May june 2014

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Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later ~ Augustine Mandino

Leyton Life Independent magazine for Local Residents

Take me, I’m Free

Issue 47 May - June 2014

Betting on Bakers Arms The breath of Life Pay bak payday Win Picture House Tickets Win £20 voucher C’nC Page Take a peek for more... FREE Bi-monthly magazine 5000 copies distributed in Leyton and surrounding areas

Karate Mondays - St. Andrews Hall, Colworth Road, London, E11 1JD

Adults 7.30pm •

Juniors (from 7 years) 6.30pm

tel. 07976 732103

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Editor’s note... Greetings Readers,

Issue 47 May - June 2014 Free copies available from: ASDA, Tesco, Leyton Library. Lea Bridge Road Library, Harrow Green Library, MS/BP and Leytonstone Library, High Fry Fish Bar (Bakers Arms), Community Centre Leyton (Alert Waltham Forest), Veta health foods, Galaxy Travel, SCORE Complex, Cafe’s, Doctors, Dentist, Launderettes, PC Xpress, Morrisons, E15 Library, Newsagents, Butchers, Off Licences and many more independent businesses.

Independent magazine for Local Residents

There has been positive feedback from those who have tried the Nutribullet and the Coconut oil, the organic virgin range is more beneficial than the one treated with heat. Please keep up with the changes, and if you haven’t switched yet try doing some research on raw food (fruit and veg) coconut oil and see if you want to make the difference. The deep breathing exercise is great for your wellbeing p17, again try it and write in; do it at your own pace. As always you are welcome to write in with all your suggestions, so please do, it is always nice to get some feedback. Don’t forget father’s day, 15th of June CnC p23 have some great ideas which can be used for the young and older children. Hope you have a great time celebrating whatever the celebration may be!

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Welcome to the May-June edition of Leyton Life magazine, it is getting a bit warmer as we are moving into spring. A big thank you to all of you who entered the various competitions, you can enter any one or all of them. There is the usual £20 and Picture House competition below. Tickets to roller skating p8 if you have some you people who may like to try entering a competition please help them.

Until next time take care , Yasmin Allen

Take me, I’m Free

Issue 47 May - June 2014

Do you want to expand your client base? Betting on Bakers Arms The breath of Life Pay bak payday Win Picture House Tickets Win £20 voucher C’nC Page Take a peek for more... FREE Bi-monthly magazine 5000 copies distributed in Leyton and surrounding areas


Why not try advertising in your local magazine Leyton Life To place your advert in the July-August issue of Leyton Life magazine, place order by 28th of May.

Mondays - St. Andrews Hall, Colworth Road, London, E11 1JD

Adults 7.30pm •

Juniors (from 7 years) 6.30pm

tel. 07976 732103

Contact details: Publisher Yasmin Allen Leyton Life PO Box 54442 London E10 6TA (M) 07415254649 (E) (W)

Leyton Life

Independent magazine for Local Residents

We are grateful to the advertisers in this issue for supporting the local community magazine. However, Leyton Life is unable to bear any responsibility for the content, any errors or omissions in the advertisements and advertorials in this magazine. We also cannot endorse any companies, products or services that appear in this magazine. Every effort has been made regarding the accuracy of the information given and printed by Leyton Life (magazine & website) As this cannot be guaranteed Leyton Life accepts no liability for printing information believed to be correct.


Special offers and FREE artwork available Terms and conditions apply. Advertising rates available from only 83 pence a day. You can text ‘info’ with your email address for a media pack or text ‘call back’ for a phone call to: 07415 254 649 or email ‘advert’ in the subject box to:

COMPETITION TIME Comp etitio n A: £20 Shopping voucher to be won

Q: The most unhealthy food item you buy, and why it’s unhealthy? Com p etitio n B : 5 pairs of tickets for 5 lucky entrants courtesy of Picture House Stratford

Q: Favourite song and the film it’s from?

You can enter either one or both competitions just state your name, address, and where you picked up copy of magazine from or by post Leyton Life Po Box 54442 London E10 6TA entry date by 27th of June.

