Enterprise Development Planning Handbook

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Department of Agriculture, Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project (DA-CHARMP2) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD-Philippines) International Potato Center, Food Security Through Asian Roots and Tubers Project (CIP-FoodSTART)

Enterprise Development Planning: A Facilitator’s Guide

©Department of Agriculture - Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project 2014 Published by: DA-CHARMP2 Project Support Office, Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) Compound Guisad Valley, Baguio City, 2600 Philippines P.O. Box 1158 Telefax No.: +63 74 444 8329/7991 Website: http://www.da-charmp2.ph E-mail Address: pso@da-charmp2.ph

Correct Citation: DA-CHARMP2 and CIP-FoodSTART. 2014. Enterprise Development Planning: A Facilitator’s Guide. Department of Agriculture – Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project and International Potato Center – Food Security Through Asian Roots and Tubers. Manila, Philippines. 65 pages.

Text on this facilitator’s guide prepared by CIP-FoodSTART Collaborating Researcher Dr. Julieta Roa with substantial inputs from Dr. Leonor Verzola, AAIGA Component Coordinator and Dr. Christopher Wheatley, CIP-FoodSTART Interim Project Leader. The development and printing of this publication was made possible through the support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

ISBN 978-621-95072-1-9

Printed in the Philippines September 2014

Table of Contents 1.



List of Acronyms




Background and Context of EDP Facilitator’s Guide


1. Building on participatory planning activities in the project sites .......................................................................................................... p. 1 2. Enterprise Development Planning in the Value Chain Context .............................................................................................................. p. 3

The EDP Facilitator’s Guide

1. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. 4.


About the EDP Guide ................................................................................... p. 7 Enterprise Development Planning: Training-Mentoring Process ....... p. 8 Introduction to Value chain assessment and capability building ...... p. 10 Scoping study .................................................................................................. p. 13 Training, field work and mentoring on market data gathering, processing, analyzing, and organizing ..................................................... p. 14 Validation of EDPs prior to finalization ..................................................... p. 15 Preparation of the EDP and the Work Plan and Budget ...................... p. 16 The Business Plan .......................................................................................... p. 17 Lessons Learned: EDP and the AAIGA Experience .............................. p. 18

Annexes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

CHARMP2 Priority Enterprises ................................................................... p. 20 AAIGA Experience of the Enterprise Development Planning Process ............................................................................................................. p. 22 Sample Survey Guides and Instruments .................................................. p. 23 Business Plan Format .................................................................................... p. 37 Guide to Information on RTCs to be provided by each LGU .............. p. 40 Sample Analysis for Scoping Study Presentation .................................. p. 44 Tips for Revising Enterprise Development Plan ..................................... p. 47 Guide to Focus Group Discussion (FGD) ................................................. p. 50 EDP Training-Mentoring Modules .............................................................. p. 52 Guide to Market Research Data Processing ........................................... p. 53

1. Foreword The preparation of value chain and enterprise development plans (EDPs) was a new process to our field and project staff. Though it posed a challenge, the limited experiences in preparing such plans were not a hindrance to deliver satisfying project results. Hence, it is with great pleasure that DA-CHARMP2 is sharing this publication that showcases the tools and methods used in actual preparation of the EDPs of priority commodities in project sites. The EDPs proved its usefulness in operationalizing DACHARMP2 interventions under the Agriculture, Agribusiness and Income Generating Activities (AAIGA) component. With the EDPs, the attainment of the component outcomes was more feasible considering the project outreach of 170 barangays in 37 municipalities in six provinces in the Cordillera highlands. The procedures described in this publication are simple and replicable, hence could be used in similar endeavors. The efforts in compiling the tools into a useful guide is noteworthy, and commendations to all the individuals behind this work. This initiative is under the DA-CHARMP2 and CIP-FoodSTART partnership under the auspices of the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Again, thank you very much and I hope sharing our field-based experiences in CHARMP2 would help the users of this EDP guide.

CAMERON P. ODSEY Project Manager Department of Agriculture, Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project (DA-CHARMP2)

2. List of Acronyms AAIGA

Agriculture, Agribusiness and Income Generating Activity


Business Development Services


Business Plan


Cordillera Administrative Region


Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project


International Potato Center


Department of Agriculture


Enterprise Development Plan


Farmer Business School


Focused Group Discussion


Food Security through Asian Roots and Tubers


Livelihood Assistance Fund


Participatory Project Investment Plan


Rapid Market Appraisal


Root and Tuber Crop


Value Chain


Value Chain Approach


Value Chain Development

3. Overview This manual aims to capture the methods and tools used by the Department of Agriculture – Second Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project (DA-CHARMP2) in preparing Enterprise Development Plans (EDPs) for priority commodities considering prescribed value chain approaches. In partnership with International Potato Center – Food Security Through Asian Roots and Tubers (CIP-FoodSTART) Project, an EDP mentoring process was undertaken covering a span of eight months from start of training to the preparation of the final EDPs. The capability building process introduced selected project and LGU staff to simple value chain assessment methods. This was enriched with training-workshops on gathering, processing and analyzing market data, packaging of EDPs integrating data gathered from Rapid Market Assessment (RMA) and available secondary data. The EDP mentoring process was pilot tested in the preparation of nineteen (19) EDPs of Root and Tuber Crops (RTCs). Learnings were applied by trained staff in the preparation or updating of coffee, heirloom rice, organic vegetables, livestock, sugarcane and banana EDPs. Considering limitations in time and expertise, full-blown value chain assessments (VCA) were not conducted. Instead, it employed simple Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) tools and Rapid Market Assessment (RMA) surveys. The tools used are simplified and flexible and can be used in non-VCA projects. However, conducting a VCA is still recommended where time and resources permit. The EDPs are instrumental in integrating the various interventions of the Agribusiness, Agriculture and Income Generating Activities (AAIGA) component of DA-CHARMP2 for the development of priority rural enterprises. The EDPs provided a clearer understanding of the identified value chains and target markets considering the prevailing conditions in the project sites.

1. Building on participatory planning activities in the project sites Initially, Participatory Project Investment Planning (PPIP) sessions were conducted in the project-covered barangays to identify priority commodities for value chain development. The criteria for prioritization included the following: (1) potential for production expansion, (2) food sufficiency, (3) income generation, (4) job creation, as well as (5) socio-cultural acceptability and sustainability. The PPIP sessions identified coffee, heirloom rice, sugarcane, banana, swine and organic vegetables as the priority commodities. The value chain/enterprise development plans of these priority commodities were subsequently prepared. Prior to finalization, these plans were validated in the barangays through focus group discussions (FGDs) and in wider audiences through stakeholders’ forum. The enterprise development planning process was undertaken through a training-mentoring process with CIP-FoodSTART, piloted with RTCs. This encompassed the different stages of data/ information collection along the chain; processing and analysis of data; and production of the readable draft of the EDP. Some of the processes and tools used were applied to produce and update the EDPs of the other priority commodities.

