98news 2009 holidays

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Labor Day 2009

John J. Dougherty, Jim Huston, Bobby Henon, Bob Boland and Chuck Harvey get haircuts that prove their hair is worth its weight in gold by raising $12,000 for charity! Special thanks to Sam Pond, Tom Duffy, Shanin Specter and Tom Kline!



Although I enjoy the upcoming holiday season as much as anyone, I am sure I’m not alone in wanting to put 2009 in my rear view mirror as soon as humanly possible. The recession hit American citizens and industries particularly hard and IBEW Local 98, like so many big businesses, did not emerge unscathed. Our unemployment rolls remain unacceptably high to me and, as your Business Manager, I want you to know that I and the entire team are working extremely hard to lower the local’s overhead, protect and grow our investments, and create jobs whenever and wherever possible. To that end, I am pleased to apprise you of the strategic moves we have made to ensure our rightful position at the forefront of emerging, 21st century industries. There is none more exciting or promising than the solar energy industry. As I’m sure you know, rate caps on electricity in Pennsylvania will be lifted as of the year 2011 and consumer costs are expected to double over current rates. At Local 98, we’re not waiting for the great solar rush of 2011; we’re ramping up right now to meet demand, secure available federal and state grant monies, and ensure that the lion’s share of solar energy installation work is done by trained, skilled union electricians. We’ve led the way in this effort by retrofitting our main union hall on Spring Garden Street and our South Philadelphia training facilities with solar energy systems, and will soon be showcasing these systems to captains of industry and using these facilities as hands-on training grounds for apprentices and journeymen alike. We have also just launched GoGreen98.com, a new web site devoted to our rapid expansion into green and sustainable energy industries and to educating our members on opportunities for solar energy training, employment, and green living. Yes, times are still tough, but I see signs of recovery in 2010 and beyond. With a nod to better days ahead for all of us, I wish you and your family a safe, joyous and blessed holiday season and a very happy and prosperous New Year! Yours in solidarity,



The leadership of IBEW Local 98 didn’t wait for the gut-punch impact of the recession to hit before reacting. We saw it coming well in advance and positioned the local to withstand these turbulent times through some tough and strategic decisions. There is some cause for optimism in 2010 and beyond. Significant construction work is slated to begin early in 2010 on the SugarHouse Casino in the Fishtown section of Philadelphia. The $310 million, 10-month project will employ 500 members of the Philadelphia Building Trades, including many electricians, and will also hire 500 full-time employees upon its completion. You may also have read recently that the long delayed Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project finally appears to be at-hand. Dredging will create many long-term, good paying union jobs for us and other members of the Building Trades, as well as for our brothers and sisters in the ILA and Teamsters. Plus, the ongoing construction of the Pennsylvania Convention Center expansion project will soon be entering a more involved and expedited construction phase with the promise of more electrical work. Also of note, we have just instituted special Executive Board meetings on the second Thursday of each month to provide members with more accessibility to the leadership team. And to further help our out-of-work members cope with these tough times, we recently made it possible for members to take out loans against their deferred profit sharing accounts to pay for their children’s private grade school and high school education. Previously, this loan program was available only to help parents pay for their children’s college tuitions. We are here to serve you. Remember that in solidarity there is strength. By sticking together, we will get through these rough times and emerge stronger and wellpositioned for future growth and prosperity. I wish you and your family a safe and wonderful holiday season!



Local 98 Flexes Political Muscle, Trains For Future IBEW Local 98’s outstanding Election Day operations were in full force in the most recent elections and propelled many of our endorsed candidates to victory. Incumbent City Controller Alan Butkovitz, a great friend of labor, cruised to an easy re-election. Democratic District Attorney candidate Seth Williams and all local judges easily won their elections. We also were pleased with the success of our endorsed, pro-labor Republican and Democratic candidates in the suburbs. Councilman Bill Green and his father, former Philadelphia Mayor Congratulations to Judge Anne Lazarus, William Green, with Local 98 who won a statewide recount to earn Political Director Bobby Henon a seat on Commonwealth Superior Court. Despite our Herculean efforts in Philadelphia, with which he carried with 80% of the vote, Supreme Court candidate Jack Panella narrowly lost. He ran an honorable race and we were proud to have supported his candidacy. One thing’s for sure: Jack will be back! This past election demonstrated why we need to remain engaged in politics and how you, your family, and your friends can make a difference in the outcomes, especially in low-turnout elections. The better we perform for candidates who support working families, the better off our families and neighborhoods will be. Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and talent over the past several weeks and on Election Day. You did yourselves and your union proud! Thanks for your unwavering support.

