The Radish | Spring 2018

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THE RADISH Meet the Candidates

All About the New Faces Poised to Lead the Co-op.

The View From Here

Outgoing President Trish O'Brien Reflects on Her Six-Year Tenure.

Space of Many Uses

A Look Back at the Events, Classes, and Workshops We've Held in the New Café.

Board Service Ed King, General Manager

Our Annual Meeting is almost upon us, currently planned for April 25th (from Noon to 7PM) in the Littleton Food Co-op Café. One purpose of our Annual Meeting is to elect Board Members to govern our Co-op and approve any Bylaw changes recommended by the Board. We don’t have any Bylaw changes this year but it is a very important election. We have a nine person Board and elect three Directors every year to a three year term. Typically some of the incumbents choose to run for reelection, however this year all three Directors with expiring terms are retiring, including our Board President. Trish O’Brien from Easton, NH has been on our Board for six years, four of those years serving as our Board President. Trish has been at the helm through drastic changes in our Bylaws, Governance and the planning, financing and construction phases of our Expansion. She has donated hundreds of hours attending countless meetings throughout her tenure. The Co-op’s volunteer Board is the cornerstone of our Organization. Two other Directors are retiring from Board service this year; Mark Hollenbach (a longtime employee) and Marni Hoyle, both from Bethlehem, NH. They have been key contributors these last few years and helped shepherd the Littleton Food Co-op through our successful expansion project. I’m sure that each of these Board Members has found the experience rewarding and something that they can take great pride in. Please thank them in person for their service leading your Co-op, their contributions have made my job as General Manager a privilege and a Pleasure!

THE RADISH Lead Editor, Art Direction Jessy Smith Managing Editor Kristina Zontini Copy-Editor Julie Wiles-Felch Copy-Editor Minnie Cushing

It may be too late to Join our Board in the 2018 election, but I would implore all of our full members to consider running in the future. Our Board meets monthly and any member of the Co-op is welcome to attend, meetings are posted on the Co-op’s website calendar. Some of the experience that we value are; previous Board work, Finance, Accounting, Business and Food related backgrounds. For further information please feel free to reach out to myself or board via the contact information below.

On the Cover: Tim Wennrich, Meadowstone Farm. Shot by Meg Hamilton / Rodeo & Co. Photography.

Cooperatively, Ed King,

Please submit your pitch via email to: Be sure to include something about The Radish in the subject line of your submission.

Contact the Board: 2

President Patricia O'Brien Vice President Marcie Hornick Treasurer Luther Kinney Secretary Marni Hoyle Director Mark Hollenbach Director Tom Southworth Director Alyssa Sherburn Director Charlie Wolcott Director Laura Walls General Manager Ed King Operations Manager Chris Whiton Perishable Operations Manager Rodney Mitton

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op

Spring 2018

Do you want to see your story in print? We're accepting submissions from Member-Owners to help diversify and enhance the content featured in The Radish.

Meet the Candidates! Mark Hollenbach, Outgoing Director


t's that time of year again here at the Co-op. The annual meeting is quickly approaching and the time has come for us to fufill our duty as Littleton Food Co-op Members and cast our votes to elect our fellow members to the Board of Directors. This year we have three incumbent directors stepping down (myself among them) — a sizable hole to fill! This past year has seen incredible change here at our Co-op, most notably in our massively successful expansion project which has brought with it plenty of space and thousands of products that members and others in the community had requested. The coming year is sure to be transformative for the Littleton Food Co-op and the Board of Directors as well. We'll have three new faces leading the charge as we continue in our postexpansion journey. Please take some time to read about the members who'd like to take up the important responsibility of leading the Littleton Food Co-op into the future. Read On →

Spring 2018

"This past year has seen incredible change here at our Co-op, most notably in our massively successful expansion project which has brought with it plenty of space [...]"

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op


Meet the Candidates Continued

Deb Rossetti-Sullivan, Bethlehem

Deb has experience in the foods sector, having previously owned and operated her own catering business in Westerly, Rhode Island. She currently teaches at the Broken Dish Kitchen where she introduces children of all ages to the culinary world. Deb is also currently an aquatic swim instructor at Infant Swimming Resources, LLC.

Angela Figallo McShane, Littleton

Angela is an educator with eight years of experience in the Physical Education field. She has directorial experience, having served for five years as the Director of the North Country Soccer Camp in Franconia as well as the Board of Directors for the New Hampshire Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Angela is currently serving on the board of Friends of Profile Trails.

