The Journal of Luštica Bay - Summer 2023

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Summer 2023




EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP: Inspiring Excellence at Luštica Bay


Note to our employees

Dear Luštica Bay team,

As we embark on new exciting chapters in our company, it is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we share with you some novelties that we have been working on with the goal of making Luštica a Destination of Choice. The core of this process, stemming from our wider family, Orascom, is our Big Conversation transformative journey, which aims to, through a series of customized workshops and interactive trainings, empower our entire team at all levels to take action towards embedding our shared values into our day-to-day work.

Throughout our company’s history, we have always been guided by an unwavering sense of togetherness and a shared vision, which has served as the driving force of our success. In line with that, we are thrilled to unveil our new campaign centered around you, the Luštica Bay team, the very essence of our company and the project’s success, whose work and devotion will forever be embodied in our future town. This campaign is not just another project or a set of words we have put together; it is a reflection of our collective spirit, dedication, and uncompromising commitment to creating something extraordinary.

By launching this campaign, and under the guidance and tutelage of our mother company, we wish to foster a deep connection and resonance between us and the company’s values, which will allow us to see ourselves as active contributors to promoting and strengthening the bond within our team. In this regard, we will prioritize and champion the four core values that drive our activities, namely: Customer obsessed, Team oriented, Driven and resourceful, and High integrity, which will be further elaborated on in the pages that follow.

Moreover, this initiative will feature a comprehensive array of educational programs spanning all levels of our organization. Some steps have already been made in this direction, as earlier this year our senior management team engaged in various workshops on communication and leadership that allowed them to get a better grasp of the company’s goals and get a sense of what lies ahead. What began in Ulcinj continued in Petrovac and Dubrovnik, it surely does not end there. Furthermore, our commitment lies in perpetually refining our business processes, fostering a collaborative environment where we can collectively strive for continuous improvement.

In today’s rapidly changing world, we deem it imperative to acknowledge the immense power of our diverse and versatile workforce. Each individual brings a distinct skill set, experience, and perspective and only by embracing our differences and collaborating harmoniously, we are able to unlock limitless potential. So, as we venture into this endeavor, we encourage you all to embrace its spirit and actively participate in the activities. Together, we can create a thriving community within Luštica Bay and thus establish it as the destination of choice.

Finally, it is important you know that we take immense pride and gratitude in having such an exceptional team. The passion and resilience of each member have indeed been instrumental in our accomplishments thus far, and there is no doubt that they will continue to propel us forward, in every sense possible.

Thank you!


Embracing the Path of Excellence and Authenticity: LIVING OUR CORE VALUES

At the core of Luštica Development lies its dedication to its values, which not only shape its identity, but also pave the way for its road ahead. Like a lighthouse in the ever-changing sea of challenges, these values remain the guiding light that illuminates every endeavor and ensures the company's true strength derives from its unyielding principles. As the bedrock of our company culture, they guide our actions, decisions, and interactions each day and our duty is to be aware of them. As part of the Big Conversation, the discussion on the importance of living these values began this spring in Ulcinj during a one-day educational workshop that allowed our managers to gain a clearer understanding of the company's fundamental values as well as get a better sense of its overarching strategy for the foreseeable future. In light of this, we would like to use this opportunity to emphasize once again the paramount importance of the four core values that embody our team and serve as the foundational pillars of our work: driven and resourceful, team-oriented, customer-obsessed, and high integrity. The essence of our organizational ethos is being driven and resourceful. We thrive on challenges and embrace the spirit of determination, aiming high and turning our aspirations into tangible achievements. We are fueled by a relentless pursuit of excellence, constantly improving, pushing perimeters and finding innovative solutions with all the knowledge that is put before us, embracing collaboration and seeking fresh perspectives to enhance our growth.

We recognize that our strength lies in the unity and mutual respect among our team members, each with their own distinct set of skills, which is why teamoriented approach is an essential aspect of our organization. Our collective accomplishments are a true testament to the power of collaboration of our team, which helps us achieve long term success in our destination. We value the diverse perspectives and experiences

each team member brings to the table, knowing that our joint efforts far surpass what we can achieve individually. Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We are driven by a customer-obsessed mindset that permeates every aspect of our work. Understanding their needs and surpassing their expectations is our absolute priority, as we aim to cultivate lasting relationships.

Upholding high integrity is an imperative part of our business philosophy. We are always ready to embrace and implement ethical principles and foster a merit-based environment. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions, conducting ourselves with honesty, fairness, and transparency. By adhering to these values, we build trust with our colleagues, customers, and stakeholders and remain true to ourselves in the process.

