Lifestyle 1 issue 702

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ISSUE 702 | OCTOBER 12 - 18 2017 Phone 08 8724 7111 www lifestyle1 net

Mt Gambier A&H Society 157th Spring Show October 20th + 21st 2017 Mount Gambier Showgrounds Pick Avenue Proudly sponsored by Gambier Earth Movers Pty Ltd See pages 2 and 3 for details





The Mount Gambier Show is one of the largest shows in the state. Every year the Mount Gambier A & H Society plan to deliver a highly fun-filled and admired event, this year is no different. This year’s focus is on providing entertainment for all ages with many new additions to the line-up of features. Of course the show could not go on without the support of our major sponsor Gambier Earth Movers who have been supporting this event for many years now. The program for 2017 includes indoor exhibits of arts, craft, cookery and flowers as well as livestock judging, vintage engines, horse events, speed shear and wood chopping just to name a few. Throughout the day the hub area

will come alive with entertainment of motocross stunts, whip cracking, the howling husky sled pull demo, free mini golf and mechanical bulls rides. On Saturday local musicians and community groups will entertain throughout the day followed by a night display of local rock bands who will take to the stage, this includes Bittersweet Fall, Awoken, Train of Nought and Rehashed. George The Farmer will be making a guest appearance on Saturday at 1pm kindly thanks the South East Natural Resources Management Board. He will entertain the kids by reading his stories, singing and dancing. The Ag Learning Centre will sure be a

hit again with animals on display as well as demonstrations of shearing, milking, aquaculture and feeding baby animals, which can be found in the Elders Ag Learning Centre pavilion. The Mount Gambier Show Trail is back again. This is one for all ages with the chance to explore the show by picking up a show bag and following the path to collect free giveaways. The show will conclude with demonstrations of harness racing, driving skill presented by SEAC, barrel racing and of course a fireworks display not to be missed. The 2017 event is held October 20 & 21. Ticket prices are Adults $16, Children (5-16 years) $8, Pensioners $10 and

There are 2,598,960 possible hands in a 5 card poker game

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ROBE Beachport

Southend Mt Burr

Apsley Edenhope Coonawarra PENOLA Nangwarry Tarpeena


VIC Coleraine


Kalangadoo Glencoe Tantanoola


HAMILTON Digby Branxholme

Moorak Condah Kongorong Carpenter Rocks Dartmoor Allendale Donovans Nelson Port MacDonnell HEYWOOD Narrawong


Details contained in this magazine have been compiled from information supplied by advertisers. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained here in. Prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries. | 03

Family $38 (family ticket admits 2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children). Children under 5 years are free. Car parking available at $3. Gates open at 9am daily. KEY 2017 ATTRACTIONS • Eljay Freestyle Motocycle stunts • Walter Whip and The Flames • The Howling Husky Sled Demo Team • George the Farmer • Free mini golf & mechanical bull rides. MOUNT GAMBIER SPRING SHOW Ocotber 20 & 21 Mount Gambier Showgrounds Gates open 9am daily






CELEBRATING A LOCAL BUSINESS ICON For anyone under the age of 25 in Mount Gambier, the large vacant building opposite Redgum and The Book Place and next to the South Aussie Hotel, used to house Fidler & Webb – an iconic store that was central to the economic development of this region courtesy of founding partners Caleb Fidler and Samuel Webb. It is a story that now spans 150 years and the Mount Gambier History Group is set to unveil that story in a not-to-be-missed exhibition opening this Sunday and running until October 27. The exhibition will capture the history of the men – Caleb Fidler and Samuel Webb – as well as the progression of the business and the role it played in the development of Mount Gambier and surrounding

districts. It has been an exhibition two years in the making and one of the biggest the group has put together in recent times. Group members have trawled through old ledgers and wage records and all sorts of historical records to put together a stunning picture of Fidler & Webb. “There’s not many people in Mount Gambier that don’t have some sort of connection to Fidler & Webb,” Mount Gambier History Group member Aileen Clarke said. The exhibition will trace the story back to Caleb and Samuel leaving England on this unknown adventure. Caleb arrived in 1851, basically boarding a ship at Plymouth hours after marrying his wife Phoebe, and Samuel followed in 1854, with his brother Thomas, although Mount Gambier was not their first home in Australia. This exhibition will not only be a chance for people to walk down memory lane, with the overhead money carrier one of the store’s most enduring memories, but also to learn many aspects of the story that are not as well known. “They didn’t just have a store in Mount Gambier but Millicent and Naracoorte as well,” Aileen said. “We have also researched their homes that are still here in Mount Gambier,” group member Margaret Brown said, her own family’s history in the region dating back to when Caleb and Samuel set up Fidler & Webb in Mount Gambier. Those homes are Pine Hall and Lambert Lodge. The fascination with the story is also due to the name Fidler & Webb survived for so long. “Not too many


business names survive like that,” Aileen said. In fact, one of the early slogans of the business sums up the 150 year story perfectly – “the business that grew and prospered with the district”. And it wasn’t just about lining their own pockets – the duo was intimately involved in the community through the church and local government, as well as playing a role in the establishment of the cheese factory. When Caleb and Samuel arrived, Commercial Street was a mud track, and the store did have a few homes before securing the Commercial Street site on the corner of Ferrers Street – that has in 1862, four years after the business opened in 1858. It was a business that even to the day it closed housed an eclectic group of products. In the early days there was seeds and gardening needs, the dressmaking and tailoring services, crockery and even gelignite. “In the early days they imported most of their things so they took a long time to come in,” Aileen said. Touching base with a | 04

number of former employees has also helped put together the exhibition. “Some of them worked there for 30 and 40 years,” Margaret said. “We have met three people who between them had 146 years of experience working at Fidler & Webb.” The exhibition will include old records, photos and also three shop windows recreated and it promises to capture the interest of the entire community. The very active Fidler & Webb social club has also provided plenty of fodder for the anniversary exhibition. The official opening is at 11asm on Sunday, October 15, by Mount Gambier History Group patron Jim Galpin and the exhibition will be open weekdays from 10am-4pm and weekends, 10am to 3pm in its Main Corner home on the King’s Floor and Balcony. Special extended viewing hours will be available on Thursday, October 19, when the exhibition will be open from 10am until 8pm.

The work of the region’s young and budding artists will be showcased in an upcoming exhibition at the Portland Arts Centre. The Portland Arts Centre will once again host the annual VCE Exhibition, offering local VCE students the chance to display their pieces in a professional setting. An opening event will take place on Tuesday, October 17, from 5.30pm to officially unveil the collection for viewing to the general public. Glenelg Shire Council Arts and Culture Manager Susie Lyons said the exhibition was a staple on the Arts Centre events calendar and welcomed it back again for another year. “The Portland Arts Centre is pleased to once again host the VCE Exhibition; this event is a unique chance for art students from all corners of the shire to come together and celebrate the love of art,” she said. “The exhibition will include work from art and studio art students from Bayview College, Portland Secondary College, Heywood and District Secondary College and Casterton Secondary College. Ms Lyons also commended the quality of the submissions received for the exhibition. “The exhibition is always notable for the impressive nature of the artwork and for the diversity of the subject matter and media on display. This year has proved to be once again be no different. I encourage all community members to take the time to come along and see the creative talent of our region’s future artists.” To register your attendance for the VCE Exhibition Official Opening event please contact the Portland Arts Centre by calling (03)5522 2263 or emailing The exhibition will be on display from October 17 – November 10. For further information on the VCE Exhibition, or future exhibitions at the Portland Arts Centre, please visit: .

LOCAL SURVIVOR ON STATE STAGE Mount Gambier’s Melena Roughana (left) was the White Lantern Ambassador at the Adelaide Light the Night event on Friday night. Not only did Melena share her story with that crowd and with the NIne News Adelaide audience the day before, but niece Ellyana Sims (right), sang Lena’s Song at the event - a track from her debut EP, written when her auntie was diagnosed. Light the Night events were held Australia wide including in Mount Gambier.

KEITH TAKES OUT STATE AWARD The Keith community should be proud this week - they were the sole Limestone Coast winner at last Friday night’s Brand SA Regional Showcase Awards. The town took out the Community Award for its Diesel & Dirt Derby. The Keith event is one of the most action-packed events regional South Australia has to offer, attracting 10,000 people to enjoy tractor pulls, buggy racing, a header demolition derby, and the Australian Jet Sprint Championship. The jetboat sprint circuit is dug by hand – one of many displays of passion from the event’s organisers who first launched the diesel and dirt derby as a way to transform the Keith and Tintinara District Show. The now award winning event returns next year on March 24. The Brand SA Regional Showcase Awards were presented in Whyalla last Friday night. ACTION PHOTO COURTESY OF ALAN MORCOM

VINTAGE TRUCK DISPLAY NOT TO BE MISSED It has been a decade since Mount Gambier last hosted an Historic Commercial Vehicle Club (South Australian Branch) Rally but it will have been worth the wait for vintage truck lovers with the 2017 event, which kicks off this Thursday, set to see some of the rarest and most lovingly restored vehicles from across Australia. Mount Gambier’s Murray Langford has devoted his life to trucks and his passion has spearheaded this six day event, with a display at Hastings Cunningham Reserve, this Saturday, from 8.30am-11am, the best time for the general public to come and check out these incredible machines and find out their history from their dedicated owners. “This is a trucking town and

SAVE UP TO 25% ON RUNNING COSTS Talk to us and discover how. | 06

always has been,” Murray said. And he should know – he has not only restored a number of trucks in his own

collection, which is the envy of truck lovers across the world, but he is also called upon to complete restorations for other truck owners – such is the quality of his work. “There will be a huge range of trucks from small farm trucks to prime movers,” Murray said. The locally based aficionado will have four of his vehicles on display and most of this week has been spent sprucing them up for the big display on Saturday. The rally kicks off on Thursday with general yours of Mount Gambier, while Friday will see a visit to Terry Buckley’s Mingbool potato farm, and Merrett’s tractor and bulldozer graveyard. Saturday’s public display will be followed by a visit to Mount Gambier’s limestone quarries, while Sunday will see the vintage truck lovers head to Yallum Park, Penola and the Nangwarry Forestry & Logging Museum. Monday, October 16, will see a visit to Millicent and its much-heralded museum, as well as a visit to the Davies property, while Tuesday will see the visitors head to de Bruin Engineering and to Port MacDonnell to see the Feast family’s car collection. Organisers are expecting 70 vehicles and around 120 people. “It is great for the town to have something like this,” Murray said. “And this is a great chance for people to not just see the trucks but to talk to the owners about their history.” The visitors will also get a chance to see Murray’s latest restoration project – a 1950s Diamond T. “There is only about 20 of these left in the world,” Murray said. He bought it from the United States and has about a further 12 months of work to officially add it to his collection. And speaking of rare, Murray will have his GMC semi trailer on display for this rally – it is the only one left in the world and one of around 70 reasons you should head to Hastings Cunningham Reserve this Saturday between 8.30am and 11am to see the vintage truck display.


NANGWARRY TOWN MEETING The community of Nangwarry is invited to contribute their ideas about the future of its township through the development of a 10 year plan for the town. Wattle Range Council representatives will facilitate a meeting on Wednesday, October 18, in the Nangwarry Community Hall, the aim of which will be to gather information for inclusion in a plan to be driven by the community. “Developing a plan will enable the community to present their future vision for the town and to identify strategic projects and initiatives to be progressed over the ensuing ten years,” Director Development Services Steve Chapple said. “Community Town Plans have been completed for the townships of Penola, Coonawarra and Millicent, with Rendelsham, Beachport and Southend currently in draft stages. The focus is now on the community of Nangwarry.” Running from 6pm to 8.30pm this initial meeting will help develop a future vision statement for the township; to highlight what makes Nangwarry unique; and to identify potential opportunities for the future. Anyone seeking further information is encouraged to contact council on (08)8733 0900 or visit www.

INAUGURAL AGED CARE EXPO PART OF THE 2017 CELEBRATE SENIORS PROGRAM An Aged Care Expo will be held in Millicent later this month as part of Council’s program of events to Celebrate Seniors. The inaugural event will be held on Wednesday, October 18, and will provide the community with information about a range of services and health care opportunities available to Seniors in the region. With free admission from 10am until 2pm, this Expo is a must see for Seniors seeking a wider understanding of what is available in their community to assist them. It will also provide an excellent opportunity for those working in health or aged care to update their current

knowledge and to browse amongst the many services and organisations represented at the expo. The Council on the Ageing (COTA) is providing two 45 minute sessions in the Millicent Gallery, at 11am and 1pm. These information sessions will provide a valuable insight into the topics of ‘Maximising My Independence’ and ‘Moving Right Along - Older Drivers and Safer Vehicles’. Wattle Range CEO, Ben Gower said the Aged Care Expo will provide a unique opportunity for people of all ages to be better informed on the wide range of assistance options available to them in our community. Health Care Providers or Services in the region who may wish to be part of this Expo are welcome to contact Catarina Santos, Environmental Gambier Hospital building which stood abandoned with many broken windows for years, until it was finally demolished in 2013. The Broken Windows project was one of several Children’s Perspectives of our City projects in which local early child education groups have particpated.

