Columns - Fall 2005

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COLUMNS News Magazine for Louisburg College Alumni & Friends

Fall 2005

2005 Distinguished Alumnus

2004-2005 Annual Report Edition

Features 10 We Believe in People Mike Boddie ’77 shares his philosophy on life and business

13 Annual Report A complete listing of Louisburg College’s donors from June 1, 2004 - May 31, 2005

Departments 2 Louisburg News 7 Hurricane Sports 12 Development News 32 Alumni News 33 Class Notes The Rev. Dr. Reginald Ponder President Dr. Rodney Foth Executive Vice President for Academic Life Sandra Rushing Vice President for Institutional Development Morris Wray Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness Marvin Miller Vice President for Finance Stephanie Buchanan ’97 Vice President for Enrollment Management Jason Modlin Vice President for Student Life

President’s Message

Mary Kate Keith Director of Alumni and Annual Giving Candace Jones ’99 Director of Communications Columns Editor Dianne Nobles ’93 Manager of Donor Services/Annual Report Louisburg College 501 N. Main St., Louisburg, NC 27549 (919) 496-2521 . Cover photo: Bill Goode Photography Tarboro, NC

Louisburg College Mission Statement Related by faith to The United Methodist Church, Louisburg College is committed to offering a supportive community in which young men and women may mature intellectually, culturally, socially, and spiritually. As a two-year residential institution, we provide a bridge for students to make a successful transition from high school to senior colleges and universities.


n the September 16 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, social researchers Daniel Yankelovich and Isabella Furth wrote a compelling article, “The Role of Colleges in an Era of Mistrust.” They cited three “waves of mistrust” that have occurred in the United States in the past 75 years. The first wave was created by the Great Depression of the 1930s. The authors credited the mass unemployment and the mistrust of business as the impetus for this lack of trust which lasted until 1941. The second wave from the late 1960s to 1980 lasted about the same length of time. The source of the mistrust during these years was the government highlighted by the Vietnam War and Watergate. Yankelovich and Furth state, “In 1964 an impressive three-quarters of all Americans believed that you can trust the federal government to do the right thing all or most of the time. By 1980 that hefty majority had shrunk to a mere one-fourth minority.” As we lived through this second wave, we also saw trust in business, the professions, colleges, and the news media decline almost as dramatically. The authors state, “So pervasive was the climate of mistrust that it even affected Americans’ attitudes toward one another.” Now, we are living in the third wave of mistrust. It has been fostered by scandals in corporate life (Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, HealthSouth, etc.) and in the church and non-profit sectors (Roman Catholic Church, United Way, Red Cross, etc.). These happenings have changed our lives and have tested our social norms. Yankelovich and Furth write: Not only has the erosion of our social norms led to the scandals that have plagued American corporate life, it has also surfaced in the incivility on display so frequently in public places— aggressive driving, obscenity, violent public confrontations, and the like. It has been a central factor in the proliferation of crudeness and excessive violence in popular culture and entertainment, and in the increasingly polarized and ideological tone of public discourse. This is where I believe Louisburg College comes in. We have a sacred responsibility to the young men and women who matriculate to our College to guide them in the direction of responsible social behavior. The authors of the article cited say, “There is a movement to revitalize and bolster traditional norms among people who are disenchanted with the current situation.” We at Louisburg College are a part of that movement! Yankelovich and Furth continue: The trend back toward absolute values has positive elements. The core values embraced by most Americans—patriotism, individualism, hard work, community, diversity, cooperation, civility—represent a vital mixture of traditionalist and progressive perspectives. These distinguished social researchers challenge the colleges and universities of our nation to be ethical leaders who model sound communication principles in this era of mistrust. These principles should govern our words and actions internally (with students, faculty, and staff ) and externally (to a wide variety of stakeholders). I share with you these 10 principles provided by Yankelovich and Furth as an excellent model for Louisburg College and for us as individuals. 1. Avoid ethically neutral or value-free stands, which in a climate of mistrust are seen as deceitful. 2. Recognize that more is expected from privileged institutions. 3. Recognize that silence, denial, and closed doors are almost always interpreted as evidence of bad faith. 4. Do not assume you will be given the benefit of the doubt. 5. Work out your positions on emotion-laden issues in advance—and communicate them effectively within the institution. 6. Be mindful that anything but plain talk is suspect. 7. Recognize that being “good people” and having “good motives” are not acceptable rationalizations. 8. Respond to the public’s genuine hunger for honesty and integrity. 9. Build trust. 10. Make a conscious effort to move toward a “stewardship” ethic (I call this a “servant” ethic). As I share these thoughts with you, I renew my commitment to lead Louisburg College in a manner that exhibits these principles. At the Fall 2005 Convocation of College, I challenged our students with “Five Keys to Success at Louisburg College.” I close by offering these keys to you. 1. Get your life in right relationship with Jesus Christ. 2. Attend class. 3. Turn in your assignments on time. 4. Get to know your professors (a major benefit of a small college). 5. Do what is right. Thank you for supporting Louisburg College. We need your help as we seek to do what is right and to lead the precious young men and young women who come through our doors to do likewise.



Louisburg News

Louisburg College boasts highest enrollment in 15 years “Good, better, best. Never rest until good is better and better is best.” - Mother Goose


his quote from Mother Goose has always been a favorite of mine and has been the motto of the enrollment management team for the past three recruitment cycles. As a result of our commitment to increasing enrollment, the student body has grown from 374 students in the fall of 2002 to 771 students at the start of the fall 2005 semester. This class of 771 students consisted of 262 returning students and an astounding 509 new students. With 509 new students, there were only four other private colleges or universities, out of 36, that brought in more new students than Louisburg College. Those schools were Duke, Wake Forest, Elon, and Campbell University. This is an amazing accomplishment for the college and for our admissions team. Louisburg College has not just focused on the quantity of students,



but also on the quality of the students it invites to attend the institution. As a result of this focus, the average grade point average for incoming freshmen has risen from 2.28 in the fall of 2004 to 2.43 for the fall 2005 incoming class. We have also seen an increase in the number of merit scholars that matriculate to the institution. In the fall of 2002, the admissions team only awarded 12 merit scholarships. For the fall 2005 semester, we were pleased to award merit scholarships to 80 students. The enrollment management team would like to invite you to help them in their recruitment efforts. Below is a list of ways that you can get involved and be a part of the admissions team: 1. Attend college fairs in your area with an admissions counselor 2. Volunteer to visit area high schools and educate counselors about Louisburg 3. Establish an endowed scholarship 4. Bring a prospective student to an open house on February 4, March 18, or April 8, 2006, at 10:30 a.m..

5. Contact the admissions office and give us the name and address of a student you know who may be interested in Louisburg Please feel free to use the enrollment management team as a resource. Below is a list of the admissions and financial aid staff who are at your disposal: Admissions: 1-800-775-0208 Stephanie Buchanan - sbuchanan@ Liza Nunnery - Lindsey Hunt - Jade Biggio -

Financial Aid: (919) 497-3212 Sean Van Pallandt - svanpallandt@ Leah Hill -

We look forward to working with you as we strive to recruit bright young people to be a part of the Louisburg College family. -By Stephanie Buchanan ’97 Vice President for Enrollment Management

Faculty members publish poetry, journal articles Two Louisburg College professors have recently had their work published. English instructor Larry Johnson’s poem “Frozen Danube” was included in the most recent poetry anthology published by Edwin Mellen Press. In 270 lines of blank verse, the poem illuminates the tensions between the death of the Roman Empire and classicism and the infancy of Christianity. Narrated in the voice of the Roman poet Claudian, the reader is taken on a primal spiritual journey in which the narrator encounters mysteries that go far deeper than the established belief systems of the fourth century. Dr. Rob DeLong’s article “TatConjugated PAMAM Dendrimers as Delivery Agents for Antisense” has been accepted for publication in the journal Pharmaceutical Research. DeLong, who was a visiting research professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this summer, coauthored an article in the Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications entitled “pDNA bioparticles: comparative heterogeneity, surface, binding, and activity analyses.” He has also been invited to submit an article for the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

Gupton Award shared Faye Griffin, administrative assistant to the president, and Ronnie Massenburg, housekeeping supervisor, were honored with the 2005 Bessie Arrington Gupton Distinguished Service Award. The award was established in memory of Mrs. Bessie Arrington Gupton, class of 1908, by her sons, Samuel Gupton and Willis Gupton ’42. The award is given to members of the Louisburg College family who demonstrate outstanding and extraordinary service to the college.

Griffin joined Louisburg College in 1990. “As executive administrative assistant to the President, Faye truly serves each student, staff and faculty member, and visitor—everyday,” says President Ponder. Massenburg has worked with the college’s housekeeping department since 1998. “It is well known that Ronnie is the person to call when you are in a pinch,” says Stephanie Buchanan. “I am very pleased that Ronnie’s dedication has been formally recognized by the presentation of this award.”

Outstanding faculty member recognized Bunn native James “Buster” White was awarded the Naomi Dickens Shaw Award for Teaching Excellence during the 2005 commencement ceremony. A 1976 Louisburg College graduate, White joined the psychology department in August 1979. He received his undergraduate degree at East Carolina University and a master’s degree from North Carolina State University. White initially joined the college in 1979 as director of counseling services. He became a full-time faculty member in 1999. Lauded as a “helpful and caring professor,” White states that “he is honored by the award and looks forward to further developing his teaching skills.”

Louisburg College Night at the Mudcats The Louisburg College community kicked off the fall semester at the Louisburg College Night at the Carolina Mudcats on August 29. Dr. Ponder threw out the first pitch and English professor Craig Eller sang “The National Anthem.” According to Vice President for Enrollment Management Stephanie Buchanan, “This night has become a much anticipated annual event where students, faculty, staff, and alumni support the college and meet with the community.”

Campus Care Days revitalizes MPR With the help of Sprint’s community relations team, Louisburg College faculty and staff tackled two muchneeded projects for Campus Care Days in August. In addition to a fresh coat of paint in the multipurpose room of the Jordan Student Center, new parking lines were painted in the auditorium/theater parking lot.

Louisburg College and Hurricane fans support Katrina victims Louisburg College sponsored several fundraising projects to assist residents of the Gulf Coast states devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Alex Maultsby ’75, Louisburg College chaplain, spearheaded the collection of health kits for use by the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). The kits contained items needed for basic human hygiene like soap, bandages, and a towel. In addition to collecting the health kits, Louisburg College matched $1,000 in donations contributed during a home football game in September and the Student Government Association held a bake sale which raised over $100.



Louisburg News Art professor shares his summer


hen former Louisburg College professor Harriette Sturges needed someone to offer art lessons at her church’s vacation bible school, she knew just the person to ask—Louisburg College art professor Will Hinton. As coordinator of children’s ministries at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Durham, Sturges planned a week-long retreat for more than 70 children ranging in age from three to thirteen. Many of the children lived in a local homeless shelter or transitional housing. “I knew Will could do more than just techniques of potting, and he did,” said Reverend Sturges. She estimates that Hinton contributed well over one hundred hours to the project. “He certainly was a positive influence on all of us and an ambassador for Louisburg College,” added Sturges. Hinton, a 22-year veteran of Louisburg, teaches art classes, directs the college’s traveling exhibitions gallery, and has served as faculty senate chair.

His pottery was included in NC Craft 04: A Celebration of Penland’s 75th Anniversary held on the East Carolina University campus last fall. A Gates County, North Carolina native, Hinton earned a master of fine arts from Alfred University in New York. Before the workshop began, Hinton crafted 120 earthenware bowls. Although they were all roughly the same size and shape, they each had unique markings. “The bowls’ shapes and markings were a metaphor of our week together,” he said. “All of the participants brought different gifts to the table.” Throughout the week, the children used their bowls for many activities including eating snacks and taking communion. Hinton chose to use the pottery’s circular shape as “a teaching tool about community and acceptance of cultural diversity.” Hinton taught the children potting techniques intertwined with lessons about history, geology, and culture. As the participants learned about the long history of potterymaking, he explained how the clay that was used to make the bowls was formed when the wind and rain slowly eroded granite rock over thousands of —Will Hinton years. The group also studied pottery from China, Japan, the Middle East, Italy, Greece, and France, as well as Native American pottery. “At the end of the week, they took their bowls with them as gifts they did not earn,” shared Hinton. “I believe a gift is like a sense of self-worth. We don’t earn it, we don’t lose it, we are simply asked to accept this gift and live a life of thanks.”

“I believe a gift is like a sense of selfworth. We don’t earn it, we don’t lose it, we are simply asked to accept this gift and live a life of thanks.”



The Oak to be published For the first time since 1996, Louisburg College’s yearbook will be published. The Oak, initially produced in 1923, is being compiled by a student-led yearbook staff and will be advised by new English instructor Marjorie Newman. The Oak was continuously published from 1923 until 1996, except for a few volumes during The Great Depression. The publication of a yearbook is both a great tradition for students and an invaluable tool for the alumni office.

“I was very happy to learn that The Oak is going to be published again,” says Alumni Director Mary Kate Keith. “Yearbooks provide the college, and especially the Alumni Association, with an important historical document of the people who were here and the events that occurred during a particular year. For all the years that we did not have a yearbook it’s been a real loss of Louisburg College history for the entire college community. Bringing back The Oak will provide the students with a special way to record their time at Louisburg College with pride and will serve as a wonderful memory in years to come. Who doesn’t enjoy looking back at old yearbook photos to take a trip down memory lane?”

Bestselling author speaks at Louisburg


ward-winning writer and composer James McBride spoke to Louisburg College freshmen on October 24 in the college auditorium. McBride’s memoir, The Color of Water, won the 1997 Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for Literary Excellence, was an ALA Notable Book of the Year, and spent more than two years on The New York Times best seller list. To date, the book has sold over 1.7 million copies in the United States. Selected by instructors of Louisburg’s freshman seminar course as required reading for all first-year students, the New York Times Book Review says that The Color of Water is “complex and moving... suffused with issues of race, religion and

identity. Yet those issues, so much a part of the character’s lives and stories, are not central. The triumph of the book—and of their lives—is that race and religion are transcended in these interwoven histories by family love, the sheer force of a mother’s will and her unshakable insistence that only two things really mattered: school and church...” One of the lead faculty members for the Crossroads program, Will Hinton, helped choose The Color of Water for Louisburg’s freshmen. “Our Crossroads’ students are leaving the support of their families and are moving from the known to the unknown into a new support group. This book offers a model of the trials and tribulations of a different type

of family.” McBride is a former staff writer for The Washington Post, People Magazine, and Boston Globe. His work has also appeared in Essence, Rolling Stone, and The New York Times. McBride, who is an accomplished musician, has written songs for Anita Baker, Grover Washington, Jr., Purafe, Gary Gurton, and the Silver Burdett music textbook series. A native of New York, McBride is a graduate of New York City public schools. He studied composition at The Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Ohio and received a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. C O L U M N S


Mentors live it up on campus D

o you ever feel like you live, eat, and breathe your job? Well, you are not alone—the Louisburg College residence hall mentors know exactly how you feel! The sixteen men and women who comprise the mentor staff literally live at work; there is one mentor for each floor of each campus residence hall. A mentor’s bedroom is a dorm room, their kitchen is a cafeteria, and they need lots of quarters for their laundry. The mentors serve as advisors, counselors, disciplinarians, and leaders. They have to be guardians, teachers, and social workers, all at the same time. Louisburg College began its mentor program in 2001 as an alternative to the traditional residence life structure used at most colleges and universities. Vice President for Student Life Jason Modlin explains that the mentor program was implemented to provide positive role models for Louisburg’s freshmen and sophomores. “Our mentors serve as an example of how to be successful in college,” says Modlin. All mentors have earned at least a bachelor’s degree and can share their own college experiences with the students. Second-year mentor David Ferguson, who served as a residence assistant at Duke University before joining the Louisburg staff in 2004, praises the mentor program. “Our mentors are



equipped and educated to work with college students,” says Ferguson. He is philosophical about his role as mentor. “I love to work with college-age students who are being challenged educationally, socially, and religiously. It is important for them to have guidance during this time of growth and freedom,” believes Ferguson. Toni Champ, who is beginning her first semester as a mentor, is no stranger to Louisburg College. A 2003 graduate and former softball player, Champ is eager to share her firsthand knowledge with the students on her hall. She admits that she is “adjusting to her role as a rule enforcer.” Champ believes that the mentors’ own college experiences make them stronger leaders. “I can prepare them for the move to a four-year school after two years at Louisburg,” Champ states. Louisburg College mentors’ responsibilities include more than keeping residence life running smoothly. Each mentor is assigned other duties ranging from coordinating student activities to assisting with athletic teams. Mentors are responsible for intramurals, clubs, community service projects, and the career/transfer office. Student activities coordinator, cheerleading coach, and mentor Amanda Brown believes that “student activities are

important because they give students an opportunity to relax and do something with their friends outside of classes and practices.” Brown is especially excited about the Campus Activities Board (CAB). “CAB allows the students to plan and decide which events will be held on campus,” shares Brown. At the end of September, the Student Government Association and CAB will participate in the National Association for Campus Activities Conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The students will attend sessions for campus programming, student government, diversity and program implementation. Homecoming Week, October 19-22, was planned by mentor-led student groups. It takes a committed person to juggle the responsibilities of a residence life mentor. It takes a truly remarkable person to relish those responsibilities. As David Ferguson says, “I consider it a great privilege to serve the students at Louisburg College. I want to support our students as they face the challenges of adulthood.” 2005 Mentors: Front row, l to r - Jermaine Porter, Katherine Robinson, Amanda Brown, David Ferguson, and Chris Dunway. Back row, l to r -Brittony Stiltner, Jesse Fleming, Peter Arnold, Lucas Grider, Toni Champ, Stephan Moore, Becky Leevey, and Chris Tolbert.

Hurricane Sports Fall Hurricane’s sports update Men’s Soccer Preparing for their fourth appearance in the NJCAA National Tournament in five years, the men’s soccer team is ranked second in the nation. As Region X regular season champs, Region X tournament champions, and the Mid-Atlantic district champions, the undefeated Hurricanes have their eyes set on the national championship. The team outscored their opponents 6311 over the course of their first eleven games. Sophomore Tom Woolard is currently leading the team in goals with sixteen in the last eleven games. Osomanu Otoo is right on his heels with twelve goals in the last eleven games. Coach Dave Sexton is relying on the leadership of his two sophomore captains, Ryan McAloon and Gary Muir, to deliver leadership on and off the field.

