May 09, 2024 issue 10 Loquitur

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2023-2024 Editorial Staff













The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.


The Loquitur accepts letters to the editor. The letter should be less than five hundred words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editor must be sent via email to Check out our Socials and Podcast Here!

A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each of us so much. While there are countless moments from which to choose, these are the ones that stood out to us most.

Jason Fridge, Managing Editor, Podcast Editor

My favorite memory is winning the 2024 Atlantic East Championship in men’s lacrosse. The final score being in our favor was cool, but I will never forget the whole day.

Hundreds of family, friends, and alumni posted up under tents to celebrate the history of Cabrini athletics. Every person I interacted with had a smile and a great story to tell about their time at Cabrini. As we celebrated the win, the crowd stormed onto the field where we took thousands of pictures.

It was an overwhelming experience in all the best ways, but mostly I was thankful to be a part of such an amazing program. As I walked off the field for the final time, I took a second before stepping to look back and take everything in.

After celebrating, I joined the Loquitur’s 65th-anniversary party. With eyeblack still on my face, I entered the mansion and was greeted by decades of Cabrini Com legends. I couldn’t be happier to have met so many awesome people.

Jason Fridge will complete his degree at St. Joseph’s University.

Chris Perri, Editor-in-Chief

What I’ll remember the most about my time at Cabrini is how tight-knit the communication department is. I remember coming into the department as a freshman, and not quite feeling like I belonged. I tried my best to get to know them and learn from them that year, but still, I felt like somewhat of an outsider.

That all changed at the start of my sophomore year, when I began taking journalism and serving as a staff writer for the Loquitur. There, I found my place within the department and started to recognize how each person contributes to its work.

Everyone’s skillset is truly valued and nurtured, and being around the department students and staff has been a huge help in my development both as a journalist and as a person.

I couldn’t be any prouder or more grateful to have worked with and led this publication during the last two years. I can confidently say that coming to Cabrini was one of the greatest decisions of my life, and that’s mostly due to the classmates and teachers I’ve been so fortunate to be around during my time here.

Chris Perri will complete his degree at Immaculata University.

Brooke Protesto, Lifestyles Editor

I’ve been at Cabrini ever since I was a child, so it is hard to pick just one memory. My sophomore year, I decided to become a Resident Assistant on campus. Becoming an RA has many perks, but the job is more than just decorating bulletin boards and making door decorations. There are countless nights of staying up until 5 a.m. aiding residents when an incident occurs.

For the past two years, I became friends with so many new

people. Two former ResLife employees in particular, Liz Morinelli and Foster W. Krupp, treated me more as a friend than a coworker. I became best friends with my fellow RAs Ethan Baker, Emily Lichius, and Colin Tomczak.

While this year was not easy on us, we all went through it together and it made us stronger as leaders and friends.

Brooke Protesto will complete her degree at Villanova University.

Emily Shultz, News Editor

As a commuter, I know FOMO all too well. There’s nothing worse than a repetitious cycle of attending classes, sitting in an empty commuter lounge, and then going home. Wolfington Center disrupted this process in the best way possible.

What sets Wolfington apart from other centers is its dedication to advocacy and community. It’s a place where everyone believes in an individual’s inherent value and wants to know you. I’ll definitely miss it and I hope I can build the same community at my new school.

Emily Shultz will continue her education at Villanova University.

Andrew Stovenour, Visuals Editor

One of my favorite Cabrini memories is when I changed majors from psychology to communication. I met with department chair Dr. Dawn Francis twice, once to discuss the transfer and a second time to finalize it. The second time, Professor John Doyle interrupted his own class to meet me. I immediately knew I was in the right place.

Our time at Cabrini began and ended with hardship. From COVID-19 in 2020 to the school closing in 2024, these four years included many struggles.

Despite this, the communication department was a constant highlight and came with irreplaceable friendships, experiences, and memories.

Andrew Stovenour will graduate in Cabrini’s class of 2024.

Samantha Taddei, Sports Editor

One defining memory for me happened my sophomore year of college. While other students left for summer break, softball and baseball were the last teams on campus still in season.

After returning from our softball NCAA trip to Boston, both sports teams somehow ended up in the second-floor South lounge. Wearing bright blue face masks, we orchestrated a game of wiffle ball in the hallway, cheering each other with the same intensity we brought to the field.

The echo of laughter filled the empty hallways all night. It was a moment of pure joy and a spontaneous celebration of our shared love for the game and the bonds that united us as teammates and friends.

I’ll never forget my sense of gratitude for the experiences and friendships Cabrini gave me. In that moment, surrounded by teammates who felt more like family, I knew that no matter where life took us, the memories we created on that day would always hold a special place in my heart.

Samantha Taddei will graduate in Cabrini’s class of 2024.

LOQ Media
The 2023-24 Loquitur editorial staff. Back row, left to right: Chris Perri, Jason Fridge, Andrew Stovenour. Front row, left to right: Samantha Taddei, Emily Shultz, Brooke Protesto. Photo by Wendy Rosenfield.

First-year reflections: being a freshman at a closing school

Freshman year of college is an exciting time. From living in dorms away from parents to spur of the moment decisions, it’s supposed to be full of memories and relationships that last a lifetime.

But what is it like to be a freshman at a school that’s closing?

“I had no idea what I was coming into,” said freshman criminology major Katherine Gaffney. “I knew it was going to be different. However, I was expecting to still have a somewhat normal college experience.”

Unfortunately for first year students who chose to attend Cabrini during its final year, it was far from a normal college experience.

Falling short of expectations

Fellow freshman and communication major Erin Ewing knew what she was walking into. Knowing the relationships she made may be temporary, she was hopeful about what this school year would bring.

“I still expected the school to put a lot of effort into making it the best possible experience,” Ewing said. “But I don’t feel like the school held their end of the deal for that. It felt like they were letting the school die out this year.”