Participants of Enterprise Development Planning organized by DACHARMP2 with CIP-FoodSTART, August 2012

01 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Figure 1 shows the priority commodities and enterprises that are in different stages of development in the CHARMP 2 sites across the six (6) provinces of CAR. Details on the status of these enterprises are elaborated in Annex 1.

Figure 1. Map of CAR with the Priority Enterprises

02 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

2. Enterprise Development Planning in the Value Chain Context The IFAD-MTR mission in 2011 defined the steps in Value Chain Assessment, which are necessary to prepare value chain/Enterprise Development Plans of commodities prioritized in project sites. These steps are as follow:

1. Map the existing commodity chain 2. Map the generic chain 3. Collect market data(market requirements, buyer, and outlet) 4. Calculate net margins per outlet, determine the best outlet 5. Identify/analyze challenges and market opportunities (SWOT analysis) 6. Map the desired chain to be developed 7. Identify target groups within the barangay/municipality 8. Analyze the capacity of the groups (strengths/weaknesses) vis a vis market opportunities 9. Identify the initial upgrading activities 10. Update the PPIPs and prepare the value chain/enterprise plan

The process mainly employed FGDs in the communities. Building on these VCA steps, the EDPs for RTCs prepared under the CIPFoodSTART training- mentoring process consisted of the following information: (1) description of the business organization (i.e. cooperative, association, collective); (2) identification of the product(s); (3) description of markets and the distribution system; (4) elaboration of the desired value chain; and (5) identification of the required interventions (i.e., technological, commercial and institutional) to upgrade the value chain and sustain the enterprise. Part of the latter is the identification of the needed business development services (BDS) for the interventions, including financing and initiatives for sustainability.

03 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

The resulting commodity EDPs were used in the preparation of the (1) business plans, (2) activity designs for sub-projects, (3) workplans, (4) contracts, and (5) related terms of reference (TOR) for the BDS that is/ are needed. Figure 2 shows the framework where the enterprise development planning process builds on the value chain assessment. It has the following component activities: (1) capacity development for the VC Analysis; (2) scoping study; (3) training/workshop-fieldwork mentoring; and (4) EDP preparation.

04 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Figure 2. Enterprise Development Planning Framework and Uses of EDP

05 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

1. About the EDP Guide The Enterprise Development Planning: A Facilitators’ Guide is a training-mentoring manual that aims to build capability in enterprise planning and in preparing enterprise development plans in projects where value chain is the prescribed approach. It is especially helpful in cases where there is lack of skills and resources at the project and local levels. This Guide could serve as an out-of-the-bag toolkit for development workers, researchers, extension workers, especially those who deal with rural communities, local government units (LGUs), and people’s organizations of small farmers and rural entrepreneurs. It is useful in the preparation of EDPs especially for commodities where data/information is not readily available. It is suggested that this EDP Guide be implemented/followed using a training-mentoring process wherein a trainer/mentor with adequate exposure will facilitate the activities. This publication was developed through the collaborative partnership of the DA-CHARMP2 funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and CIP-FoodSTART. CHARMP2 is a special project of the Department of Agriculture. One of its major components is the Agribusiness, Agriculture and Income Generating Activities (AAIGA). This component aims to improve the production of crops through sustainable and ecologically friendly farming systems, promote agribusiness through improvement of value chains, and introduce or improve non-farm activities to increase family income in target communities.

07 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

2. Enterprise Development Planning: Training- Mentoring Process The EDP procedure elaborated here assumes that a preliminary process of enterprise prioritization has been done at the community and enterprise group levels. Enterprise prioritization should preferably be done in a participatory manner among target beneficiaries and enterprise groups, and should be well-facilitated by project implementers. The criteria for prioritization should be agreed on by stakeholders and made clear at the start of the prioritization process.The set of criteria may include the following: 1) use of indigenous abundant resources; 2) livelihood and income potential; 3) market potential; 4) high likelihood of job generation; and (5) contribution to community development. The EDP fieldwork-mentoring is accomplished through a process of training-fieldwork-workshop/writeshop activities as summarized in Box 1. This includes capacity development on the methods and tools of data/information gathering, i.e., VC analysis method, rapid market appraisal (RMA) tools, processing, analyses of qualitative and quantitative data, and organizing of information gathered. The activities are scheduled over a period of six months to produce the EDP drafts and another two months for the reviewer to evaluate whether the final EDP may be implemented.

08 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

BOX 1. The stepwise training-workshop-fieldwork-mentoring process (six months) ACTIVITIES Value chain assessment training of project management and local partner implementers (LGU technicians, community facilitators): 3 days

OUTPUTS ● Project management staff & implementers trained in VC analysis; ● Guide for scoping study

Scoping study (secondary data collection, key informant interviews): ca. 1 month

● Secondary data and relevant documents gathered; processed, organized data/information in a report for workshop presentation

Enterprise Planning Workshop: Assessment & organizing of secondary data/ information gathered: ca. 2-3 days - presentation and analysis of scoping outputs; implementers & project management dialogue for desired next steps.

● Scoping study outputs analyzed; gaps, needs, opportunities identified per site; further data/ information needs identified for primary data gathering ● EDP outline agreed

Enriching VC assessment through trainingworkshop-mentoring process: ca. 2-3 days Rapid Market Assessment (RMA) Training on Roots and Tubers; other tools; for consumers, processors, traders, farmers, market outlets; EDP outline presented & explained

● Implementers trained in RMA tools for primary data of chain actors (farmers, processors, traders, wholesalers/retailers, markets, consumers, product inventories) ● Fleshing out of the EDP (in bullet list) ● Guides for fieldwork

Fieldwork in identified enterprises and communities: ca. 3 weeks

● Templates for data organization and analysis

Workshop-Writeshop: Discussion of RMA/ Consumer research results; writeshop – first draft of EDP: ca. 2-3 days

● Presentation of Draft 1 of EDP in bullet form; critiqued, first reviews for revision into full EDP; plan for community validation

Tips for analyses and improving write-ups FGD in communities follow; as validation of results and organizational information (fieldwork): ca 2 days

● Aftercommunity validation, EDP full draft 2

Critiquing of EDPs / revisions including the organizational / management sections/other gaps: ca. 3 weeks

● Review of EDP drafts ● Stakeholders’ forum and further inputs to revise the EDPs

Stakeholders’ forum : ca 2 days EDP Submission

● 3nd EDP version submitted (expectedly, an improved version; may be further revised based on adequacy of content)

Business Plan preparation/submission: BP writeshop - written according to BP format provided; data/information based on EDP; financial analysis emphasized: ca 1 week

● BP prepared and BP guide submitted.