Women’s Soccer Coach Michael Michalakis entered his second season with his largest recruiting class to date. This year, he brought on twelve freshmen in the recruiting class of 2005. The team finished the season with a record of 4-8-3. The Lady Hurricanes lost their final game, competing for the Region X Championship against the Lady Pioneers of Spartanburg Methodist College with a score 1-4. The team looks forward to participating in a number of tournaments during the spring season. Coach Michalakis has started his recruiting season for next year. He hopes to add some new talented players to the program to form a competitive team for the 2006 fall season.

Volleyball The women’s volleyball team is enjoying its most successful season since the program was resurrected three years ago. The Hurricanes began their pre-season with a tournament at Pitt Community College against the returning region champions, Cape Fear Community College, and several out-of-region opponents. The month of September featured a successful trip to Maryland

where the Hurricanes returned 2-1 against out-of-region teams. The team has only fallen to two region opponents, the number one ranked Cape Fear Community College and number two Spartanburg Methodist College. Both matches resulted in a tight battle in front of a packed home audience that ended in a 3-1 decision loss for the Canes. Coach Jenna Hinton has been impressed with the team’s five freshmen, all of whom are receiving plenty of court time and are included in the starting line up for every match. The biggest surprise of the season would have to be the amazing transformation of sophomore Terri Hines. Hines has dominated in the front court for the Canes and leads the team in blocks and kills. The Canes were on the road for the majority of their matches in October.

Football The football team has displayed an adroit ability to avoid pitfalls and overcome obstacles during its inaugural season. The team has lived up to all the pre-season hype and the campus has embraced all the exciting gridiron action. The stands were packed for the first home football game in over seventy years, and the Hurricanes did not leave their fans disappointed. The Hurricanes rolled over Emory & Henry College in an impressive 34-23 victory. Defensively, the team has played well all year. The season’s highlight occurred in a game against Walter Reed Military Academy when the defense held them to 32 total yards of offense. Larsenio Small has been the defensive team leader throughout the season; his leadership and performance have been outstanding. The team had a good showing against Georgia Military, which is currently ranked tenth in the nation. The football staff is looking forward to the off-season speed training and weight lifting schedule, as well as replenishing the talent pool through recruiting more top notch student-athletes. Stay tuned for our upcoming locker room project fund raiser.

Coach Rick Mohlmann is appreciative for the outpouring of support from the student body, faculty, staff and community. The football program has certainly generated plenty of excitement for Louisburg College!

Cross Country The men’s and women’s cross country team fared well during its inaugural season. The men’s team experienced injuries, but Kenneth Stergas and DaMon Brown have emerged as the team’s leaders. Coach Rob Delong credits team captains Stergas and Alex McCray for their efforts in leading this young team in its first season. The women’s team is led by sophomore Christina Jones who has racked up some impressive times for the Canes. The five-member squad is training daily to decrease their times and maximize their potential. The LC Hurricane runners finished their first season on a bright note— runner up to Spartanburg Methodist College. Kenny Stergas and Da’Mon Brown clicked off 6:05-6:10 mile splits until midway through the third mile when Kenny suffered a hip flexor. He toughed it out, and Da’Mon passed him at the fourth mile on the way to a personal best time of 33:15. Come-back kid Alex McCray also fought off the pain of his healing ankle tendon tear, finishing in a respectable 37:01 and narrowly fending off one of Spartanburg’s runners. He was followed by Titus Pannel, Daniel Parker and Brian Scott. All finished strongly for Louisburg. On the girls side, Christina Jones finished in 8th place overall for the girls, just over two minutes behind Spartanburg’s runner. The rest of the girls (Hillary Veals, Caitlin Fields and Frankia Prince) finished strongly with Caitlin having a best time, again a testament to her dedication all season.

Jenna Hinton Sports Information Director C O L U M N S


Louisburg College Athletic Hall of Fame accepting nominations Louisburg College is excited to offer its alumni and friends the opportunity to nominate athletes, administrators, coaches and other supporters of the Hurricanes’ tradition of athletic excellence to the Louisburg College Athletic Hall of Fame. The purpose of the Louisburg College Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those special individuals who, through their superior athletic achievements or by their outstanding service, have made long-lasting, exemplary contributions to the Louisburg College athletic program. Persons to be recognized for the excellence of their achievements may include former athletes, coaches, administrators and other individuals who have brought recognition and honor to both themselves and the College. Nominees must meet the following criteria in order to be considered by the Hall of Fame Committee:

2. Attended the institution for no less than one year and left in good academic standing no less than ten years prior to nomination, or deceased.


1. Connected with the athletics program for no less than 10 years prior to the nomination.

1. Graduated from the college no less than 10 years prior to nomination, or deceased.



3. Competed in one or more sports with extraordinary achievement. 4. Exhibited continuous good citizenship.

Administrator or Coach 1. Employed by the institution for no less than five years.

2. Made long-lasting, exemplary contributions to the athletics program. 3. Exhibited continuous good citizenship. Attach your letters of recommendation to the nomination form and send to: Louisburg College Jenna Hinton Hurricane Club Secretary 501 North Main Street Louisburg, NC 27549 919/497-3264

2. Made long-lasting, exemplary contributions to the athletics program. 3. Exhibited continuous good citizenship.

Other Individuals For the latest news, stats, and team profiles, visit Louisburg College athletics on the web at

Louisburg College Athletic Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Name of Nominee (please include photo, if possible): Former Status (circle):




Current Status (circle):




Athletic Booster

Years of playing, coaching, administration or involvement in Louisburg College athletics: Dates: Nominee’s E-mail: Nominee’s Address:

Nominee’s Home Phone: Please include a letter of recommendation which addresses these qualifications: • Excellence in playing, coaching, administration or involvement in Louisburg College athletic programs. • Contributions and improvements made to Louisburg College athletics. • Betterment of the profession or team through exemplary service. • Professional offices, publications, awards, recognitions, and/or performances. • Provide at least three letters of recommendation from any combination of the following: past or current students, administrators, coaches, and/or community, state or national leaders.

Nominator’s Name: Nominator’s Address:

Nominator’s Home Phone: Nominator’s E-mail: Relation to Nominee:



We Believe In People

Distinguished Alumnus Mike Boddie ’77 shares his philosophy on work and life

“We believe in people.” Four simple words encapsulate Mike Boddie’s philosophy of business and life. In fact, his peoplecentered outlook is so important to the Boddie family, it is emblazoned on the wall of the Boddie-Noell headquarter’s lobby in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Boddie, recipient of Louisburg College’s 2005 Distinguished Alumnus Award and member of the board of trustees, believes that his company’s philosophy is shared by Louisburg. “In our business, we know it is important to focus on our employees, so they can focus on the guests. BoddieNoell realizes that the ongoing development of its staff is crucial to the overall success of the company,” says Boddie. “At Louisburg College, the teachers’ primary focus is on the students. Developing their potential is the most important goal at Louisburg.” 12


Boddie-Noell Enterprises was formed in 1962 by Mike’s father, Mayo Boddie, Sr., his uncle Nick Boddie, and his great uncle Carleton Noell. The three men opened one of the first Hardee’s franchises in Fayetteville, North Carolina when fast food was a new concept. Continuing the tradition of working with family, Mike is the president of the Hardee’s division while his brother Bill ’74 is the president and chief executive officer of Boddie-Noell Enterprises, Inc. Their older brother, Mayo Jr. ’73, heads the Texas Steakhouse and Saloon chain. When the family was featured in the December 1997 edition of Southern Living magazine, their father, Mayo Boddie, Sr. praised his son’s camaraderie. “I couldn’t ask for brothers to get along any better,” said Mayo. “That’s been our strongest link to the past—our ability to get along.” Mike Boddie says he grew up in the business and spent many summers working in Roanoke Rapids. After receiving a degree in business from East Carolina University in December 1980, Boddie began assistant manager training at a Hardee’s in Norfolk, Virginia. He and his father believed that in order to effectively run the company, he needed to experience the day-to-day operations of a restaurant. Boddie realized at a young age that many young people did not have the opportunities that he did. While his father encouraged him to join the family business, he always knew that if he had chosen another career path he would have had his family’s support. “My father just wanted me to give it a try. And I did,” shares Boddie. Boddie is particularly proud of his company’s support of charitable causes. In addition to the Boddie family’s contributions to Louisburg College programs like Learning Partners, Boddie-Noell Enterprises champions many groups including the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and Special Olympics. During its 2005 fundraising campaign for MDA, Hardee’s customers at all 314 restaurants were asked to purchase shamrocks in support of neuromuscular disease research. Between February 15 and March 31, 2005, customers and employees raised

$188,858. This contribution brought empire. We built slowly and steadily as “The community is why it is still a great the five-year total to more than half a business improved.” school.” million dollars. MDA officials lauded The ability to make its own The Boddie family tradition has Boddie-Noell for being one of its largest business decisions led BNE to nix the continued at Louisburg College with and most consistent contributors in the controversial Hardee’s television ad the attendance of Mike’s nephews, Bill Carolinas and Virginia each year. featuring Paris Hilton, which ran in and Bunn, in 2003 and 2004. Also in 2005, Boddie-Noell continued select markets this summer. “Since When asked what he thinks about its tradition of supporting Special Olympics. we have controlling interest in large the dramatic changes on the Louisburg In May, BNE’s donation of $90,000 to parts of North Carolina, Virginia, College campus today, Boddie credits Special Olympics Virginia brought its and Kentucky, we had the power to President Reginald Ponder’s leadership. giving total to the volunteer sports“Louisburg College has come a training group up to $635,000. long way. Dr. Ponder put Louisburg Boddie-Noell holds a seat on the College back on the map.” Special Olympics Virginia board. Boddie believes that the increase Mike says that the courage of the in enrollment has made the most athletes is “an inspiration” and he significant difference. “Volume is proud of the campaign’s success. cures a lot of ills,” shares Boddie. “We believe it is important to give He commends Dr. Ponder for back to the communities which have “setting the vision” for the college’s given us so much,” adds Boddie. Quote by Theodore Roosevelt that future. “Dr. Ponder has been Over the past twenty years, proactive. He has not put band aids hangs in Mike Boddie’s office. Boddie-Noell has consistently on the problems. Instead, he has remained in the top ten of North choose not to run this ad in our areas,” developed many innovative programs to Carolina’s one hundred top private explains Boddie. “We did not feel the promote change. The remodeling of the companies as ranked by Business ad properly reflected our values as a residence halls is a prime example of his North Carolina magazine. In fact, the company.” innovation,” says Boddie. publication’s twentieth annual ranking “Mike Boddie is According recognized Boddie-Noell Enterprises as a devoted alumnus to Boddie, his the only company from its inaugural top- time at Louisburg of Louisburg ten list to retain its ranking. College and a deeply College was a “good Mike Boddie attributes his committed member experience.” His company’s ability to weather the of the college’s board family encouraged changing economy and perform well of trustees,” says their sons to consider President Reginald in a highly competitive market to two a small college and Ponder. “Mike factors—diversification and remaining all three Boddie attends almost all a privately owned company. While brothers attended of the meetings of Hardee’s restaurants comprise the largest Louisburg. “Both the board and of the share of BNE, the company’s other Mayo Jr. and Bill committees to which ventures are numerous. BNE operates 30 attended Louisburg, he is assigned. He is Texas Steakhouse and Saloon restaurants, so it was a natural a major contributor 25 Moe’s Southwest Grills, a chain of choice for me,” says to the college and seven Café Carolina and Bakeries, and Boddie. Mike lived uses his influence three BBQ & Ribs Co. locations. BBQ in Patten and fondly to secure additional & Ribs, one of the company’s newest remembers the grants from the concepts, has won numerous national tradition of soaping family foundation. awards including being named one of the floors for hall Mr. Boddie brings the 35 best barbecue restaurants in the slides. “If Louisburg outstanding business United States by National Barbecue News. College had been a and entrepreneurial In addition to restaurant venture, four-year school, I skills to his Boddie-Noell develops resort and mixed would have stayed responsibilities at Louisburg College, and use real estate projects through its BNE two more years,” says Boddie. the college benefits greatly from his skills Land and Development Company. He enjoyed mathematics professor and his enthusiasm for its mission. Mr. Remaining a privately owned Martha Hobgood. “Math was not Boddie’s is very committed to the growth family-run company is the other key to my favorite subject, but she was a and success of the Learning Partners BNE’s success believes Mike. “Because great professor,” he says. Boddie also Program that serves students with we are not a public company, we can remembers Umphrey Lee and Al diagnosed learning disabilities. Louisburg manage BNE for the long term,” says Wright. “Louisburg was all about the Boddie. “We never planned to build an people, the community,” shares Boddie. College is blessed to have an alumnus who cares so deeply for the institution.” C O L U M N S

“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.”


Development News Insuring Louisburg College’s future Give your house and live in it by Martin K. Green, Jr., CLU, ChFC Member Agent – The Nautilus Group Dan and Della wanted to do something for Louisburg College. They considered making a current gift of their residence, but decided against it because they like their home and wanted to stay there until death. The logical solution seemed to be a bequest. They could revise their will and transfer their house to Louisburg College after the death of the second spouse.

Here is how it works: Dan and Della may deed a personal residence or farm to Louisburg College through a retained life estate agreement. The deed indicates that the owners reserve the right to use the property for the rest of their lives. At the death of the last life-tenant, whether Dan or Della, the property is available to Louisburg College to sell or use some other way. Before the property deed is conveyed to the Louisburg College, the property must be appraised to determine the fair market value. Then the life expectancy of Dan and Della, the life tenants, are considered along with other factors to determine the present value of the remainder interest. This amount represents the charitable gift value of the arrangement and is the amount the donors may claim as an income tax charitable deduction. It is precisely these income tax deduction features that make the retained life estate agreement so attractive. If the property were transferred through the will at death, no income tax deduction would be allowed. But making the transfer during life (while retaining the right to use the property) creates the deduction, because the transfer is irrevocable. Also, removing the property from one’s estate may reduce estate taxes and probate costs later. Dan and Della would be expected to maintain insurance, pay property taxes, care for typical maintenance and repair items, and permit Louisburg College to assist as appropriate.

Then Dan and Della heard about a special provision in the tax code allowing them to give their house to Louisburg College now, receive a sizable income tax deduction, and still be able to live in their home for the rest of their lives. For them, this seemed a perfect solution.



This all may sound a little confusing, but it really is quite easy to accomplish. These and other suggestions for planned giving are available through the Development Department at Louisburg College. Contact Sandra Rushing, Vice President for Development, at (919) 497-3325.

Louisburg College endowment grows to $10 million Louisburg College’s endowment has reached the $10 million mark according to UBS Financial Services. Valued at just over $3.1 million in April 2003, the growth is attributed to the generous contributions of supporters and the investment returns realized using a long-term, disciplined strategy toward asset and risk management. The $4 million bequest from alumnus Jack Morris ’38 of Southern Pines was a major factor in the growth of the endowment and a number of smaller bequests and gifts have brought the endowment to the current level. “The endowment for Louisburg College is one of the essential pillars for building the financial stability of the College,” says President Reginald Ponder. “The recent growth of the endowed funds has been a significant step for Louisburg College. It is important that this trend continue in order for the College to be accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Reaching the $10 million milestone for the endowment is a significant step for Louisburg College. I encourage all alumni, friends, and supporters of Louisburg College to help the College attain the $20 million mark,” he adds.

Sprint donates for Learning Partners scholarships In September, Sprint donated $5,000 for Learning Partners scholarships. “We are grateful to Sprint for their support,” says Laura Arrington, director of learning support and disability services. “Because of their generosity, more students with learning differences will receive the help they need to thrive at Louisburg College.” Sprint is extremely supportive of Louisburg College. In the past they have supported many areas of the college including the Allen de Hart Concert Series and Campus Care Days.

This report includes gifts made to Louisburg College during our fiscal year, June 1, 2004-May 31, 2005. Our staff makes every C Oeffort L to U attempt M N toSensure 15 that all contributions are listed accurately. If your name was omitted or listed incorrectly, please call (919) 497-3261. Thank you for your support.

Annual Report June 1, 2004 - May 31, 2005 Society of 1787 $100,000 or more Anonymous Mr. Samuel T. Arrington Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Barringer, II BASF Corporation Estate of Marina Jarvis Baum Mr.* & Mrs.* Clifton L. Benson, Sr. Mr. Mayo Boddie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mayo Boddie, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Boddie Mayo Bunn Boddie & Lucy Mayo Boddie, Sr. Foundation Mr. William L. Boddie Mr. & Mrs. Bayard L. Bragg Branch Banking & Trust Co. James E. & Mary Z. Bryan Foundation The Cannon Foundation Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson Estate of Elizabeth Faulkner Mr. Fred Lumsden Fearing First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Flagler Systems, Inc. A. J. Fletcher Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mrs. Ann Jennings Goodwin Felix Harvey Foundation Estate of Elnora Hill Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hodges Mr. Frank B. Holding Robert P. Holding Foundation Mr. W. Seymour Holt Estate of Effie McDuffie Howard Estate of Virgina Waddell Hudgins Independent College Fund of NC Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ben E. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Leggett, Jr.* Mrs. Sibyl Leggett* Estate of Katharine B. Lewis Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Estate of Calvin Little Mrs. Edith C. Lumpkin* Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin, II Mr. Willie Lee Lumpkin, III Microsoft Corporation Estate of Jack Russell Morris Mr. Harold A. Morris*

Mrs. Roberta Beckler Morris Estate of Willie B. Mullen N.C. Conference of The United Methodist Church Novo Nordisk BioChem, Inc. B.B. & Margaret Beck Pruitt Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Estate of Sarah Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. John A. Rogers Hilda Scarboro Trust Sellers, Inc. Victor R. Small Trust Mrs. E. Hoover Taft, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hal A. Thompson Tri Properties The United Methodist Church, Board of Higher Education & Ministry Mrs. Rebecca M. Walker* Lettie Pate Whitehead Fdn. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wooten, Jr.

