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unlocking your real potential

Start living your future and you’ll never look back! livingyourfuture...Unlocking your potential and unleashing your success


“There is a vast reservoir of untapped potential lying inside each and every one of us. livingyourfuture is about unlocking your potential, unleashing your success and turning your future into reality!”

Royston Guest

Welcome to livingyourfuture Two decades of working with organisations and individuals globally has resulted in one of the most innovative and leading edge programmes on the market today, focused on unlocking people potential, personal transformation and peak performance. livingyourfuture is about placing yourself firmly in the driver’s seat of your life, with both hands on the wheel, guided by an internal satnav, knowing exactly where you’re going and who and what you want to become on the journey.

Everyone has the potential to achieve greatness How would you feel if you went through your whole life never fulfilling your true potential or achieving your ambitions? Each of us is born with the potential to achieve greatness, yet many people live with that aching feeling of underachievement…the realisation that they never lived their life to the full. And although we have little control over the length of our lives, we do have absolute control over its breadth and depth.

Are you living your life to the full? Are you happy and fulfilled? Are you maximising your real potential? Are you on track with where you want to be personally or professionally?


Unlocking your potential and unleashing your success Imagine... having a crystal clear picture of what you want your life to look like Imagine... your entire being and internal resources focused and aligned to realising your goals - oozing boundless levels of confidence, focus and self belief

Imagine... waking up every morning with a vast reservoir of energy and enthusiasm, falling asleep at night knowing you had made your mark in the world today...and knowing you’re ready to do it all again tomorrow

Imagine... having absolute certainty, and knowing the precise actions to take on a daily basis in order to turn your future into reality... That’s what life is like when you’re livingyourfuture!


What stage are you at in your life? There are a number of specific reasons why people from all walks of life and different ages cross paths with livingyourfuture. If one or more of these resonates with you too, then livingyourfuture might just be for you! 1. You’re going through a significant period of change in your life; either professionally or personally 2. You’re feeling reflective about where you’re at in your life, where you want to be and what the future holds for you 3. You’re in pain, though not the broken leg type. We’re talking about the sharp ache that comes from not having the correct focus in life, or through situations such as job loss, break up or divorce 4. You’re striving for personal excellence and are challenging of know what you want from life but are not sure how to get there 5. You simply want a ‘sense check’ as to whether what you’re currently doing will result in achieving your goals 6. You’re stuck in a don’t seem to be able to move forward or back 7. You want to develop essential life skills want to create the right attitude and philosophy for living your future 8. You’re lost. You’ve simply lost your rudder and keep going off in directions that turn out to be fruitless blind alleys 9. You have identified certain goals but just don’t seem to be realising them 10. You’ve lost your mojo and zest for life!

Do any of these reasons strike a chord with you?


Placing yourself firmly in the driver’s seat of your life One of the real secrets of success is being totally in control of your life. But what do we mean by success? Success is a personal choice and individual to each and everyone of us; • Success is the mother or father who is the best parent to their child • Success is the school teacher whose entire focus is educating and giving their students the best possible start in life • Success is the business owner who is successful because they channel all of their passion, energy and focus into building their business • Success is the sales person who has no aspirations to be a manager...they just continually raise their game to be the best sales professional in their field • Success is the sports person who is focused on being the best they can be at their chosen sport

What does success mean to you? Your own success shouldn’t be defined by your parents, your partner, your friends, society, your business or your boss…success should be your own personal definition! Creating your own personal definition of success is one of the founding principles we’ll be covering on livingyourfuture. Unfortunately, defining success is not enough. You need the ability to translate this into reality through a clear strategy and success formula, and by taking massive action with daily success habits. However, herein lies the challenge because...


...Success doesn’t just happen Why is it that some people achieve phenomenal success and spend their lives living their dreams, whilst others fail to realise their true potential? Success doesn’t just happen. It’s through personal ownership and with conscious thought, focus and actions that successful individuals embark on their journey through life, shaping and living their future. They are custodians of their life...creators of their own destiny. And perhaps most importantly, there is a common pattern of thinking and behaviours. Successful individuals utilise all of their internal resources in order to unlock and realise their true potential. They also understand how to tap into external support networks in order to accelerate their success. On the livingyourfuture programme we’re going to share with you the key ideas, strategies and tools for your success. You’ll take each of these, personalise them and incorporate them into your own success formula, in order to unlock and realise your true potential.


It’s time to future proof your life The livingyourfuture team have spent two decades working with thousands of people globally from all walks of life; children, young adults, parents, leaders, business owners, professionals from a multitude of different fields, sports people, the privileged, and the not so privileged. In parallel with these ‘real world’ hands on experiences; • We’ve studied the success formulas of high achievers • Researched and sense checked all of our ideas, methods and strategies for your success, against the latest thinking in the academic world. And... • ...each and every idea, method and strategy has been personally tested, honed and polished The culmination of this process is one of the most leading edge programmes on the market today focused on personal transformation; unlocking your real potential and helping you achieve greatness. livingyourfuture is about arming you with the confidence, mindset and tools to become the architect of your life. livingyourfuture is your blueprint for success. It just needs you to integrate your experiences, and tailor the blueprint to your life, in order to ‘fast track’ you to your own success.


