Lawrence Arts Center

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SUMMER 2 0 1 3

classes • performances • events • exhibits

The mission of the Lawrence Arts Center is to enrich individuals and the community by nurturing love of the arts through arts education, perfor-

from the director Dear Arts Center Friends,

mance, and exhibition. We embrace in-

Welcome to summer 2013 at the Lawrence Arts Center. We have prepared a summer of offerings in exhibitions, performance, and visual and performing arts education that you won’t want to miss, and it is all revealed in these pages.

novation while honoring tradition and welcoming all people and ages. As the unifying leader in the Lawrence arts community, we will be a vital resource by both attracting artists and promoting the public’s support of the arts.

Executive Director Susan Tate Exhibitions Director Ben Ahlvers | Marketing Director & Graphic Designer Amy Albright | Director of Digital Media Marlo Angell Artistic Director, Performing Arts Ric Averill | Technical Director Jason Badgett Dance Program Director Candi Baker | Dance Education Specialist Ashley Boyack | Studio Coordinator Jessica Conner Business Director Stacy Galloway Haywood

Art and science and fun define our early childhood classes. The most creative teaching artists worked with scientists this winter to design our 2013 ArtSpace curriculum for children, and professional artists have prepared nine weeks of Arts Institutes, medium specific visual and performing arts classes for middle school and high school students. Seven visual arts studios, two dance studios, two theaters, three exhibition galleries, and our preschool class rooms exist in an amazing building that was designed to be a perfect chaos of creativity, thought, and conversation. Adding to the summer curriculum for children, teenagers, and adults, we will host lectures, films, art talks, and performances for adults and for families. Come to Downtown Lawrence, to swim, visit our public library, Freedom’s Frontier, the Warehouse Arts area, Watkins Community Museum, or the Van Go sales gallery; eat, walk, and shop. When you do, you will be in Lawrence’s newly dedicated Cultural District. The William S. Burroughs Trail begins here; Langston Hughes lived here; many important Civil War and Civil Rights moments occurred in and around this historic downtown and the East Lawrence neighborhood. The back of this catalog features a work in progress, a map of the Lawrence Cultural District, a place defined by vernacular architecture, political activism, artists and artisans, alleyways, independent businesses, and significant cultural investment. It is part of the soul of our community, part of what makes Lawrence a great place to live. The Lawrence Arts Center is for everyone. We are committed to access for all to performance, exhibitions, and a vibrant, rich curriculum in visual art, dance, and theater. Please join us this summer. You can walk on in!

grant and foundation funding

Development Director Heather Hoy Lead Teacher Hannah Hurst Curator of Education Laurie McLane-Higginson Director of Programs and Partnerships Margaret Weisbrod Morris Office Manager Beth Murphy




special thanks to our major corporate sponsors

Arts-Based Preschool and Early Childhood Education Director Linda Reimond Board of Directors John Bullock, President Dan Schriner, VIce President Larry Chance, Treasurer Brian Horsch Tom Carmody Lisa Leroux-Smith Carol Ann Carter Michel Loomis Julie Carter Molly Murphy Ellen Chindamo Jim Otten Lindy Eakin Dru Sampson Joan Golden Evan Williams Emily Hill


enrolling is easy The Lawrence Arts Center offers progressive, sequential educational programming for preschoolers through adults in visual and performing arts. We invite beginners and adventurers of all ages as well as students who wish to follow a sequence of classes from early childhood through Arts Institutes for teenagers. Open enrollment begins March 20. Member enrollment begins March 13. Member prices are shown in parenthesis throughout class listings— become a member when you enroll!




785.843.2787 and our staff will assist you in finding the perfect class to suit your interests and schedule.

940 New Hampshire St. in Lawrence, KS and ask a staff member to assist you at the front desk. and find class listings at the click of a button! You can choose from our variety of classes in our clickable catalog, or using our searchable listing.

Once enrolled, you will receive a confirmation email from Arts Center staff with instructions on where to come, when to arrive, and what to bring. Classes are sometimes cancelled due to lack of enrollment. In this event, notification will be made two business days before the scheduled start date of the class. You will receive a full refund or helpful suggestions on possible substitutions when applicable. To receive a refund if you are cancelling your enrollment, please contact the Arts Center no later than five business days before the start date of the class to insure the Arts Center may fill classes.

join our community of supporters Become a member Members and donors are essential to the success of the Lawrence Arts Center, and we thank you for your financial support. If you are not currently a member, please consider joining us to support our mission of bringing arts education, performance, and contemporary exhibition to our community. Every membership and donation is vital to our ability to survive and strengthen our offerings. The Lawrence Arts Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization, so your contribution is tax-deductible as allowed by law. BE THE FIRST IN LINE! Members enjoy a full week of early enrollment, insuring availability of popular classes that fill quickly. MEMBERSHIP PAYS FOR ITSELF! Members enjoy a 10% discount on all class enrollments! Membership discounts cannot be used with other special offers, preschool tuition or for private sessions.

summer 2013 volume xv | no 2

CLASSES preschool and kindergarten......................6 1st-5th grade...........................................8 6th-12th grade.......................................10 adults arts............................................. 12 school of dance......................................16 performing arts..................................... 20

PERFORMING ARTS theater, film and music ..........................19

EXHIBITIONS exhibits and art talks ............................22.

on the cover detail from Bluff, by Kent Michael Smith, 2012; Lawrence Cultural District map by Amy Albright

This catalog is published four times annually by the Lawrence Arts Center, and is made possible by our advertisers. If you would like to advertise in the course and events catalog please contact Heather Hoy, 785.843.2787 or The Lawrence Arts Center is located at 940 New Hampshire Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044.

Lawrence Arts Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization. Our members and donors are critical to the success of the Lawrence Arts Center, and we thank you for your financial support. If you are not currently a member, please consider joining us. Photographs in this catalog are by Ann Dean, Marlo Angell, Jessica Conner, and Amy Albright.

find yourself inside Arts tutorials

Event rental space

Financial aid

The Arts Center teaching staff offer individual sessions in the areas of theater and film, acting, dance, metals, jewelry, glass, ceramics, photography, printmaking, and digital media. Rates begin at $35 per hour. To inquire or enroll, contact us at 785.843.2787.

The Arts Center is available for rental. Consider the lobby spaces and galleries for weddings and receptions. The versatile theater offers the perfect space for professional seminars and presentations. LEARN MORE ONLINE or contact Heather Hoy:

Access to art is vital. Financial aid is available throughout the year for children and adults. Applications are available at the front desk and online at

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STAY INFORMED! Sign up to receive weekly eBlasts with the week’s highlights at www.lawrenceartscenter. org or text LAC to 22828

what’s going on Free State Film Festival | AprIL 26, 27 & 28

Reflecting the unique culture of the city of Lawrence, the Free State Film Festival celebrates thought provoking cinema and its relationship to music. Featuring hot-topic films, intriguing shorts, dynamic panels and live music, he Free State Film Festival is the up and coming film festival in the region. Read more on page 19. Poetry Off the Page | April 20 THRU May 26

Poet in Residence Mark Hennessey and friends create poetry themed installations to bring poety into previously less poetic places within the Lawrence Arts Center. Organic, guerilla style series of installations, readings, lectures and poetry centered happenings will take place April through May. Check the Lawrence Arts Center eblasts and website for up to the minute details, reports, and calls to poetry action. Exhibit and national Poetry Out Loud event information can be found on pages 22 & 23. Art Tougeau FINAL FRIDAYS Block Party & Parade | May 31 & June 1

In celebration of with all things wheeled, Lawrence holds this event to honor mankind’s large creative cerebral cortex, bipedal locomotion and opposable thumbs. Art Tougeau is an all-inclusive event that applauds self-expression in the medium of all things wheeled. Kick off the summer celebrating creativity and honoring the human spirit with a sense of humor. Or, just hang out and have some good, clean fun on wheels. Check page 23 for more details. High School Summer Art Intensive | July 15 THRU July 26

Developed for high school students looking to create high quality, advanced work for college application portfolios. Taught by award winning arts faculty, each with over 30 years of preparing young art students for the portfolio application process, students delve deeply into college-level intensive work to create finished pieces to add to their portfolio. Individualized portfolio review and advisory sessions are included. Enrollment and full class descriptions are listed with Arts Intitutes on page 11. Artist in Residence Exhibitions

Featuring printmaking resident Patrick Vincent, May 17- June 22, and ceramics resident Monika Laskowksa, June 28- July 27, exhibiting new work developed during their year-long residency at the Lawrence Arts Center. Learn more about our 2012-13 artists in residence and our Visiting and Resident Artists Program on page 24.

2 0 1 3 B enefit art auction silent auction begins March 15 | live auction Aril 13

Featuring approximately 150 artworks generously donated by artists, the Benefit Art Auction is one of Lawrence’s premier events and is the primary funding source for the exhibitions program at the Lawrence Arts Center. Featuring both a live and silent auction, this partnership between artists, the Arts Center, and the broader community has made our exhibitions possible. Special thanks to our 2013 major sponsor Stevens & Brand, LLC.

See page 22 for more about the auction!


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for your calendar


Story Slam | 7 pm

9 • 10

PERFORMANCE The Magic Toy Shop | 7 pm


Lawrence Arts Center Benefit Auction Exhibition opens






13 • 14 • 15

Art Tougeau Parade | 12 pm

Mother %&#& Hood | 7:30 pm

Summer Classes begin

Story Slam | 7 pm

PERFORMANCE Summer Youth Theatre: The Pirates of Penzance

Benefit Art Auction 5:30 pm


20 - 23

Lawrence Arts Center Preschool Exhibition opens

PERFORMANCE Summer Youth Theatre: MacBeth



USD 497 Exhibition opens


Mary Ann Lee, Arts Education Artist in Residence teacher workshop | 4:30 pm

19 • 20

PERFORMANCE Emergence Dance Concert | 7:30 pm


Poetry Off the Page: Mark Hennessey & Friends opens


Poetry Out Loud | 7 pm


Summer enrollment begins


Spring classes begin

29 FINAL FRIDAYS 5 to 9 pm


The Reluctant Dragon 11am & 2pm

FILM Free State Film Festival


Art Tougeau pARTy & Ice Cream Social | 5 to 9 pm



Patrick Vincent, 2012-13 Artist in Residence Exhibition opens

17 • 18

Mad Men and Kansas panel discussion: Night at the Movies and Twist-a-thon | 6 pm

25 - 29


PERFORMANCE School of Dance Gala Showcase


PERFORMANCE Summer Youth Theatre: Hairspray, the Musical

Adult GALA Showcase | 7pm

String Theories 13 opens

Mad Men and Kansas 1962 panel discussion: Civil Rights Protest | 6 pm

PERFORMANCE Summer Youth Theatre: The Complete History of Kansas in 60 Minutes

Story Slam 7pm



18 - 20

Carlton Bradford opens


Independence Day

EDUCATION High School Arts Institute Summer Intensive


26 • 27 • 28


15 - 26

Summer Youth Theater Auditions, 2-5pm


Mad Men and Kansas 1962 panel discussion: Cold War Internationalism | 6 pm

Mad Men and Kansas panel discussion:1960’s Popular Culture | 6 pm



Public School Art Show Reception

Monika Laskowska, 2012-13 Ceramics Artist in Residence Exhibition opens


5 to 9 pm

28 PERFORMANCE The Quilt Maker’s Gift 11am & 2pm


Reception & Ice Cream Social 5 to 9 pm

august 30 FINAL FRIDAYS 5 to 9 pm

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McDonald’s of Lawrence

A rts - B ased P reschool AGES 2 THRU 5

Lawrence Arts Center Arts-Based Preschool is now enrolling for the 2013-2014 school year. Children must be fully toilet trained. For more information please contact Linda Reimond, preschool director, at 785.843.2787 or



VISUAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY ART CLASSES Saturday Coloring Outside the Lines Linda Reimond Join us for some messy fun! This child/adult class is an excellent opportunity to explore the arts with your child. We’ll explore a variety of creative activities appropriate for 2 or 3-year-olds. Play clothes a must!

SP-APCS-4: Saturday, April 20, 9:30-10:30am, $20 ($18)

Coloring Outside the Lines

Linda Reimond This child/adult class sets the stage for 2- or 3-year-olds to explore the arts with their favorite grown up. Paint and play, sing and play, and print and play in this hands-on atmosphere. Plan to get messy, so play clothes are a must! Include a sibling for $10/day. SP-APC-3a: Fridays: March 29- April 19, 9:30-10:30am, 4 weeks, $60 ($54) SP-APC-3b: Fridays: March 29- April 19, 10:45-11:45am, 4 weeks, $60 ($54) SP-APC-4a: Fridays: April 26 – May 10, 9:30-10:30am, 3 weeks, $45 ($40.50) SP-APC-4b: Fridays: April 26 – May 10, 10:45-11:45am, 3 weeks, $45 ($40.50) SU-APC1: Fridays, June 7-June 28, 9:30-10:30am, 4 weeks, $60 ($54) SU-APC2: Fridays, June 7-June 28, 10:45-11:45am, 4 weeks, $60 ($54) SU-APC3: Fridays, July 5-July 26, 9:30-10:30am, 4 weeks, $60 ($54) SU-APC4: Fridays, July 5-July 26, 10:45-11:45am, 4 weeks, $60 ($54)


Integrated Arts

Andria Devlin/Miriam Cain Integrated Arts is ideal for your child’s first class away from home, or as a supplement to traditional preschool programs. Students learn through a variety of creative experiences. Play clothes a must! Child must be fully toilet trained. Ages 3-5. SP-API-2: Fridays, March 29- May 10, 1-3pm, 7 weeks, $120 ($108) SU-API: Fridays, June 7-July 26, 9:30AM11:30AM, 8 weeks, $135 ($121.50)

Jumpin’ June Fun Kathy Meyer / Micahel Soto Join in the Arts-Based Preschool’s creative adventures during the month of June. This class will offer creative art and play activities both indoors and outdoors. Snack provided. Children must be fully toilet trained. Play clothes a must! Ages 3-5 years. SU-AP-1: Mondays Wednesdays, June 3-June 26, 9:30am-12pm, 4 weeks, $140 ($126) SU-AP2: Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 4-June 27, 9:30am-12pm, 4 weeks, $140 ($126)

Jazzy July Fun Andrea Devlin / Miriam Cain /Allison Hayworth Join in or continue the Arts-Based Preschool’s creative adventures during the month of July. This class will offer creative art and play activities both indoors and outdoors. Snack provided. Children must be fully toilet trained. Play clothes a must! SU-AP3: Mondays & Wednesdays, July 1-July 24, 9:30am-12pm, 4 weeks, $140 ($126) SU-AP4: Tuesdays and Thursdays (omit July 4), July 2-July 25, 9:30am-12pm, 4 weeks, $125 ($112.50)

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27 YEARS OF INSPIRING THE CHILDREN OF LAWRENCE The Lawrence Arts Center’s Arts-Based Preschool, for children ages 3-5, provides social, motor, and creative experiences that excite a love for learning. Music, sculpture, painting, drawing, and creative movement are an integral part of this award-winning program. Young children in the Lawrence Arts Center Preschool develop self-esteem, confidence, and a love of learning through rich and varied arts experiences integrated into a comprehensive preschool education. In addition to the full-time staff, the Arts Center preschool’s curriculum allows students the opportunity to work with professional artists, actors, dancers, musicians; attend performances; and create in the ceramics studio. Lots of fun, lots of love and lots of good arts experiences that nurture creative thinking, decision making, imagination, and art appreciation.

PRE-K Summer CAMPS Take A Bow!

