LPLC's FY22 Annual Report

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Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

Celebrating25 Years of... 2022 IMPACT REPORT
1 A Message from the Executive Director and Board Chair 2 Celebrating 25 Years of Turning Obstacles into Opportunities 4 Our Story 6 Our Reach 7 Our Impact 8 Our Effectiveness 9 Our Finances 10 Our Community: Donor Recognition Impact Report Highlights

A Message from the Executive Director and Board Chair

Dear Friends of Lee Pesky Learning Center,

This past spring, we celebrated 25 years of turning obstacles into opportunities for countless children and educators. In fact, since first opening our doors in February of 1997, we have had the profound privilege of guiding more than 100,000 children and over 10,000 educators in their unique pathway to learning.

National statistics make clear that one in five individuals face learning and/ or attention challenges. This fact remains constant and the need for services continues to grow. With the support of our community, Lee Pesky Learning Center provides three tiers of professional support and intervention:

1. Professional development — for teachers, improving the odds of young children succeeding in school

2. Small group instruction — for students requiring an additional academic boost delivered through Lee Pesky Literacy Pods

3. Intensive academic and clinical services — for the one in five individuals who face significant obstacles to learning

Lee Pesky Learning Center makes a difference. We believe this will be apparent as you read through this year’s impact report. Our past speaks for itself. With your support, we look to the future with great optimism and determination as, collectively, we create opportunities for countless learners.


To create a pathway to learning for everyone.


To work together with individuals, families, schools, and communities to understand and overcome obstacles to learning.


Equip learners of all ages with the skills needed for success.

Deliver research-based services and contribute new research to the field. Empower educators and parents with knowledge and skills. Close the educational opportunity gap through direct service. Prepare the next generation of practitioners.

Lee Pesky Learning Center
2022 Impact Report



The Lee David Pesky Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, opens its doors on 815 Park Street in Boise, Idaho, with five staff, 75 clients, and inaugural Executive Director Blossom Turk.


The Lee David Pesky Center moves to 345 Bobwhite Court in Boise.


The Lee David Pesky Center’s first annual report and website go live.


The center welcomes its second Executive Director Hildegarde Ayer.


The Lee David Pesky Center changes its name to Lee Pesky Learning Center (LPLC), Inc. and creates a new logo.


LPLC’s annual operating budget crests $1,500,000.


LPLC offers college transition workshops and publishes the first quarterly newsletter for teachers.


LPLC publishes Every Child Ready for Math and creates partnerships with the YMCA and Head Start.


LPLC hosts a professional conference: Collaborating to Improve Pre-K Early Literacy in Idaho.


LPLC’s fourth Executive Director Dr. Evelyn Johnson begins at LPLC and the Pesky Award for Inspirational Teaching (PAIT) launches at Boise State University (BSU).


Israel Catz joins Dr. Evelyn Johnson as co-Executive Director, Ready for College (online) debuts, and LPLC celebrates its 20th anniversary.


LPLC provides approximately 4,000 hours of academic intervention, a threeyear grant from M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust expands math intervention services, and LPLC publishes the first of many articles on self-regulation.


LPLC successfully moves training services online and a multi-year grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation supports LPLC training of early childcare providers.

Lee Pesky
Learning Center 2022 Impact Report2


LPLC holds its first annual fundraiser (a scavenger hunt) and co-sponsors The Federal Early Literacy Summit with former First Lady—and keynote speaker— Laura Bush.


LPLC hosts the Bridges to Learning Conference in Coeur d’Alene sponsored by Sopris West.


LPLC develops the Home Literacy Bee Curriculum for parents, 1,000 teachers receive training, and Every Child Ready to Read is published.


LPLC moves to 3324 Elder Street in Boise and receives a Congressional Appropriation to distribute Every Child Ready to Learn to new mothers (Literacy Matters! ).


LPLC opens satellite office in Hailey, Idaho, and LPLC welcomes its third Executive Director David Holmes at 3324 Elder Street.


LPLC celebrates its 15th anniversary, the New York City Marathon Running for Learning partnership begins, and LPLC’s counseling program expands.


The science behind how we retain information is brought to light through LPLC’s Memory Train publication.