Note: In the DA-CHARMP2 experience, the EDPs were not only used for the preparation of business plans but also in preparing equipment requests, activity designs for trainings, techno demo, work and financial plan, etc.

09 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

The mentoring method to develop EDP skills is a step-wise progression from the training on VC Assessment method and tools and prepares the implementers for the scoping study fieldwork of about a month. The latter includes review and analyses of existing secondary data, reports and related documents available at the local and national levels. A workshop is held to present and analyze the results of the scoping study. Commodity enterprise opportunities and challenges, and related data/information needs and gaps are then identified. Related capacity development needs for further data/information gathering on production, utilization and consumption, and markets are also identified.

2.1. Introduction to Value chain assessment and capability building

A three-day training course for the project management and local implementers on concepts, methods and tools for VC Assessment starts the whole process. This training course consists of lecture-workshops on concepts, fieldwork, outputs presentation, and feedback and synthesis sessions. VC Assessment components include mapping the chain, evaluation of the chain, identifying opportunities for upgrading, evaluating resources and governance, and identifying partners and commitments.The VC Assessment training firms up the outline of the EDP and the scoping study. The EDP outline is critical for the design of the data/information gathering methods, processing, analysis, and organization EDP Outline The EDP outline should be defined collectively by project management, local implementers, partners, and agreed upon during the VC Analysis capacity development training-workshop, before the conduct of fieldwork for the scoping study. This can serve as guide to implementers on the variables or data to be collected for the fieldwork. It is imperative for the implementers to be conscious of the information necessary for the preparation of the EDP at the start of the fieldwork.

10 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Box 2. Organization of the Enterprise Development Plan and suggested tools for data collection. Category 1. Enterprise information • Type of organization (association, cooperative, corporation, or informal group?) • Membership/ownership (# of men and women) • Management structure. • Assets (facilities and equipment relevant to the RTC business), and financial capital 2. Target Market(s) • Consumer typology (income level etc) • Geographic location • Estimated market size (and growth rate) • Competitors

3. Proposed product(s) • Which RTC(s) • Product description • Product attributes and specifications (quality, size, weight, package units, etc.) • Production process (post-harvest operations, storage, processing, packaging, transport, etc.) and who carries out each stage (especially, what actions does the farmer enterprise perform) • Points of difference with competition (if any) 4. Proposed value chain arrangements Mapping: Value chain structure(existing and desired) • Other chain actors and their roles • Service providers and their roles (include financial services if relevant) • Other stakeholders and their roles • Cost and returns per node; farm budget 5. Workplan • Component Activities/Interventions • Production (with tools/equipment) • Processing (with machines, gadgets, fixtures) • Market development • Organization and Management • Institutional network and partnerships 6. Work and Financial Plan • Matrix of Planned Interventions, schedule and budget

Tools Used Secondary data Organization records Key informant FGD

Secondary data Rapid Market Appraisal: key informant interviews, direct market observation Consumer research Market survey (focused formal) Product-process information (field, research institution, expert processors) Product inventories Market survey (focused formal)

Product-process information (field, research institution, expert processors) Product inventories Market survey (focused formal) FGD, validation Consultation workshop with community

Write-up or writeshop

11 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Coaching session during the Enterprise Development Training

2.2. Scoping study The scoping study, which lasts for about a month, includes the collection of secondary data, reconnaissance surveys, and key informant interviews. A workshop is organized to present the outputs, review them, and further identify gaps and needs, potential opportunities, and possible action. Findings on substantial gaps and needs during this session usually highlights the need for a trainingworkshop-mentoring process in order to generate and analyze data/ information gaps and opportunities (Annexes IV & V).

12 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

2.3. Training, field work and mentoring on market data gathering, processing, analyzing, and organizing This step involves a four-month process of developing skills among implementers on the methods and tools for data/information collection, processing, analysis and organizing into the EDP. Annexes II, VI-IX provide the guides for the RMA surveys, data processing, and tips for the preparation of the EDP. Capacity development mentoring-training program includes the conduct of the RMA where tool-guides are prepared for information gathering from the different chain actors (i.e., farmer, traders/marketers, processors, market outlets). A focused formal survey on the commodity consumption needs to be conducted in order to understand preferences, consumption patterns, and socio-economic and demographic data, and to estimate the market demand. Competition is assessed using product and market inventories of complementary or competing products in relevant market outlets.

Implementers conducting market survey: direct observation and informal interviews.

13 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Steps in Rapid Market Assessment (RMA) 2.3.1. Determine existing and potential markets of identified products to identify sites for RMA 2.3.2. Conduct RMA using survey questionnaires (producers’ survey, consumers’ survey,traders/processors’ survey). 2.3.3. Process and analyze data 2.3.4. Organize data to prepare draft enterprise plan Draft plan should contain map of the desired chain, upgrading activities/equipment needed/groups to be supported. 2.3.5. Community FGD for draft validation; revise and enhance the EDP

2.4. Validation of EDPs prior to finalization To follow prescribed participatory planning processes, the draft EDPs need to be validated in the project sites through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and in the stakeholder forum with relevant stakeholders and partners. The FGDs are also useful to elicit ideas and suggestions for improving the draft EDP prior to finalization. To capture potential markets, mini exhibits can be organized during the stakeholders’ forum where potential products are shown: their form, sizes, packaging, and other attributes. This can elicit feedback on the nature and quality of the products including challenges/opportunities of the supply and participants’ market chains.

14 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

2.5. Preparation of the EDP and Work Plan and Budget A draft plan is prepared during the second and third weeks after the RMA training and should be based on the agreed EDP outline. This draft should be in bullet form and must be enriched in the process of data/information collection and analysis. The training-workshop-fieldwork-mentoring is a stepwise continuing process of data/information collection, processing, analysis and preparation of a readable EDP draft. The first draft is presented to the community for validation during the session on the third month. This is where feedback, particularly on the business organization and interventions, is expected to further refine the EDP. The stakeholders’ validation workshop after the session on the fourth month (Box 2) refines the supply, market and product specifications. Thus, the full readable EDP draft will be ready for review on the sixth month and can already be used in preparing the business plan; providing the BDS needed; completing the work plan and budget; and in preparing related contracts and terms of references (TORs) for required support services as well as activity designs and subproject proposals.

