The Country Editor East 4.17.13

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April 17, 2013

Countryy Editor Just good reading

Welcome to the premier edition of ‘The Country Editor’ — a weekly paper filled with interesting, entertaining stories and family fun. Enjoy!

In the Grow: Question & Answer ~ Page 9

Volume 1 Number 1

East Dartmouth farm helps animals with special needs ~ Page 8

A monumental job by Kelly Gates When Blaine Kortemeyer was offered his current job 12 years ago, he had no idea the position would eventually require him to repel down the face of former presidents, monitor sophisticated string gauge and fiber optic equipment, and use geometry to teach students about art. But as Assistant Chief of Interpretation for the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Rapid City, SD Kortemeyer does all of these things — and more. “I am part of a group that delivers educational and interpretive programs to visitors throughout the property. But I am also one of the founding members of a preservation team here at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial that routinely ascends the mountain and repels down the façade of the sculpture to check for flaws and cracks,” Kortemeyer told Country Editor. “We also check the status of monitoring equipment that helps us track any changes in the rock blocks

that make up the monument.” The individual rock blocks in the sculpture were singled out thanks to the use of a 3-dimensional photogeometric picture taking technology used on Mount Rushmore in the 1990s. Photogeometric contractors were hired to take photos of the sculpture from many different angles, merging them into a single “granite outcropping” photograph that enabled them to deduce that the entire structure is made up of 22 separate rock blocks. This sophisticated process was then one-upped with an even more complex laser-scanning project in 2010, a job completed by an organization called Cyark. “Cyark is a heritage preservation organization that travels around the world laser scanning heritage assets like Mount Rushmore,” Kortemeyer explained. “They shoot millions of lasers onto an object and the information registers as a mathematical equation that is decoded using a computer,

Members of the preservation team lower the tripod with scanner (laser camera) on to the face of President Roosevelt.



creating a single, high definition image.” The laser-scanning established a baseline image of Mount Rushmore. In the future, the preservation team hopes to have additional laser scans completed to reveal any variance in

the sculpture that might need to be corrected in order to keep it looking the same. In the meantime, the ‘strike’ and ‘dip’ of each crack and crevice in Mount Rushmore is being monitored using a series of string gauges that are stretched across the cracks. The strings are outfitted with metal Job page 2

Preservation team member and Park Ranger Duane Grego on the side of President Lincoln's nose, above him is preservation team member and Maintenance Mechanic Jim Manwell attaching fiber optic line to the sculpture.

Odors speak volumes to insects by Tom Turpin, Professor of Entomology, Purdue University Animals learn about the environment through their senses. These are touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing. The relative importance of each sense varies among animal species. Which of the five basic senses is most important to the human animal is up for debate.

If I had to vote, I would opt for sight. After all, without sight we couldn’t do all of the purely human things, such as watch TV, stargaze, drive a car, peruse old photo albums or read a newspaper. In the early 1900s, a newspaper editor named Arthur Brisbane wrote, “a picture speaks a thousand words.” No doubt Brisbane was referring

to the printed word in the newspaper, not the spoken word. Nonetheless, the comment underscores the role of sight in human lives. Unlike humans, insects can’t use the printed word to communicate. But both humans and insects can use sound to send messages.

Odors page 3

Page 2 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

‘Tail-wagging tutor’ helps Des Moines students by Janet Klockenga, The Des Moines Register DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Jazi Phillip’s tutor can’t read, although she’s proven to be caring, attentive and helpful. Third-grader Jazi reads once a week to Kyra, a 3year-old American pit bull terrier, a “tail-wagging tutor” and the star of a new program at Stowe

Photo by Dante Alighieri

Job from page 1 hardware that lightly touch both sides of every crack. If the hardware moves in either direction, attached fiber optic cables send signals to a computer system operated by Kortemeyer and his team, alerting them that the granite rock blocks may have shifted. “We are in the process of finding engineers to help evaluate the data sent to our computers from these string gauge monitors,” said Kortemeyer. “The engineers will then help us establish a preservation plan that we can use if we find a rock block that is shifting and needs to be pinned into place to keep it from altering the appearance of the sculpture.” The extensive scientific knowhow required to monitor and preserve a massive national monument such as Mount Rushmore came as a surprise to Kortemeyer as he maneuvered through the past 12 years as Assistant Chief of Interpretation for the park. So

Elementary School, the school Jazi attends on Des Moines’ east side. Kyra is owned by Tony and Ashley Meyer, who live near the school. Jazi has been reading to the dog since January as part of a new “tail-wagging tutor” program at Stowe. Since Kyra and Jazi met, Jazi’s reading comprehension scores have risen, said Dawn Vetter, Stowe principal. The principal now wants to expand Kyra’s role. She has a waiting list of children who want to read with the 50-pound black and white dog. The Meyers said they plan to soon start bringing Kyra to the school four days a week. The Meyers are aware of the stigma surrounding pit bulls. Some believe they are violent and vicious. Numerous cities around the country have banned the animals. In Iowa, 42 cities do not allow pit bulls in their city limits, according to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa’s website. The couple said training is key for any dog to ensure it doesn’t bite people or other animals. Kyra has been trained and has earned certification through the Therapy Dog International program and the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen program, said Ashley Meyer, who also is a member of the Animal Rescue League of Iowa’s Pit Crew Club, which helps educate the public about pit bulls. As part of the Pit Crew’s Ambass-A-Bulls program, the Meyers take Kyra on visits to schools, hospitals, nursing homes and libraries, where they give programs on bullying and stereotypes, kindness and compassion, and how to safely greet a dog.

When Kyra is at Stowe or any other school, she is always leashed by her owners. In addition, parents must sign permission slips to allow Kyra near their children. Ashley Meyer describes Kyra as anything but vicious. Kyra has never been aggressive around children or adults, Ashley Meyer said. Proponents of pit bulls say they are not predisposed to behavior problems. “She’s very submissive and she loves kids,” Ashley said. “She lights up whenever kids are around.” Stephanie Filer, manager of special gifts and partnerships with the Animal Rescue League of Iowa and a pit bull owner, said the 27 people and 12 dog members of the Ambass-A-Bulls have visited seven Des Moines elementary schools and schools in Newton, Orient-Macksburg and Dallas Center-Grimes in the past year since the Pit Crew was formed. Vetter, the Stowe principal, began a similar therapy dog program at Orchard Place when she was the facility’s principal. Orchard Place is a residential facility for children with emotional and behavioral disorders. “She’s brought a huge excitement about reading,” Vetter said about Kyra. “Kids are just excited about her. She’s been an eager listener, and it’s been fun to watch Jazi read with Kyra.” Jazi said she likes to read mysteries to Kyra. “It’s kind of fun because I’m the first one that they picked,” Jazi said. “(Kyra) likes to lick the book. For the first couple days I didn’t want to do it, but now I do.”

Right - A Highline System is used to transport power sprayers, ropes and other maintenance equipment 1,500 feet upward to the top of the monument. Photos courtesy of Blaine Kortemeyer

did the numerous opportunities to apply his newfound knowledge to educational programs aimed at students ranging from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The staff member and his co-workers often teach kindergarteners about basic geometry by asking them to name the shapes of the presidents’ faces. The curriculum gets more challenging as the students’ ages increase, including everything from mathematical mass formulas to creating art with geometry. “At the kindergarten level, we focus on the shapes in the sculpture, like the ovals in Thomas Jefferson’s forehead, the ovals of Roosevelt’s eyes or the triangle of George Washington’s nose,” he said. “Eventually, we can teach students the two dimensional sizes of the shapes on the monument. And later, we show them how they can estimate the weight of Mount Rushmore by considering how much granite weighs per cubic meter, finding the 3D area of each of the 22 Blaine Kortemeyer, Assistant Chief of Interpretation for the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, says his rock blocks and adding them all together.” job is never dull.

With so many unexpected tasks to tend to, Kortemeyer admits that his job is never dull. One of the most interesting things he has done in recent years is help design and construct a rope haul system that allows the preservation team to transport power sprayers, ropes and other maintenance equipment 1,500 feet upward to the top of the monument. He plans to continue his career at the national park for many years to come, finding even more ways to apply science and technology to the preservation of one of our country’s most precious monuments. Right - Preservation team member and Maintenance Supervisor Al Sage and Blaine Kortemeyer climb on President Roosevelt.

