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A Letter from the General Manager

Hello everyone,

One of my favorite times of the year, Fall! I predict this is going to be a busy time for us all. Has anyone else noticed the societal worry, pace, and rude demeanor? I certainly have. I have witnessed increasing short tempers, less customer service in businesses, and a higher expectation for people to be served. I believe the expectation for good service has always been the case throughout many industries that cater to clients and the public. It feels like a more constant flow of people who are out and about to be on edge. I wanted to mention what I have seen amongst our teams at different locations.


I have observed overwhelming patience and grace when dealing with our clients. The simple things that I have noticed from team members are smiles. Something as small as a smile when conversing with our clients or one another goes a long way. We have set in stone our vision, values, and goals. Seeing the VVG's at work is incredible. I have enjoyed seeing in live-work environments the professionalism that team members exude during these tumultuous times. Working together is an excellent example of why I'm proud to work at Loyalty Pawn with incredible people.

We love to highlight the top salespeople for the month and, in this case, for the quarter as well. Dominic T. got first place selling $29,454.03, Tony M. 2nd place selling $22,861.17, and Paul M. 3rd place selling $19,789.36. By this time, It is very much worth mentioning Dominic's superior ability to be top 3 every month. Dominic has been the excelling leader of sales for quite some time.

I know Dominic looks forward to 1st place as much as possible, but he also does not shy away from other challengers. It is also worth noting the sales increase from Paul M. Paul has always been savvy at pumping out the deals. Now, we have taken notice of his sales skills. Excellent job, guys. I also wanted to mention the top three salesmen for the quarter. 1st place, Dominic T. 2nd place, Paul M. and 3rd place Josh Bonton. The sales accomplishments don't go unnoticed. Josh, Paul, and Dominic all qualify for a higher bonus percentage for quarter 4.

Congratulations teams!

To conclude, October is here. Let's use some creativity for October and get the stores dressed up for the Halloween spirit! Stan and I look forward to visiting the stores this month to check out the unique decorating. Let's keep it fun and innovative.


Wayne Silliman General Manager

Tough times don't last.

Tough teams do. – Robert