Gaffney agreed this year was underwhelming. “At times it felt like I was still in high school,” she said. “I did not think our class was going to be as small as it was. I know that next year is going to be just like entering as a freshman again because of how different things were here.”

Although the size of the freshman class was small, Gaffney holds that it allowed them to become really close as a group.

Lonely atmosphere, cancelled classes

Interactions within the dorms were lively throughout the week, but when the weekend came it was a different story. “A lot of students would go home close to every weekend because there was nothing keeping them here,” Gaffney said.

Gaffney is from Illinois, so she remained on campus every weekend. “I saw how dead campus and the residence halls would be on the weekends,” she said. “I would sometimes go a whole weekend without running into anybody.”

Ewing was also disappointed with the lack of student life. “I did a lot of just sitting in my dorm room this year, and that’s not something that I wanted for my freshman year of college,” she said.

On top of this, Ewing needed to take classes that weren’t offered this year. She earned college credits during her time in high school, allowing her to jump straight into requirements for her communication major in the spring.

While this jump put her ahead of the curve, it placed her in a tough position. “A lot of the classes I had to take this semester, because they weren’t offering as many as they would in the past, I didn’t have the prerequisites for,” Ewing said. “So going into them

was pretty difficult because I was so inexperienced.”

The transfer process

For the freshmen who decided to stick it out for Cabrini’s final year, it was inevitable they would have to restart the college search process.

Cabrini partnered with Eastern University, Holy Family University, Gwynedd Mercy University, and Ursinus College, who offered teach-out plans as well as matching outof-pocket costs for Cabrini students.

The Center for Student Success also held one-on-one advisory meetings in the fall with all students to help them through transferring to another institution.

Ewing was immediately drawn to Ursinus College as a possible destination next fall, and also applied to Villanova University after learning that they offered Cabrini students an expedited admissions process.

But for Gaffney, finding a new home wasn’t easy.

“I struggled with the transfer process because none of the partner schools offered my exact major,” she said. “After my advising meeting at the beginning of the year where I learned this, I was left out to dry without any other options.”

Gaffney credits her academic advisor, who took over and assisted in highlighting institutions that offered her major and would accept as many credits as possible.

Gaffney committed to play golf at Arcadia University, where she will continue studying criminology, while Ewing is still deciding between Ursinus and Villanova.

Reflecting on the year

It’s hard to choose just one word to describe Cabrini’s final year. For Ewing, however, the word that comes to mind when reflecting on her freshman year is “upsetting.”

“I knew obviously coming into this year that there would be teachers and friends I made that I won’t see next year, and most I’ll never see again,” she said. “Getting to experience a small part of Cabrini, I think it was something that I really would have loved in normal circumstances. It’s kind of just mourning the experience that I didn’t get to have.”

Gaffney also summed up this year by choosing to call it “unfortunate.”

“Even though Cabrini will always have a piece of my heart, we were just unlucky,” she said. “I would have loved to be here all four years, but the timing was unfortunate. I think every situation I endured here, good and bad, ends in unfortunate. Any bad experiences can be blamed on the school closing and any good experience can be ruined by the idea that it’s all ending. Simply, unfortunate.”

Whether they see it as good news or not, all Cabrini students who did not graduate get to start a new adventure next fall. Their time at Cabrini may have been far from ideal, but it will certainly be an unforgettable chapter in their adult lives.

Gaffney (far left) with friends at Cabrini’s Winter Formal hosted by SGA in December. Photo via Cabrini University Flickr.

Scholarships help Dreamers succeed

Undocumented students, with the help of TheDream.US program, receive financial support for their college education. The program provides scholarships for students to attend partner colleges such as Cabrini University.

Dreamers are undocumented people who arrived in the U.S. as children with or without their families. Since they are not U.S. citizens or green card holders, they can’t receive federal aid.

Some Dreamers are recipients of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The policy was established in June 2012 to allow immigrant youth who came to the U.S. with their parents to be able to avoid deportation and to live and work in the U.S.

DACA is valid for two years and can be renewed. TheDream.US helps young people get an education and receive career counseling.

What is TheDream.US?

TheDream.Us is the nation’s largest college access and career success program for Dreamers.

Dr. Nune Grigoryan, assistant professor of communication, said, “We started partnering with the TheDream.US in 2022. We didn’t have a lot of students for the program but right now it is at least 20 students that received the scholarship. The scholarship covers tuitions and fees up to $33,000 in total for a recipient. The partnership between the program and the college is not just the program providing money to the colleges, but also the college taking the responsibility to . . . help students to succeed in their career.”

She said, “With my role, I can also take questions or resources that students need that we cannot answer to TheDream.US. To ensure the success for students, TheDream. US has it own personnel available to students that they can access if they need more information and help.”

She continued, “To the best of my knowledge from what students have told me, the majority will be attending Holy Family University, which is another partner school with TheDream.US, but some will not be attending partner schools and will still be continuing their education.”

Cabrini’s Dreamers

One undocumented student, a junior criminology major, was born in Mexico and came to the U.S. when she was 5. She is the first generation in her family to graduate high school and to attend college.

She said, “I was in search of scholarships at the start of my senior year of college and a couple of teachers and friends suggested TheDream.US program to me. I applied and received a quick response finding out that I was able to get it. The program has been helping me out for the past two years of college with the tuition and just being able to go to college.”

She continued, “TheDream.US made me realize that there are many opportunities for people like me. They provided me a chance to go to college.”

Another scholarship recipient, a sophomore writing and narrative arts major, was also born in Mexico and came to the U.S. as an infant.

She continued, “My role in the partnership is the relationship manager. They come to me if they need any resources at Cabrini so I lead them to the right person. Typically, you’ll have someone who is advising the students if they are a first generation, or in their freshman year. Same situation as regular college classes, they will have one-on-one meetings with the students. They can share their challenges and strengths.”

Grigoryan also spoke about TheDream.US’s structure and Cabrini’s closure.

