The Country Editor South 5.22.13

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May 22, 2013

Countryy Editor

Volume 1 Number 6


Just good reading

From pure imagination to virtual stagnation

Illinois Senate approves 'puppy lemon law' bill

Stamps feature five New England lighthouses

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A bird of a different feather writes his story by Willis “Skip” Barshied I am one of nature’s feathered creatures. Although I risk being considered conceited, I know I’m some-

My portrait, taken at my new home in Stone Arabia by John De Valve.

thing special. I came to this windswept place called Stone Arabia about three weeks ago. I told the rest of the flock not to leave our warm winter home so early. What has one single bird to say to change many others’ minds? After all, I’m just a different bird but still an outstanding one. Long before we struck off for this Stone Arabia place, some who nested there last season thought that with a strong west wind we might be blown east to a place called Fonda. It was a pretty cold day when we reached our destination, which was a side yard of a guy who some of the older birds of the flock said was named Skip. In fact that guy saw us soon after landing. I saw him watching us. He seemed to be especially watching me as if he picked me out from many other robins. Did he think I was strange just because I had a white head? I did not know whether

I should feel complimented or insulted. This guy certainly spied on me. I showed him by being especially bold and approaching nearer than the rest of the flock. I began to be self conscious and even paranoid if that is within the capability of a white-headed robin. I was concerned that this big, strong creature pitied me possibly because I did not seem to have a mate. I decided I’d show him by taking my beautiful mate with me when I came into his view. Boy, is she a sweet bird! She not only has looks but does most of the nest building also. I cavort around, picking up a seed here or a worm there. This is robin lazy street. I do not dare to tweet about it much though since all must be quiet while my mate is nesting. I hope that guy Skip respects my preening and does not require too many appearances. I’ll try to humor him. That friend of his, I believe his name is John, tried to trick me with some robin sounds made by something he took from his pocket. I showed him that there is no fear in this bird. So long for now! Your friend, The White Headed Robin with help from Skip, Stone Arabia, April 30, 2013.

Takee a hike



Chimney Mountain by Joan Kark-Wren Chimney Mountain near Indian Lake is one of my family’s favorite hikes. It’s a sure bet that whenever we are at camp, someone will say, “Let’s climb Chimney!” We ‘discovered’ Chimney Mtn. in 2006 and have climbed it many times since, each time discovering new caves to explore. Our first climb up was in July. As we went from the chimney to the other side of the of the mountain, we saw mist rising up from the crevices in the rocks created from the cooler air in the caves. After setting off to explore them, we discovered there was still ice and snow in many of the smaller

Left - One of my favorite photos - my ‘boys’ next to the chimney. This was taken the first time we climbed Chimney Mountain, and although I’ve tried to recapture this, it never seems to come out as good as this one did.

caves. A great cool-down after a hot climb! The chimney itself is a massive vertical rock formation that lends itself to some good views and great photo ops, but the real view is on the other side, and can be reached by a path that starts just below the chimney. At 2,700 ft. above sea level, Chimney is considered a low peak. The hike up is a steep Class 1 trail, just over a mile long, with the steepest part at the end. The trail is wide enough in most places to walk side by side and is fairly dry, depending on the season. There are two spots near the base that are wet and a small stream to cross over. Our ‘boys’ (aged 22, 24 and 27) run up the mountain and come back every now and then to check and see if my husband Dan and I are still on our way up. I tend to be the last one up because I’m too busy

See Hiking page 2

Page 2 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

The western summit has vast views of the surrounding mountains.

Hiking from Page 1

Finding ice and snow in the caves during the summer months is always fun - and cooling!

taking pictures of mushrooms and other interesting things (dogs, people, trees, flowers, red efts, etc.) to focus on climbing. Though I always use the excuse of a beautiful photo op, they all know the truth mom is getting too old and out of shape to keep that pace up anymore. The trail is dog friendly. Our family of dogs - four black labs and a ‘new to us’ chocolate lab - enjoy this climb as much as we do, chasing a ball or frisbee along the trail and running back and forth between us (we do leash them when other hikers are on the trail). The biggest cave on the mountain - in fact, the biggest in the Adirondacks - is Eagle Cave. It is located on the western side of the mountain, some 20-30 feet below the summit and is considered an expert-

The view of the chimney from the western ridge. On the left side there is huge rock balanced on top of another one - great photo ops there! Photos by Joan Kark-Wren

only cave. Being a worrying-Mom-type, I’ve never been too interested in actually finding it, for fear that the ‘boys’ would want to explore it. Some day we may have to get serious about finding it, but until then, we enjoy exploring the smaller caves in the rift between the Chimney and the western ridge. Chimney can be climbed in any season and is a good snowshoe hike in winter. Blackflies can be bad in the spring, so be prepared. There are some great books and websites about hiking in the Adirondacks if you’d like to learn more.

Many of the caves found in the rift are big enough to stand in.

cut up their garden tools for firewood and head out to the supermarket for vegetables, stopping on the way at a tavern for a bracer to lift the spirits. Nowhere do these so-called “experts” mention the rejuvenating power of puttering amidst the greenery of the garden, nor the satisfaction of hacking down overgrown weeds, while observing the marvels of creation. And I can tell you I get some marvels. When volunteers from the previous year's garden come up, I let them grow, mostly because I can never tell for sure if the sprouting plants are ones I planted, volunteers, or weeds. After a few years, my volunteers got crossed with several varieties of squash, pumpkins, gourds, and maybe morning glories to mutate into stranger and stranger varieties that would make Luther Burbank take note. One year, I ended up with weird squash-like globs, pale yellow with streaks of green. I took a load down to the Survival Center. I don't know if anyone survived them, but the folks running the place did not beg me to bring more. When I mentioned that I still had enough to feed the French Foreign Legion, the lady at the desk said something about having a big enough dumpster bill, already. She gave a little sniff at my basket of mutant squash. She apparently has some sort of squash allergy; I could tell. While I often have an ample yield of

Live life like a goat...

