WHERE are they NOW?
Spring 2013
Look for this symbol throughout the magazine to learn about LC alums who have graduated within the past decade.
On The Cover
The Competitive Edge: David Safran ’12
10 Profiles in Teaching 14 Craig Eller: The Alder Amidst the Oaks 26 Gallery’s New Palette Delights Patrons
32 The Spirit of Service
Sections 2
In this issue of Columns, you’ll find that our cover story is actually a theme sprinkled throughout the pages: what are Louisburg College graduates up to? From pursuing advanced degrees to authoring historical books to presiding as president over another college, our alumni are making waves in the world!
Graduate featured above: Ashley Williams ’12 (p. 3)
A Word From the President
4 Academics 18 College News 20 225th Anniversary 22 State of the College
Our Mission Related by faith to The United Methodist Church, Louisburg College is committed to offering a supportive community which nurtures young men and women intellectually, culturally, socially, physically and spiritually. As a two-year residential institution, we provide a bridge for students to make a successful transition from high school seniors to college and university students.
Louisburg College 501 N. Main Street Louisburg, NC 27549
38 In Memoriam
58 Athletics
Stephanie Buchanan Tolbert ’97 Vice President for Enrollment
Alumni Officers William Hurley ’53 President of the Golden Anniversary Council John C. R. Lentz ’87 President of the Alumni Association
Board of Trustees Mr. Michael W. Boddie ’77 Chairman of the Board Mr. Ely J. Perry III ’84 Vice Chairman Chair of Governance Committee Ms. Lucy Taylor Allen Secretary Dr. Edgar J. Boone Chair of Learning Enterprise Committee
Mr. David (Tad) DeBerry ’85 Chair of Audit Committee
Columns Staff Editor
Mr. Fred Roberson ’62 Chair of Finance Committee
Melinda McKee, Director of Communications and Marketing
Ms. Anne Dickson Bowen Dr. W. John Cameron Mr. William H. Dove Mr. Clyde P. Harris, Jr. Mr. H. John Hatcher, Jr. Ms. Emily Hodges Mr. Seymour Holt ’49 Ms. Lynda C. Lumpkin Ms. Beth M. Norris Mr. Russell Odom ’68 Ms. Bobbie Richardson Ms. Sue C. Robertson Mr. William C. Shelton ’69 Ms. Kimberly D. Spivey Mr. John F. Strotmeyer ’68 Mr. C. Boyd Sturges Mr. Roger G. Taylor ’68 Dr. James P. West Mr. Brian Wilder ’94
Designer and Assistant Editor Amy Scoggin Wolfe, Director of Publications
Assistant Editor
Emily Zank, Assistant Dean for Academic Support; Instructor of English
Ex-Officio Members John C.R. Lentz ’87 President of the Alumni Association Rev. Jon Strother Superintendent Raleigh District - UMC Dalton DaCosta (Fall 2012) Breon Williams Tyson (Spring 2013) SGA Presidents
Shane Benjamin, Chaplain Barry Burger, Communications Volunteer Wendi Eck, Communications Assistant Jesse Gross, Jesse Gross Photography Brittany Hunt ’10, Campus Guest Coordinator Laura Kinzinger, Associate Professor of English Jamie Patrick ’84, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Don Stopa, Sports Information Director and Softball Coach
Questions about this issue? Please contact Melinda McKee, director of communications and marketing, at (919) 497-3330 or Columns magazine is published for alumni and friends of Louisburg College annually in the spring by the Office of Communications and Marketing.
Tell a Friend. Do you have friends or family members who are currently researching their college options? Are they looking for a warm , supportive community of learners, an environment in which they will be challenged , and a great place to help them get where they want to go in life ? If so, please encourage them to apply— using your name as a reference—and we will
waive the application fee .
To apply online or to download an application, please visit our website at
35 Alumni News and Class Notes
42 Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. James Eck Dean of the Faculty and Executive Vice President for Academic Life
Jason Modlin Vice President for Student Life
29 The Standout Student: Terry Davis ’70
Kurt Carlson Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Belinda Faulkner Vice President for Finance
Inside This Issue
Dr. Mark La Branche President
Mr. William R. Cross ’71 Chair of Advancement Committee
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President La Branche with his wife, Mona
Dear Friends,
Gracie Allen, comedic partner and wife to George Burns, is credited for the saying, “Never place a period where God has placed a comma.” Penned in Gracie’s final letter to her husband, her words would prove prophetic. Though George grieved the loss of his wife in 1964, he would go on to publish nine books and star in eleven movies before his passing in 1996 at the well seasoned age of one hundred. As I think about the mission and history of Louisburg College, I believe that Gracie Allen’s saying would be an apt slogan. Our long history as an educational enterprise has been punctuated by seasons of strain and struggle, as well as seasons of hope and renewal. There have been numerous times over the past 225 years at which one might have placed a final period to our story. Pressing forward, however, the community would come to learn that what seemed so final was really an interlude to an even greater outcome. Throughout Louisburg College’s legacy, belief and faith in our mission have always opened seasons of hope and renewal. Our story has been accented by individuals whose steadfast faith and hope have sustained us, and we celebrate such an individual in this issue of Columns. Craig Eller will retire from full-time service in his forty-third year at Louisburg College. To him we say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The life of the College is also replete with the stories of students who came to believe in their potential by being surrounded by staff, coaches, and faculty who dared to believe in them. We can all be inspired by the stories of their success. In this magazine, you will also find accounts of individuals who made plans to insure that their belief in Louisburg College will be demonstrated beyond their life on earth. The estates of Mr. Nelson Leonard and Mr. Larry E. Brown both afforded substantial contributions to the future of the College. They take their place in the great cloud of witnesses to the enduring importance of our mission. It is my hope that you will join us in this season of hope and renewal. Your support will help us put a bold exclamation point in this, our 226th year! For the College,
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want my future students to understand where they came from, and what type of world they live in.”
“Throughout Louisburg College’s legacy, belief and faith in our mission have always opened seasons of hope and renewal.”
This is the professional mission of 2012 Louisburg graduate Ashley Williams, now a history major at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. She is looking forward to one day earning a doctorate degree and becoming a history professor, a dream that was honed during her years at Louisburg College. “I know that I made the right choice by going to Louisburg College to start my education,” Ashley says. She points to the support she received from many staff and faculty members as being instrumental to her success, including professors of English and history, Kris Hoffler and Kelvin Spragley, respectively. “Professor Hoffler helped with planning my future and staying on track with my school work,” she recalls. “And Professor Spragley helped me feel more confident in becoming a history professor. He is truly one of my role models, and I hope that I will be able to be as influential on my students as he is.” Hailing from Middlesex, Virginia, Ashley was a recipient of the Great Futures Scholarship and a softball scholarship. She says the “home-like atmosphere” is what originally attracted her to play for the Hurricanes. However, her time in the ’Burg helped her grow into a self-sufficient young
lady; she notes with pride that she’s learned how to survive by herself rather than always relying on her parents. She’s also proud to have accomplished her goals of being a good student, a good friend, and a good student ambassador (Louisburg’s select crew of students who provide campus tours and represent the College at various events). In addition to her academic and ambassador responsibilities, Ashley served as the chapter president of Phi Theta Kappa, the national honor society for two-year colleges. Currently wrapping up her first semester at George Mason, Ashley has focused on building a strong GPA and learning about the college and area “on a more personal level.” Her interest in campus and community involvement has continued at Mason, where she is a member of a community service fraternity. She also plans on applying to be a Mason Ambassador and hopes to be a part of the campus sorority life. This industrious combination of academic and extracurricular pursuits might prove daunting to some students, but Ashley is confident in her ability to manage her multifaceted path to success: “Louisburg College helped me prepare for George Mason by getting the feel of what it’s like to live on a campus with roommates, figuring out how to balance fun and grades, and learning how to make the connections that are needed to succeed.” C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
Ac a d e m i c s
E Pluribus Unum Out of Many, One
By Dr. James C. Eck, Dean of the Faculty and Executive Vice President for Academic Life When someone thinks about Louisburg College, transformative education comes to mind. The College celebrates many facets within its mission, but academic life is first among them. For over 225 years, the College has offered a practical liberal arts education that has evolved over time to meet the needs of our students, as well as the demands of our state and nation. Chaired by trustee Dr. Ed Boone, Louisburg College’s Learning Enterprise Committee (LEC) meets four times a year to brainstorm ways to enhance the ongoing dialogue between academic life, student life, and admissions. At many institutions, silos prevent these offices from working together, but at Louisburg College we have forged new joint initiatives and improved student retention rates by ten percentage points along the way. Students are thriving at Louisburg College because they have a sense of social and academic integration. The College has received statewide recognition for its successful efforts related to student retention, and results from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement indicate that there is much more faculty-student interaction here than students experience at other public or private colleges. Over the past three years, the College developed nine strategic initiatives focused on the following: growing enrollment, providing academic support, rewarding our most motivated students, advancing communication and marketing, retaining students, strengthening our core, encouraging a culture of respect and character, enhancing our campus, and achieving greater financial strength. We achieved the majority of our goals related to each initiative; buoyed by this wave of positive momentum, the College has now embarked on a five-year strategic planning process.
Since September 2012, over one hundred individuals have participated in the new planning process, setting lofty goals that will stretch us and require collaboration. In developing Horizon 2020, we identified the College’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We then constructed a logic model built around thirteen goals: (1) student leadership development, (2) learning outcomes assessment, (3) personal growth assessment, (4) professional development, (5) enrollment development, (6) institutional research development, (7) strategic partnership development, (8) marketing enhancement, (9) facilities and information technology development, (10) fundraising and grants development, (11) financial planning development, (12) board of trustees development, and (13) a strengthened athletics program. Finally, we identified the actions we will take to achieve these goals, along with their timelines and estimated costs. Our work has culminated in the identification of a five-year vision for Louisburg College that consists of five essential ingredients:
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(1) Louisburg College students graduate, transfer and succeed at senior colleges; (2) our students grow and mature in preparation for success in the global world; (3) faculty and staff implement best practices and innovative approaches in support of student success and institutional effectiveness; (4) Louisburg College is recognized as a visible contributor within the United Methodist Church and the greater local and regional community; and (5) the College has the stability for sustained achievement. Collectively, Horizon 2020: The Plan for Louisburg College brings together the visions, objectives, and actions necessary to achieve ever greater levels of success—building stronger foundations for greater futures and transforming lives and legacies forever.
F e at u r e
The Competitive Edge By Melinda McKee
Think learning disabilities are automatic roadblocks to college? Don’t tell that to David Safran ’12. 6
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F e at u r e
June 27, 2012, a college student stood before a San Antonio auditorium filled with peers to receive his award; a first-place prize in a national business competition. Such a scene is not, perhaps, what one might typically expect from a young man who years earlier had trained in car repair, with little intention of attending college. However, if ever there was a man to challenge expectations, it’s 2012 Louisburg College graduate David Safran.
David with former PBL Advisor Nancy Hammersley at the 2012 PBL National Leadership Conference.
As a young child, David was diagnosed with dyslexia and Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. After graduating from Broughton High School in Raleigh, North Carolina, he worked as a Land Rover technician and delved into medical sales a few years later. In February 2010, a church mission trip to Guyana, South America, inspired David to consider a change in his life. “While there, I took a long walk with my minister, Jim Lee,” David recalls. “We had a great discussion about life. He asked why I was afraid to go to college. I wasn’t afraid. So that evening, I decided I would return home, quit my full-time job, and go to college.”
Finding the Right Fit When David began his search for the right school, he had one criterion: the college must have full-time support for students with learning disabilities. Louisburg College was the only North Carolina institution that he felt met his needs, through the College’s nationally recognized Learning Partners Program.
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“Learning Partners was the key to my success in earning a college degree,” David says. “Preparing you for the competitive real world is what college is supposed to do, and that’s just what Louisburg did for me.” Karen Martin ’00, Louisburg College’s director of Learning Support and Disability Services, recalls her introduction to the aspiring college graduate: “Like most of our students, David had all the talent and ability he needed. What he lacked was training and access to the tools he needed to show how truly bright he is,” she explains. “Once David started working with his learning specialist and using the assistive technology available to him in the Learning Partners labs, he took off with his studies and was able to become a successful independent learner.” While he was a student at Louisburg, David was a strong advocate for students with learning differences (LD). He spoke with the College’s Board of Trustees, sharing his experiences as a student with LD, and he helped train faculty during experiential workshops on what it’s like to be a student with dyslexia and AD/HD. David’s sophomore year at Louisburg quickly yielded the fruits of his first year of labor. A standout student, he became a merit scholar and served as chapter president of both the honor society Phi Theta Kappa and the national business fraternity Phi Beta Lambda (PBL). One month after graduating—summa cum laude—with an Associate of Business degree from Louisburg in May 2012, David attended the National PBL Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Forming one of his fondest memories of being a Hurricane, David was awarded first place in the “Sales Presentation” category, competing against students from schools such as Rutgers, Florida International, and Valparaiso University. David’s PBL advisor, former Louisburg College Business faculty member Nancy Hammersley, attended the national competition in support of her former student. “David is a joy to work with,” Nancy says. “He is mature, self-reliant, very confident, and just extremely well prepared. He understands what it takes to succeed.”
The son of Perry and Susan Safran of Raleigh, David credits his mother with much of his success: “She has always been my biggest advocate, and believed in me long before I came to Louisburg.”
Fit to Compete David is currently an economics major at NC State, an experience for which he was well prepared, he says. “From the English classes with Mr. Hoffler, in which he helped me write stellar papers, to the business courses taught by Mr. Sanders, I am ready for anything my professors at NCSU can dish out!” He has also become intrigued by political science and is exploring it as a minor. 2012’s election season gave David the opportunity to volunteer for a local campaign, and he’s considering a future career in public service. “As a born-andraised North Carolinian,” he says, “I would be proud to serve the great people of this state in an elected position.” Beyond his studies, David is still getting the word out to help people understand learning differences. He has talked with many civic organizations, individuals, and school representatives about Louisburg College’s Learning Partners Program, and how it helped open doors for him.
College Success: David Safran’s Recipe for Your first goal should be
Set reasonable goals.
always. Always attend class…
to earn a degree.
a rk, paper, or project) in ignment (be it homewo ass ch ea e let mp Co • procrastinate. timely manner—don’t are paying to be there! class. Remember, you ery ev of row nt fro • Sit in the n’t mind readers. questions; professors are ask , nd rsta de un n’t do • If you in ’t stop because you are at the door. Life doesn ma dra the ve Lea • ant things like class. you from more import ct tra dis it let n’t do so college,
In February 2010, a church mission trip to Guyana, South America, inspired David to consider a change in his life: “While there, [my minister and I] had a great discussion about life. He asked why I was afraid to go to college. I wasn’t afraid. So that evening, I decided I would return home, quit my full-time job, and go to college.”
What Is Learning Partners? Louisburg College’s Learning Partners Program addresses learning differences by offering intensive and interactive tutorial partnerships to a select group of dedicated students with learning disabilities and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Learning Partners’ structured and individualized services are designed to promote self-reliance and life-long learning skills through focused academic interventions, providing students with the support needed to become successful independent learners. Enrolling thirty plus students each year, this nationally recognized fee-based program pairs students with their own learning specialist for tailored academic coaching and tutoring sessions. Our stateof-the-art technology center also offers learning-specific software and hardware, including: • Kurzweil 3000 • Alpha Smart • Reading Pen II • Dragon Naturally Speaking • Bookshare
David with fellow 2012 LC grads, all of whom are now attending NC State.
Learning Partners Director Karen Martin speaks for all of Louisburg College when she expresses her pride in all that David has accomplished. “We look forward to getting a graduation announcement!” “Unbound,” a ceramic pottery piece David made in his Louisburg ceramics/pottery class.
To learn more about Learning Partners or to apply for the program, please visit learningpartners, call (919) 497-3236, or email
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Ac a d e m i c s
Candy Jones ’99
Director of Library Services; Honors Program Director; Assistant Professor of English As director of library services in the Robbins Library and as an assistant professor in the English Department, I am blessed to have the opportunity to share my passion for education at my alma mater. One might say that Louisburg College is in my blood, as three generations of my family have worked at Louisburg. My grandfather and I both worked and attended school here, and my parents’ first jobs as a young married couple were here at the College. As is the case for many of us who grew up in the town of Louisburg, the College has always been a part of my life. One of my earliest childhood memories was of daily walks with my sisters from our home on North Main Street to downtown, and I recall many trips to Merritt Dorm to retrieve our Irish Setter, who could never resist the opportunity to visit the College’s many adoring female residents. Attending Charley-John Smith’s adaptation of A Christmas Carol each December was an annual event, as was trickor-treating at the President’s home at Halloween. Sid Stafford dressing as Ben Franklin during the Whistlers’ Convention and as Santa for Christmas will never be forgotten.
From L-R: Martha Bragg, Patrice Nealon, Nikki Capps, Kelvin Spragley, Emily Zank, Diane Cook, and Candy Jones ’99
Profiles in Teaching Seven of our faculty members share their Louisburg College stories, from how they came to join the family to what inspires their work.
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I began working at Louisburg in 1996 as the administrative assistant for the Alumni and Development Offices, which was followed by several years in the Academic Life Office. Taking advantage of Louisburg’s then-offered Weekend College program, I graduated from Louisburg in 1999, eight years after I initially entered Louisburg as an 18-year-old in 1991. During those intervening years, I attended St. Mary’s College in Raleigh, married my husband, Paul, and we had two sons, Holden and Joshua. In 2003, I was named Louisburg College’s communications director. I earned a Master of Library Science degree from East Carolina in 2008, and became Louisburg’s library director in 2010. In addition to my responsibilities in the library, I teach communications courses and Crossroads, our freshman seminar course. I attribute all of my educational and professional accomplishments to the opportunities provided by Louisburg. My degree from LC and the support of my colleagues made it possible for me to continue my undergraduate education at Barton College, and to pursue my graduate degree at ECU—all while working full time and raising two small children. When I reflect on how I have changed professionally and personally during my 17 years at Louisburg, I am amazed. I am proud to be an example of how Louisburg College fulfills its mission of “Building Strong Foundations for Great Futures.”
What I love most about our College is how we wholeheartedly support our mission statement and let it guide us in key planning and operational decisions. - PATRICE NEALON
Patrice Nealon
Chair, Business and Social Sciences Division; Professor of Business As the chair of our Business and Social Science Department, I am proud of the significant growth our division has made in terms of size and depth. I credit much of this growth to our exceptional faculty, supportive staff, and excellent administration. During my eight-year tenure at Louisburg, I have taught numerous courses including Introduction to Business, Business Communications, Marketing, Personal Finance, and Crossroads. I am also the co-advisor for our award-winning Phi Beta Lambda business fraternity. I am humbled to have been recognized for teaching excellence among our many talented and gifted faculty, receiving the SGA Faculty Member of the Year Award and the Naomi Dickens Shaw Award for Faculty Teaching Excellence. I earned my Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Cincinnati, graduating with majors in marketing and management. I also earned an MBA from DePaul University, graduating with a concentration in marketing research. My career started in the private sector where I worked as an account executive and marketing manager. Before coming to Louisburg College, I taught at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. What I love most about our College is how we wholeheartedly support our mission statement and let it guide us in key planning and operational decisions. By embracing our mission, we acknowledge our fundamental purpose is to be the supportive and life-changing bridge in many of our students’ educational journeys. I truly admire and respect my colleagues for their tenacity and devotion to student success. I genuinely enjoy all of my students, particularly our many students who demonstrate a willingness to work hard to ensure their success. Being a witness and playing a supportive role to this success is hugely gratifying and simply humbling.
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Ac a d e m i c s
Emily Zank
Assistant Dean for Academic Support; English Instructor; Writing Center Faculty I got a B once in college. For a student who daydreamed about the proud smiles on her parents’ faces each report card day, this was absolutely devastating. Algebra was my nemesis. No matter how many hours I spent with that blasted book, I just could not wrap my head around polynomial functions and the like. Why should I? With a bad attitude and little hope, I struggled. Reality set in before finals that I may not get an A. In fact, a B would be a reach. Sacrificing my pride and squelching my shyness, I finally knocked on my professor’s office door… That first-hand experience cemented my belief that students’ understanding of skill relevancy sets the stage for meaningful learning. Skill application does not exist in the vacuum of a classroom, so neither should assignments. That’s why I pursued certification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language in addition to my Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Kent State University. The task-based curricula we designed made for more engaging, collaborative, and real-world assignments. Immediately, I combined this approach with my tutoring philosophy in the Kent State Writing Center and, later, in my classrooms and the Writing Center at West Virginia University as I earned my Master of Arts in Professional Writing and Editing. I have always loved collaborating with students, especially those who claim they “aren’t good writers.” Writing is scary. Revising is a frustrating task. However, taking on words in a wrestling match can also be a fun, rewarding process. Supporting students through the stages, encouraging them to be self-reliant, and watching their skills and confidence grow is fulfilling. Despite that glaring B on my transcript, I did manage to graduate both programs summa cum laude and learn a valuable lesson I now pass on to students. At Louisburg College, the most important lessons I teach don’t concern perfect grammar. Rather, I coach young adults to invest themselves in their work, share their strengths, feel no shame in seeking support, and, above all else, strive for mastery of skills they can proudly use forever.
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career, I felt that something was missing—I didn’t feel that sense of belonging and fulfillment that I was expecting. With much trepidation, I decided to go back to school and earn my master’s degree in education, with a concentration in school counseling. My mother worked as a special educator, and I developed the same passion for students with learning differences. After working in special education at the middle school and high school level, I discovered the Learning Partners Program at Louisburg College, whose mission of providing individualized support and coaching to students with learning differences resonated with me. Now a full-time learning specialist, I enjoy working one-on-one with students and seeing their eyes light up when they understand a concept that they previously viewed as impossible. Louisburg College is a nurturing environment where students are introduced to and encouraged to reach for a dream they may have believed was untouchable. I am truly blessed to be part of a college faculty that is dedicated to “building strong foundations” and cultivating growth in each student. Editor’s Note: To learn more about our Learning Partners Program, see Page 9.
Diane Cook, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology
I always knew I’d have a career in the sciences. After studying molecular biology at a small college in Center City, Philadelphia, I received my doctorate from Hahnemann University following many, many long nights in a research lab. Though I didn’t care much for the research, I found that what I most enjoyed was teaching new graduate students or lab technicians about our work, the questions we were studying, and the techniques we were using to try to answer those questions. Seeing that spark of understanding satisfied me in a way I couldn’t explain at the time.
Assistant Professor of History
I began working at Louisburg College in 2011 as a part-time learning specialist in the College’s nationally recognized Learning Partners Program. As I drove into Louisburg on my first day of work, I could not help but think back on the journey that led me to the respected educational institution nestled just ten miles from the home where I grew up.
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I love the attitude of Louisburg College students. These students, I feel, are genuine in their requests for assistance, and are seeking leaders who can help guide them in the 21st century.
Kelvin Spragley, Ph.D.