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Pay back Payday By Ann-Marie Abbasah Like most people, I very much enjoy the arrival of pay day. The week beforehand feels like I am in a financial version of the Sahara desert. I am down to rations in the kitchen, the dregs of petrol in my car and I am trying not to break into the £5 note in my purse, having it whole makes me feel somewhat richer. I can only imagine how someone feels when payday is not payday but pay back payday loan day. The internet, TV and radio are awash with payday loan advertisements that make borrowing money seem a fun thing to do; loudly proclaiming the ease at which one can do so. Pay Day Loans work by borrowing hundreds of pounds over a short period of time. They come with high interest rates and high penalties for failing to pay. There has been much debate about the shocking interest rates. In 2013 a calculation used by a well known brand of pay day loan company saw it use an APR of 5853% as a better reflection to show how its customers borrowed . Collin, aged 31, found himself using pay day loan companies to tide himself over in between pay days. Asked of his experience on the ease of which to obtain a loan, Collin states “it was a quick 5 minute online application”. Upon the question of whether any checks were made, Collin sounded doubtful, he said “I am not sure what checks were made, I had to give my bank details so most probably one was made”. He further explained, “some companies put the money into my account within 10-20 minutes, some took a little longer”. I noticed the use of plurals and enquired as to how many lenders he actually used, Collin said “I used 3 to 4 different ones; I had to give my card details and the date


that I got paid”. Collin soon found himself in trouble, he states “it quickly got out of hand and I found myself in a cycle of debt. When I got paid, I had to repay the loans, which left me short of money so I had to borrow again. I found this hard as I had other bills to pay and then I started going into my overdraft and receiving penalties from my bank too. I was getting hit from both angles, it was very difficult”. Tighter controls of the industry were called for and this led to the creation of the Financial Conduct Authority which replaced the Financial Services Authority. The FCA has greater powers than the Office of Fair Trading and can impose unlimited fines on payday loan companies, order refunds, ban misleading adverts and even close down a company if they do not comply with the new rules. The new regulations also limit the amount of times an individual can borrow money, improves affordability checks and forces the companies to only lend to people who can afford them . The Citizens Advice Bureau encourages people to think about for alternatives to borrowing to sort out short term financial problems . Further information on managing debt and seeking free help contact the local Citizens Advice Bureau at the Waltham Forest CAB on 0208 521 5125 or visit them at the Churchill Business Centre, 6 Church Hill, E17 3AG. Free advice can also be obtained from the national debt line freephone 0808 808 4000 or visit alternatively visit 0800 043 4050 or 0800 138 11 11. 23.06.13 BBC News Business online 31.03.14 & 01.04.14

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Spot the difference



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Suduko - easy

We didn’t own an iPad... by By Ann-Marie Abbasah My friend posted a picture, on a well-known social media site, teaching her daughter how to roller skate. This set off a memory of around 21 years ago when my friend’s and I used to frequent Roller Express just past the Walthamstow exit of the A406 towards Edmonton. By coincidence another friend sent me a fun video that reminisced about growing up in the 70’s and 80’s. It’s called ‘We didn’t own an ipad’. It mentions all the old favourite TV shows and games that people used to play and I was hit by the bug. I wanted to go out and do something that reminded me of my youth, just like the theme song of the 80’s TV show “Whyyyy don’t you just switch off your television (& ipad, xbox, playstation or wii) set and go out and do something less boring instead” and do something I did. I visited Let’s Roll over at Leyton Youth Club, the venue was buzzing with teenagers, children and parents skating away

to some great music. One parent, Sangul described the skating as one of the best things he had ever done. He enthused “the teachers are great and the children love it.” Another parent said that she decided to have a go after watching her husband and children have fun and found the skating a healthy activity to do. One of the teenage teachers said that he enjoyed participating in an event that benefits the community; it also adds skills and work experience to his CV. I still haven’t quite mastered the art of skating backwards, but I do know where I will go to learn. Let’s Roll also have a roller-disco to which the founder, Amanda Henry has generously donated 4 entry tickets to the lucky winner.


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To enter send name, a contact number, or email to Leyton Life by email: (roller in subject) post Roller Po Box 54442 London E10 6TA. Entries in by 6th June.