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Horseshoe business still red-hot for Flagstaff man

Sight also plays an important role in the lives of insects and humans. As do touch and smell. Smell would seem to be the least important of the senses relative to the daily lives of humans. But in spite of this, research has shown that smell elicits human memories more quickly than the other senses. You never forget the odor of a food item that made you sick years ago! The smell of wood smoke might elicit memories of a family camping trip in the mountains when you were a youngster. In general, odors are not associated with life or death situations for humans. However, we do find some odors pleasant, while others are downright repugnant. That is why perfumes and deodorizers do big business. To insects, though, the sense of smell often plays an important role in the success of a species. One such chemical odor is called a pheromone. Pheromones are chemicals secreted by an animal that will influence other members of the same species. Because of this function, pheromones are sometimes called messenger chemicals. In the world of insects, pheromones are often used to attract a mate. Here’s how the system works. The female insect emits the pheromone and sometimes does a little wing waving, a process appropriately named calling. The

pheromone disperses in the air away from the female, mostly in a downwind direction. A male of the species will detect the pheromone and follow it upwind to the source — the calling female. Mating pheromones are complex, organic molecules that are specific to individual species. These chemicals can elicit a response at a very low concentration. Some males of the so-called giant silkworm moths, such as Promethea and Luna, have been shown to follow the plume of odor for as far as five miles to the female’s location. A keen naturalist, Indiana author Gene StrattonPorter, whose works included “Freckles” and “Girl of the Limberlost,” recognized that moths attracted mates using some volatile chemical. She recorded how a female moth in a screen cage attracted many males of the species during the course of a night. Moths are the most widely recognized of the pheromone-producing insects. However, many orders of insects include species that use pheromones as mate attractants. Many beetle species, and even some cockroaches, produce pheromones. Many of the insect pheromones have been chemically identified, and those of some pest insects have been synthesized. Entomologists use synthetic pheromones to determine the presence of a species in an area. It works by placing a lure with the pheromone

dozen, maybe more, farriers in town, and he tries to be competitive not by his speed, but by the quality of his work. At the shoeing school he attended, Parker says the general statistic is that 90 percent of the students drop out of the school. But, he adds, his back is still good. His dad? “He walks semi-upright,” Parker says, laughing. To keep from burning out, Parker says he joins associations, takes part in clinics and enters contests. He’s going to one this month in Madison, WI. His territory stretches through Winslow, Grand Canyon and Williams. And the work can be isolating. Hazards of the job? “You burn yourself all the time,” he says, filing down the nails on a freshly shoed horse for LaRa. He also says that the job primarily entails learning how not to do a lot of things. “But as long as you’re willing to, you’re learning something every day.” Another hazard? “Horses are a hazard,” he says. The nearby horse appears not to take offense. “The whole job can be a hazard. That’s why I don’t like working on the

on a sticky trap. Any insect attracted to the pheromone gets stuck to the trap. This seems like a nasty trick to pull on a male insect that is following a pheromone to find the love of his life! In the insect world, the females are usually the pheromone producers. But in one widely recognized species of insect, the male emits a pheromone. That insect is the monarch butterfly. Hey, if you are a male monarch, you can wear perfume if you want!

naughty ones (horses).” He prefers mules. Half horse and half donkey, they’re a lot smarter than plain horses, LaRa adds. Although the work is tough, Parker isn’t planning any changes anytime soon. “I love it,” he says, adding that he gets to be his own boss and set his own hours. “I’ll do it as long as I can.”

Arkansas state park visitor claims 2.1-carat diamond MURFREESBORO, AR (AP) — A visitor at Crater of Diamonds State Park at Murfreesboro has found a 2.1-carat brown diamond. Andrea Murphy of Gentry dug up the diamond during a family visit to celebrate her 30th birthday. The park is unique in that patrons can keep any diamonds they find. The diamond found by Murphy is the 144th diamond found this year by a Crater of Diamonds visitor. The park says the stone is also the sixth diamond found in 2013 weighing more

than 1 carat. Murphy found the diamond in the East Drain area of the park, which is in southwest Arkansas.

Whatchamacallits Going fishing? Lose the pole and bait and grab one of these spears! At top (zoomed in bottom, right) is a fishing spear which fisherman would jab into the water, hoping to skewer any prey they could spot. The bottom, (zoomed in bottom, left) is a more specific fishing tool: an eel spear. The goal with this tool was to stab it into the water just beyond the targeted eel, then yank up into the fish’s underside, hoping it would get tangled in the bent-back tines. ~ Check outThe The Country Check Original Editor’s Valley Facebook page to see if page you can Pennysaver’s Facebook to guess week’s see if youeach can guess eachWhatcweek’s hamacallit! Whatchamacallit! Have your own Whatchamacallit? Send picture and description to

• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

Odors from page 1

horseshoes, called “cake,” bar stock slivers of metal for him to craft his own horseshoes, files, tongs, horseshoeing nails and more. It took him a couple of years to get his gear set up. “You accumulate,” he says, adding that a farrier starts off with not enough and ends up having to downsize down the road. Parker is clad in chaps, jeans and a wicked sense of humor to offset that of Rod LaRa, owner of C.R. Mules. “He’s been shoeing for a long time,” LaRa says. He watches Parker shoe one of his horses. Most of Parker’s work for LaRa is shoeing mules, and LaRa has him out for work at least a couple of times a month. “He’s a perfectionist,” LaRa says. “He’s conscientious, scheduled, and he comes when he says he will.” Parker goads the horse to deliver feet one at a time and places the shoes by driving nails through the hoof and cutting off the ends that protrude the top. Most of his customers call him. “In this business, referral is huge,” he says, dipping a hot shoe in a bucket of water hanging off the back of the truck. He adds that there are as many as a

Photo by Alex Brollo

by Larry Hendricks, Arizona Daily Sun FLAGSTAFF, AZ (AP) — Shaping hammer clangs against anvil. Hot iron against hoof smells of burnt hair. It’s an April morning at C.R. Mules in Doney Park. Sun shines in blue sky and warms his brow to sweat with hard work. Tyler Parker is a Flagstaff-based farrier who owns EasyStride Horseshoeing. He shoes horses and mules for a living. Welcome to a day in his life. “I (will have) been doing this 11 years in May,” he says, striking red-hot, glowing metal with his hammer. “My father — he’s been shoeing horses for 50 years.” As a kid growing up, he would help his father, but it wasn’t until he was 28 before he went to an eight-week shoeing school in Phoenix to make his way in the trade. “Where they show you enough to do some damage,” he says. He uses tongs to pull hot metal out of a portable forge perched on the back of his work truck. He followed up the schooling with two years as an apprentice. The truck is packed with premade

Page 4 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

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April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

Page 6

Hello Again, April 17, 2013 Fifty-one years ago when our children were preschoolers, our family said ‘Hello’ to southern Oneida and Madison counties with a free distribution, weekly mailed publication. Now I am a great-grandfather and Lee Newspapers has grown into a major employer in the Mohawk Valley. So as the farmboy in me is bursting out to say, “Without further ado...” Welcome to ‘The Country Editor!’ We are pleased to announce the release of our latest paper, ‘The Country Editor.’ This paper is distributed by the U.S. postal service to over 26,000 homes in Herkimer county. Please enjoy this taste of entertaining and uplifting stories. Our hope is that these short, light reads will brighten your day and give you a tale or two to share with friends. It will also provide advertisements, all regionally focused, to assist you and your community in local commerce. ‘The Country Editor’ is a weekly paper and will arrive free-ofcharge to your mailbox each Wednesday. About Lee Newspapers, Inc In 1964 Frederick W. Lee founded Lee Publications, Inc. in Palatine Bridge, NY. Over the past decades, we have been honored to serve both locally and nationally by providing trade magazines and local weekly publications to service communities and labor industries. Lee Publications, Inc. publishes

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targeted trade publications for the agricultural, heavy construction, aggregate, commercial horticulture and solid waste industries. Our founding trade paper ‘Country Folks,’ reaching over 35,000 readers, has been published since 1972. The Lee Tradeshows Division produces tradeshows for the agriculture and heavy construction industries. Lee Publications and Lee Tradeshows are subsidaries of Lee Newspapers, Inc. For more information To learn more about us and our subscription publications, check out our website,, or find us on Facebook. We are always open to comments, concerns, and questions, which can be sent to Joan Kark-Wren, managing editor, at or John Snyder, sales manager, at With the help of our Heavenly Father, our promise to you — our readers and advertisers — is to do our very best to serve you in the way you have the right to expect. Thank you to both readers and advertisers for helping us create more local employment.


