26 July 2011

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LORETO COLLEGE COORPAROO P O Box 1726, COORPAROO DC QLD 4151 Telephone: 07 3394 9999

Facsimile: 07 3847 1254

Absentee Line: 07 3394 9964









Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au Website: www.loreto.qld.edu.au

26 July 2011

Dear Parents and Students This week we look forward to our Semester Two College Mass which concludes with our Semester One Award Ceremony. I extend an open invita on to parents and family members who would like to join us to please do so. You are most welcome and it would be lovely to have you here as part of this very special celebra on. The Mass will be held in the Mary Ward Centre at 11.00am on Thursday July 28th. I look forward to seeing you there if you are able to a end. This week is Catholic Educa on Week; a week in which we celebrate the wonderful heritage of Catholic Educa on in Queensland. In doing so, we especially congratulate the Sisters of Mercy on their Sesquicentenary, as they mark 150 years of leadership, educa on and service in Queensland. Educa ng Body, Mind and Spirit is the united mission that all Catholic schools share. We thank you as parents, for your support of Catholic Educa on and for entrus ng to us the care of your daughter(s). It is a privilege for which we feel deeply humbled and truly honoured. In our hearts and minds we pray most fervently this week for the people of Norway as they struggle to comprehend the senseless loss of so many innocent lives last weekend. May they find comfort in each other and courage through faith. We know that some mes there are simply no answers to our ques ons. With heavy hearts we pray most especially this week for Jessica Blakeway (Year 11) and her family as they mourn the loss of Jessica’s father, Neil. A er a period of long illness and struggle he is now at peace in God’s loving eternal care. We hold Jessica, her mother, Beverley, and her brother Sco , close in our hearts as we pray for them at this me of such profound sadness and loss. “….and I want to ask you, as well as I can, to have pa ence with all that is unresolved in your heart and to try to love the ques ons themselves. To love them like books wri en in a foreign language. Do not search now for answers that cannot be given to you, because you could not live them right now. And the ques on is to live everything. For the me being, live the ques ons. Perhaps then, one fine day, you will gradually live into the answers without no cing it.” By Rainer Maria Rilke


“Queensland Catholic Educa on authori es have engaged closely with the State Government and support the decision to move Year 7 into secondary school from 2015. The move will be a significant change for both Catholic primary and secondary schools. However, we believe it is the right decision if Queensland is to maintain a world class educa on system. Since the introduc on of the Prep Year, students will be an average of six months older when they reach Year 7 and we believe ready for the challenges of the specialist teaching programs and facili es that the secondary school se ng provides. Importantly, the move will more closely align our school structures with both the delivery of the new Australian Curriculum that will be implemented in Catholic schools from 2012, and with the other States. Projec ons indicate that about 11,000 addi onal students will need to be accommodated in the State’s 85 eligible Catholic secondary colleges from 2015 and planning for the move has already commenced.

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity Over the next three years, Catholic educa on will work with Principals and school communi es along with the State government to ensure this major reform is successfully delivered with the interests of students, teachers, staff and their families paramount.

I am confident that, as with the roll‐out of the Prep Year in recent years, Catholic educa on can successfully deliver this significant reform to our educa on system.” Mike Byrne, QCEC Execu ve Director

ENROLMENTS FOR YEAR 7 AND 8, 2015 Loreto embraces this change and looks forward to welcoming a double intake of students (Year 7’s and Year 8’s) in 2015. Parents who earlier submi ed preliminary applica ons for Year 7, 2014 will automa cally have these applica ons now rolled over to Year 8, 2015. Enrolments for Year 7, 2015 are now open. Parents of girls currently in Year 3 should now submit applica ons. Due to the previous uncertainty about this change, applica ons for enrolments for Year 8 2015 also remain open.

1 : 1 LAPTOP PROGRAM During 2012, the College will commence its phase‐in of a 1 : 1 Student Laptop program. Therefore, we invite all interested parents, but par cularly those with daughters currently in Year 9 and 7, to a end a general Informa on Evening on Monday 15 August. The session will be led by Mr Gavin Swanson, Deputy Principal ICT. It will be held in the Mary Ward Centre and will commence at 7.00pm. If you wish to a end this Informa on Evening we would appreciate your RSVP by clicking on the link in the email that delivered the newsle er.


To the six Loreto Deba ng Teams (8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 9.1, 9.2 and 11.1) who have made it through to this year’s finals. We wish them every success and thank the girls, their coaches and parents for their dedica on and commitment. Special thanks go to Mrs O’Neill for her superb efforts in co‐ordina on. To Georgia Hillas on her selec on to represent Queensland School Sport in the Under 16’s Hockey Team, par cipa ng in the Na onal Championships being held in Newcastle next month. We wish her every success, knowing that she will be a fine ambassador for both her School and her State.

JAPANESE EXCHANGE STUDENTS I wish to once again thank the host families for your generous support of our Japanese exchange students this past week. These visits provide a cri cally important aspect of our languages development at Loreto and add to the cultural richness of the school. Thank you for your generosity and your hospitality.