Our friend State Representative Nick Miccarelli, who was called up from the reserves and is currently serving in Iraq, sent back this picture showing that he takes his pro-union values with him everywhere! You can send him a letter of support at this address: Nick Miccarelli B1-150 Unit 072 Camp Basrah, Iraq APO AE 09374 From everyone at Local 98, thank you Nick for your service to our country!



GoGreen98.com Web Site Is Officially Launched The expression “going green” is one of the hot buzz phrases of the moment. At IBEW Local 98, we’ve already “gone green” and our new web site demonstrates how and why Local 98 long ago embraced the green and sustainable energy movement. We recognized many years ago the need for a change in our work habits and energy consumption. We were among the very first industries in the Philadelphia region to incorporate photovoltaic solar energy equipment into our building designs. Our Apprentice Training facility in South Philadelphia has, for the past several years, been powered by a photovoltaic power station on the roof of the building. Our main union hall at 1719 Spring Garden and the additional training facility at Third and Jackson Streets also have been recently retro-fitted with rooftop solar panels. Our solar energy buildings will be showcases for contractors and commercial builders, and promote the use of a clean, renewable source of electric power. Photovoltaic power is environmentally friendly and helps reduce power consumption, resulting in lower power costs for rate-payers. We will keep you informed of the success of these and future green efforts through www.GoGreen98.org. Check in often for news and continuous upgrades to the content and capabilities of the site.



Here Comes The Sun: Local 98’s Solar Training The Beatles were right: “Here comes the sun and it’s alright.” The Solar Energy Training class, which has been offered for the past three years at 98’s Apprentice Training Center in South Philadelphia, is the most popular course offering in the entire curriculum, according to Apprentice Training Director Mike Neill. Apprentice Training students attend four consecutive four-hour courses. Out-of-work journeymen are also offered the solar energy training free of charge. To meet the increased interest from members in solar energy and the increased demand from businesses and consumers alike, Local 98 just purchased two new photovoltaic training panels for its 3rd and Jackson Street training facility. In addition, photovoltaic energy panels were installed on all of the roof surfaces of the various South Philly training buildings, providing apprentices with direct interaction with working solar energy panels. The solar energy course is offered to fourth-year apprentices and 80 aspiring union electricians are currently enrolled in the course.

Local 98 Apprentices stand proudly in front of the new solar installation at 2150 South 3rd St.



Local 98 Hitches A Ride With PhillyCarShare In keeping with IBEW Local 98’s commitment to “Going Green,” we have struck an arrangement with PhillyCarShare, the local non-profit organization founded specifically to reduce auto emissions and the number of cars on Philadelphia’s streets.

Sticking with tradition, PhillyCarShare agreed to only put American made vehicles in the spaces we donated.

Launched in 2002, PhillyCarShare operates a fleet of 400 new model fuel-efficient vehicles that are available by the hour from more than 150 conveniently located neighborhood locations (known as “pods”), serving both business and residential customers in the city. PhillyCarShare officials estimate that its service has resulted in 20,000 fewer cars in the city, which has saved their former car-owning customers as much as $4,000 annually per person.

Joining is easy - go to their website at PhillyCarShare.org. Members receive a personal key and 24-hour access to the entire fleet of vehicles. Cars may be reserved online or via phone up to three months in advance or moments from the actual usage. The fleet of cars includes hybrids, pick-ups, vans, SUVs, and luxury vehicles. In addition to conveniently located pods all around Philadelphia, IBEW Local 98 has donated three parking spots at 1719 Spring Garden Street to house PhillyCarShare vehicles.



