Love Nu Art Magazine Issue 6 Vol. 2

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ART NU LOVE March .2011 ISSUE 6 VOL. 2


LOVE NU ART Focusing on Major



Audria Arnold

Senior Photographer Audria Arnold

Advertising Director Terrell Jones




LOVE NU ART MAGAZINE makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited


Love Nu Art MARCH 2011

LOVE NU ART focusing on Major


Arts/Entertainment Editor Markesha Woods

Music Editor

Phillip Faulkner

Contributors and Supporters Derrick Mr. Poetry 7 Owens, Tai Ali, Mikii Gran Gran Hooper, Traye M., Alex Spoken Word Frazier, Tarrik Moore/vy, Sewra Waist Beads, Perry Johnson




issue 6 VOL.2

contents woodstar's poetic potpourri page 14


Perry Johnson page 16


Love Nu Art MARCH 2011

cover story20

U-Dig Dance Academy 7



issue 6 VOL.2

from THE Publisher Greetings Love Nu Art Magazine readers. Welcome to the sixth edition of Love Nu Art Magazine. This issue is very special to me because I get to feature one of my best and most respected dance comapnies in Memphis, TN. I would like to proudly introduce U Dig Dance Academy, this compnay is just amazing. The first time I was introduce to this dance company was thru watching MTV. I was glad and proud to see this dance company be apart of such successful endeavors. I will not tell you everything. Check out all of the stories in this issue. Thanks for your for reading Love Nu Art Magazine.


Love Nu Art March 2011

Audria “Nubia” Arnold Publisher

Mr. Tarrik Moore Founder/ Creator of U-Dig Dance Academy



Love Nu Art March z2011





Beauty From Heartbreak

Sewra Waist Beads was born over 10 years ago in New York City. Waist Beads are an exciting, sensual connection between body and art. The artist, Sewra (whose name means revolution in the North Ethiopian and Eritrea language of Tigrinya) states that she was encouraged by her friend to explore beading as a hobby after she suffered the demise of a romantic relationship. Sewra took her friend’s advice and began to purchase materials so that she could experiment with making waist beads and she has been perfecting that art since then. “After I sold my first few, I devoted the following year to improving them and researching waist beads and made the investment to make it a success,” she explains when recounting her journey towards building Sewra Waist Beads into the success that it is today. Waist Beads continue to grow in popularity and have been featured in a host of shows, publications, and venues including Cosmopolitan.


Love Nu Art March z2011


Preparing for the Waist

Sewra stated that she draws inspiration for her beading from many different places. She expressed that she searches for unique beads, textures, and color combinations. She exhorts, “My main inspiration is Ancient African art and jewelry. I love Egyptian art and jewelry. East African and West African jewelry like the Masai and the Ashanti. And I love Indian jewelry. But pretty much anything that catches my eye inspires me.” Sewra also emphasizes that the foundation of any piece that she creates is quality, durable products and high quality beads. She desires for her designs to be unique, durable, and timeless.

The Waist Bead Revolution Continues

Sewra stated that she intends to continue to re-connect women with themselves by using her waist beads as a tool for that. Rather women use them to identify rights of passage, sensuality, protection, spiritual connectedness, or for sheer fashion Sewra states that she desires to see her company grow. “I want women to know that waist beads are not just for flat stomachs and skinny chicks. They are made for all women of all sizes. It’s traditional to honor your femininity and waist beads pays homage to your womb and you as a woman,” Sewra emphasizes. She challenges any woman to wear her designs and not feel sexy in them. Waist beads are currently offered in an array of standard sizes and are available in custom sizes by special order. As of now, Sewra Waist Beads are mainly sold online and at New York area trunk shows and art festivals. However, Sewra has plans to expand nationally into boutiques and eventually internationally as well. Sewra Waist Beads can be reached via email at The website is The on-line boutique that has the complete collection of waist beads available for purchase is If you are interested in one of a kind, limited available styles you can explore her Etsy shoppe at



woodstar's POETIC POTPOURRI Welcome to Poetic Potpourri where the attention is focused on the written word. This is spot is reserved for poets all across the globe who desire to share their works. Each issue some of the most prolific poetry will be showcased on these pages. If you have a poem that you are interested in having featured in an upcoming issue, please email for submission requirements.