Students from Kanagawa Gakuen School Yours sincerely

Cheryl Hamilton Principal Page 2

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity

Calendar - Coming Events Wednesday 27 July

Thursday 4 August


Round 7 ‐ BSGSA Hockey, Netball and Soccer



Deba ng Finals ‐ Round 1

Friday 5 August

Year 9 Geography Field Trip

Thursday 28 July



Semester 2 Mass 11.00am

Saturday 6 August


Year 11 Visual Art Excursion ‐ Periods 6 and 7


Sport / Music / Club Photos

Music and Madness Trivia Night

Friday 29 July

Sunday 7 August


Year 11 RE/SOR Field Trip



Year 12 Formal (Year 12s depart at 12.30pm)

Monday 8 August


UQ Athle cs Meet 4.00pm ‐ 7.00pm


Extended rehearsals in prepara on for QCMF this week


UQ Athle cs Meet 4.00pm ‐ 7.00pm

Monday 1 August 

Extended rehearsals in prepara on for QCMF this week

Informa on Morning 10.30 am

Tuesday 9 August

Tuesday 2 August



French Day

10 August


Year 11 and 12 French Dinner



P & F Mee ng ‐ 7.30pm

Wednesday 3 August 

Round 8 ‐ BSGSA Hockey, Netball and Soccer


Deba ng Finals ‐ Round 2

School Council Mee ng

Deba ng Finals ‐ Round 3

Schoolbased Traineeships/Apprenticeships Vacancies The Hospitality Training Associa on ‐ Is currently recrui ng their next intake of schoolbased appren ces for their upcoming college block in the September school holidays for Year 10, 11 & 12 students. The college block will run for five days and commence on 19th September 2011. The college block is free of charge and appren ces will be provided with a chef’s uniform. All appren ces will also be paid by HTA for a ending this block.

Greencross Vets ‐ Is currently accep ng applica ons for their 2012 intake of schoolbased trainees. The qualifica on to be undertaken is the Cer ficate 2 in Animal Studies – ACM20110 and for the successful applicants, this will consist of both on the job and classroom based training. An informa on evening will be held a er applica ons close to further inform students and parents of the program and what is expected during the course of the traineeship. Applica ons for these posi ons will close on the 31st July 2011. Dates, mes and loca ons for the informa on evenings are yet to be confirmed however, if a student is successful in securing an invita on to this informa on evening, they will be no fied by mail.

TAFE Op ons 2012 ‐ Metropolitan South Ins tute of TAFE has released the 2012 Partnership with Schools Guide. This is now available on the College Intranet – Learning Resources > Careers > Appren ceships and TAFE study. Please contact Mrs Cuskelly for enrolment details.

SCIPS School Leaver Event ‐ Southside Cluster Industry Placement Partnership Service is holding a School Leaver Event evening on Wednesday 24 August, 2011. This is an evening where employers and training providers will be available to speak personally with students about their aspira ons and their suitability for casual, part‐ me and full me employment and training opportuni es in 2012. Students will need to register to a end the evening. Please see Mrs Cuskelly for further details. Chris ne Cuskelly ‐ Industry Placement Coordinator Page 3

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity Music News QCMF – All Loreto Music Ensembles except String Septet and Beginner Brass Ensemble perform at QCMF each year. Both to assist with our prepara on for this big event and also as part of our service to the school and local communi es, there are quite a number of extra events and schedule changes over the next few weeks. Could parents please assist their daughters to remember and meet these commitments, which include the following: extra Sorelle Rehearsals (Thursday lunches 28 July & 4 August), extended Concert Band 1 Rehearsals (Thursdays 4 & 11 August), extra Chorale rehearsals a er Choir on Tuesdays 2 & 9 August, Chorale performing on Informa on Day (Sunday 7 August), Exit Stage Le & Sorelle performing at Mount Carmel Fete (Sunday 7 August), String Ensemble Michael Stocks Workshop (Friday 5 August), Percussion Ensemble One workshop with St Peter’s (TBC – Sunday 14 August), AND Concert Band One / String Ensemble assis ng with Primary Band Camp (Sunday 28 August).

Extended Ensemble Rehearsals – As we have done for the past few years, some ensembles will extend a ernoon rehearsals slightly in the lead up to QCMF to counteract disrup ons of exams / holidays / staff days / Parent Teacher Interviews etc and to make sure that groups are adequately prepared for their performances. Rehearsals will remain on the same day as usual but be extended slightly to finish at 5:30 pm. At this stage please be aware that Concert Band One rehearsals will be extended to 5:30 pm on Thursdays 4 and 11 August and Chorale will con nue a er regular senior Choir rehearsal un l 6 pm on Tuesday 2 and 9 August. Mt Carmel Fete – Sorelle and Exit Stage Le have been asked to perform at the Mt Carmel School fete on Sunday 7 August, star ng at 11.00am. The performances will be held on the Mt Carmel handball courts and students from both groups should arrive by 10:30 am as we are performing at 11am. Chorale members will need to return to Loreto as quickly as possible a er the performance for their Informa on Day Open Rehearsal. Parent Helpers – For the past 20 years, Villanova has run the Catholic Colleges’ Music Fes val as a service to the Catholic community in Queensland. It is now a huge event that runs for four days (Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 August). This is a massive undertaking that relies on the help of a huge number of Villanova parents, students and past pupils. There is now a way we can help! Any Loreto parents or senior students who would be willing to assist by signing up for a 3 hour shi over the weekend can do so via the Villanova website (h p://www.vnc.qld.edu.au/Music/events.htm). You can choose the sort of job you would like and also the venue. Now that our performance schedule has been in the newsle er, it is easy to sign up for a shi directly before or a er one of your daughter’s performances. There will always be experi‐ enced people on all shi s who can help make the job very easy. It would be great if the Loreto Community was able to support this important event in our calendar!