LPLC’s new logo debuts along with GoPreK Literacy Cards.


Pay for Success legislation passes and BSU-LPLC Master’s Teaching Program launches.


1,635 participants receive training on early childhood education best practices and math story mats are put to use.


LPLC’s sixth Executive Director Dr. Lindy Crawford joins the team. Pathways to Literacy, an intensive summer reading program, launches in Wood River Valley and 100% of services go online in response to COVID-19.


LPLC provides approximately 5,000 hours of academic intervention, LPLC Founder Alan Pesky releases memoir, More to Life than More, and LPLC’s longest serving leader Dr. Evelyn Johnson departs.


LPLC celebrates its 25th anniversary, the Decimals: Instructional Guide goes into circulation, and LPLC receives a $1,000,000 grant from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

“We continue to rely on lessons learned from LPLC when making decisions about our children’s education and development.”
—LPLC Alumni Parents
Lee Pesky Learning Center 2022 Impact


Lee Pesky had learning disabilities at a time when there was little understanding of common issues like dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD. His family struggled to find the support Lee needed in overcoming his obstacles to learning. They did the best they could with the few resources available at the time, and Lee was able to complete college and become a business owner. After their son passed away in 1995 at the age of 30, Alan and Wendy Pesky founded Lee Pesky Learning Center to honor Lee’s legacy by helping children with learning differences in a way they weren’t able to help their son.

Our vision is to create a pathway to learning for everyone.

Over the past 25 years, LPLC has provided specialized services to support individuals, families, schools, and communities in overcoming all obstacles to learning. With our community’s support, we have helped 100,000+ students and 10,000+ educators nationwide.

As LPLC Founders, Wendy and Alan Pesky, like to say—

“Every child [who comes to LPLC], leaves with a little bit of Lee in them.”

The image at right brings to life this vision with over 1,900 photos of students, teachers, staff, and community members who have entered LPLC’s doors since its founding. With Lee at its core, it is a gentle reminder that:

“Every child who walks through LPLC’s doors, is the most important child.”

“I needed help with math and I have been coming to LPLC since 7th grade. I am very proud that I am good at math now!” —Current Student

“It is so humbling to serve on LPLC’s board. In the late 90s, I was teaching in the Boise School District. The guidance and support received from LPLC was true in the late 90s and it is still true today.”

“ThetimethatIspentatLPLChelped learningmeovercomemyearlychallenges toreadandsoundoutwords. Iamnowamodel,actor,anddesigner livinginNewYorkCity.” —LPLCAlumnus
—LPLC Board Member
Lee Pesky Learning Center
Lee Pesky Learning Center 2022 Impact


LPLC’s service delivery model embraces a three-tiered approach which includes evidence-based training for teachers, reading instruction for English learners, and 1:1 psychoeducational evaluations, academic intervention, coaching, and counseling to help individuals overcome their obstacles.


“In 2022, not only did we serve a broader, more diverse group of teachers through the provision of training in Spanish, we also reestablished our relationship with the largest school district in the state, providing an entire year of professional development for 32 elementary schools in the district.”


“My highlight from our Pathways to Literacy program has been making connections and providing children with 1:1 time that they otherwise would not receive.”

—Hope Worcester, Pathways to Literacy Tutor


“I like learning about things that I like and writing narratives. It feels good to get my ideas on paper and I feel like I have a lot of freedom with assistive technology.”

—LPLC Writing Student

Nicole Hodges, Professional Development Director Lee Pesky Learning Center 2022 Impact Report


intervention, coaching,



benefitted from the teachers that were trained

in Idaho

has trained educators in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Montana, New York, North Dakota, and Utah

And with

community’s support

Over the past 25 years… OUR IMPACT. clients received academic
1,700+ clients received psychoeducational evaluations or academic testing 2,700+ educators benefitted
10,000+ children
100,000+ in financial aid awarded $1,690,000+ of counties
served 98% LPLC
in fiscal year 2022… clients received evaluations and individualized services 175 hours of counseling and coaching provided 361 hours of evaluation conducted 1,386 academic intervention hours completed 4,419 in financial assistance awarded $60,158 7
Lee Pesky
Learning Center 2022 Impact Report


We provide 1:1 intensive academic intervention in reading, writing, and mathematics. The table below illustrates the average gains made by students who completed an average of 70 hours of reading intervention during 2017–2020. Seventy-three percent of these students attended public school.