15 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

3. The Business Plan The EDP is a comprehensive guide for enterprise development of a commodity in a specific community. It can be a sector EDP, which consists of a number of related commodity enterprises (e.g., farming enterprise, processing, and collective marketing). A community or a group (e.g. cooperative, association) can decide on a specific enterprise like processing or collective marketing. In CHARMP2, this enterprise choice requires a business plan to qualify for funding from the Livelihood Assistance Fund (LAF). The data/information needs of the BP are already elaborated on in the EDP. Annex III provides the BP format. The write-up is in simplified form and language, unlike the EDP that is an elaborate description of products, markets, supply-market chains, organization, interventions or upgrading of requirements, and needed BDS. The BP transforms the information provided in the EDP into the final projections for incomes and cash flow. The financial projections can easily be programmed using readily available software like Microsoft Excel. In the case of AAIGA, a specialized program was prepared for the purpose, which was made available to the implementers. With the EDP and the financial program, preparing the BP can be readily done.

Enterprise groups launched their own businesses

16 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

4. Lessons Learned: EDP and the AAIGA Experience

Normally undertaken by those trained in business, marketing, or economics, EDP preparation was a daunting task and quite overwhelming for CHARMP 2 and its LGU partner implementers. Along with other factors, this led to the slow implementation of interventions in the AAIGA component. The training-mentoring process with CIP-FoodSTART significantly helped the project staff and local implementers in preparing the enterprise development plans and business plans, work plans and budgets, contracts, and facilitated the release of assistance funds. Local implementers had first-hand experience in the prescribed participatory planning processes and value chain approach. This somehow improved the pace of implementation of the project. The local capacities developed and the development of enterprise/ value chains are concrete measures of the achievements of the DACHARMP2. The publication of this EDP: Facilitator’s Guide, which is based on CHARMP2 experiences in enterprise development planning, hopes to provide valuable inputs to similar endeavors and situation.

17 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

18 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual




19 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual






Cassava for feeds



Rice buy and sell



Ginger buy and sell and processing



Ube processing


Rice, coffee, tigergrass

Rice buy and sell, coffee consolidation , softbroom making



Cassava for feeds


Peanut, rice, sugarcane

Peanut processing, sugarcane processing


rice, tigergrass

Softbroom making



Banan trading, banana processing, taro processing


Rice, tiger grass

Softbroom making



Banana trading and processing


Coffee, organic vegetables

Coffee processing and consolidation, organic vegetable prodn and marketing


Coffee, sweet potato, heirloom rice

Coffee consolidation, sweet potato processing, heirloom rice production



Coffee consolidation


Coffee, sweet potato, taro, organic vegetables

Coffee consolidation and processing, Sweet Potato tuber production and processing, organic vegetable production, taro processing


Coffee, sweet potato

Coffee consolidation and processing, sweet potato processing


Coffee, sweet potato

Coffee consolidation and processing and sweet potato processing



Coffee consolidation and processing


Coffee, taro, ube

Coffee consolidation and processing, taro consolidation and processing, ube consolidation and processing




20 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual





Peanut, coffee,taro



Coffee consolidation, taro consolidation


Heirloom Rice, ginger, taro, winged beans


Swine, ,ginger

swine production, ginger consolidation and processing


Peanut,coffee, sweet potato

Coffee consolidation,peanut consolidation and processing


,coffee, mongo, tiger grass

Coffee consolidation,Mongo processing. Softbroom making


Heirloom rice

Heirloom rice consolidation and processing



Coffee consolidation and processing


Heirloom rice

heirloom rice consolidation


Heirloom rice ,coffee, Sugarcane, Swine

Heirloom rice consolidation, coffee consolidation and processing,


Sugarcane coffee,swine,heirloom rice,organic vegetables, sweet potato

Sugarcane Processing, coffee consolidation and processing, heirloom rice consolidation, sweet potato processing, meat processing and organic vegetable production


Sugarcane ,swine, peanut, coffee

Sugarcane Processing, meat processing, peanut processing, coffee processing


Sugarcane, Swine, sweet potato

Sugarcane Processing , sweet potato processing and meat processing


Sugarcane, Swine, coffee

Coffee consolidation and processing, Sugarcane Processing and meat processing


Coffee, Sugarcane, Swine

Coffee consolidation and processing, Sugarcane Processing and meat processing


Coffee, Sugarcane, Swine

Coffee consolidation and processing, Sugarcane Processing and meat processing

heirloomRice consolidation,ginger consolidation and processing, taro processing, winged bean production

ANNEX II. AAIGA Experience of the Enterprise Development Planning Process

21 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

ANNEX III. Sample Survey Guides and Instruments A1. Template Guide for Market Intermediaries: traders, wholesalers, retailers, assembly agents Market Location: ____________

Type: wholesaler________ Retailer_______ Assembler _________ Agent ___________

Sources (check source & supply area) RTCs / banana (for each variety; CHECK preferred variety)

Year Started selling

Buying price (Php/ kg)

Selling price (Php/ kg)

Any classification of RTC, and differences in price?

a. Farmer b. Farmer-trader c. Trader

22 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Supply Volume/ Month (kgs)

Lean months

Peak months

Lean Mos.

Peak Mos.



Grades and prices

What can you say about the volume of traded RTC (specific) last year? By how much? What could be the reason? Volume now is: H, higher (


L, Lower (


Than last year. PLS Give reason(s)

A2. Other Specifications

Do your buyers have particular RTC varieties/cultivars preferred? Size preference? Color of flesh/ skin preference?

Which of the RTC production areas do you think have the biggest potential for production? Why?

How do you think can RTC produce/products be improved? Volume of supply, pricing Quality Packaging

● Which among the RTCs have shown an increase in demand now? In the future? Why?

Which among the RTCs have shown decreasing demand now? In the future? Why?

What are the problems in selling RTC products?

What would you like to be doing differently in 5 years time?

Are you willing to work with others to improve RTC marketing? In what way can you possibly help? What is your possible role to improve RTC marketing?

What types of business support services will you need in expanding your selling business?

Credit _______________________________

Market information ___________________

Supply information ___________________

Promotional support ___________________

Packaging _________________________

23 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

B1. Template Guide for Market-oriented RTC Farmers: Area Location (Bgy, town, province) _____________ Name of Farmer_____________ Years in Farming_____

Crops Grown

Where sold

Size of area grown (ha.)

24 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Volume / harvest

Percentage of produce sold

Wholesale/ farmgate price/ kg

Years in RTC farming ___

Terms of selling (e.g. contracts, credit/cash

B2. Other Specifications What can you say about the volume and price trends of your buyers? Variability of different market outlets?

Does your buyer have any RTC species (camote, taro), variety (local, others), skin or flesh color, size (small, medium, large), shape (round, ovate) preference?

What support services have you availed of in producing RTCs? What services do you need to improve RTC production? To improve RTC selling?