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by Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Dear Dr. Donohue: I am 79 and have congestive heart failure with some high blood pressure. Please give the information you have on my illness. — F.W. Answer: Congestive heart failure is a common illness in older people. Up to 10 percent of those older than 65 have it or have had it. The meaning is that the heart has become so weak that it can’t pump enough blood to support all body organs and tissues. You can call it just heart failure. The “congestive” word confus-

This sounds hopeless; it isn’t. Plenty can be done. For one, reduce the amount of salt and salty foods that you eat. Salt causes fluid retention in the body. Water pills (diuretics) remove excess body fluid, and they’re a constant part of treatment. D r u g s called ACE inhibitors not only regulate b l o o d p r e s s u r e , but they also ease heart failure. This is only

a sample of the drugs that are useful for the treatment of this condition. Once under treatment, you ought to be breathing with ease and feel a return of pep. An exercise program is then possible and an essential for

treatment. The pro-

Healthh / Fitness gram is one that should be devised by your doctor. Walking is an excellent way to strengthen both body and heart muscles. Dear Dr. Donohue: My eyes are colored dark brown. I am a 57-yearold female. Around the edges of my brown eyes is a blue border — something new. The eye doctor said it means my cholesterol is high. My family doctor said it is fine, and it happens with age. Have you heard of this? What causes it? — D.E. Answer: I believe you’re describing an arcus se-

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nilis. It’s an off-white (bluish or gray) circle looping around the colored iris. Actually it’s a deposit of fat and cholesterol in the cornea, the clear covering that lies over the iris and pupil. At one time, it was thought to indicate high blood cholesterol; it doesn’t. It’s one of those many adornments of aging that come for no good reason. If you start looking at the eyes of older people, you’ll find that you are far from the only one with arcus senilis. (c) 2013 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

When the heart has become a weak pump

es people. The signs of a weakened heart are breathlessness when trying to do even relatively easy physical tasks, along with a feeling that all energy has left the body. A third sign is swelling, most often of the feet and ankles. The lungs also fill with fluid from backed-up blood, and that adds to the breathing difficulty. The lungs are congested with fluid. Clogged heart arteries, heart-valve problems, a previous heart attack, a former viral heart infection and uncontrolled high blood pressure are some of the causes of heart failure. Aging is a major cause. The heart is beginning to wear out.

Page 7

To your good health

Page 8 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

Dartmouth farm helps animals with special needs by Deborah Allard, The Herald News

needed a better home. From there, well, no one knows what really happened. “As we went along, the animals found us,” Tigano said. “We started getting calls.” The two women care for a pig, Lulu, who was stepped on by her mother at birth and failed to thrive. Lulu is now 4 years old, and her weight is anyone’s guess. “She does a trick,” Devlin said. “Watch.” Devlin let Lulu sniff a peppermint, and then instructed the pig to sit. Lulu quickly did as she was told and soon got her treat and a pat on the head. A cow, called Baby, is blind, but she smelled the peppermint and came right over to Devlin. “I’m sorry, I’ll get you later,” Devlin told Baby. A pony, called Cowboy, came to the farm after suffering an eye laceration that was allowed to fester by a previous owner. Devlin and Tigano raised money to have the

DARTMOUTH, MA (AP) — The alpacas, with their funny Muppet faces and curly coiffed bangs, were inquisitive when the new people walked up to meet them. A pony ran over, head bobbing. Two goats trotted near, like dogs with big horns, to have a sniff and a stare. Todd, the goose, stayed where he was with the ponies and other animals. “He doesn’t like the ducks and chickens,” said Deborah Devlin, who owns Don’t Forget Us Pet Us, a 14-acre farm that is home to all manner of animals that have been neglected or have some form of special needs. Devlin runs the place with her friend, Jill Tigano. They are both mothers who enjoy raising their young children — they each have two — with the animals. It all started in 2010, when they took in two goats, Stevie and Eli, who

eye removed. Today, Cowboy barely notices that he’s lost half his vision and is friendly and wellmannered. Jeremy, the donkey, suffered pneumonia. The women bought him at auction and gave him breathing treatments. “We have a huge love for animals,” Devlin said. The love they share for all things furred or feathered has translated into an educational, mobile petting zoo. The women give pony parties and take the animals to different venues. In January, they visited the people of Newtown, CT, after the Sandy Hook school shooting tragedy to offer the children a day without fear. They are also beginning to get involved in pet therapy. “We’re just looking for a way to give back,” Devlin said. Devlin and Tigano run the farm with their own money, costing them $1,200 to $1,500 per month in food alone. Devlin, who lives on the property, is up at 4 a.m.

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each day to care for the animals. “I look forward to it,” Devlin said. “This is my therapy, my quiet time.” That’s followed by waking the kids and getting them ready for school, taking them to school, and then going to work. B o t h w o m e n have fulltime jobs. The kids help out with cleaning and other farm chores like “picking up the poop.” “It teaches them responsibility,” Devlin said. Running about the farm are other animals, like chickens, ducks and, of course, barn cats. They were rescued, too. “It’s something I can’t help,” Devlin said. “When I’m aware of something in need, I need to step in and help. I won’t sleep until I do something about it.”

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aren’t the only ones in her yard with wings. Moore sometimes dons gossamer fairy wings decorated with lichens and other things she’s found

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in the woods to teach children about nature. She does that by having them pick up twigs, cones, leaves and other things to build their own fairy houses with the architectural designs laid out in their young minds. Moore is president of the Outer Coastal Plains Chapter of the Georgia Native Plant Society, a nonprofit that encourages people to landscape and protect native plants and to uproot the interlopers, especially the invasive ones that crowd out the native species. She is working to establish some natives in her yard — with mixed success — including a Hercules club, named for its thorned trunk. It is also called the toothache tree because its bark and leaves have chemicals that Native Americans chewed to numb toothaches, she said. It’s a good plant to have next to a bird feeder because squirrels can’t climb it and deer don’t eat it, she said. She’s a non-native transplant herself. An artist, Moore and

her husband relocated to St. Simons Island from Bennington, VT. “I knew everything,” she said of New England gardening. “I came down here, and nothing applied.” She tried planting some things and what the deer didn’t eat, the cold killed. She found help with Don Gardner, the Ph.D. horticulture expert who is the Glynn County agent. She took a 20-hour master gardening course from Gardner that also requires 100 hours of community service. “My project was to form a chapter of the Georgia Native Plant Society,” and she did, down to the certification as a nonprofit. Her yard is not large, but her neighbor, the nature-minded Musgrove Plantation, has promised to cut a gate through its fence so she and other native plant experts can educate people there. The adults at the event will learn about plants that serve as food sources for butterfly larvae, identifying native plants, landscaping with native plants, recognizing invasive species and other

Lawnn & Garden skills. As for the children, Moore said she’ll strap on her wings, her birch bark fairy cap and bells and flowers to take on the role of a fairy queen to teach nature play. “Encourage kids to go out and pick up things” safely, of course, Moore said, “and to just sit down and build.” She leads them across stump steps in her side yard and shows them how to make fairies with

pinecone bodies, oak leave wings and sweetgum balls for heads. As she talks about it, Moore, a former elementary school teacher slides easily into a spiel a kindergartner could appreciate. “The things they ask,” she said, “like, ‘Is your hair real?’” It is, she said, but she’d rather her students refrain from testing it.

History Ohio man finds New York Civil War soldier ID tag in Virginia Associated Press ALBANY, NY — The Civil War artifact that won an Ohio man first place in a competition for relic hunters turns out to be an upstate New York soldier’s identification tag. The Times Union of Albany reports

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( ) that Jeffrey Rees of Bath, Ohio, won Best Overall Find at the Grand National Relic Shootout held last month near Richmond, VA. Using a metal detector, Rees found a sterling silver ID tag that bore the name of Pvt. John Bradt of Rensselaerville, a rural town 20 miles southwest of Albany. Rees says he found the tag at the site where Bradt’s New York unit camped in 1864. Bradt survived the war and died in 1901. During the Civil War, soldiers made their own ID tags. The U.S. military didn’t begin issuing dog tags until the First World War.