Founders Society $25,000 - $99,999 The Clara Abbott Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Allen Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy Anderson Aramark Management Services Mr.* & Mrs. James M. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Victor Barringer Estate of Elsie Mae Bass Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Estate of Ann R. Blumenfeld Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Estate of Louise H. Bryan Burlington Industries Fdn. Burroughs Wellcome Company Dr.* & Mrs. John L. Cameron Dr. & Mrs. W. John Cameron Captive-Aire Systems Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Chandler Cigna Foundation Mr. John T. Church* Estate of Mamie B. Clayton Coastal Lumber Company Coca-Cola Bottling Company Foundation The Compass Group Compton Family Foundation Mr. Bryan W. Compton

Ms. Carolyn V. Cotton Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cottrell Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Davis Estate of Doris Davis Mr. J. Jackson Dean The Duke Endowment Ms. Jackaline M. BaldwinDunlap Charles K. Dunn Charitable Trust Edenton St. United Methodist Men’s Bible Class Mr.* Mrs. John Lee Edwards Equitable Foundation Mr.* & Mrs. Fred A. Fearing Mr. Robert Fuller Fleming Miss Sarah Foster Franklin Veneers, Inc. Franklinton United Methodist Church Mrs. Rose Anne Jordan Gant Mr.* & Mrs. T. Scott Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Kem Gomo Mrs. Ann J. Goodwin Mrs. Mary Manning Gwin Estate of Elizabeth Harper Mrs. Miriam G. Harper Harriet & Henderson Yarns Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Harris, Jr. T. M. Harris Farms Estate of Mollie Harrison Mr.* & Mrs.* John H. Hodges Mrs. Hazel Holloman IBM Matching Grants Janirve Foundation Miss Adelaide Johnson* Miss Elizabeth Johnson* Estate of Dr. Sadie Johnson Mrs. Katherine B. Jordan* William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust Mrs. Rosabelle Lancaster Mr. & Mrs. William Lancaster Jr. Mrs. Jane Moon Linsky Luddy Charitable Foundation Mr. Robert L. Luddy Marriott Food Group The Marshall Group Mr. & Mrs. Warren Massenburg Estate of Alice McLean Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Mixon, Jr. The Arthur, Stella & Elizabeth Mohn Foundation News & Observer Foundation

Estate of Pliny Newton Dr.* & Mrs. J. Allen Norris, Jr. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. John S. Paschal Mr. & Mrs. Bennett H. Perry, Jr. Estate of Glennie K. Perry The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Progress Energy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Max M. Rhyne RJR Nabisco Dr. Cecil W. Robbins* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Roberson Julia & William Rodenbeck W. R. Rodgers Trust Rustic Building Supply SAS Institute, Inc. Dr.* & Mrs. James H. Semans Mrs. Mary Spector Mr. & Mrs. Fenner N. Spivey Sprint Mr. S. Judge Starnes, Jr.* Mrs. Hazel Stephenson Rev.* & Mrs. Marion Stephenson Estate of Doris Swindell Mr. & Mrs. Roger Glenn Taylor Miss Rosa Long Thomas* Mr. & Mrs. Frank Toney Estate of Mary Spence Touchstone United Methodist Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William C. Vick Mr.* & Mrs.* T. Max Watson Estate of Vennie J. Weaver James & Vedna Welch Foundation Dr. Thomas O. & Mrs. Lois Brown Wheless Miss Anne Wilcox* Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder Estate of Lucy Massenburg Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Wilson Mr.* & Mrs. Sam M. Wilson Mr. Floyd J. Wingfield Winn-Dixie Stores Mrs. Nancy Hayes Yarborough

Benefactors Society $5,000 - $24,999 Anonymous A T & T Charter Service, Inc. A T & T Foundation Mr.* & Mrs.* A. J. Abdalla Estate of June D. Adams Felix H. & Lucy T. Allen Rev. Chester J. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Hugh David Angleton *Deceased



Mrs. Carolyn Riddle Armstrong Mr. Edward P. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. S. Thomas Arrington, Jr. Mr. Ronald Rucker Bagwell Bank of America Jemima Williams Barefoot* Mr.* & Mrs.* O. B. Bass Mr. R. T. Beal* Mrs. Nell P. Beasley Mrs. Mary M. Beauchamp Clifton L. Benson, Jr. & Peggy Pruitt Benson Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Benton Dr. Mary Eleanor Bethea Mrs. Evelyn W. Blount Bluebird Habitat, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Wayne Bonner Mrs. Sallie S. Bowman* Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brannan Mrs. Peggy M. Braswell Mr. & Mrs.* Oliver E. Brewer Mr. H. Frank Brooks Dr. & Mrs. Steven E. Brooks Dr. & Mrs. C. Edward Brown, Jr. Captain* & Mrs.* James H. Brown Mr. Matthew A. & Dr. GeorgeAnne W. Brown Duane Harps Bruch Mr. William King Bryan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson C. Bulluck Mr. & Mrs. Steve Burkhead Estate of Lucy Perry Burt Cal-Maine, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cannon, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Carlton Mr. Gilbert Maurice Capps Mr. Arturo Y. Casanova, III* Ms. Ann M. Cauthorn Centura Bank Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Champion Chartwell Corporation Mrs. Frances Terrell Cherney Chesapeake Corporation Fdn. Cigna Foundation Mrs. Sophia Spivey Cody Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Cole, Jr. Mrs. Emma Spivey Coleman Estate of Lela Coltrane Mrs. Ruth S. Compton* Computer Associates The Cooper Group Estate of Zelda Coor D & J Automotive, Inc. Dr.* & Mrs. T. Manning Daniel Dr.* & Mrs. J. Howard Daniel Estate of Helen G. Daughtridge Mr. & Mrs. Bobby C. Davis Mrs. Doris Davis* Dr. & Mrs. George D. Davis, Jr. Dr. Sarah Irwin Davis Mr. & Mrs.* Arthur DeBerry

Mr. & Mrs. D. Tadley DeBerry Mr. Allen deHart Mr. David Michael Dement Mrs. Cindy DeMoss Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Dickens, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dorsett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dove Mr. & Mrs.* J. Enid Drake Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Driver Dun & Bradstreet Mr. Haskell A. Duncan Estate of Alma K. Dupree Edenton Street United Methodist Church Rev. Melvin Douglas Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Charles Benton Efird Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Eller Mr. Marion Frank Erwin Dr. Robert Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Gordan S. Etheridge Exxon Education Foundation Mr. Jerry Arnold Faulkner Dr. George D. Fields, Jr. A. E. Finley Foundation First United Methodist Church, Fuquay-Varina First United Methodist Church, Roanoke Rapids Estate of Katharine R. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Harold Foster Sarah Foster Endowed Scholarship Franklin County Arts Council Franklin Educational Foundation Franklin Regional Medical Center Ms. Betty W. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Maylon J. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Frazier Estate of Mary Mordecai Frizzelle Mr.* & Mrs. Donald K. Fry Mr. A. C. Fuller Mrs. Elaine Weldon Fuller Mrs. Rachel Fox Futrell Mr. Johnny W. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Cam L. Garner Mr. David Joseph Gerhardt Dr. Rosemary Gillett-Karam Mr. & Mrs. James B. Godwin Golden LEAF Foundation Rev.* & Mrs.* C. Wade Goldston Mr. Jimmy W. Goldston Estate of Ruth M. Goldston Mr. Ronald Wayne Goswick Mr. & Mrs. John W. Griffin Sue Guerrant & Bill Lord Mrs.* Annie Newman Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Willis Fletcher Gupton Estate of Ethel M. Hedrick Hanner Harris Pharmacy, Inc. Estate of Evelyn Harrison

Michael Privette Bill and Hazel Bryant Mullen Memorial Scholarship Fund


his July, sophomore Michael Privette of Monroe, North Carolina, spent a week in the Caribbean. While he experienced an enjoyable stay on the island of Trinidad, sightseeing and spending time on the beach were not a part of his itinerary. Instead, Michael, his family, and several members of his church, visited Trinidad on a church mission trip. The group ran a week long Vacation Bible School at Calvary Baptist Church in Arima, Trinidad. During his freshman year, Michael was very active in volunteer service projects with his Crossroads class. He made weekly visits to a local elementary school where he helped in the classroom, distributed lunches, and supervised playground activities. Michael, a member of the Louisburg College soccer team, is the recipient of the Bill and Hazel Bryant Mullen Memorial Scholarship Endowment. The Mullens bequeathed $1.4 million to Louisburg College in 1997 to be used for merit scholarships.



Dr*. & Mrs. Louis D. Hayman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Heath, Jr. Mrs. Rubie Riggan Hecht Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hester, Sr. Miss Beatrice Grey Hill* Judge* & Mrs.* Hamilton H. Hobgood Judge & Mrs. Robert H. Hobgood The Hon Company Estate of Susan R. Horton House of Raeford Farms, Inc. Ms. Effie McDuffie Howard* Mr. Franklin Y. Hundley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hunt Mr.* & Mrs.* R. Edward Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hunter, Jr. IMA-European Woodworking Machinery Company Mr. James A. Irion Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Irion Estate of Josephine F. Jackson Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Robert C. Jarvis Jefferson-Pilot Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Horace Jernigan Ms. Wilma D. Johnston Mr. Gary Robert Jones Mr. & Mrs. Fred I. Joseph Mr. Carroll Joyner Mr. & Mrs. W. Douglas Joyner Mrs. Suzanne Laughinghouse Kayne Mr. O. A. Keller Jr. Kenna Custom Painting, Inc. The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Wallace H. Kirby K-MART Mr. & Mrs. David R. Koontz Lakewood United Methodist Church, Jacksonville Mr. Averette Mitchell Lamm Dr. Rodman Lyon Lancaster The Leggett Foundation Michael & Peggy Leonard Mr. Balbus F. Lewis Mrs. Katheryn Coor Lewis Estate of W. Thomas Liverman Rev. & Mrs. Thomas E. Loftis Mr. George W. Logan Mendall H. & Edna Long Montgomery Louisburg United Methodist Church Louisburg Hardwood, Inc. Louisburg Lions Club Louisburg Rotary Club Dr. Margaret C. Lumpkin Mrs. Virginia Deibel Lundell Main Sat Telecommunications Estate of Vara J. Mallison Estate of Norma Mann

Marriott Food Services Emmitt & Eloise Marshall Estate of Willis E. Marshall, Sr. Mrs. S. Frank Martin, Jr. Martin Marietta Aggregates Mrs. Mildred Boney Matthis Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. May Mr.* & Mrs.* S. Reynolds May The Rev. & Mrs. Walter N. McDonald MCI Telecommunications Corp. Medical Examination Data, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mercer, Jr. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Charles Henry Mercer, Sr. Estate of Ruth Merritt Estate of Elsie M. Miller Mr. Jay Ralph Miller, Jr. Estate of C. Maness Mitchell Mrs. Vivian Proctor Mitchell Mr. William L. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs.* D. Watson Mitchiner Mr. & Mrs. Bob L. Mize Ms. Rachael Aberteene Modlin Mr. & Mrs. William David Moon Wade Moore Construction Co. Roger & Mozelle Seely Moulton Mr. & Mrs. William E. Munson Murphy House Restaurant NC Department of Human Resources Dr. & Mrs. Felton Nease New York Yankees Mr. C. Allen Newcomb Ms. Ann C. Newsom Mr. Marvin Newsom, III Garland C. Norris Company Our Lady of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church, St. Catherine of Siena Church Dr.* & Mrs.* James H. Overton Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Parrish Mr. Thomas Wesley Parson, IV Dr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Patterson Mr.* Millard I. & Mrs. Norma B. Patton Mr.* & Mrs. Donald L. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Duffy L. Paul Mrs.* James M. Peden Estate of Martha Perdue Peoples Mr.* V. A. Peoples PepCom Industries Dr. J. B. Perdue, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ely J. Perry, III Ely J. Perry, III Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James L. Perry Pharmacia Foundation, Inc. Mr. A. Steve Pierce Mr. Ed Pittman Pizza Hut of Louisburg

Plank Chapel United Methodist Men, Kittrell Estate of John R. Poe Gregory Poole Equipment Co. The Reverend Dr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Porter Mrs.* Bland B. Pruitt, Sr. R. A. Endowed Scholarship Fund Raleigh District United Methodist Church Raleigh District United Methodist Men Estate of Wallace Richards Mr. James P. Rickards Dr. & Mrs. Mac L. Ricketts J.P. Riddle Charitable Foundation, Inc. Riverwood Golf Club Ms. Sue C. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Willie Briggs Robertson Mrs. Doris Liles Rockefeller D. J. Rose & Sons, Inc. Rose’s Stores Estate of Kathryn Royster Sanford Brick & Tile Sanford District, The United Methodist Church Mr. Alan Gregory Saunders Mrs. Anne Scoggin Servicemaster Co. Ms. Jean C. Sewall Rev. & Mrs. Caswell E. Shaw, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Shearon Shell Oil Company Foundation William Claude Shelton Mr. & Mrs. William S. Shrago Estate of Ruth Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sloan Ms. Beverly Smith Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Smith Mr. & Mrs.* Warren W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Chapman Snead, III Mr. & Mrs. Grady King Snyder Estate of G. Brogden Spence Dr. & Mrs. Daniel O. Spinks The Rev. & Mrs. Sidney Stafford Estate of S. Judge Starnes, Jr. State Farm Companies Fdn. Mr. Edwin Buie Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Neal D. Stewart Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Stone Strickland Electric Company Mr. Michael Strong Mr. & Mrs. John F. Strotmeyer, Jr. Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co. Mr. & Mrs. C. Boyd Sturges, III Mr. & Mrs. James R. Sugg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Johnston Sugg Super Dollar Stores

Mr. Edmund Hoover Taft, III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Taft Mr.* & Mrs.*H. C. Taylor Estate of Rosa Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Larry Edward Tetterton Mrs. Elizabeth S. Thompson Mr. George Alden Thornton, III Mrs.* Ruth Thrift Miss Susie Webb Thrift Mrs. Cleo Fox Titus Trade Mart of Louisburg Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Traylor, Jr. Mrs.* William Blair Tucker Mr. S. Edgar Tutor, Jr. Eleanor W. Upshur*, Charitable Remainder Trust Mr. Norman T. Vick Mr. & Mrs. Billy K. Vickrey Wachovia Foundation Wake Electric Membership Corporation Wal-Mart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Walden Mrs. Sophia Clifton Wall Walnut Grove Church, Louisburg Dr. E. Ben Ward, Jr. Warren Oil Company Mr. Theron P. Watson Mr. & Mrs. James A. Weathers Anne Jones Weathersbee Mrs.* Annie Thomas Wheeler Mr. Donald Reeves Whitaker, Jr. Mr.* & Mrs. Charles Whittingham Estate of Rachel Wiedemer Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Williams Mrs.* Myra W. Wilson Floyd Johnson Wingfield Winstead United Methodist Church, Wilson Mrs. Violet I. Winston Miss * Martha Yarborough Mr. Philip S. York Mrs. Elizabeth J. Young

President’s Circle $1,000 or more annually Estate of June D. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Felix H. Allen Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Anderson, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn Riddle Armstrong Mr. Edward P. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Arrington, Jr. Assisted Care Management Group, Inc. Mr. Ronald R. Bagwell The Reverend & Mrs. Berry O. Barbour Mr. Victor Barringer Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh *Deceased



Mrs. Nell P. Beasley Mr. William E. Blackwell Bluebird Habitat, Inc. Nicholas Bunn Boddie & Lucy Mayo Boddie, Sr. Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boddie Dr. Edgar J. Boone Mr. William King Bryan, Sr. James E. & Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson C. Bulluck Mr. Harvey Dwight Byrd Dr. & Mrs. W. John Cameron Mrs. Beulah Cameron Mr. Gilbert M. Capps Captive-Aire Systems Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Champion Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Chandler The Compass Group Mr. Bart L. Cleary Coastal Lumber Company Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Coca-Cola Bottling Company Coca-Cola Foundation Mr. Bryan Wayne Compton Computer Associates Mr. & Mrs. Tommie Jeffreys Mr. & Mrs. Bobby C. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Davis Mr. Allen deHart Mrs. Cindy DeMoss Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dove Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Driver Duke Endowment Estate of Alma K. Dupree Ms. Jackaline M. BaldwinDunlap Mrs. John Lee Edwards Mr. Jerry Arnold Faulkner Mr. Fred L. Fearing Mr. Robert Fuller Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Harvey S. Forbes Miss Sarah Foster Dr. Rodney & Dr. Kelly Foth Estate of Ruth Cathey Fox Franklin Veneers, Inc. Franklinton United Methodist Church Ms. Betty W. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Frazier Mrs. Elaine Weldon Fuller Mrs. Emily Taylor Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Cam Leonard Garner Golden LEAF Foundation Mr. Jimmy W. Golden Mrs. Ann J. Goodwin John & Faye Strickland Griffin

Mr. Peter Goodrich Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Clyde P. Harris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Heath, Jr. Estate of Elnora Hill Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hodges Mrs. Johnsie M. Holden Mr. Frank B. Holding Robert P. Holding Foundation Mr. W. Seymour Holt House of Raeford Farms, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cronley Hunt Independent College Fund of North Carolina Mr. & Mrs. Horace Jernigan Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Gary Robert Jones Mr. Robert L. (Roddy) Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ben E. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Carroll Joyner Kappa Charitable Trust Fund Mr. O. A. Keller, Jr. Kenna Custom Painting, Inc. Mr. Averette Mitchell Lamm Mrs. Jane Austin Lee Eli Lilly & Company Foundation The Reverend & Mrs. Thomas E. Loftis Mendall H. & Edna Montgomery Long Louisburg Rotary Club Louisburg United Methodist Church Louisburg United Methodist Church Members Luddy Charitable Foundation Mrs. Edith C. Lumpkin* Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin, II The Honorable Willie Lee Lumpkin, III Main Sat Telecommunications The Rev. & Mrs. J. Alex Maultsby, III Mr. & Mrs. Amos McLamb Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Mixon, Jr. Estate of Jack Russell Morris Mrs. Roberta B. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Roger Moulton Estate of Willie B. Mullen New York Yankees Tampa Foundation Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Nivison Mr. Thomas W. Parson, IV The Reverend Dr. John Sidney Paschal Mrs. Jean Austin Patterson Peninsula Baptist Union Mr. Bennett H. Perry, Jr. Mr. Ely J. Perry, III Ely J. Perry, III Foundation The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder

Teri Hines The Douglas Lee Angleton Endowed Scholarship Fund


eri Hines was one of Ron Clark’s kids. Clark, Disney’s Teacher of the Year in 2000, taught Hines fifth grade in Aurora, NC. “Mr. Clark has had a huge impact on my life,” shares Teri. “He paid for a group of us to attend an SAT preparation course and made sure we could afford the testing fee.” Helen Ayscue Bonner ’48 helped Teri choose Louisburg College. “Mrs. Helen taught my parents elementary school and worked with Mr. Clark,” says Teri. “She and I served on a committee for our local Boys and Girls’ Club. She brought me on a tour of Louisburg, and I loved it!” A member of the volleyball team, Teri hopes to transfer to Peace College in Raleigh, NC for her junior year. “I would like to become a teacher,” says Teri. “My mother owns a daycare, and I love to work with small children.” The Douglas Lee Angleton Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1994 by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Angleton in memory of their son, Douglas, who graduated from Louisburg in 1977. C O L U M N S


