Annual Report 2010-2011
“The measure of a Jesuit education is not what our students do, but who they become.” V. R e v. P e t e r - H a n s K o l v e n b a c h , S J Former Superior General of the Society of Jesus
“Our way of proceeding is to live a holy boldness as we seek to do all
contents 2 A Day in the Life of a Rambler Anne Feifar ‘12 4 The Year in Review 12 A Day in the Life of a Rambler Zachary Aldana ‘12 14 The Loyola Community 18 A Day in the Life of a Rambler Patrick Sammon ‘12 20 Philanthropy Report 29 Financial Statement 30 A Day in the Life of a Rambler Germainy Deborah Mokeleba-Essalo ‘12 32 Honor Roll of Donors
things for the greater glory of God.” — R e v . P atr i c k E . M c G rath , S J
Dear Friend of Loyola, St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, believed that we should never settle for the inertia of “good enough.” He implored his followers to ask, “What more can we do? What is it that God is calling us to do today?” In FY11 — the second year of our second century — we took this Ignatian imperative to heart and answered the call of God in many ways. We welcomed Gary A. Marando, Loyola’s vice president of mission and ministry. In this newly created position, he is giving greater unity and coherence to our spiritual formation programs as we seek to serve as a center of faith for the entire Loyola community. We said goodbye to our principal, David K. McNulty ’67, and announced the selection of Kathryn M. Baal, PhD as the next principal of Loyola Academy.
Peter J. Broccolo ’74 (far left), who began serving as Loyola Academy’s Board Chair in September 2010, conferring diplomas to graduating Ramblers with Fr. McGrath at the Academy’s 2011 commencement ceremony
We expanded our theology curriculum to provide a full four years of religious studies, redesigned our retreat program to incorporate more Ignatian and Jesuit spirituality, developed new programs to support parents and alumni in their ongoing faith formation and launched a new mentoring program that pairs young alumni with Loyola students.
Meanwhile, we made heartening progress on a host of exciting strategic initiatives.
We completed the final phase of construction for our Foley-O’Donnell Athletic Commons and celebrated the completion of the Rose Catharine Schuba Tennis Park reconstruction. We passed the $1.3 million mark in our fundraising for the development of a new Aquatic Center. As the Fine Arts Initiative moved front and center in FY11, we hired an architect to help us realize our vision for new fine arts facilities that will enable us to expand our fine arts programming and establish the Academy as a vibrant center for the visual and performing arts.
Clearly, the spirit of Ignatius is alive and well at Loyola Academy!
We encourage you to browse through this report to learn more about our year of seeking the Magis. We hope you’ll also take a moment to peruse our photo essays featuring a day in the life of four Loyola students. It is so gratifying to see these bright, talented and highly motivated Ramblers fulfilling their potential and achieving their dreams because of people like you. On behalf of the entire Loyola community, we thank you for your continued commitment and support.
May God be with you!
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ Peter J. Broccolo ’74 President Board Chair
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A Day in the Life of a rambler Anne Feifar ’12
7:20 am
My Community Inverness, Illinois My Academic Interests Dumbach Scholars Honors Program, English, Psychology, Spanish, Spanish Honor Society My Clubs and Activities Crew Team, Insignis (service organization), Ministry, National Honor Society, S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violating the Earth), Spanish Club
Sorting through gently-worn shoes with a fellow member of S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violating the Earth). “By collecting these shoes to give to an organization serving people in need, we’re recycling the earth’s limited resources while helping others.”
My Dreams for the Future “I want to get into a good college and go into international business and travel the world. But that’s just one part of my dream. Since I’ve been a Rambler, I’ve learned that I am very fortunate, but a lot of other people around the world need help. I want to be a person for others and help people in need —— perhaps in poorer countries.”
7:45 am Serving as a witness in a mock trial to determine the guilt or innocence of a character from Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy in Honors British Literature.
10:15 am Observing microscopic specimens of plant and animal cells during an Integrated Biology lab. “We learned about everything from ecology and the natural world to the human respiratory system.”
9:20 am 2
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11:50 am Conducting research on the Internet in the Global Communications Center. “I was gathering information on a Spanish artist for an oral presentation in AP Spanish 4.”
Getting together with classmates from Honors Algebra 2 for an impromptu lunch-hour group study session in Loyola’s library.
12:40 pm
“Peace be with you.” Exchanging peace with Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ and fellow Ramblers at the annual Sending Forth Mass in May. “I get so much out of these Masses. They give me an opportunity to step away from my daily activities and reflect on my life and my spirituality. Afterwards, I always feel uplifted and closer to God. “I do a lot with Campus Ministry, such as helping out at Masses and working as a leader on spiritual retreats. I never thought I’d get so much out of my ministry activities. I’ve met a whole new community of friends and been introduced to service opportunities that I love —— like my work with an organization that provides food and clothing for low-income mothers and their children.”
1:30 pm In Formation Group, which addresses students’ spiritual, social and emotional needs. “I really like my guidance counselor, who leads this group. We talk about so many different things that are relevant to high school and life —— from bullying to peer pressure to how to perform CPR. Sometimes we go to the Chapel to listen to a guest speaker or reflect or meditate. You get to know the other students in your Formation Group on a more personal level. It’s not like a class. It’s more relaxed.”
3:30 pm
Pushing hard during practice with the Women’s Crew Team. “We are like a family —— we always look out for each other. Rowing has honed my leadership skills, taught me about commitment and teamwork and helped me develop physical and mental endurance. Your body is telling you it wants to quit, but your mind and your heart are telling you to go.”
A d a y i n t h e l i f e o f a ra m b l e r
The Year in Review Jesuit high schools, with their multifaceted missions, are famously busy places. Loyola Academy — the nation’s largest Jesuit secondary school — was perhaps one of the busiest in FY11. As 2,000 young people from every part of the city and its suburbs embarked on another year of scholarship, faith, service and friendship, we moved forward with a series of ambitious strategic initiatives and implemented a wide variety of academic, spiritual, athletic and cocurricular enhancements to lay the foundation for a second century of excellence.
Enhancing the Religious FORMATION of our Ramblers Religious formation has always been the bedrock of a Loyola education. In FY11, we began revising the Academy’s theology curriculum to reflect recent changes in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ high school theology framework.
This new framework requires all students to take and pass eight semesters of theology and provides a suggested six-semester course of study, supplemented by electives, that presents Scripture and Church teachings in the context of a relationship with Jesus Christ. It outlines the elements of faith that should be taught in each course and provides a recommended sequence for offering these courses — something that has previously been lacking in the United States. In January 2011, the Archdiocese of Chicago released a revised set of expectations for teaching high school religion based on the Bishops’ framework. The new Archdiocese curriculum is designed to foster the formation of young women and men who have a deeper relationship with God and are active participants in the life of the Church and society. “The Archdiocese mandate to provide a full four years of theology instruction has given us a
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splendid opportunity to renew the way that we teach and foster faith at Loyola Academy,” says Theology Department Chair Fran Maloney. During the fiscal year, preparations for the
New on the Academic Menu
expansion and redesign of Loyola’s theology curriculum began in earnest. Maloney and her
Fitness Lab
colleagues attended a workshop sponsored by the Archdiocese to acquaint high school religion teachers and administrators with the new expectations, studied recent research on adolescent religious attitudes and set to work developing the new curriculum with input from Rev. James S. Prehn, SJ, assistant for secondary education to the provincial of the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Jesuits. By the end of the fiscal year, the team had sketched out a plan to expand Loyola’s current three-and-half-year theology sequence, which is augmented by our Formation Program, to a fouryear theology curriculum that incorporates the Bishops’ framework, the Archdiocesan guidelines and the Academy’s own Jesuit mission.
Intermediate Guitar
A More Rigorous Approach to the Study of History
What does George Bush’s speech after 911 have in common with FDR’s speech after Pearl Harbor,
Honors Computer Science Graphic Design 1 Honors Statistics D e v el o ped i n F Y11 f o r a n F Y12 L au n ch
AP Chinese Sacramental Journeys: Finding God in All Things Sacred Stories I: The Old Testament
the Justinian Code of the Roman Empire and Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee? All of these supplemental texts were added to Loyola’s history curriculum in FY11.
“We are moving away from standardized textbooks as our main source materials because we feel that they are not challenging enough for our students,” reports Social Studies Department Chair Kurt Wittenberg. “By assigning a reading about the demand for reforms during the French Revolution and asking students to compare this text with the Declaration of Independence, for example, we give them more opportunities to develop their critical thinking and close reading skills. We believe this will make them better scholars and enhance their ability to interpret history.” This emphasis on engaging students in high-level critical thinking activities also led the department to integrate a new Document Based Questions (DBQ) program into its history curriculum. The DBQ approach fosters the thinking and writing skills that history and social studies teachers value most: close analysis and interrogation of documents, deep reading for understanding and powerful, evidence-based writing. Prior to the program’s launch in Fall 2011, all department instructors received a full day
of professional development training in DBQ teaching techniques.
Encouraging Excellence in Language and Composition Our English Department gave Ramblers more opportunities to hone their critical thinking skills by opening Loyola’s AP Language and Composition course to juniors. The course, which was originally developed for seniors, immerses students in an intensive study of complex texts from a variety of rhetorical situations and examines the authors’ intent as well as the audience and subject matter. Cultivating excellence in writing was also the impetus for the English Department’s participation in the 2011 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Achievement Awards in Writing program. The program was
established to recognize some of the best student writers in the nation for prose that demonstrates effective and imaginative use of language to inform and move an audience. More than 1,600 students across the nation participated in the competition and 520 were chosen as outstanding writers, including Loyola’s own Grace Quinn ’12.
IQ Intelligence Report
Advanced Placement Scholar Awards AP Scholars with Honor: 7 AP Scholars: 14 Illinois State Scholars Honorees: 117 National Achievement Scholarship Finalist: 1 National Honor Society Inductees: 87
National Merit Awards National Merit Scholarship Recipients: 3 National Merit Finalists: 4 National Merit Semi-Finalists: 4 National Merit Commended Students: 21
Creating Future Leaders in Science
Springtime in Seville: Twelve AP Spanish 4 students (above) traveled to Seville, Spain, to participate in a 10-day intensive language and cultural immersion program.
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As Loyola’s gift officers continued to seek support for our Science Initiative (see page 21 for a progress report on this strategic objective), the number of Ramblers enrolled in science courses at the Academy hit an all-time high. To meet the growing need for high-quality science education in the 21st century, Loyola has constructed four of the 12 multimedia science labs envisioned in the Academy’s Strategic Vision for a Second Century of Excellence, expanded and enhanced its science curriculum and added nine new science faculty members in recent years. “Between 2003 and 2010, we expanded our science faculty from 15 to 24 teachers,” notes FY11 Science Department Chair Beth Waid-Prince. “We now have a dedicated and distinguished team of science educators, with three PhDs and a number of teachers who have applied their scientific knowledge in the fields of medicine and chemical engineering. With our faculty’s extensive knowledge base and the ongoing facilities enhancements made possible by our
Science Initiative, Loyola’s Ramblers are enjoying unprecedented opportunities to lead in the sciences at the high school level and beyond.”
Preparing Students for Life in a Global Society
Today, Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is also the official language of Mainland China — the world’s second largest economic superpower and one of America’s most important trading partners. As China continues to play a major role in the global economy, Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the need to learn about Chinese culture, language and ways of doing business. To give Ramblers the cross-cultural competencies they need to succeed in our global society, Loyola added Mandarin Chinese 1 to its language curriculum in 2007. Since that time, our Language Department has introduced Mandarin Chinese 2, Mandarin Chinese 3 and Honors Mandarin Chinese courses, added new sections of Mandarin Chinese 1 and 2 to accommodate burgeoning enrollments; hired a second full-time instructor, established a Chinese Honor Society and
“I experienced a new culture, formed new friendships and sang in some of the most beautiful and holy places in the world.”
— A 2011 Concert Tour of Italy participant
launched a cocurricular Chinese Club for students interested in learning more about the language, history and culture of the world’s most populous country. In FYll, our Language Department expanded the curriculum once again, launching a Mandarin Chinese 4 course and developing the content for an Advanced Placement Mandarin Chinese course slated for introduction in FY12.
Academic Resources for Ramblers
The Academic Resource Center, which houses Loyola’s O’Shaughnessy Program, Magis Program and Math Lab, continued to expand its programming to help Loyola’s diverse population of Ramblers succeed in a college preparatory environment. In Fall 2010, our resource center faculty launched a new Chemistry Support Program. Students can now get one-on-one support from a Loyola chemistry teacher every morning before the school day begins. In May, the center also piloted “Predicting Test Questions,” a two-part study strategies workshop designed to help freshmen prepare for final exams. Planning was also underway for the introduction of Academic Breakfast Workshops in FY12. These monthly workshops for the general school population offer quick tips on topics such as getting organized, goal setting, test preparation, academic integrity and self-advocacy.
Paving the Way for a Renaissance in the Arts at Loyola
Rambling to the Vatican Plato once observed that music “gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind and flight to the imagination.” Thirty Loyola choir members experienced music’s power firsthand in March 2011 during their performance at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. “The opportunity to sing Mass at St. Peter’s was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” reflected one choir member. “The magnitude of our performance really struck me when the deacon began to cry after we sang.” The performance was just one unforgettable interlude in an eight-day spring break Concert Tour of Italy, which included two more official performances, a guided tour of ancient Rome, visits to Tuscany and Florence and an impromptu performance at the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiora cathedral in Florence. “This unplanned performance may have been one of our best,” reflects Choir Director Christopher Nakielski. “By the time we arrived in Florence, the students had become accustomed to performing in front of large, unfamiliar crowds —– and it was becoming increasing apparent that our music was having a powerful effect on our audiences. As people knelt down to pray in a nearby candle lighting area, we accompanied their prayers with song. I’ll never forget the expressions of peace on their faces. It was as if our singing had helped to put their minds and their hearts at ease.”
Since the first Jesuit school opened its doors in 1548, the Jesuits have understood that the arts play an important role in the enrichment of the human spirit and the development of creative thinkers and visionary leaders with the potential to transform society in positive ways. Nearly five centuries later,
Art by the inch: Loyola’s visual arts faculty curated the first annual Jesuit 4x5 National Art Exhibit (left) in May 2011. Jesuit secondary schools from across the nation participated in the exhibition. “We chose the 4” x 5” format because the small size of the artwork made it possible for us to exhibit the work of more students —– and the entries could be shipped at minimal cost,” notes Fine Arts Chair Faye A. Ryan. “The exhibition was a great experience for our students because it enabled them to see the work of their creative peers in other parts of the country.”
T h e Y e ar i n r e v i e w
Gary A. Marando, Loyola Academy’s new vice president for ministry and mission
a study conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts has confirmed what the Jesuits have long held to be true: that students who participate in art, literature, theater, music and dance contribute significantly more to their communities than students with little or no exposure to the arts. In FY07, Loyola’s leadership launched a Fine Arts Initiative to raise funds for new fine arts facilities, which will enable us to expand the scope of our programming in the visual and performing arts. The cornerstone of this initiative is the development of a new fine arts center that will support Loyola’s Ramblers as they learn about themselves and the world through creative expression and aesthetic exploration. In FY11, an architect was selected for the project and Loyola’s gift officers continued to communicate the need for new fine arts facilities to the Loyola community at receptions held in conjunction with exhibitions and performances throughout the year.
Formation in the Jesuit Tradition: An Inspired Worldview It was a momentous year for spiritual formation as we welcomed Gary A. Marando, Loyola’s new vice president for ministry and mission. Marando assumed his newly created position at the start of the fiscal year and immediately
During Summer 2010, 260 Loyola students logged more than 10,000 hours of service on 21 trips to sites in Illinois, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, South Dakota and Guatemala. Loyola’s Jesuit community provided $25,000 in financial aid to ensure that every Rambler had the opportunity to participate in these real-life, community-based learning experiences, regardless of their family’s ability to pay for travel costs.
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More than 500 Ramblers attended a Spirit Friday Mass in February 2011. Held on Maroon and Gold Fridays when Ramblers are permitted to wear a maroon or gold top, a club shirt or a sports jersey, these optional morning masses were introduced to encourage students to show their school spirit while praying and worshiping together in an informal setting.
embarked on an extensive review of all facets of faith formation at Loyola. His goal: to develop, implement and oversee a broad-based strategy for giving unity and coherence to the Ignatian spiritual programming that Loyola provides for students, families, alumni, faculty and staff. Marando, who oversees Campus Ministry, Service, Adult Faith Formation and the Chapel Program, also serves as Loyola’s chair of Campus Ministry. His first task was to attend all of the Academy’s retreats and assess them with the assistance of the Campus
Creating a Dynamic Environment for Teaching and Learning Ministry team. Marando and his team then redesigned the program to make it more Christcentered and more explicitly imbued with themes from the spirituality of St. Ignatius. Launched in FY12, the revamped retreat program offers more opportunities for Ignatian and faith-based reflection and includes a new, three-day junior/senior Monastic Retreat with Trappist Monks in Iowa. Meanwhile, Marando collaborated with Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ to advance Fr. McGrath’s mission of establishing the Academy as a center of faith for the larger Loyola community. They enhanced Loyola’s theological and spiritual programming for parents and worked on the development of new spirituality offerings for Board members that include individual spiritual direction, guidance in the Spiritual Exercises, a reading and discussion group, a prayer group, silent prayer, a weekend retreat in downtown Chicago and lunchtime gatherings with presentations on Jesuit and Ignatian spirituality. In FY12, Marando will lead a yearlong review of the Academy’s service programs with the goal of incorporating a service-learning approach into students’ service experiences. Service learning — a growing trend in Catholic and Jesuit secondary education — combines academic study and community service in ways that powerfully enhance the student experience. As our students reflect on their service experiences and engage in social analysis in their theology classrooms, they will develop a deeper understanding of key Jesuit themes such as justice, democracy, diversity, leadership and social responsibility.
Guiding Ramblers Through Life’s Passages Throughout the fiscal year, our Guidance Department continued to carry out the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis through the school’s pioneering Student Formation Program, which helps Ramblers grow intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually through a Guidance and College Counseling program, a Health and Wellness program and a Chapel program. In Fall 2010, our Guidance Department piloted a new Senior Showcase program to help students in their final year at Loyola reflect on their growth and
In FY11, we supported our faculty and staff as they pursued a host of growth opportunities that ranged from professional seminars to spiritual retreats. They returned to Loyola invigorated by their experiences and eager to share their newly acquired insights and knowledge with their students and fellow educators. Following are some highlights from their year of intellectual, creative, spiritual and professional growth and development: More than 200 faculty members joined Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ for prayer and reflection during a Faculty/Staff Day of Recollection at the Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Center. Eighty-eight faculty and staff members performed a Day of Service at schools, senior citizen centers, soup kitchens and hospitals. New faculty members attended a series of Ignatian Themes Workshops to gain deeper insights into Jesuit education and Ignatian spirituality. Three members of our theology faculty attended the JSEA Religious Education Conference in Miami. Our dean of academics and six department chairs attended a four-day Instructional Rounds workshop at Harvard University. The Instructional Rounds practice is based on the medical model used by doctors to assess the health of their patients. The workshop introduced our educators to the key principles and practices of an effective, classroom-oriented approach to observing, analyzing and improving teaching and learning. Fifteen teachers attended Advanced Placement workshops in AP Chemistry, AP Chinese Language, AP French Language, AP U.S. History, AP English Language and Composition, AP Physics, AP Psychology, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature and AP Studio Art. Two Chinese instructors attended a University of Milwaukee workshop on Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling. Three classics faculty members attended the Illinois Classical Conference at Northwestern University.
Visual arts teacher Jane Carney attended an Experimental Narrative Painting workshop at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Colorado.
A dance instructor attended a two-week Merce Cunningham Intensive Workshop at Columbia College. Our physical education teachers attended a Pilates teacher certification workshop and an Adventure Ed workshop. A college counselor took the Illinois Association for College Admissions Counseling bus tour to learn more about Midwestern universities.
A French language instructor attended two one-week pedagogical workshops in Vichy, France.
Five department chairs attended an ACT conference in Illinois to learn about the new ACT standards for all academic disciplines.
Our Fine Arts Department chair spent four days at the Educational Theater Association Annual Conference in New York.
Our assistant director of instructional technology attended the JSEA National Technology Coordinators Conference in Houston.
Guiding Ramblers continued on page 11
t h e y e ar i n r e v i e w
Athletes for Others During the academic year, Loyola’s sports teams were a force to be reckoned with in the athletic arena —– and a force for good in the larger arena of life. Space won’t permit us to share all of our Rambler-athletes’ altruistic endeavors in 2010-2011, so we’ve listed some highlights below. The Men’s Varsity Basketball Team provided volunteer support for runners on the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training at the Chicago Half Marathon, served meals to the homeless at the Franciscan Soup Kitchen, participated in a free-throw competition with the Women’s Varsity Basketball Team to raise $3,000 for Marillac House, volunteered at two fundraising events for the Danny Did Foundation, raised $1,000 for residents living in Chicago’s Safe Haven homeless shelters and raised funds with Waukegan High School’s basketball team to help a local family pay for breast cancer treatment. The Varsity Ramblerettes Dance Team performed at Misericordia’s 30th annual Family Festival in September, entertaining families throughout the afternoon. In July 2010, our Men’s Football Team volunteered at the National Junior Disability Championships —– an Olympic-style sports competition for physically disabled youth. Alex Amato ’11, a Loyola varsity quarterback and founder of CHOICE (Computers Helping Optimize Inner-City Education), collected used computers and donated them to schools in Chicago, Kenya and Zambia. The Freshman and Sophomore Golf Teams helped the Kids Golf Foundation teach children the fundamentals of
golf at the Chicago Sports Festival in December. The Lacrosse Teams of Loyola Academy and New Trier High School raised more than $8,600 for World Sport Chicago, a nonprofit that introduces young Chicagoans of all physical abilities to the fun and benefits of sports. Women’s Varsity Soccer players Gabrielle Zadina ’14 and her sister, Carolyn Zadina ’12, spearheaded a Women’s Soccer Team initiative to raise money for the Free Wheelchair Mission, an international nonprofit that provides wheelchairs for impoverished individuals with disabilities in developing nations. The team raised nearly $1,800 —– enough to give the gift of mobility, dignity and independence to 28 disabled individuals. The Women’s Varsity Tennis Team unloaded a truckload of food at the St. James Food Pantry on Chicago’s South Side in August and bagged it for the hundreds of hungry Chicagoans waiting in line.
The Year’s Top Athletic Achievements MEN’S HIGHLIGHTS Baseball —– IHSA Regional Champions Football —– Chicago Catholic League Blue Champions (first time since 1993), 8A IHSA State Semi-Finalists (second year in a row), eight players named All-Conference, one player named Catholic League Defensive Player of the Year and named to Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times All-State Teams Hockey —– Four players named to AHAI All-State Team Lacrosse —– IHSLA State Championship Second-Place Finish Tennis —– 14th Consecutive CCL Championship Water Polo —– IHSA Sectional Champions, Third-Place State Finish, IHSA State Sportsmanship Award winner, two players named 2011 NISCA All-Americans
Decked out in pink t-shirts, our Women’s Volleyball Team hosted its third annual “Volley for the Cure” benefit in September and raised a record-breaking $1,800 for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.
Members of our Men’s Varsity Basketball Team at the Chicago Half Marathon, where they provided volunteer support for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training.
WOMEN’S HIGHLIGHTS Basketball —– Ninth Consecutive Jesuit Cup Championship Field Hockey —– IHSA Third-Place State Finish Hockey —– Five players named to AHAI All-State Team Lacrosse —– Third Consecutive IHSWLA State Championship Soccer —– GCAC Champions, IHSA Regional and Sectional Champions, one player named Chicago Tribune Player of the Year Swimming —– IHSA Second-Place State Finish (the highest-ever finish for the women’s team) Tennis —– GCAC Champions Track —– GCAC Champions, IHSA Sectional Champions Varsity Ramblerettes Dance Team —– Midwest Division Champions Water Polo —– IHSA Sectional Champions, Third-Place State Finish, IHSA State Sportsmanship Award winner
Guiding Ramblers continued from page 9
clarify their college, career and life goals. Students completed a written reflection and chose a symbol to represent their identity, passions, struggles, hopes and dreams for the future. Bootcamps are all the rage these days, but students in Loyola’s Class of 2012 may have been the first ever to participate in a College Admissions Bootcamp designed to whip them into tiptop shape for the college admissions process. More than 160 rising seniors and their families attended the workshop, which was held at the end of the academic year. Our Guidance Department also introduced the SOS Suicide Prevention Program in FY11. This nationally recognized, school-based program provides practical risk management tools and gives faculty and staff the information they need to assess, prevent and respond to signs of suicidality in teens. At the initial SOS presentation to faculty and staff in January 2011, two Loyola students spoke about their own struggles with anxiety and depression.
Moving Ramblers into the Healthy Fitness Zone To help every Rambler reap the many benefits of physical fitness, Loyola’s Physical Education Department launched a new Fitness Lab program in FY11. Designed for students with low aerobic fitness scores, the program enhances cardiovascular fitness levels with fun activities such as catch the flag, judo and relay races. “Physical fitness is an important part of our Jesuit mission,” notes Physical Education Department Chair Stanley Breitzman. “We evaluate the fitness of every student at Loyola with a battery of nationally standardized fitness tests that assess aerobic capacity, muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. Scores from these tests are compared to national Healthy Fitness Zone standards to determine students’ overall physical fitness levels. “Each year, some Loyola students don’t meet the minimum level of physical fitness required for good health,” says Breitzman. “We developed the Fitness Lab program to help these students become more physically fit and teach them about the value of a physically active lifestyle.” Sixty students participated in the semester-long program in FY11. By the end of the academic year, 90 percent had moved into the healthy fitness zone.
Roads to Enrichment
Loyola offered one of the most comprehensive and innovative cocurricular programs in the nation in FY11. With more than 70 cocurricular activities to choose from, Ramblers broadened their horizons, developed leadership skills and shared favorite pasttimes while forming lifelong friendships with their fellow Ramblers.
New on the Cocurricular menu Athletes on Fire A spirituality club for Loyola athletes The Conservative Club A conservative forum for the discussion of politics and current events The Croquet Club A society of “snappy young lads and lasses” who love to play croquet Dumbledore’s Army A fellowship of Harry Potter devotees The Euchre Club A card club for Euchre enthusiasts LA Wheels A club dedicated to the celebration of anything on wheels Music for Healing A service club for Ramblers who play music at hospitals, hospices and senior centers Open Studio A drop-in studio for advanced art students Rambler RAKIES A club dedicated to random acts of kindness
T h e y e ar i n r e v i e w
A Day in the Life of a rambler Zachary Aldana ’12 My Community Northwest Side, Chicago
7:45 am Discussing the Aldous Huxley novel Brave New World in Honors British Literature. “Our teacher had just asked us: ‘Which society is better, the one described in Brave New World or our own?’”
My Academic Interests English, Fine Arts, Math, Science My Clubs and Activities Hispanic Youth Group, Man Choir (men’s a cappella group), The Prep (Loyola’s student newspaper) My Dreams for the Future “I am thinking about majoring in engineering physics, mathematics or music in college. I would love to be an educator —— maybe in math or physics. But I always want to keep music in my life, whether I am teaching, performing or composing. Music is like a second language to me. It’s always going to be my passion.”
8:35 am Learning about the civil rights era in U.S. History. “Our reading assignment was an historical document about an African American woman fighting for her civil rights. ”
9:25 am Putting the finishing touches on a bridge-building project during a Physics lab. “My teacher is always showing us how physics affects our everyday lives. It’s made me eager to learn more and maybe even pursue a career in physics.”
11:05 am 12
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11:55 am Working on a rhythm exercise for AP Music Theory. “I’ve had music in my life since I was a little kid, but it was mainly vocal or instrumental. This course is teaching me the language of music so I can become better at arranging and composing.”
With classmates in a computer lab, conducting research for an upcoming Ethics class debate on capital punishment. “Our teacher always encourages us to keep an open mind and consider other points of view.”
12:40 pm
Reviewing sightreading and rhythm exercises with fellow members of the Honors Chamber Singers. “The other singers are like family to me. Every time we work together to create something that sounds beautiful, it takes me to such a relaxing place.”
