Never Say Never: Teenage Magazine

Page 1

teenage magazine


What Happened on 27M?


The InterRail Experience


Love With the Enemy


I didn’t Want to but...

Subject AP6: Des del magazine hasta el fanzine Elisava 4t GSD Magazine Never Say Never 2011 Edited & Graphic Design Laura Campos Solanas Print: Digiprint Barcelona Š juliol 2011





ED LETTER 20/07/2011 number

NEVER give up and fight for what you want, if you do not want before you pass this remedy put whatever they tell you are strong and can overcome.

SAY you can and will get, and we are always to help if others do not. NEVER so don’t give up and live life as much as you can all have problems but we can remedy or see the positive side of it all.


Never Say Never Magazine

index page 3

editor’s letter page 3

readers letters page 40


I didn’t Want to but...

page 4


What Happened on 27M?

page 12



especial pages


Love With the Enemy

page 34


“I didn’t want to but...

6 sex

...why I don’t stop in time?” I’m 15 and pregnant i was 12 weeks when i found out. My baby daddy is not there he’s embarrassed of being seen in public with me, he doesn’t want anyone knowing he’s going to be a dad so i have to be a single mum so far i am 19 weeks and still he is not around.

“When you find something you have to decide, and you can’t pass up...” It changed my life and took my singing career away now I’m here alone being a single mum with family support and none from him. it wasnt long till i knew he would not change.

I was only 17 when i found out i was pregnant. I did not get a pregnancy test done right away because i could just tell. I told the baby father and he was as happy as could be. I finally took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. So I ended up telling my mum and she had me go to the doctor. when they took me in for my first ultra sound that is when it all went down hill. They were sitting there for 10 minutes to find my baby.

“I must accept the consequences...” Which they should have seen cause i was already 2 months pregnant. Comes to find out when i was bleeding a week before and i thought it was normal because my mum bleed with me in her first trimester comes to find out I miscarried.

7 Never Say Never Magazine


Me and my boyfriend of 2 years on and off were deviated. But we named her Marie after my dead sister. For all you teen mums out there you may have hard times but just remember your baby is a miracle and you are lucky to have them.

“I could not go out partying, drinking or sagging” My name’s Kahlia and I’m 15 years old. When I was 13 my boyfriend Josh and I decided that we loved each other and wanted to share special for the first time with each other. About 3 months later, I started feeling sick and strange, at this time my mum was a hard core drug addict and my dad was in prison for theft. I didn’t have much of a family life but when I realised that I was pregnant, I was kind of happy that I had someone who will love me now. I told Josh I was pregnant when I was 2 months, he said “its good noticeable, but I don’t know what my parents are going to say”.

After that it was hard to contact him and hard to find him around, 3 months later, I found out that he and his parents had moved to a different state and to make things worse I had been kicked out of home bye my mother, I moved into a single mothers home, there were many other teen mums there with me, some of who were also still pregnant. My dad was release from jail when I was 8 months pregnant, he found me in the home, he invited me out to lunch at his new apartment, when he looked down at my belly it was a whole different story, he kicked me to the ground and I had passed out.

“...I sometimes regret, sometimes I think the best thing that ever happened to me” I woke up a few hours later in the hospital, there were doctors everywhere telling me that I was in labour and I had to start pushing, 11 hours later my beautiful baby girl Katie-lee was born. My dad is now back in prison for child abuse and attempted murder. Now I’m back at school I am studying to become a nurse so I can help out girls like myself.

8 sex

When my partner and I knew she was pregnant, don’t doubt for a minute. We had relatives who were very bad what he did, even pushed us because we change their minds. We had talked about it but taking 23 years you can not afford to have children and more, no home, no money, no job. She continue with our lives than ever, but with the question “what if ...”

My girl had the baby because I wanted without my opinion. She said she was ready and that he wanted to be a mom. As the months passed, behaved differently. Had the baby very soon and they had had to put it in the incubator, the day she left the hospital I never heard of it. He left me alone with a baby. Now 6 years old and is what I love most in the world but when he was born was not prepared to be a dad.

9 Never Say Never Magazine

I get pregnant at 18, but even if wanted to have an adult and can do what I wanted, someone told me that if I had that baby would throw my life away. I’m glad not to have had, I was not ready and everything was left as a big shock. I think before doing things.


I thought about abortion but he said he wanted to have it, a month and a half went to another and I stayed with all. I never trust him.