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Betting on the Bakers Arms - by Ann-Marie Abbasah It is said that the longest distance in the world is between the head and the heart. You see, I had heard about it and I did not think that I was that bothered. It had also been a long time since I had passed that way but due to recent protests, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to take the scenic way home through memory lane, otherwise known as Lea Bridge Road playing my favourite game along the way; how many shops do I remember from my youth that are still standing. B&Q check, I remember 16 years ago, in my second year of driving my brakes failed at the traffic lights and I had to use the handbrake to stop and turn into the B&Q car park for safety. Gala Bingo check, Ibis hotel used to be called something but I cannot remember the name, the bridge, KFC, the post office, Percy Ingles, a smile formed on my face as I remembered how my love of Belgian Buns was kick started in that shop and last but not least the... what? Here my heart sunk. Literally! The Bakers Arms was no longer the Bakers Arms but Paddy Power? You see, although my head had registered the fact that the Bakers Arms Pub was now a betting shop, my heart was far from prepared. You see the familiarity of these shops makes the area feel like home. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that things change but, Paddy Power? The Bakers Arms, a landmark to so many and for many many years. The first record of a publican at the site dates back to 1868. The name was derived from the nearby almshouses for members of London’s Baking Trade, 22 of which were damaged by bombs dropped in 1916 by the German Navy Zeppelin L31. By rights, the Bakers Arms could be a listed building! So in a fit of indignant rage and don’t-you-know-who-I-thinkI-am-and-I’m-not-having-this-attitude (which I do appreciate is about 4 years too late) I find the nearest free parking spot and bandy on over to the pub (ahem I mean Paddy Power. I mean, really? What a name. Every time I say it I expect Nelson from the Simpsons to jump from around the corner, point at me and go HAHA). I see a friendly looking chap about to go into Pad.... (urgh!) the shop and yoo-hooed him over. Lee


his name is. I ask him his thoughts on whether he prefers the Bakers Arms as a pub or as a betting shop. Surprisingly Lee states “I preferred the Bakers Arms as a pub”. Really, I say!?! I find this interesting seeing as he is not exactly avoiding going in. I note the Drum still stands, just a few yards away. Lee says “look around” and begins to count to me, 7, yes SEVEN in case 7 is not clear enough, betting shops within around 500 meters of each other, one of which is positioned directly opposite Cash Converters. Why I ask, are there so many? Lee believes that the betting shops play on people’s hopes and dreams of fortuity. Lee states “it’s sad really, I see many people think they’re going to win but never do and when they leave they take the door with them, these people have families you know and they lose all their money”. What you doing in there Lee? “I am going to place a bet on the horses, Grand National you know” and off he trots. I ask Daley, a betting shop manager of 11 years, on if he thinks it fair to say that betting shops are generally not in affluent areas, why this is so and what kind of clientele do betting shops attract? Daley states “there is a stigma attached to betting shops and you can get the odd drunk or two and people who are not employed but you do get affluent people too, e.g. people placing a bet on their way to work. You also get a lot of retired people and the betting shop gives them something to do. It’s almost like a social club and it’s the social aspect that gives the betting shop an appeal” Hmmm I didn’t think of a betting shop like that, I always thought of them as being a magnet for undesirable folk. “Think about it” continues Daley, “it is so easy to bet at home, on the phone, over the internet but people still like to come to the shops. They like to place a bet, or have a chat with the people that become familiar to them, or read the paper. A betting shop is not full of people with gambling issues; it’s a bit of fun, something to do”. Ok, a fair argument, shut me up for a nanosecond... but the question still begs to be asked, why so many? Along the High road of the vicinity of Bakers Arms there are 7 bookmakers, 4 William Hills, 1 Ladbrokes, 1 Joe Jennings and Paddy. A town usually has one or two social clubs but 7 and right on top of each other? Really? Why? Daley believes it’s down to the FOBT aka Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, in other words the gaming machines. These, according to Daley, are the main method by which betting shops now make their money. “The FOBTs changed the speed at which one