Green Seminar and Trade Show As the “Going Green” movement continues to grow in popularity and importance, Local 98 made the changes felt at home by hosting our inaugural “Green Seminar and Trade Show” on Saturday, May 16th, at our 1719 Spring Garden Street union hall in Philadelphia. The seminar began at 8am with “Maximizing Your Savings,” an energy efficiency presentation led by Attorney and Certified Public Accountant Charles Goudling and Bill McShane of Crescent Stonco, a major manufacturer of interior and exterior lighting supplies.

John Moon of CREE – a market innovator in LED lighting and semiconductor solutions for wireless and power applications – led an enlightening conversation on LED technology. Efficient LED lights are a rapidly growing segment of our industry. Veolia, the world leader in environmental services that meet the needs of municipal and industrial customers, hosted a seminar on recycling that featured its positive impact on the environment and how it leads to cost-savings for industries and consumers alike. Also, our good friends at Colonial Electric finished the show with a “Green Team” seminar on energy-efficient lighting. Thank you to all of the vendors for participating and 98 members for making the event a big sucess!



Philadelphia Electrical & Technology Charter High School Continues to Make High Marks Founded by Business Manager John J. Dougerty and IBEW Local 98 back in 2002, the Philadelphia Electrical and Technology Charter High School has grown and collected an impressive number of awards and successes along the way. o Two Time Recipient of Best Practices School Award o 2005-2006 School District of Philadelphia award for significant growth in academic achievement over four years o Met AYP in 2007 and 2009 in all targeted areas o Ranked #1 in 2009 PSSA reading improvement for Philadelphia o Over 45% of students achieve two grade levels each year at PE&T

Our Charter School located at 1420-22 Chestnut Street

We are particularly proud of our Co-op program, which allows our 12th grade students to apply the skills and knowledge gained at PE&T to an authentic workplace environment with over 40 participating employers. Coursework in electrical theory and telecommunications expose students to a wealth of highly technical information. Partnerships with the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, Lincoln Interactive and others along with dual enrollment programs with Drexel University and Community College of Philadelphia enable PE&T to deliver a comprehensive, focused, and enhanced program within a professional learning community.



Verizon Holds Fios Classes at Local 98 On Thursday June 25, 2009, 60 members of the Sound and Communications Division received a certification to install Micro-Duct Systems for Verizon Fios. Duraline was present to issue the certification. They are the exclusive vendor for all of the Verizon Fios MicroDuct Systems. We are currently doing Verizon Fios work but at the recommendation of upper level Verizon executives, they suggested getting 50-75 members trained instantly for their ever growing needs. This potential for growth is extremely needed and allows Sound and Communication members to enter into a new work environment.

All of the attending class members along with Assistant Business Manager Chris Owens and Business Agent Bobby Thompson



IBEW Local 98 Volunteers For Two Features on the HGTV Network Broadcast on November 11th at When it comes to volunteer work Local 98’s members stand behind no one. When HGTV along with Rebuilding Together wanted to renovate a Veterans Group Home, the first place they turned was Local 98. Local 98 members did not hesitate. Local 98 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans Jack Prichard, Chris Wray, and Adam Norbutas led the charge by totally rewiring the entire house. The entire project was filmed for national television and was be aired on Veterans Day.

8pm, this show featured 2700 m hours of volunteer labor fro s! the Philadelphia Building Trade

From left to right: Tom Christy, Joe Van Osten, Rich Brennan, Bob Grous and Tom Donahue

Our guys did the Local proud, not only serving our Country, but our community and their fellow veterans. Part of the filming took Jack, Chris and Adam to Father Judge High School for interviews about their experiences. At Father Judge, Local 98 Vietnam veterans Joe Van Olston and Rich Brennon along with other veterans and Father Judge alumni joined in.

From left to right: Business Agent Ray Della Vella, Jack Pritchard, Chris Wrey, Carter Oosterhouse, Dennis Hickey and Adam Norbutas

On behalf of all the members and officers of Local 98, we would like to thank all who served our country, our communities and our Local Union. Thank you!