Who will be your Success Coach on the programme Royston Guest is CEO of Pti Worldwide and Founder of livingyourfuture™. As a leading authority on the development of human potential, personal transformation and peak performance, Royston is uniquely qualified to lead you through your three day programme. He will be supported by a number of handpicked Speakers – all leading authorities in their field, and a team of livingyourfuture Support Coaches. As well as being an accomplished Advisor, Consultant and Success Coach, Royston is a regular writer and a dynamic and inspirational speaker. Last year alone he spoke at over 100 conferences in 27 countries on the subjects of personal and professional success. Royston has a unique ability to be able to engage and hold audience attention with a fast moving, combination of stories, examples, humour, and proven, ‘real world’ ideas which deliver results fast! His fresh, passionate, results driven style challenges the status quo of both companies and individuals alike. He will inspire, motivate, and energise you with ‘real world’ ideas, strategies, and methods to unlock your potential and unleash your success.



Tell me more about the programme livingyourfuture is a three day high impact programme running over a weekend starting on Friday morning and finishing Sunday afternoon. There are 10 modules in total, each designed to build on the previous module. On your programme you’ll take each module challenge it, take it to pieces, personalise it and re-build it into your own personal success formula and blueprint. You’re going to be the one to create and build your own personalised formula for success and create the steps to execute it. And during your weekend you’ll discover multiple ways to hone, polish, sense check, fine tune and future proof your plan. livingyourfuture will be a transformational and life changing experience. No preaching or pontificating. No gimmicks or gobbledygook. Just leading edge proven ideas, tools and strategies to fast track your success in creating and realising your personal and professional aspirations. livingyourfuture is about designing your life. Becoming the architect of your own destiny. Your three days will be inspirational, exhilarating, challenging, probing and fast paced.

‘Your mission in life is not to change the world. Your mission is to change yourself. There are no ‘outside in’ solutions… …only ‘inside out’ solutions!’

Royston Guest



1. Your future starts no

Your journey...

e all have one, • Success formulas...w what’s yours? cal components • Discover the four criti ula form s ces suc r of you it mean to you? • Success...what does nt, repeatable siste con ate cre to • How and professional results in your personal life and... e, focus and • ...gain greater purpos choices

2. Setting Your standards for personal excellence • Where have you set your standards for excellence – both personally and professionally? • Discover how to focus on your strengths and eliminate anything holding you back • Are you playing to win or playing not to lose? • How can you achieve personal mastery?

10. Turning Your future into reality • Don’t think of your goals…think FROM your goals. Create your own personalised blueprint for success • Hone, sense check, fine tune and future proof your blueprint and success formula • Maintaining momentum…how to keep yourself on track and livingyourfuture



own 9. Being Your coach performance

starting point • Learn why the urself as your is employing yo ce coach own performan the contract ate cre to w • Ho h…You! with your coac ild your bu d • Identify an nthly daily/weekly/mo success habits the journey of • Find out why success reviewing your stops formula never


8. Intentionality... ‘perhaps, maybe, might, could, should’

• Why procrastination robs most people of realising their goals and dreams, and fulfilling their real potential • Are you a Walker or a Talke r? • Discover how to arm yourself with a number of strategies, methods and ideas to guarantee you fall into the ‘Walker’ camp

4. What’s Your compelling value proposition?

3. How we’re wired as human beings

• What is your personal brand proposition and what does it say about you? • Find out how others perceive you • You might be employed but how ‘employable’ are you? • Would I buy me?

• Motivation and how it works...what really makes you tick? • How to create more context and meaning to your life through reality reference points • Shape your thinking to change your behaviours, actions and results



king your real potential

5. Transformational visioning and goals stops • What is the number 1 reason that in life? people from getting what they want goals and • How to think BIG in creating your shaping your future rces to • How to align all your internal resou the attainment of your goals

7. Your personal values system values • Discover the value of as • What do you stand for r an individual? What is you primary purpose? ge, • Find out how to challen your question and evaluate own personal values and…create and define es your own personal valu charter

6. Programming Your winning mentality

• Discover how dynamic language will transform your psyche, mindset and outlook • See how shaping your thinking instan tly changes your beliefs, subsequent behaviours, actions and results • Simple daily exercises and success habits to maintain peak performance



How will you be thinking, feeling and acting once you’ve been through livingyourfuture? Re-energised and re-vitalised with a real sense of purpose and focus Oozing confidence and self belief with increased levels of self motivation, desire and will Increased standards of personal excellence and a mentality of how high is high Understand what drives your thinking, behaviours, actions and subsequent results Gain the ability to programme your winning mentality Know what your compelling value proposition is, the value you add and the difference you make Through transformational visioning and goal setting you’ll have a crystal clear picture of what you want your life to look like and...’ll know the precise actions to take on a daily basis in order to turn your vision into reality Through your personal values system you’ll filter who and what is adding value to your life and what’s holding you back ‘Perhaps, maybe, might, could, should’ will no longer be part of your everyday language Become an action orientated individual Waking up every morning with a vast reservoir of energy and enthusiasm, falling asleep at night knowing you had made your mark in the world today...and knowing you’re ready to do it all again tomorrow Finally, you’ll be one step ahead of the game, driving your life...not your life and external circumstances driving you!

It’s your choice...choose success You have two choices in life. You can either accept the reality of your life and carry on as you are or... can place yourself firmly in the driver’s seat of your life, with both hands on the wheel and start livingyourfuture now! There are a series of open events planned throughout the year, for further details please visit Alternatively you can call one of the livingyourfuture team on +44 (0) 844 346 3606 or email to talk through your requirements in more detail.




unlocking your real potential

Call +44 (0) 844 346 3606 or email for more information

© livingyourfuture™ 2011 all rights reserved

livingyourfuture™ is part of the Pti Worldwide group of companies.

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