Life By Design Magazine December 2018 Edition

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One VISION. One TEAM. How to Level Up Your Brand Awareness page 07

Life is a Series of Games page 11

Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Your Education

page 26


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program 2 LIFE BY DESIGN DECEMBER 2018



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Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team When I was 15 years old, I never could have imagined the life I have today at 25 years old. Even 5 years ago, I couldn’t have imagined my life now. I think this is true for many of us. Sometimes it’s negative, sometimes it’s positive, but either way, life tends to ‘happen’ to us. Believe me, I am a very dedicated goal setter and planner, but no matter how much I plan - things happen. One year ago my business partner, Stephen Dela Cruz, and I decided to start a magazine. He came up with the idea, and I ran with it. To be honest, it was kind of a Godsend! I love working with small businesses and the corporations I run, but my heart has been with media since I was a little girl. I loved to read as a kid. I began writing my own short stories and poetry. I planned out at least 10 fictional novels I wanted to write through middle school. I started to take journalism classes in high school and became the editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper in the 12th grade. Needless to say, life ‘happened’ and I never pursued a career with anything in journalism or publishing. So when my business partner said he wanted to start a magazine, it was a dream come true for me. No matter how big I dream, I couldn’t have imagined the number of lives we have touched this past year with this magazine. It truly touches my heart to hear the stories of how the articles in this magazine were EXACTLY what someone needed. It touches my soul that there are so many people who care about pouring their knowledge into the San Diego community. That is exactly why this edition, the one-year anniversary edition, is dedicated to the people who make this magazine happen every month. Our writers, editors, social media managers, marketers, and the whole team that makes our events happen as well. My hope with this edition is that you ‘Level Up’ your business and your life. Take that leap that you know ought to. If climbing a mountain was easy, anyone would do it. It took leveling up for our entire team to get the magazine to where it is today. It took leveling up for our writers to put out the information that they do every month. Hopefully, the articles in this edition help you to level up so that one year from today, you will look back and say, “I would have never imagined I’d be here today one year ago.”

- Casey Nicole Fox

CEO & Founder of Life By Design Magazine

OUR TEAM Stephen Dela Cruz Publisher

Angela Dela Cruz Publisher

Casey Nicole Fox

Janine Holman

Jennifer Meim

Leandro Brandão

CEO & Editor-In-Chief

Copy Editor

Scale Your Business To The Next Level Invitation - LBD January Magazine Launch Leveling Up Your Big Business Network is a Lifestyle Why BIG Decisions = BIG Outcomes How to Level Up Your Brand Awareness 3 Simple Ways to Level Up Your Networking Game The Reality in Your Reflection Tips For Taking Yourself Above The Bar The Art of Feeling Gratitude Change the Conversation. Become a Rockstar. Change the World. Commit to You Life is a Series of Games How to Succeed as an Intropreneurs Where is Your Moral Compass Pointing? Being #UNSTOPPABLE Restaurant Of the month - Davanti Enoteca – Little Italy Invitation - BREAKTHROUGH: Speak To Influence Leveling Up Emotionally to Level Up Financially Leveling Up - Start Maximizing Your Potential Entrepreneur Spotlight - Devona Stimpson LBD Team - Casey & Jen LBD Team - Leo & Janine LBD Team - Kristen & Dominic LBD Team - Jeff & Mary LBD Team - Anne Manifestation – It Truly Works CREATING A TRANSFORMATION Entrepreneur Spotlight - grant LeBeau Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Your Education “Stop. Look. Listen to what your heart is telling you.” Invitation - MSB Fresh Start 5 Things To Add To Your Life The Enemy of Success Playing The Brand Game Not Giving A Damn Three Practical Tips to Level Up Your Life What’s Going ON San DIEGO? - Holiday Themed Events Invitation - Women Of Worth (WOW) Behind the scenes of Stegela Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES)





DELA CRUZ “Anything that is healthy will grow. ” 4 Tips for “Non-writers” to Begin Writing page 08

5 Life Purpose Hacks to Succeed in Business

Voted San Diego’s Most Impactful Non-profit



Co-Founder of the Make-a-Wish Foundation

page 20

Behind the Curtain of Business

page 26

Perry & Jamie Yee

Creative Director

Co-FounderS of Active Valor

The Truth about your “Truth” page 08


Copy Editor

page 10

Practical Tips to Get Over Your Fears page 23


Jeff Rollon

Kristen Crooks

Mary Hang

Dominic Cruz

Sales Director Marketing Director

Event Director Social Media

page 26


Gratitude is all Attitude page 09

Being Selfishly UnSelfish page 26

Give More Value Even If It’s Free

page 31


Get access to all of our previous editions digitally, go to! ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 3


STEPHEN DELA CRUZ SCALE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL start a business you should always think of the long-term viability and how you are going to grow your business to build massive wealth. This comes down to your vision. Do you imagine yourself in the same spot, doing the same things, and building the same wealth that you are right now? If you imagine yourself working long hours, building the same thing you have, that is exactly what you will get. Look at places in your business where you aren’t needed. Honestly, do you need to be redoing your own files? Answering your own phones? Well someone has to do it, but it doesn’t have to be you. If you want to become a seven or eight figure entrepreneur you must value your time like a seven or eight figure entrepreneur. This brings us to the second tip!

Stephen Dela Cruz is a best selling author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur. He is the owner of Stegela Partners International Incorporated which consists of 10 corporations that employ more than 500 full-time employees with yearly profits of 7 figures each, creating an 8-figure empire. After suffering a stroke, Stephen changed his direction and focus to creating “Income with Impact” and “Success with Significance.” Stegela Success Mastery was born out of this new mission, which is all about serving their fellow entrepreneurs. Stegela Success Mastery runs Stephen’s weekly podcast, bi-weekly mastermind group, live events and seminars, television show and through owning San Diego’s only printed entrepreneur magazine, Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine. Today, he is the proud owner and visionary for “San Diego’s #1 business coaching and mastermind program.”

As the year passes and you continue to grow, your business must grow as well. That’s right. Today we are talking about scaling your business to get you to the next level. You have been imagining it for years, visualizing the moment you make it big, the vacations, the dream house, and cars. But what is it going to take to get you there? Today I am going to teach you the three keys I learned while scaling my corporations to massive success. 1. ALWAYS THINK OF EXPANSION! A belief I tend to find amongst the business community is to start scaling when you are ready. Honestly, I think this is all B.S. and no I don’t mean belief systems! When you LBDMAGAZINE.COM 4 LIFE BY DESIGN DECEMBER 2018

2. LEARN TO DELEGATE Delegating can be a difficult skill to learn. Why let someone else do what you know you can do the right way? Because if you do everything, you will have no time to scale your business. Scaling a business requires a team, it requires people to help you with sales, marketing, budgets, the details of your business that can’t be missed. When I first began scaling my businesses, I trained managers based on how I like things. I didn’t look for the perfect hire with all the right skills and the perfect resume. No, I looked for someone who was F.A.T. (not just because I like to eat). Someone who is Faithful, Available, and Teachable. The very woman who runs my corporations for me applied for a job cleaning my dishes. Did she have the resume to run corporations? Not at the time, but we delegated tasks and as she was ready, we gave more responsibility to her. Now I can sit back and relax. Imagine what it would feel like having your business run smoothly without having to do any work? 3. DON’T GO IN BLIND. The number one tip I can give you to scaling a business is finding someone that has been there before. You might eventually scale your business to the level you want by yourself, but there is no guarantee how long it will take you or that you will even get there. Avoid the mistakes that have already been made. That’s right. Someone has built a business like yours. They have made mistakes. YOU DON’T HAVE TO MAKE THOSE SAME MISTAKES!!! No matter what business you are starting or beginning to scale, there is someone who can show you the way to gain success. Find a community with someone you know, like, and trust. You will go on a journey with this mentor to build a future that you deserve. But make sure you find someone who has built and scaled their business to the level you aspire to be at one day. Scaling your business can be a long and enduring process, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these three tips you will greatly increase your chances of leveling up your business, your income, and your life! Remember when you are building your business, there is no room to know it all. You have to be a learn it all instead.







IS A LIFESTYLE If you know me, one of my latest ac-

Jeff Rollon Jeff Rollon is a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His passion is helping budding entrepreneurs get started and profitable within their first year in business.

complishments is building my businesses around my lifestyle. When I started focusing on how to comingle both business and lifestyle, I discovered a whole new love for fitness. This helped me lose over 60 pounds, which has grown my audience of sup- to others is key and you must level up porters. on the benefits to them. Naturally, I saw an opportunity to level up my network by building a relationship with a reputable fitness company, through building trust and loyalty provided from me right away and through my story. As you know, if you are in business, then you understand the importance of leveling up on your professional network.

I shared all my platforms with Envy Athletic and showed them the avenues I have for sharing my experiences and love for their products. Guaranteeing to share your experiences with their products to your audience is a guarantee that there will be new eyes on their products. Always level upon the value you provide others.

In this article, you will learn three tips that have worked for me to level up a relationship with a fitness company, Envy Athletics. Once I implemented these three tips, not just their products level up fitness lifestyle, but also their customer service has added to the experience and willingness to share with others.

- STAY TRUE TO YOUR WORD AND MAINTAIN INTEGRITY. This is a no-brainer. If you promise to do something for a company and they invest the time to reply to you, do it.

I encourage you to make good on your word and come from a place of integrity. Word travels fast in the business world and if you are someone - FACTS TELL, STORIES SELL. who makes empty promises, don’t Growing as an entrepreneur, one big plan on leveling up to a higher-end thing I realized was that stories are network in the future. always enjoyed. Take your social life story to the next level. All in all, these three tips of leveling up your network is all based around your As I approached Envy Athletics, I lifestyle. Networking doesn’t have to made sure to share all of my social take extra hours from your day. Sharmedia profiles so they can see that I ing your stories and testimonials is a am a real person, a professional, with lifestyle post, like sharing our food a decent following of authentic peo- from a restaurant. That’s roughly a ple, not “bought” followers. Through two-minute post. that type of transparency, whatever big company you want to level up your network with can see that you’re So, my friends, the bottom line is this; authentic, likable, have reached, and if you want to level up your business, marketable. you must level up your network. If you’re going to level up your network, - WHAT’S IN IT FOR THE you must level upon the value you COMPANY? bring to the table. As a business owner, one thing I always remember is that bringing value


Some people see making big decisions as a problem. The truth is, to be successful, you HAVE to make big decisions. Problems occur with big decisions when you’re not clear on your goals. When you’re clear on where you want to be, making bold decisions becomes easier.

Things were looking great… until they weren’t. We had gone into business with my half-brother (a US citizen of 20 years), and the deal fell through. We lost everything. The business was gone. We burned through our savings to survive. We even had to sell the car.

But it’s not about making a decision because it’s bold; it’s about making the decision because it gets you where you’re going.

But looking back, there was something invaluable I gained. Insight, direction, and clarity.

So how do big decisions get you there? They take you out of your comfort zone and stretch you to achieve more. As the founder of BIG (the Business Institute for Growth), I know about going BIG. BIG deals, BIG outcomes, and yes, BIG decisions. Throughout my career, I’ve seen thousands of big decisions get made. I’ve even made a few myself. Across the Pond My first big decision was leaving a secure, six-figure job to start my own business. I can tell you there have been challenges, but it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My next big decision was moving to the US from the UK. I was in California with my partner running a 4-hour workshop for Google, and we decided to follow that with a 4-week vacation. I remember joking, “That’s a pretty good work-life balance!” Of course, we’ve all been on vacation and thought, “wouldn’t it be lovely to live here.” Well for us, it became a reality. We made the gut decision, sorted out the practicalities, and began moving our life and business to the US.