Learning Specialist, Learning Partners Program
Since then, I have taught Principles of Biology each term, have facilitated Crossroads sections, and currently teach Microbiology and Genetics. I have found that the students in Micro and Genetics share a love of science, especially when it comes to lab work. More than once I’ve been called to look at two or three microscopes at the same time, with each student insisting that his or her specimen was the coolest one ever (we proudly call ourselves lab geeks). How many students can say they love coming to lab? For that matter, how many professors can say the same? Even the student in Principles who hated all things science at the beginning of the semester will admit that the labs weren’t too bad after all, and it’s that transformation that keeps me coming back each semester.
Nikki Capps
I attended Liberty University and earned my Bachelor of Science in Sports Management. I have always had a passion for sports and thought I wanted to pursue a career in the sports industry. After graduation, I worked for the Durham Bulls Baseball Club and the RBC Center Venue Relations Department. This was a career path I had always dreamed of achieving, but, as I continued my
As I was finishing my doctoral thesis, I met and married my husband, and we moved to North Carolina. I taught in both public and private schools for several years, working mostly at the middle school level. However, what I really wanted was to work with college students. I got my first opportunity to teach here at Louisburg in January of 2004, and I haven’t looked back since. That first semester, one of my students admitted during a break in lab that she hated science, and that’s when I knew I was where I needed to be. I told her I would definitely get her through the course, kicking and screaming if necessary. She did indeed get through, with a minimal amount of fussing. I was hooked.
Cook and a student in the laboratory.
I was born in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. After serving my country in the U.S. Army for three years, I attended Chowan College, where I earned an Associate of Arts degree in History in 1991. From there, I went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Science Education from East Carolina University, taught social science for six years in the Wake County Public School System, and earned my master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from North Carolina State University. I left the teaching profession in 1999 to work as the associate executive director for the North Carolina Association of Educators. Soon after, I enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy Program at NC State, completing my doctoral studies in May of 2009 in the area of curriculum and instruction.
I have taught courses at Louisburg College in the areas of history and education, as well as the freshmen seminar course, Crossroads, which allows me to interact with students in an academic, skillbuilding, and reflective capacity. I have also taught Introduction to Education, a course for students who are considering careers in the field of education as teachers, administrators, or researchers. What I love most about Louisburg College is that it gives students an opportunity to succeed in a traditional education setting that provides a system of support that is non-traditional at most colleges and universities. I personally appreciate the fact that students receive academic support via labs by other teachers and their student peers. I also appreciate the small student-teacher ratio that exists at the College. Because of my own successful experience attending a small two-year college after leaving the military, I personally know that the work taking place at Louisburg College is academically sound and life-changing for students. Most importantly, I love the attitude of Louisburg College students. These students, I feel, are genuine in their requests for assistance, and they are seeking leaders who can help guide them in the 21st century. I’m proud to be a part of the community that provides these growth opportunities for Louisburg College students.
Martha Bragg, Ph.D. Chair, Division of Mathematics and Science; Professor of Mathematics
Along my life’s journey, I have met amazing people who have influenced my life and career. For example, I wanted to be just like Ms. Williams, my excellent Algebra I high school teacher. In Geometry, I discovered that Mr. Budd had attended Appalachian State, and, although no one in my family had ever been to college, somehow I believed that I would also attend App State and become a math teacher. With that dream before me and with the constant encouragement and support of my family and friends, I attained my BS and MA in Math at Appalachian State, and my Ph.D. in Math Education at NC State. I taught grades 7–12 in Rockingham County and Wake County, North Carolina, and then I left the classroom to work as a trainer for the State Board of Education. Realizing that “training” was teaching, my new goal became obtaining a college teaching position, and I joined the faculty of Louisburg College in 1982. Since then, I’ve moved through the ranks from instructor to professor and have taught several levels of Algebra, Contemporary Math, Finite Math, Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics, Precalculus, Calculus, and Crossroads. Since 1999, I have had the honor of serving as the Mathematics and Science Division chair. I was also privileged to serve as the Interim Academic Dean for a little over ten months between 2008 and 2010. As a life-long learner, I have taken several computer classes as well as a course in teaching exceptional children here at LC, and I am currently in my third year of Spanish with Alicia Eller. I enjoy teaching, learning, and serving at Louisburg College. It’s great to be at a place like Louisburg where faculty and staff see possibilities in every student—perhaps possibilities that students have not recognized in themselves—and where students are given opportunities every day to learn and to grow.
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F e at u r e
The Alder Amidst the Oaks By Laura Kinzinger Associate Professor of English
Dean of Students. Professor of English. Chair of the Humanities Division. After forty-three years of service to Louisburg College, a venerated faculty member and administrator moves on to his next chapter in life. 14
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F e at u r e
The first time I met Craig Eller, I felt as though I was waiting outside the principal’s office, that ominous grade-school fate. I was wrong, though; I was meeting God.
Newly arrived as a faculty member in the fall of 1990, I had an appointment with the Dean of Student Life about a thorny problem with my journalism course and the student newspaper. A trio of young men sat in the hallway when I arrived: one stared morosely at his shoes, one grimaced with a look of abject terror, and the third slouched nonchalantly, smirking. I said hello, got no response, so we four miscreants sat silently until Mr. Terrified whispered, “Why are you here to see the Dean?” “The student newspaper,” I whispered back and, curious, added, “Why are you here?” Mr. Terrified cringed, Mr. Morose’s head further plummeted, but Mr. Nonchalant grinned. “Oh, as my daddy would say, we’re here to be taken to task by God.” When Dean Eller appeared in the doorway, his deeply resonant voice calling my name, he did look like God: a large figure, an authoritative presence, a tree of a man, I thought, a bit gruff and with a prophet’s wild hair—but with gentle eyes. He listened, we shared stories of hometowns and people, and I left with the memory of his twinkling blue eyes—and his warm, simple kindness. I never learned what those three had done, but I know that Craig listened to them, disciplined them appropriately, but also showed compassion and mercy.
The young mountain boy Craig Eller wears overalls and a plaid shirt buttoned at the top; he is serious, but curious and gentle. In his closely knit, beloved Swannanoa community, he is surrounded by kith and kin, living among the warp and woof of the Beacon Blankets Mill, collecting arrowheads, climbing trees, learning the Swannanoa River’s bends by heart. This river valley is his world, with its good, decent people; their dignified everyday work and lives; their stories; and their music, fiddles and banjos and guitars and voices raised in praiselifting hymns and passed-down ballads. That young boy suddenly becomes a man at sixteen, when his father dies. With his older siblings gone from home, Craig takes responsibility to help support his mother Eight-year-old Craig , summer of 1947. and younger sister. He works any job he can find, from driving a Coca-Cola truck to helping deliver and pick up laundry to and from Swannanoa Valley homes before dawn. He and the laundry-truck driver talk like old friends,
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F e at u r e and Craig listens to the driver’s so-proud stories of his son who, although blind, is studying at that far-away Chapel Hill. (In 1970, when Craig comes to Louisburg College, he befriends that son: English teacher Al Wright.) Those fundamental values of duty and service have taken strong root, and Craig leaves his mountains to join the U. S. Navy. In photos taken in Norfolk, Virginia, he is Craig as a young serviceman. a mature, confident young man in his white cap and uniform, on his own and shyly smiling. That world beyond the mountains is now right before him, a world which the young mountain boy could only dimly imagine. After his tour of duty, he returns to Appalachia and enrolls in Kentucky’s Berea College, which dovetails perfectly with Craig’s home-grown belief in the dignity of work and work well done, the value and kinship of all people. Craig will serve his country for twenty-six years of combined Navy and National Guard experience; unselfish service will also be his hallmark at Louisburg College for forty-three years. Each job, and all labor, will be work well done. Craig providing entertainment at a College function.
Deriving from the German erle, the alder tree, the name “Eller” continues to dot the Swannanoa area, and we know it so well.
In folklore, the alder symbolizes strength woven with compassion, as well as stability. For his entire life, Craig Eller has ably and fully lived his name’s meaning, and his gifts to us here at Louisburg College are inextricably threaded through all our lives. Some legends even claim that the first man was made not from clay but from an alder, and I know that Craig Eller is a great tree of a man—not God, as the three students thought, but a man who remembers what his family and community taught him. Lately, I’ve glimpsed that mountain boy’s thoughtful, curious face in Craig’s, and his wife Alicia at the 440th National I know that we all wish him With Band of North Carolina summer concert. Godspeed. Godspeed, our dear friend!
Craig Eller: Beloved by His Peers “Professor Craig Eller’s footprints on all aspects of Louisburg College’s academic life are indelibly grounded in his commitment to standards of excellence. He has been a model in representing the views of the faculty and students, and in ensuring that their inputs are valued. Craig’s wisdom will be sorely missed.” Edgar Boone, Louisburg College Trustee and Chair of the Learning Enterprise Committee
“Each position Craig filled required that he work across departments at the College, and people listen when he speaks; his comments are always insightful, always thoughtful. It has been my privilege to march behind him at ceremonies and to sit beside him on many occasions. It won’t be the same without him!” Martha Bragg, Professor of Mathematics and Chair of the Division of Mathematics and Science “Webster’s defines ‘academy’ as ‘a group of authorities and leaders in a field of scholarship who are permitted to dictate standards, prescribe methods, and criticize new ideas.’ Craig is one of the staunchest defenders of the academy I have known, always demanding that our first priority be to protect the academy and our seat of authority as experts in our disciplines. His dedication to Louisburg and his passion for learning will inspire all of us to keep ‘the academy’ strong.” Crystal Brantley, Assistant Professor and Executive Director of English “Craig Eller’s administrative experience permits him to add a uniquely informed, discerning perspective to the faculty voice. Craig is a well-informed, rich conversationalist and an entertaining storyteller (“all of it true”); he is also a fine speaker, a seasoned writer and editor, and a patient listener. His musical gift is treasured by both the College and the general Louisburg community. Craig is easy to respect, and his regular presence on the campus will be truly missed.” Matt Brown ’68, Professor of Business “Louisburg College stands on strong foundations today as a result of Craig’s service, and I consider him both an icon of the College and a person I have striven to model in my own professional life. Craig’s contributions to our beloved institution are immeasurable, and we all owe our friend a debt of gratitude for the many years of outstanding leadership, dedication, and commitment to Louisburg College and to the community as a whole.” Sheilah Cotten, Professor of Sociology and Faculty Senate Chair “Louisburg College has greatly benefitted from the structure and discipline Craig brought with him daily, to both his administrative and faculty responsibilities. His personal integrity has helped buttress our institution through many trying times, and I am very appreciative of the gifts he has brought to our table.” Will Hinton, Professor of Visual Art
“Louisburg College and Craig Eller are synonymous. His contributions are woven into practically every building and every facet of the College, and I have been able to personally witness his skill, his dedication, and, above all, his commitment to education. Craig has given his career, his life, to one of the most honorable callings an individual may feel: an educator of young lives. Thank you for that, Craig.” Tommy Jenkins, Assistant Professor of English and Chair of the Humanities Division “There is a well-known proverb that says, ‘If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well.’ No one embodies this sentiment like Craig. Crossing every “t” and dotting every “i,” Craig has modeled the high expectations he has for his students in his own work. His attention to detail and dedication to the College’s educational mission have benefitted the entire campus community through his teaching and his work on vital College committees.”
Candy Jones ’99, Director of Library Services, Honors Program Director, and Assistant Professor of English
“Craig’s stalwart service to Louisburg College over the past forty-three years has left an indelible impression on the institution. His consistent dedication and commitment formed a pillar of strength that helped secure the College in challenging times. Also a gifted musician, Craig has represented the College well in his role as choir director at the Louisburg United Methodist Church.” Mark La Branche, President “I admire Professor Craig Eller for his unremitting devotion to and passion for the College and its mission. He is a respected leader among our faculty, having served as an administrator, division chair, and faculty representative to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. My most fond memory of Craig will be his stage presence as he proudly leads his colleagues with his commanding voice in the singing of the College’s alma mater.” Patrice Nealon, Professor of Business and Chair of the Business and Social Sciences Division “It has been my experience that many students request to be in Professor Craig Eller’s classes because of his reputation among students and alumni. His faculty peers also respect and admire an academic who has proven to be a successful and popular teacher, communicator, and leader. Thank you, Craig Eller, for the wisdom, knowledge, and skills that you have shared with the student body and Louisburg College faculty!” Charles Sloan, Men’s Golf Coach and Professor of Education & Religion
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Gardens Officially Dedicated On April 26, 2012, Louisburg College’s 91-acre De Hart Botanical Gardens were dedicated at a ceremony celebrating the gift from Allen de Hart, who had been a professor at the College for five decades. Plans are currently being developed to utilize the Gardens in learning experiences for all new students.
Preserving the Past: The Tar River Center for History and Culture
From L-R: Allen de Hart and Dr. Mark La Branche unveil the Gardens’ new sign during the dedication ceremony.
Local bluegrass musicians play next to the Gardens’ lake during the weekend-long dedication celebration.
Louisburg College Reclaims Ownership of Renovated Residence Halls We are pleased to announce the reacquisition of three residence halls that have been owned by an outside partner since 2003. Kenan Hall, Merritt Hall, and Hillman-Morris Hall once again became the property of Louisburg College on Tuesday, February 26, 2013, an achievement made possible by a loan from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Division. Though College employees have continuously staffed the day-to-day operations of the three halls since their original construction in the mid-1900’s, legal ownership had been transferred in 2003 to Athena Housing Partners, a Tennessee-based corporation that provided funds for an extensive renovation of the buildings. “Repurchasing these three residence halls is an historic milestone for the College,” says President La Branche. “The direct loan we were afforded by the USDA will allow us to realize a substantial amount of revenue, which will be reinvested in the College and our community.” The thirty-year loan will be repaid at an interest rate of 3.125 percent.
“Team Louisburg” Interns Complete Second Phase of NASA Project Under the direction of biology Professor Jennith Thomas, “Team Louisburg” (as they’ve come to be known by personnel at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center) completed the first two phases of the Curriculum Improvements Partnership Award for the Integration of Research (CPAIR) internship project during the summers of 2011 and 2012. Funded by a grant from NASA, CPAIR was created to support undergraduate science research at minority-serving institutions. The College’s share of the funding is $156,000 over three years, some of which will come to the College directly to purchase classroom supplies and to help cover salaries and travel expenses.
From L-R: Elmer Rayo (meeting NASA Director Charles Bolden), Gerardo Jaramillo, Jennith Thomas, and Roselani Robinson.
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With veteran 2011 interns Terence Goard returning home to Virginia, Ryan Wegener entering the work force, and Shakeila Jones transferring to UNCChapel Hill to major in biology, the summer of 2012 found the second phase starting with three new interns: Elmer Rayo, Gerardo Jaramillo, and Roselani Robinson.
As a result of the first phase of research, the citizens of North Carolina now have access to new insight into the state’s ongoing monitoring of the ecological functioning and biodiversity of the Tar River watershed. This vital watershed is recognized as one of the most important on the eastern U.S. coast because it is home to a number of endangered species, some of which cannot be found anywhere else on earth. The second phase of research moved from the Upper Tar River to a prairie restoration project with Iowa State. Thomas says that the students “sifted through thousands of satellite images and then processed them to see what changes had occurred on the test plots over time.” For the final phase, the group will be studying urbanization using VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite), which provides data for the ocean, land, atmosphere, and cloud research. VIIRS is instrumental in monitoring and improving understanding of environmental phenomena, such as forest fires and global climate change. Thomas will accompany the next group of interns back to Goddard in the summer of 2013 to complete the final phase of the project. “Having the opportunity to work at Goddard,” says Thomas, “has been a dream come true.” Jaramillo is currently attending Catawba College. Still at Louisburg, Robinson was recently selected to return to Goddard as a summer 2013 intern. She will be accompanied by fellow interns Nichole Casto, Sara Beth Christmas, and Dominique Wilson.
President Mark La Branche has long recognized that Franklin County and the Tar River Region are rich in culture and history dating back to the Native American. What he also observed was the absence of a centralized or concerted effort to capture this rich history of the region. He and others are aware that the area has untapped potential for significant economic development around these assets. Out of this awareness, the College and community have been exploring the concept of a partnership that would both be relevant to the College’s mission and advance the well-being of the region. As a result of these conversations, efforts are moving forward to establish the Tar River Center for History and Culture. Another key planner in this effort has been Maury York ’73 (pictured, left), a native of Franklin County and a product of Louisburg College, where his father served as academic dean. York devoted many hours to the Male Academy Restoration Project and to the development of the new exhibition in the Male Academy that was prepared in celebration of the College’s 225th anniversary. Dr. La Branche is pleased to announce that York has accepted the invitation to become the founding director of the Tar River Center for History and Culture. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this effort, having worked as a researcher with the North Carolina Division of Archives and History and as a local history librarian in Edgecombe County. For nearly twentyeight years, he has helped develop the special collections of East Carolina University’s J. Y. Joyner Library. “I am honored to join Louisburg College and local groups in preserving and promoting the rich history of the region,” York said. “It will be exciting to learn what the stakeholders wish to accomplish and to work with them in realizing their goals.” This is an exciting endeavor as well as an opportunity to forge partnerships with diverse organizations and communities in the region. Potential partners include, but are not limited to: Franklin County; the Franklin County Economic Development Commission; the Franklin County Tourism Development Authority; Franklin County Schools; Vance-Granville Community College; the towns of Bunn, Franklinton, and Louisburg; and the Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce. “Louisburg College as a liberal arts institution stands at the forefront in this effort,” says Dr. La Branche, “to preserve, promote, and protect the history and culture of the region.” Any project of this magnitude requires significant capital. Louisburg College is fully vested in this effort and will fund half of the director’s salary, provide office space and communications equipment, develop the website for the center, and promote use of the Male Academy and Person Place for exhibits. It is envisioned that the center will launch as early as September 2013.
Board Welcomes New Trustees, Announces Incoming Chairman The College welcomed four new trustees to the board in 2012 (pictured, below, from L-R): North Carolina General Assembly representative Bobbie Richardson of Louisburg; former College administrator and longtime supporter Lynda Lumpkin of Louisburg; basketball alumnus and entrepreneur Brian Wilder ’94 of Raleigh; and local businesswoman Emily Hodges, daughter of the late trustee Ray Hodges of Louisburg.
The role of chairman was newly accepted by Michael Boddie ’77 of Rocky Mount, NC. Boddie (pictured, top left) is president of Restaurant Operations at Boddie-Noell Enterprises, Inc. He replaces Dr. John Cameron, who completed his term in April 2012. Cameron was presented with the President’s Medal during the 2012 commencement ceremony (pictured, above, left, with his wife Joan and President La Branche).
Trustee Ray Hodges Remembered for Devotion to College The College greatly mourns the loss of Raymond Burden Hodges, 57, who passed away after a brief illness on April 20, 2012. Ray was born on December 19, 1954, to the late John and Nancy Hodges in Louisburg, NC. After attending Blue Ridge High School in Dyke, VA, he received his BFA from East Carolina University in 1977. Ray had a strong sense of community and served on the College’s Board of Trustees since 1992, most recently serving as chairman of the finance committee. “His tremendous love for the College was expressed in his generosity and devotion to the College through thick and thin,” said President Mark La Branche at Ray’s memorial service, “and particularly through the thin. He was in the business of protection, and with Ray we knew the College was well covered and prepared to deal with any risk.” Ray enjoyed Pirate football games, golfing, hunting, and a good joke. He was loved as a husband, father, brother, friend, colleague, and community member. He was devoted to both of his independent insurance agencies, Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. (founded by his father John Hodges in Louisburg), and Hartsfield and Nash Agency, Inc. in Wake Forest. Ray is survived by his wife of thirty-three years, Arlene Hodges; daughters Emily Hodges and Allison Hodges and her fiancé, Bucky Westmoreland (all of Raleigh); brother John Hodges, Jr. of Raleigh; maternal aunt Katherine Burden of Aulander, NC; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held at the College’s Seby B. Jones Performing Arts Center with more than 700 people in attendance.
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Our Academic Colloquium featured My Orange Duffel Bag author Sam Bracken (left) and Eric Motley (above, far right), the Aspen Institute’s vice president and special assistant to President George W. Bush for presidential personnel.
Congrats to the 2012 Homecoming Court! Dean’s-lister LaQuel Bailey ’12 was voted Homecoming King, and volleyball player / SGA Vice President Chermaine Johnson ’13 was named Queen.
Anniversary Week was the perfect time to kick off the planning process for the College’s new strategic plan, “Horizon 2020.”
Thanks to Maury York ’73 (above, far left) and team, we celebrated the Male Academy’s grand re-opening and its beautiful new historical exhibit.
Sisters Jackie Clark and Pam Genovesi (above, right), descendants of the College’s first preceptor Matthew Dickinson, joined us for the unveiling of a work of art Professor Will Hinton and his daughter Zoe (above, left) created from a headstone rubbing.
LC cheerleaders pumped up the crowd at the Homecoming pep rally. Go ’Canes!
Did you know that Louisburg College’s charter predates even George Washington’s presidency, making us the oldest residential two-year college in the nation? 2012 marked the College’s 225th year of educating young hearts and minds, and September saw the campus in a whirlwind of activity as we celebrated the auspicious occasion. The festivities culminated in “Anniversary Week,” during which Homecoming, a thoughtprovoking Academic Colloquium, and other anniversary events took place.
The Louisburg College Pep Band kept everyone’s feet tapping at the Homecoming football game against Dean College.
President Mark La Branche and Board of Trustees Chairman Mike Boddie ’77 cut the cake at the College’s 225th Birthday Gala.
This worship service was structured after a typical “brush arbor” service that might have taken place in 1787. Pictured: Professor Craig Eller leading participants in 18th century hymns.
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Renovation groundbreaking for the E. Carroll Joyner Student Residence. Pictured (L-R): President La Branche, Carroll Joyner, Mike Boddie ’77, Mayor Karl Pernell, and GAC Past President Bob Beck ’53.
Longtime College supporters Lynda and Parker Lumpkin were honored along with other major contributors at the 225th Birthday Gala. (Pictured with President La Branche)
The week culminated in a festive 225th Birthday Gala, starting with a program in the JPAC followed by an elegant outdoor dinner with a colonially inspired menu.
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Great Futures Campaign By Kurt Carlson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
At our 225th anniversary celebration last September, Louisburg College announced the public phase of an ambitious and comprehensive $15 million fundraising campaign. The Great Futures Campaign is now galvanizing alumni and friends to support the College and our enduring mission through the Campaign’s completion in 2015. The Great Futures Campaign is the essential next step to anchor the College’s momentum gained in recent years. As such, board members, Campaign volunteers, alumni, and friends have joined with our faculty and College leadership to strengthen our financial resources and educational impact during the “quiet” phase of the Campaign. Already, the College is well over half-way toward reaching the goal in cash gifts, pledges, or planned gift commitments. To discuss giving opportunities and ways your contribution or pledge may be recognized, please contact Kurt Carlson, vice president for Institutional Advancement, at (919) 497-3325 or
Campaign Priorities
Early leadership gifts have supported improvements to the Taylor Athletic Center and the Jones Performing Arts Center (JPAC), and these gifts provided funds for the Joyner Student Residence project. This summer, Phase 1 of the Jordan Student Center renovation will take place, comprised of upgrades to the building’s mechanical systems, cafeteria, and the Hurricane Grill. Phase 2 will include improvements to the building’s façade and a reconfigured layout to better accommodate student common spaces.