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• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

by Terry Dickson, The Florida Times-Union ST. SIMONS, GA (AP) — The cardinals, wrens and sparrows that come to Mary Moore’s bird feeders

Page 9

The fairy queen of Georgia flora

by Larry Cox Cartoons and comics Q: In a recent column, you responded to a reader who had a hand-writ-

ten letter by Charles Schulz. In your answer, you wrote that a comic strip by Schulz would, of course, be worth much more than a signed letter.

I have several signed comic strips, including ones from “Peanuts,” “Pogo,” “Beatle Bailey,” “Alley Oop” and “Frank

and Ernest.” I also have signed original political cartoons by Dan Fitzpatrick, Tom Engelhardt, Scott Long and Pat Oliphant. I certainly do

not expect you to appraise my collection, but hope you can suggest where I might obtain such information. —

Robert, Godfrey, Ill. A: Frederick P. Dose is a member of the International Society of Appraisers and has verified and valued more than 60,000

original cartoons for the Cartoon Museum of Ohio State University. To say that he is an expert in this field is an understatement. Contact Dose at 778 Pleasant Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035. Another useful contact is Curator, Cartoon Research Library, University of Ohio, 0231 Wexner, 27 West 17th Ave. Mall, Columbus, OH 04310;; and Incidentally, the Ohio State collection now houses more than 200,000 cartoons. Q: I have a casting reel that has never been used. I purchased it at a flea market, and I would like to know how much it is worth. — George, Albuquerque, NM A: Probably about what you paid. However, if you think you got a bargain, you might invest in a copy of “Fishing Collectibles: Rods, Reels, Creels” by Russell E. Lewis and published by Krause. It has more than

2,000 illustrations and is one of the better references. You might find your reel in it along with a current value. Q I have a Belgium bread baking stove, which I recently gave to my daughter. I know it has value, but how much? — John, Campton Hills, IL A: One of the better re-




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COLLINSVILLE, IL (AP) — An Italian greyhound that spent eight months on the lam is back in his southwestern Illinois home after being returned from where he turned up more than 900 miles away. Suburban Journals of Greater St. Louis ( re-

ports 5-year-old Dauz went missing from the Dausman family’s fenced Collinsville yard in July of last year, only to turn up last month at an animal shelter in Fairfax, VA. Alicia Dausman believes Dauz was stolen by a friend’s family member who temporarily was living with them.

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Dauz was reunited after the Virginia shelter scanned the digital identification chip implanted in the dog’s neck and notified the family. Dausman says the pet is thinner, lighter in color and barks raspier, but appears happy to be home.





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Dog reunited with family after 900-mile journey

sources I can recommend is the Antique Stoves Association, which offers appraisals for $25. The address is 410 Flemings Road, Tekonska, MI 49092. If you are restoring a vintage gas or election stove, the Old Appliance Club is useful; call 805-643-3532. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.




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Page 10 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

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Lightning strike damage Q. Lightning struck my maple tree early this morning. The tree has no visible damage on any of the outside bark, but as you can see from the picture, the ground above the root system was blown away in ruts in every direction. Do you have any opinion about

the likely survival of this tree? Thanks for any input. A. That is quite the “striking” photo! I wish I could be more specific, but there really is no way to know the extent of the injury to the tree. I would expect some of the root system to be affected, at the very least, and that could be a gradual process of showing up in the top growth. I would say there is no need for immediate ac-

tion; it’s best to take a wait-and-see approach. If you see dieback in the canopy, the dead/dying limbs should be pruned out so they don’t become a hazard. If greater than 50 percent of the canopy ends up dying back, you might consider removing the tree. You’ll find additional information on lightning damage at t/lightningstrikes.html a n d

pdl/hot11/6-2.html. Mock Strawberry Q. I found this vine growing next to a fence gate in my yard. I am having a bit of difficulty identifying it; maybe you can help. Is this poison ivy? Thank you. A. Good news — this is not poison ivy! It looks like mock strawberry, which would have yellow flowers. The plant is so named for the small, red, seedy fruits that look like strawberries; however,

they look a lot better than they taste! See

ds/plants/mock_strawberry.htm for more information.

Lightning strike damage

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• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

by B. Rosie Lerner, Purdue Extension Consumer Horticulturist

Page 11

In the Grow: Question & Answer

Page 12 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

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by Pastor Dan West Recently I attended a revival meeting in a neighboring church. I was not used to the southern style of the speaker — the hollering, stomping and pulpit pounding — but at the end of the meeting when the invitation was given, a half-dozen folks went and knelt at the alter to confess an unforgiving attitude. Don’t you think

the world is better off because of these folks getting their hearts right? It certainly is for them! The quote for this week is by an anonymous author but is applicable for everyone, including you: “Never allow the immediate to take precedence over the important.” We all have so many things in our lives crying out for our immediate attention that we often let

the much more important things — like our faith, which quietly encompasses our entire life and eternity — go wanting for our attention. Make a point this week to spend time giving attention to the important things in your life — your health, your family, your relationships, and your faith . . . even if you don’t get to some of the less important things.

Bible trivia by Wilson Casey 1. Is Song of Solomon in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. From Genesis 19, who prepared a meal for two in Sodom? Lot, Abel, Ishmael, Hagar 3. What was the more commonly known name of Hadassah? Ruth, Esther, Sarah, Michal 4. From Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before ..."? Failure, Lust, Destruction, Forgiveness

5. Where is the headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention? Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee

6. Who was the father of Jacob? Moses, Isaac, Abraham, Noah Answers: 1) Old; 2) Lot; 3) Esther; 4) Destruction; 5) Tennessee; 6) Isaac Wilson Casey’s trivia book “Know It ... Or Not?” is available from (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

The Country Preacher

Page 13

Religiouss News

Page 14 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

Hammerhead Sharks Photo courtesy of NOAA by Michael Hall, Brunswick News


BRUNSWICK, GA (AP) — Hammerhead sharks are not a regular catch on the fishing boat of charter captain Brooks Good, but when one is hauled in, the trip is considered a resounding success. “When we catch them, it’s always a big deal,” he said of the species of

shark, found in salt waters of the Golden Isles. Good says he and his customers caught about 1,200 sharks last year on chartered trips through his business, Coastal Outdoor Adventures. “Very few of (the 1,200) were hammerheads, but they’re the highlights, especially when there are kids aboard,” Good said. In fact, only 12 of the

sharks caught were scalloped hammerheads — a fish the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, could list as endangered or threatened in U.S. portions of the central and southwestern regions of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indo-West and eastern regions of the Pacific Ocean. Federal waters along

the Golden Isles, overseen by fishery councils, would not be affected by any additional regulations created by threatened or endangered status. Good is happy to hear the predators may get some sorely needed protection in areas of the world where they are sought for their prominent dorsal fins for use in shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy. In China, a bowl of shark fin soup can cost more than $100. “There is no sense in taking a shark just for their fins,” Good said. The enormous popularity of shark fin soup is cited as a one of the primary reasons for a massive decline in not just hammerhead populations internationally, but other shark species as well. Although finning, or taking just the dorsal fin from a shark and leaving

it to die, has been outlawed in many nations, the harvest of fins continues in some. Good hopes designating critical habitats and protecting scalloped hammerheads from unnecessary harvest will help populations worldwide and make hooking a hammerhead in Coastal Georgia waters more likely. If the proposed endangered listing is accepted, the eastern Atlantic and Pacific Atlantic populations would be considered endangered and the Indo-West Pacific and central and southwest Atlantic populations would be considered threatened. All imports, exports and commercial activity dealing with scalloped hammerheads would be prohibited in the United States, according to the NOAA Fisheries Service,

which is seeking public comment on the rule. The rule will change very little for the majority of U.S. anglers, said NOAA fisheries biologist Maggie Miller. “They are not really a targeted fish and are really more of a by-catch,” Miller said. But whether hammerheads are popular with fishermen is not the aim of the possible endangered listing. “Sharks are a valuable part of our ocean ecosystems, and the sharks we are proposing to list under the Endangered Species Act are in trouble,” said Sam Rauch, assistant NOAA administrator for fisheries. “Sharks worldwide face a number of threats, and these sharks in particular are facing threats from inadequate worldwide fisheries management to poaching for their fins.”