Alwayss bitee offf moree thann youu cann chew! Photo by Melody Reynolds

Photo courtesy of Franklin County Master Gardeners, mutants, gardeners shouldn't concern book against power mowing, though I'd themselves about yield. That's farming, receive some dark looks from my wife, which my father cured me of at a very who had forbidden me to set foot in her early age, and for which I thank him. We section of the garden when she practiced had frosts, wet spells and dry spells, dis- the art of gardening. She was a traditionease, bugs, wood chucks, rabbits and alist, bent on all the drudgery of hoeing deer. If we were lucky and escaped all and weeding. that—after hoeing and weeding all sumOne year, our living room rug began to mer—whatever we chose to plant for look a bit tired. To me it still looked like market turned out to be selling for three a sun-dappled forest floor. My brothercents a peck. in-law said it looked like chopped brocEach year, it seems, I read about farm- coli. My wife agreed. And up it went. I ers dumping loads of produce on a major use the discarded rug to lay strips highway to protest low prices. between the rows. One year I planted tomato seeds in five Personally, I feel farmers are entirely justified in dumping those tons of surplus gallon plastic buckets. I lugged them in produce onto major highways. What else and out of the house until past the dancan they do? If they plow them under, ger of late spring frost, talking to them, they'll just multiply and mutate into admiring them, and congratulating more and more weird volunteers. All that myself, incessantly, while my wife rolled aside, it's not to say that a gardener can't her eyes to heaven imploring the very being I sought to emulate. All summer I enjoy growing crops. There's an easier way - using my carried on as my wife clung to sanity. That fall, I announced, “With all these method of divine guidance. Observe Mother Nature at work—or more accu- plants bearing so nicely, we'll have but to rately—not at work. There in Bible is the reach out right here in our own kitchen parable about the master who admon- to pick a ripe tomato at arm's length.” Actually, all the plants had all died but ishes his servant to refrain from pulling weeds for fear of uprooting the good one. But, it was a tough one. Anyway, my plants. There lies the secret. It is excel- enthusiasm failed to catch on, and I lent advice that I'm going to frame and wondered about my wife's vitamin B intake. hang by my lounge chair. Then, one Indian summer day, I'd left Not only is leaving the weeds alone much easier than all that hacking and the remaining tomato plant out to bask weeding, it results in a more favorable in the sun, and I neglected to bring it in cost/benefit ratio. Doing the absolute for the night. The temperature dropped. minimum results in the highest ratio; By morning my tomato plant slumped giving the greatest harvest for the least like cooked spinach. My wife somehow effort. Of course, you'll have a garden seemed unmoved by this tragedy. choked with weeds, but that isn't all bad Nevertheless, I didn't let it discourage me either. It can be interesting to witness the from gardening. Failure, I often pointed grim battle of good and evil-the plants out to her, is invaluable because it gives versus weeds. And at year's end, when contrast to your successes, however few. the garden is turned under, the weeds I find there are few failures, if examined closely enough. There's always the help replenish the soil with nutrients. You may hoe a bit, or occasionally pull weather to blame. I don't consider my a few weeds, taking on the role of benev- garden a failure if it doesn't produce olent being. Then, when the weeds grow enough at year's end to feed a sick chickso thick as to hamper strolling through en. At least I won't have littered the highthe garden, you have but to fire up the ways with surplus produce, nor long to lawn mower to go down the rows creating throw myself under the wheels of a passa fine lawn for the plants to loll upon, ing truck in despair. I used to stroll over to my wife's garwhile you return the weeds to the soil as nutrients. A hidden squash or pumpkin den, before she passed on, to sample may fall victim to the mower, spraying some of her vegetables when she was out in a plume of pulp and seeds with a busy elsewhere. Now I go to sit on the resounding “thr-r-rp”, but I charge that chopped broccoli rug between the rows to contemplate new avenues of scientific off to “thinning”. Nowhere is there anything in the good efficiency.


by Joseph A. Parzych With the economy as it is, gardening is a viable option much like the Victory Gardens during WWII. But is it worth the bother of it all? Most certainly. Anyone can garden with efficiency and ease. You need only follow my foolproof plan. It does not have to be followed exactly. I usually begin by digging up the garden with my backhoe. You don't need to do that. My wife used to ask my brother to roto-till a plot for her garden. I also have a farm tractor equipped with a plow, but I like to dig up the soil with my backhoe in the spring or stack the garden loam in the fall, layer it with leaves and then level it in the spring. I like doing it that way. It fluffs up the soil and saves money. Well, maybe it doesn't save money, but it does justify owning a backhoe. To garden successfully, you need also to develop the right mind-set. There is nothing like poring over seed catalogues to develop a positive attitude. There's never a bit of negativity, nor even so much as a hint of failure, there. The bountiful display of fruit and vegetables in glorious color is certain to inspire the worst pessimist. A common mistake is reading gardening articles. No. Wait! Not mine. I'm talking about the other guys. They dwell too much on detail, with long lists of things that must be done NOW. They dredge up a depressing list of plagues, pests, and pitfalls that are enough to make a body

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Gardening with efficiency and ease

Page 4 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

From pure imagination to virtual stagnation by Carly Proulx Central New Yorker’s are sending their winter blues back into another six months of hibernation, but the chances today’s youth will spend a majority of summer basking in the sun are rather slim these days. In a 2008 publication of the Smithsonian magazine the studies of one ecologist Patricia Zaradic indicate that since the mid-1980’s today’s internet based society may have elicited a much bigger cost than that of an electric bill. With the 21st century onslaught of “videophilia,” a term coined by Patricia Zaradic (Environmental Leadership Program) and Oliver Pergrams, (researcher at University of Illinois in Chicago) it is a wonder that kids today have any room left for pure imagination. Defined as the new human tendency to focus on sedentary activities involving electronic media, the correlation between videophilia and the per capita

decline in outdoor activities, though not proven the causation of, certainly gives solid ground to stand for those who believe there is at the very least some bearing between the two. An increase in outdoor activity has shown valuable signs in improving cognitive functioning in children at varying stages of development. Growing up in the eighties left me and my brother basically oblivious to internet use or much anything else technology related. On the income scale our family ranked rather low, but with imaginations intact and our daily fort building schemes, we didn’t seem to know or care. Within the first few minutes of writing this article I asked my friend’s 11-year-old son if he preferred sitting behind a computer screen surfing the web to exploring the outdoors. His response, “I’m not much of an outdoor’s guy” was without the least bit of hesitation. When it comes to boredom being followed up by checking my Facebook feed I’m as guilty as the next electronic fiend. I am not opposed The technology. The benefits that have sprung from Justt goodd reading social networking and other Published weekly on Wednesday by Lee Publications aspects such as the now 6113 St. Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 endless vat of information Publisher, President at the mere press of a butFrederick W. Lee ton are plain to see, and I V.P., General Manager don’t pretend to dislike Bruce Button movies and television. V.P., Production

Countryy Editor

Problem solving, planning, creative thinking, and imaginary play are essential parts of building a fort. Photo by Carly Proulx I guess the point to this article, and what question remains most disparaging is that with all we have gained today as a technologically suave society, what is it that we’ve lost along the way? If you asked a modern kid near you he might say, “Why build a real fort when I can sit motionless, making one in Minecraft (an online building game)?” Consider the effects for building and playing, indoors or outdoors has on kids today. Problem solving, planning, creative thinking, meditative techniques, and

imaginary play may all be essential pieces that make up fort building, as well as important skills to be potentially absorbed by those engaged. This is just one example of an activity that can help facilitate your child’s learning methods, while at the same time remaining creative and fun. I believe it is now more important than ever to encourage the future generation of children that sometimes, they need look no farther than their pure imagination to find some good quality entertainment.

