Latinos on Boards 2020

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August / September 2020 Vol. 21 No. 4

al eci n Sp itio Ed

Our 11th Annual






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Leadership requires diverse thinking.

Joseph J. Echevarria BNY Mellon Board Chair since 2019 Board Member since 2015

At BNY Mellon, we celebrate the strength that comes from diversity. So we’re proud to congratulate Joe on being recognized by Latino Leaders Magazine in its Latinos on Boards issue. We thank Joe for his many contributions on the BNY Mellon board and salute his distinguished leadership and lifelong commitment to diversity and inclusion. He’s one more person at BNY Mellon who knows what it means to Consider Everything.

Consider Everything ©2020 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Mauricio Gutierrez,

Man Made Out of Energy • 18 AMauricio Gutierrez, President and CEO of NRG and youngest Latino CEO.

By Example John Agwunobi of • 22 Leading Herbalife Nutrition talks about fostering a diverse and inclusive organization

• 26

Diversifying Boards by Victor Arias

2020 list of Latinos on Board • 28 Our In collaboration with LCDA

• 109

LCDA’s Boards Aspiring Directors

for Board Directors about • 118 “Thoughts the Covid Playbook” By Kim Casiano

John Agwunob



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Publisher Jorge Ferraez

President and CEO Raul Ferraez

Administrative Director Lawrence Teodoro Editor Ximena Vivanco Business Development Manager Cristina Gonzalez Art Director Fernando Izquierdo Editorial Art & Design Carlos Cuevas Luis Enrique González Moisés Cervantes

WE’RE HAPPY to introduce our “jumbo” edition of 2020. This is the largest edition we have ever edited, and also a record breaking edition for us. The main topic is our list of the Latino on Boards and the interviews and profiles that are coming with it. For our team it represents a tremendous job and the number of interactions, emails, interviews, phone calls and everything else required to edit an issue like this is huge, but this year our editor and her team made a great accomplishment in bringing this rich, complex and very revealing feature. We want to recognize our sponsors and their support. This year we had a record number of 57 companies supporting the edition and the leaders we’re profiling and we’re proud of that, but at the same time we’re very thankful to all these great companies. Without them we would never edit an edition with such complexity. We’re also very appreciative of the individuals, most of them Board Directors who collaborated with their answers, visions, quotes and information. We received almost 170 responses from them. This is also huge for us! We also want to thank Esther Aguilera (and her staff), Executive Director of the Latino Corporate Directors Association and Victor Arias, Partner at Diversified Search for their support, partnership and guidance for the completion of this edition. Their input is key for this feature. Please enjoy this edition that Latino Leaders and its team proudly brings to you with our best effort in profile those Latinos having a real influence and significative impact in Corporate America in 2020.

Enjoy this edition. Jorge & Raul Ferraez Fall, 2020

Human Resources Manager Susana Sanchez Administration and Bookkeeping Claudia García Bejarano Executive Assistant to the Publishers Liliana Morales Digital Media & Design Manager Nicole Richard nicole@latinoleaders For advertising inquiries, please call 214-206-9587

Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino (ISSN 1529-3998) is published seven times annually by Ferraez Publications of America Corp., 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243, November/ December 2018. Subscription rates: In U.S. and possessions, one year $15.00. Checks payable to Ferraez Publications of America, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Latino Leaders, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA.© 2001 by Ferraez Publications of America Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino. The periodical’s name and logo, and the various titles and headings therein, are trademarks of Ferraez Publications of America Corp.

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Jorge Ferraez

Jorge Ferraez

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Latino Leaders The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243 Phone: 214-206-9587 / Fax: (214) 206-4970

06/10/20 11:12

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Character, Confidence and Competence. These are three words I resonated with during my interview with Cari Dominguez. What puts meaning in to our lives? How do we project our values and do our very best each day? For this 11th edition of Latino on Boards you will realize how these are questions that leaders have been not only thinking about throughout their careers but also during these unique times that we are living in. For this edition I was excited to be interviewing an array of leaders who continue to move the needle within their industries. From Mauricio Gutierrez, CEO of NRG and his take on changing the future of energy to Debra Sandler and Joe Alvarado and their view on what boards will look like in the next few years. You will also find a Q&A with John Agwunobi, Chairman and CEO of Herbalife. He dives in to what his diverse leadership role has been like when fostering a diverse and inclusive organization. Finally, Victor Arias from Diversified Sear and Kim Casiano, Independent Director, each bring their contributions through the telling of their latest experiences with COVID-19 and the effect it has created within boards and their meaning. Finally, it was a privilege to work together with LCDA and its members to make sure we not only celebrate current directors but that we also open the pipeline to those who are already leading the way to what the future of boards can look like. Working on this edition during tumultuous times has not only been a learning experience, but it took me to a state of hope. I see a present where things are starting to change but most importantly a future that is made accessible for all to thrive in. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Ximena Vivanco Editor 6 LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

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azzo Martin is the owner of his own Insurance agency in West Palm Beach, Florida. As a native of Miami, Florida he pursued his dream of becoming a small business owner when State Farm Insurance selected him for an agency francahise. This all happened in 1986 and within three years of opening his own agency, Lazzo was introduced to Comerica Bank. When Lazzo was looking into purchasing his first commercial office building, Comerica was instrumental in securing his first commercial venture. From credit lines to inisghts, Comerica Bank became integral to Lazzo’s operations. Lazzo's insurance agency offers everything from business and health insurance to banking and annuities. Through his business, Lazzo sees this as the opportunity to support others' financial future. "Our mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize theri dreams," Lasso says. He always carried his entrepreneurial side with him. He always imagined himself to be his own boss. Most specifically, Lazzo wanted to be able to control his own destiny both financially and personally. Through his business he reflects these values and wishes the same for others in his community. As a business owner, balance always comes to the test. Lazzo expresses not only

moments of doubt and uncertainty. Lazzo truly cares about his community and it's one of the main reasons why he continues to do what he does. He works constantly on his contributions and focus on the Hispanic market and their needs. He has found this to be an opportunity not only for his business to grow but also to increase wealth within the community. He has done this for thrity-four years and as a result he has become a community leader, serving on multiple community boards. So, what's next? Lazzo sees the future of his agency as a crucial segway to help other individuals from his community create wealth and support their dreams. His work comes to a full circle after being grateful and realizing how individual freedom and the possibility to follow your dreams can take you a long way.

finding the time to balance his career and his family life a challenge but the fact that he also has to maintain the hiring and quality of his employees. Today, as COVID-19 has hit Lazzo's community, his business continues to be open and works around the challenges that have been presented. Some of these challenges come from not only having to stay open but to help the clients in itself on managing their moneya nd trying ot have the best answers for them during


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aria Elena Gonzalez and Dr. Adalberto Gonzalez are not only husband and wife but together they run businesses to help people. Besides managing Adalberto’s surgical practice, Maria Elena found some space in the office to start her other business, Ideal Health & Wellness Med Spa. Adalberto is a retired doctor who attended Yale University and The University of Colorado Medical School. He completed his residency in General Surgery at Maricopa Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Maria Elena attended university in Arizona and majored in business. It was her job at Southern Pacific Railroad that supported them both throughout Adalberto’s medical training. Maria Elena has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. She began to run an essential oil business through the the LatinaStrong Foundation, where she acts as a founding board member and treasurer. Ideal Health & Wellness Med Spa surged after Maria Elena was introduced to colon hydrotherapy in 2016. After trying it out herself, she realized how helpful it was so she decided to invest in her own hydrotherapy system. It mostly began for personal use until her friends started using it. Her business started to grow with the use of Groupon in order to market it to a bigger audience. As in most businesses, the challenge for Maria Elena has been to generate new clients but with the use of Groupon the business has been growing. Comerica has been since the beginning giving Maria Elena the resources to keep doing what she mostly wants, to continue to grow a well established alternative medicine clinic. Comerica has not only assisted in establishing business accounts but they have been there to support this new endeavor and helping her achieve


her next goal which is to open a new clinic. Maria Elena firmly believes that this endeavor showed her husband how truly passionate she is about her desire to help other people and the satisfaction of doing so. Today, she still actively manages Adalberto’s surgical practice while managing her own business and agrees that without their teamwork efforts things would not be the same. FOLLOW US @latinoleadersmag

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ABOUT IDEAL HEALTH & WELLNESS MED SPA Our mission is to provide a high level of health and wellness to improve the lives in our community and bring self-esteem in every individual that we have the pleasure to meet. The uniqueness of our services will provide each individual with as much time and compassion that one needs at each and every visit in order to get to the core of your health and wellness concerns.


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06/10/20 11:31


UNCERTAIN TIMES REQUIRE DIVERSE VIEWPOINTS One day, once this crisis is over, we’re going to look back and marvel at the impressive juggling act senior business leaders are executing during these difficult times.

Ralph de la Vega is the former vice-vicechairman of AT&T Inc. He is the author of the best-selling book “Obstacles Welcome: Turn Adversity to Advantage in Business and Life.” He is also a LinkedIn influencer, posting regularly on leadership and innovation.

Ralph de la Vega

LOCKDOWNS. Declining revenues. Moving operations to the cloud. Employees working from home and changing how work is done. All of that while operating in a highly sensitive environment: an election taking place in a polarized nation further strained by issues of social justice.

The future of work

There have been only a few times in business history when companies have faced a more difficult environment to forecast revenues. How can they possibly develop an accurate forecasts when we don’t know when people will be able to get back to work, school, travel, attend live events, go to restaurants, or even hang out at a favorite coffee shop?

As leaders reinvent the way their companies operate, they also need to re-examine the future of work. And I’m not just talking about the working from home (or anywhere) phenomenon. I’m talking about having the right talent to help the company operate new business models, become more agile, and implement new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as operations move to the cloud. It’s a whole different way of doing business and companies that accelerated their move to the cloud need now to accelerate the re-skilling of their workforce accordingly. That’s not going to be easy in an already strained competition for that type of talent.

One of the ways many companies are managing to survive is by digitizing their operations faster than they had planned. That quick pivot is nothing short of commendable. Some businesses have managed to do in a matter of weeks the things they had previously thought would take years. But with accelerated change comes uncertainty. Take customer satisfaction as an example. The times when companies could wait months for the results of a customer survey to come in are over. Companies that have digitized quickly must be able to track their customers’ experience on a daily or weekly basis to avoid blind spots. A company lacking that quick feedback might, for instance, attribute a decline in business volume to the pandemic when, in fact, it might be caused by their customers’ dissatisfaction with the way they are being served in a new environment.

I really commend the leaders who are juggling all this change and uncertainty while avoiding a faux pas that could damage their brand’s reputation overnight. Without diminishing the work these leaders are doing, I suspect when we look back we’ll find that the most successful are those whose vision was complemented by a wide range of points of view: that of a diverse board of directors. Uncertain times require diverse viewpoints and diverse representation. There’s never been a more pressing time for boards to contribute multiple perspectives, whether it’s gender, ethnicity, age, or orientation, and to give leadership the best advice possible. I congratulate those corporations that are actively and genuinely seeking to diversify their boards. In my view, there is no better place to find the right talent than in the pages of this issue of Latino Leaders. Ralph

What revenues?

Rushing to the cloud

Too much to handle?


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t is common for companies to form a board of directors based on professional skills, diversity, financial investment, and ability to network to valued resources. In the article “A More Effective Board of Directors” from Harvard Business Review (HBR), it is portrayed that there are five (5) disrupters that tend to hinder the progression of boards toward self-actualization and high performance: lack of clarity, poor process management, lack of alignment and agreement on company strategy, poor team dynamics, and board composition. HBR author, Ana Dutra, states that classic dysfunctional examples include organizations where the company founder dominates board discussions and stifles all attempts to change and modernize the company or alter the composition of the board (i.e., poor team dynamics). In other cases, highly compensated boards literally run a company into the ground by churning through CEO after CEO (lack of strategic alignment). Other low-performing boards focus on recruiting “big-name” directors — typically high-profile CEOs — who are simply too distracted by operational and financial issues facing their own companies to make any significant contribution (poor board composition). Unfortunately, boards often lack the ability to objectively evaluate their makeup to determine if they have the right people and skills at the table. Now, what if we take into consideration assessing board member character strengths, which are based on core values and are the foundation of emotional intelligence to improve team dynamics and board composition. Might a board of directors balanced in their character strengths be better positioned to make well-aligned strategic decisions? Evaluating individual board member’s character strengths to better understand the overall board’s strengths, areas for improvement, meeting dynamics, and overall board functioning is critical. Exploring the board of directors’ interplay of character strengths can help to create synergy and a positive work environment, which can lead to high performing boards and greater engagement. Board members’ character strengths are more likely to influence the culture of the team. These character strengths, referred to as the team’s “Character Strengths Culture,” will affect the tone, feel of the board, and will suggest action tendencies. The team’s “Character Strengths Culture” will influence which character strengths are most encouraged and therefore what kinds of behavior the board will tend to express with enthusiasm. For instance, a board in which a majority of members possess curiosity may be most energetic about exploring new ideas and possibilities, whereas one high in self-regulation and perseverance may be most enthusiastic about issues of implementation such as meeting deadlines and staying on budget. The character strengths that the board members have in common can be an important source of cohesion as people with the same character strengths can have an affinity with one another. Yet, character strengths’ similarities and overlaps can sometimes become areas of conflict when people

with similar character strengths compete with one another for roles and assignments. According to the VIA Institute on Character, character strengths enable people to connect with what they are doing and with whom they are doing it. Scientists have identified 24-character strengths that you have the capacity to express. Although talents enable people to do things well, it is when work connects with their core character strengths that they feel that their work matters. Character strengths refers to what people CARE about doing and WHO they ARE. Consideration of character strengths humanizes organizations. Is your organization ready to adapt and boost your board effectiveness? Please feel free to contact AlliancesHub to receive more information about this article.