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hear a notable resident recounting what life was like on that block 20 years ago. “We liked, creatively, the idea of using a sort of slightly broken, disused system as the canvas of this project,” said Scott Chinn of Droga5, the ad agency behind the campaign for an exhibit titled “NYC 1993: Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star.” An eclectic mix of artists, writers, food and fashion stars, and others has been recruited to reminisce, including chef Mario Batali, actor Chazz Palminteri, and former one-handed Yankees pitcher Jim Abbott, who threw a no-hitter in 1993. The narrators describe a New York that was dirtier,

bloodier, raunchier and less gentrified than today — but also an easier place for a talented young person to gain a foothold.

Batali says in his sound bite that opening a restaurant was easier in 1993 when he debuted his first restaurant, Po.

“You didn’t have to have a rich daddy or an investor or put together a team or anything like that,” he said. “It’s sad to watch the cost of business push the real individualist entrepreneurs out of the game.” Bike shop owner Dave Ortiz remembers when the city’s Meatpacking District, now home to trendy restaurants, nightclubs and pricey boutiques, was the wild, wild West. “The rats were huge,” he said. “They were as big as cats, so you had to walk in the middle of the street. It’s amazing what they turned it into. It’s cool but it’s lost its, like, authenticity.” Rudy Giuliani was elected New York City mayor in 1993 and promised to

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crack down on crime and make the city more livable. The number of homicides in the city — 1,960 in 1993 — had already dropped from a high of 2,245 in 1990 but has plunged steeply since then. (There were 414 in all of last year.) The city’s AIDS crisis peaked in 1993 at 12,744 diagnoses. Terrorists staged the first attack on the World Trade Center. The look of the city has changed dramatically as national retailers have replaced independent merchants. New York City’s first Starbucks opened in 1994. The exhibit and accompanying pay phone campaign run through May 26.

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On Site Location: 927 Highland Avenue, Herkimer, NY Auction by JR’s Auction. See Additional Ads For Full Listing!! Or Go To ID #29324 to see pictures! These 2 Auctions will have something for every one! Don’t Miss Out!! Auction will be held under tent and part of garage, bring your chairs!! 10% Buyers Premium + 3% will be added if paying with Credit Cards! Visa, Mastercard & Discover. Watch ID #29324 for photos. Auction will be held under tent, bring your chairs and boxes!! Watch for full listing. Call JR @ 518-993-4668 or Tim @ 518-332-5157

Public Consignment Auction!!

Tuesday, April 23rd @ 6:00PM Antiques, Consignments, Furniture, Tools, Odds and Ends and Lots of Good Stuff!! We are selling a nice selection of good quality antiques at our Tuesday night auctions!! Don’t Miss Out!! Food Stand on Site, Homemade Soft Pretzels, Hot Ham or Roast Beef Sandwiches, Fresh Baked Cookies, Hot Soups, Candies & More!! Watch for more listings, Auctionzip ID #29324

Gun & Sportsman Auction!! Wednesday, April 24TH • 6:00PM Consignments Wanted for: Guns, Ammunition, Reloading Equipment, Fishing Tackle, Lures, Archery Supplies, Taxidermy and more! Consign Early!! Already Consigned: 1-Remington 870 410 gauge Mint, Ithaca Featherlite 12 gauge, Winchester Model 94 XTR Deluxe 30-30, H & R Single Shot 12 Gauge brand new, 1873 Springfield 45/70 cal. with bayonet, 1863 Remington Civil War Zouave 58 Cal. Marlin Model 336CS 30/30, Ithaca Over/Under Double Barrel 12 Ga. Model 600 with Model 700 prototype and beautiful inlay design and gold trigger!! Ithaca 22-250 Bolt Action with 3x9 Leopold Scope (great gun) Remington 20 Ga. 1100 Skeet, Ithaca Deer Slayer 20 Ga. Ithaca Model 37 Featherlite 12 Ga. Remington 870 410 gauge Mint, Ithaca Featherlite 12 gauge, Winchester Model 94 XTR Deluxe 30-30, 2-Ruger 10/22's with scopes, Sears 30-30 Winchester. Consign your guns now so we can get them pictured & advertised for you! Attention, all guns must be covered when entering building. Gun purchases are subject to background checks!

Huge Extravaganza Event!! Annual Customer Appreciation Day!! Animal Consignment Auction!! Tool Consignments!! Antique Consignments!! Sportsman Show!! Tool Show!! Flea Market!! Saturday, May 4th - 8:00AM at JR’s Auction, 56 Willett St., Fort Plain This will be our First Outside Auction and our First Animal Auction Of The Year!! Sheep, Goats, Ponies, Calves, Pigs, Chickens, Roosters, Bantams, Ducks, Geese, Rabbits, Pet Birds and More!! Consignments Wanted!!! Bring Them On!! If you have animals or livestock that you want to sell give us a call!! 518-993-4668.

Inside Will Be Antiques!! Outside will be selling consignments!! Animals will be under a tent!! 2 Auctioneers will be selling!! This will be the Exciting Event of the year!!

Valley Restaurant Equipment


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Cover your worn out shingles with a long lasting metal roof!


1. Secure 1x4 or 2x4 purlins, on top of shingles, into roof rafters. 2. Install Gutter Apron on top of purlins along the eaves. 3. EL II Panel. 4. Apply Gable Flashing to finish roof rake. 5. Installation Available.

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315-429-3627 302 Bacon Brook Rd., Dolgeville, NY 13329 HOSKING SALES • WEEKLY SALES EVERY MONDAY Weekly Sales Every Monday 12:30 with Misc. & Small animals, 1:00 Dairy. Call for more info and sale times. Our Volume is increasing weekly - join your neighbors & send your livestock our way! Monday, April 8th sale - cull ave. .67, Top cow .82, Bulls/Steers top $.97, bull calves top $1.35, heifer calves top $1.10. Sat., April 20th - Spring Machinery Sale - Tractors, Trucks, tillage, harvest equip. & small items. Call to get your items advertised. Featuring: Otsego County Dairyman sends his complete line of machinery. We will start 9:30Am on small items. Full listing on website - Monday, April 22nd - Normal Monday sale. Monday, April 29th - Normal Monday sale. Friday, May 3rd - Sale at sale barn - Certified Organic Spring Special featuring Sunny Slope Farm Retirement Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal. 50 Head of Certified Organic Cattle sell - 45 Milking age, 8 bred heifers with DHI records - NOFA Certified. We will be taking consignments for this sale with paperwork in order. Call ahead to advertise. Monday, May 6 - Monthly Fat cow & Feeder sale. Monday, May 13th - Monthly Heifer Sale. LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW - GIVE US A CALL. ** Trucking Assistance - Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Directions: Former Welch Livestock 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments.

Tom & Brenda Hosking 6096 NYS Rt. 8 New Berlin, NY 13411

607-699-3637 or 607-847-8800 cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771

• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

by Karen Matthews, Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Want to journey to a grittier time in New York City’s not-toodistant past, when the murder rate was sky-high, Times Square was a crossroads of crime and pornography, Starbucks had yet to arrive, and hardly anyone owned a cellphone? A project designed to promote an art exhibit has turned 5,000 Manhattan pay phones into time machines that take callers back to 1993, a pivotal year in the city’s art, culture and politics. Pick up a receiver on the rarely used phones that still dot the New York streetscape, punch 1-855FOR-1993 and you will

Page 15

5,000 NYC pay phones will take you back to 1993

Page 16 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

Dollars and sense by David Uffington The biggest targets for identity theft The Federal Trade Commission has released a report with new information about identity theft. While it’s generally believed that seniors are the most likely victims of this type of fraud because they’re assumed to be more vulnerable, the report shows that’s not the case. The Consumer Sentinel Network, the database used in the report, is available only to law enforcement and includes information input by a long list of agencies and organizations, the Better Business Bureau, the FBI’s Internet Crime Com-

plaint Center, the Post Office, and even the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. During 2012 alone, 2 million complaints were logged, broken down as follows: 52 percent fraud, 18 percent identity theft and 30 percent other types of complaints, such as debt collection, banks and lenders, prizes, sweepstakes and lotteries, and impostor scams. Government documents and benefits were the most common type of identity theft, followed by credit cards and phone or utilities. Florida, Georgia and California have the highest per capital rate of identity theft. The average dollar loss per fraud victim was $2,350.