MSG – Thank you to all those parents who were able to come along to the Music Support Group AGM last Wednesday. We would especially like to thank our outgoing Treasurer, Peter Johnston, and Secretary, Julie Greaves. Both Peter and Julie have been long‐term supporters of the MSG, however their daughters are gradua ng this year. Congratula ons and thanks also to Barrie Spring for taking over the role of Treasurer, Nora Kojrowicz and Mary McMahon for volunteering to be joint Secretaries and to Cheryl Feeney, who will con nue in the role of President. We are s ll looking for an Assistant‐Treasurer so please contact the Music Office if you are interested in helping out in this way. At our next mee ng on Wednesday August 10, we will be finalising plans for QCMF, the Primary Music Camp and our end‐of‐year Mega‐Raffle! New members are always welcome to come along.

Trivia Night – Ques on: The novel War and Peace was wri en by whom? (a) Mary Ward? (b) Victor Hugo? (c) Leo Tol‐ stoy? Don’t miss the Trivia Night on Saturday 6 August for the answer to this and many more important ques ons! Ben Langford ‐ Director of Music 2011 Artwork of Term 2: The Senior Arts Council has selected the following student artwork for commenda on on Assembly. Congratula ons to the following recipients for Term Two:

Year 12 Visual Art: Mikaela Lynch Page 4

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity

8Red: Caitlin Guarrera

9B: Sheridan Tully

11 Creative Art: Lily Sullivan

12 Creative Art: Megan Smart

Page 5

8Gold: Madeleine McEniery

9A: Olivia Guardala

9A: Ruby Owen

11 Visual Art: Peta Nicolas

12 Visual Art: Emma-Shay Guilfoyle

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity Languages Department News Japanese Today saw the departure of our guests from Kanagawa Gakuen, Yokohama. From all accounts, the girls very much enjoyed their short stay in Brisbane and developed friendships which will con nue long into the future. During Assembly, the school was treated to a beau ful performance of the famous Soranbushi Japanese dance by the visi ng students. Many thanks to the families who hosted Japanese students as it is due to your generosity that the program is able to con nue. A special thank you to Yuri Hada‐Baxter whose dedica on and commitment ensures the ongoing success of our Japanese exchange programs.

French Next Tuesday 2nd August, Loreto College will celebrate French Day. There will be éclairs, fruit tartele es, croissants and pain au chocolat on sale at morning tea in the Rotunda. Year 11 and 12 French students have received a le er outlining the delicious three course meal that they will enjoy at La Provence restaurant at 7:00pm on the evening. These girls are reminded that they need to organise their own transport to and from the restaurant. The dinner will finish by 9:00pm.

Enhanced Studies Program Congratula ons to Madelaine Stegman (Year 12) who recently completed French Language A as part of the Enhanced Studies Program (ESP) at the University of Queensland. This enables Madelaine to use the course as credit to her studies at the University of Queensland next year. The ESP is offered to Year 11 students who meet certain criteria and who would like to study a University level subject in their first Semester of Year 12. Louise Tilly ‐ Languages Coordinator

Science Department News It was a very busy week back a er the holidays with two excursions taking place. Ten of our senior Biology students a ended the QIMR lectures at RBH accompanied by Mrs Marie Shaw. It was a fantas c day for the girls and they obtained a great insight into the workings of a world leading research organisa on. Thanks to Mrs Shaw for overseeing the ou ng. A further 15 senior Chemistry students a ended the QUT Chemfutures day at the Gardens Point campus with me coming along for the ride. The day was filled with lectures about careers in research and industrial chemistry. The girls also got some hand‐on experience in the labs, tes ng chocolate and wine, and there was a great demo at the end of the day involving ice‐cream, liquid nitrogen and sha ering flowers. On both occasions last week, our girls behaved impeccably and represented Loreto in a fantas c manner though their enthusiasm and great manners. Well done, girls! The Science Experience ‐ The Science Experience is a three day hands on science ac vi es program being conducted by UQ, Griffith and QUT in late 2011/early 2012. It is open to students who are currently in Year 9 and 10. The program is designed to help students to make decisions about senior secondary and ter ary studies if they have an interest in the sciences. It is a also a great opportunity to gain an insight to university life and meet like‐minded students from all over Australia. If your daughter is interested, she can visit www.scienceexperience.com.au or see me at the College. Ma Lourigan ‐

Science Coordinator


Year 12 Parents’ Formal Dinner Thanks to all the parents of Year 12 girls who have accepted the invita on to join us at the parents' formal dinner. We look forward to a great evening in Rooms P1 and P2 of the Conven on Centre, just opposite the girls' venue. The dinner is scheduled to start and conclude at the same me as the girls' formal. Parents are reminded that drinks will be available at a cash bar in the rooms. There will be no e pos or credit card facili es available. If you forgot to book, please ring Cathy Terry on 33972771 as soon as possible. There may be a few spare places at the tables.