ABOUT JOE Joe Bacigalupo, MBA, MPEC, ACPEC is a Managing Partner and an Executive Advisor at AlliancesHub International, LLC. AlliancesHub offers Change Management and Strategy Consulting, Talent Optimization and Analytics, Leadership Development, and Executive/ Leadership Coaching services. 469-287-2086


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orporate America is probably one of the most powerful communities in the world. Together, these companies control a good chunk of the world economy, and also of the US economy. These are the companies that create jobs, mold commercial and industrial policy, introduce advancements, research, innovate and bring growth for investors and the economy. Every day, Corporate Governance becomes a larger issue for these public and private corporations. Business practice trends and new legislation is bringing them to have a more transparent, social responsible and accountable form of governance. We would like to say that for many of them –not the majority, though- diversity & inclusion has also acquired some relevance. But to what extent is that interest for Diversity and Inclusiveness? Well, their Board of Directors is a good place to start to measure it. Board of Directors are the guiding and governing force behind a CEO and its team. They provide vision, guidance and counseling but also accountability and principles. For 11 years, Latino Leaders has been editing the feature of “Latinos on Boards�. Our objective is to bring a snapshot of the role and relevance that Latino and His-

panic Directors are playing in Corporate America. As all these years, the following pages are filled with interviews, profiles and articles reflecting on the many topics of a well diversified Corporate Board and its benefits. Also, with visions and reflections on the enormous task to advance diversity and inclusion on them. This year, circumstances like the COVID-19 Pandemic and the anti racial movements (like Black Lives Matter) have had an influence on the visions and experiences of our leaders interviewed. The feature culminates with a list, of more than 260 individuals, all of them Directors of Corporate Public and Private companies. These individuals are a very distinguished, valuable community, that at the same time is very scarce. Our purpose, in part, is to invite and promote the fact that every year we find more leaders like the one featured in this edition. As we have done it for many years, we have partnered with great organizations such as the Latino Corporate Directors Association and firms like Diversified Search to gather data, that added to our own research in made into the most comprehensive list of Latinos serving on Boards. We recognize and appreciate their partnership, because our interests are aligned.


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A MAN MADE OUT OF ENERGY Mauricio Gutierrez is President and CEO of NRG. Gutierrez joined NRG in 2004 and helped build the company from a regional wholesale generation business to a national, Fortune 500, diversified energy company. Mauricio has led NRG's engineering and construction activities related to new generation and repowering projects.


nergy has always been part of Mauricio’s life. Whether it was the energy he needed to complete a swimming competition or electricity in all its forms. Mauricio Gutierrez recognizes and celebrates the lengths that one can take when surrounding oneself with energy. “My house was always filled with an entrepreneurial spirit.”, Mauricio says. He was born to entrepreneurial parents in Mexico. Since he can recall, his passion has always lead to engineering and its market. After realizing that oil and gas were not his number one interest, he decided to focus his career on electricity and what it represents. “Electricity is a better life. Whether it’s powerful hospitals or our connectedness. Electricity is progress.”, he expresses with passion. Mauricio grew up being a competitive swimmer, a sport that shaped his personality and discipline since he was young. As he began his career in Mexico and got involved with the Federal regulatory committee he continued to fall for the aspiration of competition and what competition could bring to different industries. As he spent his early years trading energy, Mauricio took the opportunity to come to the U.S. and join Dynegy as a trader. About four years passed and Mauricio quickly moved to become a managing director. It was

in 2004 when Mauricio realized that he had take a step back and and think about what was best for him in the future. Mauricio then took his next adventure at NRG. Mauricio has constantly put himself out there in positions that give him the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder. He mostly recognizes his rotational experiences and the power of mentorships. “I had great mentors that opened doors for me,” Mauricio says. From Portfolio Director to Vice President in Trading and on to CEO, Mauricio rose to the top. Coming up with this decision was not easy for him. It took some thinking to do in order to decided whether he saw himself as a trader or a manager. “It was tempting for me to go to Wall Street and be a trader but I realized that what I really wanted was to lead in a managing position.” He took the sacrifice to stop earning as a trader and be compensated as an executive. “It was a tradeoff,” he says. “I was a young executive.” At the time it didn’t always felt like a smart move for him, especially with the collapse of the market but it’s something that he most definitely doesn’t regret at all. Mauricio got to lead from a different standpoint and lead the moving ball of the industry. His first experiences at NRG started with sales and marketing. He began to excel in these early positions all due to the recognition of his role and how important it


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was for him to give his one-hundred and twenty percent of energy. “I really had the fortune to be at the right place at the right time,” Mauricio expreses when talking about his role as the youngest Hispanic CEO. “There are very few Hispanics that get this opportunity and I don’t take it for granted.”

Envisioning For The Better

One of Mauricio’s strongest believes is the power and choice consumers have to make today when making decisions of how and when to use electricity. He envisions a customer experience never seen before, where consumers have a transparent relationship with energy. “Our main purpose is to bring power of energy to the people and organizations. This means homes, hospitals, businesses.” Not only does Mauricio carry his responsibilities and visions as CEO but as a board member he understands how this role rises to another different level. He describes this duality of roles in two different ways: 1) to understand what the board needs to effectively carry all of its oversight responsibilities and 2) to provide clear and concise direction on strategy and initiatives. The dual role of being a colleague amongst his board members and the interpreter of the day to day operations is one Mauricio takes seriously.

As we continue to live through the effects of Covid, Mauricio highlights the importance of how things need to be done different in general. “We have to increase communication significantly. One thing that I’ve done is to increase the frequency and detail of dialogues within my board.” In today’s case, Mauricio recognizes how CEO’s and their relationships with the boards need to grow from both sides. Most especially, through his experience as taking both roles, he recognizes that a more frequent communication strategy could leave out all the anxiety and uncertainty that’s been. Seen recently. When it comes to building boards he recognizes how crucial it is to have a diverse mix of individuals. “The idea of a board for me is one where skills of the board members are complementary to achieving success for the companies. When I mean diverse I don’t mean just age and gender or culture but it’s also about skillsets, backgrounds, experiences.” Mauricio finds the errors of boards being built by a limited pool of people. In order to reach deep in to an organization and truly create change, a board needs to find those skillsets that are more complimentary and consistent with what the purpose of the corporation is. “As CEO and board member I carry a commitment to better align with values and purpose and it’s all dine through the hiring of people throughout all levels of the organization.” AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020 LATINO LEADERS 19

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Elsa Cavazos Courtesy Luis González

Debra Sandler who is one of the most known marketers and executive leaders, started her journey as early as possible. She was born in Venezuela but grew up in Trinidad.

Debra Sandler CEO, Mavis Foods, LLC

ANDLER said both countries have a close relationship because of the oil connection. Because of where she grew up, she studied under the British education system but by the time she had to go to high school and enter college she moved to the U.S. Sandler majored in International Trade which would allow her to do business and travel. She has now spent 30 plus years working for three different companies. Sandler joined Mars Chocolate North America in 2009 as Chief Consumer Officer for Mars Chocolate North America and was promoted to President of Mars Chocolate North America in 2012. Prior to joining Mars, Debra was Worldwide President of Johnson & Johnson’s McNeil’s Nutritionals LLC. Now, as a part of the Dollar General board, Sandler feels excited to provide her knowledge and experience. “I have the opportunity to blend who I am and what I do,” she said. I've always been able to bring who I am to the table to enhance business,” she said. “I think I grew up in a culture where education is critical, not an option. You have to study, you have to do well and push yourself,” Sandler said about her culture. She had never heard of the concept of a minority until moving to the U.S but felt she had just what the U.S needed, to find ways all consumers were being considered.“I think that stayed with me to prove myself even further. I am one of those people if you tell me I can't do something I am encouraged to prove it to you I can do it,” she said. “For marketing, it was like a magnet. I was drawn to it, I have always been an observer of people. I like to understand why people do the things they do. A lot of time it didn't feel like work. It was something I really enjoyed and fortunately happened to be good at,” she said. For her, the hardest part about being an executive to a director is to go from running a business to governing a business.“A couple of things helped me, I sat on a couple of nonprofit boards and I had some exposure and

how they operate. The first year was the hardest but you need to remind yourself what your role is and it's not to dive deep,” she said. “It is to stay above and govern and to guide. A good thing is the sense of freedom of not having to prepare the strategic plan and to listen to it, provide advice and to not have to execute,” Sandler added. She mentioned she has seen and evolution in boards in both diversity and having more transparency. “One of the things I am doing now is consulting and advising on board diversity. We still hear boards saying they cant find latino board members and perhaps that is the most frustrating thing for me to hear because from where I sit there are so many,” she said. In order to improve boards, Sandler stressed you have to have an ongoing relationship with the CEO and speak truthfully to him or her. Sandler has had to work in a variety of boards and added how the media has been handling the pandemic and being impacted by protests. “We now do weekly covid updates and analyze how and when to bring back people to work. Transparency and constant communication are the most important factors for success,” she said. Sandler agrees there is an increase in younger board executives especially in women, which is a good thing. “Many people are uncomfortable with technology and the younger crowd has this advantage. If they are smart enough, let's consider that. I think it is very exciting, I'd love to see more. When it comes to professional advice for others, Sandler said to be intentional and have a plan. “Set a timeline because it doesn't happen overnight, even for the most experienced. Why would the board want you? What is your specific skill?,” she said. “What is it that you have that would add value to a business that would make them be excited to join the board?, prepare yourself and do networking, truth is most people get on boards through a network, you have to branch out and if you are serious about this, once you get on the first it does get easier.”



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INTEGRATION and bicultural, these are two main factors Cari Dominguez defines for the success of a leader. Cari arrived to the. U.S. from Cuba at an early age. It was during the Castro Revolution that Cari, together with her mother and sisters, fled to the United States. She was a 12 year old girl starting in a new education system with no knowledge of English. She defines this early stage in her life as one of the first pivotal moments that changed her life forever. From connecting with others in school through sign language and spending her Saturdays reading Encyclopedias, Cari was motivated to learn the culture. Cari has always been deeply influenced by her parents. “Work hard, study and give back”, she says. Community and church have always helped build her values. “I think one of the benefits of being bicultural is that you get the best of both worlds.” Cari lives and leads through what she calls the three C’s: Competence, Character, and Confidence. From her first job dusting pianos at a local college to her start of government work at the Department of Labor (DOL) in 1977 and then off to the corporate world, at Bank of America, Cari has always had one same mission, to make sure everyone has equal opportunities to grow and be represented. Upon returning to DOL, this time as a political appointee in 1989, not only did Cari lead the launch of the Glass Ceiling Initiative but she also became the first Hispanic and the first working mother appointed to her DOL position. As chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission she became the first appointee to have workforce management background.

CARI’S THREE C’S: • Character: What puts meaning in to my life? • Confidence: How do I get the confidence to really project the values and type of message that I want to convey? • Competence: Am I doing my very best eadh day?

Without a doubt, Cari brings a background of multi sector experiences to her role as board member. “It’s valuable to broaden those career experiences. Build a base of support”, Cari says. Her first step into considering her role as an Independent Director was to write a personal mission statement. “ I realized I wanted to use the collections from all these experiences on a platform where I could influence change. Where I could guide and support the direction of a company and that company be a leader in their industry.” It was thirteen years ago when Cari joined her first board. “Providing guidance and introducing a perspective from a Latina at that time was very rare”, she says. According to Cari, boards can really drive outcomes with the right strategy and the right support. The boards that she currently serves in, such as Calvert Funds, are companies that align well with her values and her mission in life. Cari never stops growing as a leader, and most probably will never do. When asked about why joining a new board or accepting a new role she states how “[her] purpose was not about wanting the job but about the opportunities [she] had to develop and enhance [her] skills.” As effects of COVID-19 are starting to hit, Cari sees changes on the discussion of talent and opening the pipeline. She sees a board environment with more discussions about pay disparities and the advancement of women, particularly in the U.S. “60% of boards have a preference for CEO’s but I think I’ve seen change. I see the next board members being younger, more diverse and bring functional expertise. I see people from marketing, global and international experience and with a full technology skillset.” Through Cari, not only can we imagine what future boards might look like but we also find what a true leader is made out of. She carries the fortitude that has been needed to tackle challenges in the past and most importantly what companies need today to lead what will come next. AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020 LATINO LEADERS 21

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10/6/20 12:07 PM


LEADING BY EXAMPLE John Agwunobi, Chairman and CEO of Herbalife Nutrition believes fostering a diverse and inclusive organization begins at the leadership level

