Camera Work Magazine

Page 48

Camera Work XLVII, 1914-1915


NOTHER year of experimenting done. Nine years of public experimenting. Experimenting in the little garret — variously termed Photo-Secession, Little Gallery, "291"— at 291 Fifth Avenue, New York. Several thou-sand visitors. Not, by far, as many as in former years. Curiosity seekers have fallen away. Had anything been done? Anything added? Comparing the year to past years, subconsciously visualizing the year in connection with the coming year. What work was to be done during the coming year? As I was thinking of these things—without crystalizing any thought—it flashed through my mind that, during the past year, a certain question had been put to me, more and more frequently. The question: "What does '291' mean?" 1 re-membered the half-conscious, invariable answer. I remembered shrugging my shoulders amusedly, smiling as I replied: "291, what does it mean?" Letters too had come from Europe, quite a few, asking me that same question, "What is it, this '291' that people are talking about?" Most of these inquiries remained unanswered, filed away. Some were answered in the same spirit as the questioners in the little garret had been answered. And as all this passed through my mind it suddenly struck me to ask myself, "What is '291'?" Do I know? No one thus far had told the world. No one thus far had suggested its real meaning in CAMERA WORK, and so again it flashed upon me to ask myself, "What is 291?" I would like to know. How find out? Why not let the people tell me what it is to them. And in telling me, perhaps they will tell each other. Some say 'tis I. I know it is not I. What is it? And then and there I decided that a number of CAMERA WORK should be devoted to this question. I decided that the number should contain no pictures: I decided that forthwith I would ask twenty or thirty people, men and women, of different ages, of different temperaments, of different walks of life, from different parts of the country, and some in Europe, to put down in as few words as possible, from ten to no more than fifteen hundred, what "291" means to them; what they see in it; what it makes them feel. Not what it is. And I would ask them to eliminate, if possible, any reference to myself. I felt that in this way I might possibly find out what "291" is, or come near to finding it out. For if all would write what they felt in their hearts, a common note in all probability would run through all the worded heartbeats. And thus too the world might learn to know. The next morning as people began coming into the little garret, I began my selection. To those who did not come, and could not come, and whom I felt should be represented, I wrote. In due course the MSS. came in. Instead of twenty or thirty there were over sixty-five. Some who heard of the idea volun-teered because they were delighted with the opportunity of saying something. And now, herewith, I publish what has been received. There has been no editing, and what has been received is published.

alfred stieglitz Camera Work


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