Amanda Clark Everyone loves stories. We will act them out, journeying to faraway places, imagining outof-this-world characters, and playing pretend games. Our young actors and actresses will make stories come alive and create costumes and sets. Play clothes a must! Ages 4-5

SU-APK1: Monday-Thursday, June 3-June 6, 9:3011:30am, $70 ($63)

Cooking Up a Tale

Megan Hay From favorite books we’ll create art and snacks related to the stories--turning our creativity into good things to eat! Our food prep will also include some basic culinary skills like measuring, mixing, and cleaning up afterward. Creative and YUMMY! Play clothes a must. Ages 4-5 SU-APK2: Monday-Thursday, June 10-June 13,9:30-11:30am, $70 ($63)

Bubbles, Balls, and Brushes

Kim Rack Just a few of the tools we will use to create wonderful art. We might be able to make bubbles inside a bubble, paint with a variety of balls, and out of this world burshes. Play clothes a must! Ages 4-5

SU-APK3: Monday-Thursday, June 17-June 20,9:30-11:30am, $70 ($63)

Globe Trotter Leslie McCaffrey We’ll go on an imaginary global adventure. Each day we wil find ourselves in an exciting place where we’ll find exciting adventures with art, music, stories, etc. A passport? We’ll create our own. Play clothes a must! Ages 4-5 SU-APK4: Monday-Thursday, June 24-June 27,9:30-11:30am, $70 ($63)

Fantastic Fibers

Megan King Explore the fiber arts with yarn, fabric, sewing, weaving, dyeing, and much more. Play clothes a must! Ages 4-5

SU-APK5: Monday-Wednesday, July 1-July 3, 9:30-11:30am, $55 ($49.50)

Icky Sticky Ooey Gooey Fun Kendra Kuhlman

We will squish, squash and splatter works of art while celebrating all things sticky in this mess camp. We’ll create with materials such as clay, finger paints, tape, and more. Play clothes a must! Ages 4-5

SU-APK6: Monday-Thursday, July 8-July 11,9:3011:30am, $70 ($63)

Gadgets, Gizzmos and Thing-a-ma-jigs

Kim Rack Discover the amazing world of 3-dementional art. With an assortment of unusual materials including wood, wire, recycled “junque”, natural objects, to name a few. We will construct amazing art guaranteed to broaden your imagination. Play clothes a must! Ages 4-5 SU-APK7: Monday-Thursday, July 15-July 18,9:30-11:30am, $70 ($63)

Cool, Crazy Clay

Hollie Rice There’s nothing cooler than clay and our imaginations will help us create some crazy art. Campers will work in the ceramics studio. Play clothes a must! Ages 4-5

SU-APK8: Monday-Thursday, July 22-July25, 9:30am-11:30am, $70 ($63)


(K) Megan King /Whitney Juneau Explore the amazing world of three-dimensional art. Children will use their problem solving skills and some unusual materials including wood, wire, clay, recycled “junk”, etc. to build amazing sculptures. SP-APK-3: Wednesdays, March 27–April 17, 2:304pm, 4 weeks, $55 ($49.50)

Story Acting: Wizards, Fairies, and Dragons!

(K - 2nd Grade) Jennifer Glenn Story Acting: Wizards, Fairies, and Dragons! (K 2nd Grade) This beginning acting class will use voice, body, and imagination to teach improvisation, character development and working as a team. Class includes theater games to reinforce basic acting skills. Students will create plays about wizards, fairies, and dragons. SP-AYT143: Wednesdays, March 27–May 15, 3–4pm, 8 weeks, $78 ($71)

Kindergarten Art Space: Where Art and Science Meet

(K) Pat Pisani /Whitney Juneau Students will explore art and nature, and connect artistic concepts or materials with scientific principles. Students get a jump start on their understanding of science by putting creative thinking and problem solving skills to use while creating art. SP-APK-4: Wednesdays, April 24–May 15, 2:304pm, 4 weeks, $55 ($49.50)


(1st-2nd grade) Kim Brook Students use their imaginations while discovering the magical qualities of clay to make bowls, creatures and other hand-built forms while developing technical and creative skills. SU-AYC142: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 9-10am, 8 weeks, $114 ($102.60)

PLAY, EXPLORE, IMAGINE, CREATE KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten is a transitional learning stage where early learners bridge from preschool to “big kid” environments. At the Lawrence Arts Center, classes for kindergartners are taught by early education staff who incorporate more advanced skills and information while still honoring the development and abilities that are the hallmark of this age. Classes in the kindergarten program are for 5-6 year olds who are entering or completing kindergarten in 2013.

KINDERGARTEN Summer CAMPS Curtain Up! Amanda Clark Budding actors will learn to use the body and voice to create characters. Using improvisation, dramatic play, story enactment, theatre games and imaginative journeys, campers will develop confidence as they discover the joy of theatre. Ages 5-6

Let’s Get Cookin’

SU-APKE1: Monday-Thursday, June 3-June 6,12:30-2:30pm, $70 ($63)

Draw, Paint, Heather Smith Jones Print

Draw, Paint, Print Heather Smith Jones

Students will experiment with the basics of art structure such as line, shape, value, texture, pattern, space and color as they work with various mediums. Our imaginations will soar. Different activities from July session. Ages 5-6 SU-APKE2: Monday-Thursday, June 10-June 13,12:30-2:30pm, $70 ($63)

Make It With “Mud” Hollie Rice

Campers will explore and create with clay bowls, animals, sculptures and anything else imaginable. We will work in the ceramics studio. Ages 5-6

Megan Hay Like to cook? Like to eat? Our chef’s will create some kids’ favorites like quesadillas, fresh lemonade to name a few. We’ll create with art and practice some basic culinary skills. Ages 5-6

SU-APKE4: Monday-Thursday, June 24-June 27,12:30-2:30pm, $70 ($63)

Students will paint, print, and draw with a variety of materials adding imagination, creativity, and art basics to their own masterpieces. Different activities from June session. Ages 5-6 SU-APKE5: Monday-Wednesday, July 1-July 3,12:30-2:30pm, $55 ($49.50)

Squish, Squash, Splat Kendra Kuhlman

Gadgets, Gizzmos & Thing-a-ma-jigs

Kim Rack It’s 3-D mania! Building and creating with a variety of materials. We will create amazing masterpieces and broaden our imaginations. Play clothes a must! Ages 5-6

SU-APKE7: Monday-Thursday, July 15-July 18,12:30PM-2:30PM, $70 ($63)

Artist Potpourri Hollie Rice Campers will explore many usual and unusual ways to create art--building with recycled materials, painting with boxing gloves or flyswatters, using nature to create art, to name just a few. Play clothes a must! Ages 5-6 SU-APKE8: Monday-Thursday, July 22-July 25,12:30-2:30pm, $70 ($63)

This is the camp where Art and Science meet. Explore the What? Why? and How? about art and science. Ages 5-6

SU-APKE6: Monday-Thursday, July 8-July 11,12:30-2:30pm, $70 ($63)

SU-APKE3: Monday-Thursday, June 17-June 20,12:30-2:30pm, $70 ($63)

• Free checking • free bill pay

• free Online & mobile banking

1st-5th grade art space camps

W ee k 1

W ee k 2

W ee k 3

W ee k 4

Percy Jackson & Mythical Superheroes

For Your Eyes: Only Spy Kids Convention

Jedi Knights & Rebel Princesseses

Students get to know the western world’s first superheroes by discovering classic mythology, with a modern twist. Students will learn about proportion and the Golden Ratio and experience ceramics, creative movement, and character development.

Spy kid students sharpen their secret agent skills by developing an understanding of emphasis, its affect on codes, symbols and patterns to enhance the visual and performing arts. Science of the week includes chemistry, simple machines and, the science behind camouflage.

Space takes center stage in all things Star Wars this week. Students focus on the artistic principles of form and space while working in mixed media collage, found object sculptures, character development and creative movement. In science, students discover the universe, stars, and galaxies through astronomy.

Art principles proportion Artistic mediums 3-D sculpture, ceramics, character development, and creative movement Science concepts constellations and fluid dynamics


Clay Gods (art) Students create mythological creatures and gods and goddesses in clay. Myths and Twists (theater) Students bring characters to life from Mythology. 1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX111: MondayFriday, June 3-7 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX131: MondayFriday, June 3-7 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)


3-D Sculpture (art) Students build mutli-media sculptures featuring Gods and Goddesses and greek myths. Dynamics in Action (movement) Students learn to create movements that bring to life characters in mythology. 1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX232: MondayFriday, June 3-7, 1-4 pm, $100 ($90) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX132: MondayFriday, June 3-7, 1-4 pm, $100 ($90)

Artistic principle emphasis, energy Artistic mediums art history, drawing and painting, storytelling, and creative movement Science concepts chemistry, simple machines, and camouflage



1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX211: MondayFriday,June 10-14 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX231: Monday-Friday, June 10-14 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)

1st -2nd Grade: SU-AYX311: MondayFriday, June 17-21 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX331: Monday-Friday, June 17-21 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)



K-2nd Grade: SU-AYX212: MondayFriday,June 10-14 , 1-4pm, $100 ($90) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX232: MondayFriday,June 10-14 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)


Artistic principles form and space Artistic mediums 3D multimedia, collage, character development, dramatic play, creative movement Science concepts space and the universe

Mysteries in the Museum (art) Students learn to decode the mysteries in art, then create their own “coded” artwork. Museum Confidential (theater) Students invent and act out the top-secret story behind a famous work of art.

I Spy (art) Students design hidden messages in their artwork and discover how to decipher the clues in works of art. For Your Eyes Only (movement) Students explore how to interpret meaning in movement and gestures by practicing whisper and shout moves, smooth and percussive moves, actions and reactions.

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Morning session 9am-12pm Afternoon session 1-4pm All day session 9am-4pm, with a break for lunch at 12-1pm with Arts Center staff

Jedi Props in 3D (art) Students create Jedi necessities and tool kits the way a real Jedi would…. with recycled materials! The Force Is With You: A Jedi Drama (theater) Students bring Jedi characters to life in a space drama.

Space Station Dantooine (art) Students imagine and create everything they would need for space travel and for a stint on a rebel space station. Order of the Jedi Training Academy (movement) Younglings and Padawans train in gathering the force, using their light sabres, and saving the galaxy from the dark side. 1st -2nd Grade: SU-AYX312: MondayFriday, June 17-21 , 1-4pm, $100 ($90) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX332: MondayFriday, June 17-21, 1-4pm, $100 ($90)

W ee k 5

School of Rock


Students rock & roll as they explore the concept of variety: how change, variation, similarity, and diversity enhance the arts. Science includes acoustics and sound. Mosh-pit not included.

Hop on the nearest cyclone and move on down the road to a new take on the Land of Oz. Students get a fresh angle and discover new details about the tried and true classic. Students will focus on the principles of energy, force and motion, along with weather and climate studies.

Artistic principles: variety Artistic mediums: drawing and painting, music, creative movement Science concepts: acoustics and sound


School of Rock (music) Rock on! Students channel their inner front man, or tap into the drummer within as they try out the basics of musical instruments used in rock bands. Headbanger’s Ball (movement) Students learn dance moves old and new to the sounds of the rock music through the ages. 1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX411: Monday Friday, June 24-28 , 9am-12pm, $100 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX431: Monday Friday, June 24-28 , 9am-12pm, $100


School of Rock (music) Rock on! Students channel their inner front man, or tap into the drummer within as they try out the basics of musical instruments used in rock bands. American Bandstand to Solid Gold (movement) Students get their boogie on, dancing their way from doo-wop to disco, Studio 54 to Soundgarden.1 1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX412: MondayFriday, June 24-28 , 1-4pm, $100 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX432: MondayFriday, June 24-28 , 1-4pm, $100

Download reading list from our homepage! list provided by the Lawrence Public Library

Artistic principles: energy and force Artistic mediums: cartography, 3-D collage, creative movement, and character development Science concepts: weather vs. climate, natural disasters


Follow the Yellow Brick Road (art) Students explore cartography mapping their own yellow brick road through new, previously uncharted Oz territory. When Monkeys Fly! (theater) Students explore incarnations of the Oz story recreating characters like flying monkeys, munchkins and more. 1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX511: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, (no class July 4), Friday, July1-5 , 9am-12pm, $80 ($72) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX531: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, (no class July 4), Friday, July1-5 , 9am-12pm, $80 ($72)


Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My! (art) Students create 3-D characters from the Land of Oz.

Move On Down the Road!

(movement) Students move on down the yellow brick road with dance moves and music from the Oz based classics, such as “The Wiz”, “Wicked” and “The Wizard of Oz”! 1st -2nd Grade: SU-AYX512: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, (no class July 4), Friday, July1-5 , 1-4pm, $80 ($72) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX532: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, (no class July 4), Friday, July1-5 , 1-4pm, $80 ($72)

All Students should bring a healthy mid-morning and / or afternoon snack. All-day students should bring a sack lunch. No soda, please. Communal lunches are provided by area restaurants for all-day campers each Friday.

Green Power



The Lawrence Arts Center leads the way in taking STEM to STEAM. Starting in 2009, the White House and the United States Department of Education challenged the nation to find innovative, rigorous ways to teach Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to youth. Acknowledging the vital role art has in teaching innovative and creative thinking, the Art Space program places the Lawrence Arts Center at the epicenter of the movement to add an “A” for “art”, and turning STEM into STEAM. Art Space is the integrated visual art and science program for students 1st -5th grades. Based on the idea that critical thinking, problem solving and the ability to innovate are essential skills in all educational environments, Arts Space is an inspired learning experience where students try new things, test the limits of their imaginations, practice innovation and build creative connections. Each week, Art Space camps focus on a key principle of art and connects it with a scientific concept. Camps are team-taught and designed to balance experiences in visual art with performing arts. Once a week, scientists-in-residence work with instructors and students to connect the principle of the week with scientific concepts in an atmosphere where students apply creativity in a new context. Camps often incorporate visits by artists and STEM professionals. This integrated science and art curriculum meets national art education and science standards and was developed for the program through a grant from the Elizabeth Schultz Foundation, Tradewind Energy, Enel Green Power, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Bartlett & West, and Target. Reading lists and classroom reference material provided by the Lawrence Public Library.

W ee k 6

W ee k 7

W ee k 8

W ee k 9

Big Blue Planet

Raiders of the Lost Art

BOXico City

Mythbusters, Incorporated

Explore marine life, the ocean and underwater worlds, without the scuba gear. The concept of balance in both art and nature is in the spotlight this week. Science includes marine biology, climate and water use and conservation.

Students get their Indiana Jones on jumping into adventure and digging deep into the drama of ancient civilizations. The focus this week is on the principles of contrast and similarity in art. Students learn how these concepts are used by archeologists and art historians. Snakes not included!

While planning, building and laying in a kid-sized box metropolis, students build appreciation for the concept of unity, coherence and disarray as they are applied in visual and performing art.

Students put urban legends and American folklore to the test. Focus is on art-based myths and seeing things through a new lens. Science includes the scientific method, and the optics of color theory.

Artistic principle unity Artistic mediums sculpture and installation, storytelling, and creative movement Science concepts atomic structure, fibonacci sequence

Artistic principle-contrast, color Artistic mediums-3-D sculptures, painting, creative movement, and character development Science concepts: the scientific method, optics, and physics



Artistic Principle balance Artistic Mediums drawing and painting, murals, character development, and dramatic play Science concepts hydrology, oceanic layers, and currents


Big Blue Planet: the Mural! (art) Students create a marinethemed mural on the hallway wall of the Arts Center. Whale-Whoppers (theater)Students learn the narrative art of telling a tall tale, then invent and perform their own unbelievable whopper. 1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX611: MondayFriday, July 8-12 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) 3rd -5th Grade: SU-AYX631: MondayFriday, July 8-12 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)


Surfin’ Safari (art) Students craft 3-dimentional oceanthemed forms to add to the Big Blue Planet mural. Surf’s Up! (movement) Students hit the beach exploring water, the deep sea and marine life through movement and ocean themed music. 1 week. 1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX612: MondayFriday, July 8-12 , 1 PM-4 PM, $100 ($90) 3rd -5th Grade: SU-AYX632: MondayFriday, July8-12 , 1 PM-4 PM, $100 ($90)

Artistic Principle contrast and similarity Artistic Mediums mixed media, collage and sculpture, character development and dramatic play, and creative movement Science concept archeology, chemistry and art conservation


Treasures, Trinkets & Artifacts (art) Students explore creating pottery and ceramic sculpture. Raiders of the Lost Art (theater) Students develop and perform an Indiana Jones-themed short play. 1st -2nd Grade: SU-AYX711: MondayFriday, July 15-19, 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) 3rd-5th Grade: SU-AYX731: MondayFriday, July 15-19, 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)

Construction Zone (art) with Guest Artist Juniper Tangpuz Working as a group, students construct a life-sized city with large pieces of cardboard. Cardboard Confessions (theater) Students invent dialogues to narrate the story of Boxico City. SU-AYX811: Monday-Friday, July22 July26, 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) SU-AYX831: Monday-Friday, July22 July26, 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)


Art Adventurers (art) Students experience the how-to’s of art-making throughout history from Egyptians & Mayans to Chinese dynasties. The Greatest Most Adventurous Adventure Ever (movement) Students choreograph a narrative dance about an adventure.

Boxico City (art) with Guest Artist Juniper Tangpuz Students talk urban planning to install BOXico City in our front gallery. Installation will be exhibited as a work in progress in August Traffic Jam (movement) Students create a dance inspired by traffic and the dynamics between atomic elements.