He said, “Around the end of my high school year, I was scared of how I was going to go to college and it was mainly a money thing because of my undocumented status. My mom came across an ad for TheDream.US scholarship one day, and it felt like a godsend because one of the schools I was looking at was Cabrini. When we found out that the school had a partnership with the program, I immediately applied.”

He continued, “When TheDream.US appeared, I was like, “Yes, this is what I need, because it helped my fear of not being able to go to college.”

Education of the heart: Cabrini’s mission trip to Guatemala

For 15 years, Cabrini University conducted a study abroad course where students visit Guatemala to provide community service for and learn from its residents. Over a century ago, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, sought to “educate the hearts” of those around them. The education of the heart means to create leaders who are committed to helping people in need.

A unique perspective

Over the course of the spring semester, students enrolled in ECG 300, “Working for Justice in Guatemala,” learn about San Lucas Tolimán, the town they visited in Guatemala.

Dr. Jerry Zurek, the communication professor in charge of the ECG, said, “Lots of colleges have students go on mission trips. What’s unique about this [trip] is it’s part of a course. Usually, at other colleges, it comes out of Campus Ministry. Maybe they’ll get together a couple of evenings, but nothing in-depth. In this course, we learn about the history of Guatemala, their values and culture.”

The mission of the trip

A’Niyah Stillis, a senior psychology major, found the experience meaningful despite

only spending a week abroad. Stillis said, “The mission of the Guatemala trip was to expose us to certain issues in Guatemala, issues they have on a day-to-day basis.” For years, inhabitants of Guatemala have been trying to rebuild after a devasting civil war. Stillis, along with her classmates, participated in community service. “Half the day was spent doing work with the community, and half the day was learning from the community,” Zurek said. The students also dedicated a lot of time working with the Women’s Center, where they learned what it is like to be a woman in poverty in San Lucas Tolimán, from preparing meals from scratch to washing clothes by hand.

Lasting effects of war

From 1960 to 1996, Guatemala experienced violent conflict. “[The United States] actually helped overthrow the president of Guatemala, and that started a civil war,” Zurek said. Jacobo Arbenz, the president of Guatemala from 1951-1954, put laws in place that reallocated farmland from large corporations to impoverished citizens. Arbenz also attempted to nationalize large tracts of land from the United Fruit Company, a U.S.-based company. Due to his actions as president, the United States government viewed Arbenz as a communist who opposed American capitalism. The United States government aided Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas in a coup d’état, resulting in Arbenz being overthrown and the reversal of his legislation.

Over the next four decades, Guatemala went through a brutal war between the government and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG), a group fighting for the rights of poor Guatemalans, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. The majority of those killed were Maya. These are the indigenous people of Guatemala, and Maya were the most impacted by the reversal of Arbenz’s laws.

In 1996, Guatemalan President Alvaro Arzu and URNG leaders finalized negotiations for peace and ended the decades-long conflict. However, the Guatemalan Civil War created lasting effects that could still be felt almost 30 years after it ended.

The students of ECG 300 spoke with people who lived through the war. Stillis said, “There was one man who talked about his experience of being a child in all the chaos, and how he is triggered by certain sounds. It showed me how damaging that war was.”

The next steps

“Now we’re preparing to go to Washington, DC,” Zurek said. The class will meet with the staffs of Pennsylvanian Senators Casey and Fetterman. The students will then speak with members of the House of Representatives from their districts. “They’ll meet for about half an hour about the needs of the country [Guatemala], how much they’ve grown, and why we need to invest in the country,” Zurek said.

The Dream.US protesters advocate for change. Photo by Todd Dwyer via Wikimedia/Creative Commons. ECG 300 students in Guatemala. Photo via by San Lucas Mission staff.

Cabrini celebrates achievements at employee recognition luncheon

The Cabrini community came together in a spirit of appreciation at the annual Employee Recognition Luncheon held in Grace Hall. From 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., the university honored the dedication and contributions of its staff and faculty members. The event, catered by Sodexo, offered a spread of drinks, lunch, and desserts that added to the celebration. The luncheon commenced with a heartfelt prayer for peace offered by Dr. Ray Ward, setting the tone for an afternoon of gratitude.

Honoring members of the community

At noon, President Helen Drinan presented the Special Recognition award to Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, MSC (‘66), a longstanding member of the Cabrini community, whose dedication has left a lasting mark on the university. Baltas shared an inspiring message, saying, “If you have been touched by the mission, take it forward with you and spread the mission yourself.”

Celebrating years of service

Nikki Gillum-Clemons, director of Human Resources, took the stage to recognize the years of service provided by several individuals at Cabrini:

Five Years of Service: Janet Bauman, Carolyn Berenato, Hillary Graham, Alexis Jankowski, Vinayak Mathur, Robin Viola

Ten Years of Service: Paul Cowley, MaryLou Denesowicz, David Madway, Megan Norris, Laura Patton, Vivian Smith

Fifteen Years of Service: Michelle Filling-Brown, Melinda Harrison Krick, Erin McLaughlin, Caroline Nielsen

Twenty Years of Service: Chris Protesto

Thirty-five Years of Service: Anne Schwelm

Fifty Years of Service: Jim Hedtke

Dr. Melissa Terlecki, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, delivered a tribute to Hedtke, highlighting his commitment to Cabrini over five decades. Terlecki said, “He’s not just an amazing educator, but a wonderful, warm human being who cared about this place ever since he stepped foot on our campus.”

The event took a delightful turn when Patti Stocker, assistant to the dean of the School of Business and Professional Studies, shared her “final Cabrini poem,” bringing laughter and warm applause from the audience, capturing the spirit of unity at Cabrini. She said, “As we celebrate each other today/here’s one big shoutout of appreciation/cheers to all of us who stayed this year/let’s just make it to graduation.”

Recognizing excellence and values

The ceremony proceeded with the presentation of awards by Drinan and GillumClemons, honoring individuals who represented Cabrini’s core values.

