South Fulton, GA February 2020

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CHARM AND OLD-WORLD SOPHISTICATION AWAIT YOU IN NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI. Quite honestly, I did not know what to expect of this meridional city. Like most of the southern United States, civil rights made for tense environments in years past. However, rest assured this community is where “Y’all

Whether you are seeking the thrill of Mississippi’s

Means All!” No one is a stranger and you will be wel-

Madam Nellie Jackson or the unfinished grandeur of

comed with warm smiles.

Samuel Sloan’s Longwood octagonal mansion, one

To my surprise, there is an undeniable pulse of history, architecture, story-telling, and authenticity

thing is for certain: you will leave Natchez with a reason to share your story of style.

that makes this destination one of a kind. Historically,

Pack your bags to visit 3 of the best bed and

Jewish descendants would migrate to Natchez from

breakfast establishments to restore your peace of

New York seeking refuge and respite. A blink of an eye

mind and rest your soul.


may have you feeling the Hamptons spirit of spring but clearly there is a southern whisper that blows off the banks of the Mississippi that will awaken your curiosities about Natchez. February 2020 | South Fulton Lifestyle


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