March 22, 2024 issue 07 Loquitur

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FRIDAY, MAR. 22, 2024 LOQUITUR CABRINI UNIVERSITY This Loquitur logo ran from 1998 to 1999 2023 2022 2021 2020 2024 Meet Cabrini Valedictorian Abeni Cooper Meet Cabrini Valedictorian Abeni Cooper page 3 page 3 Award-Winning Student Run Newspaper YOU SPEAK WE LISTEN


2023-2024 Editorial Staff















The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media.

Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.


The Loquitur accepts letters to the editor. The letter should be less than five hundred words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editor must be sent via email to

When journalism matters most

On Mar. 10,“20 Days in Mariupol’’ won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film shows Ukrainian journalist and filmmaker Mstyslav Chernov, as he documents the start of the February 2022 Russian invasion in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. The film excludes nothing, and shows the true horrors experienced by its citizens.

Watching the documentary is not easy, and that’s intentional. It’s not supposed to be a light-hearted human-interest story that gives the audience hope.The film shows brutality, death, and grief all without offering any answers on how this could be stopped.

A grisly reality

One of the documentary’s major themes is a struggle for both the journalists and the citizens to understand when it is time to stop recording.

A powerful image early in the film showcases a doctor in Mariupol attempting to save the life of a young child injured during a Russian bombing. The doctors and nurses do everything that they can to keep their small patient stable, but nothing seems to work.

Finally, as the child dies, the doctor looks over to Chernov, insisting that he continue to film. The doctor wants the world to see the damage and pain caused by the Russian invasion. He wants everyone to know that this isn’t a peaceful military operation.

There are also moments in the film where Chernov faces backlash from citizens who question why he is trying to interview them during a time of crisis. He again explains to them that this isn’t for his pleasure; he records so he can show the world what is truly happening.

Journalism is important during any time of conflict, but especially in this age of misinformation, disinformation, and information suppression.

The importance of this coverage is inescapable in “20 Days in Mariupol,” as we see in detail the horrors of war, and the suffering of Mariupol’s people.

The documentary also shows how traumatic and dangerous

it can be to document these conflicts. Living in a country where we have the privilege to feel safe can make us blind to what is happening in our world. This is why having journalists document atrocities is ultimately so important; we need to see what is happening to understand why it needs to stop.

Arguably the most heartbreaking aspect of the film is that it was filmed nearly two years ago. So much more fighting, destruction, and terror has been inflicted on the Ukrainian citizens since, and though the public’s attention might be focused on other, newer conflicts, the film reminds us this is still happening right now.

Chernov and his team did not have the goal of taking home a shiny gold trophy. They wanted the world to understand what the war in Ukraine looks like from the perspective of Ukrainians.

Standing against suppression

One of the pillars of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics is to seek the truth and report it. “20 Days in Mariupol’’ is a prime example of living up to that value and shining light on something that the world has left in the dark. It is difficult to get trustworthy information from the war in Ukraine. This film takes words and turns them into images, real images that cannot be forged or twisted.

We hope to draw attention to the work that Chernov and his crew did to tell this story. This team risked their lives so they could bring justice to those being targeted in this conflict.

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, 2023 was the deadliest year for journalists since the organization started tracking this data in 1992. The Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index ranks the United States 45 out of 180 nations.

For a country that has press freedom enshrined in our Constitution, and in light of Chernov’s work, it is scary to see journalists being censored inside and outside of our borders.

One can only wish that more of these stories are told about unjust actions that are happening every day around the world.

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Photographer Evgeniy Maloletka picks his way through the aftermath of a Russian attack in Mariupol, Ukraine, Feb. 24, 2022. Photo via AP Photo/Mstyslav Chernov.

Going out in style: Cabrini chooses final valedictorian

In any graduating class, there are some individuals who will always be remembered. Whether it’s the class clown, the best athlete, or the student body president, these are the people who become hot topics at class reunions decades after walking across the stage. Near the top of that list is the valedictorian, the title for the highest performing student of a graduating class.