New Student Scholarship Endowments Dr. Thomas J. Aurand ’70 Scholarship Mary Eleanor Bethea ’39 Scholarship
Facilities Enhancements
J. Enid Drake Endowed Scholarship for Men’s Basketball
Planning is underway to convert the “Old Coal Plant” building, and renovations will include the addition of a mezzanine level and an extension to the historic building for the locker room. The ground floor will house a strength and conditioning facility for athletes.
Fine Arts Complex
The Art and Music Building will see renovations to both the art and music portions of the facility, plus the construction of a 2,100-square-foot studio addition for the art program. The new Fine Arts Complex will be named in honor and memory of former trustee and Louisburg resident Ray Hodges.
Academic Success Center
This new campus resource will help students prepare for their transition to selective colleges and universities, as well as support them through the transfer process. We seek gifts to centralize existing resources and services through the renovation of a highly trafficked area in the Library or Student Center. The new Academic Success Center will house the Math Lab, the Writing Center, our student-led tutoring program, and our new “Great Futures Coach,” a full-time staff person who works one-on-one with students in the transfer process.
Nicholas B. Boddie and Lucy Mayo Boddie Foundation Golden Anniversary Club Mr. Carroll Joyner ROGER G. TAYLOR ATHLETIC CENTER - HISTOR IC HOLTON GYMNASIUM
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Holt ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Parker Lumpkin Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lee Lumpkin III The Family of Emily and Scott Gardner ’46 ’46 R AY HODGES FINE ARTS COMPLEX
Richard P. and Etta A. Butler Memorial Scholarship Anne Fleming Coghill Scholarship
Strength & Conditioning Center / Football Locker Room
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Campaign Progress
We seek gifts to enable financially deserving students to attend the College or to attract particularly gifted students. Many donors choose to honor a family member or favorite professor with a gift to establish an endowed scholarship fund.
Three building and renovation projects will be supported through the public phase of the Great Futures Campaign:
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Ruth Cooke Endowed Scholarship
H.W. Tang ’70 International Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. John C. Lemay ’54 Memorial Scholarship Alumni Appreciation Scholarship (Estate of Roberta Morris)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Taylor ’68 Estate of Larry Brown Mr. Brian Wilder ’94
The Family of Ray Hodges Estate of Nelson Leonard
Chartwells Estate of Dr. C. Ray Pruette
Mr. Allen de Hart
Major Annual Scholarship Support Robert P. Holding Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Golden LEAF Foundation u
Leave a Legacy: Planned Gift Commitments Major Donors to the Great Futures Campaign ($100,000+) Nicholas B. Boddie and Lucy Mayo Boddie Foundation James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Estate of Richard P. Butler Estate of Larry Brown Mrs. Beulah B. Cameron Chartwells Corporation Mrs. Anne Fleming Coghill Mr. William M. Davis ’61 Mrs. Frances B. Dickson ’35 Mr. William P. Franklin ’52
Golden Anniversary Club Mr. Allen S. de Hart Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. Mrs. Arlene Hodges and Family Robert P. Holding Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour Holt ’49 Independent College Fund of North Carolina Seby B. Jones Family Foundation Mr. E. Carroll Joyner Estate of R. Nelson Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin II Mr. Willie Lee Lumpkin III Estate of Roberta B. Morris Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Estate of Dr. C. Ray Pruette Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Taylor ’68 North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church United Methodist Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
The Great Futures Campaign offers many opportunities to help students today while building the Louisburg of tomorrow. Through the Campaign so far, twenty alumni and friends of the College have become new members of the Old Main Society, which recognizes estate giving. Our donors frequently find they can be more generous through their estates than through annual gifts over a lifetime. A bequest, charitable trust, or gift annuity helps provide a “pipeline” of future support to Louisburg College, and funds can be designated for a scholarship endowment in your honor or for other purposes. Three recent planned gifts demonstrate these donors’ love for Louisburg College: Though graduates of other institutions, Nelson Leonard of Raleigh, NC, and Larry Brown of Greenville, NC, valued higher education and Louisburg’s Christian mission. Louisburg was a part of both of their estate plans, and, at their passing, their generosity resulted in gifts totaling over $1 million to the College. Their undesignated bequests will go toward capital improvements, scholarships, and program enhancements on our historic campus. One of our oldest alumnae and most generous benefactors, Frances Dickson ’35 of Burlington, NC, continues to support the College, and she recently established a charitable gift annuity that provides her with annual income and tax benefits. Her eventual gift to the College will support her student scholarship fund, which she established to honor her mother. C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
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2011-2012 Finance & Facilities Report By Belinda Faulkner, Vice President for Finance am pleased to report that the College has been operating well within its resources. During fiscal year 2011-2012, Louisburg College’s unrestricted operating revenues exceeded unrestricted operating expenses by just over half a million dollars. This is the fifth consecutive year that we’ve enjoyed a budget surplus, with amounts ranging from $450,000 to $600,000.
The College has used its resources to build programs, address deferred maintenance, restore some of our historic buildings, and reduce debt. These elements of financial planning have strengthened the institution and positioned us for the future. Capital projects completed during 2012 included:
As of May 31, 2012, the College’s total assets were $26,726,672. The value of the College’s endowment was $11,498,112, rebounding from 2008 and 2009 through improved market performance and the gifts of generous donors. Property and equipment, net of depreciation, were valued at $11,559,243. Louisburg College’s long-term obligations on May 31, 2012 were $5,597,016, compared to $8,780,671 five years ago.
• Renovation of the studio, pottery, and classroom section of the Art and Music Building
In short, the College has established a sound financial base for launching itself into the future. As we continue our strategic thinking through the Horizon 2020 planning process, we look forward to even greater progress in the years ahead.
• Improvements to several classrooms and faculty offices
• Renovation of Wright Hall, adding fifty-two beds to that residence hall • New offices for the football coaches • Installation of a new boiler in the library
to “Lou U”
• Completion of the landscaping project in front of Main Building
ouisburg College prides itself on setting the foundation for students’ lifetime journeys. For 2012 alum David Nicholas, his journey covered a bit more distance than most.
David is particularly praising of the Learning Partners program. “Louisburg College helped me learn to pursue any opportunity while it is there. I also learned some new studying skills from the Learning Partners lab.” David lists Learning Partners instructor Kaye Yadusky as one of the people who most influenced him at Louisburg. Also among them are the football coaches, math professor Michael Childs, English professor Leej Copperfield, and director of freshmen Crossroads courses Dr. Louise Mitchum.
“I’m from Ewa Beach, Hawaii,” David explains. In 2010, he graduated from Radford High School in Honolulu, and he chose Louisburg College “to pursue my dream of being the first person in my family to go off to college and play college football.”
“My current goal is to complete a bachelor’s degree in marketing,” he says. “After I achieve that, I intend to pursue my master’s degree.”
Once at Louisburg, David immersed himself in both football and campus activities. When not on the field, he threw himself into Phi Beta Lambda, the business fraternity, for which he was co-vice president. He was also a member of the Hurricane Productions student activities committee, Student Ambassadors, and a campus Bible study.
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With the tools he gained at Louisburg College, David was not afraid to take his next steps in his collegiate career. Upon graduating in May of 2012 with an Associate of General Arts, he was accepted into Bacone College in Muskogee, Oklahoma, with a football scholarship. Bacone offered David the chance to pursue his academic dreams.
With a solid foundation at his back and an “experience of a lifetime” from Louisburg College, David is confident about his future and is the pride of his family. “Honestly, I think my favorite things about my time at Louisburg are the memories and the friendships that I made while attending,” says David, who is currently tackling his second semester at Bacone College. “The advice I would give to freshmen at Louisburg College is to not be nervous, but to be excited. College is an adventure, so enjoy it!”
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Gallery’s New Palette Delights Patrons By Brittany Hunt ’10
On a night bathed in burgundy sky, the newly redesigned Elizabeth Tiel Faulkner Gallery, Louisburg College’s permanent art collection, was introduced to the community. The sixty pieces on display, including fifteen new works, are a labor of love for collection curator and Professor of Visual Arts Will Hinton (pictured, below). “To view a piece of art is an invitation,” says Hinton. “All successful pieces share this invitational quality. My involvement as an artist and educator begins with this simple question, ‘Do you see what I see?’” December of 2012 saw Hinton rearranging the existing collection, installing descriptive signage, and hanging new pieces. “In curating the collection, I wanted the space to speak of a spirit of fullness and generosity without there being a sense of being crowded. There are lots of decisions to ponder and stories of the work and donors for the patrons to contemplate.”
Colors flow from every corner of the gallery as each of the intimate pieces capture sixty unique perceptions on life. The new pieces and the newly rearranged work vary in ways that are both refreshing and reaffirming. Early American salt-glazed cobalt decorated stoneware from Hinton’s own collection greets visitors at the gallery entrance and brings to mind the ancient ties in artists’ lives. “Pottery transcends time,” says Hinton, pointing to another piece of pottery work from the 1850s colored in a stark yellow. “That same yellow hue achieved in the 1850s is the same that we can create in 2013.” The connections that the gallery holds to the College, the students, and the town of Louisburg are immediately obvious. Don Hatfield’s serigraph print “Morning Solitude,” with its soothing pastels and flush colors blending so startlingly yet simply together, reveals a somewhat haunting woman with
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flowers. “Meadow at Penland School,” a painting by Pat Hinton, College librarian and Will Hinton’s wife, captures the sharp yet poetic beauty of the North Carolina mountains with prickled green grass and a smoky skyline. Kitty O’Meallie, mother of former Learning Partners educator Kathy Launey, presents “Doves and Kumquats,” a painting with beige and sandy overtones. The painting seems to merge sculpture and paint for a carved, modern look. Julia Kornegay, who served as the art professor before Hinton, leaves a painting entitled “West Noble Street Zinnias,” which captured flowers’ faces blooming into life with lush colors and wearing leaves as necklaces along a familiar Louisburg street. At the far right of the gallery, Allen de Hart’s International Whistlers Convention is honored with a wall featuring plaques of winners throughout the years.
The newly redesigned Elizabeth Tiel Faulkner Gallery.
The community and the donors who made such a redesign possible are within every corner of the Elizabeth Tiel Faulkner Gallery. “Every piece of art is a self-portrait,” says Hinton, commenting that, in his thirty years of working at Louisburg College, it is the students’ questions that still continue to drive his passion for the arts. “People have questions they want to ask. They want to know ‘Why? Why?’” Enjoying its first facelift since being opened along with the Seby B. Jones Performing Arts Center in 1989, the Elizabeth Tiel Faulkner Gallery is itself a self-portrait of its donor, the late Elizabeth Faulkner. The gallery was dedicated to her legacy in 2000. Faulkner herself, when commenting on her choice to donate to the College, stated, “Today’s young people should receive an education in ethics, Christianity, and morality. It is my belief that Louisburg College adheres to and carries out those beliefs.” Hinton looks forward to the future of art and community at Louisburg College. As an education-oriented space of expression and pure heart, the gallery welcomes patrons free of charge. Both the Traveling Exhibition Series and the permanent collection are open to the public Monday through Friday from 9:00am until 5:00pm, and special tours may be arranged with Professor Hinton.
Why not invite yourself to see these pieces firsthand?
Above: “Doves and Kumquats” by Kitty O’Meallie Background: “West Noble Street Zinnias” by Julia Kornegay
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Love at Louisburg
F e at u r e
Two Louisburg couples share the stories of their romance.
Russ & Clara Frazier: A Loving Legacy They met in 1953, when Russ Frazier ’54 was a commuter student working toward College Algebra credit in order to attend North Carolina State University, and Clara Wright ’55 was a commuter student recovering from medical issues that had forced her to leave Flora MacDonald College. “We were both from Franklin County but had never met,” Clara recalls. “We had a big exam coming up in Professor Elizabeth Johnson’s Algebra class, and Miss Johnson asked me to tutor this very nice young man because he really needed the credit,” says Clara. “Reluctantly, I agreed to meet him for a tutoring session on ‘expanding the binomial.’” At his Hall of Fame induction for his forty years of dedication and drive to Louisburg College’s baseball team, Russ reminisced about seeing his future bride for the first time. “When he tells the story, he says he was paying more attention to the ‘rear view’ and the long black hair than to what I was writing on the board,” jokes Clara. The couple was married in September of 1954, and both enjoyed long careers at the College. While Russ was coaching, Clara taught chemistry for twenty-six years. Clara speaks fondly of that special kind of romance that takes root within one’s college years. “Like all colleges, LC held its own in pairing up couples—some lasted and some failed, but Russ and I have just celebrated our fifty-eighth anniversary!”
Stevie & Sam Parrish: A Sporty Courtship Sometimes love is hard to find. Other times, it ambushes you in front of the cafeteria. Student-athlete alumna Samantha Beavers ’03 found the latter to be true her first day on campus as a freshman, when Steve Parrish ’02 literally bumped into her in front of Duke Dining Center. “One day you will be my wife!” predicted Stevie, an LC baseball player, to Sam, who played for the Hurricanes softball team. That day came on May 19th, 2012, when the two married on the campus of Louisburg College. “There were fifteen former Louisburg family members at our wedding,” Sam says. “Louisburg not only allowed me to meet the love of my life, but it also gave me the best friends in the world. We have a bond that has prospered for over a decade now. We are all spread out and may not see each other as often as we would like, but we truly are a group that is united for life.”
By Barry Burger
Sam credits sociology professor and former softball coach Sheilah Cotten as the heart of these bonds. “Coach Cotten is our foundation, and, just like with our wedding, she is still an integral part of our lives. She is always there to help and love us,” Sam explains, adding that then-assistant coach Jina Stamey “has been my rock from the beginning.” Now living in Charlotte, NC, Sam is a senior consultant for The Pampered Chef, and Stevie has been a welder with CSX Railroad since 2006. They are parents to daughter Peyton Leigh-Ann, four, and son Austin Maddox, three. “Stevie is my calm and I am his fire, and we have not gotten here without the support of each other as well as our family and friends,” said Sam. “This is not just a story of boy meets girl. This is a story of a family being built. A Louisburg family.” C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
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As one of Louisburg College’s first African American students, TERRY DAVIS ’70 shared in an iconic period of history, for both the newly integrated College and the entire nation.
Terry Davis
was reared on a one-hundred acre farm in the resettlement community of Tillery, NC, in Halifax County—a poor community comprised mostly of African and Native Americans. His father balanced running the farm with his job as a self-employed logger, and his mother hired and transported neighbors who helped with the growing and harvesting of the crops. Terry played on his high school’s basketball team, and this standout student-athlete received scholarship offers from six North Carolina colleges, including two junior colleges—one of which was Louisburg. He toured the campus, met faculty members, and spoke at length with Coach Enid Drake, who informed Terry that another black athlete had already committed to LC. “That’s all it took,” explains Terry. “I did not visit another college. Coach Drake and LC, in that order, just felt right for me.”
Until 1968, blacks were not allowed to attend the all-white school. Terry’s first year of college would be Louisburg College’s first year as an integrated institution. 30
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This was unchartered territory for Terry. For the most part, he says, his parents had shielded him and his siblings from racial issues and had instilled in them the belief that, with enough determination, they could achieve anything. Undeterred by the College’s history of segregation, Terry chose to focus on achieving success on the court and in the classroom. Terry is honest and frank about his time at Louisburg, and he doesn’t hesitate to recount incidents when racism came into play. He vividly remembers a guest speaker who addressed the student body. After his talk, a fellow student asked a question about integration. The speaker responded that “Negroes had been dragged through the mud so many times and for so long that they could not be blamed for their plight.” Terry waited around to speak with him about his comments, but the speaker refused to talk with him. “I wanted to tell him that, in order to drag someone through the mud, you have to get into the mud as well—and that the Negro people he described did not remind me of my neighbors, the people I went to school with, or members of my church family.” Confronting racism in the Louisburg community seemed unavoidable during Terry’s frequent visits to the downtown area. While patronizing local businesses, he was followed by a police officer—something he had never before experienced. Terry confesses to stealing two cookies in the third grade, but he remembers thinking, “How could the policeman know about that?” This same police officer seemed particularly agitated whenever Terry would drive teammate Mark Wilson’s red convertible downtown. Although his friend’s car bore a Dixie plate on the front, Terry describes Mark as a southerner with fewer preconceived ideas about black people than just about any person he met while at Louisburg. Terry and his roommate George Bowden, also an African American, regularly attended church services at the nearby First Baptist Church on College Street.
One Sunday, Miss Merritt, an English professor at the time, invited Terry and George to attend services at Louisburg United Methodist Church on Main Street. The three met outside of the church that morning and proceeded to enter the sanctuary together, sitting side-byside in a pew. Nearly three-fourths of the congregation got up and left. The stunned minister regained his composure and went on with the service. “It was a surreal experience,” says Terry. Both he and George had assumed that the congregation knew they were coming. “I guess Miss Merritt decided that it was time for institutions in Louisburg other than LC to be integrated.”
Despite the prevalence of racial biases, Terry says that his good experiences at Louisburg far outnumbered and outweighed the bad. He had tremendous support from professors and staff, and he describes Coach Drake as a man of integrity who served as his first line of on-campus support. Equally important sources of support came from the black employees who cleaned the dorms and other buildings, and those who cooked in the cafeteria and served refreshments in the “Dope Shop.” Terry received an abundance of academic support during his two years at Louisburg. The first person to offer that support, other than Coach Drake, was Ruth Cooke, his health class instructor. One afternoon, she asked Terry to stay after class. When the other students were gone, Ms. Cooke told Terry that she thought he could do better work. She went on to ask him about his system for studying. Like most freshmen, Terry explained that he didn’t have one. She proceeded to map out several strategies for him, and he
Reshaping Louisburg in the Early Years of Integration
Thelma D. Alston ’71
eventually earned an A in the course. True to the College’s mission, Ms. Cooke helped lay a foundation for Terry by equipping him with the skills that would serve him well in his academic pursuits.
Terry graduated from LC with honors, and he transferred to East Carolina University with a full basketball scholarship. Unfortunately, he found playing at ECU to be the opposite of his experience at Louisburg. After refusing to drop a lab that was offered only once a year, and—as fate would have it—scheduled at the same time as basketball practice, he fell out of favor with the coach. The situation became so unpleasant that playing basketball became just a task to get through, instead of something that brought him joy. As a result, Terry decided to leave school. However, after taking a semester off, he decided to return to ECU and complete his degree in health and physical education. In 1974, Terry landed a teaching position at Louisburg High School. For the next eleven years, he coached the boys’ basketball team. He also started the girls’ volleyball team, who went on to win the conference championship during his tenure. Terry later coached at Hillside High School in Durham for three years, and then he moved to Southern Pines to teach and coach at Pinecrest High. He enjoyed an illustrious career with the boys’ basketball team, winning several conference tournaments and being named conference “Coach of the Year” for
three consecutive years. During this time, Terry enrolled at Gardner-Webb University, where he earned a master’s degree. For nearly four decades, Terry has been married to Madie White, a now-retired school counselor he met at Louisburg High School in 1974. The couple has two children: Ayana (whom Terry describes as his “favorite oldest child”) attended NC State and now works for Time Warner, and Maya (his “favorite youngest child”) is in her fourth year at UNC-Greensboro.
His time at Louisburg, Terry says, reinforced for him the importance of giving. Terry is forever grateful for the “gifts” he received during such a crucial time in his life: the little talks with Mrs. Johnson and Miss Merritt, and the efforts Coach Drake made to ensure that all of his players were successful students. Today, Terry gives freely of his time and talents to others, from organizing golf tournament fundraisers to mentoring young men. After discovering that one of his daughter’s friends was returning to NC Central University after Christmas break with just five dollars in his pocket—an incident that helped Terry fully realize how much emotional pain and financial hardship some young people experience—he established a $100 monthly scholarship through his church. The money helps a black male college student who lacks financial support. This is his way, Terry says, of “paying it forward.”
Shirley M. Harris ’70
George Allen Bowden ’70
Robert Bowden ’69
Rosa Delores Wilkens ’70
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F e at u r e
und red ing one h nts, includ meals e d 0 u 0 st ,0 r 10 u assemble d red of o n to u r h e meals th e e e re Th ed tog e r Now. Th laye rs, join Stop Hung fit ro p football p n o . rs fo r the n d in Kenya in two hou ilies in nee m fa to t n we re se
Trained volunte er s from Phi Thet a Kappa Hono LC’s peer tuto rin r Society run g prog ram, held th ree evenings a week.
Chaplain Shane Benjamin with members of the Christian Life Council.
he spirit of service By Rev. Shane Benjamin, Louisburg College Chaplain & Instructor of Religion
Our word deacon comes from the Greek word diakonia, which literally means service.
Louisburg College continues in the tradition of Jesus by following his practice of serving others. It is but one concrete yet important way we stay connected by faith to the United Methodist Church.
In turn, the word service comes from servus—the slave or domestic worker in Ancient Palestine who would wash clothes and dishes, as well as the feet of guests whenever they visited someone’s home.
Whether our students are serving about fifty meals and providing music at our local soup kitchen or packaging ten thousand meals for the poor in Kenya through “Stop Hunger Now,” Louisburg College seeks to be present to its neighbors in the spirit of Christ. Furthermore, students, staff, and faculty partner with each other year round to make their positive presence felt in and beyond the Louisburg community.
The Louisburg College family demonstrates love for God by the way it is always serving its neighbors. Our students, faculty, and staff pick up litter on Louisburg’s roads, and teach neighborhood children how to have fun with a Frisbee. We recycle clothing and appliances from our residence halls at the end of the school year and donate them to a local domestic violence shelter. We “adopt” families for Easter and Christmas and provide them with groceries.
We’ve helped UNC-TV raise needed funds by participating in one of their annual telethons, and we hold regular blood drives on campus to support
The spirit of service is alive and well at Louisburg College because the loving spirit of Christ is present.
Jesus must have scandalized his disciples when he washed their feet. Such an act was reserved for the household slave or the “least ones” of society. Yet, in humility, Jesus modeled servanthood for his disciples while simultaneously saying to them, “But if I washed your feet—I who am Teacher and Lord—then you must wash each other’s feet.” (John 13:12-14)
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the work of the American Red Cross. Our softball team has participated in a charity run while other staff and students walked in support of cancer research.