Would you prefer to have collective supply or to sell in urban market? In local market? Why?

Problems and constraints

New opportunities that you would like to access

What would you like to be doing differently in 5 years time?

How interested are you in working with others to improve RTC production/marketing/value chains?

25 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

C1. Questionnaire for Processed Products Businesses Identification Name of business/company ___________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Respondent _______________________________________________________ Position _______________________________________________________ Contact information:





Type of business ownership

Single Proprietorship (household-based)

Single Proprietorship (separate processing facility)

Registration Organization/ Association

Cooperative Corporation Number of years in business_________

Year registered ______

Year expanded operations ________ Number of employees?

Full time/permanent




Business support services availed of in current business:

Credit, where


Product quality improvement ___________________________________

Packaging ______________________________________________

Marketing/ promotions/ fairs ___________________________________

Equipments/ tools __________________________________________

Others ____________________________________________________

26 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

C2. Information on processed products

Product (e.g.)

Type of product

27 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Average Volume / month

Raw material supply source (own, via agents, direct farmers, direct nonfarm suppliers

Purchase Price /kg (main ingredient)

Average Volume of (main) raw material/month

Product selling price/ pack(s)

Main Markets & selling system

C3. Other Specifications Do you have contracts with: Farmer-suppliers? Yes ( )

No ( )

Please specify ___________________

Non-farm suppliers? Yes ( )

No ( )

Please specify ___________________

State specs on volume, price and quality requirements, etc.]

What are your problems related to raw materials? Please rank 1, 2, 3....

What are your future business plans? in the next 3 years?

What are the problems or risks in relation to this business plan in the next three years?

What are the support services that you will need to implement your business plan?

For your business, would you be interested in RTC products which can be used for noodles, cakes, pastries, coffee blend, and other snack items?

If positive, how do you think can this be done? Any support service/s that you will need?

28 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual


Market Inventory (For stores selling RTC-related products, alternatives or substitutes; wholesale, retail, institutional markets: bakeries, wines, beverages, snack foods)

Business name

__________________________________ Location


___________________________________ Type of business


Volume/ month

Retail price



Note: Buyer preference rating: 1- most preferred; 2- average; 3 – least preferred

Questions: ●

Are you willing to sell new products made from RTCs?

If yes, what are your requirements and terms to be able to sell in your store:

Volume __________

29 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Yes ( )

No ( )

Price __________ Payment _________ Others _________

____________________________________ Buyer preference rating (1,2, 3)

E. Consumer Survey

A sample survey of consumers (i.e. households and institutional markets) will be conducted to determine preferences of consumers of RTC fresh roots/ rubbers and products as to type, form, flavor; as well as some information on consumption patterns. The target respondents will be middle (low, middle, high levels) and high income consumers. This can be done by area sampling of the target markets. This can also be expanded to include the urban markets in Manila if deemed feasible. CONSUMER SURVEY Interview Schedule


Time Started:____________

Time Ended:____________


PART A. GENERAL CONSUMER INFORMATION Name of Respondent*_______________________ Address:__________________________ (* Respondent is the food decision maker and knows household incomes and expenditures.) 1.

Role of respondent in HH:

1 - HOH 2 - Wife 3-Husband 4– Others __


What is your staple food?

1- Rice 2 - Corn 3-Both 4– Others___


Do you eat (RTC)?Pls Encircle: SP Y N Cassava? Taro? Y N Ube? Others___________


If yes, in what forms; please describe form eaten and frequency.





Forms(FO) Frequency(FR)








2 - cue/fried




3 - chippies




4 –other form ,______




(If no, go to #6. Then write NA for #5).

30 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

1 - ___x /week

2 - ___x /month

3 - sometimes


What is in (sweetpotato, cassava, taro, yam, others______) that you like most? first three): 1 - first


2 – second 3 - third )


easy to prepare

_____5. good special occasion treat



_____6. can be prepared in various ways


sweet taste

_____7. nothing in particular


compliment w/dishes

_____8. others ____________________

6. What is in (sweetpotato, cassava, taro, yam, others______) that you like most? first three):



Cassava ___________________________

Taro _______________________


Other RTCs ____________



Traits you do not like: (Fill the space provided for the appropriate RTC; write the trait code) _______1. stringy _____5. dry texture ______ 2.

badodor (flatulence)

_____6. fattening


high calories

_____7. nothing in particular


soft texture/moist


_____8. others, ____________________

What do you usually take for snacks? Pls. Checkf or most preferred. Drinks: _____1 -soft drinks

Solid:_____1 - sandwich

_____2 -fresh fruit juices

_____2 - bread

_____3 -Juices in packs

_____3 - cake

_____ 4 -instant juice

_____4 - chippies/chips/curls in foil packs

_____5 -coffee

______5 - biscuits

_____6 - tea

______6 - native delicacy _______

_____7 -others, __________

______7 - others, _____________

31 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

8. Do you prepare: food at home?

______ % (Please indicate%of the time in

buy outside?

______ spaces)



9. What food/dishes do you usually prepare for meals?



_________________ __________________ _________________ __________________ 10. Do you eat outside the home?



11. If yes, do you eat outside alone or as a family/group? Describe frequency


Individually (Frequency)


As a family/group


1 -for snacks __________ _______ 1 - for snacks __________ _______ 2- for meals _________ _______ 2 - for meals __________ ______ (Frequency :1 – always 4-when at work)


2-most of the time 3 – sometimes

Who usually decides on what food to eat?

1- wife

3-both 2-husband

4-others, _________ 13.

Do advertisements influence your buying decisions?


Would you say to a greater ____or lesser

___ Yes ___No



[There are other matters which could help us understand the consumers better and help in developing intended appropriate use of sweet potatoes].

32 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual


How many in your household are:

Below 6years old _____(write number)

7 -13 _____ 14-21 _____ 22-30 _____ 31-50 _____ above 50 _____


Household size (total)___(no need to ask; simply add)


What is the work of the head of household?____________


How many members are working and contributing to household budget?________


What is the household’s budget for food? _______per month (or whichever is most convenient to remember. Edit on a per month basis).


How much is the estimated total earnings for the household?_______ (Get what is most convenient average. Edit monthly basis).

Thank you so much for your cooperation.You certainly were a great help especially in planning for livelihood projects for rural communities. ----------------

33 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

ANNEX IV. Business Plan Format


Identifying Information:

Sub-Project Title: _______________________ Name of Sub-Project Proponent/LIG: _______________________ Location: Barangay: _______________________ Province


No. of Beneficiaries: ________________


: _________

Female: _________ Contact Person: Name

: _______________________

Position : _______________________ Contact Number:

Total Project Cost DA-CHARMP (LAF) : beneficiary equity

34 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

: ______________________ ______________________ :______________________

II. Rationale: Project Objectives General: Specific: III.

Brief Project Description:


Plan of Action

Section 1: Marketing Plan 1.