Many students devote their entire academic career to work for this illustrious title. But for senior psychology major Abeni Cooper, the stars just aligned at the right time.

Cooper was recently selected as the valedictorian for Cabrini’s class of 2024. It’s an honor made even more meaningful as Cabrini graduates its final class in May.

“I don’t know if it’s fully registered yet,” said Cooper. “This recognition wasn’t something that I had in mind for myself coming into college, so for it to be here now is kind of surreal.”

A unique college experience

To say Cooper’s college career was one of a kind would be an understatement.

Cabrini checked off all the items on the Philadelphia native’s list: an inviting space that was close to home and affordable for her.

However, her freshman year took place during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic when nearly all classes were held online.

Despite this setback, Cooper made the most of the situation.

“It was really odd,” said Cooper. “I tried my best in the Zoom setting to be as present as possible and interact with people as much as I could, but there was no other experience. That was what my first-year experience would be, so it was about taking it as it came.”

A new chapter

As the campus slowly shed restrictions from the pandemic, Cooper joined the Cabrini step team and always enjoyed attending athletic events around campus.

She also created valuable relationships with her professors that have helped her through the ups and downs of school.

“In college, you have to learn how to advocate for yourself,” Cooper explained. “If you need help, it’s really important to ask for that. I’ve always known that was a tool I had and made sure to use that to my advantage with asking for help from my professor or checking that I am on the right track. I always made sure that I was being intentional with making sure that I was successful in class. Because that’s what I want, I want to do well.”

A pleasant surprise

she continued. “I wasn’t trying to achieve being valedictorian, I just wanted to come to school, do well, and make connections. For it to come out this way, it was surprising to me but not to everyone else that’s close to me.”

Eventually Cooper got the call that she was selected as the winner. It was an emotional moment for her and the culmination of years of hard work. “There was so much pressure I was putting on myself to be good enough for this,” said Cooper. “For it to finally work out I was like, ‘See, you deserved it.’”

“We are thrilled to have Abeni represent her class as the 2024 valedictorian,” said Dr. Michelle Filling-Brown, dean of Academic Affairs and a member of the valedictorian selection committee. “This prestigious honor is a testament to her embodiment of Cabrini’s Core Values, especially her unwavering ‘Dedication to Excellence’ as evidenced by her outstanding academic achievements. Abeni’s valedictory speech will be thought-provoking and relatable. I look forward to congratulating her and all of our graduates on May 19th!”

Because of the prestige in the title, the process for selecting the class valedictorian is long and arduous. Cooper admitted she was surprised to see herself nominated for the title, and wasn’t sure how to react.

“I was hesitant to apply and I’m not really sure why,” Cooper said. “I had to realize while there are a lot of great students on this campus who are deserving of this honor, I was one of them.”

The selection process starts with filling out a thorough application, requiring the nominee to give thoughtful responses on their accomplishments while at Cabrini.

Then comes the most daunting part, a formal speech given to the selection panel highlighting how the student has lived up to Cabrini’s core values.

For Cooper, this was the event that made her most nervous. But she was able to take a step back and realize the true purpose of the speech. “Nobody in that room wants you to fail,” she said. “They just want to hear what you have to say.”

It turned into a great moment where she got to shine a light on her success throughout the last four years.

“A lot of the times I don’t acknowledge my accomplishments as much as I should,”

The top of Cabrini’s final class Cooper will be able to go down in history as the final valedictorian of Cabrini University, something that still doesn’t seem real to her.

“It was already crazy to think about being the final graduating class, period,” she said. “But to be a part of the ceremony? That’s an incredible honor and I’m still not sure what to think of it.”

After graduating in May, she hopes to get a job in the psychology field.

She also looks to eventually continue on to graduate school and get her master’s degree in clinical psychology.