CHILDREN’S ARTWORK UNVEILED The Mount Gambier Child Care Centre today made a special presentation of images to the City of Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee as part of the Broken Windows project. A series of three creative images were developed by children reflecting on their interpretation of the old Mount

Left - City of Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee receives the Mount Gambier Child Care Centre commemorative art piece ‘Broken Windows’. He’s pictured with Library Children’s Services Coordinator Kelly Lynch, Mount Gambier Child Care Centre Director Fiona Paltridge and children Savannah Riddoch and Harlow Dalton.

OPEN INSPECTIONS Vicki Quinn Real Estate • SAT 14th 10.30-11.00. 7A Lansell Street • SAT 14th 11.00-11.30. 3/22 Hart Street • SAT 14th 11.15-11.45. 83 Bay Road @realty - Peter Dempsey

Health Officer on (08)8733 0900 or by email on au There is no charge for stall holders. The full program for Celebrate Seniors can be obtained by visiting Council’s website; Council’s Facebook page, the Millicent Council Office or any of Council’s Visitor information Centres.

• SAT 14th 10.00-10.30. 4 Buffalo Court • SAT 14th 10.45-11.30. 1 Saxon Court • SAT 14th 11.45-12.30. 38 Sassanowsky Rd Compton • All weekend by appointment. 149 Bay Road Moorak Complete Real Estate For open times refer to Gebhardts Real Estate • SAT 14th 9.30-10.00. 104 Lake Tce East • SAT 14th 9.30-10.00. 3 Peters Street • SAT 14th 10.15-10.45. 47 Brolga Street • SAT 14th 10.15-10.45. 24 Shalamar Cres • SAT 14th 11.00-11.30. 4 Altinio Drive

KELPIE CENTRE ONE STEP CLOSER Construction of the Australian Kelpie Centre in Casterton has moved a step forward with the contracts for the construction and fit out of the centre approved by council at the end of last month. The Glenelg Shire Council recently received grant approval from the Australian Government to construct the Kelpie Interpretive Centre, incorporating the town’s Visitor Information Centre in addition to an interpretive Kelpie display and large meeting room.

• SAT 14th 11.00-11.30. 29857 Princes Hwy Glenburnie Herbert Real Estate • SAT 14th 9.00-10.00. 106 Wehl St Sth • SAT 14th 10.30-11.30. 88-91 Suttontown Rd Suttontown • SAT 14th 11.45-12.45. 23 Lumidin Bvd • SAT 14th 1.00-2.00. 21 Powell Street • SAT 14th 2.15-3.00. 17 Queens Avenue • SAT 14th 3.15-4.00. 46 North Terrace • SUN 15th 11.00-11.45. 3 Allawah Terrace • SUN 15th 12.00-1.00. 11 Bellaire Close • SUN 15th 1.30-2.15. 20165 Riddoch Highway Mil Lel Key 2 Sale Real Estate • SAT 14th 10.00-10.30. 14 Badenoch Street • SAT 14th 10.45-11.15. 37 Ash Court • SAT 14th 11.30-12.00. 5/22 Burgona Ave • SAT 14th 12.15-12.45. 53 Crouch St South • SUN 15th 11.15-11.45. 20 Lee Court • SUN 15th 12.00-12.30. 7 Umpherston St • SUN 15th 1.00-1.30. 33990 Princes Highway Compton LJ Hooker Real Estate • SAT 14th 11.00-11.30. 1/8 Boomerang Ave • SAT 14th 11.45-12.15. 34 Tolmie Street Malseeds Real Estate • MON 16th 5.30-6.00. 77 Johnston Road Moorak Remax Real Estate • SAT 14th 9.30-9.50. 3/4 Cedar Street • SAT 14th 10.00-10.20. 40 Eglington Tce • SAT 14th 10.30-10.50. 15 Oolna Street • SAT 14th 10.30-11.00. 41 Percy Street • SAT 14th 11.00-11.20. 18 Dalkeith Drive • SAT 14th 11.30-11.50. 225 Commercial Street East • SAT 14th 12.15-12.45. 92 Wehl St South | 08

THERE’S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY 12 Callahan Place, Mount Gambier A magnificent elevated home with endless views over Conroe Heights and Mount Gambier. Screaming luxury throughout, no stone has been left unturned. Boasting 4 bedrooms and home office, all bedrooms with robes. Master with designer ensuite, spa bath and WIR. Solid timber floors sparkle in the kitchen, meals, family area. Gourmet kitchen with stainless appliances, granite benches, 2 pak cupboards and walk in pantry. Loads of living is on offer with a fantastic games room complete with built in bar.

Formal lounge with gas log fire and mantle plus a stunning dining room with an A1 outlook. Outdoors offers endless all year entertainment with a large covered pergola area, self cleaning swimming pool and near level block on approx 1230m2 (approx). Other features include ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, double remote garage and workshop with loads of storage, rear yard access, sparkling main bathroom, the list is endless‌.inspect to be impressed. Book your appointment today.

4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CAR

NEW PRICE Priced at: $529,000

Gebhardts Real Estate Suite 2/14 Helen Street Mount Gambier Phone: (08) 8725 5766 Agent: Ben Jeffrey M: 0417 810 246 Web: RLA 1903 | 09

Suite 2/14 Helen Street, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Ph 08 8725 5766 www.

104 Lake Terrace East




3 Peters Street



This beautifully maintained property in an elevated position is situated on a 736m2 (approx) allotment. Close to OPEN schools, shopping and SAT all amenities. North 9.30-10.00 facing and spacious.


47 Brolga Street



Solid & spacious. An affordable home looking for a first home buyer to seize an opportunity. Quiet location, close to CBD. OPEN Priced to sell. SAT 9.30-10.00

29857 Princes Highway Glenburnie

10 Red Oak Place



24 Shalamar Crescent



Beautifully maintained residence in the popular Birdsville area. Lovely views, solar panels and rear yard access. OPEN Inspect asap! – In SAT conjunction with Vicki 10.15-10.45 Quinn Real Estate

15 Gardiner Terrace




4 Altinio Drive


Tucked away in a quiet cul de sac is this lovely home which will suit the first home buyer or investor, ideal location OPEN – be quick! SAT 10.15-10.45

12 Callahan Place






A modern delight. Quiet & quality location close to schools, shops & parklands. Boasting all a family desires & at an OPEN affordable price. You SAT won’t buy better. In 11.00-11.30 conj. With Malseed R/E.

16 Kaleo Court








27 acres approx. The perfect lifestyle property offering privacy and relaxed living only minutes from the city, stunning views, OPEN full sized tennis court, Paradise is only an SAT inspection away! 11.00-11.30

20 Buffalo Crescent




Quality home bursting with features – 4 bedrooms, main with WIR & ensuite, stunning designer kitchen, quality finishes, polished timber boards throughout. 1,091m2 approx.


22 Tenison Drive



A charming home featuring cathedral ceilings, updated kitchen and light filled open living. Loads of living areas & great shedding- 2 street access and fantastic entertaining area.









Brand new home awaiting its lucky new owner – A superb property. If you are looking to build, book your inspection Asap. Rear yard access to detached double high clearance garage- Located in the popular Aramanta Subdivision. Will not disappoint. 880m2 (approx)

16 Tweed Crescent




Immaculately presented family home in ever popular Tenison Drive. Five bedrooms – (two bedrooms both featuring a stunning ensuite). Four bathrooms, amazing indoor pool area, theatre room with wet bar and powder room.

66 Milstead Street Port MacDonnell




1,238m2 approx. A luxury home loaded with features. Three living areas, outdoor dining and well maintained self cleaning pool. Elevated position to capture the beautiful outlook. Size, space & quality all on offer.

8 Somerset Close

29 Lake Terrace East






A class act – this beautiful and spacious home is situated in a Blue Ribbon location close to everything including the Blue Lake – inspect asap!

177 Kilsby Road, OB Flat





This superb family home is situated on an elevated 1005m2 (approx) allotment in a quiet Cul-de-sac in the popular Conroe heights - the ultimate family home!

7 St Andrews Drive





Superb Family home in an A1 Lakes location, close to schools and shopping nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac on a 969m2 (approx) allotment. Great shedding and covered entertaining area.

1A Limestone Court





“THE AUGUSTA” Outstanding home. Master suite on top level with lounge area and balcony. Lower level with three bedrooms, kitchen/dining/living area, bi-fold doors to alfresco area. Hardwood stairs. Double garage.

11-54 Jubilee Hwy West






Super spacious solid home ideal for the growing family or investor alike. Great area close to McDonald Park Primary School, shopping and reserves. Inspect asap!



RENTALS 2/3 Kilsby Place 1/84 Bay Road 2/84 Bay Road 2/193 Commercial Street West 24B/184 Jubilee Highway West 8 Franklin Terrace 2/210 Commercial Street East 13 Dulkara Avenue 157 Bay Road 167 North Terrace 10 Mahoney Avenue 5 Park Street 17 Wyatt Street 11/89 Shepherdson Road 6 Candlewood Court 45 Sassanowsky Road



Beautifully presented Cottage offering immediate street appeal! Residence offering a total of 4 bedrooms, fully renovated kitchen, s/c heating, detached bedrooms/kitchen/living space.





Beautiful family home located in the City fringe on 1,890m2 (approx). 2 titles – to be sold as a whole. Is immaculate inside & out. Country living – City convenience





A light filled and spacious courtyard home in popular location. Big on space. Close to hospital & market place complex. An ideal investment. Priced to sell. In conj with Key2sale R/ Estate.





A solid investment – tidy unit in well maintained group. Break the rental cycle or invest – currently leased at $135 per week

1 Form apply online Gebhardts Property Management Suite 2/14 Helen Street, Mount Gambier Ph 8724 8088 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 9

Avail 24/11/17 $140 per week Avail 10/11/17 $165 per week Avail now $165 per week Avail now $170 per week Avail 13/10/17 $220 per week Avail 3/11/17 $220 per week Avail 13/10/17 $245 per week Avail now $245 per week Avail 12/12/17 $260 per week Avail 3/11/17 $265 per week Avail 13/10/17 $275 per week Avail 10/11/17 $275 per week Avail now $350 per week Avail 17/11/17 $380 per week Avail now $400 per week Avail now P.O.A


8 Franklin Terrace

5 Park Street


Avail 3/11/17

Avail 10/11/17

3 1 1 $220 pw • 3 bedroom home • Built in robes in 2 • Lounge with s/c heating • Detached games room with built in bar • Eat in kitchen with electric cooking • Quiet location • Single carport UMR • Pets

3 1 1 $275 pw • 3 bedroom home • One with built in robes • Eat in Kitchen with electric cooking & dishwasher • Family room with r/c air con • Det single garage • Under cover rear decking • Central • No Pets

Negotiable | 10

6 Candlewood Court


Avail Now 4 2 2 $400 pw • 4 bedrooms, all with BIR’S, main with ensuite & WIR • Gas & elec cook plus dishwasher • Large formal lounge • Gas central heating • Undercover entertaining area • Double garage UMR with internal access • No Pets

Suite 2/14 Helen Street, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Paul Chuck SALES 0409 541 113

Ben Jeffrey SALES 0417 810 246

Jo Campbell SALES 8725 5766

Sharyn Ferguson PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 8725 5766

Malcolm Lewis SALES 0411 899 693

Contact our office today to view our current properties or one of the NEW

7 Coora Avenue





Solid construction and spacious living. An ideal family home or investment property. Well maintained inside and out. Close to parklands, shops and schools.


13 Bluebell Drive





A perfect investment or one to call home. Quality location with lovely parkland views. Spacious living areas and fantastic yard & shedding. In conj with Miller Whan & John.

3/6 Coolabah Street





Solid and spacious unit in quiet and quality group, close to schools and shops. A great investment opportunity or one to call home. Currently leased @ $220 per week.

2/46 Derrington Street





112 Jubilee Highway West





Great value packed property with two living areas and unrestricted access to large high clearance garage for 4 plus Vehicles. Not to be missed!

Bengalee Crescent – Stage 4




Quality location – a spacious and solid family home. Boasting all a family desires, elevated outlook and at the doorstep of the Blue Lake. Leased at $345 per week until 12/4/18.

$120,000 $115,000 $124,000 $115,000 $130,000 $135,000 $135,000

Lot 86 Lot 54 Lot 87 Lot 55 Lot 88 Lot 56 Lot 89

$128,000 $120,000 $128,000 $115,000 $128,000 $115,000 $130,000

Lot 103 Crouch Street North


Lovely brick and tile unit in a quiet group of three ideal for the first home buyer or investor – close to all amenities.

RENTALS 17 Wyatt Street





A prime investment – a well presented unit in the city centre. Development opportunity S.T.C.C. with large rear yard. Adjoining unit available. Only minutes walk to city centre and Vansittart Park. Elevated cul-de-sac location.


51 Montebello Drive





Immaculate North facing home in an ideal location close to the Hospital & Tafe precinct. Not a thing to do! Inspect asap.