5:30 pm Preparing for a concert with fellow members of the Man Choir, a men’s cocurricular a cappella group. “I love performing with these guys. Even if it’s late and we’re all tired, we still have a good time.”
3:00 pm
Designing the layout for The Prep. “My work as managing editor for the school’s student newspaper has taught me that putting together a newspaper is a team effort. We all have to work together to make it great.”
A d a y i n t h e l i f e o f a ra m b l e r
The Loyola community Since its earliest days, Loyola Academy has been more than a school community. It has been a spiritual touchstone — a place where Loyola students, alumni, parents and graduate parents have gathered to reflect on their faith, socialize with those who have similar values and interests, share meaningful experiences with other community members, reconnect with former classmates and use their skills and talents to advance our mission of Jesuit education. In FY11, we enhanced our offerings as a Jesuit, Catholic resource for the Loyola community in a variety of ways — from an enlivened social media presence to spiritual, educational, social and professional networking programs for Loyola community members in the Chicago area and around the world.
New Ways to Stay Connected
Despite temperatures that never topped 50 degrees, 135 hardy souls turned out for the 17th annual Alumni Golf Outing at the Highland Park Country Club, including our winning foursome (above, l-r): William R. Bohr ’97, Jason R. Gilboy ’97, Michael W. Nowak ’97 and John L. Hammon ’97. The June 2011 event was dedicated to the late “Doc” Aiello, a longtime Loyola teacher and mentor, with proceeds benefiting The John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship.
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During the fiscal year, we stayed in touch with alumni near and far with electronic technologies that ranged from email blasts to Facebook posts to tweets on Twitter. We also unveiled a new and improved alumni website
— complete with alumni news and events, a career center, reunion information, a password-protected alumni directory and a directory devoted to alumni in the armed forces. Alumni can now log on to create profiles for our directories, communicate with former classmates, access our professional network, register for reunions and events
and make online donations to Loyola. The site, which is still under development, can be accessed through the Academy’s main website at www. Simply click on the “Customized for Alumni” link in the upper left-hand corner of our home page.
Young Alumni Discuss Creative Options in College Budding artists at Loyola got a sneak preview of the life of a college art major at the Academy’s second annual Young Alumni Arts Panel in November 2010. The panel was comprised of 11 alumni who had recently received fine arts degrees or were currently pursuing majors such as architecture, art administration, music, musical theater, studio art and vocal jazz at colleges and universities such as Carthage College, the Illinois Institute of Technology, Loyola University, Marquette University, St. Olaf College and the University of Notre Dame. More than 300 Ramblers stopped by during their lunch hours and free periods to listen in as the panelists discussed topics such as different ways to participate in the arts, how the life of an art student differs from that of a typical undergraduate and what students should be doing
Artistically inclined alumni spoke to Ramblers about the life of a college art major at Loyola’s second annual Young Alumni Arts Panel in November 2010.
now if they want to pursue an arts-related major. “Young alumni are a wonderful resource for us because they are still close in age to our students, who relate well to them and view them as ‘experts,’” notes Fine Arts Chair Faye A. Ryan, who moderated the panel with two fine arts faculty members. “The great turnout this year (100 more students than last year) shows us that our students want and need this input from our fine arts alumni.”
Alumni Share Career Insights at Quo Vadis In October 2010, six successful alumni returned to Loyola to share their insights into the working world at Loyola’s second Quo Vadis Career Night. Quo Vadis is Latin for “Where are you going?” — and this aptly named event was established to help current Loyola students explore future career options. Our FY11 panelists represented vocations as varied as a music industry executive, a journalist, a dermatology resident, an attorney and a marketing coordinator. The panel discussion, which was moderated by FOX-6 News/Milwaukee anchor and
reporter Michael A. Lowe ’97, focused on choosing a college and a career. “Quo Vadis is valuable on so many levels,” notes Special Assistant to the President and Alumni Relations Director Dennis R. Stonequist ’90. “To have these young alumni come back to talk about their experiences after high school and college, show how they have applied the Jesuit values they learned at Loyola to different careers and help our students look toward the future — that’s what being part of our Jesuit community at Loyola is all about.”
Mentoring Those Who Come after Us
Ramblers reconnected and reminisced at six home reunions, as well as regional reunions at the University of Notre Dame and in Boston, Dallas, New York and Washington D.C.
Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ has always believed that the Academy can, and should, serve as a spiritual, social and professional touchstone for alumni in their twenties and thirties. To that end, he launched the President’s
A panel of six successful alumni shared their insights into the working world at the Academy’s second Quo Vadis Career Night in October 2010. Pictured below: Quo Vadis moderator FOX-6 News/Milwaukee anchor and reporter Michael A. Lowe ’97 (far right) and (l-r) Michael R. McDonald ’87, founder of Mick Management; Peter C. Lee ’97, vice president, Barclay’s Wealth; Thomas G. Cronin ’97, attorney, Gordon & Rees, LLP; Kate E. Valenti ’03, marketing coordinator, Wintrust Wealth Management; Kevin P. Garvey ’81, vice president of sales, Garvey Office Products; and Dr. Elizabeth Farhenbach ’00, dermatology resident, Cook County Hospital
The loyola community
The Loyola Community gets ready to Ramble to the Emerald Isle
Leadership Council in Fall 2009. Comprised of 23 young alumni and chaired by James M. Baisley Jr. ’92, the Council collaborates with the Board
In Spring 2011, Loyola’s leadership began early preparations for one of the most ambitious and exciting group travel events in the Academy’s history: a trip across the Atlantic to cheer on Loyola’s football team at the Global Ireland Football Tournament 2012. Announcements went out to Loyola students, parents, alumni and faculty in April. By Fall 2011, more than 350 people had signed up for the six-day trip, which will take place from August 29 through September 3, 2012. The travel opportunity arose when Loyola’s football team was selected, along with 11 other high school and NCAA Division III teams, to compete in the tournament’s Dublin Friday Night Lights event on August 31, 2012. On that date, our Rambler athletes will take on the Texas football power, Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas. The following day, the University of Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish will square off against their longstanding rivals, the U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen. Tens of thousands of fans and worldwide media will be flocking to Dublin for this landmark event. “This is a wonderful opportunity to take our entire Loyola Academy community to Dublin —– to celebrate Loyola across borders and ‘across the pond,’” says Special Assistant to the President and Alumni Relations Director Dennis R. Stonequist ’90. But the Dublin trip won’t be all football all the time. There will also be plenty of opportunities to explore Dublin’s myriad cultural offerings and historical sites. “While our Dublin 2012 trip is inspired by Loyola’s winning football team, it is also an opportunity for students from a variety of cocurricular clubs, as well as members of the Loyola community, to join me in bringing the Rambler spirit to Ireland,” notes Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ. “My hope is that our alumni, students and parents will have a memorable experience in Ireland and that our students will develop lasting friendships with each other and students from the other schools in attendance, including our brother Jesuit school, Dallas Jesuit. This is also an opportunity for our alumni to reconnect with one another and witness some outstanding Rambler and Notre Dame/Naval Academy football in the process.”
of Trustees and serves as a liaison between the Academy and its more recent graduates. After a productive first year that included social gatherings and a business and networking event for young alumni, the Council developed and launched a new Loyola Academy Leadership Development Program in FY11. This innovative mentoring program pairs Ramblers in need of positive role models with young alumni who want to make a difference in the lives of young people. “We conceived of this program because we feel that young alumni have a lot to give to Loyola’s students — from college and career advice to networking opportunities,” explains Michael P. Bufalino ‘02, who co-chairs the President’s Leadership Council Service Committee with James P. Suehr ’02. “We also feel that alumni can encourage and inspire students to start thinking about their life beyond Loyola Academy, introduce them to the network of Loyola graduates and help them understand how far and wide this network extends — not only in the Chicago area but all over the country and around the world.” After the mentoring program concept was green-lighted by Fr. McGrath, Bufalino and Suehr and their committee members recruited 30 young alumni to serve as mentors. Then they began working with Loyola’s Guidance Department to identify 30 students who could benefit from a mentoring relationship. After a training session, the mentors met the students and their families at an Opening Mass and Reception in January 2011. Other events included a Career Shadow Day with tours of the Board of Trade and Google, a Big Shoulders Service Day at an inner-city Catholic school and a Closing Mass and Barbecue at the end of the school year. In between the formal events, the mentors and students spent time just getting to know one another while sharing activities at Loyola and in the Chicago area.
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Nearly 300 Loyola sports fans turned out for the Academy’s 2010 Athletic Hall of Fame Celebration in mid-September 2010. After a pre-game tailgate party, guests rooted for Loyola’s football team in a game against Mount Carmel, enjoyed a post-game repast in the East Gym and witnessed history in the making as six individuals and four teams were inducted into the Academy’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Above far left (l-r): 1 Kevin J. Barr ’73 and his wife, Susan, and Com. Douglas M. Smith ’73, USN (ret) and his wife, Kathryn 2 Charlene and Richard A. Devine ’61 and Madge and Robert J. Erlenbaugh Jr. 3 Loyola Athletic Director Patrick M. Mahoney ’90 (far right) with (l-r) Michael A. Lowe ’97 and Timothy M. Duet ’91 with his fiancée, Molly Phelan 4 Coach Frank J. Amato, executive director of the Loyola Academy Athletic Hall of Fame
According to Bufalino, the program’s pilot year was an unequivocal success. “Everyone involved had positive things to say about the experience,” he reports. “There was a lot of good dialogue between the students and their mentors about colleges, common teachers at Loyola, internships and career opportunities. The students also got a lot out of the Career Shadow Day event and appreciated the opportunity to see what people do on a daily basis in the working world.”
Creating a Learning Community for Loyola Parents Two successful lecture series brought Loyola parents together during the fiscal year to share in the
pursuit of knowledge while enjoying the company of friends old and new. In September 2010, the Academy’s Health and Wellness Program kicked off a series of Parent Education lectures on topics such as the childhood roots of adult happiness and the impact of electronic media on teen health and development. The following month, Loyola’s Women of Wisdom Society launched its ninth annual WOW Lecture Series, which included an evening presentation by a Rwandan genocide survivor, author and peace advocate, as well as morning lectures on topics such as the true nature of success, the challenges facing the Catholic Church in the 21st century and the bioethical issues raised by advances in modern medicine.
An Evening with Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ: More than 200 Loyola parents gathered in the Academy’s chapel in February to hear an inspirational reflection by Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ. The new event, which was cohosted by our Mothers’ Club and Fathers’ Club, is part of a strategic initiative to expand spiritual, social and recreational programming for parents and alumni in the coming years. Fr. McGrath (center in photo at left) after his reflection with (l-r): Event Co-Chair Jennifer Trimble, Event Chair Kathy Loftus, Mothers’ Club 2010 President Helen Jenko and Vice President Anne Williams.
The Loyola Community
A Day in the Life of a rambler Patrick Sammon ’12
7:45 am
My Community Jefferson Park, Chicago My Academic Interests Chinese, Dumbach Scholars Honors Society, English, History My Clubs and Activities Bowling Team, Chinese Club, Insignis (service organization), Jazz Band, Marching Band, Speech and Debate Team, Thespians, Tri-M Music Honor Society
Preparing for an upcoming Advanced Placement exam in AP US History. “With a topic like history, the teacher can make it or break it. You wouldn’t think history could be so entertaining, but Mr. Barry is a great teacher and he made this class really fun.”
My Dreams for the Future “I’m thinking about majoring in Chinese studies in college because I’m fascinated by the language and culture. I’d like to go into international business so that I can use my Chinese language skills. But if that doesn’t work out, I could see myself working with kids, using my Chinese in an educational setting.”
12:40 pm Playing the saxophone in Honors Symphonic Band. “I look forward to this class because we have a great rapport with our music teacher, Mr. Ames. He really knows us and cares about us. I never come out of band class tired. I’m always energized by the music.”
2:15 pm Practicing written Chinese in Honors Mandarin Chinese III. “We’re always doing something new and exciting in this class. It’s the most interesting part of my day. There’s this huge misconception that Chinese is really hard, but the teachers at Loyola just ease you into it and then, once you get going, you can’t stop!”
10:45 am 18
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3:00 pm Socializing with friends in the school cafeteria during the lunch hour. “I’ve made some great friends at Loyola from a lot of different communities.”
Learning about Chinese culture in the Chinese Club, a cocurricular activity at Loyola. “We were playing a traditional game with Chinese spinning cloths. It’s a lot of fun to get together with other students who share my interest in Eastern culture.”
pre-game practice
With fellow members of the Marching Band. “It’s a lot of fun and there’s a real sense of community among the band members. When we get a challenging piece of music and plow through it during practice and then perform it well at a football game, it’s a reward in itself.”
3:30 pm
Practicing a dramatic interpretation from “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” a novel about life from a dog’s point of view. “Being on the Speech and Debate Team has been such a cool experience. I’ve learned to speak clearly, project my voice and make eye contact with a crowd of people. We went to schools all over the country to compete —— including Harvard.” Conducting a laboratory experiment in Integrated Chemistry/Physics II. “It was really interesting to learn about chemistry and physics at the same time. It showed me how the different scientific disciplines are connected —— and how they apply to everyday life. The lab sessions were stimulating and sometimes challenging. They definitely prepared me for any science courses I’ll be taking in college.”
A d a y i n t h e l i f e o f a ra m b l e r
PHILANTHROPY Report “Teach us to give and not to count the cost.”
Excerpted from a prayer by St. Ignatius Loyola, these words are familiar ones at Loyola Academy — urging us to do more, give more and be more for the greater glory of God.
In FY11, our loyal benefactors took this Ignatian imperative to heart as they continued to provide critically needed support for Loyola’s enduring tradition of excellence in Jesuit education — despite the economic stagnation that had persisted throughout the year. The past few years have been described by The Chronicle of Philanthropy as the worst period for individual giving since the Great Depression. Loyola Academy has not been immune to this nationwide decline in philanthropic support. In FY11, our major gift revenues were at their second lowest level in five years. Our Board of Trustees is monitoring this trend and evaluating options to enhance the development effort. We are deeply grateful to the benefactors who continued to support Loyola fundraising events such as the President’s Dinner and Ramble, made generous contributions to our Annual Fund, invested in scholarship funds and supported a wide variety of capital and programmatic enhancements. Meanwhile, we continued to make heartening progress on the objectives outlined in our Strategic Vision for a Second Century of Excellence. During Summer 2010, we completed the final phase of construction for our Foley-O’Donnell Athletic Commons, which included the construction of the T. Michael Herbert ’56 Memorial Press Box, a new athletic training center, a permanent concession facility and a donor recognition pavilion. With the exterior construction on the athletic training center completed, we began seeking support for interior finishing and furnishings for a strength training facility and an emergency medical treatment area for injured athletes.
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Work crews also spent the summer months resurfacing the five north courts at the Rose Catharine Schuba Tennis Park — the second and final phase of a two-part reconstruction project that began in 2010. We expressed our gratitude to the benefactors behind this project at a courtside dedication ceremony in May 2011. As these projects moved from blueprint to reality, we continued to work closely with our volunteer fundraising committees to generate support for our Aquatic Center Initiative, Fine Arts Initiative and Science Initiative. During the fiscal year, our Aquatic Center Initiative Committee members hit their first fundraising benchmark of $1 million. By year’s end, more than $1.3 million had been raised for a state-of-the-art natatorium with a 10-lane, IHSA competition-size pool; locker rooms; coaching offices; public restrooms; and a 500-seat spectator balcony. With preliminary drawings and a computer animation video of the proposed facility in hand, our fundraising team will begin communicating the need for this capital enhancement to the broader Loyola community in FY12. The Fine Arts Initiative was front and center in FY11 as we hired an architect to help us realize our vision for a new fine arts center, began work on a video case statement outlining the need for new fine arts facilities and conducted a series of donor
Making the case for the fine arts: Alumnus and actor Christopher E. O’Donnell ’88 —– well known for his roles in films such as Batman Forever and Scent of a Woman and television shows such as NCIS: Los Angeles and Grey’s Anatomy —– flew out from the West Coast in July 2011 to lunch with Loyola supporters and talk about the need for new fine arts facilities at the Academy.
cultivation events at fine arts performances and exhibitions to raise awareness of the arts at Loyola. A committed group of Loyola Board members, alumni and parents — including Loyola Trustee and Fine Arts Initiative Committee Chair Margaret M. Kenny — also graciously opened their homes to host Fine Arts Initiative dinners for members of the school community. As the Fine Arts and Aquatic Center Initiatives gained momentum, our development team continued to seek support for the Academy’s Science Initiative — an ongoing capital enhancement project that involves the development of a dedicated science wing with 12 multimedia science labs, faculty offices and a science lecture hall. With four state-of-the-art laboratories already completed, we continued to work with Science Initiative Committee members to raise funds for the remaining eight labs envisioned for the new wing. We also worked closely with Scholarship Initiative Committee members to spread the word about the growing need for tuition assistance to make a Jesuit education at Loyola affordable for low- and middle-income families. At small dinner parties hosted by Scholarship Initiative Committee members, our development officers emphasized the
importance of making a Loyola education accessible to students from all cultures and communities. Loyola students had their own taste of philanthropy in FY11 with the launch of Loyola’s Senior Class Gift Program. Fifty-two members of the Class of 2011 were chosen as Senior Class Gift Program Committee members and gift ambassadors based on recommendations from teachers, counselors, coaches and peers. During designated Formation classes, these senior gift representatives asked their classmates to consider making a pledge to the 2011 Senior Class Gift. This new peer solicitation program was remarkably successful in its inaugural year, generating 352 pledges totaling just over $27,000 from 77 percent of the senior class. By the end of the fiscal year, our development team, Board members, volunteer fundraising committees and Senior Class Gift representatives had secured total gift commitments of more than $4.8 million. We are deeply grateful to the Loyola community members who gave so generously of their time and energy to make this possible — and to the loyal benefactors who paved the way for a second century of excellence at Loyola with their continued commitment and support.
Taking the plunge: With $1.3 million in pledges, preliminary drawings for a new natatorium and a fundraising video in hand, Aquatic Center Initiative Committee members are poised to spread the word about the need for aquatic facility enhancements to the broader Loyola community in FY12.
A great day for Loyola athletics: The Loyola community celebrated the completion of the final phase of construction for the Foley-O’Donnell Athletic Commons —– which included the T. Michael Herbert ’56 Memorial Press Box (below), a new athletic training center, a permanent concession facility and a donor recognition pavilion —– at a dedication and donor appreciation ceremony and football game in October 2010.
Philanthropy report
T he R ose C atharine S chuba T ennis Park R econstruction
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hovanec
Major Gift Highlights Major giving consisted of 188 gifts totaling nearly $2.6 million, including the following:
AQUATIC CENTER INITIATIVE The following benefactors contributed major gifts to support the development of a new Aquatic Center: Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Baker ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Bestvina Mr. Gregory Klichowski and Dr. Amy Klichowski Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manhard Mr. John D. Norcross ’54 Mr. Daniel J. Obringer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ’78
ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME FUND Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ’69 contributed major gifts to underwrite our Athletic Hall of Fame 2010 Dinner and Induction Ceremony.
BASEBALL PROGRAM FUND Sophomore baseball coach Mr. Doug Scott and a group of Loyola baseball families
spearheaded a fundraising effort to support needed varsity baseball field upgrades and safety enhancements at the Munz Campus, including the construction of a 10-footwide, red crushed-brick warning track. This transitional area enhances player safety by alerting baseball players when they are approaching a wall or fence at the edge of the field. Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Savarise and Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ’72 contributed major gifts to fund the project. Mr. Robert Walker contributed a major in-kind gift of construction services.
CHAPEL RENOVATION FUND Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Flanagan ’83 contributed a major gift to support the renovation of the Loyola Chapel.
FINE ARTS INITIATIVE Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea contributed major gifts to
support the development of a new fine arts center at Loyola Academy.
FOLEY O’DONNELL ATHLETIC COMMONS Mr. William T. O’Donnell ‘67 and Ms. Lezlie Rehagen contributed a major gift to the Foley O’Donnell Athletic Commons, named in memory of Mr. O’Donnell’s parents and the parents of Mr. Thomas D. “Tim” Foley ’66. The following benefactors contributed major gifts to support the final phase of the Foley-O’Donnell Athletic Commons capital enhancement project: Athletic T raining C enter F und
Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran S achs S tadium R enovation F und
Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ’50
FOOTBALL PROGRAM FUND Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera contributed a major in-kind gift of supplies for our Football Program and seating for the T. Michael Herbert ’56 Press Box.
JAMES T. GLERUM JR. AND MARY E. GLERUM CLASSICS TOUR SCHOLARSHIP Mr. and Mrs. James T. Glerum Jr. established the James T. Glerum Jr. and Mary E. Glerum Classics Tour Scholarship to provide funding to Latin and Greek students who need financial assistance to participate in Loyola’s summer Classics Tours in Italy and Greece.
THE JOHN T. AND JOANNE K. HICKEY FUND Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Sr. ’43 established The John T. and Joanne K. Hickey Fund to support the mission of Loyola Academy.
FRANK AND MONICA HOGAN PERFORMING ARTS ENDOWMENT Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Sr. ’56 contributed a major gift to the Frank and Monica Hogan Performing Arts Endowment.
ALLEN J. HOOVER ’58 SCIENCE AWARD Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Hoover ’86 established the Allen J. Hoover ’58 Science Award. The award, named in memory of the 1986 graduate’s father, is given annually to a Loyola senior who excels in the sciences.
O’SHAUGHNESSY PROGRAM Courtside supporters: Loyola graduate parents Timothy J. and Catharine M. Babington at the recently completed Rose Catharine Schuba Tennis Park. The Babingtons served on the volunteer fundraising committee for the court reconstruction project and made a generous gift to help ensure its successful completion.
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Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis and the John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund
contributed major gifts to support the O’Shaughnessy Learning Center Endowment. Ms. Mary Jane O’Connor and The William F. O’Connor Foundation contributed major gifts to support the O’Shaughnessy Program in FY11 and fund the purchase of new computers for O’Shaughnessy students. The Kampen Family Foundation contributed a major gift to support the O’Shaughnessy program in FY12.
SCIENCE INITIATIVE The following benefactors contributed major gifts to support the development of state-of-the-art science labs at Loyola Academy: Abbott Laboratories Fund, Dr. Scholl Foundation, Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McVary, Ms. Meghan T. McVary ’08, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Syvertsen.
TECHNOLOGY FUND The Helen V. Brach Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Simon contributed major gifts to fund the acquisition of 35 Epson BrightLink interactive projectors for Loyola’s RealTech Technology In the Classroom program, which provides technical support for teaching and learning.
TURF INITIATIVE Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ’77, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ’82 and Rosemont One, LLC, contributed major gifts to the Turf Initiative at Munz Campus.
UNRESTRICTED MEMORIAL GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Johnson contributed a major unrestricted memorial gift in memory of Mrs. Johnson’s father, Walter Hughes.
WRESTLING PROGRAM FUND Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ’73, the Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation and Major Gifts continued on page 25
Celebrating Four Generations of Generosity and Service Four generations of the Jaye and Jack Hickey Family were honored for their enduring commitment to Loyola Academy and Jesuit education at our 53rd annual President’s Dinner on November 5. The black-tie dinner dance, which was organized by President’s Dinner Chaircouple Kelly and Kevin G. Gleason ’83 and their dedicated volunteers, netted $345,000 for Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program. Jack Hickey’s warm and witty acceptance speech was one of the highlights of the evening. “My father was an enthusiastic admirer of the Jesuits and Jesuit education,” he told the Loyola community members at the event. “When I was in the eighth grade, he informed me that I would be entering Loyola Academy the following year, despite the fact that I would need to take two trains each way, every day, to get there. He also told me that the Jesuits would teach me to think critically, clearly and honestly; to be fair and kind; and to love God. Even to an eighth grader, his argument for Jesuit education was persuasive!”
C lockwise from top left: Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ; President’s Dinner Chaircouple Kevin G. and Kelly Gleason ’83; and Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. Award recipients Joanne K. “Jaye” and John T. “Jack” Hickey Sr. ’43 welcomed more than 600 supporters to the 53rd annual President’s Dinner in November 2010.
MAJOR GIFT UNDERWRITERS We are grateful to the following President’s Dinner major gift benefactors for their generous support: Chicago and Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Crane ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Dillon Mr. Kevin G. Dowdle ’78 and Ms. Annette Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Doyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Gleason ’83 Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Hackett Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hickey ’75 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Jr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Sr. ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. Dieter A. Schmitz and Ms. Megan Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby ’83 U.S. Cellular Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ’72 Wintrust Financial Corporation
Philanthropy report
The Beat Goes On in Loyola’s Second Century The Ramble’s long run began in the late 1960s after a fire in Loyola’s library. The proceeds from that first Ramble were used to repair the fire damage and purchase new books for the library’s collection. Before long, the Ramble had become one of the most successful high school fundraising auctions in the country. More than four decades later, the Ramble is still going strong —– thanks to the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of our Ramble chaircouples and their committees. The Ramble now raises critically needed support for our Tuition Assistance Program. In May, we hosted The Beat Goes On, our 2011 Ramble. This sixtiesinspired soiree celebrated the Ramble’s roots in the past, but the evening’s silent auction was right out of the 21st century —– with participants placing bids on smartphones, iPads, iTouches and laptops. After the silent auction, guests enjoyed dinner and a live auction with items that ranged from courtside seats at the U.S. Open to a weeklong stay at a 17th century Tuscan villa. The auction concluded with a request for contributions to Loyola’s Guardian Angel Fund, which provides emergency academic funding for Ramblers experiencing unforeseen financial hardship. Flawlessly orchestrated by Co-chaircouples Margaret A. and William H. Phelan ’78 and Tracie A. and Dan Michalek ’82 and their committees, the event netted $1.1 million for our Tuition Assistance Program, which awards more than $4 million to nearly 30 percent of Loyola’s student population each year.
Loyola President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ (center) and Ramble Chaircouples Margaret A. and William H. Phelan ’78 (left) and Tracie A. and Dan Michalek ’82 welcomed 600 Loyola supporters to the 2011 Ramble.
RAMBLE 2011 Auction Benefactors We are grateful to the following benefactors for their generous donations of Ramble auction items: The Chicago Cubs donated a ceremonial first pitch and photo op at a Cubs game. Kristyna Pellouchoud Driehaus donated a trip to Prague. Mr. and Mrs. James Fauerbach donated a skybox for a Crosstown Classics game. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ’75 and International Autos donated a Mini Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera donated skyboxes for Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks games.
xx 24
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara donated a weeklong stay at their home in Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn donated an eight-person stay at their home in Scottsdale, Arizona, with tickets and access passes to the Phoenix Open. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus ’78 and Mrs. and Mrs. David Venkus donated a Learjet, limousine service and tickets for eight to the September 2011 Michigan vs. Notre Dame football game in Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui donated a dinner for 12 created by Chef Fredy Hernandez at the purchaser’s home, complemented by fine wine selected by Master Sommelier Joe Spellman ’76.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Jacobs ’74 and Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McCormack ’86 donated a travel package and tickets to the 2012 Grammy Awards.
Sea Cloud Cruises donated a weeklong stay on the River Cloud II, a floating five-star yacht that visits some of Europe’s most beautiful destinations.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. McKerr ’80 donated a stay at their home in Sundance, Utah, during the Sundance Film Festival.
Br. James E. Small, SJ donated his skillfully rendered recreations of some of the world’s most famous paintings.
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RAMBLE 2011 MAJOR GIFT UNDERWRITERS We are grateful to the following benefactors who contributed major gifts to underwrite the Ramble: Ayco Charitable Foundation Bankers Life and Casualty Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perry Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Ms. Jane M. Sagui ’11 Schwab Charitable Fund
Major Gifts continued from page 22
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Yurek contributed major gifts to Loyola’s wrestling program.
BEQUESTS Loyola received unrestricted major gift bequests from the estates of Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs ’31 and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs, Mrs. Angela F. Loritz and Mr. H. M. Schnitzius ’41.
PLANNED GIFTS Dr. James J. Burden ’51, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerlach ’51 and Mr. and Mrs. James P. Quinn ’51 established planned gifts to support the Class of 1951 Scholarship.