But before leaving the campus she has called home, she offered some advice to her fellow Cavaliers as they move on to the next chapter of their lives.

“One thing that has become very clear in this particular circumstance [with the university closing] is that a lot of us stuck through,” Cooper said. “We persevered and adapted to the situation at hand.”

“I think this next stage of adulthood is really scary because there are a lot of uncertainties out there that we might not know how to handle. But it’s so important to have confidence in yourself that you have what it takes.You have to have the mindset to be open to whatever changes may come and know that you will see yourself through them.”

Senior psychology major Abeni Cooper was selected as the class of 2024 valedictorian.
Free legal consultation! The Center on Immigration currently offers free consultation for all students, staff, and faculty of any immigration status. Services are offered by Dave Bennion of the Free Migration Project. Scan the QR code to schedule a meeting!
Photo via Abeni Cooper.

Cabrini communication receives new equipment

During spring break, Cabrini’s communication department received brand new equipment for its video studio and control room.

Initial conversations for the upgrades began during the 2020-21 school year, but the money needed to purchase the equipment was not available. “We began having a conversation about us applying for a grant to try and get this equipment,” said John Doyle, assistant professor of communication. Doyle is also the advisor for Cabrini’s student-run video production agency, House 67.

Doyle, along with communication department chair Dr. Dawn Francis and Dr. Laura Chisholm, executive director of Development and Alumni Relations, ultimately found a grant through an organization called the Alden Trust roughly a year ago. The Alden Trust financially supports small undergraduate programs in the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions. The equipment was then purchased from a company called Applied Video Technology. Altogether, the total cost was roughly $150,000.

Issues and delays

However, there were several setbacks with the installation. “Our initial intention was to have it scheduled for August. I set a new deadline for October ninth,” Doyle said. “AVT was unable to meet that date.They came back and asked to begin the installation on the first day of spring semester 2024. [Cabrini’s] facilities and network people were uncomfortable with that turnaround time, so they asked if it could be done during spring break.”

In addition to the delayed installation, one of the new 55-inch monitors was found to be broken. “It was a monitor from 2021, so we had to prove to Panasonic that it needed to be replaced,” Doyle said. “There’s a break in the internal structure of the screen, so it’s going to be replaced at some point.”

Some of the equipment installed included a Tricaster TC-1 video switcher, three new remote cameras, a 3Play instant replay device, audio board and graphics console. “The

gem of the whole thing is the remote box. It’s a rolling box that allows us to send signals to the control room from any location on campus, and it can be switched live,” Doyle said. “We can also give instructions remotely from the control room to students, anywhere there’s a camera.We can have remote commentators who can communicate with the control room.”

Isaiah Dickson, a senior digital communication and social media major and member of House 67, said, “With the new equipment we can increase the quality of our live productions whether it be with improved graphics or having instant replay. The instant replay feature is something I’m really looking forward to using. We’re hoping to do live productions of lacrosse games soon, and having this new equipment allows us to do bigger and better productions.”

What happens to it all?

While the new equipment is a major upgrade, it will become Villanova’s property once Cabrini closes in May, leaving only the remainder of the semester for Cabrini students to use it.

Additionally, it’s currently unclear what will happen to the equipment once that occurs.

“In the definitive agreement,Villanova owns all materials on the campus.Villanova could make the decision to do a variety of things,” Doyle said. “The equipment I helped install is for Cabrini students to use for 60 days and for Villanova to have.”

The news of Cabrini’s closure created a question of whether or not to proceed with the equipment’s installation. “We got the grant before the closure announcement took place. We actually had some conversations of whether or not to continue with the installation,” Doyle said. “When we thought we could get it in the summer, we of course said yes. A full year with it would be great. Then the October date came and went, and now at this point we have to install it because we have to meet some kind of usage of it.”