2 McIntosh Street Nangwarry

Premium allotments within Aramanta Estate, sweeping views of Mount Gambier, sizes ranging from 731m2 to 1,069m2. All services, fully fenced and retained. Ready to choose your dream block! Lot 50 Lot 57 Lot 51 Lot 58 Lot 52 Lot 85 Lot 53


1/23 Hart Street


2/23 Hart Street





Only minutes walk to city centre – offering an ideal investment in the heart of the city. Opportunity to purchase adjoining unit and develop S.T.C.C. Inspect and be impressed. Elevated cul-de-sac location.


25 Sturt Street

a | 523m2


Zoned city centre, this wonderful near level allotment is awaiting your low maintenance home office Commercial project (subject to council consent). Close to everything – this is a perfect opportunity.

8 Elliot St Pt MacDonnell

listed below!

12 Lila Crescent, Nene Valley






The perfect seaside escape – approximately 6 years old and offers everything you could desire. Fantastic rear pergola area, a real mans shed and only steps to the beach.

44 McMahon Road Worrolong





An idyllic country retreat, loaded with charm on approx. 5 acres. Surprisingly roomy and offers fantastic entertaining. A perfect country getaway!

23 O’Halloran Tce

$115,000 TO $135,000




6 Davis Crescent Ph 08 8725 5766 RLA 1903

Sue Mitchell PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 8725 5766

737m2 Approx


Central rare earth on offer, a flat fully fenced block on approx 737m2. A short walk to McDonald Park Primary school & St Martins Lutheran College. Enquire Now!





Well cared for low maintenance home that offers high clearance carport and high clearance garaging set amongst beautiful grounds in the country township of Nangwarry.

42 Eight Mile Creek Road, Eight Mile Creek

a/ 8,041m2 approx


A beachfront block awaiting your creative masterpiece. Ideal site for a family home or weekend getaway. Swim, fish, surf at your doorstep.





Three bedroom home just 80 metres (approx) from the beach. Large kitchen/living/dining, second living area, double length garage. The perfect weekender!

LOT 54 Eight Mile Creek Road Eight Mile Creek

a/ 6,600m2 approx


ENDLESS POSSIBILITES • Smell the sea air • Great block ready to build on approx 6,600m2 • Beautiful sandy beach access only a few minutes walk away • Chance to build your dream holiday





The perfect family home in an A1 location, close to schools, retail therapy and the lakes precinct Exceptional high clearance shedding – inspect and be impressed! 1472m2 (approx)

Pascoe Road Allotment, Pt MacDonnell



Great rural views and only one street back from seafront. 1,300m2 plus (approx), fenced and ready to go. All services available.

1 Form apply online Gebhardts Property Management Suite 2/14 Helen Street, Mount Gambier Ph 8724 8088


2/2 James Street

2/193 Commercial Street West

20 Sturt Street

• Harrald Street • 30A Commercial Street West • 1/2 James Street • 2/2 James Street • 10 Bay Road

Avail Now 3 1 2 $350 pw • Three bedrooms • Large Lounge room with gas log fire • Two way bathroom • Stunning rear entertaining area, with built-in bar • Garage plus carport • Central and North facing – walk everywhere • Pets neg

Avail Now

• Shed 5/12 Bodey Circuit • 20 Sturt Street


• 1 & 2/249 Commercial Street West

• Ideal for retail or office space • Approx 98.16 m2 • Polished floorboards throughout • Two double access doors • Great window space • Fantastic Location • Great incentives on offer from lessor • POA

• 2 & 3/193 Commercial Street West • 23-25 Commercial Street West | 11

Avail Now

Commercial • Approx 85m2 • Separated into two areas • Wet area • POA

Avail Now

Commercial • Great location close to CBD & other medical services • Two consulting rooms & procedure room available on a daily basis

• Use of reception area, leased room/rooms and staff amenities • Receptionist



96 CROUCH STREET SOUTH MOUNT GAMBIER 3-4 BED | 2 BATH | 5 CAR LOCATION AND CHARACTER $364,500 Nestled on the side of the blue lake, a location to be desired. 3 large bedrooms and office area they could become a 4th bedroom, stunnung kitchen with island bench and modern applainces. Formal lounge with slow combustion heating and split system air conditioning. Feature cornice work and polished floor boards.

0418 854 393

1 SAXON COURT MOUNT GAMBIER 4 BED I 2 BATH I 4 CAR SIMPLY THE BEST $439,500 Inspection will impress the fussiest of buyers as this home has been built with quality in mind. Featuring solid tassie oak floors, 9ft ceilings, 3 living areas, raked ceilings, northern aspects to catch the winter sun, 4 bedrooms plus office area, floor to ceiling tiling in bathroom and ensuite, master bedroom with wrap around walk in robe and ensuite, with spa to soak your troubles away.

WESTEND DELI 252A COMMERCIAL STREET WEST MT GAMBIER WEST-END DELI/ BUSINESS $78,000 WIWO Great opportunity to be your own boss. Ideal business for mother and daughter or family. Well established by current owner for the past 11 years with a great loyal and passing clientele. Fantastic trading hours 5.30am to 2.30 pm monday to friday. Great plant and equipment, and being sold as a walk in walk out.


1/218 COMMERCIAL STREET MOUNT GAMBIER 3 BED | 1 BATH | 2 CAR CHARACTER COTTAGE $155,000 This home has the character of yesteryear, 3 bedrooms, lounge up graded galley kitchen and bathroom laundry areas. Gas heating, private yard, and two carspaces and located handy to all of mt gambiers facilities. Ideal for renovator investor flipper or short term accommodation

158 TELFORD ROAD MOORAK 4 BED I 2 BATH I 2 CAR WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO $722,000 Best of country living, set on just over 2 ½ acres. Minutes from mount gambier and even closer to schools. Kitchen, open meals family area. Formal lounge and dining. Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning. Stunning home where only an inspection will reveal the quality of this home. Landscaped gardens and beautiful views of mt gambie. 38 SASSANOWSKY ROAD COMPTON 4-5 BED | 2 BATH | 4 CAR FOR THE FAMILY $485,000 Perfect country home on mount gambier’s city limits. Set on park like surrounds, just under 5 acres. Beautifully renovated bathroom and laundry areas. Upgraded kitchen, theatre room, family room, kitchen meals, split system air conditioning, slow combustion heating, bore water rainwater 4 bay garage plus lots more.

OPEN FOR INSPECTION: SATURDAY 11:45 - 12:30 PM 19 BELLVALE COURT MOUNT GAMBIER 4 BED | 2 BATH | 5 CAR GREAT SHEDS, EXECUTIVE HOME $595,000 Perfect for the farmer looking to come to town or the person wanting to keep their boat and caravan at home. This executive home has all the extras, great shedding beautiful home, stunning views, low maintenance, extras include rain water office open plan living air-conditioning, 2 living areas, covered decking, double garage umr plus 3 metre high clearance 8 x 11.5 garage.


$319,000 plus gst

Fantastic opportunity to buy a prime location commercial property, whether to grow yor business or ad to an investment portfolio this property could be ideal for you. Aproximately 360 sq/m metres of buiding area sitting on 1,146 sq/m of land area. Al purpose building that could suit a range of businesses. Currently used in metal fabrication business. Priced to sell


26 TURNBULL DRIVE MOUNT GAMBIER 4 BED I 3 BATH I 3 CAR CLASSIC HOME IN RURAL SETTING $525,000 Looking at a life change, well why not come and inspect this beautiful home on a wonderful lifestyle allotment. Located only metres from mount gambier golf course and surrounded by other quality homes. This could be just what you are looking for. You only need walk in and enjoy this home which comprises of 4 bedrooms.

12 HUME COURT MOUNT GAMBIER 4 BED I 2 BATH I 3 CAR STUNNING FAMILY HOME $420,000 Pleasure to offer this immaculate family home, built as a display home, with features and finishes you would expect. High ceiling spacious living areas, stunning bathrooms and wet areas, classic kitchen with stainless steel products. Out door entertaining, ducted heating and cooling. Great garaging and secure private yard.

IMPRESSIVE IN EVERYWAY EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Pleasure to offer this stunnning residence nestled on a 4,743 sq/m allotment on mount gambiers city limits. The ultimate in lifestyle living with room to move and quality you can only dream of. Built by owner builder niche homes this home has all the wants and needs of most families. Downstairs are 3 bedrooms and office, with the main bedroom with large wir.


4 BUFFALO COURT MOUNT GAMBIER 4 BED I 2 BATH I 2 CAR PRESTIGE EXECUTIVE HOME $690,000 Arguably the best floor plan of a brand new home to be placed on the market for some time. Stunning finishes throughout, quality fixture and fittings, designed to northern aspects, perfect living and entertaining areas, state of the art kitchen with butler’s pantry, floor to ceiling tiles in a wow factor wet areas, outside entertaining areas designed for all year use.


3/5 JOHN STREET MOUNT GAMBIER 2 BED I 1 BATH I 2 CAR IMMACULATE HOME $229,500 Check out this beautifully presented home, located in a popular part of mount gambier, close to shops. The home has open plan kitchen meals family area, with 2 good size bedrooms with bir garage umr with inside access and space for 2nd vehicle or small caravan, lovely appointed wet areas and covered patio

210 COMMERCIAL STREET MOUNT GAMBIER 3 BED | 1 BATH | 4 CAR DEVELOP, RENOVATE OR OFFICES $210,000 Wow what an opportunity to create a great asset in mount gambiers commercial street. Create a office/ commercial hub, a home, development or an investment. Solid stone home on a corner allotment with great vehicle access for parking

PETER DEMPSEY | RLA: 269823 | 0418 854 393 | | 12


RLA 226179 | 13

08 8723 6866 50 James Street, Mount Gambier | Fax: 08 8723 3809

Chris Manser Real Estate & Livestock sales

Garth Manser Real Estate & Livestock Sales

Elisha Beare Real Estate Sales

0417 414 127

0417 071 180

0407 213 023

RLA 280309

15 Kookaburra Court, Mount Gambier

Lot 11 Mingbool Road, Mil Lel

13 Queens Avenue, Mount Gambier

644 Glenelg River Road, O.B Flat


SOLD LAND $385,000



This unique 82 acre property is located just 2.2kms from Mount Gambier and offers bitumen road frontage. Two excep onal elevated house site op ons (one with power adjacent) both with picturesque views across the countryside. The property is fenced into four main paddocks and watered by windmill with a 100,000 litre tank High carrying capacity block with excellent fer lizer history, ca le yards with bale head and loading ramp and a 1ha na ve tree planta on, established in 2008. An opportunity not to be missed, view this property today to truly appreciate all it has to offer.




Solid, quality built family home is situated on a 1081m2 allotment and is located in the Birdsville area Breathtaking Tasmanian sandstone facade and me culously maintained gardens Four bedrooms, main with WIW and an ensuite, mber kitchen with electric cooking, dishwasher, double sink, large pantry and plenty of bench space & & a dining area that overlooks a large led second living area that is filled with natural light Other features of the property include ducted reverse cycle air condi oning, good quality blinds and drapes throughout, quality fixtures and fi ngs A single bay garage with a remote roller door and internal access, and rear yard access to another two bay garage and storage area.

5 Grange Place, Mount Gambier





Large 1772m2 allotment and is located close to the CBD, a private school and two public schools. Currently the home is tenanted on a periodic lease at $225.00 per week with the possibility of development at the rear of the home ( S.T.C.A ) Kitchen with gas cooking and a servery opening to the dining area, 3 bedrooms, including main with BIR, and the third bedroom with a WIR, enjoy the ambience and warmth of the gas log fire in the large lounge area Other features of the home include a large rear rumpus room, polished mber floors and instant gas hot water. The rear yard offers a double bay garage with sliding doors and a single car garage, which could be used as a games room.

4 Stella Place, Mount Gambier





88.3 acres of magnificent, fer le volcanic soil and only ten minutes from the town centre of Mount Gambier. Solid Family home with 4 double bedrooms, huge lounge, dine in kitchen and slow combus on wood hea ng, rain water, bore water, large 30m x 19.5m fully cemented shed, plus concrete apron with three phase power, prac cal central laneway, ca le yards, shearing shed, hay shed and 35,784 KL water taking licence, with underground irriga on hydrants and an unequipped bore. Suited to all aspects of primary produc on including prime lamb, beef and hor cultural.