Young man’s serious accident sparks Earphone Warning Another young man was nearly killed last week which has prompted warnings from police that increasing numbers of children are at risk as they nego ate traffic with music pumping into their ears. Loreto parent Sergeant Jim Bellos said personal stereos such as I PODS could block out warning sounds, such as car horns. He has warned parents about the dangers faced by children listening to music around traffic. Page 6

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity Sport Department News BSGSA Hockey Results Round 6 ‐ 20 July Open One ‐ Our girls came up against Mount St Michael’s One on our first week back in Term 3 and it was an intense

compe on with some high energy hockey on display. The talent in the opposi on was mainly concentrated in the centre of the field and they managed to take the ball up into our defence zone to good effect, ne ng five goals over the dura on of the match. Tyler Kilvington, Riley Nibbs and Clare Griffiths posi oned in the halves did a great job of restric ng ball distribu on to these players as the fixture wore on, pressuring MSM1 into some poor passes that were adeptly intercepted by our inners, Annabel Tapsall and Elise Gellweiler. The result was some great penetra ng play by our forward line. Isabel Mowen’s accurate and powerful hi ng was on full display as always throughout the game, both in short corners and free hits. Unfortunately luck was not on our side this week and only one of our many shots at goal found the mark, scored by Jemma Stubbs, resul ng in a 5 ‐ 1 loss. A special men on goes to “Killer” Kalani Del Rae‐Maher who changed role mid game from the wing into le half and put up some great solid defence matched with tenacious marking. Thanks goes to Anna Hertle for volunteering to guard the box this game. Well played Loreto One!

Ma Lourigan ‐ Coach

Open Two ‐ A very hard fought match was played against St Rita’s College this week resul ng in a loss of 2 goals to 3. Both sides were very evenly matched with plenty of opportuni es but few conversions. In the end it was St Rita’s College that came out on top. An excellent effort by all members of the team. Tahlia Simms was our sole goal scorer this week with two goals. Well done everyone! Alan Lane‐Richardson ‐ Ac ng Open Two Coach This Week’s Draw: Round 7 ‐ 27 July With two upsets this week and two coaches s ll in a state of shock, the focus will be to set our sights on the game for next week. Both Loreto One and Loreto Two have to win to stop falling on the ladder. A win next week will give Loreto Two an opportunity to meet with St Rita’s College in the final and a win by Loreto One will allow them to play for third or fourth posi on. So the challenge is on and thankfully I have been sacked as coach and don’t have to sit on the sideline bi ng my finger nails. All the best to the two teams for the second semi‐final! Next week Loreto Two will meet with Mt St Michael’s One. Loreto One will be playing either Brigidine or Mt St Michael’s Two. Alan Lane‐ Richardson ‐

Hockey Coordinator

BSGA Soccer Results Round 6 ‐ 20 July Junior A ‐ The Loreto Junior A soccer team has remained undefeated for the 2011 BSGSA competition with a 1 ‐ 1 draw in Wednesday’s game against Mt St Michaels [MSM]. MSM scored first, but credit to the Loreto team who bounced back to play some very good football. Our captain Shannon O’Connor had some chances to score however the MSM goal keeper was outstanding and denied us any goals in the first half. Loreto scored from the penalty spot a er Jemima Moore was brought down in the penalty box. Our captain Shannon O’Connor stepped up and took the penalty to give Loreto a 1‐1 draw at full me. Shenae Megahey, Jemima Moore, Bri any Ryan, Emily Hayes and Krystal Hatzipapas all played outstandingly in the defence. Courageous effort by Jana Bellos, who although hit in the stomach with the ball con nued to play on. The force of the strike le the ‘logo’ of the soccer ball imprinted into her skin!!!! All the girls played wonderfully, so well done team. Jim Bellos ‐ Coach & Katherine Stephanos ‐ Manager

This Week’s Draw: Round 7 ‐ 27 July This week we have one team away and one team at home. The Open A team play against Stuartholme at Bowman Park, Corner of Cecil Road and Bowman Parade, Bardon. The Junior A side have a bye and are through to the final next week and Junior B play Lourdes Hill College at home at Annerley Soccer Club, Victoria Terrace, Annerley (please note that all draws can be found on www.bsgsa.spor ngpulse.net). The home games will finish at 5:00pm and students need to be picked up at the venue. Could parents please ensure that students have their name marked off with Mr Jones on departure. The away game will arrive back at the College at @ 5:30‐5:45pm depending on the traffic. Students are reminded to bring their uniform, shin pads, mouth guards and water bo les. Good luck for Round 7! Junior A ‐ Mt Alvernia has forfeited their game next week thus making the Loreto Junior A soccer team undefeated for the en re 2011 BSGSA compe on. Well done! As half the team have not played soccer previously, you have made the coach, College and parents very proud. The finals will be on the Wednesday 3rd August, but the venue has yet to be decided. Therefore we have no game tomorrow Wednesday 27/07/11. No Training: Due to the forfeit we will not be training on Friday 29 July. Chris Jones ‐ Soccer Coordinator

Page 7

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity BSGSA Netball All junior teams, Intermediate A & B and the Open A, B and C are at Downey Park, Windsor. Intermediate C team play at Bill Cash Memorial Park, 912 Wynnum Road, Cannon Hill Intermediate D team play at Wembley Park, Cnr of Bourke and Robinson St, Coorparoo.