The College’s Ul timate Frisb ee Club put Ultimate Frisbee on thei r fir st Cl inic at Louis bu rg Elementa The cl inic is pa ry School. rt of an ongoing pa rtner ship be Ultimate Frisbee tween the Cl ub and Louis bu rg Elementa of the elementa ry in suppor t ry school’s “Hea lthy Initiative” ca mpaign.
ed sociat ion donn Gove rnment As nt o (n de Stu wn e to th to Membe rs of gs, and went kett d some trash ba Bic be ’s ab rg gr , bu sts uis ve Lo neon a stretch of , cleaning up pun intended) hway. hig ” ed pt “ado Bouleva rd, ou r
LC Students Win National UMC Video Contest
along w ith all team — b ft so s ic Life ne ’Ca r Academ The Lady opa, VP fo St Ma rk n nt o e D sid h e their coac ndi, and Pr e W ife aven H w s hi the G race Jim Eck and ipated in ent ic ev rt a e p Th — . gsville, NC La Branche un Yo ing lp in n he ’ Ru nonp rofit 5K Rock ’n ce, Inc., a e in a nc Sp le o fe vi Sa ic st benefited le of dome ak the cyc families b re . a re a County the Frank lin
Roommates Ashley Britton ’14 and Riana Bowling ’14 won a national video contest in response to the prompt, “Why Your School’s Connection to the United Methodist Church Matters.” Watch the video via the College’s YouTube channel (www. Pictured: Ashley (on left) and Riana (on right) with project advisor and RCC Nicolette Stanfill (center).
A l um n i
Friend [frend] noun
elings ed to anot her by fe 1. a person attach d r ga re person al of affection or
verb By Jamie Patrick ’84 Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
Spotlight On Ambassadors Caroline Knight ’14 & Kyle Smith ’14
ntacts to one’s list of co 2. to add a person e it orki ng webs on a social netw
Just as social networking is literally redefining our language of her half-hour drive. Ours was the hushed talk of sisters—college girls relating, TIME Magazine and NPR have even contemplated whether still giggling, confiding, and consoling, now with the acceptance and the time-honored class reunion might eventually give way to the chat perspective of many seasons. room altogether. Facebook now boasts over a billion active users Before your next reunion, social networking sites who, according to the Pew Research Center, include (including the Louisburg College Alumni Facebook Have two-thirds of the United States’ online adults. Group) can quickly bring you up to speed you recently Meanwhile, Pew also reports that well over half on basic happenings like “Bill” becoming of all Facebook users have taken a voluntary reconnected with someone CEO. But online research is hardly as break from the social network, sometimes for riveting as hearing over coffee just how in your Louisburg family, or are weeks on end. Bill finagled his way from grey cubicle you curious about how to make to ivory tower! And while a photo tour at An admitted Facebook holdout, I was that happen? Contact me at is a lovely way to glimpse assimilated last August and promptly the beauty of the campus today, it’s quite discovered a long-lost college roommate. “I’ve or (919) 497-3245. something else to find that your feet still know the looked for you!” she messaged, sheepishly warning rhythm of the sidewalks that lead you through it. that I would come to call her a fair weather Facebook friend. A successful real estate agent and single mother of Your time at Louisburg College was not a virtual experience. two, she simply couldn’t justify the time. Then late one evening, she And so we continue to come together, as we have for 225 years, to called out of the blue, and we proceeded to cram twenty years into celebrate a connection that remains as real-life as you and me.
Caroline, a student ambassador from Elon, North Carolina, chose to attend Louisburg after hearing great things about the College from her father, alumnus Charles Knight ’87. Coming from a small high school, Louisburg was the perfect-sized school for her to make a transition to a larger institution. “My favorite thing about being at Louisburg is being part of such a great, tight-knit community,” Caroline says. In addition to Student Ambassadors, Caroline has also been involved with the Hurricane Pep Club, Hurricane Productions student activities committee, and the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. This summer, she will work as a Hurricane Advisor for incoming students attending the College’s orientation events. After Louisburg, Caroline plans to attend either Elon University or NC State for her bachelor’s, and then she will pursue an advanced degree in occupational therapy at East Carolina University. Like Caroline and many of our other students, Kyle also saw Louisburg as “the perfect starter” for a high school graduate looking to prepare himself for the larger university experience. Hailing from Baltimore, Maryland, Kyle appreciates Louisburg’s big fish, small pond environment. “Everyone believes in you here, so it’s easy to succeed,” he says. Whether he’s working to maintain his grades or getting involved in campus life, Kyle is a busy young man. Currently chapter president of SADD and newly elected as the president of SGA, he is also active in the Multicultural Student Alliance, Students in Education, and The Chosen Generation gospel choir. Kyle intends to major in psychology at the University of Maryland, after which he hopes to one day pursue a master’s degree and eventually open his own mental health clinic. 34
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hether you’re an alum, part of our present community, or a new student looking to be part of our future, if you’ve been on campus in recent years, you’ve likely encountered one of our student ambassadors. This select group of young men and women represent the College in many different capacities, from Open Houses and alumni receptions to detailed, on-on-one campus tours for prospective students and their families.
Howard Tang ’70 chatting with wife Dina (left) and Phama Mullen Johnston ’78 (right) at an alumni gathering in Raleigh, NC.
Ed Woodhouse ’56 (far left) with fellow classmates sharing memories at the Golden Anniversary Club reunion.
David Birdsong ’60 and Paul Wilson ’61 enjoying refreshments at Historic Person Place after the Homecoming football game.
Friends gathering for the Alumni Awards Breakfast during Homecoming weekend.
Clara Frazier ’55 and Peggy Wilder ’60 catching up at the Golden Anniversary Club reunion.
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A l um n i
Robert Leggett Littrell ’79 is a proud veteran of Ira L. Helms, Jr. ’43 is “doing fine for one of 89
years.” He recent ly remar ried, to Dorot hy G. Hill of Salem, NC.
Vera Wright Settlemyre Bagley ’56
published her first book titled Bagley Tale, More Than A Fish Story, a biography of her late husband Jim Bagley’s life, in June of 2012. Widely known as the founder of Bagley’s Better Baits, a manufacturer of fishing lures, Jim was inducted into the Professional Bass Fishing Hall of Fame in 2005. Vera now lives in the couple’s beloved Florida.
Richard Durwood Proescher ’58 had his
novel Natishma, Shaman of the Chesapeake, Friend of the Roanoke published. This histor ical work of fiction conjures the mysterious details surrou nding the Lost Colony as seen through the eyes of a young Chesapeake native. The novel is available at all major book outlets,, and
Robert A. Gormly’s ’60
book Combat published in was Seal Navy a of irs Memo er: Swimm 2010, and it recalls his time in the U.S. Navy.
Harr y Lange ’61, Count y Commissioner and
Chairman of the Board in Harris Count y, GA, has been re-elected for his fourth and final term. He will serve in this office until the end of 2016.
Nelson Whitley ’63 retired from the NC Depar tment of Insura nce on Januar y 01, 2013.
James “Jim” Chandler ’67 attended a reunion of LC friends in September 2012, in Rehoboth Beach, DE. Attendees (pictured below) were compr ised of ’67 and ’68 graduates from Louisburg who all took their colleg iate careers to the University of Tennessee at Knoxv ille.
Sue Ann Hardwick Lewis ’69 had a
“rema rkable” 2012 overflowing with celebrations. Sue Ann and husband John (who met at Louisburg College) celebrated forty years of marriage, while their compa ny (Virgi nia-based Cauthorne Paper Co., Inc.) turned 100 years old. The couple was also recent ly honored with Louisburg’s Distinguished Alumn i Award. They have two daughters as well as two twin granddaughters, Mia and Hayley.
Mary Susan McKeel Casper ’72 has enjoyed
a long career as mayor of Walstonburg , NC, where she has been govern ing for the past twenty years. What drives her? “I enjoy promoting my hometown to other people!”
Alan G. Saunders ’73 retired in March of
2012 follow ing thirty-six plus years in service to the Commonwea lth of Virgin ia. “The majority of my career focused on direct ing funding options for Virgin ia’s social services, prima rily children’s services,” says Alan. He now enjoys his days with his wife Cathy, a realtor, in their beloved home in the histor ical Fan district in Richmond, VA. The couple has two daughters: Elizabeth (a pediat ric intensive care nurse) and Lauren (a kindergarten teacher), both of whom also live in Richmond.
Jeanne Turnage Taylor ’73 recently retired
after thirty-four years with Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, NC.
James Ammons, Jr. ’75, as of Januar y 1, 2013,
has become the senior resident superior court judge for Cumberland Count y after twenty-five years as a judge. He lives in Fayetteville with wife Sandy and their two children.
Ramona Lopez-Finn ’76 recently became a
certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and has accepted a position with AccessHealth, a nonprofit Duke Endow ment progra m. Plus, her children are also embarking on new advent ures: “Elliot graduated from Princeton this past June and is now attend ing [the University of Texas at Austin]. Erika graduated from UNC and Syracuse University with a dual master’s and is working!”
Robert Lee Johnson ’78 was named executive
response coordi nator with Capita l One Financial Corporation.
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the Occoneechee Council of Boy Scouts of America, where he was recent ly awarded with his thirty year pin for his service. A proud member of the Disabi lity Awareness Challenge Staff for the 2013 Boy Scout National Jamboree, Rober t has also been ordained as a chapla in. He is the acting chapla in of Troop 208 in Cary, NC, as well as the Unit Religious Emblems Coord inator.
Pegg y Wilder ’60 recently joined fellow Louisburg
alums from North Caroli na in Nags Head, NC, for their yearly reunion. The group lived across from one another in Wright Residence Hall, and have kept in touch all of these years. “We all love Louisburg College,” says Peggy. (Pictured, below, L-R: Mary Creech Foster ’59 of Sanford; Velma Ferrell Brown ’60 of Macon; Peggy Lee Wilde r ’60 of Zebulon; Nancy Garne r Rober tson ’59 of Elizabeth City; and Barbara Dunn Hilliard ’59 of Hillsborough .)
Travis Cherry ’94, (pictured, center, with Alumni Association President John C.R. Lentz ’87 on his left and President Mark La Branche on his right) two-ti me Grammy nominee, music producer, and winner of the 2012 Outsta nding Young Alumnus Award from Louisburg College, continues to grow as an artist. He works with R&B artists such as Jarvis and Case as well as Eshe from hip-hop group Arrested Development, and he has opened his own music studio, The Purple Room. Recently, Travis joined the Recording Academy as a voting member for the Grammy awards. When not working with music, he volunteers with the Atlanta Police Athlet ic League. Jim Hart ’94 was recently accepted into Duke Divinity School for the Fall 2013 semester.
Kyle Perkins ’07 is the proud father of twins Kalee and
Dennis Winstead ’81 resigned from his position
in the U.S. Depar tment of State after twenty-two years to pursue his passion for fiction in 2011. Dennis’ latest book, Southern Crosses: An African Ghost Story, draws inspiration and is partia lly set in his hometown of Bunn, NC. His third histor ical fiction is nearing publication.
Kendall. He and wife Brittney (pictured below)welcomed Kendall (3lbs 11oz) and Kaylee (5lbs 14oz) on July 5th, 2012, at Duke University Medical Center. Kyle operates KP’s Lawncare and Landscaping, the local company that keeps the College’s grounds looking lovely.
Jacqueline Lorraine Conner ’86 has enjoyed
a long and fruitfu l law enforcement career in “almost every unit” of Virgin ia’s Chesterfield Police Depar tment. This included six years as the “Crime Solvers spokes woma n,” where she was the face of her squad on both TV and radio on a weekly basis. Jacqueline now serves as a detect ive in the criminal invest igations unit, and as a single mom to children Gray (20), Blake Lindsey (17), and Jordan (16).
Amber Thomas Duong ’91 and husband Tommy
welcomed their first son, Tai Van, into the world on June 6th, 2012. His older sister Lily Ann is now five. The family lives in Maryland.
Daniel Thomas ’07, formerly the Head Chef for
the United States Senate Executive Dining Room and Cateri ng Chef for the United States Capitol, now serves as a private chef. Still in the nation’s capita l, Daniel serves a variety of clients, “including US senators and other elected officia ls.” He currently acts as the Regional Executive Chef for the American Diabetes Association and is a familiar face in DC media as a “guest chef ” and an author ity on culina ry arts.
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A l um n i
A l um n i
In Memoriam Class of 1931
Margaret Hedgepeth Walker, April 18, 2003
Class of 1933
Frances Copeland Viverette, June 27, 2011
Class of 1934
Ovater Knight Doggett, August 15, 2004
Class of 1935
Sallie Mitchell Horton, March 26, 2013
Class of 1936
Alice Reaves Cann, November 18, 2006 Iris Massey Howard, October 10, 2012 Rufus “Gilbert” Richards, January 27, 2009 Margaret Nance Saari, November 1, 1993 Branch Allen Spencer, July 16, 2011 Jessie Perry Teague, May 16, 2009 Eleanor Amick Thompson, August 20, 2011 Cleo Fox Titus, July 2, 2012
Class of 1937
Norma Meiggs Brake, August 5, 2010 Isaac L. Dunlap, February 14, 2010 Marguerite Tonkel Jaffe, October 30, 2007 Lillian Betrice Johnson, February 13, 2004 Nelson Watkins Newton, September 28, 2011 Martha Carroll Williams, November 28, 2011 Elmer R. Woodard, September 30, 2002 Rachel Neel Wright, December 19, 2011
Class of 1938
Edgar L. Parker, October 5, 2012 Frances Brower Paschal, February 8, 2013 Mildred Murray Peck, September 5, 2011 James Franklin Strickland, June 9, 2012 Janie Woody Strickland, October 6, 2012 Betty Parker Thomas, July 4, 2012
Class of 1940
Irene Boone Andes, June 29, 2001 Richard Daniel “Dick” Auger , March 9, 2013 Myrtie Gresham Blackwell, November 19, 2008 Sylvia L. Burns, December 30, 2009 James Sidney Burwell, February 5, 2005 Margaret Boone Garner, April 22, 2009 Edith Kelly Gessford, October 15, 2012 John Lindsay Harris, October 14, 2008 Iris Hill Howard, September 23, 2005 Katherine Robertson Johnson, August 7, 2012 Mary Tart Johnson, May 18, 2006 Robert Ramsey Martin, July 4, 2012 Blanche Stovall Montague, August 15, 2006 Nancy Page Pait, January 7, 2009 James L. Perry, May 27, 2010 James “Howell” Perry, June 10, 2010 Doris Munford Pipkin, May 28, 2002 Dorothy Long Quinn, August 29, 2009 William Talmadge Sellers, August 3, 2006 James Pearce Senter, February 25, 2012 James Franklin Strickland, June 9, 2012 Margaret Simmons Strickland, August 2, 2011
Class of 1941
Joseph Macon Beasley, May 27, 2003 Carroll Fleming Chauncey, November 29, 2011 June Hemphill Covington, July 27, 2002 Roland Carmel Fields, May 8, 2002 Mary Flowers Jones, September 20, 2009 James Norman, May 15, 2012 Estelle Talley Pearce, March 28, 2010 Blanche Crisp Perkins, December 3, 2000 Linda Morgan Phillips, May 31, 2012 Roland W. Rainwater, Jr., February 23, 2013 Daniel Evans Walker, May 15, 2012 Ellis Williamson, January 28, 2007 Annie Braswell Wright, January 3, 2009
Louise Nelson Ford, March 27, 2011 Ben S. Foust, October 3, 2011 Magdalene Tutor Goodwin, April 3, 2007 James T. Hall, Jr., July 8, 2011 Mary Bryan Harris, November 4, 2000 Woodrow W. Harris, January 22, 2009 Colonel Lafayette Laws, September 21, 2007 William Borden McClees, September 4, 2005 Milton Perce McLamb, April 20, 2001 Margaret Byrum Mercer, September 4, 2005 Isaac Newton Reynolds, November 15, 2010 Mary Ellen Shaw - Boyles, December 2, 2012 Almira Banks Shugart, November 2, 2006 Raymond W. Waddell, October 15, 2011
Class of 1939
Class of 1942
William King Bryan, Sr., January 23, 2007 Gordan Chesson, December 31, 2011 Ethel Holton Doyle, January 27, 2013 Margaret Cox Fleming, October 5, 2012 Jerry M. Ingram, December 3, 2012
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Jacqueline Harkins Allen, October 26, 2012 Julian M. Bell, February 20, 2013 Jack D. Cox, January 12, 2009 Bebe Ann Ford, August 7, 2001 Joseph O. Glazebrook, December 17, 2010
Eva Deanes Gray, December 28, 2000 Jewel Dennis Harris, January 11, 2007 Dorothy Louise Hockaday, September 25, 2011 Jasper Sheldan Hooper, December 15, 2012 Ruth Braswell Jones, October 26, 2011 Ethel Caviness Monroe, May 30, 2012 Louise Brantley Ordess, November 28, 2009 William Milton Spence, April 24, 2012 Archie Haywood Stroud, October 10, 2007 Esther Roberson Wright, August 31, 2012
Class of 1943
Daniel “David” Bradshaw, Jr., December 30, 2009 Mildred Edwards Casey, April 21, 2011 Marjorie Webb Cool, December 17, 2012 Margaret White Hicks, December 4, 2010 Louise Cox Hodge, December 16, 2009 Rosa Temple Johnson, October 16, 2012 Janet Hughes Lewis, May 8, 2012 William Layman Lewis, November 21, 2009 Mozelle Privette Moulton, June 22, 2012 Nettie Vaughan Norris, November 13, 2010 Ernestine Strickland Robinson, July 21, 2011 Carolyn Massey Spence, August 8, 2004 Colvin Fida Staley, January 10, 2005 Frances Whitehurst Thompson, January 11, 2013 E. Ben Ward, Jr., October 5, 2009
Class of 1944
Edward E. Boone, January 11, 2011 Beatrice Fulcher Bunch, August 30, 2009 Grace Lassiter Canady, March 28, 2008 Marquerite Clement, January 27, 2008 Shirley Carver Fitzgerald, March 26, 2008 Elva Spruill Miller, November 12, 2012 Ida Marie Parker, December 22, 2011 Daphne Winstead Powers, January 23, 2010 Georgia Bass Sanders, May 10, 2012 Mary Lib Midyette Thompson, May 9, 2012 Virginia Goldston White, January 14, 2012
Class 1945
Frances Collie Barrow, August 25, 2012 Peggy Boyd Cannon, December 6, 2012 Mattie Sneed Ferrell, May 25, 2010 Edna Powell Hamilton, January 17, 2006 Christine Dudney Hatchell, October 13, 2011 Annie Vinson Hickman, September 7, 2011 Allison Modlin Jones, January 9, 2011 Margaret Gooch Kiger, January 30, 2008 Lawanna Wall McLean, July 15, 2012 Rebecca Kimball Midgett, August 2, 2010 Lorraine Willis Smith, December 25, 2011
Ruth Strickland Thomas, December 15, 2012 Adell Glover Wheless, September 3, 2006 Virginia Morgan Whitaker, April 30, 2012
Class of 1951
Class of 1968
Class of 1946
Class of 1952
Class of 1969
Lynn Grey King, Sr., December 5, 2011 Edsel H. Privette, October 16, 2012
Myrtle Jones Lee, June 12, 2012 Frances Chapman Walker, April 21, 2012
Class of 1953
Class of 1971
Jacqueline Barnhill Early, May 5, 2011 Edwin I. Ennis, Sr., June 12, 2009 Faye Ireland Hancock, January 12, 2010 Pauline Barnhill Lovick, November 13, 2012 Roy Lee Medlin, August 27, 2009 Frances Taylor Mills, April 3, 2012 Mary Clarke Nelms, April 6, 2009 Eglantine Revelle Smith, August 25, 2009 Jean McKay Tolar, December 4, 2007 Helen Farmer Vick, May 17, 2011 Lenorma Saunders Waters, December 13, 2011
Class of 1947
Thomas C. Alston, Jr., January 27, 2013 Amos Turner Burton, December 9, 2012 Margaret Bynum Dwyer, July 11, 2000 Mary Ann Fussell-Teachey, June 3, 2011 Charles Allen Meekins, October 27, 2009 Margie Peele Pittman, July 6, 2011 Mary Gardner St. Sing, January 31, 2009 Richard Meredith West, Sr., January 4, 2002 George “Curtis” Wilson, January 23, 2013
Class of 1948
Aileen Barnette Allen, August 4, 2007 Marshall H. Fields, August 13, 2012 Wallace Gibbs Flynt, January 3, 2011 Myra Ballance Foster, April 4, 2000 L.H. Dickens, Jr., January 14, 2009 Kathleen Wilkins Lacy, October 9, 2017 Albert A. Page, January 6, 2011 Jane Strange Pearce, December 10, 2004 George Edward Stiles, Jr., May 18, 2008 Donald Wofford Wilson, August 6, 2012
Class of 1949
Lessie Manning Choplin, May 30, 2012 James Edward Fleenor, May 1, 2012 John Hamilton Sawyer, September 27, 2012 Marvin E. Shambley, November 3, 2012 Carl Wilkins, April 25, 2009
Class of 1950
Nell Bennett Boone, March 1, 2009 Daisy Byrd Smith, February 4, 2012
Horace Jacob Will, October 19, 1996
Joseph Swanson Braswell, February 9, 2012 Wirgman “Turk” Cason Morrisette, March 28, 2012 Harvey L. Tippett, March 10, 2012
Class of 1954
Thomas Weldon Lucas, February 3, 2010
Class of 1957
Gerald Brooks , February 6, 2012 William Frederick Hockaday, October 12, 2011
Class of 1958
Nancy Cloer Godley, January 9, 2008
Class of 1959
Thomas Blair Oakley, August 21, 2004
Class of 1960
Robert Leighton West, December 8, 2012
Class of 1961
Robert Edwin “Eddie” Haywood II, April 11, 2010
Ralph Jennings Keaton, Jr., August 22, 2012
Class of 1972
Susan Bellamy McAdams, December 15, 2003
Class of 1973
Craig W. Sledge, January 26, 2013
Class of 1974
Lloyd Coleman Boisseau, November 14, 2012
Class of 1975
John William Thedieck, Jr., September 24, 2009
Class of 1979
Angela Williams, March 22, 2010
Class of 1983
Willis Hines III, November 26, 2009 Michael Gregory “Greg” Morris, May 30, 2012 Rena Rogers Perry, May 4, 2006
James Adcock Leonard, March 28, 2013 Gail Williamson McNeil, February 8, 2012
Class of 1989
Class of 1962
Class of 1991
Class of 1963
Class of 1996
Class of 1964
Class of 1998
John “David” Cothran, July 31, 2012 James Harold Moreland, July 4, 2008
Brian Ashley Griffin, August 10, 2006 Crystal Woodruff Powell, October 16, 2010
Class of 1965
Class of 2009
William David Moore III, November 30, 2012
Corey Edward Winn, November 8, 2010
Class of 1966
Faculty, Staff & Friends
Martha Faye Allred Yokley, September 12, 2012 “Joel” Joseph Lawrence Ripple, March 5, 2010
Robert Michael Burns, September 1, 2012 Wingate Currin Eakes, January 3, 2004
Class of 1967
Karen Alpine Smith-Estes, July 18, 2012 Tammy M. Mandley, March 19, 2013 James W. McCutcheon, July 27, 2012
Raymond Burden Hodges, April 20, 2012 Nelson Leonard, December 11, 2012 Walter “Mac” Neill McDonald, August 28, 2012
Howard S. Boney, Jr., April 21, 2011
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A l um n i
Alumni Resource Guide Get Connected Homecoming 2013: Save the Date Homecoming has been set for September 21, 2013. Registration will open in August, so keep an eye on your snail mail and email for the announcement. We hope to see you there!