Reading Comprehension

Pseudoword Decoding

Word Reading

Oral Reading Accuracy

Blending Sounds Into Words

Phoneme Manipulation

Phoneme Isolation

*Cohen’s d effect sizes are measures of practical significance as different from statistical significance and are reported in standard deviation units. The larger the effect size, the greater the real-world significance. In the graph above, “0” represents the 50th percentile (average) in a normally distributed group of same-age peers, showing that LPLC students made better than average gains despite facing significant obstacles to reading.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
“Our program evaluation highlights the effectiveness of our reading intervention and the expertise of our educational specialists.”
—Executive Director Dr. Lindy Crawford
Learning Center 2022 Impact Report8


the last year, LPLC was awarded... in general and scholarship donations

government grant funding

foundation grant funding

Your investment in LPLC is an incredible gift to the individuals, families, schools, and communities served. Your support ensures that we keep our services accessible and affordable. These figures provide a snapshot of our financial health and represent pre-audited numbers for the 2022 fiscal year. Audited financials will be available in November 2022 upon request.


Total Revenue: $2,780,437

Fees, Publications & Contracts: $1,184,338 (43%)

Donations: $733,752 (26%)

Grants: $862,347 (31%)


Total Expenses: $2,289,876

Services: $1,719,342 (75%)

Operations: $352,087 (15%)

Fundraising: $218,447 (10%)


Academic intervention: $30,815 (51%)

Counseling & Coaching: $7,769 (13%)

Evaluation: $21,574 (36%)

$754,272 in
$500,000 in
43 75 51 9
Lee Pesky Learning Center
2022 Impact Report


Lee Pesky Learning Center would like to extend profound gratitude to the countless donors, organizations, foundations, and businesses who make our work possible. Donors like you help provide the 1 in 5 people with learning and attention challenges the strategies needed to overcome obstacles to learning. Together, we are creating a pathway to learning for everyone.

The listings on the following pages reflect the names and cumulative gifts of donors who contributed between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. We greatly appreciate each gift given and are pleased to acknowledge the following donors for their generosity.


Partner Circle (gifts of $100,000 or more)

Bernice and Milton Stern Foundation

Pesky Family Foundation

Leader Circle (gifts of $25,000 - $99,999)

Elsie and Gene Cheston

Kenneth and Jane Londoner Greg and Naomi Pesky

Benefactor Circle (gifts of $10,000 - $24,999)

Anonymous Donor Lesley Andrus

The Big Wood Foundation Deeds Foundation (Diane Nixon)

Ann Down Edward F. and Vickie S. O’Gara Family Foundation

Mike and Patty Fery

Tod and Barbara Hamachek Heinz Family Foundation

Idaho First Bank

The Lehman Foundation

The Lois E. and Neil J. Gagnon Foundation

Jim and Joan Peck

The Poses Family Foundation Decker and Jessica Rolph Roy A. Hunt Foundation

Paul and Peggy Street Carol Swig Cissie Swig

Buzz Woolley, Jr

Director Circle (gifts of $5,000 - $9,999)

Anne Ford Peggy Elliott Goldwyn Amy Harder Dick Hare and Patty Duetting

The Morris and Bessie Altman Foundation

Marc and Sally Onetto Sirius Fund

Thomas W. Holman Jr. Memorial Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation

Barry and Marjorie Traub William and Joan Feldman Family Foundation Worcester Family

Associate Circle (gifts of $2,500 - $4,999)


Breakthrough Energy Greg and Cindi Byron Bruce and Linda Cadwell CapEd Federal Credit Union College of Education, Boise State University Peter and Quin Curran The Hampton Foundation (Robert Stern)

Kathy Jones

Lee Pesky Learning Center 2022 Impact

Don and Marcia Liebich

Art and Susan Lindenauer

Philippe Masser and Kathleen Sutherland


Peco Foundation (Peter Curran)

The Reiten Family Fund

Lois Rosen

Slattery Orthodontics

Theodore & Renee Weiler Foundation (Alan and Joan Safir)