Mark W. Lee Comptroller........Robert Moyer Managing Editor......Joan Kark-Wren Page Composition.......Deb Countryman Production Coordinator........Jessica Mackay Shop Foreman...........Harry Delong

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Turning ninety-three by Rosalie Bolton Well hello, here you are, in your nineties. Nineties. That’s old? Ninety-three is not old, just the beginning of the nineties. I have several more years to go before I reach 100, a centenarian. In a newspaper article I read, “Elderly man does such and such.” The elderly man was sixty-two. Sixty-two? Yes, I suppose so. But I always thought that fifty was middle age. What is age? Just a number. Yes, I use a cane. Not because I’m old. I use the cane for balance; you know, the road I’m walking on might be a little off.

“Why have you got your name and address stuck on to your cane?” my daughters ask. I always have an answer; “What if I leave the cane?” In a movie, a comedy long ago, an elderly woman used her cane to hit people, to swat them, if they took her seat on a bus. Comedy, but it gave the impression that old people are cranky and mean, and that’s not always the case. Well, not always. Old people can be weird. A cousin of my mother’s, years ago, answered the phone by saying, “Waiting.” Not, “Hello.” She said why should I say “hello”

The Country Preacher by Pastor Dan West One day a man greeted me with the usual “how are you?” And I answered him with the usual “good.” Then he questioned me, “Are you really good? There is only one Good Man.” I understood his point, but we could rightly question, “good compared to who or what?” The Apostle Paul told the Corinthians that to “compare themselves among themselves is unwise.” We can always

find someone we compare favorably or unfavorably with. If we compare our attitudes and actions to the standards of the Ten Commandments, we can see why God sent His Son Jesus to pay for us missing His high standard. He is holding His payment for your sin out to you; have you accepted it? Romans 10:23 says “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.”

to someone I do not know. I am waiting, waiting to find out who is calling and why. What if when my phone rings, I pick up and say, “Waiting.” Maybe I’ll try this. If I pick up the receiver and say, “Waiting,” my son who is calling might say, “What for?” Rosalie Bolton worked for the Franklin County Extension Service right up until she was married. As part of her contributions for the service, she provided a radio presence for them on the local radio station, by announcing upcoming events.

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. ~ Robert Frost

GLEN ELLYN, IL (AP) — Tracey Kreiling has fond memories of her father while she was growing up in Florida. “Old-fashioned things,” the Glen Ellyn woman says, like her dad organizing family camping trips, playing songs on the organ and singing in his distinct Irish tenor. Mostly, though, she remembers his amazing ability to tell stories. “He could capture a group and have them lean forward with every word he said,” she says.

In 2010, her dad, Tom Ryan, began experiencing physical changes that no one could explain: a twitching in his legs and tongue, the loss of 70 pounds in less than a year. After being sent from doctor to doctor and receiving few answers, he finally received a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, a fatal neuromuscular disease that impairs muscle functions such as speaking, swallowing and eventually breathing. In February 2012 — nine months after his diagnosis — Tom died at

the age of 79. Kreiling is sharing her family’s personal story in the hope it can influence greater cooperation among doctors and lead to earlier diagnosis for those who may be affected by ALS. “I want to help patients become diagnosed before they’re nearly dead,” she said. On May 12, Kreiling and her volunteer crew of 10 were on the streets of downtown Glen Ellyn from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. collecting donations for the Les Turner ALS Foundation Tag Days drive. Donations went toward medical research, patient services and edu-


cational activities, according to the foundation. Some 30 such collection efforts are taking place throughout May in Chicago and the suburbs. Kreiling said her father, a resident of Boynton Beach, FL, dealt with various doctors in the area who didn’t know how to detect ALS. She said she wants medical professionals to at least be aware of the disease’s conditions to be able to recommend patients to those who may specialize in ALS detection and treatment. She also wants veterans to be aware of the disease, since it has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as a service-connected disease. Her dad served in the Army during the Korean War.

The May 12 Tag Days drive was the first time Kreiling has organized a group of volunteers on behalf of ALS research.

“I loved the feeling of it and the camaraderie of all the families together,” she said. “I decided to do my part to help.”

She decided to become involved in the ALS Foundation after attending a walk last year at Soldier Field where family members honored their loved ones who were lost to the disease.

Source: (Arlington Heights) Daily Herald, Information from: Daily Herald,

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by Christopher Placek, (Arlington Heights) Daily Herald

Page 5

Woman collects money for ALS Foundation

Page 6 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

Hello Again, May 18, 2013 Last week the opening sentence for Hello Again was “What a marvelous change in the weather” This week, Monday morning, it could be “put on your long johns and button up the back flap. Boy it’s cold.” We thank the good Lord for nice weather, but I don’t have nerve enough to blame him for out of season cold weather, so I’ll just say thanks for a good day. How the years have gone by - it seems like yesterday our family had a young friend in our church family. Saturday we attended the 2013 Commencement Ceremony at Baptist Bible College and Seminary in Clark Summit, Pennsylvania. Wouldn’t you know it that same kid is now a mature man with a beautiful wife and a son who is a ninth grader. Saturday he walked the walk with cap and gown receiving his Masters Degree. You would think he was my son I was so proud. Now he can wear the tassel on the left side of his cap. We are expecting great things to happen in Salvatore J. (Sal) Malorana Jr.’s life serving his Lord, family and country. Possibly the educational walk he is on will lead from Bachelor, Masters Degrees onto Doctor of Ministry. Dr. Sal has a nice ring to it. At the present he is serving as Pastor in a Village Bible Believing Church. What I don’t understand about Sal is how did he ever get both of his heels to touch the ground at the same time. It never happened when he was a kid. At the college we were told to park our motor home in the faculty parking area not in the students’ parking lot. Locating the correct lot was easy. We found it with little trouble. We parked where all of the old cars were. Back in the hill country where I grew up, we learned the 3 R’s: read’n, rite’n, and ‘rithmatic. Often while reading we skipped over the big words. A born native could substitute a local word or expression, which usually worked even better. A conversation was often sprinkled

with a cuss word or a word one never heard of before. To an outsider this could create a serious ‘confugalty’. By the time we kids graduated from the 6th grade we had polished village words and phrases into a fine art form including the kind, which brought on a mouthwashing with strong brown lye soap, I can still taste the soap and remember the words. To this day one of those words will slip out. Isn’t that some sort of proof that early education really sticks with you. We had our own way of handling ‘rithmatic. For example, if we owed someone $4 we would offer $2 + $1 and if someone owed $5, it would be come $3 + $3 which the sum would be $5. I received a rough-ruff (as in a barking dog) birthday card from an old friend and golfing buddy this week. A little pat on the back from “Ruby” Helfand made my day. He wrote, “You still do a very good job.” Elliott M. Helfand is now 94 and still plays golf at the Ryerson-Otsego Golf Course. Mrs. Helfand is a champion on or off the golf course. She often beats Ruby at golf and is unbeatable as a cookie baker. Ruby wrote, “It is hard to believe, it has been almost 30 years since I retired from the ‘Ruby’s’ store in Richfield Springs.” Ruby, hit ‘em straight, hard and keep on eating those great cookies. God bless. A preacher was making his rounds on a bicycle, when he came upon a young boy trying to sell a lawn mower. “How much do you want for the mower?” asked the preacher. “I just want enough money to go out and buy me a bicycle.” said the boy. After a moment of consideration, the preacher asked, “Will you take my

bike in trade for it?” The boy asked if he could try it out first. He told the preacher he hadn’t ridden a bicycle in a long time and wasn’t sure he remembered how to ride one. The preacher told him, “Just keep trying. It’ll come back to you.” After riding the bike around a little while, the boy said, “Mister, you’ve got yourself a deal.”