Franklin Male Academy Exhibit “From Academy to College: The First 100 Years,” a new exhibition that opened in the Male Academy building in 2012, may be visited by appointment. Please contact Jamie Patrick ( to make arrangements to explore this campus treasure.
De Hart Botanical Gardens This lush 91-acre expanse containing preserved forestation, a lake, and a wide range of botanical species was gifted to the College in 2012 by longtime faculty member Allen de Hart. The Gardens are open to the public from sunrise to sunset, and are located along the eastern border of US 401, 5.5 miles south of Louisburg.
Library Hours Alumni are welcome to make use of the Cecil W. Robbins Library. Regular hours are as follows: Monday - Thursday
Find us online to stay in touch with fellow alumni, read the latest news, and more.
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Personal Info Update Don’t fall out of the loop! If you have moved or changed your email address or telephone number recently, please be sure to contact Carmen Johnston at or (919) 497-3437 to provide your new information.
8:30 am - 10:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
2013-14 Allen de Hart Concert Series We have an exciting lineup coming to the JPAC this season (see Page 63). To receive concert reminders and information about special events and discounts, sign up for our email list by scanning the barcode at left with your smartphone’s QR code reader. (You can also sign up online at
Sunday 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Louisburg College Bookstore
Miss Merritt’s legacy lives on at Louisburg.
n Support an institution that made a
Get your ’Canes gear here! Shop online at, or visit the campus store (located in Jordan Student Center) Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Questions? Call (919) 497-3224.
C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
your lifetime
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Donate Online Did you know you can give to Louisburg College through an online donation? Use your smartphone’s QR code reader to scan the barcode at left, or visit Thank you for your support!
difference in your life
n Give more than you are able during
Art Gallery Hours Both the Edith C. Lumpkin Community Gallery (home of our Traveling Exhibition Series) and the Elizabeth Tiel Faulkner Gallery (featured on Page 26) are open to the public Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The galleries are located in the Seby B. Jones Performing Arts Center (JPAC).
Make your own legacy at Louisburg. By including the College in your estate plans, you can:
or favorite professor
Fund a special program or department
Provide scholarships for students, as others may have supported you
A legendary professor of English, Miss Ruth Merritt is remembered fondly by thousands of Louisburg alumni whom she taught from 1941 to 1971. Merritt Hall is named in her honor.
Please consider helping Louisburg through a bequest or a gift that pays you income during your lifetime. For more information, contact Kurt Carlson, vice president for Institutional Advancement, at (919) 497-3325 or
H o n o r Ro l l
H o n o r Ro l l
ouisburg alumni and friends generously contributed $2,008,752 to the College between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012. Nearly 1,300 donors supported the Louisburg Fund, student scholarships, endowments, academic and athletic programs, and improvements to buildings and grounds. Included in this donor list are 118 members of the Louisburg Society, which recognizes annual gifts of $1,000 or more. The College is also grateful to our new members of the Old Main Society, who have included Louisburg in their estate plans.
Society of 1787
Members of the Society of 1787 have generously contributed $50,000 or more to the College in their lifetime.
Anonymous Aramark Management Services Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Barringer II Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Barringer BASF Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh ’53 The Nicholas B. Boddie and Lucy Mayo Boddie Foundation Mr. and Mrs. B. Mayo Boddie, Jr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. B. Mayo Boddie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Boddie ’77 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Boddie ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Bayard L. Bragg Branch Banking & Trust Co. James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Mr. William H. Bryan Burroughs Wellcome Company Mr. Richard P. Butler* Mrs. John L. Cameron The Cannon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Chandler Chartwells Corporation Coastal Lumber Company Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Coca-Cola Foundation Ms. Ruth M. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Davis De Hart Botanical Gardens Inc. Mr. Allen S. de Hart Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson ’35 Mrs. John Lee Edwards ’38 Eli Lilly & Co. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Eury First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Flagler Systems Inc. A.J. Fletcher Foundation Franklin Veneers Franklinton United Methodist Church GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Golden LEAF Foundation Mr. and Mrs.* Kelman P. Gomo ’38 Mrs. Ann J. Goodwin Mrs. Frances Gwin ’41* Felix Harvey Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Henson Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. Ray Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Holding Robert P. Holding Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour Holt ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Jones
Mr. Robert L. Jones Seby B. Jones Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Carroll Joyner Mr. Nelson Leonard* Mr. Robert L. Luddy Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin II Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lee Lumpkin III The Marshall Group Mrs. Roberta Beckler Morris* NC Community Foundation North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church Novo Nordisk BioChem, Inc. Ely J. Perry Foundation Mr. Ely J. Perry III ’84 Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Dr. C. Ray Pruette* Mr. and Mrs. Bland B. Pruitt, Jr. ’62 Pruitt Lumber Co. Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberson ’62 Ms. Sue C. Robertson Mr. And Mrs.* John A. Rogers Sprint Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Taylor ’68 Tri Properties The United Methodist Church United Methodist Foundation James and Vedna Welch Foundation Mrs. Lois Brown Wheless ’40* Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
Old Main Society
The Old Main Society recognizes alumni and friends who will support Louisburg College through an estate gift.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Barringer II Mrs. Mary M. Beauchamp Mr. Randy L. Brantley ’83 Mr. Richard P. Butler* Mr. Richard L. Cannon, Jr. ’52 Mrs. Frances Terrell Cherney ’42 Mrs. Anne H. Coghill Mrs. Carolyn V. Cotton ’57 Mr. Osborne Gray Davis ’41 Mr. William M. Davis ’61 Mr. J. Jackson Dean Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DeBerry Mr. and Mrs. D. Tad DeBerry ’85 Mr. Allen S. de Hart
Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson ’35 Mrs. Joyce Hubbard Fisher ’41* Mr. William P. Franklin ’52 Mr. and Mrs.* Kelman P. Gomo ’38 Mrs. Ann J. Goodwin Mrs. Frances Gwinn ’41* Mrs. Carol Bessent Hayman ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Jordan, Jr. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Kirby Mr. Nelson Leonard* Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin II Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lee Lumpkin III Mrs. Beth M. Norris Mr. Thomas Wesley Parson IV ’73 Mrs. Frances Brower Paschal ’39 Mrs. Julia Carroll Paul ’48 Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Job K. Savage ’36 ’36 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shelton ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Shotton ’69 ’69 Dr. Raymond A. Stone ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Taylor ’68 Mr. Benjamin Hicks Whitaker ’86 Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder ’60 Mr.* and Mrs. Kenneth Wooten, Jr. Mr. Arnold L. Wright*
Louisburg Society Charter Members
Contributed $1,000 or more annually between June 1, 2009 – May 31, 2011.
AXA Foundation Mrs. Janet Gardner Adair Ms. Judith D. Adams The Hon. Lucy Allen Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anderson, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn Riddle Armstrong ’66 Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Arrington, Jr. ’69 ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barringer II Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh ’53 Mr. Robert E. Beck ’53 Nicholas Bunn Boddie & Lucy Mayo Boddie, Sr. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boddie ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Boone Mrs. Anne Bowen Mr. Carl Wood Brown James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Mr. William H. Bryan Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Bryant, Sr. ’47 Bunn Heating & Air Conditioning Mr. Bob Butler *Deceased
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Mr. H. Dwight Byrd ’57 Mrs. John Cameron Dr. and Mrs. W. John Cameron Mr. G. Maurice Capps ’57 Mr. Kurt Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Champion Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Chandler Chartwells Corporation Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Estate of Nathan Cole, Jr. Mr. Bryan W. Compton ’95 Compton Family Foundation Ms. Sheilah R. Cotten Ms. Carolyn V. Cotton ’57 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cottrell ’61 ’62 County of Franklin Mrs. Susan Gardner Creed Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cross ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Davis Mr. William M. Davis ’61 Ms. Tamaya I. Davis Mr. and Mrs. D. Tad Deberry ’85 Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson ’35 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dove Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Driver ’53 ’52 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Eck Mr.* and Mrs. M. Douglas Edwards ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ehrsam Mr. J. Craig Eller Mr. Douglas M. Epling Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Eury Ms. Belinda Faulkner Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Fish ’60 ’59 First United Methodist Church of Cary First United Methodist Men of Cary Mr. Robert Fuller Fleming Ms. Sarah Foster Franklin Regional Medical Center The Franklin Times Franklinton United Methodist Church Ms. Betty W. Frazier Mrs. Elaine Weldon Fuller ’39 Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gardner ’44 ’45 Mr. and Mrs. David Gardner H. Gillis & Associates Mr. Michael J. Gleason Estate of Pearl Gomo ’38 Mr. Peter Goodrich Griffin ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Griffin ’64 Mr. Graham P. Grissom ’36 Rev. and Mrs. Rodney Hamm Mr. Gene Hammond Mr. Clyde P. Harris, Jr. Mr. William L. Harris, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John Hatcher, Jr. Judge and Mrs. Robert H. Hobgood Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. Ray Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Holding Robert P. Holding Foundation Mr. Alan G. Hollowell Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour Holt ’49 Hoof Hughes Law PLLC Mr. Richard E. Hunter, Jr. ’68 Mr. John William Hurley ’53 IBM Matching Grants Arch C. Ingram Revocable Trust Estate of Henry Clayton Jackson Mr. Robert L. Jones Seby B. Jones Family Foundation
JOEY PIETROPOALI ’05 Joey Pietropaoli had above-average grades in high school, giving him choices for attending college. A passionate baseball player, he at first hoped to play at a Division I school, but his hometown of Baltimore, Maryland, was more known for crab cakes and lacrosse than for an abundance of top baseball prospects. Knowing Louisburg College would give him time on the field, Joey accepted
then-baseball coach Billy Godwin’s offer to begin his college education while achieving his goal of playing baseball. It was a decision, he says, on which he looks back “with extremely fond memories, a decision that started an extremely unconventional path that has shaped who I am today.” Joey excelled academically at Louisburg, ultimately achieving a near-perfect GPA. He received an award for students planning to pursue a career in biology, and, upon graduating in 2005, he received the honor of Student-Athlete of the Year, as well as the prestigious Isaac D. Moon Award for leadership on campus and in the community. His next stop was UNC-Chapel Hill to obtain his bachelor’s degree, followed by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where Joey earned a Master of Health Science in 2009. Joey’s quest for knowledge and life experience continues today in the Caribbean, where he is attending Ross University School of Medicine on the island of Dominica. He’s quick to point out that, as a medical student, he doesn’t have time to enjoy the island in the way he would like. Still, he loves his tropical environment. “Buying blue marlin and ahi tuna out of the back of a pickup truck caught just three hours earlier is an experience I will never forget!”
*Deceased C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
H o n o r Ro l l
H o n o r Ro l l
Kurtis Overby ’00 A native of Henderson, North Carolina, Kurtis Overby graduated from Louisburg College in 2000 with an Associate of Arts. At a very early age, he had his sight set on a career in the performing arts. At age seven, Kurtis performed in his first play, The Sound of Music, with the Louisburg College Players. While a student at Louisburg College, Kurtis was primarily a dancer, but he also acts, sings, and excels as a pianist. There were many afternoons when longtime theater director Charley-John Smith would be busy working on sets for a musical, and he’d hear Kurtis rehearsing music with the singers and dancers. Looking back at various Louisburg programs through the years, Kurtis not only danced and sang, but also choreographed Cabaret, Crazy For You, 42nd Street, and several productions of A Christmas Carol. Kurtis continues to perform professionally, as well as choreograph, judge, and instruct master classes across the nation. He has been dance captain and assistant choreographer for national tours and regional productions, and he performed several years for Carnival Cruise Line and Paramount’s Kings Dominion. Currently employed with the Arizona Broadway Theatre as artistic associate, Overby serves as their resident director and choreographer, and as director of children’s programming. In the past two years, Kurtis was presented with the AriZoni Theatre Award of Excellence for Best Choreographer for the productions of Anything Goes and 42nd Street, respectively. Charley-John Smith remembers his former theater student as “one who is very intelligent, very dedicated to his art, always dependable, always on time, always with a great attitude and always hard at work to accomplish whatever he is attempting. He is one of those people who could be successful in any area and accomplish anything that he desired. Every teacher needs and deserves at least one Kurtis Overby in a class during his or her teaching career.”
Mr. Gary R. Jones ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Carroll Joyner The Kayne Foundation Mrs. Suzanne Kayne ’66 Kelly Electric Mr. Charles R. Knight ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. La Branche Ms. Elizabeth Landis Mrs. Jane Austin Lee ’71 Mr. John C.R. Lentz ’87 Eli Lilly & Co. Foundation Mr. W. J. Little, Jr. ’49 Rev. and Mrs. Thomas E. Loftis Mr. Robert L. Luddy Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin II Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lee Lumpkin III Mr. Billy R. Merritt ’53 Mr. Nathan Miller Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mixon, Jr. Mixon Construction Company Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Modlin Mr. William David Moon ’45 Estate of Roberta B. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moulton ’43 Estate of Willie B. Mullen Mrs. Jane Earley Newsome ’64 Mrs. Beth M. Norris North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. T. Russell Odom ’68 PJM Interconnection, Matching Grants Mrs. Jean Austin Patterson ’71 Ely J. Perry Foundation Mr. Ely J. Perry III ’84 Pizza Hut of Clinton, Inc. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Bland B. Pruitt, Jr. ’62 Estate of Celia Grantham Purdie ’37 Mr. and Mrs. G. Samuel Register ’76 Mrs. Donna Rhoden Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberson ’62 Ms. Lisa Minton Robert ’90 Ms. Sue C. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rodenbeck Mr. and Mrs.* John A. Rogers Mr. Jean Paul W. Roy Mrs. Ann Rhem Schwarzmann ’54 Mr. Ronald V. Shearin Mr. Joseph W. Shearon ’51 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shelton ’69 Mr. Charles Sloan Mrs. Paula Drake Smith ’74 Mr. Emmett C. Snead III ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Grady K. Snyder ’50 ’50 Mr. Carl Stafford Mr. Glendel U. Stephenson ’52 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Strotmeyer, Jr. Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyd Sturges Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Taylor ’68 Mrs. Barbara Johnson Thompson ’62 Mrs. Ruby Chewning Thompson ’59 Mrs. Edith Boone Toussaint ’49 Travelers Motor Club Sales, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Traylor, Jr. United Methodist Foundation Wachovia Matching Gifts Mr. Carl D. Wagner ’50 *Deceased
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Wake Electric Care Tommy Wallace Electrical, Inc. Mr. Theron P. Watson James & Vedna Welch Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder ’60 Estate of Joyce Hughes Witt ’39 Ms. Cherry Dickson Woodbury Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Woodhouse, Sr. ’56 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wooters ’42 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Clifton York ’73 Otto H. York Foundation
Louisburg Society
The College’s premiere annual giving program, the Louisburg Society recognizes annual gifts of $1,000 or more in 2011-2012.
AEP Service Corporation AXA Foundation Ms. Judith D. Adams Mr. Benjamin H. Allen ’85 The Hon. Lucy Allen Mrs. Carolyn Riddle Armstrong ’66 Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Arrington, Jr. ’69 ’71 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Aurand Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh ’53 Mr. Robert E. Beck ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Boddie ’77 Mr. B. Mayo Boddie, Sr. The Nicholas B. Boddie and Lucy Mayo Boddie Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Boone Mrs. Anne Dickson Bowen Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Mr. William H. Bryan Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Bryant, Sr. ’47 Mr. Robert A. Butler Mrs. Beulah Cameron Dr. and Mrs. W. John Cameron Mr. and Mrs. G. Maurice Capps ’57 Mr. Kurt Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Champion Mr. Thomas E. Chandler Mr. Steven R. Charbonneau ’82 Chartwells Corporation Estate of James Gilliam Conrad Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Coca-Cola Foundation Mrs. Anne H. Coghill Compton Family Foundation Mr. Bryan W. Compton ’95 Ms. Ruth M. Cooke Mrs. Carolyn V. Cotton ’57 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cottrell ’61 ’62 County of Franklin DBA Jackson Dean Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Davis Mr. William M. Davis ’61 Mr. and Mrs. D. Tad DeBerry ’85 Mr. Allen S. de Hart Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson ’35 Mr. and Mrs. William Dove Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Driver ’53 ’52 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Eck Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ehrsam Element One, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Eller ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Eury Ms. Belinda Faulkner Dr. Diane Price Fleming Mr. Robert F. Fleming ’64 Ms. Sarah Foster Franklin Regional Medical Center Ms. Betty W. Frazier First United Methodist Church of Cary Mrs. Elaine Weldon Fuller ’39 Mr. and Mrs. David Gardner Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gardner ’44 ’45 Dr. and Mrs. Milton Gilbert Mr. Michael J. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Griffin ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Griffin ’67 Mr. William L. Harris, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. H. John Hatcher Mr. Thomas P. Heminger Mrs. Arlene Hodges Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Holding Robert P. Holding Foundation Mrs. Hazel Holloman G. B. Hopkins, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour Holt ’49 Mr. Franklin Y. Hundley, Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hunter, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Grady C. Inscoe Mr. Robert L. Jones Seby B. Jones Family Foundation Mr. Gary R. Jones ’65 Mr. Carroll Joyner Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. La Branche Mrs. Jane Austin Lee ’71 Mr. John C.R. Lentz ’87 Eli Lilly & Co. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steve Little Rev. and Mrs. Thomas E. Loftis Louisburg United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin II Mr. Willie Lee Lumpkin III Mr. and Mrs. Philip McGuire Mr. Billy R. Merritt ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Modlin Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moon ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moulton ’43 Mrs. Jane Earley Newsome ’64 Mrs. Beth M. Norris The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities Mr. and Mrs. T. Russell Odom ’68 Mrs. Jean Austin Patterson ’71 Ely J. Perry Foundation Mr. Ely J. Perry III ’84 Mr. Hal Clifton Perry ’53 Pizza Hut of Clinton, Inc. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Ponder Premiere Global Sports Mr. and Mrs. Bland B. Pruitt, Jr. ’62 Ribeyes of Louisburg, LLC Ms. Sue C. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rodenbeck Mr. John A. Rogers Mr. Charles M. Rucker ’72 Mrs. Ann Rhem Schwarzmann ’54 Mr. Joseph W. Shearon ’51
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shelton ’69 Mr. Charles Sloan Mrs. Paula Drake Smith ’74 Mr. Emmett Chapman Snead III ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Grady K. Snyder ’50 ’50 Mr. Richard N. Stabell ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Glendel U. Stephenson ’52 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Strotmeyer, Jr. ’68 Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyd Sturges III Mr. Howard Hoy Wah Tang ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Taylor ’68 Mrs. Sara Hux Townsend ’43 The United Methodist Church General Board of Higher Education United Methodist Foundation Tommy Wallace Electrical, Inc. Mrs. Anne Jones Weathersbee ’49 James & Vedna Welch Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Whitaker Whitaker Distribution, Inc. Mr. Donald R. Whitaker, Jr. ’76 Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Mr. Brian S. Wilder ’94 Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Womble, Sr. ’48 Mr. Jerry Burton Wood III ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Woodhouse, Jr. ’56 Mr. James T. Wooters ’42 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Yarborough Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Clifton York ’73
$500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Aurand ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Barrington Mr. Major H. Bowes ’58 Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Brown ’62 Ms. Candy Burns Mr. and Mrs. K. Wayne Burris ’62 ’62 Mr. H. Dwight Byrd ’57 Mr. Richard L. Cannon, Jr. ’52 Mr. Nick G. Costas Mr. Marion Frank Erwin ’58 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Fish ’60 ’59 Golden Corral Mr. Peter H. Green ’91 Gregory Poole Equipment Mrs. Evelyn LeMay Harris ’73 Mr. Alan G. Hollowell Mr. Douglas Hoogervorst Dr. and Mrs. Wilson S. Hoyle, Jr. ’62 ’63 Mrs. Elizabeth Tempie James ’89 Industrial Design Insurance Services Office, Inc. Dr. Alice Peedin Jacobs ’64 Mrs. Phyllis Pleasants Jones ’84 Mrs. Sylvia Jones Mr. Charles R. Knight ’87 Mrs. Jane Moon Linsky ’43 Mr. Steven B. Little Mr. W. J. Little, Jr. ’49 Louisburg Baptist Church Louisburg United Methodist Men
*Deceased C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
H o n o r Ro l l
Louisburg United Methodist Women Mr. Richard D. Niedermayer ’65 Northwestern Mutual Foundation Orthopaedic Specialists of NC Mrs. Susan Mixon Parris ’64 Mr. William A. Person PJM Interconnection Matching Grants Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Reynolds Mrs. Donna Rhoden Richards Oil Company Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Riggan, Sr. ’59 Rigsbee Builders Mr. Michael Wayne Rigsbee ’89 Rocky Mount District United Methodist Church Mr. Warren Woodlief Smith ’75 Southeastern Center for Medical Weight Loss PA Mr. Robert F. Stevens ’66 Stewart’s Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stewart ’75 ’82 The Baseball Factory Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Traylor, Jr. Water Technology & Controls Inc. Mr. Wilton H. Williams ’49 Mr. Paul L. Wilson ’61
$100-$499 A Few Nice Things Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell K. Adams Mr. L. C. Adcock Advanced Temporaries Inc Mrs. Haven Cooper Allen ’84 Mr. John A. Allen ’85 Mrs. Mabel H. Allen Alliance One International Inc. Mr. Michael W. Alspach Ms. Patricia G. Alston Mr. Robert W. Alston, Jr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Armstrong ’64 Maj. and Mrs. William H. Arrington, Jr. ’64 Mr. Ronald Rucker Bagwell ’66 Mr. Victor L. Baines Mrs. Glenda Henley Baker ’69 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baker, Jr. ’52 Mr. Felix G. Banks ’43 Mrs. Jane Nelms Barber ’70 Mr. John C. Barker Mr. Charles J. Bartles III ’63 Mrs. Emma Simmons Bass ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beasley ’70 Mrs. Mary M. Beauchamp Mr. L. Lynn Belitz Mr. and Mrs. Chris Belk Mr. and Mrs. B. Farice Belk, Jr. Ms. Betty Bell Rev. and Mrs. James D. Bell ’77 Ms. Patricia A. Benning Mrs. Lillian A. Benton Ms. Mary Lynne Benton ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Benton Mrs. Donna Overby Blake ’77 Blue Ridge Family Physicians Ms. Teresa Blumenauer Mr. Warren L. Board Ms. Delano R. Borys Mrs. Teresa Bowers Mrs. Dorothy Midgett Brannan ’48
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Mr. Glenn D. Brewer ’65 Ms. Susan A. Bridgeman Ms. Elizabeth Broome ’54 Brothers Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Brown ’68 Mrs. Velma Ferrell Brown ’60 Mr. Jerry D. Brown ’77 Brunswick Landscape Services, Inc. Mrs. Christine Denise Buckner Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson C. Bulluck ’66 ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Burns ’55 Mr. Christopher D. Burns ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bynum Mrs. Mary S. Cardozo Mr. and Mrs. Rick Carlson Dr. Patrick W. Carlton ’57 Mr. Steven Dennis Carroll ’74 Mr. William Mitchel Carter ’90 Mrs. Louise Braswell Cates ’41 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chandler IV ’67 Mr. Michael W. Chappell ’78 Mr. Alexander Cheek ’94 Circle City Pyrotechnics Mrs. Nancy M. Clarcq Ms. Patricia P. Clemens Mrs. Sophia Spivey Cody ’38 Mr. Thomas Gary Cole ’70 Mr. James E. Compton ’65 Mrs. Virginia Brittain Copping ’50 Mr. George G. Costas Ms. Sheilah Cotten Mrs. Louise Mason Cowart ’42 Mr. W. Dempsey Craig ’62 Mr. Robert Nelson Crooks, Jr. Ms. Charolette S. Crosby Crowder Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. James B. Daley Mr. and Mrs. James B. Daley Mr. Daryl L. Kidd Dr. Allen J. Divia Rev. Alice Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Davis Mr. Terry Stanley Davis ’70 Mr. Whit Davis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DeBerry Mr. Dean A. DeMasi Mrs. Lucinda DeMoss Dr. Robert S. Dendy Dennis Investigations Mr. E. Wayland Denton ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Dickerson Mrs. Ann Dunham Donnell ’45 Mr. Clyde H. Dula ’41 Mrs. John Lee Edwards ’38 Mr.* and Mrs. M. Douglas Edwards ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Eggers Ms. Mary Jane Ekdahl Mr. Sam H. Elliott ’52 Evansdale United Methodist Church Mr. L. Randolph Everett ’95 Mr. Frances F. Falls ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Perry Faulkner Mr. Jerry A. Faulkner ’54 Ms. Kendra L. Faulkner ’93 Mr. James M. Featherston, Jr. ’42 Fitzgerald’s Seafood of Rolesville