Q Why is an effective relationship between a CEO and the board of di- Q What is your view on the importance of diversity and rectors important? inclusion as a foundation of corporate culture? A As CEO, you are the voice of the company to the outside world. You must A Our company was founded more than 40 years ago based on always consider all angles, all points of view and the potential impact on a number of core principles including equality, inclusion, and every stakeholder – including a board of directors. love for humanity — foundational principles that continue Although it can be challenging to be the balance between a board and exto shape who we are as a company. We have always been a ecutives, it is essential for a CEO and board to establish a relationship built company that opened our arms to welcome and embrace on mutual trust, accountability, and strategic priorities. It takes time, effort, people from every race, gender, religion or culture. We each and commitment to make the relationship strong and productive. But, when come to Herbalife Nutrition from diverse backgrounds and both a CEO and board are committed to ensuring an organization’s success, walks of life; but once we arrive, we are each responsible for and to the organization’s mission, they can accomplish many things together. our shared values. Diversity is imperative to ensure business success, enabling us to better serve our distributors, stakeQ What have you learned since COVID-19? How have you engaged with holders and communities through our employees. your board? A The big lesson I’ll take away from 2020 is the importance of communication, Q How do you build an effective and engaged board? teamwork and leadership. From the moment the world began to grasp the A Boards need to look for people who bring multiple perfull impact of COVID-19, we came together to rethink, react and respond. spectives to the mix, multiple layers of diversity. Each board We kept our board of directors informed every step of the way as decisions seat has to play multiple roles; you build your ‘diversity laywere being made. But engagement and building relationships with the board, er cake’ and each slice has to represent various components, as with employees and customers has to come before crisis happens, not as a but always more than just one element. result of crisis. Herbalife Nutrition’s board is made up of people who We find that if you keep the board well informed and assure them you bring different life and professional experiences, different have the right motivations at the forefront of every decision – in this case, backgrounds, different perspectives with diversity reprethe safety and wellbeing of our employees, our distributors and our comsentation from across numerous segments including age, munities – they will support you 100 percent. sex and race. Latino leaders on our board represent 45% of When crises erupt, it is natural to spend a lot of time with your senior the board, including Dr. Richard Carmona, the 17th Surleadership team and board to determine the right thing to do. As a leader, geon General of the U.S. who lends his knowledge of public you want to confirm there is buy-in at the top, and everyone has clear marchhealth; Michael Montelongo, former CFO and acting secing orders. But, while leadership teams are grappling with the path forward, retary of the U.S. Air Force, provides leadership guidance; your most valuable audience – your employees – need to hear from you imJuan Miguel Mendoza, a leading independent distributor mediately. You don’t have to have every answer to reach out to your team of more than 25 years, shares insights that are representaand tell them that you understand that this time is hard, that everyone is tive of the company’s distributors and customers; Margarfeeling the pain and that we are here to support one another and most of ita Paláu-Hernández, an attorney and entrepreneur, brings all, that their health and safety is your top priority. This message is critical community engagement and international entrepreneurto convey as soon as possible, even while supply chains are examined, and ship experience to the board; and Maria Otero, appointed critical decisions are made. Once a plan is created – in this case – from where by three U.S. presidents to roles overseeing issues of democour employees would be working, to adapting to increased demand, to beracy and human rights, brings expansive experience on eming deemed an essential service – key audiences must be communicated with powering those less fortunate around the world and microffrequently and transparently. inance to help Herbalife Nutrition deliver on its mission to Everyone looks to leaders to get their cues – even your senior team and help people live healthy active lifestyles. board. Having served as a senior vice president of health and wellness for the Knowing and understanding people’s backgrounds is imworld’s largest retailer, Walmart, leading a team of over 65,000, I grew adept portant. You won’t be able to leverage a board if you haven’t at communicating clearly and ensuring that when emotions were running started with the basics. Consider the diversity of a board high, I was the one who maintained composure. I found that my confidence over time, working to ensure that each new board member had a direct impact on those around me. Never forget that everyone looks adds a layer of diversity that hadn’t existed on the board to the person at the top to set the tone, and in a challenging situation, leaders previously. This ‘rotation’ view will result in more diverse need to lead by example. perspectives being brought to the organization over time. 22 LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

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24/09/20 10:41 a.m.




WELL, IT’S BEEN one heck of a year. And we still have three months to go. It’s been the year of of everything: a historic pandemic that has crippled the nation and the world, taking lives without prejudice; the spotlight on police brutality and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, which has brought new focus on corporate America and its commitments of capital to affected communities, as well as commitments to hire more executives and elect more board members who are people of color; the unimaginable destruction of the fires ravaging the West Coast; and, perhaps most notably, the increased toxicity of our political discourse with a presidential election on the horizon, not to mention the death of the iconic Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg What’s left: locusts? And yet, we remain a nation of hope. We hope that the country can come together, especially in the spirit of representation of all the people. That includes true representation of our citizenry in the governance of our corporations. These directorships are critical to ensuring positive economic growth for corporate America, its consumers, and the communities it serves. However, to create more representation, especially of Latino women and men on corporate boards, there has to be an increased level of intentionality by those that influence the corporate governance ecosystem. Board chairs,

nominations/governance chairs, CEOs, and current directors themselves are the people who can drive this change—if they choose to. The truth is that there has been very little improvement in the representation of Latinos/as on corporate boards in the past two decades. In 8 years, representation of Latinos on boards has improved very little as shown on the graph, currently at 3.6% for the F500 and 3.1% for the F1000. Total seats of board members have decreased over that same time period so net new seats by Latinos has improved which is a good sign. However there are still 73% of F1000 companies and 65% of F500 companies that have ZERO Latinos/as on their boards including some consumer facing companies. The question every year is resoundingly: “Why?” Here are a few trends that answer that question—and also why positive change, which has proven so elusive, may finally be on the horizon .


So: What has diversity meant for corporate America? The #MeToo movement started a long-needed push to address gender inequities that have been present in society and in business forever. The campaign to elect more women to corporate boards snowballed, and as a result women have markedly improved their stead on corporate boards over the past three years. With that, many corporate boards were content to view diversity strictly from a gender lens. In other words, they were prepared to say, “Mission accomplished” and let that be that. Then came the BLM movement, and the predictable knee-jerk reaction by corporate America on two fronts: How to fund initiatives within Black communities, and how to attract more diverse talent for their own companies and boards. The result has been a shift in board searches to focus on finding qualified people of color (mostly African-Americans); it would be a bonus if it were African-American women. This has been a giant and overdue step forward, but has also decreased the focus on also putting forward strong Latino and Asian candidates. The timely efforts by the LCDA and other partner organizations is now attempting to shed light on this issue. But who exactly is being recruited for these new opportunies? One of the early outcomes has been that a larger percentage of underrepresented minority board members sit on multiple boards versus their white colleagues. In other words, the pool of minority candidates is remaining largely static, and just being divided up into smaller pieces. Another trend is the increasing scrutiny on boards and their board selection processes by organizations such as Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), other proxy advisors, and institutional investors like CALPERS, CALSTRS and other large state pension funds. Similarly, the recent trend by large investors to create funds dedicated to ESG have exploded. Companies like BlackRock are asking for change in their own boards to reflect society. Together, these groups are pressing ahead, with some success, on more transparency around board selection and disclosures in their proxies. They are specifically pushing on more diverse representation on the boards they are shareholders in or those for which they act as advisors.


VictorArias-Numeros.indd 26

10/6/20 12:24 PM


Total Hispanic Seats

% Hispanic

Total female Hispanic Seats

Total companies lacking Hispanic Directors

% of total companies

Fortune 500 companies

2011 5,493 2016 5,360 2018 5,670 2019 5,408

119 142 174 197

2.2 2.6 3.1 3.6

NA 35 46 57

338 379 347 325

67.68 75.8 69 65

Fortune 1000 companies

2011 10,250 2016 9,868 2018 10,166 2019 10,141

164 228 275 310

1.6 2.3 2.7 3.1

NA 60 86 100

870 826 769 731

87.0 82.7 77 73

*Data from collaboration between Diversified Search as a strategic partner with the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA)

Finally, there is a trend of legislating change, such as there has been in California. The state has enacted bills mandating greater gender diversity on public corporations headquartered in California, and to date have had success in creating change around this issue. An additional state bill specifically addresses the addition of underrepresented minority directors in addition to women. I have personally seen some public boards pivot in their board searches in response to these board requirements. Consumers are demanding it. Demographic changes are only going to increase this pressure over time.


I have already identified a few pushes for change that I believe have some chance of impact and sustainability. But the most important ones are the following: Legislation. I personally don’t believe that legislation is the long-term solution. But in the short term, there is no denying that it’s an initiative that is compelling public boards in California, for one, to act. In the long term, companies need to understand how diverse boards are a business imperative not only in terms of a social compact, but in terms of the bottom line. The impacts in California will spill over to board rooms, and these changes will be felt throughout the country as more activist shareholders create more momentum. Institutional investors. These large pools of capital investment will continue to grow; with more and more pension fund dollars that belong to the ever-diversifying workforce of this country, workers will have more of a say about how and where their money is invested. Advocacy Groups. The LCDA and the Latino Voices group, which includes prominent community-based, political advocacy and economic empowerment groups, are taking never-seen-before action in solidarity on this issue of underrepresentation by Latinos on corporate boards. Additionally, another group, the Alliance for Board


71 out of 261 are women


Top 4 states where directors are located 1. 38 FL 2. 28 TX 3. 28 CA 4. 25 NY


Directors serve on one or more public companies that were not ranked F1000 in 2019.

Diversity, comprised of the Executive Leadership Council (ELC), Hispanic Association for Corporate Responsibility (HACR), Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP), Catalyst, and the Diversified Search Group, has been particular effective at providing data and studies on these inequities, with the help of Deloitte. It can sound like the same old tune every year. This time, however, we are hearing a crescendo, and a more regimented beat that makes one anticipate that this time there may be a different tune awaiting. The year 2020 will always be remembered as the year where “everything happened.” We believe that the year 2021 will bring much-needed change to corporate America, one that signals a realization that Latinos and Latinas have earned a seat at the corporate directors’ table. AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020 LATINO LEADERS 27

VictorArias-Numeros.indd 27

10/6/20 12:25 PM


LATINOS ON BOARDS 2020 Age: 53 Westport CT, Chicago IL

CARLOS ABRAMS-RIVERA President, U.S. Zone, Kraft Heinz Company Boards

“In the end, our success will be measured not by what we achieve, but what we inspire others to achieve.”

Energizer Holdings (834)

THE FOLLOWING list is a compilation of research and data shared by our partners: LCDA, Diversified Search and public records, of the Latinos serving as Director of the Board of both public and private companies. There are 260 individuals listed, they are some of the most powerful leaders in today’s Corporate America and we are proud to recognize and profile them as true leaders for the Latino Community. - Denotes LCDA Member (Number) - Denotes Fortune 1000 Ranking

Abrams-Rivera joined Kraft Heinz in February 2020 to lead the transformation of the largest Zone with more than 20,000 employees and 39 manufacturing sites. Prior, he served as the Executive Vice President and President of Campbell Snacks, a division of Campbell Soup Company that represents nearly 50 percent of Campbell’s annual sales. He has more than two decades of extensive U.S. and global food experience at Campbell, Mondelez International, and Kraft Foods. Throughout his career, Abrams-Rivera has successfully implemented a strategic approach to reinvigorating brands, improving costs, and sharpening operational execution to drive strong business results. He began his career at Kraft Foods as an Assistant Brand Manager within Oscar Mayer, later serving in a broad range of management roles across categories, brands, and businesses. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors for Energizer Holdings. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Managerial Economics from Carnegie Mellon University and a MBA from the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business.

Age: 54 Dallas TX


ARCILIA ACOSTA CEO, Carcon Industries/STL Engineers



"I have taken the opportunity in 2020 to press the “RESET BUTTON” in everything that I am doing; to seize the opportunities that are in front of me, and to recognize the potential of those that lay ahead – DREAM EVEN BIGGER!"

Arcilia is an entrepreneur, nationally recognized speaker, philanthropist and mother. She and her companies have won more than 45 national, regional and local awards. Acosta served as a director of LegacyTexas Financial Group, N.A., a bank holding company with an asset size of over $10 billion, and prior to that served as a director of its bank subsidiary since 2013. From July 2018 to February 2020, Acosta served as a member of the board of ONE Gas Incorporated. In 2014 Acosta was inducted into the National Women’s Business Hall of Fame. Acosta is a graduate of Texas Tech University and Harvard University Business School- Corporate Governance Program.

Magnolia Oil & Gas, Vistra Corporation (270)

Age: 62 South Florida

FERNANDO AGUIRRE Owner & CEO Erie SeaWolves Boards

Owner & CEO of the Erie SeaWolves, a professional baseball team, the Double A affiliate of the Detroit Tigers. Former Chairman & CEO Chiquita Brands International, from January 2004 to October 2012. Prior to that, he was an Executive at Procter & Gamble for 24 years working in Mexico, Brazil, and the USA in global roles. He was Honored with the Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award by the NFL. Aguirre earned a business degree at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 1980. He was elected to SIUE’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2007 and its alumni Hall of Fame in 2009. In 2012, Aguirre received an honorary doctoral degree from SIUE.

Synchrony Financial (170), CVS Health (5), Barry Callebaut

Board Members 2020.indd 28

06/10/20 11:02


Eastman Chemical (343)

Age: 58 Illinois

JOSÉ E. ALMEIDA Chairman, CEO Baxter International Inc Boards

Walgreens Boots Alliance (19), Baxter (282)


HUMBERTO "BERT" ALFONSO Retired CEO, Global, of Yowie Group Ltd

Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Stand Up. Flexibility and Resilience are must traits for success.

Humberto served as CEO from June 2016, and a director from March 2017, until January 2018 of Yowie, a global brand licensing company specializing in the development of Yowie character children's consumer products. He was President, International, of The Hershey Company. He was EVP, CFO and Chief Administrative Officer from November 2011 to April 2013, and Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from July 2007 to November 2011. He joined Hershey in July 2006, initially serving as Vice President, Finance and Planning, U.S. Commercial Group from July to October 2006, and then serving as Vice President, Finance and Planning, North American Commercial Group from October 2006 to July 2007. Before joining Hershey, Alfonso held a variety of finance positions at Cadbury Schweppes, serving as Executive Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer from March 2005 to July 2006 and Vice President Finance, Global Supply Chain from May 2003 to March 2005. Prior to that, he held a number of senior financial positions at Pfizer, Inc.


Age: 61

Joe leads Baxter through a period of dynamic transformation powered by accelerated innovation, operational excellence and strategic execution. Prior to joining Baxter, Almeida served as chairman, president and chief executive officer of Covidien plc from 2012 through 2015 and was named a director of the company in 2011. Almeida previously served as president of Covidien's Medical Devices organization. Almeida also served in several leadership roles at Covidien's predecessor, Tyco Healthcare, including president of its worldwide medical device business and vice president of worldwide manufacturing. In addition to Covidien and Tyco, Almeida held leadership positions at Wilson Greatbatch Technologies, Inc., American Home Products' Acufex Microsurgical division, and Johnson & Johnson's Professional Products division. He began his career as a management consultant at Andersen Consulting (Accenture).