Don’t lose faith. Winter is actually over for this year. Soon - I hope - we can pack away the long johns, break out the above-the-knee shorts and wear straw hats. Believe it or not summer is not a new invention, although some years it does seem to get squeezed between late spring and early fall. Milt

Schilde at Sunnycrest always cautions not to transplant flowers before Memorial Day.

family and friends and attend church this Sunday. Fred Lee and Family

Distance can separate friends and family but love will always win and draw them back together. Say hello to your closest friend, your next door neighbor. Thank god for

The preacher took the mower and began to crank it. He pulled on the rope a few times with no response from the mower. The preacher called the youngster over and said, “I can’t get this mower to start.” The boy said, “That’s because you have to cuss at it to get it started.” The preacher said, “I can’t cuss. It’s been so long since I became a Christian that I don’t even remember how to cuss.” The little boy looked at him happily and said, “You just keep pulling on that rope. It’ll come back to you! Thanks, Uncle Jim Bob So you’re a little bit deaf and you would like to attend a play, concert, speech, movie or church and you know your probably will not be able to hear and understand, what can you do about it? You can choose 1. Stay at home, 2. Attend the event and realize you will not hear what’s going on, 3. Go and complain to deaf ears that you couldn’t hear. Should we say this may soon be all in the past. A new sound system is now available for buildings, which hold large crowds. It is called a hearing loop system. In a typical church the hearing loop system is installed under the carpet. The wire transits sound through a magnetic field, rather than acoustically, which means people with hearing aids receive the signal.

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holes (2-inch mesh is good). Spread it horizontally over the tops of the plants and attach it to some type of stakes at the sides. The flower stems and foliage will grow up through the mesh and hide it. Daffodils and other spring-blooming bulbs need their foliage to replenish the bulbs for next year’s flowers, yet sometimes you might want to relocate them after they flower but before the foliage yellows and dies. You can move them after blooming to a new spot, just keep the foliage, bulb, and roots intact. Keep watering and give them a dose of fertilizer. Many hybrid tulip bulbs propagate themselves by splitting into many smaller bulbs after

blooming. The mother bulbs will usually not bloom again and the babies are too small to bloom yet, so these tulips are best treated as annuals. “Perennial” tulips — Darwin tulips and Emperor tulips — on the other hand, don’t split so they will bloom for a number of years. Give them a dose of bulb fertilizer after blooming and cut off the flower stalks. Leave the foliage intact until it dies. Ground covers such as vinca, ajuga, pachysandra, creeping foamflowers, lamium, and ivy can be divided and transplanted now to create new beds or enlarge existing ones. On a cloudy, cool day, use a sharp shovel or trowel to separate offshoots from mother plants and trans-

plant them into a shady new location. Keep them well watered. If you’re seeing red over those devastating red beetles on your lilies, it’s time to get your squishing fingers loosened up. Lily leaf beetles often show up first in spring on leaves of the crown imperial (Fritillaria). Check both sides of the leaves and down inside the center whorl of leaves. Also check the undersides of leaves for tiny orange eggs. The larvae have orange, brown, or greenish yellow bodies that are sometimes hidden under their excrement. The botanical insecticide Neem is reported to kill the larvae and repel the adults. For best control, spray every 5 to 7 days after the eggs hatch.

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Some people also report success with spraying a lightweight dormant oil on the foliage to kill the eggs and larvae. Clear grass and weeds

If you’re planning to grow some warm-season crops like melons or sweet potatoes, don’t plant out until the ground has warmed to 65

from root zone areas around tree trunks, and remove any suckers growing from the base of the trees such as apples and crabapples. Spread compost, and top with 3 to 4 inches of bark mulch. Keep mulch an inch or two away from the trunks. Remove any tree wraps or guards you placed on young trunks for winter protection.

to 70 degrees (F). Otherwise, plants won’t grow and may just rot. Spread black plastic on the soil 2 to 3 weeks prior to planting to help warm the soil more quickly. You can start such crops in pots indoors in a sunny spot where warmer, a couple weeks before planting out, to get a jump on their season.

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by Charlie Nardozzi, Horticulturist and Leonard Perry, UVM Extension Horticulturist Staking peonies, dividing and relocating daffodils if needed, and fertilizing perennial tulips are some of the gardening activities for this month. Set up supports for peonies now while plants are just emerging, so their large flower heads don’t bend to the ground next month. Circular flower rings with legs that stick into the soil are one option, but often the stems will bend where they droop and fall over the ring. Stakes encircled with twine around a plant is another option. The best support is afforded by wire mesh such as chicken wire with large

Page 7

Staking peonies and other May gardening tips

Page 8

Everything gets old-even your shocks


keep you and your family safe. “Shocks and struts are hidden behind the wheels, so their condition isn’t as easy to see, and drivers tend to miss the gradual loss of steering, stopping and stability that occurs as they wear out,” says Carri Irby, brand manager for Monroe shocks and struts manufacturer Tenneco Inc. “So it’s important to have the vehicle’s ride control system inspected at least once a year and to replace worn

To help stay safe on the road, have your car’s shocks and struts inspected by a professional — and if they’re worn out, have them replaced.

(NAPSI) — Look around your home and you’ll probably see a few important items you are planning to replace — a tattered chair, those old running shoes, the living room wallpaper. There are also impor-

tant parts on your vehicle that need to be replaced when they get old — including your shock absorbers and struts. But replacing them is more than just a matter of keeping your vehicle fresh — it can also help

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. ~Bertolt Brecht

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shocks and struts at 50,000 miles.” (Actual mileage may vary depending on driver ability, vehicle type and driving and road conditions, according to Irby.) Shocks and struts are part of a system of interrelated under-car components known as the “Safety Triangle.” Other elements of this system are the tires, brakes and chassis parts, such as ball joints and tie rod ends. When any of these parts is worn, the entire system can be compro-

mised, leading to a loss of steering precision, stopping performance and overall vehicle stability in a variety of driving situations. To reinforce this important safety message, the Monroe brand recently launched an extensive North American marketing campaign titled “Everything Gets Old. Even Your Shocks.” The campaign contrasts these vital but often overlooked vehicle components with worn everyday items that most

consumers replace on a more frequent basis — shoes, toothbrushes, batteries, and even tires. “It’s vital to understand that while you might not be able to see them without getting down on your hands and knees, shocks and struts take an incredible beating and they do get old,” said Irby. “Protect your safety by asking your vehicle service provider for a ride control inspection and, if your shocks and struts are worn out, have them replaced.”

procedures can help keep your car operating at its best for the long haul: 1. Check all fluids, including engine oil, power steering, brake and transmission as well as wind-

shield washer solvent, antifreeze and coolant. 2. Check the hoses and belts to make sure they’re not cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or showing signs of excessive wear.