The Local 98 HGTV Volunteers/Stars from left to right, front row first: Leonard Robinson, Tom Gallagher, Kevin Hanraty, Albert Micali, Shawn Bennerman, Monica Peterson, Jim Bertolet, Robert Allen, Albert Lucia, Matt Coyle, John Bernard, Sean Gallagher, Robert Miller. Back row, left to right: Nicholas Cassetti, Adam Norbutas, Joe Schlemback, Tom Burns, Martin Wojcik, Dennis Hickey, Chris Hagan and Shea O’Donnell

Local 98’s Broadcast Division Contracts Update Being a member of the Local 98 Broadcast division has been very rewarding this year! The union played a big role in the production of the 2009 NLCS and the 2009 World Series. There were talented union members working in positions like camera operators, video engineers and utilities maintenance, just to name a few. The 2009 Comcast SportsNet contract was ratified on July 20, 2009. The first Quarterly Union/Management meeting took place on November 20th. There were only minor issues that were discussed and quickly resolved. Thanks to the efforts of Comcast Management, Local 98’s Larry Delspechio, Pete Mickelson and Barry Sell we are very satisfied with the process and the outcome. Also, our Technicians at WHYY have ratified a new contract. After a four month extension, we have made an agreement for 3 and a half years. This new agreement guarantees our members numbers and no layoffs for current techs. Thanks to the dedication and diligent work of shop stewards Thad Kirk and Charles O’Neill for getting the new contract signed!



Pickets and Handbilling Move All of Us Forward!

Dan Flemming and his daughter at our latest rally at Red Lion and the Boulevard against Planet Fitness

Local Union 98 Rally at Frankford and Linden in the North East against Dollar General

Board adopts contractor resolution in Bensalem The Bensalem school board enacted a “responsible contractor” resolution that is designed to ensure quality work is performed on capital projects. This resolution, thanks to the efforts of Business Agent Jim Huston, applies to contractors and subcontractors who work on projects costing $250,000 or more. To be considered for projects of that magnitude, contractors will have to submit a responsibility certification along with a bid for the work. The document examines several areas, including past criminal history, if warranted, and the citizenship of workers involved in the project.

The Bensalem and Bristol Township councils, the Lower Makefield and Middletown supervisors, and the Bristol Township School District are among the other local governing bodies that have adopted a similar responsible contractor resolution. And finally, Local 98 extends it’s thanks to Bensalem Mayor Joseph DiGirolamo for his assistance in seeing his effort pass the finish line!



“Planet Fitness” Not A Good Fit For Union Families The newly opened Planet Fitness at Red Lion Road and Roosevelt Boulevard is a terrible fit for working families. Unlike their competitor L.A. Fitness, which builds 100% union, Planet Fitness doesn’t. They have steadfastly refused to use the services of qualified, skilled union employees in construction of its facilities. Accordingly, IBEW Local 98 has been engaging in a lawful protest outside the Northeast Philadelphia Planet Fitness location. To educate Planet Fitness customers on the company’s policies, Local 98 members have been distributing free bottles of water with customized labels that read “Compliments of IBEW Local 98. Build Union, Buy American.” The health club’s ownership claims that it had to cut corners and employ nonunion contractors during its construction phase because it only makes money on selling peripherals to its members (such as snacks and beverages) and not on actual health club membership fees. Especially in these difficult times, it’s important that we support companies that support us!



Softball Championship!!! The Electricians Softball team won big this year after taking the Building Trades Softball Championship with a final score of 7-6. The action was tense until Electricians Team 98 came from behind with a 2 run homer by Kevein Doris at the bottom of the 6th! Congratulations to Head Coach Mike Kane and all of the Local 98 Softball Team. Let’s do it again next year!