Inside CaPS’ initiative against loneliness

In the midst of a loneliness epidemic, CaPS is hosting a new multi-faceted weekly event to educate and boost peer connections on campus. Primarily focuses on relationship building and communication, it is held on Tuesdays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. These meetings also provide education on the foundation of healthy relationships and all topics surrounding it.

The meeting aims to create a relaxing and laid-back atmosphere and runs through a special schedule that allows students to connect with peers before and after the group. At 1:30 p.m., food and refreshments are provided in the downstairs conference room. Then, the group proceeds upstairs at 2 p.m. Students are welcome to hang out afterward; CaPS will provide games and activities.

CaPS director Bryan Peightal empathized with students. “It’s easier than any other year to kind of fall through the cracks to be a little bit more isolated, given the reduced numbers on campus and the nature of where we’re at.” Since the closure announcement, enrollment numbers have dwindled from the 708 undergraduates reported by Cabrini in Fall 2023, with many students transferring to other schools.

Peightal also points out that so many cultures and backgrounds influence individual perceptions of mental health. Currently, Peightal and the CaPS team are working to destigmatize the topic. “I think anything that is under the framework of therapeutic or mental health always comes with a degree of stigma, and that’s something the field has worked really hard to kind of reduce over the years. And I think we’ve made tremendous progress, just as a field,” Peightal said.

A national epidemic

Last year, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy released a document declaring loneliness a significant national issue. The hefty 82-page document, which amassed 325 references, presented psychological, community, and economic impacts worsened by the COVID-19.

To this day, younger generations are still suffering the impact of the pandemic.

According to a press release on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ website, “Even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately half of U.S. adults reported experiencing measurable levels of loneliness. Disconnection fundamentally affects our mental, physical, and societal health. In fact, loneliness and isolation increase the risk for individuals to develop mental health challenges in their lives, and lacking connection can increase the risk for premature death to levels comparable to smoking daily.”

The release also presented a national strategy to tackle the issue: Six Pillars to Advance Social Connection. It suggests, “Strengthen Social Infrastructure in Local Communities, Enact Pro-Connection Public Policies, Mobilize the Health Sector, Reform Digital Environments, and Deepen Our Knowledge.”

Most notably, CaPS strives to enact the final pillar, “Build a Culture of Connection.”

Student perception

Many students on campus feel unsatisfied about the state of Cabrini’s student life.

Tiara Colon, a senior graphic design major, commented, “I don’t necessarily feel lonely. But there used to be a ton of people walking around. It feels like a ghost town.”

Similarly, Omar Renteria, a senior psychology major, expressed disappointment in the lack of engagement in commuter common spaces. “Even when I walk around campus there’s no one around besides faculty and people like that,” he said.

Supportive efforts

Peightal said, “Our goal is always to reduce those stigmas and knock down some of those walls by, again, just getting out there in less conventional settings, seeing us around campus, tabling events, having resources or information shared with the students, putting faces to the name helping people to understand that you’re not signing a contract, you can come for as little or as much as you’d want. You can try something out and never come back. So there’s no pressure in that way.”

Overall, CaPS sets out to tackle one of the biggest issues young adults face today. Hopefully, by attending this new event, students will feel a sense of comfort in shared experiences during Cabrini’s final months.

(Left to right) Omar Renteria, Zarsha Koolor, Tiara Colon, and Kevin Chasiluisa find community in the Wolfington Center. Photo by Emily Shultz.

Easter events: celebrate the season in Wayne

With Easter just around the corner, students are gearing up for a season filled with excitement and community gatherings. Various events are popping up like springtime daffodils on and off-campus, offering a chance to celebrate together.

From egg hunts to brunches with the Easter Bunny, there’s plenty of fun to be had, offering a break from the stressful academic life, and providing opportunities to come together and create lasting memories. So, grab your baskets and get ready for an eggcellent time!

Cabrini Easter Egg Hunt hosted by SEaL, Thursday, March 21, Noon - 3 p.m.