Take care of your car now so you don’t have to pay for repairs later.

3. Check the battery and replace if necessary. Make sure the connection is clean, tight and corrosion-free. 4. Check the brake system annually and have the brake linings, rotors and drums inspected at each oil change. 5. Inspect the exhaust system for leaks, damage and broken supports or hangers if there’s an unusual noise. Exhaust leaks can be dangerous and must be corrected without delay. 6. Schedule a tune-up to help the engine deliver the best balance of power and fuel economy and produce the lowest level of emissions. 7. Check the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system as

Automotive proper heating and cooling performance is critical for interior comfort and for safety reasons such as defrosting. 8. Inspect the steering and suspension system annually including shock absorbers, struts and chassis parts such as ball joints, tie-rod ends and other related components. 9. Check the tires, including tire pressure and tread. Uneven wear may indicate the need for wheel alignment. Tires should also be checked for bulges and bald spots. 10. Check the wipers and lighting so you can see and be seen. Check that all interior and exterior lighting is working properly and replace worn wiper blades so you can

see clearly when driving during precipitation. “Neglected vehicle care almost always means much higher costs down the line in the form of more extensive repairs or lost resale value,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “Following a routine maintenance program makes financial sense, extending useful vehicle life and helping avoid costly repairs down the road.” The Car Care Council is the source of information for the “Be Car Care Aware” consumer education campaign promoting the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers. For further information, visit

Avoid odometer fraud


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(NAPSI) — Smart used car shoppers know they’re better able to get a car that can take them far if they’re not misled about mileage. According to the Consumer Federation of America, one in 10 used cars on the market has had its odometer rolled back. Fortunately, there are five ways you can tell if the car you’re considering is among them: 1. Check the vehicle’s title and compare the mileage listed on the title with the car’s odometer. 2. Compare the odometer’s mileage with

mileage recorded on maintenance and inspection documents. 3. If the vehicle has a traditional mechanical odometer, check that the numbers are aligned correctly. 4. Examine the tires. The car should have its original tires if the odometer reads 20,000 miles or less. 5. Get a free Odometer Check at Carfax provides trusted information that helps millions buy and sell cars with confidence.

Before you buy a used car, look to see if the wear and tear is consistent with the number of miles on the odometer.

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(NAPSI) — Basic car care is the key to a longlasting vehicle, and to improving its safety and dependability. What To Do Ten basic maintenance

Page 9

Your key to a long-lasting car

Page 10 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

Stamps feature five New England lighthouses PORTLAND, MAINE (AP) — Five New England lighthouses are about to be featured on U.S. postage stamps. Howard Koslow, an artist based in Toms River, NJ, was commissioned by the Postal Service to paint

each of the lighthouses. The stamps feature Maine’s oldest lighthouse, the Portland Head Light, which was established in 1791. Others to be featured are the nation’s oldest, the Boston Harbor Light, along

with Portsmouth Harbor Light in New Hampshire, Point Judith Lighthouse in Rhode Island and New London Harbor Light in Connecticut. The so-called “forever” stamps will be issued this summer.

Chinese actress feeds Kenya’s orphan elephants NAIROBI, KENYA (AP) — Chinese actress Li Bingbing is in Kenya to bring attention to the growing problem of elephants slaughtered for the international ivory trade. Bingbing recently urged governments and consumers to combat the illegal wildlife trade. She told a news conference that Africa’s poach-

ing crisis raises major concerns about the survival of elephants and rhinos in Kenya. She noted that such deaths are linked to organized crime and the funding of armed militias. Former NBA star Yao Ming has also visited Kenya to raise awareness about the ivory trade. Most African ivory

is shipped to Asia, especially to China. The United Nations says

the number of elephants illegally killed in Africa has doubled in 10 years.

z y o B Lost

Bingbing has starred in high-profile Englishlanguage films, including

“Resident Evil” and “The Forbidden Kingdom.”


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Baby Elephant at Maryland Zoo.

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out by habitat destruction and unregulated hunting. New DNA information collected by biologist shows the bears population has grown dramatically from the 14 females and 16 cubs brought from the Smokies in the 1990s. Today there are about 284 animals in the park area in Tennessee and Kentucky.

The population studies show the bears have found the habitat to their liking. Biologists say the Big South Fork population could become ground zero for the natural dispersal of bears across the northern Cumberland Plateau. Joe Clark is a research ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and an adjunct professor of

wildlife at the University of Tennessee who helped with the study. “The sample doesn’t

bears up there than we thought.” Clark said the reintroduction was successful in

Black bears are now found within Big South Fork. Photo by National Park Service

represent all the bears, but it’s the lion’s share,” he said. “There are more



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part because the releases took place in the winter. “We found that if we

moved bears in the summer, even after keeping them in acclimation pens, they want to move on,” Clark said. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency says it will be at least three years before it decides whether to allow bear hunting in Big South Fork.

Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want. ~Joseph Wood Krutch


ONEIDA, TN (AP) — New population estimates of black bears in and around the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area show the population is thriving. The Knoxville News Sentinel reports ( the bears were reintroduced to the area almost 20 years ago after they had been nearly wiped

Page 11

Black bears thriving in Big South Fork


Page 12


down at the feed store, later in the afternoon. We

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asked Julie, the stout girl hired to carry 100-pound sacks of grain out to waiting trucks. “Curtis can tell,” she said. “He can tell where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing, and it’s a kind of magic, like that E.S.P. stuff.” This was big news here, of course, and I had to go see for myself. I was getting a little shaggy, so it was time I went down there for a trim and some

lilac water anyway. Curtis wrapped the paper hangman tight around my neck and started the clippers. “Curtis, I hear you’re a detective,” I said. “Always wanted to be,” he said. “Always wanted to be. Then I got in here with my dad all those years ago, you know. Been here ever since.” “But I understand you have E.S.P. or something.”