This is only the beginning. We are happy to announce that our efforts towards ensuring that all employees are well versed on the subject are going to be materialized through interactive sessions in the time ahead of us. The aim of these sessions is to remind us that, in order to achieve remarkable outcomes, we need to nurture strong relationships and continue to make a positive difference in the lives of those that choose to make Luštica Bay their home.

Although we are committed to embedding our mission, vision, and shared values throughout the company by increasing understanding, without the buy-in from all employees, our efforts may fall short of their full potential. We hope that you will welcome this intention with good will, enthusiasm and proactivity.

Stay inspired. Stay committed. Stay true to our values.


We are… Committed to High Integrity

Driven and Resourceful Team Oriented

Embracing Change and Making an Impact: Introducing


Luštica Development’s New Head of Government and Community Relations

Today we are bringing you a tall tale of expertise, hoops, and dad magic! Meet Marko Vukašević, a man whose towering height matches his incredible knowledge and experience. As Marko steps into his new role at Luštica Development, cannot he contain his excitement to embark on a professional journey of such importance and magnitude. With his extensive expertise in the tourism sector and a profound comprehension of its pivotal role in Montenegro’s prosperity, Marko is resolute in his commitment to ensure that projects such as Luštica Bay continue to be the best ambassadors of Montenegro, its beauty, people, and heritage.

For Marko, this project is more than just another settlement to be developed; it is a symbol of unity and progress for all of Montenegro’s citizens. He firmly believes that the doors of Luštica Bay should remain open for everyone, creating an inclusive and fully integrated community that welcomes locals and citizens from neighboring countries alike. Marko envisions Luštica Bay as a shining example of how development can be harmoniously intertwined with nature and the needs of the people. It is through this vision that new opportunities will emerge, benefiting the entire region.

Standing tall and proud, Marko casts a shadow that could put skyscrapers to shame. True story. We suspect his towering stature gives him an extraordinary perspective on life, quite literally. But it’s not just Marko’s height that sets him apart. He is a true hoop aficionado, and when he’s not busy making impactful connections, you might find him dribbling a basketball with finesse. However, as Marko fondly emphasizes time and time again, the deepest and most cherished love in his life resides within his family, especially his two daughters who infuse every day with immeasurable joy and purpose.

As Marko takes his first steps at Luštica Bay and we welcome him aboard, we wish to leave him with one notion - Shoot for the stars, even if you are already tall enough to touch them!

Embrace your strengths, share your expertise, and let your passion for making a difference soar.


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, communication, transparency, and teamwork lay the foundation for prosperity and growth. At Luštica Bay, these values are not only cherished but actively nurtured through a series of tailor-made trainings. Recently, the Luštica Bay team took part in one such development program, igniting the flames of collaboration and inspiring each individual to embrace their role in shaping the company’s future.

Continuing our commitment to growth and development, this spring, Luštica Bay’s middle management team participated in a workshop held in the

idyllic setting of Petrovac. Over the course of several days, the team learned more about the LEAD program (LEAD, EMPOWER, ACHIEVE, DEVELOP), facilitated by skilled communication professionals. Through this enriching experience, participants gained invaluable insights into the art of successful leadership, exploring their own needs and emotional triggers in the process. This was also a chance for them to get more information on assertiveness skills, feedback mechanisms, coaching techniques etc. The days spent in Petrovac were not only informative but also an opportunity for the team to forge lasting

connections, fostering an environment of support, trust and collaboration.

As we sail forward on the waves of success fueled by our newfound knowledge and strengthened bonds, we reaffirm our commitment to continuous improvement. Communication will remain at the heart of our journey, as we seek to build bridges, inspire innovation, and empower every member of our team. We are committed to delivering on our promise, initiated at the start of the year, as we forge ahead on our developmental path. We will engage an expanded cohort of people managers in comparable initiatives, further bolstering our leadership pipeline.

Empowering communication:
“Alone we can do so little; together we can achieve so much.”


In a world where leadership is paramount, Luštica Bay's commitment to nurturing exceptional leaders takes center stage. It is with this steadfast commitment in mind that the senior management team, our esteemed EXCOM members, took part in an educational working retreat in the enchanting city of Dubrovnik. With a focus on leadership, the retreat served as a platform for the decisionmakers of Luštica Bay to deepen their understanding of the company's strategic vision and explore innovative solutions for the future.