Core Value of Respect Award Winners: Angela Campbell, Felix Rodriguez Ortega

Core Value of Vision Award Winners: Monica Carson, Rosemary Gehrlein

Core Value of Community Award Winners: MaryLou Denesowicz, Patti Stocker

Core Value of Dedication to Excellence Award Winners: John Doyle, Lynda Buzzard

Cabrini Spirit Award Winner: Antoinette Reaves

Professional Excellence Award Winner: Marita Hurst

Recognizing outstanding adjunct faculty

The event also recognized the contributions of adjunct faculty members, with Dr. Melissa Terlecki and Dr. Erin McLaughlin, dean of the School of Business, Education and Professional Studies.

Adjuncts of the Year, School of Arts and Sciences: Frances Furia, Robert Weaver

Adjuncts of the Year, School of Business, Education and Professional Studies: Fran Brooks, Domineck D’Orazio

A touching farewell

As the event drew to a close, Gillum-Clemons adjourned the gathering. Dr. Dawn Francis, associate professor and chair of the communication department, said, “It was bittersweet for sure to have the last celebration, but it was heartening to see so many people acknowledged for staying here.”

Drinan expressed her gratitude, saying, “I’ve met such wonderful people in this remarkably different, warm, and special community.”

The Cabrini employee recognition luncheon not only celebrated achievements, but also reinstated the bond of unity and dedication that define the Cabrini community.

The 18th annual Arts, Research, and Scholarship Symposium

On Tuesday, April 29, academic spirit replaced the gymnasium’s athletic atmosphere as poster boards crowded the court’s floor. This was Cabrini’s 18th and final Arts, Research and Scholarship Symposium.

The symposium asks students to conduct social experiments as part of their research, but this year had fewer subjects due to lower enrollment. Still, the students turned out excellent work.

Students start their research

Students were asked by their facilitators at the beginning of the spring semester to create a thesis around an area of research that interests them.

They would then present their findings in oral and poster presentations. Numbers were crunched, graphs analyzed, and projects presented. When setting up their poster boards, project stations were split into rows of psychology, science, sociology, criminology, and communication. Issues included everything from mental health to fossil records to the study of microbacteria.

Justin Uruchima, senior criminal justice major, described the symposium as an opportunity for people from different majors to gather and share what they’re passionate about. He said it’s interesting to see different material.

Uruchima’s project was titled “Gender and Race and Support for the Death Penalty.”

To find his answers he reached out to students to fill out a survey, but said, “It was difficult because Cabrini was closing down.”

Aichata Coulibaly, senior sociology major, said, “There are very few kids on campus, so finding enough students to do the survey was difficult.” She aimed to get over 150 responses but only received 78, though several other students said that was a lot compared to what they received.

When noting how this symposium was different compared to last year, Coulibaly said, “This one is a lot smaller” but “feels a lot more intimate.”

Coulibaly’s project, “Social Isolation and Academic Achievement: Unanticipated Impacts of the COVID-19 Shutdowns of 2020,” delved into the correlation between college students’ academic achievements and the isolation experienced during the pandemic.

A facilitator’s view

“I’m really proud of the work they did this year,” said Lab Manager Daniel Dye, who helped strategize and execute students’ research for biology and chemistry with the help of equipment such as “high performance liquid chromatography.”

Dye said, “Definitely you feel the fact that this is the last one but it’s also a celebration. This is what the symposium is; it’s the celebration of the work we put in and the impact we’re going to make in society when our students graduate.”

He added, seeing the students research their passions is the best part of the symposium. “Especially with one of my students, Brian Fuller, he was so passionate about his research in immunology. He said he wanted to do this for the long term, and so he’s going to get his doctorate degree in immunology. He’s applying to programs, and I know he’ll get in.”

Dye loves to glimpse the future the symposium offers.The hard work students do here is the hard work they want to do for the rest of their lives. The symposium nurtures skills students will need when chasing those ambitions. “A big part of research is presenting your information well, connecting with an audience, potential funding for grants, this helps them practice that.”

“For me,” he said, “it’s a celebration of pride in our work, in our purpose, and our mission of Cabrini.”

President Helen Drinan speaks at employee luncheon. Photo courtesy of John Doyle.

The best year yet for Cavs campus leadership

On Saturday, May 4, students and family gathered to celebrate on-campus leadership and honor society inductions. The Cavalier Leadership Recognition Ceremony was a part of the Student Government Association’s Family Day, a yearly all-day event filled with fun activities for students, friends, and family.

From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Cabrini hosted Burrito Feliz and Zac’s Burgers food trucks, live music, lawn games, and other activities. From 1 to 2:30 p.m., a movie in the Widener Lecture Hall, a performance by magician John Cassidy at 3 p.m. in Dixon Center, followed by Mass at 4 p.m., dinner at Cav’s Corner, and Gift Card Bingo at 6 p.m.

Despite the drab, rainy weather, Cabrini family and friends made a decent turnout.

Emily Lichius, a sophomore writing major, said, “I think out of the events hosted on campus this year, this one is definitely one of the best attended that I’ve seen.”

High spirits and major wins

Although enrollment declined, Cabrini students stuck to the motto, “Last year, best year,” and went full force.

Bridget O’Donnell, director of Student Engagement and Leadership, was overjoyed by student success this school year, “It’s been incredible. I think that the students who have stayed and taken on leadership roles really wanted to create a good experience for themselves and their peers. And so, it’s been a lot of fun. It’s been high energy, there’s been a lot of really good work done by student leaders in terms of their leadership development skills, their academic achievements.”

Students were inducted into honor societies such as Sigma Zeta for STEM, Alpha Kappa Delta for sociology, Alpha Phi Sigma for criminology and criminal justice, Phi Sigma Iota for foreign language, Psi Chi for psychology, Phi Alpha for social work, and the National Leadership Honor Society (NLHS).

In addition, the convocation also acknowledged a wide variety of leadership positions: NLHS chapter leaders, student organization leaders, 2023 orientation leaders, Student

The goose is loose!