Age: 70 Florida

DONNA M. ALVARADO Founder and President of Aguila International Boards

Previously, Alvarado served as President and Chief Executive Officer of a global educational publishing company from 1989-1993. She has served on corporate boards in the manufacturing, banking, transportation, and services industries. She has also led state and national workforce policy boards. Alvarado previously served as Chairwoman of the Ohio Board of Regents. Following executive and legislative staff appointments at the U.S. Department of Defense and in the U.S. Congress, Alvarado was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to lead the federal agency ACTION, the nation's premier agency for civic engagement and volunteerism, a position which she held from 1985-1989.

CSX (267), CoreCivic Inc., Park National Corp.

Age: 68 Boston, MA


PNC Financial Services (151), Kennametal (899), Trinseo, Arcosa

Age: Miami, FL

TERE ALVAREZ CANIDA Principal & Portfolio Manager, Sito Capital Boards

Kemper Corporation (545), Infinity Property & Casualty

Board Members 2020.indd 29

Tere is currently serving as a Principal and Portfolio Manager of Cito Capital Group, LLC, a position she has held since 2016. She previously served in various capacities with Taplin, Canida & Habacht LLC, including as Chairperson from 2015 until 2016, President from 2008 until 2015, and President, Managing Principal, and Chief Compliance Officer from 1985 until 2008. Canida served as a member of the Board of Directors of Infinity Property and Casualty Corporation from May 2009 until the company was acquired by Kemper in July 2018.


JOE ALVARADO Former Chairman and CEO Commercial Metals Co.

Alvarado is the former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Metals Company, a Fortune 500 global metals firm, which under his leadership was active in recycling, manufacturing, fabricating and trading. Alvardo received his master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance from the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Notre Dame.


06/10/20 11:02


Age: 66 California

AIDA ALVAREZ Chair Emeritus, The Latino Community Foundation &

"To quote a friend, who has written the book, B e Unapologetically Ambitious. Take risks. Always remember to practice empathy and sympathy."

Commissioner, Smithsonian Art Museum


Alvarez was the first Latina woman to serve on a U.S. President’s Cabinet as the Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA). She presided over record-setting activity at the SBA—$61.5 billion in guaranteed loans and venture capital financing over a four-year period. Also during her tenure, SBA’s lending to women tripled and lending to minorities doubled. Previously, Alvarez served as the first Director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. Alvarez is actively engaged in the nonprofit community and is Chair Emerita of the Latino Community Foundation. A Harvard graduate, Alvarez also holds honorary doctorates from Bethany College, Iona College, Mercy College, and the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.

HP Inc (58), K12 Inc, Oportun, Fastly

Age: 73 Miami, FL

CESAR ALVAREZ Senior Chairman, Greenberg Traurig, LLP Boards

“The road to success is dotted with comfortable parking spaces. Do not take any of them.”

Alvarez is a Senior Chairman of the international law firm of Greenberg Traurig. He previously served as the firm’s Executive Chairman for more than three years and as its Chief Executive Officer for 13 years. Alvarez served on the Board of Directors of Sears Holdings Corporation from January 2013 until May 2017.

Watsco (566), Mednax, Inc., Precigen, Inc., The St. Joe Company

Age: 60 Austin, TX "Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it." - Frances Wright

GIANNELLA ALVAREZ Former Global CEO and Senior Executive at Fortune 50 & Start-Up Companies


Domtar (532), Ruth's Hospitality Group Inc.

Age: 61 San Juan, Puerto Rico


IGNACIO ALVAREZ President and Chief Executive Officer of Popular, Inc.



Popular (820)

Age: 69 Boston, MA

JOSE B. ALVAREZ Former CEO Stop & Shop Companies, Senior Lecturer Harvard Business School


United Rentals (340)

Board Members 2020.indd 30

Alvarez is the former Chief Executive Officer of Beanitos, Inc., a privately held leader in beanbased snacking, headquarted in Austin, Texas. She served until January 2018 as Chief Executive Officer of Harmless Harvest, Inc. She held the position of Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Pet Business unit at Del Monte Corporation. From 2011 to 2013, she served as Group President and Chief Executive Officer for Barilla Americas, where she was responsible for North, Central and South America’s operations of Barilla S.p.A., a global food and beverages company headquartered in Parma, Italy. From 2006 to 2010, she held senior global management positions with The Coca-Cola Company. Prior to that, she held a number of increasingly senior positions in marketing and general management with Kimberly-Clark Corporation and Procter & Gamble in the United States and Latin America.

Alvarez has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Popular, Inc. since July 1st, 2017. Prior to this appointment he served as President and Chief Operating Officer. Previously, served as Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer. Before this, he was one of the six founding partners of the law firm Pietrantoni Mendez & Alvarez LLP. Recognized by Chambers Global as “one of the best lawyers in Puerto Rico,” Alvarez was an integral part of the firm’s success for 18 years. Among his main practice areas are: banking, corporate and commercial law; corporate and public finance law; securities and capital markets. Alvarez was born in Havana, Cuba in 1958; graduated from Georgetown University, Magna Cum Laude, 1980; Harvard Law School J.D., Cum Laude, 1983; and admitted to the Bar in Florida and Puerto Rico in 1983. He was an Adjunct Professor and Lecturer, University of Puerto Rico Law School, from 1988 to 1992. He has been a member of the Board of Regents of Georgetown University since October 2008.

Alvarez has been on the faculty of the Harvard Business School since February 2009. Until December 2008, he was the executive vice president—global business development for Royal Ahold NV, one of the world’s largest grocery retailers. He joined Royal Ahold in 2001 and subsequently held several key senior management positions, including president and chief executive officer of the company’s Stop & Shop and Giant-Landover brands. Previously, he served in executive positions at Shaw’s Supermarket, Inc. and American Stores Company. Alvarez held several key management positions with Royal Ahold NV, one of the world’s largest grocery retailers, providing him with business leadership experience in, and valuable knowledge of, the global retail industry. Alvarez holds an MBA degree from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and an AB degree from Princeton. He served previously as a director of The TJX Companies, Inc. and Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

06/10/20 11:02

RAUL ALVAREZ Operating Partner, Advent International Corporation Boards

Lowe's (44), Eli Lilly (145)

Born in Cuba, he received his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Miami. Alvarez retired as president and chief operating officer of McDonald’s Corporation in 2009. Prior to joining McDonald’s in 1994, he held leadership positions at Burger King Corporation and Wendy’s International, Inc. He held a variety of leadership roles throughout his career, including chief operations officer and president of the central division, both with McDonald’s USA. Before joining the U.S. business, Alvarez was president of McDonald’s Mexico. From July 2004 until January 2005, he was president of McDonald’s USA, where he led a team that aligned employees, owner/operators and suppliers behind the company’s “Plan to Win” strategy – the catalyst for the turnaround of its U.S. business. Alvarez served as president of McDonald’s North America from January 2005 until August 2006. In this role, he was responsible for all McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S. and Canada. Alvarez became president and chief operating officer in August 2006.

Age: 68


Boston, MA


Age: 65

Detroit, Michigan,

LIZABETH ARDISANA CEO, ASG Renaissance and CEO, Performance Driven Workforce

Huntington Bankshares (500), Clean Energy Fuels



Entrepreneur and co-founder of ASG Renaissance, a technical and communications firms In addition to her roles at ASG and PDW, Ardisana is an active business and civic leader in the Michigan and Hispanic Communities. She serves on numerous corporate and educational boards, and has received numerous awards for her contributions to the community. Ardisana holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Detroit, a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Texas.


Board Members 2020.indd 31

06/10/20 11:02


Age: Downey, CA

LUIS ARMONA Executive Vice President of Meruelo Group, LLC Boards

Commercial Bank of California

Armona oversees the Meruelo Group managed family of companies, having equity interests in and sitting on the board of many of those companies, most notably, Meruelo Group, LLC, a holding company owning Southern California utility construction contractors Herman Weissker, Inc., Doty Bros. Equipment Company, and Tidwell Excavation, Inc., and electrical contractors Neal Electric Corp., and Select Electric, Inc. Since 1987, Armona has participated in the successful development of over 25 apartment communities and 20 shopping centers in Southern California and Southern Florida, primarily in Hispanic neighborhoods. In 2011, Armona entered the gaming and hospitality industry acquiring an ownership interest in the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino located in Reno, Nevada. The resort features luxury accommodations, gaming, fine dining, quality entertainment and activities, and large convention facilities. In that same year, Armona also diversified into broadcast media through acquisition of an ownership interest in KWHY-TV (22), a Spanish-language television station in Los Angeles, California.

Age: 53 Connecticut

FABIOLA ARREDONDO Managing Partner of Siempre Holdings Boards

Campbell Soup (322), Burberry plc, Fair Isaac Corp.

Age: 59 Connecticut

DENNIS ARRIOLA Chief Executive Officer Boards

Fabiola Arredondo is the Managing Partner of Siempre Holdings, a private, single family investment office based in Connecticut. She is a member (prior Co-Chair) of the U.S. National Council of the World Wildlife Fund and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Fabiola has also previously served as a non-executive Board Director of NPR (National PublicRadio), Rodale Inc., Experian Group plc, Saks Incorporated, the Intelsat Corporation, Bankinter S.A., the BOC Group plc, the World Wildlife Fund in the U.S. and the U.K., and as a Board Trustee of Sesame Workshop. She previously held senior operating roles at Yahoo!, the BBC and Bertelsmann. Fabiola is a graduate of Stanford University and the Harvard Business School.


Appointed to the position of CEO of AVANGRID in July 2020. With more than 25 years in the energy sector, Arriola joined AVANGRID from Sempra Energy where he was Executive Vice President and Group President and Chief Sustainability Officer. Throughout his career, he has held a variety of leadership positions in gas and electric utilities as well as renewables, including Chairman and CEO of Southern California Gas Co., and Chief Financial Officer of SunPower Corp., San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas Co. Dennis holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Stanford University and a master's degree in business administration from Harvard University. Dennis is on the boards of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Auto Club Enterprises and recently served as Chairman of the Board for the California Latino Economic Institute. He previously served as Chairman of the California Business Roundtable and on the board of the United Way – Greater Los Angeles.

Age: Dallas, TX





Global Payments (553)

Thaddeus Arroyo serves as the Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Consumer. He has overall responsibility for the company’s integrated consumer internet, video entertainment, and mobility organization. His organization serves more than 159 million wireless subscribers, reaches 14 million customer locations with fiber internet, and is one of the world’s largest providers of pay TV. His organization also oversees both of AT&T’s prepaid wireless brands – AT&T Prepaid and Cricket Wireless – with a combined base of more than 16.5 million customers. His responsibilities include AT&T’s retail distribution network, which includes AT&T and Cricket retail locations and He previously served as Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business, responsible for the company's integrated global Business Solutions organization, which serves nearly 3 million business customers in nearly 200 countries.

Age: Maryland

DAN E. ARVIZU Director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Boards

Dan Arvizu is the eighth director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the Department of Energy’s primary laboratory for energy efficiency and renewable energy research and development. NREL is operated for the DOE by Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC. Arvizu is president of Alliance and an executive vice president with MRIGlobal. Prior to joining NREL, he was the chief technology officer at CH2M HILL Companies, Ltd., and an executive at Sandia National Laboratories. He started his career at AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories. He was appointed by two successive U.S. presidents to serve six-year terms on the National Science Board, which governs the National Science Foundation and advises the President and Congress on science policy.

State Farm Insurance (36)

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Age: 46 New York, NY

BERNADETTE AUSLESTIA Director & Advisor Boards

Global media executive, advisor and corporate board director. Most recently she was President, Global Distribution, for Home Box Office, Inc., overseeing $7 billion in annual revenue and all distribution operations of the company’s services and platforms worldwide. She spearheaded HBO’s transformation from a traditional media company (appointment TV) into an agile, on-demand powerhouse with streaming, digital services worldwide. Aulestia joined HBO in 1997. Prior to joining HBO, Aulestia worked at Univision Communications, Inc., Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc., and Kidder, Peabody Inc.


Age: Tulare, CA

Serving on the Land O’Lakes Board since 2011, Xavier Avila helped win support for the United Supplies merger and for California to join the Federal Milk Marketing Order. Avila served as California Dairy Campaign president He also currently serves on the California Dairy Cares Board and Justice Fund Board. He works diligently to help protect the California dairy industry. In addition, Avila works as a regional sales manager for Hampell and serves as a district board of trustee for the Tulare local health care district and board chairman for the Tulare Public Cemetery.

XAVIER AVILA Director Boards

Land O'Lakes (232)

Age: Medina, WA

ORLANDO AYALA Independent Director, Advisor to the Colombian Government


Centene (42), Ecopetrol

Age: 54 Puerto Rico


JOAQUÍN E. BACARDÍ, III Independent Direcotor



Popular, Inc. (820)

Age: Phoenix, AZ

LISA BACUS President & CEO, Oro Vista Ventures LLC Boards

Ayala has 35+ years history experience working in the Information Technology industry - Senior Executive for 25 years with Microsoft. Member of Bill Gates's senior leadership team when Ayala was Executive VP of the WW field operating teams in 115 countries. Skilled in Sales, Enterprise Software, Social Impact, Partner Management, and Enterprise Organizational Architecture. Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Doctorate Honoris Causa in Systems Administration and a Bachelors in Information Systems focused in Computers and Software from Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano - Colombia.

Teredata, Culver's Restaurants

Board Members 2020.indd 34

On November 2017, Bacardí completed the acquisition of Edmundo B. Fernández, Inc., a 137 year old privately owned rum company. Bacardí has extensive experience in the development and implementation of international marketing, sales and distribution strategies acquired throughout more than 24 years at various Bacardi companies and 3 years as Product Manager of Nestlé of Puerto Rico. As President and Chief Executive Officer of Bacardi Corporation, Bacardí directed and managed all business operations with full profit and loss responsibilities and government relations for Bacardi in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. Prior to becoming President and Chief Executive Officer of Bacardi Corporation, He held positions in various Bacardi enterprises where, among other things, he was responsible for the development of all global communication strategies for Bacardi Limited’s whisky portfolio, with total sales of approximately $400 million, and supervision of marketing for all Bacardi brands globally.

