Reccomended Reading List

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Pti Worldwide Recommended Reading list 2015 “The day you stop learning…is the day you stop earning!” Here’s a selection of books which we at Pti feel are MUST reads in order to continue on the journey of self development and increase the breadth and depth of your knowledge base. The books are categorised by genre with a mix of classics and new reads. We would love to hear your thoughts on these or if you have any books within these genres that have had a profound impact on you, please get in touch at!

Personal Development The Magic of thinking Big David J. Swartz

‘Millions of people throughout the world have improved their lives using the self-help classic The Magic of Thinking BIG. Regarded as one of the foremost experts on motivation, Dr Schwartz helps you to sell better, manage better, earn more money and, most important of all, find greater happiness and peace of mind’...

The Chimp Paradox Dr Steve Peters

This incredibly powerful mind management model can help you become a happy, confident, healthier and more successful person. Steve Peters explains the struggle that takes place within your mind and then shows how to apply this understanding to every area of your life so you can: • Recognise how your mind is working • Understand and manage your emotions and thoughts • Manage yourself and become the person you would like to be...

Chasing Daylight Eugene O’Kelly

The international bestseller “Chasing Daylight” is the honest, touching, and ultimately inspirational memoir of former KPMG CEO Eugene O’Kelly, completed in the three and a half months between his diagnosis with brain cancer and his death in September 2005. It’s haunting yet extraordinarily hopeful voice reminds us to embrace the fragile, fleeting moments of our lives...

The one thing Gary Keller

You want fewer distractions and less on your plate. The daily barrage of e-mails, texts, tweets, messages, and meetings distract you and stress you out. The simultaneous demands of work and family are taking a toll. And what’s the cost? Second-rate work, missed deadlines, smaller pay cheques, fewer promotions-and lots of stress...

The monk who sold his Ferrari Robin Sharma

This inspiring tale is based on the author’s own search for life’s true purpose, providing a step-by-step approach to living with greater courage, balance, abundance and joy. It tells the story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-ofbalance life: following a heart attack, he decides to sell all his beloved possesions and trek to India. On a life-changing odyssey to an ancient culture, he meets Himalayan gurus who offer powerful, wise and practical lessons...

The saint the surfer and the CEO Robin Sharma

‘Once in a while, a book comes along that has the power and the wisdom to speak to the best part of us and awaken our highest selves to the miracle our lives were meant to be. In this truly unforgettable guide, Robin Sharma, author of the national bestseller...

Business Great by Choice Jim Collins

Why do some companies thrive in uncertainty, even chaos, and others do not? Based on nine years of research, buttressed by rigorous analysis and infused with engaging stories, Collins and his colleague, Morten Hansen, enumerate the principles for building a truly great enterprise in unpredictable, tumultuous, and fast-moving times...

Built to last Jim Collins

Filled with hundreds of specific examples and organized into a coherent framework of practical concepts that can be applied by managers and entrepreneurs at all levels. Built to Last provides a master blueprint for building organizations that will prosper long into the twenty-first century and beyond...

The Growth Map

Insanely Simple

‘There is no better guide to the new map of the economic world than Jim O’Neill. This sharp, shrewd book tells the big story of our time: the fundamental shift of economic power from the west to the Rest’...

Ken Segall played a key role in Apple’s resurrection, and now he breaks simplicity down to its core elements. He brings the principles of simplicity to life in context of milestone moments in Apple history, exploring how Apple’s core obsession allows them to create products that people fall in love with and then communicate and market them with spectacular success...

The Curve

The Undercover Economist

Jim O’Neill

Nicholas Lovell The Curve is a new way of doing business and of seeing the world. For most of the last century, companies strived to sell more and more products at uniform prices. But the future of business is about variation: tailoring products for customers of all stripes, and letting your biggest fans spend as much as they like on things they value...