Dr. Keith Batchelder, Franconia

A retired dentist, Keith is a researcher and consultant living in Franconia. Keith currently serves on the board of a healthcare company that specializes in helping people improve their sleeping habits. He has also served on the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Dentistry. Wayne Ruggles, Littleton

A retired business owner, Wayne formerly owned and operated his own supermarket and oil company. He's served as the President of the Board of Directors at Littleton Regional Healthcare. Wayne was also Chairman of the Board for seven years at Associated Grocers of New England (one of Littleton Food Co-op's main suppliers and another Cooperative).

Throwback From left to right: Laura Walls, Rebekah Daniels, Ed King, Sue Wheeler and Katie Hartford reading the Fall 2016 Issue of The Radish at the Co-op Expansion Construction Site.


The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op

Spring 2018

The View From Here

Trish O'Brien, Outgoing President of the Board

March, 2018 — it seems impossible how fast time flies. Here we are on the last edge of winter; a hopeful view of spring just down the road. March (and even April) still have some weather to throw us, for sure, but we remain hopeful for warm weather and sunshine as always. I also find myself looking at changes. I have been on the Co-op's Board of Directors since 2011, much of this time as President of the Board. I feel as though it's time for me to pass the reigns into new hands. Much has happened during my tenure and I have treasured the time I've spent watching from my front-row seat. The biggest of these changes, of course, has been the expansion of our store. It's been a big project — one fraught with complex financing contracts and (as always here in the north) weather challenges. Nonetheless, our crew has prevailed — triumphed even, and the results have been amazing. Did you know that the firm responsible for the expansion, GBA, won architecture awards in both New Hampshire and Vermont for the design of our expansion? The American Institute of Architects

chapters in both states each separately voted to honor architect Diantha Korzun of GBA for her excellent design work on our behalf. It was thrilling to watch her and our contractors recognized by a jury of their peers for the work they did for us. The physical plant is functioning beautifully, with energy savings all around. I'd like to also recognize and thank our dedicated Board Member, Tom Southworth, for knowledgeably leading the way for us to get as much "bang for our buck" in energy saving technologies as possible. Tom's efforts will save the Littleton Food Co-op money for years. Always remember that this is OUR Co-op. As members — you and I, all of us — we own this store. Please take some time to come and participate this April. It has been a busy tenure for me but it's time to pass this work onto new hands. Think about running for the Board, you won't be disappointed by being involved. Meanwhile, I won't be far away and will always shop at Littleton Food Co-op, as I hope all of you will continue to do as well. Thank you for your support these past years. See you in the store!

Spring 2018

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op


Space of Many Uses Our café isn't just for sipping coffee or munching on something tasty from the deli. Here's a look at some of the cool/fun/informative things we've been doing with our new space!

July 2017

Beer and Bach, a collaboration with our Partner of the Month, North Country Chamber Players, and Rek•lis Brewing Co. of Bethlehem, NH.

October 2017 Partner of the Month Fair, Nonprofits from near and far packed into the café hoping to swoon Littleton Food Co-op staff & shoppers. This is an annual event in which nonprofit organizations and initiatives pitch directly to the community who cast votes for their favorite causes and the twelve most popular are our Partners of the Month(s) for the following year. 6

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op

Spring 2018

August 2017 Nutrition in the Kitchen, a workshop put together by A.C.H.S. In-kitchen demonstrations illustrated how simple it is to cook healthy, nutritional meals at home.

May 2017 Chef Jo, trusty spatula in-hand, flipping pancakes for Littleton Food Co-op Employee Appreciation Day.

December 2017 Santa Visits the Co-op, the holiday season saw a visit from the big man himself.

Ongoing WRENWorks Gallery @ The Co-op Café, an ongoing partnership between WREN in Bethlehem and the Coop designed to enliven the space with regularly rotating exhibits of original, home-grown local art. For more information about this program, contact WREN Gallery Manager Katherine Ferrier via email,

February 2017 Throwback, to the earlier days of the Co-op's expansion. Here, a contractor is setup in the café, surrounded by tools and pieces of cabinetry yet to be installed. If your organization is interested in hosting a workshop, discussion, screening, or some other type of event please stop by the customer service desk or contact Melissa by phone (603) 444-1430, or via email,

Spring 2018

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op


Vintage Postcard, Candlewood Lake, Sherman, CT.