Through reassessing my path, I realized I had been focusing on corporate clients. Yes, I loved having Google, Adobe, BMW, and Sony Pictures as clients (who wouldn’t?). But during this time I was learning about myself. I learned that I wanted to impact individuals. I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. BIG decisions, BIG outcomes I’ve learned a lot growing my own businesses three times. Now I use what I’ve learned to help hundreds of growth-stage startups and small to medium-sized businesses grow BIG. So the decision to go into business with family was a huge mistake. But the lessons that came out of it were priceless. Now I’m on a new and exciting path. I’m still providing sales training and helping companies grow, but now through the Business Institute for Growth. Next year BIG launches in Irvine; late 2019 we’ll see BIG in L.A., and in 2020 we’ll see a BIG launch in San Francisco and San Jose. So then again, maybe going into business with family wasn’t such a mistake after all…

by Chris Stock


How to Level Up “Auntie” Mary Hang

Mary Hang is a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats as an entrepreneur, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society.

Your Brand Awareness

It’s your favorite Auntie Mary again!

These are questions that must be tracked daily and if you aren’t meetOne big accomplishment I have ing people daily, then don’t expect to reached is being known to everyone grow your brand awareness. A curas “Auntie Mary.” Ladies and gentle- rent goal that I have is always to meet men, that is called brand awareness, 10 people before 10am. This doesn’t and if people don’t remember you, have to be done in person. That’s why then you need to level up your brand. there is the lovely social media. So be social. Use it to your advantage and As entrepreneurs build their brand, level up your networking! they tend to take new pictures, build a fancy website with new colors, etc. LEVEL UP YOUR REACH While this can be effective, I have While this may sound the same as three simple tips to get you started now networking, it is totally a different to leveling up your brand. level of brand awareness. Currently, many of you know I am in the proLEVEL UP YOUR INTRODUCTION cess of publishing a book, “Letters to If you have ever talked to me, then Me: Life Lessons I Wish I Knew.” This you know I always introduce myself book is an avenue to share who I am as “Auntie Mary.” I don’t care if it’s the and the movement we are creating to first time we have met in person or on impact the youth positively. This book the phone. 10 times out of 10, the per- will be handed to students in multiple son on the other side of the conversa- high schools and youth organizations. tion will laugh and ask, “Why are you, Imagine how many people are going Auntie Mary?” to receive this one book in mass quantities as I am networking with the right By introducing yourself in a unique people who also align with the mission and charismatic way, you are guaran- of “Letters to Me.” Level up on your teed to break the ice quick and be the reach and watch your brand awaremost memorable. I guarantee you that ness level up. when you are at our monthly magazine launch mixers that you will always At the end of the day my friends, if you hear someone calling “Auntie Mary” want anything in life worth having, in the crowd. So remember, level up you must level up your standards and your introduction and become more expectations of yourself. It may sound memorable. harsh, but I’m the Auntie Mary that you can always count on to give you the LEVEL UP YOUR NETWORKING truth. If you want to grow your brand and get more eyes on you, you must level up your networking. Ask yourself, “How many people am I meeting to share my story and build a relationship with? How many people have I built up such a great rapport with that they know my mission and passion? How many people support my mission?”



The Reality in Your Reflection 3 SIMPLE WAYS TO LEVEL UP YOUR

Yoichi J. Kato


aka “Chef Yum Yum” So, I attend many networking events

Yoichi Kato is an author, speaker, serial entrepreneur, Navy veteran. He is the co-founder of San Diego’s most popular cleaning service called Everything But Sex Cleaning Services. He is a master business networker who is always connecting people. He is also an amazing Chef who provides private chef services all over San Diego. Yoichi loves to help others and see them thrive.

on a weekly bases and often see so many rookie mistakes, and it drives me crazy. Some people just started MLM business and just want to spill their whole pitch and try to convince people why they should join them or buy their product (I was guilty of this once). Then there are the Ninjas, people who just throw their business card at you say, “call me if you need me” or just come and ask for your business tools I love are Facebook, Eventbrite, and Meetup. These 3 apps/websites cards. offer many different events, and you can find events in your local area or NETWORK ONLINE There are a couple of amazing apps pretty much anywhere in the world. you can use on your smartphone to do business networking. First is Shapr, it’s kind of like Tinder meets LinkedIn. The other one is Bumble. Okay, and yes, bumble is a dating app, but they have a section for networking called Bumble Bizz. So, the way these app work are very simple, you can just set up your profile then start swiping left or right on the other professional’s profile. Once both party swipe right on each other you can start messaging each other just like Tinder. THE TOOLS Having a virtual calendar like Google calendar is a must!!! I am not saying I don’t use a physical planner, but it’s great to be able to access your schedule from your phone. Another tool I love is Calendly. It basically allows other people to set an appointment with you by your availability. When I meet people on Shapr, I always give people my Calendly link so they can arrange an appointment with me, then my google calendar will remind me of the appointment before the time. Both tools work hand to hand, and it is a must-have for any networkers. Other

BUILD THE RELATIONSHIP It is important to build a relationship as you meet new people. The way I like to do so is by giving them value. When I attend, a networking event my goal is always to make 1 new friend. Once you build the connection that’s when the relationship building starts. Ask them about their business, goals, hobbies, etc. Be genuinely interested in them. You want people to like and trust you. I always ask people how I can help or serve you? I may know a friend who needs their service, may know someone who they could refer business or work together, such as a Realtor and a Mortgage loan officer. Invite them to another event (workshop, networking, bar crawl, etc.) that they might be interested in. If their goal is to lose weight maybe you could introduce them to a meal prep chef or a fitness coach. These are the 3 simple ways to level up your networking game and in no time, I guarantee you will become a networking superstar!!!


As we conclude 2018 it’s a time to reflect how we did as entrepreneurs, and equally important during your time of reflection is honesty. Being successful isn’t always just about being motivated, selling the most, or having the flashiest website. Sometimes, it’s simply about being honest. Success can be very similar to your online persona. After all, where do you think the term, “fake it til ya make it” came from. To the outside world image is everything, and just like that new profile photo you posted on Facebook, success can be photoshopped or twisted to a certain angle to look better. The problem is deep down you know the truth and how confident can you know your business really isn’t real at all. This is the time to take an honest look at the unedited version of you and your business. Did you work up to your potential and plan well or were you distracted? Did you allow FOMO to creep into your plan? If you did, you made the number one mistake that 42% of all startups who fail made; you focused more on building your brand than solving customers need. When you focus on the cover and not the content, it’s over. I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten a request to help someone build their online presence and they don’t even have a website, a one-sheet, an EPK, or a sales deck. Imagine you get the perfect potential client who sees your Facebook page, wants to work with you and request info, and all you have to offer is an orchestra

of crickets while you scramble to put something together. Remember just like any good book or magazine, the cover is only to entice you of the great story inside. FOMO is a lethal distraction that can put you in constant chaos trying to take on every single project that comes your way to build your brand. Think of your work plate like a plate of food, if you overfill your plate just to make sure you don’t miss out on anything, you have an unappealing sloppy mess, and that is how potential clients will view you. In 2019 vow to only take only on your plate what you can appreciate while it’s hot, savor all it has to offer and enjoy the experience. You will feel invigorated and inspired versus uncomfortable and regretful. If during your reflection you feel like you failed, know that isn’t a bad thing. What is bad is not recognizing failures or ignoring them, so they are repeated. Versus, owning them, dissecting them and making the necessary changes not to repeat them. Being honest in your reflection will be the difference between you evolving or dissolving. by Jody Taylor


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If Jonathan Ingebrigtsen could have any dream it would be that people spend more time making fun and quirky memories while seeing the world around them. for you. This isn’t easy to do, but it is Life is too short to wait till tomorrow or fundamentally the most important thing you can do for yourself. live life on a some-day mentality. He comes from the structured world of corporate HR and company cultural redisgn and made the transition to a life that allowed him to become a Travel Blogger and Real Estate professional serving our Veteran Community while Living Full Time!

Study other Entrepreneurs!! In school we were always taught, don’t copy the person next to you because that is cheating!! The beautiful thing about successful people and other Entrepreneurs is that they want to share how they have navigated the road themselves so you can skip their shortfalls. However, being coachable is the other side of this coin, if someone has something you want in life, listen to how they got it. Don’t try and reinvent the wheel.

Follow us on Facebook @EveryThingButSexCleaning

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When he is not traveling around the world or helping his clients find their dream home, he loves parading around the house dancing to music, networking and developing others to help Read, read, and read some more! I can them reach their full potential, all-while guarantee that you could quantify how munching on sour-gummies of all kinds. successful someone is in some capacity by the size of his or her library!! Every successful person I know has two Take it a step higher!! Do more!! Get unique traits: they don’t stop learning better!! All motivational thoughts and and don’t stop reading!! I am constantstatements that pertain to doing more ly spending time reading books and and becoming better in some form or listening to audios, what I put into my fashion. So often when wanting to in- mind had a direct correlation to what crease our own bandwidth and skill the results of my efforts ended up being. sets, we wonder what the steps to leveling up our personal and entrepreneur- Additionally on top of reading Personal Development beyond reading ial game should be. is also, in my opinion, a cherry on top When I first started on my journey as but quintessential to my own success. an entrepreneur, I didn’t really have the I have invested tens of thousands of resources in front of me to have success dollars on my own personal developnor the group of people to show me the ment whether that be in books, audios, right way or path, which led to a slow private development events or professtart for sure. The following 3 tips are sional coaching programs. Getting an ones that have helped me take myself additional boost on your mentality and both personally and professionally to those influencers in your life can be the catalyst to you having true and monuthe next level: mental success. I have mentioned this time and time again, but it is one of the biggest things Taking yourself to the next level and that holds people back when they ‘leveling up’ your personal and proare working on bettering themselves fessional game is essential to any kind in entrepreneurship or just person- of continued success but it has to be ally. CHANGE YOUR FRIENDS OR intentional!! One has to be continually CHANGE YOUR FRIENDS!!! You committed to themselves and bettering cannot expect to have personal break- their skillset, mindset, and willingness to throughs and become a more indepen- learn from their mistakes and listen to dent and postured person if you con- the viewpoints of others to truly level up! tinue to hang around people that don’t support you, lift you up, or want better ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 9


Change the Conversation. Become a Rockstar.


Change the World.