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He laughed. “Of course not. It’s just that I’ve been studying detective methods for a long time. I can sometimes tell what people have been doing.” “Well … how about me? Can you tell me what I’ve been doing?” “Let’s see.” He stopped the clippers and stepped back and looked at my head. “I can tell you went to Oakhurst about three weeks ago,” he said. “And you visited Charlie Taylor while you were there.” “You know,” I said, “that’s right. I did. But how did you know?” He laughed. “Nobody does ears like Charlie. He’s a good barber, and he always leaves a clear path around the ears, sloping steeper in front of the ear than behind. And … since you have about three weeks’ growth of hair since Charlie saw you …” I still think there’s some E.S.P. in it somewhere. Brought to you by The Backpocket Guide to Hunting Elk. Read a sample of the download book in time for Father’s Day at

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by Slim Randles I heard the

had a real live Sherlock Holmes in our community, and he was our local barber, Curtis Naismith. “What do you mean?” I

Page 13

Home Country







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12,491 Miles

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27,285 Miles


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16,888 $

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AWD, 4 Dr, 2.4L 4 Cyl


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34,338 Miles

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44,294 Miles


V6, CD


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FWD, 2.5L 4 Cyl

15,900 $


7,216 Miles

FWD, 1.6L 4 Cyl

27,900 $

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63,613 Miles

Page 14

17,900 $

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52,432 Miles

FWD, 3.5L 6 Cyl



Page 15 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 22, 2013

You can’t take it with you There was a very rich man who was about to die and he wanted to take some of his wealth with him. So he started negotiations with God about the matter. God was not sure, as it had never been done before and he did not want to set a precedence. Finally after long talks, God reluctantly agreed to allow him to bring his wealth to heaven. Just a few days before he died the rich man converted all his money into gold bullion.

Coal, Wood, Pellet or Gas Stoves, Fireplaces & Furnaces 247 Oberle Rd., Herkimer, NY 13350 315-866-5557 • 1-800-889-HEAT

He died and the funeral home made sure that the suitcases containing the gold bullion went with him. He arrived at the Pearly Gates with his suitcases and there was Peter. Peter told him he could not bring the suitcases into heaven. But the man replied that God had already approved the matter. So Peter got on the God phone and sure enough it was true. So Peter was curious as to what was so valuable to the man. Peter asked, “Could I

look in the suitcases?” So the man opened the suitcases and Peter exclaimed, “Why are you bringing pavement to heaven?”

• Little Falls • Dolgeville • Salisbury Center • Fairfield • Frankfort • Mohawk • Ilion • Jordanville • Van Hornesville • West Winfield • Cold Brook • Newport • Herkimer • Middleville • Poland To place an advertisement for your business call John Snyder 518-673-0129 or 518-378-3279.

Page 16 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

Illinois Senate approves 'puppy lemon law' bill SPRINGFIELD, IL (AP) — The Illinois Senate has approved a measure that would protect

consumers who buy a dog or cat at a pet store and then find out that the animal is seriously

ill. Lawmakers voted 3118 earlier this month to send to the Illinois

House the bill described as a “puppy lemon law.” The legislation would allow buyers to get a replacement or a full refund for the pet if the animal dies within 21 days of the purchase.

Consumers also could seek damages for the cost of veterinary care. Senator Dan Kotowski is a Democrat from Park Ridge. He told legislators this bill is a consumer protection meas-

ure. But Republican Senator Dale Righter of Mattoon says it isn’t because it excludes shelters and breeders.

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collect statewide sales taxes on Internet, mailorder and other purchases — as well as any county and local sales taxes. Why is this necessary? And what will this mean for your online purchases? Here’s a guide: Q. Don’t I already pay sales taxes on Internet purchases? A. Sometimes. Some retailers already collect

sales taxes for where you live, but many don’t and haven’t been required to do so. In 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states can’t force businesses elsewhere to collect those taxes unless the company has a physical presence in that state — such as a physical retail store or an office. Retailers that operate in one or a few states

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decades ago. These days, states believe they are losing out on billions of dollars in revenue collectively each year. They have been pressuring Congress to change the law, as they face budgetary constraints in funding schools, roads and other services. The argument that it’s a mess to keep track of thousands of tax rates and rules also has diminished with the advent of better software. Many national retailers have figured out how to collect those taxes. Under the bill before Congress, states would have to provide merchants with software to manage this. They also would have to designate a single office within the state to handle all out-of-state tax collections, so merchants wouldn’t have to figure out where to send county and local tax payments. Q. Will this make Internet purchases more expensive? A. Legally speaking, it shouldn’t. That’s because when you buy something from a retailer that doesn’t collect sales taxes for your state, you’re supposed to

send in the taxes owed yourself. In practice, though, few people do that, and enforcement is poor. This bill would effectively close that loophole and have the retailer collect the taxes for everyone. That said, even with the sales tax, buying from an Internet retailer might be cheaper than going to a physical store, which has such expenses as rent, utilities and cashiers’ wages. Q. What happens next? A. Nothing right away. Senate approval is just one step. It needs passage in the House and President Barack Obama’s signature. After that, individual states would have to choose to participate. So if New Jersey doesn’t participate, for instance, then a retailer operating only in Oregon would not be bound to collect state, county and local taxes for New Jersey. Under the current legislation, merchants that sell $1 million or less of goods to residents of a certain state would not have to collect taxes on that state’s behalf.

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HOSKING SALES • WEEKLY SALES EVERY MONDAY Weekly Sales Every Monday starting at 12:30 with Misc. & small animals, 1:00 Dairy. Call for more info and sale times. Our Volume is increasing weekly-join your neighbors & send your livestock this way! Monday, May 13th sale - cull ave. .69 Top cow $ .84, bulls/steers $.70 - $.91, bull calves top $1.6750, heifer calves top $1.00, dairy feeders $.62 - $.82. Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day - WE WILL BE OPEN - We will be starting at 10:00 AM with flowers, plants, shrubs. If you want to participate in consigning to the plant sale contact us as soon as possible. Note the time of sale! We will have our normal schedule after the plant sale. Special: Milking Herd Dispersal for Wahl Dairy, Callicoon, NY. 44 Cows - Jersey, Jersey Cross and Holsteins. Expect good udders, feet & legs. This Dairy spends a lot of time on pasture. Injury forces this sale! Monday, June 3rd - Monthly Fat Cow & Feeder Sale. Monday, June 10th - Monthly Heifer Sale. LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW - GIVE US A CALL. ** Trucking Assistance - Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Directions: Hosking Sales 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments.

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607-699-3637 or 607-847-8800 cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771


by Anick Jesdanun, AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Congress is considering legislation that would give states the ability to require out-of-state retailers to collect sales taxes. If the measure passes, consumers would lose a loophole that has resulted in years of tax-free online shopping. Out-of-state merchants would have to

typically collect taxes only for those states and not others. Q. Why haven’t retailers collected the taxes anyway, if they are already collecting them for some states? A. Retailers argue that it’s complex to keep track of state, county and local taxes in thousands of jurisdictions across the nation. It’s not just the different rates, but different rules on what products are and aren’t taxed. Some states exempt clothing, for instance, and some charge taxes only when the price is above a certain amount. Bubble gum might be considered candy in one state and a tax-exempt food item in another. Out-of-state retailers don’t emphasize this, but not having to collect the taxes also makes their products cheaper, compared with in-state retailers that have to. Q. So if the Supreme Court settled this, why is Congress getting involved? A.There was hardly any online commerce when the Supreme Court issued its ruling two

Page 17

What will the online sales tax bill mean for you?

