The Football Medicine & Performance Association (FMPA) is the independent representative body for medical and performance practitioners in professional football. Members consist of doctors, physiotherapists, sports scientists, performance analysts, sports therapists and soft tissue therapists as well as allied healthcare practitioners such as dentists, podiatrists, nutritionists and psychologists. The FMPA is a non-profit organisation.
Mission Statement:
To support the practice of medicine, performance and allied professions associated with (professional) football.
Vision Statement:
To create an environment where all facets of player care and performance are delivered to the very highest standards.
Cover image:
Contributor: Allstar Picture
Library Ltd / Alamy Stock
It should have been the TENTH Anniversary for the FMPA Conference 2023 however we are delighted to welcome back our IN-PERSON event and our seventh.
The FMPA Conference is THE medicine and performance event in the professional sports world calendar. Combining excellence in educational content and networking opportunities for members and business partners alike. Join us for……
The Rehab T.E.A.M – Together Everyone Achieves More
We are sure you will all aware that no one person is ever responsible for a team’s success or failures and that no one person can be an expert in or deliver on everything needed, hence the saying “many hands make light work!”. However, there are also slightly conflicting viewpoints like “too many cooks spoil the broth” or “a little knowledge is dangerous!” so, how do we, as members, of the team behind the team ensure that there is a fully co-ordinated, integrated and well-learnt model of delivery to our players?
The aim of last year’s virtual conference series was to provide some bitesize digestible concepts and case studies to help educate practitioners of aspects not directly related to their own area of expertise and with this in mind this year we hope to bring together such concepts into an aligned and focussed face to face conference now we have the pandemic behind us.
In doing this, Education Co-ordinator, Kevin Paxton, has looked to structure presentations and case studies around the stages of the entire rehabilitation cycle of Clean-up, immediately post-injury, all the way through to the end stage return to Competition.
The conference will incorporate a variety of speaker disciplines that work with an injured player across all the phases of the rehabilitation process such as the Clean-up, acute stages of injury management through to the Clearance of necessary mobility and activation aspects to undertake more intermediate mid stage protocols of Co-ordination and Change of Direction through to end stage aspects whereby you Chase & Condition certain types of worse case scenarios and then finally onto the return to the 4-corner markers of being ready to Compete. We hope you will enjoy the wide spectrum of information on show and the engagement of discussing in person how we as practitioners can improve upon the process of;
- Clean-Up to Compete”
Sponsoring FMPA 2023 is a fantastic opportunity to reach out to the purchasers and decision makers in Football Medicine and Performance, network and build contacts within the field, showcase your product or service and be part of an exciting meeting.
- Three distinct levels of sponsorship package designed to fit your specific needs
- Engaged organising team who will work with you to ensure your sponsorship maximises value
- Excellent platform to showcase your brand
- The conference is open to FMPA Members and non-members
- Increased brand awareness to influential members in the field of Football Medicine & Performance
- The opportunity to showcase your product or service to your target audience
- Your brand will be projected to the full spectrum of practitioners in professional football in the UK and internationally
“The FMPA Conference was, without question, the best conference I have attended in the last 10 years: the organisers should be congratulated on developing such a wide-ranging and engaging programme. Throughout the two-day conference, knowledge and experienced speakers presented high quality lectures on topics of current importance: I am certain that everyone attending the Conference learnt something of value from every presentation.”
“Thanksverymuch…theconferencewasgreat!Very variedandthought-provokingtopic.”
“I wanted to say how well the whole day was put together and how smoothly everything went - Credit to everyone involved and a massive well done from me.”
“Excellentdayoflearningandcatchingupwithold friendsattheFMPAConference.Superbpresentations withalsoapoignantreminderthatasmedics& professionalswehaveadutyofcaretoourplayers regardingmentalhealthawareness.”
“Ijustwantedtodropyouandyourteamaquicknote tosaythankyouforanexcellentlyrunandorganised conference. I attend a lot of conferences and this was certainlyoneofthebest. Lookforwardtoseeingyou nextyear.”
Exhibition Trade Stand (6ft x 2ft 6”) including power & trestle table
Two representatives from your company (may attend lectures
Refreshments and lunch provided
Branding and weblink on conference exhibitor page on FMPA site
Generic social media posts relating to trade exhibitors
Post conference thank you in ‘football medicine & performance’ publication
Generic thank you to sponsor with logo on FMPA website
Use of FMPA Logo on sponsor communications relating to the conference
Complimentary parking
Complimentary wi-fi
Exhibition Trade Stand (6ft x 2ft 6”) including power & trestle table
Two representatives from your company (may attend lectures)
One education session sponsor
Thanks given to education session sponsor including logo and contact details played at the start and end of presentation
Logo on conference promotional carousel on FMPA website
Pre and post conference communication via FMPA eNews
Social media activity
Thanks given to Platinum and Gold Sponsors at the start and end of the conference
Inclusive delegate bag inserts
One page advertisement in conference e-programme
Complimentary parking
Complimentary wi-fi
Refreshments and lunch provided
Use of FMPA Logo on sponsor communications relating to the conference
Branding and weblink on conference exhibitor page on FMPA website
Logo featured as thanks given to our exhibitors in post conference edition of ‘football medicine & performance’ publication
Double Exhibition Stand (3.6m x 0.8m) in prime location including power & trestle tables
10 minute presentation slot at the start of the conference in front of all the delegates
60 second promotional video to be played at the start and end of the day
Refreshments and lunch provided
Headline sponsorship announced on FMPA home page and social media
Platinum Sponsorship announced via FMPA eNews
Branding on all conference literature
Branding during conference event
Priority visibility on conference programme
Branding on all conference emails
HEADLINE branding and weblink on all FMPA conference pages on FMPA website
Full page advert in conference e-brochure
Pre and post conference communication and social media activity
Branding on delegate bags
Delegate bag inserts
Logo on conference promotional carousel on FMPA website
Branding on delegate lanyards
1 page advert post conference in Football Medicine & Performance publication
Use of FMPA Logo on sponsor communications relating to the conference
Thanks given to Headline Sponsor at the start and end of the conference
Complimentary parking
Complimentary wi-fi
Conference e-brochure
Delegate Bag Sponsor
• Full page £250
• ½ page £150
£500 Delegate bags with your company logo
Delegate Bag Inserts
£100 Your flyer/sample in every delegate bag