Contributor Circle

(gifts of $1,000 - $2,499)

Adobe, Inc

Laurie and Paul Ahern

William Andrea

B.A. Harris, LLP

Jack and Pat Billhardt

The Caprock Group, Inc Douglas and Meredith Carnahan

John and Maria Chrin

Anne and Steve Clohessy Buzz and Penny Coe Rebecca and Bill Coffin Lindy Crawford and Marilee McDonald

Lyman and Debra Drake

Dutch Bros Foundation (Anna Mitton) Greg and Lisa Easton Elaine Ehrlich

Diana Frazier

Mary and Dick Goff

Phil and Cathy Goldstein

Stuart Greenspon and Camilla Trinchieri

Mark Hamachek

Kay Hardy and Gregory Kaslo David Hoffman Bob Kapp Lisa and Rusty Katsuki Bill and Celeste Keller Kurt and Treacy Liebich Greg and Pam Lovell Brenda Marosvari

Suzanne and Mort Marvin Bettina P Murray and Admiral Duvall Williams


Alex and Suzanne Orb David and Lindsay Ormsby Peter and Bitty Rapaport Vicki and Gordon Rosenberg Gordon Russell and Tina McAdoo Richard and Sheila Schlesinger

Stability Networks

Sterling Realty Organization

Ricki Stern and Evan Guillemin Jerry and Kristine Sturgill Thornton Byron LLP John and Ellen Wallace Henry Wallach Mikel and John Ward Matthew and Jessica Weatherley-White Angeli Weller William Young and Associates Jane Yusen Ed and Amy Zimmer

Supporter Circle (gifts up to $999)

Anonymous (25) Julie Aaron Rich and Brenda Adams Zachary Adams Greg and Lara Alexander Jennifer Allen Don Altman Pat and Saralee Anderson Jan Aronson

Claudia Aulum and Ralph Pavone Dale Aurand The Ax Family

Steve B Eric Babbitt Mansi Bakori Megan Bakva Melissa Balaban and Adam Wergeles Mahesh Balasubramanian Roslyn Banish and Paul Epstein Joyce Beahen Tileah Begay Alexis Bennett Egon and Marge Berg Frances and Steven Berman Albert Bernal Jason Bienstock Linda Billings Kyle Bishop Cole Bland Michael and Janae Blood Fred Blum Robert Boies

Boise Office Equipment Inc/Xerox Chris and Michael Boskin Bradley Bourne Sarah Boyd Kenneth Boylan The Boylan Family James Rochon Boyle Jen Bradley The Brandons Richard Brenner Matt Brill Hollis Brookover Bob and Marilyn Brooks

Lee Pesky Learning Center

Jeff Broudy

Andrew Bryan

Pete and Nancy Buck

Kelsi Buckley John Buckwalter

Robert Burggraf Kyle Burke

Peter Burke and Daniel Leeds

Sharon Burke Christopher Campos

Jessica Cardoza

Nora Carpenter Janet Carter

Jay Cassell and Gay Weake

Freda Cenarrusa

Christina Cernandky

Pragnyaa Chakravarthy and Murali Ranganathan

Praveen Chakravarty

Susan Chaloupka and Thomas McCabe Leonard Chan

Asha Chari

Subha Chari Chuck Chiu and Colleen Harms Angela Cipolla Rosie Cipolla

Dr. Linda Clark

Clearwater Landscaping Collin Clohessy

Nicholad Clohessy

Billy Coffin Bob and Lynn Coffin Rachel Coffin Jodi Cohen Chris Cole

Phil Coltoff and Lynn Harman Michelle Conger

Charla and Jamie Cooper The Covey Family

Samuel Cox Courtney Cronin Kelly Cross Terence Curran Terry and Nancy Curran Susan Curtis Sam Darby Patty and Gary Darman Katherine Daugharty Hannah Davis Laura Black Dawson Linda and Dan Delahanty Sherry Dismuke

The Draizin Foundation Inc Elena Driscoll Angela Duckworth Judy Dunn Kerry Dunn Jim and Jamie Dutcher Darlene and Ted Dyer Robin and Sam East Anna Eberlin Eric and Bini Egertson Claudia Egger Catherine Ehrlich Jamie Elman Daniel Erland Kayla Ernst Thomas Everson Michael Faggella-Luby, Ph.D.