Bacus previously served as EVP and Global Chief Marketing & Customer Officer of CIGNA Corporation and President of the Cigna Foundation until 2019. In that capacity, she was responsible for Cigna's global marketing activities and communications capabilities. She is actively involved in the community and channels her passion for education by providing scholarships for high school students to attend college. Bacus earned BA and BS Degrees from Northern Arizona University and an MBA from Duke University. Bacus joined the company in May of 2013 after five years with the American Family Insurance where she served as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, overseeing all marketing, public relations, communications and actuarial functions. Bacus began a successful 22-year career with the Ford Motor Company, where she served in many key roles, including as Head of Global Marketing Strategy and Director of Global Market Research.

06/10/20 11:02

ALEJANDRO BALLESTER President, Ballester Hermanos, Inc. Boards

Popular (820)

Age: 53

Presently, Mark J. Barrenechea holds the position of Vice Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & CTO at Open Text Corp. and President & Chief Executive Officer of OpenText Public Sector Solutions, Inc. (a subsidiary of Open Text Corp.). He is also on the board of Avery Dennison Corp. and Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc. In the past he occupied the position of Senior Vice President-Applications Development at Oracle Corp. and Vice President-Development at Scopus Technology, Inc. (a subsidiary of Oracle Corp.), President & Chief Executive Officer of Rackable Systems, Inc., Director at Silicon Graphics International Corp., Chief Technology Officer & Executive VP at CA Technologies, Inc., Vice President-Development at Tesseract Corp. and Vice President & General Manager-Digital Media at Leitch Technology Corp. Barrenechea received an undergraduate degree from St. Michael's College.

Ontario, Canada


Dick's Sporting Goods (362)

Age: 58 Medina, Wa.

MARTHA HELENA BEJAR Industrial Engineer / Business Owner / Independent

"Headwinds become tailwinds and vice versa – lean forward into the future, don’t be surprised, drive change with confidence; be unique, exceptional, curious, resourceful… jump into the thick of life – unafraid."




Ballester has a comprehensive understanding of Puerto Rico’s consumer products and distribution industries acquired through over 29 years of experience at Ballester Hermanos, Inc., a privately-owned business dedicated to the importation and distribution of grocery products, as well as beer, liquors and wine for the retail and food service trade in Puerto Rico. As of December 31, 2019, Ballester Hermanos had approximately $125 million in assets and annual revenues of approximately $350 million. He is familiar with the challenges faced by family-owned businesses, which constitute an important market segment for Popular’s commercial banking units. He has proven to be a successful entrepreneur establishing the food service division of Ballester Hermanos in 1999, which today accounts for 38% of the firm’s revenues. During 2009, he was a director of the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico and member of its audit and investment committees where he obtained experience in overseeing a variety of fiscal issues related to various government agencies, instrumentalities and municipalities.

Puerto Rico


Age: 53

Century Link (143), Commvault Systems Inc., Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc., Quadient SAS

Co -founder of Red Bison Advisory Group, LLC . A frim focused on being a trusted advisor, providing objective and result - oriented analysis and solutions in the areas of Real Estate, Natural Resources and ICT. Martha has been CEO and Director of several private companies inlcuding Unium Inc., Flow Mobile, a broadband wireless access solution using the ubiquitous WiFi standard, Wipro Infocrossing Cloud Computing Services and Microsoft Corp., where she was the Corporate Vice President for the Communi cations Sector. Martha started her ICT career with AT&T and BellSouth where she held numerous positions; Outside Plant Engineering, OSS/BSS planning and implementation, Central Office planning and implementation and New Services planning and implementation . She received an Advanced Management Program degree from Harvard University Business School. She graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami and holds an MBA from Nova Southeastern University.

Ft. Lauderale, FL & Aspen, CO

JORGE BENITEZ Retired Chief Executive, North AmericaAccenture Boards

World Fuel Services (91), Fifth Third Bancorp (325)

Age: 63

JORGE A. BERMUDEZ President & CEO, Byebrook Group Boards

Benitez retired from Accenture plc in September 2014 after more than 33 years of service, the last three years of which he served as Chief Executive Officer of North America, where he had primary responsibility for Accenture’s business and operations in North America. From September 2006 to August 2011, he served as Chief Operating Officer, Products Operating Group, the largest of Accenture’s five operating groups, where he was responsible for executing the business strategy and ensuring operational excellence across a wide set of consumer industry groups, including: automotive; air, freight and travel services; industrial equipment; and infrastructure and transportation services. Prior to that, Benitez held various senior leadership roles and other positions since joining Accenture in 1981.

Moody's (561)

Board Members 2020.indd 35

Bermudez is the retired chief risk officer of Citibank/Citigroup. He began his career with Citibank in 1975 and held various positions, including CEO e-Business, developing Citibank’s Corporate Banking Internet strategy and platform; CEO Citigroup Latin America; Senior Advisor International; CEO Citigroup’s Commercial Business Group North America and Citibank Texas, a position he held until becoming the chief risk officer in November 2007. Bermudez currently serves as a director/trustee on the following boards: Moody’s Corporation; The Federal Reserve Bank 11th District (Dallas); Texas A&M Foundation; Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley; Texas A&M University Smart Grid Center (chair). He has also served on the following boards: Electric Reliability Council of Texas; American Institute of Architects; The Federal Reserve Bank Houston; Citibank, NA, and Citicorp USA; Council of the Americas; Mastercard International LAC; Siembra Group; Asociacion de Bancos Argentinos; FEMSA Group. He was chairman of the New York Clearing House Steering Committee.


Age: 59


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Age: 58 St. Paul, MN

Blanco was previously executive vice president and chief supply chain officer for Ecolab Inc. In this position where he oversaw the company’s global supply chain operations, including Ecolab’s 98 manufacturing plants and more than 200 distribution and other supply chain facilities around the world.Previously, Alex worked for Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) for thirty years. Blanco led Supply Chain operations for key P&G divisions and held several international assignments. He has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University.

ALEX N. BLANCO Chief Supply Chain Officer, Baxter International, Inc. Boards

Patterson (507)

Age: 70

Al, served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Frito-Lay North America from 1999 to 2003 and from 1999 to 2004, respectively. Bru served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Frito-Lay Inc., a division of PepsiCo from 1999 to 2004 from February 2003 to 2004 respectively. He served as the President of Frito-Lay, Inc. since 1999. He served as Chairman of the Board of Frito-Lay North America, a subsidiary of Pepsico Inc. from February 2003 to 2004. Prior to Frito-Lay, he served as President and General Manager of PepsiCo's Sabritas snack unit, Mexico from 1992 to 1999. He has served in various senior international positions with PepsiCo Foods International since joining PepsiCo in 1976. He was a Consultant of Pepsico Inc., since February 2005. He has been Vice Chairman of Pepsico, Inc., since February 1, 2011 and previously served the same position until February 1, 2005. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from City College of New York.


ABELARDO "AL" BRU Retired Vice Chairman, PepsiCo, Inc. Boards

Kimberly Clark (175)

Age: 68

ANNA CABLIK President of Anatek, Inc. & Anasteel & Supply

“Brick walls are there to stop the other people.”Every time there is a wall in my path, I will find a way to get passed it; whether it is going over it, under it, around it, or whatever it takes to keep it from stopping me.

Company, LLC


Truist Financial (217)

Age: 70 New York


ROEL C. CAMPOS Senior Counsel, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP



Anna started out working at Piedmont Hospital, after two years, she had an opportunity to change jobs and in 1976 she started working with a construction materials company. She stayed there for seven years, progressing from clerk to Vice President of the Company. In 1982 she left her position to start her first company: ANATEK, INC., a contracting company that specializes in highway bridges. After leading ANATEK, INC. to become one of the largest Hispanic owned firms in Georgia, Cablik started ANASTEEL & Supply Company, LLC in 1994. ANASTEEL is the only Hispanic/female owned reinforcing steel fabricator in the Southeast. Cablik was a partner in PanAmerican Logistics, LLC, a logistics company that operated the Perishables Center at the Atlanta Airport; and CAMANA Holdings, LLC, a real estate holding company sold in 2017.

Regional Management Corporation

Campos is a partner and currently serves as Senior Counsel with the law firm of Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP since February 2016, where he practices in the areas of securities regulation, corporate governance, and securities enforcement and serves as Chair of the firm’s Securities Enforcement Practice. Prior to joining Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP. Prior to that, he received a presidential appointment and served as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) from 2002 to 2007. Prior to serving with the SEC, Campos was a founding partner of a Houston-based radio broadcaster. He is also a director of a private registered broker-dealer, Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. From 2008 to 2013, Campos served by selection of President Barack Obama on the President’s citizen Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board. He earned a B.S. degree from the United States Air Force Academy, an M.B.A. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School.

Age: 50 Los Angeles, CA

MICHAEL CAMUÑEZ President and CEO, Monarch Global Strategies LLC Boards

Camuñez has significant experience as a senior executive, counselor, and advocate advising U.S. companies in domestic and global markets, and he possesses a unique combination of bi-partisan political, legal, economic, and international expertise. He is a frequent commentator on international trade, international economics, NAFTA, and the US-Mexico relationship in the press, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, CNBC’s Squawk Box, and other media outlets. Camuñez previously served for two years as Special Counsel to the President in the Office of the White House Counsel, as well as Special Assistant to the President. He is a former equity partner of the global law firm O’Melveny & Myers LLP and of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP. A graduate of Harvard College and Stanford Law School.

Edison International (244), Southern California Edison

Board Members 2020.indd 36

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Age: Seattle, WA

DEBRA CANALES Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, Providence


Prior to joining Providence, Canales served CHE Trinity Health for over 10 years, most recently as executive vice president and chief administrative officer. During her tenure, she guided the organization through significant change, creating synergy across a geographically and operationally diverse system in 21 states. Throughout her 25-year human resources career, Canales has worked in a range of global Fortune 500 organizations, including Hewlett Packard/Compaq Computer Corporation, Yum Brands/PepsiCo, R.H. Macy’s Inc. and Centura Health.

Amica Mutual Insurance (823)

Age: Arizona

JOSÉ A. CÁRDENAS Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Arizona State University


Southwest Gas Holdings (757)


RICK CARDENAS Arizona State University Boards

Tractor Supply (380)

From 1982 through 2008, Cárdenas was a partner in the Phoenix-based law firm of Lewis and Roca. He became the firm’s managing partner in 1999 and chairman in 2003. he was a founding board member of the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), which he chaired from 2002 to 2011. Cárdenas has been admitted to practice law in Arizona, California, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court and is a member of various bar associations, including the Hispanic National Bar Association. He serves on the boards of directors of ASU affiliated and related entities, such as the ASU Foundation, and was a director of Swift Transportation Company until 2017. He is a past chairman of the boards of Greater Phoenix Leadership, Valley of the Sun United Way, the Translational Genomics Research Institute, and O’Connor House, and is a trustee of the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.

Darden owns and operates more than 1,800 Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen, Yard House, The Capital Grille, Seasons 52, Bahama Breeze and Eddie V’s restaurants in North America, employing more than 175,000 people and serving 360 million guests annually. Most recently, Rick served as Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer. He began his career with Darden as an hourly employee in 1984, before joining the restaurant support center team in 1992 as an Auditor. From there he held increasingly more responsible positions including Director of Corporate Development, Director of Finance and Technology for Seasons 52, Vice President of Finance and Assistant Controller for Olive Garden, Senior Vice President of Finance and Controller for LongHorn Steakhouse, Senior Vice President of Finance and Controller for Red Lobster, and Executive Vice President of Operations for LongHorn Steakhouse. Rick graduated from the University of Central Florida and earned an MBA from The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College.

Age: Birmingham, AL


WALDEMAR CARLO Professor of Pediatrics and Director, Division of


Neonatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine


Mednax (691)

Age: 69 Maryland

RICHARD CARMONA Chief of Health Innovations, Canyon Ranc, Former Surgeon General of the United States


Carlo has served as Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Division of Neonatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine since 1991. Carlo participates as a member of several medical and professional organizations. He has received numerous research awards and grants and has lectured extensively, both nationally and internationally. Additionally, he is a recipient of the Apgar Award, the highest recognition given to neonatologists by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Clorox (474), Herbalife, Axon

Board Members 2020.indd 38

Carmona has been chief of health innovations of Canyon Ranch Inc., a life-enhancement company, since August 2017. He previously served as vice chairman of Canyon Ranch, chief executive officer of the Canyon Ranch health division and president of the nonprofit Canyon Ranch Institute from October 2006 to August 2017. He is the first distinguished professor of public health at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona. Prior to joining Canyon Ranch, Carmona served as the 17th surgeon general of the United States from 2002 through 2006, achieving the rank of vice admiral. Previously, he was chairman of the state of Arizona Southern Regional Emergency Medical System, a professor of surgery, public health, and family and community medicine at the University of Arizona, and surgeon and deputy sheriff of the Pima County, Arizona, Sheriff’s Department. He served in the United States Army and the Army’s Special Forces.

06/10/20 11:02

ROBERT CARRADY President, Caribbean Cinemas Boards

Popular (820)

Age: 54 Dallas TX

ANTONIO CARRILLO President & CEO, Arcosa Inc. Boards

Carrady, as President of Caribbean Cinemas, has acquired extensive leadership and business operations experience by overseeing and managing a theater operation of approximately 570 cinema screens in 68 locations across Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and several other Caribbean islands, as well as in Guyana, Panama and Bolivia. His entrepreneurial skills have helped develop Caribbean Cinemas into the largest movie theater chain in the Caribbean and has transformed the company which today manages in-house the construction of new sites, theatre operations, film buying, food concessions, screen advertising, game room concessions and real estate leasing and management.

