and M ar y L o u D ecker Family S cholarship
Mr. David A. Decker Jr. ‘87 D enten Family S cholarship
Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Denten ‘74 R obert J . D oole y 19 2 7 , 19 5 5 , 1 9 81 , 2 0 1 2 S cholarship E ndowment
Wilma and William Dooley ‘56 Foundation T he W illiam F. D oole y ‘ 5 6 S cholarship
Wilma and William Dooley ‘56 Foundation M ichael E . F innegan S cholarship
The American Ireland Fund Bimeda, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Conrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. Denis J. Healy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Jordan Amb. James C. Kenny and Mrs. Margaret M. Kenny Mrs. Joan Kenny Mr. and Mrs. R. Kevin Lane Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Mr. and Mrs. John R. McCambridge Mr. Lawrence W. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saccommano Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sullivan ‘72 Ms. Kristin L. Ulaszek ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Ulaszek T homas J . F it z gerald S cholarship
Anonymous (1) F ole y O ’ D onnell Athletic C ommons
Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 H u gh P. H ackett S cholarship
C lass of ‘6 1 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. David S. Richter Mr. Jeffrey R. Rosenthal
Dr. Thomas M. Duffy ‘61 and Dr. Rosemary Duffy
R ev. D onald J . H ay es , S J , ‘4 3 S cholarship E ndowment
C lass of 2 0 11 S enior G ift
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Hayes ‘82
Hon. Arthur H. Gross ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Viktor Caushi Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Collins Ms. Molly K. Dutmers ‘11 Mr. Patrick El Zoghbi ‘11 Ms. Lauren R. Marino ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Kazimierz Mazurek Dr. Nicholas P. Pruc ’72 and Ms. Elizabeth Klein Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ray Ms. Jane M. Sagui ‘11
J ohn T. and J oanne K . H icke y F u nd
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43 F rank and M onica H ogan P erforming A rts E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hogan III ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Sr. ‘56
H onor and M emorial G ifts F u nd
Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Albrecht Mr. Phil C. Angotti and Ms. Kathleen McElderry Mr. and Mrs. David Archibald Ms. Josephine Augustyn Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Barbour Dr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Barger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Mr. James M. Beck ‘82 and Dr. Julie A. Laverdiere Beck Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bishop ‘40 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Black Jr. ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Boersma Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bowen ‘48 Ms. Sandra C. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carlson Century 21 Kreuser & Seiler, Ltd. Ms. Andrea Ciolino Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Coleman ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Tip Cowan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Ms. Wendy David Ms. Claudia L. Dawley and Mr. Steven G. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Vincent De Vito Mrs. Jean R. Dolan Mr. Robert B. Egan Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Ellen Mr. Donald J. Engels Mrs. Kathy Erlenbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fernstrum Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Fitzgerald Jr. ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Fox Jr. Mr. William O. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froehlich Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gescheidle Ms. Nancy Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gryll Ms. Jacqueline Gunn Ms. Pamela Hannon Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Haracz ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hirschle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Hofmeister Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Holihan ‘77 Ms. Patricia C. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. House ‘66 Dr. Kevin S. Huh and Ms. Lynn A. Matthews Mrs. Mary A. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jenko Mr. and Mrs. John C. Joyce ‘83 Ms. Barbara R. Kelly Amb. James C. Kenny and Mrs. Margaret M. Kenny Mrs. Joan Kenny Ms. Eben Kent Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. King Dr. and Mrs. David A. Klodd Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kohl Ms. Maria Koster Mr. Philip LaBerge Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lander Mr. Rik Lantz and Ms. Ann C. Logue Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Ted Larkin ‘67 Loyola Academy English Classes Mr. and Mrs. Brian Maschek Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Maschmeyer Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maunsell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McCaskey Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ
Mrs. K. F. McGuinn Mr. Richard A. McMenamin ‘74 and Ms. Patricia J. Mulvihill ‘74 Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McVary Ms. Katherine Meeker Mr. Kenneth Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Michalak Mrs. Virginia K. Michel Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mikucki Ms. Ann Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Miller Mr. Thomas Moore and Ms. Patricia A. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morand Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morrissey Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murphy Mrs. William D. Murphy Ms. Donna Nadel Ms. Carol S. Nee Mr. and Mrs. David A. Noll Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien ‘43 Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. O’Brien ‘82 Mr. Timothy L. O’Brien ‘80 and Ms. Devon Corneal Ms. Loretta A. O’Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Olofson Mr. Edmund J. Orr Jr. ‘79 and Mrs. Susan M. Orr LdM ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John V. Owens ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pals Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas The Patrick Group Ms. Mary Pawlowski Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Peters Ms. Mary L. Philipp Mr. and Mrs. Remo Picchietti Ms. Agnes L. Piszczek Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Proesel II ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Reger Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Schaack ‘39 Dr. Ferdinand B. Schiappa and Dr. Deborah A. Schiappa ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt Mr. Derek E. Schmitz ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schniedwind ‘69 Mr. Peter Schoonmaker Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scichili Mr. Stephen Serio and Dr. Michelle Peifley Serio Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shaeffer Mr. and Mr. Kenneth J. Short Ms. Susan Smith LdM ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Smith Ms. Kara M. Snyder and Ms. Brooke A. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Tazalla Mr. and Mrs. Harlan TenPas Mr. John Terry Mrs. Nancy Theisen Mr. and Mrs. Ilmar Vilcins Village of Lincolnwood Ms. Jean Wade Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weschler Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Whitehand Mr. and Mrs. David Wick Mr. and Mrs. Rick Woodworth Mr. and Mrs. Nick Zagotta Ms. Ann Zdeb R ev. R obert G . H u mbert, S J , S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. DeMaeyer ‘56 Mr. Patrick E. Fahey ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kneafsey ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Solon ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sullivan ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Sweeney ‘56 Dr. and Mrs. James P. Tasto ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Trapp ‘56
I rish F ellowship F o u ndation S t u dent A id F u nd
Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation T he J ennings Family S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. Jack R. Jennings ‘97 Ms. Robyn Jennings ‘04 J ohn E . K enn y S r . ‘ 31 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny ‘68 R obert K u bon S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Robert Kubon Foundation T he J oan F. and W illiam J . L ave z z orio ‘ 4 6 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schniedwind ‘69 G erasime M . L egris , S J , S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Otter ‘72 L ewandowski Family S cience L aborator y
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Patrick Ly nch ‘ 8 7 S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch M c D onnell Family M emorial S cholarship
Mrs. Betty A. McDonnell B ett y M c G arrit y S cholarship E ndowment
R obert P. P erka u s I I I ‘ 7 7 M emorial S cholarship
Mrs. Mary Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Casey Mrs. Michelle Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. David A. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kloempken ‘56 Ms. Ann Miller Dr. Joseph R. Nora Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. ‘54 Ms. Mary H. Perry Ms. Agnes L. Piszczek Ms. C. F. Reed Ms. Mary R. Blumer Reed Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf Sauganash Community Association Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Sullivan Jr. ‘74 Ms. Mary P. Tracy Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vanecko H enr y A . and J ames V. P roesel ‘ 3 9 S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Proesel ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Proesel II ‘71 Mr. Mark K. Proesel ‘70 M ichael R ebarchak ‘ 7 9 S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Girgenti Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Powers ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sullivan ‘72 J arett R omanski ‘ 9 4 S cholarship E ndowment
Prof. and Mrs. John H. Matheson Mr. Thomas A. Matheson Ms. Susan D. Romanski
Mr. Charles E. McGarrity ‘78
J ohn and K athleen S chreiber S cholarship
E li z abeth D . and W illiam B . M c N u lt y ‘ 3 8 S cholarship E ndowment
The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schreiber ‘64
Mrs. Elizabeth McNulty R ev. E dward F. M u lhern , S J , G u idance F u nd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Croisant D aniel M u rph y S cholarship F u nd
Mr. Theodore E. Cornell Jr. ‘38 J ames M . O ’ L o u ghlin ‘ 6 2 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Blake ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Byrnes Jr ‘62 Dr. and Mrs. Francis V. Cook ‘62 Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Donoghue ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Donovan ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Fieberg III ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Flatley ‘62 Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Gebuhr ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hofherr ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hogan ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly ‘62 Mr. Stephen R. Kennedy ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Leahy ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Meintzer ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Quinn ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Scorsone Jr. ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sennott Jr. ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Smoluch ‘62
R ay mond A . S eng ‘ 2 1 S cholarship E ndowment
Estate of Raymond A. Seng ‘21 B r . J ames E . S mall , S J , A rts G u ild
Anonymous (1) Mr. Daniel Breslin ‘04 Ms. Megan A. Doherty ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drouillard Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. Daniel Kozlak ‘04 Ms. Kaitlin A. Kratzmeyer ‘02 Mr. Marcus P. Maier ‘08 Mr. Harry E. Sullivan IV ‘08 Mr. Edward J. Wehmer Jr. ‘01 C onstance S taffileno S cholarship
Mr. Harry Staffileno RIP K ay and G eorge P enman S u llivan C atholic A ction E ndowment
Mr. George P. Sullivan Jr. ‘62 and Ms. Dorothy Turek Sullivan/Turek Family Fund at the Chicago Community Trust J oseph C . T homas ‘ 0 2 M emorial S cholarship