Kevin Doris and his daughter Kayla Dave Kosinski winding up for the pitch Dan Szychulski standing at the ready on second base

The Local 98 2009 Softball Champions! Front row left to right: Dave Udowenko, Tony Sabo, Ryan Gerald, Tom Hayes, Tom Hannan and Larry Crossin. Back row from left to right: Matt Julious, Nick Gummel, Dan Szychulski, Paul Diaz, Dave Kosinski, Mike Kane, Kyle Lynch, Kevin Doris, Chuck Gerber, Mike Gummel and Jim McCreesh



Apprentice Training 2009 Banquet The Penns Landing Hyatt Regency was the setting for this years Local 98 Apprentice Training Graduation dinner. The banquet honored 71 Inside Wireman and 14 Sound and Communication Apprentices. The 2009 apprentice class was congratulated for their accomplishments by Mayor Michael Nutter, IBEW 3rd District Vice President Don Siegal, PA Supreme Court Candidate Jack Panella, Local 98 President Brian Burrows and Business Manager John J. Dougherty. They all congratulated and wished the class well and encouraged them to set goals which will enrich the Union during these trying times.

Congratulations to the 2009 graduates! Remember you represent the next generation of IBEW Local 98. Make us proud!

Apprentice Awards

Kelleher Award - Ignatius Fletcher Highest Average Electrical - Gregory Way Highest Average Telecom - Christopher Dous Most Improved - Patrick Schenk Colonial Electric Award - Mark Miller Milwaukee Tool - Dean Paul Crocetto Ideal Tool - John Lyons Greenlee Award - Thomas Nolen Perfect Attendance - Keith Knowles, Richard Dempsey and John Lyons



Important S&C Division Reminder! At the end of the current S&C Contract in 2009, there will no longer be a B Tech certification. This means that ALL B TECHNICIANS MUST UPGRADE TO THE A TECH CLASSIFICATION BY THE END OF THIS YEAR. Now is the perfect time to get started on your upgrade courses. Please call 215-339-8316 for more information.

A Day with Team IBEW

Allie Owens (with the Betteridge girls from left to right) Lilian, Faith, Jenna and Grace behind the scenes on Race Day.

On Sunday September 13th, Business Representatives Chris Owens and Jim Huston along with Local 98 members and their families had the opportunity to participate in a professional racing event with a behind the scenes look at the racing team sponsored by the IBEW International.

Through a collaboration of Local 98 and Local 351, member families were treated to a fantastic day of racing with Allie Owens (no relation to Chris) as our gracious host. Allie Owens in started out in 35th position and worked hard to finish at a respectable 17th. After the race, Allie invited attending IBEW families behind the scenes to see her IBEW sponsored car and meet her team. She was very informative about her profession and let everyone get some actual hands on experience with team IBEW and team Owens. A great day was had by all.



98 Has Another Great Health Fair Staying true to our tradition of holding our members and their families health and welfare above all else, Local 98 held a free health fair on October 24th. This year, the hot topic was flu vaccine, and we had plenty on hand for the over 1200 members who attended this year’s fair. If you haven’t attended, be sure to come out next year and take advantage of the services Local 98 Bill Carberry gets great provides to all 98 members. results from blood tests.

2009 Saint Patricks Day Parade

Our Irish eyes were smiling!!!



Updated War Memorial at 1719 Somewhere between 1942-45, as a tribute to IBEW Local 98 members who served in World War II, an unknown member of Local 98 created a plaque listing the names of veterans who served our country in that conflict. Unfortunately, it was lost to time until it was uncovered by our Financial Secretary Fran Walsh as an old dusty relic in The newly created memorial bers the boiler room of our Hall. honoring Local 98 mem Recognizing it’s significance, Fran took the plaque and restored it by re-framing the original and covering it in Plexiglas before hanging it outside of his office. Then Tom Langan, who was president of the retirees at the time, saw the plaque and took it upon himself to update it and expand it to include all Local 98 Members who served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. This new, more complete and completely redecorated list of veterans now hangs in the basement hallway of our meeting hall with our veteran members names prominently listed. However, the list only is complete to 1960. The current display has 3 empty cases and it is our intention to extend this list further to include veterans who served in more recent conflicts up to the current day. If you have any information about a 98 member who is a veteran, please provide this information to Fran Walsh at the Financial Office so that we can properly honor our members who sacrificed and served our country to protect our freedoms.