Sylvia Chavez

“America’s Love Queen”

Let me introduce you to Sylvia Chavez, an Extraordinary Love Coach with over 15 years experience serving women all A while ago I watched “The Shift”, over the world. Sylvia has cracked the by Michael Goorjian. I remember the code for true and for ever lasting love. first thing that Dr. Wayne Dyer did at She believes you can write your own the beginning of the movie. love story beyond your wildest dreams without settling for anything less than After waking up and still in his PJs, Dr. what your soul and heart truly desire. Dyer set both feet on the ground and repeated: Thanks, thanks, thanks. What a way to start the day! His voice was warm and peaceful, I want to share a story with you that I could feel it, the transformation inside heard many years ago. Two men were working in the conout coming from the word, “Thanks” struction of a big church somewhere By now, I am pretty sure you’ve heard in Europe, a third man walked to the about the strength of being grateful, first worker and asked him what he how changing the way you see the was doing; the first worker said: “I world can add or subtract in your life. am putting one brick over the other to Most of the successful entrepreneurs build a wall.” I know start their day with gratitude and meditation, putting themselves in The same man walked to the second worker and asked the same question, service to others. but the answer was completely differLet me ask you, my friend, what is the ent: “I am building the most incredible first thought that comes to your mind church in the world, people from will when you wake up? What are the first come from everywhere and worship words coming from your mouth? How the lord inside these walls, families will pray together and learn about do you start your morning? the love of our savior”. Imagine starting every morning counting your blessings, closing your Which one of those two men would eyes and letting all those images fill you like to be? Would you want to your heart with gratitude. One by “just” build walls or “inspire the world one, your family, the people who love through your creation”? It’s up to you, you, your work, having a roof, a bed you are the creator of your life, you to sleep at night, food on the table, can live a life of meaning and purhealth, your senses, even the air you pose, every single day, starting by breathe or water to drink or a shower. every morning, counting your blessJust by having the last two of them, ings and elevating your heart filled you are part of the smallest minority with gratitude. in the world. Remember, an easy but compelling It is your choice, what do you want way to level up yourself is before to put inside your mind, how do you you start the day, put your feet on the want to structure your physique and ground and repeat with every part feed your soul and heart. The way of you: “Thank you, thank you, thank you see the world is entirely your cre- you!” ation and how from that perception, you get to choose how to describe “Believe to Create” every moment of your existence. I


Want to be a Rockstar to your colleagues, your friends, your kids? You have the ability to level up everyone’s game by adding the ‘coaching mindset’ to your toolbox. The ‘coaching mindset’ is a mindset that allows you to listen better, evoke more information, gain more clarity, offer more support, and inspire action that helps the people in your life reach their goals faster. We live in a busy world, a fast-paced culture that thrives on instant gratification. People are yearning for authentic feedback to help them become better in business and in life. That’s where the ‘coaching mindset’ fits in. The Coach We have all had coaches in our lives, but few stop to really realize that they have the opportunity to play the role of a coach in the lives of people that matter to them most. If you think about any athletic coach, what do they do? They watch you play, then they stop, ask you questions and really listen to what you are saying. As they listen to you and ask questions, they are committed to having you see how you think and understand your own situation. Coaches can slow a process down and are descriptive in the details they provide you with so you can perform that process better next time. Having a ‘coaching mindset’ will help you slow down a process, break it down step-by-step, and facilitate learning in all of your relationships. When your colleagues,

friends, and kids begin to see how they think and approach their own lives, they have the opportunity to learn, grow, and get better. The Process The process of an impactful coaching session is described through Keith Rosen’s L.E.A.D.S. Model (Listen, Evoke, Answer/Respond, Discuss, Support). Keith explains that the coaching framework breaks down into three questions, what, why, and how. What’s going on? Why is this happening? How can we create a new possibility? As Keith explains “you coach the process not the end result.” So if you are coaching a colleague who wants to become a better salesperson (and that’s something you know a lot about) your focus as a coach is their process. Breakdown their process just like an athletic coach would. Slowing the process down and coaching the process will create better results as a byproduct. And, when the people in your life achieve better results in their lives, you become a Rockstar! by Mitch Simon


Najja Gandy


My passion is in human development. I started with developing young minds. I’ve worked with people ages 2-22 in just about any setting, cultural background, financial class, mental and/ or physical ability. Everyone has had one thing in common. That thing is the need to be heard and respected.

we talked about vision in last month’s edition; something just as important, if not more important, is a conviction. Vision is an amazing thing to have, but what is it if there is no commitment to the idea? What’s the most relatable thing we can think of where the commitment doesn’t match the vision? THE GYM! Most of us are trying to get the perfect body. We keep telling ourselves that we will start at the gym tomorrow, next week, next month and so on until summer comes back around and we wonder why our body isn’t matching the idea of how we think it should be. This is of course because our commitment did not match our vision. In the second month of the year where your conviction is being tested, I want you to challenge yourself to commit to something for 30 days regardless of how you feel each day. Don’t stop because you feel tired, don’t stop because you feel sick, don’t stop because you want to. Just keep going until you have reached 30 days. Why 30 days? 30 days is around the time when we start seeing the fruits of our labor. Whether that be working out or building your business.

Alex Macklin

OF GAMES Alex Macklin is a Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga teacher in San Diego. He specializes in building strength, mobility, flexibility and rehabilitation with his clients. His mission is to empower people to their own greatness with strength, grace and passion.

I’m all about expression. I do it through music and sports. My journey is to help people unlearn of suppressing their inner self. Everyone’s feelings and thoughts deserve to see the light of day.



Are we actually living life freely with-

notice. With this discovery, PFC Taylor began his inquiry of my life before the Marines. I told him, “Back in college I was very outgoing, extroverted, and was on a mission to transform the student experience. I created clubs and organizations, joined student governance, and was asked to sit on the Vice-President’s task force as the When I was a young Marine, I was Student Liaison and provide crucial drifting among the ranks, following input for enhancing the student expeorders and being what they called a rience.” “stanchion recruit” or a person who blended in and was invisible. I was At this moment he was stupefied. He the kind of Marine who was very or- said to me, “You played the college dinary. I would have stayed like this game and won, why not do the same probably my entire career until I met thing in the Marines?” I replied, “What another young Marine whose name do you mean, I’m doing fine.” He was Private First Class (PFC) Taylor. then exclaimed, “Macklin, the Marine Corps is a game, like all of life, once PFC Taylor and I met on a pre-de- you know it exists and figure out the ployment to Afghanistan. One day, rules, you can then game it to win!” when we were sitting outside at work, The next two hours, he explained to I mentioned to another Marine how I me the benefit of using my skills of fancied playing pool or billiards. PFC networking, volunteerism, creativity, Taylor overheard and instantly chal- unselfishness, and resourcefulness to lenged me knowing in his mind that he create a future of rapid promotions, could kick my butt. What PFC Taylor awards, high-performance evaluadidn’t know is that I had been play- tions, and deployments. Once I creing pool consistently, and at a high ated a game, called “Gaming The level, for years before the Marine Marines,” my entire career shifted. Corps. I was playing the game to win, at any cost, as I always have in pool. When life becomes a game, and you His determination was inspiring as he see a higher purpose for whatever refused to give up, even after losing you’re doing, then you’re much more continuously; he kept playing again willing to put effort into winning it. If and again. you can create games in all parts of your life and strive to level up in each His first impression of me was that of a one, you’ll be amazed at where it humble, simple, and passive-aggres- might take you. sive Marine. He saw on the pool table though that inside of me was a fierce, methodical, and strategic player ready to pounce at a moment’s out any restraints or are we inside a computer generation like the Matrix? Where every aspect of our lives is a game within itself. Becoming aware of this idea gives you the power and the ability to construct your life in a way so you can win!

Most of all, commit to you. Commitment isn’t easy, but it is worth it. Discipline yourself! Commitment to your physical, mental, and spiritual self is of the utmost importance. Without you, you can’t accomplish anything you want to accomplish, right? So put yourself first and see how far you can go. Be good to yourself and to those around you. Commit to you, commit to happiness, and commit to others. After all, you deserve it and so do all other people!







Alan Leung Have you ever wished to crush your

goals? Maybe you’d wish to close a $1,000,000 Million in revenue, getting paid $10,000 to speak, or maybe own a copywriting agency. The great news is you don’t have to just wish for it, you can make it a reality. If you have a lot of time and patience, you can sometimes figure it out through trial and error. If you’re impatient and want results faster, then I’d suggest three things for your success; a mentor, “guts”, and work ethic. Let me explain.

Hi my name is Alan, I’m an experienced iPhone technician. I have been selling and repairing iPhones, laptops and all forms of electronics for five years. I started Mobilezilla with the intention of helping as many people and animals as I can, so ten percent of all proceeds going toward red cross and different animal shelters.

point, we’re going to fail anyways.” Sometimes the voice tries to trick us to forget our goals. It is then you really need to dig deep. Hear the voice and keep pushing forward anyway. Understand it won’t be easy, but if you For starters, you need a mentor with have the guts to keep going, you’ll a proven track record in the realm get there. you’re looking to grow. Look for a mentor that is transparent, one that The final piece of the recipe is the shows the ups and downs they’ve work ethic. Now you can have a been through. Ask for their reference mentor, and you can have guts, but and see how others have been im- without work ethic, you will never pacted by their teachings. A mentor reach your goal. The only time that is not a requirement to succeed, but it success comes before work is in the does help you avoid a lot of the pit- dictionary, that’s it. Regardless of falls that you may not see. A mentor what you are trying to achieve, you can guide you and share with you have to come ready to work. Everyrealistic expectations. A mentor can thing you’ve learned from your menopen up a network that would great- tor is only theory until you put action ly benefit you. The biggest reason for behind it. Even if you have the guts a mentor is to speed up the results for to cold call the meanest business owners on the block, it doesn’t mean you greatly. a thing if it’s only once. Success is Next, you’ll need to have “guts.” grasped by those who are willing to As an introvert, this can sometimes work for it! be scary or challenging. We don’t know how we will be perceived, and Everyone has goals, but not many if we’ll make a fool out of ourselves. people attain them. Unfortunately, There’s a lot of question marks, but if many of us water down our goals it’s a real goal, you’ll need to press when they seem out of reach. What on regardless. You’ll have to be okay we really need to do is level up so with the naysayers, the doubters that we can crush our goals. Give my and the negativity that may be as- three “secrets” above a try. I promise sociated with your new endeavor. It if you’re serious, you’ll see incredible goes without saying but you will fail, results. and you will fail often. You have to be okay with that and to keep going. Sometimes we hear the voice in our head telling us “what’s the


The line between moral and immoral actions is not blurred. On the contrary, the choice is binary. The question you need to ask is what are my guiding principles? Where is your moral compass pointing? Like many people, you can be doing well in life and then you shift your moral compass by as little as one degree. Which may not seem like much, but if you were flying from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., you’d end up on the other side of Baltimore, 42.6 miles away. So, as you can see, the farther you go down an immoral path, the further you will get from your destination. Taking the “moral high ground” is more than a saying; it is a lifestyle. As a leader, if you shift your moral compass, you will affect more than just yourself. You have been given a sacred duty to lead others. You must maintain a high level of morality if not you are then charged with others’ well-being. This may seem overdramatic, but if you think about it, your decisions do not just affect you. There are several ways to ensure that you make the right moral decision. My main go to is the Bible. Specifically, the book of Proverbs. The Book of Proverbs is King Solomon’s way to pay it forward. King Solomon was the wisest man of his time. His rule was of legend. He wrote the book of Proverbs to pass along this wisdom to his son Rehoboam. For example, Proverbs 11:5-15 is dedicated to morality. In this, King Solomon guides and cautions his son on setting his path, watching what you say, gossip, and being faithful to what is right. Now, to put a sharper

point on what I have just stated. If you do not have a set of principles that are written down you will have difficulty making the moral decision when things are tight. Let’s face it, to make a moral call when things are going well is easy. It is when things are not going so well that we tend to make the expedient choice which, more often than not, is not the moral determination. So, with that said, there is hope. If you intend to make the moral choice, two strategies have served me well. First is a Personal Life Statement (PLS). There are several ways to do this, but what really assisted me in composing mine was to write my own obituary. This may sound a bit morbid, but if you write down how you want to be remembered, it will really help you to get rid of the chaff that is part of your everyday life. Second is the acronym H.A.L.T. When life has you in the silly circle, and you feel your moral compass slipping ask yourself, am I Hungry, am I Angry, am I lonely, or am I tired? If you answer yes to any of the four, then step back and correct. One more parting thought. It is not too late to change. If you have made morally questionable choices in the past, leave them in the past and set your vision on the future. You have the power to change no matter where you are in life. All it takes is a choice to set your compass true. by Gary Stiefel Vienna



Jonny Gutierrez

#UNSTOPPABLE Born and raised in San Diego, California, Jonny is making it a mission to influence many around the world that are going through suffering by teaching on topics such as Meditation, Abundance, Mindfuless, and keeping a peace of mind. While discovering meditation back in 2013, life changed for Jonny forever. He has worked in countless marketing/sales positions that helped positioned him into Leadership and Entrepreneurship. With a background in the nightlife and finance industry, Jonny’s main goals is to connect deeply to those who need healing in their life and guidance to be a happier person.