Description of the Product


Comparison of the Product with its competitors




Market area


Main customers


Total demand


Market share


Selling price


Sales forecast

10. Promotional measures 11. Marketing strategy 12. Marketing budget Section 2: Production Plan 1.

Production process


Factory location and lay-out


Equipment specifications, sources, costs

4. Planned capacity/production cycle per year 5.

Future capacity

35 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual


Raw materials (volume, Cost, source)


Labor ( manpower and cost)


Production cost

10. Overhead expenses 11. Waste materials disposal

Section 3: Organizational and management plan 1.

Form of business


Organizational structure




Pre-operating expenses


Office equipment and supplies


Administrative expenses

Section 4. Financial plan 1.Sub-project cost 2. Financing plan and loan requirement 3. Projected profit loss statement 4. Projected cash flow 5. Balance sheet 6. Loan repayment schedule 7. Breakeven point 8. Return on Investment 9. Financial analysis- Is the subproject feasible? Section 5. Sustainability or Expansion Plan Sustainability/Expansion Plan: describe how the sub-project can become self-reliant and how it can continue even after the first cycle of operation which was funded under the LAF; how the repayment will be collected and remitted to the Community Institution; and how the remitted amount to the CFI will be reflowed back to the LIG to sustain operations

36 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

ANNEX V. GUIDE to Information on RTCs to be provided by each LGU (for the scooping study) A. RTC production (from available secondary data, or LGU estimates). RTC

Latest year (2011) Production area (ha)

Previous year (2010)

Production volume (ton)

Production area (ha)

Production volume (ton)

Sweetpotato Cassava Potato Taro Yam Others (specify)

B. RTC production trends (qualitative only, based on LGU estimates, prior discussion with producers etc) Production trends Strongly increasing SP Cassava Potato Taro Yam Other

37 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Slightly increasing

Stable production

Slightly decreasing

Strongly decreasing

C. RTC utilization profile: estimate the approximate % of total root or tuber production of each crop that is either: Used on farm/at home for human food, whether in fresh or processed form Used on farm for animal feed Sold to market, as fresh roots Sold to market after on farm processing Wasted, or lost before sale or use. The total % for each crop (horizontal row) should add up to 100%, as indicated in the table.

Roots: Home/Farm use Human Consumption, fresh or processed (%)

Roots: Sold to market Animal feed (%)

Fresh roots (%)

Processed roots (%)

Total (%) Waste/ Losses (%)













38 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

D. Description or map of main market chains for each RTC, indicating chain actors and service providers, plus value-adding operations undertaken at each stage in the chain, prices, volumes, locations of markets etc. Photo documentation encouraged. What is the final product (fresh root, processed product etc)? Also indicate by-products and wastes. E. Market prices for each RTC at each stage of the chain. Note –adjust names of actors in first column to match each chain, and repeat for each RTC crop Actor Farmer Rural assembler Wholesaler Processor Retailer Consumer/end user Other - specify Other -specify

39 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Buying price (1)

Selling price (2)

Margin (2-1)

Marketing costs etc


F. Location of end market and description of end user if known (if more than one product or value chain per RTC, add more rows to the table) RTC product/value chain

End market location

End user description


G. Value-adding operations undertaken in each RTC value chain at present Examples include: sorting, grading, assembling, slicing, drying, milling, starch extraction, mashing/cooking, baking, packing, transporting, storing (what conditions and structure)


Value adding activity

40 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

By who


H. Service providers. Who provides what services, and how are the costs covered?

Type of service

Who provides it?

Cost of service

Cost to user – indicate if subsidy occurs

Problems with service (area of coverage, frequency, quality etc)

Technical assistance – production TA – marketing Transport services Market information Market linkage Credit/financial services Accounting Legal Other (specify) Other (specify)

I. Main problems identified through the chain assessment, with potential solutions



41 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Problem description

Potential solution

Comment/ Observation


J. Main opportunities identified through the assessment, with ideas for taking advantage of these opportunities.



42 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Potential opportunity

How to take advantage of this


ANNEX VI. Sample Analysis for Scoping Study Presentation Barangay

Priority Crop (RTC)

Products Fresh Market

Processed Product Livestock Feed

Market Where?

Who does enterprise?


Boliney Poblacion, Baoyan,Daoangan


Flour, (Bibingkahome made)

Within the locality, Marsha’s

Ind. Farmer

“Lingta”-boiled cassava

Nearby Municipality


Granulated cassava

B-Meg, San Juan, La Union

Local assembler

Flour, powder or puree



Good shepherd

Assn, indigenous farmers

Flour for baked/ steamed products

Within the locality, Marsha’s

Ind. Farmer

Granulated cassava

B-Meg, San Juan, La Union

Local assembler

Luba Ampalioc, Barit, Luzong, Sabnangan


Sallapadan Bilabila, Maguyepyep, Gangal, Sacaang

43 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual


APAYAO Karikitan


Taro Chips, taro cookies

Tuao, Tug, Cagayan, Conner market, Baguio City, Manila


Ice cream, lollipop, candies, noodles, pulvoron, chips, flour

school canteen, government offices, private HH, Baguio city and La Trinidad, Bakeries, restaurants



SP chips

Balaoan, La Union, BFMC



SP chips

La Trinidad, BFMC

BelengBelis and Gaswiling


Chips, flour and vinegar





Flour, cassava rolls

Bakeries (flour), Department store/food outlet



Chips, flour

Local consumers, ABCD (AAIGA PO), BFMC

Market entrepreneurs

Amlimay, , Catlubong


Flour, chips, wine


Abatan market, orders



(10%) flour


Abatan market, orders



BENGUET Bokod Ekip

Ind. Entrepreneurs, Assn ( Ekip Indigenous Farmers, Sampero Women RIC)



Kabayan Ballay Buguias

44 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Good Shepherd, Magnolia


IFUGAO Tinoc Tucucan


“Buko”-SP powder, Wine, SP chips-snack

Local consumers, Buguias and Baguio


Taro chips, flour, Pulvoron, cookies

NVAT, Local consumers, processors


Chips, flour, Pulvoron, Cookies

NVAT/ La Union, Local Buyer



“Buko”-SP powder, Wine and vinegar

Abatan, Bontoc, Mabaay Pub. Market, LaTOP, Portavaga, Baguio, Farmers





Monamon Sur




Individual farmers, Groups (assn)

Asipulo Camandag

Hungduan Lubong MT PROVINCE Bauko

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reference: CHARMP2-RTC workshops on August 16 – 17, 2012; Baguio City; JULIETA R. ROA Visiting Fellow, CIP.