Scholarship Diner From all of us at Local 98, a big congratulations to all of our 2009 Scholarship Winners and IBEW Pin recipients! Scholarship Winners Jessica Carter, Angel Michelle Ebert, Stephanie Fichter, Jenna Kathleen Lindsay, Alissa Lowrey, Jeffery Patrick Nelson, Michael Penrose, Kayleigh Rowan, Jacquelyn A. Smith, Leigh Ann Sulzbach, Jakub Susul and Stephanie Lynn Ursomarso 50 Year Pin Recipients George Dale, Thomas F. Flynn, James H. Foy, Gerald Goldstein, Raymond G. Heffner, Charles Heller, Howard U. Heppler, John J. Kennealy, Jr., John P. Killoran, Gordon S. King, George W. Robertson and Robert E. Troemel 55 Year Pin Recipients Harry J. Becker, Fred J. Compton, Hugh M. Deans, Robert J. Dixey, Edward J. English, Jr., Albert J. Fichter, Richard J. Gallagher, Stanley H. Goldsmith, John V. Gottschall, Jr., Charles E. Hammer, William R. Kilburn, Jr., John B. Kirk, Frank R. Kirsche, Peter Linski, Donald J. Lynch, William J. Meagher, Robert N. Poston, David F. Queroli, James W. Smith and Richard G. Vantrieste 60 Year Pin Recipients Victor Katzer, Joseph F. McHugh, Anthony F. O’Malley, Joseph F. Schultz, Vladimir W. Shmihluk and Joseph J. Sparks 70 Year Pin Recipients Raymond L. Sanders and Charles H. Sulzbach

NECA Director Jeff Scarpello, our own Bob Poston with his 55 year pin and Assistant Business Manager Mike Hnatkowsky



Clementon Park 2009

Local 98 donated $25,000 to our friends from the Susan G. Komen Foundation in the fight against breast cancer.

Team 98!



Dues Protection Reminder Any Journeyman or Apprentice member of the Construction or Sound and Communications divisions of the Local Union who meet the conditions below are entitled to have dues payments made from the Dues and Welfare Protection Fund. • You are totally unemployed for a full quarter due to illness and have had your condition recorded with the Financial Secretary • You are unable to obtain employment through your own efforts or the Local Union Office If you meet either of these conditions, present your case to the Executive Board (which meets on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 4pm) prior to the start of the quarter in which you need dues protection. The first quarter of eligibility will require you to pay $30 for your dues. Eligibility for the second and subsequent quarters will require payment of no charges.

Bill Markle keeping the lid on Liberty One...

New branch with great convenient hours is now open at Broad and McKean to serve all of your banking needs!

Notice of Dues Increase for All IBEW “A” Members This serves as notice that effective January 1, 2010, the quarterly union “A” member will increase by $3.00. Dues for Construction members will dues for all increase from $91.65 to $94.65 per quarter and for Sound and Communication mem bers from $87.15 to $90.15 per quarter with dues payable by January 1, for the first quarter of 2010. These increases were approved by the delegates to the 37th IBEW Intern Convention and are an increase in the IBEW Pension Benefit contributio ational n for “A” members. This is not an increase imposed by Local 98 and does not affect your weekly working dues.



At left: Political Director Bobby Henon, Carl Cherkin, Scott Palmer and Business Manager John J. Dougherty. This year the race was renamed to the “Gary Papa Father’s Day Prostate Run”, in honor of Gary Papa and his many contributions to the fight against Prostate Cancer and Philadelphia during his many years with Channel 6.

Local 98 Business Manager John J. Dougherty, Ed McBride and Brian Stevenson were recently honored for the unions generous contribution to Operation Liberty Welcomes Wounded Warriors. Navy League Philadelphia Council President Fran O’Brien made the presentation on behalf of the many wounded military from Walter Reed, Bethesda Naval and Ft. Meade Military hospitals.

This year the All Star Labor Classic raised $135,000 for Cerebral Palsy with a final score of 52 to 51 with Labor as the winner. Pictured from left to right: AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding, Business Manager John J. Dougherty, Sprinklerfitters Business Manager Wayne Miller, UCP CEO Steve Sheridan, Building Trades Business Manager Pat Gillespie and Plumbers Business Manager John Kane present the money raised at the end of the game.