Ken Segall

Tim Harford

In this new book that demystifies macroeconomics, Harford strips away the spin, the hype, and the jargon to reveal the truth about how the world’s economy actually works. With the wit of a raconteur and the clear grasp of an expert, Harford explains what’s really happening beyond today’s headlines, why all of us should care, and what we can do about it to understand it better...

Sales The Challenger Sale

Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson The Challenger Sale argues that classic relationship-building is the wrong approach. Every sales rep in the world falls into one of five distinct profiles, and while all of these types of reps can deliver average performance, only one - the Challenger - delivers consistently high performance...

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert B. Cialdini

You’ll learn the six psychological secrets behind our powerful impulse to comply, how skilled persuaders use them without detection, how to defend yourself against them – and how to put those secrets to work in your own behalf. This book guaranteed two things: You’ll never again say “yes” when you really mean “no,” and you’ll make yourself more influential than ever before...

Leadership To Sell is Human


Daniel H. Pink

Jack Welch

We’re all in Sales now Parents sell their kids on going to bed. Spouses sell their partners on mowing the lawn. We sell our bosses on giving us more money and more time off. And in astonishing numbers we go online to sell ourselves on Facebook, Twitter and profiles...

“Winning is a book for the people in business who sweat, get their nails dirty, hire, fire, make hard decisions, and pay the price when those decisions are wrong,” said Welch. “I see this book as a handbook for people in the trenches, turning their companies and the economy around, not just today, but for years to come...

The One Minute Manager

Kenneth Blanchard The world’s foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs offers you the most important minute of your career. The One Minute Manager ranks as one of the most successful management books ever published. Now, you can listen and learn the strategies of one-minute management to save time and increase your productivity whether it be in your business, your home or even managing your children...

Leadership Wisdom from the Monk who sold his Ferrari Robin Sharma

This very special book has already changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. This deeply inspiring work reveals a remarkable step-by-step system that will restore trust, commitment, and spirit within your organisation while transforming the way you think, feel and live in the process...

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Customer Experience Fans not customers Vernon Hill

Most companies plod along doing things as everyone always has. So there are huge opportunities for people trying to break the mould, even in old-fashioned businesses like banking or insurance. Of course it happens all the time in the digital world, but it can happen anywhere - so long as you turn your customers into fans. When that happens your customers - who will sing your praises when your competitors’ customers are grumbling all the time - become your greatest allies in marketing and sales. Then you can really go for growth...

Be Our Guest

Disney Institute & Theodore Kinny Be Our Guest outlines proven Disney principles and processes for helping your organisation focus its vision and assemble its people and infrastructure within a cohesive strategy that delivers on the promise of exceptional customer service...

5 Star Service

Michael Heppell The power of effective listening is recognised as the essential tool of good management. In this book, Kline describes how we can achieve this, and presents a step-by-step guide that can be used in any situation. Whether you want to have more productive meetings, solve business problems or build stronger relationships, this book offers you a new world of possibilities...

Skills Development

How to Deliver a Great TED Talk Akash Karia

If you’ve watched TED videos before, you’ve no doubt been inspired and electrified by speeches by figures such as Sir Ken Robinson, Jill Bolte Taylor, Simon Sinek and Dan Pink. What makes these TED talks so inspiring? What is the secret formula for creating a successful TED talk? And how can you use this formula to deliver your own powerful TED talk (or any other presentation or speech, for that matter)?...

Start with WHY Simon Sinek

In business, it doesn’t matter what you do, it matters WHY you do it. Start with Why analyses leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Steve Jobs and discovers that they all think in the same way they all started with why. Simon Sinek explains the framework needed for businesses to move past knowing what they do to how they do it, and then to ask the more important question-WHY?...

Living the 80/20 Way Richard Koch

Acclaimed entrepreneur and author Richard Koch changed the face of the business world with The 80/20 Principle. In Living the 80/20 Way, a self-help bestseller, he returns to show how working and worrying less can transform our personal lives. Koch takes the widely renowned 80/20 principle and shows how in today’s cluttered and stressful world, working out the few things that are really important, and the few methods that will give us those things, leads to increased happiness and greater success...

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