Nursery Today 2020

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Stay upbeat and positive This month Yasmin Ali (NSG & Babyland Fife) take a quick look at what’s happening for retailers during these unprecedented times.


s retailers I think at some point or another in the course of this craziness – we’ve stopped and wondered if we were living our worst nightmare, what actually is going on? Retailers I’ve spoken to are surprisingly still really upbeat – a massive round of applause to us as an industry. Most have played their part and stepped up. Dropshippers have ‘saved the day’ I’ve been told, allowing us to try and help customers who have hit panic mode requesting early orders. We’ve had people with August orders pulling them forward to collect in March, and still trying to process March and April orders as normal – while taking NEW orders at the same time. Certainly, we are in unprecedented times. No one knew what to do, or what was going to happen, are we essential? Are we not? Industry old schoolers, like my mum, Helen Hickman of Bumpstart Baby and others have seen themselves return to the helm of their businesses after sneakily trying to step back! It’s just not been possible! For us, we are a family business, we are a really close family – but all live

separately. So we’ve been split up, Mum however has a work force in her household so they’ve still been opening the shop and dealing with deliveries in and out while the rest of us try to co-ordinate websites and social media. Nursery Trade Group has been a massive help. If ever I’ve been glad to have been part of the NSG and Trade set up, its been these past weeks. In NSG its been a scramble for information – for once as a small business owner, the government has stepped up and been helpful, retailers have come together, and we’ve just been pushing the message out there that we are still here, we are still working and still providing product for the babies of the UK. I think people need to remember to keep using their social channels – keep trying to engage people in any way you can. Don’t for a second think you are alone, if you’re struggling, or just feeling a bit meh…reach out!! I’m here! I can listen, I can try to advise, I can send you silly pictures and make you smile. The clue is in the title: Nursery Support Group.

C erta in ly, w e are in N o on e kn e w w h at un p rece dente d t imes . go in g to h app en , artoe do , o r w h at w as we A re w e n ot ? es sent ia l? source

Join in the conversation. Facebook groups: NSG V.2 – for all bricks and mortar independent pram & nursery retailers. Nursery Trade – all trade welcome Yas Ali NSG, Nursery Today, Babyland Fife

nursery today


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