Page 18 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

Trial volunteers help parks fight invasive species by Melissa Kossler Dutton, Associated Press When Vernon Cook sees wildflowers blooming near the historic entrance of Mammoth Cave, he feels a sense of accomplishment. The Louisville, KY, resident has helped foster the native blooms by removing invasive plant species from Mammoth Cave National Park, in Kentucky, and creating a place for the flowers to grow. A Sierra Club volunteer, Cook routinely spends his vacations leading work crews at the park. The volunteers spend their days yanking tree of heaven and garlic mustard out of the ground. In the evening, they sit around a campfire and share stories. “It’s very rewarding to do this,” he said. “You meet a bunch of great people.” Around the country, volunteers at parks and on trails are helping to address the problem of

invasive species, and doing other trail maintenance, said Rich Dolesh, vice president for conservation and parks for the National Recreation and Park Association in Ashburn, VA. Often, they are motivated by a desire to restore the look and health of a landscape meaningful to them, he said. “Many people see their sense of place being destroyed by aggressive, invasive plants,” he said. “These are plants that will obliterate a landscape.” “People are willing to donate their time if they can see a meaningful improvement,” he said. Volunteers with the Sierra Club and other service organizations pay $200 to $2,000 to participate in the trips. They also must cover the cost of their travel to and from the work site. Accommodations range from tents to bunkhouses to lodges. Susan Estes of Richmond, CA, also leads

work crews for the Sierra Club. She recalled returning to a spot in Arches National Park, in Moab, Utah, where she and a crew had removed a great deal of the invasive shrub tamarisk. A year later, many of the native plants that had been competing with the tamarisk for water were thriving — including a cottonwood tree where a great horned owl was nesting. “The beauty of seeing that ... people love the idea of doing something meaningful through their own personal efforts,” she said. Other volunteers sign up for work trips be-

cause they like to stay active on vacation or see an opportunity to learn more about a place, said Alex DeLucia, manager of the trails volunteer program for the Bostonbased Appalachian Mountain Club. The club’s volunteer programs often include tours by park rangers or area experts. “You experience the place in a more meaningful way,” DeLucia said. “That happens everywhere we go.” Cook volunteers because he wants to do more than vacation during his time away from work. “Yes, I like to go out-

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details about forest wildlife. “It’s an education,” she said. Interest in service trips is growing, DeLucia said. He attributes the increase to people having more time away from work due to the poor economy, and wanting to spend less money on pricey vacations. Many people also recognize that budget cuts have forced parks to reduce spending. “We’re able to provide a service with our volunteer program that (parks) simply wouldn’t be able to address otherwise,” he said.

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doors. Yes, I like to camp. But for me, that in itself is not enough,” he said. “Camping and hiking or even traveling are not an end in and of themselves. I look for opportunities to make a positive difference.” Kristine Martin volunteered to spend a week pulling hydrilla from a lake in the Ocala National Forest in Marion, FL, because she wanted to learn more about the region. She enjoyed working with other volunteers and meeting locals. Rangers talked with the volunteers about the damage hydrilla does to the ecosystem, and shared

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NEW YORK (AP) — Pet food isn’t cheap. Consumers are expected to spend $21.3 billion on pet food this year, up 3 percent from $20.6 billion in 2012, according to the American Pet Products Association. Walk through any pet shop and you can see why. Store shelves are stocked with high-end meals, from organic cat food to frozen raw dog food. Although pricier options might have less filler and more protein, and can be healthier, they are not always necessary, says Dr. Liz Hanson, a veterinarian at Corona Del Mar Animal Hospital in Newport Beach, CA. For most healthy pets, regular dry food and water can be fine. Some people think that if it’s cheaper the quality must be lower. “That’s not necessarily true,” says Hanson. A veterinarian can help you check if the food will meet your pet’s nutritional needs. “If you have a healthy dog, with no medical condition, there is no reason not to pick up a brand-name dog food from Wal-Mart or Costco,” says Hanson. Those big retail stores, including Target and PetSmart, tend to have

better prices. “The more boutique places are more expensive,” says Hanson. Deals can also be found online, but beware of shipping costs. Most sites will charge a shipping fee if your order is below a certain level. Some charge a flat shipping fee. But sometimes, even with shipping costs, online pet food can sometimes be a cheaper option, if you do your research. Here are five ways to cut down your pet food budget: 1. Follow big brands Pet food makers and online stores often post coupons on social media sites and their websites. So follow your pet’s favorite brand on Twitter and like it on Facebook. Do the same with online retailers. Also check your weekly newspaper circulars. 2. Get automated Set up a subscription online to get your pet food delivered automatically on a regular basis., and all offer discounts for that service. A case of 24 cans of Purina Fancy Feast cat food was selling for $14.29 on, but is offered for five percent less, $13.58, if you choose to

Stella’s Style’s General Store

have it automatically shipped to your house regularly. 3. Start searching Dig up the lowest pet food prices online on new pet product search website The website searches about 40 online pet retailers for 10,000 products and lets you compare prices, including shipping costs. also seeks out coupons you can use on the product, helping you save money. The website launched in early April, and is still adding more products, says DugDug founder David Keh. The site sells dog and cat products, but will launch items for smaller animals, such as fish, birds and hamsters within the year, Keh says. 4. Deal sites for dog treats If a new treat gets your dog’s tail wagging, discover them on a daily

deal website for dogs. updates its website every Monday to Saturday with new dog products at a reduced price, including treats. Shipping is free, and with some treats, you have the option of signing up for a subscription to get them delivered automatically. Other deal websites to keep an eye on are and

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come a no-throw-away zone,” says Howard, who feeds her own dogs cooked meals.

5. Make your own Whipping up a freshly cooked meal for your pet can offer up some savings, especially if the pet has an allergy or other medical condition. Specialty foods for dogs with medical needs can be more expensive than others. Before switching to a cooked diet, consult with a veterinarian or pet nutritionist to make sure your pet is getting all the nutrients it needs, says Patti Howard, a pet nu-

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trition specialist at Seattle-based The Pawsitive Packleader, which helps train dogs and plan nutritional programs. “My kitchen has be-

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by Joseph Pisani, AP Business News

Page 19

Five ways to cut that doggone pet food tab

Page 20 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

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FOUND: Small Gold Earring in St. Johnsville Area. Show us it’s mate and it’s yours. 518-568-5115 FREE: Cat needs a good home. Gray & White tiger, female. Nice cat, litter trained and friendly. 315-867-0208 or 315-219-2939 HUSQVARNA Lawn Mowers On Sale! Full line of mowers, trimmers & chain saws in stock. Randall Implements Company, Rt. 5S, Fultonville, NY. 518-853-4500

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FOR SALE- MOVING: Guilbransen Organ Double Keyboard, needs some work, $200/firm. Call 518-993-2069

ESTATE SALE: 578 McGowan Rd., Ilion. Sat. May 25th through Sun. May 26th. 8 am3 pm. No early birds.