Mr. J. G. Poole, Jr. The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Porter Progress Energy, Matching Gifts Mr. & Mrs. Bland B. Pruitt, Jr. Mr. Lowell W. Rickard J. P. Riddle Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Roberson Ms. Sue C. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. William E. Rodenbeck Mr. & Mrs. John A. Rogers The Rev. & Mrs. Reggie Rushing Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Shearon Shell Oil Company Foundation Mr. William Claude Shelton Shiloh United Methodist Church, Louisburg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sloan Victor R. Small Trust Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Grady King Snyder Mrs. Mary Spector Mr. & Mrs. Fenner N. Spivey Sprint State Farm Companies Foundation Strickland Electric Company Mr. & Mrs. John F. Strotmeyer, Jr. Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Sugg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Sugg Mr. & Mrs. Roger Glenn Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Traylor, Jr. United Methodist Foundation Dr. Sean Van Pallandt Wachovia Matching Gifts Wake Electric Membership Corporation Wal-Mart Foundation Wal-Mart Store Dr. E. Ben Ward, Jr. James & Vedna Welch Foundation Dr. Thomas O. & Mrs. Lois Brown Wheless Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Wilson Mr. Jerry Burton Wood, III

Dean’s List $500 - $999 annually A C Doctors, LLC Mr. Robert Edgar Beck Ms. Brenda J. Brown Dr. C. Douglas Bryant, Sr. Dr. Robert A. Butler Mr. Gerald W. Edge Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gleason Mr. Ronald Wayne Goswick

Ms. Sue Guerrant Dr. & Mrs. Carl Flick Ms. Margaret Von Canon Hilton Dr. & Mrs. Wilson S. Hoyle, Jr. Insurance Services Office, Inc. Rev. Dr. George W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Steve Johnson Louisburg Baptist Church Mr. James Edwin Markham Menchville High School Band Boosters Joe Moore & Company Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Moore Mrs. Bobbie E. Nelson Ms. Jane Earley Newsome Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Rogers Mr. Joshua Matthew Rupe Mrs. Jane H. Sandrock Mr. Russell Lane Sears Ms. Nancy J. Smith Mrs. Anna Stallings Ms. Japlyne Gray Stallings Mr. Glendel U. Stephenson Mr. Robert Francis Stevens Ms. Eleanor Rhodes Sullivan United Methodist Men - Raleigh District United Way of Franklin Co., Inc. Dr. Linga Vijaya Mr. Gregory Alan Williams Mr. Marvin Graham Wooten Mr. James Wooters

Third Century Club $100 - $499 annually Mr. Curtis Franklin Adams, Sr. Ms. Michele E. Adams Mr. L. C. Adcock Mr. Robert William Alston, Jr. Mr. Jack Cathey Anderson, Sr. Ms. Carolyn Waller Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William E. Armstrong Ms. Laura A. Arrington Mr. John Andrew Bacik Mr. Robert E. Baggett Jr. Mr. George Herbert Bailey Mr. Francis Raeford Baker Mr. William Horace Baker, Jr. Ms. Betty Sue Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Julius Banzet, III Ms. Carolyn R. Barnes Ms. Alyse B. Barnes Rev. & Mrs. Troy J. Barrett Mr. Dennis Barth Mr. Charles Jarvis Bartles, III Mr. Rufus A. Baxley, Jr. Rev. James Douglas Bell Mr. Loyd V. Bell, Jr. Mrs. Sara Ellis Bell Mr. & Mrs. J. McNair Bell

Ms. Elizabeth Jane Bender Dr. Bert Bennett Benson Memorial UMC Adult Fellowship Mr. Reuben W. Berry Mrs. Alice B. Bigham Mr. David Birdsong Mrs. Jewelle J. Boone Ms. Delano R. Borys Mr. & Mrs. Franklin P. Bowden Mrs. Mary Wheless Boyette Mrs. Kathy Brafford Mr. Jesse Brady Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Brady Jr. Mr. Randy Lee Brantley Ms. Susan A. Bridgeman Mr. Randy Leon Bridges Ms. Lynne Brock Miss Helen Elizabeth Broome Brunswick Box Co., Inc. Mr. Richard Scott Buchanan Ms. Stephanie Lynn Buchanan Mrs. Nancy L. Bundy Ms. Lori A. Burnett Ms. Doris D. Burrus Ms. Dana C. Byrd Mr. William Carlton Byrd, Sr. Ms. Margaret C. Calhoun, Laurinburg Ms. Margaret C. Calhoun, Marion Ms. Virginia Campbell Mr. Terry Cantrell Carolina Quality, Inc. Ms. Ann Carriel Mr. Grady L. E. Carroll, Sr. Mr. Ricky B. Carroll Mr. Jerry Barham Carter Mr. Larry Windsor Castleberry Mrs. Louise Braswell Cates Cecils Service & Equipment, Inc. Mrs. Juliette Hickman Chambliss* Ms. Cynthia F. Champion Mr. James Thomas Chandler, IV Mr. Carroll Fleming Chauncey Dr. Catherine Cutts Church Clarendon Associates Mr. Dennis R. Clary Rev. & Mrs. Richard T. Clayton Mrs. Zelda Holleman Clayton Mr. James B. Cleghorn Mrs. Mary Richardson Clements Coast to Coast Hauling, Inc. Coastal Contractors of the Outer Banks, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Coates Mr. Steve Jeffrey Coats Mrs. Janie Manning Conrad Ms. Haven Cooper Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Cooper Cooper Insurance Company

Mr. Andrew Christopher Costanzo Mrs. Ada Blanchard Cox Ms. Julia Cox-Claggett Mr. & Mrs. William Dempsey Craig Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford, Jr. Mr. Aron Creech Ms. Nadine C. Crook Ms. Barbara H. Curtis Mr. John Daly Ms. Denise S. Daniels Ms. Robin F. Daniels Mr. Graham J. Davis Rev. & Mrs. Herman Fred Davis Mrs. Jamie Burnette Davis Mr. & Mrs. D. Tadley DeBerry Dr. Rob DeLong Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Demasi Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Dickens, Jr. Dominion Foundation Donnie Thompson’s Pump Services, Inc. Mr. Bob Doyle Mr. Charles M. Draughn, III Duane Rhine’s Grand Slam USA Duke Energy Foundation Mr. Zane E. Eargle Earl Boykin Sports, Inc. Mr. Richard Lee Eddins Mr. Elmo Thomas Edwards, Jr. Mr. Thomas S. Edwards Mr. Robert W. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Neal Ellis Dr. Cenieth C. Elmore Mrs. Ina Meekins Evans Mr. Lee Randolph Everett Fairmont United Methodist Church Mrs. Sarah Coates Falkner Mr. Charles R. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. James M. Featherston, Jr. Ms. Dianne Finocchi First Baptist Church, Louisburg First UMC of Cary, Faith & Freedom SS Class Ms. Sally E. Fisher Mrs. Nora Tolson Flanagan Mr. Charles P. Flanigan Ms. Diane Price Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ford The Ford Agency, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Jimmy W. Foster Mrs. Mary Creech Foster Mrs. Kathleen Walsh Foster Mr. Ben Stroud Foust Mr. William Pete Franklin Franklin Fencing Franklinton Lions Club Mr. Russell Wayne Frazier, II Mr. Hall Fredrick *Deceased



Oscar Macon Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Gaddy Ms. Eveyln K. Gainey Mr. & Mrs. Bill Galloway Mr. James Clifton Garner, Jr. Georgia-Pacific Ms. Elizabeth Gerhardt Ms. Tanya L. Gibbs Dr. & Mrs. Milton Gilbert Rev. Ray T. Gooch Ms. Sarah W. Greaser Mr. G. Jeff Griffin Ms. Margaret Carolyn Grimes Mr. Graham Grissom Ms. Rebecca Bell Grubbs Ms. Linda A. Guntharp Ms. Deborah T. Haigler Mr. H. R. Haire, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Dwight H. Hall Mr. Jason Henry Hall Ms. Denise Hall-Gwyn Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hammer Mr. Donald E. Hamrick Mr. Shaun Harris Mr. Steven J. Harris Mrs. Margaret Holmes Harrison Mr. John Stanley Hart Ms. Betty U. Hasty Hatchell Concrete, Inc. Mr. Frederick V. Heckler Mr. Bradley J. Herring Mrs. Margaret White Hicks Rev. & Mrs. Edward F. Hill, II Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hinton, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hobgood, Jr. Mr. Ronald Paul Hodul Mrs. Celeste Hughes Hoffman Mr. Joseph W. Hoffmann, III Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holloman Mr. Bernard B. Hollowell Mr. Yuille Holt, III Ms. Linda Nobles Hooks Howard Lisk, Inc. Mr. John F. Hoy Ms. Lynda Wooten Hudson Mr. Darryl Adrian Hunnings Ms. Bess G. Hunnings Mrs. Elaine M. Hunt Mrs. Alice Faye Hunter The Rev. Jack Manly Hunter Innovative Medical Products Mr. John Deane Irving Mr. & Mrs. Eugene James Ms. Edna D. Jarman Mrs. Hazel Davis Jernigan Mr. George E. Jewell Rev. Jesse L. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Paul D. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. T. O. Johnson, Jr. Mr. &. Mrs. C. Wade Johnson Mr. Robert Hawes Johnson, Jr.

Mr. Claude B. Jones Miss Ruth Jones Mr. Marvin Lawrence Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Jordan, III Mr. George R. Joseph Jr. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Belton Joyner, Jr. Mr. Morris E. Joyner K & R Farms, Inc. Mr. William Brent Keever Mr. & Mrs. Leland C. Kennedy Mr. Weldon H. Kimball Mrs. James A. King Mrs. Katharine Champion Kinton Ms. Laura L. Kinzinger Mrs. Lucille McPherson Kirkland Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Knott Mr. Timothy Kunkle Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Lamm, Jr. Mrs. Gail Fathera Laney Mr. John Harry Lange, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Lanier, Jr. Mr. Clinne M. Laws Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lee Mrs. Addilene E. Leonard Mrs. Ellene D. Leonard Ms. Dorothy G. Letchworth Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lewis Thomas Lelon Lewis Mr. William M. Lewis Ms. Sharon M. Lilly Ms. Teresa L. Little Little River Corporation Mr. & Mrs. William Livingston, Jr. Louisburg Chiropractic Center Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lovett Ms. Millie K. Lovett Mr. & Mrs. Billie Loyd Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Loyd Mr. Emory H. Lucy Mr. Robert A. Magnan Mrs. Natalie Gould Mandell Josephine Hardison Manning Mr. J. Franklin Martin Ms. R. Kathryn Massey Mrs. Anne Shearin Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Doug May Mr. Scott H. May Mr. Duane Nelson McDonald Mr. Kevin J. McGinley Mr. Thurman McLamb Mr. James L. McLean Mr. & Mrs. D. E. Mehlinger Mr. William Henry Melson, Jr. Matthew Pait Memorial Mr. Billy Ray Merritt Metropolitan Life Mr. Michael Michalakis Mr. Nathan R. Milian Dr. & Mrs. D. Edmond Miller Mr. Marvin Miller Mr. & Mrs. W. Hardy Mills Ms. Joyce B. Mize

Kristy Starr The Will and Sara Condon Rodgers Memorial Scholarship Endowment


ophomore Kristy Starr is ambitious. A member of the Lady Hurricane’s women’s soccer team, Kristy’s goal is to graduate first in her class. Her 4.0 grade point average is maintained while juggling campus activities and soccer. Kristy’s roommate is her sister, Stacie. “My scholarship package played a huge part in my decision to attend Louisburg College,” says Kristy. “Financial Aid Director Sean Van Pallandt is great, and he helped me find all of the scholarships for which I was eligible. Without this financial aid, I would not have been able to attend Louisburg.” The Will and Sara Condon Rodgers Memorial Scholarship Endowment was created in 1989 by the estate of Sara Condon Rodgers. A scholarship competition is held in the spring to select the recipients.



Mr. Philip W. Mobley Mr. Jason Modlin Ms. Jane Clark Moorman Mr. Barry James Morgan Mr. James L. Morgan Jr. Ms. P. Elise Morgan Mrs. Daisy Atkinson Morris Mortgage Professionals of NC Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Moser Mr. James T. Moss Mrs. Anne Tucker Mulchi Mr. Garland Elias Mustian Nelson Chapel Baptist Church, Louisburg Mr. & Mrs. Dexter E. Oliver Ms. Julie Owens Mr. Charles Thomas Pappendick Mr. Jackie Walton Parrish Mrs. Frances Brower Paschal Mr. Glen A. Paterno Ms. Ann C. Pearce Mr. Lee Hutcheson Pearce Mr. Joseph A. Pearce, Jr. Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Grant Mrs. Susie T. Perdue Mr. Charles Jeffery Perry Mr. Darrell Lamar Perry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Pete Smith Phi Theta Kappa Mrs. Linda Morgan Phillips Piedmont Surveys, Inc. Mr. William Hollowell Pierce Mr. Joseph W. Pietropaoli Mrs. Lena Place Mr. John Robert Poe, Jr. Mr. Robert Poole Mr. & Mrs. Phillip K. Porter Dr. C. Ray Pruette C. Ray Pruette Sun. Sch. Class Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Pulliam, Jr. QUALCOMM, Inc. Mr. Richard Racobaldo Rev. & Mrs. Roland Rainwater Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Rascoe Mrs. Josephine Medlin Ray Mr. & Mrs. Norman Raynor Jr. Dr. Roy Max Raynor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raynor Mr. & Mrs. Frank Read Ready Mixed Concrete Mr. John Wayne Renegar Mr. Bernard Rice Richardson Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. James C. Richardson, Jr. Mr. Michael T. Ring River Golf & Country Club, Inc. Mrs. Deborah Neustadt Rodgers Mrs. Nancy Rollins J. L. Rothrock, Inc. S. David & Co., Inc.

Satterwhite Financial Mr. Peter Bland Saunders Ms. Marlyn L. Saxman Mr. Vincent A. Scalisi Mr. Joseph B. Schober Mr. Kenneth Kurt Schowald Mr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Scott, Jr. Louisburg College SGA, 2004-05 Shaw’s Refrigeration, Inc. Mr. Ronald V. Shearin Mr. Mark Boone Shearon Mr. James W. Short Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Smith Mr. Gregory Scott Smith Miss Mildred Smith Mr. & Mrs. Pete Smith Dr. & Mrs. Grover Smith Ms. Lyndee C. Souder Mr. & Mrs. William R. Spade Mr. Dudley Barbee Stallings Mr. Graham Clark Stallings Mr. J. Gilbert Stallings Mr. Lester Stancil Ms. Bessie Steen Ms. Joyce T. Stern Steve’s Heating & Cooling, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. M. Graham Stewart Ms. Robin D. Stone Mr. Robert Larry Strickland Mr. Charles Winston Strother Ms. Julia A. Sutzko Mr. Michael C. Sutzko Tad Rental Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor Mr. Mark S. Thomas Mrs. Juanita C. Thomas Titans Gym & Fitness Center Mr. & Mrs. A. S. Tomlinson, Jr. Mrs. Helen Tomlinson Towe Insurance Service, Inc. Trinity United Methodist Church Mrs. Delores Cole Tune Mrs. Janet Griffin Turner Ms. Jean J. Tyson Mr. Jimmie T. Vaughn Mrs. Carolina Walker Dr. Grayson Watkins Walker Mrs. Doris Thompson Wall Mr. Lindsey Grady Walser Ms. Heather L. Ward Mrs. Kathleen L. Ward Dr. Michael E. & The Rev. Hope Morgan Ward Mr. & Mrs. Don Warren The Honorable Charles Hillsman Warren Mrs. Jennifer Grissom Watkins Rev. H. Langill Watson Ms. Anna Mooring Weaver Mrs. Carol Dement Weeks Mr. Tollie H. Weldon, Jr.

Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Miss Mary Ellen West Wester’s Front End & Brake Mr. John Wesley Wheelous, III White Swan Express Mr. James M. White, Jr. Ms. Tracey Walker Whitehouse Mr. J. C. Whitehurst, Jr. Ms. Beulah Williams Mr. & Mrs. Billy O. Williams Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Larry Williams Ms. Nellie M. Williams Mrs. Nellie Stallings Williams Mr. John Edward Willoughby Mrs. Nancy Rollins Wilson Mr. & Mrs. James F. Womble Mr. Ray H. Womble, Sr. Mr. Marcus G. Woodall Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Woodhouse, Sr. Wrenn’s Convenient Mart Mr. Thomas Everette Yancey Z-Best, Inc.