This Week’s Draw: Round 7 ‐ 27 July Junior A vs Junior B vs Junior C vs Inter A vs Inter B vs Open A vs Open B vs Open C vs Inter C vs Inter D vs

Mary Mackillop College ‐ Court 26 Our Lady’s College ‐ Court 2 San Sisto ‐ Court 7 Mt St Michael’s ‐ Court 39 St John Fisher ‐ Court 25 St John Fisher‐ Court 35 San Sisto ‐ Court 16 Mary Mackillop College ‐ Court 21 Mt Maria College (1) ‐ Court 3 St Rita’s College – Court 15

Results Round 6 ‐ 20 July Junior A ‐ First week back a er holidays was a tough game against St Rita's, which we unfortunately losing 8‐13. All the 8A girls played well, pu ng great pressure on St Rita's; especially Marenda McPhee. It was also wonderful to s ll see and hear Magdaleine Ryan ‐ Coach their constant enthusiasm and encouragement. Junior B ‐ This team was coached by Madeleine Page and did extremely well winning against Lourdes Hill College 11 to 6. Junior C ‐ Loreto defeated St Rita’s College 14‐5. A er a late start which resulted in a shortened first quarter, we kept our opposi on scoreless. Rebecca Laurenstein spearheaded the intensity on the court, which quickly caught on! She went on to make some excellent intercepts and contributed to our win from her mid court play. Maddy Catsoulis used her height and coordina on to great effect in the second and fourth quarters as she dominated the goal scoring and scored half of our total goals! May we maintain our form as we enter end of the season. Mrs Jacqui Gold ‐ Coach

Intermediate A ‐ In a thrilling and somewhat physical game against the Our Lady’s team, our team lost 31‐14. However, the girls played spectacularly with equal possession throughout. Strong winds were a challenge for our goal scorers, and Samantha Firrell should be congratulated for her fantas c shoo ng in the fourth quarter when she only missed a single goal out of seven. Kristen Feuerriegel also deserves a special men on for her defence in the circle and Annie Passingham was brilliant when she put on the Centre bib. We look forward to finals over the next two weeks! Claire Wilson – Coach Intermediate B – Loreto lost to St Rita’s College 18 ‐17. A strong opposing team saw the Loreto Intermediate B’s have their first loss of the season. The girls fought hard un l the end and were able to maintain an even score un l the final Rebecca Healy ‐ Coach moments of the game. A great match to watch, well done girls! Intermediate C – The team played Mt Maria College losing by 2 points. It was a very close game with the girls finishing strongly. A sincere thank you to the Miss Ryan for assis ng with the team on the day. Bridget O’Connor ‐ Coach Intermediate D ‐ A disappoin ng loss to the girls this week ‐ their first of the season. Despite a good effort by all, All Hallows managed to play to their strengths and came out on top. Two more games to go, hopefully both of which will be successful. Once again, a big thank‐you to all the parents and siblings who came to show their support. It was great to see Williams ‐ Coach such enthusiasm despite the chilling winds and cold weather. Emma Open A – The Open A team had an excellent first half against St Rita's, with some excellent intercepts from Keryn who read the play excep onally in the goal circle. The flow down court was lovely with some crisp drives from both our defence end and our centre court players. Unfortunately St Rita's scored a few quick goals in the last quarter to win by 4 goals. Adeline Ryan ‐ Coach Open B – Loreto drew 14 all against Our Lady’s College. A er quite a few weeks off, the girls played a great game, keeping strong and playing smart for the first three quarters. Our defence down the court was impeccable, forcing Our Lady’s to work even harder. Unfortunately, Our Lady’s got going in the fourth quarter but Loreto worked hard to come away with the draw. Special men on must go to Emily McCoy for outstanding defence and back up throughout the en re game! Larissa Hughes ‐ Coach Good job girls! Open C – The team defeated St John Fisher 25 ‐ 5. It was an interes ng match as the game was played with shortened posts. Superb shoo ng from Sophie Garre and Alyssa Fitzgerald. All players were consistent and worked well as a team. Karen Holahan ‐ Coach Page 8

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity Vicki Wilson Cup Netball Compe


The Open A team were up bright & early on Thursday morning to compete at the Vicki Wilson Cup carnival against various schools from the district. As a team we rose to the occasion and played some spectacular netball, in par cular against Somerville House and All Hallows. Each and every girl gave one hundred percent and the team drew equal second overall, but unfortunately missed out on a place in the finals due to count back.

Athle cs Carnival Well done to all girls for their spirit and involvement in the carnival that was held on the last day of Term 2. The par cipa on was tremendous and the house spirit and enthusiasm made for a great day. A sincere thank you must go to all staff who worked very hard to ensure the smooth running of the day and to the students who assisted in any way. Special congratula ons to the winning house, Barry, and to Mulhall who won the House Spirit Award.

A number of records were broken on the day. Congratula ons to the following compe tors: 14 years 200m Sarah Novic – old record was 27.66secs, new record is 27.41sec 14 years 400m Sarah Novic‐ old record was 1.05.69secs, new record is 1:04.84secs 15 years Long Jump Carla Caputo – old record was 4.67m, new record is 4.98m 17 years Long Jump Hannah Meecham – old record was 4.93m, new record is 5.20m

Athle cs Squad for 2011 The Athle cs Squad for 2011 has been announced and all members of the squad have been given details of the training schedule. Training sessions are being conducted every Tuesday a ernoon at QEII. A bus will transport the girls to and from the stadium. The first QE11 Training session is on Tuesday 2nd August 2011. Athle cs meets are on Friday 29th July and Monday 15th August 2011. All Athletes need to a end at least two Athle c Meets. A bus will take the girls to QEII Athle cs Track, Kessels Road, and NATHAN. Compe tors will need to be picked up a er the meet. The meet will start at 4.00pm and finish at approximately 6.15pm. For the meets to run successfully Loreto College would appreciate some parent help. If you can assist could you please fill in the permission slip and return to the sports office.