10 sex

Hello, I am Sara. I am from a small town not known to many people. I had my twins, Jera and Bentley. They are my everything. I was with their father,Joshua, for a year. Yeah, two teenagers thinking it would be a reality. After our first time of ever having sex, I realized that I was pregnant. I was 16 at the time. He was 18. We were two kids in high school. He tried to kill my babies multiple times, he said he was not ready to be a father, I wasn’t ready to be a mum either. Well, obviously we broke up. He was there for their birth, two healthy babies, one boy and one girl. He is still here occasionally.

“I was left alone... with 17 years and a baby” I am now 17 and my beautiful twins are 14 months old. I am not with Joshua anymore, but I am with another man who stepped up without me ever asking him to help out and be a father to my children. Joshua is still around. Look girls, I am not here saying my babies are horrible or anything like that but being a young mother is the hardest thing that you will EVER do. And if you become pregnant remember it IS okay to be scared.

My name is lexi and i got pregnant at 14 and my son isaiah. he is my world and I’d not change anything. I was kicked out of my house when my dad found out I was pregnant because he did not like black people. So i moved in with my son’s father.

“I think that the boys and the girls have the same responsibility” I ended up moving to Florida with my aunt and uncle. i have lived here for 2 years now and my son is going to be 2 in august. Having a baby young is hard but it is well worth it. i love my son and i will not trade him for anything. don’t ever let anyone hold you back go for what you want. i am a straight a stundet and have a job. if i can do it you can too!

Centre jove de d’anticoncepció i sexualitat: et preocupa la relació amb els altres se’t trenca el preservatiu la regla se t’endarrereix o estàs embarassada vols conèixer els anticonceptius tens dificultats en les relacions sexuals tens picors o molèsties vols orientació sobre la Sida o desitges fer-te la prova necessites informació o material

93 415 10 00 c/ La Granja 19, bxs 08024 Barcelona Dilluns de 10 a 19h Dimarts i Dimecres de 12 a 19h Dijous de 12 a 14 i de 16 a 19h Divendres de 10 a 14h


What Happened on 27M?

15 Never Say Never Magazine


Revolution Ends in Barcelona: The Police Evicted the Camp Police agents have entered at half past eight in the morning the camp installed for 15 days at Catalonia Square and have encircled the assembly formed by the 450 people who slept there, enabled the middle of the square.

All photographs are owned and distributed #acampadabcn

The trucks are still stuck in the area, some with wheels punctures. The situation is tense and relatively peaceful, which means that any spark could cause re-fighting between them. Other protesters are making a human chain holding up the arms to strengthen established the first to have blocked the passage of trucks.The Medical Emergency System has reported that so far have given fourteen people, all of them with minor injuries. One is an agent of the Autonomous Police. Another of the wounded have been taken to hospital Clinic.The camp also reported that the Police Force are using rubber bullets to attack concentrates.In the photos show a group of riot police Force has evacuated a group of protesters sat down on truncheon blows. The outraged at all times maintained a peaceful attitude, and there were also several families of young and elderly. The images show an agent of the police pulling kicked the demonstrators.Protesters have responded with cries of “This is your democracy,â€? and have not had an attitude in no time even violent aggression of the Autonomous Police agents. Crò could capture these images from Plaza Catalonia after successive charges incurred by the PoliceThe police have

16 life

Workers cleaning BCNET are outraged, their trucks were used to screen and forced them to remove objects from the concentration of Plaza Catalunya. “Our job is to keep the city clean, not to cover immoral actions committed by the Mossad.” Some workers refused but were threatened with dismissal and sanctions. Support the ideas of change are expressed in Plaza Catalunya. failed to load deter protesters preventing trucks from the brigade to take the camp Municipal scrapped from Catalonia Square. More than a thousand people are still sitting at the feet of the riot, which have not achieved the goal of dissolving. The agents have communicated the goals of the action, the place clean and remove dangerous objects to avoid riots if there is celebration on Saturday for FC Barcelona winning the Champions League. They also said they should be removed while it lasts and that the action should take everything that belongs to them and all that is left to guard Sot noon until Monday. So far, the camp have not moved from the center of the square. While the meeting assessed the situation, have begun cleaning equipment to clean the peripheral part of the Plaza Catalonia, placards dismantled and removed items.