In the Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book, it appears that the older the age group, the higher the percentage of overall fraud victims, until reaching the seniors. 20-29: 15 percent 30-39: 16 percent 40-49: 19 percent 50-59: 23 percent 60-69: 17 percent Over 70: 9 percent However, when it comes to actual identity theft, the numbers are reversed: 20-29: 21 percent 30-39: 19 percent 40-49: 18 percent 50-59: 17 percent 60-69: 11 percent Over 70: 8 percent How does this happen? Scammers pretend to be from government agencies

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Car falls through Iowa lake ice for fundraiser OKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Another sign of spring: The fundraising car has fallen through the ice at West Okoboji (oh-koh-BOH’-jee) Lake in northwest Iowa. The Spirit Lake Sunrise Kiwanis Club and American Red Cross sell tickets as a fundraiser each year. Buyers record their best guesses for when a car placed on ice in Smith Bay will fall through. The car engine and all fluids are removed from the car so it won’t pollute the lake. A Marion woman won $1,000 for for her prediction. Paula Schwers hit it right with her guess of 1:51 a.m. on Thursday, April 4. Last year it plunged by mid-March. A search and rescue team and a towing company recovered the car so a clock rigged to record the plunge could be checked.

7798 State Highway 5, St. Johnsville, NY 13452

On the Scenic Route 28 you will find the



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ment in their investigations. To learn more about the Sentinel Network, go

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or credit-card companies and call to ask for personal information. Twentysomethings, raised on electronic gadgets, give it to them. If you’ve become a victim of identity theft, contact your bank and credit card companies. If you think your information has been compromised, put a freeze on your credit information at all three credit bureaus. Order copies of your credit reports and study them carefully to make sure all the information is correct. File a complaint with the FTC ( and the police. The information you add to the database will help law enforce-

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out the outline of the house, Gunsil (the rooster) starts telling the world how wonderful he is. When the sun hits the house, The Guy Who Takes Away the Eggs (aka T.G.W.T.A.T.E.) comes out and puts food in the dish. When it gets dark, it’s time to go back in the henhouse, better known as “Home.” She doesn’t get fooled by artificiality the way Gunsil does. We’ve learned that a midnight visit to the bathroom is fine as long as you don’t turn on the light. If the light switch goes on, out comes Gunsil from his hen-pecked existence and he begins telling the world it’s time to get up

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142 North Main St., Herkimer, NY 13350

and start laying. If a person were to have several cups of coffee before bedtime, the result the next morning is a bedraggled, exhausted, confused rooster who is mad enough to want to whip the neighbor’s German shepherd. It’s almost worth it. But Irma isn’t fooled by light coming through the bathroom window. She waits for the real thing. Daylight. The sun. The sun’s rays slowly slide down the walls of the house until they hit the bricks of the patio. When the bricks are illuminated by the morning light, she waits exactly 17 seconds for The Guy Who Takes Away the Eggs to

emerge with scratch and laying mash. Then she goes to work. Buoyed by a sense of feminine assertiveness and egged on by an empty crop, she strides across the yard, across the patio bricks, up to the very gates of House itself, the sliding glass doors. Then Irma pecks at the glass until T.G.W.T.A.T.E. emerges with breakfast. There aren’t a lot of perks to being a chicken. One must insist on the few one has. Brought to you by the award-winning book Home Country, available a t ooks/Home/Home.html.

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• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

by Slim Randles Irma has it figured out. She’s a bona fide, egglaying member of the “Production Red” hen sorority and she knows her rights. This is really remarkable when you consider the braincase of your average barnyard chicken is wedged between some feathers and those big expressionless eyes and has about the same capacity for rational thought as that of an amoeba. But somehow this hen of mine has figured it out. The sunlight triggers it, I believe. Sequential logic. When the daylight comes enough to make

Page 17

Home Country

Irma is a bona fide, egg-laying member of the “Production Red” hen sorority and she knows her rights. Photo by Joan Kark-Wren


15 West Main Street, Mohawk, NY 13407

315-866-7120 Antiques & Collectibles, Estate Sales, Appraisals

Saturday, April 20, 2013 @ 10 am Location: Herkimer County Fair, 133 Cemetery St., Frankfort, NY 13340 Kitchen Cabinets: 10+ Quality Sets: Lg. assortment of styles & sizes Flooring: Prefinished HWF: Teak, Oak, Maple - 8-12 mm AC4 Laminate - 3/4” Engineered - Linoleum - Porcelain Tile Nursery Stock: Rhododendron, Mountain Laurel, Arborvitae, Azaleas, Lilacs, Evergreens - Fruit & Shade Trees - Japanese Maples many rare & unusual plants - Exact selection unknown until arrival Sheds & Outdoor: 8x8 Shed made of T&G Pine (Nice) - Chicken Coop - Wishing Well - Outhouse - Walking Bridge & More Lumber: Lg. selection of Treated (many sizes & dimensions) - Doug Fir, Cedar, SPF, SYP Dimensional - SYP 2” T&G - Pine: 1x’s T&G, S4S, & Shiplap - PT Landscape Timbers 6x6 & 3x5 - Firring Strips Decking: PVC / Composite - 5/4 Treated Asst Lengths - Vinyl Rail Kits - Treated Balusters Doors & Windows: Leaded Glass Entrance, some w/sidelites - Ext Fiberglass & Steel: 9 lite & 15 lite - Assorted Int & Ext Wood - Bi-Fold Doors Plumbing: High Quality Hot Tubs, multi person, various jet styles & accessories - American Standard One Pc Toilets - Pedestal Sinks Asst Kitchen & Bath Faucets - Granite Vanity Tops - Drop In Sinks - Oak Vanities Roofing: Steel Panels - Architectural Shingles - Snow & Ice Shield - Roofing Felt - Rolled Roofing 90# Plywood: CDX 1/2” & 3/4” - OSB - Underlayment - Particle Board Siding: SYP T1-11 5/8” - Stone Veneer, asst styles Overstock inventory: Items from lg Box Store; Power tools, lights & ceiling fans, locksets & more! Plus: Hardwood mouldings - Ext Patio Lights - Framed Mirrors - Hex Bolts - Anchor Bolts - Lags Preview: 8am Auction Day

44th Annual Mohawk Valley Machinery Consignment Auction

Sat., April 27, 2013 9:30 AM at the corner of 163 and Clinton Rd, Sprout Brook, NY SELLING: New and Used Farm Equipment including hay wagons, rakes, mower, elevators and more. Fiat Allison Track Loader w/cab, Glenco 9 shank chisel plow, 3pt hitch sickle, 1930’s road grader bar mower, NH 258 rake, New 11L15 8 ply imp tires, pallet jacks, 10x16.5 skid steer tires, 18.4x34 tractor tires, Honda CR85 dirt bike and much, much more. Refreshments Available Terms: Cash or good check. Photo ID.

Armitstead d Auctions 518-993-2290

Page 18 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

NYC teen raises funds for blood cancer research NEW YORK (AP) — A New York City teenager who once donated bone marrow for her cancerstricken sister has started an ambitious campaign to raise funds for cancer research.

The Daily News reports ( ) that 15-year-old Lisette Watters of Queens has assembled a team of volunteers to help organize events, sell T-shirts and recruit corporate spon-

sors. Lisette was just 4 when she donated bone marrow for her younger sister Caroline. Caroline was battling acute myeloma leukemia. She is a healthy seventh-grader

now. Lisette is now hoping to be named Woman of the Year by the regional chapter of the Leukemia

and Lymphoma Society. Seventeen men and women from the New York City area are competing for the honor.

Similar fundraising competitions are being held around the country.