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could place a bet and win money. You don’t have to have casino money to play here; there is no skill or talent required. You don’t have to be a high roller in a big casino, you can play a casino game right here on the high street. You press a button and hope to win big. You can spin £100 in 30 seconds as long as you’re not playing with money you cannot afford to lose, then there is no problem”. In 2005 the New Labour Government relaxed the laws around gambling creating the Gambling Act. This act made it easier for the gambling industry to advertise and resulted in 4 FOBTs being allowed in any one shop*. Well for the 7 shops in Bakers Arms that’s 28 FOBTs and according to a Dispatches program on the subject, broadcast on Channel 4 on the 6th August 2012, EACH machine brings in an income of around £780 per week. That’s around £611,520 PER WEEK taken away from benefiting the local economy, not to mention family purses and individual pockets and that’s from only 7 shops! So far in the district of Leyton there are 14 shops, you do the math. May I remind you this is only from the FOBTs not to mention the horse races or dog races or any other bets that you can place. Did you also know that Bookies are actually classed as a financial service just the same as a bank? Or that the highest rate of gambling problems is among those aged 16-24*? Mervin, aged 21, served time in detention when aged 19 for robbery. He explains, “I

needed to make money to support my baby daughter but lost my benefit money on the machines. I left the shop thinking what am I going to do now? I saw a man talking on his phone and just... grabbed it and ran”. I asked why he grabbed it and he replied “because I needed to make my money back by selling the phone on but the man caught me and I served 5months”. Studies have shown that there are social-economic characteristics of people living near betting shops. The study also shows that in areas of low unemployment there are around 5 betting shops per 100,000 people and in areas of high unemployment there are around 12 shops per 100,000 people*. Does this mean that Leyton is in economic decline? A hub centre for anti-social behaviour? Let’s hope not. Let’s also hope that before the council grant anymore applications to betting shops, they take into consideration recent protests around the amount of shops that have already opened up in the area and possibly give opportunities to more creative and positive ventures instead. Place your bets now! For anyone who feels they may have a gambling issue please contact the National Problem Gambling clinic on 0207 534 6699 or Gamblers Anonymous at Friends or families affected can contact http://www.gamanon. for support.

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It’s Criminal... by Ann-Marie Abbasah ...that a lot of attention from the media regarding young people is negative. Hoodies, louts and scum! Reads one headline, ‘Young lack the grit to get jobs’ reads another, ‘Youths run riot’, ‘Gangs to be banned from wearing hoodies’ scream more. In actual fact, the majority of young people are working diligently to realise their goals. If they are unable to reach their ambitions, often it is because of an obstacle outside of them that proves a hindrance. Back in 2000, I participated on a student exchange summer camp program where I had the opportunity to work on the other side of the pond. That year a popular rap artist had a song climbing the charts, the lyrics of the verse went:“I know I can, be what I want to be, if I work hard at it, I’ll be where I want to be”. With this song in mind, I descended onto the streets of Leyton to see just exactly what some of our young people are up to. I give them my initially awkward spiel to alleviate the questioning “i-wonder-what-drugs-she’s-on-&how-long-has-she-been-taking-them?” look on their faces. Carmelle is aged 20 and is a mum of one. Carmelle informs me that due to a difficult period at the time of her GCSE’s she did not sit many of her exams, however she maintained a desire to learn and although she is a young parent and sometimes finds things difficult, she has resumed her studies and has gained a place at university this year to study law. I wish I good luck. Another young lady, Deidra informs me that she


had been looking for work for 1 whole year since leaving school and often she felt like giving up. She felt pressure at the thought of ‘people’ thinking young people don’t do enough to find a job and just want to claim benefits. Deidra feels that the stereotype is unfair as she has been working hard and now after several interviews she has successfully found employment in Events and starts next week. Good luck I say as she waves goodbye. I walk down another road and notice a young man who smiles as he bounces down the street. “Do you want some fruit with that bowl” I call out, he chuckles and enquires if I am having a good day. His name is Marvin; Marvin tells me how things are looking up for him. He has had several incidences of being involved with the criminal justice system. He states that he did not get on with school and reasons that not everyone is suited to the academic environment. Although not excusing his behaviour, Marvin informs that academia could not hold his attention and he became disruptive, he enjoys practical activities and since participating on a catering apprenticeship programme, he has nearing completion and seeking employment as a trainee chef. Marvin reels off a list of foods he can cook, I am impressed & remind him to remember the little people on his way up! Meeting these young people on the streets of Leyton reaffirmed by belief that most young people strive to achieve and be the best that they can be. Sometimes, difficulties get in the way of goals as with most people. These difficulties can be emotional, physical, and financial for instance. With motivation, encouragement, belief and opportunity our young people can be what they want and where they want to be. We wish them all the best of luck on their journeys.

