Acknowledgement of Country We acknowledge the Turrbal and Yugara, as the First Nations owners of the lands where our school now stands. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching and learning and pay deep respects to Elders past and present and young leaders of today and the future.
About our Strategic Plan Loreto 2024 is the outcome of discernment on the best education to prepare our students to thrive in a world of opportunity and challenge. It sets out our vision for the next three years. While this plan has been developed during a time of significant change in the world, it is grounded in a strong history of faith and values, responsive and relevant to the present reality and to the future. The Loreto tradition of excellence in education began in 1609 when a young Englishwoman, Mary Ward, founded a religious order (the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary IBVM), also known as the Loreto Sisters, and opened her first school for girls in St Omer. Loreto College Coorparoo, established in 1928, is now one of a network of more than 150 Mary Ward schools around the world.
We pride ourselves on knowing each student who passes through our doors. Our goal is to offer educational, co-curricular and student well-being programs which are relevant in a rapidly changing world and which empower students to become agents of change in a global society. In this spirit, and our commitment to know and value each student who passes through our doors, Loreto 2024 has been created with students at the centre. Underpinned by Gospel values, the Mary Ward compass and the Loreto virtues, Loreto 2024 builds on the traditions and achievements of the past and looks to the future with optimism.
We are grateful for the collaboration of many in our community in shaping this plan: students, staff, parents, the Loreto sisters, and representatives of Loreto Ministries Limited. These discussions have informed the development of this strategy where our students are encouraged to fulfill their potential across a diverse range of pursuits and celebrate their growth. It is, therefore, our task to educate beyond stereotypes. It is our hope that those involved in our College will act freely, courageously and in a spirit of collaboration to affirm the dignity of each individual, equipping each student to embrace the future with courage, confidence and resilience. Donna Orazio Board Chair Kim Wickham Principal
Mary Ward Schools’ Compass
The Mary Ward Schools’ Compass was developed as a guiding educational resource for all global Mary Ward Schools. It is a result of over 60 Congegatio Jesu and Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary representatives from 21 countries coming together to form a unified network. The principles of the compass are integral to a contemporary Loreto education and have been integral in shaping our future strategy.
Being an Agent of Change
Guiding and Guarding in the use of Media
Keeping our Focus Fixed A Mary Ward school today continues to take its bearings from Jesus, his gospel, and our charism, and to be guided by our JUST SOUL traditional values of Justice, Verity (Truth), Sincerity, Freedom, and Felicity (Joy).
A Mary Ward school today discerns what change is happening or needed, and encourages collaborative work to embrace change in order to take God's purpose forward through education.
A Mary Ward school today develops responsive and effective ways to enable the young to engage safely and ethically with social media and emerging technology. This ensures the integrity of relationships while enhancing the opportunity for learning and creating global digital citizens.
(cf KG pp 1-2; IBVM Call 1)
(cf KG pp 3, 7)
(cf KG pp 7-8; CJ Call 8)
(bearings, direction)
Owning and Developing the Charism
Cultivating Values Needed Now
A Mary Ward school today joyfully accepts responsibility for evolving and unfolding in our time the God-given charism that Mary Ward channelled in her time. We continue to interpret this charism, adapting what has been passed on to us, in creative and innovative ways congruent to the times.
A Mary Ward school today promotes not only the traditional values in which it is rooted but also those values needed for education that is responsive and relevant to the present reality and to the future.
(rising, coming)
(cf KG pp 1, 7)
(cf KG p 2; IBVM Call 1; CJ Call 8)
Embracing and Affirming Diversity A Mary Ward school today embraces diversity as a mirroring of the wonder of Creation. Seeing the image of God in human diversity, we encourage the young to discover their interdependence so they each find their own dignity -"I am because you are"-* and feel truly affirmed and included. (cf KG pp 6-7; IBVM Call 5)
Engaging with the Bigger Picture (disadvantage)
Thinking and Acting Justly A Mary Ward school today is aware of inequalities and oppression in the world of which it is part, and strives to be part of the solution, building peace by helping the young to think and act justly in response to injustice - whether in the school community, the broader community, or the environment. (cf KG pp 3, 6, 7, 9; IBVM Call 2; CJ Call 5, 6)
A Mary Ward school today, recognising the interconnectedness of all things, finds educational ways to engage with Laudato si' and Agenda 2030: Transforming our World. We promote the values, skills, and behaviours needed for living as global citizens finding fulfilment in harmony with all of creation. (cf KG p 3; IBVM Call 2, 4, 5; CJ Call 4, 5, 6)
Mission Statement Loreto schools offer a Catholic education which liberates, empowers and motivates students to use their individual gifts with confidence, creativity and generosity, in loving and responsible service.