22 – 40 Bishop Road, Mount Gambier



in the Glenburnie, Donovans, Conmurra or Zone 2A Management Areas

Contact our office on 8723 6866





1376m2 building allotment located close to schools and shops Surrounded by quality built homes All services available Unequipped bore Room for your dream home and a large shed This block is ready to build on, phone your builder today



Vacant 842m2 allotment in a quiet neighbourhood Power, gas, phone and town water connected Close to St Mar ns Lutheran College and McDonald Park Primary School Surrounded by quality built homes Contact our office today for more informa on

Approximately 9.5 acres Perfect for redevelopment or build your dream home (STCA) Located behind the Market Place complex Zoned residen al Contact Elisha Beare on 0407 213 023 today

8725 0500

7 Helen Street, Mount Gambier / RLA 416 106 Wehl Street South, Mount Gambier

88-91 Suttontown Road, Suttontown

23 Lumidin Boulevard, Mount Gambier

OPEN Saturday

OPEN Saturday

OPEN Saturday







• 2 for the price of 1 • Stone 2-bedroom cottage • 1-bedroom self-contained unit





• Open plan living/dining/kitchen • 2 bedroom self-contained granny flat • 1.35ha

17 Queens Avenue, Mount Gambier


OPEN Saturday

OPEN Sunday

















9 Herbert Street, Mount Gambier




• Large Shedding • Rear Street Access • Stunning Federation Home

11 Bellaire Close, Mount Gambier OPEN Sunday 12.00-1.00




• Honey - Stop the Car! • Versatile floor plan • 2 living zones

• Delightful five room home • Great views over the city • Tranquil outdoor entertaining area

20165 Riddoch Highway, Mil Lel


3 Allawah Street, Mount Gambier

OPEN Saturday


OPEN Saturday

• Open plan executive living • Outdoor undercover entertaining area • Polished concrete floors

46 North Terrace

• Why build when this is only 4 years old! • Stunning open plan, kitchen, dining & lounge • Undercover outdoor area

21 Powell Street, Mount Gambier





• Executive living • Quality fixtures & fittings • Court yard allotment

RENTAL: 1/3 Henty Street, Mount Gambier

RENTAL: 112 Lake Tce East, Mount Gambier

OPEN Sunday 1.30-2.15





• 10 acres divided into 2 large paddocks, • House block, holding pens, various livestock enclosures, • 2 lockable sheds and a 2-bay carport




• Great location • Perfect investment or owner occupied • Court yard allotment



$325 per week



• Centrally located with private courtyard • Spacious living area with gas heating • Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances | 14


$225 per week



• Modern kitchen • Light, bright dining room and family room • Gas heating in lounge


SALES Vicki Quinn 0417 804 782 or Carolyn Gazzard 0418 813 233 RECEPTION Phoebe Douglas 08 8725 4225 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Denise Mitselburg 0437 902 438 Lisa Yeates Emma Beare





10 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier RLA 204710

7A Lansell Street


83 Bay Road



OPEN SATURDAY 10.30 - 11.00AM

OPEN SATURDAY 11.15 - 11.45AM

BOASTING AN IDEAL LOCATION & INDIVIDUALITY Looking for something just that little bit different but don’t want to compromise on location? Oozing the ambience of a chalet rarely seen in this area. This quirky four bedroom home offers delightful outlooks to lush green foliage from just about every room. Multi level living areas provide plenty of space to be on your own while the lounge and dining rooms are lovely spaces for family entertaining. All bedrooms are a good size and the main offers a roomy ensuite and built in robes. Gas ducted heating under the floor ensure year round comfort. The exotic rear yard provides a private place to relax with family and friends in the warmer months. Internal access from the garage is available as is vehicle access through the garage to the rear yard. A short walk to the Lakes, main street or the New Rails Precinct.

TIMELESS ELEGANCE IN AN A1 LOCATION Return verandah villa situated on prestigious Bay Road. With gorgeous character features this home was originally built in 1918 and is situated on a block size of over 2600 square metres. Comprised of 4 bedrooms, formal lounge with gas heating and ornate fireplace. Formal dining, Tasmanian Oak kitchen, and rear family/sun room. The period style bathroom is renovated with a separate toilet. There is ample shedding, including a 3 bay garage with 2 remote roller doors plus a workshop and garden shed Rain water is plumbed to the house And there is an irrigation system for easy care of the manicured gardens. Relax and move in with nothing to do, or extend stcc, on this magnificent allotment situated in the very heart of Mount Gambier.

3/22 Hart Street


8 Mackenzie Street


8 Mayflower Court


Leased at


Per week

OPEN SATURDAY 11.00-11.30AM WELL LOCATED 2 BEDROOM UNIT Two bedroom “stand alone” unit located close to the city centre. Only three units in the complex. Large open plan living with generous lounge, full kitchen & large dining area, warmed by gas heating. Kitchen with pantry, electric stove & plenty of bench space. Both bedrooms have built ins. Bathroom with separate bath & shower. Single garage UMR with auto door & internal access. Large paved pergola + private rear yard.

LAKESIDE GEM! Located in the desirable lakes area and close to great schools this 3 bedroom home would make a wonderful investment property or first home. Polished floor boards throughout the living areas, including the fully and beautifully renovated kitchen. Lounge room with r/c split system plus the ambience of an open fire place. Separate north facing dining area with stunning views over the city. Updated bathroom and separate toilet. Outdoor entertaining area next to a rumpus/games room or turn it into a 4th bedroom or teenagers retreat. Good sized rear yard. Double carport and extra storage under the house. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to purchase a property in this sought after area. Call now to book your inspection.

15 Cobblestone Court

$435,000 - $445,000

WIDE WELCOMING & READY TO ENTERTAIN Located in prestigious Cobblestone Court. This 4 bedroom plus dedicated office executive home offers built in robes in all bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms finished with neutral décor. Offering large open plan living, spacious enough for the biggest of family gatherings. Ideal formal lounge or home theatre. Entertainers kitchen with gas cooking. Garage under main roof with remote roller door for up to 4 vehicles. Elevated outdoor entertaining completes this impressive home.

8 Cherokee Court


IDEAL FOR A FAMILY Comprised of 4 good size bedrooms. Main with walk in robe and ensuite. Bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 all with built in robes. Open plan kitchen dine with electric wall oven, cooktop and dishwasher. Spacious family room and large lounge room. Fantastic pergola area with gas heating and mains gas outlet for a barbecue. Single garage UMR with separate storage room/ bar area. Double gates to double garage with power, water and gas connected. Just move in and enjoy, great value for money here.

25/184 Jubilee Highway West


Leased at


Per week

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Neat & secure 2 bedroom unit located close to eateries and shopping complex. Modern fixtures and fittings throughout. Both bedrooms have built ins and TV points. Open plan lounge and kitchen with r/c a/c. Kitchen comprises of gas stove, wide hi gloss bench tops & English style laundry with front loader washing machine included. Carport has remote roller door and direct personal access to unit. Enclosed rear yard & extra vehicle parking. Leased @ $190 pw.

18 Derwent Court


AFFORDABLE FAMILY HOME IN A QUIET CUL-DE-SAC Situated in an established and quiet area this lovely home has loads of street appeal. Main bedroom with WIR & ensuite. Remaining 2 bedrooms with BIR. Formal lounge has the ambience and convenience of a gas log heater. Second living area with sprung timber flooring. Kitchen with w/I pantry. Spacious main bathroom with separate bath & shower. Vehicle access to rear yard which is fully enclosed with a garden shed. Add your own flair and you’ll be proud to call this your home.

61 Dalkeith Drive


IDEAL EXECUTIVE LIVING Deceptively spacious 4 bedroom home located in popular Max Young Park. Open plan kitchen/dine and family with stainless steel appliances and gas cooking. Superb home theatre room or 2nd living area. Dedicated office. Master bedroom with ample robes and opulent ensuite with sep toilet and double vanity. Ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling throughout. Family room opens on to lovely decking ideal for Summer entertaining. Double garage under the main roof. Move in here with absolutely nothing to do.

24/184 Jubilee Highway West


MODERN COURTYARD HOME Located in the Finchley Grove development within a short walk to a shopping centre and eateries. This 3 bedroom courtyard home is styled with neutral colourings throughout. Open plan kitchen/dining area with gas cooktop and dishwasher. 3 large bedrooms, all with BIR. Three-way bathroom with separate bath and shower. Large laundry with loads of storage space. Gas ducted heating throughout + split system in the lounge room. Single remote garage with internal access. Relax or entertain in the large pergola area. Currently leased at $275 p/w.

RENTALS 5/99 Sturt St 2 1

$150 p/wk Avail 13.10.17

50 Lachlan Cres 3 1 1

71 Wireless Rd West 3 1 1

$205 p/wk Avail 10.11.17

1/41 Jubilee Hwy West $320 p/wk Avail 30.10.17 3 1 1

17 Holloway Cres 3 1 1

$220 p/wk Avail now

40 Eglington Tce 4 1 1

$230 p/wk Avail now

4 Ellis St 3 2 2

$260 p/wk Avail 16.10.17

11 Lasiandra Cres 3 1 1

$260 p/wk Avail 27.10.17

LUXURIOUS & LOW MAINTENANCE FAMILY HOME The perfect home to raise your growing family. 4 Bedrooms plus study, or convert to a 5th bedroom. Main bedroom with WIR and ensuite with double vanity. All other bedrooms have BIRs. Open plan kitchen/dining/family which opens onto the outdoor entertaining area. Spacious formal lounge/home theatre room & ducted gas heating throughout. Double garage UMR with internal access. Low maintenance gardens leaving more time to enjoy with the family.

$270 p/wk Avail 13.10.17

11 Yahl Main Rd 5 2 2

$330 p/wk Avail 30.10.17

8 Cherokee Crt 4 2 3

$340 p/wk Avail 23.10.17

2/41 Jubilee Hwy West $340 p/wk Avail 30.10.17 3 2 1 | 15

50 Lachlan Crescent


A GREAT BEGINNING Stop the rent rut with this winner. Spacious living areas are just the beginning of this 3 bedroom gem. The main bedroom has a walk in robe & access to the bathroom. Bedrooms 2 & 3 have built in robes and the fully functional kitchen features a walk in pantry, gas cooktop & dishwasher. The enclosed garage has a pot belly making it the ideal party room all year round. A fabulous starter.

RENTAL OF THE WEEK 71 Wireless Road West

Available 10.11.17 @ $205 p/wk 3



08 8726 4400 $169,500

2 Gaden Street, Mount Gambier


367 Carpenter Rocks Road, Moorak

AUCTION - ON SITE 04/11/2017 @ 11am






3 Torrens Street, Mt Gambier

ATTENTION INVESTORS! LONG TERM TENANT INCLUDED • Three bedroom home • Main with built in robes • Neat and dy eat in kitchen

• Formal lounge area • Renovated bathroom • Large enclosed back yard • Detached garage • Certainly worth an inspec on

Barry Ritter 0408 853 180



9 And 11 Lean Street, Mt Gambier


NICE OUTLOOK! • 3 Bedrooms • Master with ensuite • Separate lounge room • Updated kitchen • Open plan Kitchen Meals area Barry Ritter 0408 853 180


6 Gumbirra Court, Mt Gambier






BIG FAMILY? TWO HOMES ON 1 TITLE • Each home contains: • Freshly Painted • 3 Bedrooms • New blinds to all windows • Timber Floors • GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO GET • Open Plan Kitchen INTO THE HOME OWNERS MARKET! WEB Id. 17814227 Damian Venn 0438 904 771 6 2 2

• 3 bedrooms • Good size lounge • Open plan kitchen dining • Landscaped gardens • Secure rear yard WEB Id. 17307139 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180

• Tidy func onal bathroom • Freshly painted throughout • Located in a culdesac • Close to The Market Place


g a z in * ! n am IN a p e r ie n c e W ld x cou y e You o li d a h a 0 0 r r fo $ 15 ,0 g is te a l f ro m is ly re S im p y ap p ra a g e n t t rs er in ! p ro p c a l E ld e to w lo aw e dr your .a u / in th a te .c o m o g t to a le s rs re xxx e ld e ay h o li d w in a

WIN an amazing $15,000 holiday experience!*

• Zimma c centre pivot irriga ng approximately 40 acres. • 97,126kl taking water license included in sale. • Well-appointed North facing home with arguably the best views in Mount Gambier. • The home has four bedrooms, are all of a generous size with the master bedroom having a walk-in robe and ensuite. The two main living areas either side of the kitchen creates a central hub to the home. • Your comfort is assured with electric reverse cycle hea ng and cooling and the added benefit of a slow combus on wood fire. • An addi onal feature of the home is the security system keeping the home safe all year round.



and con l terms y ida See ful apply. .au/winahol itions om *Cond lestate.c rea elders

to:: ks to ks nk an an ha TTh


RENOVATE ME! • Sun porch • Formal lounge • Two driveways • 4 bedrooms • Slow combus on hea ng and reverse • Large living area cycle split system • 2 bathrooms • Roller shu ers • 2 kitchens Barry Ritter 0408 853 180 4 2 1

s at:



• Main bedroom featuring WIR and amazing ensuite • Second living area or games room upstairs • Fully Self-contained Home office/Living Quarters at rear of home • Privacy and space on an easy to maintain 4743m2 block Inspec on by appointment








Includes: Town Water, Sewer, Power, Telstra, Hot Mix Roads, Colorbond Fencing, Bike Paths Allotment Sizes 1194M2 TO 2492M2

BRETT EXELBY - 0458 548 756 9 Bay Road, Mount Gambier, SA, Australia, 5290 «\ÊänÊnÇÓÈÊ{{ääÊUÊv\ÊänÊnÇÓÈÊ{{xÈ e:

• Spectacular Hampton styled home on the edge of Mount Gambier • Opulent Kitchen & Dining complete with absolute quality fixtures • Impressive Living room with s/c wood fire and office nook • Indoor/Outdoor spo ed gum decking entertainment UMR • 4 large bedrooms (3 downstairs with WIR’s)





Section 189 Kain Road, Yahl




Brett Exelby 0458 548 756

Lot 216 Springview Estate, Suttontown



te atte a Esstta eal Es Re

*Conditions apply. See full details terms andfor conditions at: Simply register your a property appraisal from your local NSW Permit Number LTPS/17/15675, ACT Permit Number TP 17/01294, SA Licence Number T17/1235 Elders agent to go in the draw to win!