To get to the level you want to go to, you have to make sacrifices, change your ways, and lose people that are holding you up in the process. This is the key to being UNSTOPPABLE! There’s a lot of people that just want to settle with being “just enough.” You will NEVER be unstoppable with that mentality. For myself, in my early adult years, I always resorted to having the “just enough” mentality. Working just enough to pay my bills, not even focusing on growth within myself. After October 2016, I made the decision to commit to success. Leave the party life behind and go after my dreams and goals. It’s amazing when people start seeing changes in you and proud about who you are becoming. Here are 3 Key Tips to being UNSTOPPABLE!

brought things like higher positions or invitations to educate others in all areas of life. “If you’re not learning, you’re dying.” 2) PLAN & TRACK PROGRESS: If you don’t have a plan for your life, someone will plan out your life for you. Planning your life has been more simple than ever, especially with the technology we have today. The best option would be investing into a planner either a yearly or a 3 month one. Personally, I use the BestSelfCo planner that helps plan my days, write out what I want to accomplish in a week, and tracks all of my good habits. If you don’t keep track of whatever you do, how will you grow? Envision how your day, week, month, and year will go and start taking steps on how to make your vision and goals happen. Plan, Track, and Achieve! 3) MENTORSHIP:

When you have a mentor or coach that is consistently drilling you for accomplishing what you said you would achieve, it’s because they want to see you win! Having someone that holds you to your standards helps you grow into a BEAST! Learn from them and take lessons on what made them successful. Learn and surround yourself with the best. Mentorship is really shaping me up to take on whatever 1) EDUCATE YOURSELF DAILY: comes my way. That right there ladies Education is a HUGE part of life. The and gentleman is called being #UNtwo best ways are by reading books STOPPABLE. (30 min minimum daily) or listening to podcasts/audios instead of listening to music. People like others that are educated and add value to other people’s lives. That’s the best thing about being an educated person, you attract like-minded educated people that can teach even more things. I used to hate reading books, but once I adopted that habit, it started attracting new opportunities my way. It

Wasim Hajjiri is an MBA-Engineer, 3x Gold medalist, author and entrepreneur who coaches and speaks on how to accomplish your dreams and how to land your dream job Website Email Number 619 756 0852 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @WasimTheDreamm Linkedin Wasim Hajjiri Youtube Wasim The Dream

WWW.CRUZINSOCIALMEDIA.COM Contact to schedule a consultation for your social media.



DAVANTI ENOTECA – LITTLE ITALY The mascarpone polenta and ragu of the day is another favorite of mine. The buttery, cheesy smoothness of the polenta mixed with the velvety texture of the pork meat ragu is pure scrumptiousness. This one is by far a crowd pleaser. For entrees, the Pappardelle Bolognese is made of fresh pappardelle pasta, homemade beef, veal Bolognese, onions, carrots, celery, San Marzano tomatoes, and pecorino and is simply mouthwatering. Another burst of flavor that stops you in your chews and again that low ”yum” slips out. The Risotto Carbonara consists of parmesan risotto, pancetta, peas, egg yolk, and black pepper. It’s hard for me to find words to describe this dish except to say that its creamy richness is simply pure heaven. Other patron favorites include the Davanti Burger, Polpo Con Rafano (seared octopus), Crispy Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower Steak, Ricotta Vasi – well, ok, the whole menu really.

One of my favorite restaurants is Davanti Enoteca

in Little Italy. It’s a bustling hot spot known for its rustic interior, superb cocktails, and diverse, authentic Italian eats. Now, Little Italy is filled with cute, quaint Italian restaurants all featuring sidewalk seating and traditional Italian foods. But, Davanti’s just never seems to disappoint and is most certainly a favorite amongst locals and tourists alike. I’ve eaten a plethora of dishes here and have always been spectacularly pleased. One of my most favored dishes is the Focaccia Di Recco - a cheese stuffed Ligurian flatbread with honeycomb. It’s a flaky flatbread crust with a unique mixture of cow cheese topped with fresh honeycomb . . . A pleasurable mesh of tastes that makes your eyes roll back and you groan with a low throaty yum. One patron stated that she’s “sure this is what dreams are made of.” Now that’s deliciousness.


Service has also always been top notch when I’ve visited. The servers are willing to make suggestions, match drink offerings, and remain attentive throughout your meal. They are friendly, personable, and tend to go out of their way to provide you with an enjoyable dining experience. There most certainly is no shortness of exceptional reviews either. Patrons have been known to report “loving the vibe,” “will not disappoint,” “wish I could eat here daily,” “ambiance amazing,” and “worth stopping by frequently for.” If you’re looking for a truly traditional, authentic, Italian experience, Davanti Enoteca will most definitely please. You can people watch from the front sidewalk dining, or even enjoy a romantic date night on the beautiful back patio umbrellaed by a vast olive tree. This is the place to be! by Janine Holman

Your are an Influencer.

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you ever wanted to change yourself but never had the courage to do so? We all need to level up somehow. Whether it’s emotionally, physically, or spiritually, we all NEED to improve. The moment you think you’re ahead of everyone and stop improving yourself is, the moment that your competitors will surpass you! Remember this while reading, you attract who you become! I’ve had a rough past. My father was absent all of my life; I grew up in a not so cookie-cutter neighborhood where people around me were getting killed. I’ve had many abusive people in my life and much more. I tell you this not to feel sorry for me, but to let you know that it is hard going through stuff in your past. Whether it be your partner leaving you, a loved one passing, or losing the deal of a lifetime; it is all difficult. But, I want to encourage you to learn from your experiences, the way I learned from mine! I’ve battled with severe anxiety and depression for most of my life! Instead of sticking on the booze and party train to get my happy fix, I knew there was something better I NEEDED to do to change my life. I visited my cousin in Miami, Florida and saw his saltwater aquarium. I was hooked! After many panic attacks and aquariums, I found my true self. My biggest problem with anxiety was the fact that I couldn’t find someone that I could relate to. I was never in control of anything. The world was caving in, and there was nothing I could do... Until I had an ocean in my living room, office, and even right next to my bed - that’s when I felt at peace! In my newest book, “Transforming Your Stress Tank into a Fish Tank,” I talk about my

YOUR POTENTIAL Many times in the pursuit of our dreams and goals we run into roadblocks that often times alter and/or stop us from advancing. This usually happens when we try to achieve goals that are bigger than our current skill sets.

Leandro Brandao Leandro is a ‘Teenpreneur’ whose passion is saltwater aquariums; which have helped him through many tough times. Leandro started an aquarium cleaning service in San Diego called, Reefalicious, as well as co-founded a clothing brand for entrepreneurs called “Enspired.” Leandro pioneered the Young Entrepreneur Society (YES) Club at his school and is now a director at multiple schools. He helps fellow students like him who have the burning desire to start their own business and pursue their passions successfully. He aspires to be the person he wished he had when he was younger.

journey into aquariums and how I managed to mold my past into creating a better future for me. I now own a saltwater and freshwater aquarium maintenance business, have published four books, and speak to those with anxiety, depression, and stress about how to manage it the right way! See, if I hadn’t focussed on my past in the RIGHT way, I wouldn’t be the 18-year-old ’Teenpreneur’ I am today! I advise you to concentrate on your past, look at the negatives and over analyze them. Your problems will ALWAYS have a positive; you just have to look for it! You can either dwell and stress on your issues and not succeed or you can use the road bumps in your life as a stepping stone to elevate your future one step at a time. How do you build a 10,000-squarefoot Malibu beach mansion? You build the foundation… You can’t expect to go far in life when you have these burdens tied to your ankles. You’re a prisoner to yourself! It’s time to build YOUR foundation the RIGHT way!


Leveling Up is essentially making a healthy assessment of your current skills and creating an action plan that will help you maximize your full potential personally and/or professionally. I often tell my clients that personal development is a lifelong process, and if you want to begin your life transformation, you have to be willing to self-assess frequently and take action steps toward becoming your best self. Personal development is a by-product of step-by-step planning and execution. I want to leave you with three practical tools that you can start leveling up today. 1.) DEVELOP A GROWTH MINDSET Having a growth mindset (the belief that you are in control of your own ability and can learn and improve) is the key to success. A growth mindset gives you the ability to see your failures as an opportunity for growth. A growth mindset helps you focus on process and progress; in searching out a chance to stretch your existing abilities. My own career as a personal development and career life coach has taught me the importance of having a growth mindset when faced with success or crisis. 2.) DETERMINE YOUR AREA OF EXCELLENCE You were put on this earth with a special combination of talents, abilities, and personal skills that make you different from anyone who has ever lived. Whatever you’re doing today, it’s nowhere near what you’re really capable of doing. The key to a happy and prosperous life is for you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses regularly, to become very good in the areas you most enjoy, and then to throw your whole heart into what you’re doing. The results you’re able to get by applying your personal skills and strengths largely determine your rewards in life. If you wish to increase the quality and quantity of your rewards, you have to increase your ability to achieve more and better results. 3.) CREATE OR FIND A SUPPORT TEAM Finding a support team will enable you to learn from one another’s mistakes. You are able to avoid future errors, gain insight from differing perspectives, and learn new concepts from more experienced individuals. Also, you can expand your current skill sets, discover fresh ideas, and therefore ascertain more effective approaches and solutions towards the goal at hand. This active engagement generates an innovative capacity to problem solve and generate ideas more effectively and efficiently. I hope you find these tips to be helpful as you continue your journey toward a life of purpose and positive self-discovery. by Lilene French



Devona and Kevin visited an art show in Los Angeles featuring amazing artists from Instagram. Devona remembers being so angry and disappointed in the business skill of some of the artists. From that experience, Devona decided that the lack of business skill is the reason there is this stigma of a starving artist. So she set out to change the game and show that you can be a creative spirit and make money! Devona spreads her message through speaking, through her book, and through the GangSTAR community. Devona advises that the first step you should take if you are a creature that has decided to make a living out of your God-given talents is to find your brand. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there that paint, draw, do makeup, write, etc., but there is something that makes you different! Find that thing, brand it, and let people know they aren’t only getting your art, they are getting a piece of you with your art.

Meet Devona Stimpson! This badass entre-

preneur is taking San Diego by storm with her beautiful art and business savvy! As the designer and artist behind Art by Devona and founder of GangSTAR Creative, Devona is helping creatives thrive in business and in life! This boss babe doesn’t only kill it in the creative world; she is a fantastic marketer, branding expert, speaker, and a best selling author! Devona was always creative growing up. In the fourth grade, she created her first website and fell in love with graphic design. From then on she learned everything she could about graphic design. Luckily she is a self-motivated woman that knows what she wants and goes after it. So despite small comments from others about her having an art degree, she is pursuing her passion and giving back to the creative entrepreneur community! Entrepreneurship is something that has always been in Devona’s blood. She has always worked as a freelancer and has also built Strive and Grind with her husband, Kevin. However, there was one amazing art show that pushed her to her creative entrepreneur side.