Friends $1 - $99 annually Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Vernon Adams Mr. Jeffrey M. Adams Mr. Len Adams Mrs. Mabel Allen Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Allen, Sr. Ms. Tracy L. Allen Ms. Sherry S. Allgood Ms. Deborah Alloway Ms. Robin D. Alston Ms. Linda L. Althoff Ms. Nona C. Alvis Ms. Debra M. Ambrose Mr. Bryan P. Ambrosio Mr. & Mrs. William J. Anderson Mr. Bobby W. Andrews Anonymous Ms. Marion K. Ashworth Ms. Frances A. Augelli Mr. Richard A. Augelli Ms. Sandra D. Backensto Ms. Pat B. Bailey Mr. Howard E. Baldwin Ms. Ellen S. Ballard Mr. Mitchell Scott Banton Mr. & Mrs. M. Durwood Barbour Ms. Elizabeth F. Barclay Mr. Andrew R. Barnette, Jr. Mr. William L. Baron Ms. Sharon R. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Bassett Ms. Barbara Beckwith

Mr. Charles H. Beddingfield Mr. Vincent G. Belnome The Rev. & Mrs. Jack M. Benfield Mrs. Helen S. Benton Mr. & Mrs. William A. Berndt Mr. Dennis C. Bernstein Ms. Kathryn K. Black Ms. Lori B. Blackburn Mr. Donald R. Blackmon Mr. Stephen P. Blaine Ms. Betty Blair Ms. LuAnn W. Blalock Mr. Michael D. Blinson Ms. Denise M. Blystone Mr. David L. Boal Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bobbitt Mr. James M. Bowman Ms. Terry G. Boyd Ms. Sandy Briggs Judge & Mrs. David M. Britt Ms. Bobbie B. Brooks Ms. Celeste W. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Brooks Ms. Ellyn L. Brown Mr. Michael G. Brown Mr. Rex W. Brown Ms. Ruby H. Brown Ms. Pamela M. Buchanan Ms. Dorothy J. Bunn Ms. E. Louise Bunn Mrs. Christine Burnette Ms. Sharon W. Burrows Ms. Julie A. Bush Mr. Carl E. Butler Mr. Christopher D. Butler Ms. Barbara A. Butterworth Ms. Graham V. Byrum, Jr. Mr. Timothy Cahill Mr. Eddie H. Callahan Ms. Abigail E. Cameron Mr. Alvah R. Campbell Mr. Michael Cannon Ms. Shirley M. Carlton Mr. & Mrs. James Carnes Carolina Logistics Mr. Jonathan T. Carriel Jr. Ms. Olga Carriel Mr. Woods Wilson Carriel Mr. Michael R. Carroll Mr. Albert J. Cecchini Mr. Patrick E. Cenci, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth S. Chance Mr. Bobby Cheely Ms. Salli Cheskiewicz Mr. Blake K. Clark Ms. Jodie E. Clark Mr. Joel W. Clark Ms. Joann H. Clay Ms. Donna G. Clayton Ms. Sarah W. Clayton CLC 2004 *Deceased



Ms. Joy L. Clodfelter Mr. F. Dolan Clontz Mr. & Mrs. Ken Close Mr. Bruce A. Coats Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Cobb Ms. Linda Pearce Cochran Ms. Constance Bailey Colby Ms. Diantha H. Coley Ms. Kathy Collins Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Collins Ms. Jean H. Conerly Mr. Erminio A. Conte Mr. & Mrs. Grady Cooper Ms. Mary N. Copple Ms. Barbara A. Costa Countryscapes, Mr. Billy Warren Ms. Gerri W. Cox Mr. Richard H. Credle Mr. & Mrs. Seth B. Credle III Mr. Donald P. Creech Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Crook Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cross Ms. Rebecca E. Crosson Mr. John H. Crowder, Jr. Ms. Daphne H. Crumpton Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Crutchfield Cub Scout Pack No. 72 Ms. Lisa A. Cudworth Mr. Robin P. Cunningham Mr. Steve Dalton Mr. Winston L. Dalton Molly F. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Darroch Mr. Kent Davis Ms. Brenda H. Denning Ms. Anita Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Dickerson Mr. Dominic Dimare Mr. Scott H. Dingman Mr. & Mrs. David W. Donovan Mr. Willie J. Dorman Ms. Kristy Driggs Ms. Margie B. Drye Mr. James H. Duffy Ms. Elsie C. Duke Ms. Gail P. Duke Ms. Lisa R. Duke Ms. Mary P. Duke Duncan’s Painting & Wallpaper Ms. Susan D. Dunlow Mrs. Dorothy S. Early Mr. & Mrs. Pat Winn Edwards Mr. & Mrs. T. I. Edwards Mrs. Ruby S. Ehlers Ms. Teresa D. Enos Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Ertischek Ms. Gail E. Eubanks Mr. Wayland Eubanks Jr. Ms. Donna S. Fahrenholtz Mr. & Mrs. Elwood L. Fairbrother Ms. Catherine E. Fairfield

Mr. Leonard W. Fairfield Ms. Robert H. Fairfield Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fairley Ms. Jane S. Falkner Ms. Ellen L. Fanning Ms. Sherry E. Fardinandi Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Farinholt Ms. Gayle C. Felton Ms. Robin L. Feroli Ms. Jessica Carriel Fines Mrs. Jean Fischer Mrs. Doris Fish Dr. J. David Fisher Ms. Rebecca A. Flanigan Mr. Scott H. Flanigan Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Fleming Mr. W. S. Ford Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Edmund G. Forkner Ms. Sue B. Fowler Ms. Dolores M. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. S. David Frazier Mr. Darrell G. Freeman Ms. Janis E. Fryberger Mr. Kerry R. Fryberger Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Frye Ms. Margaret S. Fuller Ms. Janet H. Fussell Mr. Mark D. Gamiel Ms. Amy V. Gardner Ms. Gail Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Johnny E. Gardner Ms. Wanda S. Garrison Mr. Mark M. Gettys Mrs. Carey E. Gibbs Ms. Kay H. Giddeons Mr. Whitfield B. Gittman Dr. & Mrs. J. Conrad Glass, Jr. Mr. Roy A. Glosson Mr. Wes W. Gorman Ms. Patsy L. Gorsuch Mrs. Ann V. Goswick Mr. & Mrs. Byron G. Gould Ms. Penny S. Gowan Ms. Barbara Graham Ms. Gail T. Gray Ms. Bonnie S. Greene Ms. Shirley L. Greene Ms. Nancy H. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Gunter II Mr. William Guntharp Sr. Ms. Jean O. Gupton Mrs. Jill Gupton Ms. Lana R. Gwyn Mrs. Grace J. Hale Mr. Daniel H. Hall Ms. Lois E. Hamill Ms. Betty C. Hardee Ms. Denise L. Harnett Ms. Marie Harris Ms. Sharon L. Harrison-Lindstrom

Michael Murphy Mullen Endowment, Bluebird Leadership Scholarship


riginally from California, Michael Murphy has lived in North Carolina for ten years. He was home schooled from third grade through twelfth grade. When searching for the right college, Michael looked for a school where he could maintain personal contact with his professors. When he applied to Louisburg, he and his mom had many questions about paying for college. Vice President for Enrollment Management Stephanie Buchanan ’97 helped them research scholarships. After reviewing Michael’s transcripts, it was determined that he was eligible for merit-based academic scholarships like the Mullen Endowment. “With the financial aid and scholarships I received, my first year of college was practically paid for,” says Michael. With a 3.9 grade point average, Michael says that the “hard work is paying off.” As a campus leader, Michael was also chosen as an inaugural recipient of the Bluebird Leadership Scholarship. The Bluebird Scholarship is funded by Bluebird Habitat, Inc., a nonprofit organization created by Fenner Spivey ’49 and his wife Fran. The organization’s vision is to rebuild the declining bluebird population by selling handcrafted bird houses and providing education for attracting and maintaining bluebirds in local neighborhoods.



Ms. Patricia Hassley Ms. Teresa L. Hawkins Ms. Denitra L. Hayes Ms. Joan D. Heckler Ms. Jean P. Hedgepeth Ms. Susan Henderson Mr. & Mrs. William T. Herring Ms. Nancy M. Hewett Ms. Tammy Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hines Mr. Billy W. Hobbs Ms. Linda D. Hodge Mr. James W. Hodges Ms. Kathryn C. Hodges Ms. Connie L. Holland Mr. Ralph E. Holloway, Jr. Ms. Sherry D. Hollowell Mr. & Mrs. Kern Holoman Mr. Earl R. Honeycutt, Sr. Mr. Thomas V. Honeycutt Rev. Beth H. Hood Dr. & Mrs. Dalton D. Howard Mr. James H. Hudson Ms. Keri Humann Ms. Marie McCann Hurst Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Hutchinson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Jackson Rev.& Mrs. Wil I. Jackson Mr. William P. Jackson Ms. Kathleen T. Jaczesko Mr. & Mrs. Lynn James Ms. Katrina E. James Ms. Robbie G. James Mr. Chester J. Janiga Ms. Carolyn L. Johnson Ms. Gaye P. Johnson Ms. Jean Johnson Ms. Bonnie F. Jones Ms. Carolyn A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Cedric K. Jones Ms. Mandy S. Jones Miss Ruth Jones Mr. Shannon C. Jones Ms. Virginia H. Jones Mr. & Mrs. L. Merritt Jones, Jr. Ms. Donna H. Jordan Ms. Beverly F. Journegan Mr. James B. Joyner Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Y. Joyner Ms. Kelly J. Joyner Ms. Lore B. Karns Ms. Sandra Kay Ms. Leslie N. Keith Ms. Sheri L. Kelley Ms. Judith K. Kennedy Dr. Doris E. King Ms. Marjorie W. King Mrs. John W. King Ms. Joanne Kinscherf Ms. Donna Kirk Ms. Dorothy H. Kirk

Ms. Paula M. Kirts Ms. Valerie J. Kishton Ms. JoAnne H. Kmetz Mr. B. A. Knapp Ms. Julie A. Kruse Mr. & Mrs. William R. Lackey Ms. Nancy L. Lake Ms. Sylvia C. Lambert Ms. Delores Langley Ms. Carol R. Lariviere Ms. L. Lauriee Lawrence Ms. Jeannie F. Layton Ms. Maura Toole Legare Mr. Al Lertues Mr. C. Glenn Letchworth Judge John B. Lewis Jr. Mr. Phillip Ligatti Ms. Leslie M. Lillard Ms. Anntionette B. Lilly Mr. Kenneth L. Lilly Ms. Linda W. Little Mr. & Mrs. Terry W. Little Ms. Kristen S. Lockhard Ms. Maureen Loiselle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Long Mr. & Mrs. William Ray Long Mrs. Jeannette Lord Ms. Elizabeth W. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Ashleigh Lucas Mr. E. Heath Lucy, Jr. Mr. Gerald Magnan Ms. Lynn Magozzi Mr. John J. Marinke, Jr. Ms. Linda M. Marino Mr. Roger D. Marion Mr. Todd E. Marshall Mr. Douglas T. Martin Ms. Shirley W. Martz Ms. Linda L. Maryai Ms. Mindy L. Maryai Ms. Susan Matovina Ms. Heather J. McCullen Ms. Martha J. McDaniel Mr. Kyle M. McDermott Ms. Dorlas B. McDonald Mr. Joseph M. McFarland Ms. Carolyn J. McGowan Ms. Tami McKane Mrs. Collin McKinne Mr. & Mrs. William O. McLamb Jr. Ms. Doris T. McLendon Mrs. Frances B. McMillan Ms. Jeanne H. McSweeney Mr. Phillip J. Mears Ms. Nancy Merendino Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Merritt Ms. Karen Middleton Ms. Janie P. Midgette Ms. Florence Miles Mr. James P. Millerleile Mr. Patrick J. Millerleile

Mr. Clayton Mobley Ms. Glenda Moore Ms. Larry S. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Moore Ms. Teresa B. Moore Ms. Rosa M. Mooring Ms. Shirley W. Morgan Mrs. Eugene Morris Ms. Jill M. Morrison Ms. Connie H. Mozingo Ms. Edith J. Mozingo Ms. Katherine W. Murphy Ms. Martha G. Murphy Mr. Wendell Murphy Ms. Martha Mary Murray Mr. Raymond L. Murray Ms. Linda M. Mynes Ms. Mary M. Mynes Ms. Susan B. Nave Ms. Susan M. Naylor Mr. & Mrs. John B. Neese Ms. Merrily W. Neill Mr. Stewart V. Nell Mr. Michael T. Nelson Ms. Holly M. Newhart Mr. Walter B. Newman Dr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Newton Ms. Diane M. Nicolo Mrs. Suzanne S. Niver Ms. Laura E. Nix Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Norris Mr. Stephen Notargiacomo Ms. Suzanne D. O’Connell Ms. Annie Ruth O’Neal Ms. Ernestine D. O’Neal Ms. Martha O’Neal Ms. Linda K. Oriente Mr. Albert J. Outlaw Ms. Bernice Owen Dr. Patricia G. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Parker Sr. Ms. Kitty Parrish Mr. Daniel W. Parsons Ms. Linda M. Paulhus Mr. Manilena P. Payos Ms. Emma B. Pearson Ms. Hazel P. Peck Ms. Sandra D. Peed Mr. & Mrs. Karl T. Pernell Mr. & Mrs. Ford Perry Mr. & Mrs. John W. Phillips Mr. Worth F. Pickard Mr. Richard W. Piesko Mr. David Pietropaoli Ms. Stacy Pietropaoli Ms. Jean S. Pittman Ms. Betty P. Pow Ms. Lucy Prapuolenis Dr. Charles W. Prather Ms. Patricia Prather Mr. & Mrs. John C. Preston Mrs. Betty O. Purser

Ms. Kelly G. Quinn Ms. Marjorie G. Rainey Mr. Matthew M. Rainey Jr. Mr. Robert Ramos Ms. Rosalia B. Rau Ms. Teresa M. Raupe Ms. Dotsy J. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Richardson Ms. George Ann Ricks Mr. Robert W. Riggs Ms. Mary B. Ritter Mr. Eugene W. Rogers Mr. G. D. Ross, Jr. Ms. Theresa Rossi Mr. Blair H.K. Rowley Ms. Elaine L. Rowley Ms. Lisa J. Rowley Mr. David E. Sanders Ms. Hazel A. Sanders Mr. John S. Sardone Ms. Cathy E. Saxman Mr. Jeff S. Saxman Ms. Nancy J. Saxman Mr. W. M. Scales III Ms. Gabriella L. Schiltz Mr. Joseph Scott Schober Mr. & Mrs. William K. Scott Ms. Maureen C. Selby Ms. Kathy F. Servelle Ms. Julia A. Shank Mr. Richard J. Shank Mr. Darrell Shearin Mr. Vincent Sheehan Ms. Nancy E. Shoemaker Ms. W. Hal Shuler Sirk Family Living Trust Agreement, UAD Ms. Elizabeth B. Smith Ms. Eunice G. Smith Mr. John F. Smith Ms. Kathyrn D. Smith Ms. Mary C. Smith Mr. Roger D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. S. Forest Smith Ms. Ronna Snapp Mr. Jimmy A. Snyder Rev. & Mrs. H. Gray Southern Ms. Dorothy Spence Ms. Barbara Crawford Stanley Mr. Selmon Stanley Rev. & Mrs. Rufus H. Stark, II Ms. Cassandra C. Steppe Mr. Lester R. Stern Ms. Lori A. Strayer Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Street Ms. Kathy Street Ms. Bettye Deen Stull Mr. Michell A. Stull Mr. Jimmy Sumlin Ms. Brenda Jane Summers Mrs. Trudy Sutton Mrs. R. C. Swain *Deceased



Ms. Margaret R. Swanson Ms. Carolyn J. Sykes Mr. Ralph Sykes Ms. Deborah Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Ben Park Terrell Mr. Clarence Tew Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thomas Ms. Linda Tockstein Ms. Carol J. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. T Tomlinson Ms. Jeanne M. Toole Ms. Gail B. Travis Ms. Kevin D. Travis Mr. J. Micah Tyson Mrs. Martha B. Tyson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vangraafeiland Mr. & Mrs. James R. Vann Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Vickers Mr. & Mrs. N. John Vollmer Mr. Brinkley Wagstaff Ms. Doris M. Walker Mr. Larry A. Walker Mrs. Jean F. Wall Ms. Sylvia A. Walters Mr. Cecil E. Ward Ms. Ellen M. Wardlaw Ms. Frances F. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Bert B. Warren Mr. Donald M. Warren Ms. Brenda Wassum Mr. & Mrs. William Nelson Waters Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Bert Westbrook Ms. Valerie L. Wheeler Ms. Katherine W. White Ms. Lisa W. White Mr. & Mrs. Michael White Mr. Samuel F. White Mrs. Ann C. Whitley Ms. Caroline B. Whitley Mr. & Mrs. R. Gaines Whitley Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Wilcox Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wilkerson Ms. Joanne K. Willis Mr. Dennis W. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Wilson Ms. Colleen S. Witmer Ms. Amber N. Witt Dr. G. Michael Woodard Ms. Evelyn P. Woodlief Ms. Dorothy N. Worsley Mr. M. Keith Wrenn Mrs. Nannie L. Wrenn Ms. Paula I. York Ms. Melanie C. Younce Ms. Elizabeth S. Young Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Yow, III Ms. Theresa R. Zimmer

Old Main Society The Old Main Society recognizes alumni & friends who are committed to supporting Louisburg College through an estate gift. Estate of June D. Adams Col. Samuel T. Arrington Mr. Paul B. Barringer, II Dr. Mary Bethea Mr. R. P. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cannon, Jr. Mrs. Frances Terrell Cherney Gray Davis Mr. J. Jackson Dean Mr. & Mrs. D. Tadley DeBerry Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson Estate of Alma K. Dupree Ms. Joyce H. Fisher Estate of Ruth Cathey Fox Mrs. Mildred P. Fry Estate of C. Wade Goldston Kem & Pearl Gomo Ms. Ann Jennings Goodwin Mrs. Frances Manning Gwin Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Shaw Harper* Mrs. Carol Bessent Hayman Estate of Elnora Hill Estate of Virginia Waddell Hudgins Hugh & Alice Jones Mr. Ben E. Jordan, Jr. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Wallace H. Kirby Estate of Katharine B. Lewis Estate of W. Thomas Liverman Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin, II Mr. Willie Lee Lumpkin, III Harold A. Morris* & Roberta Beckler Morris Estate of Jack Russell Morris Dr. James H. Overton* & Ola Morris Overton* Mr. Thomas W. Parson, IV Mrs. Frances Bower Paschal Donald* & Julia Carroll Paul Estate of Ernestine Perry Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder William D. & Marian B. Roberson Job & Agnes Savage John C. & Spotswood Morrison Shotton Estate of S. Judge Starnes Rev. Marion O. Stephenson* Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Taylor Eleanor W. Upshur* Charitable Remainder Trust

Romey Bracey The John L. Cameron Athletic Scholarship


freshman from the southside of Chicago, Romey Bracey grew up in a neighborhood where more than half of his classmates did not graduate from high school, and a precious few made it to college. Romey was determined to make it; he used his drive to succeed, a strong academic record, and his love for baseball to chart his path to success. Romey learned about Louisburg College through an unlikely source—a coach at North Carolina A&T in Greensboro saw a tape of Romey playing baseball and immediately suggested that he contact Louisburg College head baseball coach Tommy Atkinson. After tryouts, Romey was asked to join the Hurricanes. Although vastly different from the big city life in Chicago, Romey enjoys Louisburg for its friendliness. “Since I’ve been here, I’ve had nothing but a positive experience,” shares Romey. “My professors are helpful, everything is easy to get to, and everyone is friends with everyone.” Romey is thankful for the Cameron family and their willingness to support the educations of Louisburg College students. “I would like to thank the Cameron family because they gave me an opportunity to pursue higher education. Without their donation, I wouldn’t have been able to attend Louisburg College,” says Romey. “I feel honored and greatly appreciative of this family’s generosity.” The Cameron Athletic Scholarship was established by Dr. and Mrs. John Cameron in 1994 to honor and memorialize Louisburg College athletes and coaches. The late Dr. Cameron served as athletic director and faculty member at Louisburg College from 1937 until 1942. Dr. and Mrs. Cameron’s son, John, is a current member of the board of trustees. C O L U M N S


Ms. Mary Richardson Clements Ms. Rachael Aberteene Modlin

Estate of Venie J. Weaver Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wooten

Endowed Scholarships


Elizabeth Allen Scholarship Endowment Mrs. Cindy DeMoss

R. P. & Maggie B. Holding Endowment Robert P. Holding Foundation

John Robert Armstrong Scholarship for Learning Partners Mr. Edward P. Armstrong State Farm Companies Foundation

R. Edward & Louise King Hunter Endowed Scholarship Ms. Sue Guerrant Mrs. Louise King Hunter* Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hunter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Tucker Nobles

Estate of June D. Adams Estate of Alma K. Dupree Estate of Ruth Cathey Fox Estate of Elnora Hill Estate of Jack Russell Morris Estate of Willie B. Mullen