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HANDMADE FROM THE AMISH COUNTRY Adirondack Furniture Available We have Indoor Pine Furniture, Chicken Coops, Handwoven Baskets, Hickory Bent Furniture, such as Rockers, Dining Sets, End Tables & Magazine Racks. Also - Run In Sheds, Storage Barns, Swing Sets, Garages & Cabins. Lot of Feeders and Birdhouses Poly Vinyl Furniture, Wishing Wells, Windmills and Lighthouses


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Bennett Motor Sales Inc 49th Annual Open House, 3 Big Days, April 18th, 19th and 20th 6453 St Hwy 28, Fly Creek, NY 13337 607-547-9332 or

says, striking red-hot, glowing metal with his hammer. “My father — he’s been shoeing horses for 50 years.” As a kid growing up, he would help his father, but it wasn’t until he was 28 before he went to an eight-week shoeing school in Phoenix to make his way in the trade. “Where they show you enough to do some damage,” he says. He uses tongs to pull hot metal out of a portable forge perched on the back of his work truck. He followed up the schooling with two years as an ap-

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prentice. The truck is packed with premade horseshoes, called “cake,” bar stock slivers of metal for him to craft his own horseshoes, files, tongs, horseshoeing nails and more. It took him a couple of years to get his gear set up. “You accumulate,” he says, adding that a farrier starts off with not enough and ends up having to downsize down the road. Parker is clad in chaps, jeans and a wicked sense of humor to offset that of Rod LaRa, owner of C.R. Mules. “He’s been shoeing for a long time,” LaRa says. He watches Parker shoe one of his horses. Most of Parker’s work for LaRa is shoeing mules, and LaRa has him out for work at least a couple of times a month. “He’s a perfectionist,” LaRa says. “He’s conscientious, scheduled, and he comes when he says he will.”

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Parker goads the horse to deliver feet one at a time and places the shoes by driving nails through the hoof and cutting off the ends that protrude the top. Most of his customers call him. “In this business, referral is huge,” he says, dipping a hot shoe in a bucket of water hanging off the back of the truck. He adds that there are as many as a dozen, maybe more, farriers in town, and he tries to be competitive not by his speed, but by the quality of his work. At the shoeing school he attended, Parker says the general statistic is that 90 percent of the students drop out of the

school. But, he adds, his back is still good. His dad? “He walks semi-upright,” Parker says, laughing. To keep from burning out, Parker says he joins associations, takes part in clinics and enters contests. He’s going to one this month in Madison, WI. His territory stretches through Winslow, Grand Canyon and Williams. And the work can be isolating. Hazards of the job? “You burn yourself all the time,” he says, filing down the nails on a freshly shoed horse for LaRa. He also says that the job primarily entails learning how not to do a

Lost Civil War ring returned to kin of Pennsylvania soldier Associated Press READING, PA — A ring lost by a Union soldier from Pennsylvania during the Civil War has

completed a long journey home. The ring was worn by Levi Schlegel, a Readingarea native who is believed to have lost the

Antique & Flea Market Saturday, April 20th, 2013 10AM M to o 4PM

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lot of things. “But as long as you’re willing to, you’re learning something every day.” Another hazard? “Horses are a hazard,” he says. The nearby horse appears not to take offense. “The whole job can be a hazard. That’s why I don’t like working on the naughty ones (horses).” He prefers mules. Half horse and half donkey, they’re a lot smarter than plain horses, LaRa adds. Although the work is tough, Parker isn’t planning any changes anytime soon. “I love it,” he says, adding that he gets to be his own boss and set his own hours. “I’ll do it as long as I can.”

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item nearly 150 years ago at an encampment near Fredericksburg, VA. Relic hunter John Blue found the ring at a construction site in 2005. Though it was engraved with Schlegel’s name and unit — “Co. G., 198th P.V.,” or Pennsylvania Volunteers — Blue wasn’t sure how to find Schlegel’s descendants and kept the ring in a box for several years. A genealogist ultimately helped Blue track down Schlegel’s family. Blue presented the ring to a distant cousin during a ceremony at Levi Schlegel’s grave in Reading. “This is truly a hero’s journey,” said cousin Ernie Schlegel. Another distant relative, James W. Schlegel of Reading, said he felt pride as he touched the ring. “I think about all the time that passed since Levi and so many others fought for our freedom,” Schlegel, who served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War, told the Reading Eagle. “As a veteran, I know the importance of fighting for freedom, and I’m proud to know the Schlegel family did its part.” After the war, Levi Schlegel returned to Reading, where he worked as a carpenter and helped raise 11 children. He died in 1932 at age 91.

• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

by Larry Hendricks, Arizona Daily Sun FLAGSTAFF, AZ (AP) — Shaping hammer clangs against anvil. Hot iron against hoof smells of burnt hair. It’s an April morning at C.R. Mules in Doney Park. Sun shines in blue sky and warms his brow to sweat with hard work. Tyler Parker is a Flagstaff-based farrier who owns EasyStride Horseshoeing. He shoes horses and mules for a living. Welcome to a day in his life. “I (will have) been doing this 11 years in May,” he

Page 19

Horseshoe business still red-hot for Flagstaff man

Page 20 April 17, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST •

Country Editor

Number / Classification 20 Air Compressors 25 Air Tools 35 Announcements 45 Antiques 55 Appraisal Services 75 ATV 80 Auctions 82 Auto Body 110 Bedding Plants 120 Bees-Beekeeping 130 Bird Control 155 Building Materials/ Supplies 157 Building Repair 160 Buildings For Sale 161 Bulk Foods / Spices 165 Business Opportunities 170 Butchering Supplies 173 Carpentry 175 Cars, Trucks, Trailers 180 Catalogs 182 Catering 190 Chain Saws 195 Cheesemaking Supplies 205 Christmas 210 Christmas Trees 214 Clocks & Repair 215 Collectibles 216 Clothing 235 Computers 253 Consignment 265 Construction Equipment For Rent 270 Construction Equipment For Sale 275 Construction Machinery Wanted 277 Construction Services 280 Construction Supplies 312 Crafts 325 Custom Butchering 330 Custom Services 360 Deer-Butchering & Hides 370 Dogs 410 Electrical 415 Employment Wanted 440 Farm Machinery For Sale 445 Farm Machinery Wanted 447 Farm Market Items 460 Fencing 470 Financial Services 480 Fish 483 Flooring 490 For Rent or Lease 500 For Sale 510 Fresh Produce, Nursery 525 Fruits & Berries 527 Furniture 530 Garden Supplies 535 Generators 537 Gifts 575 Greenhouse Supplies 585 Guns 587 Hair Styling 589 Hardware 600 Health Care/Products 605 Heating 610 Help Wanted 653 Hotel / Motel 683 Jewelers 700 Lawn & Garden 711 Lessons 760 Lumber & Wood Products 790 Maple Syrup Supplies 805 Miscellaneous 810 Mobile Homes 811 Monuments 812 Multi Media 813 Music 815 Motorcycles 817 Nails 820 Nurseries 910 Plants 950 Real Estate For Sale 955 Real Estate Wanted 960 RVs & Motor Homes 975 Rentals 980 Restaurant Supplies 1040 Services Offered 1075 Snowblowers 1080 Snowmobiles 1109 Thrift 1140 Trailers 1147 Trains 1148 Travel 1155 Tree Moving Services 1165 Trees 1170 Truck Parts & Equipment 1180 Trucks 1187 Vacuum 1190 Vegetable 1200 Veterinary 1205 Wanted


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Custom Services

ATV TRAILERS by Bosski Industries first automatic “Dump Assist” trailers GVWR 800lbs.+ 1600lbs. models available. Come check them out at North Creek Auto 315-866-3698

COLOR GLOSSY PHOTO CALENDARS: Only $12.00 includes tax. Send us your digital prints and we will make a beautiful keepsake calendar for you. You may also bring in your photos on a disc or thumb drive. If you would like us to mail it is a $5.00 extra fee. Only 3 day turnaround time. B e t h S n y d e r Lee Publications 518-6730101


Report any errors to 518673-3011 FREE: Cat needs a good home. Gray & White tiger, female. Nice cat, litter trained and friendly. 315-867-0208 or 315-219-2939

OUTDOOR AUCTION: May 18th at 4:33pm. Call now for your consignments to be advertised early. King’s Back Room, Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY. 315-822-5221



Korean War era Vets

Morriss J.. Edwards 8 Postt 168 St.. Johnsville Would like to invite you to be honored at this years Memorial Day Parade on May 27th.