Longing For You GOD im tired of touching myself in the wrong places ready to be better by you God and receive you grace again i wanna be remembered in your heart in-tuned to your knowledge and soul wanna be a vision in your eyes straight up God i wanna be your prize i can feel you calling me to stop breaking the law hold on tight because its sharp liker a claw God I need you to remove these seductionated urges and make my mind peaceful like a virgin because when I wake up now I see why you mean everything to me I acknowledge that you are lord you are great so please help me take the pressure of my plate and soon become the man you built me to be in order to show greatness I need you , Im screaming for you , Im Begging for you Where are you, How can I find you please hear my cry because God Im Longing For You GOD

Poet: Derrick Mr. Poetry 7 Owens City: St. Louis, MO Contact:

Short Poem With a Long Ending my dry ice and torn eyes will tear and drip lonely turn a dusty thought to mud brown the moment into this mess a personal portrayal of “sorries” and “please forgives” i mute and shutdown when you are here i mute and shudder now that here means lonely

Poet:Tai Ali Home City: Yonkers, NY Contact:


Love Nu Art MARCH 2011

Sleep walking in a Mindfield Black people, Black people the alarm is sounding for those who are sleepwalking in the mind fields, not the mine fields but the mind fields. Those mind fields created and maintained by those who practice white magic. The white magic which is fatal for most Black people because some of us are least likely to recognize it. The white magic is mind and image control and we who are the most misinformed people by choice are in imminent danger of controlled annihilation. The new world order is not new. Over one hundred forty years ago many of our ancestors were bought and sold as chattel property. Caught Black, sold Black to white slavers. Reparations begin in Africa as I reclaim my name. Reparations continue at home as I clean my own house of false leaders who must be held accountable on every level and vigorously scrutinized less we are betrayed by photo ops and sound bites in this most dangerous of times. Play time is over. Black people must reclaim first our spiritual high ground and then our historical and cultural high ground if we are to survive as a people. If and when we must fight let us make sure that we are fighting for our liberation which begins with the practice of Black magic. Black magic which when used is to reclaim our brothers and sisters from the latest forms of slavery whose chains are forged by voluntary ignorance. Voluntary ignorance where many exhibit the most primitive of behaviors by spending most of their time engaged in acquisition, eating, sleeping and procreating. Voluntary ignorance where Black s become enslaved and annihilated by drugs and AIDS. We don’t shoot, cut, and kill each other fast enough so now they give us the new disease filled blankets, remember smallpox and Native Americans? It’s in the manual entitled, “How do we rid ourselves of the Black problem?” Mis-education was too slow, they become hostile and dangerous when they begin to read. A two fold plan was developed that was there all of the time with a little help.

ART Sex and drugs. More of them can be killed with Sex (read man made disease HIV) They are going to have unprotected sex and we’ll let them sell a little of our dope. That will kill them off. The formula UPS + D=DN, UPS +D = DN Black men will fall for this and we can catch him every time. It will kill her and his unborn seed. Pussy and dope equals death. UPS + D = DN, UPS + D = DN. Unprotected sex plus dope equals dead niggers. Sleep walking in mind fields.

So to all my Full Figured Goddesses to whom I love a lot You will always have my heart because The skinny woman can’t fill that spot. Never change who you are to be like them And become something that you’re not. This was just a little nourishment of encouragement Of how much I love you just in case you forgot.

Poet: Mikii Gran Gran Hooper Home City: Detroit, MI Contact:

Please note: All poems featured are in the approved format submitted by their respective writers. All poems are printed by permission of the artists who penned them and under copyright of their individual writers. Love Nu Art is not responsible for usage of the varied language, ideations, or expressions presented in the poems featured. The perspectives taken in poems featured in this section do not reflect those of Woodstar, Love Nu Art, or Love Nu Art Staff.

Me & Mirror: Our Talk You say I dispose your dreams like old artifacts of a child’s past . I laugh at you. You lack seriousness uttering your feelings to me, but I listen anyway. Both ears open to make it easy for your words to exit. I’m frontin’ like I comprehend you, keeping lips tight not to offend you. Phony temporarily. You say I drench your heart in a pool of doubts unfiltered, never clean. Forever damaged. You say I’ve changed. I can’t recall. I’m only familiar with our positive word exchanges. The ones filled with compliments geared towards me as I say thank you. Those seem to have a bigger effect on me. You seem to always reflect on me, but I leave. Like now, I’ll leave. I’ll come back when you’re less realistic and more convenient to my liking.

Poet: Alex Spoken Word Frazier Contact:

Poet: Traye M. City: New York, New York Contact:

The Full Figured Goddess You are the most beautiful kind of creature That the Universal God has ever made. I say this with conviction As I have been in love with you since the third grade. The little eight or nine year old girl I was in love with From my memory she will never fade. Because she was the one that built the foundation That I am truly glad that she laid. The Full Figured Goddess is the only kind of woman that I need. I practice what I preach because it was in a Full Figured Goddess That I dropped my seed. The Full Figured Goddess gets me high So I don’t need drugs or weed. Plenty of junk in the treasure chest And huge, mammoth sized breasts Is the energy from which I feed.