Join the excitement of an Easter Egg Hunt at Cabrini University! The hunt begins at the GR Commons. Get ready to scour the campus in search of hidden treasures filled with toys, candy, and exciting prizes.

Keep your eyes peeled for special eggs holding vouchers for movie tickets, Amazon Gift Cards, and bookstore merchandise. Plus, lucky hunters might discover eggs with prizes like an Amazon Echo Dot or Beats headphones! Rain or shine.

Easter Bunny Visit, Saturday, March 30, 9 a.m. - Noon at Lancaster County Farmer’s Market: 389 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne

Come to the market to meet the Easter Bunny, get a picture and treat for boys and girls of all ages. Step into the market’s festive atmosphere and immerse yourself in the excitement of the season. The beloved bunny will eagerly wait to pose for photos.

In addition to meeting the Easter Bunny, guests can explore the vibrant market, browsing through a delightful array of fresh produce, artisanal goods, and handcrafted treasures. Indulge your senses as you sample delicious treats and discover unique finds from local vendors.

Easter Bunny Brunch, Sunday, March 24, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Di Bruno Bros.: 375 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne

Delight in an Easter Bunny Brunch at Di Bruno Bros. in Wayne. Bring your appetite for a scrumptious brunch experience and come on over for a chance to meet and snap

photos with the Easter Bunny from 10 a.m. - noon. The menu will consist of brisket hash and egg bowl, Easter pie, bagel and lox, breakfast pizza, and much more!

Anyone can enjoy Easter-themed crafts and activities while creating memories with family and friends. No reservations required, so join the festive fun! Di Bruno’s is a specialty food retailer, cheese market, and italian market that has been running for over 80 years.

They have multiple locations in the Wayne and Philadelphia areas.

Tredyffrin Township Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 23, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. at Wilson Farm Park: 500 Lee Rd., Chesterbrook

Embark on an exciting adventure at Wilson Farm Park. This park has over 90 acres of land for everyone to enjoy. Bring your own basket and join in the festivities with face painting, music, and plenty of treats to discover.

No registration necessary. Just bring your enthusiasm and get ready for a morning of egg hunting fun!

Easter Tea, Friday, March 29 - Sunday, March 31, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at A Taste of Britain: 503 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne

Raise your teacups and toast to Easter joy at A Taste of Britain. Indulge in the elegance of an Easter Tea celebration with loved ones. Savor delectable treats and sip on exquisite teas while basking in the festive atmosphere.

One customer said, “I love coming here because the staff is so accommodating and passionate about their menu.”

The menu consists of shepherd’s pie, goat cheese and asparagus tart, strawberry ginger poppy seed scones, lavender blueberry macarons, and much more. Make your reservation now!

Make this Easter weekend a truly special occasion with a delightful tea experience. Make sure to show the Easter Bunny and local businesses your support.

Mother Cabrini’s mission on the big screen

Rescuing children from the sewers in which they resided, being a victim of arson, and dealing with racially motivated hate were just a few of the obstacles Mother Cabrini had to conquer after her journey from Italy to the United States. How did she overcome it all?

On Mar. 8, 2024, Angel Studios released “Cabrini,” which tells the story of Cabrini University’s namesake Mother Cabrini. In its opening weekend, the movie took in a total of $8 million across 2,840 theaters nationwide. According to Deadline, the Regal UA in King of Prussia was the film’s topgrossing theater, totaling $29,000.

Audience perception

Anne Filippone, Cabrini dean of Student Engagement and Leadership, saw the movie twice. As someone who teaches leadership courses, Mother Cabrini’s story resonates with her. “I love to study leadership and so I think the leadership components of who she was, what came naturally to her, and how she also stood her ground is amazing.”

Filippone contiued, “She went into places where she was continuously told, ‘You don’t belong here, stay where you belong,’ and she didn’t do that, and really believed in the mission of what she was trying to do while also empowering other people around her to those same things.”