Page 9

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity

Tuckshop Vounteers Monday 1 August ‐ Friday 5 August

Monday 1 August: Nadira Thiris, Lore a Lazzare , Tiziana Linning, Leanne Trovato Tuesday 2 August: Tina Ogilvie, Deb Firrell, Louise Forbes, Sonya Bath Wednesday 3 August: Barrie Spring, Louisa Coote, Vivienne Lloyd Thursday 4 August: Toni Toohey, Helen Briody, Michelle Brown Friday 5 August: Meg Norris, Sue Carey, Robyn Kearney, Gloria Cust, Chris ne Murphy

Special of the Day

Monday 1 August Chicken Subs Tuesday 2 August Spaghe Bolognaise Wednesday 3 August: Ham, Cheese and Pineapple Pizzas Thursday 4 August: Macaroni Cheese Friday 5 August: Spinach & Rico a Cannelloni

Library Roster Volunteers Monday 1 August ‐ Friday 5 August Monday 1 August: Tuesday 2 August: Wednesday 3 August: Thursday 4 August: Friday 5 August:

Fiona Hinchliffe, Joy Gorniak, Melissa Lorimer Norah Kojrowicz, Suzanne Schick, Julie Davies Diana Chan, Debbie McWilliam, Anne McEniery Lydia Wilcox, Roula Hatzipapas, Rita Savva, Linda Stevens Brenda Sco , Jenny Hunter, Robyn Crapnell, Aurea Taylor

Loreto College Coorparoo Informa on Morning For prospec ve students and families will be held on Sunday 7th August in the Mary Ward Centre, commencing at 10.30 am. All are most welcome to a end. Page 10

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity Ensemble






Guitar Ensemble Two

Thu 18 Aug

Augustine Centre

4:07 PM

4:45 PM


Exit Stage Left

Thu 18 Aug

Goold Hall

5:05 PM

5:50 PM



Thu 18 Aug

Goold Hall

5:50 PM

6:35 PM


Guitar Ensemble One

Thu 18 Aug

Augustine Centre

6:57 PM

7:35 PM


Senior Choir

Fri 19 Aug

Augustine Centre

1:46 PM

2:18 PM


Concert Band One

Fri 19 Aug

Augustine Centre

7:07 PM

7:50 PM


Percussion Ensemble Two

Sat 20 Aug

Augustine Centre

9:43 AM

10:24 AM


Clarinet Ensemble

Sat 20 Aug

St James' Hall

11:52 AM

12:30 PM

IE1B (1)

Percussion Ensemble One

Sat 20 Aug

Augustine Centre

1:01 PM

1:42 PM


Junior Choir

Sat 20 Aug

St James' Church

2:01 PM

2:34 PM


Spatula (Guitars)

Sat 20 Aug

St James' Church

Flute Ensemble One

Sat 20 Aug

St James' Church

2:36 PM

3:14 PM



Sat 20 Aug

St James' Church

3:57 PM

4:30 PM


Jazz Ensemble

Sat 20 Aug

Augustine Centre

5:50 PM

6:30 PM


String Ensemble

Sun 21 Aug

Augustine Centre 12:40 PM

1:20 PM


Concert Band Two

Sun 21 Aug

Goold Hall

1:34 PM

2:17 PM


Flute Ensemble Two

Sun 21 Aug

St James' Hall

2:46 PM

3:24 PM


Symphony Orchestra

Sun 21 Aug

Augustine Centre

3:11 PM

3:51 PM


2:10 PM

2:48 PM


Date Claimer P & F Notice of AGM All parents are invited to a end the P & F Annual General Mee ng to be held on Tuesday 6 September at 7.30pm in the Staffroom. It would be appreciated if you could please fill in a nomina on form, a ached to this newsle er. Please give some thought to nomina ng people for the commi ee. Your input is valued. These forms need to be returned to Trish Willing at the College Office by Friday 2 September. Thank you. Elizabeth Fort ‐ Secretary

Items of Interest Year 8 Mother/Daughter Breakfast

A reminder that the Year 8 Mother/Daughter breakfast will be on Sunday, 7th August at 8:30am. The breakfast will be held at Stella Star Ristorante (opposite Loreto College) and will cost $20 per person for hot/cold breakfast. Numbers are limited to 100 guests. See tear off slip for payment details and return to Lesley Bongaarts at the College Office. RSVP by MONDAY 1st August. Please note payment is by cheque or cash only (no credit cards accepted). Any enquires to Katrina Capelli on 0403 356 822 or Kim Devine on 0402 744 303. We look forward to you joining us.

Year 8 Parent Representa ves

St Elizabeth's Tarragindi School Fete ‐ Sunday 31st July, from 9.30am, Cracknell Rd, Tarragindi ‐ Offering a fresh, family‐friendly day out featuring all‐ages entertainment, bou que cra s, gourmet burgers, home‐baked delights and so much more! And of course you can expect all of your old‐fashioned fete favourites including fairy floss, kids’ rides, face pain ng and fudge as well.

