2 minute read

Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Family,

Finally, we are getting some cooler weather. Fall is finally upon us, and as I like to call it the home stretch for the year. This is a perfect time to regroup and figure out what needs to be done to not only hit our goals but blow them out of the water. Mark and the Florin team are working very hard in becoming the first store to hit $1,000,000 in sales, I personally think they are going to surpass that goal very soon. October is also a special month Mr. Joseph is getting married so best wishes to the newlyweds. As most of you all know we have some big projects coming along with some great opportunities. “When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell


1. Who is your hero and why? I am not sure if I have a hero, I admire some people for what they achieved in their life, or who they are. I wish I could do the same, fulfill my dreams as they did.

2. What is your favorite family vacation? Spending some time with my family at the beach, cooking, eating, swimming and repeat.

3. What did you want to be when you were small? I wanted to work at a bank, because as far as I understood the bank teller was giving away money to everyone. I wanted to do the same.

4. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? I love watching the Olympic Games, then I try to play soccer, tennis, volleyball…

5. What would you sing at karaoke night? Any Carole King or Lady Gaga song.

6. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? No.

7. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? I wish I could win the lottery; I then will work for fun.

8. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? Someone I haven’t seen for a while, so we could catch up on what we’ve been doing for the past years.

9. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to and why? I don’t want to travel back in time.

10. How would your friends describe you? I think they would say that I am nice and trustworthy person.

11. What is the worst gift you have ever received? As I said before, I am a nice friend, so I never received a bad gift.

12. What are some of your hobbies? Listening to music, cooking, going out for a run or walk.

13. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? I wish I could be Aquaman because he can breathe underwater.

14. What would you do if you won the lottery? Call my family, pay for a good vacation together.

15. What is the tallest building you have been to the top of? The One World Observatory in New York City.

16. What is your favorite holiday and why? I like New Years Eve holiday, to have a wonderful last meal of the year, and to welcome the new year partying.

17. What is your favorite sports team? The one that makes me win when I bet on it.

18. What is one of your favorite movies? Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies.

19. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? A box of matches, a solar lamp, and a pan.

20. What was your favorite subject in school? Geography was the best!

21. What are the most unusual things you’ve ever eaten? Snails, and I love them.

22. Do you collect anything? Small perfume bottles.

23. What three things do you think of the most each day? Chocolate, bread, and cheese.

24. On a scale from 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 8

25. Where do you see yourself in 6 months? I don’t know, I let life surprise me.