149 Bay Road, Moorak

Real Estate

8 Vansittart Road, Mt Gambier

WEB Id. 17964332 Grant Schubert 0429 077 033

(If not sold prior) • Very well presented property consis ng of 97 acres • Conveniently Located approx. 5km from Glenburnie Saleyards and 15km from the Mt Gambier town centre • Highly produc ve and well-draining Loam soils with pastures including Sub Clovers and Rye Grasses • Fencing is in very good order consis ng of wire and barb • Electric hot wire present on both external and internal fencing supplied by solar unit • Fenced into 4 paddocks plus laneway to ca le yards Web Id: 17979417 Brett Exelby 0458 548 756

Rural Sales

Residential Sales

Residential Sales

Sales Representative

Property Management

Property Management







0458 548 756

0408 853 180

0419 829 721

0438 904 771

0409 978 004

8726 4400

9 Bay Road, Mount Gambier

m t g a m b i e r @ e l d e r s . c o m . au RLA 62833 | 16 Phone (08) 8723 2121 55 Commercial St East, Mount Gambier John Overmaat 0417 874 286

Steve Auld 0478 144 178

Kim Cawthorne 0418 807 596

RLA 240002


SATURDAY 11.45 - 12.15pm


SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30am

34 Tolmie Street

7 Mosswood Close

THIS HOME WILL BRING ON A “SMILE” • You’ll have plenty of space in this renovated, well presented family home • Offering three Bedrooms - all with BI Robes • Upgraded Bathroom with fresh ling and separated Shower and Bathroom • Formal Lounge with S/C Wood Heater plus R/C Air Condi oner PRICE AT $267,000

• Kitchen / Dining with bench servery • Family room with direct rear yard access • Large private enclosed rear yard with garden shed, Cubby House & Pa o • Double Carport • Timber floa ng floors to all living areas plus high ceilings make this a property well worth viewing

Unit 1/8 Boomerang Avenue



• • • • • •

• Modern stand alone brick unit • Spacious Open plan Lounge, Dining & Kitchen • Two Bedrooms with BIR’s • Private rear and side yard • Garage UMR with internal access • Loads of cupboards and bench space • Choice Central Loca on PRICE AT $209,500

3 Bedroom brick & le home 2 Bedrooms with BI Robes L shaped Lounge & formal Dining with Gas wall furnace Modern Kitchen with Breakfast Bar & Servery Family Room or casual dining directly off Kitchen 2 way Bathroom with Bath

PRICE AT $229,000

3 Myall Street

14 Tallara Avenue

34 Has ngs Avenue

• Well-presented brick & le home • 3 Bedrooms with BI Robes & individual Mitsubishi Inverter Air Condi oners (Split System) • Formal Lounge with log fire Gas hea ng • Renovated Kitchen/Dining with BI Dishwasher & Panasonic R/C Air Condi oner • Upgraded Bathroom – Upgraded Laundry PRICE TO SELL $239,000

• Great SE loca on, lounge with gas hea ng & kitchen with dining nook • Office plus storeroom extension on the rear • Colourbond roof & aluminium windows • Two separate driveways • Carport and private rear yard

• Contemporary, modern and luxuriously appointed spring to mind when you walk into this home • Formal lounge off front entrance • 3 bedrooms all with B.I robes • Well appointed modern kitchen with B.I dishwasher and pantry cupboard

PRICE AT $159,000

PRICE AT $319,000



A HOME WITH STYLE AND GRACE • Dining & family room • Double garage & huge rear yard • A home with stylish presenta on & chic finishes that are enhanced by ample open plan living space that flows out to the pa o and rear yard • Currently tenanted for the investment minded

malseeds real estate Mt Gambier Millicent Port MacDonnell Robe Beachport

08 8724 9999 1 Wehl Street South, Mount Gambier & 98 George Street, Millicent 08 8733 1989 15 Wilson Street, Mount Gambier

$329,000 to $349,000

77 Johnston Rd, Moorak

AUCTION – unless sold prior HISTORIC 1890’S HOMESTEAD SO CLOSE TO THE CITY! • On 7.7 acres approx. of volcanic soil, the home is surrounded by beau fully manicured lawns and gardens The swimming pool only adds to the enjoyment of the property. • Large kitchen featuring a dishwasher and gas oven, plus ample custom fi ed cupboards and granite bench tops. • Formal dining area with high ceilings and mber floors. Lounge with open fire place, opening onto the verandah with views over the beau ful gardens.

MOVE IN AND ENJOY • 3 bedroom home on 1013sqm approx block, could be subdivided S.T.C.A. • Tailor made fi ed kitchen with stainless steel appliances. • Immaculate modern presenta on throughout. gas mains. • Central loca on, Electrically re wired.


OPEN 16TH OCT 5.30-6PM Jason Malseed 0419 032 795 3

Jason Malseed 0419 032 795 32 Vansi art Rd, Mt Gambier


EXQUISITELY PRESENTED • Impressive kitchen with quality les, dishwasher and electric cooking. • 3 generous bedrooms all with BIRs. • Brand new carpets and freshly painted throughout. • Reverse cycle air con & gas hea ng in lounge. • Brand new, light & bright bathroom.

Alistair Coonan 0439 681 539




1/1 Thrush St, Mt Gambier




GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD • Gas hea ng in the open plan kitchen/dining/living area. • Electric cooking in the kitchen. • Paved rear pergola with block out blinds. • Small beau ful garden in front of the property. • All the features of a great home in a compact size.

Kirby Vassallo 0457 004 364








24-26 Livingston St, Blackfellows Caves $365,000-$375,000

4 Tasman Ct, Mt Gambier

SHEDS & MORE SHEDS • Nestled amongst beau ful established gardens & walking distance to the beach, is this immaculately presented solid brick & le 4BR family home. • Purchasers requiring loads of shedding including high clearance will be most impressed. • The spacious living area welcomes you inside to a Tasmanian Oak kitchen, which overlooks the casual dining & lounge.

A NEW CHAPTER AWAITS • Built by Versace in 2015, this solid family home is a must for inspec on. • Magnificent kitchen, with an impressive butlers pantry, quality white goods. • Two living spaces offers convenience for the growing family. • The light and bright master suite with two-way walk thru robe to a huge ensuite, featuring dual shower heads, double vanity and loads of bench space.

Jason Malseed 0419 032 795

Alistair Coonan 0439 681 539




Malseeds Real Estate - Contact us for all your storage needs. | 17




2 | 18 | 19 | 20

HomeStart Finance Australian credit licence 388466

Free Home Buyer Seminar HomeStart Finance are holding a free Home Buyer Seminar to provide expert tips and advice on buying or building a home.

Tuesday 24 Oct 2017, 6.30-8pm Mt Gambier City Hall

Register at

MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN CAMBODIA It takes a lot to move Paul Chuck to tears but the sight of more than 300 children and 100 parents lining the dirt road to the Oromjeach Primary School, in Cambodia, eagerly awaiting the essential school supplies and food, he, and wife Marita, had in tow did just that. A previous trip to Cambodia, where they visited former Mount Gambier based friend Ken Thompson, and his wife Nary, opened Paul and Marita’s eyes to poverty like they had never seen before and they were determined to do something about it. “I know people talk about the poverty and problems we have in Australia but we have welfare and services and they (Cambodia) do not – that’s the

difference,” Marita said. The children are on the verge of starving and wear tattered clothes, usually no underwear, and they attend a run down school with a couple of old whiteboards and no real supplies or equipment. But for the children, education is the key. “If even a handful of these kids can get through school, get educated and get a job then it will be a good thing,” Paul said. And that’s where the fundraising came in, with Paul and Marita basically approaching family friends and local business, as well as some proceeds from daughter Justine Jennings’ debut children’s book, money was raised and then Paul and Marita went to Cambodia, bought the supplies and headed to

the school to hand everything out. “We don’t actually need big donations, just a little bit helps heaps,” Paul said.

“There is no middle man here. We’ve done all the exchanging ourselves. Too much gets lost in administration and kids who need it get very little which is why we are doing this ourselves.” They have also made the all important contact with the town elder and head monk, who is right behind their project, as well as the invaluable assistance of Nary, as interpreter and both Marita and Paul are committed to ongoing support for the school. “We were never going to just breeze in there with these people and then drop them,” Paul said. “We are looking to provide ongoing support.” Even this initial trip to handover the school supplies exceeded their original hopes and target and they were able to hand over a pack containing new school uniform, two pairs of underwear, a pair of thongs and school stationery. Just as importantly, sporting equipment was also handed over and educational wall posters and books. “Up until this day, the children

had never had anything given to them.” Marita said. “There are no birthdays or Christmas celebrations or toys to play with. The town elder told us the children had never had anything to play with.” A pregnant cow has also been delivered to the school and will provide ongoing income through the sale of calves. Paul and Marita also handed out 400 bread rolls and a small milk from a local bakery. “We just wanted people to know what had happened with their kind donations and the difference it will make,” Marita said. The school packs went to children who live in a community where one meal a day is the norm, and that is plain rice, maybe with some spice, but certainly not supplemented with vegetables or meat. “They have no power, no water, no toilets,” Marita said. The dilapidated school facilities are also on Marita and Paul’s radar and they hope to continue to raise funds so the classrooms can be painted and the floors re-cemented. A vegetable garden is also set to be established at the school with the children set to learn how to grow the vegetables and then take them home for their families. Any ongoing donations of children’s summer clothing, and toys in good conditions would be greatly appreciated and you can contact Marita at maritachuck@ or Paul at paul@gebhardts. to find out how you can help or to drop off a donation. “Without the community’s help this could not have happened,” Marita said. “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” The funds from Justine’s self published Amazon Kindle book Little People Can Change The World, that is still available, continue to go towards the Cambodian project. Above (top) - Paul & Marita Chuck (at rear) with many of the students wearing their new uniforms. Above (bottom left) - A group of students in thier new uniforms and with their stationery packs. Above (bottom right) - Some of the village children eagerly awaiting the new clothes and school supplies. | 22

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Junior Consistency Award - Necia Evans (Life Member) presents to winner Eliza Hunter (Kalangadoo).

Junior Umpire Achievement Award - Keryl Ousey (Kalangadoo) with Jamie Hunter (IH Hunter Insurance Services – Donor)

15 & Under - Emily Thompson (Glencoe - Best & Fairest); Fiona Wilson (Donor) & Brianna Scanlon (Tantanoola - Runner Up Best & Fairest)


13 & Under - Rosie Nettle (Hatherleigh - Runner Up Best & Fairest); Lacey Haines (Hatherleigh - Runner Up Best & Fairest); Alice Goode (Mt Burr - Best & Fairest) with life member Raelene Smith.

17 & Under - Life member Kylie Serle; Eliza Hunter (Kalangadoo - Best & Fairest) & Lucy Perkins (Robe Runner Up Best & Fairest)

GETTING BACK TO NATURE Spend a day exploring the forest these school holidays at Natural Resources South East’s Cubbies at the Forest event at Mount Burr, Mount Gambier or Keith. NRM education coordinator Vanessa Freebairn said last year’s cubby building event at the Valley Lake Conservation Park was well received by local families. “We had such a good response at last year’s event, with more than 300 people attending, so we decided to expand with additional events in Wattle Range and Tatiara District Council,” Ms Freebairn said. “A lot of our parks and reserves really are hidden treasures, and most are free to enter. As part of this year’s Nature Play Festival, we want to create a space where families can be away from screens, connecting with each other and with nature.” In addition to cubby building available all day, the event will host bush craft stations, face painting, a mud pit and storytelling sessions. “We encourage families to pack a picnic lunch, and there will be a free sausage sizzle provided by Millicent Lions on the day if you would like an extra bite to eat,” Ms Freebairn said. “Forestry SA will also be at the event with a firefighting vehicle for the kids to have a close look at.” Just a 12-minute drive from Millicent, off Golf Course Road, Kay Native Forest Reserve will provide the setting for the much anticipated Cubbies at the Forest event on Wednesday, from 10am to 2pm. Events will also be held at Valley Lake Conservation Park in Mount Gambier on Tuesday, from 10am to 2pm, and Mount Monster Conservation Park, near Keith, on Thursday, 10am to 2pm. To assist with catering, please register your interest via Eventbrite | 24