Mt Carmel Fete ‐ Norfolk Street, Coorparoo ‐ Sunday 7 August 2011 9.30am ‐ 3.30pm ‐ The Mt Carmel School Fete will be an all new experience for the family. Enjoy a host of culinary delights against a backdrop of fun and activity with 9 exciting rides including The Round‐Up, Wild Octopus and Cup and Saucer. With over 35 stalls featuring old favourites homemade Cakes, Sample Bags, Face Painting, Handmade gifts, Pony Rides, Tombola, Pre‐loved Books, Clothes and Toys, Greek Food, with exciting additions including Restaurant Rapide, a Toddler Chill Out Zone, Student Fete Volunteers and Piece Together ‐ an exciting children’s craft activity ‐ there is something here for everyone. Page 11

Tel: 3394 9999 F: 3847 1254 Absentee Line: 3394 9964 Email: email@loreto.qld.edu.au www.loreto.qld.edu.au

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity


Nomina ons are called for the posi ons of: President

Vice‐President (male)

Vice‐President (female)



Year 12 Representa ve

Year 11 Representa ve

Year 10 Representa ve

Year 9 Representa ve

Year 8 Representa ve

I, ___________________________________________________________ nominate _____________________________________________________________ to the posi on of ______________________________________________ Seconded by _________________________________________________ Nomina on accepted __________________________________________ Date __________________

Please return nomina on slips to Trish Willing, College Office by Friday 2 September.


MOTHER’S NAME: ………………………………………………………........................................................................................ DAUGHTER’S NAME AND HOMEROOM: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...  Please advise us of any special dietary requirements you may have .............................................................................................................................................................................. Cheque enclosed for $…………… (Please make cheque payable to “Stella Star”)

Cash Enclosed: $________________

Parent Signature: ................................................................................................

Please complete and return this slip with your payment to: Lesley Bongaarts at Loreto College by Monday 1st August. Please note numbers are limited to 100 guests. For further enquires please contact Katrina Capelli Mob: 0403 356 822.

Loreto College Coorparoo — Felicity


Date: Saturday 6 August Time: 7pm for 7.30pm Where: Mary Ward Centre Theme: War & Peace The Annual Trivia Night has grown in popularity over recent years so don't delay in getting a table together. This year’s theme is War and Peace so prepare to battle! Dress up and decorate your table and have a fun night. • Cash Bar available • Tea, coffee, sweets are included • Spot Prizes • Prizes for best dressed and decorated table and trivia champions

Tickets: Adults $15.00

Students: $10.00

Tables seat 8 comfortably but extra chairs are available. If you would like to join a table, we will attempt to seat you with other parents of your year level. Enquiries: Julie Greaves 33457406 or jgre5359@bigpond.net.au Name ........................................................................................... Ph No. ................................................. Names ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................. Name of head of table ........................................................................................................................................... Year level (If applicable)..................................................................... No. of adults........................... No of Students.............................. Total $ encl.......................................................... (cheques payable to Loreto Music Support)

Credit Card: Please debit my □ Visa □ Mastercard $________________ Number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expiry Date _____ / _____ Cardholder’s Name: ________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature: _____________________________________________________

a Brisbane Family Psychology Mini Parenting Workshop

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Today’s kids have 24/7 access to a global community, via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many other social networking sites – information is shared instantly and can reach millions of people in only seconds. As parents, the struggle to

support your kids to access the internet is something we deal with on a daily basis – how do we monitor their use and keep them safe, while still allowing them to express themselves and not ‘go without’?

Our mini-parenting workshop is for parents and kids alike, and will support you and your children to become cyber-savvy. Psychologist Candice Quinn will provide practical advice on the safe use of social networking, web surfing, downloading

and gaming sites, covering both the risks and benefits through the use of interactive case studies. WHERE:

Brisbane Family Psychology


Tuesday 2 August 2011, from 6:30pm – 7:30pm


$20.00 per person; payable on registration


(Unit 1B / 172 Evans Road, Salisbury 4107) (Coffee and tea provided)

by Friday 29 July 2011 – call Holly on (07)3306 1080, or visit http://www.brisbanefamilypsychology.com.au

Brisbane Tuesday 9 August 7.00-9.00pm St Thomas' Catholic Primary School 10 Stephen Street, Camp Hill $15 per person (2nd parent of same family free) To register for this talk or for more information ring 3398 6633 Prepaid tickets available online at www.fedup.com.au Tickets may be available at door if unsold, buy online to avoid disappointment!

Sue Dengate Fed Up with Children’s Behaviour Former teacher and psychology graduate, author of the famous Fed Up series, Australian of the Year finalist in 2009, Sue Dengate became interested in food intolerance after recognising the effect of foods on her own children. In the past 20 years, Sue has spoken to tens of thousands of parents in Australia, the USA and the UK. Further information on Sue's work at www.fedup.com.au. ‘Wow!!! Hearing Sue speak ‘you gave us the was probably the most 'you touched This talk includes … chance to see what a enlightening experience I our livestantrums, in an  Arguments, oppositional defiance, beautiful little boy we have had this year, if not incredible way’ have been blessed  Bedwetting, sneaky poos, sticky poos this decade’  Asthma, itchy skin rashes, migraine with’  Difficulty falling asleep, frequent night waking  Depression, unexplained tiredness, difficulty concentrating  Hidden and new food additives, what’s wrong with fruit