Love Nu Art MARCH 2011



Music Perry O’Neal Johnson is a charismatic crooner originally from North Little Rock, AR now living in Hot Springs, AR. The 24 year old recently was seen on the hit television show American Idol where he made it to Hollywood week. In the midst of traveling, photo shoots, and working on his music Perry found time in his busy schedule to speak with Love Nu Art Magazine. Love Nu Art: How did you start to become interested in music/singing? Perry: I really didn’t get interested in being a singer until college. I did a lot of playing gigs before that were strictly instrumental but at the latter part of college I really got in tune with it. Pun intended (laughs out loud). LNA: What is your training/background? Perry: I played drums, piano, trombone, and organ at church growing up. I later received a full scholarship to the University of Central Arkansas where I studied Music and Spanish. LNA: Please talk a little bit about your road to getting to Hollywood on American Idol. How did you prepare for your audition? Perry: It was pretty random, I chose a song to do that week and called my friend and told him I wanted to go try out. He was down for the road trip because he and I did a lot of traveling over seas this past summer! So my total practice time for that equaled about two hours that whole week, just randomly singing and playing acoustic. I guess it payed off. LNA: Who would you name as your biggest supporters? Perry: My sister, Pamela Johnson Watson, her husband DJ, my parents and my friend Shalonda. LNA: Do you have a significant other? Perry: I am single, but if the right woman comes along, then that could definitely change. LNA: What type of projects are you currently involved in? Perry: (I am) Currently looking to do some non-profit work, charity work, and getting our church community, Unity COGIC, involved more here in Hot Springs. LNA: What are your future aspirations for your musical career? Perry: I’m looking forward to traveling the world singing, playing, and inspiring everyone that hears my music. That has always been the big dream of mine and I believe I’m getting closer to accomplishing that dream everyday. LNA: Do you currently have CD’s or DVDS’s of your music available for purchase? Perry: I do currently have demo CD’s and I’m working on a new single that will be on iTunes soon. Feel free to check out my different pages for more information on upcoming events and look out for my new release! LNA: How can Love Nu Art Readers reach and follow you? Perry: I tend to keep busy with weddings, receptions and banquets, but I’m also looking to tour in a city near you. I hope you all will support me in my musical endeavors. For other contact information and booking information, be sure to check out my websites.


Love Nu Art MARCH 2011





Dance academy

Can U Dig It?


Drop from head to feet when looking at Jookin, its a foot work dance style, feet lead the body 20

Love Nu Art MARCH 2011



COVER STORY Tarrik Moore is the dancing phenomenon responsible for the vehicle called U Dig Dance Academy. The 27 year old makes it very clear that since he was a child that the vision for U Dig was coming into view. He described himself as, “ A Black Man for Memphis, a product of this city, that knew he could do anything with his life.....I turned my hobby into my career”. He shared some of his insight with Love Nu Art and graces our cover this issue.

Tarik the Man

Tarrik explained that he is a man of many layers. He wanted it to be clear that he is multifaceted and that he has visions of taking his artistic visions to a level that none have ever seen before. Way before U Dig Dance Academy was realized, Tarrik was performing, battling, and perfecting his brand of dance called Jookin. Jookin can be best explained as a dance unique from any other out there according to Tarrik. “Drop from head to feet when looking at Jookin, its a foot work dance style, feet lead the body,” he states making a clear distinction between Jookin and the similar Break Dance form called Pop Locking that it can often be confused with. Although Jookin is his premier dance style Tarrik is also trained in Ballet, Jazz Dance, and Latin. He says as a choreographer that it is his vision to be able to infuse different dance styles and create moves and presentations that no one has ever brought forth before. He adds that he recommends that all entrepreneurs read a book titled ZAG by Marty Neumeier as he credits it with giving him a fresh perspective as to how to approach building his business sense and his methods of establishing community relationships.


Love Nu Art MARCH 2011


U Dig Dance Academy Comes to Life

U Dig Dance Academy became an official business for Tarrik in 2005. The first studio opened in early 2006. Prior to that Tarrik had come into collaborative efforts with J Productions Company and G-Force (another dance troop) as they shared the vision of putting Memphis dance out for the masses to experience. “We all came from the street, the (for us) is powerful,” Tarrik exclaims. He explains that the mission of U Dig was to establish inspiration for Jookers to keep Jookin. U Dig works a lot with regional schools to expose children to different forms of dance and artistic expression. They teach a series of monthly classes focusing on different types of dance and movement. Since its induction, U Dig members have had an array of opportunities afforded them to make their mark on the worldwide dance scene. Some of those opportunities include choreography credits for the Janelle Monae video Tight Rope that lead to nominations for a Grammy, MTV Music Award, and Soul Train Award. They have appeared on an array of television shows including BET’s 106 and Park, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, So You Think You Can Dance, and Dancing With the Stars. U Dig has been interviewed, filmed, and featured in publications internationally. They have also been recognized by the Destined to Dance Awards in their local area. Tarrik explains that although they have celebrated several milestones in dance that this is just the beginning for U Dig Dance Academy. He urges everyone to be prepared for greater things to come and in the meantime to keep supporting and watching them as they grow.

Tarrik Moore and U Dig Dance Academy can be contacted through their official website www.udigjookin. com. They can also be seen on their Facebook fan page (U-Dig Dance Academy) as well as on under several key terms including Tarik Moore, Dr. Rico, and U Dig Dance.


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