In a New York Times review, Natalie Winkelman had different feelings about the film. Winkelman said, “It’s inspiring stuff, rendered stodgy and repetitive. The screenplay contains numerous scenes of Cabrini striding through opulent rooms as she goes headto-head with bureaucratic white men; several sequences could have been scrapped in favor of more time spent with the rabble of orphans under her care.”

Cabrini students, however, disagree. Senior Jennifer Allison, an early childhood and special education major said, “I thought it was a really good movie about a determined, headstrong woman who would not take no for an answer and I thought it was inspiring for everyone to watch.”

Senior Belinda Hedden, a history and secondary education major, said, “The directors said that they were trying to tell the story of her, not necessarily the story of just any nun, and I think that they told that very well.”

Film takeaways

Filippone noted the powerful difference between reading about Mother Cabrini’s challenges versus seeing them. “You can read about these things, but it’s hard to really understand what the conditions were like and what someone was experiencing.”

Mother Cabrini was a force to be reckoned with, depite her poor health due to being born prematurely. Filippone said, “There were just so many moments that it’s just like, wow, it’s incredible that she was able to do so much. And then they also play on her frail health. To understand what she was dealing with healthwise and that she was still able to accomplish so much is just really incredible.”

Mother Cabrini’s mission is clearly told throughout the film, and viewers want it to carry on. Allison said, “The whole ‘education of the heart’ and how she fought for those kids, we should be fighting for kids in education around the world.”

Meanwhile, Filippone believes the film can only help carry on the university’s legacy. “I think that people will learn more about the enduring spirit of Mother Cabrini and that yes, we are closing, but the spirit of Mother Cabrini, the education of the heart, lives on in her missions.”

Mother Cabrini stood her ground against Pope Leo XIII. Photo via Angel Studios.

To Be A Cav

“My God…if I could only extend my arms to embrace the world as a gift to you…Show me the way and I will do everything with your help!”
- Mother Cabrini
Perspectives THELOQUITUR.COM 7

Cabrini baseball: the last spring break

The Cabrini University men’s baseball team traveled to Myrtle Beach, S.C. for a spring break series of games. The Cavaliers experienced beautiful weather while doing what they love: playing baseball together. The team played a total of four games against Eastern University, Bridgewater College, and John Jay College, finishing the round robin at an even 2-2.

There have been many spring break trips for this team, but this one was special: it was the last. Senior catcher Oscar Bautz said, “Knowing this was our last spring break trip together as a team was something I won’t forget. Being able to wake up for a week, have beautiful weather and play the game we all love with guys who are like family is something I won’t forget. The way we got closer is something I won’t forget either.”

Hot start, rocky middle, strong finish

The Cavaliers got off to a hot start with a statement win against Eastern in the battle of Eagle Road. The final score was 7-1. Following the big win, the Cavaliers faced some adversity as they fell to Bridgewater in a double header. The first game saw a 6-2 loss followed by a 20-18 shootout.

Following the losses, the Cavaliers had to dig deep to get revenge and come home with an even win-loss percentage. Sophomore infielder Colin Stocklin said, “We felt like we needed to come back after our two losses against Bridgewater. We needed to come back home on a winning note, and we wanted to show we have what it takes to win with the limited numbers we have on the roster.”

Two days later, the Cavaliers proved the locker room right as they came together and dominated John Jay in a much-needed win 14-4.

Graduate outfielder Dustin Sutton earned a spot in the weekly honor roll with his performance on the trip. A Cabrini athletics post states, “The Cavaliers’ leadoff hitter recorded 5 hits and 5 walks, crossing the plate 8 times in total. He’d have a double, a triple, a homerun, and 3 stolen bases during the week. Defensively, Sutton maintained his perfect fielding percentage as he’d record 8 putouts in center field.”