KATHY IRELAND Sectional couch, excellent; crib set, excellent; 32” Sony television; mens leather bikers jacket, size 48; mens XL leather jacket; leather chair w/ottomen; car-seat; 2 vinyl leather couches; patio table w/umbrella; kitchen table w/4 chairs; ladies large long leather coat. 315-768-8301

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SATURN WAGON, 1998, low mileage, 77K, one owner, automatic, air condition, power windows, mint condition, $3,400.00; Mitsubishi Galant, 2002, air condition, fully equipped, great car, 4 cylinder, must see, $3,675.00. Call 315-794-5863, 315-7973313

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For Sale 1996 20’ BOAT and trailer, outboard 120 rated 130, like new. For more information 315-736-3756

NEED BUSINESS CARDS? Full color glossy, heavy stock. 250 ($45.00); 500 ($60.00); 1,000 ($75.00). Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or OLDER Outboard Motor, 5hp, seaking twin long shaft, rebuilt, runs great! Hear and see it, $250 OBO. 315-4298980 WASHER/DRYER Combination, Frigidaire, commercial heavy duty, 3/4hp motor. Will demo all cycles, excellent condition, 4 years old, $400.00. 315-223-9953

Furniture AWESOME DEAL: Queen Plush Mattress Set. New in plastic. Must sell, $150.00. Call 315-225-6673 CINNAMON CHERRY bedroom set. New in boxes, $290.00. Must sell. Call 315225-6673 MAHOGANY Dining Room Hutch, table two leaves, six chairs, $325.00; white kitchen hutch, $50.00; child’s roll top desk, maple, $125.00. Call 315-429-3665 after 4:00pm


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Page 21

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PO Box 121, 6113 State Hwy. 5 Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 800-836-2888 • Fax: 518-673-2381

Page 22 May 22, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH •

Fresh take on how to eat too many hard-boiled eggs by J.M. Hirsch, AP Food Editor Hard-boiled eggs always seem to go to waste in my house. It’s my own fault. When I think to make them, it somehow strikes me as silly to go to the trouble for just two or three eggs. And since it requires no more time or effort to boil up a dozen, I usually go that route, assuming the extra will make convenient snacks and meals for the next few days. Except I quickly lose interest in them or forget about them, and they get relegated to the back of the refrigerator until they smell. When I recently found myself with an abundance of hard-boiled eggs, I decided to be proactive and come up with a delicious way to use them up right away. The result was a delicious egg salad that I

spread on slabs of toasted baguette, then topped with thin slices of smoked salmon. I used it as an appetizer, but it was delicious enough to convert into a main meal. The trick is to make the egg salad a bit in advance, even up to a day ahead. This allows the flavors in the dressing to really develop. And if you’re not a fan of smoked salmon, smoked trout, smoked shrimp or even just plain cooked shrimp would be a delicious substitute. Egg Salad Sandwich with Smoked Salmon Start to finish: 45 minutes (15 minutes active) Servings: 4 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce 1/2 cup finely chopped cornichons 1/2 cup finely chopped

celery 8 hard-boiled eggs, cooled and roughly chopped Salt and ground black pepper 4 large slices sourdough bread 4-ounce package thinly sliced smoked salmon In a medium bowl, whisk together the may-

EAST JORDAN, MI (AP) — An international pen pal relationship that began 66 years ago is still going strong between Michigan and Germany. The Petoskey News-Review reports ( ) Helen Fortney was 16 in 1947 when she first wrote a letter to Kurt Maybaum, then 20, who lived in Germany. He wrote back, striking up the unusual friendship that has endured with both now in their 80s.

*Enea Family Funeral Home

*Enea Family Funeral Home

Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home


220 N. Washington St.

24 W. Monroe St.

Graves - Applegate - Day



Little Falls

(Formerly Holleran Funeral Home)

sourdough bread. While the bread is still warm, spread a quarter of the egg salad over each slice, then top with a quarter of the smoked salmon. Serve immediately. Nutrition information per serving: 590 calories; 190 calories from fat (32 percent of total calories); 21 g fat (4.5 g saturated;

0 g trans fats); 375 mg cholesterol; 67 g carbohydrate; 3 g fiber; 8 g sugar; 30 g protein; 1660 mg sodium. J.M. Hirsch is the food editor for The Associated Press. He blogs at m and tweets at rsch

Pen pal friendship endures after 66 years

*Enea Family Funeral Home


onnaise, mustard, smoked paprika and hot sauce. Stir in the cornichons and celery. Gently stir in the chopped hardboiled eggs, then season with salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate at least 30 minutes, or up to overnight. When ready to serve, lightly toast the slices of


The letter writing started through a youth program meant to promote world peace, said Fortney of East Jordan. “It was a delightful experience because I had never been to Germany,” she said. “He would send a lot of pictures and he was very proud of his heritage.” Maybaum was a German soldier during World War II. He picked up English while a prisoner of war in Britain. He returned to his native Hamburg after the war.

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Army in World War II. “They started talking about their experience in the war. It was very moving,” she said. “If they had met before they would have had to kill each other.”

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Harry J. Enea

Both married and Fortney had three children. Fortney traveled to Amsterdam in 1970 and the two finally met. Fortney’s husband, Matt, had served in the U.S.


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Valuable Real Estate & Farm Dispersal Friday, June 7, 2013 at 9:00 AM Location: Brookman’s Corner Road, Fort Plain, NY 13339

Directions: From Fort Plain, take 80 south to Brookman’s Corners Rd. Make left approx. 2 miles on left.

Operating dairy farm with 196 acres of quality well maintained and fertilized land. 2013 crops are being planted and will be sold to buyer of the farm. Farmland borders 3 roadways including Brookman’s Corner, Mill Lane, and Rt. 80. Buildings: 98 cow dairy barn. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, dining room, and kitchen farmhouse. 1 car garage, 40x36 pole barn, 30 stall heifer barn, 3 concrete silos, 1 Harvestore silo. Plenty of water with 2 wells and 1 pond. The farmland is some of the best in the Mohawk Valley region and is well known for quality corn crops. Real Estate Terms for financing are 10% day of sale, balance on or before 45 days. Buyers must pre-register and show proof of financing prior to day of sale and must be willing to pay the minimum bid asked by the seller.

1% Broker Participation Available.

Watch for listing on complete dairy cow and equipment dispersal.

Attorney: Gregory Dunn Licensed Real Estate Broker: Krutz Properties LLC. Laurie Weingart, 518-330-8608

Sale held for Oscar and Norma Fox Food Available Day Of Sale All Announcements Day of Sale Take Precedence Over Advertising

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Metal • Standing Seam • Rubber • Shingles • Roof Painting If you want the BEST roofing system at the BEST Price Call Now and get booked for this Summer.

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Before Picture

After Picture

Call Today for a FREE No Obligation Evaluation! Sam Swarey

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Let us show you how to SAVE MONEY on your roof! COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL


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