Matching Companies Coca-Coca Foundation Computer Associates Dominion Foundation Duke Energy Foundation Georgia-Pacific GlaxoSmithKline IBM Insurance Services Office, Inc. Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Metropolitan Life Foundation Progress Energy QUALCOMM, Inc. J. L. Rothrock, Inc. Shell Oil Company Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Wachovia

Foundations B B & T Foundation Nicholas Bunn Boddie, Sr. & Lucy Mayo Boddie Foundation James E. & Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Coca-Cola Foundation The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Duke Endowment Golden LEAF Foundation Robert P. Holding Foundation Independent College Fund of North Carolina Luddy Charitable Foundation New York Yankees Tampa Foundation Ely J. Perry, III Foundation Progress Energy Foundation J. P. Riddle Charitable Foundation, Inc. Victor R. Small Trust State Farm Companies Foundation Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co. The United Methodist Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation James & Vedna Welch Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation

Ronald R. Bagwell Endowed Scholarship Mr. Ronald R. Bagwell

Johnson Family Endowment Mrs. Nancy L. Bundy

Marvin & Mary Jo Baugh Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh

Blanche Hooper & Earl R. Meekins Endowment Mrs. Mary M. Beauchamp

Blankenhorn Family Endowed Mercer Scholarship Scholarship Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Charles First United Methodist Church, Henry Mercer, Sr. Fuquay-Varina Herbert & Elsie Miller James E. & Mary Z. Bryan Scholarship Foundation Dr. & Mrs. D. Edmond Miller James E. & Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Vivian Proctor Mitchell Endowed Scholarship Cameron Athletic Scholarship Mrs. Vivian Proctor Mitchell Mrs. Beulah Cameron Dr. & Mrs. W. John Cameron Bill & Hazel Mullen Memorial Scholarship Mary E. Casanova Endowed Estate of Willie B. Mullen Scholarship Mrs. Jewelle J. Boone Endowment to Maintain the Norris Theatre Class of 1950 Endowment In memory of Dr. J. Allen Ms. Rachael Aberteene Modlin Norris, Jr. & in honor of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Norris Coletrane-Robertson-Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Adams Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Adams Ms. Sue C. Robertson Mrs. Mabel Allen Mr. & Mrs. Russell Allen, Sr. Coor Family Endowment Ms. Nona C. Alvis Mrs. Katheryn Coor Lewis Mr. Bryan P. Ambrosio Mrs. Eugene Morris Mr. & Mrs. William J. Mr. & Mrs. Don Warren Anderson Mrs. Linda Shillinglaw Arnold Fred L. & Florence Alston Pat B. Bailey Fearing Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Myron C. Banks Mr. Fred L. Fearing Mr. & Mrs. M. Durwood Barbour George M. Fox, Jr. & Effie B. Rev. & Mrs. Troy J. Barrett Fox Memorial Scholarship Bell Family Foundation Ms. Sue Guerrant The Rev. & Mrs. Jack M. Benfield General Endowment Mrs. Margaret Freeman Mr. Jack Cathey Anderson, Sr. Bennett

Mr. & Mr. William A. Barndt Mrs. Alice B. Bigham Dr. Martha Bragg Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Brooks Dr. & Mrs. C. Edward Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Brown Mrs. Nancy L. Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Steve Burkhead Mrs. Christine Burnette Ms. Virginia Campbell Campbell Oil Company Ms. Shirley M. Carlton Mr. Grady L. E. Carroll, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Chandler Clarendon Associates Mr. & Mr. Ken Close Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Collins Ms. Jean H. Conerly Mr. & Mrs. Grady Cooper Ms. Mary N. Copple Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cottrell Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cross Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Crutchfield Cub Scout Pack No. 72 Ms. Barbara H. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Darroch Mr. Graham J. Davis Mr. Herman Atwood Davis, III Mr. Allen deHart Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dickens Mr. & Mrs. David W. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dove Mr. J. Enid Drake Mr. Zane E. Eargle Edenton Street United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. T. I. Edwards Mrs. Ruby S. Ehlers Mr. & Mrs. Elwood L. Fairbrother Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fairley Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Farinholt Farm Bureau Insurance Ms. Gayle C. Felton First Citizens Bank, Whiteville Mrs. Doris Fish Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Edmund G. Forkner Miss Sarah Foster Ms. Dolores M. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Maylon J. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Frye Ms. Margaret S. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Gaddy Dr. & Mrs. Conrad Glass, Jr. The Rev. Ray T. Gooch Mr. & Mrs. Byron G. Gould Ms. Sarah W. Greaser Ms. Margaret Carolyn Grimes Ms. Sue Guerrant Mrs. Grace J. Halee Ms. Betty U. Hasty *Deceased



Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Heath, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Herring Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Kern Holoman The Rev. Beth H. Hood Dr. & Mrs. Dalton D. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Hutchinson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Jackson The Rev. & Mrs. Wil Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Lynn James Ms. Katrina E. James Miss Ruth Jones Mr. & Mrs. Merritt Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jordan, III The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. F. Belton Joyner, Jr. Dr. Doris E. King Mrs. John A. King Mrs. John W. King The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Wallace H. Kirby The Rev. Delores Langley Mr. & Mrs. James Lanier, Jr. Judge John B. Lewis, Jr. Ms. Linda W. Little Ms. Teresa L. Little Mr. William Robert Livingston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Ray Long Louisburg United Methodist Church Members Mr. & Mrs. Ashleigh Lucas Mrs. Edith C. Lumpkin* Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin, II Mrs. Mildred Boney Matthis The Rev. & Mrs. J. Alex Maultsby, III Ms. Heather J. McCullen Mrs. Collin McKinne Mr. & Mrs. Amos McLamb Mr. & Mrs. William O. McLamb, Jr. Mrs. Frances B. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Merritt Mrs. Sarah Moore & Ms. Sharon Moore Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Moore Ms. Jane Clark Moorman Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Moser Mr. Raymond L. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Win Neagle Mr. & Mrs. John B. Neese Dr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Newton Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Nivison Mr. & Mrs. J. Tucker Nobles Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Norris North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church Ms. Bernice M. Owen Dr. Patricia G. Palmer

Mr. Charles T. Pappendick Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Parrish Mr. Thomas W. Parson, IV Mr. & Mrs. John W. Phillips Mrs. William M. Place The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Dr. Charles W. Prather Ms. Patricia Prather Mr. & Mrs. John C. Preston Mrs. Betty O. Purser Ms. Dotsy J. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. W. Street Richardson Mr. Robert O. Sanderson Mr. & Mrs. William K. Scott Ms. Nancy E. Shoemaker The Rev. & Mrs. H. Gray Southern Mr. & Mrs. James Speed Mr. Lester Stancil Ms. Barbara Crawford Stanley The Rev. & Mrs. Rufus H. Stark, II Ms. Brenda Jane Summers Ms. Frances Merritt Taylor Mr. Mark S. Thomas Ms. Barbara Johnson Thompson Mrs. Edith Boone Toussaint Mrs. Martha B. Tyson United Methodist Foundation Mr. & Mr. Peter Vangraafeiland Mr. & Mrs. James R. Vann Mr. David A. Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Vickers Dr. Michael E. & The Rev. Hope Morgan Ward Ms. Ellen M. Wardlaw Mr. & Mrs. Bert B. Warren Mr. & Mrs. William Nelson Waters, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Bert Westbrook Ms. Jean McLamb Wheless Mr. & Mrs. John K. White Mr. & Mrs. Michael White Mr. Samuel F. White Ms. Caroline B. Whitley Mr. & Mrs. R. Gaines Whitley Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Wilcox Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wilkerson Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Wilson Mrs. Nancy Rollins Wilson Ms. Dorothy N. Worsley Mrs. Elizabeth S. Young The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Yow, III

Melody Jo Williams The United Methodist Foundation Scholarship and the Cecil W. Robbins Methodist Grant


elody Jo Williams from Hyde County, NC enjoys challenges. As a sophomore on the Lady Hurricanes fastpitch softball team, she is a leader on and off the field. With a nearly perfect grade point average, MJ carries a full academic load while playing first base for Louisburg’s new softball coach, Don Gines. The Lady Canes are scheduled to play 61 games this spring and hope to make their second trip to the national tournament. During her freshman year, MJ shared her volunteering spirit with others. She helped raise money for the Red Cross, volunteered at a local elementary school, participated in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and served as an orientation leader for the fall 2005 semester. MJ plans to transfer to Bluefield College in West Virginia to major in physical education. She would also like to coach high school softball. “I am grateful for the scholarships I received at Louisburg,” says MJ. “Each one has been tremendously helpful to my family.”



Gary Ward Paul Scholarship Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Duffy L. Paul Reginald W. Ponder Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Moore Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder QUALCOMM, Inc. R. A. Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Bobby C. Davis Mr. Weldon H. Kimball Ms. Norma Millard Patton Mr. Tollie H. Weldon, Jr. Roger G. Taylor Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Taylor Lillian B. Watson Endowment Mr. Theron P. Watson

Hurricane Club Branch Banking & Trust Company, Louisburg Branch Banking & Trust Company, Whiteville Mr. Robert E. Baggett, Jr. Mr. Ronald R. Bagwell Rev. Berry O. Barbour Mrs. Jewelle J. Boone Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Brady, Jr. Mr. Terry Cantrell Mr. Ricky B. Carroll Mr. J. Bryan Cash Ms. Cynthia F. Champion Mr. Wayne Champion Mr. James Thomas Chandler, IV Mr. Samuel J. Cole Mr. David Lee Coley Ms. Nadine C. Crook Ms. Robin F. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Doyle Mr. Bob Doyle Mr. J. Enid Drake Mr. William Wayne Fines First Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Louisburg Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Fish Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Frazier Mr. Hall Fredrick Mr. T. A. Gardner, Jr. Mr. G. Jeff Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Dwight H. Hall Ms. Denise Hall-Gwyn Mr. Terry M. Hamelin Mr. Al Hardison Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Holloman Rev. Dr. & Mrs. George W. Johnson



Mr. Claude B. Jones Mr. Morris E. Joyner Mr. Averette M. Lamm Mr. Clinne M. Laws Ms. Sharon M. Lilly Rev. J. Alex Maultsby, III Mr. Scott H. May Rev. & Mrs. Walter N. McDonald Mr. Philip W. Mobley Mr. & Mrs. William David Moon Mr. Darrell L. Perry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Pittman Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Mr. & Mrs. Phillip K. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Norman Raynor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Raynor Ms. Susan E. Reed River Golf & Country Club, Inc. Mr. Robin Rhea Rose Rev. & Mrs. Reggie Rushing Satterwhite Financial Mr. & Mrs. David Sexton Mr. James W. Short, Jr. Mr. Richard Glenn Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Smith Ms. Julia B. Southwick Rev. & Mrs. Sidney Stafford Miss Jina D. Stamey Steve’s Heating & Cooling, Inc. Mr. Charles Winston Strother Ms. Julia A. Sutzko Titan Gym & Fitness Center Inc. Mr. Matthew R. Tonelson Towe Insurance Service, Inc. Ms. Jean J. Tyson Mrs. Kathleen L. Ward Ms. Jennifer Grissom Watkins Ms. Anna Mooring Weaver Mr. Arthur W. Whitehurst Mr. Christopher J. Wiley Mr. Jerry Burton Wood, III

Churches Benson Memorial UMC, Adult Fellowship, Raleigh Calvary United Methodist Women, Durham Edenton United Methodist Church Fairmont United Methodist Church, Raleigh First Baptist Church, Louisburg First United Methodist Church, Faith & Freedom Sunday School Class, Cary First United Methodist Church, Fuquay-Varina

Franklinton Baptist Church, C. Ray Pruette Sunday School Class Franklinton United Methodist Church Louisburg Baptist Church Louisburg United Methodist Church Louisburg United Methodist Church Members Nelson Chapel Baptist Church, Louisburg New Covenant Ministries Pentecostal Holiness Church, Norlina North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church Plank Chapel United Methodist Men, Kittrell Raleigh District United Methodist Men Shiloh United Methodist Church, Louisburg St. Catherine of Siena Church, Our Lady of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church Trinity United Methodist Church, Louisburg United Methodist Foundation Walnut Grove Church, Louisburg Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, Franklinton

College Family Ms. Laura A. Arrington Mrs. Jewelle J. Boone Ms. Kathy Brafford Mrs. Martha Bragg Ms. Amanda Brown Mr. Matthew A. Brown Ms. Stephanie L. Buchanan Dr. Robert A. Butler Ms. Dolly Conner Ms. Fonda Daigneault Dr. Rob DeLong Mr. J. Enid Drake Mrs. Alicia Eller Mr. Craig Eller Mrs. Debra P. Elliott Mrs. Meg Davis Ellis Mrs. Jean Fischer Ms. Diane Price Fleming Mrs. Anne Flick Dr. Rodney S. Foth Mrs. Faye Griffin Ms. Sue Guerrant Ms. Martha E. Hedgepeth Ms. Paulette L. Hernandez Mrs. Pat Hinton

Mr. Will Hinton Mr. Mike Holloman Ms. Amy Cobb Johnson Mr. Lawrence Johnson Mrs. Candace L. Jones Ms. Laura L. Kinzinger Ms. Patricia H. Kocan Ms. Nancy E. Lewis Mr. Yancheng Lin Mr. James Martin Ms. Karen M. Martin Ms. R. Kathryn Massey Rev. J. Alex Maultsby, III Mr. Michael Michalakis Mr. Marvin Miller Mr. Jason Modlin Ms. M. Sharon Moore Mrs. Rebecca Neagle Mr. Win Neagle Ms. Patrice Nealon Mrs. Dianne Nobles Ms. Annaliza Nunnery Mr. Jeffrey V. Olbrys Mrs. Judith Parrish Mrs. Ann G. Pasquariello Rev. Dr. Reginald W. Ponder Mr. Robert Poole Mr. Bernard Rice Mrs. Sandy Rushing Mr. David Sexton Mr. Charles Sloan Mr. Charley-John Smith Mrs. Grace Stafford Rev. Sidney Stafford Mrs. Anna Stallings Ms. Jina D. Stamey Ms. Mary Ellen Switzer Mrs. Levonia Taylor Mr. Robert Taylor Mr. Barry Thorpe Mr. Matthew R. Tonelson Dr. Sean Van Pallandt Mrs. Jan Walden Mr. Tyrone Washington, Jr. Mr. James M. White, Jr. Mr. Christopher J. Wiley Ms. Frances Willard

Family Fund Ms. Amelia Adams Mr. David B. Anderson Mr. Robert E. Baggett, Jr. Ms. Betty Sue Baldwin Ms. Brenda Baugher Ms. Susan F. Bell Ms. Lucinda Bingham Mr. & Mrs. William Lewis Boddie Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Brady, Jr. Mr. Terry Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Caso *Deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Cockerill Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Coker Mr. & Mrs. Stewart G. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Gene B. Cross Ms. Yvonne Crudup Ms Glenda F. Dalton Mr. John Daly Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Kirby L. Dudley, Jr. Mr. David Duvall Ms. Katherine A. Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Finocchi Ms. Anne Flowers Ms. Janice B. Foushee Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Frisbie Ms. Belinda Greene Ms. Linda A. Guntharp Dr. & Mrs. Troy M. Hagan Ms. Denise Hall-Gwyn Ms. Hope Hamill Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hammer Mrs. Angela Leonard Harris Ms. Allison Hemphill Mr. & Mr. Jackie Hines Ms. Rebecca G. Horton Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Houser Mr. & Mrs. James N. Huber Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. James Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Godosakahi C. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Bob Konevich Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lovett Rev. Glenn H. Lyburn Ms. Sharon K. Martin Ms. Denise H. Maultsby Ms. Carla E. Mercer Ms. Patricia K. Mercer Ms. Dawn L. Millerleile Mr. Philip W. Mobley Mr. Archie A. Mudd Mr. & Mrs. James A. Narron Mr. & Mrs. James Nolan Ms. Doris Owusu-Ansah Mrs. Ann G. Pasquariello Mrs. Susan Phillips Mr. Joseph W. Pietropaoli Ms. Marilynn White Prince Mr. & Mrs. Norman Raynor, Jr. Ms. Susan E. Reed Ms. Frances Rice Mr. Jerry Riley Mr. Matthew Royal Mr. & Mrs. Ross H. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Phil R. Scarboro Ms. Evelyn S. Shaw Ms. Sally A. Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Southard Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Steinruck Mr. & Mrs. James N. Stone

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Townsend Ms. Morgan L. Vinson Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Wagoner, Jr. Mr. Hla Wai Mrs. Jennifer Grissom Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Peter Werbicki Mr. A. R. Wilson Ms. Melanie B. Womble Mr. & Mrs. Tim Wrenn Ms. Janet R. Wright Mr. Wolde Yedenekachew Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Young

Friends of the Arts Estate of June D. Adams Mr. L. C. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Julius Banzet, III Mrs. Helen S. Benton Mrs. Lillian Benton Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bobbitt Ms. Delano R. Borys Mrs. Nancy L. Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Claude F. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. James Carnes Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Champion Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Coates Coca-Cola Foundation Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Cooper Mr. Allen deHart Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Demasi Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Eller Dr. & Mrs. Jimmy W. Foster Dr. Rodney & Dr. Kelly Foth Franklin County Arts Council Mr. & Mrs. Maylon J. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Fuller, Sr. Mrs. Emily Taylor Gardner Mr. Graham Grissom Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hammer Mrs. Carol Bessent Hayman Mrs. Alice Faye Hunter Mr. Elvan Hutchinson Mr. Lewis C. Keipe Mr. & Mrs. David R. Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Long Rev. & Mrs. J. Alexander Maultsby, III Mr. & Mrs. D. E. Mehlinger Mr. & Mrs. Roger Moulton Mr. Walter B. Newman Mr. Joseph A. Pearce, Jr. The Reverend Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Mr. & Mrs. John A. Rogers Rev. & Mrs. Reggie Rushing Mr. & Mrs. Charles Spencer Scott Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Smith Sprint

Sarah Barratiere United Methodist Foundation Scholarship and the Cecil W. Robbins Methodist Grant


arah Barratiere has lived on both coasts and few states in between. As an “Army brat,” she has lived in Washington, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Minnesota, and North Carolina. “I have enjoyed my life. You do have to make adjustments when you move around a lot, but I feel that I am more well-rounded from the experiences I have had,” shares Sarah. The sophomore soccer player graduated from Kinston High School in Kinston, NC, and hopes to attend a senior instituion in Maryland or Tennessee where she will major in physical therapy. “I love Louisburg for its small campus and class size,” says Sarah. “I hope to find a similar school when I transfer, but I know that I may have to branch out to find the right college for my major.” Sarah enjoys the volunteer experiences she has had at Louisburg—she works on the Habitat for Humanity house on the weekends. “I am extremely grateful for the scholarships I received,” says Sarah. “I would not have been able to afford a private college education without this assistance.”



Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stallings, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Graham C. Stallings Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Ben Park Terrell Mrs. Juanita C. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Traylor, Jr. United Way of Franklin County Wake Electric Membership Corporation Ms. Nellie M. Williams

In Honor of Ms. Betty Lorraine Smith Abbott Mr. John W. Cameron, Sr. Extended Cabinet of the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church Dr. Sidney Huggins Mr. Eric V. Johnson Mr. Hugh Maddrey Dr. Robert McKenzie Dr. Felton R. Nease Mrs. Beth Norris Mrs. Judith Parrish Dr. Reginald W. Ponder Ms. Glendora Thomas-Powell Mr. William C. Shelton

Memorials Mr. Thurston Arnold Mr. James M. Bailey Ms. Ruby Best Ms. Gayle King Blankenship Mr. Kenneth K. Boehling Ms. Elaine Rand Bossley Mr. David Britt, Jr. Captain & Mrs. James H. Brown Ms. Celestial Caldwell Mr. John Cameron Ms. Grace Carraway Mrs. Betty Simmons Carroll Arturo Y. Casanova, III Lacy Castleberry Mr. Charles Eugene Dickerson Ms. Rebecca Keesee Dillard Mrs. Rosa Lee Briley Dixon Ms. Eleanor Beasley Dodson Mrs. Merlene Drake Ms. Ruth Eidson Mr. Fred Edwards Mrs. Margaret S. Edwards Mrs. Ila Craig Eller Ms. Bonnie Evans Mr. Tom Forrest Mrs. Ruth Cathey Fox



Ms. Virginia Mae Gregory Ms. Sharlene Haddock Mr. Homer W. Hendy Ms. Lucille Collins Hillsman Mr. George A. Hoggmann, Jr. Mr. Henry Huff Mr. Harry M. Hunnings Mrs. Louise King Hunter Miss Adelaide Johnson Dr. Alva H. Johnson Ms. Janet Johnson Rev. Norwood Lee Jones Mr. Nick Jost Mr. William Worth King Mrs. Emma Haywood Flye Lanier Mrs. Ella Mashburn Ms. Margaret Freeman Matthews Rev. Dan E. Meadows Mrs. Virginia Perry Mitchiner Mr. Joseph L. Moore, Sr. Dr. J. Allen Norris, Jr. Mr. Andrew Parson Mr. Millard I. Patton Mr. Richard C. Pearce Mrs. Madeline K. Person Mr. Joel Porter Ms. Sadie Yesbeck Ramey Ms. Ann Bowman Richardson Ms. Gladys Robinson Mr. William D. Robertson Dr. James H. Semans Ms. Roberta King Shearin Mrs. Betty Smith Mr. Candler Strickland Mr. Gus Tetterton Mrs. Ethel Turnage Trevathan S. Lynn Ivey Upchurch Mrs. Mary Mondelle Wagle Ms. Doris Walker Mr. Fred Bradsher Walker Mrs. Rebecca M. Walker Mrs. Elinor King Varnedoe Warren Mr. McDonald Wellford, Jr. Ms. Pat Yeingst


1923 Charlotte Pittman Fields

1929 Annie Mildred Powell Fry

1930 Mable Crickmore Sloan

Willie Scott Economy

Juliette Hickman Chambliss* H. R. Haire, Sr. Mildred Carter McKim Ruth Lytle Phillips Franklin Roy Thomas, Jr. Lois Brown Wheless



1932 Daisy Atkinson Morris


Julia Daniels Chesson Virginia Deibel Lundell

1935 Frances Boyette Dickson Fred Lumsden Fearing Natalie Gould Mandell

1936 Edythe Currin Day Graham Grissom Cleo Fox Titus Harold Tonkel George Leon Wheless

1937 Patricia Sullivan Bass Rubye Womble Scott

1938 Mary Edwards Dickens Mattie Pickett Edwards Pearl Harris Gomo Mary McDade Keating Charles H. Mercer, Sr. Linda Morgan Phillips William Hollowell Pierce Roland W. Rainwater, Jr. Mary Ayscue Rupp Carolina Walker

1939 Dorothy Kennedy Anderson Loyd V. Bell, Jr. Mary Eleanor Bethea William King Bryan, Sr. Gordan Chesson Ada Blanchard Cox Bessie Newby Culpepper Katherine Davis Elaine Weldon Fuller Margaret Von Canon Hilton Edna Montgomery Long Mendall Homer Long Milton Miller Midgette Frances Brower Paschal James Franklin Strickland Hildegarade King Wells John Edward Willoughby

1940 Nancy Garrette Adams Wilson Glenn Beasley

Sara Ellis Bell Louise Braswell Cates Joyce Hubbard Fisher Ben Stroud Foust Rachel Fox Futrell Joseph E. M. Hicks Jesse L. Johnson, Jr. Ellen Stewart Thompson Betty Edwards Timberlake Charles M. Timberlake Jane Rosser Warfel Mary Ellen West Thomas Everette Yancey

1942 Troy James Barrett Zelda Holleman Clayton Forrest Elliott James M. Featherston, Jr. Joseph O. Glazebrook Willis Fletcher Gupton Ann Hinton Hardee Margaret Holmes Harrison Constance Rhodes Hicks Bernard B. Hollowell Jean McKinnon Hubbard Annie Barrett Kostecki Jane Perry Pearce James Thomas Wooters Nancy Hayes Yarborough

1943 Alyse B. Barnes Claude F. Burrows Janie Manning Conrad Dorothy Harden Cowan Nora Tolson Flanagan Margaret White Hicks Mary Modlin Hinton Lucille McPherson Kirkland Jane Moon Linsky Mozelle Seely Moulton Charlotte Boone Perry Claude Stainback Sharpe Frances Whitehurst Thompson E. Ben Ward, Jr.

1944 Ruth Pegram Daniel Oscar Macon Fuller Josephine Hardison Dorothy Holder Toothman Janet Griffin Turner *Deceased

1945 Hazel Lassiter Collier Beth Beasley Dickerson Kenneth Alston Fuller, Sr. Carol Bessent Hayman Katharine Champion Kinton Purvis Talmadge Lancaster William David Moon Margaret DeMente Schepp Martha Matthews Speed Marcelle K. Stanley Frances Merritt Taylor Frances Lovelace Vernon H. Langill Watson Virginia Stephenson Wilkinson Nancy Rollins Wilson

1946 Pattie Joyner Gambardella Emily Taylor Gardner Faye Ireland Hancock Robert Hawes Johnson, Jr. Mildred Boney Matthis Frances Taylor Mills William Horace Petty Dudley Barbee Stallings Japlyne Gray Stallings

1947 Robert Lynn Alexander Nanette Fletcher Barringer Franklin Palmer Bowden Lydia Greene Bowden C. Douglas Bryant, Sr. Herman Fred Davis Prudence Cobb Davis Mary Blue Edwards Hazel Davis Jernigan Horace Jernigan Weldon H. Kimball Dorothy White Rascoe Jack Maurice Rascoe Raymond A. Stone Eleanor Rhodes Sullivan Betty Thigpen Swindell Lola Peedin Tharrington Doris Thompson Wall Nellie Stallings Williams Peggy VonCanon Wyatt

1948 Thelma Autrey Alexander Ruth Cook Barrett Earl W. Bonner Helen Ayscue Bonner Peggy Brown Comer Bobby C. Davis L. H. Dickens, Jr. Susan Manning Dowdy Wallace G. Flynt Eugene James

William Henry Melson, Jr. W. Hardy Mills, Jr. Garland Elias Mustian Willie Briggs Robertson Tollie H. Weldon, Jr. Russell A. Wilcock Ray H. Womble, Sr. Grace Hayes Woodlief

1949 Jack Cathey Anderson, Sr. Reuben W. Berry William Carlton Byrd, Sr. Martha Lewis Cole Lida Couch Davis Mary Woodard Edwards Burwell Evans Ina Meekins Evans Wilma Jordan Evans William David Griffin, Jr. W. Seymour Holt Robert Jackson Hughson Paul D. Johnson, Jr. Vivian Proctor Mitchell Robert O. Sanderson Fenner Norman Spivey Milton Graham Stewart Edith Boone Toussaint Anne Jones Weathersbee

1950 Paul Gulley Bass Samuel J. Cole Lennon Woodward Hooper, Jr. Audrey Marsh McPherson Rachael Aberteene Modlin Duffy L. Paul Charles Spencer Scott, Jr. Grady King Snyder Mary Edwards Snyder

1951 Harvey Layton Bedsole Octavia Beard Bowman Marietta Jolliff Garrett Joy Hamlin Mangum Kathryn Ward Paul Andra Hamilton Pone Joseph W. Shearon Nancy Boone Shearon

1952 William Horace Baker, Jr. Richard Luby Cannon, Jr. Bernice Lee Driver Sam H. Elliott James Sidney Epperson William Pete Franklin Rubie Riggan Hecht Mary Wheless Hughes Donald Clarence Jaekel

Charmaine Harris Chartwell’s Endowment and The Blue Bird Leadership Scholarship


reshman Charmaine Harris relied on a friend’s advice when she chose Louisburg College. “A friend from home, Sherita Clay, was playing volleyball at Louisburg, so I came for a visit,” says Charmaine. The Saratoga, NC native turned down opportunities to play volleyball at other schools to attend Louisburg. “I wanted a college that was close to home and small,” she says. “When I visited Louisburg to try out for Coach Jenna Hinton, I knew it was right for me.” Charmaine is an education major who loves math. “Jeff Olbrys is the best professor,” believes Charmaine. She plans to transfer to East Carolina University after graduating from Louisburg. Charmaine was chosen as one of a select few to serve as a Louisburg College Ambassador. Ambassadors help the admissions team with campus tours and open houses. She also is participating in Louisburg’s annual student phonathon. “I have enjoyed talking with former students about what is happening at Louisburg and how much things have changed,” says Charmaine. “The financial aid package that Louisburg offered me definitely helped me make the decision between attending Louisburg or another school,” she says. “I would like to thank all of the donors for their support, because scholarships help a lot!” C O L U M N S


Elbert Harvey Phelps Hilda Hatch Roberson Emerson Leo Spivey, Jr. Glendel U. Stephenson

1953 Edwin M. Driver Marvin E. Baugh Robert Edgar Beck Marvin Lawrence Jordan Billy Ray Merritt Anne Tucker Mulchi William Thane Sadler Jimmie T. Vaughn Phyllis Bailey Whitaker

1954 Rufus A. Baxley, Jr. Jerry Arnold Faulkner Russell W. Frazier Martha Denton Shearin Charles Winston Strother James Floyd Womble

1955 Curtis Franklin Adams, Sr. Mary Richardson Clements Dawn Hight Dickens Clara Wright Frazier William M. Hill, Jr. Bobby Gerald Suggs

1956 Richard Scott Buchanan James William Varker John K. White William Lee Winslow Edwin Wilbur Woodhouse, Sr.

1957 Harvey Dwight Byrd Gilbert Maurice Capps Larry Windsor Castleberry James Clifton Garner, Jr. Grace Kennedy Perdue Graham Clark Stallings

1958 Ernest Louis Garner Elmar Newton Holmes Joyce Annette Renn Charles Thomas Frances Sutton Winslow

1959 Judith Ammons Dorman Betty Hunter Edwards Alice Strickland Fish Mary Creech Foster John Stanley Hart Patsy Conwell Lawrence



Ronald Alan Phelps Marvin William Smith, Jr. Betty Love West

1960 Robert William Alston, Jr. Francis Raeford Baker John Douglas Barr David Carlton Birdsong Adrain Bradley Dozier Brenda Todd Ferguson Horace Taylor Ferguson Donald Wayne Fish Jimmy Wheless Foster Henry Ivey Griffin Jean Eunice Johnson Tapley Johnson Thomas Carroll Kaufman John Sidney Paschal Peggy Lee Wilder

1961 James Bryant Cottrell Patsy Garrison Carter Robert Bloomer Fleming Herman Russell Guthrie Joe Beauron Hobbs Martha Sue Johnson Frederick Lance Katz John Harry Lange, Jr. Joseph C. Parker Kennedy Perry Perdue, Sr. Herman D. Whitehead, Jr. Dan Reed Winslow

1962 Fred Stanley Ayscue Jerry Arnold Ayscue Myrna Bailey Brown Walter Hamlin Brown, III Mary Chesser Coleman Linda Wilson Cottrell William Dempsey Craig Wilson Smith Hoyle Jack Manly Hunter Rebecca Curry Little Jean Livingston William Robert Livingston Billy G. Parrish Fred Roberson Barbara Johnson Thompson Joseph Thompson Delores Cole Tune

1963 Charles Jarvis Bartles, III Jerry Barham Carter Joan Forbes Yuille Holt, III Jacqueline Frazier Hoyle James Edwin Markham John Robert Poe, Jr.

Carolyn Binns Pulliam Walter M. Pulliam, Jr.

1964 Wayne Morgan Barker Robert Edward Cox Elmo Thomas Edwards, Jr. Charles Ray Felmlee Robert Fuller Fleming Harvey S. Forbes Faye Strickland Griffin Daniel Grinnan, Jr. Sandra Hardison Holmes William Brent Keever Henry Heyer Knauf Sandra Loftin Lamm Jane Earley Newsome Jackie Walton Parrish Darrell Lamar Perry, Jr. Phyllis Clark Rigsbee Barry Wayne Saunders Wallace Connor Stepp Grayson Watkins Walker Robert Scott Walton Julian Hudson Williford Delores West Woodard

1965 Thomas S. Edwards Sarah Coates Falkner Roger Eldon Heflin Gary Robert Jones Stephen E. Lamm, Jr. Duane Nelson McDonald Edward William McGinley, III Thomas Wood Peterkin, Jr. James Howard Poole, Jr. Peter Pruden Bethanie Smith Rickman Martha Cly Shaffner Carol Dement Weeks

1966 Carolyn Riddle Armstrong Ronald Rucker Bagwell Geraldine Brewer Bulluck Jefferson Carson Bulluck Patricia Dement Crockett George Sterling Fowler John Deane Irving Bobby Nash King Margaret Woodlief King Averette Mitchell Lamm Gail Fathera Laney Russell Lane Sears Robert Francis Stevens Lindsey Grady Walser David Neely Watson Janet Leonard Wester Maxine Turlington Williams Nancy Winn Williams Jane Woodlief Williamson

1967 Susan Steed Adcock Mary Wheless Boyette James Thomas Chandler, IV Marsha Fuller Fowler Peter Goodrich Griffin James L. Lanier, Jr. Charles L. McKee Janice McKee Richard Glenn Slaughter Rebecca Willis Spade William R. Spade Eugene Howard Stallings Olivia Ashworth Warren

1968 Carolyn Waller Anderson Richard King Ayscue Berry O. Barbour Susan Lancaster Hight Jo Carden Horton Lynda Wooten Hudson Richard E. Hunter, Jr. Timothy M. Kemp, Sr. Ann Pearce Lanier Thomas Lelon Lewis Alice Shearin Murphy Jimmy Clarence Murphy Clarence Ray Pegram Marcus Herbert Potter John Wayne Renegar John F. Strotmeyer, Jr. Roger Glenn Taylor

1969 S. Thomas Arrington, Jr. Margaret Freeman Bennett William Thomas Burnette Willard Britton Cobb, Jr. Cam Leonard Garner Wanda Dowell Garner Frances Stott Kemp Pamela Lanacaster Leonard John Holden Lewis Sue Hardwick Lewis William Claude Shelton Linda Jeanne Turner Charles Hillsman Warren John Wesley Wheelous, III Gregory Alan Williams Margaret Weston Wilson Lewis Graham Young

1970 Joseph Michael Baker John Irvin Barnes, III Sherry Mercer Edwards Dan Roswell Ellis Connie Wilson Grant Joseph W. Hoffmann, III Olivia Burton Kemp Amy Parrott Knott *Deceased

Gary H. Michener Barry James Morgan Josephine Medlin Ray James Wilmer Shell, Jr. Jean McLamb Wheless

1971 Walter Lynch Andersen Camille Swindell Arrington Don Steven Biggerstaff Thelma Alston Floyd Kathleen Walsh Foster Darryl Adrian Hunnings Jane Austin Lee M. Sharon Moore Melvin Glenn Paschall Jean Austin Patterson Gloria Etheridge Richardson James Clinton Richardson, Jr. Emmett Chapman Snead, III

1972 Catherine Cutts Church James Lawrence Gibson Paula Fuller Grissom Peggy Spencer May Richard Thomas Spain, III Marsha Winstead Strawbridge Kathy Hartman Tuttle Steven Creach Whitley James Lawrence Young, III

1973 Ebub Blackman Autry George Herbert Bailey James David Drullinger Thomas W. Elliott, III Jeffrey Alex Greentree Brian Steven Heckel Janine Weaver Kimble Charley Alva Lively John Estes McAllister, III Thomas Wesley Parson, IV Alan Gregory Saunders

1974 William Lewis Boddie James W. Crawford, Jr. Linda Tillett Gard Jack Hertford Hughes, Jr. Linda Lewis Lynch Lee Hutcheson Pearce

1975 Alpheus Eugene Brown Steve Jeffrey Coats Robert Cronley Hunt J. Alexander Maultsby, III Jackie Winona Overman Jane Beasley Phillips Pamela Taylor Pruden Robin Rhea Rose

Neal D. Stewart Jerry Burton Wood, III Marvin Graham Wooten

1976 Michael Davis Eaves Kelly Edman Miller Robert Larry Strickland David Alan Vaughan Donald Reeves Whitaker, Jr. James Melton White, Jr. Vickie Lee Zimmermann

1977 James Douglas Bell Michael Boddie Barbara Burrell Edgerton Thomas Franklin Goolsby Robbie Eatmon Jackson Sarah Sanders Kelley Ginger Watkins Parrott Roy Max Raynor, Jr. Kenneth Kurt Schowald Jennifer Grissom Watkins Eleanor Webster

1978 Linda Shillinglaw Arnold Susan Harris Gibbs Ronald Paul Hodul Kim Dement Howell

1979 Robert Douglas Barker, Jr. Heidi Rebecca Bland David Joseph Gerhardt William Earl Hicks Albert Hemingway Parker, Jr.