After spending years building a branding agency alongside her husband Kevin, Devona is finally getting back to doing what she loves and is passionate about. Now Devona focuses on creating badass art for those who appreciate her style and personal brand. Working on Strive and Grind has helped Devona learn a plethora of skills and meet so many amazing people, but at the end of the day, she had that creative side that needed to get out! Keep an eye out for Devona’s newest website where you can get prints of her amazing art and get into contact with her to commission a one of a kind masterpiece! *** From all of us at Life By Design magazine happy twelve year anniversary to this amazing power couple! Go Devona and Kevin! ***

Written By: Kristen Crooks Interviewed By: Jennifer Meim





Casey’s Favorite Quote: “Go big or go home.” Meet our fearless leader and Editor-in-Chief, Casey Nicole Fox. Casey is the one who makes this magazine happen! When our publisher and Casey visited the Thrive conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, they saw Kevin Harrington speak. During Kevin’s keynote he talked about how Facebook is the largest place for people to look at social media content; though Facebook produces no content themselves. That was the moment the idea for Life By Design magazine was birthed. On October 23rd 2017, only 22 days after it’s conception, Casey Nicole Fox and her team had the very first print edition for December 2017 in hand! Outside of Life By Design magazine, Casey is equally driven. She is the COO, Chief Operating Officer, for Stegela Partners International Incorporated while also running four of her own businesses. When she is not devoting her time to helping other entrepreneurs create success through Life By Design, she is guiding starting entrepreneurs by working with San Diego’s #1 business and coaching mastermind.

has had some amazing experiences and has great advice for entrepreneurs. But above all else, her advice is to find a mentor. Find someone to show you how to avoid the mistakes that they have made so you don’t have to make them yourself. Without her mentors, Casey says she, “would probably be dead in a gutter somewhere.” This is why she is so insistent on finding a mentor. If you would like to know more about Casey’s story and how she found a mentor just reach out. Casey is most excited to continue building Life By Design magazine and help give the information with the inspiration that it takes to build a career out of entrepreneurship. Building this magazine has helped Casey reach and impact so many lives, and she is so ready to continue creating a positive impact in the world and help entrepreneurs reach their ultimate goals. If you would like to know more about Casey, you can connect with her at: Email: Website: Instagram: @CaseyNicoleFox

Creating Life By Design magazine has impacted Casey’s life in so many ways (other than filling all of her remaining time). Casey has a dream to impact 1 million people in her lifetime. Life By Design magazine is just the start of this mission. Starting this magazine also gave her the inspiration she needed to get her personal story out there in the form of a book. Casey released her book “I Quit” at a Life By Design mixer to give the first look to the people who helped change her life. By seeing so many people share their stories she was inspired to share just how she got where she was and that it is ok to want to quit from time to time.

Meet LBD’s Creative Director, Jennifer Meim! Jennifer has been with Life By Design since day one, and we literally mean day one! As the creative director, she is the creator of the look and feel of all of Life By Design. Jennifer works closely with our Editor-in-Chief to create the look for each and every magazine edition, the online version, and even some of our social media posts.

Being someone who went from working four day jobs to owning four of her own businesses, Casey

Jennifer isn’t only our creative director, she also runs Your Influencer Agency. This agency helps speakers

Jen’s Favorite Quote: “If nothing changes, nothing changes.” - Stephen Dela Cruz

get paid bookings. What a rock star right? Jennifer’s goal is to be the Jerry McGuire of speaking agents by not only getting them amazing paid gigs but also by creating a close relationship. She helps speakers get paid talks that line up with their values and fit in with each of their goals. Although Jennifer has always been amazing, working with Life By Design magazine has helped her create belief in herself. When Life By Design was started, our publisher and Editor-in-Chief handed Jennifer the reins and gave her control and a lot of responsibility. This forced her to build Life By Design and gave her the belief in herself she needed. But that’s not the only way Life By Design has impacted Jennifer. Every time we release a new edition, Jennifer loves seeing every person we impact. Life By Design’s goal is to create the information with the inspiration that entrepreneurs need to get the job done, and Jennifer loves impacting the lives of others in a positive way. If you are just starting out, Jennifer has some advice for you. She started her transformation when she found someone that she wanted to become. Someone to look at what she is doing and help her adjust to build more success. If you are an entrepreneur and want to build success, Jennifer’s number one tip for you is to find that person for you and allow them to teach you how they gained success. Jennifer is excited to be diving in deeper to working with Your Influencer Agency. Seeing a speaker is something that changed her life and now she wants to be able to create an impact by making sure your story gets told! If you are looking to get into contact with Jennifer you can reach her at: Email: Website: Instagram: @j.meim

Casey Nicole Fox

CEO & Editor-In-Chief

Jennifer Meim Creative Director


Leo’s Favorite Quote: “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” -Sirius Black “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” -Sirius Black Meet Leandro Brandao! Leandro is one of our copy editors at Life By Design magazine! Without Leandro, the stories that are submitted would only be half told! But editing Life By Design magazine articles isn’t all Leandro does! He is also the owner and founder of Reefalicious aquarium maintenance services. By keeping your aquarium clean and correctly set up, he can save you money, time, and stress, as well as make that aquarium in your house beautiful and healthy! Leandro has had his own experiences dealing with severe anxiety, stress, and depression. Which in turn helped Leandro develop the necessary skills in transforming into a serial author with intents on speaking to help everyone through their battle of stress and anxiety, to ultimately build that confidence everyone needs to succeed. Leandro is ecstatic that he has had the opportunity to work with Life By Design and impact so many lives, including his own! Now Leandro gets to build his credibility as an editor in San Diego’s only print entrepreneur magazine at 18 years old! One of Leandro’s favorite parts of working with Life By Design magazine is getting to hear all the different stories he can learn from authors just like you. As an 18-year-old entrepreneur, he loves learning every life lesson he can, which in turn, helps him find himself in a little bit in everyone’s stories. Leandro has an amazing story, and through his life experiences has learned to build multiple successful businesses and publish four books at only 18 years old! Through his life, the most important thing he has kept is to always look for the light inside of you. He says to remember that after a hurricane, there is always a rainbow! So don’t forget to look for that rainbow!

Right now Leandro is creating his speech to impact those around him! Leandro loves to share his experiences and hardships to ultimately build a more confident you. He wants to help rid the anxiety and stress that is rampant in the world, one person at a time! If you would like to learn more about Leo check him out at: Email: Website: Instagram: @Mr_Brandao

Janine’s Favorite Quote: “Everyone has a story. Before you judge, listen.” Janine Holman is a copy editor of the magazine and is responsible for proofreading and editing articles submitted for publication. In addition to submitting her own articles, Janine also interviews people for articles and writes the cover, What’s Going On San Diego, restaurant review, and entrepreneur spotlight articles. Outside of the magazine, Janine helps people put their stories in a book, share those stories with the world, and then leverage them in their businesses. Janine is most passionate about connecting with people and listening to the life stories they have to tell. Whether it’s a story of poverty, a story of traditions, or a story of overcoming and triumph . . . EVERYONE has a story. She tells these stories to preserve cultures, inspire current generations, and connect today’s generations with future generations. As creator and founder of two platforms, Janine encourages conversations around awakening your limitlessness and creating a life beyond awesome. Awaken Your Limitlessness is an inspirational and motivational lifestyle platform to help others own their limitlessness and design their own Life Beyond Awesome. On this platform, Janine shares her life experiences and encourages and inspires others to design and live a fulfilling, limitless, and abundant life.

Life Beyond Awesome is a blog of travel journeys for adventurers, foodies, and lovers of luxurious things. Here, as a freelance writer and photographer, Janine covers stories that are both local and international and focuses on diving into cultures and communities and the people who make them thrive. She invests time in learning how to best travel on a dime – being money smart and maximizing travel dollars while still enjoying the luxurious side of life. Janine also enjoys sharing these conversations through speaking engagements at schools, events, conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings and the like. Life By Design magazine has given Janine the opportunity to truly grow as a writer. She received her first published byline in Life By Design and now has more than 30 published articles both online and in print. Janine’s advice to entrepreneurs is to develop a tribe that rallies behind you. Your tribe is your biggest supporter. It’s the “wind beneath your wings.” By creating your tribe, you not only get a raving community of people rallying behind you, your life is tremendously enriched by building life-long relationships – relationships that carry you through the hardest and most difficult times you will ever crawl through; relationships that will cheer for you and celebrate the highest achievements you will ever obtain. Most importantly, though, the greatest personal growth you receive is by leading and serving others. Publishing her first book is the project that Janine is most excited about right now. She is authoring a book titled Awaken Your Limitlessness – A Transformational Guide For Those Who Dare To Live A Life Beyond Awesome. Her goal is to provide wisdom that encourages others to own their limitlessness and create their own Life Beyond Awesome. If you would like to know more about Janine, connect with her at: Email: Facebook: Instagram: @janineholman

Leandro Brandão Copy Editor

Janine Holman Copy Editor


Kristen’s Favorite Quote: “Life is too short to be working for someone else’s dream.” Meet LBD’s Event Director! Kristen Crooks has been with Life by Design since we first started printing. Kristen started as an editorial assistant, but through hard work she has found her calling running our events. Every launch party Kristen is behind the scenes making sure things run as smoothly as possible! Outside of Life by design Kristen focuses most of her time working with Stegela Success Mastery. Working with entrepreneurs to make sure they stay accountable to their goals, and helping create a community of entrepreneurs in San Diego! Kristen also spends her time working as a ghostwriter, and helping other people get their story out there! Kristen is so grateful that she has been able to work with Life by Design for so long! She has had the chance to work closely with some of her personal heros’ and has an amazing time while she does it! Working with events helps Kristen to see the community she is helping build! Every event that Kristen helps run gives her a chance to help Life by Design’s community and build authentic connections with every person that walks though our door! Events can be incredibly tricky with last minute changes, unexpected problems, and expectations to be an amazing event, this is why Kristens best advice for starting entrepreneurs is be flexible. The journey of owning your own business is a tough one, so remember to be open minded to new opportunities, and let the rough stuff roll off your shoulders. Although Kirsten keeps very busy, the project she is most excited about is working with Women Of Worth! This is Life by Designs Women’s mixer where

Kristen gets to connect with all the girl power she can! Women of Worth is a monthly mixer where Women in San Diego can connect and build influence and help impact the community! If you would like to know more about our events, or get into contact with Kristen contact her at. If you are looking to get into contact with Kristen, you can reach her at: Email: Website: Instagram: @crooks13

Dominic’s Favorite Quote: “Be here, be now, make the day count.” - Dominic Cruz What is going on everyone! We are coming at you with another amazing Life by Design team member. That’s right, another one! Our social media guru Dominic Cruz handles all of Life by Design’s social media and interaction! But Dominic doesn’t only do social media for Life by Design, he also is the founder and CEO of CruzIN Social Media, where he puts his clients’ social media on Cruz control. Dominic may be a social media guru, but he also is a keynote speaker, real estate investor, and a director for the Young Entrepreneur’s Society, a non-profit committed to bringing the spirit of entrepreneurship to the students.

ing with Life by Design, Dominic has really found how amazing it is to give back to our community and how much he truly does want to continue giving. As Dominic has found his journey through entrepreneurship, he has realized that you always have to believe in yourself. There will be many trials and tribulations, but you must keep pushing through if you want to gain massive success. Each new idea is something to explore, and each opportunity gives you a chance to learn more about business or even yourself. So no matter what is going on in your life, if you believe in what you are doing, you have to push through. Dominic is excited the most by his up and coming speaking career! By sharing his story Dominic hopes to create a positive impact on the world and help other entrepreneurs avoid the mistakes he has made. As he continues this journey he is perfecting his speeches to give motivation and leadership skills, as well as motivation and success skills! If you would like to get into contact with Dominic or book him to speak, you can reach him at: Email: Website: Instagram: @DominicCruz88

Even though Dominic has a packed schedule, he makes sure to work with Life by Design because it has had such an amazing impact on his life. Dominic has learned so much about his own business and himself through the stories he helps tell. Realizing there are so many people out there that have been through the same struggle he has and prevailed, has helped Dominic propel himself to success. By work-

Kristen Crooks Event Director

Dominic Cruz Social Media


Jeff’s Favorite Quote: “The best bet I ever made was the bet I made on Myself” Jeff Rollon is the Director of Sales for Life By Design magazine and is responsible for advertising in the magazine. By selling ad space he gets the chance to connect with anyone who is interested in advertising. Outside of the magazine, Jeff is a real estate developer. He buys land, builds houses, and has a big goal of going into commercial development with the “big boys.” Jeff has been working in real estate development, learning the trade, for 5 years. But that’s not the only hat Jeff wears. Jeff is also the head coach for San Diego’s number one business coaching and mastermind program, Stegela Success Mastery. Working with Stegela Success Mastery he helps entrepreneurs expand their portfolios, reach their goals, and build their overall vision in life. Life By Design magazine has given Jeff the opportunity to be in front of multiple people from multiple industries. He contributes the magazine with the growth of his network by getting his name out more through publishing articles. The magazine has become an additional community for him, connecting with so many people and not only sharing his story but also helping people share their stories and grow their businesses. Jeff’s advice to entrepreneurs is to set yourself up with the right people. The first three to four years of business are the hardest. By setting yourself up with the right people – mentors, coaches, team, etc. you can literally cut your profitability time in half. Don’t believe you have to figure it all out on your own. Nobody is ever successful on their own. They always have people. Jeff also advises to always network, your network is your net worth.