Arcosa, NRG Energy (324)

From April 2018 until November 2018, Carrillo served as the Senior Vice President and Group President of Construction, Energy, Marine and Components of Trinity Industries, Inc. From 2012 to February 2018, Carrillo served as the Chief Executive Officer of Orbia Advance Corporation (formerly known as Mexichem S.A.B. de C.V.) (“Orbia”). Prior to joining Orbia, he spent 16 years at Trinity Industries where he served as Senior Vice President and Group President of Trinity Industries’ Energy Equipment Group and was responsible for Trinity Industries’ Mexico operations. Carrillo previously served as a director of Trinity Industries from 2014 to November 2018 and as a director of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. from 2015 to 2018. He has served as Professor of Finance at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. Carrillo holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a major in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Universidad Anáhuac in Mexico City.


Puerto Rico


Age: 64

Age: 67 Puerto Rico

RICHARD L. CARRIÓN Independent Director Boards

Carrión’s 43 years of banking experience, over 33 years heading Popular, give him a unique level of knowledge of the Puerto Rico financial system. He is a well-recognized leader with a vast knowledge of the Puerto Rico economy, and is actively involved in major efforts impacting the local economy. Chairman of Popular since 1993. Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from January 2008 to December 2015. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Banco Popular, Inc. since 1991. Chairman and Director of Popular Bank Foundation, Inc. since 2005. Member of the Board of Directors of Verizon Communications, Inc. from 1995 to May 2019. Member of the International Olympic Committee since 1990 and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Finance Commission from 2002 to 2013.

Popular (820)

Age: 45 Palto Alto, CA

WENCES CASARES Founder & CEO Xapo Inc. Boards

PayPal Holdings (182)

Age: 68 Washington, DC

GILBERT CASELLAS Independent Director Boards

Prudential Financial (53)

Board Members 2020.indd 39

Casellas is an independent director, consultant and private investor. A member of the board of Prudential Financial, Inc. since 2001, he serves on advisory boards for Toyota, Procter & Gamble, Comcast, and the Millstein Center at Columbia Law School. In 2018, the National Association of Corporate Directors named him one of the 100 most influential boardroom leaders. He is a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, of the Pan American Development Foundation and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Law Institute. Under President Clinton, he was Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, General Counsel of the Air Force and Co-Chairman of the Census Monitoring Board. A Fellow of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers, he is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg Law’s 1700-page treatise, Workplace Harassment, Second Edition (2018) and of its 2020 online edition.


Argentinian entrepreneur and businessman based in Silicon Valley-based fintech.He is the CEO of Xapo Bank, and founded Internet Argentina, Wanako Games, Patagon, Lemon Wallet, and Banco Lemon.


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Age: 62 Winter Park, FL

KIM CASIANO Independant Director Boards

Ford Motor (12), Mutual of America (782)

First Hispanic woman to serve on any of the top five “Fortune 100” corporate boards, Casiano brings deep board knowledge and over 35 years of experience and perspective on the U.S. Hispanic market and Latin America. Formerly, Casiano was President of one of the largest U.S. Hispanic publishers of periodicals and magazines in the country and one of the first bilingual (English-Spanish) call centers in the Western Hemisphere. Prior to her tenure in the publishing and call center industry, Casiano was founder and president of a management consulting company that assisted the U.S. Department of State, Agency for International Development (A.I.D.), focusing on Latin America and Caribbean investment, trade promotion, and economic development programs.Casiano studied Politics and Latin American Studies at Princeton University and obtained her Master’s in Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Harvard Business School in 1981.

Age: 58

He served Boeing for 31 years, most recently as president of Boeing Capital Corp., a wholly owned Boeing subsidiary responsible for arranging, structuring and providing financing for Boeing's commercial airplane and space and defense products. Prior to that, Mr. Cave served as senior vice president of business development and strategy for the corporation; senior vice president and general manager for Boeing’s commercial airplane programs; chief financial officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, and vice president of finance for Boeing Information, Space & Defense Systems.

MICHAEL J. CAVE Retired VP The Boeing Co. Boards

Ball (279), Harley Davidson (519)

Age: 67 Miami, FL

JUAN N. CENTO President, Latin America and Caribbean, FedEx Express Boards

Assurant (315)

Cento’s primary focus is the broader strategic direction of the Latin America and Caribbean region, as well as magnifying the FedEx Express presence throughout the region. Furthermore, he is responsible for integrating the region into the FedEx global network, which serves more than 220 countries and territories worldwide. Cento began his career with FedEx in 1989 when the company merged with Flying Tigers. Immediately following the merger, he was promoted to managing director for South and Central America, based in Saõ Paulo, Brazil. In his 30 years with FedEx, Cento has expanded the company’s presence in Latin America and helped FedEx Express become a pillar for growth in the region. A Cuba native, Cento moved to Miami in 1960, where he attended Miami-Dade College and proceeded to graduate from Florida International University College of Business Administration.


RAUL E. CESAN Founder & Managing Partner, Commercial Worldwide LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020




Cesan is the Founder and Managing Partner of Commercial Worldwide LLC, an investment firm. Prior thereto, he spent 25 years at Schering Plough Corporationrationration, serving in various capacities of substantial responsibility the President and Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice President of ScheringPlough Corporationrationration and President of ScheringPlough Pharmaceuticals President of Schering Laboratories, U.S. Pharmaceutical Operations and President of Schering Plough International . Mr. Cesan was until April 2019 also a director of The New York Times Company.

Gartner (621)

Age: 69 Webster, TX

FRANKLIN CHANG-DÍAZ Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Ad Astra Rocket

Díaz spent 25 years working at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), manning their shuttles and working to build the International Space Station. He also served as the director of the Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center, part of NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center, for 12 years. Díaz is currently the chairman and CEO of Ad Astra Rocket Company, a U.S. spaceflight engineering company based in Houston, Texas.



Cummins (132)

Board Members 2020.indd 40

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01/10/20 2:54 p.m.


Age: 72 Washington, D.C.

LINDA CHAVEZ Independent Director Boards

ABM Industries (462)

She is founder and chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a position she has held since January 2006. Prior to her appointment as chairman, Chavez served as president of the Center for Equal Opportunity from January 1995 through December 2005. She was a director of Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation from 2004 to 2008, where she served on the audit committee. Previously, she was a director of Greyhound Lines, Inc. from 1995 to 1999, when it was acquired by another company. Chavez has held numerous appointed positions, including chief executive officer of the National Commission on Migrant Education, chief executive officer of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and White House director of public liaison. In 1992, she was elected by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to serve a four-year term as U.S. Expert to the U.N. Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. She is an author and nationally syndicated columnist and television commentator and writes extensively about public policy issues.

Age: 60 New York, NY

EMANUEL CHIRICO Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, PVH Corp Boards

PVH (322), Dick's Sporting Goods (362)

Age: 39 New York, NY


Manny has been with PVH for over 25 years, serving as CEO since 2006 and Chairman since 2007. Under his leadership, PVH has become one of the largest and most admired fashion and lifestyle companies in the world with $9.7 billion in annual revenues and 38,000 associates operating in over 40 countries. Before becoming Chairman and CEO, Manny held a number of financial and operational positions within the company, including President & Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining PVH, Manny was a Partner at the international accounting firm Ernst & Young, running its Retail and Apparel Practice Group. Born and raised in the Bronx, Manny graduated from Fordham’s Gabelli School of Business in 1979.

Mattel (593)

Adriana Cisneros is CEO of Cisneros, a privately held company with over 90 years’ experience operating businesses globally. The company today has three divisions: Cisneros Media, Cisneros Interactive and Cisneros Real Estate. Adriana is President of the Fundación Cisneros, a not-forprofit organization, dedicated to improving access to education in Latin America. She is on the board of MoMA’s Latin American Acquisitions Committee (LACF) and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Cisneros Institute. Adriana is a board member of Endeavor Miami, and a Director and Trustee of the Paley Center for Media. Adriana is also a Board Member of Mattel, Inc., Parrot Analytics, the Knight Foundation and University of Miami. Adriana is a member of the Citibank Private Bank Latin American Advisory Board as well as an Advisory Board Member of Wyncode and TheVentureCity and was recently appointed as Head of Strategy for AST & Science. Adriana holds a BA from Columbia University (2002) and a Master’s Degree in journalism from New York University (2005).

Age: 72 San Antonio, TX


HENRY CISNEROS Chairman & Co-CIO, American Triple I Partners



Univision Communications (837)

In 2003, Henry co-founded CityView, a Los Angeles-based fund manager which has invested in and completed more than 100 real assets projects in 13 states. Henry is the former federal Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), appointed by President Bill Clinton and serving from 1993 to 1997. During his tenure, Henry led initiatives that spurred reinvestment in public housing and helped revitalize many of America’s urban centers, leading to the nation’s highest home ownership rate. In 1981, he became the first Hispanic-American mayor of a major U.S. city, San Antonio, serving four terms. He is credited with helping to rebuild the city’s economic base, spurring the creation of jobs through massive infrastructure projects and downtown improvements, including a new airport terminal, a 65,000-seat domed stadium, underground flood diversion for the city’s Riverwalk, and a nuclear power generation project.

Age: 67 Puerto Rico

LUIS A. CLAVELL-RODRIGUEZ Chief Medical Officer San Jorge's Children's Hospital Boards

He is the principal investigator for the Children’s Oncology Group and the Dana Farber Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Consortium at said institution. He was a professor of pediatrics and pathology from 1980 to 1994, and director of pediatric hematology oncology from 1984 to 1994, at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine. He has particular expertise in clinical investigation. He is the chairman of the Board’s Executive Committee and member of the Investment and Finance Committee.

Triple-S Management (716)

Board Members 2020.indd 42

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Age: 77 California

ANTHONY L. COELHO Former Representative US Congress (CA) Boards

Anthony Lee Coelho (born June 15, 1942) is an American politician from California who served in the United States House of Representatives.A member of the Democratic Party, he was the primary sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act and is a former chairman and current member of the board of directors of the Epilepsy Foundation.

Service Corporation International (721)

Age: 45 Dallas, TX

RAFAEL COLORADO Managing Director, Senior Counsel, Hudson Advisors LP Boards

Colorado has been a Director with Hudson Advisors L.P., or Hudson Advisors, an affiliate, since January 2016. In such capacity, Colorado advises on legal issues impacting operating companies that are affiliates of Lone Star within North America, as well as other corporate investments. This is Colorado’s second stint with Hudson Advisors having previously been a Vice President at the firm from 2008 to 2012. In between his times at Hudson Advisors, he was a Partner at the law firm of Perkins Coie LLP, from 2012 to 2016, where he supported clients in various types of mortgage banking transactions, private and public securities offerings, debt financing transactions and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to his time at Hudson, Colorado was an attorney with Bank of America and a CPA with Ernst & Young LLP.

Foundation Building Materials (955)

Age: 45 Miami, FL

CESAR CONDE Chairman of NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises and NBCUniversal International Group


PepsiCo (51), Walmart (1)

Age: 58 Atlanta, GA

DEIRDRE CONNELLY Retired President, North America Pharmaceuticals for LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).



Macy's (120), Lincoln National (188)

Age: 52 Chicago, IL

EDUARDO F. CONRADO Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Ascension


ArcBest (786)

Board Members 2020.indd 44

Conde has oversight of NBC News, MSNBC, and CNBC, including editorial and business operations for the television and digital properties. Previously, Conde was Chairman of NBCUniversal International Group and NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises. As Chairman of NBCUniversal International Group, Conde was responsible for the operations and international expansion of NBCUniversal businesses outside of North America. As Chairman of NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, Conde oversaw the leading media properties that serve Hispanics worldwide.  He was instrumental in building NBCU Telemundo Enterprises into a world-class media company that produces and distributes high-quality Spanish-language content across a range of broadcast, cable, and digital properties. He holds a B.A. with honors from Harvard University and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Prior to her tenure at GSK from 2009 to 2015, Connelly was with Eli Lilly and Company, where she had been president of Lilly USA. During her 26-year career with Eli Lilly, she held a variety of executive positions, including senior vice president of human resources for the corporation, as well as vice president of human resources for pharmaceutical operations. Connelly was named national sales manager for the Puerto Rico affiliate and later became director of sales and marketing for the Caribbean Basin Region. She also served as general manager for Eli Lilly Puerto Rico. Later, she was named executive director of global marketing for Evista, and leader of the woman’s health business unit in the U.S. In 2008, she was appointed to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships and helped select the White House Fellows, a prestigious annual program that fosters leadership and public service. Born in San Juan, Connelly earned a bachelor's degree in Economics and Marketing from Lycoming College. She also graduated from Harvard University's Advanced Management Program.

Conrado is accountable for the development of Ascension’s digital and data strategy and platform for consumer engagement as well as care delivery operations and product innovation. He is responsible for Ascension’s corporate strategy and new business development functions. Prior to joining Ascension, he was Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer for Motorola Solutions, Inc., Chicago. While there, he was responsible for managing the company’s growth-focused strategy, accelerating innovation across the company’s products, services and software. Previously, he led the company’s marketing and IT organizations. He joined Motorola in 1992 and served in a variety of leadership roles in multiple international businesses in a range of consumer and commercial segments across Motorola. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University, a master’s degree in Business Administration from ESADE, Barcelona, Spain; and a master’s degree in International Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

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00LL-American Tower.indd 2

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Age: 63

She serves as managing partner of Contreras-Sweet Enterprises and Rockway Equity Partners. Contreras-Sweet served as the administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration and a member of President Obama’s cabinet from April 7, 2014 to Jan. 20, 2017. She was the founding executive chairwoman of ProAmerica Bank from 2006 to 2014. Contreras-Sweet was co-founder and managing partner of Fortius Holdings from 2003 to 2006. Prior to that, she served as the California cabinet secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency from 1999 to 2003. She was appointed chair of the finance committee of CA-ISO (California Independent System Operator) to help solve California’s 2000-01 energy crisis. She is a director of Regional Management Corp.