Lee Pesky Learning Center
2022 Impact Report12

Family Foundation (Bohrer & Jensen Family)

Fard Tax and Accounting, Inc.

Carson Faris Bill Feldman Pamela Fiawoo Cory Fielding

Julie Fingersh Julie Firestone Mike Fishman Megan Fitzgerald Charlotte Fitzpatrick Larry Flynn Jim and Claudia Foltz Gregory Fortescue Jim and Alison Foudy Robbie Fox

Barry and Nina Frankel Stone Frankle Cindy Frazzio Barbara Freeman Cecelia Freilich

Elaine French Alex Friedman

Merrill Friedman and Dave Johnson Ross Frommer

Jason and Vanessa Fry Henri Galeas

Mike and Courtney Galgano Sue Garfield Nick Garland Judith Geletko Sienna George

Dee Dee Germino Mort Gerson

Ian Taylor Gibson Laura Gibson Ryan Gilbert Peter Gilhuly Randolph Giudice Deb Glaser and Andrew Rafkind Anne Glass

Glenna Glover Grant Glowacki William Godfrey Corey Golden Curtis Golden Devin Golden Jody Golden Goody’s Soda Fountain Anna and Geoff Goss Susan Graham Peter and Betty Gray Danny Greene Joanne and Fred Greene Ruby Gregg John Gribble Brandon Gross Sarah G. Gund

Adam Gutman

Elizabeth Gutman

The Gyr Fund (Alex Gyr) Renee Haas Chris Haggerty

Dr. Robert and Jenna Hall Lisa Hamilton

Randy, Judy, and Will Hanks Chris and Joe Hanson Mary Ann Hanzel John Hardy Miles Harnad Claude Harrington Buckner and Julie Harris Jonathan Hartnett Heather Hawes Hope Hayward and Walter Eisank Nicole Hellman Barbara Henderson Carolyn Henges Becca Mike Hennesy Laurette Henry Ricki and George Henschel Higgins & Rutledge Insurance, Inc. Joshua Hillyard Lawrence and Randi Hirschheimer Joey Hladick Nicole Hodges Elaine Hoekstra Zoie Hoffman & Family Kelsie Hopfensperger Mary and Ron Hughes Will and Diane Hughes Rebecca L. Hupp Katie and Tunes James Lillian James Wendy and Jim Jaquet Page and Maureen Jenner

Lee Pesky Learning Center 2022 Impact

The Jill Grossman Family Charitable Fund

Dr. Evelyn and Andy Johnson Jack Johnson

The Johnson Company Inc. (Dale and Lia Johnson)

Lori Johnston Carter Jones

Justin Jones

Jim Joseph Hailey K

Samuel and Nancy Ann Stern Karetsky

Justin Karlin and Carson Stern Ehson Kashfipour Jayant Kashikar Julie Katsuki Karisa Katsuki

Marilynn Katsuki Nathan Katsuki Rick and Jan Katsuki Jack Kaufman Elizabeth Keating Kiki Keating Brandon Keefe Jack Kenny Paul Kenny and Kim Rogers

Kestrel West

Jacob Killian Chris Kim Danielle Knapp Ashley Kohler

Deena Kolb

Tracey Kolb

Grace Kook-Anderson

Pam Korsen

The Kroger Company

Anil Kukutla Nathan Kurz Phillip Kwan

Tom and Lisa Lampl Amy and Robert Landis

Cristianne Lane and Joseph Kelly Barbara LaVallee

Bob and Debby Law Elaine Leppo Gary Leshgold

Jeremy Levin & Family Kathie Levison Rich and Vivian Levitt Nicholas Lewis

The Limbachers

David Lipman and Teresa Beahen Jeanne Liston

Ron Litowitz and Pat Grant Laura Loftus

Sally and Bob Long Susan Lovelace Linnea Lovlien Campbell Lowe Jeffrey Lowy

Cheryl Lund Michael Lund Ciara Lyne Mila and Marty Lyon Anna Maderis

Jon and Leslie Maksik Walter Malley

Toni Marion Mike and Nancy Markhoff Lindsey Marshalka Holly Martin Vanessa Martinez and Adriel Espinoza Robert and Ellen Massa Julianne Masser and Brendon Bambic Becky Massey Matraex, Inc. Susan Mayo Brooke McClary Chris McClary