The European Committee against Torture Puig deals with eviction in Plaza Catalunya Some camped reproached members of the brigade who collaborate in this action, even against a strong police presence and not go further than that. While the action was taking place while the assembly continues to camp concentrates on discussing the issue, many people have arrived, and some other curious people who supported the initiative of the outraged. The friction of the trucks have arrived when cleanliness brigade tried to leave the place with objects that the security device is considered conclusive. At the time of the evacuation, the protesters who were outside the camp prevented the passing lorries, and were seated in front of the convoy while shouting “Do not pass. “ Protesters and police have led:

“The camp of Plaza Catalonia have promised to return, and have organized a rally today at 7 PM in the Plaza. Meanwhile, think about alternatives to eviction this morning” Through social networks, has announced a rally tonight at 7 at Plaza Catalonia, to defend the right to camp all outraged. Meanwhile, they are thinking about possible alternatives to eviction, and I think in the Ciutadella Park as a viable location. The camp is asking the public to mobilize against this eviction, and have called this evening to attend to the concentration of Plaza Catalonia.

17 Never Say Never Magazine

During the day of reflection, has not registered any riot and the Catalan police have not intervened, although the Central Electoral Board (CEB) Friday banned the protests. In a crowded House, with more than 5,000 people, “outraged” have agreed to a large demonstration on 15 June with final concentrations of Parliament and two more next week against cuts in education and health. The protest against cuts in public education will be May 24 and leaving the square to complete the University’s Department of Universities, while protests against tisorada to health care is 27 May and left the square Columbus. Meanwhile, this Sunday will also decide what steps to take and if the camp continues or is dismantled. Another proposal is approved every day from six in the afternoon, the Plaza Catalonia will become a forum for debate because the demand for long and he “does not end tomorrow. “ In fact, this Sunday 22M boosted a “votació” humorous: they seek citizenship in the city center and do bouncing balls. Thus, according to the camp, we want to get hold of important and fun way to election day.

“There was justification for legal action” as it hicieron los police. “as it wished and planned” Felip Puig, consejero Interior of the Government, has defended layer and the sword of the past actions of the police Friday that he left a 27 hurts after several hundred loads acampados


police against them in the Plaza of Catalonia in Barcelona. According the “Democratic State in which there was due to the police when Dice that must leave, or who can not enter the square, although we do not like the sort”.The Consejero, which comparecido this Wednesday to give ante explanations for police actions in a Commission Catalan Parliament, has justified the police charge and has reaffirmed.

Comunicado del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona donde condenan y denuncian los abusos cometidos por los Mossos de Escuadra el pasado viernes 27 de Mayo durante el desalojo de #acampadabcn The protest against cuts in public education will be May 24 and leaving the square to complete the University’s Department of Universities, while protests against tisorada to health care is 27 M. Meanwhile, this Sunday will also decide what steps to take and if the camp continues or is dismantled. Another proposal is approved every day from six in the afternoon, the Plaza Catalonia will become a forum for debate because the demand for long and he “does not end tomorrow. “ In fact, this Sunday 22M boosted a “votació” humorous: they seek citizenship in the city center and do bouporta election day.

19 life

20 life

Felip Puig, the Minister of Interior of the Generalitat, has defended tooth and nail the performance of the Autonomous last Friday that left 27 injured after several hundred police charges against the campers at the Plaza de Catalunya in Barcelona. According to him “in a democratic state must obey the police when he says he must leave, or you can not enter.”

The manifestations of Barcelona have surpassed all expectations and resulted also a lesson for the local press for Catalan political parties and the institutions of the Generalitat. Artur Mas phrases and his Minister for the Interior are not to forget: “urban guerrilla”, “street violence”, “outraged converted into worthless,” “CiU voters are more outraged they are a minority.”

21 Never Say Never Magazine

“There was justification for legal action” as it did the police. “As it wished and planned.”

The Minister of Interior says that nothing is done before by “do believe” the campers that the police wanted to “break the concentration.”

He admits that the intervention was not “as planned” because “do not value the level of aggressiveness of the campers.’