1st-2nd Grade: SU-AYX712: MondayFriday, July15-19, 1-4pm, $100 ($90) 3rd -5th Grade: SU-AYX732: MondayFriday, July 15-19, 1-4pm, $100 ($90)

SU-AYX812: Monday-Friday, July22 July26, 1-4pm, $100 ($90) SU-AYX832: Monday-Friday, July 22– July 26, 1-4pm, $100 ($90)



Kinetic color (art) Students explore color by inventing vibrant, kinetic artwork, paying special attention to relationships between design, construction and color. Fresh New Fables (theater) Students examine the eclectic world of American folklore and kid-friendly urban legends, bringing some of the more famous myths to life. SU-AYX911: Monday-Friday, July29 -August 2 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) SU-AYX931: Monday-Friday, July29 -August 2 , 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)


Duct-Tape-Tourney (art) Based on a popular Mythbusters episode, students will design and build a surprising array of artistic and practical gear primarily using duct tape. Up-cycled projects also included. Buster Move (movement) Students explore urban styles of music through dance SU-AYX912: Monday-Friday, July 29 -August2 , 1-4pm, $100 ($90) SU-AYX932: Monday-Friday, July 29 -August 2 , 1-4pm, $100 ($90)

W ee k 1 0

Dr. Who’s Time Travelers Institute Calling all time ladies and time lords, grab the nearest TARDIS and head into a new dimension at the Arts Center. Students will focus on dimension, time, and space across subjects. Artistic principle space Artistic mediums creative movement, character development Science concepts time, physics


TARDIS 101 (art) Students imagine time travel to design and create time traveling machines. Dr. Who-sical (theater) Students develop and perform their own original Dr. Who episode. SU-AYX1011: Monday-Friday, August 5-9, 9am-12pm, $100 ($90) SU-AYX1031: Monday-Friday, August 5-9, 9am-12pm, $100 ($90)


Galactic Gizmos and Gadgets (art) Students invent and create essential equipment needed by time lords and ladies. Sonic screwdrivers included. Time Traveler’s Ball (movement) Students explore space and time in creative movement. SU-AYX1012: Monday-Friday, August 5-9, 1-4pm, $100 ($90) SU-AYX1032: Monday-Friday, August 5-9, 1-4pm, $100 ($90)


arts institutes

W ee k 1

Metals: Distinctive Design

6th-12th Grade Dan Dakotas Students will discover the basics of metalwork, then design and create finished works using metal as a medium. SU-AYH14: Monday-Friday, June 3-7, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Digital Arts Camp

6th-8th Grade Robbin Loomas Explore this new medium in which a computer becomes your canvas for photographic art and digital painting. Class will investigate several software programs and tools, including Photoshop and Corel Painter, Wacom pens, and tablets. Starting with a blank canvas, students will experience turning photographs into works of art and learn tricks of the trade to create digital paintings.

W ee k 2

Animation Foundation

6th-8th Grade Richard Varney Learn the basic fundamentals of digital animation storyboards, animatics, sound editing, scene editing, and production. Flip Boom Cartoon animation software will be introduced as well as other digital software applications in the production of basic animation. SU-AYL74: Monday-Friday, June 10-14, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

Beginning Potter

9th-12th Grade Neil Goss This class will introduce students to the potter’s wheel and fundamental techniques for making pottery. Instructor will provide weekly demonstrations, lead discussions, and help with projects as well as developing skills on the wheel.

SU-AYL26: Monday-Friday, June 3-7, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

SU-AYC21: Monday-Friday, June 10-14, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Handbuilding with Clay

Face Off: Creating Characters through Makeup Design

9th-12th Grade Kim Brook Students will be introduced to basic building techniques through pinch pots, coiling, and slab construction, then transition into more advanced forming and surface decoration techniques. Intermediate and advanced students are also welcome to participate.

SU-AYC12: Monday-Friday, June 3-7, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Fashion Illustration

6th-12th Grade Sarah Harris Fashion illustration is the way fashion ideas are converted into real clothing, shoes and accessories. Students will learn basic fashion illustration skills. Starting with learning how to design and illustrate a bag, they will translate their drawing into a pattern. Once the pattern is complete, students will put their ideas to the test and produce their uniquely designed fashion bag.

SU-AYD19: Monday-Friday, June 3-7, 9am-12pm, $130 ($117)


6th-12th Grade Cheryl Weaver Explore the world of stage makeup. Students will experiment with different techniques including animals, scars and wounds, and looking really, really, old. At the end of the week students will apply and present a character that will astound your family.

SU-AYT24: Monday-Friday, June 10-14, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

Screen Printing & Digitally Based Print

6th-12th Grade Patrick Vincent Screen printing, or serigraphy, is an accessible approach to image making made famous by Andy Warhol. This course explores different techniques and application of screen printing with an emphasis on digital processes and design application to create dynamic imagery. Other digital methods will be introduced as well. Beginners welcome as well as experienced screen printers. SU-AYR021: Monday-Friday, June 10-14, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

7 8 5 . 8 4 3 . 2 7 8 7 | l a w r e n c e a r t s c e n t e r. o r g

Green Power

Darkroom Photography

6th-8th Grade Ann Dean Explore art photography in this fun, informative class for young photographers. Bring a 35mm camera and a roll of TMAX 400 36-exposure black-and-white film, available at Jayhawk Bookstore or Wolfe’s Camera in Topeka. Cameras available for loan for the duration of class.

SU-AYH26: Monday-Friday, June 10 June 14, 9am-12pm, $130 ($117)

W ee k 3

Hot Wax Treatment: Encaustic Painting

9th-12th Grade Carolyn Berry Encaustic is one of the oldest forms of painting. Using paint made from pure pigment mixed with wax and resin, learn to paint and collage with melted wax. No previous experience is necessary. SU-AYJ78: Monday-Friday, June 17 -June 21, 1am-4pm, $130 ($117)

Animation Foundation

9th-12th Grade Richard Varney Professor Varney will introduce high school students to the fundamentals of digital animation. Storyboards, animatics, sound editing, scene editing, and production. Flip Boom AllStar V.2 animation software will be introduced, as will other digital software applications in the production of basic animation. SU-AYL83: Monday-Friday, June 17 -June 21, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

Screen Print & Digitally Based Printmaking

6th-12th Grade Patrick Vincent Screen printing, or serigraphy, is an accessible approach to image making made famous by Andy Warhol. This course explores different techniques and application of screen printing with an emphasis on digital processes and design application to create dynamic imagery. Other digital methods will be introduced as well. Beginners welcome as well as experienced screen printers. SU-AYR031: Monday-Friday, June 17-21, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Explore Photoshop

9th-12th Grade Carolyn Berry Experiment with the creative possibilities of Adobe Photoshop. Learn to manipulate, retouch, color correct, and output images using layers, masking, filters, and blending modes for creative effects.

SU-AYL63: Monday-Friday, June 17-21 , 9am12pm, $110 ($99)

W ee k 4

Darkroom Photography

9th-12th Grade Ann Dean Explore art photography in this fun, informative class for young photographers. Bring a 35mm camera and a roll of TMAX 400 36-exposure black-and-white film, available at Jayhawk Bookstore or Wolfe’s Camera in Topeka. Cameras available for loan for the duration of class. SU-AYH46: Monday-Friday, June 24-28, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Graphic Novel

6th-8th Grade Labeeba Hameed Explore handmade “˜zines, bound volumes of modern graphic novels, and some of the wordless woodcut work of artists like Masereel and Nuchel. Learn to create story boards and create your own hand lettering. SU-AYH48: Monday-Friday, June 24 -28, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Say “Yes” to Improv! 6th-12th Grade Cheryl Weaver It’s the first rule in every comedy club: to say “Yes”. This class will explore scene work through games and excercises used in Improvisation. We wil create ways to find your funny self! SU-AYT41: Monday-Friday, June 24 -28, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

Beginning Potter

6th-12th Grade Neil Goss This class will introduce students to the potter’s wheel and fundamental techniques for making pottery. Instructor will provide weekly demonstrations, lead discussions, help with projects and developing skills on the wheel. SU-AYC41: Monday-Friday, June 24-28, 9am12pm, $130 ($117)



Taught by professional artists, Lawrence Arts Center Arts Institutes offer a place for young people to immerse themselves in a creative environment to discover art outside of academics, explore new mediums, develop a portfolio, and exercise their vision. Arts Institutes offer instruction in visual arts, dance, theater, and digital media for beginners through advanced students in an accepting, inspired, artistic atmosphere. Summer Intensives for 9th-12th Grade are two week summer intensive courses offering high school art students the opportunity to deeply immerse themselves in developing skills and techniques in visual art. Lead by experienced art educators with expertise in portfolio preparation and the college application process, classtime is devoted to in-depth study, broadening technique and the creation of finished portfolio pieces. Experimental Filmmaking

6th-12th Grade Marlo Angell Students will explore the experimental film art form through writing, filming and editing their own short experimental film. Bring your own video camera or use ours! SU-AYL92: Monday-Friday, June 24-28, 9am12pm, $110 ($99)

W ee k 5

Pinhole Camera Photography

W ee k 7

Beginning Potter

6th-8th Grade Amy Lenharth This class will introduce students to the potter’s wheel and fundamental techniques for making pottery. Instructor will provide demonstrations, lead discussions, and help with projects and skills on the wheel. SU-AYC76: Monday-Friday, July 15 -July 19, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

6th-8th Grade Labeeba Hameed A pinhole camera has a small hole rather than a lens to take a picture. Students will build their own pinhole camera and use it to take photos both indoors and outdoors, then go to the darkroom to develop the photos. No photography experience required.

Metals: Distinctive Design

SU-AYH58: Monday-Friday, July 1-5, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Portrait Lighting

W ee k 6

Beginning Potter

6th-12th Grade Amy Lenharth This class will introduce students to the potter’s wheel and fundamental techniques for making pottery. Instructor will provide demonstrations, lead discussions, and help with projects as well as developing skills on the wheel. SU-AYC66: Monday-Friday, July 8-12, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

Downtown Documentary

6th-8th Grade Ann Dean Photograph treasures in the Cutural Arts District around the Arts Center. Document the East Lawrence Industrial District, the site of Langston Hughes’ childhood home, quirky architectural elements and brick street patterns, the point of John Brown’s departure for Harper’s Ferry, and more. You will need your own digital camera, all skill levels are welcome.

Downtown Documentary

9th-12th Grade Dan Dakotas Students will discover the basics of metalwork, then design and create finished works to express their personality using metal as a medium. SU-AYJ72: Monday-Friday, July 15-19, 1-4pm, $130($117)

9th-12th grade Labeeba Hameed Learn portrait techniques through the use of natural and artificial lighting. Class will experiment and test lighting techniques. Bring a camera and a flash drive to class. SU-AYH073: Monday-Friday, July 15-19, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

W ee k 8

Handbuilding with Clay

6th-12th Grade Kim Brook Students will be introduced to basic building techniques through pinch pots, coiling, and slab construction, then transition into more advanced forming and surface decoration techniques. Intermediate and advanced students are also welcome to participate. SU-AYC82: Monday-Friday, July 22-26, 1-4pm, $130 ($117)

SU-AYH040: Monday-Friday, July 8-12, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

WeekS 6 & 7

9th -12th Grade Ann Dean Photograph treasures in the Cutural Arts District around the Arts Center. Document the East Lawrence Industrial District, the site of Langston Hughes’ childhood home, quirky architectural elements and brick street patterns, the point of John Brown’s departure for Harper’s Ferry, and more. You will need your own digital camera, all skill levels are welcome. SU-AYH038: Monday-Friday, July 22-26, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

Life Drawing

9th-12th Grade Pat Nemchock Students will have the opportunity to spend 35 hours learning to draw from a live model. We will do short and long poses using a variety of media and approaches, with the goal of students gaining confidence in their ability to execute this essential drawing element in any portfolio. SU-AYP81: Monday-Friday, July 22-26, 8:30am12:30pm, $180 ($162)

Experimental Drawing & Painting 9th-12th Grade Pat Nemchock This is a week-long intensive class in approaching drawing and painting from a non-literal point of view. Understanding that some work begins with observation and that other work begins within the imagination, the class will focus on the meaning behind the work, which will dictate the stylistic approach taken to execute it. The concept is for students to experiment with new ways to approach drawing and painting. SU-AYP71: Monday-Friday, July 22-26, 1:305:30pm, $180 ($162)

Performing Arts

Summer Youth Theater page 19 School of Dance Summer Intensives page 16

9 th - 1 2 th G rade Architecture and Landscape Drawing to Develop your Portfolio

9th-12th Grade Carolyn Berry Learn how create original animated cartoon characters using Adobe Ilustrator and Photoshop. Basic caricature drawing, Illustrator and Photoshop skills will be covered. SU-AYC64: Monday-Friday, July 22-26, 9am-12 pm, $110 ($99)

W ee k 9

Narrative Filmmaking

9th- 12th Grade Marlo Angell Learn digital storytelling fundamentals such as cinematography, shot composition and post production by writing, shooting and editing a short film.

SU-AYL32: Monday-Friday, July 29–August 2, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

iPhonography: The Art of Taking Photos with a Cell Phone

6th -12th grade Robbin Loomas Photography is evolving as beautiful art is being made with cell phones. Learn how to get the most out of your camera, edit right on your phone with incredible apps and share those images with others (not for iPhone only!). SU-AYL058: Monday-Friday, July 29 –August 2, 9am-12pm, $110 ($99)

W ee k 1 0

Instant Improv Troupe

6th-12th Grade Larry Mitchell This class will introduce artists to basic ceramics techniques of handbuilding “” pinch, coil, and alternative short-cut methods to building. Focus on surface, texture, and low- to medium-fire temperature glazes will be covered. SU-AYT91: Monday-Friday, August 5–9, 1-4pm, $110 ($99)

Summer ARTS IntensiveS

Pat Nemchock This Intensive Architecture class is for students to acquire or enhance their drawing skills for their application to college architectural programs (to make their portfolio stand apart from other applicants). Students will learn to draw on-site architectural studies of historical sites in Lawrence. Students will grow in their ability to visualize and understand forms in space, perspective, and scale in drawing. Techniques will include inventive drawing. This class would benefit any serious art student who is looking to expand and strengthen their portfolio. No previous drawing experience required.

SU-AYP61: Monday-Friday, July 8-July 19, 8:30am-5:30pm, 2 weeks, $550 ($495)

Photoshop & Illustrator Animation

Drawing Alternatives to develop your Portfolio

Carolyn Berry Drawing as a visual language is the core of all art making. This Intensive Drawing class will move students through many forms of drawing ranging from direct observation to working with photographic sources and into abstraction so that they can draw without fear. Using a variety of materials and methods, students will investigate portraiture, narrative drawing, and abstraction exercises to encourage students to establish their own drawing style. The course will prepare students for a wide variety of careers and portfolio content for scholarship and college entrance requirements. No previous drawing experience is required.

SU-AYD67: Monday-Friday, July 8 -July 19, 9am-4pm, 2 weeks, $450 ($405)


adult arts

INVENT, EXPLORE, CONNECT, ENERGIZE Creative experiences at the Lawrence Arts Center encourage students to experiment, explore, and deepen understanding of art while making lasting connections. Work with experienced teaching artists to develop skills and expand knowledge in classes that fit a variety of schedules and interests. Most materials are provided, except where indicated. Students age 14+ are welcome in adult classes, unless otherwise indicated in the description.

A BEER AND A BARRISTER Starting & Managing an Arts Based Business Jade M. Brown, Esq.

A look at the legal aspects surrounding starting and managing your own business, including business formation (LLC, S-Corp, CCorp), registering w/ the Secretary of State, obtaining an EIN, business operating agreements, services agreements, tips on drafting and reviewing contracts, and more!

AALEGAL1 : April 18, $10 advanced enrollment, $15 at the door

The Law & Music: What Musician’s Need to Know Jade M. Brown, Esq.

An overview of topics commonly confronted by musicians. Know what to expect and what is reasonable, including protecting and registering your works, group formation/ starting a business, operating agreements, management agreements, agency agreements, synchronization licenses, recording, publishing, royalties, and more.

AALEGAL2: May 16, $10 advanced enrollment, $15 at the door


Beginning Handbuilding Monika Laskowska

This class is for anyone who’ s never touched clay before and wants to get their hands dirty. Students will learn basic hand building techniques through pinch pots, coiling and slab construction and transition into more advanced forming and surface decoration techniques. Intermediate and advanced students are welcome to participate in class as we can concentrate on individual projects.