Ms. Terri West Ford ’98 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Foster ’71 Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy W. Foster ’60 ’59 Mr. Morgan Scott Foster Mr. William P. Franklin ’52 Franklin Veneers Freeman & Sherburne, Inc. Mr. Harold William Fromholz Mr. Oscar M. Fuller ’44 Future Financial Services, LLC Mr. Wilbert Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Cam L. Garner ’69 ’69 Mr. and Mrs. J. David Garrabrant Dr. and Mrs. Milton H. Gilbert Mrs. Patty Goodwin Gray Rock United Methodist Church Mr. James K. Gregory, Jr. ’62 Mrs. Brenda Hunt Grieshaber ’71 Mr. Graham P. Grissom ’36 Mr. B. Hunt Gunter Mr. Willis F. Gupton ’42 Mrs. Clara C. Hall Mrs. Tammie L. Hall Mr. Scott Campbell Hall ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Swayn G. Hamlet ’57 ’56 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hanes Rev. Madison Newton Hankal Mr. Harry J. Harles ’70 Mrs. Martha Foster Harper ’59 Harris Heavy Hauling Mr. Ronald D. Harshman Ms. Brenda G. Hawks Mrs. Rubie Riggan Hecht ’52 Ms. E. L. Heffernan Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Heflin ’65 Mr. Richard L. Hibbits Ms. Faye C. Hight Mr. James Linley Hill ’88 Mr. James O. Hillsman ’67 Mrs. Deborah Stevens Hinkle ’98 Mrs. Ruby Massenburg Hinson ’42 Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Hinton Mrs. Patricia Hinton Mr. Roy C. Hinton Mr. William J. Hinton, Jr. HM Conner General Contractor Judge and Mrs. Robert H. Hobgood Dr. Thomas N. Hobgood, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Hubert H. Hodgin ’54 ’54 Mrs. Rebecca Hill Hodnett ’68 Mrs. Celeste Hughes Hoffman ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Holloman ’83 ’90 Mr. Bernard B. Hollowell ’42 Mr. and Mrs. Lennon W. Hooper, Jr. ’50 Mr. Kevin S. House ’97 Mr. David Elliott Howell ’78 Mrs. Lynda Wooten Hudson ’68 Mrs. Mary Wheless Hughes ’52 Mrs. Pam M. Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. John Hung Mr. Frank Hunter Rev. Jack M. Hunter ’62 Mr. J. William Hurley ’53 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hyatt Mr. and Mrs. J. Deane Irving ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Isenhour JAC Land Acquisitions, Inc. *Deceased
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Mr. W. Patrick Jackson, Jr. ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Jacques Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jernigan ’47 JJR Restaurant, LLC Ms. Amy Cobb Johnson Rev. Dr. George W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tapley O. Johnson, Jr. ’60 Ms. Carmen S. Johnston ’01 Ms. Angela Lennette Jones Mrs. Candace Lester Jones ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baskerville Jones ’65 Mr. Marvin L. Jordan ’53 Mr. Mark L. Joyner Ms. Martha Ray Joyner Mr. Frederick L. Katz ’61 Mr. W. Brent Keever ’64 Mrs. Patricia Moss Kelly ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kennedy ’53 Ms. Amanda Ryan Kiger Mr. Chris Killebrew Mr. W. H. Kincheloe Mr. and Mrs. Ray King Mr. Michael King, D.P.M. Mr. Frederick Joseph Kissinger ’63 Ms. Christine Knights Mr. Timothy L. Kunkle ’73 Ms. Judy K. Kuykendall Mr. Mike Lamm Mr. T. Michael Lampros ’71 Land O’Lakes Inc. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lane Mrs. Gail Fathera Laney ’66 Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Lange, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lashley ’87 Mr. Robert Sterling Lentz ’70 Lincoln Financial Foundation Linda M. Phillips Trust Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Long Long’s Body Shop Ms. Vickie Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Loyd ’80 ’81 Mr. Seabrook W. Lucas II Mr. Chris Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marks ’56 Mrs. Veronika Haun Marquoit ’67 Mr. Daniel L. Massey ’62 Mr. and Mrs. George Matthis ’46 Mr. Wilton L. Matthis ’56 Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael May ’63 Mr. Duane N. McDonald ’65 Mrs. Virginia McHolan Mrs. Melba Harrington McLean ’66 Mrs. Audrey Marsh McPherson ’50 Mears PC, LLC Mrs. Jeanne Bright Meekins ’47 Rev. Dr. Charles Henry Mercer, Sr. ’38 Mr. Reuben Earl Mercer Mr. Robert Merryman, Jr. Dr. Jane Middleton Mr. Palmer S. Midgett, Jr. ’61 Dr. D. Edmond Miller Kem Sales, Inc. Mr. Kelly Edman Miller ’76 Mr. David Minard Dr. Louise B. Mitchum Ms. Rachael A. Modlin ’50
Alice Jacobs ’64 Dr. Alice Marie Peedin Jacobs’ educational and professional history reads like a “who’s who” in education across the nation. After graduating in 1964 from Louisburg College, she attended Western Michigan University and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Business Education, and later her Master of Arts in Teaching of Business. In 1986, she was awarded her Doctorate in College and University Administration from Michigan State University. Initially, Dr. Jacobs came to Louisburg to earn a one-year secretarial certificate with the intention of seeking employment immediately thereafter. One day, business professor Betsy Pernell asked her student what she planned to do the following year. The young Alice Peedin replied that she would be going to work, as she didn’t have the money to return to college the next year. However, Ms. Pernell assured her that with her good academic standing, scholarship money would be available. “I sometimes reflect on how my life would have been so different if I had not continued my education at that point,” Dr. Jacobs says, “and it is because of Ms. Pernell’s encouragement.” Dr. Jacobs has served as president of Danville Area Community College (DACC) in Danville, Illinois, since 1999, and is the second woman to hold the position in the college’s sixty-five year history. Before arriving at Danville, she served as president of Kaskaskia College in Centralia, Illinois; vice president of instruction and student development at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, North Carolina; dean of instruction at Rochester Community College in Rochester, Minnesota; and dean of occupational education (as well as a faculty member) at Kellogg Community College in Battle Creek, Michigan. She began her career in education as secretary to the president of Kellogg Community College. Under Dr. Jacobs’ leadership, the number of people served by DACC has increased 100%, facilities have undergone major renovation and expansion, and more than thirty new programs have been
implemented. Due to her fundraising efforts, the college’s foundation has doubled its assets, and support to the college continues to increase. In 2006, DACC received the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Central Region Equity Award. Dr. Jacobs has devoted countless hours serving on various boards and commissions, including but certainly not limited to president of the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents. Additionally, she has served on the executive committee and board of directors of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). Other AACC service includes past member, co-chair, or chair of the commissions on diversity, inclusiveness, and equity. She currently serves on the AACC’s Presidents Academy Executive Committee. Dr. Jacobs is clearly also committed to her local community, where she serves on numerous boards and has filled the role of president of the Danville Symphony board, chair of the Vermillion Advantage board, and chair of her local United Way campaign. Her efforts to serve have not gone unnoticed, as she has received a number of honors and awards including Western Michigan University’s Alumni Wall of Distinction (1987), the 9th Annual Rotary Vocational Service Person of the Year Award from the Danville Noon Rotary Club (2002), and the Woman of Achievement award from the Danville Chapter of the American Association of University Women (2007), to name a few. When asked about her greatest accomplishment to date, Dr. Jacobs shared this message that she inherited from her mother: “Education is something that no one can take from you.” She reiterated, “I am so thankful that I have been privileged to be a community college president for almost twenty years, because each year at commencement I see the hundreds of lives that have been transformed by my College.”
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Efrain Valencia ’10 2010 Louisburg graduate Efrain Valencia never took his educational opportunities for granted. Born in Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico, Valencia immigrated to America with his family at the age of ten. After graduating from Louisburg High School in 2008, he chose to continue his education at Louisburg College because of the scholarships available and the small class sizes. “I also chose Louisburg College,” he says, “because I wanted to be known by my name and not just by a number.” Initially known as Isabel’s son, a member of the College’s housekeeping staff since 2001, Efrain quickly made a name for himself as a scholar, athlete, business leader, and campus volunteer. This enthusiastic young man immersed himself in campus life, serving on the Christian Life Council and the Judiciary Board, as a runner on the cross country team, and as a stand-out member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society and Phi Beta Lambda business society—all while working tweny-five hours per week at a local gas station and every Tuesday night in the College’s math lab as a tutor. After earning an Associate of Science in Business from Louisburg, Efrain was accepted to Mount Olive College. In 2012, he graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a double minor in marketing and human resources (pictured with family members at his graduation). During his two years there, Efrain served as the president of Phi Beta Lambda. “The leadership skills I acquired at Louisburg prepared me to hold a number of positions at Mount Olive,” he says. He feels it would be unfair to specifically name the professors and staff who were instrumental in his success at Louisburg, as they all played a crucial role. “Everyone at Louisburg College is very supportive and friendly. Even at this point in my life I am in contact with them, and I know that if I ever need help, they are there for me.” Efrain is currently pursuing a career in international business, and eventually plans to seek a doctorate degree. His other passion is acting—a field in which he also hopes to have a career. “Anything is possible,” he says, “and with hard work and dedication, your dreams can become a reality.” “Louisburg College was, and will always be, a great foundation for my education and career. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my mother, Isabel Santillan Rodriguez. She and my dad played a big part in shaping me into the man I am today.”
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Monie Monitech Inc Ms. M. Sharon Moore ’71 ’87 Moore Printing & Graphics Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Morris Mrs. Anne Tucker Mulchi ’53 Ms. Patrice Nealon Mr. Ben Holland Neville, Jr. ’66 North Carolina Community College System North Wake County Baseball Association, Inc. Mr. Edgar L. Norvell ’60 Mr. John J. Novak, Jr. Mrs. Denise Nyisztor Mr. Jeffrey V. Olbrys Mr. Charles W. Oliver ’03 Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. John G. Patronis ’60 Mrs. Norma B. Patton Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Stewart, Jr. Mr. Clarence W. Pearce, Jr. ’54 Ms. Susie T. Perdue Mr. Kyle Perkins ’07 Mr. and Mrs. David Perkins Ms. Wanda S. Peters Mrs. Mary Anne Peele Petteway ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Elbert H. Phelps ’52 Dr. Jonathan D. Phillips ’76 Mr. Frederick W. Pittard ’77 Mr. E. Craig Pleasants ’80 Mr. John R. Poe, Jr. ’63 Mrs. Fonda Porter Mrs. Tracy N. Potter Mr. L. Norwood Prichett Pumping and Shoring Solutions, LLC Mr. Paul Jennings Puryear, Jr. R & W McCoy Farms Mr. Chester S. Ragland ’73 Mr. and Mrs. G. Samuel Register ’76 Reid Hill Golf Shop Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberson ’62 Mrs. Margaret Adcock Robinson ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Rose Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rosenstein ’68 ’68 Rev. and Mrs. L. Graham Royall, Sr. ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ruark Safe Space, Inc. Ms. Dee T. Saller Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saltzer Mr. Randy Addison Sandlin ’81 Ms. Janice A. Sapp ’71 Mr. Charles E. Satterwhite Mr. Alan G. Saunders ’73 Mr. Peter B. Saunders ’80 Dr. and Mrs. William A. Sayles Mr. Thomas H. Sayre Mr. Thomas Sclafani Mr. Russell L. Sears ’66 Mrs. Martha Cly Shaffner ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Shingledecker Mr. David George Singleton ’66 Mr. Creighton W. Sloan ’66 Mr. Charles M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Smith Smoke House Lumber Company Mr. Donald Parker Southerland ’97 Mr. William R. Spade ’67
Mr. Richard Thomas Spain III ’72 Mr. Steve Sparks Mrs. Mary Spector Mr. Tom Spleth Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Stallings Mr. J. Gilbert Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stanford Ms. Marcelle K. Stanley ’45 Stars and Stripes Aerospace Mr. Steven B. Stenersen Wallace C. Stepp Associates Inc. Mr. Wallace C. Stepp ’64 Steven R. Moran Associates, PLLC Steve’s Automotive, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham Stewart, Sr. ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Stewart ’75 ’82 Dr. Raymond A. Stone ’47 Mr. Keven Strickland Dr. W. Trent Strickland ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Stringfellow ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad B. Sturges, Jr. Mr. Christopher Ray Suggs ’90 Mrs. Bernadette S. Talbert Tarheel State Service Managers Tarpley & Rigsbee, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Donnie H. Teague Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Tetterton ’56 ’56 The Community Foundation of Western NC Ms. Jennith Thomas Ms. Alice W. Thomason Mrs. Ruby Chewning Thompson ’59 Ms. Toshanya Tillery Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Timberlake ’64 ’59 Mr. and Mrs. G. Neal Titus, Jr. ’65 Mrs. Linda Crocker Todd ’64 Mrs. Stephanie Buchanan Tolbert ’97 Mrs. Edith Boone Toussaint ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Tracey Mr. Todd Trickey Trinity United Methodist Church Mrs. Delores Cole Tune ’62 Mrs. Janet Griffin Turner ’44 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ulber Ms. Rosemarie K. Urban Mr. David A. Vaughan ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Walden Mr. Grayson Watkins Walker ’64 Mr. and Mrs. William Wall ’47 The Reverend Lynn T. Wall Mrs. Jane Rosser Warfel ’41 Mr. Charles Hillsman Warren ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Warren Mr. and Mrs. W. Irvin Warren Ms. Linda Weidler Mr. Randall Scott Wells ’64 Mrs. Rebecca W. Wells Mr. Robert L. Wells ’60 Ms. Mary E. West ’41 Mr. Robert L. West ’60 Mrs. Karen Knopf Wharton ’66 Mr. John W. Wheelous III ’69 Mrs. Joyce Smith Whitaker ’48 Mr. James Melton White, Jr. ’76 Ms. Norma G. White Mrs. Ann C. Whitley ’92 Mr. Russell A. Wilcock ’48 Mrs. Louis R. Wilkerson
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Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larry Williams Mrs. Nellie Stallings Williams ’47 Mr. Robert W. Williams ’86 Walter and Marie Williams Foundation Mr. Arnold W. Wilson ’69 Mrs. Margaret Alston Wilson ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Wilson, Jr. ’45 Mr. Stephen N. Wilson ’71 Mr. and Mrs. M. Lee Winder, Sr. Windham Printing Mr. Floyd Johnson Wingfield ’67 Mrs. Frances Sutton Winslow ’58 Mr. William T. Winslow Winston-Salem Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Winters Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wojtkowicz Mr. James F. Womble ’54 Mrs. Jean Cook Woodruff ’58 Mrs. Terry Ball Wright ’87 Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton, LLP Ms. Kaye Yadusky Mr. Aaron Donald Yarbrough ’56 Mr. James M. Yates Yeshua Ministries, Inc. Rev. and Mrs. Thomas S. Yow III Mr. Frank J. Zebedis
Contributors Mrs. Pamela F. Adams Adams Carpet One Mrs. Susan Steed Adcock ’67 Ms. Angela Adkins Mr. Damon Adkins Ms. Genya V. Afanasyeva Mrs. Mavis McGowan Alder ’40 Mr. James T. Alexander III Ms. Cherri W. Allen Mrs. Lisa Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Allen Mrs. Missy Alls Ms. Ellen A. Anderson Mrs. Frances Handley Andrus ’43 Mr. James D. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. William T. Arnold Mrs. Kathleen Britt Arnold ’40 Mrs. Catherine L. Asbell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Atkinson Mr. Douglas A. Fox Ms. Stacey Austell Mr. W. David Austin III Mr. Ebub B. Autry, Jr. ’99 Mr. Fred S. Ayscue ’62 Ms. Jackie Ayscue Mr. Roderick Bailey Mrs. Nettie M. Baines Mr. Aaron Baker Mr. Rossie V. Baker, Sr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Barrier Mr. and Mrs. Rufus A. Bartholomew, Jr. ’61 Mr. Daniel Bartholomew Ms. Donna Fuller Bartholomew Mr. John Basaldu Mrs. Frances Isles Bass ’69 Mr. Paul G. Bass ’50 Mr. Johnathan M. Bates ’91
Batton & Guin, Attorneys Mr. Don Beach Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Beam Mr. Wilson G. Beasley ’40 Rev. Shane Benjamin Mr. Curt Bennett Dr. Elizabeth Benson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Benton Mr. Nathan Biegenzahn Mr. Keith D. Blackley Ms. Wilena Blackwell Mr. David Blair Mr. and Mrs. David C. Blake ’50 Mrs. Judy Blakemore Ms. Gladys Blevins Mr. and Mrs. George L. Boggs ’67 Mr. Willie L. Bolden, Jr. Mr. Willie L. Bolden, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Borkowski Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Boutwell Mr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Bowers Mr. Randall H. Bowman ’90 Ms. Marilyn Williams Bracey Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bradley Dr. Martha Bragg Ms. Patricia I. Bragg Mr. Mark A. Brann Ms. Crystal Brantley Mr. Lewis C. Briggs, Jr. Mr. Jody Bright Ms. Joy B. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Britt Mrs. Donna Jacobson Browe ’66 Mr. Carl W. Brower, Jr. ’80 Mr. Adam Brown Mr. Arthur L. Brown Mrs. Betty Lou Williams Brown ’53 Mr. Richard R. Brown Mr. Stuart Brown Ms. Nancy L. Brozewicz Ms. Cornelia S. Buckner Mrs. Donna M Buffum Mr. Donald L. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burnett Ms. Georgette Burnette Mr. and Mrs. J. Neil Byrd Mrs. Dorothy W. Cahoon Mrs. Frances Stephenson Callender ’63 Ms. Nicole Capps Mr. E. Brent Cardwell ’91 Mr. and Mrs. James Carnes Ms. Dorothy H. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan Cash Ms. Cynthia M. Chandler Charlotte Optometric Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Chesnutt Mr. Michael Childs Mrs. Deborah C. Christie Mrs. Alicia Coburn Mr. and Mrs. James H. Coburn Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Coe Mr. and Mrs. Gerry F. Cohen Mr. David Wilson Coleman ’75 Ms. Janet W. Coleman Mrs. Virginia Spivey Coleman ’42 Mrs. Hazel Lassiter Collier ’45 Mrs. Emma Snell Coney ’42 Confluence
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Dr. Diane Cook Ms. Leej Copperfield Mr. Samuel A. Corabi, Jr. Mr. J. David Cothran ’64 Mrs. Mae Bell Cox ’47 Ms. Joan E. Crooks Mr. Robert Crosswhite Ms. Sara C. Culberson Ms. Rachel Cunningham Dr. Clifford G. Cutrell ’47 D. K. Clay Pottery Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dalton Mr. John M. Daniels ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Davenport ’48 Ms. Katherine Davis ’39 Mr. Steven B. Davis ’72 Mr. R. Grady Dawson, Jr. Mr. Charles W. Day ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stewart Dean ’67 Mrs. Carolyn Williams Dearing ’66 Deer Creek Farm Dew Insurance Agency Col. Charles F. Dibrell Mr. Milton Dickerson Mrs. Patricia Wilson Dixon ’58 Mrs. Connie L. Dochterman Mrs. Carla W. Doedtman Mrs. Judith Ammons Dorman ’59 Dr. Miller W. Gibbons Mr. J. Enid Drake Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Duenkel Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. Dunn Mr. John Piaski Ms. Mary Eason Mr. Michael D. Eaves ’76 Mr. Anton Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge H. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Ellis ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis Mrs. Meg Ellis Ms. Clarissa Elmore Mrs. Erlene Jordan Evans ’49 Mrs. Stephanie T. Ezzell Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson Falkner ’65 Rev. and Mrs. Horace T. Ferguson ’60 ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Fields C. H. Floore, Inc. Mr. John Baxton Flowers III ’62 Mr. Glenn Fogleman Mr. and Mrs. James H. Fountain Mrs. Janet Leister Franklin ’74 Mr. Fred Colom Hight, Jr. ’60 Mr. Larry Gaines Ms. Mary E. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Bill Galloway Mrs. Pattie Joyner Gambardella ’46 Mr. Brian Gano Mr. and Mrs. Johnny E. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Garner, Jr. Mrs. Marietta Joliff Garrett ’51 Dr. Genevieve Hodgin Gay ’41 Ms. Lisa Germano Mr. and Mrs. Pierre L. Giani Rev. Alan C. Gibson ’73 Dr. Joyce Bateman Giglioni Dr. H. Leon Gillis, Jr. ’75
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Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Gillis Sr. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Goeglin Mr. Julian B. Goodman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Goodwin Mr. Ronald E. Grahm Ms. Brenda Green Mr. James Green Mrs. Ann B Greene Mr. Jeffrey A. Greentree ’73 Mr. Herbert J. Griffin Ms. Carolyn S. Grim Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grinnan, Jr. ’64 Mr. Thomas M. Groody Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Guenot Mr. Daniel W. Guin ’69 Mrs. Brandy L. Gupton Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Gustafson ’79 Bishop and Mrs. Alfred W. Gwinn Ms. Nancy L. Hammersley Mr. John L. Hancock ’63 Mr. James A. Harper ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Harren Ms. Frances A. Harris Mr. William D. Harrison ’47 Mr. Alfred J. Haubert Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Hawkins Mr. W. Tate Hayman ’89 Mr. Wilson Hayman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haynes Mrs. Martha E. Hedgepeth ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heming Mrs. Nannie B. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Herring Ms. Martha Susan Fulghum ’76 Ms. Cathy Hessenthaler Mrs. Betty Coile Hicks ’56 Mr. Trevor Highfield Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hight, Jr. Ms. Ironica M. Hill Ms. Maggie Hill Mr. William M. Hill, Jr. ’55 Mrs. Barbara Dunn Hilliard ’59 Mr. Joe B. Hobbs ’61 Mr. Ronald P. Hodul ’78 Mr. Kris Hoffler Mrs. Jane Trump Hohn ’61 Mr. J. Peter Holland IV ’68 Mrs. Elmar Newton Holmes ’58 Mrs. Julie B. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Holmes Holroyd Agency Mrs. Babs Holtzman Mr. Thomas K. Howell Ms. Rebecca Howerton Mr. Carroll T. Hunt Mrs. Carol J. Hunter Mr. Don B. Hutchins Mrs. Madge G. Hyatt Ms. Sharon Hylton Ms. Phyllis M. Ihrie Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Inghram Dr. Edward E. Ingram Ms. Nicole M. Interdonato Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Irwin Rev. Wilbur Ivan Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jamerson Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. James Mr. Joseph T. Jenkins
Mr. Eric Ralph Joerg ’69 Ms. Theresa A. Johns Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Johnson, Jr. Mr. James T. Johnson ’67 Mrs. Janie Johnson Ms. Mary Johnson Mr. Robert W. Johnson ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Johnston ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones Mr. and Mrs. R. Pat Jones ’51 Mr. Robert L. Jones ’66 Ms. Wendy C. Jones Ms. Kim Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Judge ’76 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kallam Mr. J. Scott Kanich ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Kaufman ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keefer Dr. Albert Kelling, DDS, PA Ms. Patricia K. Kepley Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kilian Ms. Laura L. Kinzinger Mr. W. Gary Kirkman ’76 Mr. John D. Kirkwood Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Kittridge Mr. Rich Knight Ms. Diana Koenig Mr. Sangsoon Koh Mr. J. Holt Kornegay ’74 Mr. Chester E. Kroll Mr. Jeffrey S. Kuhns Ms. Stella Kunkler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kwasnik Ms. Joan W. Lambert Mr. James M. Lamm Mr. Tryon Delano Lancaster ’54 Mrs. Nancy Sisson Langford ’63 Mrs. Dorothy Rathmell Langshaw ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaPlante Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. LaPlante Mrs. Michelle J. Lathrop Mrs. Patsy Conwell Lawrence ’59 Mr. Lawrence F. Ruggiero Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Craig LeKander Mrs. Pamela Lancaster Leonard ’69 Mrs. Tony Gupton LeTrent Jones ’70 Mrs. Katheryn Coor Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lewis ’69 ’69 Mr. Jeffrey Linney Mr. Robert Leggett Littrell ’79 Ms. Mary Louise Lockhart ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Long, Sr. Mrs. Nancy D. Long Mrs. Carol Myrick Long ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Billie Loyd Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lee Lumpkin, Jr. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lysher Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lysher Mr. and Mrs. W. Roger Madden Ms. Maria A. Madero Mr. David R. Madigan Mr. Michael Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mangum ’51 Ms. Winfred H. Mangum Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Andy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Martin *Deceased
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Ms. Karen Martin ’00 Ms. Karen L. Marzilli Ms. Frances C. Matthews Mr. W. Charles May ’75 Mr. John Estes McAllister III ’73 Mr. John McArthur, Jr. ’63 Mr. William A. McCarty ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. McCotter, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Hudson McCoy ’64 Mr. John Manly McDaniel ’70 Mr. Michael McGuire Mr. Eugene McHolan Ms. Ann McIntyre Ms. Jeanne M. McKean Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McKee ’67 ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Evan McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McNamara ’73 Mr. Michael Lawton McQueen ’85 Mr. Robert T. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Gary Meadows Mr. O. C. Melton, Jr. ’47 Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred Mercer Ms. Jacqueline Gardner Merrill ’84 Ms. Mindy Merryman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Merryman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Michael, Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Michalak Mr. Paul Michaluk Ms. Gayle H. Michener ’70 Mr. James E. Midyette, Jr. Mr. Michael D. Miess Mr. Kary W. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Miller Ms. Holly Mitchell Ms. Margaret F. Moody Ms. Wendy R. Moody ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Moore Mr. P. Wayne Moore ’68 Ms. Susan A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitaker Moose Mrs. Regina Creech Morgan ’81 Mr. Jack D. Morgan ’80 Mrs. Elizabeth Coor Morris Mr. Kenneth E. Morris III Mr. Robert P. Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Win Neagle Ms. Annette A. Neal Mr. Paul L. Nevitt ’77 Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartwell Newton ’61 ’68 Mr. Lee Nicholson Mr. William J. Nicolaro Mr. Gary A. Noland O’Berry and Lewis Mrs. Sarah Lou Odel Mrs. Maureen Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Osbeck Ms. Helen Othow Mr. Jason J. Pacheco Mr. Hassell Painter Rev. Joseph C. Parker ’61 Ms. Leigh Ann Parrish Mr. Josh Parrott Ms. Jamie Eller Patrick ’84 Mr. Brett F. Patton ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Patton Mrs. Kathryn Ward Paul ’51 Mrs. Marla R. Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Al Peoples, Jr. ’70 Mr. Clay Perdue ’68
Joe Mobley ’69
Historian and author Joe Mobley, who graduated from Louisburg College in 1969, recalls fondly and appreciatively his days at the College and the solid academic foundation that he received here. After Louisburg, he attended North Carolina State University, where he received his BA and MA degrees. Joe then began his career in history at the Office of Archives and History in the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. There, he became Historical Publications administrator and editor in chief of the North Carolina Historical Review. After retiring from state government in 2001, Joe began his present career teaching North Carolina history to undergraduates and the subject of documentary editing to graduate students at NC State. Over the years, he has written or edited ten books and a number of journal articles related to North Carolina or Civil War history. In 1996, the American Association of State and Local History presented him with its Certificate of Commendation for “accomplishment in writing publications on North Carolina history.” His book War Governor of the South: North Carolina’s Zeb Vance in the Confederacy won the North Caroliniana Book Award for 2005.