Interested: Call Tim Rice 518-568-2316 or Charley Weaver 518-568-2333

Antiques FOR SALE: Antiques, Collectibles, Shabby Chic, Amish Baskets, Primitives, Jewelry, Country, Re-purpose, Handcrafted Items, Adirondack Décor, Unique Gifts and Much More! “Newport Marketplace” 7583 Main St, Newport “Gift Certificates now available” 1969 BUICK SKYLARK, 4 dr. HT, 25,000 original miles, cheap, first $5,000.00. Call 315-429-3253


FARM AND MACHINERY AUCTION: May 18th at 4:33pm. Call now for your consignments to be advertised early. King’s Back Room, Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY. 315-822-5221

PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS 8x10 - $2.00 • 11x17 - $5.00 • 12x18 or 13x19 - $7.00. Come see us at Lee Publications, 6113 State Rt. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 518-673-3237

PO Box 121, 6113 State Hwy. 5 Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 800-836-2888 • Fax: 518-673-2381

INSULATION: All Types. New/ Existing Buildings. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Call Upstate Spray Foam Insulation 315-822-5238. SET of 8’ roman columns, fiberglass, white, $150/set. 3 skylights 24x48 w/installation kit, $75.00/each. Various sizes of louvered doors, glass top end tables, base beige & gold, $50/set. 315-831-5917

Business Opportunities Fastrack Distributors Wanted for the #1 equine * Probiotic for diary, swine, horses, cattle. Call (315)985-5951 Minneapolis based Company expanding across the nation. We need Sales Reps with excellent opportunity to move up into sales management. Excellent commissions. We train. Ag or construction experience a plus. 315-985-5951

Cars, Trucks, Trailers

FOR SALE: 4PC WHITE wicker set; chair rocker lounge loveseat $200; 3 wooden rockers $25/piece. 315-8664053.


FIREPLACE XTRAORDINAIRE GAS INSERTS ON SALE, OVER $1000 discount. Limited supply HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 NEED BUSINESS CARDS? Full color glossy, heavy stock. 250 ($45.00); 500 ($60.00); 1,000 ($75.00). Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or PHOTO CALENDARS now available right here at Lee Publications. 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 518-673-3237. Choose up to 24 photos. Only $12.00 for digital photos and $15.00 if we scan them. STAG PARTY TICKETS Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101. Questions Free Shipping TURN your wedding, baby, graduation, scenery photos into beautiful canvas prints starting at only $40.00. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or email

For Rent or Lease FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment, Rt. 169 between Little Falls & Middleville. $400/month plus utilities. 315823-0139

2004 CHEVY Venture MINI VAN, 6 cyl. automatic, 99,000 miles. Runs great. Extra seats. Asking $3,700 or best offer. 315-894-4411

STUDIO EFFICIENCY apartment for rent. Newly renovated, nice location near stores in Herkimer. A small sitting area in back yard. Water, electric, heat & garbage disposal included. Washer available to use. No pets. $600.00/month. Need one month’s deposit + one month’s rent. Text message or call 315-868-8053

ONE eight passenger limo, $5,000; One ten passenger limo, $6,000. Both white, 142,000mi., 110,000mi. 315292-8550

TWO BEDROOM Downstairs, $400/month, plus utilities, plus deposit. Dolgeville area. Off-street. 315-8944411.

1968 ELCAMINO SS 396, 4speed, all original, very, very nice, serious only, $20,000/OBO. 315-429-3253

2½ YEAR OLD DINING room set, 4 chairs, leaf in middle, hutch, dark walnut and black. $950. 315-939-2971.

CHARCOAL GRILL: KAMADO JOE Ready to cook in 15 minutes. Free Accessories worth $113.00 included in the introductory price. HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557

RECREATION AUCTION: May 18th at 4:33pm. Call now for your consignments to be advertised early. King’s Back Room, Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY. 315-822-5221

Building Materials/Supplies


Heating LOPI WOOD INSERTSAVE UP TO $500 ON INSTOCK UNITS HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 PELLETS SALE: $229/ton. HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 PREMIUM GRADE ANTHRACITE Coal Nut, Pea or Rice. Franklin Brand. Call Benuel Fisher Auctions 518568-2257

REMODELING SALE: STOVES, GAS INSERTS & FIREPLACES, Save over $1000 on Major Brands HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 WOOD PELLETS: Warm Front Brand by New England. Wood Pellets: Premium Grade $219.00 per ton while supplies last. Benuel Fisher Auctions 518-568-2257

Lawn & Garden HARMAN PELLET STOVES: SAVE UP TO $300 NOW THRU 9/16/12 HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557

AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE and landscaping. Michael Yacobucci 315-982-1931 Spring cleanup Driveway sealing.

Legal Services BANKRUPTCY, Uncontested Divorce. Attorney Fees $425.00. Licensed Attorney To Handle Your Case. Call Richard Kaplan 315-724-1850

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Writers Wanted We are looking for freelance writers for our weekly publication, the Country Editor. Articles should be general human interest, appealing to a broad national audience. Submitted articles should be 500 words or less. Photo essays welcome as well. Each article will be considered for its interest to the publication’s readers.

Please submit articles via e-mail to Joan Kark-Wren at Questions ? Call 518-673-0141


ERNIE BALL, D’ADDARIO, Dean Markley GHS guitar strings (lessons available). Imagineering Drum & Guitar Shop. 27 West Main St. Little Falls. 315-823-1500

BUSINESS CARD MAGNETS only $75.00 for 250. Free Shipping. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery

Lumber & Wood Products


HEMLOCK LUMBER, Siding Boards, Framing Lumber, Beams. Miller’s, 6027 Cty. Hwy. 18, West Edmeston. 6miles south of U.S. Rt.20

EVANS, REMO DRUMHEADS, drumsticks by ProMark, Zilojian, On Stage. Imagineering Drum & Guitar Shop. 27 West Main St. Little Falls. 315-823-1500 GREG BENNETT Guitars. Authorized dealer. Imagineering Drum & Guitar shop. 27 West Main St. Little Falls. 315-823-1500


Rt. 80 Bowl VanHornesville

Smorgasbord Saturday, April 20th 5-9 PM

Roast Beef, Ham, Pork

Motorcycles 2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1200 XL Custom Vance & Hines Pipes, Vance & Hines Fuel Pak, Stage 1 EFI Kit, Black, 8,500 Miles, $7,500. Excellent Condition!


FOR SALE: 2000 LS Suzuki Savage, 11,000 miles, leather saddle bags, color green, excellent condition. 518-573-7468, 518-5732969. Or trade for 4 wheeler or snowmobile.

Real Estate For Sale


10 ACRES. Bridgewater,NY. Outstanding Views. Electric. $32,000.00. 845-783-8408 Fo r S a l e B y O w n e r. c o m #23928210



$12.00 Adults • $6.00 Children

Real Estate For Sale

ST. JOHNSVILLE APARTMENT 1 BR, 1st Floor $ 37500/Month + Utilities

References Required No Pets! Off-street Parking Security + First Month’s Rent


TED’S Painting and Home Repairs: Book now through April 30th get FREE power wash w/deck staining, good for April, May, June only. Call 315-429-3253 WHEELER’S PAINTING: (Exterior). Free estimates. Senior discount. Fully insured. 315-219-1702

Tires & Tire Repair Service USED TIRE SALE: Huge Inventory, mounting & balancing FREE. No appointment necessary! Save money call Auto World, 534 North Perry Street, Johnstown 12095 518762-7555

Country Editor


Restaurant Supplies

Services Offered


PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 • Ph: 518-673-3011 OR 800-836-2888

518-275-9559 R E S TA U R A N T E Q U I P MENT: Hobart dishwasher, $3,500; double glass door refrigerator, $1,200; 4 burner cast iron stove & oven, $400.00; water cooled ice machine, 175 lbs. a day, $2,000. Call 315-429-3253


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2006 YAMAHA Road Star Midnight Silverado, 1700cc, hard bags, windshield, Mustang custom seat w/back rests, 22k, black. $7,900/OBO. Road Ready!


MASSEY FERGUSON 65 tractor/ backhoe with front end loader and extra rims, $4,000 or best offer. Dan 518-706-0249

Name (Print): ____________________________________________________________________


City: __________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ______________

WANTED - CA$H PAID: for old jewelry, books. Dolls toys, even if broken, 1970s older. 1960s & older: Clothing. Old frames, Christmas, Halloween items. Interested in almost anything old. Shirley 315-8949032.

Phone #:______________________ Fax #: __________________ Cell #: ____________________

WANTED: Riding mower 42” & up, 2-4 years old. Also Bush Hog. Reasonable. 315-4293253

Wood For Sale DRY FIREWOOD For Sale. All hardwood, picked up or delivered. Call after 6pm 315-8654742

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• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013


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Country Editor

PO Box 121, 6113 State Hwy. 5 Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 800-836-2888 • Fax: 518-673-2381

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• THE COUNTRY EDITOR EAST • April 17, 2013

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