SU-AAC011: Tuesdays, June 4 –July 23, 7:30-9:30pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)


First Time Potter Neil Goss / Kim Brook

This class will introduce students to the potter’ s wheel and teach fundamental techniques for making pottery. Instructor will provide weekly demonstrations, lead discussions, and help with projects as well as developing skills on the wheel.

SU-AAC012: Neil Goss, Tuesdays, June 4 -July 23, 5-7pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144) SU-AAC016: Kim Brook: Saturdays, June 8-August 24, 10am-12pm, 12 weeks, $225 ($202.50) SU-AAC017: Kim Brook, Saturdays, June 8–August 24, 1:30-3:30pm, 12 weeks, $225 ($202.50)

Ceramics Revolution Hollie Rice

This class will introduce students to the potter’ s wheel and teach fundamental techniques for making pottery. Instructor will provide weekly demonstrations, lead discussions, and help with projects as well as developing skills on the wheel.

SU-AAC044: Thursdays, June 6 –August 22 , 8-10pm, 12 weeks, $225 ($202.50)

Clay & Sculpture Monika Laskowska

This class explores sculptural uses of clay. The focus shifts from the utilitarian to formal and conceptual, liberating students in their approach to making. We will consider basic elements of 3D design, such as space, mass/ volume, shape, line, texture, plane and color when creating sculptural pieces by using various ceramic techniques. Students will be encouraged to think about concept and display. No previous experience necessary.

SU-AAC043: Mondays, June 3 –July 22, 7:30-9:30pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Mold Making Monika Laskowska

The class is an introduction to mold making. Students will learn how to make and cast simple plaster molds. We will use found objects and create our own forms suitable for casting. The projects will include working with slump and hump molds, creating sprig molds and plaster textures as well as one and multi piece molds for slip casting.

SU-AAC022: Mondays, June 3 –July 22, 5:30-7:30pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Unconventional Potter Neil Goss

Feel like you are ready to take your ceramics beyond conventional cups and bowls? Well, this is the class for you. We will discuss and practice art pottery, not just functional pottery. An important part of this class is creating conceptual works of art using the potter’s wheel as the means of production. Have an open and creative mind, and make your favorite body of work yet! Experience is recommended.

SU-AAC012: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24, 7:30-9:30pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Family Pottery Hollie Rice / Kim Brook

Come to class together for a special art experience with your child or children. Everyone will learn basic pottery techniques while making keepsakes for the family to share. It’ s easier than you think! Any adult/child combo ages 7+ is welcome. Up to two children per adult; each participant must enroll separately. Students are welcome to use the studio outside of class time to finish projects (children must be accompanied by an adult).

SU-AAC094: Hollie Rice: Thursdays, June 6- August 22, 5:30-7:30pm, 12 weeks $225 ($202.50) SU-AAC095: Kim Brook: Fridays, June 7 –July 26, 5:30-7:30pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Ceramics Open Studio

Open Studio is for advanced-level students who want to work independently. Fees include equipment use, firing, and basic glazes. Participants must provide their own clay. Unless posted otherwise, participants have open access to the studio during business hours except during a scheduled class. Students must attend an introductory meeting on Monday, June 3, at 6:30pm in the studio. SU-AAC10: June 3 -August 23 , 9am-9pm, 12 weeks, $215 ($193.50)

Private Ceramics Sessions

Arts Center faculty offer private lessons in the ceramics studio. These individualized lessons are meant for those who need individual attention to create a work of art, refine a technique, or for students who can’t find a class that fits their schedule. Meeting times are arranged on an

hourly basis and are to be arranged by teacher and student. Read about instructors on our $35 hour, minimum 1 hour website.

SU-AACKB: Kim Brook, SU -AACML: Monika Laskowska SU -AACAL: Amy Lenharth SU -AACNG: Neil Goss SU -AACJC: Jessica Conner


Basic Photoshop Robbin Loomas

Learn how to improve photographs, restore old photographs, and build collage or composite artwork through photo manipulation and image editing. Open to beginners and intermediate students. Students must provide their own flash drive to store work.

SU-AAL022: Tuesdays, June 4-July 30 (no class July 9), 8 weeks, 7-9pm, $130 ($117)

Intermediate Digital Photography Ann Dean

Take better pictures and develop photographic technique. Students will explore basic amera functions, exposure, composition & lighting through weekly assignments and slide lectures. Students will cover several different areas of photography while getting to know the camera better. Bring a camera and a flash drive to class.

SU-AAL021: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24, 8 weeks, 7-9pm, $130 ($117)

iPhonography: The Art of Taking Photos with a Cell Phone Robbin Loomas Photography is evolving as beautiful art is being made with cell phones. You have an amazing camera in your pocket with you at all times. Learn how to get the most out of your camera, edit right on your phone with incredible apps and share those images with others (not for iPhone only!).

SU-AAL036: Thursdays, June 6-13, 2 weeks, 7-9pm, $45 ($40.50)

Wordpress 1, 2, 3 Marlo Angell

Have you been putting off building your website because of the cost of software, design, and maintenance? Build visibility in a class that will jumpstart your virtual charisma. This class will get you started, and soon you will have the foundation of your Web presence under your belt to jumpstart your virtual charisma.

Digital Painting Robbin Loomas

Using a tablet and stylus, students will learn to work with digital photos or draw by hand to create original artworks using Corel Painter and advanced Adobe Photoshop features. Students will explore photo painting, image manipulation and collage to turn photography into true works of art.

SU-AAL027: Tuesdays July 9-23, 5-6:30pm, 3 weeks, $75 ($67.50)

SU-AAL024: Saturdays (no class 6/22), June 1-29, 4 weeks, $75 ($67.50)

After Effects

Private Photography Sessions

Derek Sellens Adobe After Effects is the industry standard for motion graphics and visual effects. This class will acclimatize students to the After Effects workflow to develop a working knowledge of how to create motion titles, graphics and special effects in creative and interesting ways.

SU-AAL016: Saturdays, July 13-August 3, 4 weeks, 12-2pm, $100 ($90)

Photoshop for Photographers: Portraits Robbin Loomas This class will cover portrait photography techniques and digital post production work to perfect a professional look when photographing people.

SU-AAL014: Thursdays, July18-August 8, 7-9pm, 4 weeks, $100 ($90)

Intro to Digital Photography

Ann Dean Learn to take better pictures and develop your technique. Explore basic camera functions, exposure, composition, and lighting. Through weekly assignments and slide lectures, we will cover several different areas of photography while helping you get to know your camera better. Bring your camera and a flash drive to class.

SU-AAL011: Mondays, June 3-July 22,7-9pm, 8 weeks, $130 ($117)

Photography Open Studio

For experienced photographers only, at least two classes, or the equivalent experience, are mandatory. Participants have access to the equipment and darkroom during Arts Center hours, but scheduled classes have the right-ofway. Supply your own materials and chemistry. Enrollees must attend a mandatory orientation and studio procedures meeting on Monday, June 3, at 6:15pm before using darkroom. Studio hours as posted. SU-AAH110: June 3-August 24,9am-9pm, 12weeks, $215 ($193.50)

Beginning Darkroom

Jason Romanishin Learn the fundamentals of photography, from processing film to developing prints. Increase your knowledge using various darkroom techniques including multiple exposures, solarization, photograms, reversals, and toning. Bring a manually adjustable 35mm single lens reflex camera and provide your own film and paper. Chemicals are supplied and access to lab outside of class is available. Cameras also available for loan.

SU-AAH014: Thursdays, June 6-August 22, 12 weeks, 7-9pm, $170 ($153)

Arts Center faculty offer private lessons in photography. Individualized lessons are meant for those who need individual attention from a professional to create a work of art or “fine tune” a technique, or students who can ‘t find a class that fits their schedule. Meeting times are arranged on an hourly basis and are to be arranged by teacher and student. Read about instructors on our website. $35 hour, minimum 1 hour SU-AAHAD: Ann Dean SU-AAHLH: Labeeba Hameed SU-AAHJR: Jason Romanishin

Private Digital Media Sessions

Arts Center faculty offer private lessons in the digital media lab. Individualized lessons in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or Corel Painter, and video editing instruction in Final Cut. Meeting times will be arranged on an hourly basis by teacher and student. $35 hour, minimum 1 hour SU-AALAA: Amy Albright (Illustrator) SU -AALMA: Marlo Angell (Final Cut) SU -AALRL: Robbin Loomas (Photoshop, Corel)


Beginning Drawing Jenny Jenks

This class is for adults new or returning to drawing. This class will focus on skills to train the eye and hand to transfer imagery from the real world to the page. In-class activities offer techniques that pay attention to each student’s area of strength and struggle. This class is open to beginners as well as all levels of experience. SU-AAD017: Mondays, June 3-August 19, 5:307:30pm, 12weeks, $205 ($184.50)

Life Drawing and Anatomy for the Artist Jeff Ridgway

Learn techniques for drawing the human figure in various mediums working from a live model. This class is open to beginning and advancedlevel students. Students will need to provide their own basic drawing supplies, so please request a materials supply list from the front desk. Students may use any materials they wish. Enrolling in this class makes you eligible to enroll in Open Model sessions at a 50% discount. Must be 18+ to enroll. No photographic devices.

SU-AAD024: Thursdays, June 6-August 22, 7-10pm, 12weeks, $240 ($216)


Jeff Ridgway Students will explore the composition, symbolism, and history of the portrait. Learn basic anatomy, structure, and presentation of the human form. The class will have a short lecture and a live model each three-hour period. Please bring supplies for the first night

in the medium that you are most comfortable with and be prepared to take notes and sketch from life for several 20-minute poses. If you are undecided on a medium, please request a supplies list from the front desk. SU-AAP033: Wednesdays, June 5-August 21, 7-10pm, 12weeks, $240 ($216)

Open Model

Jeff Ridgway Draw from the model each week using your choice of medium. Models will do quick gesture poses at the beginning of each session and then a longer pose for the group. This class is not for beginners unless you are enrolled in Life Drawing as well. Enrollees must provide their own art supplies. Must be 18+ to enroll. Photographic devices not allowed.

SU-AAD110: Sundays, June 2-August 18, 1-3pm, 12weeks, $165 ($148.50)

Introduction to Painting Jason Romanishin

Learn the fundamentals of painting, from composition and color theory to paint application. Create works from the figure and your own chosen subjects. The first day of class we will address terms and materials and look at current exhibitions at the Arts Center.

SU-AAP012: Tuesdays, June 4-August 20, 7-9pm, 12weeks, $205 ($184.50)

Oil Painting

Kaylyn Munro This class is friendly to beginners as well as advanced students. Carefully crafted assignments will make the complex media of oil painting an enjoyable endeavor. Intermediate and advanced students, please bring your ideas and visions. We’ ll work together to translate them into tangible reality on canvas.

SU-AAP023: Mondays, June 3-July 22, 7:30-9:30pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)


John Hulsey Learn the watercolor secrets of the pros from nationally recognized award-winning professional artist John Hulsey, whose work has been featured in Watercolor, American Artist and International Artist magazines. Hulsey has been painting and teaching watercolor for over 30 years, and he will show you how to master the simple but essential techniques. Beginners and advanced students are welcome. Bring sample of work to first class, along with all painting supplies and tools.

SU-AAP037: Tuesdays, June 11-July 30, 5-7pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Abstract Expression in Painting Clare Doveton

Using various subject models and techniques, students will explore abstract painting techniques through the painting medium of their choice. The course will concentrate on expressive interpretations of the human figure, still life, nature, color and form, as well as study various contemporary and abstract artists as they apply to the week’s project. All levels welcome.

SU-AAP013: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24, 8 weeks, 10am-12pm, $160


Papermaking A to Z Nicole Donnelly

Papermaking A to Z is a down and dirty twoday hand papermaking workshop. Students will spend the first day in the wet studio. Beginning with the construction of a mold and deckle, we will learn the basics of hand papermaking: the tools and materials used, the properties of various paper pulps, pulling sheets of paper, and embedding objects such as thread, ribbon, or natural plant materials in our handmade papers. Students will create up to 5 blank pieces of art-weight paper, and 3 text-weight papers with inclusions (embedded objects). Galoshes or water-resistant shoes are highly recommended. The second day will be a dry working day, and will reveal the fruits of the previous day’s labor - beautiful sheets of handmade paper. The class will explore various ways of working with these dry sheets - incorporating drawing, printmaking, and bookmaking methods.

SU-AAR107:May 31 -June 2, 3 days, 9am-4pm, $200 ($180)

Mixed-Media Collage Lora Jost

Enjoy the process of arranging pictures, papers, cloth, and other materials into works of art that tell stories, commemorate events, comment on society, or simply engage viewers in a playful mixture of textures, images, words and colors. This introductory-level class includes hands-on exercises focusing on tools and techniques. All experience levels will enjoy this relaxed, accessible approach to art making.

SU-AAX034: Tuesdays, June 4-July 23, 10-12am, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Artisan Creatif Liza MacKinnon

This class offers creative projects which will build skills as well as result in delightful products. Examples include: burnt organza, zendoodles, personal map making/illuminations, mini shrines, pamphlet journals, image transfer and surface treatment techniques, upcycled accessories, and block printing.

SU-AAX021: Mondays, June 3-July 22, 7-9pm, 8 weeks$160 ($144)

Intro to Bookbinding

Liza MacKinnon Learn fundamental book binding techniques to create beautiful hand bound journals, sketchbooks, and artist books. Students will complete samples of various pamphlet, accordion, Coptic, long stitch, and stab bindings in traditional Eastern and Western binding methods. The class will finish with the construction of custom display boxes to house each collection. Students take home their finished products as well as comprehensive hand-illustrated instructions for each technique.

SU-AAR072: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24, 7-9pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

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Beginning Metalsmithing

Joel Pollock Learn basic metal working techniques to saw, texture, color, rivet and solder small scale metal projects. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Bring your ideas and the instructor will provide technical guidance and inspiration.

SU-AAJ124: Thursdays, June 6-August 22, 6-8pm, 12 weeks, $235 ($211.50)

Exploring Metals Dan Dakotas

Create unique jewelry while learning basic metalworking skills. Students will learn how to saw, texture, color, rivet, and solder small-scale metal projects. Bring your ideas and the instructor will provide technical guidance and inspiration. Everyone welcome, no experience necessary.

SU-AAJ241: Tuesdays, June 4-August 20, 7-9pm, 12 weeks, $235 ($211.50)

Jewelry Design Rachael Sudlow

Learn basic skills to make quality jewelry pieces. Working in copper, brass, and sterling silver, students will explore fundamental techniques such as sawing, filing, drilling, soldering, forming, and stone setting. Each class will provide a new project. The focus of the class will be on the essential skills to create basic jewelry pieces — rings, chains, earrings, and pendants. Materials will be available for purchase.

SU-AAJ0112: Wednesdays, June 5-August 21, 7-9pm, 12 weeks, $235 ($211.50)

Metals Open Studio

Rachael Sudlow Finish up a project from your last class, or continue to explore jewelry making and metalsmithing in the metals studio. You must have prior metals experience to enroll. Equipment and tools will be available but students must supply their own materials.

Mosaic Sculpture Workshop Shanna Wagner In this 4 week workshop students will learn how to mosaic with mixed media such as glass tile, broken china and glass beads, vintage jewelry and metal ornaments. Small base pieces will be provided and each students will have a supply list of collectable mosaic pieces to bring to class.

Artist’s Books

SP-AAJ076: Saturdays, June 15-July 6, 9-11am, 4 weeks, $100 ($90)

Screen Print & Digitally Based Printmaking Patrick Vincent

Private Metals Session

The Lawrence Arts Center faculty offers private lessons in the metals studio. Individualized lessons are meant for those who need individual attention from a professional to create a work of art or to “fine tune” a technique, and for students who can ‘t find a class that fits their schedule. Meeting times are arranged on an hourly basis and are to be arranged by teacher and $35 hour, minimum 1 hour student. SU -AAJRS: Rachael Sudlow SU -AAJSW: Shanna Wagner SU -AAJJP: Joel Pollock SU -AAJMB: Mollie Blackburn SU -AAJHF: Herb Friedson

PRINTMAKING & PA P E R M A K I N G Beginning Printmaking

Patrick Vincent Survey the foundations of graphic imagery and mass media by exploring relief print, etching, collagraph, and monoprint techniques. This class is open to all levels of experience— lightly seasoned printmakers can pick up more tricks, and those who have not yet experienced printmaking can delve into the joys of these multi-faceted arts media.