His recent book Weary of War: Life on the Confederate Home Front is an account of the plight of the Southern civilian population during the Civil War. Joe has served as president of the Historical Society of North Carolina, as president of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association, and as a member of the Council of Scholars for the Institute for Emerging Issues at North Carolina State University. Two of his brothers, John and Phil, are also alumni of Louisburg College. His brother Steve and his wife, Martha Leonard Mobley, live in the vicinity and have close ties to the Louisburg community. The family was pleased to present to the school the painting of the College by artist Beth Smith that now hangs in the hall of Old Main. “The first two years of college are so important for setting a student on the right path for success,” says Joe. “With its strong emphasis on an encouraging and motivational environment, Louisburg College has assisted many students in achieving lifetime goals. I will always remember the school with pride and gratitude. It launched me on a career that has been most fulfilling.”
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Shekanah Solomon ’10 Her name is derived from the Biblical word shekinah, defined as “the glory of the divine presence, conventionally represented as light”— so it’s only fitting that 2010 graduate Shekanah Solomon has made it her life’s mission to “follow God in her call to the ministry.” Despite her positive attitude and strong faith, Shekanah struggled academically during her high school years in Raleigh, North Carolina, and her college options were limited. Louisburg’s admissions team saw something special in Shekanah and decided to admit her for the Fall 2008 semester. With a firm determination and laserlike focus, she excelled in academics and immersed herself in campus life, serving with the Student Government Association, Campus Activities Board, Christian Life Council, Phi Theta Kappa honor society, The Chosen Generation gospel choir, and Student Ambassadors. Shekanah graduated from Campbell University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity from Campbell’s Divinity School. She also works on campus as a resident chaplain in a freshman hall. “Louisburg College has had a strong impact on my life,” she says. “I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Hurricane family.” Shekanah’s tuition was partially funded by the Bill and Hazel B. Mullen Memorial Scholarship and the C. Ray Pruette Academic Award. She credits several faculty and staff members as vital instruments in her success at Louisburg, including Chaplains Holloway and Davis, Glendora Powell, Tommy Jenkins, Louise Mitchum, James Hairston, Laura Carroll, Tanisha Williams, and President La Branche. “While at Louisburg, I was able to grow spiritually, intellectually, and socially,” she says. “I hope to have an impact on the lives of people and empower them to reach their goals by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelistic and counseling ministries.”
Mr. and Mrs. Ted N. Sloan ’60 ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smith Mrs. Frances V. Smith Mrs. Susan Ray Smith ’73 Mr. Ralph M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith ’51 Mrs. Carolyn Harper Smith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Snipes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Soult Mrs. Debbie Spain Mr. Stephen Eugene Spainhour ’70 Mrs. Martha Bradsher Spencer ’62 Mr. Kelvin Spragley Mr. Dennis H. Springs Mrs. Shonda Parker Stacey ’89 Mr. Charles Edwin Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Graham Clark Stallings ’57 Mr. Jeffrey Stanek Ms. Joan E. Stanford State Farm Companies Foundation B.F. Stepp Electric Co., Inc Mr. A. Jackson Stewart, Jr. Mr. James K. Stewart Mr. Andrew Stokes Dr. Paul S. Stone ’52 Mr. Donald Stopa Mr. Robert L. Stover, Jr. Mr. Robert Perry Strickland ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Stukes Mr. Andrew M. Sugg ’89 Mr. Dane A. Sullenberger Mr. George L. Sutton Ms. Melissa Sykes Mrs. Vivian H. Sykes Ms. Jill Szumera Mr. and Mrs. David Tavenner Mr. and Mrs. James F. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Brian Z. Taylor Mr. Michael D. Tedder Mr. Gene Tharrington The Kids Corner Mr. C.G. Thigpen Ms. Barbara C. Thomas Mr. L. R. Thomas III Thomas Brothers Body Shop Mrs. Rachel Breedlove Thompson ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Thorpe Ms. Althea G. Tillman Mr. J. Ralph Timberlake Mr. Francis M. Toney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Trevathan Triplett-King & Associates, Inc. Ms. Jane Elizabeth Truex Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Turlington Mr. William Troy Turlington ’59 Mr. Johnny Turnage Mrs. Evelyn Smithwick Turner ’43 Mr. Samuel A. Tuten, Jr. ’41 Mr. Anthony Vana Mr. Brett Vana Mr. Mark Vanderslice Mrs. Sandra Garman Vickers ’68 Ms. Carolyn Vickery Ms. Katherine Visintine
Mr. and Mrs. Sam N. Perdue ’66 Mrs. Jean M. Perloff Mr. Thomas W. Peterkin, Jr. ’65 Mr. W. Horace Petty ’46 Mrs. Kim Piazza Mr. and Mrs. T. Jordan Pierce Mr. Frank W. Pierce ’63 Ms. Amy S. Plahuta Mr. and Mrs. William C. Pollard Mr. Robert Poole Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Potter ’68 Mr. Mark E. Powell Ms. Katie Lynn Price Mr. and Mrs. Gene Purdy Mrs. Kimberly Puryear Mrs. Rebecca Simpson Puryear ’65 R/J and Son Trucking Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Raines Mr. William R. Ramsey Mr. Wilson Ray Ms. Ann Brooke Raynal Mrs. Barbara Medlin Raynor ’58 Mr. Maurice A. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reeve ’85 ’85 Ms. Vicki Reid Mrs. Earline Whitehurst Revelle ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Reynolds Mr. Bernard Rice Mr. Ivan G. Rice, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Watson Richardson ’42 Mrs. Strowd Ward Riggsbee ’45 Mrs. Janet Croom Robbins ’61 Mrs. Jessica Roberson Ms. Jacqueline M. Roberts Mr. David F. Stivick Robert’s Glass Co. Mr. and Mrs. Willie B. Robertson ’48 Ms. Kathleen M. Robinson Robinson and Smith Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Roche Mr. Robert Rogers Rogers Electrical & Air Controls, Inc. Ms. Dianne M. Roper Mr. Patrick Donald Ross ’69 Mr. Brandon Rosser Mr. and Mrs. James R. Rumford Mr. John Sala Ms. Tracey Sala Mr. Brian W. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sauls Dr. Laura Schanberg Mr. and Mrs. Neal P. Schattauer Mr. Richard B. Schneider ’73 Mr. Nicholas Jerome Schoonover III ’82 Mr. Kenneth K. Schowald ’77 Ms. Diane L. Schultz ’69 Ms. Anne V. Scoggin Mr. and Mrs. David D. Scully Ms. Janet Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Shannahan III Mrs. Mae Asbell Shaw ’40 Mrs. Stacy A. Shirley Mr. Jay R. Shive, Jr. Simply Organized, Inc. Ms. Patti B. Skidmore
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Mr. Adam Wade Mr. Rickie Logan Wagstaff ’77 Mr. Timothy Wallace Dr. Robert S. Walton ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Ward Mr. Thomas E. Wardrick ’90 Mr. Robert G. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Weeks Mrs. Carol Dement Weeks ’65 Mr. David A. Weeks Ms. Joan M. Weil Mr. and Mrs. William G. Wheatley Mrs. Phyllis Bailey Whitaker ’53 Mrs. Connie Womack Wicker ’70 Mrs. Sheryl E. Wilkie Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Wilkinson ’66 Ms. Camilla A. Williams Ms. Carolyn Williams Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Williams ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert J. Williams Mr. Matthew C. Williams Ms. Michelle M. Williams Mrs. Louise McCullen Williams ’55 Mrs. Helen Mansfield Willie ’46 Ms. Patricia Ann Willis ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Dana M. Wilson Dr. G. Curtis Wilson ’47 Mr. Phillip L. Winder Mrs. Tina Mascia Winesette ’80 Mr. John Wojichowski Ms. Karen E. Wojichowski Mr. Leo L. Wojtkowicz Mrs. Amy Scoggin Wolfe Ms. Gloria J. Woodard-Gaines Rev. Charles E. Woodruff, Jr. ’60 Ms. Mariel B. Wooten Mrs. Betty Wrenn Mr. Steven B. Wright ’77 Mrs. Yvonne Winstead Yantsios ’56 Mr. Lewis G. Young ’69 Youngsville Woman’s Club Ms. Emily Zank Ms. Catherine Ziencik
Estates Estate of Frances Gwin ’41 Estate of Nathan Cole, Jr. Estate of Dr. C. Ray Pruette Estate of Joyce Hubbard Fisher ’41 Estate of Pearl Harris Gomo ’38 Estate of Jean McKinnon Hubbard ’42 Estate of Richard P. Butler Estate of James Gilliam Conrad
Corporations, Foundations & Matching Gifts A Few Nice Things Adams Carpet One Advanced Temporaries, Inc AEP Service Corporation Dr. Allen J. Divia, DDS, PC
Alliance One International, Inc. Mr. Douglas A. Fox, Attorney at Law AXA Foundation The Baseball Factory Batton & Guin, Attorneys The Nicholas B. Boddie and Lucy Mayo Boddie Foundation Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund Brothers Cleaners Brunswick Landscape Services, Inc. James E. And Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Charlotte Optometric Clinic Chartwells Corporation Circle City Pyrotechnics Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Coca-Cola Foundation The Community Foundation of Western NC Compton Family Foundation Confluence Crowder Construction Company D. K. Clay Pottery DBA Jackson Dean Enterprises Deer Creek Farm Dennis Investigations Dew Insurance Agency Dr. Miller W. Gibbons, DDS Mr. John Piaski, CPA, PA Element One, Inc. Eli Lilly & Co. Foundation First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Fitzgerald’s Seafood of Rolesville Franklin Regional Medical Center Franklin Veneers Freeman & Sherburne, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Golden Corral Gregory Poole Equipment Harris Heavy Hauling Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. Robert P. Holding Foundation Holroyd Agency G. B. Hopkins, Inc. Insurance Services Office, Inc. JAC Land Acquisitions, Inc. James & Vedna Welch Foundation JJR Restaurant, LLC Dr. Albert Kelling, DDS, PA Kem Sales, Inc. Mr. Daryl L. Kidd, PC The Kids Corner Land O’Lakes, Inc. Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Lincoln Financial Foundation Long’s Body Shop Mears, PC, LLC Monitech, Inc Moore Printing & Graphics North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities Northwestern Mutual Foundation O’Berry and Lewis Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program Dr. Paul W. Stewart, Jr., DDS, PA Ely J. Perry Foundation Pizza Hut of Clinton, Inc. PJM Interconnection, Matching Grants
*Deceased C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
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Premiere Global Sports Pumping and Shoring Solutions, LLC R & W McCoy Farms R/J and Son Trucking Reid Hill Golf Shop Richards Oil Company, Inc. Rigsbee Builders Robert’s Glass Co. Robinson and Smith Insurance Rogers Electrical & Air Controls, Inc. Mr. Lawrence F. Ruggiero Esq. Seby B. Jones Family Foundation Simply Organized Inc. Smoke House Lumber Company Southeastern Center for Medical Weight Loss Stars and Stripes Aerospace State Farm Companies Foundation Wallace C. Stepp Associates, Inc. B.F. Stepp Electric Co., Inc. Steven R. Moran Associates, PLLC Steve’s Automotive, Inc. Stewart’s Jewelers Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co. Foundation Tarheel State Service Managers Tarpley & Rigsbee, Inc. Thomas Brothers Body Shop Triplett-King & Associates, Inc. United Methodist Foundation Tommy Wallace Electrical, Inc. Water Technology & Controls, Inc. Wells Fargo Foundation Whitaker Distribution, Inc. Walter and Marie Williams Foundation Winston-Salem Foundation Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton, LLP
Donors to Endowed Funds Dr. Thomas Aurand Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Aurand Marvin and Mary Jo Baugh Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh ’53 James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Mr. William H. Bryan R.P. and Etta A. Butler Memorial Scholarship Estate of Richard P. Butler John L. Cameron Athletic Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pearce Peter A. Carlton Memorial Scholarship Dr. Patrick W. Carlton ’57 Coltrane-Robertson-Coleman Scholarship Ms. Sue C. Robertson Ruth M. Cooke Scholarship Ms. Ruth M. Cooke
H o n o r Ro l l
Coor Family Scholarship Mrs. Katheryn Coor Lewis Mrs. Elizabeth Coor Morris
Gary Ward Paul Scholarship Mrs. Kathryn Ward Paul ’51
Allen de Hart Endowment Mr. Emmett Chapman Snead III ’71
R.A. Scholarship Mrs. Norma B. Patton Mrs. Joyce Smith Whitaker ’48
Coach J. Enid Drake Basketball Scholarship Mrs. Paula Drake Smith ’74
Blair Tucker Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. John Hatcher
John and Mattie Edwards Scholarship Mrs. John Lee Edwards ’38
Jerry B. and Betty Wood Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Burton Wood III ’75
Louisburg College General Endowment Mr. Palmer S. Midgett, Jr. ’61
York Athletic Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Clifton York ’73
Frances Gwin Scholarship Estate of Frances Gwin ’41
Hurricane Club
Robert P. and Maggie B. Holding Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Holding R. Edward and Louise Hunter Scholarship Mr. Frank Hunter Mr. Richard E. Hunter, Jr. ’68 Anne Jones Christian Leadership Scholarship Mrs. Anne Jones Weathersbee ’49 Dr. and Mrs. John C. LeMay ’54 Scholarship Mr. James D. Armstrong Ms. Frances A. Harris Mrs. Betty Coile Hicks ’56 Mrs. Barbara Hight Mr. Jason Hockaday Ms. Ann McIntyre North Carolina Community College System Mrs. Elizabeth Hatch Pollard Mrs. Etta R. Raines Mr. Charles E. Satterwhite Ms. Barbara C. Thomas Blanche Hooper and Earl R. Meekins Scholarship Mrs. Mary M. Beauchamp Mercer Scholarship Rev. Charles Henry Mercer, Sr. ’38 Herbert and Elsie Miller Scholarship Dr. D. Edmond Miller William Moon and Jane Moon Linsky Scholarship Mrs. Jane Moon Linsky ’43 State Farm Companies Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan Cash Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chandler IV ’67 Mr. J. Enid Drake Dr. and Mrs. James C. Eck Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ehrsam Evansdale United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Perry Faulkner Mr. Morgan Scott Foster Mrs. Tammie L. Hall Hodges Insurance Agency, Inc. Mrs. Hazel Holloman Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Holloman ’83 ’90 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hyatt Mr. Charles Russell Knight ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. La Branche Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lewis ’69 ’69 Mr. and Mrs. David Long Orthopaedic Specialists of NC Mr. E. Craig Pleasants ’80 Mrs. Tracy N. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Bland B. Pruitt, Jr. Ribeyes of Louisburg, LLC Richards Oil Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberson ’62 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shelton ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Stewart ’75 ’82 Dr. Warren Trent Strickland ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Strotmeyer, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad B. Sturges, Jr Mr. Christopher Ray Suggs ’90
Churches Evansdale United Methodist Church First United Methodist Church of Cary Gray Rock United Methodist Church Louisburg United Methodist Men Louisburg United Methodist Women The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church Rocky Mount District United Methodist Church The United Methodist Church General Board of Higher Education Yeshua Ministries, Inc. *Deceased
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College Faculty & Staff, Including Emeritus Members Ms. Angela Adkins Mr. Damon Adkins Ms. Genya V. Afanasyeva Mrs. Lisa Allen Mrs. Missy Alls Ms. Jackie Ayscue Mr. Aaron Baker Mr. Daniel Bartholomew Mr. John Basaldu Mrs. Sandra Beasley Rev. Shane Benjamin Mr. Wayne Benton Mr. Nathan Biegenzahn Ms. Teresa Blumenauer Dr. Martha Bragg Ms. Crystal Brantley Ms. Susan A. Bridgeman Mr. Adam Brown Dr. George-Anne W. Brown Mr. Matthew A. Brown ’68 Mr. Stuart Brown Ms. Georgette Burnette Mr. Bob Butler Ms. Nicole Capps Mr. Kurt Carlson Mr. Michael Childs Dr. Diane Cook Ms. Ruth Cooke Ms. Leej Copperfield Ms. Sheilah Cotten Mr. Milton Dickerson Ms. Mary Eason Dr. James C. Eck Mrs. Wendi Eck Mr. Anton Edwards Mrs. Alicia S. Eller ’65 Mr. J. Craig Eller Mrs. Meg Ellis Ms. Clarissa Elmore Ms. Belinda Faulkner Dr. Diane Price Fleming Ms. Sarah Foster Mr. Brian Gano Mr. James Green Mrs. Faye S. Griffin ’64 Mrs. Brandy L. Gupton Ms. Nancy L. Hammersley Ms. Brenda G. Hawks Mrs. Martha E. Hedgepeth ’93 Mr. Trevor Highfield Ms. Maggie Hill Mrs. Patricia Hinton Mr. William J. Hinton, Jr. Mrs. Martha Hobgood Mr. Kris Hoffler Mr. Michael L. Holloman ’83 Ms. Phyllis M. Ihrie Dr. Edward E. Ingram Ms. Nicole M. Interdonato Ms. Amy Cobb Johnson Ms. Carmen S. Johnston ’01 Mrs. Candace Lester Jones ’99 Ms. Kim Joyner Mr. Mark L. Joyner Ms. Amanda Ryan Kiger
Ms. Laura L. Kinzinger Ms. Christine Knights Mr. Sangsoon Koh Dr. Mark D. La Branche Mr. Jeffrey Linney Ms. Vickie Fleming Ms. Karen Martin ’00 Mr. Michael McGuire Dr. Jane Middleton Mr. David Minard Ms. Holly Mitchell Dr. Louise B. Mitchum Mr. Jason Modlin Ms. Sharon Moore ’71 ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Win Neagle Ms. Patrice Nealon Mrs. Sara C. Newton ’68 Mr. Jeffrey V. Olbrys Ms. Helen Othow Ms. Leigh Ann Parrish Mr. Josh Parrott Ms. Jamie Eller Patrick ’84 Mr. Brett F. Patton ’85 Mrs. Marla R. Peoples Mr. Robert Poole Rev. Dr. Reginald W. Ponder Mrs. Fonda Porter Mrs. Tracy N. Potter Ms. Katie Lynn Price Ms. Ann Brooke Raynal Ms. Vicki Reid Mrs. Donna Rhoden Mr. Bernard Rice Mrs. Jessica Roberson Mr. Robert Rogers Mr. Brandon Rosser Mr. John Sala Ms. Tracey Sala Mr. Brian W. Sanders Mr. Charles Sloan Mr. Charley-John Smith Mr. Grady K. Snyder ’50 Mr. Steve Sparks Mr. Kelvin Spragley Mrs. Anna Stallings Mr. Jeffrey Stanek Mr. Andrew Stokes Mr. Donald Stopa Mr. Robert Perry Strickland ’82 Ms. Melissa Sykes Mr. Michael D. Tedder Mr. Gene Tharrington Ms. Jennith Thomas Mrs. Stephanie Buchanan Tolbert ’97 Mr. Johnny Turnage Mr. Brett Vana Mr. Mark Vanderslice Ms. Katherine Visintine Mr. Adam Wade Mr. Rickie Logan Wagstaff ’77 Mr. James Melton White, Jr. ’76 Mrs. Norma G. White Mrs. Amy Scoggin Wolfe Mrs. Terry Ball Wright ’87 Ms. Kaye Yadusky Ms. Emily Zank Ms. Catherine Ziencik
Friends of the Arts Mr. L. C. Adcock The Hon. Lucy Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Allen Mrs. Lillian A. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Benton Blue Ridge Family Physicians Ms. Delano R. Borys Mr. Robert A. Butler Mr. and Mrs. James Carnes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Champion Mr. Allen de Hart Dispute Resolutions, LLC Dr. and Mrs. James C. Eck Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge H. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Eller ’65 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Future Financial Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Pierre L. Giani Ms. Ann B. Greene Mrs. Babs Holtzman Industrial Design Mr. and Mrs. Grady C. Inscoe Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kilian Ms. Judy K. Kuykendall Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. La Branche Mrs. Pamela Lancaster Leonard ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Long, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lumpkin II Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Stewart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Potter ’68 Mr. L. Norwood Prichett Ribeyes of Louisburg, LLC Mr. John A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sauls Mrs. Martha Cly Shaffner ’65 Mr. Joseph W. Shearon ’51 Mr. Charles M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Smith Mrs. Shonda Parker Stacey ’89 Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Stallings Dr. Raymond A. Stone ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Tetterton ’56 ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Walden Mrs. Rebecca W. Wells Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder ’60 Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larry Williams Youngsville Woman’s Club
Golden Anniversary Club Thanks in part to the generosity of the Golden Anniversary Club—alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago—the College is renovating the Arthur Person House for use as a student residence.