Guardian Angels for Ramblers in Need At the Ramble 2011 live auction, attendees raised their paddles to support Loyola’s Guardian Angel Fund, contributing more than $461,000 to help students experiencing unforeseen financial hardships during their Loyola years. Major gifts to this fund were received from the following benefactors: Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Mr. Thomas Bonnel and Mrs. Kathleen R. Bonnel LdM ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Chestnut ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ’81 Couri Family Foundation Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ’82 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hickey ’75 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Loyola Academy Jesuit Community Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McKiernan ’72 Ms. Susan L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Ms. Jane M. Sagui ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Suhey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Loyola received gifts and pledges to the Annual Fund totaling more than $1.2 million from 1,654 donors. We are grateful for the generous support of the following benefactors who contributed major gifts to the Annual Fund: Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Amberg ’67 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner Jr. ’49 Helen V. Brach Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Bruno ’94 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Chereskin Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins Columbus Vegetable Oils Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dalebroux Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Daly ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ’86 Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond
The DiMucci Family Foundation Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci III ’99 Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Dr. and Mrs. John A. Dowdle Jr. ’66 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Geldermann ’44 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Halston ’82 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Higgins ’85 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ’79 Dr. James W. Hoag and Ms. Marcia E. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hoinacki ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III ITW Foundation Indianapolis Colts, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Irsay ’77 Jem Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Jules
Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. Michael C. McConville ’55 RIP Mr. and Mrs. James A. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Morahan III ’70 Mr. Michael M. Mullen ’72 and Dr. Gavin Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Mulroe Ms. Sarah J. Nolan Mr. Thomas H. Nolan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perry Mr. and Mrs. John W. Person ’76 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Quinn ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Rodriguez ’75 Sanborn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sanborn Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Shantz ’53 Dr. and Mrs. John N. Simons Mr. and Mrs. William M.
A walk down the hall with Br. Jim Small: After a Mass and brunch with Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, members of the school community turned out for a hallway “gallery walk” to view paintings by resident artist Br. James E. Small, SJ (above, center). The May 2011 event was held to raise awareness of the arts at Loyola Academy. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ’73 Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kluckman Bruce A. Lee Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lee Mr. Gabriel M. Licastro Loyola Academy Jesuit Community Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden ’77
Sneed ’79 Mr. and Mrs. John Sonnier Mr. Martin J. Stock Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Valenti Jr. ’68 The Joseph E. Valenti Jr. Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voss ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb Mr. and Mrs. James El Zoghbi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Zuercher Jr. ’74
philanthropy report
The Gift of a Jesuit Education During the 2010-2011 academic year, 2,000 Ramblers traveled to Loyola from 75 different zip codes. Twenty percent of these students were African-American, Asian, Hispanic and other ethnicities. Forty-two percent lived in Chicago and 58 percent lived in more than 50 different suburbs. Our students benefited immeasurably from this multicultural milieu, developing a deep respect for other cultures and viewpoints, forming friendships with peers from different communities and developing a broader perspective that helped prepare them for future leadership roles in our global society. We cultivated this diversity by awarding more than $4 million in tuition assistance to more than 30 percent of our student population. Support for tuition assistance came from gifts to our Annual Fund, fundraising events such as our President’s Dinner and Ramble Auction and endowed scholarships, which provide a permanent source of tuition assistance revenue. We are grateful to the following major gift benefactors for making the dream of a Jesuit education at Loyola Academy a reality for more than 600 young people from low- and middle-income families in FY11.
TUITION ASSISTANCE AND ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Mr. Timothy L. O’Brien ’80, Mr. Richard J. Dowdle ’80 and a committee of alumni, colleagues, family members and friends established The John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship honors the life and legacy of longtime Loyola social studies teacher and mentor John D. “Jack” Aiello, PhD, who died after a long battle with
cancer in 2010. The following benefactors contributed major gifts to the scholarship, which will benefit low-income students from Big Shoulders schools: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Broccolo ’73, Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Crane ’54, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Crowley, Michael E. Crane Attorney at Law, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelley, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert W. Navarre II, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Servatius ’77 and Mrs. Beverly Shaw. Classmates and former students of former Headmaster Rev. James C. L. Arimond, SJ ’57 continued to donate to the Rev. James C. L. Arimond, SJ ’57 Scholarship for Excellence Endowment, which is currently awarded to five
Arimond Scholars annually. The following benefactors contributed major gifts to the scholarship: The William and Kathy Doyle Foundation; Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doyle ’68; Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ’57; PCS Administration (USA), Inc.; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Shanke RIP; and Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Whalen ’57.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Boltz ’61 founded the Paul W. and Catherine A. Boltz Scholarship in 2011 to provide support for students who are residents of the City of Chicago. They also established the Boltz Debate Fund to support the Speech and Debate program.
Class of 1951 60th Reunion organizers Joseph S. Kearney, Paul J. Gerlach and Dr. James J. Burden (pictured at left, l-r) encouraged their former Loyola classmates to give generously to the Class of 1951 Endowed Scholarship and raised more than $100,000 in pledges. Dr. Burden, Mr. Gerlach and Mr. James P. Quinn ’51 contributed major gifts.
I wouldn’t be a Rambler without you: Tuition assistance recipients Casandra Osei ’11 (far left in photo at left) and Germainy Deborah Essalo-Mokeleba ’12 (center) met Loyola parent and scholarship donor Thomas L. Harte ‘88 and some of the other benefactors who made their Loyola education possible at the Academy’s second annual Scholarship Reception in March 2011.
to The Jennings Family Scholarship, which they established in 2009 with their father, Richard E. Jennings. The children continue to contribute to the scholarship in memory of their father, who died in 2011.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Leahy ’60 contributed a major gift to the Class of 1960 Scholarship.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eilers contributed a major gift to the Patrick and Jana Eilers Scholarship Endowment.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Corby Jr. contributed a major gift to the Fran and Jean Corby Scholarship Endowment in memory of Mr. Corby’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour contributed a major gift to the Michael E. Finnegan Scholarship Endowment, named in memory of Mrs. LeFevour’s brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran and the Corcoran Family Foundation contributed major gifts to The Corcoran Family Scholarship Endowment for the Loyola Academy Big Shoulders Scholarship Initiative. Mrs. Sharon DeRosa and The Tony DeRosa Foundation contributed major gifts to the Tony DeRosa ’90 Scholarship Endowment. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dooley ’56 and the Wilma and William Dooley ’56 Foundation contributed major gifts to the Robert J. Dooley ’27, ’55, ’81, ’12 Scholarship Endowment.
The following benefactors contributed major gifts to Loyola’s General Scholarship and Student Aid Fund: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Baine, the Chicago and Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino, Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fox ’78, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Harte ’81, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon, the Robert Kubon Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman, the Pais Foundation and the Siragusa Foundation. Mr. Jack R. Jennings ’97, Ms. Robin Jennings ’04 and Mr. Todd C. Jennings ’10 contributed major gifts
Ms. Elizabeth A. Cheval; Dearborn Capital Management, LLC; Mr. David M. Kavanagh and Ms. Mary M. Dollinger; and Mr. Patrick J. Tierney ’02 contributed major gifts to the Raymond J. Kavanagh Scholarship Endowment. The scholarship —– named in memory of David Kavanagh’s grandfather, who was a policeman —– supports the children of Chicago-area police and fire professionals. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny ’68 contributed a major gift to the John E. Kenny Sr. Scholarship in memory of Mr. Kenny’s father. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lafferty contributed a major gift to the Lafferty Scholarship Endowment. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ’81, the Couri Family Foundation, Fidelity Charitable Gift Trust and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan contributed major gifts to the Loyola Academy Big Shoulders Scholarship Endowment. Mr. Thomas J. McDonald ’82 contributed a major gift to the McDonald Brothers Scholarship Endowment, established by Tom and his brothers, John J. McDonald ’84 and Michael R. McDonald ’82. Mrs. Antoinette F. McDonnell contributed a major gift
to the McDonnell Family Memorial Scholarship. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McGarrity ’78 contributed a major gift to the Betty McGarrity Scholarship Endowment in honor of his mother. Mr. Donald A. Pantle ’62 contributed a major gift to the Arthur and Barbara Pantle Family Scholarship, in memory of his parents. Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford contributed a major gift to the Bridget F. Walsh Rochford Scholarship Endowment in memory of Mary Kay Rochford’s mother. Loyola received a major gift from the estate of Mr. Thomas J. Rogers ’46 for The Thomas Rogers ’46 Memorial Scholarship Endowment. Dr. Charlene Thomas contributed a major gift to The Joseph C. Thomas ’02 Memorial Scholarship Endowment in memory of her son. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schreiber ’64 established the John and Kathleen Schreiber Scholarship Endowment for the Loyola Academy Big Shoulders Scholarship Initiative. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schwabe Jr. contributed proceeds from an annual golf outing to the Jonathan J. Schwabe ’00 Memorial Fund in memory of their son. The ViBern Foundation contributed a major gift to the ViBern Foundation Scholarship Endowment.
Keeping Doc Aiello’s Flame Burning in the World When longtime Loyola teacher John D. “Jack” Aiello, PhD lost his battle with cancer on August 9, 2010, he left behind legions of grieving Loyola alumni. An era had ended —– and with it, the 37-year career of a legendary social studies and history teacher who had brought joy and laughter to the learning process. The world won’t be the same without him —– but alumni like Huffington Post National Editor Timothy L. O’Brien ’80 are making sure that Doc’s flame continues to burn brightly for the next generation of Ramblers. In FY11, O’Brien teamed up with his friend and former classmate, Richard J. Dowdle ’80; Doc Aiello’s daughter, Julie Aiello-Vincent; and a committee of Doc’s colleagues, former students and friends to establish The John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship. By the end of the fiscal year, the committee had raised nearly $85,000 for the scholarship, which will be awarded to lowincome students from inner-city Catholic schools supported by the Big Shoulders Fund. But the tributes didn’t stop there. Loyola’s annual Rambler Run for Someone was renamed the Doc Aiello Run for Someone. Nearly 500 runners turned out for the Memorial Day 2011 5K run/walk, which was co-chaired by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah and Thomas P. and Katherine L. Harig. Our June 2011 Alumni Golf Outing was also dedicated to Doc’s memory. Proceeds from both events benefited the Aiello scholarship fund.
Philanthropy report
Named and Endowed Scholarships The John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship Rev. James C.L. Arimond, SJ ‘57 Scholarship for Excellence Brian Baker Scholarship Br. Paul Becklenberg Scholarship Berner-Hoyt Scholarship Paul W. and Catherine A. Boltz Scholarship Julia G. Boyce Scholarship John A. Breen Sr. Scholarship Mary Cagney Scholarship Richard Cagney ‘30 Scholarship Rev. Raymond J. Callahan, SJ Scholarship The Bruce and Kathryn Carbonari Scholarship Centioli Family National Italian-American Foundation Scholarship Jaemo Chang Scholarship Nora and Daniel Clarke Scholarship Class of ‘51 Scholarship Class of ‘52 Scholarship Class of ‘59 Scholarship Class of ‘60 Scholarship Class of ‘61 Scholarship Class of ‘62 Scholarship Charles W. Cole ‘48 Scholarship Robert J. Corboy Scholarship Stuart D. Corboy ‘43 Scholarship Fran and Jean Corby Scholarship The Corcoran Family Scholarship Rev. Walter Crane, SJ Scholarship David and Mary Lou Decker Family Scholarship Tony DeRosa ‘90 Scholarship Edward J. Detmer Memorial Scholarship William G. Diederich III Scholarship Richard and Ruth Dooley ‘24 Scholarship Robert J. Dooley ‘27, ‘55, ‘81, ‘12 Scholarship Dorschel Scholarship John A. and Julie Dowdle Scholarship Dumbach Classics Scholarship Catherine A. Dwyer Scholarship E.A. and H.S. Egan Scholarship Patrick and Jana Eilers Scholarship Endowment for the Advancement of Tuition Assistance Rev. Michael English, SJ Scholarship David Fear ‘70 Scholarship Laura Fieberg Scholarship Christopher Fink ‘98 Scholarship Kevin Michael Fink ‘97 Scholarship Michael E. Finnegan Scholarship Augustine A. Flick III ‘47 Scholarship Floberg Family Scholarship Joseph S. Flood Memorial Scholarship Tim Foley ’66 Football Scholarship Michael Ganey Scholarship Hugh P. Hackett Scholarship Rev. Norman E. Harland, SJ Scholarship R. G. Harrington ‘44 Scholarship Rev. Donald J. Hayes, SJ ‘43 Scholarship John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43 Scholarship Lawrence and Ada Hickey Family Scholarship Edward J. and Grace V. Hirsch Scholarship Albert A. Hoffman ‘45 and Rev. John C. Hoffman, SJ ‘48 Scholarship Robert H. Huffman Jr. Memorial Scholarship Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ Scholarship The Jennings Family Scholarship John R. Jozwiak ‘45 Scholarship Raymond J. Kavanagh Scholarship
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
Monsignor J. Gerald Kealy Scholarship Minnie R. Kehl Scholarship John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 Scholarship William T. Kernan ’02 O’Shaughnessy Program Scholarship Mathias A. Klein Jr. Scholarship Lafferty Scholarship Langley Family Scholarship The Joan F. and William J. Lavezzorio ‘46 Scholarship Peter John Leemputte Scholarship Gerasime M. Legris, SJ Scholarship Loyola Academy Big Shoulders Scholarship Loyola Jesuit Community Scholarship Patrick Lynch ’87 Scholarship Suseela and Prasad Madhavareddy Scholarship James J. Maloney ‘47 Scholarship Gregory J. Mann ‘35 Scholarship Mazza Legacy Scholarship McDonald Brothers Scholarship McDonnell Family Memorial Scholarship Betty McGarrity Scholarship John Michael McKechney Scholarship John F. McKerr Jr. Scholarship Elizabeth D. and William B. McNulty ‘38 Scholarship Peter Damien Meenaghan ‘96 Memorial Scholarship Rev. Edward F. Mulhern, SJ Scholarship Rev. Theodore G. Munz, SJ Scholarship John and Mary Naghten Scholarship Edward J. Nesbitt ‘35 Scholarship Nesbitt Family Scholarship Ray O’Keefe Memorial Scholarship James M. O’Loughlin ’62 Scholarship Arthur and Barbara Pantle Family Scholarship Perkaus/Reed Scholarship Robert P. Perkaus III ‘77 Memorial Scholarship Henry A. and James V. Proesel ‘39 Scholarship Quaker Oats Co. Scholarship Michael Rebarchak ‘79 Scholarship Reuter Family Scholarship Thomas A Reynolds Jr. ’45 Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ritten Scholarship The Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 Memorial Scholarship Jarett Romanski ‘94 Scholarship Patrick and Shirley Ryan Minority Scholarship St. Thomas of Canterbury Scholarship Alyce Salerno Minority Scholarship Vincent Savage, SJ Scholarship Francis E. and Mary R. Schlax Scholarship Scholl Foundation Scholarship John and Kathleen Schreiber Scholarship Raymond A. Seng ‘21 Scholarship William J. Sennott Scholarship Marc and Grace Shantz Scholarship James M. Sheerin ‘72 Scholarship Rev. John Stejskal, SJ Memorial Scholarship Philip J. Stelnicki Scholarship Joseph C. Thomas ‘02 Memorial Scholarship Joseph and Marcelline Valenti Family Scholarship I Joseph and Marcelline Valenti Scholarship II Stewart Vergne ‘76 Scholarship ViBern Foundation Scholarship Rev. A.F. Walker, SJ ‘34 Scholarship Bridget F. Walsh Rochford Scholarship William and Margery Weiss Scholarship Anna and Michael White Scholarship Raymond M. White ‘32 Scholarship
Educational Excellence Funds Frank J. Amato Excellence in Coaching Award Endowment Boltz Debate Fund Thomas E. Caestecker ‘49 Chair of American History Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. ‘67 Family Guidance Endowment J.C. Daniel D’Ambrosio Retreat Endowment The Endowment for Jesuit Identity Engels Baseball Endowment Enrichment for Learning Differences Endowment Tim Foley ‘66 Football Endowment James T. Glerum Jr. and Mary E. Glerum Classics Tour Scholarship Great Teaching Endowment Frank and Monica Hogan Performing Arts Endowment Allen J. Hoover ‘58 Science Award Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ Chair for Religious Study Endowment Ignation Programs-Faculty Enhancement Klein Tools Endowment for Computer Study Latousek Chair of English Endowment Mandarin Chinese Language Endowment Rev. William Moran, SJ and Rev. Robert Mulligan, SJ Award of Excellence Rev. Edward F. Mulhern, SJ Guidance Fund David T. Racine ‘86 Endowment Philip J. Stelnicki Memorial Fund Student Formation Program Fund Kay and George Penman Sullivan
Catholic Action Endowment
Rev. Ara Walker, SJ Plant Fund Woodward Classical Studies Chair Endowment
FINANCIAL Statement For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011
I ncome : $33,314
E x penses : $34,973
(in thousands)
(in thousands)
Instruction 34.7% / $12,151
Tuition and Fees 81.2% / $27,058 .
Student Services 9.5% / $3,320
Plant Maintenance 8.0% / $2,800
Administration 11.0% / $3,838
Education and Other Related Activities 12.5% / $4,378*
Development 2.0% / $713 Annual Fund, President’s Dinner, Ramble Auction and Restricted Gifts 8.4% / $2,789
Student Organizations
Bonds and Interest 5.9% / $2,048
1.1% / $380 Education and Other Related Activities 9.3% / $3,087*
Student Financial Aid 13.2% / $4,612 General School 3.2% / $1,113
*Summer Camps, Cafeteria, Bookstore
H istory of the E ndowment F und and debt
D evelopment C ontributions
1 9 8 0 - 2 0 11
(in thousands)
To Operations
Annual Fund
Alumni $ Parents Graduate Parents Friends, Corporations, Foundations
(in millions)
658 270 96 170
_________ Total Annual Fund Contributions $ 1,194
35 30
President’s Dinner and Ramble Auction $ 1,486 Restricted Gifts 108 _________
Total Contributions to Operations
To Endowment 15
Restricted $ 911 Unrestricted 1,119 _________
10 5 $0 1980 1985 1990
2001 DEBT
Total Contributions to Endowment
_________ _________
f i n a n c i a l s tat e m e n t
A Day in the Life of a rambler Germainy Deborah Mokeleba-Essalo ’12 My Community East Rogers Park, Chicago
8:20 am
My Academic Interests Chemistry, Spanish, Ethics My Clubs and Activities Arrupe Service Program, Chinese Club, French Club, Gourmet Club/BBQ Club, Law Club, Loyola Academy Loves Animals, Maroon Platoon Spirit Squad, S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violating the Earth), Spanish Club, Speech and Debate Team, Summer Service and Immersion Program, Women’s Varsity Track Team
Joining other members of the Women’s Varsity Track Team to staff a Bake Sale during a free period. “We were raising money to cover the team’s track meet travel expenses.”
My Dreams for the Future “When I first arrived in the U.S. from the Republic of Congo, Brazzaville at the age of 11, my family needed an attorney to help us get into the country. Without his help, I probably wouldn’t be here today. He inspired me to go into immigration law so that I can use my legal skills one day to help others in need. My foreign language skills will help me work with people from different countries.”
9:15 am Stopping between classes to pick up paper for recycling. “I do this daily as a member of S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violating the Earth), Loyola’s cocurricular environmental club.”
9:25 am Going over laboratory experiment results in Biology. “I liked stepping away from reading about biology in textbooks to do experiments in the lab so that I could learn about biology in a more hands-on way.”
11:50 am
11:05 am 30
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
Working on equations in Algebra 2. “I like algebra a lot. The first semester was very challenging, but I really got the hang of it during second semester and I ended the school year with a lot more confidence going into final exams.”
Prepping for a British Literature final by reading the work of different English poets. “We were discussing a poem that we’d just read. It was really interesting to hear my classmates’ different interpretations of the poem’s meaning.”
7:20 am
Making posters with another member of the Maroon Platoon Spirit Squad to promote a state championship women’s track meet. “I joined the Spirit Squad because we have a lot of great sports at Loyola, but people aren’t always aware of the different athletic events that are taking place. We hang the posters around the school to remind students to come out and support our Loyola athletes.”
1:30 pm Reviewing for an upcoming National Spanish Honor Society exam with Honors Spanish 3 teacher Ms. Crespo. “We did a lot more reading and writing in Spanish 3. It was challenging, but my teacher really went out of her way to help me out after school or during my lunch hour.”
3:15 pm
Training with the Women’s Varsity Track Team to prepare for the IHSA state championship track meet. “I love running! Each day that I’m on the track, I’m ready to work hard —— and I’m determined to excel. I had one of my best seasons yet, thanks to the support and encouragement of my coaches, who have always believed in me. I also enjoy spending time with my teammates. We work hard while having fun together. Loyola track is more than just ‘running around in circles.’ It has helped me achieve my potential personally and athletically.” A d a y i n t h e l i f e o f a ra m b l e r
Honor Roll of DONORS Lifetime Benefactors
Lifetime Benefactors are donors who have made cumulative gifts to Loyola Academy totaling $100,000 or more. We are deeply grateful to these generous benefactors for their lifelong commitment to Jesuit education. I gnatius L oyola
Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Mr. John J. Dwyer (RIP) and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dwyer Mr. Thomas “Tim” D. Foley ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Foley (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lavezzorio ‘46 (RIP) Loyola Academy Jesuit Community Mazza Foundation Mr. William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 and Ms. Lezlie Rehagen Mr. and Mrs. William T. O’Donnell Sr. ‘40 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan F rancis Xavier
Helen V. Brach Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Hackett Jr. ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Morahan III ‘70 Br. James E. Small, SJ Stepan Company Mr. and Mrs. F. Quinn Stepan Sr. ‘55 A lphonsus R odrigue z
Mr. Thomas E. Caestecker ‘49 Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher ‘40 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43 Illinois FIRST Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Latousek ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Navarre II Estate of Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 (RIP) Patrick & Shirley Ryan Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby ‘83 Estate of Raymond A. Seng ‘21 (RIP) Valenti Charitable Foundation Mr. Joseph E. Valenti Sr. (RIP) and Mrs. Marcelline Valenti A lberto H urtado
Mr. John C. Altman ‘71 (RIP) American Airlines Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cotter ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. Ralph E. Doane (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘52
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
Mr. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 and Ms. Annette Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Egan ‘62 Mr. John P. Gallagher ‘45 (RIP) and Mrs. John P. Gallagher Mr. John T. Geldermann ‘43 (RIP) and Mrs. Jane Geldermann Mr. David F. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graf ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hickey ‘75 Estate of Grace V. Hirsch (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs (RIP) ‘31 and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs (RIP) Estate of John R. Jozwiak ‘45 (RIP) Mr. David M. Kavanagh and Ms. Mary M. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. Mathias A. Klein Jr. (RIP) and Family Mathias A. Klein Memorial Klein Tools, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Mr. J. Barry McRaith Sr. ‘57 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Norcross ‘54 Ignatius A. O’Shaughnessy Family Ignatius A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation Mr. Donald A. Pantle ‘62 The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schreiber ‘64 Estate of John B. Seng ‘57 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Valenti Jr. ‘68 ViBern Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ‘72 E. L. Wiegand Foundation L ifetime F ounder
Anonymous (5) Mrs. Misook Ahn Aon Corporation Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner Jr. ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Borders Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Briggs Sr. (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Carroll (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro M. Cena ‘81 Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Cole ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Collins Mr. Philip H. Corboy Philip H. Corboy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Crane ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Croghan ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Daly ‘83 Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Denten ‘50 The Tony DeRosa Foundation Mr. Salvatore J. DiMucci Jr. (RIP) and Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. Burtis J. Dolan Jr. ‘43 (RIP) and Mrs. Patricia Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dooley Jr. ‘59 Wilma and William F. Dooley ‘56 Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Feeley Jr. ‘59 The Fieberg Family Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Fink Sr. ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. FitzSimons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Fortunato (RIP) The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Mr. and Mrs. A. James Gallagher Jr. ‘39 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gesualdo ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Haggerty ‘81 Mr. William J. Halligan Sr. (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hayes ‘48 Mr. Richard M. Hector ‘48 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Heller ‘68 Eileen L. Heyd, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Jr. ‘70 Lawrence and Ada Hickey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hickey ‘41 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Higgins ‘85 Mr. Albert A. Hoffman Jr. ‘45 J.P. Morgan Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Jaunich Mr. Richard E. Jennings (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Keller George R. Kendall Foundation Mr. John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. James D. King Mr. K. Frederick Kleiderer (RIP) and Mrs. K. Frederick Kleiderer Mrs. Gwenda S. Klein Mrs. William R. Kohl Jr. (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kolleng ‘73 Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Langley Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Jr. Loyola Paper Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maloney ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Marineau ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Marotta ‘35 (RIP) Mr. Thomas J. McDonald ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McGarrity ‘78 Mr. William A. McIntosh ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McKeever ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. David K. McNulty ‘67 James J. and Jamie K. Thorsen McNulty Foundation Mr. James J. McNulty ‘69 and Ms. Jamie K. Thorsen Mr. and Mrs. James A. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Meenaghan Mr. James M. Moran ‘36 (RIP) and Mrs. James M. Moran Mr. Richard Nash Jr. (RIP) and Mrs. Charlotte Nash Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Nesbitt ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. John B. O’Connor ‘39 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Connor ‘71 Mr. John M. O’Meara ‘63 (RIP) and Mrs. Cheryl O’Meara Mr. J. Michael O’Shaughnessy ‘58 (RIP) and Mrs. J. Michael O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi ‘62 The Patrick Group Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Poden ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Proesel Sr. ‘39 (RIP) Quaker Oats Company Mr. and Mrs. Maynard L. Reuter (RIP) Mr. Thomas A. Reynolds Jr. ‘45 (RIP) and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds III ‘70 Dr. Shirley A. Roy Mr. Edward J. Sackley Jr. ‘43 (RIP) and Mrs. Lois A. Sackley Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Schuba Mrs. Beverly Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Singer ‘54 The Siragusa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Tarchala ‘32 (RIP) Dr. Charlene Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Valenti ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Wambay Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Wanandi Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb Mr. and Mrs. William B. Weiss ‘37 (RIP) Robert L. Wenger Trust Mr. Raymond M. White ‘32 (RIP) Mr. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. Garry A. Woodward ‘62 Mr. James F. Woodward Jr. ‘60
Rev. Henry J. Dumbach, SJ Society of Planned Giving Donors This giving society is named in honor of Loyola Academy’s founder, whose vision of Jesuit education is being carried on through the generosity and foresight of our planned giving donors. The Dumbach Society builds on the excellent work of the late Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ and the Loyola Academy Wills Society, which was the first formal society established at Loyola to recognize planned giving donors. Mr. William A. Abrams ‘47 (RIP) Mr. John C. Altman ’71 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Anger ‘45 (RIP) Mr. John L. Baldwin ‘40 Mr. William A. Barnett ‘40 (RIP) Mr. G. Duncan Bauman ‘30 (RIP) Mrs. Dorothy Becklenberg Estate of Louise K. Berner Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bishop ‘40 Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bourn Estate of Jane M. Breen Mrs. Nancy Bruzzini Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden ‘51 Mr. Frank X. Cagney ‘32 (RIP) Mr. Francis J. Calkins ‘28 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cassin, CLU ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro M. Cena ‘81 Mr. Charles J. Chapin ‘36 (RIP) Mr. Francis E. Clarke ‘40 (RIP Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Cole ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Conley ‘26 (RIP) Mrs. Doris Corboy (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corboy ‘48 Mr. Philip H. Corboy Mr. Theodore E. Cornell Jr. ’38 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cotter ‘53 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Covey Jr. ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Crean ‘58 Dr. Sidney R. Cruz Rev. John J. Cullinan ‘23 (RIP) Mr. John P. Cunneen ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Cuny ‘27 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Curley Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Curran ‘84 Mr. Robert M. David ‘28 (RIP) Mr. Robert J. Dixon ‘62 Mr. Ralph E. Doane (RIP) Mr. Terrence P. Doyle ‘62 Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dwyer Mr. John J. Dwyer (RIP) Mr. Ralph W. Emerson ‘14 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. William O. Feeley ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Fellinger Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Fieberg ‘62 III Mr. George W. Fitzgerald ‘23 (RIP) Mr. J. Raymond Fox ‘28 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gavin ‘64
Mr. John T. Geldermann ‘43 (RIP) and Mrs. Jane Geldermann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Geldermann ‘44 Mr. Joseph C. Geraghty ‘41 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerlach ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Glueckert ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grimes ‘58 Mr. William J. Halligan Sr. (RIP) Mr. Richard G. Harrington ‘44 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harris ‘21 (RIP) Hon. Neil F. Hartigan ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hayes ‘48 Mr. Lawrence J. Hayes ‘44 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon W. Hayes ‘41 (RIP) Mr. Richard M. Hector ‘48 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hickey ‘41 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Higgins Mr. William J. Hoffman ‘38 (RIP) Mr. Donald E. Horton ‘63 Mr. Bruce W. Hunt ‘65 Mr. James L. Hurley ‘33 (RIP) Mr. William G. Hurley ‘42 (RIP) Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs (RIP) ‘31 and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs (RIP) Cmdr. and Mrs. Jay B. Jans ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney Jr. ‘51 Mr. Joseph S. Kearney Sr. ‘26 (RIP) Mr. John E. Kenny Sr. ‘31 (RIP) Mr. Donald E. LaVigne ‘42 (RIP) and Mrs. Patricia LaVigne Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Leander Mr. George C. Lyman Jr. ‘50 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mann ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Marschall ‘56 Mr. Emil G. Matz ‘32 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. McPartlin ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Meenaghan Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Morrissey ‘61 (RIP) Mr. Richard E. Murphy Jr. ‘44 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Naphin Sr. ‘23 (RIP)
Mr. William J. Nugent ‘30 (RIP) Mr. James C. O’Connor ‘24 (RIP) Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw ‘54 Mr. William E. O’Neil Jr. ‘33 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Malkan A. Pearlman ‘31 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Peterson ‘79 Rev. Richard K. Pusch ‘56 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. James P. Quinn ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. B. Reed Jr. ‘49 Mr. James P. Reichmann ‘20 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Reichmann Jr. ‘47 Mr. John F. Revell ‘47 (RIP) Mr. Edward F. Robinson ’39 (RIP) Mr. Thomas J. Rogers ’46 (RIP) Ms. Susan D. Romanski Rev. George N. Ross ‘55 (RIP) Mr. George K. Ryan Jr. ‘47 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schinler ‘64 Mr. Thomas G. Schleiter ‘47 Mr. H. M. “Bud” Schnitzius ‘41 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schriver III ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Schwartz ‘65 Estate of John B. Seng ‘57 Estate of Raymond A. Seng ‘21 (RIP) Mr. Charles W. Severn ‘34 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Sextro ‘26 (RIP) Estate of Mr. John W. Somers ‘48 Estate of Rose Stejskal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Tarchala ‘32 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan ‘61 Mr. George W. Vander Vennet Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wagener ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wambach Mr. Robert L. Wenger (RIP) Mr. Raymond M. White ‘32 (RIP) Mr. W. Rockwell Wirtz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Woythal ‘51 Mr. Harold F. Yegge ‘17 (RIP) Mr. Richard A. Youhn ‘55 (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Ziebell (RIP)
“As the parents of two Loyola graduates and one current Rambler, we feel that our children have received far more than an excellent education. Loyola has also helped them grow spiritually, emotionally and socially. We are proud of the compassionate and loving young adults our children and their Rambler friends have become. We believe that a Loyola education is one of the greatest gifts that we have been able to provide for our children —
and we are happy to offer the gift of a Jesuit education at Loyola to other young people so that they, too, can become women and men for others.” Kathy and Chris Perry Lifetime Benefactors
Honor roll of donors
Parents Xavier C ircle
FY11 DONORS The donors listed in this section include unrestricted and restricted gifts received during the 20102011 fiscal year. Annual donors support Loyola in many ways, from gifts to the Annual Fund and support for endowed scholarships to participation in yearly fundraising events such as the President’s Dinner and Ramble Auction. Each year, we depend on the generosity of these donors to help us shape the hearts, minds and spirits of 2,000 young people from many Chicago-area communities.