SU-AAJ110: Wednesdays, June 5-August 21, 5-7pm, 12 weeks, $235 ($211.50)

SU-AAR012: Mondays, June 3-July 22,7-9pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Stained Glass


Shanna Wagner Discover the thousand-year-old art of stained glass by arranging small pieces of glass and bevels to form ornate patterns or pictures. Beginners and advanced students alike are welcome to explore this accessible art form.

SU-AAJ011: Mondays, June 3-July 22, 6-8pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Tim O’Brien If you like the written word and making images, this class gives you a chance to combine the two. Learn to design, set, and print type to create stationery, business cards, and broadsheets, or a project of your own. Basic supplies included.

SU-AAR044: Thursdays, June 6-July 25, 7:30-9:30pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)

Patrick Vincent The book is the cornerstone of culture and as such, it serves as a multi-faceted vehicle for artists. This course will explore approaches to creating artist books: binding structures, printing techniques, and conceptual development of nuanced book structures. Open to all levels.

SU-AAR173: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24, 5-7pm, 8 weeks, $160 ($144)


Solo Plays

Larry Mitchell In this combination of acting and dramatic writing class, students create monologues, act them out, and discuss their potential for expansion into one-act and full length pieces. Class will culminate in a reading of created student work.

SU-AAW031: Mondays, June 3-August 19, 6-7:30pm, 12 weeks, $150 ($135)

Screen-printing, or serigraphy, is an accessible approach to image-making made famous by Andy Warhol. This course explores different techniques and application of screen-printing with an emphasis on digital processes and design applications to create dynamic imagery. Other digital methods will be introduced as well. Open to beginners as well as experienced screen printers.


SU-AAR031: Tuesdays, June 4 -July 23, 8 weeks, 7-9pm, $160 ($144)

Memoir Writing

Printmaking Open Studio

This studio class is for experienced printmakers interested in working independently. At least two printmaking classes, or the equivalent experience, are recommended before signing up for Open Studio for the first time. Included in the fee is equipment use, basic inks and tools. Participants must provide their own paper and specialty inks. Unless posted otherwise, participants have open access to the studio during business hours except during a scheduled class. Students must attend a mandatory meeting on Monday, June 3, at 6pm. SUI-AAR110: Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, June 3-August 23, 9am-9pm, 12 weeks, $215 ($193.50)

Private Printmaking Sessions

The Lawrence arts center offers private lessons in the printmaking studio. These individualized lessons are meant for those who need individual attention from a professional to create a work of art or to “fine tune” a technique, or simply cannot find a class to fit their schedule. Meeting times are arranged on an hourly basis by teacher $35 hour, minimum 1 hour and student. SU-AARPV: Patrick Vincent, Artist-in-Residence SU-AARTO: Tim O’Brien SU-AARLK: Lauren Kinney SU-AARTO: Tim O’Brien

Marlo Angell Learn and explore fundamentals such as character, dialogue, and plot structure of screenwriting in a workshop setting. Bring an existing idea or create a new one, write actively at home, and get to work on the tour de force you’ve always meant to write.

SU-AAW025: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24, 8 weeks, 7:30-9:30pm, $130 ($117) Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours? Learn the art of memoir (lesson one: it’s not the same as autobiography!) through reading and discussion, and receive guidance and feedback in drafting essay-length memoir that might be your springboard to a longer work or stand alone. Along the way you’ll do the important work of finding your voice, regardless of what story you’re telling. SU-AAW021: Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm, June 4-July 23, 8 weeks, $110 ($99)


Katy Perry comes to Lawrence. Page 4C


James Bond returns in ‘Skyfall.’ Review on page 2C




Kevin Anderson Photos/Special to the Journal-World

KIRK CARSON, THE EAST HILL SINGERS’ CONDUCTOR AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR, LEADS THE SINGERS during a rehearsal Tuesday at the Lansing Correctional Facility. The group, made up of inmates, gives performances throughout the area and will be singing at 4 p.m. today at First United Methodist Church, 946 Vermont St.

SINGING SINGING for a second chance

Inmates say chorus a path to EVERY redemption, one note at a time



arry Swinson, a slight, 75-yearold retiree, regularly slides into church pews at Lansing Correctional Facility between much burlier, blue-uniformed men with more tattoos and less singing experience. The Lawrence resident has been volunteering five years for the East Hill Singers prison chorus, where having a guy in the mix who once carried tunes in barbershop quartets can only help when it comes to staying on key.


Veterans Day, all day throughout Lawrence Several events throughout Lawrence will honor and celebrate veterans. At 9 a.m., the KU Veterans Day Run, which raises proceeds to support scholarships for disabled veterans and their family members and the KU Memorials Fund, kicks off at South Park. From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., the Watkins Community Museum of History, 1047 Massachusetts St., will host a program exploring World War II history in Kansas, and Matthew Thompson of the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene will give a presentation. Both the program and

He had tears in his eyes. He said, ‘Nobody ever applauded for me before.’ It brought tears to my eyes, too.” — Larry Swinson

Perhaps his most disquieting moment happened a few years ago at the finale of an off-prison performance when, as audience members smiled and clapped, an inmate standing next to Swinson leaned

over and whispered a confession. “He had tears in his eyes,” Swinson says. “He said, ‘Nobody ever applauded for me before.’ It brought tears to my eyes, too.” That memory stuck with Swin-

By Sara Shepherd

in the

son and helps inspire him to keep working with the East Hill Singers. The chorus of minimum-security inmates, organized through the Arts in Prison program, leaves the prison to perform four times a year, and their last performance of this year will be today at First United Methodist Church in Lawrence. The last time the East Hill Singers came to Lawrence, several Please see CHOIR, page 4C


exhibit are free. Haskell Indian Nations University, 155 Indian Ave., will host its traditional Veterans Day Powwow from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Coffin Sports Complex. Little Stomp fundraiser, 3 p.m., Barnyard Beer, 925 Iowa St. The second-annual Little Stomp, a downhome, country-musicand-barbecue-beef party this weekend, will feature several popular local bands 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. today at Barnyard Beer, the brewery and venue behind the Merc at 925 Iowa St., to benefit the Lawrence Community Nursery School, the cooperative, parent-run, smilingMike Yoder/Journal-World File Photo red-barn childcare center at Kansas University School of Music’s Holiday Vespers concert will 645 Ala. be at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 today at the Lied Center.

6x3 ad

Jana Mackey Distinguished Lecture Series, speaker Lilly Ledbetter, 7:30 p.m., Woodruff Auditorium, Kansas Union, 1301 Jayhawk Blvd., free Equal-pay advocate Lilly Ledbetter comes to KU to speak as part of the Jana Mackey Distinguished Lecture series. Ledbetter’s pay-discrimination case against Goodyear helped inspire the 2009 law that was the first signed by President Barack Obama after taking office.


“The Swerve: How the World Became Modern,” 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., Woodruff Auditorium, Kansas Union, KU cam-

pus, free Pulitzer Prize-winning literary critic and author Stephen Greenblatt will discuss his most recent work, “The Swerve: How the World Became Modern,” which received both the 2011 National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize. An Evening with Newt Gingrich, 7:30 p.m., Dole Institute of Politics Former U.S. Speaker of the House and GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich will discuss the presidential election, what to expect on upcoming policy changes and his new book, “Victory at Yorktown: A Novel.” This event will include a book sale and signing.

school of dance SUMMER DANCE CAMPS AND INTENSIVES Please see performing arts section (page 20) for production based dance experiences. For dance attire, see the School of Dance Handbook on the Arts Center website.

CampS for Early Learners

ages 3-5 | 1 week camps | $55 ($49.50)

Katie & the Sunflowers

Betsy McCafferty Inspired by the story Katie And The Sunflowers by James Mayhew, dancers will explore movement by jumping into classic works of art. They twirl to France, leap through Mexico and dance through the sunflowers in Kansas.

SU-DYS11: Monday-Friday, June 3-7, 9-10am

Dream Catchers Donna Jo Harkrider Dancers will explore the world of dreams by experiencing pathways to good dreams and explore the explosive energy of bad dreams. Dancers will help design a dream catcher dance.

SU-DYS12: Monday through Friday, June 10-June 14, 9-10am

Ladders, Streamers, Boxes, Poles Lucy Shopen

Dancers will work with props such as ladders, streamers, boxes and poles. They will build dances and stories that reflect the way the props and movements work together. Dancers will investigate moving under, over and around objects.

SU-DYS15: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (no class July 4) July 1-July 5, 9-10am, $45 ($40.50)


Betsy McCafferty Dance in the ring of fairies and learn about their world. This dance camp is designed to let the young dancer delve into the land of fairies and give them confidence in moving in and through space leaping, skipping and jumping. SU-DYS16: Monday-Friday, July 8-12, 9-10am

Enchanted Forest Betsy McCafferty

What lives in the enchanted forest? Dragons, vines, trees, and magical creatures who cast spells, even a sleeping princess perhaps? Dancers will design and create movements that explore an enchanted world.

SU-DYS17: Monday-Friday, July 15-19, 9-10am


I Wish I Were a Butterfly

Donna Jo Harkrider Inspire by the story I Wish I Were a Butterfly, by James Howe. Dancers travel the world of a sad cricket who wishes he were a butterfly. Dancers will move to various tempos and learn to construct movement patterns based on time. Just like the cricket, dancers will learn they are wonderful just the way they are.

SU-DYS18: Monday-Friday, July 22-26, 9-10am

The Ultimate Underground

Lucy Shopen This camp is an exploration of all things underground. Dancers will survey the world under the earth, whether in a train station, subway, bugs, worms, stalactites, stalagmites, even gnomes, and elves. Dancers will create shapes, patterns and sequences based on their discoveries. SU-DYS19: Monday-Friday, July 29-August 2, 9-10am

CampS for 1st-2nd Grades Dance! Dance! Dance!

Camp I Week-long dance camps are designed to give the young dancer an experience in more than one dance form. Dancers will work diligently in ballet technique every day. They will have two days of Jazz and two days of Contemporary Modern with a musical theater class on Friday. Composition, designed to engage dancers in the choreographic process, will be included. They not only learn tools for creating, but actually create a dance to perform in class the last day of camp. Each week will be unique. Plan to take more than one week this summer.

SU-DYS21: Donna Jo Harkrider/Shannon Pickett, June 3-June 7, 1-4pm, $120 ($108) SU-DYS22: Lucy Shopen/Paige Comparato, June 10-14, 1-4pm, $120 ($108) SU-DYS26: Lucy Shopen/Shannon Pickett: July 8-12, 1-4pm, $120 ($108) SU-DYS27: Donna Jo Harkrider / Paige Comparato, July 15-19, 1-4pm, $120 ($108)

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CampS for 3rd-5th Grades Dance! Dance! Dance!

Camp II Dancers will be separated in Ballet Levels for the week, Ballet I/II and Ballet III/IV. They will remain in these levels as they progress through the week experiencing Contemporary Modern, Musical Theater and/or Jazz. Composition, designed to engage dancers in the choreographic process, will be included. They not only learn tools for creating, but actually create a dance to perform in class the last day of camp. On the last day, dancers will share an in class performance of their progress and compositions. Each week there will be unique experiences. Plan to take more than one week this summer.

SU-DYS31: Cynthia Crews/Lucy Shopen/Paige Comparato, June 3-7, 10am-1pm, $120 ($108) SU-DYS32: Cynthia Crews/Donna Jo Harkrider/Shannon Pickett, June 10-14, 10am-1pm, $120 ($108) SU-DYS36: Cynthia Crews/ Donna Jo Harkrider/ Paige Comparato, July 8-12, 10am-1pm, $120 ($108) SU-DYS37: Cynthia Crews/Lucy Shopen/Shannon Pickett, July 15-19, 10am-1pm, $120 ($108)

DANCE CLASSES Preschool Dance

Lucy Shopen Classes for early learners are designed to introduce dance through a process that respects their age, abilities, and development. Classes look and feel like play, but are carefully planned educational experiences where children develop an understanding of movement and motor control. Classes prepare children to succeed in the study of ballet, modern dance, sports, and other physical activities.

study at a slower pace and stay at a level for a longer time period in order to master technical requirements at that level. Students stay at their current dance level and change in fall.

Kinder Ballet

Betsy McCafferty, Lucy Shopen This class is an early start in ballet for children who are 5-6 years old, entering kindergarten or who complete kindergarten in 2013. Students learn simple ballet and the basic elements of dance. They also learn to express ideas, feelings, and moods from stories through movement.

SU-CDYKB11: Monday, June 3-July 22, 4-5pm, $85 ($76.50) SU-CDYKB16: Saturday, June 8-July 27, 11:1512:15am, $85 ($76.50)

Intro to Ballet (1st Grade)

Betsy McCafferty

SU-CDYIB15: Mondays, June 3-July 22, 5-6pm, $90 ($81)

Ballet I (2nd Grade+) Cynthia Crews SU-CDYB16: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 10:1511:15pm, $90 ($81)

Ballet I (teens)

Paige Comparato

SU-CDYBTII: Mondays, June 3-July 22, 4:155:15pm, $90 ($81)

Ballet II (3rd Grade+ and completion of Ballet I or equivalent) Cynthia Crews SU-CDYB26: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 10:15-11:15am, $90 ($81)

Ballet II (teens) Paige Comparato SU-CDYBT21: Mondays, June 3-July 22, 5:15-6:15pm, $90 ($81)

Ballet III (4th Grade+ and completion of Ballet II or equivalent) Cynthia Crews SU-CDYB416: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 9-10:15am, $101 ($90.90)

SU-CDYPD16: Preschool Dance I, Age 3: Saturday, June 8-July 27, 9-9:45am, $81 ($72.90) SU-CDYPD26: Preschool Dance II, Age 3-4: Saturday, June 8-July 27, 9:45-10:30am, $81 ($72.90) SU-CDYPD36: Preschool Dance III, Age 4-5: Saturday, June 8-July 27, 10:30-11:15am, $81($72.90)

Ballet IV: Year One Cynthia Crews


Ballet V (7th Grade+ and completion of

8 weeks Students interested in ballet enter a sequential training program designed to train the body’s flexibility, strength, musicality, and coordination. As students progress, ballet training requires an increased time commitment; however, students are allowed to choose to

SU-CDYB416: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 9-10:15am, $101 ($90.90)

Ballet IV: Year Two Deborah Bettinger SU-CDYB426: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 12:15-1:45, $114 ($102.60)

Ballet IV or equivalent) Deborah Bettinger

SU-CDYB56: saturdays, June 8-July 27, 12:15-1:45pm, $114 ($102.60)

Ballet VI

Deborah Bettinger

SU-CDYB66: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 12:15-1:45pm, $114 ($102.60)

SUMMER SCHOOL OF DANCE The School of Dance has shaped the summer program to provide unique opportunities for dancers to expand movement vocabulary in specific areas, as well as provide opportunities for growth in specialized fields. The school will also continue many ongoing classes for those who wish to continue their regular training through the summer. Dance Camps and Intensives are designed to give dancers the exclusive opportunity to spend focused time exploring new styles of dance while continuing to advance technical skills. Each session will deliver ongoing ballet technique as well as experiences in other dance forms. In addition to ballet, one or more of the following dance forms will be included in each dance camp and intensive: Contemporary Modern, Jazz, Flamenco, Musical Theater and Composition/Repertoire classes. Advanced dancers will work with guest artists in engaging, technically innovative classes.

D ance at the A rts C enter offers :

Comprehensive technical training based on the major disciplines of dance: ballet, modern dance, jazz, and tap.

Superior instruction that builds the knowledge, strength, flexibility and coordination appropriate for each discipline. Exploration and enrichment programs during the summer and throughout the year, developing dancers as thinking artists. Guest artists’ residencies, master classes and intensive workshops to broaden understanding and awareness of the larger world of dance. Unique performance opportunities that offer age- and training-appropriate stage experiences.

We welcome the following visiting artists to our summer School of Dance! Monica Campbell Early Summer Dance Intensive Ellie Goudie-Averill Summer Dance Intensive Michelle Hayes Perlas Flamenco Soleares, Summer Dance Intensive Jerel Hilding Summer Dance Intensive Willie Lenoir Summer Dance Intensive Read about visiting artists on our website

School of Dance Ballet Syllabus is available on our website

Lawrence Ballet Theatre Travels to Mid-States Regional Ballet Association Annual Festival As a member of prestigious Regional Dance America’s Mid-States Regional Ballet Association, Lawrence Ballet Theatre will be traveling to Fort Wayne, IN to participate in the MSRBA Annual Festival May 1 through May 4. Over the course of three evenings, the attending dance companies perform works selected by an adjudicator to audiences of their peers and leading dance professionals from around the country. Scholarships are awarded for study at prestigious summer programs, and major professional companies, colleges and universities scout for their future talent. Throughout their stay, LBT dancers have opportunities to meet hundreds of peers and work with prominent dancers in master classes and seminars.