Los Angeles, CA

MARIA CONTRERAS-SWEET Managing Partner, Contreras-Sweet Enterprises & Rockway Equity Partners


Regional Management Corporation, Sempra Energy (258)

Age: 53 Winchester, MA

EDUARDO CORDEIRO Independent Director Boards

Owens Corning (431), FMC Corporation (578)

Cordeiro has served on the Board of Directors of Owens Corning, a global building and industrial materials leader, as a member of its Compensation and Finance Committees since 2019. He has also served on the Board of Directors of FMC Corporation since 2011 and chaired its Audit Committee since 2014. He served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer at Cabot Corporation, a global specialty chemicals and performance materials company, from 2009 to 2018. He also served as President of the Americas region from 2014 to 2018. During his 20-year tenure at Cabot Corporation, he held several corporate, business and executive management positions, including Vice President of Corporate Strategy and General Manager of its Fumed Metal Oxides and Supermetals businesses. Prior to his career at Cabot, He was a consultant with The Boston Consulting Group and a founding partner of The Economics Resource Group.

Age: 64

Córdova has extensive business leadership and entrepreneurial experience. She has strong management skills from leading business development for companies from start-up phase through high growth into the public market. Her former international executive roles with McGraw-Hill Standard & Poor’s and Excite@Home, along with Chief Executive roles in private corporations, have given her extensive expertise in corporate finance and strategic planning. In addition, she is a citizen of both the United States and Mexico and has significant cross-border operations experience. Córdova also has experience in the development of government financial and economic policies from her formal economics education, from ten years with the 10th District Federal Reserve Bank, ultimately as chairman, and from serving on compensation and audit committees.

LU M. CÓRDOVA Executive Director, Colorado Department of Revenue Boards

Kansas City Southern (811)

Age: Minneapolis, MN


PILAR CRUZ President, Cargill’s Aqua Nutrition Business



Donaldson Company, Inc. (816)

grew up in Bogota, Colombia during some of the most challenging times in the history of the country. This taught me resilience and resolve – we can all learn to lead better lives and help others along the way.

Pilar joined Cargill in 2002 as an Associate in Corporate Strategy and Business Development. Her operational experience began in 2006 when she was appointed General Manager for the Beef Business with Cargill Meats Canada. In 2008, she moved to Oklahoma City where she led the animal nutrition business for the South Central US. In 2011, she moved to Costa Rica to successfully lead Cargill's integration of Pipasa. In 2012, she moved to Nicaragua to lead Cargill's poultry operations, which then led to her being appointed as President for Cargill Meats Europe after one year. In 2015, she was named Corporate Vice President and Head of Corporate Strategy and Development. In 2017, she was named President of Cargill’s Feed and Nutrition business globally. Pilar is a strong believer in the need to foster inclusion and diversity. She is a mentor for younger talent within Cargill. Originally from Bogotá Colombia, Pilar has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Universidad de Los Andes and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

Age: 57 Los Angeles, CA


Gilbert has spent 25 years working as a senior corporate marketing executive and multicultural market expert at:Procter & Gamble; Coca Cola USA; Sears, Roebuck and Company; and The Walt Disney Company where he served as the head of MC Marketing and Global Diversity. He co-founded DMI Consulting in 2010 to provide multicultural and inclusive marketing and strategic services. He co - founded the ANA’s AIMM (Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing) comprised of 100 of the top corporations, media and research companies, advertising agencies and trade associations in the U.S. interested in targeting Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, LGBTQ members and People with Disabilities.

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (767)

Board Members 2020.indd 46

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“Don’t let anyone put limits on what you can achieve!”

RALPH DE LA VEGA Founder & Chairman De La Vega Group Boards

American Express (67), New York Life Insurance (73), Amdocs, Ubicquia

Founder and chairman of the De La Vega Group which invests in and advices startup companies that have a noble purpose and solve difficult problems using innovative technologies. de la Vega is the former Vice Chairman of AT&T Inc. and CEO of Business Solutions & International. Previously, he was President and CEO of AT&T Mobility. Under his leadership, AT&T Mobility became one of the world’s leading smartphone and mobile Internet providers. He is the author of the best-selling book Obstacles Welcome: Turn Adversity to Advantage in Business and Life (Thomas Nelson, 2009). De la Vega has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and a master’s degree in business administration from Northern Illinois University. He completed the Executive Program at the University of Virginia and received a Doctor Honoris Causa from FAU.

Age: 67

Senior Fellow with the Center for American Progress since 2007. Senior Vice President, The Boeing Company 2001 to 2006. Deputy Secretary of Defense 2000 to 2001. Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness 1997 to 2000. Undersecretary of the U.S. Air Force 1994 to 1997.

RUDY F. DE LEON Chairman, General Dynamics Boards

General Dynamics (83)

Age: 60

JOAQUIN DELGADO Independent Director Boards


Boca Raton, Florida


Age: 68

“The purpose of my life can be reflected in three words: Learn, Create, Give. I have a passion for learning and I use my learning and inspiration to create both in the sciences, business and the arts; what I have learned and created I like to give it to better other people’s lives."

Joaquín Delgado worked at 3M Company from 1987 until his retirement in July 2019. He most recently served as Executive Vice President since July 2009, having responsibility for three Business Groups consecutively: Electro-Communications Business Group, Health Care Business Group and Consumer Business Group .Delgado has a PhD in polymer science and engineering from Lehigh University.

Hexion (717), Stepan Co., Goldman Sachs

San Antonio, TX

PATRICIA DIAZ DENNIS Retired Senior Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, AT&T


"Leadership is not just positional. We can all be leaders if we live life intentionally, with authenticity, kindness, and purpose."

Patricia Diaz Dennis retired from AT&T in 2008 as Senior Vice President & Assistant General Counsel. She currently serves on three public boards: U.S. Steel, Entravision Communications Corporation and Amalgamated Bank. Her past board service includes Telemundo, Carr America, UST and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. She was the first Latina Board Chair of the Girl Scouts of the USA (2005-2008). She also served on the NPR Board. Diaz Dennis received three Presidential appointments confirmed by the U.S. Senate: Member of the National Labor Relations Board (1983), Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission (1986) and Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (1992), all firsts for a Latina.

Entravision, United States Steel (247)

Age: Nashville, TN

FRED DIAZ JR. Former President, CEO & Chairman, Board for Mitsubishi Motors North America


Site One Landscape Supply (904)

Board Members 2020.indd 47

Diaz became a director in August 2017. From April 2018 to March 2020, served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. He previously served in management roles at Nissan, most recently as Division Vice President and General Manager, North America, Trucks and Commercial Vehicles, of Nissan North America, Inc. Prior to that, he served as Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Operations, of Nissan USA. Before joining Nissan in 2013. Diaz spent 24 years at Chrysler Corporation, where he held a number of management roles, including President and Chief Executive Officer of Chrysler’s Ram Truck brand and President and Chief Executive Officer, Chrysler de Mexico and Latin America. He's is a graduate of Texas Lutheran University and holds an M.B.A. from Central Michigan University.


Age: 72


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Age: 58

Myriad Genetics is a global leader in molecular diagnostics and precision medicine. Previously, he served as a Partner at Cressey & Company (2016-2020), a private investment firm headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, which currently manages over $3.0 billion in committed capital. He is the former President & Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of Kindred Healthcare. He previously served on the Board of Directors of Kindred Healthcare, Inc., the Board of Directors of PharMerica Corporation, the Board of Visitors of the Georgetown University Law Center, the Board of the Federation of American Hospitals, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. While Chief Executive Officer of Kindred, Paul was a member of the Business Roundtable and the Wall Street Journal CEO Council. Paul is an attorney and accountant, who earned a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting from American University's Kogod School of Business and a law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.

Louisville, KY

PAUL DIAZ President & Chief Executive Officer, Myriad Genetics, Inc. Boards

Da Vita, Inc. (230), Myriad Genetics, Inc.

Age: 51

President of Dedicated Transportation Solutions for Ryder System, Inc., a position he has held since April 2015. Diez is responsible for setting the strategic direction of DTS, which combines vehicles, drivers, and administrative services with drivers and additional value-added services, all dedicated to a specific customer. He has served in various roles for Ryder since 2002, including as Senior Vice President of Ryder Dedicated, Senior Vice President of Asset Management, Senior Vice President of Global Field Finance, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for the Fleet Management Solutions business segment, and Assistant Controller. Prior to joining Ryder, Diez spent eight years in the audit practice of KPMG LLP. Diez is a CPA in the state of Florida and a member of the American Institute of CPAs.

Miami, FL

JOHN J. DIEZ President Fleet Management Solutions at Ryder System, Inc.


Trinity Industries (781)

Age: 68 Washington, D.C.

Cari was the chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from 2001 to 2006. She is president of Dominguez & Associates, a management consulting firm, which she founded in 1999. From 1995 to 1998, she was a partner at Heidrick & Struggles, an international executive search firm. From 1993 to 1995, she was a director at Spencer Stuart, a consulting firm. From 1989 to 1993 she was Assistant Secretary for the Employment Standards Administration and Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs at the U.S. Department of Labor. Before then, Dominguez held senior management positions with Bank of America.

CARI M. DOMINGUEZ Independent Director Boards

Manpower Group (158), Triple-S Management (716), The Calvert Funds

Age: 60 New York, NY


CARLOS DOMINGUEZ President, Sprinklr



Hartford Financial Services Group (160), Medidata Solutions

Age: 57 Los Angeles & Sacramento, CA

DORENE DOMINGUEZ CEO and Chairwoman of Vanir Boards

KB Home (591), CIT Group (732)

Board Members 2020.indd 48

"Vanir builds communities. I am dedicating to improving the lives of others. Paying it forward is not an option, it is a requirement and a blessing."

Previously an active member of Sprinklr’s board of directors, today Carlos guides strategic direction for Sprinklr and leads the marketing, sales, services, and partnerships teams for the most complete enterprise social technology company in the world. Prior to joining Sprinklr, Carlos spent 22 years at Cisco Systems in a variety of roles. Over the last seven years, he served as a technology evangelist and representative for the chairman and CEO of Cisco, delivering keynotes to audiences worldwide. During his tenure at Cisco, he cemented the company in the strategic markets of financial services, media, and pharmaceuticals. He also helped establish and lead Cisco’s Service Provider organization to generate more than $14 billion in annual revenue. Before joining Cisco, Carlos held management positions at Timeplex, Inc. and New Jersey Bell/ Bell Atlanticom.

Dorene has serve d as the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of the Vanir Group of Companies and its subsidiaries, Vanir Construction Management and Vanir Development Company , since 2004. She is member of the governing group that aggressively pursued and ultimately purchased the Sacramento Kings professional basketball team in 2013. With the purchase, Dominguez became the first Latina to hold the distinction of National Basketball Association (NBA ) governor status. She is also a member of the governing group for the Sacramento Republic Football Club, which is scheduled to begin Major League Soccer(MLS) play in 2022. Dominguez formed The Dominguez Dream in Memory of H. Frank Dominguez nonprofit, formerly known as The Vanir Foundation in Memory of H. Frank Dominguez, in 2004. Dominguez graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and holds a Certificate in Corporate Governance from Harvard University. She is one of the most powerful business woman in the Country.

06/10/20 11:02

Ernst & Young LLP


Marathon Oil (534), National Oilwell Varco (374), Norfolk Southern Corporation (283)

Age: 65

A globally experienced, values-driven health care business leader and currently Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s premier health care company. Responsible for the Company’s Pharmaceuticals and Consumer sectors, as well as Supply Chain, Information Technology, Global Services and the Health and Wellness groups. As a member of the Company for more than 30 years, he was named Company Group Chairman of the Americas in 2009. He then continued leading the global transformation upon his appointment to his most recent role as E.V.P. & Worldwide Chairman, Pharmaceuticals in 2011. During that time, the sector grew into what is today the fourth-largest innovative pharmaceutical company globally. Results:17 new products launched since 2011 and up to 10 potential billion-dollar medicines expected to be launched and/or filed before 2021. Duato has an undergraduate degree in economics and business, a MBA degree from ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, and a Master of International Management degree from Thunderbird in Phoenix, Arizona.

New York, NY

JOAQUIN DUATO Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee, Johnson & Johnson


Hess Corporation (461)

Age: 56 Miami, FL

SONIA DULÁ Independent Director & Advisor Boards

Huntsman Corporation (382), Hemisphere Media Group

Age: 56 Florida

ANA DUTRA CEO, Mandala Global Advisors Boards

Donadio retired as a partner of Ernst & Young LLP in 2014. Prior to her retirement, she was Americas Oil & Gas Sector Leader for Ernst & Young LLP from 2007, with responsibility for one of Ernst & Young’s significant industry groups helping set firm strategy for oil and gas industry clients in the United States and throughout the Americas. Donadio joined Ernst & Young LLP in 1976, and from 1989 served as an audit partner for multiple companies in the oil and gas industry. During her tenure as a partner with Ernst & Young LLP, she held various energy industry leadership positions. She has audit and public accounting experience with a specialization in domestic and international operations in all segments of the energy industry. Donadio holds a B.S. in accounting from Louisiana State University and is a licensed certified public accountant in the State of Texas.

"I live my life practicing gratitude, giving back and paying it forward. I find daily inspiration in the small acts of courage, kindness and humanity that put a smile in our faces even in light of the most challenging circumstances."

CME Group (558), Eletrobras, Greeley and Hansen, Lifespace Senior Living Communities, Elkay Manufacturing

Sonia Dulá is a business executive and entrepreneur and, until March of 2018, she was Vice Chairman at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Prior to this position, she was head of the Latin America Wealth Management Division at Merrill Lynch and head of Corporate and Investment Banking for Latin America. Following her MBA, she worked for nine years at Goldman Sachs, where she led landmark privatizations out of Spain, Italy and Mexico, as well as global debt and equity offerings for Latin American issuers. After Goldman Sachs, Sonia became CEO of Telemundo Studios México, the production center for Telemundo Network (USA). She co-founded two internet companies – Internet Group of Brazil and Obsidiana – and she was CEO of Grupo Latino de Radio, a Prisa company with more than 500 owned and operated radio stations in Latin America and the US Hispanic market. She has been a director on the board of The Council of the Americas, Women’s World Banking, and The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts.