Loyola Academy Giving Societies I gnatius C ircle
Named for St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, the Ignatius Circle recognizes our most generous benefactors who make annual gift commitments of $50,000 or more. Xavier C ircle
Named for Francis Xavier, Ignatius Loyola’s closest companion and great apostle to India and the Far East. Includes gifts of $25,000 to $49,999. D umbach C ircle
Named for Loyola Academy’s founder, Rev. Henry J. Dumbach, SJ. Includes gifts of $15,000 to $24,999. H umbert C ircle
Named for Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, who spent 35 years serving Loyola Academy as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, headmaster and development and alumni officer. Includes gifts of $10,000 to $14,999. L egris C ircle
Named for Rev. Gerisime Pere Legris, SJ, who served as a teacher, counselor, day camp and alumni director and chaplain at Loyola Academy from 1940 to 1994. Includes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999. P resident ’ s C ircle
The President’s Circle recognizes benefactors who contribute $2,500 to $4,999 or more each fiscal year. F ounder ’ s C ircle
The Founder’s Circle recognizes benefactors who contribute $1,250 or more each fiscal year. P rincipal’ s C lub
Includes gifts of $750 to $1,249. D ean ’ s C lub
Includes gifts from $500 to $749. Maroon and Gold Club
Includes gifts from $350 to $499. rambler ’ s C lub
Includes gifts from $150 to $349.
xx 34
AAn nn nuuaall RReeppo orrtt 22001100-- 220011 11
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Gleason ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lee Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. Michael M. Mullen ‘72 and Dr. Gavin Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Theodore David Van Zelst ‘81 D umbach C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Mr. William J. Caffrey and Mrs. Paulette Gagliardo-Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James Fauerbach Mr. and Mrs. John C. Halston ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sanborn Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Thalmann III Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ‘72 H umbert C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Daly ‘74 Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McGuire Ms. Sarah J. Nolan Mr. Thomas H. Nolan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Suhey L egris C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Bednar Mr. Thomas Bonnel and Mrs. Kathleen R. Bonnel LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Chereskin Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Chestnut ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. George El Zoghbi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flocco Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fox ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Dr. James W. Hoag and Ms. Marcia E. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hovanec Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Janssen Amb. and Mrs. James C. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kluckman Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kuchuris ‘86 Mr. Gabriel M. Licastro Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. McKerr ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Michalek ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mulhern Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. O’Brien ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. O’Malley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Person ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Phelan ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Rodriguez ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf Mr. Mark F. Santacrose ‘77 and Ms. Margaret Fiorenza Mr. Dieter A. Schmitz and Ms. Megan Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sefton Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Servatius ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Greg S. Shearson Dr. and Mrs. John N. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Karl Slowiak Mr. and Mrs. John Sonnier Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Van Kirk Mr. and Mrs. David Venkus P resident ’ s C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baudhuin Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brault ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bredemann ‘80 Dr. Matthew J. Busch ‘83 and Dr. Kimberly A. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Brad Busscher Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Byrne ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cichon Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Cichon Mr. Diarmaid Collins and Ms. Sarah McCarthy Dr. Peter J. Cormier and Dr. Elizabeth K. Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cowan Dr. and Mrs. John J. Cudecki ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dahm Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Dancer Mr. Richard Driehaus Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Floyd Dr. and Mrs. Brian Foley Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mrs. Mary Beth Ginley Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Glavin Jr. ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Godward Mr. and Mrs. John C. Graham Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hagedorn Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. John Hess Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Hurtgen Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Kane Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kariotis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kurkowski ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lee Mr. Thomas A. Loftus and Mrs. Kathleen M. Loftus LdM ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Madigan III Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maher ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. McLaughlin Mr. Timothy K. McPike and Ms. Janis K. Tratnik Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQuillen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Michels ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mollman Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mulhall Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murphy III Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murray Jr. Mr. Stephen M. Naughton and Ms. Nancy E. Paridy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Neumeyer Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. O’Connor ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. Paloian Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pandaleon Mr. Michael D. Pechnick and Ms. Sharon A. Miller
Dr. Michael Pins and Mrs. Nancy A. Pins LdM ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Post Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Sherman F. Reynolds ‘74 Ms. Sheila Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rourke ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rushin Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. San Roman III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. James Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Shewchuck Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Skarzynski Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Timm ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Van Solkema Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zidar F ounder ’ s C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Adler Jr. ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Avery Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Boesen ‘84 Dr. Thomas Bordignon and Dr. Josephine Bordignon Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Boustany Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bowen Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. James Brady Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Callahan ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Canning ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Y. Cheung Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Considine Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Matt Curley Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Dezell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drouillard Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Garvey Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Goosmann Mr. Peter E. Goschi and Dr. Barbara M. Goschi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Griffith Mr. John W. Haben ‘74 and Mrs. Mary Anne Haben LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Harte ‘81 Mr. Charles L. Heekin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horne ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery H. Jacobs ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Jamieson ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson Mr. J. Michael Joyce IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kane Sr. ‘83 Mr. Gary L. Kohn and Ms. Susan M. Barry Mr. and Mrs. John Kolada Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kory ‘86 Mr. Keith Lord Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Sean H. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. John K. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Melbinger Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Michalek ‘79 Dr. and Mrs. Mauricio Morales Mr. and Mrs. James M. Moriarity Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Mugnolo Mr. John M. Murphy and Mrs. Catharine B. Murphy LdM ‘81 Mr. Richard M. Netzel and Mrs. Kathy M. Netzel LdM ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nickele Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Nigh Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Brien Mr. Francis W. O’Malley and
Mrs. Loretta O’Malley LdM ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrott Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Pinelli ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Podbielski Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Pontarelli ‘80 Mr. Jay J. Poydence and Mrs. Eileen M. Poydence LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Richmond ‘82 Ms. Suzanne M. Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Scopelliti Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Spence Dr. James H. Toraason and Dr. Deborah A. Toraason Ms. Vicki Truax Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Tupa Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaw Urbaniak Mr. and Mrs. T. David Van Zelst ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weiss ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wuertz ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Zeller P rincipal’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anton Mr. and Mrs. David Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Boldingh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Bonner ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Boyle ‘81 Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Ms. Gina M. Capitanini Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Colosimo Dr. and Mrs. John E. Croghan ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dormin ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evans Dr. Kenneth A. Fils Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Ford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Giampetroni Dr. and Mrs. Gavin J. Green Mrs. Maureen B. Hajduk Hon. David E. Haracz ‘79 and Ms. Mary Dolan Ms. Mary T. Hartray Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hipskind Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huffman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Iglar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jardeleza Mr. and Mrs. David G. Jones ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Klusendorf Ms. Cynthia S. Kovacevic Mr. Daniel Kovacevic Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kummerer Mr. Michael Lynch and Dr. Alexandra Artisuk-Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Lynch ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Matousek Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Melnick Mr. Brian Norton and Dr. Kathryn Grace Mr. and Mrs. Bradd W. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Odle Mr. and Mrs. Steve Owen Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Petersen ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Remo Picchietti Mr. Ronald R. Piekarz and Ms. Therese B. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Rigg Mr. Richard Robbins Mr. Joseph P. Roddy ‘82 and Mrs. Karen Callahan Roddy Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Romer Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ruebenson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saletta ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schamberger Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sharp Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tallis Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Veech Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh III ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Weicher ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Wetoska ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Zaccari Jr. D ean ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Armada Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Andrzej Bil Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brombach Mr. and Mrs. Mark Christensen Mr. Marc Collins and Dr. Madeline Collins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Condon ‘77 Mr. Norbert A. Klucikowski and Ms. Carla M. Cortes Mr. Peter B. Cummins ‘80 and Ms. Michelle Malca Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Desherow ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. DiSilvestro Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Durkin ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dwyer ‘78 Mr. Robert A. Dwyer ‘75 and Mr. Walter Pophin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Frehe Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gambacorta ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gavula Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Halloran ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hanhardt Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Haracz ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harrington Jr. ‘77 Dr. Marion Jelcz and Dr. Nancy Nora Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Leinenweber Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lodarek Mr. Glenn V. Lombardi and Ms. Mary Kay Brinati Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lynch Jr. Hon. Thomas Lyons and Mrs. Margo T. Lyons LdM ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marren Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Marruenda Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Dr. Kent B. McGuire and Dr. Anne T. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeough Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. McMenamin Mr. and Mrs. Dave Melsheimer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. O’Connor ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ocwieja Mr. and Mrs. John D. O’Grady ‘82 Dr. Kenneth O’Riordan and Dr. Yvonne Curran Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Orr Jr. ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Panozzo Mr. John Pellouchoud and Ms. Kristyna Pellouchoud Driehaus Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ray Mr. and Mrs. Lazar P. Raynal Ms. Julie M. Ruddy Mr. Thomas M. Ruddy Mr. and Mrs. James C. Schatz Mr. David E. Scherer and Dr. Martha Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Schliesmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Schufreider ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith Mr. and Mrs. James M. Snediker Sr. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Spina ‘80 Mr. James T. Toomey ‘76 and Ms. Patricia Heeney Dr. Robert A. Uhland and Dr. Mary Anne Uhland Mr. Victor Vaccaro Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Walsh ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wehman ‘75 Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weschler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yardley Jr.
M aroon and G old C lub
Mrs. Karen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boleky Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Cenar ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Kelly D. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Efren C. Dino Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Dowdle ‘72 Dr. Stephen Folga and Dr. Anna Folga Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Haberkorn ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Sherwin Laff Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Lifvendahl Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Melson Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Molloy Jr. Mr. Michael L. Monticello ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moran Dr. Ferdinand B. Schiappa ‘72 and Dr. Deborah A. Schiappa Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Thomas R ambler ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Aiello Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Alexopoulos Mr. Ira H. Antelis and Ms. Jennifer Levy Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Babcock Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Bentivenga ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Berne Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Blabolil Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Boucher Mr. William R. Brandstrader ‘88 and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brekke Mr. and Mrs. William Capodanno Mr. and Mrs. Carter Carey Mr. and Mrs. Randal D. Cecola Mr. J. T. Cerney ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. H. Glen Clarke III ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Dino C. Di Giovanni Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Donofrio Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dooley III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Pelayo Enerio Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fassett Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fedorak Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Feldheim Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald and Ms. Mary Krigbaum Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Flanagan ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Funkhouser Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gatti ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Grayhack Mr. Brian P. Hake Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hay Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heinen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Helms Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heywood Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Hubbard Mr. Gregory Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kelly ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Kemper ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Hisham A. Khalifeh Mr. and Mrs. Kerry J. Kirland ‘78 Dr. and Mrs. Chris E. Krueger Hon. and Mrs. Robert Kuzas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Lally Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Laughlin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leaman Mr. William L. Lederer and Mrs. Mary O. Lederer LdM ‘78 Mr. Michael Levitt and Ms. Tessa Burton Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lynch ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Madonia Mr. Isa Maloul and Dr. Kathleen Maloul Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Manganaro Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maunsell
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGarrity Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. McQuillen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Ryszard Modrzejewski Mr. Wayne T. Montague and Mrs. Julie D. Montague LdM ‘76 Ms. Nancy C. Naab Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nally ‘77 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Nino Hon. and Mrs. Terrence J. O’Brien ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. John E. O’Donnell II Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Donoghue ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Papakyriacou Dr. and Mrs. Milan N. Pastuovic Mr. Ricardo M. Pavon and Dr. Sarah A. Pavon Dr. Peter Poulos Mr. and Mrs. Ihor Ralko Mr. William J. Reilly and Mrs. Linda H. Reilly LdM ‘76 Mr. Jeffrey S. Richmond and Dr. Mary Beth Richmond Mr. and Mrs. David Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roever III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell Mr. and Mrs. David Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Steger Sr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stein Mr. and Mrs. William M. Stover ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Tomaselli ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turro Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vanecko ‘83 Mr. Kenneth C. Witry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Wright Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmermann Jr. ‘83 O ther D onors
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ahern Ms. Denise Andresen Mr. Stephen A. Andrin ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Arocho Mr. Hailemeskel Asrat and Mrs. Million Beyene Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bavlsik Mr. and Mrs. Louis Benedetto Ms. Patricia M. Bidwill Mr. John Boex Ms. Lori Boex Mr. and Mrs. James Bolotin Dr. Ernesto Bongarzone and Dr. Maria Givogri Mrs. Jeanne G. Borscha-Eisinger LdM ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Buckley Capt. and Mrs. Terrence E. Burke ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Burns Dr. and Mrs. William F. Burns ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Butler Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Caluris Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Carberry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carini III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Carlin ‘80 Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Cienkus ‘85 Ms. Rachel L. Ciocchetti Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Composto Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Geovanni Costales Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Crawford Ms. Susan Curran Mr. John A. Donahue ‘73 and Ms. Patricia Gutekanst Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dowdle ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Doyle ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dreher Mr. Joseph R. Dudzik and Ms. Mary Clare Cunniff Dr. and Mrs. August J. Durso Jr. ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Faoro Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feehan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Feifar ‘75 Ms. Patricia Fitzgibbons Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fox Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fox ‘74 Mr. Vinton Francis and Ms. Linda Koppe Mr. and Mrs. William Fredrick Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fridman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Gamber ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gentzkow Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gloeckle Ms. Marianela S. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Khader Hadyeh Mr. and Mrs. Trent Hamerlinck Mr. Edward W. Hanhardt ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hartzel Jr. Mrs. Kathryn P. Henn Mrs. Tricia L. Hermes Mr. Thomas J. Holmberg Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Honda Dr. and Mrs. John Howington, MD Dr. and Mrs. Brian Huettl Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. John R. Joyce Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Joyce ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. George Justiniani Ms. Janet Kaiser Mrs. Adriana S. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. David P. Kendzior Ms. Susan S. Krieg Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kurzydlowski Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Lazarich Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. LeClercq III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Cary P. Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Jan Malinowski Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mancini Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Luis M. Martinez ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martinus Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McBride Mr. Allan R. McDonald and Ms. Greta R. Schutt-McDonald Ms. Mary McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGarvey Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Rodger McNaughton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Milani Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moore Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morgan Jr. Mrs. Kathryn Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murray ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Newell Mr. John Nickele and Mrs. Mary Gomez-Nickele Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Nimrod III ‘73 Ms. Carolyn Dolan O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Coleman A. O’Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orr Mr. and Mrs. John W. Patton Jr. ‘76 Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Perrie Mr. and Mrs. James Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Price Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Pujals Ms. Mary B. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rechtoris Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Reckamp Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rejebian Ms. Kim Ribordy Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Mario G. Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. John Sabalaskey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Sajnaj Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sammon Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. John W. Spoeri Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spurlin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stoner Mr. Scott F. Stratford Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Sutehall Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Tomas ‘83 Mr. John Touhy Ms. Judy Touhy Ms. Katherine A. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Udelhofen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Vrablik Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. White Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahorik ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zinkula
Alumni Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
J. Raymond Fox (RIP)
Class of
Xavier C ircle
Clyde H. Jacobs (RIP)
Class of
F ounder ’ s C ircle
William A. Barnett (RIP)
Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
Bruce A. Berens M aroon and G old C lub
John L. Donoghue O ther D onors
Howard F. Detmer (RIP) Robert A. Esser Richard R. Otter
Class of
R ambler ’ s C lub
Theodore E. Cornell Jr. O ther D onors
John M. McNally
Class of
D ean ’ s C lub
William R. O’Connor (RIP) R ambler ’ s C lub
Philip A. Schaack Joseph L. Waldvogel
Class of
P resident ’ s C ircle
Robert E. Gallaher (RIP) F ounder ’ s C ircle
James W. O’Hara R ambler ’ s C lub
J.S. Tyrrell O ther D onors
Gerard F. Herkes Robert C. O’Brien
Class of
Class of
I gnatius C ircle
I gnatius C ircle
Colin J. MacKenzie
H.M. “Bud” Schnitzius (RIP)
Thomas J. Rogers (RIP)
R ambler ’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Joseph F. O’Reilly
George M. Baker
O ther D onors
D ean ’ s C lub
Leonard R. Niemiec
Richard W. Larkin
Class of
R ambler ’ s C lub
Jack B. Allen Philip N. Collins Arthur R. Greenwood James W. Martin Jr. Constantine P. Pappas Albert E. Pyott Richard N. Theriault
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Raymond F. Goodrich P rincipal’ s C lub
Thomas A. McDermott Eugene L. Mitchell Jr. O ther D onors
James E. Brennwald
Class of
Raymond A. McDermott Jr.
F ounder ’ s C ircle
O ther D onors
Louis J. Glunz III John J. Schornack Charles A. Whittingham
John F. Kennedy
Class of
I gnatius C ircle
P rincipal’ s C lub
Richard H. Vlerick D ean ’ s C lub
John T. Hickey Sr.
Joseph B. Lahart (RIP) James J. Maloney
P rincipal’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
William O. Feeley
John A. Hafner
D ean ’ s C lub
R ambler ’ s C lub
James F. Ashenden Jr. Edward J. Sanders Robert T. O’Brien
Robert J. Foley James G. Gannon J. P. Reichmann Jr. Michael P. Wrenn
O ther D onors
O ther D onors
R ambler ’ s C lub
Joseph C. Fenner Robert B. Wall
Class of
H umbert C ircle
Thomas A. Geldermann P rincipal’ s C lub
Joseph J. Bredemann Sr. D ean ’ s C lub
Edwin F. Langhenry R ambler ’ s C lub
Louis J. Boveri John A. Donahue (RIP) James E. Quinn Gerald R. VandenBranden (RIP) O ther D onors
Louis J. Desmet Dr. Michael M. DiGilio (RIP) Daniel J. Heffernan Oliver A. Williams Jr.
Class of
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Albert A. Hoffman Jr. R ambler ’ s C lub
Charles J. Homan Edmund B. Josler F. V. Lahart Frederick H. Pape John A. Wolf O ther D onors
Richard J. Garrity Daniel M. Healy Bruce R. Jagor Francis J. Maloney Leonard G. O’Connor Jr. (RIP) E. R. Reynolds William B. Schubert John C. Tobin
R ambler ’ s C lub
Frank J. Rothing (RIP)
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
Charles A. Feit Robert H. Garmoe Thomas G. Schleiter John A. Striebel Peter P. Weidenbruch Jr.
Class of
P resident ’ s C ircle
Edwin L. Ryan Jr. F ounder ’ s C ircle
Raymond L. Berry Jr. D ean ’ s C lub
James B. Cloonan William J. Corbett III Carl D. Rolfsen R ambler ’ s C lub
Charles R. Bauer John D. Corbett Donald J. Dodereau Robert J. Haselsteiner Daniel J. Kehoe John J. Lane James A. McDonough, OP J. J. McGowan Jr. O ther D onors
Nicholas E. Bedessem William B. Bowen John J. Burns James G. Condon Joseph B. Connolly Michael R. Corboy Charles V. Falkenberg Jr. Gerald G. Gotsch Robert G. Vlerick Robert J. Weaver Sr.
Class of
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Frank A. Connolly Jr. P rincipal’ s C lub
O ther D onors
Cushman B. Bissell Jr. James P. Coulon G. T. Delahunty William T. Loughman Robert C. Simon James B. Strong Gerard J. Theisen
Class of
Xavier C ircle
Edward G. Denten P rincipal’ s C lub
Robert D. McHugh D ean ’ s C lub
James J. Bransfield F. R. Kerrigan M aroon and G old C lub
Robert C. Lane R ambler ’ s C lub
Thomas F. Budinger Michael J. Hoolahan, CP George C. O’Callaghan Frank J. Seidl Edward C. Spellman O ther D onors
Richard M. Citti James M. Daly, II E. R. Egloff Robert B. Latousek James C. Martin Jr.
Class of
Gerard C. Hillsman James M. Killian Daniel J. McMahon William J. Newell Richard C. Schleiter James H. Thureson
Class of
P resident ’ s C ircle
Marshal I. McMahon Thomas P. O’Malley F ounder ’ s C ircle
Patrick B. Brady Harold R. Lifvendahl D ean ’ s C lub
Thomas P. Feit Warren W. Furey III John J. McHugh James D. Shurr Philip O. White Jr. M aroon and G old C lub
James C. Dowdle
Class of
Kurt F. Lang John E. Owens Jr.
John C. M. Arimond John C. Brons John S. Cole Robert J. Dunne Jr. Jerry J. Linssens John F. Littau David G. Lynch John M. O’Brien Robert J. Pasquesi Jerome E. Schoen
D ean ’ s C lub
Class of
D umbach C ircle
Michael E. Crane John D. Norcross F ounder ’ s C ircle
James T. Bolan P rincipal’ s C lub
Michael J. Lane Terrence J. MacLean R. J. Seeberg Eugene P. Sinclair Peter J. Wrenn
F ounder ’ s C ircle
R ambler ’ s C lub
O ther D onors
John A. Degnan George A. Lane, SJ James J. Ward
M. J. Casey, SJ Charles F. Caufield Samuel T. Cowling Albert J. Glueckert Frank A. Healy Kenneth R. Jansen James M. Klatt Walter A. Ovaert John C. Schaffer John F. Smith III William J. Smith James F. Walsh
L egris C ircle
Richard A. Shantz P resident ’ s C ircle
John P. Glunz Sr. James A. Moran P rincipal’ s C lub
Class of
Xavier C ircle
James J. O’Sullivan Jr.
James P. Quinn
M aroon and G old C lub
Robert B. Abele, USN (Ret) Thomas B. Hart
L egris C ircle
Michael C. McConville (RIP)
R ambler ’ s C lub
P resident ’ s C ircle
P resident ’ s C ircle
Paul J. Gerlach F ounder ’ s C ircle
James J. Burden Walter B. Lehmann Richard J. Mizerny Laurence T. Youhn P rincipal’ s C lub
Joseph S. Kearney Jr. Thomas M. Smith D ean ’ s C lub
B. M. Pallasch George D. Rounsaville M aroon and G old C lub
Ronald M. Pontius G. G. Roberson Jr. R ambler ’ s C lub
John B. Barranco Peter D. Fitzgerald Charles E. Fox Mark J. Gamber William J. Juneau John E. McCann Jr. Donald W. McKenzie James J. Schumann
L egris C ircle
O ther D onors
Robert L. Berner Jr.
James A. Coleman Stuart C. Harvey Thomas J. Hebson
George J. Dramis Jr. Kevin P. Glynn William E. Haberkorn George B. Kearney John T. Kennedy Harold S. Merrill Jr. Thomas F. Schneider (RIP) Leo J. Sheridan Jr. William T. Tietz Lambert J. VonBank
John J. Sheridan
O ther D onors
Ronald A. Carr Bernard N. Dentzer (RIP) Thomas M. Finnegan Earl J. Freise Thomas J. Henry William E. Marshall Edwin B. McConville Jr. Robert M. Niesen Richard V. Oelerich Jr. John W. Peters Edmund N. Sajewski John H. Scheid Richard H. Whelan
William F. Dooley L egris C ircle
O ther D onors
H umbert C ircle
Jerome L. Duffy Duane J. Murner Robert P. Perkaus Jr. John T. Bycraft III Raymond H. Drymalski Frederick P. Geyser Jr. J. P. Irmiter Timothy J. Murtaugh III Robert H. Oldershaw Edward G. O’Malley Thomas J. O’Regan Jr. John W. Philbin George C. Poedtke Kenneth J. Printen William J. Rooney
Class of
M aroon and G old C lub
Gerald R. Blake Ralph D. Considine Richard H. Considine Fred R. Egloff James H. Ferguson Leo P. Finn Theodore P. Kral Thomas L. McRaith Jr. Dennis J. Price James T. Revord
R ambler ’ s C lub
James R. Stark O ther D onors
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Edward A. Heberg Jr. John T. Nugent Robert P. O’Meara
James S. Hogan Sr. Jay L. Doty Charles A. Hodapp, USN (Ret) Robert P. Marschall P rincipal’ s C lub
James H. Cronin Jr. Edward A. Kennedy Robert F. Toland William J. Trapp D ean ’ s C lub
Edward J. McAdams Jr. J. T. Solon Robert J. Stankiewicz Hugh A. Sweeney M aroon and G old C lub
Frank J. Cihak Arthur N. Cordell James T. Ferrini Lawrence Z. Greenley R ambler ’ s C lub
Gary K. Burger John R. Durburg Dennis A. Faith John R. Fitzpatrick A. M. Kakuska Thomas A. Kloempken Jerome C. Neyer Gerard A. Parrilli James P. Tasto, MD O ther D onors
Jay E. Burke Michael P. Hartnett John D. McBride Richard P. Merrill Kenneth M. Mizerny Tom Prucher
Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
D umbach C ircle
Barrett J. Gleixner William M. Plante
Patrick J. Kearney William A. McIntosh
D ean ’ s C lub
L egris C ircle
Jerome E. Hickey William C. McFarland
Brian B. Whalen
M aroon and G old C lub
Henry E. Mawicke
David S. Mann Peter M. Marino Richard C. Nagle William J. Nellis
P rincipal’ s C lub
R ambler ’ s C lub
Timothy J. Casey Jr. John T. Dempsey Edward A. Jackson Otto A. Kreuzer Richard A. Lahart Norman P. Lind W. R. McCarty Jr. Dennis J. McDermott Gerald J. McGivern Ralph W. Murphy
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Terrence E. Leonard Thomas J. O’Keefe D ean ’ s C lub
John J. Garvey Donald J. O’Meara M aroon and G old C lub
Edward M. Colbach J. M. Gira John D. Weides, USMC (Ret) R ambler ’ s C lub
David R. Bryant Richard F. Geimer
Richard D. Henderson Frederic W. Mueller Philip R. Murtaugh Lawrence A. Pirovano Robert M. Smith Vincent D. Vinci Sr. O ther D onors
John J. Abrams Robert L. Gerich Mose J. Glynn Timothy J. Groark Denis J. Owens Kurt M. Penn Michael T. Wiegand Karl J. Youtsey, PhD
Class of
John A. O’Loughlin Robert S. Rohde Peter Shepherd
Class of
H umbert C ircle
Timothy J. Leahy F ounder ’ s C ircle
T. M. Pendergast Jr. James F. Woodward Jr. P rincipal’ s C lub
Arthur H. Gross William J. Smith D ean ’ s C lub
P. W. Ziebell
William J. Braasch Carl M. Buss Michael J. Fogarty Henry J. Sullivan
F ounder ’ s C ircle
M aroon and G old C lub
Dennis M. Crean
George T. Coleman Arthur B. Collins
P resident ’ s C ircle
P rincipal’ s C lub
Thomas S. Dina Gerard A. Swick D ean ’ s C lub
John E. Grimes Terence P. Leahy M aroon and G old C lub
Patrick J. Barry John T. Crilly William C. Weinsheimer R ambler ’ s C lub
John H. Andrews Wilbert F. Crowley Vincent R. Daley Jr. Michael A. Hanlon Robert J. Isbell Robert W. Kapche John M. Lesniak James P. McCarthy Jr. F. B. Nahser Raymond T. O’Keefe III Jeffrey R. Vertenten O ther D onors
Charles J. Budinger Anton R. Iberle William H. Kelly Jr. Sheldon H. Moore Michael J. Moran Marc A. Savard James M. Sheridan George B. Smith
Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
John E. Callahan E. T. Thilman D ean ’ s C lub
Michael B. Bolan Henry J. Feeley Jr. Robert M. Martin Joseph A. Toland Jr.
Class of
Class of
I gnatius C ircle
L egris C ircle
H umbert C ircle
John G. Schreiber
John A. Dowdle Jr.
P resident ’ s C ircle
P resident ’ s C ircle
William J. Doyle Patrick B. Kenny
Philip A. Marineau
Class of
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Thomas D. Foley Brian P. McIntyre R. B. McKeever Jr. Christopher Q. Stephan
Xavier C ircle
Donald A. Pantle L egris C ircle
James R. Voss F ounder ’ s C ircle
Edward A. Oehler George P. Sullivan Jr.
John N. Gavin Michael J. Hogan Thomas F. White P rincipal’ s C lub
Brian F. Crowe George C. Delaney Jr. James F. Foley Robert D. Leydon D ean ’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
Kevin G. Lynch Paul T. Prikos James A. Smith Jr. Joseph J. Weicher D ean ’ s C lub
Anthony W. Savino Mark D. Steffens John A. Sullivan
D ean ’ s C lub
R ambler ’ s C lub
Peter J. Kane
M aroon and G old C lub
Lawrence J. Eiden Patrick B. Nuccio Keith P. Schoeneberger
James S. Baumstark, USN (Ret) John A. Breen III John H. Gerding, DDS Thomas T. Hoskins III Patrick H. Hughes Joseph C. Lane Michael M. O’Brien Frank E. Phelan Hugh R. Savage Jerome J. Ward
R ambler ’ s C lub
Thomas M. Kennedy
R ambler ’ s C lub
William S. Barranco Jr. George T. Cenar Jr. Paul W. Hitzelberger Patrick D. Kelly Terence J. Murphy James A. Quinn William P. Reich
R ambler ’ s C lub
Timothy L. Flanagan John L. Huff Mark G. Jacobs James J. Kane Michael P. Kennedy Donald P. Keuth John J. Murphy Jr. James J. O’Keefe James A. Tracy
O ther D onors
E. D. Conley James E. Davitt Edwin R. Dunn Martin L. Durlacher Donald J. Jakob Arthur F. Kruggel III Dominic F. Sherony Thomas J. Ward
Class of
I gnatius C ircle
Paul W. Boltz P resident ’ s C ircle
James B. Blacklidge Robert W. Tarjan F ounder ’ s C ircle
Richard A. Devine D ean ’ s C lub
Thomas E. Fitzgerald Donald G. Fox Martin J. Lane Robert F. Leslie Lawrence J. McPartlin William R. Otter George F. Seidenbecker M aroon and G old C lub
Ronald V. Berger Timothy E. Griffin R ambler ’ s C lub
Michael J. Brown Laurence E. Dooley Edward W. Fitzgerald Jr. Martin J. Harty Philip J. Jones John A. Stemwedel
Dennis M. Amaturo Michael J. Conerty Paul M. Drucker Vincent J. Graham Jr. Michael L. Griffin Charles R. Harrity James M. Hayes Michael J. Hogan John F. McCormick James R. McDonnell Ralph K. Nottoli John J. Oelerich Andrew W. Runge
James A. Biggins Armand R. Capdevielle Dennis M. Cunneen Richard W. Glueckert Thomas E. Janowski Sr. Robert A. Lloyd Bruce E. Noble Philip T. O’Connor
Class of
William H. Edwards Jr. Thomas J. Giallanza James M. Mann Ronald A. Papini Vincent C. Scully III
R ambler ’ s C lub
O ther D onors
Patrick C. Gibbons, PhD Thomas M. Joyce Robert A. Schultz Robert J. Schutte Thomas P. Schwaba Cornelius J. Sullivan Robert J. Thornton Alexander J. Topp III
O ther D onors
Harold A. DeNicola
P rincipal’ s C lub
Edmund R. Donoghue, MD L. R. Pasquesi
O ther D onors
Thomas W. Boyle Jr. Warren J. Busscher Michael K. Cox Dwight D. Fisher John P. Gottschalk A. J. Harrison, CPA J. D. Hofherr Peter J. Lynch III Robert J. Murphy Jr. Thomas K. Plunkett Michael P. Scott Clifford J. Smoluch Edward M. Zuchowski
Class of
E. P. Dunn Paul C. Konold Alexander T. McIntosh Horst J. Metz Thomas J. Mikos Michael J. Pettinger Robert G. Ratcliffe Jr. Lawrence H. Rubly James F. Segerson Gregory D. Stevens William M. Stover O ther D onors
Robert B. Foreman Robert J. Krueger Joseph R. Lentino Brian R. McCormick Eugene A. McEwen Jr. John H. Moran Jr. Thomas L. O’Gara Stephen T. Quinn John M. Struhar Jr. Peter L. Strutynski Charles K. Swanson
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Class of
Daniel V. Considine Richard M. Jordan Lee T. Polk
P resident ’ s C ircle
P rincipal’ s C lub
Daniel T. Rooney
Philip J. Butzen
F ounder ’ s C ircle
D ean ’ s C lub
John B. Sullivan
Norman X. Raidl Brian J. Redding Richard E. Segerson John A. Stevens
P rincipal’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
James L. Schwartz
Charles H. Ketteman Robert D. Riedy Philip G. Sunderland
M aroon and G old C lub
R ambler ’ s C lub
Raymond F. Ferrara Charles J. Mann Jeffrey H. Markey Ralph K. Packard O ther D onors
Michael J. Beierle Robert V. Ferrara Konrad Gerstenbrand Loren R. Miller III James J. Nagle James C. Runkle
James R. Flaherty John J. Langdon D ean ’ s C lub
Glenn S. Forbes Stephen D. Killian Arthur F. Morelli R ambler ’ s C lub
Thomas M. Lera Donald R. Pardieck John T. Rank Paul J. Sullivan O ther D onors
Charles R. Beauregard Jr. Paul D. Buckley Patrick J. Deeley Jr. Joseph W. Koss Brian P. Kozlowski John E. Nesbitt Michael E. Roeder Richard J. Wemstrom Michael J. Zasiebida
M aroon and G old C lub
O ther D onors
James R. Flood James E. Hussey John P. Hussey James L. Jackson J. M. Jeffers W. K. Meier James M. Meinken John P. Metzger Robert M. Rushkewicz Richard M. Schmalfeld John Q. Springer James B. Straub Richard E. Sullivan Charles A. Thorsen III
Class of
H umbert C ircle
David K. McNulty L egris C ircle
John W. Amberg Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr.
L egris C ircle
Joseph E. Valenti Jr. F ounder ’ s C ircle
James L. Claus Mark D. Mitchell P rincipal’ s C lub
Richard D. Cagney Jr. D ean ’ s C lub
Joseph H. DiClementi M aroon and G old C lub
John E. Benz III Joseph T. Daly III Jack F. Goldrick R ambler ’ s C lub
Donald J. Goschy Donald J. Healy Jr. Thomas J. Kuehn, PhD William F. Masterson Jr. Thomas P. Sylvester William T. Zanoni O ther D onors
Neil M. Chisholm Peter D. Donofrio David G. Jones Robert J. Koller Michael R. Mals James M. McMenamin Robert T. Murphy James F. Rianoshek David T. Tan J.G. Theisen
Class of
I gnatius C ircle
Michael J. O’Rourke D umbach C ircle
H. P. Hackett Jr. P resident ’ s C ircle
Robert J. Bates Jr. F ounder ’ s C ircle
James L. Fox Jr. James G. Grafft J. P. McCourt P rincipal’ s C lub
John A. Dore Michael F. McKeever Stephen C. Schulte D ean ’ s C lub
P resident ’ s C ircle
John L. Vander Schilden
Mark K. Lahey
M aroon and G old C lub
F ounder ’ s C ircle
John M. Ortinau
Ronald L. Binnebose John E. Dwyer III
R ambler ’ s C lub
Matthew J. Hayes Jr.
Joe R. Danielewicz Robert E. Hamer Daniel F. Hardt Peter A. Howlett John F. Kelly III Charles L. O’Brien James V. Proesel Jr. Philip K. Serwich
R ambler ’ s C lub
O ther D onors
P rincipal’ s C lub
John P. Cunneen Robert B. Hamilton William T. O’Donnell Jr. M aroon and G old C lub
James W. Ford Jerome L. Gavin Michael S. Meyers Richard C. Rushkewicz O ther D onors
Patrick J. Fahey Hugh V. Larkin Timothy J. Meyer William E. Muno James V. Walsh John E. Zarek
Kevin C. Amhaus Kenneth L. Behles Peter J. Chaput Richard J. Ellwanger Kevin S. Harty Terrence J. Kearney Thomas M. Kent W. M. Lardner James M. Nolan James R. O’Connor Robert J. Schmalfeld
Class of
Joseph E. Morahan III
Thomas J. Kearney David A. Konsler Brian J. Krakora, DDS Vito A. Mastrangelo Stephen H. McNulty William H. Morris Jr. Patrick M. O’Day John P. Sanders Rick D. Stone
P resident ’ s C ircle
Class of
Xavier C ircle
John T. Hickey Jr. Thomas A. Reynolds III H umbert C ircle
Michael B. Hagen F ounder ’ s C ircle
Joseph J. Bredemann Patrick K. Sheehan P rincipal’ s C lub
Michael K. Masterson Mark E. McGuire D ean ’ s C lub
Kevin P. Courtney Thomas P. Valenti
Michael M. Mullen D umbach C ircle
Edward J. Wehmer L egris C ircle
Brian C. Baker P resident ’ s C ircle
E. J. Mack R ambler ’ s C lub
F ounder ’ s C ircle
John R. Brinkman Gary R. Fahrenbach John A. Jackson Elias Lyman Jr. Lawrence P. Marshall Mark K. Proesel O ther D onors
David A. Ebert J. P. Gallagher Jr. Allen V. Lentino James V. Loizzo Thomas E. McAndrews Edward W. Thomas
Class of
P resident ’ s C ircle
Kevin M. Finley William C. Mitchell Jr. John J. Scapin
Todd T. Ford Robert E. Otter Martin J. Perry William C. Schindler William E. Sullivan P rincipal’ s C lub
Nicholas P. Pruc, DO D ean ’ s C lub
Philip A. Delaney Jr. Robert N. Hermes Matthew F. O’Connor Timothy J. Rivelli Michael S. Sackley M aroon and G old C lub
E. A. Broccolo Jr. Michael P. Dooley Raymond J. Dowdle Ferdinand B. Schiappa Timothy J. Schlax Andrew J. Sutherland
F ounder ’ s C ircle
R ambler ’ s C lub
Raymond A. McDermott III Henry A. Proesel II
Gerard A. Brost Robert C. Kissel R.F. Seebeck Jr.
Paul J. Carry William J. Dunn Jr. Mark R. Fragassi Kevin J. Kirby John M. Klemundt Christopher A. Lewandowski Thomas M. Lynch Nicholas M. Maier Robert R. Snediker Christopher M. Sullivan Gerard M. Thometz Frank E. Trager Jr.
M aroon and G old C lub
O ther D onors
Thomas L. Garrity T. G. Mieczynski
Steven J. Brand John P. Bredemann Carey D. Brunelli Thomas M. Dore Kevin P. Healy Charles F. Mascari Thomas J. McDermott Michael P. McKiernan Richard W. Mortell Daniel P. Nolan John R. O’Connell Jr. Robert E. Strunck
P rincipal’ s C lub
Terrence P. Bannon Timothy J. Cooney Thomas F. Gleason Vincent D. Pinelli D ean ’ s C lub
R ambler ’ s C lub
Jack H. Adams Gerald W. Barry J.T. Cerney Mark F. Danielak John L. Donnelly Michael J. Garvey Robert E. Hyde John H. Kehl Jr. Joseph E. McMenamin Thomas P. McMenamin Michael J. Miotti John E. Musker James R. Ruth David F. Ryan Charles F. Scholl Jr.
Xavier C ircle
Thomas M. Compernolle Mark F. McAndrews David P. Wagener
M aroon and G old C lub
Class of
H umbert C ircle
David B. Kennedy
O ther D onors
L egris C ircle
Peter J. Burns Martin P. Doyle James S. Fahrenbach David G. Gleason Stephen O. Huff
Timothy E. Broccolo Stephen P. Donahue
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Erhard R. Chorle
Matt J. Matthews Philip K. McLaughlin James F. Rollings P rincipal’ s C lub
Robert W. Hart John L. Kolleng D ean ’ s C lub
Jeffery P. Jordt David P. Thompson M aroon and G old C lub
John J. Kurgan Terrence J. O’Laughlin R ambler ’ s C lub
Kevin J. Barr Robert N. Colletti Timothy J. Daly John F. Ewen Sean O’Conor Steven R. Petersen, USAF James K. Rudolph Douglas M. Smith, USN (Ret) Michael J. Wrenn O ther D onors
John F. Amari Michael P. Burns William E. Cummings John A. Donahue Michael M. Forester Patrick M. Gavin Gregory M. Gormaly Thomas C. Hillsman Michael B. Kilgallon David L. King James B. Leet Jr. Timothy E. McElroy Joseph J. Nimrod III Kenneth J. Nowak Robert A. O’Brien Jr. Robert F. Sasso Peter A. Sweeney
Class of
H umbert C ircle
Richard G. Daly Joseph C. Zuercher Jr. L egris C ircle
Peter J. Broccolo P resident ’ s C ircle
Robert E. Egan Sherman F. Reynolds F ounder ’ s C ircle
John W. Haben Ronald J. Herte James E. Hughes Jeffery H. Jacobs Bruce A. Luecke
O ther D onors
Gregory J. Eisinger John P. Fox George A. Kowalik Richard J. Lamermayer Robert E. Leary James E. McAvoy John R. Taylor
Class of
Xavier C ircle
Ralph J. Gesualdo James P. Hickey Peter G. Leemputte
Kenneth J. Kadleck Timothy E. Kemper Thomas J. Poterek O ther D onors
Mark R. Brice Martin J. Burns Sam F. Cannizzaro Michael F. Conti August J. Durso Jr. Paul J. Majcher John W. Patton Jr. Joseph J. Spellman
Class of
Burtis J. Dolan III James S. Irsay Mark F. Santacrose
Bernard C. Garvey Jr. William H. Schramm Jr. David J. Wuertz
P resident ’ s C ircle
D ean ’ s C lub
Class of
L egris C ircle
D ean ’ s C lub
Thomas M. Condon Thomas J. Croghan Joseph P. Davies Robert E. Harrington Jr. Anthony M. Mallerdino Christopher T. Marcyan M aroon and G old C lub
O ther D onors
Class of
D ean ’ s C lub
Robert A. Curley Jr. Daniel J. Durkin Thomas J. Gallagher David G. Klick Thomas E. Schufreider James T. Toomey M aroon and G old C lub
James D. Arden Michael F. O’Toole Stephen A. Rohleder Ronald W. Sheble R ambler ’ s C lub
John M. Baker Robert M. Cleary Jr. L.P.T. Finn
Roger P. Hickey William M. Sneed P resident ’ s C ircle
John P. Jennings Gary A. Michalek Fred J. Osborne James R. Schufreider
P rincipal’ s C lub
Thomas M. Arens James P. Balog William E. Bransley William B. Cerney Brian J. Foley John J. Keating David K. McHugh John D. O’Brien Terrence J. O’Brien Robert D. Priske James P. Reichmann III John G. Schufreider Harold W. Sullivan Jr. Douglas E. Wambach Richard W. Wiermanski Paul A. Zieske
L egris C ircle
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Victor P. Filippini Jr. Michael W. Jamieson
R ambler ’ s C lub
David L. Hill
Terrence R. Brady Christopher P. Dolan Jerry J. Gahard C. G. Gehrke Martin G. Laughlin John F. Mitchell John P. Murawski James P. Nally Thomas P. Riordan Michael Vlahandreas
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Brian R. Bidwill Thomas J. Dormin Richard M. Tsoumas
H umbert C ircle
R ambler ’ s C lub
David R. Barry Jr. Michael R. Denten Richard A. McMenamin James M. Snediker Sr. Richard J. Wynne
Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III
James L. Brault Timothy J. Maher Daniel B. Peterson Daniel L. Timm
D ean ’ s C lub
P resident ’ s C ircle
Class of
E.L. Hickey Thomas P. Needham Frank J. Ungari
Richard A. Carlson David W. Galanis Philip R. Hillinger Jeffry W. Kamrow Daniel C. Kusswurm Terrence W. Moller Robert B. Wish
John W. Person
R ambler ’ s C lub
Gerald C. Daus Jr. David T. Erie Thomas R. Quan
L egris C ircle
Bernard P. Kane Jr. Mark R. Muench
Andrew J. Annes Michael T. Daly Mark F. Fahrenbach Thomas M. Feifar Richard G. Haas Thomas M. Hupp Joseph P. Karlovich Laurence C. McMurray Robert E. Mitchell James E. Nugent III Donald K. Paras Christopher J. Perille John P. Schermerhorn
Donald P. Leighton
O ther D onors
P resident ’ s C ircle
O ther D onors
M aroon and G old C lub
Gary M. Holihan William V. McMenamin John C. Nicolau Robert P. Perkaus III (RIP) Gregory Servatius Thomas D. Whalen
Sean M. Madden
Patrick J. Foley Kurt M. Freund Thomas A. Minwegen Paul V. Otter Peter F. Steger Sr.
Patrick J. Dwyer Michael H. Filippini John M. Gambacorta Peter A. Meister Frederick J. Proesel Gregory A. Tomaino
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Gabriel M. Rodriguez
R ambler ’ s C lub
D ean ’ s C lub
Leo J. Sheridan
D umbach C ircle
Robert A. Dwyer J.H. Murnane Jr. James M. Valenti Richard H. Wehman
John J. Compernolle John E. Croghan Patrick B. Marren Kent A. Swanson
John C. Cassidy Martin R. Curry Michael G. Frey Herbert C. Gresens Jeffrey S. Gruninger (RIP) Kerry J. Kirland Michael J. LaVaccare John R. Smith Jr. Daniel J. Wolf
L egris C ircle
F ounder ’ s C ircle
P rincipal’ s C lub
L egris C ircle
Kevin G. Dowdle David J. Fox Michael P. O’Brien John R. Perkaus William H. Phelan P resident ’ s C ircle
Daniel A. Byrne Keith J. Morgan F ounder ’ s C ircle
Richard J. Adler Jr. Brian G. Callahan Paul J. Hulseman Timothy C. Reynolds Philip H. Sheridan Jr. John R. Weiss
P rincipal’ s C lub
Patrick J. Dolan David E. Haracz Paul J. Kilgallon Eugene J. Lenzi James P. Walsh III D ean ’ s C lub
Joseph S. Capitani James J. Donovan Jr. Edmund J. Orr Jr. M aroon and G old C lub
Richard G. Cenar Michael J. Haberkorn Steve A. Michels R ambler ’ s C lub
F. T. Bertsche III David E. Blume Jose L. Ferrer James W. Lyman Daniel F. Marren Michael J. Perkaus Daniel C. Powers Joseph P. Reynolds John C. Seeberg Joseph D. Shelly III Peter M. Tomaselli O ther D onors
Terrence E. Burke Kurt J. Fellinger Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Robert T. O’Brien Jr. David P. Shelow
Class of
1980 L egris C ircle
Anthony J. McKerr P resident ’ s C ircle
Martin J. Bredemann John J. Cudecki Fred J. O’Connor F ounder ’ s C ircle
Thomas E. Blaige Timothy L. O’Brien Timothy G. Pontarelli P rincipal’ s C lub
Thomas B. Bonner Ronald J. Cass Steven P. Petersen D ean ’ s C lub
Peter B. Cummins Daniel J. Leist Kenneth P. Spina M aroon and G old C lub
Robert M. Daly R ambler ’ s C lub
William S. Galliani Chris W. Gardner Daniel W. Grombacher D. K. Houlihan Michael R. Huspek Terence P. Kane Guy W. Keefer William J. Kirby III George C. Lyman III Michael S. Neville David M. Schultz William P. Spagnolo John M. Washburn O ther D onors
John J. Bourke Michael S. Carlin Edward L. Cooper III Richard J. Dowdle Ronald E. Feiereisel Matthew A. Fitzgerald Milton D. Flanagan Christopher C. Furth Thomas E. Ganfield Louis J. Glunz IV Gary J. Haben Martin J. Hill Mark T. Horton G. P. Kendall III John D. Mitchell Mark J. Modzelewski Joel F. Murray Thomas E. Murray William J. O’Brien Mark A. Rolfes James P. Smith Robert E. Zahorik
Class of
William C. Doyle Michael G. McGuire Thomas J. Saletta D ean ’ s C lub
Mark J. Humenik James D. Kensik M aroon and G old C lub
Daniel L. Douaire Jr. James C. Kelly Thomas P. Kelly John G. Kyle Jr. Mark A. Mazur Lawrence G. O’Connell
Class of
Ronald E. Banas Daniel J. Kelly
R ambler ’ s C lub
Xavier C ircle
Scott C. Bentivenga David A. Bruhn George S. Connor Jr. Robert J. Dooley III Christopher P. Godziela William B. Kelly William R. Nimrod David G. O’Donoghue Joseph A. Scopelliti Thomas W. Sexton III Peter T. Vaselopulos
Kevin G. Gleason
O ther D onors
Patrick M. Blanchard Joseph B. Carini III Donald J. Engels Jr. Patrick E. Feeley Thomas S. Foust Jr. Lawrence M. Gamber Kevin P. Garvey James E. Hebson Craig D. Hesselberg Greg R. Kayser David G. Kuhn Robert R. LeClercq III Luis M. Martinez Oscar A. Pedraza S.S. Simpson
H umbert C ircle
Joseph F. Scoby P resident ’ s C ircle
Matthew J. Busch John C. Joyce Michael P. Rourke F ounder ’ s C ircle
Thomas N. FitzGibbon Michael J. Kane Sr. Christopher P. Valenti
Dan Michalek F ounder ’ s C ircle
Edward F. Bowen Jr. John H. Compall Andrew C. Kirby Todd M. Richmond Christopher D. Zalinski P rincipal’ s C lub
Edward L. Hocter Sr. Joseph P. Roddy D ean ’ s C lub
Matthew E. Collopy John J. Concannon Peter G. Haracz John F. Kelly Patrick G. Meehan
D umbach C ircle
M aroon and G old C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
Bradford B. Couri
Enrique Guevara Michael J. Quinn
Stephen R. Wetoska
H umbert C ircle
Thomas L. Harte
R ambler ’ s C lub
P resident ’ s C ircle
H. G. Clarke III John L. Del Santo Paul J. Hogan Walter R. Petri Kurt S. Rathslag Daniel J. Sullivan Patrick A. Tarpey Roy P. Yanong
Thomas W. Halloran David J. LeClercq Scott A. Neslund Stuart F. Reichenbach Stephen M. White
Robert L. Michels Frank J. San Roman III Michael J. Sullivan F ounder ’ s C ircle
Lee C. Banks Christopher S. Canning Robert D. Horne Theodore D. Van Zelst P rincipal’ s C lub
James P. Boyle
O ther D onors
William J. Andrew William F. Burns
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Raymond W. Boesen John L. Kurkowski
D ean ’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
Michael E. Engels Philip J. Spagnolo R ambler ’ s C lub
Robert J. Asakura Robert T. Bielinski John J. Gatti
P resident ’ s C ircle
P rincipal’ s C lub
M aroon and G old C lub
Thomas J. Cleland Douglas J. Clingan Steven E. Doran Kevin A. Krakora Reinhold H. Llerena Michael T. O’Regan Michael K. Pyle
Theodore David Van Zelst
x avier C ircle
Michael R. Gervasio Christopher M. Novy Timothy D. Spillane Matthew J. Wetoska
R ambler ’ s C lub
Thomas J. Jackson Daniel M. McGowan
Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
R ambler ’ s C lub
P resident ’ s C ircle
Daniel T. Atkinson Robert F. Daut Steven J. Hartzer John H. Kutsch Thomas J. Littau Christopher W. Lutz Donald J. MacGregor John M. McCarthy Richard K. O’Dwyer Patrick T. Purdy Jr. Otto S. Stark
Bernard W. Glavin Jr.
D.S. Carr
O ther D onors
Daniel A. Kim
M aroon and G old C lub
Class of
Thomas E. Stuermer
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Anthony J. Cutinelli Patrick J. Hennelly Michael P. McCarthy Michael L. Monticello
C.B. Bissell Charles E. Collopy Jr. Christopher J. Degenhardt Mario J. Donato James E. Lagattuta John D. O’Grady
Edward A. Chestnut James J. Higgins
D ean ’ s C lub
Timothy E. Bourke Daniel J. Galante Edward W. Hanhardt Thomas J. Krauss Anthony Luzin Jr. T.R. Mackin Jr. Ronald L. Molteni Robert H. Muriel John J. O’Donnell Thomas W. Petersen Timothy J. Reger Anthony R. Tomas Gary M. Tsoumas
L egris C ircle
L egris C ircle
Michael P. Donato William J. Kane
James C. Dowdle John C. Halston Thomas J. McDonald
Patrick J. Lynch
O ther D onors
H umbert C ircle
Class of
D ean ’ s C lub
D umbach C ircle
Xavier C ircle
John T. Joyce Dennis J. Linehan Jr. John O. McCarthy James J. O’Gara Michael J. Phelan
James J. O’Connor John W. Schmitt
Joseph P. Flanagan Jr.
O ther D onors
P rincipal’ s C lub
Michael J. Ellis James W. Lambert Daniel L. Lyne Michael P. Murphy Raymond C. O’Byrne John R. Przypyszny Eric J. Savage Robert G. Vanecko John J. Zimmermann Jr.
Class of
Michael F. Hillsman David J. Matousek Peter B. Migely Nicholas S. Souleles Paul E. Thielemann
O ther D onors
Philip J. Andrew Mark A. Bernhard Scott B. Cienkus, MD Christopher J. Dean Andrew J. Diez Edwin R. Dooley Steven J. Habeck Robert E. Largay Jr. Eugene M. Pilawski Thomas M. Prommer Thomas J. Tisa
Class of
D ean ’ s C lub
Michael F. Borkowski Neal R. Brauweiler Kevin P. Walsh M aroon and G old C lub
Phillip A. Couri Christopher W. Rule R ambler ’ s C lub
Donal P. Barry Jr. Matthew J. Cashion Brett E. Kedzior John O. Stanton O ther D onors
Daniel P. Dowling Thomas E. Nowak John R. Sluzynski, CPA
Class of
L egris C ircle
Daniel J. Hoinacki P resident ’ s C ircle
Peter T. Bowen F ounder ’ s C ircle
Daniel B. Cashion George D. Tsonis P rincipal’ s C lub
Class of
P resident ’ s C ircle
Erik E. Maurer P rincipal’ s C lub
Stephen M. Kocian Henry J. Munez D ean ’ s C lub
Richard W. Malek Brian K. Stearney Patrick S. Tray Robert I. Zeman III M aroon and G old C lub
George T. Chiampas Paul L. Lynch R ambler ’ s C lub
Matthew T. Abrams Michael P. Kailus, JD Jonathan H. Maks, MD O ther D onors
Richard E. Carrigan James B. Murray Jr. Thomas A. Zimmermann
Class of
D ean ’ s C lub
J.S. Burke Bennett W. Dixon Michael O’Shaughnessy Dennis R. Stonequist M aroon and G old C lub
Christopher J. Bender Christopher W. Edwards R ambler ’ s C lub
Stephen B. Crilly Jon P. Hirsch Felipe R. Sosa Edward D. Webler O ther D onors
Paul E. Bambrick-Santoyo Charles A. Giglio Jr. John J. Hardt Peter G. Lawrence Patrick M. Mahoney Christopher M. Murray
Class of
Hanley Dawson IV Allen E. Hoover
Stephen D. Elliott David N. Fritzsche James B. Novy Christopher E. O’Donnell George E. Sargent
L egris C ircle
D ean ’ s C lub
P rincipal’ s C lub
Mark J. Kuchuris
Leo T. Mahon
F ounder ’ s C ircle
R ambler ’ s C lub
Nicholas Demling Christopher S. Lane
Charles L. Kory Brian T. McCormack
M aroon and G old C lub
William R. Brandstrader David J. Burden Brian C. Deasy Patrick M. Garvey Jason P. Pompeii Peter J. Prommer Lesley J. Seitzinger James R. Sullivan George O. Werthman
Joseph A. Meehan
O ther D onors
R ambler ’ s C lub
Stephen A. Andrin William C. Berghoff John P. Gallagher Roger J. Grabowski Jr. Brian M. Hayes Christopher P. Janson John C. Kinsella Thomas M. Pasquesi Robert G. Ratcliffe III
H umbert C ircle
P rincipal’ s C lub
John T. Buckman D ean ’ s C lub
Brian L. Collins Daniel Q. Herbert
Martin L. Bartman Timothy J. Flood John P. Gavin J. G. Hickey K. M. Kane Michael J. Latousek James W. Ostry Christopher J. Prassas Michael M. Reischl Brian R. Scanlon
L egris C ircle
Kevin D. McCarthy F ounder ’ s C ircle
John M. Carr
D ean ’ s C lub
Thomas L. Benedict Brian S. Flanagan R ambler ’ s C lub
Patrick J. Bourke Timothy M. Duet Michael Q. English James M. Glascott Adam G. Johnson D.K. Konstantopoulos Thomas J. Melzl Thomas J. Murphy Martin R. Phelan Daniel T. Pyke Ryan R. Rassin David M. Walch O ther D onors
Scott B. Baby Timothy C. Berzins Edward P. Coursey Patrick A. Dawson
Michael D. Downen Mark T. Franz Michael J. Fruin Adam J. Nowoj Anthony A. Qaiyum Huy Q. Tran Dennis J. Verdico Joseph J. Woods Benjamin C. Zorn
O ther D onors
Class of
O ther D onors
M aroon and G old C lub
Emily M. Cramer Patrick W. Cushing Vincent P. Duet George M. Dunn IV Emily L. Farrell Jonathan D. Goering John A. Hundrieser Meghan M. Kay Cynthia M. LaCourt Elizabeth A. Suffredin
P resident ’ s C ircle
Theodore C. Kalmbach
James M. Baisley Jr. Randy J. Roginski Kevin W. Willer
O ther D onors
Mike J. Reed P rincipal’ s C lub
Jason S. Baine M aroon and G old C lub
Joseph F. Taylor R ambler ’ s C lub
David A. Behof Alix J. Charles Brian R. Fluno Liam Gilhooly Christopher S. Griesmeyer George A. Lane Thomas G. McBreen Stephen E. Rigney O ther D onors
Steven D. Baker, CPA Daniel J. Bansley Matthew M. Byrne Andrew H. Carolan Thomas J. Craddock Thomas S. Heidenrich Patrick M. McEneely Liam F. Reardon C.B. Sethness
Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
Daniel I. Burns D ean ’ s C lub
Robert M. Desherow M aroon and G old C lub
Matthew P. Baldino R ambler ’ s C lub
Sean L. Cunningham Mark Kocovski O ther D onors
Ryan E. Agulo Jeffery J. Johnson John P. Kleiderer Michael T. Roche Mark J. Watychowicz
Class of
L egris C ircle
Christopher C. Bruno D ean ’ s C lub
Brendan R. Collins Daniel C. Heidkamp M aroon and G old C lub
Thomas A. Reynolds IV
Class of
Brian J. Roginski
F ounder ’ s C ircle
P rincipal’ s C lub
Elizabeth A. Davis Patrick J. Fahey Colin C. McCourt Courtney L. Murphy Kevin C. Rynes Joan E. Spiotto Erin K. Wolf Jeremy D. Yonan
Daniel R. Moll Jeffrey A. Scalise
R ambler ’ s C lub
Ryan J. Gibbons Daniel P. Joyce Ryan M. O’Donnell
Class of
P rincipal’ s C lub
John M. Michalik D ean ’ s C lub
Matthew C. Brett M aroon and G old C lub
Alex D. Zupancic R ambler ’ s C lub
Michael M. Cushing Edward R. Fluet Stephen L. Goering Robert A. Liuzzi Steven C. Schick Todd W. Vender O ther D onors
Mark C. Baby John P. Basbagill Andrew C. Brennan Anthony E. Castrovillari Winifred W. Chane Michael J. Dibella Conor J. Heaton Justin O. Kay Jason A. Partyka Stuart T. Smith Fritz V. Wilson
Class of
L egris C ircle
Jack R. Jennings F ounder ’ s C ircle
John L. Hammond III D ean ’ s C lub
Anonymous Matthew M. Picchietti R ambler ’ s C lub
Terence D. Brennan Jason R. Gilboy Michael P. McHugh Andrew M. Mitchell Sally A. O’Brien Sean B. O’Malley Mark T. Valenti Marc Zahr O ther D onors
Peter C. Lee Christopher M. Wolf
Class of
Jimmy Samartzis Jason E. Schmitt
R ambler ’ s C lub
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Adrian R. Autry Richard L. Fitzgerald Robert B. Flannery III Scott A. Girard Brian R. Hopman Christopher D. McHugh
Corbett M. W. Ryan
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
M aroon and G old C lub
Caroline F. Delaney Christine D. Gowski R ambler ’ s C lub
Jerome F. Crotty
Class of
H umbert C ircle
Salvatore J. DiMucci III F ounder ’ s C ircle
William D. San Hamel II P rincipal’ s C lub
Kathleen C. Reynolds
R ambler ’ s C lub
Donal B. Falls Tamara N. Gvozdenovic Michael J. Lupo Aileen M. McAnally Christopher T. Storey O ther D onors
Lauren K. Bentel Andrew J. Collins Kevin V. Donohoe Stephanie A. Durston Frances K. Garvey Francis A. Gesualdo Nora K. Gorman John T. Hickey III Geoffrey K. Jacobson Jennifer M. Jules Michael J. Neville Kathleen M. Quinn Deborah M. Schick Katherine K. Seeberg James W. Siuty Timothy J. Smith Michael M. Viglione Edward J. Wehmer
Class of
2002 L egris C ircle
M aroon and G old C lub
Patrick J. Tierney
Madeleine M. McKenna Durkin
P rincipal’ s C lub
R ambler ’ s C lub
Elizabeth P. Kadison Richard W. Mortell III
Emily A. Bestvina Joshua A. Dunn Bardia Fard Colleen G. Farrell Kathleen J. Hammond Evan J. Hoobchaak Patrick J. Kennedy Kathleen P. McCarney Eric M. McLimore Sarah E. O’Connor Kristin L. Ulaszek O ther D onors
David T. Chrzanowski Brendan M. Heneghan
Class of
2000 F ounder ’ s C ircle
Michael A. Gramins M aroon and G old C lub
Patrick J. Collins Isabelle Mason Kate C. O’Hara R ambler ’ s C lub
Mary Jean Candioto Denise M. Dublinski Colleen Kenny Mairghread R. Wycklendt
R ambler ’ s C lub
Katherine C. Adams Michael P. Bufalino Elizabeth M. Karnes Brian R. Martin Michael P. McCourt James P. Suehr O ther D onors
Michael A. Bestvina Margaret D. Burke Daniel W. Cagney Kevin P. Carlson Shailagh M. Heneghan Shannon D. Kenny John L. Kolleng Jr. Kyle P. Martin Diana E. Rdzanek Patrick B. Schweihs Heather J. Scoby
Class of
2003 L egris C ircle
Mark A. Lewandowski D ean ’ s C lub
Mallory M. Ulaszek Kate E. Valenti
Class of
Class of
L egris C ircle
Xavier C ircle
Robyn Jennings
Jane M. Sagui
R ambler ’ s C lub
F ounder ’ s C ircle
Michael Lariviere Paul J. Laughlin Jr. Gabriella I. Lenzi
Yoon Young Chang
O ther D onors
John Dhamer Patrick Hickey William A. Klodd Jacqueline C. Luxem Sarah McNulty Michael O’Connell Meredith Richard Carly Schneider David Stefanski Steven Tazalla Ashley Viglione
Class of
2005 D ean ’ s C lub
Christopher M. Cichon R ambler ’ s C lub
Ashley R. Blume Nicholas A. Krafft Shelby M. Walchuk O ther D onors
Shannon T. Bentel Michael G. Bielinski Mary Kate C. Casey Katie K. Digan Kelly M. Dunn James E. Grieco Christopher R. Heredia Douglas Kadison Peter D. Melbinger Christopher J. Nicolau Jennifer Seeberg Michael J. Zera
Class of
2006 R ambler ’ s C lub
Jean C. Flemming Katherine C. Kragh Patrick F. Murtaugh O ther D onors
Andrew T. Brennan Alexandra N. Frehr Alexandra S. Seeberg
Class of
2008 H umbert C ircle
O ther D onors
R ambler ’ s C lub
Meghan T. McVary
Matthew A. Cook Michael J. DiMattina Seamus Egan Elizabeth Fahrenbach, MD Kathleen McCabe Jennette C. McCloskey Maura M. McIntyre Meghan C. Mocogni Paola Rovelo Martin D. Syvertsen
Amy E. Babington Celine Cannizzaro Rachel D. Nuzikowski
R ambler ’ s C lub
O ther D onors
Class of
Class of
2001 D ean ’ s C lub
Caroline F. Cannizzaro Dan J. Valenti M aroon and G old C lub
Morgan G. Macdonald
Michael B. Brennan Walter P. Burke John C. Criezis Brandon Dunn Courtney A. Kenny Michael B. Killackey Rachel C. Kopczyk Timothy A. Libaris Tim McHugh Caitlin A. Moran Laura Navarre Julia Niles Bryan M. Tews
Matthew D. Gabinski John J. Waris
2009 R ambler ’ s C lub
Donal J. Terrell
Class of
L egris C ircle
Todd C. Jennings R ambler ’ s C lub
James P. Walsh IV O ther D onors
Caitlin E. Bohling
P rincipal’ s C lub
Guillermo Cordova Jr. D ean ’ s C lub
Molly K. Dutmers Lane K. Harmer Kelsey A. Kelly William A. LeCompte Michelle M. Marin John A. McPike Nina P. Scoby Katherine A. Simons Patrick Stein Thomas C. Zahn M aroon and G old C lub
Addison S. Perry R ambler ’ s C lub
Alexander J. Amato Gabrielle E. Ansani Rose O. Broccolo Cody R. Busic Claire M. Cosgrove David M. Ford William D. Haley Nikki M. Justiniani Briggs T. King William C. King Chuck S. Kurzydlowski Eileen M. Loftus Michelle L. Miller Ryan C. Newell Natnael D. Tewelde Earl E. Webb Olivia M. Weiss O ther D onors
Kathryn H. Abercrombie Ryan O. Abrams Michael J. Agombar Sean P. Ahern Kelly M. Alexander Kristina M. Alexander Natalie L. Allen Kelly M. Anton Nicole M. Antonucci Emerald E. Antwi-Nsiah Amber N. Augustin Gabriela P. Barroso Lawson A. Barter Jack Baudhuin Marshall P. Beattie Teresa C. Belton Meaghan E. Bertog Alexandra K. Bischoff Abigail M. Blabolil Vincent B. Bolger Katie E. Bolotin James T. Bonner Katharine H. Borah Nathaniel D. Boychuck Alexandra M. Brandstrader Peter T. Bukowski Sarah O. Burke Kelsey E. Burns Brian J. Butler Michael V. Caldwell Francesca R. Cannizzaro Gianna Capitanini Lauren A. Capra Citlaly S. Carbajal Tempestt A. Carter Patricia G. Castellanos Jozef Caushi Brian P. Cawley Meredith E. Cerney Michael S. Cha Tanya Chaijenkit Nora K. Charron Junyoung Choi
Ashley E. Coleman Michael J. Collins James E. Compernolle Daniel T. Conway Grace J. Conway Sarah E. Conway Caroline T. Coogan Thomas C. Cook Zachary J. Cooke Siobhan E. Cooney Julia K. Cormier Nicole I. Costales Luke W. Cowan Elizabeth M. Cushing Julia A. Cushing Elizabeth A. Cushnie Robert A. Cuvalo Thea M. Daher Mary L. Dahm Kevin H. Daul Annette M. David Samuel Depaz Erica M. Dewan Luke P. Dezell Margaret S. Dillon Elizabeth R. Distasio Ross M. Dixon Brendan S. Dolan Margaret A. Dowdall Bridget C. Doyle Jack W. Doyle Alejandra C. Edery Ferre Alycia T. Eggert Elizabeth J. Eilers Patrick El Zoghbi Ehikhuemhen O. Enaholo Colleen A. Fahrenbach Kiley T. Falcone Kaitlin P. Fallon Ryan A. Faoro Katie V. Faught Andrew J. Fausone Marco R. Federow Mike A. Felish Jacqueline Fernandez Kristen D. Figueroa Monica A. Finn Marikate Finnegan Mark E. Fiorentino Kathryn Q. Fitzpatrick Tucker C. Floyd Patrick C. Foley John A. Forsyth Margaret M. Fox Michael T. Gallagher Brendan B. Garrity Madeline J. Garza Megan E. Gaughan Anthony T. Gauna Matthew R. Gentile Thomas J. Ginley Nicole M. Gleason Stacy M. Goldrick Tess A. Gonyer Jennifer A. Goodwin Shannon B. Grego John P. Groden Madeline P. Gross Sarah J. Gross Theresa V. Grzeslo Christopher M. Hanrahan Colin V. Hanrahan Kathleen P. Hardy Shannon G. Harvey Matthew G. Helfenbein Nick H. Hill Brian J. Hinkamp Anne M. Hipple Max J. Hogan Danny J. Howe Jessica Hughes Molly B. Hulseman Kumail M. Hussain Sean M. Hynes Mehrdad C. Jalisi Julia Jamieson
Christian S. Jannotta Kayla N. Johnson Paul J. Juska Martha S. Kalisz Natalie A. Kaminski Nick J. Kapetan Lauren R. Kehoe Claire E. Kelley Alana M. Kenny William Kenny Dan P. Kerr Grace M. Kerrigan Newsha Khalili John M. Kilgallon Jina A. Kim Sean S. M. Kim Brittany N. Kimbrell Elizabeth W. Kirby Madeleine P. Klichowski Kyle R. Kosicki Marykate Krueger Alexander K. Kulaga Joanne C. Kus Samuel A. Kwakye Aidan J. Kyle Juvan D. Kyler James D. Lakowski Michael P. Lang Charlotte T. Lapp Kevin A. Lawal Kevin N. Le Justin L. Lee Katherine D. Leinenweber Riley Lennon Veronica A. Lesny Allison LeTourneau Bernard Lodyga Christina T. Lopez Gunnar A. Lunde Elizabeth M. Lyman Jack Lynch Shannon K. Lynch James K. Malecek
Elana K. Maloul Michael M. Manhard Kathryn P. Manley Lauren R. Marino Jack D. Marren Kimberly M. Marroquin Shea M. Maunsell Caroline Mazurek Maggie M. McCann Margaret R. McCarthy Jennifer A. McDermott Katherine E. McEvilly Colin M. McGarry Anne McGuire John W. McGuire Peter W. McGuire Shannon M. McKeough Michaela J. McMenamin Rachel A. Meller Nicholas J. Miletic Keeley C. Miller Lauren E. Miller Sabine G. Miller Maggie J. Milligan Catherine A. Moore Jasmine E. Moore Hannah M. Morrissey Jaclyn M. Mortillaro Samantha R. Moser Kaitlyn E. Muench Colleen M. Mullane Patrick M. Mulroe Dillon M. Murphy Matthew R. Murphy Kelly R. Murray Arthur J. Murton Christopher G. Nardi Frehiwet Y. Negassi David M. Nicolau Rachel N. Nieman Velibor Nikolic Jack D. Norkett John Tyler F. Normann
Molly K. O’Brien Christopher F. Ochal Peter J. O’Connell Eleanor A. O’Connor Shea E. O’Doherty Kathryn M. O’Grady Victoria R. Olson Meghan F. O’Malley Cassandra A. Osei Marina A. Ottolino Matt J. Palella Nick A. Palella Estelle A. Pappas Kelly R. Parker Justin L. Pasquesi Christopher M. Pastuovic Meghan E. Patzer Jacob Pauls Margaret A. Perkaus Nikolaus J. Petersen Brian E. Peterson Brett P. Phalin Fabian Pineda Matthew A. Plunkett Rachel M. Price Emily E. Pruc John F. Rafferty Lisa U. Raher Patrick T. Rahill Adriel Rangel Luke Michael Ray Maryam S. Razafsha Matthew E. Rechtoris Valerie A. Reilly Kyrani A. Reneau Michael J. Reppen Alexander M. Reynolds Jacqueline N. Richardson Melissa A. Ring Roland Rock III Lauren S. Rojas Castillo Matthew Rosato Austin E. Russell
“My years at Loyola were some of the best times of my life. They laid the foundation for who I am today. I support Loyola so that future generations will be able to have the same experiences that I did — as well as new experiences in the visual and performing arts that were not available to me as Rambler. The Fine Arts Initiative will transform art education at Loyola and open doors to the
arts for young people from every culture and community.” Christopher E. O’Donnell ’88 Loyola Academy Fine Arts Initiative Committee Member
Claire E. Ryan Kevin J. Saad Tyler R. Saint Germain Jeffrey R. Salemme Edward Q. Salinas Elizabeth L. Sammel-Braun Kathleen A. San Roman Shana L. Sanchez Michelle L. Sanks Ryan M. Santacrose Timothy J. Scapin Stephanie C. Scherer Jacqueline M. Schipp Devin M. Schmitz Carrie A. Schoeneberger Michael R. Scholl Samantha E. Schorsch Maeve B. Schoultz Nathan M. Scott Caitlin G. Sershon Andrew J. Seymour Katherine M. Shea Abigail M. Sheridan Danny T. Sheridan Vincent M. Shields Whitney L. Sisney John Hayden Sonnier Daniel J. Spiekerman Carly S. Stevens George J. Sullivan Mark J. Sullivan Peter J. Sylvain Amanda N. Szramiak Marquis Tate Madeline M. Tengel Faye K. Thanas Emma C. Thompson Anna C. Tighe William Tobin Alyssa Faye D. Tomas Jeffrey W. Toraason Charlotte D. Treacy Everett T. Van Horn Paige K. Viti Lucy K. Wagala Brittany E. Wallace Jacqueline A. Ward Clare E. Waris Seana M. Wasylko Steven J. Wedekind Molly A. Wehman John P. Weisenberger Grace M. Williams Katherine M. Williamson David Wisdom Elin C. Wojciechowski Victoria E. Wojkowski Lucy R. Woodrow Caroline J. Wright Jason A. Yasko William E. Yorath Christopher J. Zaccagnini Matthew D. Zampa Alexandra G. Zodo
Graduate Parents & Friends I gnatius C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Navarre II Xavier C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Belton Mr. and Mrs. James T. Glerum Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Roy May Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Dr. Charlene Thomas D umbach C ircle
Anonymous Ramble Donor Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Estate of Mr. Anthony F. Loritz ‘29 (RIP) and Mrs. Angela F. Loritz (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manhard Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schwabe Jr. H umbert C ircle
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. James P. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huffman III Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis Mr. David M. Kavanagh and Ms. Mary M. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Ms. Susan L. Miller Ms. Mary Jane O’Connor Mr. Timothy Russell L egris C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Babington Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Ms. Elizabeth A. Cheval Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Corby Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dalebroux Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Desmond Mr. and Mrs. William M. Doyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jenko Mr. Gregory Klichowski and Dr. Amy Klichowski Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lafferty Mrs. Antoinette F. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. James A. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Mulroe Dr. Shirley A. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Savarise Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Shanke (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. Martin J. Stock Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Bufalino Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Cichon Ms. Colleen Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Crotty Mrs. Colleen M. Detjen Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dewan Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dutmers Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mrs. Elizabeth Finzer Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Harig Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kadison Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Laughlin Drs. Robert and Elaine Lee Mr. Mark T. Malin Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Matz Mr. Otto H. Maurer and Mrs. Marie Theresa D. Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath Mr. Maurice W. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murphy III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nieman Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Roche Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russell Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schermerhorn Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Lesley G. Seitzinger Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Skarzynski Mr. Robert Walker F ounder ’ s C ircle
Mrs. Misook Ahn Mr. and Mrs. Donal P. Barry Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Batlle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bindley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bottalla
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. DyJack Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Falcone Mr. William M. Fausone and Dr. Mary Ellen Fausone Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Harmer Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beck Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick Mr. and Mrs. John B. Higgins Mr. Ralph J. Iacono Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Jules Mr. and Mrs. James D. King Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Koley Mr. Grant A. Krafft and Ms. Patricia C. Cain Ms. Carolyn Liptak Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marut Mr. and Mrs. John R. McCambridge Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murton Mr. Carey Orr and Ms. Colleen M. Mulligan Mrs. Deborah Purdon Perkaus Mr. and Mrs. David P. Radelet Mr. and Mrs. Otto G. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Tomkins P rincipal’ s C lub
Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Forrest D. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James M. Baisley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brady Mr. Richard D. Cain Ms. Christine Cowel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daul Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Duggan Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ferris Ms. Mary Gauntner Mr. and Mrs. Jay Goodwin Mrs. Maureen B. Hajduk Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hoover Ms. Maria Isasi Mrs. Elizabeth I. Keyser Mr. Bill Krug Mr. Mark Kutsch Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor III Mr. and Mrs. James V. Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McCaskey Mrs. Ilene McKenna Mrs. William B. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mitchell Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Bradd W. O’Brien Mr. William T. O’Donnell III Ms. Rosemary O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rogoz Mrs. Carita Rothing Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Schmidt Mr. Franklin D. Schurz Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sciortino Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Thauer Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Vender Mr. and Mrs. John R. Windlinger Mr. Thomas M. Zollo D ean ’ s C lub
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Abendshien Mrs. Blanche Antonello Mr. and Mrs. David Aretha Ms. Susan M. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Buckman Mr. and Mrs. William O. Burke Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Clingan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Cook Mr. and Mrs. James Cranley Mr. Christopher Culp
Mr. Kevin Dages Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Davis Mr. Matthew J. Dillig Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Gabbard Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hengelmann Mr. Ludwig Jakob Mr. and Mrs. Roderick G. Johnson Mrs. Patricia Keeley Mr. and Mrs. Granger F. Kenly Jr. Ms. Elisa Kline Mrs. Elizabeth Lahart Mr. Samuel Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lipton Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. MacNamara Mrs. Katherine Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Dave Melsheimer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mengelt Mr. Robert A. Montgomery and Ms. Jeanne M. Golden Mr. J.H. Murnane Sr. (RIP) and Mrs. Joan Murnane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Murtaugh Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Neckermann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pabst Jr. Mr. Christopher B. Powers Ms. Susan D. Romanski Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schweihs Dr. Phyllis W. Shafron Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stone Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Strzalka Mr. James L. Turco Mr. David M. Venkus Mr. and Mrs. John Weisenberger Dr. and Mrs. Martin Yorath M aroon and G old C lub
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Abercrombie Mrs. Karen M. Anagnost Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boudewyns Mr. Robert D. Boyle (RIP) and Mrs. Mary Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Brett Conway Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Depaz Dr. Jean C. Hajduk Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hogan ‘83 Mrs. Joan Kenny Ms. Courtney C. Loeb Dr. and Mrs. B. Michael Nagel Mr. Thomas Newman Mr. and Mrs. John Steinberg Dr. and Mrs. Donald Szachowicz Mr. Cary G. Tengel and Mrs. Arlene Tengel LdM ‘78 Ms. Mary P. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Ulaszek Mr. Brian Urlacher Mr. and Mrs. James M. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Webler Mr. Thomas J. Weirath and Ms. Mary C. Sajdak R ambler ’ s C lub
Anonymous (1) Ms. Ann Acker Mr. Rodney C. Adams and Ms. Wendy Morgan-Adams Mr. Richard J. Adler Dr. and Mrs. E. David Ahlering Ms. Martha Autera Mr. Paul Baisley Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Barney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr Mr. Will Beaton Mr. Joseph A. Bettina Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Blesi Mr. Bradford R. Boss Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Bouloukos Ms. Ann T. Brunett Mr. Domingo J. Carreira Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Choquette Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Corboy Jr. Mrs. Margaret Czarnowski
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duquette Mr. Timothy Egan Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Erlenbaugh Jr. Ms. Pam Farley Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Farrell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Feiter Mr. Irvin Fisch Mr. John M. Fleming and Ms. Solange I. Piton Mr. Edward J. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. William D. Folland Mrs. Mary Ann Ford Mrs. Margaret J. Fritz (RIP) Ms. Cathy Gibney Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Grabowski Dr. and Mrs. John J. Grayhack Mrs. Rose Anne Grimes Mrs. Carrie Gruninger Mr. William D. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Halko Mr. Eric Harkna and Ms. Tonise Paul Mrs. Katherine S. Harner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Helderle Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hopmayer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Isaac Mrs. Cheryl Johnson Mr. Gregory Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Johnson Mrs. Juanita Jordan Mr. Michael Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaczmarek Mr. Stephen Kras Mr. and Mrs. Konstanty E. Krylow Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lanigan Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Lawler Ms. Helen D. Leisengang Mrs. Marjorie L. Luken Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Maddock Mr. Hugo Mainelli Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Marion Mr. and Mrs. William S. Matzelle Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. McCarthy Mr. Kevin McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. John J. McShea Mr. and Mrs. William G. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Morley Mr. and Mrs. John A. Muntean Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Murphy Dr. Robert J. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’Connell Ms. Margaret M. O’Connor Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. O’Connor Mr. Timothy J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Olson Mrs. John O’Toole Dr. and Mrs. Milan N. Pastuovic Mr. Steve B. Pearlman Mr. and Mrs. Gamini J. Perera Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Price Mr. and Mrs. Greg Reilly Ms. Laura A. Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Rice Mr. and Mrs. David S. Richter Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roever III Mr. Jeffrey R. Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan Dr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Saksena Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mrs. Mary Alyce Sasso (RIP) Mrs. Rachel Sauer Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Schoch Senator Jeffrey M. Schoenberg and Ms. Lynne Sered Mr. Roger P. Schoeneberger Ms. Elin R. Schriver Mr. Bernard Shapiro and Ms. Mary McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sheinkop Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Smolen Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Spellman Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stewart Ms. Renata Stiehl
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Suehr Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swad Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Tazalla Mr. Kip Testwuide Ms. Suzy F. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tomaska Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tuteur Mrs. Erlene Vandenbranden Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vanecko Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Warner Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Zimmerman O ther D onors
Anonymous (1) Mr. Ernest R. Akemann and Dr. Sandra Akemann Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Anthony Mr. Joseph Antonello Jr. (RIP) Ms. Linda Arredondo Mr. and Dr. Erick Asenjo Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Autera Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Baby Jr. Mrs. Marilyn Ballard Mr. Sam Barone Mr. Robert J. Bates Ms. Melissa Smythe Beacom Mr. and Mrs. Michael Biemolt Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Blake Mr. David J. Blears and Ms. Rita Spitz Ms. Ann Blinkhorn Mr. and Mrs. David J. Blockowicz Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bohling Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonnike Mr. Ward Bourn Mr. Erik D. Bradley Ms. Amanda Brady Ms. Brooke Brady Mrs. Millie C. Braun Ms. Sara M. Breeden Dr. Thomas P. Brennan and Ms. Gale A. Dreas Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bruno Mr. Jack Burgeman Ms. Christina Burke Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Burns Ms. Mary Butler Ms. Jackie Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Campolo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carini Jr. Mrs. Mary C. Carroll Mrs. Moira A. Cary Mrs. Jacklyn Celano Mr. Marty J. Cervetti Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chanan Ms. Michelle Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cogan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colander Ms. Katherine M. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conway Mrs. Nancie Coogan Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios A. Criezis Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Curran Ms. Candace Curtis Ms. Christine Cusack Mr. and Mrs. David Cushnie Mr. and Mrs. Mark Day Ms. Laura DeGrandis Mr. Tom Dellaveu Mrs. Elisa C. Denja Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dentzman Mr. and Mrs. Marty DeRoin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Distasio Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. John Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Drane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dreher Ms. Jody Drewer Mr. Barry A. Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Eirich Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Eskew