Dr. Charlene Thomas
A rth u r and B arbara Pantle Family S cholarship
W ilmette O ptimist C l u b A ward
Mr. Donald A. Pantle ‘62
Wilmette Optimist Club Foundation V i B ern F o u ndation S cholarship
Special Funds A q u atic C enter I nitiative
Ms. Julie Africka Mr. and Mrs. Duncan B. Ashurst Mr. Brian C. Baker ’72 RIP and Mrs. Linda Baker Mr. and Mrs. George M. Baker ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Baker Jr. ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Banas ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. James Begley Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Bidwill ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill Jr. Breckinridge Capital Advisors, Inc. Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Casas ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Clissold Mr. Bill Coumas Mrs. Patricia Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dutmers Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dwyer III ‘67 Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Finn Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. Mark Franzen Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Y. Funai Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Goosmann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gross Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Hall ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Jr. ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Igoe ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. James Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Johnston Mr. Donald G. Kempf Jr. Robert B. King Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Larkin ‘46 Mr. John H. Lemond ‘42 Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Lisle Locke Lord Bissel & Liddell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Maddock Mrs. Kathleen D. Mahowald Donald and Patricia Manhard Charitable Foundation Mr. Russell K. Mayerfeld Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. McNabola ‘77 Michigan Shores Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mitchell ‘75 Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Norcross ‘54 Mr. Daniel J. Obringer Mr. and Mrs. John M. Phillips ‘68 Project Leadership Associates R and W Machine Division Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rogers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Salk Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Sargent Mr. R. Frederick Seebeck Jr. ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Servatius ‘77 Mrs. Beverly Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Strunck ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sullivan ‘72 Dr. and Mrs. Philip P. Sweeney ‘72 United Asset Strategies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Velde Mr. John T. Walsh Mrs. Marilee Stepan Wehman Mr. Donald C. Yi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Zidar
Athletic T raining C enter
Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran L o y ola A cadem y M arching B and F u nd
Mr. Donald E. Sprague B ig S ho u lders A nn u al S cholarship
Fred B. Snite Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan B o y s H ope G irls H ope F u nd
Mr. J. Hobie Murnane, Jr. ‘75 C anisi u s P rofessional D evelopment P rogram
Ms. Jennifer Just C hapel R enovation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Flanagan Sr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath C hicago J es u it A cadem y T u ition A ssistance F u nd
Anonymous (1) Higher Path Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kurt F. Lang ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pandaleon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry C o u nseling S ervices F u nd
St. Emily Women’s Club F ine A rts I nitiative
Mr. and Mrs. Marc P. Franson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marren Mr. Timothy S. Mitchell Saint Martha Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. James A. Seymour F ootball P rogram
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Lee ‘97 G eneral S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Mr. Joseph B. Carini Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Casey Jr. ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Conway ‘78 Mr. David A. Decker Jr. ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dwyer ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hayes ‘67 Mrs. Janice Hinsdale Dcn. and Mrs. John V. Lucas Jr. ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Lynch ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Maurer Mr. Michael McGreal Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Moore ‘68 Mrs. Julie P. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Rill ‘76 Ms. Mary Kay Scheid LdM ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Shanahan ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sullivan ‘66 G eneral Unrestricted E ndowment F u nd
Estate of John C. Altman ‘71 Estate of Isabel E. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz Estate of John M. Grady ‘35 Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs (RIP) ‘31 and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Roderick G. Johnson Estate of Constantine P. Pappas ‘49 G u ardian A ngel F u nd
Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Adler ‘83 Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ahearne Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr.
ViBern Foundation
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 13