You Can’t Leave our Dreams

24 life

The Police Assaulted Me The person in wheelchair pictures eviction complaint that tried to attack Mossos receiving bumps and scratches on the chair. I am the person in a wheelchair that appears in many photographs of the attempted eviction in Plaza Catalunya and I want to name the images that are at issue. My name is Sebastian Ledesma Moran, I have 55 years and I want to clarify three things: 1) That the images are a true reflection of what happened there. 2) The Catalan police as I was defending the counselor told Felip Puig and some media, but I was attacking, as well as bumps and scratches credited having the seat on the left side, caused by a hit with batons. 3) Do not receive any shock in my body because the Mosso threatening me with his baton (as shown in photo) was arrested by another Mosso, who said, “No, dammit, this did not, that take us to court “. I also want to make clear that I am neither a hero nor a victim, not a “violence “ or, much less an unconscious. Only I am, neither more nor less, a more indignant. Every day participate in the activities of Plaza Catalunya, in particular the functional diversity committee, which among others deals with issues of disability.And rest assured that we will protest and peaceful struggle until this state of things disappear. I have to take the chair the workshop for repair, otherwise paint rubbing rust. I do not know or care about whether this expenditure will only account of mine, mind you. What really worries me is that I was young I had to run in front of the gray and that police, who thought of mine, made ​​me run in front of them. To see how I explain to my daughters now that this is the police that we asked. During the police charge felt several Mossos saying, in Castilian all by the way: “What makes this man here? Take him away! Take him! “. I bow to that question because I was there: I have every right and every duty to be as outraged. Why did not want it to be? Why difficult to deliver blows pleasure? And I think a very serious controversy generated by the possibility that I have stuck to me and instead it seems that no matter what other people do who were attacked or suffer severe anxiety attacks. All are equal before the law and have the same right of expression and self-defense, especially against aggression such as free Friday night. Those who were behind my chair, who wanted to spank Mossos were because I told them to hide there, convinced me I would make a big deal. Nobody tampered with or had to protect my fellow outraged, as has been said. Only I felt manipulated by the version of Felip Puig on policing and I only needed to be protected from his Mossos. We were doing peaceful resistance to the entrances to the plaza, to prevent the trucks leave our belongings. As you have seen, we could not recover anything from what they took, or the signatures collected, or moving or anything. In addition, downloaded into a field like a dump. Only after the time I was afraid of the photos, when thousands of supporters surrounded the square and booed the Mossos. I was afraid you jumped on them, the Autonomous respond and had a great misfortune. Were moments of great, great tension. Were times of another era, one who believed we had overcome long ago.

25 Never Say Never Magazine

“All the images are a true reflection of what happened there”

“I don’t receive any shock in my body because the Mosso threatening me with his baton was arrested by another Mosso, who said: “No, dammit, this did not, that take us to court ““


The Revolution Has just Begun


love with the enemy...

30 love

story section part I

Soccer Story Let’s see how you my story. It all started a month of February 2001. My boyfriend had left the Valentine after 7 years of relationship and Julio, my friend whospent many hours at work each day I liked. Let’s see how you my story. It all started a month of February 2001. My boyfriend had left the Valentine after 7 years of relationship and Julio, my friend who spent many hours at work each day I liked. One night we went out together with some friends and I declared. We spent very nice stories and many other very bad, but always moved forward. We married, and soon after my daughter was born. When we had been married for 5 years after months of many fights where the money was the main problem, one day my mother and I went to the bank because they had returned all the receipts and found out by security cameras of the entity that had my parents won a lot of money (more than 6,000 €) decided to part, could not stay with him.

There was a friend, Harvey helped me a lot to overcome, without it today would not be writing these lines. One day I went out with Javi and my small Naiara for a ride. The truth is that was very concerned when I saw her and her ex-partner did not feel especially well. The next day we talked on the phone, and another and another, and each passing day I kept thinking about him when we talked about what was not missing and I really do not understand what was happening to me, could not be that after all these years of knowing I had a crush on him, I refused to accept it and we were very good friends and One day talking on the chat I noticed that something did not want to lose him. Every day I talked to him felt that her love grew stronger and stronger but did not know how to tell.

31 Never Say Never Magazine

“Reial Club Deportiu Espanyol of Barcelona is a sports club based in Barcelona, Spain. It’s best known for its football team” “Futbol Club Barcelona (also known as Barça) is a Spanish professional football club, based in Barcelona, Catalonia” “Assuming that there is an equal derby and I’m not referring strictly to the sport, has served as for parakeets win this game is a real feat.


32 love

test section part II

Couple or rivals? One day I went out with Javi and my small Naiara for a ride. The truth is that was very concerned when I saw her and her ex-partner did not feel especially well. The next day we talked on the phone, and another and another and they love it.