Ana was the CEO of The Executives’ Club, a 112 year-old world-class senior executives organization focused on innovation, technology, Diversity & Inclusion and leadership development for Boards and top leaders. Prior to that, as a CEO and proxy officer of Korn Ferry (NYSE: KFY), Ana created a $500+ MM global business through the combination of organic growth, 7 global acquisitions, innovative go-to-market approaches and incorporation of technology and digitalization of products and services. A Brazilian native with over 30 years of experience in global P&L management, technology, business growth and C-Level business advisory in over 25 countries. She has led a number of global acquisitions, post-merger integrations and execution of accelerated growth strategies. She has led and advised businesses in the technology, CPG, food & beverage, retail, pharma, oil & gas, manufacturing, energy and professional services industries. Ana started her career with IBM. holds an MBA from Kellogg, a Masters in Economics from Pontificia Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Juris Doctor from Universidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Age: 63 New York, NY

JOSEPH "JOE" ECHEVARRIA Independent Director Boards

BNY Mellon (159), Pfizer (64), Unum Group (266), Xerox (347)

Board Members 2020.indd 49


MARCELA DONADIO Former Partner and Americas Oil & Gas Sector Leader,

"I mentor those that come behind me so they can also aspire to excel and succeed in this country, where I have gotten opportunities I never dreamed of."

Echevarria served as Chief Executive Officer of Deloitte LLP. He previously served in increasingly senior leadership positions during his 36-year career at the firm, including U.S. Managing Partner for Operations, prior to being named Chief Executive Officer. In addition to the public company board service noted below, Echevarria currently serves as a Trustee and senior advisor to the President of the University of Miami. Echevarria previously served as Chairman of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and as a Member of the Private Export Council, the principal national advisory committee on international trade. He has served as a director since 2015, as Lead Director from 2016 through 2019 and as Chair since 2019. Echevarria earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Miami.


Houston, TX


Age: 66


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Age: 62 Boston, MA

JUAN ENRIQUEZ Managing Director, Excel Venture Management Boards

Cabot Corp. (726), Excel Venture Management, Synthetic Genomics,

Age: 61 San Bernardino, CA

ANNA ESCOBEDO-CABRAL Senior Advisor, Inter-American Development Bank Boards

Enriquez has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Biotechonomy Ventures, a life sciences research and investment firm, since 2003 and Managing Director of Excel Venture Management, a life sciences investment company, since March 2008. Prior to that, he served as Director of the Life Science Project at Harvard Business School from 2001 to 2003. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of various start-up companies.

Navient (510)

Cabral is a partner in The Cabral Group, a firm dedicated to serving clients in need of government and public relations support. From 2009 through May of 2018, Cabral served as a Senior Principal Advisor within the External Relations department of the Inter-American Development Bank, the largest source of development financing for the Caribbean and Latin America. She was the Bank’s principal liaison between senior management and parliamentary bodies, including the U.S. Congress. She served as Treasurer of the United States, U.S. Department of the Treasury, helping the Secretary of the Treasury fulfill the President’s economic agenda. From 1991-1999, she was executive staff director for the U.S. Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs and deputy staff director for the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Cabral earned her Juris Doctorate from George Mason University School of Law. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of California, Davis.

Age: 61 New Jersey

Esteves was formerly Chief Financial Officer of Time Warner Cable Inc., a post she held from July 2011 to May 2013. She previously served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of XL Group plc from May 2010 to June 2011. Prior to that position, Esteves was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Regions Financial Corporation from April 2008 to February 2010. She previously served on the board of directors of TW Telecom Inc. from June 2014 to October 2014 and the board of directors of Timberland Co. from June 2003 to June 2009.

IRENE M. ESTEVES Independent Director Boards

KREF, Aramark (200), Spirit AeroSystem (406), RR Donnelley & Sons (471)

Age: 46 Orange, CA


JACQUELINE FERNANDEZ Retired Partner, Deloitte & Touche



Certified public accountant and a retired partner in the Audit practice of Deloitte & Touche LLP, where she served clients primarily in the Consumer and Industrial Products industry. She has significant experience working in this industry, having served both public companies and private family-owned growth companies in addition to subsidiaries of international corporations. She was elected to the Nationwide board in 2017. Fernandez previously served as president of the Retail Executives of Southern California and served on the board of the Network of Executive Women.

Nationwide (74)

Age: 74 Miami, FL

MANUEL A. FERNANDEZ Managing Director SI Ventures Boards

Fernandez co-founded SI Ventures, a venture capital firm focusing on IT and communications infrastructure, and served as the managing director from 1998 until his retirement in 2014. His previous positions include Chairman and CEO of Gartner, Inc. and CEO of Dataquest, Inc. Fernandez holds a degree in electrical engineering and completed post-graduate work in solid-state engineering at the University of Florida, and also completed post-graduate work in business administration at the Florida Institute of Technology. He was first elected as a Director of the Company in 2014.

Performance Food Group (168), Brunswick (590), Leggett & Platt (569)

Board Members 2020.indd 50

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Jacobs (206)

Age: 49 Orlando, Fl

MIGUEL FERNANDEZ President and Chief Executive Officer, Tupperware Brands

Tupperware Brands Corporation

Miguel joined Tupperware in April 2020 after spending more than two years as Global President at Avon Products Inc. During his time at Avon, Fernandez led the company’s transformation strategy, helping to modernize and optimize Avon’s digital functions and developing a new omni-channel approach in order to drive growth and enhance revenue. Prior to joining Avon, he spent a decade in senior roles at Herbalife Nutrition, where he served as Executive Vice President and Managing Director for the Americas and Worldwide Member Operations. Miguel was instrumental in transforming the Herbalife Mexico business to be one of the largest direct-selling companies in Mexico, and then went on to reestablish growth in North America by leading the Herbalife Nutrition Americas team. Miguel holds a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering from the Monterrey Institute of Technology in Mexico and a Master of Business Administration from Darden School of Business, University of Virginia.



“I strongly believe in the concept of servant leadership – being a leader is about doing what it takes to help people be successful. For me, it’s about setting clear goals and expectations then helping get the job done. My teams don’t work for me – I work for them. And at the end of the day, we will succeed if we work together.”


Over his career, Manny has held a number of business leadership roles, including most recently Managing Partner at KPMG, leading a clients and markets team of over 3,000 members covering 9 offices in the Southwest Region, across Audit, Tax and Consulting. A total of twenty-three years as an Audit Partner or Senior Account Executive for some of KPMG’s most prominent clients in a variety of industry sectors, including Consumer, Industrial Manufacturing, Retail, and Media. International experience includes working with large SEC, multi-national companies, including “initial public offerings” (IPO’s), and have worked and lived outside the U.S. (Mexico City) during his career. Fernandez also served on PMG’s National Inclusion and Diversity Board and Co-Chair of the National Hispanic / Latino ERG group with over 2,000 members. Led the strategy to attract, retain, develop and promote more, at the firm. Manny is Former Trustee for the KPMG Foundation.

Dallas, TX


Age: 58


Board Members 2020.indd 51

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Age: 54 Washington, D.C.

"Stay positive, test negative"

RAUL FERNANDEZ Vice Chairman & Owner, Monumental Sports & Entertainment


GameStop (464), URBANEER, AtSite Inc, Prefect Sense Digital, Broadcom (138), General Atlantic, Carrick Capital Partners, SyncThink, DXC Technology

Vice Chairman and Owner of Monumental Sports & Entertainment, a private partnership that co-owns the NBA’s Washington Wizards, the NHL’s 2018 Stanley Cup Champion Washington Capitals, the WNBA’s Washington Mystics, Team Liquid eSports and Wizards District Gaming NBA 2K, as well as co-owns and operates Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C. He also serves as Special Advisor and Limited Partner to General Atlantic Partners, a growth equity firm with more than $31 billion under management. He previously served in several leadership roles at various technology companies, including as Chairman and CEO for ObjectVideo, a leading developer of intelligent video surveillance software. Fernandez brings more than three decades of executive experience scaling innovative and rapidly growing technology companies. Wellknown in the tech industry and the Washington, DC area as the founder of Proxicom He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Maryland and is an active philanthropist, focusing his energy primarily on education reform in the D.C. region.

Age: 56 San Juan, PR

MARÍA LUISA FERRÉ RANGEL President & CEO, Grupo Ferré Rangel Boards

As president and CEO, Maria Luisa leads the company’s development and diversification strategies with relentless visionary force, unafraid of new ventures and challenges, and focused on growth and sustainable entrepreneurship. She oversees a family holding company with leading operations in media, real estate, and customer engagement in Puerto Rico, the United States and Latin America. She also serves as Publisher of GFR Media, Grupo Ferré Rangel’s media arm and the leading media business in Puerto Rico.

W.R. Berkley (402), Popular Inc. (820)

Age: 64 New York, NY

JUAN FIGUEREO Venture Partner, Ocean Azul Partners Boards

PVH (322), Western Alliance Bancorporation, Deckers Outdoors (989)

Age: 57 Los Angeles, CA


JOHN G. FIGUEROA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Carepathrx



Reliance Steel & Aluminum (291)

Former executive vice president and chief financial officer of Revlon. Prior to joining Revlon, Juan served as EVP & CFO of NII Holdings a NASDAQ listed provider of wireless communication services under the Nextel brand. Juan also served as EVP & CFO at Newell Brands a global marketer of consumer and commercial products, listed on the NYSE. Before serving at Newell Brands, he was EVP & CFO of Cott Corporation. Juan also served as VP in charge of mergers and acquisitions at Walmart. Prior to Walmart he served in a number of key international positions at PepsiCo, including VP and managing director for Frito-Lay Dominican Republic, VP of Business Integration for Frito-Lay Europe in London, VP and CFO of Frito-Lay South Europe in Barcelona, VP and CFO of Pepsi-Cola Bottling in Sao Paulo and VP and CFO of Pepsi-Cola Latin America. He holds a bachelor of business administration from Florida International University.

John Figueroa was appointed a director of Reliance in October 2010. He serves as Chair of our Compensation Committee and as a member of our Nominating and Governance Committee. Mr. Figueroa is the Chairman and CEO of Carepathrx. Over the course of his career, he has served in executive and board positions with Genoa Healthcare, Apria Healthcare Group Inc., Omnicare, Inc., and McKesson Corporation. Mr. Figueroa has also served the country as an officer in the United States Army. Mr. Figueroa holds Bachelor’s degrees in English Literature and Political Science from the University of California at Los Angeles, where he was a distinguished military graduate. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University, where he was honored as a Distinguished Alumnus. Currently, Mr. Figueroa also serves on the Executive Committee for the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School Board and is a guest lecturer at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Age: 68 San Juan, PR

MANUEL FIGUEROA COLLAZO President, Smart Networks, LLC Boards

Figueroa-Collazo is the president of Smart Networks, LLC, a telecommunication, hosting and data processing company in Puerto Rico. From 1999 to 2019, he was president of VERNET, Inc., an educational software development company. He has fifteen years of experience in senior management positions and over twenty-five years of exposure at all management levels in the information and telecommunications industries. He was previously CEO of AT&T de Mexico and currently chairs the State Committee for NSF’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCor) in Puerto Rico.

Triple-S Management (716)

Board Members 2020.indd 52

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00LL-US Bank.indd 2

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Age: 63 Grandbury, TX

Flores joined Luminant, a private Texas-based electric utility, in 1983 and served as Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer from 2009 to 2015. In this position, he oversaw operations at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant in Texas, reported nuclear matters directly to Luminant’s nuclear oversight advisory board and represented Luminant with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, the Nuclear Energy Institute and on various committees and working groups in the nuclear industry.

RAFAEL FLORES Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, Luminant Boards

Ameren (488)

Age: 51 New York, NY

LIDIA FONSECA EVP & Chief Digital &Technology Officer, Pfizer Boards

“Even as a child, I could imagine that there was more beyond the world that I knew. This sense of possibility has stayed with me, fueling my passion to push boundaries and drive transformation.”

Tegna (920)


Garcia co-founded Carvana and has served as our President and Chief Executive Officer since 2012. Prior to founding Carvana,he held various roles at the DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc. from January 2007 to January 2013. From January 2007 to December 2008, he served as a financial strategist. He was a managing director of corporate finance from December 2008 to November 2009. From November 2009 until January 2013, he served as a Vice President and Treasurer and Director of Quantitative Analytics. As Director of Quantitative Analytics, Garcia was responsible for the firm’s ongoing development of consumer credit scoring models, and its utilization of those tools in retail vehicle sales deal structuring and vehicle price optimization. Prior to DriveTime, Garcia was an associate in the Principal Transactions Group at RBS Greenwich Capital from 2005 to 2006, where he focused on consumer credit based investments. Garcia holds a B.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

Tempe, AZ

ERNIE GARCIA III Founder & CEO, Carvana Boards

Lidia spearheads several transformational programs and initiatives to support Pfizer’s purpose of delivering Breakthroughs that Change Patients’ Lives applying digital capabilities and products. Lidia leads the effort to create Pfizer’s Advanced Analytics Platform that brings together data from Pfizer and external partners as well as tools to model scientific and clinical decisions, patterns and insights. She is also driving initiatives to re-imagine clinical trials through robotics/ automation and tech-enabled processes In her prior role, Lidia was the Senior Vice President and CIO at Quest Diagnostics, the world’s leading provider of diagnostic information. In 2020, Lidia was nominated as a member of the Fast Company Impact Council. previously a member of the Board of Directors of Gannet, Inc from 2014-2017. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA and Master Business Informatics from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus