Duffey Family Children's Village: Home #5

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Table of Contents Since 1959, Little City has been

Chapter 1: The Vision for Little City’s Children

on a mission to provide the best

Chapter 2: The Transformational Environment of the Duffey Family Children’s Village

opportunities for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through innovative and

Chapter 3: The Continuum of Care: Bridging Learning at Home and at School Chapter 4: The Continuum of Care: Vital Services for Intensive Interventions

personalized programming, we

Chapter 5: Proven Success at the Children’s Village

empower our individuals to create

Chapter 6: Now What? We Need Your Help!

a meaningful life.

Chapter 1 The Vision for Little City’s Children Created from the dream of a group of committed parents, Little City opened its doors on Oct. 1, 1959 to provide help, dignity and love that children with intellectual and developmental disabilities deserve. Today, that dream is still alive for the many children served by Little City and their families. Residential services, recreational activities and educational opportunities on the Palatine campus provide children with disabilities a strong foundation to live meaningful and dignified lives to be carried over into adulthood. And although Little City’s mission has remained the same throughout its history, its children’s population has changed. When Little City’s first children’s group homes were built in the late 1950s and early 1960s, they were designed to safely serve children with Down syndrome or mild developmental disabilities. However, today approximately 90% of the children residing and served in Little City homes have moderate to profound Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This change in diagnosis requires Little City to adapt to meet the needs of these children. Children with profound autism typically need a great deal of support and require 24/7 expert care in a safe and secure environment. Profound autism can be more debilitating and challenging than other types of autism. The mission of Little City is to serve these children that are in the most need of help. However, we need to ensure that our homes are best suited to the developmental needs of the children in our care.

In recent years, the leaders at Little City developed a visionary plan to build six children’s residential group homes specifically designed for children living with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including moderate to profound autism. These new homes will work jointly alongside Little City’s Center for Education, a therapeutic day school, to offer a holistic Continuum of Care model for the children living at Little City. This model aims to help each child to reach their highest level of independence as they prepare to transition into adulthood. The future of the children’s program at Little City is dependent on the residential-school Continuum of Care model, focused on providing children with the appropriate residential and educational services—whether at a moderate/transitional level, or at a high-intensity level of needs.

None of this would be possible without the completion of the Duffey Family Children’s Village. These homes — born from the visionary thinking of the organization’s leaders and the generosity of its donors — have set the stage for a future filled with the hope, dignity and love that laid the foundation for Little City six decades ago.

The original homes were built for children with Down syndrome and other mild developmental disabilities. Today, those homes don’t meet the needs of the fastest growing developmental disability: autism.

Chapter 2 The Transformational Environment Little City marked a monumental milestone in 2015 when the first two homes in the Duffey Family Children’s Village opened its doors and welcomed 16 children home. Arguably one of Little City’s greatest achievements, these first two homes—Larry’s Home and The Foglia Home—set the stage for innovation and meaningful change in the lives of the children residing in the village. Two years later the third home, The Coleman Foundation Home, opened. And then in 2019 the fourth, Marios’ Home, opened. Throughout those first five years, lessons were learned and each home has improved to meet the changing needs of the children who live there. Now, Little City is in the final stages of completing the village and fulfilling the dream of its visionaries by setting out to build the fifth home. As Little City has learned, a safe environment designed specifically for children with autism is one of the highest priorities for care. For individuals with autism, confusion and agitation can easily arise in response to complex and distracting spaces. The ideal living environment of the Duffey Family Children’s Village provides safety and supports teaching self-help, domestic and vocational living skills that enable children to live with dignity and as independently as possible in their adult years. For these reasons, Little City developed a thoughtful, autism-friendly environment designed for the children who call the Duffey Family Children’s Village home. At $1.4 million to build, furnish and open this home, only the highest quality materials and features have been implemented resulting in a warm, safe and revolutionary home.

of the Duffey Family Children’s Village The eight children residing in each 5,000 square foot home will each have the benefit of a personal bedroom allowing for transition when a child needs their own space to reduce stressors and de-escalate. Aside from the spacious and vast footprint of the home, the outdoor space allows for a large, private backyard play area in a peaceful, park-like setting. The indoor living space intentionally incorporates safe and therapeutic elements that have proven critically important to the welfare of the residents, including: > 8 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms allowing the residents as much privacy and independence as possible while enabling them to work toward learning the skills and activities of daily living. > A DA compliant features ensuring a safe a comfortable environment. Homes will be completely accessible to all ranges of disabilities and will adhere to environments recommended for individuals with autism, such as guidelines for: Acoustics, Spatial Sequencing, Escape/Neutral Space, Compartmentalization, Transitions, Sensory Zoning and Safety. > Construction materials that are safe and durable such as high impact drywall and heavy duty furniture. > Energy-efficient windows and forced air HVAC system to help maintain a comfortable, and safe environment in the homes. > Smart home integrated features including LED lighting, adjustable dimmers, on/off switches, smart appliances and technology and so much more. > A specialized Sensory and Therapy room that can be used for low stimulus activities such as speech therapies, one-on-one instruction and a therapeutic environment to support each child’s social and emotional well-being.

Chapter 3 The Continuum of Care: Bridging Le One of the most important and impactful aspects of the Children’s Village is its proximity and seamless integration with the Center for Education, a therapeutic day school, on campus. 50% of the children who reside at Little City utilize the school which magnifies the importance of a holistic continuum of care for this young population. Little City’s group homes and Center for Education serve youth who require specialized, evidence-based, intensive environments and supports. These youth require significant skill-acquisition to prepare them to transition into adulthood. Many of the skills and tools learned in school are transferred into their home and vice versa. The structure, consistency and reinforcement that this dual system of life-learning provides is integral to the continuum of care for children with special needs. The Center for Education develops an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that provides personalized therapies and intervention services to address each student’s unique educational needs. With a direct focus on the education, therapeutic and life skills areas that most directly affect the child, the school works directly with the child’s residential staff to ensure communication of needs is seamless at home and at school.

earning at Home and at School The significance of the collaboration between the school and homes at Little City cannot be emphasized enough. As each child’s needs are unique and consistency is of vital importance, the school and home staff communicate with each other to make sure skills are learned and reinforced. Every effort is made to ensure each child attains the skills needed for as much independence as possible.

PROGRAM IMPACT: Youth will have the essential social, emotional, and adaptive skills to navigate their current environments as well as prepare them for adult community living, day activities, and vocational opportunities.

Chapter 4 The Continuum of Care: Vital Servic By opening the fifth home in the Duffey Family Children’s Village, the beneficial outcomes will be maximized. Not only will more children with similar needs reside together, but another home on Little City’s campus will then become available to house children with intensive needs. This resulting outcome will be transformational to the children Little City serves. Adjacent to the Duffey Family Children’s Village homes on campus, the high-intensity home, currently being renovated, will provide Little City the opportunity to help more children that are currently not able to be served. Little City will be the first agency in the state to serve these children without institutionalization. There is a tremendous demand for services to accommodate children with autism throughout Illinois and across the nation. However, autism support networks and healthcare providers widely acknowledge that the need for residential services has reached crisis conditions, particularly for individuals with intense needs. The physical, emotional, and financial strain on families of children with autism greatly increases the likelihood that children with autism will enter foster care. In these cases, out-of-home residential placement with adequate 24-hour support is the most appropriate option.

ces for Intensive Interventions Unfortunately, few facilities are equipped to address the needs of these children, and in Illinois many children are either sent to costly out-of-state placements, or they spend long stretches of time in inappropriate settings. Little City’s Continuum of Care will offer these children in Illinois a hopeful alternative. By opening the fifth home in the Children’s Village and therefore making available a home solely for intensive interventions, Little City can provide short-term, residential-school treatment designed to meet the needs of youth displaying the most severe behaviors. Youth within this service option will receive individualized 24/7 focused intensive interventions for challenging behaviors across classroom and home settings. As part of Little City’s Continuum of Care, these youth with be able to successfully transition to less intensive homes within Little City where their path to their most independent life can be achieved.

PR OGR AM IM PACT : Through Intensive Interventions, the number of youth sent out of state for services, ER visits, & psychiatric hospitalizations will decrease, freeing Illinois’ needed community human services capacity and reducing long-term state and community resources.

Chapter 5 Proven Success at the Duffey Fami For children with autism, which includes 90% of the children at Little City, life can be a daily struggle. But the homes at the Duffey Family Children’s Village have a solution. The children served: > Live with social anxiety:  Children will be selectively matched with other peers in the home who have similar behaviors, allowing for role models, and an increase in communication and socialization

> Exhibit sensory sensitivity:  Each home in the village will have a state-of-the-art Sensory Room.

> Lack skills needed for independence:  Children will be taught skills such as toileting, bathing, cleaning, eating, cooking, etc.

> Struggle with mood and emotional issues:  Private rooms will allow children to self-regulate and cope.

> May have a tendency to elope or self-injure:  Homes are under 24/7 supervision with safety features such as security, customized furniture, and unique construction and building materials.

> Have language and communication deficits:  Children have access to trained professionals, a therapeutic day school and modern technology devices for communicating.

Through a harmonious connection between the day school and homes, Little City’s children will achieve their highest level of independence as they transition to the next stage of their lives.

ily Children’s Village The therapeutic and sensory-rich environment has produced successful and important outcomes in the first four homes of the Children’s Village. By completing the fifth home, more children will be able to experience the benefits of this holistic environment: 1. Behavior / Clinical improvements: Decrease in the number of incident reports; decrease in requests submitted to repair property and personal damages.

80% of the children residing in the Duffey Family Children’s Village have succeeded in regulating their emotional and sensory systems and in their navigation from one environment to another. 2. Medical: Decrease in ER visits and hospitalizations. Since the opening of the village in 2015, visits to the ER and hospital have been cut in half. 3. Family and Staff: Decrease in staff turnover and retention; improved family and guardian satisfaction.

Since its opening in 2015, staff turnover at the Children’s Village has decreased by 50%, which is of vital importance to the relationships and trust built between children and staff. 4. Other: Increase in the level of a child’s functional abilities and life/adaptive skills; improved sensory regulation and integration for each child to increase their independence as self-sufficient adults.

80% of the children have successfully transitioned into adult programming and integrated into the community at large and are positioned to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to them.

Chapter 5 Proven Success at the Duffey Fami Over the course of the past five years, the Duffey Family Children’s Village has proven to be a transformational space for children with autism and other developmental disabilities. By completing the village and building the fifth home, more children, at a critical stage in their lives, will have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential in this state-of-the-art environment. Tommy first came to Little City as a student at the ChildBridge Center for Education in 2015. As his parents saw the improvement in their son and all Little City had to offer, they took the opportunity to transition Tommy into Larry’s Home at the Duffey Family Children’s Village in 2017. The results have been outstanding. After just one year at Larry’s Home, Tommy learned to make his bed every morning, put away his clothes, shower and brush his teeth every day and contribute to meal planning and preparation with his housemates. The design of Larry’s Home helped Tommy thrive in developing both his personal and social skills. Individual rooms allow for each resident to be responsible for their own belongings while the common room and kitchen provide an opportunity for housemates to socialize. Now at age 21, he recently transitioned to adult programming in one of Little City’s community group homes with three other young men. This move wouldn’t have been possible without the skills learned at the Children’s Village. Tommy is well on his way to working toward community employment and is now capable of living a life with as much independence as possible.

ily Children’s Village Braxton lives in the Duffey Family Children’s Village and was one of the original residents at Larry’s Home when it opened in 2015. He is a true testament to how effective the state-of-the-art homes can change a life as he made incredible improvements since arriving. Braxton initially came to Little City in 2009 and showed steady progress in communication and social skills, but it wasn’t until he was moved to Larry’s Home in 2015 that he really began to blossom. Bill, Braxton’s father, said the biggest factor in his rapid progress has been the opportunity for Braxton to interact with housemates his own age while also having his own room for personal space. “Braxton has thrived in Larry’s Home. Having his own bedroom has been key and moving in as one of the younger boys in a house with folks who were further along with social skills meant he started hanging out with and learning from his peers rather than simply sticking with adults,” Bill said. “Having long-term staff who know all the residents has really helped too.” Braxton has started to excel at chores and following directions and his communication skills, which include picture boards, sign language and speaking, have all improved. He continues to impress at school as he also gets ready to bring the skills he has acquired at Little City to the next stage of his life. “Braxton is just much more even-keeled, and much less likely to resort to acting out,” Bill said. While Braxton has made important changes, some things are worth keeping the same. From the first day he came to the Children’s Village until now, Braxton has never lost his love of dance parties in the Larry’s Home living room, and he remains the king of pillow fights!

Chapter 6 Now What? We need your help! Since the dream of a place like Little City became a reality over six decades ago, donors have played a vital role in supporting the organization’s programs and services. This financial support is more important than ever. Currently, Illinois ranks 44th in the nation when it comes to funding services for individuals with disabilities. While Little City is largely funded by the State, construction of the Duffey Family Children’s Village is funded solely through private donations. Although the expenses are great, they are also essential to the quality of life of our vulnerable youth. Philanthropic investments in the Duffey Family Children’s Village will help transform Little City into a national model for therapeutic services for children with moderate to profound autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. These investments will provide Little City’s children with holistic care and a place to call home for years to come.

The cost to build the fifth home will be $1.4 million. The necessary investment in this state-of-the-art home incorporates features that are essential to making this home transformational for decades to come.

Did You Know? The failure of current legislative measures have placed additional pressures on Little City to close a bigger funding gap.

Naming Opportunities You can leave a lasting legacy and further our mission by pledging your support to complete the Duffey Children’s Village. By selecting a naming opportunity with a generous gift, you will help to create a safe, comfortable living environment for our children living with moderate to severe autism. Your name or the name of someone you choose to honor will be recognized with the plaque/signage acknowledging your philanthropy.

The following naming opportunities are available: Home Naming Rights $500,000 Living Room $100,000 Dining/Multi-Purpose Room $75,000 Backyard/Outdoor Space $75,000 Kitchen $50,000 Activity/Family Room $50,000 Sensory Room $50,000 Bedrooms (8) $35,000 each Staff Office/Computer Room, Coat Room $25,000 each Brick Paver Purchase $5,000 / brick Other specific naming opportunities such as the patios, benches, laundry rooms, mechanical rooms, and wetland area are available, as well as custom opportunities to meet your needs. Interested individuals, corporations, families, and foundations can contact Jayne Drew at jdrew@littlecity.org or 847-221-7729. YOU CAN DONATE TODAY TO MAKE AN IMMEDIATE IMPACT AT


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