Kelly Merritt Stewart

1983 Amy Burnette Dickens Debra Perkins Elliott Michael L. Holloman Charles Floyd Murray, Jr. Deborah Neustadt Rodgers

1984 Bettie Smith Abbott Haven Cooper Monica Dawn Cox Celeste Hughes Hoffman Louis Mahler Joyner Wanda Girton Metzinger Ely J. Perry, III Craig Stephen Wilson

1985 John Andrew Bacik Richard Anthony Becik Angela D. Davis Jamie Burnette Davis D. Tadley DeBerry Toney Otis Falkner, III Charley Riddle Gay Lisa Christina Pittman Gregory Scott Smith Samuel Johnston Sugg John McMaster Winslow

1986 Sonya Joyce Gill Tracey Walker Whitehouse

1987 William Henry Allen, IV Luther Phillip Stroud



Donna Medlin Bebout Cynthia Lucy Clary J. Mark Dickens Rondell Ray Houchens Michael B. Loyd Ricky Dean Pernell Charles Jeffery Perry Peter Bland Saunders

Ronald W. Goswick

1981 Lynn Corson Baker Jeffrey David Cox Carol Stevens Loyd Mark Boone Shearon William Stephenson Ruth Davis Walston

1982 Russell W. Frazier, II Margaret Carolyn Grimer Angela Leonard Harris Andrew Dale Rose


Herman Atwater Davis Angel Henderson Audrey Arnold Preddy

1993 Melissa Keeton Boyd Martha Edwards Hedgepeth Dianne Avery Nobles

1994 Jeffrey Craig Davis Cynthia Spivey Elkins Joyce B. Robbins Ana Brewer Vaughan

1995 Bryan Wayne Compton Lee Randolph Everett Kathleen Luby Phelps

1996 James Calvin Cutchins Rodney Lamont Daniels Charla Ellis

1997 Stephanie Lynn Buchanan Mitzi Rouse

1998 Reagan Teague Harper Deborah Maureen Hinkle

1999 Candace Lester Jones Anne Shearin Matthews Jina Danielle Stamey

2000 Melissa Holland Taryn MacKenzie Keenan Karen M. Martin

William Mitchel Carter Daniel Ray Cutts, Jr. Jason Henry Hall Daniel West Hays Dana Byerly Holloman Raymond Barry Oldham Julius Daniel Rowe, Jr. William Ivan Stratton



Elizabeth Jane Bender Ashley Renee Bone Sara Elizabeth Clayton Laura Pearl Davis

Johathan Michael Bates Randall Hunter Bowman Richard Lee Eddins David John Paschal Tom James Rybak

1992 Anthony Keith Alford

Bobbie Rae Annis Melody Anne Biehl Robert Edwin Carroll Rebecca Benn Grubbs Joshua Matthew Rupe


2004 Emily Pearce Humphries

2005 Michelle Pleasants Al Wadei



Letter from the Alumni Association President

Keith to head the alumni office

Dear Fellow Alumni:

Mary Kate Keith joined the institutional development staff in September and became the new director of alumni and annual giving. Keith brings over 16 years of experience in the fields of alumni relations and institutional advancement. She was the director of alumni relations at Georgian Court College in Lakewood, NJ; at Utica College in Utica, NY; and at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC. Prior to joining Louisburg College, Keith was the director of the Friends of the Library at NC State University. She is experienced in event planning, fund raising, and working with volunteer boards. During her career Keith has assisted in the development of an alumni web site and worked to strengthen ties between alumni and the admissions, development and career planning offices through creative programming and alumni volunteer recruitment.

When I joined the Alumni Association Board of Directors several years ago, the future of Louisburg College was uncertain. Enrollment was down, buildings were in need of repair, grounds needed attention, and the college was in jeopardy of losing its accreditation. Under the leadership of Dr. Reginald Ponder, the Board of Trustees, and faculty and staff, this fall, Louisburg College had the fourth highest freshman enrollment of all private colleges in North Carolina. This was a tremendous accomplishment made possible by people committed to give their time and energy in order to save Louisburg College. While the leaders, faculty and staff have done a wonderful job in bringing the college back to life, we, the alumni, have a responsibility to ensure that the college is financially secure for the future. The time that you spent at Louisburg College impacted who you are today. To those who contribute regularly to the college, I thank you for your continued support. It is important that we remember Louisburg College in order to provide future generations the same opportunity we had in starting our adult lives with a positive support system— academically, personally, and spiritually. There are numerous ways to support the college financially. Many of you have been contacted about contributing to the Alumni Board Library Project to replace the drapes and furniture that have been in the library since it was built in the mid 1960s. You may also send a check, become a participant in an ongoing campaign, or establish an endowment. Please contact the Alumni office at 919497-3245 to discuss the appropriate plan for you. If you are unable to make a financial contribution, call the college to see when campus recruiters are going to be in your area visiting local high schools. They welcome having alumni come and share experiences with prospective students. If you live in the Louisburg area, volunteer your time to support campus clean-up days, attend athletic events, or support the Allen de Hart Concert Series. The Alumni Board is planning “alumni receptions” in Durham, Zebulon, Richmond, Raleigh, and the Tidewater area between December 2005 and March 2006. We would appreciate your help in contacting fellow alumni. Call the Alumni Office for information. Also, don’t forget to mark your calendars for Alumni Weekend from March 31 - April 1, 2006—we hope to have a large crowd! In closing, please take a few moments to reflect on how your time at Louisburg College influenced your life. I hope that your memories are as fond as mine. It is a very special place that thousands of special people have passed through since 1787. With your help, Louisburg College will still be standing and guiding students, young and old, in 2087! Every contribution, however great or small, will help make that dream a reality. Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at Alumni Weekend in March! Sincerely,

Lynda Wootten Hudson ‘68 President -Alumni Board of Directors 34


In accepting this position Keith said, “I look forward to helping develop a stronger relationship and connection between the thousands of alumni who have passed through the doors of Louisburg College. I hope to enhance existing alumni programs, and create new opportunities to meet the social, professional, and spiritual needs of all of our alumni. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to be involved with outstanding people who are working diligently to strengthen and advance Louisburg College.” Keith lives in Wake Forest with her husband, Mark, and their son, Matthew.

Class Notes Williamson runs in The Longest Yard


alter Williamson ’67 recently appeared in the Adam Sandler movie The Longest Yard. The hit movie, starring Sandler and comedian Chris Rock, is Williamson’s fourth project with Happy Madison Productions, Sandler’s production company. In The Longest Yard, Williamson plays Errol Dandridge, a political advisor to James Cromwell’s character Warden Hazen. His other role in a Sandler movie was as the opera singer in Mr. Deeds . He has also worked on television pilots produced by Happy Madison. After two years at Louisburg College with drama professor Bob Versteeg, Williamson played Governor White in the long-running Paul Green outdoor drama, The Lost Colony. Later, he traveled to London as an international finalist for The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Upon his return to the United States, Williamson performed with The Barter Theater, The Flat Rock Playhouse, and The Virginia Museum Theater in Virginia. For several years, Williamson worked in off-Broadway productions in New York before moving to Los Angeles in the early 1990s. Currently, he divides his time between acting and writing, and he has recently sold his first screenplay. Williamson would love to hear from classmates—his e-mail address is whw1@

1930s alumni reunite at Commencement 2005


ver seventy years after their own commencement ceremonies, members of the classes of 1930, 1933, and 1935 met May 7, 2005 to watch the class of 2005 receive their diplomas. Fred Fearing ’35, Natalie Gould Mandell ’35, Bud Smith ’35, Mable Crickmore Sloan ’30, and Sophia Clifton Wall ’33 enjoyed an afternoon of reminiscing and fellowship. “Our graduation ceremony was held at Louisburg United Methodist Church,” remembered Mandell who traveled from Manteo, North Carolina. Mable Crickmore Sloan was the senior member in attendance. At 95, she is still very active and was pleased to be invited to the campus. Mrs. Sloan’s daughter helped her make the trip from Rocky Mount, NC and presented her mother with a corsage to wear for the event. Other highlights of the ceremony included the annual awarding of the Isaac D. Moon Award and the Brantley Award. The Issac D. Moon Award is presented annually to the most outstanding male and female candidates for graduation in the fields of leadership, scholarship, and citizenship as determined by a vote of the faculty and staff. The 2005 recipients were Latoya Davis of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina and Joe Pietropaoli of Phoenix, Maryland. The Moon Award was established by the sophomore class of 1961 in honor of Professor Moon, a member of the faculty from 1936 until 1970. The Brantley Award, presented to the male and female graduates with the highest full-time, two-year scholastic average, was established by former trustee Reverend Allen Brantley. Matthew Ramsey of Zebulon, North Carolina and Rachel Cross of Fuquay Varina, North Carolina were the 2005 recipients.

Soccer alumni coach at Lock Haven University


ouisburg College soccer alumni Andrew Butler ’03 and Adam Reekie’03 are both assistant soccer coaches at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania. Butler is working for the men’s program with head coach Doug Moore. “Working for Doug will be phenomenal in my development as a coach,” said Butler. “His experiences combined with the recent rise in success of the program create a situation where I can learn a considerable amount.” Butler recently graduated from the University of Buffalo where he competed the last two seasons, picking up AllMid-American Conference Tournament honors as a team captain in 2004. The Yorkshire, England native was the school’s runner-up for Male StudentAthlete of the Year. Butler earned Junior College All-American status while playing for the Hurricanes in 2002. Adam Reekie is the assistant coach for Lock Haven’s women’s soccer program. “I believe I can bring a different feel to the game due to my experience both here and in England,” Reekie said. He recently graduated from Canisius College where he competed the last two seasons and was named team captain in 2004. At Louisburg, Reekie was named Student-Athlete of the Year in 2003 and was a member of the 2002 National Championship team.



Class Notes 1966 Patricia Turner Barbour, of Montross, VA, retired from teaching in 2002 after 33 years in Goochland County Public Schools. 1968 Carol Bunn Cheves was named Franklin County Teacher of the Year for Bunn Elementary School in Bunn, N.C. After teaching in the Juneau School District for 21 years, Karen Mitchell retired in 1997. Currently, she teaches English at the University of Alaska Southeast. She is also enrolled in the PhD program in composition and rhetoric at Miami University of Ohio. Rita Echols Smith writes that she would love to hear from her old friends. She lives in northern Virginia near the Potomac River. She and her husband have a teenage daughter. Rita is a realtor and a writer. Her e-mail address is ritaes@aol. com. 1969 John Strotmeyer (photo below, back row, second from right), Louisburg College trustee and former Alumni Association president, recently celebrated the marriages of two of his five children, Christian Strotmeyer ’93 and Stone Strotmeyer.

1970 Margaret Hickok Styles and her husband, Eric, have retired and moved to Ocala, Florida. She writes that she loves Florida; “no snow/no ice!” 1971 Melvin Glenn Paschall, of Warrenton, N.C., is married to Dianne King. They 36


have four children and two grandchildren. He has been employed with American General Life Insurance Company since graduation from Louisburg College. Melvin would like to hear from former classmates; you can contact him at 1977 Cheryl Hollar is the author of a Christian children’s book, Billy the Bunny Goes to the State Fair,” illustrated by John Holmes Berngartt. 1983 Greg Moore and his wife, Angela, have a six year old daughter, Alyssa. He is a buyer for Saab Barracuda in Lillington, N.C. His e-mail address is gtmoe@ Carla Puryear Roberts, of Four Oaks, N.C., celebrated her daughter Heather’s wedding on May 21, 2005. 1986 Barry Crabtree and his wife, Laurie ’79, welcomed twins Callie Elizabeth and John Wyatt on October 15, 2002. Barry has been employed by Lenovo International since 1993. 1987 John Robertson is the president and coowner of Lucks Sales Partners, Inc., a sod brokerage and installation firm. He and his wife, Elizabeth, reside in Richmond, VA with their children Will and Susannah. John received a bachelor of science in business administration from Campbell University in 1988. He also earned an associate in applied science from North Carolina State University in 1992. You can learn more about John’s company at 1989 Amy Spencer Jacobs received her MBA and MHA from Pfeiffer University in 2000. She works for the Department of Justice as a health systems specialist in Butner, N.C. Contact Amy at ajacobs@

1993 Christian and Valerie Strotmeyer were married in April 2005. Christian works for Merck Pharmaceuticals. 1994 Cyndy Elkins has been named managing partner and spa director of Iatria Day Spa in Cary, N.C. She earned a bachelor of science in business from Meredith College in 1998. With four years experience with Iatria, Cyndy will oversee hiring, training, staff management, inventory, sales and client development. 1995 Jennifer Farrell Raabe, of East Hartland, CT, was recently married. 1997 Rachel Andrase lives in the central valley of California and is completing a master’s degree in education. Bob Autry earned a master’s degree in sports studies from High Point University in May 2005. He is pursuing career opportunities in athletic administration, sports information, and collegiate administration. Please e-mail Bob at bobby_dwcu77@ 1999 Kristen Gilliam married Keith King on June 4, 2005. Gilliam, who graduated from Barton College in 2001, is the marketing director at Country 102 FM in Louisburg. Kristen Gilliam King ’99 and her husband, Keith

2000 Joseph Pennington married Louisa Cary on July 9, 2005. He received a bachelor’s degree in fisheries and wildlife sciences with a minor in environmental sciences. He is a property manager for Jack Parker Corporation in Research Triangle Park. The couple resides in Youngsville, NC.

2002 Cortney Goldman married Bartis Cown on July 16, 2005. 2003 Amanda King was graduated cum laude from the University of North Caroina at Wilmington in May, King received a bachelor of arts degree in Spanish and K-12 teacher licensure. A student in both the College of Arts and Sciences and the Watson School of Education, she was named to the Dean’s List and the Chancellor’s List during her two years at UNC-W.

Keep In Touch Help us keep you in touch with your classmates and Louisburg College. You can update your address and submit class notes by visiting Louisburg College on the web at www. classnotes.html or you may e-mail your information to The Louisburg College Alumni Office’s address is 501 N. Main St., P. O. Box 3126, Louisburg, North Carolina 27549. We would love to include your class notes in our next edition of Columns. Please send us information about your marriage, a new baby, your career, retirement, and travels. Photographs can be submitted by attaching a jpeg to your e-mail message or by mail.

Donate to Louisburg College Online Giving to Louisburg College is easy you use our on-line donation page. Alumni, friends, and parents can donate through PayPal, a leading on-line money transfer system. Using PayPal, visitors can input their credit card information safely and securely and make an instant difference in the future of Louisburg. Using this service, Louisburg can now accept payments from Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards.

Upcoming Alumni Events Dessert Reception for Alumni and Friends of Louisburg College in Durham & Orange Counties Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Hope Valley Country Club 3803 Dover Road Durham, NC Many thanks to the Durham/ Orange Counties Alumni Committee: Tad DeBerry ‘85 Jim Bell ‘77 Eula Hux Miller ‘51 Jimmy Yarborough ‘85 Janice Thomas Engelhardt ‘74 Jennie Hunter Brooks ‘71 Steve Loftis ‘79 For information or to R.S.V.P. please call 919-497-3245 or e-mail by November 22, 2005

Other Alumni and Friends Receptions are being planned for 2006 in the following locations: • • • •

Zebulon/Wendell, NC Wake County, NC Richmond, VA area Tidewater Area, VA

If you would like to help plan an alumni reception in your area, please call the Alumni Office at 919-497-3245 or e-mail

SAVE THE DATE – ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2006 March 31 & April 1 Classes celebrating special anniversaries are the Classes of ’56, ’81, and ’96. Alumni awards will be presented. To nominate a classmate for the Distinguished Alumnus Award, The Outstanding Young Alumnus Award, or The Cecil W. Robbins Public Service Award, visit for more information. Watch for more Alumni Weekend details in the months to come. Reunion Class volunteers are needed to help contact classmates and plan the weekend. Call the Alumni Office at 919-497-3245 or e-mail to volunteer.



In Memoriam Edith Lumpkin remembered



Lillian Sykes Morgan


Allie Lee Dameron James Adolphus Tingle John Lynn Truitt

Dorothy Hurley Morse



Dorothy Hollowell Weaver

Marie P. Allen



William Everette Eason Raymond Sherwood Keith

Bettie Timberlake King Catlett

1938 Katherine Parrish Lewis

1939 Ada Blanchard Cox Carol Foust Johnson

1940 Mary Mondelle Holleman Wagle


dith Lumpkin, former trustee and benefactress, died August 26, 2005. She was preceded in death by her husband Willie Lee Lumpkin. Edith was born in Spring Hope, NC. She and Mr. Lumpkin were married in 1948 and lived in Louisburg. After her husband’s death in 1972, Edith carried on the family business interests and was regarded as one of the most astute business women in North Carolina. She was the first woman to serve as an officer on the North Carolina Forestry Association Board and was nominated as “Forester of the Year.” She served on the Louisburg College Board of Trustees and was presented the prestigious “Presidential Medallion” for her exemplary service to the college. Mrs. Lumpkin created the Lumpkin Faculty Endowment to supplement faculty salaries and the Willie Lee Lumpkin Endowed Scholarship. She also volunteered in numerous organizations and clubs. Mrs. Lumpkin was active in her church, Louisburg Baptist. Mrs. Lumpkin is survived by her children, Lee Lumpkin, Parker Lumpkin and his wife Lynda, Billy Lumpkin and his wife Peggy, Dr. Margaret Lumpkin, and Dr. Martha Lumpkin. She had three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.



1942 Wallace Scarborogh Chandler Norwood Lee Jones Margaret Freeman Matthews Fred Jones Vaughan

1943 Nora Tolson Flanagan Calvin McCoy Hooper

1945 Edith Lindsey Berdine

1946 Alva Howard Johnson

1947 Thurston Wade Arnold Leland Russell Sanderson

1948 James McQueen Bailey John Headen Foust

1959 James Glenn Lupton

1967 Garland Franklin Bailey Henry Marcus Hunnings

1972 Roy Lawrence Eppes William Nelson Fulford James Wesley Hicks

1973 Barbara Jones-Felton

Louisburg College

Louisburg College Alumni & Friends Alumni and Friends 2005 Hawaii Tour

Hawaii Tour

June 6 - 14, 2006 Join us as we visit two of the Islands of Aloha, Hawaii and Maui. Two destinations set in a world apart to welcome those wise enough to settle for nothing less than everything on their vacation. Our tour includes stays at ocean front hotels in Honolulu and Maui, daily breakfast, three dinners, and a luau. Sightseeing tours include excursions to Pearl Harbor, the Liliuokalani Gardens, Pali Lookout, Kapena Falls, both the Diamond Head Crater and Haleakala Crater, as well as a whale watch cruise in Maui and a tour of a pineapple plantation in Honolulu.

Tour Price

$2,025 per person plus airport/security/departure taxes presently at $94 per person.

Includes air from Raleigh/Durham Airport

For complete tour information, log on to or call Sandra Rushing at (919) 497-3325.

Freshman Tony Brown, number 89, runs for the touchdown during the Hurricane’s season opener against Emory and Henry College. Photo by Geoff Neville.

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