Aiden Mustey

Morgan & Angus Troebinger

COLLECTED STUPIDITY - EAST MEETS ROBBIE.. By ROBBIE TANSEL As I write this I’m sitting in a hotel room in Xi’An, China. For those of you wondering where is Xi’An, you

are ignorant westerners who need to really start to broaden your horizons. This is one of the biggest cities of the

most populated country on Earth, who happen to also be one of our most important trade partners and I won’t tell you...because I don’t know either. I’ve honestly got no idea where I am at the moment. You’ve got Google maps so have a look. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but China is not at all like they made it appear in Chinese restaurants and Jackie Chan movies. There is no carpet on the walls and no one has jumped off a roof or had a kick ass fight. So why am I here? I can’t really be sure. I think largely I’m here to see if I can survive for a couple of weeks in a country that has no food that normally makes up my regular diet and where no one speaks English. After one day I’d say I’m not going particularly well. I’m possibly the worst eater in the



world. I’ve survived for thirty or so years on potato products, chips, roast potatoes, potato bake, baked potato or even kartoffelpuffer. People who know me will be absolutely amazed that I ate two dumplings tonight. I would say that I essentially have a food phobia and I will be bringing up new food before I even put it in my mouth normally. So for me to eat two dumplings is nothing short of a miracle. Boy I’d like some chips right now though. My language difficulties began pretty quickly. We flew from Melbourne to Guangzhou before transferring to another flight to Xi’An. While in the Guangzhou airport I decided I could probably do with a bottle of water. I found bottles of water for sale at

a restaurant in the airport. I got it out of the fridge, making my first attempt to convert the price from yuan to Australian dollars in my head. When I put the bottle of water on the counter, the woman chatted away at me in Chinese, which I’m sure she was only doing optimistically. She then chatted away at one of the other staff members sounding quite irritated. It seemed quite clear that she wasn’t happy that she was having to sell me the bottle of water. After talking with the other lady, I think she simply decided it was going to be too difficult to try to explain the issue to me so she simply took my money and sold me the water. I have three theories of what the problem may have been. Theory one is she’d already balanced the till. People hate having to give change when they’ve already counted up the money for the night to be balanced. I was paying for an eight yuan bottle of water with a one hundred yuan note (because I’m a high roller in China). This required quite a bit of change (92 yuan to be exact; do I have to spoon feed you people all the time? The currency is different but the Maths is still the same!) Theory two is that the restaurant only sold water to people who were purchasing meals at the restaurant. Seems a bit silly but businesses don’t always make good decisions. Theory three is there are bitches in every country of the world, even China. I think it’s pretty lucky that China manufactures nearly everything that is made in the world today. It’s going to be pretty handy not having to freight parts from somewhere else for all of the car accidents that surely happen here. I’ve never seen driving like this and I’ve driven around the McDonalds roundabout, often at the same time as Victorians. I believe there are road rules here, but I’m not sure that the government has gotten around to letting everyone know yet. Or they think it would just be more fun to all try to go at the same time. Think about it, there is something kind of thrilling about that idea. So far I’ve seen about ten accidents and about thirty near misses. I think the Chinese government could get rich if they started taxing people for using their horns. I’m pretty sure my bus driver wore his out today. Anyway, if you’ve worked out where I am, please email me at robbietansel@

FROM $4,790

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a Local! Trust





How many clues did you need? 1. I was born in 1972. 2. I attended St Joseph’s College in Ferntree Gully, Melbourne. 3. I am married with three children. 4. I was taken at pick number 87 in the 1992 national draft. 5. I played 207 AFL games. 6. I am a two time premiership player. 7. I was a member of the 2000 All Australian team. 8. I played for Essendon & Port Adelaide. 9. I graduated to coaching in 2005 as an assistant to Alistair Clarkson at Hawthorn. 10. I am the reigning AFL premiership coach. My name is Damien……..? ANSWER: DAMIEN HARDWICK

SUDOKU Reality


How to play: To solve this puzzle each 3x3 box, each row and each column must contain all the numbers from 1 to 9.

Thursday Oct 12 8.40pm on 10 SA 2 7 9 3 5 4 1 6 8

5 4 3 1 6 8 9 2 7

6 1 8 7 2 9 4 5 3

1 9 5 2 8 7 3 4 5

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8 2 4 5 3 6 7 9 2

7 8 1 9 4 5 6 3 2

9 5 2 6 1 3 8 7 4

4 3 6 8 7 2 5 1 9


2 5 6 4 9 6 8 5 4 1 2 4 5 7 1 6 3 3 7 6 8 9 7 2 4 9




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Tickets available from the South Aussie Hotel or phone Gaz on 0476 923 733 | 28

1. Who won the 2017 Norm Smith Medal? 2. What is the capital of Spain? 3. In what field of the arts do we associate Sir Laurence Olivier? 4. Who won the 2017 Clive Churchill Medal? 5. How old was Hugh Hefner when he died last month? 6. Which international act headlined the NRL grand final pre-game entertainment? 7. In which Australian State is the city of Griffith? 8. Which Aussie author wrote the Booker Prize winning novel Oscar and Lucinda? 9. Which Emmy award winning actress announced her breast cancer diagnosis late last month? 10. How many children does Aussie actress Naomi Watts have? 11. In what year was the Melbourne Storm founded?

12. In which Australian city was music sensation Sia born? 13. Tony Micelli was the lead character in which 1980s TV sitcom? 14. Country music artist and actor Tim McGraw is married to which fellow country music star? 15. In which country was neurologist & founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud born? 16. Who is the Premier of Western Australia? 17. Who is the coach of the Australian Diamonds? 18. By how many points did Richmond win the 2017 AFL grand final? 19. Who wrote the Australian novel The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith? 20. Which two Australian States or territories border the Gulf of Carpentaria?

ANSWERS 1. Dustin Martin; 2. Madrid; 3. Acting; 4. Billy Slater; 5. 91; 6. Macklemore; 7. New South Wales; 8. Peter Carey; 9. Julia Louis Dreyfus; 10. Two; 11. 1997; 12. Adelaide; 13. Who’s The Boss?’; 14. Faith Hill; 15. Czechoslovakia; 16. Mark McGowan; 17. Lisa Alexander; 18. 48 points; 19. Thomas Keneally; 20. Northern Territory & Queensland






Soft shell taco bake 1kg butternut pumpkin, peeled, cut into 1.5cm pieces 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons ground cumin 300g reduced-fat fresh ricotta, crumbled 100g low-fat feta, crumbled 1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves,

chopped 425g can black beans, rinsed, drained 2 zucchini, peeled into ribbons 8 tortillas 375g jar medium chunky salsa 40g (1/2 cup) reduced-fat cheddar, coarsely grated Baby herbs, to serve

Method Preheat oven to 210C/190C fan forced. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place pumpkin on prepared tray. Drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with cumin and season. Roast for 20 minutes or until just tender. Cool for 5 minutes. Coarsely mash. Add ricotta, feta, coriander and beans to pumpkin. Stir to combine. Season. Place zucchini in a heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water. Stand for 2 minutes. Drain. Refresh under cold running water. Place 1 tortilla on a work surface. Spread a little pumpkin mixture over half of tortilla. Top with zucchini. Fold in half. Repeat to make 8 tortillas. Grease a rectangular baking dish with oil. Spread one-third of the salsa over dish. Top with tortillas. Drizzle with remaining salsa. Top with cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until cheese melts. Top with herbs, if using.

IN THE GARDEN SPRING BLOSSOM FESTIVAL ON NOW IN MOUNT GAMBIER What a buffeting we have had in recent weeks and this has without doubt been one of the longest, coldest, drawn out starts to Spring in a long time, if you can even call it Spring!! It must be nevertheless, as the blossom trees and plants all around us are telling us so!! The wonderful thing about spring is the awakening of many of the trees, shrubs and myriad plants from their dormancy or resting period over winter. Spring bulbs are in full swing and the Blossom Trees around the region are looking stunning despite the horrendous winds! We have been madly standing up advanced trees and securing them during these blasts at Limestone Coast Advanced Trees, both in our retail and growing areas amazed that the blossom hasn’t blown to Tasmania. At Limestone Coast Advanced Trees (167 Bay Road, Mount Gambier) the Spring Blossom Festival is in full swing with hundreds of blossom trees including weeping cherries, mop top blossom trees, magnolias, crab apples and shrubs putting on massive displays. If you haven’t called in now is the time to come for a drive an marvel at the array on offer and pick up a stunning trees for your garden! With up to 50% off selected blossom trees and shrubs now is a great time to not only get a stunning plants but bag a bargain at the same time! (see advert facing page) We deliver throughout the Limestone Coast daily and in to Western Victoria

By Calum Haygarth Landscape Architect & Horticultural Consultant

daily as far across as Geelong, Horsham and beyond in addition to us sending plants and trees right across Australia. Last long weekend we sold heaps of weeping flowering cherries which are all looking amazing in full bloom, especially the white with double pink just bursting in to flower as I write and we have just brought another load of magnolias in from the growing area, in full flower and bud, with the new dwarf series being extremely popular for smaller gardens and pots .Spring is also seedling time, with a vast array of flowering seedlings with bulk trays of petunias and marigolds on special and tomato plants are coming out of our ears with all sorts of specials available for spring!! I think we could safely say that tomato planting time is here and that the weather can only go forward from here. Fruit and nut trees are also in blossom with some of our almond trees bearing nuts already and masses of flowers on the avocadoes

so there should be some good crops on even our smaller trees this season. Half price avocadoes and assorted fruit and nut trees ends on Sunday 22nd October unless sold out prior. Rose are in full swing too, with some flowering already despite the cold winter and spring and we have some half price bush roses available for those wishing to pick up a last minute bargain!Spring weather has also brought many of us outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and even dine outside! Our new season outdoor furniture styles are due in shortly but we are fully stocked with all of our range of Solid teak and stone furniture, cast aluminium, wicker and other hardwood ranges. There are some spring specials on outdoor settings as well as coffee/casual settings in real wicker which is often hard to find! (see website for our full range of outdoor Furniture).The Spring Blossom Festival goes on until Sunday 22nd October at Gardenarium and Limestone Coast Advanced Trees joining forces to offer this amazing display at 167, Bay Road Mount Gambier, just a stone’s throw from the Blue Lake.

CELEBRATING A ZEST FOR LIFE It has been called Seniors Month, Celebrating Seniors, Every Generation Festival and now ZestFest - a month of activities tailormade for our older community members and also highlighting the role they play in every sommunity’s life. Now in its 50th year, ZestFest brings with it a brand new look, new name and new momentum to mark this significant milestone. ZestFest will build on the success of past festivals engaging with corporate and cultural partners as well as many community organisations to deliver this annual, statewide event. The festival features both a curated and community program, ensuring a wide range of activity to celebrate, connect and challenge modern ageing across the State. ZestFest events are listed on the ZestFest website. Check out local council websites and facebook pages as well for full details of what’s happening in your community. | 30



Club Person of the Year - Laurie Cella

Senior runner-up best & fairest Jessie Bradley with senior best & fairest Hinerau Te Tau Mita.

Under 15 best & faifrest Ella Doody with Under 15 runner-up best & fairest Sophie Charlton.

Left - County Football Club Under 12 award winners (from left) - Ella Coulson; Molly Livingstone; Lucy Siedel; Nikki Wagener & Alyssa Hubber

County Football Club’s 2017 Players’ Player of the Year - Charli Hockey 2017 Coach’s Award - Bek Morgan


Haven of Hope is a Limestone Coast based organisation that mentors women through supported accommodation, teaching an integrated Life & Parenting Skills Program. These types of services take money and the group is holding a movie fundraiser this Sunday at Mount Gambier’s Oatmill Cinema. Tickets are $15 a head and can be purchased from LIME FM or at the cinema on the day from 2pm. The movie on offer is the latest John Corbett flick - All Saints - based on a true story about a salesman-turned-pastor and some Karen refugees. To find out more about Haven of Hope head to havenofhopeaustralia | 32



I’m proud to work for OneFortyOne.