DANCE IntensiveS Dance Sampler (Ballet III—VI)

Ellie Goudie-Averill/ Monica Campbell ThIS annual Summer Dance Intensive offers opportunities for dancers to learn from guest teachers in yoga, classical ballet, contemporary modern, and composition/repertoire. Each day begins with a 30 minute yoga-based class to prepare students for a vigorous day of dancing. The week will culminate with a performance on Saturday at 2pm. Temple University’s Ellie Goudie-Averill returns this year along with special guest artist Monica Campbell from Utah Valley University. Check website for more about School of Dance visiting artists.

SU-DYW01 (Intermediate - Ballet III/IV or equivalent): Tuesdays -Saturday, May 28- June 1, $135 ($125 if enrolled by May 20) SU-DYW02 (Advanced - Ballet V/VI or equivalent): Tuesdays -Saturday, May 28- June 1, $135 ($125 if enrolled by May 20)

Technique & Performance (6th-12 Grades, ballet level IV through VI)

Summer dance intensives provide busy teenagers the opportunity to work on technique, versatility, repertoire, composition and core work with guest artists along with School of Dance faulty during the summer break. Each 4 week session will be unique, so dancers can build technique over the summer months. At the end of each session, dancers have an informal showing of their work. For class, dancers will be separated into two levels: ballet level IV/V and V/VI. Classes are held Tuesdays-Thursdays.

SU-DYMHS1: Cynthia Crews/Donna Jo Harkrider/Jerel Hilding/Michelle Hayes-Perlas/Paige Comparato, June 11-July 3, 4:15-7:30pm, 4 weeks, $250 ($225) SU-DYMHS2: Cynthia Crews/Donna Jo Harkrider/Jerel Hilding/ Willie Lenoir/Shannon Pickett, July 9-August 1, 4:15-7:30pm, 4 weeks, $250 ($225)

Capoeira Experience (ages 8-11)

Brazil Academy Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art form based in dance movement. Capoeira is played like a game that becomes a dialogue of body and movement. As one player improvises one movement the other player answers back with another movement. The expereince includes music, culture, philosophy, and movement. Capoeira practitioners Master Ninja and Morena from the Brazil Academy USA work with students to introduce students to this athletic, graceful movement practice.

SU-DYS18: Tuesday-Thursday, July 23-July 25, 2-3pm, $40 ($36)

Capoeira Experience (ages 12 and up)

Brazil Academy Experience this exciting Brazilian marshall arts/dance form with Master Ninja and Morena from the Brazil Academy USA. You will be amazed at what you learn in this workshop. Capoeira is composed of music, culture, philosophy, and movement. The movements consist of kicks, escapes, cartwheels, and flips. The people who play Capoeira understand that in the roda (the circle of Capoeira) the game with their opponent becomes a dialogue of the body. As one player improvises one movement the other player answers back with another movement.

SU-DYS28: Tuesday-Thursday, July 23-July 25, 2-3pm, $40 ($36)

Flamenco Soleares (adults)

Michelle Hayes-Perlas Beginners are welcome and experienced students are encouraged to return to focus on soleares. Considered the “ mother of all flamenco forms” soleares bears the influence of the Muslim presence in Spain and the role of the gypsies in the development of flamenco. Using the basic rhythmic structures of flamenco, students will explore the different components of flamenco dance technique and cultivate an awareness of flamenco’s unique posture.Students will also learn the structure of the different rhythmic forms and introduce the possibilities for personal expression and improvisation. Women are encouraged to bring full skirts. Shoes or boots with solid heels are recommended.

SU-DASF13: Mondays, June 3-July 8, 6:30-7:30pm, 6 weeks, $75 ($67.50)

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Youth Jazz Dance Youth Jazz (6th-12th Grade and

completion of Youth Jazz I or equivalent) Donna Jo Harkrider Students in jazz will learn classic jazz techniques and moves including explosive leaps and kicks, isolation movements, jazz stylizations, and more. Some characteristics of hip hop movements such as poppin’, lockin’, breakin’, and free-style may be included. These high-energy classes are a dynamic, fun way to build fitness, strength, and confidence. SU-CDYJ36: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 2:30PM3:30PM, 8 weeks, $90 ($81)

Youth Tap Dance

Clogging, Irish step dancing, Spanish Flamenco dancing, African dance, and jazz music all contribute to this exuberant dance form. Dancers will learn the traditional rhythms of tap dancing including shuffle, buck and wing, soft shoe, time steps, and stomping. Beginning Tap I 2nd Grade+

Donna Jo Harkrider

SU-CDYT16: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 8 weeks, 12:15-1:00pm, $81 ($72.90)

Beginning/Intermediate Tap II Donna Jo Harkrider 3rd Grade+ and completion of at least one year of Tap I SU-CDYT26: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 1-1:45pm, 8 weeks, $81 ($72.90)

Intermediate/Advanced Tap III Donna Jo Harkrider 5th Grade+ and completion of Tap II or equivalent SU-CDYT36: Saturdays, June 8-July 27, 8 weeks, 1:45-2:30pm, $81 ($72.90)

Athletic Movement Training for Boys & Young Men Step Up Your Game I 8 weeks This class concentrates on agility, flexibility, and strength training especially important to young athletes utilizing dance training to provide new moves for on and off the field. Jump higher, leap further, move with increased confidence in athletics, and in life. This program is for boys interested in athletics as well as the performing arts. Curriculum development made possible by Bill Self’s Assists Foundation. WI-CDYS15: Fridays, June 7-July 26, 4:30-5:30pm, $90 ($81)

Step Up Your Game II This class concentrates on agility, flexibility, and strength training especially important to young athletes utilizing dance training to provide new moves for on and off the field. Jump higher, leap further, move with increased confidence in athletics, and in life. This program is for boys interested in athletics as well as the performing arts. Curriculum development made possible by Bill Self’s Assists Foundation.

WI-CDYS25: Fridays, June 7-July 26, 5:30-6:30pm, $90 ($81)

Adult Dance 8 weeks The adult dance program is designed to engage the entire range of students, from the true beginner to students returning to dance after a break in studies, or advanced students looking for a place to continue their training. Our teachers are experienced instructors who draw upon a vast wealth of knowledge to provide personal attention and well-structured classes to help adults develop their strength and confidence as dancers. Students in 9th grade+ are welcome in the adult dance classes. Adult Ballet I

Paige Comparato

SU-CDAB11: Mondays, June 3-July22 6:30-8pm, $114 ($102.60)

Adult Ballet II

Cynthia Crews

SU-CDAB22: Tuesdays, June 4-July23 7:30 -9pm, $114 ($102.60)

Learn the basic ballroom dances from this delightful, award-winning father/daughter team so that you and your partner can dance confidently on the floor. Includes ballroom (foxtrot, swing, waltz) and/or Latin dances.

SU-DAS14: Thursdays, June-July 25 , 7-8pm, $91 ($81.90)

Adult Tap I

Donna Jo Harkrider

SU-CDAT12: Tuesday, June 4 -July 23, 7:308:15pm, $81 ($72.90)

hips, pelvis, and lower spine, bringing your attention inward and unlocking the body, mind and spirit. You will gain greater body awareness, knowledge of structural issues and knowledge of how to care for yourself. Alice Steuerwald has a wealth of experience in the traditional health field combined with years of study and teaching in yoga and massage therapy.

SU-DAY21: Mondays, June 3-July 22,12-1pm, 8 weeks, $85 ($76.50)

Advanced Adult Tap Body Journey

Donna Jo Harkrider

SU-CDAT32: Tuesday, June 4 -July 23 , 8:159:15pm, $90 ($81)

Fitness & Yoga

8 weeks

Stretch & Tone Deborah Bettinger Get your body centered and your blood flowing in this Saturday morning class that focuses on yoga based stretching and strengthening exercises. Feel great all day!

SU-DAY16: Saturdays, June 3-28 , 8 -9 am, $90

Alice Steuerwald This class will introduce pranayama, strength training, micro movement and yoga. Class focuses on cultivating an awareness of self through breathing and movement to develop a sense of freedom and self-empowerment with your body. Alice Steuerwald has 28-years studying the human body and spirit with a wealth of experience in yoga, massage therapy and the traditional health field. SU-DAY11: Mondays, June 3-July 22,11am-12pm, 8 weeks, $85 ($76.50)

Professional development FOR TEACHERS

Integrating Physical Movement into the Elementary Classroom & Curriculum with Artist-in-Residence Mary Ann Lee

Dance educator and arts integration pioneer Mary Ann Lee will lead a workshop for teachers on integrating physical movement into their classroom in ways that connect with curriculum to boost student learning. Ask our education staff about receiving USD 497 IDP points for this workshop. Sponsored BY Payless Shoesource SP-DYMAL Thursday April 18, 4:30-6:30pm, $25

Adult Ballet II/III Deborah Bettinger SU-CDAB23: Wednesdays, June 5-July24, 7:30-9pm, $114 ($102.60)

Adult Only Pointe Deborah Bettinger

SU-CDABP43: June 5-July24, 9-9:30pm, $45 (40.50)

Adult Jazz/Hip Hop I SU-CDAJ12: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24, 7:30-8:30pm, $90 ($81)

Adult Jazz/Hip Hop II/III

SU-CDAJ23: Wednesdays, June 5-July 24 , 8:30-9:30pm, $90 ($81)

Adult/Teen Modern Dance II/III

Donna JoHarkrider

SU-CDAM21: Mondays, June 3-July 22, 7:30-9pm, $114 ($102.60)



Beginning Ballroom Yin Yoga Alice Steuerwald Yin Yoga targets the connective tissue of the Blue Barrand and Christie Curtis

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Carmine Ballare Scholarship Monday, May 20, 2013 | Studio 206 | 5-6pm Established in 1997, this scholarship is designed to recognize excellence and commitment. It encourages the serious study of ballet through daily classes and participation in performance opportunities offered by the Lawrence Arts Center. The scholarship covers four ballet and pointe classes per week, participation in the annual holiday show and the Lawrence Youth Ballet Company spring performance. Additional classes are encouraged, but not covered by the scholarship. Those auditioning should be entering Ballet IV, Level 2 or higher level classes. The scholarship is for fall 2013/spring 2014.

2013-14 Lawrence Ballet Theatre

Friday June 14, 4-5:30pm

The Arts Center’s pre-professional advanced ballet company selects members by an annual audition. Members are expected to meet requirements set by the artistic director. Throughout the season they have the opportunity to participate in special workshops and master classes, work with professional guest choreographers, perform, and attend the Mid-States Regional Ballet Association Festival. Dancers should be 12 or older, having complete Ballet IV, Level I. Contact Candi Baker for more information about auditions at 785.843.2787 or (Please arrive early to fill out applications and warm-up; wear appropriate dance clothes with hair in a bun.)

performing arts THEATER & DANCE FOR THE YOUNG (AND YOUNG-AT-HEART) The Magic Toy Shop March 9 & 10 | 7 pm & 2 pm | $5

Delight in this classical story about a toy shop where the toys come alive at night. Artistic Director Deborah Bettinger’s youth ballet theater is inspired by both the Hans Christian Andersen’s Little Match Girl and the The Magic Toy Shop ballet music (La Boutique Fantastic) of Rosini/Respiegi.

The Reluctant Dragon adapted by Jennifer Glenn May 4 | 11am & 2pm | $5 donation

The First Saturday Players’ ‘Fairy Tales off the Page’ season wraps up the first Saturday in May with a tale based on the charming Kenneth Graham story. This dragon drinks tea and prefers not to barbeque his neighbors. Delightful sets, original music, and colorful costumes appeal to audiences of young children just learning to appreciate live theater! Interested in performing in The Reluctant Dragon? See the Performing Arts production based classes section for enrollment and rehearsal information (page 21).

Gala 2013: A Year of Dance Artistic direction by School of Dance faculty Friday, May 17, 5pm & 7pm , Saturday, May 18, 10am, noon, 2pm, & 4pm | $5.50

The Gala is an important component of the dance curriculum and an opportunity for all students in the Lawrence Arts Center School of Dance to showcase their progress. Six unique performances are designed to showcase students and the variety and depth of the Lawrence Arts Center’s School of Dance. The Adult Class Showcase will be held the preceding Saturday, May 11 at 7pm.

The Quilt Maker’s Gift

from the book by Jeff Brumbeau and Gail De Marcken choreographed by Paige Comparato, Cynthia Crews and Shannon Picket Friday, June 28 | 2pm & 7pm | $5

An extraordinary tale of a humble quilt maker who teaches a selfish king about the value of generosity retold through dance. A heartwarming journey about how giving can change the heart.


Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert & Sullivan Directed by Jennifer Glenn June 13 & 14 | 7pm June 15 | 3pm $10 adults/ $7.50 seniors & students

One of Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular operas, riotously funny misunderstandings and unforgettable music follow young Fredrick, a pirate apprentice-by-accident and his romantic quest for the fair daughter of the modern major general, Mabel.


by Shakespeare Directed by Doug Weaver June 20, 21 & 22 | 7:30pm June 23 | 3pm $10 adults/$7.50 seniors & students

Considered the most powerful of Shakespeare’s tragedies, ”the Scottish play” dramatizes the corrosive psychological and political effects of choosing to achieve power through evil. Macbeth is an ancient play that packs a modern message.

The Complete History of Kansas in 60 Minutes by Larry Mitchell & Will Averill Directed by Elizabeth Sullivan July 18 & 19 | 7pm July 20 | 3pm $10 adults/$7.50 seniors & students

Yes – that’s right: the history of Kansas told and re-enacted in 60 short, sidesplitting, sometimes slapstick, minutes. In an original play written specifically for Summer Youth Theater’s Junior Players, this summer history comes with a dose of hilarity. Finally.

Hairspray, the Musical

from the film by John Waters Directed by Diana Dresser July 25, 26, & 27 | 7:30pm July 28 | 3pm $10 adults/$7.50 seniors & students

In civil rights era Baltimore, Tracy Turnblad, a teen on the plump side of life equipped with major dance moves, becomes the surprise winner of a spot dancing on a popular bandstand TV show. But when a jealous belle and her aging beauty queen of a mother plot to destroy Tracy because of her big-is-beautiful looks, chaos ensues. With help from a matchless batch of friends, Tracy sets out to integrate the show.....without denting her ‘do. Hairpsray is a musical with an uplifting message and rousing music that delivers serious substance.

DANCE. THEATER. FILM. The Emergence Concert

AprIL 19 & 20 | 7:30pm $6.50 students & seniors / $9.50 adults

Lawrence Ballet Theater’s annual concert features a new ballet by Jerel Hilding, a new contemporary ballet/modern piece by Whitney Boomer, “Mist and Memories” by Elizabeth Gillaspy, a reconstructed Baroque piece by Joan Stone, and newly staged excerpts from the ballet “Le Corsaire” under the artistic direction of Cindy Crews. The Jazz Ensemble will perform a lyrical hip hop selection by Kansas City artist Victoria Wills, original works by guest artist Kathleen O’Connor and artistic director Brandi Green. JOHN H. HAY, D.D.S., INC.

Mother %&#& Hood

by Julie Dunlap & Sara Stotts April 5 | 7:30pm | $10 ADULTS Mother%$!#Hood follows three very different moms as they sing and dance their way through life from high school graduation to pregnancy tests and through the looming empty nest. A to Xanax, you’ll laugh your %$!# off.

Free State Story Slam: Real stories. Spun live. (an 18+ event)

Second Friday of every month

Stories. Told. Live. Extraordinary, witty, suspenseful: whatever yarns you have, spin them. This is a don’t-miss occasion to hear and share whoppers, MOT H–style, the second Friday of each month. Raconteurs step up to the mic to bring laughs, tears, surprise, amazement, and the occasional awkward moment. All are welcome, bring a tale to tell on the theme for the evening, or just come to eavesdrop. Never the same story, or evening, twice. Donations encouraged! Live music & social hour starts at 7pm. Slam starts at 7:30pm. Cocktails throughout. March 8 Lost and Found April 12 Build/Destroy (story slam will be held In the main lobby of the Arts Center) May 10 Grand Slam Audience favorite storytellers from the 2012 – 2013 season are invited back to tell new stories. Story Slammers: Story Slam is on hiatus during the summer months of June and July . . . to allow Slammers ample time to get themselves into situations that generate a year’s worth of new stories to tell. Have a great summer and we’ll see you in August!