The purpose of this multi-faceted workshop was clear: to equip our decision-makers with the knowledge and tools they need to continue to lead

with vision and finesse. Facilitated by renowned professionals in the field of leadership, through interactive workshops, thought-provoking discussions, and practical exercises, the leaders of Luštica Bay refined their skills and embraced fresh perspectives.

At Luštica Bay, we firmly believe that leadership is not merely a position, but a source of inspiration. Our EXCOM team embodies these principles, embracing humility and a genuine passion for motivating and empowering our entire workforce. Through their dedicated approach to work, they set the stage for collaboration and encourage a free flow of ideas, fostering an environment where every individual's voice is heard and valued.

This retreat was just the beginning. Luštica Bay remains committed to investing in similar workshops, ensuring our decision-makers are continuously at the forefront of their game. As we bid farewell to this memorable experience, we pledge to continue to cultivate a culture of interaction and communication between departments, embracing novel ways to enhance communication and elevate our collective potential.

Empowering Leadership:
“Leadership is not about being in charge.
It is about taking care of those in your charge”.


In a world where progress is propelled by relentless pursuit of knowledge, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to embrace continuous learning. At Luštica Bay, we understand that excellence can only be achieved by continuously honing our skills and embracing new challenges. This commitment to growth and innovation was exemplified recently by five members of our esteemed firefighting team who completed a training program titled “Rescue from the Ruins”. Organized by the esteemed Croatian firefighting community “Vatrogasna zajednica Primorsko goranska Županija” in Rijeka, this training has propelled our team to new heights, reinforcing our commitment to ensuring safety as an absolute priority within the Luštica Bay project.

Under the watchful guidance of certified instructors, the “Rescue from the Ruins” training equipped our team with invaluable skills, transforming them into an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) unit. The intensive training incorporated the intricate elements

of an ISARAG (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group) structure, offering our firefighters a comprehensive understanding of complex rescue operations within challenging environments. This remarkable achievement has further fortified our firefighting capabilities, ultimately enabling us to respond swiftly and effectively in times of crisis. Organizing specialized trainings such as “Rescue from the Ruins” showcases our unwavering dedication to maintaining the highest safety standards at Luštica Bay. We recognize that safety is not a mere requirement but an absolute imperative, and we spare no effort in upholding this principle. Through continuous learning and training, we ensure that our team remains at the forefront of expertise and preparedness, ready to face any challenge that comes our way. On this path, we are fortunate to have the support of our esteemed friends from the Croatian firefighting community and we thank them for all their efforts.

In the face of adversity, our commitment to learning and progress paves the way for innovation and safety.”

Conquering the waves with passion and perseverance: Meet Volia Dzikovich

Introducing Volia Dzikovich, Luštica's Sales Manager and an extraordinary force to be reckoned with. While her professional expertise is undeniable, it is her outstanding achievements in the world of sports that truly set her apart. This May, Volia showcased her unwavering determination and exceptional talent as she claimed the top spot in the Runabout ladies GP4 class at the prestigious 2023 Powerboating Championship held in Czechia.

Volia's triumph on the international stage came as no surprise, a true testament to her unwavering commitment and tireless work ethic. Her journey to success in powerboating was unique, as she embarked on her training after the birth of her children. This experience shaped her mindset, honed her skills, and molded her into the remarkable individual she

is today. With powerboating, Volia discovered a whole new world of racing, delving into the mechanics of assembling two-stroke engines and developing the invaluable skill of patience.

As is the case with many endeavors in life, Volia knows that success is not an overnight achievement, but one that requires constant commitment, patience, and persistence. She has faced countless challenges, undertaken rigorous trainings, developed racing techniques, endured scuffs and bruises, and shed tears along the way. Yet, with each triumph, she stands on the podium, and still claims that it is all worth it.

Volia proudly represents Montenegro and dedicates her accomplishments to her family and the supportive team at Luštica Bay. Her greatest motivation

stems from her family, who fuel her with their support and serve as a constant source of inspiration. Even more astonishing, her children Via and Mio have also claimed first-place victories in their respective classes, showcasing the family's remarkable talent.

For all of us who know Volia, we eagerly await the unfolding chapters of her thrilling journey. With the wind in her hair and a fierce determination in her heart, we know that Volia will continue to ride the waves of powerboating, defying limits and conquering new horizons.

“In the realm of achievements, there are no small victories, for each step forward is a testament to resilience and a catalyst for greater success."

Contributors: Copywriting Nađa Radulović | Design Milica Radulović | Illustrations | Jovan Radenović Photography | Roman Ilchenko | Editors Maja Petrović,

Maša Radulović
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