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The Sandalphon School of Healing Teaching Holistic Therapies in Walthamstow

Indian Head Massage 4 day Training (Accredited by I.P.T.I.) May 17th - 18th £250 Reiki* I £95 Reiki* II £120 Advanced Reiki (Masters Part I) June 7th - 8th £195 All Reiki courses are certificated and include a manual & ongoing supervision Working with the Violet Flame* £35 (A one-day workshop awakening the Violet Flame Chakra and its use in healing) Private Treatments: Hypnotherapy, Massage (Indian Head & Full Body), NLP, Reflexology, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Angel Healing, Past Life Regression & Past Life Healing. Some concessions are available;

Contact Howard 07957 144849 or 0203 7305367 or e mail *Dates to be confirmed please call for further details.

The breath of life Breathing is something taken for granted by most of us, after all it is fairly effortless; unless you have a respiratory problem you won’t know how difficult it can be to breathe. How many of us actually stop to breathe, really breathe deeply by inhaling so our abdomen fills up not just the chest area. There are several benefits of taking time out of our busy schedules to spend 5-10mins a day doing some deep breathing exercises. Inhale through the nose until your abdomen is full this should take about 4-5 seconds, then hold your breath for about 3 seconds, exhale making sure all the in breath has been released takes about 4-5 seconds, you can do this through the mouth unless you prefer to exhale through nose. The health advantages are endless; benefits are noticeable from the very first time you try this. The internet is full of information, and for those

of you who prefer a talk through YouTube has some great breathing exercises for a number of requirements anxiety, stress, asthma, sleep the list goes on! Deep breathing calms you down, cleating the mind body promoting clarity, expels up to 70% of our toxins, releases pain, improves circulation, increases muscle, strengthens the immune system, improves posture, improves quality of blood, increases digestion, improves the nervous system, strengthens the lungs and heart, makes you happier, gives you energy, helps to regulate weight. If you do try the deep breathing exercises please write in and share your experiences. The above is just a guide there are several techniques to choose from; it is good to experiment and find a method which suits you. Always drink water afterwards or if you can fit always drink water after this exercise to flush out toxins.

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what is happening, where and when? The Cornerstone 149 Canterbury Road E10 Tel: 020 8558 2121 Tuesday Lunch Club 12:30-2pm £3.50 sign up/pre-booking required. A senior members of the community club. Delicious lunch, entertainment. Chance to make to new friends and much more Toddler group Wednesday 9:00-11:00 Aerobics Friday 9:30-10:45 £3 per class £1 per child for crèche pre booking required

‘Although every effort is made to ensure correct information please check with organisers to avoid disappointment’

The Mill 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA, Tel: 020 85213211 email: A great place to meet members and groups of various interests Mill Mentors, Book Club, Volunteer, Donate, Poetry!!! BECOME A FRIEND OF THE MILL AND HELP IT GROW..... What’s The Mill’s Friend Scheme all about? Becoming a Friend of The Mill is a great


way to guarantee its future in Walthamstow, serving the whole community. Your donation will go directly to help maintain the work of The Mill, and keep it open for the hundreds of people who visit every year. We have an Honesty Library and Playroom open 6 days a week, and low cost rooms available to hire. As a Friend of The Mill, you will be helping support a muchloved community space. You’ll get regular updates and newsletters, as well as invitations to our events and celebrations. Sign up for a year and help us grow from strength to strength! Pop in for a leaflet or come and have a chat with us today outside the Mill to find out more…. friends-of-the-mill/ Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year 4 May 2014, Trafalgar Square London, WC2N 5DN Telephone: +44 20 7983 4813 Free fun day suitable for all Mixture of traditional and contemporary dance, music Food, and much more… 3D Printing For Families: Workshop (Over 7s) at British Museum Free, 31 May 2014 British Museum, Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3DG 020 7323 8000 Leyton life E17 Art Trail Friday 13th June 7-10pm. Grove Café, 21 Hatherley Mews, off Hoe Street, E17 4QP