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Individual Farmer (HH base)

ANNEX VII. Tips for Revising Enterprise Development Plan

Some Points for the Enterprise Plan The final Enterprise Plan is written in narrative form; not as a bullet list as presented in the working draft 1. The latter was only to guide you where to integrate your RMA and consumer survey and secondary data in the sections; and for purposes of discussion for the EP process workshop. Enterprise Information • When you write about the organization or enterprise, introduce it first by describing its current status. It is important to emphasize its growth or strength by describing briefly how it evolved since it started in terms of getting registered or certified, its improved membership and organizational structure. Write about gender in memberships and roles. • The management structure – present an organogram, and describe the functions of management and how it operates; e.g. committees and their roles. This part should be able to show that the organization or cluster of interrelated enterprise groups (e.g. farmer clusters supplying a consolidator) can operate the business. • Be sure that you have refined the organizational structure, especially management and operations details, during the FGD after workshop. Target Markets • Consumer typology – elaborate on the final consumers like households in urban/rural areas, or specific targets like children, adults, etc. This becomes the basis of the size of market or volume of the product. You can also mention targets like school canteens (where?), bakeries, restaurants, gourmet restaurants, etc. • Geographic location – you can present a map of the town, then locate the barangay(s) by shading; CAR map inset. Have this in the Appendix or part of the text. The team will decide on this. • Estimated market size – based on the target consumers of your product (adults and/or children in Baguio, local area+++), you can estimate the market size or volume from the following procedure:

A. Get secondary data of population(s) of the target markets of your product

B.From consumer results, i.e. demographic data, get % share of target age groups;

C. Target market: C =A x B

46 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

• D. Size of Volume of Market: Assume per capita consumption of product, e.g.

Fresh SP = 10 kg./capita/year

Galiang = 8 kg/capita/year

Cassava = 2 kg/capita/year

Yam = 1 kg/capita/year

Processed products like chippies, polvoron = 0.5 kg/capita/year

Halaya = 0.5 kg/capita/year

Breads = 50 kg/capita/year

Cookies = 10 kg/capita/year

Noodles = 40 kg/capita/year

Volume of Market or Size, D = per capita consumption x C From the estimated volume or market size, assume a certain percentage of market size like 2-10%. Assume a lower percentage for introductory products or those with large competitor/s. • Competitors – some statement(s) about competition; use information from the Market Inventory tool. You should be able to describe the competitive edge of your product vs. the products existing in the market. Proposed Product(s) • Describe the selected RTC products: fresh or processed. Describe the improved product; including attributes, how it is packaged, size of packs; whether classification or grading is done. If there is more than one product, describe each separately. If there is a connection between the two products, e.g. from chips to flour, describe the flow of the products by using simple flow diagram. • Describe the products’ competitive edge or advantage over the existing products • Describe the process of producing the products, its operations, facility and equipment. Relate this process with the functions of the cooperative or members; the supply-farmers and the actors in the chain of producing and selling the product. • Given these, discuss the added advantage. Here you can note the social benefits of the enterprise like increased farmer income, improved nutrient content of available products to children, etc. and the mobilization of rural areas through increased rural livelihoods.

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Proposed Value Chain • Map the desired Value chain (VC) structure as validated by the FGD. Improve the presentation of the map. • The service providers can be drawn below the VC diagram, to coincide at which node and indicate a brief description of their roles (include financial services if relevant). This includes CHARM, LGU, NGO (if any), research institution (e.g. PhilRootcrops), international organization (e.g. CIP), funding agency, others that provide services like marketing, etc. • Under a sub-heading of chain actors, you can write the other chain actors and their roles • Other stakeholders and their roles – others that have an interest or stake in the project, not necessarily providing service or assistance now. • Cost structure per node/ efficiency analysis – provide the cost of production and/or processing the product, and the improved structure with the interventions. The improvements could be reduced cost per kg of production due to introduction of high yielding variety, improved crop management, nutrient management, etc.; or the product can have advantage due to unique quality, and therefore, a better price. • Describe briefly the supply arrangements, and the system of marketing or selling. Include logistics (transport, hauling, delivery system) Workplan • Use sample Work and Financial plan, as provided. Writing Style and Formatting Guide for Writing the Enterprise Plan 1. Writing style – Use simple, clear language. Use the active voice, as this is more effective than the passive style. 2. Capitalization – Follow rules of capitalization. 3. Standard spelling ¬¬– Use American English in the text. (ex. labor, organization – not labour, organisation). Check spelling, if in doubt. 4. Title of the EP – Use Font Times New Roman size 12pt, bold center 5. Body text – Font Times New Roman, 12pt, Justified 6. Margins – 1 inch, all sides 7. Spacing – 1.15 spaces for the body of text, two spaces between title and main paragraph, one space above and below subheadings 8. Page numbering – number of page should be in numerical form at the right bottom. 9. Appendices–Attach Tables or Figures that support body or content of the Enterprise Plan as Appendices. 10. Photos – If any, important photos like the product prototype, building or facilities, certificate of registration of the cooperative or association can be first part(s) of the Appendix; the tables of RMA, Consumer Survey results, etc. follow.

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ANNEX VIII. GUIDE TO FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION (FGD) Post-Workshop of EP Working Draft 1 Introduction The FGD after the Enterprise Plan writeshop to revise the first working draft (October 16-17) is aimed to validate the following: (1) the Enterprise Information section of the EP: the enterprise organization, its structure and management; quantify assets; (2) proposed value chain arrangements; and (3) work and financial plan. This validation process is critical so that roles/functions and responsibilities, requirements and interventions, processes and their timing, relationships and flows, are understood by the target enterprise group and the community, and relevant partners. The guide consists of the minimum required data or information for validation. There should be one in the team who documents everything. Bring Manila papers and pens, so they can also write, if there is a need to. Maintain an open mind set in the whole process. Avoid pushing your own ideas or opinions but maintain the attitude of being clarificatory and always being facilitative. Be able to explain the relevant parts of the enterprise plan subject of the FGD. A. Enterprise information • The desired organization structure: membership requirements, and roles of members • Management for enterprise operations; functions of officers (specific position) and committees, if any; and members • Who is in charge of day to day business operations; will there be incentives or salaries • Will there be capital build-up? • Valuation of existing assets; are there liabilities? B. Enterprise components: identified products, and processes Present the product-process plan and get feedback on: • What can you say about the product? Comments to improve. • How will the product be processed; who and what are the payments? • How will the supply of raw materials be drawn; who is in charge? • Who is in charge of processing supervision, quality control, machine maintenance, • Who is in charge of selling the products, record keeping?

