ST3 - Catalog

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Published by Brian Lee

“Street performers can convert urban space into street theater” - Sally, Harrison-Pepper


The busking culture - or street performance - is blossoming in Hong Kong, despite the Hong Kong Government considering busking as begging. Pushed to the border of legality, buskers must operate in less than idea circumstances. On top, the street artists are often doomed to use inappropriate means to transport their equipment. Classic luggage is not only inconvenient and cumbersome, they also fail offer the appropriate protection for the sometimes delicate equipment.

我相信香港市民在使用街道/公共空間的權利上 可以有更多的發展空間。以街頭表演為例: 在香 港街頭表演就是等於行乞嗎? 在香港街頭藝人能成 為一份職業?

“ST3 - Storage, Street and Stage” is the first bespoke luggage for the busker. First, ST3 provides storage tailored for the equipment of a busker such as the mic stand. Secondly, ST3 is designed to transport the heavy equipment in an easy way through the streets of Hong Kong’s rough urban landscape which islittered with stairs and broken pavements. And finally, in just a few seconds it morphs into a stage that is fully equipped with a light show and amplified sound. ST3 is the first all-rounded solution designed for street musicians to light up the city!

遠觀香港以外的地方例如悉尼、倫敦、阿姆斯特 丹, 近至日本及台灣等地方。當地政府會有一定 的法例或條例去保護和保障街頭藝人。相反地在 香港街頭表演文化越來越盛行時,到底香港政府 何時會推行一些條例去改善公共空間的使用權, 並且同時推出一些適當的法例去保護和保障這些 街頭藝人呢?

街頭藝人可有更好的⋯⋯ 與此同時,眼見現今的街頭藝人們經常使一些不 適合他們的行李箱運送設備,這樣使他們容易疲 累及帶來不便。 因此引發我去設計這個合適的產 品給街頭藝人使用,幫助他們有一個更加好的表 演空間。 ST3是一個集舞台、 行李箱及音箱於一身的產 品。藉此希望街頭表演文化可以成為城市中的亮 光。並且期待香港的公共空間發展可以更加多姿 多彩。

Does busking equal to begging? Busking is a profession about sharing and entertaining through music on the street. However, the right of street usage is always a controversial topic in Hong Kong. Unlike Hong Kong, there is a right for buskers to perform on the street in other countries. Can Hong Kong government start noticing the needs of busking?

ST3 Designed by Brian Lee In this graduate project, I would like to study a street performing(busking) culture in HK and the contradiction between HK Government and the Street Performer. At the same time, busking culture is blossoming in Hong Kong. Furthermore, Busker has lots of the equipment is needed. Their muscle fatigued by transporting and carrying their heavy equipment with the travel luggage. In the market, there is not providing enough support system and product to help the busker which is the beginner point of this project.

Maneuvering equipements for street performers can often be incovenient, especially when it is heavy and when one need to move fast. ST3 revolutionary light push steering turns the burden of carting around equipments in a smooth and stree-free experience.

Fits Everywhere ST3 can be transformed to fit a variety of the environment to allow a 180o and a 360o performances. Use it in narrow or wide streets settings, or at small group events. Make ST3 fits your environment.

Flexible Performing Mode ST3 is providing more relaxable performing experience for the busker. They can set on it to do the performance. Some of the Busker would performing more than 8 hours on street, and we care about their physical strength. They may easier to get injured by the long performing.

ST3 has a powerful sound projection povides 80 watts of the stereo power. ST3 with board digital FX for the reverb and delay, 3 wireless Channels, 3 preset EQ Channels and even LED light colour options for mood adjustment. You’ll never have a dull moment!

DAY TO NIGHT Enjoy up to 24 HOURS of continuous battery power use! The lntelligent Power Management can switch between Regular and ECO power modes to get the upmost performance usage from the batteries: lithium battery cells or AA batteries can be used.

With only few steps, the stage will be ready. ST3 simplifies all the steps with the tranditional set up method. Let’s go on the stage! Enjoy!

We care about every minor details. Every details are carefully designed to meet the needs of the buskers. Equipment arrangement and protection are important for buskers, the versatiles inner drawer can be used as a money box, or to store the micphone and the cables. The little things make a big impact.

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