Picture House Stratford Events 0871 902 5740 SILVER SCREEN Every Tuesday and Wednesday, over 60’s can come to any afternoon show, and get complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits, for only £3.00.


Every Saturday morning, and on weekdays during school holidays, we show a selection of kids’ films, from family favourites to recent releases, with activities beforehand. Tickets cost £1 for Kids’ members, or £3 for non-members.


Regular events especially for children and adults with autism and their family, friends or carers, in a supportive environment where audience members will be free to come and go as they please throughout the performance and make noise if they want to.

Oh So Funny People ask me where I get my ideas from. Well, every morning I go for a run and take a notepad with me. I say notepad, it’s more of an exercise book. I used to go out with an

Community information agraphobic, I say go out, we stayed in a lot. If you like these and want some more… Tickets can be bought from The Heathcote, 344 Grove Green Rd, London E11 4EA The Birkbeck Tavern, 45 Langthorne Road, London E11 4HL. The Heathcote - 31st May, 27th June and 26th July. The Birkbeck - 29th May, 26th June and 24th July. Greenwich+Docklands International Festival 2014 Entrance free From 20 June 2014 to 28 June 2014.

Full schedule out mid May Great for all. A variety of day and night events with dance, music, theatre food and performers coming from national and international shores! King’s College London A chance to participate, hear and watch a number of free workshops talks and performances. These free events are available to members of the public. Lecture topics include Arts, Humanities, Science, Maths, Social Sciences

How can we help you? Alzheimer’s Society Waltham Forest provides information, guidance and support to people worried about their memory, people with dementia, their carers and anyone needing information about dementia. If you are worried about your memory or you are caring for a relative or friend with memory problems please contact us Alzheimer’s Society Waltham Forest Waltham Forest Resource Centre (South)

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Fathers Day June 15th - Fathers Day Quiz • • • • • • •

How old is your Dad? When is your dad’s birthday? What is your dad’s job? Does he like his job? What country does he come from? Or what’s his favourite country? What’s his favourite colour?

Chloe Editor CnC Page

Score chart: 1-3=not good, need to spend lots of time with dad 3-4=ok, could spend some more time with dad, 5-6 Brilliant ask dad for more pocket money!!!

June 26th National Handshake day

HHandshakes have been practiced since 2nd century B.C it is seen as a peace gesture as the hands hold no weapons. People use handshakes to greet, or part sign a deal, it is generally a sign of goodwill. What does a handshake reveal? A firm handshake reflects a confident person. A floppy handshake reflects a shy person. Bone crusher handshake reflects someone who isn’t aware of their own strength, and can be used to intimidate you. Sweaty palms usually very nervous Watch and analyse how people shake hands, and write in with your findings.

Charlotte Editor CnC Page National Chocolate Pudding Day 26th June Celebrate by making delicious chocolate puddings or custard.

If you have any questions for C n C send them in by post or email. Chloe and Charlotte xx

Voucher for Dad

Dear Dad, This voucher entitles you to: ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… (You can write various chores on there like washing up, tidying up, having some quite time)

From …………………….. # Leyton life


Christina’s Hair Design Ladies Salon 153 Francis Road

Tel. 020 8539 4537 Opening Hours

Tue., Wed., Thurs. 9.30 - 4.30 Friday 9.30 - 5.00, Saturday 9.30 - 5.00

Brazilian Keratin Treatment For Fizz free healthy shiny hair (Suitable for Afro-textured & European Hair)

Cut from £10 Blow Dry from £12 Cut & blow dry from £18 Colours from £20 Special offers for senior citizens Student discount available Appointments not always necessary

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