Fit Monkey Online Coaching Program is Jeff’s newest project! Jeff is passionate to share the schedules, knowledge, exercise routines, plans, and everything he utilized to lose over 60 pounds in less than 12 months. Jeff found his love of fitness through calisthenics and is proud to say he reached his goals with no supplements or a single day in the gym! Working solely with bodyweight exercises, he got to get fit, enjoy the beach, and build a community of people that aim to do the same! Wealth can make you feel successful, but if your health doesn’t allow you to spend it how you want, are you truly successful? If you are interested in learning more about Jeff, contact him at: Email: Website: Instagram: @jeff_rollon

Mary’s Favorite Quote: “If you’re not networking, You’re not in business.” Meet the wonderful Auntie Mary Hang, who is the Marketing Director for Life By Design magazine. As the marketing director, Mary reaches out and finds people that want to share their story and impact San Diego’s entrepreneurship community. Auntie Mary helps connect San Diego’s thriving entrepreneurship community and gives opportunities to entrepreneurs to build, leverage, and impact other lives. Outside of bringing the entrepreneurship community opportunities to further their impact and build more clientele, Mary is considered the ultimate connector. Mary has spent countless hours building her network and now she helps her network meet their needs and connect to people who can further their success. But she isn’t called Auntie Mary for nothing. Mary’s favorite hat to wear is spending her time

to give back to the youth. Through the Young Entrepreneur’s Society, Auntie Mary builds the youths’ personal development skills, business development skills, and confidence. The high schoolers in the Young Entrepreneur’s Society love her so much that they gave her the nickname “Auntie Mary”. Life By Design magazine has allowed Mary to give others the opportunity to share their voice and their dreams. The magazine has inspired her to not only network with people and help them network themselves, but to have people share their voice – to tell their story to reach their audience. Mary’s advice to starting entrepreneurs to grow their business is to find someone that is somewhere you want to be, someone that resonates with your vision and your values and then copy them. Don’t waste time reinventing the wheel. Just find someone who is already doing what you want to do, someone that aligns with your vision and values and do what they do. Also, Mary highly encourages entrepreneurs to network and meet as many people as possible – if you are not networking, you are not in business. Networking is what helps Mary create clients, build relationships, and increase her income. Although it may be a difficult task for some, networking is an essential part of business! Mary’s current project that she is most excited about is her book. She is authoring a collaborative book titled Letters to Me, Life Lessons I Wish I Knew. Her goal is to provide wisdom, help people move beyond things that hold them back - things that cause their limiting beliefs. Spending so much of her time working with the youth shows Mary how many kids have limiting beliefs, and she wants to help each one of them move past those beliefs. If you would like to know more about Auntie Mary, contact her at: Email: Website: Instagram: @Everyones_Auntie_Mary

Jeff Rollon

Sales Director

Mary Hang

Marketing Director


Anne’s Favorite Quote: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Anne Barrera and Barrera Photography is our in-house photographer! This amazing woman is Life by Design’s official cover photographer that works with us to capture the image of Life by Design. As a professional photographer, Anne and her husband Andrew photographs for private events as well as corporate events and even do some photo booth photography. Through photography, Anne helps capture the most beautiful moments in your life and can even help create content for entrepreneurs to create engagement.

Anne Barrera Photographer

Working with Life by Design has helped Anne be able to continue her entrepreneurship journey. She has always know that she has wanted to be part of something big, and working with the magazine has helped build to that vision. Having something to help her passion burn brighter and create the opportunity to build even further even further is what keeps Anne going! Anne and her husband Andrew have gone through so many trials and tribulations that reaching this goal only fuels their fire. Working with so many different people, Anne’s best advice is to be open-minded as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is a long journey that takes patience, but you don’t have to go at it alone. Surround yourself with the right people that can help you get to the next level, and be ready to take on tasks that may seem difficult. When you surround yourself with people who uplift you and provide the right resources, success will come to you. Failure is a part of entrepreneurship, and you must be ready for that to succeed, but take it as learning lessons and build your success. Anne’ss most excited for the new branch of her photography company! Now Barrera Photography offers help for branding your business. Anne and Andrew discovered that so many entrepreneurs had amazing services, but weren’t getting as many clients. This is because of the unprofessional pictures and branding that so many entrepreneurs have. So they have expanded their services to include helping entrepreneurs build their clientele through a professionally branded photography session. If you would like to learn more or schedule a photo shoot, contact Anne at: Email: Website: Instagram: @barreraphotos

Your LBD Team Thanks You!





I became an entrepreneur, like you, to make an impact and to improve others’ lives. I want people not to struggle quite as much as I did learning how to be an entrepreneur. I wanted it to be easier through education and connection. Adversely, I know there are times we can be so driven by overcoming challenges and achieving the success that we can lose sight of the ultimate goal of helping people.


Janine Holman

isn’t any secret to acquiring what you want. Everyone knows that having a dream, setting goals, and taking action is really all it takes to get Janine Holman is a freelance writer, photographer, and travel blogger what you want in life. founder of Life Beyond Awesome – a Is that truly all there is to manifesting site of travel journeys for adventurwhat you want though? Is dreaming ers, foodies, and lovers of luxurious and working hard really all you need things. Her stories cover both local to do to create that great life story and international travel and focus on worthy of leaving behind as your diving into cultures and communities and the people who make them thrive. legacy? Most of all Janine enjoys sharing her I believed that dreams, desires, plan- life’s adventures and showing others ning, and hard work was all it took to how they too can design a Life Beyond acquire what I wanted in life. But let’s Awesome. take a look at the life most of us have led. Have you not desired things that you have worked hard at to still not and expecting that I would meet the get what you wanted? I know I have person that would get me to that and each time I was left disappointed awards ceremony. I had the attire and that all my hard work didn’t provide the desire. But most importantly, I had the belief. me with what I desired. Not long ago I realized I was lacking manifestation in my life because my efforts were based on me controlling the outcome through my physical actions. I realized this because I recently experienced true manifestation. You see, there was a black tie, red carpet awards ceremony in LA that I wanted to attend with my friends. We were headed to LA for a conference and my friends were attending the awards ceremony the day after the conference ended. I really wanted to get all dolled up and attend this event with them, but I had no way to obtain a ticket. Someone said to me, “Janine, you never know who you will meet at this conference. If you truly want to go to the awards ceremony, make it happen.” My response was, “What am I supposed to do, buy a formal dress for an event I’m not even going to?” She said, “It’s not like you’re going to wear it if you don’t go, you can return the dress.”

Belief - that is the missing ingredient as to why I was lacking manifestation in my life. Did I believe in my dreams before? Absolutely. Did I believe I could acquire what I wanted? Most definitely. Was there any doubt whatsoever – probably. That’s why I didn’t manifest what I truly wanted. Every time you think there is more you can do to manifest your desires, every time you think you need to work harder or do something better, you’re actually revealing that you don’t trust your dreams to manifest – it’s your lack of undoubted belief that prevents the manifestation. I did meet that right person at that conference. I did go to that awards ceremony and I did have a wonderful, fabulous night – all because I had undoubted belief. Now, do you need to dream? Yes. Do you need to set goals? Absolutely. Do you need to take action? Most definitely. But, most importantly, believe and believe without doubt.

That statement sent me into motion. She was right. I could return the dress. I showed up at the conference ready


We are a walking dichotomy where we are driven by our own desire for success by helping to make others’ lives easier. It is in this journey that we toe the line of selflessness and selfishness. We do it because we love it but also because we refuse anything less than ultimate success so we can help at an even larger scale. Any successful leader would agree that the audience is the number one focus of any business: the audience’s experience, desires, and expectations. If the audience is not happy then nothing we do matters. We will not achieve the success we desire, achieve our goals, and make the connection that builds our credibility as an expert. We must create an environment of transformation for our audience. At the first meeting, we must transform them from not caring into caring, from not connecting to connecting, from uninterested to interested. Next, we move them from not being sure to know that they cannot live without it. This is when they are driven by their desire for the product or service and commit now. It is at this point where most entrepreneurs stop. Once the customer buys, the marketing job is done, and the audience is on their own to do what they will. But it is in the delivery where the transformation can begin. This is your opportunity to build an audience who loves you and who helps you build a legacy. It is in the delivery where you get to give them what you said you would. It is to make every moment count and make them know that they mean everything to you at that moment. They will know that you gave them your heart and soul. They will see that you thought of them AFTER they bought. This is an opportunity for you to build lifelong clients. You will be different than all the others. You will have done what you said you would do. You are looking to them to not be a fly by night customer but building a lifelong relationship where they go to you for everything related. You will know that they love and trust you when they begin to recommend you to everyone they know and ask you for your opinion on everything. This is when you officially begin to be the expert you must be to build a true legacy. It is in this moment that you have achieved both: you have become everything you desire to be while serving your audience well. by Jessica L. Moody



be in life. Finding someone that can show you where the road bumps are, and lead you the to the fastest path to success will cut down on the likelihood of failure. This can also help you realize that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel but instead can just improve it here and there. The other piece of advice that Grant gave us is that keep in mind as the head of the company you get paid last. There are times where you will be putting in your blood sweat and tears, and not even making enough to survive. But remember that there is a moment where you can get acquired or make it big, and that moment is worth it. It is a hard path that you are walking on, but if you truly believe in yourself and know that this is the path for you, then you must persevere. While there are amazing things about working with your family like communication is already built. You have that know like and trust factor between each other that allows you to be a little blunter, and know that you will recover quicker if anything does sting a bit.


Grant Lebeau! A San Diego native, lifeguard, and family businessman with Rickaroons. This company started at a farmers market in 2013 where this father-son duo shared their family’s secret to keeping their family energized. Starting a health-conscious energy bar company does not come without difficulties. Grant has learned a thing or two about what it takes, when we asked what his advice is for entrepreneurs going through this tough stage he gave some amazing advice. Grant told us that if you can see the path, it becomes a lot more clear. This means finding someone who is already where you want to

Finishing up the rickaroon Costco tour is an amazing step, and they are so excited to continue working on their family business. Whether it is innovating new flavors, or getting their product into more stores, the Rickaroon family is here to stay!