Around 8 p.m. on May 1, students discovered a baby goose alone on Cabrini University’s campus. This wasn’t the first time the gosling was sighted.

Alone in the dark

There were sightings of the trespasser earlier that day. However, once it started getting dark outside passersby grew worried about the gosling’s safety. Leany Santana, a freshman criminology major, found the gosling while walking back to Woodcrest with a few friends. “It was getting late and we didn’t see any other geese around. I ended up picking it up and headed to Woodcrest,” she said.

When she got to Woodcrest, Santana encountered the RAs on duty, Cecilia Canan, a senior design management major, and Emily Lichius, a sophomore writing major. Santana explained the situation to the RAs, who called Public Safety. “We sat in the lobby for an hour-and-a-half with this baby goose while we waited for Public Safety to check around for the goose’s family,” Lichius said.

A new family

Public Safety contacted Wildlife In Need, an volunteer organization dedicated to helping lost or injured animals, who came to Cabrini once before when a bat was

Engagement and Leadership (SEaL) staff, Campus Activities and Programming board, resident assistants, Campus Ministry’s peer ministers, Next Step mentors, Puentes, Wolfington Center student staff, and Pierce Fellows

Mother Ursula Award winner announced Dr. Ray Ward, director of the Wolfington Center, announced the Mother Ursula Award winner, Mariana Cruz-Sanchez.

The Mother Ursula Award is the highest award a Cabrini student can receive. It dates back to 1968, is voted on by peers, and awarded to a graduating senior who embodies the Cabrini mission and its values.

A year to be remembered O’Donnell added, “I’m really proud of all of our leaders for creating their own experience this year. It could have gone a lot differently and all the students, everyone here, just really took it upon themselves to create their own experience, which is amazing.”

Campus Ministry Director Antoinette Reaves concluded the ceremony with a closing prayer.

“Remember the spirit of quaintness, satisfaction, and love that’s around you while you spend your time in this place. Share the blessings of this home everywhere you go. The Missionary Sisters live this. Mother Cabrini displayed this. Know this . . . Make an impact. Continue to let your presence make a difference.”

Note: on Monday, May 7, the communication department held a separate ceremony recognizing graduating seniors and inducting students into Cabrini’s chapter of the Society of Collegiate Journalists. Eight students were inducted into SCJ, Isaiah Dickson was recognized for winning the Jerry Zurek Communicator for the Common Good scholarship, and Samantha Taddei won the Department Medal for Digital Communication and Social Media. As an additional surprise, chair Dr. Dawn Francis announced the department’s College Media Association Pinnacle Award for Standalone Website of the Year for its Convergence project, TitleIXRedefined.

found in the mansion. The gosling, along with Santana, the RAs, and Captain Diana Pohl of Public Safety, waited around in the lobby of Woodcrest for the W.I.N. representative.

When the W.I.N. representative arrived, they placed the gosling in a box to transport it. DJ Diallo, director of Public Safety, searched for the rest of the gosling’s family, but was unable to find them. The gosling was pronounced abandoned and W.I.N. will find the best course of action for its care.

“They’re most likely going to find it a different home, or find a shelter for it to grow and be released on its own,” Diallo said.

Yeredith Cruz walks across stage to accept honors award. Photo by Emily Shultz. The lone gosling was found near Woodcrest. Graphic illustration by Seamus Feeley.


Taylor Swift opens up in “The Tortured Poets Department”

Taylor Swift, known for her vulnerable songwriting, has never been so vulnerable. Swift’s 11th studio album takes a deep dive into her thoughts and feelings over the past two years.

Collaborating with two of her close friends, Aaron Dressner and Jack Antonoff, “The Tortured Poets Department” (TTPD) encapsulates Swift’s struggles through heartbreak and her treatment in the industry using a mix of synth pop and lyrics comparable to earlier albums “Folklore” and “Evermore.”

The main sentiment echoed throughout the album, “And I love you, it’s ruining my life,” comes from title track “Fortnight” ft. Post Malone.

This idea of loving someone who can’t love her back is echoed throughout the album showing the seven stages of grief: “I was supposed to be sent away/But they forgot to come and get me/I was a functioning alcoholic/’Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic.”

TTPD comes on the heels of “Midnights,” Swift’s 10th studio album release, a pop breakup album from 2022. Swift announced TTPD at the 66th Grammy Awards after winning Best Pop Vocal Album of the Year.

The name of the album is rumored to have come from a group chat of Swift’s former ex, Joe Alwyn, where he and his friends would discuss their different escapades with women.

This idea is further proved in track two, “The Tortured Poets Department”: “At dinner you take my ring off my middle finger/and put it on the one people put wedding rings on.”

On “So Long London” she describes the end of her six-year relationship with Alwyn, in a heartbreaking chorus of how he used her until she couldn’t take it anymore. “And you say I abandoned the ship/but I was going down with it.” This track joins Swift’s famous track fives, a spot reserved for her most heartbreaking songs.

Swift’s songwriting is the real star of this album, with lyrics that feel like they were sharpened with a knife, unlike her customary “glitter gel pen lyrics.”

Her emotional riffs add to the sound of the album, with a feel throughout the whole album of denial, sadness, and finally acceptance.

Eras faded to gray

Contrasting with Swift’s previous album, TTPD is a heartbreaking manuscript of the pain she endured for the past two years. The emotional range of her voice carries through each song, even when paired with light background sound.

Swift details her struggles with keeping her act together on her current world tour, the Eras Tour. Track 13, “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart” goes into the struggle she faced performing on tour while keeping her emotions in check: “Cause I’m a real tough kid/I can handle my shit/They said, ‘Babe you gotta fake it till you make it,’ and I did.”

These songs are easily relatable to her audience, discussing the daily struggle of having to go on even when dealing with hardships. Lyrics like: “I’m so depressed I act like it’s my birthday/every day” are something many can relate to as the world doesn’t stop turning because of a bad day.

