individuals who wouldn’t have had jobs a generation ago are tax-paying citizens and filling critical
and comaraderie, LifeScape staff participated in an online silent auction, fought for departmental victory
Spring 2017 | The Journey
8% 8% 5% 5%
Medicaid Medicaid
14% 14% 73% 73%
Fundraising Fundraising--Event, Event,Annual Annualand andPlanned PlannedGiving, Giving, Marketing and Communications, Marketing and Communications,Training, Training, Professional ProfessionalServices, Services,Database Database Administrative Administrative--Staff StaffSalaries Salaries Distribution Distributionand andGrant GrantSupport Supportto toLifeScape LifeScape
2016 2016LifeScape LifeScapeAudited AuditedRevenues Revenues Total: $55,683,871 Total: $55,683,871
6% 6%
6% 6%
Medicaid Medicaid School SchoolDistricts Districts
5% 5% 7% 7%
63% 63%
13% 13%
Operating OperatingAreas Areas Foundation Foundation Other Other Rehabilitation RehabilitationMedical MedicalSupply Supply
2016 2016LifeScape LifeScapeAudited AuditedExpenses Expenses Total: $56,556,114 Total: $56,556,114
4% 4% 5% 5% 3% 3% 3% 3%
Salaries Salaries Benefits Benefits Supplies Supplies
7% 7% 14% 14%
64% 64%
Occupancy Occupancy Professional ProfessionalFees/Contract Fees/ContractLabor Labor Support Supportand andOther Other Depreciation Depreciation
2016 LifeScape Foundation Audited Revenues Total: $4,609,911 2016 LifeScape Foundation Audited Revenues Total: $4,609,911 Investment Earnings and 1% Change in Split Interest 2% 63%
1% 2% 30% 63% 30% 4%
andand Bequests InvestmentTrusts Earnings Change in Split Interest Contributions Trusts and Bequests Events Contributions Other Income Events Other Income
2016 LifeScape Foundation Audited Expenses Total: $3,582,465 2016 LifeScape Foundation Audited Expenses Administrative - Occupancy, Investment Total: $3,582,465 8% 5% Management, Legal and Audit, Rental Property Administration, Supplies 14% Administrative - Occupancy, Investment 8% Fundraising Event, Rental AnnualProperty and Planned Giving, Management, Legal and- Audit, 5% Marketing and Communications, Training, Administration, Supplies Professional Services, Database 73% 14% Fundraising - Event, Annual and Planned Giving, Administrative - Staff Salaries Marketing and Communications, Training,and Benefits Professional Services, Database 73% Distribution and Grant Support to LifeScape Administrative - Staff Salaries and Benefits Distribution and Grant Support to LifeScape