At last a people development programme that really means business

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unlocking your real potential

At last a people development programme that really means business livingyourfuture... for businesses who want their people consistently performing at their peak


“One of the single most competitive advantages for organisations is their ability to grow, nurture and develop their people faster than the competition. Future business success depends on it.” Welcome to livingyourfuture Two decades of working with organisations and individuals globally has resulted in one of the most innovative and leading edge programmes on the market today, focused on unlocking people potential, personal transformation and peak performance.

Why personal employee transformation


Exponential business transformation

In the real world where there are real business challenges to be met, you need a tried and tested professional programme which focuses from start to finish on how personal improvement can deliver business improvement. No fluffy thinking or soft edges. Operating from a solid foundation of personal ownership, a winning mentality, high personal standards of excellence and igniting the flame of self motivation from within, can mean the difference between your people consistently performing at their peak or coasting in cruise control. That’s the difference between a good business and a great business!

“One of the greatest assets of a business walks out of the door every night. What are you doing to get them to return next day energised, enthused and motivated to be the best they can be and consistently operating at their peak?”


What makes livingyourfuture different to any other programme on the market today? ‘Outside In’ versus ‘Inside Out’ development People development typically focuses on ‘Outside In’ learning, with the emphasis on business specific knowledge and soft skills training.



‘Outside In’ development









With livingyourfuture there is a third ingredient that could mean the difference between success and failure for your business.

SOFT SKILLS ‘Inside Out’ development

ESS SPECIF SIN IC BU livingyourfuture


unlocking your real potential




unlocking your real potential




livingyourfuture works from a unique philosophy of ‘Inside Out’ development, designed to unlock REAL people potential whilst complementing the business specific knowledge and soft skills training. livingyourfuture is about arming your people with the confidence, mindset and tools to take personal ownership of their future and the value they add to your business. Delegates and business professionals are describing the programme as ‘life changing’, bringing about personal transformations which, in turn, serve to benefit the companies they work for. There is simply no other people development programme around today like livingyourfuture.


Focused employees mean improved return on investment Here are a couple of examples of the positive impact focused and motivated employees can have on your business; • Engaged employees are more productive, profitable, customer focused and less tempted to leave. Kingston University & Kingston Business School Employee Engagement Review October 2008

• For every 5% improvement in employee motivation, company profits rose by ½%. For every 2% increase in employee retention, company profits rose by 6%. Towers Perrin Healthy Workplace Action Pack October 2007

Highlighted below are also some examples of the negative impact and cost to your business of dissatisfied and dissociated employees; • Nearly 38% of the UK’s 28 million workers are questioning their vocation as a result of the current economic climate, with 14% thinking of undertaking voluntary work as a way of escaping stagnation at work. VSO Survey

• On average, unhappy employees will affect absenteeism costing your business £666 per employee per year. Therefore, the annual cost to a company with 50 employees = £33,300 and 1000 employees £666,000. CIPD Annual Survey 2008


Top 10 business benefits of investing in livingyourfuture 1. It’s a tried, tested and proven formula for unlocking people potential 2. The programme is results focused with tangible return on investment, delivering business transformation through personal employee transformation 3. It will provide you with a team of individuals who take personal ownership for their actions, life and subsequent results 4. Your employees will gain a strong personal core which will give greater context, meaning and application of business specific knowledge and soft skills 5. Increased employee focus, confidence and self belief 6. Reduced differential performance with individuals achieving consistent peak performance 7. More of your people hitting or exceeding individual performance targets‌more often! 8. Increased company loyalty as individuals and teams see their company is investing in them, not just from a professional perspective but also from a personal perspective, helping them to focus on what they want to become and providing them with the life skills and mental tools to succeed 9. Increased retention of your people (particularly top performers through talent academies) 10. livingyourfuture will create lasting habitual and behavioural change for sustained peak performance and business success

In short, livingyourfuture delivers a tangible return on investment for your business.



Who is the programme for? One of the key benefits of livingyourfuture is its broad application as an integral part of your overall people development strategy;

Leadership Management Sales and Customer Facing Teams Support Teams General Career Progression and Development Talent/High Potential Academies Graduate Programmes Corporate/Business Inductions Underperformers Career Outplacement Whether your need is to develop your key leadership or management teams, accelerate performance across your entire employee population, fast-track new inductees, sharpen the focus of your graduate programme, raise the game of underperformers or move your top performers into an even higher gear, livingyourfuture is an assured way to help all your people consistently hit and maintain peak performance.

“There is a vast reservoir of untapped potential lying inside each and every one of us. livingyourfuture is about unlocking your potential, unleashing your success and turning your future into reality!�


Tell me more about the programme livingyourfuture is designed on a modular basis in order to give you complete flexibility on timings, duration of modules and the personalisation of the programme to suit your business and people. • With 10 modules in total they can be delivered; together as a combination or individually in focused ‘bite size’ 60 – 90 minute sessions • livingyourfuture can be incorporated into your current programmes or run as a standalone • It can be tailored to reflect the diverse roles of your employees and also differing levels of capability; from foundation to competent to excellent • Both open and in-house programmes are available and... livingyourfuture is an innovative, m-learning blended solution designed to accommodate the needs of today’s multi-location businesses and remote based teams. It’s challenging, it’s probing and it takes people far outside of their comfort zones. In contrast to the ‘hot bath’ effect where people feel motivated and inspired for 48 hours and then slip back into their old habitual routine, livingyourfuture creates lasting habitual behavioural change and locks in methods of ensuring that individual performance is always maintained at peak.

The full copy of the modular overview can be found in the Resources section of - titled ‘The business programme modular overview.’


How will your employees be thinking, feeling and acting once they’ve been through livingyourfuture? • They’ll be thinking, feeling and acting with a ‘it’s my business franchise’ mentality • Individuals will have greater standards of personal excellence and a mentality of how high is high • They’ll know what world class looks like • Through transformational goal setting they’ll have unbelievable levels of focus and clarity • They’ll have increased levels of self motivation, desire and will • They’ll understand where they are currently and have the tools, strategies and methods to bridge the gap to greatness • They’ll have a positive outlook to the future and will have honed a winning mentality • Not only will they have a winning mentality, they’ll know what to do the instant their motivation wanes in order to maintain peak performance • They’ll have renewed vigour and boundless levels of confidence, self belief and energy • They will take FULL ownership for their lives, actions and results • They’ll become action orientated individuals In summary, livingyourfuture is about placing your people firmly in the driving seat of their lives with both hands on the wheel, guided by an internal satnav, knowing exactly where they’re going and who and what they want to become on the journey.




unlocking your real potential

Let’s talk about people potential A brochure like this only conveys part of the story. It’s understanding your business, your vision and goals and what a tailored livingyourfuture solution might look like for you and your business which are critical to us. So, let’s talk further and discuss how by unlocking your people potential… Personal employee transformation = Exponential business transformation Call +44 (0) 844 346 3606 or email for more information

© livingyourfuture™ 2011 all rights reserved

livingyourfuture™ is part of the Pti Worldwide group of companies.

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