Free State Film Festival 2013

April 26, 27 & 28

The Lawrence Arts Center presents the 2nd annual Free State Film Festival, April 27-29th, 2013. Reflecting the unique culture of the city of Lawrence, the Free State Film Festival celebrates the art of film and its relationship to other mediums such as visual arts and music. The Free State Film Festival invites dialogue between a broad spectrum of audiences and local and national artists through the shared experience of thought provoking cinema. FFSF 2013 showcases: • feature films • short films • panel discussions • a screenplay competition • staged readings • live music performances • experimental film and music video showcase • On Screen Offspring: a multi-media stage production featuring new original short plays by area filmmakers

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production-based classes

THEATer IntensiveS

Summer Youth Theater

AUDITIONS May 5 | 2 to 6pm CALLBACKS May 6 & 7

Summer Youth Theater is a performance-based theatre program for youth grades 3rd-8th and grades 8th-12th. Professional musicians, choreographers, directors, and theater technicians observe the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts National Theater Education Standards in teaching the art of theater. Youth are involved in all aspects of the production from acting, costuming, building sets and props as well as technical and stage management. Students can chose the SYT performance track, which is focused on acting and stage experience, or the SYT tech track, which is focused on theater production behind the scenes. Call the Arts Center to sign up for a time in advance: choose 2 to 3pm, 3 to 4pm or 4 to 5pm 3rd – 8th graders auditioning for Pirates of Penzance should prepare a 1 minute monologue and 16 bars of a musical theater, classical or popular song. Accompanist will be provided (please bring music). All students auditioning for The Complete History of Kansas in 60 Minutes should prepare a 1 minute monologue.

8th – 12th graders auditioning for Macbeth should prepare a 1-2 minute monologue from Shakespeare. Those auditioning for Hairspray should have a prepared 1-2 minute monologue and 16 bars of a Broadway or rock song. Accompanist will be provided (please bring music).

Need help preparing for the audition? Attend the SYT audition workshop — See facing page for enrollment information Callbacks (and auditions for those who can’t attend Sunday*) will be Monday and Tuesday, May 7 & 8 between the hours of 4 and 9pm. All students who audition will be called back. Please plan on returning to the Arts Center on Monday and/or Tuesday at times and rooms which will be posted by each show director. *Students who are unable to attend auditions will be cast. Contact Ric Averill for casting information and eligibility. Video auditions are acceptable for those who are unable to attend.

3rd – 8th grades May/June

The Pirates of Penzance


The Complete History of Kansas in Sixty Minutes

by Gilbert & Sullivan directed by Jennifer Glenn REHEARSALS May 28–June 15 PERFORMANCES 13, 14, 15

by Larry Mitchell & Will Averill directed by Elizabeth Sullivan REHEARSALS July 1–20 PERFORMANCES 18, 19, 20

SYT presents the Lawrence Arts Center’s first ever production of Gilbert and Sullivan. Jennifer Glenn directs as Ric Averill leads a team of student musicians. This production of Pirates promises to be comedic, romantic and musically delightful.

The premiere of the definitive 60 minutes history of our state just in time for the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Quantrill’s Raid. Emphasis will be placed on the rise from the ashes of Lawrence: “Phoenix on the Kaw”. The playwrights, Lawrence natives, will be involved in this production that teaches important civil war era history while playfully exploring what it means to be a Kansan!

SP-TYPIR Monday–Friday, May 23-June 15, $250 ($225) $450 for students who participate in both summer shows

SP-TYKAN Mondays-Fridays, July 1-20, $250 ($225) $450 for students who participate in both summer shows GACHES, BRADEN & ASSOCIATES


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8th – 12th grades

July Hairspray


music by Marc Shaiman lyrics by Scott Wittman & Shaiman book by Mark O’Donnell & Thomas Meehan, based on the 1988 John Waters film Hairspray directed by Diana Dresser REHEARSALS July 1–28 PERFORMANCES 25, 26, 27, 28


by William Shakespeare directed by Doug Weaver REHEARSALS May 28–June 23 PERFORMANCES 20, 21, 22, 23) Macbeth is a tragic ghost story filled with witches, vaulting ambition, regicide, ghostly visions, battles, dark deeds and revenge. Doug Weaver is a fight choreographer as well as director and plans a very physical and exciting playing of one of Shakespeare’s finest tragedies. SP-TMAC May 28- June 22, Monday–Friday, $300 ($270) $550 for students who participate in June and July shows

This Tony award winning musical brings to life the world of early musical television shows with showstoppers ranging from 60s-style dance music to “downtown” rhythm and blues. Set in Baltimore at the dawn of civil rights movement, Hairspray is a social commentary on the injustices of American society in the 60s. The SYT cast will explore the dawn of the civil rights movement in Lawrence and across the country through a series of films, panels, and discussions (see facing page).

NOTE: 3rd grade is SP-TYHAIRSP July 1-28, Monday–Friday, $300 defined as students ($270) $550 for students who participate in June going into or leaving 3rd grade. and July shows 8th grade is defined as students going into or leaving 8th grade — 8th graders may choose to participate in either group.

Summer Youth Theater

Technical Theatre The technical track of Summer Youth Theater focuses on making SYT productions happen from behind the scenes. Students build, paint, learn sound, lights, props, stage management and run both the 3rd–8th and 8th-12th grade performances as crew and crew chiefs. Larry Mitchell, playwright and a member of the Lawrence Arts Center’s Theater Tech Crew will be heading up the production teams for SYT tech theater.

SP-TCHJUNE: Mondays–Fridays +performances, May 28-June 23, 9:30am-1pm for the first two weeks. Time schedule will change to run concurrent with afternoon rehearsals the third and fourth weeks as shows go into performance. *(see show times on page 20) $200 ($180) ($350 for students who participate both months) SP-TCHJULY: Mondays–Fridays +performances, July 1st – July 28th, 9:30am-1pm for the first two weeks. Time schedule will change to run concurrent with afternoon rehearsals the third and fourth weeks as shows go into performance. *(see show times on page 20) $200 ($180) ($350 for students who participate both months), fee: $200 ($180) ($350 for students who participate both months)

Summer Youth Theater

Audition Workshop with Summer Youth Theatre artistic director, Ric Averill. This audition workshop will assist students with the selection and preparation of a less than 2 minute monologue and 16 bars of a popular rock or Broadway song. Students are encouraged to bring 2-3 choices for both monologues and songs. Ric will have additional material for those who haven’t yet made a selection. The SYT auditions are Sunday, may 5th, so students will have ample time to continue to work on the material developed at the workshop. Summer youth theater directors, writers and staff who will be represented at the May 5th audition include: Ric Averill, Doug Weaver, Jennifer Glenn, Diana Dresser, Elizabeth Sullivan, Will Averill and Larry Mitchell. SP-TYAUD: Saturday, April 27th, 2013, 1-4 pm, fee: $30.00 ($27.50)

more dance & theater Summer Dance Theater

The Quilt Maker’s Gift The Quilt Makers’ Gift by Jeff Brumbeau and Gail De Marcken is an extraordinary tale of how a humble quilt maker teaches a King about the value of generosity. Inspried by this heartwarming sotry, Dancers work with ballet faculty to create a world where generosity and kindness change a King’s heart. For dancers in kindergarten (completed) through high school. SU-DYX345: June17-28, 9am-12pm, 2 weeks, $195 ($175.50)

INTRODUCTORY Summer Youth Theater

K-2nd Pirates, Adventurers & Buccaneers!

Jennifer Glenn

Come and swab some decks, hoist some sails, and swash some buckles as we explore a pirate’s life. This class will use theater games, improvisation and the actor’s toolsvoice, body and imagination to have fun and create a short play to be performed on the last day. Be sure to bring a snack so we keep up the pirate energy. SU-SYTK2: Monday- Friday, June 17-21, 9:30am-12pm, 1 week, $90 ($81)

Theater For Young People

First Saturday Players Director Jennifer Glenn leads a troupe of young actors performing children’s theater for younger students. The theme this year is Fairy Tales Off the Page featuring plays adapted from stories in children’s literature. SP -TYFSPRD Wednesdays, Mar 6-May 4, 5:30-7pm, $126 ($113.40)

Summer Youth Theater

Behind the Story Series

Mad Men, the twist, and cold war politics in KANSAS, 1962 An educational series in conjunction with July’s production of Hairspray. The public is invited to a series of panel discussions and a night at the movies in conjunction honoring how far we’ve come, and understand how we got here. Cold War Internationalism

Night at the Movies & Twist-a-thon

Panelists discuss Kansas during the cold war period.

The Lawrence Arts Center hosts a night of film screenings and events that celebrate the pop culture of the 1960s. Filmmaker Kevin Wilmott will show clips from his new films; Jayhawkers, about the life and career of black KU basketball star Will Chamberlain, and Destination Planet Negro, a sci-fi comedy. Following Kevin’s presentation there will be an outdoor screening of the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird.

Tuesday, July 2 | 6 to 7pm

Panelists include Sheyda Jahanbani, University of Kansas, Jon Taylor, University of Central Missouri, Robert Davis, School of Advanced Military Studies at Command & General Staff College, and Randal Jelks, Moderator, University of Kansas

Friday, July 12 | 6 pm to midnight

Featuring twist lessons and contest, a best spoken-word poem, rap, or story competition on the topic of 1962 for local high school students, and ‘60s-style refreshments for all. Twist-a-thon will be filmed by University of Kansas film students under the supervision of documentary filmmakers Madison Lacy and Marlo Angell. A short film documenting it will be uploaded to YouTube.

Civil Rights Protest

1960s Popular Culture

Panelists discuss Civil Rights Era Lawrence.

Panelists discuss Lawrence in the 1960s.

Panelists include Clarence Lang, University of Kansas, Bill Tuttle, University of Kansas, Dorothy Pennington,University of Kansas, and Randal Jelks, Moderator, University of Kansas

Panelists include Nicole HodgesPersley, University of Kansas, Tony Bolden, ???, Chuck Berg, University of Kansas, Sherrie Tucker, University of Kansas, and Randal Jelks, Moderator, University of Kansas

Tuesday, July 9 | 6 to 7pm

Tuesday, July 16 | 6 to 7pm

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exhibitions Antecedent Gallery Space

33rd Annual Benefit Lawrence Arts Center Art Auction & Exhibition Arts-Based Preschool

Sensational press reviews and exorbitant prices commonly associated with the world of contemporary art may cause the original role of art to be overlooked. Humans once painted on the walls of caves to simply document basic aspects of their lives. In order to understand art today, one must know something about the context of contemporary theory and practice which can be highly challenging to the casual art viewer.

Exhibition & Silent Auction Exhibition April 15 thru 19 March 15 thru April 13 Work from the Lawrence Arts Center’s award Public Reception March 29 | 5 to 9pm winning early education program on display. Live Auction April 13 | 5:30pm (live auction begins at 7:30pm) USD 497 Public Make reservations by phone 785.843.2787 with credit card or at the Arts Center with credit card, check, and cash. Tickets are $40 in advance (until 4pm April 12), $50 at door.

School Art Show

The type of work featured in the Antecedent Gallery is not an attempt to exhibit the “best” work in a traditional sense, but to display work that has a unique and interesting fundamental purpose behind it. Art that expresses basic needs; art that is therapeutic, healing, obsessive, highly secretive, troublesome; art that is inspired by a personal need or a unique perspective that speaks from deep within the artist’s soul.

Established by artists in 1981 as a way to fund a not-for-profit gallery, the auction makes it possible for us to fund our exhibitions program now occupying five spaces in the Arts Center and enriched by Art Talks, films, and more.

Works selected by art teachers from Lawrence public school students will be on display throughout the Lawrence Arts Center. This is a great opportunity for viewers to see the talent coming from the Lawrence community.

Approximately 150 pieces generously donated by artists will be on exhibit in our galleries for 4 weeks leading up to our April 13, 2013 event. Visitors to the exhibition may make bids on both live and silent auction items; all bids must start at 50% of retail value. Patrons may purchase pieces before the auction for buy-out bids of 200% of retail value. In 2012, auction sales averaged over 100% of retail prices.

Student shows sponsored by

The Antecedent Gallery is located on the second floor at the north end of the Lawrence Arts Center. This project is curated by Wayne Propst and Roger Shimomura.

INSIGHT A rt T al k s This lecture series brings visiting and exhibiting artists to the podium to talk about their work, and opens dialogue between artist and viewer. INSIGHT Art Talks bring a deeper understanding of works on display in the galleries throughout the year. Check website for scheduled talks. Series sponsored by


The Lawrence Arts Center Benefit Art Auction is one of the largest fundraisers of its kind in our area and is supported by many individuals and businesses. The 2013 featured auction sponsor is Stevens & Brand. Callahan Creek, Allen Press, Printing Solutions, and Evan Williams Catering provide major in-kind support. Over 500 people attend on auction night, and hundreds more view the exhibition. The goal of the auction is to have the financial support to provide dynamic and engaging exhibitions throughout the year. The auction will take a new approach this year by featuring four artists. Kent Michael Smith, Lisa Lala, Archie Scott Gobber, and Ben Ahlvers exhibit nationally and have bright careers ahead of them as artists. We hope you will join us in our support of the Arts Center exhibitions program.

Exhibition April 17 thru 30 RECEPTION April 26, 5 to 9pm

Thank you to 2013 Benefit Art Auction major sponsor


Poetry off the Page Curated by Mark Hennessy Exhibition April 20 thru May 26 Join Mark Hennessy in a playful exploration of poems, from the canon and from the neighborhood, that inspire and perplex in this reciprocating exhibit. This is not your usual poetry reading. The gallery will house an ongoing poetry installation featuring everything poetry but the book.

Carlton Bradford New Works Solo Exhibition Exhibition May 10 thru June 21 Carlton Bradford will exhibit his newest sculptures this spring. Bradford’s work is compelled by recognizable imagery (musical instruments, tools, silverware, and firearms). He transforms common object in to an art experience through manipulation in the studio, often expanding scale. These larger-than-life, exquisitely crafted sculptures cause the viewer to experience the common object in a new way. Carlton Bradford is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona.

2 0 1 3 A rt T ougeau

Street pARTy Pre-Parade Painting & Final Fridays Street Party Friday, May 31 | 5 to 9pm 900 Block New Hampshire Street Bring your car, bikes, skateboards or whatever & decorate it for the parade. The Lawrence Arts Center will provide cool cardboard cars for the kids to paint. Paint and dance to the live music, just have a good time hanging out on a spring night with everyone else.

The Art Tougeau Parade! Saturday, June 1 | 12pm | parade car line-up BEGINS 10am

Patrick Vincent

Monika Laskowska

Exhibition May 17 thru June 22 RECEPTION May 17 | 7 to 9pm

Exhibition June 28 thru July 27 RECEPTION June 28 | 5 to 9pm

Human societies exist as a network of overlapping individuals working together to create an identity—this identity is representative of the whole over the solitary. This exhibition will be representative of a collaborative print project in which individuals have been invited to submit their image to be merged with that of an insect or arachnid. The resulting combined image then becomes a hand-carved installation of print-based media. The collusion of ‘bugs’ and humans reflects the notion that a collective identity, structure, and consciousness is emergent from the many individual efforts. The interlocking web of people and place is the impetus and reflection of this body of work.

Monika will display her newest body of work created during her year-long residency at the Lawrence Arts Center.

2012/13 Printmaking Artist in Residence

Patrick Vincent received his B.F.A. from the University of Minnesota and his M.F.A. in printmaking from Arizona State University. He has worked for the design/letterpress workspace Studio on Fire, the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and Pyracantha Press. He operates Twin Bee Press.

String Theories 13 Curated by Diana Dunkley and Margaret Rose Exhibition May 17 thru June 30 RECEPTION May 17 | 7 to 9pm String Theories will be an installation work created by several local artists and community groups, and will be installed in the front gallery of the Arts Center. Approximately 50 participants or groups will create a ‘string’ using the broad theme of String Theory to inspire creation and collaboration. This installation will completely fill the gallery and provide for interactivity and will incorporate performances.

2012/13 Ceramics Artist in Residence

Monika Laskowska was born in Bydgoszcz, Poland and currently lives in Lawrence, KS, in the United States, where she is the Artist in Residence in Lawrence Arts Center. Monika earned her M.F.A. in Ceramics from the Ohio State University. She received her BFA from the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology in Galway, Ireland, and studied at The National Art Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria, as part of the Erasmus Exchange Program. She also holds a B.A. in English from the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poland. Her work is concerned with the ongoing process of change and explores ideas of containment and permeability, rigidity and plasticity, persistence and adaptability, space and boundaries.