*NICKNAME: Mark *how do you feel today? Good *THE NEXT MOVIE THAT YOU INTENDED TO GO TO SEE THE FILM? I don’t know *EYE COLOR: Brown *you wear contact lenses? Yes *Your favorite month? August *your favorite day of the week? Saturday *the last insult you said? Fuck *BEACH OR POOL? Pool *SUMMER OR WINTER? Spring *KISSES OR HUGS? Hugs *CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Vainilla *DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? Yes *FIRST THING YOU DO TO WAKE UP? Nothing *HOW MANY rings before GRAB THE PHONE? Two *Did you have imaginary friends as a child? No *WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SERIES? Fringe *TATTOOS OR PIRCIENGS: Tattoo *What if YOU won the lottery? Travel *Favorite food: Pizza *DISNEY OR WARNER: Disney *Do you smoke? Yes *FAVORITE SPORT: Football and basketball *A TEAM: RCD Espanyol *A place you’d go: New York and Egipt

33 Never Say Never Magazine

*NICKNAME: Yoko *how do you feel today? Fine! *THE NEXT MOVIE THAT YOU INTENDED TO GO TO SEE THE FILM? Harry Potter 7 *EYE COLOR: dark brown, very dark *you wear contact lenses? Yes *Your favorite month? July *your favorite day of the week? Saturday *the last insult you said? I do not want to say *BEACH OR POOL? Beach *SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer, of course! *KISSES OR HUGS? Hugs *CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Chocolate *DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? Yes *FIRST THING YOU DO TO WAKE UP? Order 5minutes *HOW MANY rings before GRAB THE PHONE? Two *Did you have imaginary friends as a child? No *WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SERIES? Friends and Glee *TATTOOS OR PIRCIENGS: Tattoo *What if YOU won the lottery? Travel *Favorite food: Japanese *DISNEY OR WARNER: Disney *Do you smoke? No *FAVORITE SPORT: Artistic gymnastics i skating *A TEAM: FC Barcelona *A place you’d go: London and New York


34 readers letters

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I found a website where you take a plane costs about 20eu ros, more or less. And just for the European Union, but it went to the United States does not pass 30 0 Seize it! I have already taken ti ckets for New York and Berlin.




is a railway The InterRail pass ly to those who ticket, available on in Europe for a t en d si re n ee b e v ha ths[1. minimum of six mon ited travel The pass allows unlim eriod of time. for a predefined p


15-M Movement: hope or frustration In my humble view mature, not old, with 70 calendars under my belt, I fin ally glimpsed the young people have awak ened. 15-M The Movement is stirring our con sciences and emphatically tells us that so ciety must change to end inequality, corruption, unemployment, and so on. Only the privileged and those who already have the springs eno ugh to harness the power from the shadow s can be afraid of change being proposed by this breath of fresh air. Our children an d grandchildren deserve a legacy of nd pros perity. It is very important that this effort will translate to black and white ends up as a proposal to the Congress of Deputies. Th e experience of the elderly should be of ser vice 15-M and become the barrier to the hop e of our from becoming frustrated.


35 Never Say Never Magazine

I think THAT i’m


about Society. They ed ag tr ou e ar rs pe m For some, the ca bottle ... Quite the we at th s, ct di ad ug s, say that we are dr people of all ages, sexe e ar on ti ia ec pr Ap he opposite. T , countries and ideas. ps ou gr l ica lit po , ns io cultures, relig tirees, udents, housewives, re st e ar on ti ia ec pr Ap The of professionals s nd ki l al d an s ur ne reelancers, entrepre s and engineers. such as lawyers, doctor cy is not just voting ra oc m de at th k in th on The Appreciati what we ee speech and this is fr t bu s, ar ye ur fo every using, employment, ho e lik r te at m at th and do. Talk about things one vote. We are open d an ics lit po , er nd ge environment, in the caucuses. te pa ici rt pa n ca en iz ee tolerant: any cit diabetic or gluten fr , an ri ta ge ve ls, ea m We make regular ghts than portance to human ri im e or m ve gi e W c. for celia any football fans M t. ar he e th of s m ogra football, bulls and pr see the match between to se fu re we t bu ta are Perroflau r wild police charge. te af ed it Un r te es ch Barcelona and Man


forbidden lo


Many things unite us Sem prun. His ten exterminat ure in the ion camp a t Buchenw to come o a ld w as crucial ver the Jew ish people. survive, bu M a naged to t there wa s two indel the smell of ib le memories: burning fles h and the 4 tattooed o 4 ,9 0 4 number n his skin. Rebuilt his his work w life and bu ith fragmen ilt ts of their tried to ex memories. H plain the u e nexplainable a n d in t el le w it h c ou c t u a l c o h er rage en c e. J u st set foot in la st y ea r Buchenwald he , where he Jewish child re m in de ren. These w d the ere his words memories of : “A ll E u ro pean resistance and suffer within ten in g on ly, shall, years, as a refuge and the exterm st ro n gh old for ination of Jewish mem disappears ov or y . “Witness er barbarism but we will his work, a a lw ays have book full of life and love sincere con of life.Our dolences to the family Semprun.


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