Lee Pesky Learning Center
2022 Impact Report14

Jan McDonald

Savannah and Logan McDonald

Maureen Mcelgunn Gwynne McElhinney and Robert McAndrew Lauren McGill

Alex McGillis

Gregg and Sally McGillis

Meghan McInerney

Mk McIntire

David and Melody McIntyre

The McKeons

Ryan McKeon

Ashlyn McKesson

Jim and Willa McLaughlin

Abbie Mclean

Lanny and Anne McLean

J Pat McMurray

Megan Menke Glenn and Tina Michael

Maureen Michael

Tom Michael II and Katherine Shaughnessy Michael Micron Technology, Inc.

Butch and Susie Miller

Katie Miller

Kristine Miller

Lauren Miller

Donna and John Millhouse Jesica Mitchell

Louisa Moats and Steve Mitchell

Megan Moltrup

Alex Montgomery Jeff and Jackie Moore

S Midge Moore

Barbara Morgan Griffin Morgan

Heather and Logan Morris Michael Moskow

Brenda Moss

Laura and Brent Moylan

Bob Mueller

Marc Munoz

Liz Munson and Bob von Stade Cynthia and Kingsley Murphy

Somesh Nagthan

Sophia Neff Harrison Newman Joni Nichols

Carol Nie Lindsay Oakey Kevin O’Brien

Sandy and Bonnie Okun

Annemarie Oneill

Callahan O’Neill

Madigan O’Neill

Beth Oppenheimer

Skip and Esther Oppenheimer

Larry Don Opperman Jr. and Anita Feugate-Opperman

Laura Owens Chi-Na Pak

Bobbi Palmer

Melanie Patterson Andy and Elaine Pesky

Jeff and Betsy Picket Mario Pile

Beverly and Elliot Pinto Bob Pluckebaum

Virginia Plump

Dr. Blanche Podhajski Kreiling Neal Polachek

Zane and Rose Polston Kristin Poole

Kelly Porcelli Brian and Jana Poster Vivienne Radkoff

Rich and Georgiann Raimondi Anitha and Mukund Rajagopalan Sharath Ram Richard Ramponi Brooke Ramstaf

Jon and Laurie Rapaport Cherie Ray William Ray

Mj Recanati Olivia Reiten Megan Remaley Leila Renner Carlyn Ring Cindy L Roberts Jason Roberts Kathleen Rockne Brian Rodvien Erika Rolufs The Roscoes Thomas and Gwynn Rosen Gary Rosenstein Linda Ross and DD Skutvik

Lee Pesky Learning Center 2022 Impact

Michael Ross

Bob and Robin Rothenberg

Liba Rubenstein

Amy Rubin and Kobi Jaeger

Hector Ruiz

Cassius Rutherford

Joe Rutte

Carrianne Ryan

Andrea and Eli Sanders

Rahul Sandil

Jacob Saperstein

Caitlin Satterlee

Ana Maria Schachtell Christi Schofield

Barbara Schwartz Michael Schwartz Tracy Schwartz Cindy and Brett Scott Matt and Maggie Scott Scott Seidel

Jay and Connie Shafran

Eric Shapiro

Daniel Shaughnessy Caitlin Shier

Denise Shumway Michael Shumway Dr. and Mrs. Peter Shutkin

David and Linda Sicher

Cecilia Silva Amanda and Joe Silverio Edward Simon Bob Singleton

Michele Skolnick

Bill and Dawn Slattery

Bill and Jane Slattery

John and Stacy Slattery

Slow River Coffee

Daniel Smith Marina and Austin Smith Jennifer Snow-Gerono John Sofro

Solon Family

Lisa Spenner

Lisa Spielman Polston Mitchell Spierer Marion and Irwin Spirn Cheryl Stanley Andy and Anne Steele Carson Stern Kay Stevens Jim and Stacey Stewart Michael and Lucy Stewart Barry and Carol Stone Sloan Storey Bri Stour Richelle and Mark Stowe Margie Stoy Michael Streefland Shari Stroud Burton Stuttman