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Akey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldrich Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Alvarado Mr. and Mrs. William S. Andersen Mr. and Mrs. David Archibald Mrs. Stephanie Arkus Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ashley IV Mr. and Mrs. Duncan B. Ashurst Mr. Mikael Backstrom and Ms. Patricia Bochey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Banas ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baudhuin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. Peter Beale-DelVecchio Mrs. Susan Beerhorst Dr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bernstein Ms. Leanne M. Bertucci Mr. William A. Biang ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Biery Mr. and Mrs. Steve Birchard Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Boehm Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Boersma Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Boesen ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Borders Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Bottini Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Bouchard Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. James Brady Mr. Ted Brandt Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brault ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bredemann ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bredemann ‘80 Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brett Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Broccolo ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brombach Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Browne Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Ms. Stephanie M. Buettell Mr. and Mrs. David A. Buffo Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Busscher Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Byrne ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Caestecker Jr. Mr. William J. Caffrey and Mrs. Paulette Gagliardo Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. William Capodanno Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carlotti Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Chestnut ‘85 Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Cienkus ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Neal Clark Mr. and Mrs. James B. Coleman ‘84 Ms. Bria C. Condon ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Corbett Jr. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cowan Mr. James R. Cruger and Ms. Marie F. Osadjan Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Culhane Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cullen Ms. Deeanne DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. John DiSilvestro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Doane Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 Dr. and Mrs. John R. Durburg ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Eilers Dr. and Mrs. Glynn J. Elliott III ‘85
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 012 - 2 013
Mr. Don J. Engels Jr. ‘81 and Mrs. Julie A. Engels LdM ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Falkenhayn Mr. Thomas R. Fallon and Ms. Jeanne M. Reynolds LdM ‘79 Mr. Thomas E. Festle and Ms. Jackie A. Hair Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. John Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larkin S. Flanagan ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flocco Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Justin C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Foy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freda Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Funck Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Funkhouser Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Galanis Mr. Christopher W. Gardner ’80 and Ms. Eileen McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mr. and Mrs. John Gariti Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gillespie Mrs. Mary Beth Ginley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Goldberg ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hagedorn ‘86 Mr. Steven G. Hall and Ms. Claudia L. Dawley Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harris Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Dean Honda Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horne ‘81 Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Huettle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mrs. Mary A. Hull Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hurtgen Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Brad J. Jaros Mr. and Mrs. David G. Jones ‘68 Dr. and Mrs. John C. Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kelsh Ms. Karen Kennedy Amb. James C. Kenny and Mrs. Margaret M. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kincaid Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Kindelin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Kitchie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kurkowski ‘84 Mr. Peter J. Langas and Mrs. Jacqualine E. Langas LdM ‘83 Mr. Rik Lantz and Ms. Ann C. Logue Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Largay Jr. ‘85 Mr. Jeffrey P. Later and Ms. Betsy Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. LeBrun Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Mr. Mark A. Lewandowski ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Mr. Randy Lindenberg Loyola Academy Jesuit Community Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Magner ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maher ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Malles Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mangan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McCormack ‘86 Ms. Mary M. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. McKinley Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Melbinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Melnick Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Miller Ms. Sharon A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Mollman Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Montgomery Mr. Michael L. Monticello ‘85 and Dr. Karin Ulstrup Dr. and Mrs. Mauricio Morales Dr. and Mrs. David Morgan Ms. Kelly Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mulhall Mr. J. Hobie Murnane Jr. ‘75 Mrs. Kathryn Murphy Ms. Nancy C. Naab Mr. Stephen M. Naughton and Mrs. Nancy E. Naughton, JD Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan Ms. Kathleen Nugent Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien ‘72 Mr. Timothy D. O’Brien ‘84 and Mrs. Aimee M. Meccia O’Brien Mr. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. David S. O’Dea Mr. and Mrs. James M. Oddo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Odle Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Olavarria Dr. and Mrs. Arturo Olivera Jr. ‘75 Mr. Francis W. O’Malley and Mrs. Loretta A. O’Malley LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Norton F. O’Meara Mr. Edmund J. Orr ‘79 and Mrs. Susan M. Orr LdM ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I. O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Owen Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Panozzo Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus Sr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James N. Perry Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perry Mr. and Mrs. David S. Petrich Mr. and Mrs. Remo Picchietti Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Jr. Mr. and Mrs. P. Marc Poggioli Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ray Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Reckamp Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Reed Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Regnier Mrs. Julie P. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Richmond ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rivera Mrs. Phyllis Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rockhold Mr. Gary Rogaliner and Dr. Jane Nani Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Romer Mr. James S. Rowe and Dr. Cynthia L. Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Rule ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Schafer ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Schaupp Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schoenheider Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sefton
Mr. and Mrs. Lesley G. Seitzinger Mr. and Mrs. James A. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Shea ‘83 Mr. Mark G. Sheridan and Dr. Mary M. Sheridan Mr. John D. Shugrue and Ms. Elizabeth A. Price Mr. Len Siegal and Ms. Cathy Stix Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith Snap Solutions, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Walter Stadler Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Steger Sr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Stone Mr. Mike Stone Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sullivan ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sullivan ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Talaga Mr. and Mrs. David W. Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Thalmann III Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Thompson ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thuet Mr. and Mrs. D. Christopher Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Sr. 2614 Partners, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Van Kirk Ms. Katherine T. Vega ‘01 Mr. Blase Viti and Mrs. Kristine Viti LdM ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voss ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh III ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Mr. and Mrs. Martin Watts Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wehman Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weiss ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wiertel Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Wimbiscus and Mrs. Maureen A. Wimbiscus LdM ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. J. Michael Yager and Ms. Ellen Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahorik ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zinkula
S cience I nitiative
Patricia and Albert C. Buehler Jr. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerlach ‘51 Louis Glunz III Family/ Regis Technologies Foundation Ms. Alicia J. Hoag ‘10 Dr. James W. Hoag and Ms. Marcia E. Glenn Ann and Robert H. Lurie Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Meehan Mr. Thomas Migala Mr. Edward A. Oehler ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn Sanborn Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Schafer Dr. Scholl Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tsakalios Walmart Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Laurence T. Youhn ‘51 S t. I gnati u s S tat u e
Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci S u mmer S ervice P rogram F u nd
Mr. John L. Hammond III ‘97 T echnolog y F u nd
Helen V. Brach Foundation T he R ose C atharine S ch u ba T ennis Park R econstr u ction
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 W ater F o u ntain F u nd
Ms. Sarah J. Nolan W restling P rogram F u nd
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation
✛ ✛ ✛
L acrosse P rogram
Anonymous (1) L o y ola A cadem y B ig S ho u lders S cholarship E ndowment F u nd
Couri Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 M u n z C amp u s S y nthetic T u rf I nitiative
Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Servatius ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow N eed y Family F u nd
Anonymous (1) Mr. Daniel J. Callahan ‘64 Class of 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jennings ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. McNabola ‘77 Mr. Lawrence J. Mongoven ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Mulroe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan Dr. and Mrs. Arturo Olivera Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sullivan ‘70 O ’ S ha u ghness y L earning C enter E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund
Editor’s Note We make every effort to ensure that the donors who support Loyola Academy’s mission of Jesuit education are appropriately recognized for their generosity, foresight and commitment. This Honor Roll of Donors includes contributions received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. If you have not received proper recognition for your gift in this annual report, please accept our apologies and notify our Development Department at kdiener@loy.org or 847.920.2766 as soon as possible so that we can correct our records.