Growing in New England Erin Mae Dul, Member-Owner


s the days begin to warm up and the sun slowly peeks its head out, I feel myself becoming excited for spring to break this cold and snowy winter’s grasp from our small-town community and land. I, along with many others, am already anticipating the plethora of stands full of locally made, and grown, goodies of all kinds at upcoming Farmer’s Markets; as well thinking about what I can experiment with planting for the coming season. Even though I do claim winter to be one of my preferred seasons, spring holds a near and dear place in my heart, as it’s a chance for new growth and opportunity. There is something to be said for those of us lucky enough to find ourselves residing in a beautiful town, like Littleton; where we have access to a range of masterfully-skilled artisans, and food grown and produced at local farms, right at the tips of our fingers almost year-round. I find myself continually enamored with the beautiful things that


The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op

Spring 2018

"I, along with many others, am already anticipating the plethora of stands full of locally made ,and grown, goodies of all kinds at upcoming Farmers' Markets..."

come from our community members, businesses, and farms in Littleton, and surrounding areas. It makes me pause and reflect, remembering my hometown of Sherman, Connecticut. The surrounding towns are now where my family is rooted, but Sherman is where I had the annual privilege of honing my knowledge and skills by growing my own food and plants to harvest at the end of the season to share with friends and family. I count myself blessed for being brought up in a family and community that respected and took value in the skills obtained from getting hands dirty and sharing the reapings of hard work; whether that be the growing of food, mastering an artful craft, or knowing and partaking in the act of self-sustainability. In turn, I count myself blessed for finding myself, as an adult, in such a similar-minded community in the town of Littleton. Once I was walking, I was in one of my family’s multiple plots within our community garden - barefoot and full of joy at the beautiful things that came from merely putting small seeds into the cool, dark soil. My fondest memories go back to the days spent there with my gardening-mentor, who is my grandfather. We spent so much time weeding, planting seeds, watering, and picking fresh food, herbs, and flowers. When we had too much, which was almost always, we’d share with our neighbors, family, and friends. It always made me so happy to show up at neighbors’ houses with bags full of ears of corn, tomatoes, "Once I was walking, I was in one of cabbage, and the like. my family's multiple plots within our

community garden — barefoot and

In those formative years of full of joy at the beautiful things that my youth, I not only learned come from merely putting small seeds how to grow plants, but into the cool, dark soil. My fondest came to know important memories go back to the days spent life lessons. I learned how there with my gardening mentor; my without persistence, focus, grandfather." and constant practice, proper growth is much more difficult to attain, in any sense. Whilst I sowed seeds into the ground, I not only learned how to grow from the land, but how to grow within a community. It taught me how to ask for help, and how to not be afraid of failure because you can always try again. Most of all, it taught me how to work hard, and learn from myself and others on a daily basis. Of course, during my teenage years, I hit the point where I lost sight of the pure joy and simple happiness that came from continually working hard for something that would benefit not

Spring 2018

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op


Growing in New England Continued

only myself, but others as well. I wanted to be cool, and not look like a “weirdo” digging in the dirt with my grandfather day in, and day out, when I could instead be at the lake swimming with my friends, or wasting time just doing nothing. I continued to garden, although not as passionately, because my grandfather understood it was merely a phase that would pass, and I am forever grateful of that. He held me accountable for the work I had started, and made me carry through on the plants I had helped grow. This helped instill in me a sense of accountability for my actions, and responsibility in general. Now in my late twenties, I realize this was one of the biggest influences that shaped who I am today, and it seems to have come full circle. I, a born and bred Connecticut girl, have found myself deep within the mountains of our breathtaking state of New Hampshire. I have found myself going back to my roots, with plants, with a self-sustainable and creative community, and with an amazing job of hardworking women in the center of Main Street,

surrounded by books and friends, just like in my younger years. Safe to say, I am ready for the coming, warmer, seasons to arrive, and I hope you are too. Above all, I hope each of you have something in your life that you love and find joy in, that you, too, can work on and share with others. And I hope you are as happy to have such a wonderful community to do it in, as am I. Thank you for being my neighbors.

Erin Mae Dul, originally from Sherman, CT., Resides in Littleton with her partner Jessy and their two cats, Luna and Rory. Do you want to see your story in print? We're accepting submissions from Member-Owners to help diversify and enhance the content featured in The Radish. Please submit your pitch via email to: jsmith@ Be sure to include something about The Radish in the subject line of your submission.