’we would still be living with an unhappy, difficult child’

“It was the most fascinating two hours I have spent in a long time…” - Bubs about Town

Sue’s Fed Up, Failsafe Cookbook and DVD Fed Up with Children’s Behaviour will be available at the talk at discounted prices CASH, CHEQUE or CREDIT/DEBIT CARD


2011– SEMESTER 2


WEEK 18-22






RELIGION: Art work






ENGLISH: Powerpoint









MATHS C: Emps FRENCH: Listening BIOL: EEI PE: Research Assignment EC: Multi-Modal CA: Folio Three & Book


CA: Theory Three





Exhibition Holiday

HOME EC: Research journal CHEM: ERT



IC: Web Project & Report

EXAMS: Accounting, Anc History; Chemistry; Drama; Economics; English; French; German; Geography; Japanese, Maths A, B, C; Modern History; Music; Religion; Physics; SOR

2011 - TERM 4 YEAR 11


WEEK 3-7





DRAMA: Scriptwriting






BIOL: ERT MUSIC: Performance ENGLISH: Spoken Review



FRENCH: Reading GERMAN: Listening

GEOG: Non-written Response



SOR: Research Assign JAP: Listening Text CA: Folio Four & Book ANC HISTORY: Research Task

CA: Theory Four






ICT: Robotics Project


VIS ART: Folio 3 & Book



EXAMS: Accounting; Business; Biology; Chemistry; Drama; Economics; English; French; German - Speaking; Geography; Health; Home Ec; IPT; Japanese; Maths A, B, C; Modern History


WEEK 18-22






DRAMA Forming Task – Scriptwriting (GIVEN) ART FOLIO THREE & BOOK (A) : There are 2 groups – Gr 1 Painting & Gr 2 Ceramics (GIVEN) MUSIC Audio practical demonstration & Band Performance & Practice Journal (GIVEN)

TUESDAY Computer Studies In class project (Game Design –development in class across whole term) (GIVEN) Language Skills Response to Stimulus (GIVEN)

YEAR 9 WEDNESDAY HISTORY Multimodal Research/Presentation (GIVEN) RELIGION Research Task and Oral presentation (GIVEN)

GEOGRAPHY Feature Article based on Field Report (GIVEN) LANGUAGES FRENCH: Cultural Project (GIVEN)












RETREAT LANGUAGES FRENCH: Cultural Project (DUE) RELIGION Research Task and Oral presentation (DUE) ART THEORY TASK TWO ART A (GIVEN) LANGUAGES GERMAN: Cultural Project (GIVEN) LANGUAGE SKILLS Response to Stimulus (DUE) Biography Photo Story (GIVEN) HISTORY Multimodal Research/Presentation (DUE THIS WEEK) LANGUAGES FRENCH - Listening test JAPANESE- Listening & Writing tests GERMAN- Speaking test ART FOLIO FOUR & BOOK ART B (GIVEN) GEOGRAPHY Feature Article based on Field Report (DUE) LANGUAGES JAPANESE: Cultural Project (GIVEN)





DRAMA Forming Task – Scriptwriting (DUE) MUSIC Composition (DUE) BUSINESS PRACTICES Assignment (GIVEN) ART FOLIO THREE & BOOK (B) (DUE ART B)



12-16 EXAMS: Home Economics, Maths, Music (Audio Practical Demonstration), Science, French, English: Analytical Essay Test,


Computer Studies In class project (Game Design –development in class across whole term) (DUE)




WEEK 3-7















MONDAY COMPUTER STUDIES In class project (Computer Aided Design - development in class across whole term) (GIVEN) HOME ECONMICS PROCESS JOURNAL & PRACTICAL PERFORMANCE TASKS (GIVEN) ART FOLIO FOUR & BOOK ART A (GIVEN) MUSIC Audio unit Short Answer Exam & Solo Performance Exam & Practice Journal (GIVEN) ENGLISH Poetry Group Power Point (GIVEN) DRAMA Presenting Task: Scripted Drama (GIVEN) ART ART A & B ART THEORY TASK TWO (DUE) LANGUAGES - JAPANESE: Cultural Project (DUE) LANGUAGE SKILLS Script Writing (GIVEN)

DRAMA Responding Task: Analytical essay (GIVEN) MUSIC Audio unit Short Answer Exam (DUE) DRAMA Presenting Task: Scripted Drama (DUE) HOME ECONOMICS PROCESS JOURNAL & PRACTICAL PERFORMANCE TASKS (DUE) LANGUAGES FRENCH - Reading & Writing tests GERMAN - Reading & Writing tests ENGLISH Poetry Group Power Point (DUE) ART FOLIO FOUR & BOOK ART B (DUE) LANGUAGE SKILLS Script Writing (DUE)






DRAMA Theatre Viewing to Shake and Stir @ Loreto College ENGLISH Book Club Journal (DUE)

COMPUTER STUDIES In class project (Computer Aided Design - development in class across whole term) (DUE)


Final Assembly – Prize Giving 9am – 12.30 pm END TERM 4 – YEARS 8 – 11

EXAMS: ENGLISH: poetry, DRAMA Responding Task: Analytical essay, MATHS, HISTORY, MUSIC: Solo Performance Exam & Practice Journal, GEOGRAPHY, BUSINESS PRACTICES, SCIENCE, JAPANESE: Speaking and reading, RELIGION,

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