Loyola Academy Board of Trustees 2012-2013
President’s Executive Leadership Team
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ President
Peter J. Broccolo ’74 Principal, Fulcrum Asset Advisors
Genevieve Baisley Atwood Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment
Scott K. Ahlstrom Treasurer Accenture Jerome A. Castellini President CastleArk Management, LLC
Paul J. Laughlin Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III ’76 President Loyola Paper Company Bruce A. Lee
Br. Ralph Cordero, SJ Faculty St. Ignatius High School
Roseann F. LeFevour Midwest Regional Director The American Ireland Fund
Rev. Justin Daffron, SJ Associate Provost Academic Services Loyola University Chicago
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ President Loyola Academy
Rev. Christopher J. Devron, SJ President Fordham Preparatory School
Patricia M. O’Brien
Kathryn M. Baal, PhD Principal Terence K. Brennan Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer Gary A. Marando Vice President of Mission and Ministry Robert O. Miller Vice President of Advancement Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 Special Assistant to the President
Office of Advancement
Mary N. Dillon Chief Executive Officer Ulta Beauty
Rev. James S. Prehn, SJ Provincial Assistant for Vocations and Superior of Canisius House Chicago-Detroit Province Society of Jesus
Dawn Caulfield Dooley
Jeanne J. Scoby
C omm u nications D epartment
D evelopment D epartment
Kevin G. Dowdle ’78 Susan M. Doyle
Kyle K. F. Shinseki, SJ Regent Society of Jesus
Lynn Composto Communications Manager
Thomas J. Cramer Principal Gifts Officer
Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ’82 President JP Flanagan Enterprises, Inc.
Rev. Kenneth C. Simpson ’70 Pastor St. Clement Parish
Robin Hunt Director of Public Relations
Karen Diener Associate Director of Database Management
Ralph J. Gesualdo ’75 Owner International Auto Group
Timothy P. Sullivan Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC
Rev. Raymond P. Guiao, SJ Provincial Assistant for Formation and Director of Special Studies Chicago-Detroit and Wisconsin Provinces Society of Jesus
William E. Sullivan ’72 Eric M. Sundrup, SJ Theologian Jesuit School of Theology Santa Clara University at Berkeley
Margaret Kenny Andrew Kopon Jr. Attorney Kopon Airdo, LLC
Kevin W. Willer ’92 Partner Chicago Ventures
Robert O. Miller Vice President of Advancement
O’Donavan Johnson ’00 Campaign Manager and Director of Social Media Timothy Sassen Director of Web Development and Communications
Julie Fischer Director of Special Events Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor ’02 Director of Annual Giving Ann M. O’Hara Stewardship Director Joan Schniedwind Special Events Coordinator Lesley J. Seitzinger ’88 Principal Gifts Officer Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 Director of Alumni Relations Sandra M. Taggart Director of Prospect Research Tammy Tsakalios Gift Processor
celebration! View video highlights from Commencement 2013.
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