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Shop Talk Manager Updates

El Camino

Team Loyalty,


We had a great month over here at ELCO! We had some great sales and we put up some great number. We also welcomed a new member to the team by the name of Miguel and he is doing a fantastic job including having the visions values and goals memorized by his second day which I believe is the record for the company! I was also able to go to the CAPA convention this month and I learned so much and cannot wait to take it back to the store and start implementing a lot of the great things that we saw. We see a great month coming up in October along with some very exciting projects coming down the pipeline!

Cody Lathe

Florin Mall

Hello Loyalty Pawn Family,

We had a great summer with excellent Sales and and loans. Fall is here and the month of October we are promoting buy one get on half off jewelry sales. Florin hit $1.5 million in loan balance and still climbing. Florin in getting into the holiday festivity and decorating our showroom. Fourth quarter is here and lets en 2019 strong. We all have set goals for ourselves and let achieve it.

“ Dear Past, Thank you for the lessons. Dear Future, I AM READY. “

Mark Xiong


Hello Team Loyalty,

It is the end of the third quarter and things are looking great over here at Roseville. We have been continuously crushing our sales and loan goals and continue to grow our customer base every day. Employees have been performing at top level and are excited and looking forward to what we can make happen for the 4th quarter. The holiday season is right here so business is about to get crazy. Push those layaway's and the urgency of Christmas is almost here. Ramsey went to the CAPA pawn convention in Long beach and had a great time. He learned a lot from the seminars and did some networking with other pawn shops throughout the state. It was a great experience and the leadership team at Loyalty Pawn are looking forward to sending more employees to these types of events. Let’s crush this 4th quarter and make 2019 the best year yet. Go Team Loyalty!!!

Dylan Tinklenberg


Hello Everyone,

Hello everyone Broadway is happy to say we have broken the 900k mark for the first time ever. We are excited to see that number keep growing as well. Big shout out to our two new team members Kirby and Richard please everyone welcome them to the team we are have them on board.

John Mark

West Sacramento

Hello Team,

I hope everyone had a great September and is looking forward to October and the final quarter of the year. West Sac is very excited to announce that we are in the 1400 club for google reviews and we hear that Kings Pawn from down south is challenging us for highest googled reviewed pawn shop in California. We are up for the challenge and trust me we are going to reclaim our google review title.

Fun Fact: The name October comes from the Latin word Octo meaning eight, because in the Roman calendar October was the eight month of the year.

Yosemite National Park was established on October 1st, 1890.

Justin Martinez