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Fanning Ms. Nancy Farrell Mrs. Mary W. Fauls Mr. and Mrs. William Faulstich Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fausone Mr. and Mrs. Chad Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson Mrs. Ann Flick Mr. and Mrs. David M. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Freemond Jr. Mrs. Charles G. Freund Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Gaddis Dr. Michael J. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Garippo Mrs. Florence Gavin Mr. Rick Gayeski Mr. and Mrs. Mario Gianfortune Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gibson Ms. Nancy Gonzales Mr. Murphy Goodworth Ms. Joyce P. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Wynn A. Grothem Mr. and Mrs. John Gude Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gwatkin Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hackett III Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hagnell Mr. and Mrs. Clinton H. Hallman Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hantho Mr. Timothy Harney and Ms. Patricia Muldoon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hassfurther Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hawthorne Mr. Michael Hayford Ms. Susan Hays Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Healey Ms. Jan Herald Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Heath Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Height Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Heneghan Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hill Mrs. Ann Hillenbrand Mrs. Janice Hinsdale Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Terrance K. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Holy Mrs. Sara Horkavi Ms. Arlene Ingalls Dr. and Mrs. Cliff J. Ireland Mr. Edward S. Jamieson Ms. Kathleen M. Jamieson Mrs. Ann Jardine Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jeschke Mr. and Mrs. Quentin C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Johnson (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Arnold F. Karr Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kearns Mr. John P. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus C. Kiedysz Mr. and Mrs. Casimir J. Kotowski Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kowalczyk Ms. Catherine M. Kunzer Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Kus Mr. Nana O. Kwakye Ms. Karen LaChapelle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew LaLiberty Mr. Dennis G. LaLiberty Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lambur Ms. Kelly A. Langford Ms. Margaret Laurino and Mr. Randy J. Barnette Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Leahy Mr. Richard Lee Ms. Rachel Lipton-Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lisy Ms. Elizabeth B. Luby Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luppino Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lutz Ms. Christine Lyman Ms. Margaret A. Lyman Ms. Nancy MacNamara Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Mancillas Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Marino Mr. John S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. George F. Matheson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Matheson Mr. Mike Matheson Ms. Natalie Matheson Mr. and Mrs. John A. McArthur Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. McCaskey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. McLaughlin (RIP) Ms. Sue McNamara Mr. Garrett M. Meade Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mehalek Mr. John Mentzer Mr. and Mrs. Champ Meyercord Mr. and Mrs. Wade F. Meyercord Ms. Jean Middleton Mrs. Clifford H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kurt J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Mockus Ms. Sheila Mulcahey Mr. Nick Mumley Ms. Veronica Murillo Ms. Maryrose T. Murphy Drs. Richard and Susan Nelson Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholas Mr. Shawn Nofziger Ms. Marie E. Nolan Dr. Joseph R. Nora Ms. Vanessa Nowlin Ms. Kim Nusslock Ms. Nancy O’Brien Mr. W. B. O’Connell Mrs. Nancy O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ostrander Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Paolino Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parks Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Pepoon Ms. Mary H. Perry Mr. J.R. Pesce and Ms. Elizabeth Frank Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Petersen Mrs. Monique Petrakis Ms. Agnes L. Piszczek Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pontarelli Mr. Ben Ponzio Mr. Frank R. Portner Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Porto Ms. Pegeen Quinn Ms. C.F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Reichert Mr. Ernesto Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rich Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rinozzi Mr. Thomas F. Rochford Mr. Paul M. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. John F. Romanyak Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rourke Ms. Joan K. Rowland Ms. Paula Russo Mr. Dennis M. Sannito Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Sarthy Mr. and Mrs. James Sassen Ms. Barbara J. Scheidt Mr. and Mrs. Lohtar Schick Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Schuering Ms. Kelly Seaton Ms. Sara A. Shaheen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Shaughnessy Mr. John Shiely Ms. Heidi Siena Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sirovatka Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Smith Ms. Madalenne R. Smith Mr. Donald E. Sprague Mrs. John Q. Springer Mr. Iordan Stamenov Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stegmann Mr. Louis Stevens and Ms. Mary Lynn Smedinghoff Mr. John D. Stoner Dr. Thomas Strunk and Ms. Jamie Leslie Ms. Susan Swinehart Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Tarvardian Mrs. Patricia Theewen
Ms. Renee Thometz Mr. and Mrs. Derrick W. Thron Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Tidei Mr. David Tingue Mr. Chester Tomaszkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Trieschmann Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Vesperman Ms. Eva Vino Mr. and Mrs. John Vlahakis Mr. Richard N. Volpe Mr. and Mrs. David Vreeland Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Watson Ms. Nikki Webber Dr. and Mrs. James R. Webster Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weinfurter Ms. Lauren Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Welch Ms. Susan Wesselmann Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. White Ms. Margaret Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Willer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Williamson Ms. Christina Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Wilson Mr. Richard M. Witt Mr. and Mrs. Keith Yamada Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zahorik Ms. Ann Zdeb Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zdeb Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Zera Mr. John P. Zimmer and Ms. Paula M. Kowalkowski
Employees Xavier C ircle
Br. James E. Small, SJ D umbach C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara H umbert C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. David K. McNulty ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn P resident ’ s C ircle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dahm F ounder ’ s C ircle
Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Culhane Mr. William D. San Hamel II ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Taylor P rincipal’ s C lub
Ms. Elizabeth P. Kadison ‘02 Mr. Benjamin O’Connor D ean ’ s C lub
Ms. Joan M. Dowdle Hon. and Mrs. James D. Egan Ms. Colleen G. Farrell ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. John Holecek Ms. Katherine Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Angelo P. Manis Mr. and Mrs. Shon Morris Mr. and Mrs. John Mouflouzelis Mr. John Osowski Mr. John T. Rank ‘65 and Ms. Linda Prasil Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. White ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. David Wick Mr. and Mrs. Paul Witt O ther D onors
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bavlsik Rev. Peter W. Breslin, SJ Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Buckley ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Composto Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Favaro Mr. Ryan J. Gibbons ‘95 Ms. Patricia A. Griffith and Mr. Thomas Moore Ms. Sarah Kennedy Ms. Melissa Krein Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mahoney ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. McDonough Ms. Colleen M. McGrath Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. McNulty Mr. Kevin J. Mistrik Ms. Jessie Morrison Ms. Janet L. Neidhardt Ms. Sarah E. O’Connor ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Loughlin ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Penna Ms. Katherine K. Seeberg ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Lesley J. Seitzinger ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. John V. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stoner Ms. Kristin Wojcik
I gnatius C ircle
Anonymous (1) Corcoran Family Foundation Loyola Academy Jesuit Community The John & Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Xavier C ircle
Helen V. Brach Foundation Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Kampen Family Foundation ViBern Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Candioto Mrs. Rosanne Coury Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Desherow ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fitzgerald Mr. Charles W. Heintz and Ms. Erin Melley Ms. Mary Just Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Schufreider ‘76 Mr. Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 Mrs. Colleen Whelan
D umbach C ircle
M aroon and G old C lub
H umbert C ircle
Mr. Jeffrey R. Meyrose and Dr. Colleen P. Meyrose Mrs. Mary Clare White and Mr. Thomas F. White ‘64
Anonymous (1) Abbott Laboratories Fund Matching Grant Plan Michael E. Crane Attorney At Law Dearborn Capital Management, LLC The Tony DeRosa Foundation The DiMucci Family Foundation Wilma and William Dooley ‘56 Foundation Jem Foundation John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Terrence P. LeFevour Attorney At Law The William F. O’Connor Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation
R ambler ’ s C lub
Dr. John D. Aiello (RIP) Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Alexopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Babcock Mr. David A. Behof ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Mr. William R. Brandstrader ‘88 and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cerney ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cramer Mr. Jeff A. Dees
Chicago and Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Couri Family Foundation International Autos Robert Kubon Foundation Bruce A. Lee Family Foundation Sanborn Family Foundation Jonathan Schwabe Memorial Fund
The Siragusa Foundation Wintrust Financial Corporation L egris C ircle
Anonymous (1) Ayco Charitable Foundation Chicago Cubs Columbus Vegetable Oils The William & Kathy Doyle Foundation J. Hovanec Group, LLC Indianapolis Colts, Inc. Loyola Academy Rambler Run for Someone PCS Administration (USA), Inc. Rosemont One LLC Sea Cloud Cruises U.S. Cellular The Joseph Valenti Jr. Family Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program P resident ’ s C ircle
Anonymous (1) Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Chicago Partners Investment Group, LLC Chicago Trailer Pool Corp. John and Susan Dewan Foundation Durrie Sales East Balt. Commissary Inc. Grove Partners Inc. Hackney’s on Lake, Inc. ITW Foundation Kadison Construction Co. London Limo’s Ltd. Loyola University Chicago Marshal McMahon & Associates Law Offices Morgan Stanley Firm The Northridge Group, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation Radio One Hope & Tom Reynolds Family Foundation Sauganash Community Association Tiffany & Company F ounder ’ s C ircle
Anonymous (1) William A. Barnett Attorney At Law Brian Joseph Barry Memorial Foundation Betterman Investment Group The Bismarck Trust Brickman Calihan Catering, Inc. Chalet Nursery & Garden Shops Chicago Community Trust Citizens for Richard A. Devine Egbar Foundation Five Crowns Foundation General Mills Foundation Hyatt Corporation Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation Kate Spade New York W.K. Kellogg Foundation Klein Tools, Inc. Loyola Academy Boys and Girls Water Polo Teams Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Marie M. Miller Trust Mosaicos Inc. The Mugnolo Children and Scholarship Nuveen Investments, LLC Olson Transportation Palace Resorts RW Construction Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua Stefani’s Restaurants Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz Wells Fargo Foundation P rincipal’ s C lub
33 Group American Jebco Corporation Baxter Allegiance Foundation Beyond the Ivy Rooftops Bredemann Toyota Broadway in Chicago Patricia & Albert C. Buehler Jr. Foundation
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
Cagney Network, Inc. Chicago Hilton & Towers Classic Kids The Custom Companies, Inc. Draper and Kramer, Inc. E.J.’s Place Edgebrook Bank Employees of Sethness-Greenleaf Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Bermuda Foley Family Foundation GE Foundation Gewalt-Hamilton Associates, Inc. Glenview State Bank Louis Glunz III Family/ Regis Technologies Foundation Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program Haben Funeral Home & Crematory Interactive One Senior Management Kehoe Designs Kingstree Trading, LLC John W. Lally Attorney At Law Lambrecht Jewelers, Inc. Lorraine and John Langdon Foundation The Latousek Foundation Lawlor Foundation Madden Communications Margie’s Candies McShane Foundation Neapolitan Collection Northshore Physicians Group, LLC Parker Hannifin Foundation Peachtree Place PepsiCo Foundation Piekarz Associates, PC Propes & Kaveny LLC Racconto Foods Susan Reich Writing and Photography Results 22 LLC Ringler Associates Smith-Corcoran Funeral Homes Terra Consulting Group, Ltd. Valenti Builders Incorporated Vantagepoint Partners, Inc. Waste Management Phoenix Weaver Boos Consultants North Central, LLC Windows Installation Corp. Wirtz Beverage Group D ean ’ s C lub
1 Plus 1 Funding, LLC Alta Packaging, Inc. AmericanEagle.Com, Inc. Anything Grows, Inc. Archi Dorati Corporation Axley Family Foundation Bellagio Hotel & Casino Bredemann Lexus in Glenview Burke Sound & Security Corp. CBS Radio -Chicago CBS Radio-New York Colliers Bennett & Kahnweiler Kevin P. Courtney Attorney At Law Deloitte LLP Donmar, Inc. Dow Jones & Company Eaton Corporation Elect Judge Lyons F. Duffield Meyercord The Golden Triangle Hall’s Complete Rental Service Diane Hamilton Photography Hester Painting and Decorating Indestructo Rental Co. Ivy Contracting of Chicago, LLC Jennings Chevrolet-Volkswagen, Inc. Knights of Columbus Ouilmette Council 922 Lake Forest Bank & Trust Leo Burnett Company Charitable Foundation Louis Glunz Wine Loyola Academy Dean’s Office Maplewood Hotel Maze Home Store Mugnolo Real Estate, LLC
Murphy Surgery & Educational Research Trust Nature’s Hand Car Wash Inc. New York Life Foundation R. J. O’Brien Holdings Inc. Kate Oelerich Photography Professional Liability Solutions, LLC Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Richmond Insurance Group, LLC Louis H. Scherb Attorney at Law Shewchuck Insurance Agency, Inc. Skokie Valley Beverage Co. Raymond J. Smith Attorney At Law Sports Made Personal Sunbelt Capital Corporation Sutton Studios Thomas Blaige & Company LLC Tishman Hotels Corp. U.S. Bancorp Foundation Valentina White Cap Private Equity Management LLC Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation M aroon and G old C lub
42 Degrees North Latitude Bella Bridesmaid Carousel Linens Inc. Chicago Bears Youth Football Camps Chicago Center for the Print City Olive ConocoPhillips Expert Driving School JP Flanagan Enterprises Inc. Four Shadows Furla Photography & Video Illinois Sports Authority Inliten, LLC J.W. Marriott Los Angeles Kosta Browne Winery Loyola Academy Principal’s Office LoyolaWear Madeline Gelis, Inc. J.W. Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa PGA National Resort & Spa Sidney’s Valet Services Simply Flowers Stuart-Rodgers Photography Limited R ambler ’ s C lub
Anonymous (1) @ Properties, LLC Acme Refining Ago Go The Salon All on the Road Catering & Bakery American Express Gift Matching Program Antelis Music Inc. Applied Mechanical Sales, Inc. Baxter International Behles & Behles Architecture Interior Design Berghoff Restaurant Corp., Inc. Boeing Matching Gift Program Michael B. Bolan Attorney At Law Katie Boldt Jewelry Design Bordignon Dental Associates and Oral Implant Center CSI International Inc. The Canvasback, Ltd. Capital One Matching Gift Program Caputo Cheese Market Casey Landscape Service Charlie’s Disney Vacation Rentals Chicago ‘52 Alumni Chicago Shakespeare Theater Clear Water Outdoor Commonwealth Financial Network Dana Hotel and Spa de Giulio Kitchen Design Element Multisport Entercom Radio Group Ernst & Young Flanagan Vineyards Flourish Follett Corporation
Golden Oaks Mansion Gordon New Talent Salon Grand Food Center Gavin J. Green, DDS Hambrick & Associates, Inc. Herff Jones William E. Hoversen Jr. Attorney At Law Illinois Baseball Academy Indigo Studio Ingram Book Company Irene’s Nationwide Home Health Care Jones Lang LaSalle Judge Family Vineyard Kennedy Idea Foundation L2o LPC Design L. Marshall Inc. Dr. Sherwin D. Laff & Associates Lato Development LLC Liberty Farms, Inc. Loyola Academy Boys’ Lacrosse Program Loyola Academy Dumbach Scholars Loyola Academy Rowing Association Loyola Academy Social Studies Department Loyola Academy Swimming and Diving Teams MPR Associates, Inc. Sandra Erben Marquez Foundation Merck Partnership For Giving The Law Firm of Wendy R. Morgan Ltd. National Association of College Stores, Inc. North Shore Racquet Club R.J. O’Brien & Associates LLC Oceanique The Patrick Group Rabar Market Research, Inc. Road America Saint Martha Catholic Church Scandinavian Ski Shop Sethness Greenleaf, Inc. John G. Shedd Aquarium Sheraton Chicago Northbrook Sky Partners LLC Soulsight, Inc. Travelers Foundation Tru U.S. Open Unforgettable Edibles Vanguard Group Foundation Weiss Ace Hardware White Eagle Banquets & Restaurant Wilmette Bicycle & Sport Shop Zanies Comedy Clubs O ther D onors
Adult Children of Alcoholics Alexandra Collections Amgen Foundation Arlington Park Racecourse Bagel Restaurant and Deli The Backyard Barbecue Store Bank of America Bent Fork Bakery Bodies by Bruno The Bootery Bridie McKenna’s Brunswick Zone Niles Buffalo Wild Wings Cafe Touche Catering by Michael’s Family of Companies Char Crews Inc. Cheesecake Factory Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Bears Football Club, Inc. Chicago Bulls Chicago White Sox Chicago Wolves Chuck Wagon Restaurant Church Hill Classics, Ltd. Club Lucky Cookies In Bloom Corner Bakery Corner Bakery Cafe The Curragh Irish Pub
Dayton Ritz & Osborne The Deer Path Inn Marty DeRoin Attorney At Law Dinkels Bakery James A. Dooley Foundation ESPN Radio 1000 Edgebrook Ace Hardware Egg Harbor Cafe Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Eli’s Chicago’s Finest, Inc. Ellen’s on Elm Fannie Mae Foundation Irvin S. Fisch, LLC Fix-It Enterprises, Inc. Fleming’s Ltd. Flight Restaurant & Wine Bar Four Seasons Hotel Fresh Ideas Clothing Co. Gemini Bistro Gilson’s Global Gourmet & Village Baker The Joseph B. Glossberg Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Goode & Fresh Pizza Bakery The Grille on Laurel Hall Capital Management Co., Inc. Hard Core Pilates Hayes Funeral & Cremation Service LLC Gerard C. Hillsman 1987 Trust Initial Choice Irish Connoisseur J. McLaughlin JMJ Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Jimmy John’s Johnny’s Kitchen & Tap Kenilworth Home & Garden Club Kmiec & Noonan LLC Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program La Casa De Isaac La De Da! Lifeline Theatre Lillie Alexander Ltd. Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria Louis Glunz Beer, Inc. Lovells of Lake Forest Loyola Academy Athletic Department Loyola Academy Bowling Camp Marriott Theater Massage Envy McCormick and Schmick’s McDonald’s Corporation Metamorphosis Metropolis Performing Arts Center Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mireille’s Studio Morning Glory Flower Shop Mrs. A’s Cupcakes and Cookies Museum of Science & Industry NBC 5 New Prospects Noah’s Ark Family Park, Inc. Norshore Meats and Deli Northlight Theatre Owens Corning Foundation Palm Court Restaurant Pascal Pour Elle Pasquesi Home & Gardens Pasta Darte Trattoria Italiana The Perfect Setting Piece Pizzaria and Brewery Pop More Corks Inc. Public House Reagan Meats Reda & Des Jardins, Ltd Reece Insurance Remy Bumppo Theatre Company Ritz Carlton Chicago Rosebud Restaurants Rosewood Restaurant & Banquets Russell Matching Gifts Program Sara Lee Foundation Sarkis Cafe Scandia Catering Co. Scents & Sensibilities South Gate Cafe
Stone Barrett Foundation Strawberry Fields T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Teddie Kossof Salon and Spa Thirty Four Inc. Thomson Reuters Three Sisters Three Tarts Bakery & Cafe Ursula Hair Design Vaughan’s Pub Deborah Snow Walsh, Inc. Weaver & Associates Wildfire Wilmette Flowers Wilmette Jewelers Wilmette Theatre Yellow Bird Stationary, Invitations & Gifts
G reen and B lue C lub
Joanne L. Brandstrader ‘84 Leslie P. Pollock Kennedy ‘71 Arlene Poden Tengel ‘78 L d M C lub
Jeanne G. Borscha-Eisinger ‘77 Patricia A. Heffernan ‘83 Mary W. Kauper ‘71 Mary O. Lederer ‘78 Carolyn D. Marsan ‘82 Margaret Blair McNulty ‘75 Julie D. Durkin Montague ‘76 Sara G. Grombacher Nash ‘82 Linda H. Reilly ‘76 Kathleen S. Sheridan ‘88 Mary Stover ‘71 Diane C. Vander Kolk Maureen A. Philbin Wimbiscus ‘86 O ther D onors
St. Louise de Marillac Giving Societies S r . C onstance C ircle
Named for Marillac High School founder Sr. Constance Dahinden, DC for her spirit, dedication and foresight. Includes gifts of $10,000 or more. S r . C yrilla C ircle
Mary M. Bartman ‘82 Christine M. Batt ‘86 Diane E. Duffy ‘78 Lynda Gajewski ‘83 Barbara E. Hass ’86 Mary R. Hill ‘81 Mary Jensen ‘78 Colleen A. Kave ‘88 Robin L. MacDonald ‘81 Eileen M. Morrison ‘74 Carolyn B. Ress ‘73 Mary E. Ryan ‘86 Mary Kay Scheid ‘84 Peggy A. Tameling ‘75 Fatimah F. Dalao Tomas ‘86 Julie I. Wetzel ‘69 Michele M. Ziemann-DeVos ‘81
Named for Sr. Cyrilla Verhalen, DC, who presented freshmen with the Miraculous Medal in a special ceremony each year and who is remembered for her loving care of Marillac’s rose garden. Includes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999. L ouise C ircle
Named for St. Louise de Marillac, DC, who founded the Daughters of Charity with St. Vincent de Paul in Paris, France, in 1633. Includes gifts of $2,500 to $4,999.
Commemorative Funds
A iello T ree P lanting
F ounder ’ s C lub
and P laque
Includes gifts of $1,000 to $2,499, as well as members of the Sr. Constance Circle, Sr. Cyrilla Circle and Louise Circle.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. MacNamara T he J ohn D . A iello
N orthstar club
Mrs. Karen M. Anagnost Ms. Amy E. Babington ‘03 Mr. James M. Baisley Jr. ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Banks ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Barry Jr. ’74 Mr. David A. Behof ‘92 Mr. Joseph A. Bettina Mr. and Mrs. C. Brad Bissell ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boudewyns Mr. Timothy E. Bourke ‘83 Mr. William R. Brandstrader ‘88 and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bredemann ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Broccolo ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Canning ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Couri ‘87 Mrs. Rosanne Coury Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Mr. and Mrs. James P. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Davis Mr. Jeff A. Dees Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Degenhardt ‘82 Mrs. Colleen M. Detjen Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Duggan E.J.’s Place Ms. Jean C. Flemming ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Galante ‘83
Includes gifts of $500 to $999. G reen and blue C lub
Includes gifts from $250 to $499. L d M club
Includes gifts from $100 to $249. S r . C yrilla C ircle
Kathleen R. Reedy Bonnel ‘74 L ouise C ircle
Katie L. Bowen ‘88 Kathleen M. Madden Loftus ‘75 Nancy A. Hochstetter Pins ‘82 F ounder ’ s C lub
Nora M. Adler Dyjack ‘75 Mary Anne McNulty Haben ‘74 Susan C. Comerford Jacobs ‘75 Catharine B. Brault Murphy ‘81 Kathy M. Irpino Netzel ‘77 Loretta O’Connell O’Malley ‘83 Eileen M. Mitchell Poydence ‘80 Margaret P. Tobin Thompson ‘76 N orthstar C lub
Gabrielle M. Buckley ‘74 Julie Sheridan Delaney ‘76 Danielle L. Desherow ‘93 Bridget A. O’Connell Halloran ‘84 Margo T. Lyons ‘77 Susan M. Barrett Orr ‘79
E ndowed S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gallagher ‘76 Mr. Thomas E. Ganfield ‘80 Ms. Mary Gauntner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gowski ‘98 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Grayhack Ms. Patricia A. Griffith and Mr. Thomas Moore Grove Partners Inc. Haben Funeral Home & Crematory Capt. Gary J. Haben ‘80 Mr. John J. Hardt ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hengelmann Mr. Philip R. Hillinger ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Holihan ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Dr. Mark J. Humenik ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Huspek ‘80 Mr. Terence P. Kane ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kelly ‘81 Mr. G. P. Kendall III ‘80 and Hon. Virginia Kendall Mr. William J. Kirby III ‘80 Mr. William A. Klodd ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lagattuta ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Leist ‘80 Ms. Gabriella I. Lenzi ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Loyola Academy Rambler Run for Someone Loyola Academy Social Studies Department Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Luzin Jr. ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Lynch ‘89 Ms. Nancy MacNamara Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maher ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mahoney ‘90 Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Maks, MD ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. McCaskey Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. McHugh ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. Garrett M. Meade Mr. Patrick G. Meehan ‘83 and Ms. Julie O’Connor Michael E. Crane Attorney At Law Mr. Kevin J. Mistrik Mr. Michael L. Monticello ‘85 Ms. Maryrose T. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murray ‘80 Northshore Physicians Group, LLC Ms. Rachel D. Nuzikowski ‘03 Mr. Timothy L. O’Brien ‘80 and Ms. Devon Corneal Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. O’Connor ‘80 Parker Hannifin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Pepoon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Peterson ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Qaiyum ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ‘78 Dr. Shirley A. Roy Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schmitt ‘85 Mr. James R. Schufreider ‘79 and Mr. Christopher Mario Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seeberg ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Shelow ‘79 Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. ‘78 Mr. Timothy J. Smith ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. John O. Stanton ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thorsen III ‘66 Mr. Gregory A. Tomaino ‘78 Dr. and Mrs. George D. Tsonis ‘88 Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Zera R ev. J ames C . L . A rimond , S J ‘ 5 7 S cholarship for E x cellence E ndowment
Anonymous (1) Mr. John C. M. Arimond ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Banks ‘81 Boeing Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bryant ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Daly ‘75
The William & Kathy Doyle ‘68 Foundation Employees of Sethness-Greenleaf Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Forbes ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hocter Sr. ‘82 William E. Hoversen Jr. Attorney At Law Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Mawicke ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McMenamin ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Michelotti ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy Jr. ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara PCS Administration (USA), Inc. Louis H. Scherb Attorney At Law Mr. Mark S. Seeberg ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Shanke (RIP) Mr. Donald E. Sprague U.S. Bancorp Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Weiland ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Whalen ‘57 Paul W. and C atherine A . B olt z S cholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Boltz ‘61 B olt z ’ 6 1 D ebate F und
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Boltz ‘61 R ev. R aymond J . C allahan , S J S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Spellman J aemo C hang S cholarship
Patrick and J ana E ilers S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eilers M ichael E . F innegan S cholarship E ndowment
Mrs. Colleen M. Detjen Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. LeFevour Terrence P. LeFevour Attorney At Law F oley O ’ D onnell Athletic C ommons
Mr. William T. O’Donnell ‘67 and Ms. Lezlie Rehagen James T. Glerum Jr. and Mary E. Glerum C lassics T our S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Glerum Jr. H ugh P. H ackett S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chapman Mr. and Mrs. David S. Richter Mr. Jeffrey R. Rosenthal R ev. N orman E . H arland , S J S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. White ‘64 R ev. D onald J . H ayes , S J ‘ 4 3 S cholarship
Hayes Funeral & Cremation Service LLC T. M ichael H erbert ‘ 5 6 P ress B o x
E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Sr. ‘56 Kennedy Idea Foundation
Ms. Yoon Young Chang ‘11
J ohn T. and J oanne K .