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C. Desired value chain arrangements • Present the Value Chain, explain, and get their feedback. • Record and respond to their feedback. Be more facilitative and clarifying in your responses. Ask for their suggestions, and be able to explain the pros and cons of two or more sides.

• It will be better to explain to the farmers/processors/partners the need to improve the value addition, or benefits/profitability of every actor in the chain – from farmer to processor, eventually to consumer benefits (nutritious products from RTCs).

• Thus, the need to have interventions for each actor in the chain - from farm to processing to selling to the ultimate consumer/ user of the product.

• This part is open-ended and flexible. Try to get comments and opinions. Be sure that you understand and get what they mean.

D. Workplan • Present the plan of activities. • Especially explain the specific roles and those of the partners. • Be clear on the resources and schedule of activities. Please see that the activities match their schedule. Note changes and confirm with all concerned • The group should be able to assign a local focal person to facilitate and monitor activities.

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ANNEX IX. EDP Training-Mentoring Modules

MODULE 1: 3 days Training Workshop on VCA Methods and Tools Orientation and training on VCA approach, methods and tools Preparation of checklist of secondary data/information of production, markets, utilization and consumption trends Identification of sources (statistical information, reports, project documents, etc.) Template for organization and presentation, fieldwork follows. MODULE 2: 3 days Workshop: Opportunities Identification, Gaps and Needs Presentation and review of data/information collected Analyses and synthesis of opportunities, gaps and needs [i.e.production,postproduction/processing and utilization, markets/marketing, and consumption], critiquing of process. Presentation of potential innovations and interventions, support systems related to identified local enterprise opportunities Agreement for further data collection and fieldwork, and methods. MODULE 3: 2 days Training-workshop on RMA Training on RMA methods and tools, preparation of interview guides with market chain actors, (i.e. farmers, traders, wholesalers, retailers, input suppliers, processors, consumers) Consumer survey: method and questionnaire, use of data Data processing and analysis: enterprise plan outline agreement [in bullet presentation, first draft of EP for next workshop], team organization, fieldwork – 3-4 weeks MODULE 4: 2 days Enterprise Plan presentation - workshop Presentation of EP first draft, critiquing Revision writeshop for draft 2 EP Planning for the community FGDs for EP validation Conduct of community FGDs with local partners Revision writeshop, draft 3 MODULE 5: 1 day Stakeholders’ Consultation Meeting [with small exhibit of potential products] Rationale and synthesis of EDP Presentation of draft 3 EPS; Specialist evaluation EP for funding approval [participated in by various stakeholders like BDS providers, markets/users, LGUs, interested specialists] Revision for the final EP MODULE 6: Final Enterprise Plan

Presentation to the funding agency and LGUs, endorsed by programme management Compilation and endorsement

51 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

ANNEX X Guide to Market Research Data Processing

Instructions for MR Data Processing 1. For the interview guides A, B, C, and D, all data will be processed manually using the worksheet since respondents are not that many; and thus, processing is more manageable if done manually. This way, the local team does not need to look for somebody proficient in computer encoding. 2. Only the consumer survey will employ computer encoding using the template. 3. Use the 20-column (or most number of columns available) worksheet for the entries. Label the worksheet according to the guide: A, guide for market intermediaries; B, guide for market-oriented farmers; C, guide for processors). DO NOT DO THIS FOR GUIDE D on market inventory of competing or complementary products.

a. The column headings correspond to the answers from the headings in the respective guide.

b. Column Heading 1, that is the commodity (e.g. RTCs); space in between the RTCs as to the number of marketers (trader, wholesaler, and retailer) interviewed.

Example: Your column headings are based on the answers that you get. Please take note of the first column (RTCs. Banana): indicate the RTC in the row; the Rs are your respondents; R1 for respondent 1; R2 respondent 2, and so on. So you have so many R rows as you have respondents, for each crop. For each crop, you can now compute averages, frequencies, ranges for each answer.

c. Do the same for Guide B (market-oriented farmers) with the first row – being the crops grown. Again, write the crop first, then the answers of the different farmer-respondents, R1……..R20 if you have 20 farmer-respondents. d. If you wish to do this in excel, you can also do so for as long as you follow the same procedure. This is to give the local teams an option whether to do manually or use Excel, because you may have different situations in the field.

52 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual


Name of respondent (Actual)

Yr started selling Actual yr

Sweetpotato R1 R2 R3 Rn

Cassava R1 R2 R3 Rn

53 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

Sources: (Place, then use code in guide)

Supply volume (Actual in lean months)

Supply volume (Actual S in peak months)

Buying price (actual price in lean mos.)

Buying price (actual price in peak mos.)

Selling price (actual in lean mos.)

Selling price (actual in peak mos.)

Grade class, if any with price ) Grade A

Grade B

Volume last year (H-higher; L-lower)-





Taro R1 R2 R3 Rn

Yam R1 R2 R3 Rn

Banana R1 R2 R3 Rn

54 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

4. For Guide D, just use a description of products available in the market as found in the table in the guide. 5. Friendly Reminders:

a. Number of market intermediaries: respondents ( ) for each type – wholesaler (at least 2); retailers (at least 3); trader-financier, if any (at least 1); commission agent, if any (at least 1); Better to have enumeration (i.e. interview all in the market) since there are not so many.

b. Number of market-oriented farmers: at least 50% of the total market-oriented farmers in the community; BUT not less than eight (8). If there is a total of only 8 or less market-oriented farmers, interview all.

c. Take note of the following conversions: ` Square meters to hectare: sqm / 10,000 = hectare; round off to 4 decimal places. Grams to kilograms: grms / 1000 = kg; round off to 3 decimal places.

d. Estimation of yield:


Est. Kgs per hill x (33,333 x 0.70) = ton/ha [ if farmer gives estimate in grams, convert to kg]


Est. kgs. Per hill/plant x (13,333 x 0.70) = ton/ha [if gms, convert to kgs.]

Yam, taro or galiang

Est. kgs per hill/plant x (13,000 x 0.70) = tons/ha [if gms, convert to kgs]


f. Prepare the processing worksheet or spreadsheet as early as possible.

55 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

6. You can do the data processing in at most 3 days. And field interviews, in at most 10 days. TRY TO HAVE A WRITE-UP FOR EACH SECTION AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. 7. Please bring all the filled-up GUIDES, worksheet/spreadsheet, and the Working Draft 1 during the workshop; as well as all information and documents that you already have for the other sections of the Enterprise Plan Guide.

GOOD LUCK!!! And may you benefit and learn much from the process. Whatever you gained is yours, and will build up as part of your capacities that will be very helpful now and in future.

56 EDP: Facilitator’s Manual

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