Fig. A Seb, My Grandfather. Fig. B An unidentified creature with orange antennae (me). Fig. B

Fig. A

Spring 2018

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op


How Sweet It Is! Charise Baker, HBC/Wellness Manager

The United States Department of Simple Tips to Reduce Sugar Intake7 Agriculture (USDA) reports that the average American consumes between • Keep the sugar, syrup, or honey from the table — 150 to 170 pounds of refined sugars per out of sight, out of mind! year! The World Health Organization • Cut back on the amount of sugar you add to things recommends that no more than 10% of you consume regularly. Try cutting your usual an adult's calories — and ideally less than amount by half and wean down from there. 5% — should come from added or natural • Switch to sugar-free or low-calorie beverages. sugars. It's easy to exceed those limits. • When baking cookies, brownies or cakes: cut the With as many as 11 teaspoons of added sugar called for in your recipe by 1/3 to 1/2. Often you sugar in one 12 Fl. Oz. soda, a single won't notice the difference. serving is close to double most peoples' daily sugar allowance. Sugar is pervasive in our food supply — for example; a leading brand of yogurt has 7 teaspoons of total sugars in a single serving — most of it added. 1


What it is: Honey is a pure product, typically with no additives or preservatives. Honey is composed primarily of water and two sugars: fructose and glucose. Pros: Honey contains antioxidants. Many of the antioxidants found in honey are classified as flavonoids. Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties which may provide some health benefits. You can use smaller amounts of honey without sacrificing sweetness. Cons: Honey is just below table sugar on the glycemic index. At around 22 calories per teaspoon, honey is high in calories. It consists primarily of sugar and should be used sparingly. This is especially true if you have health concerns such as diabetes, heart disease, or obesity. Honey may be dangerous for infants younger than year. This is because honey contains bacterial spores known to cause botulism in infants.4


What it is: Stevia is a plant leaf, typically crunched up into a fine powder or added to a liquid extract. Stevia is naturally sweet. Pros: Stevia does not affect your blood sugar and is non-caloric. It doesn't promote tooth decay. There aren't any health problems known to be associated with Stevia. Stevia is a great alternative for people with insulin resistance, diabetes, or high blood sugar. 2 Cons: Some claim Stevia is bitter, and don't care much for the taste. Stevia lacks the sweetness of sugar when used in baking and cooking. Stevia may be chemically processed. Spring 2018

The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op


How Sweet It Is! Continued


What it is: Sugar alcohols include xylitol and erythritol. They have become popular additions to gum and candies because they are high in sweetness but low on the glycemic index. Pros: Xylitol is the most common sugar alcohol and has antibacterial properties in the mouth. Erythritol is safe for teeth and is one of the most easily digested of all sugar alcohols. Most sugar alcohols have little to no effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. Cons: Sugar alcohols are only partially absorbed by your body, and overconsumption may lead to digestive issues. Consumption of sugar alcohols in larger amounts could lead to bloating, gas, or laxative-like effects. Unlike artificial and lowcalorie sweeteners, sugar alcohols do contain calories, just fewer than plain sugar. 3


What it is: This Amber-colored sweetener is derived from the agave planet and is actually a syrup — "nectar" is purely a marketing term. 5 Pros: This natural liquid sweetener is approximately 11/2 times sweeter than refined sugar. Because it is sweeter, you are less likely to use as much. Its exotic taste is perfect for zesting up cereals, pancakes and baked goods. Cons: Agave nectar is higher in calories than table sugar and has no nutritional value. Because it is lower on the glycemic index, some people may think they have the green light to eat as much as they like. This could lead to sugar-based health problems.


What it is: Brown rice syrup is a sweetener that is made by cooking whole-grain rice , then using enzymes to break down the starch into sugar. After straining, the sweet liquid is boiled down into syrup. Brown rice syrup has replaced high fructose corn syrup in many 'healthy' foods. You'll see organic brown rice sugar listed as an ingredient on things like cereal bars and energy shot drinks. 6 Pros: Brown rice syrup is gluten-free and suitable for vegan diets. Brown rice syrup is a complex carbohydrate that breaks down slower in the body. This supplies the body with a steadier supply of energy. It has a mellow, almost vanilla flavor. Cons: Brown rice syrup is only slightly lower than table sugar on the glycemic index. Sources: (1) University of California, San Fransisco. (2) Jedha Dening, Nutritionist @ (3,4) Healthline Media. (5) Upwell Health, Diabetic Connect. (6) Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

(7) American Heart Association.


The Radish | Littleton Food Co-op

Spring 2018

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