Our Values
Our founder, Mary Ward, understood the crucial importance of educating women in making a positive difference to the world. A Loreto education is based on five core values, grounded in Mary Ward’s spirituality. When we apply each of these values to our contemporary context, they can be described as:
To be the leading school in the education and empowerment of young women.
encourages personal growth and gives genuine responsibility to all in our community. Attributes such as adaptability, independence and creativity are aligned to a lively spirit of freedom.
helps us see the inherent dignity in each human being. Through active contribution to the community, we respect others, value inclusivity and commit to the common good.
is self-acceptance and self-awareness. We are encouraged to “be such as we appear and appear such as we are” (Mary Ward) where we relate authentically with others.
is marked by the qualities of integrity and truth. Who we are and what gives meaning to our lives challenges us to invest each day with value: “this is verity, to do what we have to do well” (Mary Ward).
is marked by a sense of optimism, positivity and hope for the future. Personal dispositions such as cheerfulness, good humour and a sense of joy help us to find self-acceptance, inner peace and courage in all we do.
Students at the Heart
Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Inspiring Staff
Our Pillars Identity & Faith Formation
Stewardship & Sustainability
Connected Community
Students at the Heart
Inspire the mind and ignite passion in their hearts. Mary Ward
Cultivate resilience, confidence and self-determination by creating an environment where each student is known and valued.
● Celebrate collaboration, contribution, growth and achievement ● Build agency to manage well-being through evidence-based, structured and responsive programs ● Empower student voice through leadership and representative opportunities ● Provide a breadth of opportunities to explore potential
Measured through student feedback indicating students feel noticed, known and valued.
Provide an inspirational and dynamic culture of teaching and learning excellence that supports students to achieve their aspirations.
● Embed our teaching and learning framework to support consistent, high quality and evidence-based practices ● Drive innovative and evidence-based teaching and learning for rigour, responsiveness and relevance ● Apply data when providing feedback to support students to realise their potential ● Leverage external partnerships to provide a range of enriching learning opportunities
Measured through reviews of teaching practice and student outcomes.
Aim at something excellent; our life is largely influenced by what we aim at-our ideals often make our realities. Mother Gonzaga Barry
Go and set the world on fire with the love of God. Mother Teresa Ball
Identity and Faith Formation Be a contemporary Catholic school that inspires our students, staff and community to be voices of faith in the spirit of Mary Ward.
● Provide spiritual opportunities and programs for faith formation and connection ● Inspire individuals to be advocates and agents for a socially just world ● Value a culture of inclusivity, diversity and equity ● Broaden perspective through connection across the global Loreto network and other organisations
Measured through students, staff and community feedback that Loreto College Coorparoo community members actively live Gospel values and our charism.
Inspiring Staff Foster a rewarding and stimulating environment that recognises and values the critical role our staff play in student success. ● Grow a collegial professional culture with staff who challenge, inspire and lead ● Enhance digital literacy, innovation and professional efficacy ● Embed structures supporting professional growth and well-being responsive to a changing environment
Measured through our success in attracting and retaining staff committed to ongoing professional growth.
Make your vocation loving, constant and efficacious. Mary Ward
Let us make happy the circle around us. Mother Gonzaga Barry
Nurture productive relationships with our families, stakeholders and broader community.
● Foster respectful relationships with parents and carers working in partnership for the benefit of students ● Develop a thriving network linking past, present and future community members ● Deepen our partnerships and engagement with the wider national and international Loreto network ● Leverage our relationships to grow a culture of generosity
Measured through feedback from parents, students, past pupils and the broader community.
Sustainable Stewardship Manage our resources to benefit our students, staff and community and lay the foundations for a sustainable future.
● Deliver strategic leadership through robust governance ● Be future-focused and responsive to change and innovation ● Provide facilities, systems and infrastructure to enhance learning and well-being ● Build sustainable financial strength to facilitate strategic priorities ● Maintain accessibility through affordability for families
Measured through financial metrics, enrolment demand and our environmental footprint.
Leave after you something on which others may build. Mother Gonzaga Barry