Mrs. Mavis McGowan Alder ’40 Mr. Robert W. Alston, Jr. ’60 Mrs. Frances Handley Andrus ’43 Mrs. Kathleen Britt Arnold ’40 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baker, Jr. ’52 Mr. Rossie V. Baker, Sr. ’57 Mr. Felix G. Banks ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Rufus A. Bartholomew, Jr. ’61
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Mrs. Emma Simmons Bass ’48 Mr. Paul G. Bass ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Baugh ’53 Mr. Wilson G. Beasley ’40 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Blake ’50 Mr. Major H. Bowes ’58 Mrs. Dorothy Midgett Brannan ’48 Ms. Elizabeth Broome ’54 Mrs. Betty Lou Williams Brown ’53 Mrs. Velma Ferrell Brown ’60 Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Bryant, Sr. ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Burns ’55 Mr. Richard L. Cannon, Jr. ’52 Mr. and Mrs. G. Maurice Capps ’57 Dr. Patrick W. Carlton ’57 Mrs. Louise Braswell Cates ’41 Mrs. Sophia Spivey Cody ’38 Mrs. Virginia Spivey Coleman ’42 Mrs. Hazel Lassiter Collier ’45 Mrs. Emma Snell Coney ’42 Mrs. Virginia Brittain Copping ’50 Mrs. Carolyn V. Cotton ’57 Mrs. Louise Mason Cowart ’42 Mrs. Mae Bell Cox ’47 Dr. Clifford G. Cutrell ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Davenport ’48 Ms. Katherine Davis ’39 Mr. William M. Davis ’61 Mrs. Frances Boyette Dickson ’35 Mrs. Patricia Wilson Dixon ’58 Mrs. Ann Dunham Donnell ’45 Mrs. Judith Ammons Dorman ’59 Mr. Clyde H. Dula ’41 Mrs. John Lee Edwards ’38 Mr.* and Mrs. M. Douglas Edwards ’53 Mr. Sam H. Elliott ’52 Mr. Marion Frank Erwin ’58 Mrs. Erlene Jordan Evans ’49 Mr. Jerry A. Faulkner ’54 Mr. James M. Featherston, Jr. ’42 Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Fish ’60 ’59 Mr. William P. Franklin ’52 Mr. Fred Colom Hight, Jr. ’60 Mr. Oscar M. Fuller ’44 Mrs. Elaine Weldon Fuller ’39 Mrs. Pattie Joyner Gambardella ’46 Mrs. Marietta Joliff Garrett ’51 Dr. Genevieve Hodgin Gay ’41 Mr. Graham P. Grissom ’36 Mr. Willis F. Gupton ’42 Mrs. Martha Foster Harper ’59 Mr. William D. Harrison ’47 Mrs. Rubie Riggan Hecht ’52 Mrs. Betty Coile Hicks ’56 Mr. William M. Hill, Jr. ’55 Mrs. Barbara Dunn Hilliard ’59 Mrs. Ruby Massenburg Hinson ’42 Mr. Joe B. Hobbs ’61 Mrs. Jane Trump Hohn ’61 Mr. Bernard B. Hollowell ’42 Mrs. Elmar Newton Holmes ’58 Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour Holt ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Lennon W. Hooper, Jr. ’50 Mrs. Mary Wheless Hughes ’52 Mr. J. William Hurley ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jernigan ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Tapley O. Johnson, Jr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. R. Pat Jones ’51 Mr. Frederick L. Katz ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Kaufman ’60 Mr. Tryon Delano Lancaster ’54 Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Lange, Jr. ’61 Mrs. Patsy Conwell Lawrence ’59 Mrs. Jane Moon Linsky ’43 Mr. W. J. Little, Jr. ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mangum ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marks ’56 Mr. and Mrs. George Matthis ’46 Mr. Wilton L. Matthis ’56 Mrs. Audrey Marsh McPherson ’50 Mrs. Jeanne Bright Meekins ’47 Mr. O. C. Melton, Jr. ’47 Rev. Dr. Charles Henry Mercer, Sr. ’38 Mr. Billy R. Merritt ’53 Mr. Palmer S. Midgett, Jr. ’61 Ms. Rachael A. Modlin ’50 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moon ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moulton ’43 Mrs. Anne Tucker Mulchi ’53 Mr. Edgar L. Norvell ’60 Rev. Joseph C. Parker ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Patronis ’60 Mrs. Kathryn Ward Paul ’51 Mr. Clarence W. Pearce, Jr. ’54 Mr. Hal Clifton Perry ’53 Mr. W. Horace Petty ’46 Mr. and Mrs. Elbert H. Phelps ’52 Mrs. Barbara Medlin Raynor ’58 Mrs. Earline Whitehurst Revelle ’45 Mrs. Dorothy Watson Richardson ’42 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Riggan, Sr. ’59 Mrs. Strowd Ward Riggsbee ’45 Mrs. Janet Croom Robbins ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Willie B. Robertson ’48 Mrs. Margaret Adcock Robinson ’58 Mrs. Ann Rhem Schwarzmann ’54 Mrs. Mae Asbell Shaw ’40 Mr. Joseph W. Shearon ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith ’51 Mr. Richard N. Stabell ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Graham Clark Stallings ’57 Ms. Marcelle K. Stanley ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Glendel U. Stephenson ’52 Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham Stewart, Sr. ’49 Dr. Paul S. Stone ’52 Dr. Raymond A. Stone ’47 Dr. W. Trent Strickland ’61 Mrs. Rachel Breedlove Thompson ’59 Mrs. Ruby Chewning Thompson ’59 Mrs. Edith Boone Toussaint ’49 Mrs. Sara Hux Townsend ’43 Mr. William Troy Turlington ’59 Mrs. Evelyn Smithwick Turner ’43 Mrs. Janet Griffin Turner ’44 Mr. Samuel A. Tuten, Jr. ’41 Mr. and Mrs. William Wall ’47 Mrs. Jane Rosser Warfel ’41 Mrs. Anne Jones Weathersbee ’49 Mr. Robert L. Wells ’60 Ms. Mary E. West ’41 Mr. Robert L. West ’60 Mrs. Joyce Smith Whitaker ’48 Mrs. Phyllis Bailey Whitaker ’53 Mr. Russell A. Wilcock ’48 Mrs. Peggy Lee Wilder ’60 Mrs. Nellie Stallings Williams ’47 Mrs. Louise McCullen Williams ’55 Mr. Wilton H. Williams ’49
Mrs. Helen Mansfield Willie ’46 Dr. G. Curtis Wilson ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Wilson, Jr. ’45 Mr. Paul L. Wilson ’61 Mrs. Frances Sutton Winslow ’58 Mr. James F. Womble ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Womble, Sr. ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Woodhouse, Sr. ’56 Rev. Charles E. Woodruff, Jr. ’60 Mrs. Jean Cook Woodruff ’58 Mr. James T. Wooters ’42 Mrs. Yvonne Winstead Yantsios ’56 Mr. Aaron Donald Yarbrough ’56
Memorial Gifts Made in Honor of the Following Alumni & Friends Mrs. Joyce Boone Ammons ’51 Mrs. Frances Wharton Baker Mr. William Irving Barnes Mrs. Beverly Williams Beale Mr. B. C. Bean Mr. Art Beneckson Mr. Ralph L. Bridges Lindsay U. Bruce, Jr. Mrs. Nellie Loftis Bryan Mrs. Nancy McCrary Burgess ’66 Mrs. Mary Lib Loftis Cobb Mrs. Virginia Leonard Dement ’43 Mr. Melvin Douglas Edwards ’53 Mr. David Lee Garrett Mr. James Gerald Gerloff, Sr. Mr. Ray Hodges Dr. John C. LeMay ’54 Mrs. Louise Alston LeMay Mr. Charles B. Loftis Emily Ray Mercer ’37 Dr. Felton R. Nease Mrs. Judith Harrison Pace Mrs. Evelyn Garrett Painter ’45 Mrs. Mary Rivers May Pearce Ms. Madaline K. Person Mr. Gordon Ponder Mrs. Elizabeth Rucker Ms. Jean duPont Shehan Betty Thigpen Swindell ’47 Mr. George Eddie Taylor Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Midyette Thompson ’44 Mr. Harvey Lee Tippett ’53 Mr. Joel W. Tyson Mrs. Margaret Allen Tyson Mr. Ralph Wall ’85 Mr. David M. Whitaker ’48 Mr. Stokes Williams Mr. Al Wright
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To read some of Brittany’s own work, see Page 25 for her account of fellow Louisburg alum David Nicholas, and Page 26 for her descriptive coverage of the College’s newly redesigned Elizabeth Tiel Faulkner Gallery.
Finding Her Voice Brittany Hunt ’10 is no stranger to folks at Louisburg College, nor to the surrounding community. As a born-and-bred resident of the Town of Louisburg, she often passed the College campus growing up. An accomplished student in high school, Brittany loved learning, but like many young students, she was unsure of her direction in life. As college decision time approached, she felt overwhelmed by the thought of attending a huge university with thousands of students, miles from a home she was not ready to leave. Louisburg College’s intimate, nurturing environment appealed to her. “I thought it would be a great place of self-discovery,” says Brittany, “where I could learn what and where I wanted to be in life.” A lover of words and a writer at heart, Brittany was thrilled to discover that Louisburg College English professors Tommy Jenkins and Leej Copperfield were both passionate about writing. Ms. Copperfield, she remembers, gave her confidence to go into depth and search out her voice in her papers. Whenever Brittany found herself writing out of control, “Mr. Jenkins was able to teach me the value of a couple of sentences versus a haughty wall of text.” Not only did Brittany find her niche in the academic arena, but she also immersed herself in nearly all aspects of campus life, participating as a member in the Christian Life Council, Phi Theta Kappa honor society, and the Student Government Association. She also led her peers as a student ambassador, as the public relations officer for the business fraternity Phi Beta Lambda, and
as vice president for the Commuters Club—all while finding time to serve as a work study student in Robbins Library. Graduating from Louisburg with honors in 2010, Brittany went on to major in English at North Carolina State University. Maintaining her strong ties with Louisburg, she interned at the College every summer and Christmas holiday as she worked toward her bachelor’s degree from NC State. Life has a way of coming full circle, and Brittany now serves as the campus guest coordinator for Louisburg College. With her innate ability to communicate and her desire to connect with those around her, she enjoys her role of coordinating events and tours, as well as interacting with prospective students. It has been a wonderful experience for her to see how excited students are about their futures. Brittany is now a self-assured, articulate individual who has specific aspirations for her future, and one day she hopes to either teach English or enter the world of publishing. Currently, she is writing a book about a young man living in the Dark Ages who has planned out his whole life, but is also a bit idealistic and unaware of what his future holds for him. Brittany is constructing the novel as a coming-of-age story that speaks to the message of finding oneself when everything may seem bleak. “It’s one of the many messages running throughout the book that I feel Louisburg College helped me learn,” she shares. Brittany has learned and accomplished much as the first person in her family to attend college, and she gives the credit to her family, who also continue to live in Louisburg. “My entire family has been incredibly supportive,” she says, “and my brother is truly an inspiration for me.” C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
At h l e t i c s
Lady ’Canes Basketball Wins National Title!
2012 WAS A RECORD-SETTING YEAR FOR LOUISBURG COLLEGE ATHLETICS! Five teams advanced to NJCAA National Tournament play, our baseball team set a school record for the most wins in a season with fifty-two victories, and our football team played in their first-ever bowl game. This was the first year in which both men’s and women’s soccer won Region X Championships and advanced to their NJCAA National Tournaments; it was also the first time in program history for the Lady ’Canes to advance to nationals. And this spring, our Women’s Basketball team continued their Fall 2012 momentum to bring home their Division II national championship title.
CLASS OF 2013 Congratulations to our new inductees! Wayne Benton
Former Men’s Basketball Coach
Russell Davis ’74 Basketball Player
Pete Eyer ’67
Baseball & Basketball Player
The season came down to a final game that had #2-seeded Louisburg taking on #1 seed Mesa Community College (Arizona). Mesa led at the half and even extended their lead to as many as thirteen points, but, in the end, it was all Louisburg as they won 75-65. To cap off the season’s accolades, guard Olivia Gaines (Chester, SC) was named the 2013 State Farm/Women’s Basketball Coaches Association Junior College Player of the Year.
Basketball Player
Mike Holloman ’83
Former Women’s Basketball Coach (and current Athletic Director)
Sam Jones ’80 Basketball Player
Football Earns Inaugural Bowl Game Appearance The 2012 Hurricanes football program was a regular on the NJCAA Top 20 list, appearing as high as #8 on the weekly polls. The team finished the regular season with an overall record of 6-3 (3-2 in the Northeast Football Conference). Under the leadership of head coach John Sala, the Hurricanes made their first-ever bowl game appearance in the 2012 Graphic Edge Bowl in Cedar Falls, IA. Though they fought valiantly, the men were defeated 30-27 by Ellsworth Community College (Iowa). The Hurricanes had many standout individual performers throughout their tough schedule, including three All-NFC first Team members, three third Team members, and five third Team nods. C OLUM NS / S PR I NG 2 0 1 3
The regular season went well for the Lady ’Canes as they went into the playoffs with an overall record of 25-3, 12-2 in conference play. The team had to battle back from a couple of regular season losses to Catawba Valley Community College, but they did avenge those losses by beating CVCC in the Region X championship game.
Don Fish ’60
2012 was truly an exceptional year for LC Athletics, and we are aiming for an even better 2013!
National Champions. This is the title that the 2012-13 Lady ’Canes earned for their 2012-13 season, capping a 32-3 record with the program’s third national title. Second-year head coach Brett Vana led his team to their second consecutive NJCAA Tournament appearance, with the ’Canes bettering their Spring 2012 third place finish by winning it all in 2013.
Men’s Basketball Finishes Season At Nationals The Louisburg College Men’s Basketball team had a very successful 2012-13 regular season that saw them in the nation’s top five on the NJCA A weekly Top 20 poll each and every week. The ’Canes even held the #1 spot for six of the fifteen weeks that the poll was released. Louisburg finished the regular season with a 29-1 record, 15-1 in conference. The Hurricane men swept their way through the Region X tournament, but fell short of their ultimate goal of a 2013 national title, losing in the opening round of the 2013 National Tournament. Still, the Hurricanes bounced back by winning three games in three days on the consolation side of the bracket, earning seventh place overall. The team’s overall record for 2012-13 was 35-2, their thirdstraight season in which they earned thirty plus wins. This was their third consecutive trip to the national championship tournament.
LC TEAMS in the National Spotlight BASEBALL
Peaked at #1 in NJCAA polls
Peaked at #8 in NJCAA polls
Placed #3 at NJCAA National Championship
#1 Runner-Up at NJCAA National Championship
WOMEN’S SOCCER NJCAA Top 20 Team; Advanced to Nationals
Spent six weeks at #1 in NJCAA polls; Finished #7 at Nationals
Spent four weeks at #1 in NJCAA polls; National Div. II Champions
At h l e t i c s
At h l e t i c s
Women’s Soccer Makes Bid for National Title The Lady ’Canes soccer team had a historic season as they made their first-ever appearance in the 2012 NJCAA National Championship Tournament. After a regular-season finish of 9-6, the ’Canes came into their own, sweeping three games in the Region X Tournament and going on to win the District L championship 5-0 over the Community College of Baltimore County – Essex. The district championship was the first time a Region X team has defeated a Region XX team, giving the Lady ’Canes their bid to the big dance. Although the ’Canes lost both of their games at the 2012 championship, they did set a couple firsts; they were the only lower seed to take a lead over a top seed, and they were the only lower seed to score more than one goal against a top seed. Head coach Andy Stokes helped lead his team to their secondstraight NJCAA Top 20 finish. The season’s leader was NJCAA All-American Jessica Scales (Roanoke Rapids, NC), the nation’s top goal scorer for 2012.
Softball Swings Through a Successful Season The Lady ’Canes softball team saw a changing of the guard in Spring 2012 when Don Stopa was hired to lead the team as the program’s fourth head coach. The team responded well with an overall record of 27-15, and a third-place finish in the Region X regular season. As individuals, the Lady ’Canes earned six All-Region X awards with Jamie Hockaday (Creedmoor, NC) leading the way with a 2nd team pitcher award and a 1st Team infielder award. Hockaday pitched her way to a 13-7 record, and she also earned herself a National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) AllAmerican nod with her bat as she finished 2012 with a .456 batting average. The pitcher-infielder also belted eleven home runs. The team’s young roster only had four sophomores, all of whom earned NJCAA All-Academic Individual honors, to go along with team awards of NJCAA and NFCA All-Academic Team.
Hurricanes Baseball Enjoys Record-Breaking Season Men’s Golf Wins Regionals,Places at Nationals With their record-breaking, fifty-two-win season, the Hurricanes baseball team set the pace for 2012’s spring sports. Former head coach Mike McGuire led the team to a final overall record of 52-9 in a season characterized by regular appearances on the NJCAA Top 20 poll, including a #1 ranking on the third poll of the 2012 season. The ’Canes entered the Region X Tournament as the #2 seed, behind regular season champions FlorenceDarlington Technical College. Louisburg battled back from an opening-round loss to Pitt Community College and made it to the tournament semi-final, where they were defeated by USC Lancaster. The baseball team was led by a strong pitching staff with Tim Brechbuehler (Gillette, NJ) going 11-0, and an NJCAA All-American effort by third baseman Zach Houchins (Wilson, NC).
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Men’s Soccer Scores Near-Perfect Season The Hurricanes Men’s Soccer team had an amazing run in 2012, finishing with a record of 21-1, and with their only loss coming in overtime in the NJCAA National Championship final. The ’Canes went undefeated throughout their regular season, finishing with a perfect 12-0 record. The team won three games in the Region X Tournament, with scores of 14-0, 3-1 and 7-3. The Hurricanes only surrendered two goals in the national tournament, the second coming in overtime in the championship game. First-year head coach Cristian Neagu’s squad outscored their opponents 104-13 for the season. They were led by eight All-Region X players and a pair of NJCAA AllAmericans, forward Eduardo Alvarez (Honduras) and midfielder Rene Legien (Germany).
The Louisburg College golf team played a strong 2011-12 schedule that included tournaments against both two-year and four-year schools. The team finished with a combined record of 93-58-2. The challenging fall and spring schedule helped prepare the team for a 2012 Region X championship title, and a third-place finish at the 2012 NJCAA National Championship in Chautauqua, New York. For the first time in the program’s history, head coach Charles Sloan had the honor of mentoring three NJCAA All-Americans, with Juan Fernandez (Panama), Julio Gonzales (Mexico) and Seth Nagle (La Plata, MD) earning All-American honors.
Volleyball Advances to Regionals Under New Coach First-year head volleyball coach Colby Mangum was given the program reins one week before the start of the 2012 preseason, and three weeks before the team’s first conference match. Although the team did not have much time to adjust to the new coach, they performed well, finishing 12-11 (10-9 in Region X play). One of the season highlights for the Lady ’Canes came in the Region X Tournament’s opening round, during which they knocked off Brunswick Community College, 3-2. In their second-round match, the team faced #2 seed Cape Fear Community College, who defeated the Lady ’Canes 3-1. The Hurricanes were led by led by three AllRegion X players: Ashley Britton (Henrico, NC), Emily Kennington (Jefferson, SC) and Kaitlyn Sitterson (Williamston, NC).
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Graduation Day, May 2012. Pictured above, from left to right: Lauren Saller, Jamie Hockaday, and Megan Thompson.
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saw an exciting new staff position created exclusively for the benefit of our students: LC’s Great Futures Coach. In this role, Marla Peoples helps students transfer successfully to their four-year college or university of choice. Her services include arranging group college visits, coordinating an on-campus college fair, bringing outside college representatives to campus for one-on-one student meetings, and much more. Marla’s latest initiative is Louisburg College’s new job shadowing program, which helps our students get a headstart in exploring their preferred fields. 64 64
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