Viji and Raj Sudarsanam

The Sullivans Jeff Sulman Elle Sweetland

Sandra Sweetland

The Swig Foundation Kristin Szofran Libby Tatum

Roberta Tavares Amy And John Taylor Mary Karol Taylor Carol and Joel Thea Dee and Don Thon Sean Tierney Sean Timmons Renee and Brad Tobin Jennifer Townsend Lynne and Dean Townsend Paul Townsend Marlene Tromp Mary Trop Adam and Rhea Turteltaub Katie Vandebeek Arun Veeraraghavan John and Kathy Ventura Phyllis Vernon Rebecca Voorwinde Nicole and Jared Walters Katie Walther George Warburton Eileen Ward Anne Waxman Joel and Ann Weidman Bob and Sandra Weiner Brooke West Lois Wight Erin Wolgast Teresa Wood-Adams Robin Worcester Sam Worcester Debbie Wynkoop Kathleen Yazbak Jim and Karen Young Will and Hannah Young Janina Ziegler Roberta and Gary Zipper

Lee Pesky Learning Center


Bandanna Running and Walking Capitol Copy and Print Goody’s Soda Fountain


In Honor of…

Lindy Crawford & LPLC Staff Barbara Morgan Winston Lipman Joyce Beahen Alan and Wendy Pesky Andy and Anne Steele Rosalee June Scott Tileah Begay Saul Turtletaub Heinz Family Foundation Adam Zipper Suzanne and Mort Marvin

In Memory of… Joan Blum Becca and Mike Hennesy Janaki Narasimha Chari Subha Chari

Sandra Dee Larry Opperman

Joanie Feldman

Jodi Cohen Steve Frank Carson Faris Will Golden Jody Golden Michele Skolnick Grandpa Mansi Bakori Azell Hanna Lisa and Rusty Katsuki Suzy Hanzel Ed and Amy Zimmer Bombay Mama Arun Veeraraghavan Sampath Mama Asha Chari

RS Mangai Praveen Chakravarty Alex Marion Toni Marion Lee Pesky Gregory Fortescue Randy Price Cecilia Silva

KC Ranganathan and PS Ranganathan Pragnyaa Chakravarthy and Murali Ranganathan

Myra Smith Daniel Smith

Margie C. Stoup Will Payne

Thursday Zachary Adams Dr. Blossom Turk Roberta Tavares

We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If we have mistakenly misspelled, listed, or omitted your name, please accept our apologies and notify us at (208) 333-0008 or

Lee Pesky Learning Center 2022 Impact

3324 Elder Street Boise, ID 83705

FY 2022 Board of Directors

Greg Pesky, Chair

Decker Rolph, Vice Chair

Gregory Byron, Secretary Buck Harris, Treasurer

Jim Foudy Mark Hamachek

Will Hughes Rebecca Hupp Greg Lovell Barbara Morgan

Alan Pesky, Co-Founder

Wendy Pesky, Co-Founder

Mario Pile Robert Sanchez Matthew Weatherley-White William Young


Adobe Alliance of Idaho AmazonSmile B.A. Harris, LLP

Bandanna Running and Walking Boise Office Equipment Inc/Xerox

CapEd Federal Credit Union

Children’s Charities of Idaho and the Harv B. Bickett and Lucile Stevens Bickett Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation

Clearwater Landscaping College of Education, Boise State University Department of Health & Welfare – State of Idaho Dutch Bros Foundation

Fard Tax and Accounting, Inc.

Goody's Soda Fountain Higgins & Rutledge Insurance, Inc. Horizon Foundation, Inc Idaho Community Foundation Idaho First Bank Johnson Foundation of the Rockies Kestrel West Kroger Matraex, Inc.


M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust



Oregon Community Foundation

Silver Family Foundation

Slattery Orthodontics

Slow River Coffee

Spur Community Foundation

Stability Networks

Steele-Reese Foundation

Sterling Realty Organization

The Caprock Group, Inc

The Johnson Company, Inc.

Thornton Byron LLP

William Young and Associates W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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