With no need to validate her vocal ability, Swift focused on lyrics on this album, telling a cohesive story throughout the first 16 tracks.

Track 16, “Clara Bow” highlights the negative light in Hollywood and the idealization of celebrities. Swift uses the example of Clara Bow, an actress in the 1920s, describing the end of Bow’s career when she suffered a psychotic break and was later diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Swift also relates herself to the idolization of Stevie Nicks and criticizes the industry for the immense pressure it places on artists to be perfect. “I’m not trying to exaggerate/ But I think I might die if it happened.”

“Clara Bow” was a great cap to the album, or so everyone thought, but true to form, Swift had another surprise waiting for fans.

“The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology”

In a 2 a.m. drop, Swift surprised fans by announcing that TTPD was a double album, including 15 more songs, titled “The Anthology.”

A pleasant shock, “The Anthology” has more of a nostalgic feel, talking of Swift’s childhood and things she learned throughout her career.

The first track, “The Black Dog,” is undeniably about Alwyn and speaks of how she gave her youth to the relationship. “I pledged and I still mean it/Old habits die screaming.”

In October, Swift debuted a new romance with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. It seems not even Kelce was safe from her songbook.Track 22, “So High School,” details their whirlwind romance and the nostalgic feeling she gets when with him: “Truth, dare, spin bottles/You know how to ball/I know Aristotle.”

This song stands out from the devastating lyrics of the other songs and offers a nice fresh breath of air to the listener, with a pop beat that is an ode to her high school days.

Though the lyrics are a different vibe than the rest of the album, the synth beat flows beautifully and is a good segue into the album’s final nine songs.

Track 24, “thanK you aIMee,” is believed to target Kim Kardashian, following the events that happened in 2016, concerning Swift, Kardashian, Ye and a tweet labeling Swift as a snake. “And so, I changed your name and any real defining clues/And one day, your kid comes home singing/A song that only us two are gonna know is about you.”

It’s another song that is noticeably different from the rest of the album but fits in with the nonchalant attitude Swift brought to the table. Referencing her “Reputation” was prominent throughout the album and shows a new side of Swift listeners haven’t seen before.

With no reservations, fans are able to get a true peek into her mind and relate to her realness.

Swift ends the album fittingly with “The Manuscript,” an ode to her exes that leaves little to the imagination. In this song, anger is a defining feature, and listeners get to experience the final twist of the knife from her point of view.

“And the years passed/Like scenes of a show/The professor said write what you know/ Looking backwards might be the only way to move forwards.”

This album highlights Swift’s stellar songwriting and production team, and puts the nail in the coffin of what once was.

The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology album cover. Photo via Taylor Swift.
The Tortured Poets Department pop-up in New York City. Photo via Taylor Swift.

Growing up Cabrini

Some of my fondest memories growing up take place at Cabrini University.

Thanks to my dad, Chris Protesto, Cabrini’s assistant director of facilities and head softball coach, I was able to be a part of the unique Cabrini community ever since I was a child.

But now, Cabrini, The King’s College, The College of Saint Rose, Goddard College, and many other small, independent institutions have one thing in common: They are all closing their doors for good.

Navigating the enrollment cliff

In 2023, 14 nonprofit colleges and universities announced their closure, including Cabrini. Many of these schools faced low enrollment numbers and financial struggles.

This phenomenon is called the “enrollment cliff.” In a 2024 Forbes article, “The Cliffs Of Higher Ed: Who’s Going Over And Why?” its author, David Rosowsky, said, “The enrollment cliff refers to significant predicted (and in some cases precipitous) declines in the number of college-going students in a state or region of the country.”

Many factors worsen the enrollment cliff in higher education.

Rosowsky wrote, “These drops may be functions of birth rates resulting in lower high school graduation rates, decline in the number of high school graduates choosing to attend college whether due to cost or inclination, or student trends to leave the state for college farther from home (for weather, setting, offerings, net cost, or other reasons).”

When the unfortunate event of a university closure occurs, educational opportunities are lost.

For example, Cabrini was renowned for its excellence in teaching students about the importance of social justice.

There is a loss of community as well, with no campus to call home.

Cabrini has a historical element as well: in 2009, Woodcrest Mansion, which now houses administrative offices, was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Cherished Cabrini memories

Every year, Cabrini hosted a “Take Your Kid to Work” day. They would have many activities planned out for all the kids. These included cooking lessons from the dining hall staff, planting trees, and to end the day, swimming in the Dixon Center pool.

Cabrini’s hospitality to faculty and staff children always stood out to me. The staff that ran “Take Your Kid to Work” day was always so welcoming.They created an atmosphere that got me excited about going to college. All of this left a lasting impression on me at such a young age.

But over the years, “Take Your Kid to Work” day slowly became less organized and is now a more casual event on campus.

The closure of Cabrini did not come to my dad and me easily. There were many unanswered questions at the time, but we were also going to lose the place that provided us so many opportunities. Cabrini is home to many of our memories as well.

My last year here has been the most difficult, but also most rewarding. During my time at Cabrini, I found my home in the communication department. I have been so lucky to get to work with and befriend the students and faculty within the department.

The lessons I learned from them are priceless, their lasting impact on the students within the department will resonate with them for years to come.

But the best part of this year was on the softball field. I was able to be a part of the Cavalier softball team for this last season, with my dad as the coach.

He will be my first and last softball coach. Spending time with him on the field again has been one of the best experiences I could ever ask for during my time at Cabrini.

Cabrini has always been a big factor in my life. It will forever hold a special place in my heart, as it does for many other Cavaliers.

“Take your kid to work day” activities, including planting a tree near Grace Hall. Brooke is front row center, in pink. Photo by Chris Protesto.
Representing Cabrini since day one. Photo by Teri Protesto.

Legacy in limbo: the fate of Cabrini’s athletic memorabilia

As Cabrini University counts down its final days, one question looms over its athletic community: what will become of the memorabilia from decades of sporting achievements? The fate of these artifacts remains shrouded in uncertainty, leaving alumni and former staff grappling for answers.