IN HER OWN WORDS - CAROLYN JONES Just before Christmas last year Carolyn Jones and her family were completely blindsided by her breast cancer diagnosis. Three weeks before what is usually a time of celebration, the Jones family was facing the upheaval, trauma and uncertainty that a cancer diagnosis brings. Carolyn knew there was a lump in her breast for about six months but with a history of cists, and as she was feeling fine, she had no sense of urgency. A trip to the GP yielded a referral to a specialist who saw Carolyn the same week during his visit to Naracoorte and that kickstarted whirlwind of two operations, a course of chemotherapy and then radiation treatment. In fact, Carolyn has only recently received the all clear, and is now setting up continuing her recovery and getting her life back. That week of her diagnosis is still fresh in Carolyn’s mind. “My GP thought it might only be a cist but erred on the side of caution and said it would be best if I saw the specialist,” Carolyn said. “Even when I went to make the appointment with the specialist I was honestly in no hurry but he was pretty keen to see me.” That was Carolyn’s first clue that she was in for bad news. “I was OK after the GP referred me and started to feel a bit worried when the specialist wanted to see me urgently and then by the time we were driving to Naracoorte

I was distraught,” she said. The specialist took a biopsy and his fears were confirmed – the lump in Carolyn’s breast was cancerous. The 11mm lump then had to be removed via a lumpectomy where lymph nodes were also taken to see if the cancer had spread. There was cancer on one of those lymph nodes and so Carolyn went back under the knife to have all the lymph nodes removed. “The Friday before Christmas I found out the rest of them were clear which, in the circumstances, was some good news,” Carolyn said. She then had to wait to hear from the chemotherapy doctor and that appointment was early January with her treatment, which she was able to have in Mount Gambier, beginning the middle of that month. She went through eight rounds every three weeks and admits her first round was diabolical in terms of the nausea and her general health. “Everyone was great, though,” Carolyn said. “There was always someone to talk to and no question was considered silly. They were able to adjust my anti-nausea medication and that certainly helped and the staff there made what is a tough time much easier. Sometimes my state of mind going into chemo wasn’t good but they always supported me.” The day she shaved her head because of hair loss is another day that really sticks in her

WAYS TO REDUCE BREAST CANCER RISK The rate of breast cancer is increasing each year as more women are diagnosed with the disease. Breast cancer has many possible causes and each woman has a variety of risk factors that can increase her chance of developing breast cancer, some of which she has no control over. But there are many risk factors can be influenced by choices made during her lifetime. Making healthy choices can reduce your likelihood of breast cancer and many other diseases.

mind. “My husband and daughter helped me,” Carolyn said. “I was fine with it when we were doing it and it was something I knew was going to happen but the next day I was down about that but in the end you know you have to what it takes. You can’t just wait for cancer to get you, you

need to do something about it.” Carolyn knows how lucky she is, though. Her cancer was Grade 3 and fast growing and if she had not received treatment when she did, this story might not have the same happy ending. cont. page 36

Reduce your alcohol intake Research has shown a strong link between alcohol and the risk of developing breast cancer, and breast cancer returning. To reduce your risk of breast cancer, try to limit your alcohol intake to two standard drinks a day.

Maintain a healthy weight throughout your life Women who put on a lot of weight in adulthood, particularly after menopause, may have a higher risk of breast cancer.

Be active Studies have shown that regular exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer. The exact amount of physical activity needed to reduce your risk is not yet clear but studies show that moderate exercise, like a brisk walk, can be enough to reduce your cancer risk. And the more you do, the greater the benefits. | 34

IN HER OWN WORDS - CAROLYN JONES FROM PAGE 34 The chemotherapy treatment was followed by four weeks of treatment at Warrnambool’s South West Regional Cancer Centre – the treatment facility set up through Peter’s Project by 2017 Australian Local Hero of the Year, Vicki Jellie. “The centre is amazing and to have somewhere so close to home was great,” Carolyn said. “I had a choice between there and Adelaide and it was so convenient to be able to go to Warrnambool. The staff there are amazing as well.” That treatment finished early August and was followed by the all clear from her doctor. Carolyn will now have annual check ups with her specialist every December and check ups with her radiation oncologist every June. With no family history of any cancer, let alone breast cancer, Carolyn said the diagnosis was a shock but through the support of her family and close friends she was able to deal with the diagnosis and focus on her treatment. “We were always as honest as we could be with the kids right from the start,” Carolyn said. “We wanted them to know what was going on without scaring them – it was a balancing act. Sometimes we didn’t know ourselves to be able to answer any questions they had.” She shares three children with husband Simon – Kyle (16); Ella (13) and

Rex (10). Her daughter Ella had great support through a school friend, who had sadly lost her own mother to cancer, and Carolyn was humbled by how Simon and the kids rallied during this tough time. “They really helped around the house,” she said. “Simon would get them moving at night and they helped out with everything. They knew when it was chemo week and that mum was going to be struggling so they just did more. They were fantastic and all dealt with it really well.” The hairdresser and school SSO also applied the honesty system to dealing with clients and colleagues. “Mum was sorting out my appointment diary for me when I was diagnosed and asked what I wanted her to say to people,” Carolyn said. “I said to tell them I had breast cancer.” Carolyn was overwhelmed by the support from close friends as well. “I had one friend who had all my chemo appointments in her diary so she would always send me a text message on those days to say she was thinking of me,” she said. “All those little things meant so much. My family and friends respected when I needed some time on my own but were always there when I needed them there.” cont. page 38


Have children early and breastfeed if you can Although your choices about having children are made for a variety of reasons, not having children or having them later in life can increase your risk of developing breast cancer. And the reverse is true as well; having more children early in life and breastfeeding (12 months or more) provides longlasting protection from breast cancer.

Eat well A healthy diet, of at least five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit a day, may help to reduce your risk of cancer. Research recommends sticking to low-fat dairy products, limiting how much red meat and sugar you eat to prevent increasing your risk of breast cancer.

Try not to stress There is no conclusive evidence that stress causes the initial development of breast cancer, however people under stress may develop certain behaviours, such as smoking, overeating, or drinking alcohol, which increase their risk for cancer. Avoid long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Many women use HRT to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and/ or osteoporosis, to boost female hormones estrogen, progesterone and levels that lower with age. However, there is evidence to suggest that using long-term use of HRT increases the risk of breast cancer and other health problems. However, once HRT use ends, the risk returns to normal levels. | 36


IN HER OWN WORDS - CAROLYN JONES FROM PAGE 36 Carolyn was also a recipient of a Helping Hand Bag – an initiative of the Mount Gambier Breast Cancer Awareness Group – and said that was a godsend. “I thought it would have a few discount vouchers in there,” Carolyn said. “But when I opened it in the car I was brought to tears. The generosity in terms of fuel, grocery and other substantial vouchers was amazing and so helpful in taking the pressure off.” Carolyn also received financial support from the Mount Gambier Cancer Support Group when she headed to Warrnambool for her radiation treatment, as well as the purchase of a wig, and has found both groups to be incredibly supportive, as well as the staff that worked with her over her treatment journey, including breast care nurse Margie Atwell and Julie Campbell. “You could ring them and talk to them whenever you wanted,” Carolyn said. Margie has, in fact, set up a small support group, which Carolyn is a part of for young mothers who have gone through a cancer fight, and Carolyn also appreciated the invitation to a Look Good Feel Good program. It was a friend’s wedding that saw Carolyn opt for a wig at one stage during her treatment. “It was supposed to be her day and I didn’t want it to be about me, I just wanted to blend in,” she said. There has been a celebration of her own with Carolyn celebrating her

40th birthday last month. “I have never been one to really worry about age but now I don’t care how old I get as Long as I get old,” she said. “I was 39 years old and diagnosed with this potentially deadly disease – it does change your perspective. But there is so much help out there and the medicine has come a long way.” Carolyn will be at this year’s Mount Gambier Breast Cancer Awareness Group cocktail party fundraiser. “I had always wanted to go (before my diagnosis) and never got around to it,” Carolyn said. “I said to mum – we have to go this year.” Carolyn is all too aware how much it can help people going through what she has been through to hear someone else’s story and know they are not alone and that is why – when asked – she is happy to share her journey. “It does make a difference to hear from someone who has been through it,” Carolyn said. “The support you get from family and friends is amazing but no one understands like someone who has been through the same thing.” Tickets for this Friday night’s Black & Pink Party are available from Commodore on the Park and Redgum Country. The $55 a head event included champagne on arrival, canapes, music from DJ Dave, a Redgum Country fashion parade and lucky door prizes, raffles and auction items.


Don’t smoke There have been a number of studies conducted to investigate the relationship between active cigarette smoking and breast cancer risk. A landmark study conducted in the USA in recent years demonstrated an association between active smoking and breast cancer risk, specifically for women who had started smoking at a very early age and before their first pregnancy. Smoking should always be avoided to prevent a range of diseases and to maximise overall health and wellbeing.

HOW RESEARCH IS HELPING THE FIGHT Breast cancer researchers are working towards saving lives through more effective treatments and earlier detection, and many are also seeking ways to better understand who is at risk and how breast cancer can be prevented in the first place. The National Breast Cancer Foundation funds research into breast cancer risk and prevention, such as: • Better knowledge of the impact of lifestyle on breast cancer risk • Understanding of risk in order to develop more effective treatments in future • Gaining a better understanding of the genetic and nongenetic factors that affect breast cancer, to enable better monitoring, detection and treatment of those at high risk of developing the disease Lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol intake and lack of exercise are known to increase the risk of breast cancer and can be modified to help reduce the chances of getting the disease. However, while other major risk factors – such as being a woman, getting older, and having a family history of the disease – are essentially unchangeable, they do tell us important information about what might cause breast cancer, and provide clues as to who is most at risk and how we might prevent it occurring. | 38


COLLECTORMANIAC Buying and selling rare ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES including Militaria, Kitchenalia, Tin & Diecast toys, Live steam Toys, Garagenalia, Enamel & Tin signs, Vintage electrical, Pottery, Porcelain and Jewellery. Closed Tuesday, open every other day 12-4pm, 4.5km south of the Blue lake, 21684 Riddoch Highway (Bay Road). Look for signs situated on right at the former “Hills Blue Lake Plant Nursery”. Ph 08 8726 8340, email goodpig@, facebook page Collectormaniac for map. 702 ------------------------------------------


NARACOORTE PLAZA KIOSK. A great opportunity to purchase Lotteries Agency and Newsagent sub-agency in the brilliant foot traffic location, right in the middle of Naracoorte’s thriving Kincraig Plaza. The complementary combination of the 2 agencies makes this business easy to operate with minimum staffing. Currently operating 6 days a week, with potential for further growth. $99,950. Phone Diana Edwards on 0417 888 624 for further details. F ------------------------------------------


CLEANER REQUIRED for x4 brand new short term boutique accommodation units located central Mt Gambier. ABN and flexibility with work hours required 0448 652 586. 701 ------------------------------------------


FLOWERS silk/fresh, will soon be moving to a NEW address at Mitchell Street behind Subway. Still at Lennons on Lake Tce. NO LONGER AT SHE’S APPLES. Ph 0468 892 990 or 08 8725 7952 n700 -----------------------------------------LUCERNE HAY quality shedded, this seasons $10 per bale also meadow hay $5. 51 Tolner Rd. Ph 8725 2267 or 0427 252 267. 702 -----------------------------------------SAWDUST Good clean sawdust and pine chip 3T or 25T loads delivered Ph 0427 799 334 701 ------------------------------------------


FIRST LIGHT YOGA – yoga that cares for you. Phone Julia 0429 094 434. 702 ------------------------------------------


PET SITTER AVAILABLE to mind your beloved pets/poultry. Your home/ours. Competitive rates. Collecting bins/mail/watering plants. Phone: 08 8725 7952 or 0468 892 990. n700 ------------------------------------------


CENTRAL MT GAMBIER, 2 fully furnished bedrooms available. Only student or employed may apply. Owner will maintain garden. Ph 0468 892 990 or 08 8725 7952 n700 -----------------------------------------FOR RENT short/long term rental. Mount Gambier venue, wedding, functions, seminars. $25O per day. Ph: 0418 838 684. n700 ------------------------------------------

TRADES & SERVICES SE Battery Service Pty Ltd South East Mobility Equipment South East Sustainable Energy Call into your licorice all sorts store We have it all! 120 Penola Road, Mt Gambier Ph 08 8725 9911 W ------------------------------------------


SPRING SPECIALS 25% off normal price, free quotes, brick, M/Gambier stone rock face, blue stone, dolomite, concrete for paving, BBQs, flower boxes, gazebo, garden seat, fences, FIREPLACE, dog house, chookpen, steps, ramps, verandah columns, gate posts. Will travel. BLD231035 Ph 0418 838 684/ 08 8725 7952 n700 ------------------------------------------

LOCAL SPORT WRIGHT FAMILY DOMINATES THIS YEAR’S 150 CLASSIC Lake Bonney Sporting Clays held its 18th 150 Classic over two days last month, thanks, once again to the strong support and sponsorship from local business and club supporters. More than 150 shooters took part in the weekend event, coming from across South Australia and interstate. Competitors lined up for 100 targets on Saturday and 50 on Sunday, with two five stand courses, set up by Herb Whitehead, and his hardworking group of volunteers. Kongorong shooter Chris Wright had a very successful weekend, winning High Gun on both days, as well as taking home the overall title. His son Declan also had a strong weekend, taking out the Sub Junior top awards over the weekend. Danny Bellinger finished one target behind Chris Wright, taking out the AA grade, with his mate Daniel Banning second overall in AA grade, with a shoot off seeing Joe Densley finishing third. Overall A grade prizes went to Tony Sellars, Gary Banning and Tom Weir. Mick Banning also represented the family on the winner’s podium with a second in B grade, while Victorian Mark Hogan came first and Gary Dangerfield third. Matt Collins won C grade convincingly with 91/150, followed by visitors Lionel Boyd and Todd Ingles. Veterans was tightly

contested by Burrungule members Neville Kent, who finished first, and Wayne Evans, second, while Neville Johnson came third. Regular competitor Kevin Dyson was outright winner in Super Veterans, followed by Toby Edwards and Greg Todd. Ladies saw Tasha Bellinger continue to live up to her exceptional talent with a 113/150 to finish on top, Jannette Densley second and a very pleased Renae Hunt, third. Visitor Josh Easdale took out Juniors being the only one to compete across the two days, with Mason Patzel and Matthew Sorella joining the junior competition on Sunday. The Sub Juniors are showing great improvement

every month with Shakielle Von Stanke chasing Declan Wright while Ethan Hellyer is not far behind those two. Shooting 150 over two days is a great effort for these young boys and their scores showed that they are getting better all the time. Herb Whitehead handed out three 25 badges on Saturday to Mark Fabris, Danny Belllinger and Jason Caldow, while the wind change on Sunday increased the difficulty of the targets and resulted in no perfect scores on the day. Above left - Overal 150 Classic winner Chris Wright.