If it rides, bring it on! Ever since man noticed the phenomenon of the cornerless rolling rock he has been coming up with more ways to use the labor saving invention we now know of as the wheel. In celebration of with all things wheeled, Lawrence holds this event to honor mankind’s large creative cerebral cortex, bipedal locomotion and opposable thumbs. Art Tougeau is an all-inclusive event that applauds self-expression in the medium of all things wheeled. Kick off the summer celebrating creativity and honoring the human spirit with a sense of humor. Or, just hang out and have some good, clean fun on wheels.

Post Parade Award Ceremony immediately following the parade Park your ride and meet the parade kin southside of the Replay Lounge, 946 Mass. Don’t take the awards too seriously — nobody does. A trio of judges make it up as they go in a heartfelt kind of way and figure out who deserves an award. Parade folks who were witty, inventive or heartfelt, or just did an especially good job, the trophies do not always go home with the fanciest ride. It’s really all about the folks who’ve shown noticeable effort, creativity and inventiveness. Aside from the trophies, absolutely everyone in the parade, from the 5-year-old on a trike to the police who help mark off the streets, gets an Official Art Tougeau Parade Ribbon. Which is kind of the point.


March 15 | 7pm | FREE

In celebration of National Poetry Month, the Lawrence Arts Center and the Lawrence Public Library bring Poetry Off the Page to the city again this year. Lawrencians should expect to be surprised this April as Poetry off the Page partners and Poet in Residence Mark Hennessey delivers poetry to the public in fresh and surprising ways. Kicking off the Poetry Off the Page season this year is the Kansas State final of Poetry Out Loud, the national poetry recitation featuring the state most talented youth as they interpret and recite poems for the competition. Each year, over 250,000 8-12th grade students complete nationwide. State finalists win a trip to Washington DC to compete for a $20,000 scholarship award. With one of the strongest states in the competition each year, the Kanas youth competing in Poetry Out Loud provide new, fresh, and often moving interpretations of familiar, and not so familiar poems. Poetry Off the Page is a month-long, organic, series of events, that includes installations, readings, lectures and poetry centered happenings will take place through April. Lawrencians should be on the lookout for poetry to show up in unexpected places and ways. Check the Lawrence Arts Center eblasts and website for up to the minute details and reports.

upcoming performing arts

visiting & resident artists

• Sunday, May 26 from 2 to 5pm and 6 to 9pm, and Monday, May 27 from 2 to 5pm and 6 to 9pm, the Arts Center will host open workshop rehearsals of GROTESQUE ARABESQUE, Ric Averill’s Indie Opera based on the life and works of Edgar Allan Poe. The stories and poems included in the piece are Morella, The Tell-tale Heart, The Masque of the Red Death, Eleanora and Anabelle Lee. Community members of all ages are welcome to come and go and watch the creative process. Monday evening will include a culminating rehearsal performance of the work, which is slated for production by the Arts Center in the fall of 2014. • Save the date to audition for the fall production of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street on Tuesday, August 20 at 7pm. The dark fictional story of 18th Century serial killer Sweeny Todd has frightened theater-goers for over a century. We will be casting actors age 18 and up for our fall production. Rehearsals will begin September 29, with performance dates October 25 through November 2, including Halloween night!

for the

VISITING ARTISTS are invited throughout the year to work at the Arts Center for varying lengths of time creating exhibits and installations, participating in performing arts productions, and presenting art talks, workshops, and other innovative and interactive projects.



For more information or inclusion in listings, please contact Molly Murphy at molly@

Patrick Vincent received his B.F.A. from the University of Minnesota and his M.F.A. in printmaking from Arizona State University. He has worked for the design/letterpress workspace Studio on Fire, the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and Pyracantha Press. He operates Twin Bee Press. Check ceramics and printmaking listings in adult arts to find classes with resident artists Monika and Patrick.


downloadable map www.finalfridayslawrence.

Monika Laskowska was born in Bydgoszcz, Poland. She received her B.F.A. from the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology in Galway, Ireland, and studied at The National Art Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria as part of the Erasmus Exchange Program. She holds a B.A. in English from the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poland and an M.F.A. in ceramics from Ohio State University.

On the last Friday of every month, hundreds of people stream in and out of galleries, restaurants, bars and coffee shops in pursuit of art and music.

workshops and classes Hope Theodorus Ely, choreographer, Oklahoma Christa Assad, ceramics, Berkley Melissa Hale Coyle, choreographer, North Carolina Sam Chung, ceramics, Phoenix Elizabeth Gillaspy, choreographer, Texas Josh DeWeese, ceramics, Bozeman, Montana Ellie Goudie-Averill, choreographer, dancer, teacher, Philadelphia film Linda Hattendorf, filmmaker, New York City Poull Brien, filmmaker, New York City

make art, exhibit, lecture Charles Blanc and Tristan Surtees, Sans façon, architecture and public art, Calgary Willy Chyr, balloon installation, Chicago Luke Dubois, digital media, installation, Brooklyn Postcommodity Collective (Raven Chacon, Kade Twist, Nathan Young), installation, New Mexico performance Spencer Lott, puppeteer, Kansas City Seth Golay, actor, Kansas City Jim Korinke, actor, Kansas City Breanna Pine, actress, Los Angeles Diana Dresser, director and choreographer, Denver

Support for Visiting and Resident Artists program is provided by Ellie LeCompte, Anne and David Hollond, the Thomas D. Galloway Family, Jan and Jack Gaumnitz, Sally Hare-Schriner and Dan Schriner, Lori Norwood and Doug Stull, and Kay and Tom Carmody as well as many who joined in to “Raise the Paddle” at our 2012 benefit Art Auction. Additional funding for the Visiting and Resident Artists program is provided

Final Fridays are made possible by support from the Lawrence Arts Center, Downtown Lawrence, Inc., and the City of Lawrence


by the National Endowment for the Arts.

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APRIL 2 KU Wind Ensemble presents “In the Shadow of No Towers” 7:30 PM Lied Center of Kansas APRIL 19, 21, 25, 27 KU Opera presents “La Bohéme” 7:30 PM (2:30 PM 4/21) Crafton-Preyer Theatre For more information, visit


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summer at a glance! WEEK















Percy Jackson & Mythical Superheroes (1st-5th)

Secret Agent Spy Kids (1st-5th)

Jedi Knights and Rebel Princesses (1st-5th)

School of Rock (1st-5th)

OZ-tastic! (1st-5th)

Metals: Distinctive Design (6th-12th)

Animation Foundtion (6th-8th)

Darkroom Photography (9th-12th)

Pinhole Camera (6th-8th)

Digital Arts Camp (6th-8th)

Beginning Potter (9th-12th)

Hot Wax Treatment: Encaustic Painting (9th-12th)

Handbuilding with Clay (9th-12th)

Face Off: Creating Characters through Make-up Design (6th-12th)

Fashion Illustration (6th-12th)

Screenprinting & Digitally Based Printmaking (6th-12th)

Animation Foundation (9th-12th) Screenprinting & Digitally Based Printmaking (6th-12th) Explore Photoshop (9th-12th)

Graphic Novel (6th-8th) Say “Yes!” to Improv (6th-12th) Beginning Potter (6th-12th) Experimental Filmmaking (6th-12th)

Darkroom Photography (6th-8th) Summer Dance Intensive JUNE 11—JULY 3 (6th-12th; ballet level IV through VI) Katie and the Sunflowers (ages 3-5)

Dream Catchers (ages 3-5)

Ladders, Streamers, Boxes, Poles (ages 3-5)

SDT The Quilt Maker’s Gift JUNE 17—JUNE 28 (K-12th)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp I (1st-2nd)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp I (1st-2nd)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp II (3rd-5th)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp II (3rd-5th) SYT Starter Program: Pirates, Adventurers, and Buccaneers (K-2nd)

SYT The Pirates of Penzance MAY 28—JUNE 15 (3rd-8th) SYT Macbeth MAY 28—JUNE 23 (8th-12th)


details on pages 8 & 9

A RTS I N S TI TU TE S more on pages 10 & 11

S UMM ER I N T EN S see page 11
















Big Blue Planet (1st-5th)

Raiders of the Lost Art (1st-5th)

BOXico City (1st-5th)

Mythbusters, Incorporated (1st-5th)

Dr. Who’s Time Travelers Institute (1st-5th)

Beginning Potter (6th-12th)

Beginning Potter (6th-8th)

Handbuilding With Clay (6th-12th)

Downtown Documentary (6th-8th)

Metals: Distinctive Design (9th-12th) Portrait Lighting (9th-12th)

Narrative Filmmaking Instant Improv Troupe (6th-12th) (9th-12th)

iPhonography: The Art Downtown Documentary (9th-12th) of Taking Photos With a Cell Phone (6th-12th) Life Drawing (9th-12th) Experimental Drawing & Painting (9th-12th)

Architecture & Landscape Drawing to Develop Your Portfolio (9th-12th)

Drawing Alternatives to Develop Your Portfolio (9th-12th)

Explore Photoshop (9th-12th)

Summer Dance Intensive JULY 9—AUGUST 1 (6th-12th; ballet level IV through VI) Fairyopolis (ages 3-5)

Enchanted Forest (ages 3-5)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp I (1st-2nd)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp I (1st-2nd)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp II (3rd-5th)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp II (3rd-5th)

I Wish I Were a Butterfly (ages 3-5)

SYT The Complete History of Kansas ... JULY 1—JULY 20 (3rd-8th)


SYT Hairspray JULY 1—JULY 28 (8th-12th)

The Ultimate Underground (ages 3-5)




S UMMER YOUTH TH E ATE R • S UMME R DA N C E C A M P S descriptions on pages 20 & 21

see pages 16 & 17 for additional information

you make the difference THANK YOU TO ALL ARTS CENTER DONORS The Arts Center, a qualified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is a creative gathering place, a place to be captivated by the power of art. Each year we welcome more than 200,000 patrons through our door and provide job opportunities to more than 150 visual artists and performers. We ask for the support of local businesses and individuals to make sure we can continue to be a resource for all in our community — scholarships, workshops, artists’ residencies, exhibits, and performances are just a few of the ways your support can make a difference!

Special thanks to these Inspiration Society members, 2013 Anonymous Jolisa and Don Buchner Kay and Tom Carmody Sarah Fayman Ray Fleming

Thomas D. Galloway Family Jan and Jack Gaumnitz Anne and David Hollond Gunda and Dave Hiebert Diane and Al Horning

Debby and Rocco Landesman Ellie LeCompte The Bob Moore Family Barbara Nordling Pete Rowland

Nicole and Dan Sabatini Dru and Bill Sampson Paula and Miles Schnaer Sally Hare-Schriner and Dan Schriner

Doug Stull and Lori Norwood Susan and Brad Tate Evan Williams and Roger Walter

Patty and Marty Kennedy Laura Kirk and Paul Fellers Karen and Ed Komp Jay Hauptli and Cindi Kroll Hauptli Tony Krsnich Sacie and David Lambertson Jill and Mark LaPoint Michel and Burdett Loomis Lois Orth-Lopes & Steve Lopes Alli and Shane Lopez Grace and Chito Manalo Carrie and Jim Mandigo Bailey and Justin Marable Cindy and Michael Maude Kathy and Steve McDowell Carol and Gene Meyer Dee and Mike Michaelis Leigh and Greg Moore Timothy and Kristin Morland Molly Murphy Melissa McCormick and Ed Noonen Deborah and Mike Orozco Vickie and Jim Otten

Nancy and John Parker Amy and Chris Phalen Sally and Lynn Piller Kim and Mike Rack Mick Ranney Durand Reiber and Marty Moore Sherri Soule and Tom Ruddy Jamie Rutledge and Deborah Woodall Leni and Neil Salkind Elizabeth Schultz Lisa and Dolph Simons Dona and Bill Snead Pam and Mike Sullivan Sidney and Tod Sutton Marianne and Giles Thompson Gail and Kevan Vick Margaret Weisbrod Morris and Jonathon Morris Annette and Ken Wertzberger Mary Wharff and Andy Bloomer Susie and Steve Wilson Judy and Jack Wright Doug Wolff and Nancy Yost

Many thanks to these members of the Imagination Society, 2013 Ben Ahlvers Anonymous Jean and Justin Anderson Jeanne and Ric Averill Linda Bailey Tom Bartel Kelly Barth and Lisa Grossman Jennifer and Eric Barton Susan and Jim Bateman Beverly Smith Billings Jack Collins and Bob McCaffrey Amanda Clark and Reid Bork Dorothy and Bob Bowline Anne and Wally Brockhoff Christine Brandt and John Gary Brown Eliza and John Bullock Grace and Tom Carmody Barbara and Bill Carswell Carol Ann Carter Julie and Wayne Carter Ellen and Brad Chindamo Amy and David Clark Phyllis and Louis Copt

The Stephen J Craig Family Fund of the Douglas County Community Foundation Janet Davidson-Hues and Roger Shimomura Marilyn and Tom Dobski Vicki and Joe Douglas Clare Doveton Kaye and Chris Drahozal Elizabeth Miller and Lindy Eakin Chris Wolf Edmonds and Steve Edmonds Gretchen and Mark Edwards Dana Fertig Betsy and Tim Forcade Colette and Ron Gaches Brenda Gadd Melody and Joe Gatti Virginia and John Gaunt Sandra Gautt Matt Gilhousen Bobbie and Steve Gish Kerry and Jeff Glasgow Joan and Web Golden

Emily Hill and Burke Griggs Sue and Al Hack Erin and Justin Hamilton Teresa and Chris Hanna Saralyn Reece Hardy Terri and Tom Harper Tracy Harrison and Vic Peterson Tanja and Kelly Harrison Sandra and Don Hazlett Barbara and Jon Heeb Stan Herd Marcia and Stephen Hill Barbara and Steven Hillmer Jackie and Russell Hilton Marilyn and Brian Horsch Heather and Matthew Hoy Scott McBride Smith and Charles Hung Sheryl and Bud Jacobs Robin and Terry Jacobsen Jennifer Jarnot and Jerry Kunkel Stephen Johnson Kay and Monte Johnson Betsy and Maurice Joy

Thank you to these Lawrence businesses for their support of the Lawrence Arts Center (also see major sponsors on page 2) 715 AesthetiCare American Century Investments Ann Dean Photography Arizona Trading Company AT&T Foundation Au Marche Beimer’s BBQ Berry Plastics Bittersweet Garden & Floral Black Hills Energy Boston Financial Data Services Boulevard Brewing Company Bracker’s Good Earth Clay Capital City Bank CEK Insurance


Checkers City Wine Market Community Mercantile CornerBank Cottin’s Hardware Creative Road Studio Dennis Brown Painting Dillon’s Douglas County Bank Dr. John H. Hay, D.D.S., Inc. First State Bank & Trust The Floor Trader Free State Brewery Fun & Games Gaches, Braden, and Associates Gould Evans

7 8 5 . 8 4 3 . 2 7 8 7 | l a w r e n c e a r t s c e n t e r. o r g

Grandstand Sportswear Graham Enterprises Great Harvest Bread Co. HyVee Images Ingredient Invisible Hand Gallery Johnny’s Tavern J&S Coffee Kennedy Glass KU Credit Union Landmark National Bank Lawrence Decorating Center Lawrence Paper Company Liberty Hall Local Burger

Love Garden Marinello School of Beauty Mass Street Music McCaffrey-Collins Interior Design McDonald’s of Lawrence Microsoft Corporation Morgan Stanley Smith Barney O’Malley Beverage Pachamamas Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Pendleton’s Country Market Peoples Pew Charitable Trusts Prairie Elf Tree Farm SafeCo Stephens Real Estate

Sunfire Ceramics Sunflower Rental, Inc. Sylas & Maddy’s The Raven Bookstore The Write Design Toyota Vinland Valley Nursery Wal-Mart Weaver’s Wheatfield’s Wilkerson, Saunders, Anderson, DDS Yarn Barn


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Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage Directed by Scott C. Knowles April 3, 4, 5, 7*, 9, 10, 11, 2013 Inge Theatre

La Boheme by Giacomo Puccini Staged in cooperation with the School of Music and KU Opera featuring the KU Symphony Orchestra Conducted by David Neely, Stage directed by Linda Ade Brand April 19, 21*, 25, 27, 2013 Crafton-Preyer Theatre Unless noted, all performances are at 7:30 p.m.

* 2:30 p.m.

For tickets, call 785.864.3982 or log on to KUTHEATRE.COM 2012-13 season sponsored by 833 Massachusetts (785) 749-4333











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