More than results

When it comes to sports, there is one thing more important than the wins and the losses, and that’s the experience as a team. Bautz said,

“The hotel brings you back to the tournament days when we played Little League. Obviously, we were there for business, but you’re with your teammates and you are hanging out with the team doing everything together.”

“We got close off the field and that is something we will always remember, plus the hotel accommodations were great, and people love college athletes, so we were able to tell our story to the people we met,” he recalled fondly. “The past two years we went down, we always made memories, but this one meant something more to us, this small group of guys.”

This close-knit team made some magic over spring break and will continue to do so as the season goes on. They’re off to a good start, but are not even close to finished as they have 20 games left in the regular season. The Cavaliers rank third in the Atlantic East standings with a record of 7-4 and hope to make some noise in conference play and potentially send Cabrini out on top with an Atlantic East Championship.

The team’s next outing will take on Kean University in Union, N.J. on Saturday, Mar. 23.

A first and last Eagle Road match

A dreary forecast delayed the anticipated Cabrini vs. Eastern softball game to Tuesday, Mar. 12. Come Tuesday, the weather was perfect, and many Eastern fans gathered in the bleachers and grass hillsides around the field as the teams marched across the diamond.

This was clearly a numbers game, as the Eagles team dwarfed the Cavaliers by a rowdy 28 to 10.

Despite their small roster, the Cavs fought hard. Though this was the first time the teams faced off, it would also be the last; Cabrini took a devastating 7-1 defeat.

After the game, Cabrini softball head coach Chris Protesto talked about putting the loss behind them to focus on upcoming games. Players, though grateful for the chance to play Eastern, discussed how frustrating it was to take the loss without the chance of a rematch.

Moving forward

Protesto said, “It’s always a game you wanna win, it’s right across the street, and I know the coach pretty well, so it would’ve been a good win, but we didn’t play our A-game today.”

He said the team prepared for this game the way they always have, the only difference being that they practiced hitting in the gym right before the game because of its proximity.

“The commute is great,” joked Protesto. “Second-best commute next to our field, which we don’t even have anymore.” [This year, Cabrini relinquished use of the field to its owner, Valley Forge Military Academy.]

Protesto said that when it came time to play, his team simply wasn’t ready. “It can be distracting when you’re playing so close to home.”

He said he knows the team is frustrated, especially when considering Eastern was asked to make the game a doubleheader, which they declined. “There was a big buildup, we wanted to win this game. These are our rivals, and we wanted to go out on a high note. Unfortunately, we didn’t,” Protesto said.

He continued, “With having 10 players it’s hard to practice

as much as we want to because we’re scared of injuries, and sometimes it shows.” But, he said, even after this loss the team will land on its feet to continue working hard.

Senior pitcher Avery Byrnes, who ended the second inning with a 1-3 double play, said the game was much anticipated. “I’ve been here for four years, and I’ve been waiting to play Eastern, so I am grateful we got the chance to play them eventually.”

Byrnes said, “I think offensively we could have done a little bit better, but that is something we’re still working on. Its early in the season.”

She said the outcome makes her want to play Eastern University again but “unfortunately” Cabrini won’t have the chance to.

Junior outfielder and pitcher Dorian Ilyes felt much the same about the teams’ matchup. “Honestly, it was a little nerve racking because we haven’t played them, and I knew this was gonna be the last time too. It’s always a battle against Eagle Road, and I know we all wanted to come out and really win, but I’m glad we did

She said if circumstances were different, perhaps if the doubleheader happened or in a different year, “then we definitely

Ilyes said, “We lost a lot of our players, we went from a 22-man roster to a 10-man roster, and we are a lot of people out of position and were not fully used to that.

The team goes on the road Mar. 19 against Franklin and Marshall College, and again Mar. 23 for their first conference game against Gwynedd Mercy

Oscar Bautz gears up behind the plate as Colin Stocklin takes the mound. Photos via Cabrini Athletics. Avery Byrnes pitches the ball. Photo via Cabrini Athletics.

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