2005 Waterfront “2015” Symposium Periodically it’s useful to look back to see if seeds we’ve planted bore fruit. Four years ago IBEW Local 98 sponsored The Philadelphia Waterfront 2015 Symposium, a 2 day forum on planning and infrastructure issues affecting waterfront development. Issues at question were the placement of casinos on the waterfront, the expansion of cargo facilities into the Navy Yard, and the condition of highways and necessary sewer and infrastruture services. It was this thinking that lead to:

Penn Praxis and their vision for waterfront development Job creation with the Southport project Casino construction that includes concerns of neighborhoods Delaware River dredging project

At the symposium from left to right: State Rep. Bill Keller, Business Manager John J. Dougherty, former State Rep. Marie Lederer and State Rep. John Taylor


Code Corner

IBEW Local 98 and NECA are pleased to inform you that our new Incident Reporting system that we implemented on September 1st of this year has been a huge sucess!

Call 1-800-707-3615 to report accidents or safety concerns.

This system, built to solve problems presented by using outside systems, is the sole property NECA. of IBEW Local 98/NECA and is maintained and monitored by Local 98 and is the ONLY There will no longer be paper “accident reports� for IBEW Local 98. This incident reporting system for submission to Local 98. reports. Individual contractors may still continue to use their own paper accident ms. However, Local 98 members should disregard all other reporting syste

ate reporting. This system is completely electronic, allowing for faster and more accur include All incident reports will be done over the phone. The benefits of this system also allows us real time reporting of incidents to Local 98, the employer, and NECA. It trends and to electronically store copies of incident reports and the ability to track take corrective action. !

Your cooperation with this new reporting system is needed and appreciated

All you need to do to use these services is call 1-877-91UNION!




Some of the exclusive benefits members, their spouses and dependents enjoy with the network of USA companies are discounted fees and rates, access to educational resources, health fairs and more.

U n io n S

In these tough economic times, Local 98 members should take advantage of the union-friendly services and benefits of Union Services Access. Local 98 joined this program as part of our commitment to make health, educational and legal services accessible and affordable to 98 members and their families.

c e ss

New Benefits Reminder!



David M. Logan 12/18/2008

William A. Thompson 3/29/2009

Richard A. Spirawk 7/24/2009

Paul K. Moser 9/21/2009

Thomas J. Sparks 12/23/2008

Val P. DeCristofano 4/9/2009

John D. Queroli 7/27/2009

Frank D. Rees 9/26/2009

John F. Smith 12/24/2008

Steve D. McManus 4/23/2009

Vincent Cacciatore 8/22/2009

Joseph H. Casparro 11/7/2009

Daniel D. Pote 1/2/2009

Andrew J. Rockwell 5/19/2009

Paul F. Donahue 8/30/2009

Michael T. Francis 11/10/2009

Geremia F. Ricci 1/17/2009

Milton Robinson 6/14/2009

Joseph A. Conover 9/4/2009

Robert E. Ford 11/23/2009

James McGrenra 2/8/2009

Robert E. Kingrea 7/17/2009

Richard W. Dickey 9/7/2009

Shea P. Haggerty 2/15/2009

Marvin H. Brown 7/14/2009

George R. Heeneke 9/17/2009

Joseph J. Calhoun 3/1/2009

Edwin J. Bialy 7/29/2009

Daniel P. McCarty 9/19/2009

Donald C. Van Trieste 3/1/2009

Jerome E. Donerkeil 6/11/2009

Andrew M. Weaver 3/4/2009 Christopher D. Kirk 3/4/2009 George F. Fiocca 3/21/2009

Thomas H. Tetley 11/26/2009 Melvin H. Greenwalt 11/30/2009

Remember - this is YOUR Union Hall! We work for you! Article and Production Credits Brian Burrows • Ray Della Vella • Jim Dollard • John J. Dougherty Jim Huston • Frank Keel • Ed Kirlin • Eric Leva • Ed McBride • Jeff Marshall Chris Owens • Bobby Thompson • Fran Walsh

1701 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA 19130

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