Written By: Kristen Crooks Interviewed By: Jennifer Meim




“Stop. Look. Listen to what your heart is telling you.” DON’T LET SCHOOL GET IN THE WAY OF

YOUR EDUCATION Mark Zuckerberg, Sara Blakely, El-

Rommel Cabal Rommel is an Electrical Engineer turned Lifestyle Entrepreneur. Current VP of the Young Entrepreneur Society and Executive Producer at Project Evo. His goal is continuous growth. Not just for himself, but for those around him. He believes in giving people permission to be themselves, so that they can access their unique genius and carve their own path in life.

len Degeneres, Walt Disney, what do these names have in common? Time. Time is precious. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. But what is the differentiator that sets these individuals apart from everyone else? They’ve learned to leverage their time flying solo. Whatever it is that allows and increase productivity by continuyou to be present and do the things ing education. that are most important, do that. I like to call this “being in a state of flow.” Now, I’m not talking about getting By being in a state of flow, you’re your masters or Ph.D. I’m talking more aware of the things around you, about self-continued education. The and you are more likely to be producway that these icons became successtive and thrive. ful is that they’ve learned that in order to be successful, they needed to be a The next step after figuring out how master at what they do. Zuckerberg your brain actually learns is that you taught himself how to code by readhave to take action. Often we go to ing “C++ For Dummies” at the age of a conference or workshop and learn 12. Over time he continued to master all of the materials. But after the event his craft and eventually used his skills is over, no action is taken, and the to create Facebook. Sara Blakely, material that you’ve learned becomes started her business with only $5,000 useless. For the material to be useful, while selling fax machines. She had you need to take action. Zuckerberg, no idea how to start a business. She Blakely, Degeneres, or Disney didn’t was willing to make mistakes and use become famous from their idea. They that as a gateway to learning from became famous from the actions they what she didn’t know in business. Her took from that idea. $5,000 startup turned into the billion dollar company, SPANX. So in order to get more out of life and continue to level up, be a lifelong stuHow can I do this for myself? The sedent. cret is to find out how your brain processes information because everyone learns in a unique same way. Some find it easier to read a book, and others find it easier to listen to an audio, or watch videos. There are some that thrive from being around others, while others like to disconnect and thrive by


Stuck In The Routine Each day we all have a million thoughts that race through our heads. Get ready for work, drop off the kids, pay that bill - rushing to that meeting. But what about those other thoughts? You know, the ones that we don’t actually act on. The thoughts, and feelings rather, that come from the heart. So often, we get lost in the everyday routines that we tend to forget the importance of taking time to care about others and being there when it truly matters. My Story I am guilty of unintentionally disregarding the needs of others. Having been so engulfed in the hustle and bustle of my career as a TV News Reporter, I would often find myself inattentive. All I could think about when I got off work is my glass of wine and sweatpants. Yeah sure, I would pick up the phone and talk, but my mind wasn’t giving the person on the other end the full attention. My mind would be more focused on how the workday went. Did I pronounce everything correctly? Was my reporting up to par? What story idea will I pitch for tomorrow? I have missed out on moments and subtle signs from friends, family, and even passersby that may have needed me. I was once stuck in the ego mindset of “me, me, me,” but recently I’ve been able to change that. During this current professional transition, I have had some downtime. And that downtime has enabled me to reconnect full heartedly with those that are close to me. I have been able to quiet the ego, get out of my routine, and become a blessing to others. The end result – the way you feel! You know the result of putting others first? It feels good! And let me tell you, it comes back to you in a beautiful way. For example, just the other day I saw a homeless woman holding a sign, “So broke it hurts.” Instead of continuing on my way and simply driving by, my heart told me to stop. I actually gave this woman my last few dollars (which I needed to put gas in my car) and then drove away smiling because of the gratitude I saw on her face. Best of all, I too received a blessing. Just a few hours later a notification lights up on my phone. A good friend sent me a Venmo payment saying, “Just because.” Caring about others is caring for yourself. So, I tell you this - get out of your routine. Stop. Look. Listen to what your heart is telling you. by Brittany Ford

MASSIVE SUCCESS BREAKTHROUGH Saturday | January 12th, 2019 | 9AM-5PM Presents

FRESH START Set up your life and business the right way for 2019




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Thought Leaders Zone 5 THINGS TO ADD TO YOUR LIFE A Simple, Proven Path to Success I became a Best-Selling Author in 10 countries this year. But, why now? Why not 10 years ago?

Are you willing to believe in something so much that it gives you the freedom to achieve everything you want?

There are five very simple things that I added to my life this year that made it possible.

4. COMMITMENT You are messable. We all are. The moment something doesn’t go the way we’ve planned, or someone says something we don’t like, we’re thrown off course.

1. CELEBRATION As a kid, I remember how exciting celebrations and special occasions were. I waited all year for my birthday and Christmas! These last few years, I got to thinking, “what if we didn’t wait to celebrate?” The moment I started to celebrate everything, unprecedented things started happening to me. Success started to find me, regularly. It’s become effortless. The only thing I changed was my perspective on what is celebrationworthy, and believe me, everything is. 2. CONFIDENCE One of the unusual side-effects of increased celebration has been an increase in personal confidence. I’ve been bullied for the majority of my life. Confidence has been a struggle, and I know it’s a struggle for many (even those who pretend they have it all together). In entrepreneurship, in particular, I’ve found that what I call comparanoia is insidious. Some so many people have seemed to figure it out online, and it’s very easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves against the success of others which leads to a breakdown in confidence. I didn’t let myself go down the road of comparanoia. I even put blinders on, so I could continue to focus on my own vision and mission, unapologetically. What would become possible for your if you decided, right now, that you were just a little more confident? 3. FAITH A few years ago, as I was unloading groceries, 2 young men approached me on my driveway. They were Mormon missionaries. I asked them about their mission and what they were going to do afterwards. They said, “After our mission, we’ll go back home, get married and have a family.” Their answer changed me. They were so incredibly confident, unwavering in their faith, and most of all, I’ll never forget how free they were. Their freedom showed in the way they spoke, and in the kindness, they extended to others. Faith provides freedom.


What do you believe?

After studying amazing leaders, speakers, and visionaries for the last 26 years, I’ve come to learn this: the most extraordinary and successful individuals have unmessable commitment to their vision, mission, and message. Nothing stops them. The moment I decided to make a commitment to myself, everything changed. Not only did things become clearer for me, but they also became clearer for those who watched me, and as a result, my business grew, exponentially. Building a business, a brand, and a following takes time. Are you committed to putting in the time? 5. URGENCY In the smash hit musical “Avenue Q” there’s a song that talks about everything being for now. From your hair to the president, your job to your discomfort – everything really is just for now, and yet you lose valuable time obsessing over things that won’t get you closer to achieving your freedom. A good friend of mine recently asked, “Davide, let’s get together...I don’t have a lot of time.” She’s been battling brain cancer. It really hit me. How much more time will I waste? Will I wait until I have to say something similar? Now, I approach every day, every task, every conversation with urgency and people can feel it. The most successful people in the world have a unique balance of all these elements. What will you add a little more of in your life to blaze your own trails of success and freedom? by Davide Di Giorgio



Playing THE BRAND Game How do you work with a significant other regarding finances? This is tricky. I know a financial review is not every couple’s dream date night, but after seeing many relationships destroyed over financial issues, I also know how important it is to be in sync.



There are a number of sayings and

articles about the enemies of success. Of its many enemies, I believe the true nemesis of success is comfort. Many believe an enemy of success is failure. The truth is that failure is actually a companion of success. A wonderful quote I heard once was, “The winners lose more than the losers.” Failure is a necessary part of success! Failure is apparent and can be used as an opportunity to learn and grow. COMFORT IS A SUBTLE DEVIL. Comfort is the true wolf in sheep’s clothing. We all love being comfortable. Comfort is associated with pleasant feelings such as luxury and coziness. In order to stay in pursuit of growth, you must beware of comfort! Comfort does not look like the complete loss of motivation; instead, it is the loss of momentum. Comfort creeps slowly. Here’s an analogy for anyone who has ever struggled with their weight. A slice of comfort cake does not make you instantly gain 10 pounds, but one day your jeans fit too snugly out of the dryer. That’s the danger of comfort. So how do you combat this foe? DON’T BUY INTO BELIEVING YOU’VE ARRIVED! I am all about celebrating victories in life. Many mornings I thank the universe for another day that I can live. However, I strongly believe that fighting comfort can take the form of maintaining a need for iterative improvements. You can always have a victory, but it’s important to understand that it’s just a step on the staircase, not the entire flight!

Ruby Deinla Ruby is a fulfillment coach working with clients, especially entrepreneurs, to get the most out of their lives. She launched her first business in college and has been passionate about business ownership ever since. Today, Ruby is a member of Stegela Success Mastery and is connected to a large network of business owners and entrepreneurs. Her major passions include long term work/life balance, health, and fitness. She’s currently working on a women’s empowerment project. So be on the lookout for this rising star!

REMAIN IN PURSUIT OF YOUR PURPOSE! What’s the difference between something like pursuing to lose 10 pounds or pursuing a healthy weight. There is actually a big difference! While for some losing 10 pounds may get you into a healthy range for your body, when the scale says 10 pounds lost, you’re done! You’ve completed the activity. When you pursue a healthy weight, the effort you put in has an element of sustainability that requires ongoing effort, despite different activities that may be accomplished along the way. The same principle applies to the pursuit of building a school versus the pursuit of increasing access to education or the pursuit of impacting a community. Accomplishing the activity is not the goal, staying true to the purpose through the activities is!


To ensure success in your mission, utilize these three fundamental principles from the book, “Extreme Ownership” written by Navy SEALs, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. 1. Extreme Ownership, “The leader must own everything in his or her world. There is no one else to blame.” (pg 29) Take Extreme Ownership of securing your household’s financial success. Your role as a leader requires ensuring your teammate understands their responsibility in the mission. Statements like “this stuff doesn’t interest me,” “I don’t understand” or “he/ she takes care of everything” lead down a dangerous path. Many of the divorces I’ve witnessed started with financial ignorance. Delegating duties based on strengths is appropriate, but as a leader, you must ensure your partner understands how their actions impact the outcome. You will be surprised to find the support that comes from a partner that comprehends how they share in the development of the household. The best situation is when two leaders emerge, both taking Extreme Ownership of the household’s success. 2. Alignment of Values and Goals, “In any organization, goals must always be in alignment. If goals aren’t aligned at some level, this issue must be addressed and rectified.” (pg 78) Ensuring values and goals are aligned is the foremost reason I always prefer to have both members

of a relationship involved in financial planning. Some people push back on getting their partner involved, often code for “I don’t want my partner to know what I am spending money on.” Think of what is being given up? Two teammates working together toward identified objectives, versus two independent agents keeping the other in the dark – who has a better chance of success? If you both agree that funding your child’s education is the primary goal of the household, avoiding buying that car you can’t afford becomes easy. Clear communication early can save you from a downfall in the future. 3. Simplify, “Combat, like anything in life, has inherent layers of complexities. Simplifying as much as possible is crucial to success.” (pg 140) Keeping things simple is the best way to ensure your household remains unified and on track to meet your goals. What are you asking of your partner? Is it clear and concise? Three priorities you can start with are: 1. Automate your finances 2. Avoid a credit card balance like the plague 3. Invest early and often (including in yourself) You can then spend time building off of these fundamentals. Most Americans struggle when it comes to discussing their finances. Try these techniques to give your household the best chance of success. Lastly, be patient. Life sets you up for a wild ride, and there are always opportunities to learn and adjust. by Malte Niebelschuetz


Dominic Cruz My name is Dominic Cruz and I am a Social Media Marketer, ex-professional hip-hop dancer, & a college graduate from SDSU. I was born in New Orleans, but raised in Boston, MA. I have a strong passion for serving others and their business. I was introduced to social media marketing back in 2013 and what was amazing about the experience in the beginning was I made 20 sales in one week with 1 Facebook advertisement. That experience is what led me to serving tons of business owners.





Steve Meim

Steve Meim has over twelve years of experience working as a professional in the video game industry and is credited with working on award-winning titles that have been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. His success in creating a career where he’s excited to work every single day has inspired him to use video games as a tool to help others to do the same. Want to find out how video games even saved his life? Find him at his link above.