C lass of ‘ 5 1 S cholarship
H ickey F und
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden ‘51 Gerard C. Hillsman 1987 Trust Mr. Walter B. Lehmann ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. B. Michael Pallasch ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Sr. ‘43
C lass of ‘ 5 2 S cholarship
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund C lass of ‘ 5 9 S cholarship
Axley Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John E. Callahan ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Hillenbrand ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hughes ‘59 Mr. Richard J. Kenney ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Leonard ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith III ‘59 C lass of ‘ 6 0 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Braasch ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Breen III ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fogarty ‘60 Hon. and Mrs. Arthur H. Gross ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Hoskins III ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Kruggel III ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Phelan ‘60 Mr. William J. Smith ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Ward ‘60 F ran and J ean C orby S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Corby Jr. T he C orcoran F amily S cholarship E ndowment
Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran R ev. W alter C rane , S J S cholarship E ndowment Mr. and Mrs. James T. Revord ‘52 D avid and M ary L ou D ecker F amily S cholarship
Mr. David A. Decker Jr. ‘87 T ony D e R osa ‘ 9 0 S cholarship E ndowment
The Tony DeRosa Foundation R obert J . D ooley ‘ 2 7 , ‘ 5 5 , ‘ 81 , ‘1 2 S cholarship E ndowment
Wilma and William Dooley ‘56 Foundation
F rank and M onica H ogan P erforming A rts E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hogan Sr. ‘56 Hon. and Mrs. Michael J. Hogan ‘64 H onor and M emorial G ifts F und
Ms. Linda Arredondo Mr. and Dr. Erick Asenjo Ms. Melissa Smythe Beacom Berghoff Restaurant Corp., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Biemolt Mr. David J. Blears and Ms. Rita Spitz Ms. Ann Blinkhorn Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Bouloukos Mr. Erik D. Bradley Ms. Brooke Brady Ms. Sara M. Breeden Ms. Mary Butler CBS Radio, Chicago CBS Radio, New York Ms. Jackie Campbell Mrs. Jacklyn Celano Mr. Marty J. Cervetti Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Choquette Commonwealth Financial Network Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corboy ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Day Dayton Ritz & Osborne Ms. Laura DeGrandis Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dentzman Mr. Matthew J. Dillig Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doyle ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Drane Ms. Jody Drewer Mr. Barry A. Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dunne Jr. ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duquette Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dutmers Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Egan Entercom Radio Group Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Eskew Mrs. Mary W. Fauls Mr. and Mrs. Chad Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ferris
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Freemond Jr. Mrs. Margaret J. Fritz (RIP) The Joseph B. Glossberg Foundation Ms. Nancy Gonzales Ms. Joyce P. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Wynn A. Grothem Mr. and Mrs. John Gude Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gwatkin Hambrick & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Healey Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Heath Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hill Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Terrance K. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Dean Honda Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hopmayer Mrs. Sara Horkavi Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Ms. Arlene Ingalls Interactive One Senior Management Dr. and Mrs. Cliff J. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly Jr. ‘58 Kenilworth Home & Garden Club Mr. James M. Klatt ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Casimir J. Kotowski Ms. Karen LaChapelle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew LaLiberty Mr. Dennis G. LaLiberty Ms. Kelly A. Langford Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. Leahy ‘58 Mr. John S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. William S. Matzelle Ms. Sue McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mehalek Mr. John Mentzer Mr. and Mrs. Champ Meyercord F. Duffield Meyercord Mr. and Mrs. Wade F. Meyercord Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mitchell Sr. Ms. Sheila Mulcahey Mr. Nick Mumley Ms. Veronica Murillo Murphy Surgery & Educational Research Trust National Association of College Stores, Inc. Mr. Thomas Newman Mr. Shawn Nofziger Ms. Nancy O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara The Patrick Group Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. Ben Ponzio Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Porto Radio One Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rich Ms. Paula Russo Mr. Dennis M. Sannito Mr. Franklin D. Schurz Jr. Kelly Seaton Mr. and Mrs. Lesley J. Seitzinger ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Shaughnessy Ms. Heidi Siena Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sirovatka Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skinner Ms. Madalenne R. Smith Mr. Donald E. Sprague Mr. Iordan Stamenov Stone Barrett Foundation Mr. Kip Testwuide Mrs. Patricia Theewen Ms. Renee Thometz Mr. and Mrs. Derrick W. Thron Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Trieschmann Mr. and Mrs. John Vlahakis Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Watson Dr. and Mrs. James R. Webster Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weinfurter Mr. Ray Wetzel and Mrs. Julie I. Wetzel LdM ‘89 Ms. Margaret Whitehead Mr. Richard M. Witt Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Zimmerman Allen J. Hoover ‘58 Science Award Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Hoover ‘86
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
R ev. R obert G . H umbert,
A rthur and B arbara
S J S cholarship
Pantle F amily S cholarship
E ndowment Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cihak ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. DeMaeyer ‘56 James A. Dooley Foundation Wilma and William Dooley ‘56 Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kneafsey ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Neyer ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Keefe ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Solon ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Sweeney ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Trapp ‘56
Mr. Donald A. Pantle ‘62 Robert P. Perkaus III ‘77
T he J ennings F amily S cholarship
Mr. Jack R. Jennings ’97 Ms. Robin Jennings ’04 Mr. Todd C. Jennings ’10 R aymond J . K avanagh S cholarship E ndowment
Anonymous (1) Mr. Robert J. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Casey Ms. Elizabeth A. Cheval Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. Christopher Culp Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Curran Mr. Kevin Dages Dearborn Capital Management, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. John Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell Mr. William D. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Halko Ms. Jan Herald Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jeschke Mr. David M. Kavanagh and Ms. Mary M. Dollinger Lake Forest Bank & Trust Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Littau ‘86 Ms. Marie E. Nolan R.J. O’Brien & Associates LLC Rabar Market Research, Inc. Ms. Susan Swinehart Mr. Patrick J. Tierney ’02 Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz J ohn E . K enny S r . ‘ 3 1 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kenny ‘68 L afferty S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lafferty T he J oan F. and W illiam J . L ave z z orio ‘ 4 6 S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III ‘76 Patrick Lynch ‘ 8 7 S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch M c D onald B rothers S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. Thomas J. McDonald ‘82 M c D onnell F amily M emorial S cholarship
Mrs. Antoinette F. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDonnell B etty M c G arrity S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McGarrity ‘78 E li z abeth D . and W illiam B . M c N ulty ‘ 3 8 S cholarship E ndowment
Ms. Colleen E. Carroll ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. James E. McNulty ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. McNulty ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McNulty ‘69 Mrs. William B. McNulty
M emorial S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Adler Jr. ‘78 Mr. Richard J. Adler Dr. and Mrs. E. David Ahlering AmericanEagle.Com, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Banas ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Barney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Bertsche III ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Blesi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Borah Mrs. Mary Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Carey D. Brunelli ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Byrne ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Campolo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carini Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carini III ‘81 Casey Landscape Service Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chanan Ms. Michelle Ciabattari Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Geovanni Costales Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cowan Mrs. Colleen M. Detjen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Distasio Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan ‘79 Mr. Kevin G. Dowdle ‘78 and Ms. Annette Kelly Mr. and Mrs. David A. Duffy Mr. Timothy Egan Ms. Pam Farley Ms. Nancy Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Feiter Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ’76 Fix-It Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Foust Jr. ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gatti ‘84 Gavin J. Green, DDS Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Hick Hon. and Mrs. Michael J. Hogan ‘64 JMJ Foundation Mr. J. Michael Joyce IV Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kelly Mr. John P. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kloempken ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Klusendorf Mr. and Mrs. David G. Kuhn ‘81 Ms. Catherine M. Kunzer Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lambur Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Largay Jr. ‘85 Lato Development LLC Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Lawler Ms. Courtney C. Loeb Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lutz Ms. Margaret A. Lyman Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Maddock Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maunsell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McGuire ‘81 Mr. Kevin McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. McPartlin ‘61 Mrs. Clifford H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Morley Mr. Joseph Nash and Mrs. Sara G. Nash LdM ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Neumeyer Mr. and Mrs. William R. Nimrod ‘81 Dr. Joseph R. Nora Mr. and Mrs. John E. O’Donnell II Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Neill Mrs. John O’Toole Mr. Steve B. Pearlman Mrs. Deborah Purdon Perkaus
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Perkaus ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus Jr. ‘54 Ms. Mary H. Perry Ms. Agnes L. Piszczek Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pontarelli Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Prassas ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Proesel ‘78 Ms. C. F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Riordan ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf Mr. Mark F. Santacrose ‘77 and Ms. Margaret Fiorenza Sauganash Community Association Dr. Ferdinand B. Schiappa ‘72 and Dr. Deborah A. Schiappa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Shelly III ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Steger Sr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Sullivan Jr. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. Cary G. Tengel and Mrs. Arlene Tengel LdM ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Thometz ‘72 Ms. Mary P. Tracy Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vanecko Mr. David M. Venkus Mr. Richard N. Volpe Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Mr. and Mrs. John M. Washburn ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Williamson H enry A . and J ames V. P roesel ‘ 3 9 S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr Mr. and Mrs. John D. Iglar Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Proesel II ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Reilly M ichael R ebarchak ‘ 7 9 S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Powers ‘79 B ridget F. W alsh R ochford S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. Michael K. Demetrio and Hon. Mary Kay Rochford T he T homas J . R ogers ‘ 4 6 M emorial S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. Thomas J. Rogers ‘46 (RIP) J arett R omanski ‘ 9 4 S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Matheson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Matheson Mr. Mike Matheson Ms. Natalie Matheson J ohn and K athleen S chreiber S cholarship E ndowment
The John & Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Schreiber ’64 J onathan J . S chwabe ‘ 0 0 M emorial F und
Jonathan J. Schwabe ’00 Memorial Fund J ames M . S heerin ‘ 7 2 S cholarship E ndowment
Travelers Foundation K ay and G eorge P enman S ullivan C atholic A ction E ndowment
Chicago Community Trust J oseph C . T homas ‘ 0 2 M emorial S cholarship E ndowment
Mr. Jack Burgeman Ms. Mary Just
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pabst Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Strzalka Dr. Charlene Thomas Mr. Chester Tomaszkiewicz V i B ern F oundation S cholarship E ndowment
ViBern Foundation
Special Funds A quatic C enter I nitiative
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Baker ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Baker ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Banas ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Bestvina Ms. Caitlin Bohling ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bohling Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Burke ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Considine Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Cooney Durrie Sales Ms. Christina Massi Filippini Mr. Victor P. Filippini Jr. ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Y. Funai Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Giampetroni Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Goosmann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gross Grove Partners Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hengelmann Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman ‘78 Mr. Michael J. Ireland ‘03 Dr. Gary Jacobson and Dr. Gloria Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelley Mr. Gregory Klichowski and Dr. Amy Klichowski Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Lahey ‘96 Mr. Paul J. Laughlin Jr. ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lopez Loyola Academy Boys and Girls Water Polo Teams Mr. Michael Lynch and Dr. Alexandra Artisuk-Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manhard Mr. and Mrs. James V. Martin Jr. Mr. Otto H. Maurer and Mrs. Marie Theresa D. Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McGinley Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce McKeever Jr. ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morgan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Navarre II Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nicolau ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Norcross ‘54 Mr. Daniel J. Obringer Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Pinelli ‘71 Dr. Nicholas P. Pruc ‘72 and Ms. Elizabeth Klein Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Reynolds ‘78 Ms. Sheila Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Greg Servatius ‘77 Mrs. Beverly Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Smolen Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stein Mr. Timothy J. Thompson and Mrs. Margaret P. (Meg) Thompson LdM ‘76 Wells Fargo Foundation Athletic H all of Fame F und
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cronin Jr. ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Deeley Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Demling ’91 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Fahrenbach ’71 Mr. Thomas D. Foley ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Gavin ’67 Jem Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lane ’48 Col. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Markey ’63 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDermott ’72 Mr. Terrence W. Moller ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ’69
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Quinn ’51 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rianoshek ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Ryan Jr. ’48 Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Schoen ’55 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wagener ’72 Athletic T raining C enter F und
Corcoran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 Mr. Patrick J. Tierney ‘02 B aseball P rogram
Archi Dorati Corporation Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bavlsik Bordignon Dental Associates and Oral Implant Center Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Corboy Jr. Ms. Colleen Coughlin The Custom Companies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Dezell Thomas W. Dower Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William D. Folland Haben Funeral Home & Crematory Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kluckman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Marren ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Matousek Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McCaskey Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Richmond Insurance Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saletta ’81 Mr. William D. San Hamel II ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Savarise Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Servatius ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Scott Shewchuck Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tallis Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer ’72 C hapel R enovation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Flanagan ‘83 Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thorsen III ‘66 E ndowment for the A dvancement of T uition A ssistance
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Tobin F ine A rts W ing
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Bender ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Boustany Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Frey ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan Saint Martha Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. White ‘64 F ootball P rogram F und
Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera G eneral S cholarship E ndowment
Ms. Ann Acker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vincent Ms. Martha Autera Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Autera Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Baine Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bolton Mr. Bradford R. Boss Dr. Thomas P. Brennan and Ms. Gale A. Dreas Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley LdM ‘74 CSI International Inc. Church Hill Classics, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dawson IV ‘86 Deloitte LLP Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dore ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Garippo Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Griffin ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hackett III Hall Capital Management Co., Inc. Ms. Kathleen J. Hammond ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hantho Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hawthorne Mr. Michael Hayford Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Heberg Jr. ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Height Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hogan ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Huff ‘66 Ingram Book Company Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Janowski Sr. ‘59 Mrs. Ann Jardine Mr. and Mrs. Roderick G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Arnold F. Karr Dr. Mary W. Kauper LdM ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. F. Robert Kerrigan ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp Ms. Helen D. Leisengang Loyola Academy Dumbach Scholars Ms. Elizabeth B. Luby Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luppino Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 MPR Associates, Inc. Mr. Hugo Mainelli Sandra Erben Marquez Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McHugh ‘97 Mr. P. K. McLaughlin ‘73 Mr. Eric M. McLimore ‘99 Ms. Meghan C. Mocogni ‘00 Ms. Caitlin A. Moran ‘03 Mr. Benjamin O’Connor Mr. William T. O’Donnell ‘67 and Ms. Lezlie Rehagen Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. O’Meara ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Paolino, Jr. The Patrick Group Mr. J. R. Pesce and Ms. Elizabeth Frank Mrs. Monique Petrakis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Price Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Quinn ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Romanyak Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rourke
Ms. Elin R. Schriver Mr. and Mrs. Lesley G. Seitzinger Mr. C. Brian Sethness ‘92 Mr. Timothy J. Smith ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Spillane ‘87 Miss Joan E. Spiotto ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Theriault ‘49 Mr. Patrick S. Tray ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Trieschmann Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Turner Mr. Gerard R. VandenBranden ‘44 (RIP) and Mrs. Erlene Vandenbranden Mr. and Mrs. David Vreeland Mr. Thomas J. Weirath and Ms. Mary C. Sajdak Ms. Susan Wesselmann Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wycklendt ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Yamada Mr. Roy P. Yanong ‘82 Mr. Zachary R. Devos and Mrs. Michele M. Ziemann-DeVos LdM ‘81 G lobal A lliance for A frica
The Bismarck Trust Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wagener G uardian A ngel F und
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Ahlstrom Sr. American Jebco Corporation Ms. Denise Andresen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anton Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Armada Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Arocho Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baudhuin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Bednar Mr. and Mrs. Louis Benedetto Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Blake Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Boesen ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boleky Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bolotin
“When we contribute to Loyola Academy’s Tuition Assistance Program, we feel that we are helping three groups of people. We are helping the young women and men who would not have access to the many
benefits of a Jesuit education at Loyola without tuition assistance. We are helping society at large
as these students become more productive and caring members of their communities. Finally, we are helping our own children — who experience a school community that is more vibrant, relevant and diverse.” Gary and Maureen Sagui Lifetime Benefactors
Mr. Thomas Bonnel and Mrs. Kathleen R. Bonnel LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Boustany Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bradley Mr. William Brandstrader ‘88 and Mrs. Joanne L. Brandstrader LdM’84 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brault ‘79 Mr. Terence K. Brennan and Mrs. Gilmore Lavezzorio-Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley LdM ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden ‘51 Ms. Christina Burke Dr. and Mrs. William F. Burns ‘82 Mr. Matthew J. Busch ‘83 and Dr. Kimberly A. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Brad Busscher Mr. and Mrs. Brian Butler Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Butler Mr. William J. Caffrey and Mrs. Paulette Gagliardo-Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Caluris Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Canning ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Cannizzaro ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carini III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Randal D. Cecola Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Chestnut ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Y. Cheung Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Compernolle ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Condon ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Considine Mr. and Mrs. Kelly D. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conway Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘77 Couri Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Crotty Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Culhane Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dempsey Mrs. Colleen M. Detjen Mr. and Mrs. Dino C. DiGiovanni Mrs. Yvonne A. DiMucci Mr. and Mrs. Efren C. Dino Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds Mr. John A. Donahue ‘73 and Ms. Patricia Gutekanst Mr. Stephen P. Donahue ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dowdle ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Doyle ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dreher Ms. Tereza M. Driehaus ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dunham Dr. and Mrs. John R. Durburg ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Durkin ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dutmers E.J.’s Place Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Faoro Mr. and Mrs. James Fauerbach Mr. William M. Fausone and Dr. Mary Ellen Fausone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Feifar ‘75 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flocco Dr. and Mrs. Brian Foley Mr. and Mrs. William D. Forsyth III Mr. and Mrs. William Fredrick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Frehe Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fridman Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Garcia
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 11
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Garvey Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Giampetroni Mrs. Mary Beth Ginley Mr. and Mrs. David G. Gleason ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Gleason ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gloeckle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gordon Mr. Peter E. Goschi and Dr. Barbara M. Goschi Mr. and Mrs. John C. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Griffith Mr. Jeffrey S. Gruninger ‘78 (RIP) and Mrs. Carrie Gruninger Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen ‘70 Mrs. Maureen B. Hajduk Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hardy Mr. Timothy Harney and Ms. Patricia Muldoon Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hartzel Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hayes Ms. Susan Hays Ms. Kathryn P. Henn Mr. and Mrs. John Hess Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hickey ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill ‘79 Dr. James W. Hoag and Ms. Marcia E. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffmann Mr. Thomas J. Holmberg Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Brian Huettl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Hurtgen Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Hussey Mr. and Mrs. John D. Iglar Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jenko Mr. and Mrs. David G. Jones ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Joyce Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Justiniani Miss Elizabeth P. Kadison ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Kane Jr. ‘75 Ms. Adriana S. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. David P. Kendzior Mrs. Karen Kennedy Mr. Robert Kennedy Amb. and Mrs. James C. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Kilgallon ‘73 Dr. Robert C. Kissell ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Klusendorf Mr. Gary L. Kohn and Ms. Susan M. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Koley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kopon Jr. Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kuchuris ‘86 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kummerer Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kurkowski ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kurzydlowski Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle Jr. ‘82 Dr. and Mrs. Sherwin Laff Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. Leahy ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leaman Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. LeClercq III ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Leighton ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Lenzi ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Cary P. Lewandowski Mr. Mark A. Lewandowski ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lewandowski Ms. Courtney C. Loeb Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyman ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lynch Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maher ‘79 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Mancini Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Mandera Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Marino Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Marren ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martinus
Mr. and Mrs. Roy May Mr. Kevin D. McCarthy ‘91 Mr. Michael P. McCourt ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick McCourt ‘69 Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. McDermott III ‘71 Ms. Mary McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGarvey Ms. Colleen McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Sean H. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeough Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McKiernan ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. William V. McMenamin ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Rodger McNaughton Mr. Timothy K. McPike and Ms. Janis K. Tratnik Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Migely ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Milani Mr. and Mrs. Randall Miller Ms. Susan L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milligan Mr. Andrew M. Mitchell ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mollman Mr. Wayne T. Montague and Mrs. Julie D. Montague LdM ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Muench ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mulhern Mr. and Mrs. John M. Murphy ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nally ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Neumeyer Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Newell Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nicholson Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nickele Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nieman Ms. Sarah J. Nolan Mr. Thomas H. Nolan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. O’Brien ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien Jr. ‘79 Ms. Margaret M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. O’Connor ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Odle Mr. and Mrs. John E. O’Donnell II Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Olson Ms. Rosemary O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Owen Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pandaleon Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Panozzo Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pasquesi ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn Mrs. Deborah Perkaus Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkaus ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perry Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Petersen ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pillion Polk Bros. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Post Mr. Jay J. Poydence and Mrs. Eileen M. Poydence LdM ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Price Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Pujals Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rechtoris Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Reckamp Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rejebian Mr. and Mrs. Sherman F. Reynolds ‘74 Ms. Kim Ribordy Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Richmond ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Rigg Mr. and Mrs. David Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Rodriguez ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. John Sabalaskey Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui Ms. Jane M. Sagui ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Sajnaj Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saletta ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sammon Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sanborn Mr. Mark F. Santacrose ‘77 and Mrs. Margaret Fiorenza Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Santoro Mrs. Rachel Sauer Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Savarise Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schamberger Rev. and Mrs. Barry E. Schliesmann Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schramm Jr. ‘75 Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Scopelliti Mr. and Mrs. James Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Greg S. Shearson Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan ‘77 Mr. Cameron M. Shewchuck ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Shewchuck Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith Mr. and Mrs. John V. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spurlin Mr. John D. Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Suhey Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sullivan ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Swanson ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Tazalla Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Thalmann III Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Tomaselli ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Tomkins Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tower Ms. Vicki Truax Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Udelhofen Dr. Robert A. Uhland and Dr. Mary Anne Uhland Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaw Urbaniak Mr. and Mrs. Tim Van Solkema Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Ms. Eva Vino Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Vrablik Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh III ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Waris Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Weber Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weiss ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Wilmette Flowers Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Witt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wuertz ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahorik ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zinkula Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Zuercher Jr. ‘74 L acrosse P rogram
Anonymous (2) Mr. Tim J. Thompson and Mrs. Margaret P. (Meg) Thompson LdM ‘76 L oyola A cademy B ig S houlders S cholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Couri ‘81 Couri Family Foundation M andarin C hinese L anguage E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 M un z C ampus G eneral F und
Mr. and Mrs. E. James Mack ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russell M un z C ampus S ynthetic T urf I nitiative
Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Burtis J. Dolan III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ‘82 Rosemont One LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Wright O ’ S haughnessy L earning C enter E ndowment
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kaulentis John J. Kaulentis Memorial Fund S achs S tadium R enovation
Mr. James M. Baisley Jr. ‘92 Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Edward G. Denten ‘50 S cience L ab I nitiative
Louis Glunz III Family/Regis Technologies Foundation Ms. Katherine C. Kragh ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. Dr. Scholl Foundation Mr. Patrick B. Schweihs ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Syvertsen S tudent F inancial A id F und
Brian Joseph Barry Memorial Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donal P. Barry Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berletich Chicago and Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dewan John and Susan Dewan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fox ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Harte ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Hickey ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kubon Robert Kubon Foundation Pais Foundation Inc. Mr. Frank R. Portner The Siragusa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sullivan ‘66 Mr. James L. Turco T he R ose C atharine S chuba T ennis Park R econstruction
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Babington Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bredemann ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Jay Goodwin J. Hovanec Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hughes ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hovanec Mr. and Mrs. David G. Jones ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jordan Mr. J. Michael Joyce IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Post Raymond J. Smith Attorney at Law W restling P rogram F und
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kennedy ’73 Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William D. Yurek
✛ ✛ ✛
Editor’s Note We make every effort to ensure that the donors who support the Academy’s mission of Jesuit education are appropriately recognized for their generosity, foresight and commitment. This Honor Roll of Donors includes contributions received between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. If you have not received proper recognition for your gift in this annual report, please accept our apologies and notify our Development Office at 847.920.2507 as soon as possible so that we can correct our records.
Loyola Academy Board of Trustees 2010-2011 CH A I R
Peter J. Broccolo ’74 Principal Fulcrum Asset Advisors
Sarah Ford Baine Rev. Robert J. Bueter, SJ Associate Director Center for Catholic Education Xavier University Angelo J. Bufalino Partner Vedder Price Kaufman Kammholz Michael N. Cannizzaro Sr. ’67 Chairman, President, CEO Sunrise Medical, Inc. Jerome A. Castellini President CastleArk Management, LLC Rev. Justin Daffron, SJ Associate Provost Academic Services Loyola University Chicago Rev. Christopher J. Devron, SJ President Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory High School Dawn Caulfield Dooley Kevin G. Dowdle Commodities Trader Chicago Board of Trade
president’s cabinet
James P. Hickey ’75 Principal Vista Equity Partners
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ President
Hon. Virginia M. Kendall Judge United States District Court
Genevieve Baisley Atwood Director of Admissions
James M. Jackimiec Chief Information Officer
Kathryn M. Baal, PhD Principal
Chris Kournetas Director of Plant Operations
David A. Behof ’92 Registrar and Institutional Research
Patrick M. Mahoney ’90 Athletic Director
Terence K. Brennan Vice President for Development and Chief Financial Officer
Gary A. Marando Vice President for Mission and Ministry
Paul J. Laughlin Partner Deloitte Tax LLP Nicholas J. Lavezzorio III ’76 President Loyola Paper Company Roseann F. LeFevour Midwest Regional Director The American Ireland Fund Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ President Loyola Academy Rev. Richard H. McGurn, SJ Rector Loyola Academy Rev. Thomas W. Neitzke, SJ Principal Jesuit Middle School of Omaha
Geryl Cerney Controller Peg Culhane Dean of Students
Beth Waid-Prince Interim Assistant Principal for Academics Dennis R. Stonequist ’90 Special Assistant to the President and Director of Alumni Relations
Charles W. Heintz Assistant Principal for Student Services
Development office
Deborah Purdon Perkaus Christopher J. Perry Partner CIVC Partners Jeanne J. Scoby
Susan M. Doyle
Rev. Kenneth C. Simpson Pastor St. Clement
Joseph P. Flanagan Jr. ’82 President JP Flanagan Enterprises, Inc.
Timothy P. Sullivan Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners LLC
Ralph J. Gesualdo ’75 Owner International Auto Group
Eric M. Sundrup, SJ Teacher and College Counselor Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Rev. Raymond P. Guiao, SJ Provincial Assistant for Formation Chicago/Detroit Province Society of Jesus
Kevin W. Willer ’92 CEO Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center
Terence K. Brennan Vice President for Development and Chief Financial Officer Frank J. Amato Executive Director of the Athletic Hall of Fame Rev. James C.L. Arimond, SJ ‘57 Alumni Chaplain Melissa M. Babcock Principal Gifts Officer Geryl Cerney Director of Advancement Services Thomas J. Cramer Principal Gifts Officer Julie Fischer Director of Special Events Rev. John J. Foley, SJ Assistant to the President
Robin Hunt Director of Public Relations O’Donavan Johnson ‘00 Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Elizabeth P. Kadison ‘02 Director of the Annual Fund Ann M. O’Hara Director of Development Joan Schniedwind Special Events Coordinator Lesley J. Seitzinger ‘88 Principal Gifts Officer Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 Special Assistant to the President and Director of Alumni Relations Sandra Taggart Director of Research Tammy Tsakalios Gift Processor
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wilmette, Illinois 60091–1089
“Loyola Academy is more than a high school. It’s an experience. It’s a family. It’s a community. It’s a way of life.”
— E stelle A. Pappas ’11, recipient of the 2011 M ichael Rebarchak Memorial Award 11 0 0 Lara m i e A v e n u e
W i l m e t t e , I l l i n o i s 6 0 0 9 1 – 10 8 9
t e l e p h o n e 8 4 7 . 2 5 6 . 11 0 0