Above (top) - 25 Badges - Danny Bellinger, Mark Fabris & Jason Caldow. Above (inset) - Wayne Gurney in action.

BELLINGER HANDLES CONDITIONS BEST Occasional bursts of sunshine and showers together with high winds, played havoc with the targets at South East Field and game’s monthly sporting clay shoot at Burrungule Park. The Stuart Bowd Contracting/ Richmond Park Sheep stud/J.O Berkefeld 75 target event had 66 competitors nominate for the Old Style Fitasc event, over three courses, set by Ken Atkin and his crew. Lake Bonney’s Danny Bellinger mastered the tricky conditions to take out the Gambier Shooting Supplies High Gun with 70/75. AA Grade saw the experienced Ron Rhook cope well with the wind to win with 69/75, from Jamie Dunn, and Adelaide’s current

National veterans champion, Chris Ball, completing the podium in third. Craig Hill won A grade with 61/75, from Mick Banning, in second, with Greg Dawes, another visiting shooter from Adelaide, finished in third. Matt Crowe shot 55/75 to win B grade from the improving Ross Stevens and Ricki Kelly rounding out the places. Graham Fennell showed the other C graders a clean pair of heels to win by seven targets, with Matt Crook and Peter Beck taking out the minor placings. Wayne Evans reignited his season with a dominant 65/75 to win Veterans by five targets, from Neville Kent and Wayne Gurney. Kevin Dyson gave the Super Veterans a lesson on “how to shoot wind affected targets” to win by eight targets from another visitor from Adelaide, David Gagnon. Peter Klieve had a smooth run into third without his old adversary Peter Caskey. Tash Bellinger won Ladies by nine targets but snapping at her heels was the fast improving Janette Densley and Tamara VonStanke. Trap shooting specialist Willis Jenkins won juniors with 46/75 and Will Vickery mastered the tricky conditions to convincingly win Sub Juniors with 51/75 from developing youngsters Will Crook and Adam Kuhl. UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday October 15th Lake Bonney 50 Targets Sunday October 22nd Burrungule Park 75 Targets | 39

Left - High Gun Winner - Danny Bellinger Above (top) - B Grade winners (from left) Matt Crowe, Ross Stevens & Ricki Kelly. Above (bottom) - Veterans winners (from left) Wayne Evans, Neville Kent & Wayne Gurney.

YOUR LOCAL ADULT RETAILER Why not spice up your life! Monday - Wednesday: 9am-6pm Thursday- Saturday: 9am-10pm Sunday: 10am - 6pm Discreet parking & entrance at the back of the shop 127 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier SA

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Ian Simpson Memorial Champion of Champions Winner Noel Miller and sponsor Audrey Simpson.

Pearson Family/Athol & Sue Malseed Men’s sponsor Athol Malseed with Winner Noel Miller and Runner Up Stephen Von Duve.

Elma Attiwill/Sportscene Ladies Singles Winner Serena Bourn, Sponsor & Patroness Elma Attiwill and Runner Up Keisha Pearson.

Commercial Club Handicap Mixed Open Singles Consolation Winner Noel Miller, Championship Winner Kristy Errock & Runner Up Stephen Von Duve.

Andrew Simpson, second to the left, receiving life membership to the Mount Gambier District Indoor Bowls Association are life members Craig Pearson, Marie Pedlar & Athol Malseed.

Faith Jewellers / David & Jane Peacock Mixed Pairs Winners Brad Errock & Kristy Errock and Runners Up Marie Pedlar & Perria Davis with Association Sponsor Scott Whicker from Kimberly-Clark.

Post-Tel Indoor Bowls Club being presented the Kilsby Shield by sponsor Scott Whicker from KimberlyClark Australia.

Yahl Indoor Bowls Club being presented the Malseed Shield by sponsor Scott Whicker, from KimberlyClark Australia.

Adrian Pearson Lawn & Garden Care / Marina & Perria Davis Mens Pairs Winners Zac Pearson & Ron Ploenges.

Junior Singles Winner Keisha Pearson, sponsor Marie Pedlar and Runner Up Nicola Bowditch.

N & J Freight / M.S Hein & Sons Mixed Triples Winners Colleen Pearson, Zac Pearson & Fiona Pearson. | 42

Kilsby Shield Wooden Spooners Greg McCourt from Mil-Lel, Kimberly-Clark’s Scott Whicker and Malseed Shield Wooden Spooners Nathan Butler from Blue Lake Bowlers White.





4. 6.


MEMBERS FAREWELL BUTCH A contingent of Millicent Bowls Club members paid their respects to popular bowler Dennis (Butch) Schultz (pictured in action above), who sadly passed away at the end of last month, at his funeral last week. The thoughts and condolences of all the club’s members go out to his wife Heather and her extended family.

MILLICENT BOWLERS IN GOOD FORM Millicent Bowls Club members are entering the pennant bowls season in great form with Dawn Bellman leading her team to a win at the reent Robe Ladies Invitational Day, with another

Millicent team - Merle Stevens, Judy Saint & Mary Clifford - finshing runner-up at the same event. Practice for the ladies pennant is also in full swing with a field of 20 enjoying a good hit out past Wednesday in preparation for the upcoming pennant season. Another session last Friday attracted almost the same number for ladies pennant preparations , while more than 50 attended Saturday’s final Open Pennant practice at the club ahead of the weekend’s season opener. The Ladies have one more practiec session, on October 11, ahead of the October 13 season opener for the Ladies Pennant competition.

SCANLON & SCHOFIELD TAKE OUT2-4-2 47 bowlers took part in the 3MP 2-4-2 on Thursday 28th with Peter Scanlon & Sam Schofield taking the honours with a respectable 34+14. Runners-up were Peter Varcoe, Ian Ross & Margaret Fennel with 33+21 and other rink winners were Iain Campbell & Colin Pye (33+8), Robert Atkinson & Jan Buhlmann (33+6), Terry Barnes, Ros Varcoe & Alby Cecotti (32+9), Robert Radley & Andy Kramer (32+6), Neil Whelan & Bruce Pettman (32+6), Andre Reinders & Jim Campbell

(32+6), Bryan Roper & Peter Delaney (31+3), David Botting & Ed Fitter (30+6) and Alan Correll & Lorraine Lomas (29+4). Below left - Last Thursday’s 3MP 2-4-2 winners & runners-up Peter Scanlon & Peter Varcoe (back row), Sam Schofield, Margaret Fennell & Ian Ross (front row).

OCTOGENARIANS WIN MILLICENT MEN’S PAIRS The MIllicent Bowls Club Men’s Handicap Pairs Championship was finalised on Sunday, October 1, when the father and son combination of Ian & Wayne Ross went head-to-head with Ed Fitter & Dick Vanderhuel. The octogenarian pairing of Fitter and Vanderheul proved that experience counts for a lot in the game of lawn bowls and took the title for 2017-18. Above - Men’s Handicap Pairs winners Ed Fitter & Dick Vanderhuel with runners-up Wayne & Ian Ross. | 43

SOUTH GAMBIER JUNIOR FOOTBALL & NETBALL PRESENTATION NIGHT 1. Under 13 football trophy winners - Hunter Elliott (Most Improved); Zach Hopgood (Most Consistent); Mitch Harrold (Runner-Up Best & Fairest) & Nick Wilke (Coach’s Trophy). Absent Jake Walker (Best & Fairest) 2. Under 14 football trophy winners - Connor Hunter (Joint Runner-Up Best & Fairest) , Max Lockwood (Most Consistent), Harrison McBain (Coach’s Trophy), Mitchell Sims (Best & Fairest) & Thomas Yates (Joint Runner-Up Best & Fairest) 3. 13 & Under A netball trophy winners - Georgia Ryan (Coach’s Trophy); Tully McShane (RunnerUp Best & Fairest); Alyssa Duncan (Best & Fairest) & Megan Reid (Coach’s Trophy). 4. Under 15 football trophy winners - Dylan Fishpool (Best Team Man); Ethan Chuck (Most Consistent); Jackson Devereux (Most Valuable); Sam Dukalskis (Best & Fairest); Brock Keding (Runner-Up Best & Fairest) & Ethan Habets (Best Lower Age Under 15). 5. 13 & Under B netball trophy winners - Lara Munro (Best & Fairest) & Chanelle Sims (RunnerUp Best & Fairest) 6. 15 & Under B netball trophy winners - Brielle Winterfield (Mosdt Consistent); Sophie Boston (Best & Fairest); Mykaela Thiele (Runner-Up Best & Fairest) & Joirdy Bell (Most Improved) 7. 15 & Under A netball trophy winners - Laura McIntyre (Coach’s Trophy); Ella McIntyre (Runner-Up Best & Fairest) & Riley Buckingham (Best & Fairest) PHOTOS BY MELISSA CLAYTON



Glencoe Football Club Club Persons of the Year – Anne & Craig Childs.

Glencoe Football Club Most Junior League Votes – Will Maloney.

Jack Jones Memorial Most Junior Association Votes – Emily Thompson.


13 & Under - Amber Thompson – Best & Fairest & Alice Tentye – Runner Up Best & Fairest

15 & Undxer - Tameka Medhurst – Coach’s Trophy; Keely Jones – Best & Fairest; Shayla Jones – Runner Up Best & Fairest & Best In Finals & Emily Thompson – Coach’s Trophy.

17 & Under - Kayla Medhurst – Runner Up Best & Fairest; Chloe Pfitzner – Best & Fairest;, Alarna Briggs – Runner Up Best & Fairest & Danielle Mutch – Runner Up Best & Fairest.

Junior Colts - Kaleb Price – Best First Year Player; Isaiah McGrath – Coach’s Award; Ryan Kuhl – Runner Up Best & Fairest; Will Maloney – Best & Fairest & Leading Goal Kicker; Alice Tentye – Most Improved & Harrison McBain- Best in Finals.

Senior Colts - Tom Arthurson – Coaches Award.; Dylan Pfitzner – Runner Up Best & Fairest; Daniel Cleggett – Best & Fairest; Darcy Hogan – Leading Goal Kicker; Kial Poole – Most Consistent & Best In Finals & Taylor McGrath – Best Team Man. Absent : Anthony Lipscombe – Most Improved

SOUTH EAST TRIO EARN SELECTION It is as if the netball careers of former South East based players Mary Wilson, Maisie Nankivell and Sienna Allen are destined to follow the same script. The trio (pictured left after being part of the 2017 national championships winning South Australain 17 & Under team) have been team mates at the past two nationals, including this year’s 19 & Under SA team, and last week were named in a 15 player squad for Netball SA’s Australian National League team - the Southern Force. Allen, who has been recovering from injury for the past few months, is back running and hoping to hit the court in the next fortnight or so, while Wilson and Nankivell are coming off strong domestic seasons. Wilson and Allen made their names in Western Border circles, while Nankivell is a former Kowree Naracoorte Tatiara Netball Association star. The squad will have its first court session later this month, with the team announced in February next year. Coach Brian Lines, who has been to the South East before in his former life as an umpire, is excited to have seven new faces in the 2018 squad with Wilson and Allen two of those potential debutantes. Nankivell was part of the 2017 team that finished just outside the finals. | 44

Head to our facebook page for results from last weekend’s opening round of the 2017/18 Lower South East Bowls Association open pennant season.







NORTH GAMBIER JUNIOR NETBALL AWARD WINNERS 1. 17 & Under trophy winners - Renee Henke (Runner-Up); Hannah Nulty (Junior Development Award); coach Kaitlin Smith; A Grade coach Anita Schroder (presenter) & Sarah Edwards (Best & Fairest) 2. 13 & Under B trophy winners - Coach Christie McCourt; Kate Winterfield (RunnerUp Best & Fairest); Lauran Norman (Best & Fairest); Chelsea McLean (Junior Development Award) & A Grade goal shooter Caroline Davey (Presenter). 3. 15 & Under A trophy winners - Charlotte Bruhn (Junior Development Award); Sarah Nulty (Runner-Up Best & Fairest); coach Leanne Stafford; A Grade goal shooter Caroline Davey (presenter) & Sophie Ellis (Best & Fairest). 4. 15 & Under B trophy winners - Scout Elsahug (Runner-Up Best & Fairest); A Grade defender Lisa Fyfe (presenter); Sam Braithwaite (Junior Development Award) & Lily Engel (Best & Fairest). 5. 13 & Under A trophy winners - Coach Kristen White; Kori Collins (Runner-Up Best & Fairest); Callie Carmody (Best & Fairest) & A Grade wing attack Kaitlin Smith (presenter). Absent Sarah Dally (JUnior Development Award) 6. Trisha Flett Memorial Trophy recipient Lara Willoughby (centre) with Wendy Flett (left) and North Gambier Netball Club president Sharon Day. | 45




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