You know that feeling that you’re being held back? It doesn’t matter what or who it is, but we all have gone through a hell storm because someone decided to stop you. In most cases, we tend to listen to those that hold us back. But when is it enough for you to not give a damn?! That’s what happened to me, and I’m here to tell you, don’t give a damn, because at the end of the day if you want to rise to the next level, you have to not give a damn about the haters. CHAINS TO NOWHERE I remember when I first got started as an entrepreneur, I joined network marketing. I was excited, and I wanted revenge because, at the time of 2010, I was going through a heartbreak. They told me success is the best revenge, and I wholeheartedly wanted that. As I was super excited about my new venture, I told my family about it, and they were not so thrilled about it. In fact, they were against it, and they didn’t believe I can do it. Although it hurt hearing doubt from family and friends, I kept it going but only for a little bit. Failure after failure, the more I failed, I had the urge to tell my family… and I did. The only thing I got back was, “Well

at least you tried.” Ain’t that something? I caved in and gave a damn about what they thought of me and their words. BREAK FREE Through trial and error, learning from all of my lessons, I FINALLY LEVELED UP!!!! I broke free from the chains and just got sick and tired of being sick and tired. It was 2017, and I had just said, “f*#$ it, I’m tired of the bs!” I stepped up and didn’t give a damn about my financial situation, didn’t give a damn about the naysayers, and didn’t give a damn about people who didn’t have a vision. Let me tell you this if you are ever going to succeed, how will you if you only listen to people who doubt you? Look very closely at your surrounding, because the people that doubt you could be the ones that are family and friends. You don’t level up by being naive, you level up by accepting responsibilities and your current situation. No one is perfect, but your life as an entrepreneur can be perfect when you don’t give a damn.

“The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist.” -Zig Ziglar Have you ever watched someone on the show, American Idol, where a person auditioned and totally bombed, only to plead with the judges that “my mom said I’m the best singer in the world!” It’s unfortunate, but some people do not have a realistic, objective view of their own skills and abilities. Unless this person takes an objective look at their actual skills (or lack thereof), he or she will have an extremely difficult time improving.

not the original plan, it’s a result of lots of trial and error. This is the same if you want to build a great life. After deciding what you want out of life, it is up to you to decide which steps to take to get there. Some of these steps will actually get you closer to your goal, some will inadvertently take you away from your goal. Learn, and plan again! Answer this question: What are the next actions you can take to improve your skills listed above? ______________ ___________ _____________ (Example: Find a networking group around an area of interest and sign up as a member) PROTIP 3: FAIL FORWARD! “Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until they can’t get it wrong.” -Clinton Swaine Now that you have an idea of what you want to accomplish, and you’ve designed a way to get there, it’s time to take ACTION! If you’re a normal human being like the rest of us, it likely won’t go the way you expect the first time, and that’s totally fine! Practice the Japanese philosophy of, kaizen, in which you exercise continuous improvement of working practices, personal efficiency, etc.

Action: List the top 3 skills that you would like to improve that would be most beneficial for your life? ______________ ______________ Action Step: Schedule when you’re ______________ (Example: Meet- going to practice on your calendar ing more people) and actually record when you do! (Example: Exchange contact inforPROTIP 2: CREATE YOUR GAME- mation with at least 5 people at each PLAN event. Write a follow-up email/text to each person within 24 hours) “Planning is everything. The plan is nothing.” I’d absolutely love to hear about any -Dwight Eisenhower stories you have of unexpected gratitude. Feel free to reach out! Has there ever been a skyscraper, or a car or a computer that was built completely by accident? Obviously, the answer is “no.” Anything that is built well was designed in someone’s mind first. Even if what was built was ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLEMAGAZINE MAGAZINE 31 31

WHAT’S GOING ON SAN DIEGO? The holiday season is a time of family, friends, celebration, and just plain enjoying life. So, it’s no wonder that What’s Going On San Diego? is not the question to ask in December. Rather, the question is, “What’s Not Going On San Diego?” This holiday season, take a break from life as you know it and get out to enjoy a few of these events and see just how San Diego celebrates the joys of this season. 1. OUTDOOR ICE SKATING RINKS – Skating by the Sea at Hotel Del Coronado (November 22 – January 1), Viejas Ice Rink at Viejas Outlet Stores in Alpine (through January 27), and Rady Children’s Ice Rink at Liberty Station (November 17 – January 6). 2. LIBERTY STATION’S FRIDAY NIGHT LIBERTY HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA (December 7) - connect with working with artists, enjoy dance, theater, and musical performances as well as peruse the local museums and galleries during this holidaythemed version of the free monthly art open house. 3. BALBOA PARK DECEMBER NIGHTS (December 7-8) – For two nights museums and cultural institutions in the nation’s largest urban cultural park open their doors for free for San Diego’s annual holiday celebration. Festivities include light displays, food from around the world, musical entertainment, carolers, and theater and dance performances. 4. VARIES PARADES AND TREE LIGHTENING CEREMONIES - Coronado Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting (December 7), Alpine Village Christmas Parade and Snow Festival (December 7), La Mesa’s Holiday in the Village (December 7-8), Poway’s Christmas in the Park (December 8), Oceanside Parade of Lights (December 8), San Diego Bay Parade of Lights (December 9-16), Old Town State Historic Park Celebrations (December 15), Port of San Diego Holiday Bowl Parade (December 31). 5. GASLAMP HOLIDAY PET PARADE – Starting just under the Gaslamp quarter archway, owners strut through the decorated neighborhood with their dressed-up pets in the pet parade (December 16). 6. NEIGHBORHOOD CHRISTMAS LIGHTS – take an evening drive and check out these neighborhood light shows - Candy Cane Lane (Poway), Christmas Card Lane (Rancho Penasquitos), Belardo Lights (Tierrasanta), Garrison Street (Point Loma), Christmas Circle (Chula Vista), Fairway Village (Carmel Mountain Ranch), Jingle Bell Hill (El Cajon), Starlight Circle (Santee). by Janine Holman


Are you a Woman in business? Join Life By Design for The Women of Worth networking mixer! Enjoy an all-woman mixer focused on uplifting women in the workplace. Women of Worth wants to bring women together so we can learn from each other, and support, local female entrepreneurs! Network with amazing women from all different industries, make valuable connections, and learn from our guest speaker!

Friday • January 18, 2019 • 10:00AM to 11:30AM Downtown San Diego Space is Limited - RSVP TODAY!




This month at Life By Design has been a busy one! We love our events and love to share them with you! We would like to start by congratulating all of our non-profits in the November issue. But a special congrats to ’Active Valor’ for winning San Diego’s most impactful non-profit! So let’s take look behind the scenes at Stegela Success mastery! MASSIVE SUCCESS BREAKTHROUGH: BUILD YOUR VISION The latest and greatest version of Massive Success Breakthrough debuted in November called, Your Vision Conference. In this intense boot camp, we dived deep into building your vision and went deep into the lives of our speakers, finding what it really takes to build a vision and what an idea can do for your life. We had fun with group activities and even made our vision boards! Make sure not to miss out next Massive Success Breakthrough on January 12th! WOMEN OF WORTH Welcome to San Diego’s Women of Worth! If you are a lady that loves building authentic connections and helping create a community of confidence this is the place for you! We got to run November’s Women of Worth focusing on giving, we explored women’s stories of abuse, violence, and how they worked through them. Each and every event that we have is an amazing experience and such an uplifting group of women! Join us for Women of Worth on December 14th! BREAKTHROUGH: SPEAK TO INFLUENCE Stegela Success Mastery holds a free monthly speaker training event where you can learn how to be get paid as a speaker! That’s right, you can learn valuable lessons from coaches that know how to book paid speaking gigs. This month we got to listen to some amazing speakers, and hear from our panel of experts. This month our panel included the chain breaker speaker James Nelson, The creative director of Life By Design Jennifer Meim, and Stegela COO Casey Nicole Fox. Next month we will dive deep into the topics that companies invest greatly into. You will find the fast and simple tools you can use to stand out, and how to craft a speech that pays. If you would like to practice your speech contact Jennifer for booking information! Do you have a suggestion for an entrepreneur event you would like Stegela to host? Contact Kristen Crooks:

by Kristen Crooks Event Director



OUR VISION: Our vision is to have Y.E.S. in every high school across the United States. Meet The Team Of YES Meet the team dedicated to providing mentorship and personal development in the lives of high school students: Jeff Rollon | President | a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Jeff is a part of YES because when he looks back he realizes he was always an entrepreneur, but didn’t have the guidance to turn that mindset into a more positive direction, which is why he is now that person for others.

Rommel Cabal | Vice President | a Lifestyle Entrepreneur who is an is an expert at being LIT (Learn, Implement, Teach). Current VP of the Young Entrepreneur Society and Executive Producer at Project Evo. His goal is continuous growth. Not just for himself, but for those around him. He believes in giving people permission to be themselves, so that they can access their unique genius and carve their own path in life.

Auntie Mary Hang | Director | a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats as an entrepreneur, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society and her upcoming book “Letters To Me” due for release in Dec.

YES stand for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch break to bring them FREE lunch & activities, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship (leadership, team building, critical thinking, communication, sense of community, mindset and personal development, etc). WHY Y.E.S.? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school. We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future.






2017 - 2018

The Key To Success: Persistence page 05

5 Tips To Boost Your Energy page 10

Five Networking Tips for Intro-preneurs


page 21

Do You Have FOMO?

"Eat more cake!"

page 26

Fail As Quickly As Possible If You Want To Succeed page 36

Behind The Scenes of Stegela

page 42






The Love Dare


page 09

Making Money Matter

Is Embracing Imperfection the Secret to Loving Your Business?



page 14


The Healing Power of Hugs page 38

Thinking BIGGER page 04

3 Ways to Avoid Destruction page 19

5 Morning Routines for Intro-preneurs page 37


Talk with

Thriving in the Many Faces of Business


Surgeon | Investor | Influencer

Business Photography by @TostiStudios

& Love

Do You Feel Lucky?

Kids Are No Longer An Excuse

Sharing Is The Key To Success

Fool Or Foe Owning Failure to Create Success

page 04

page 15

page 07

page 22

Go Forth - Foster a Tribe Greater Than You

10 Financial Mistakes NEW Entrepreneurs SHOULD Avoid

page 28



Voted San Diego’s

Most Influential Woman



Makena Hayes-Gargonnu

5 Lessons from Lunch with Caleb

page 36





Everything Starts Before the Idea

page 11

page 07

1, 2, 3… Write!

Awaken Your Limitlessness Plant Seeds of Service

page 11

Dream Your Life!

page 16

page 18

Did You Know That You Already Know?

Do You Know Your Financial Freedom Number?

page 26

page 23



“Why Not? ”

Allison Maslan Your 5 Affirmations to Be More Influential

Eat Fingers! Go Bananas!

Always Evolving. Always Scaling.

page 07

5 Ingredients To Create The Fabulous Recipe of You


page 10

page 16


page 26

- Founder of UGG Boots

Down to My Last $7 & How I Survived

Servant Leadership, Effective Leadership – Bridging People together

“You Can’t Give Birth To Adults”

page 11

page 27

The Chanel You Didn’t Know

page 13







DELA CRUZ “Anything that is healthy will grow. ” 4 Tips for “Non-writers” to Begin Writing page 08

5 Life Purpose Hacks to Succeed in Business



Voted San Diego’s Most Impactful Non-profit





How to Level Up Your Brand Awareness

Co-Founder of the Make-a-Wish Foundation

page 07

Life is a Series of Games page 11

Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Your Education

page 20

Behind the Curtain of Business

page 26

page 26

Perry & Jamie Yee

Co-FounderS of Active Valor

The Truth about your “Truth” page 08

Fear To FAITH page 10

Practical Tips to Get Over Your Fears



Gratitude is all Attitude page 09

page 23

Being Selfishly UnSelfish

Fear and Fulfillment

Give More Value Even If It’s Free

page 26


page 26

page 31



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