Triumphs through the decades

Cabrini University is a beacon of excellence in Division III athletics, fostering numerous successful sports programs and cultivating student athletes who not only excelled but also became integral members of the community.

At the heart of this legacy stands John Dzik, whose 25-year tenure as head basketball coach and director of athletics cemented Cabrini’s reputation. Reflecting on Cabrini’s significance, Dzik remarked, “Cabrini was the gem of the ocean in small college athletics around Philadelphia.”

Lack of transparency and growing concerns

As news of the university’s acquisition by Villanova, immediate concerns arose about the fate of its athletic memorabilia. Dzik said, “When this all started, knowing that Cabrini was no longer going to be around, the first thing that came to mind for those of us involved in athletics for a very long time was, what is going to happen to all of our stuff.”

Despite reaching out to the administration, Dzik found the responses—or lack thereof—disheartening. “I wrote to the president very early on, literally days after the announcement about Cabrini closing, and got no response. To be quite honest, I was disappointed and mad.”

Moreover, Dzik highlighted the missed opportunities for transparency and engagement. “There should have been a statement that we’re [Cabrini’s administration] not just going to sweep this under the rug. Had people known that they [Cabrini] wanted to hold onto everything, then again here is where people would rally around the flag.”

Cabrini alumni expressed concerns regarding the fate of named spaces and memorabilia on campus, including benches, trees, and athletic trophies. Despite seeking clarification, answers were elusive until the official agreement with Villanova was signed in October. Subsequently, during a meeting with Villanova on March 6, approximately 50 alumni and faculty convened to discuss the future of the alumni association. It was revealed in the meeting that Cabrini alumni would become an affinity group under the Villanova alumni department.

Hollie Havens, a prominent voice within Cabrini’s alumni association, is actively engaged in discussions regarding the future of the university’s legacy. Havens spearheaded efforts within the alumni association, proposing a comprehensive plan for the memorabilia. She recommended that items with individual names, such as benches or plaques, be given to the respective persons or families.

For shared items like team banners or plaques, Havens suggested the possibility of conducting auctions, with proceeds benefiting a Mother Cabrini charity or organization. Additionally, she advocated for the digitization of athletic items and proposed the installation of screens throughout Dixon Center to display awards.

“None of this is written in stone but Villanova is very open to our ideas and how to maintain honor and history. Like I said, if something were to be moved or given away that they would let this new alumni association be involved in that decision making,” Havens said.

What we know

While many questions remain unanswered, Kate Corcoran, Cabrini’s current director of athletics, took proactive steps by submitting a proposal to Villanova’s and Cabrini’s boards of trustees.

Recounting the meeting, Havens said alumni were essentially promised by Villanova that nothing of historical value would be thrown, with plaques and other items slated for preservation. “They said they were going to be very thoughtful and conscientious about those things and understand that they are meaningful to people. And if it came to a point where something wouldn’t be kept, this new alumni association would be involved in properly distributing those items,” Havens said.

According to Havens, right now everything is staying. “They’re [Villanova] are not going to come in here July 1 with a bulldozer and be knocking things over and throwing things out. That’s what we were told.”

Havens also noted that Villanova’s president, Father Peter Donohue, attended the meeting and answered a lot of questions for alumni. When asked if the plan will remain in perpetuity or just for the next couple of years, Donohue responded by saying as long as there’s a Cabrini alumnus still standing they will have a reunion for one person.

“They understand that we have a 67year history. Donohue said he wants to make sure that we always know we have a home at 610 King of Prussia Road. They are going to keep the Mother Cabrini statue just outside the mansion. There are going to be things on campus that are still going to look like Cabrini.” Havens explained.

As Villanova works through their plans, they will temporarily close Cabrini’s campus for around two years to do maintenance. During this period, Villanova aims to preserve existing structures and artifacts until they finish a distribution plan.

Voices of the field

Dzik emphasized the significance of safeguarding the university’s athletic heritage for future generations. “Our biggest concern is that when the school closes and we have no physical place to rally, people will start to go in different directions.”

Echoing Dzik’s sentiments, Tom Nerney, a former Cabrini hall of fame athlete and a major donor, expressed his deep attachment to Cabrini’s athletic program. “I loved it, more so than even the games,” he reminisced.

Nerney highlighted the role of athletics in filling a void in his life and credited Cabrini with providing him with a platform to forge lasting relationships and create cherished memories. Reflecting on his own memorabilia, Nerney noted the sentimental value of his jersey and hall of fame induction book, underscoring the importance of preserving such artifacts.

“The plaque that’s on the wall is more important to me to hang there with everything else than for me to take that home and put it somewhere. My position on it is that if Villanova will [leave the items where they are] for the legacy of Cabrini that would be great,” Nerney said.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, the efforts of individuals like Dzik, Havens, and Corcoran offer a glimmer of hope. Through collaboration with Villanova and continued advocacy, Cabrini sports might endure, serving as a reminder of the dedication and passion of its athletes, coaches, and supporters.

Alumni efforts
Tommy DeLuca (center). Photo via Cabrini Athletics. Cabirni 2019 Lax Champs. Photo via Cabrini Athletics. Nerney shooting his 1000th point for the Cavs. Photo via 1977 Cabrini yearbook.

A school worth staying for

With the the end of the year and end of an era, many across campus find themselves reflecting on their time as Cabrini students. This is especially true for athletes, who experience college as both students and teammates.

Choosing Cabrini

Sophomore finance major Connor Herraiz plays attack on the men’s lacrosse team. He was drawn to Cabrini for its proximity to job opportunities in the Philadelphia area, as well as the school’s long history of lacrosse success. “I chose Cabrini because I got the best of both worlds. I would get a good education and be a part of a very successful lacrosse program,” he said.

Colin Stocklin, a sophomore communication major, chose Cabrini for a different reason. “The family factor drew me to Cabrini. My sister went here, so I was familiar with the campus before I was even looking at colleges,” he said. Stocklin committed to Cabrini for soccer and baseball; he plays midfielder on the soccer field and the infield on the diamond.

Stocklin, who hails from Northeast Philadelphia, appreciates a sense of community. “I’m from a pretty big neighborhood, but we all knew each other in school. [Cabrini] is an ‘everyone knows everyone’ type of thing. It’s hidden and secluded. I loved it from my first visit,” he said.

A new outlook

For both Herraiz and Stocklin, the news of Cabrini’s closure drastically shifted their mindsets for their athletic seasons. “My mentality was to be where my feet are at and enjoy every last minute with this team and the people at this university,” Herraiz said. “Last year, I took a lot for granted because I thought that I would have three more years to enjoy it all again. This year I enjoyed every minute here and have a lifetime’s worth of memories to remember it for.”

Stocklin’s soccer mindset became focused on playing for the team’s seniors. “We came into camp and didn’t know who was leaving or staying,” he said. “But it was nice having a veteran team. We had 12 or 13 seniors, and it was great to have that leadership and it felt good to play for them. Because if [the underclassmen] didn’t come back, they wouldn’t have had a season.”

The same idea applied to baseball. “The veterans were a really big help this year. It’s just a last ride. We have nothing to lose,” Stocklin said. “It’s embarrassing for [the

upperclassmen] if they lose, and what do [the underclassmen] have to lose? We can’t play next year.”

Navigating the transfer process

While they have not decided on their next schools, Herraiz and Stocklin agreed that their coaches and the athletics staff were extremely helpful with their transfer process throughout the year. “[Head men’s lacrosse coach Tommy DeLuca] and [Associate Director of Athletics] Laura Patton have been a big help navigating the transfer portal and process. They have been really encouraging and always willing to help me out and have given me advice all along the way,” Herraiz said. “I truly cannot thank them enough not just for helping me and my fellow student athletes but also for sticking around for this last year. It is incredibly unselfish of them and they deserve so much more recognition than they get.”

Stocklin’s situation is different, since he will transfer for two sports, but the support system is no different. “Coaches have been a really big help, especially for what I’m doing. They helped put me in contact with other schools,” he said. “They were willing to help at the snap of a finger. They want us to succeed even if they’re not our coach. That feels very different, because not a lot of schools have that in their coaches.”

“We have been assisting the athletes with what questions to ask other schools, sending unofficial transcripts, reviewing transfer credit evaluations, anything to help these students determine that they’ll stay on track to graduate and not fall behind upon transferring,” Patton said. “The most important thing is making sure these students are vetting institutions they are communicating with from top to bottom.”

A lasting bond

Herraiz and Stocklin also shared the sentiment of friendship being greatest benefit from their experience on campus. “What I’ll remember the most is the camaraderie, both in sports and on campus,” Stocklin said. “There’s so much that goes on and we all just lean on each other. If you’re having a tough time, they’re there to encourage you. That’s something I’ll miss. I’m sure I’ll keep in contact with all the teammates I’ve had.”

“The biggest thing I’ve taken away from my time at Cabrini is the friendships and memories I’ve made across the two years I’ve been here,” Herraiz said. “I’ve made some great memories and have developed friendships that will last a lifetime. I never regretted coming back this year and never will, the bond that I’ve created with my teammates and coaches will last forever.”

Celebrating seniors: the student athlete banquet

As Cabrini winds down its final school year, the senior athletes got a chance to come together as one on May 4 and enjoy a final banquet in their honor.

The graduating class, who lost their senior year of high school due to COVID-19, got a chance at redemption and to celebrate everything they’ve worked so hard for.

The event started off with a cocktail hour at which everyone was able to socialize. Senior midfielder for the men’s lacrosse team, Julian Varona, said, “It was awesome to celebrate with everyone one last time. Losing my senior year of high school really hurt. All things a normal person graduating gets to celebrate, we couldn’t. So, to be able to finally be recognized for all the hard work we put in was great.”

Once the cocktail hour ended, everyone made their way to the gym for the main event with food, drinks, and great conversation. After the speeches, there were many tears.

Each coach spoke about their seniors and said nothing but great things, as they were beyond proud to be able to witness the growth of each and every student athlete they got to mentor.

“Hearing the speeches from the coaches was something special. All the coaches had such a special connection with their players,” Varona said.

The awards ceremony

After the speeches, awards were given to student athletes who have excelled at such a high level. The winners were:

Caroline Gallagher: Most Outstanding Female Student Athlete

Michael Gray: Most Outstanding Male Student Athlete

Kaitlyn Delaney: Female Scholar Athlete

Jayden Blakey: Male Scholar Athlete

These student athletes were recognized for their hard work on the field and in the classroom, something they were not able to experience in high school.

Family, friends, and celebrations

Senior face off specialist for the men’s lacrosse team John McCormick said, “This was a special moment. Being able to have my whole family here alongside the teammates and

friends I came in here with was something I will never forget. Sitting alongside my best friends and being honored for all the hard work I have put in was definitely rewarding.”

The event went smoothly and though it was a sad moment, the tears were overcome by smiles. These student athletes have gone through so much. “I’m so glad that event was able to happen, I did not know what to expect when I was walking into the Dixon Center, but when I showed up, it certainly did not disappoint. It was such a great night.” Varona said.

Though Cabrini University will be under a different name soon, the Cavalier spirit will never die. McCormick said, “Some of the best memories I have in my life were made here. You do not expect much from a small school like this. The people and the culture this school has is truly special and I will never forget that. I am beyond thankful for everyone I have met at this school and all the opportunities it has given me.”

Varona agreed. “I am so thankful for this school. It has given me so much opportunity and given me some of my best friends. I do not think there is another school out there like this; I will really miss this place.”

Former Loquitur staff writers Sam Kirk (left) and Tommy Vaughan (right) at cocktail hour.
Photo by Nate Mazurek.

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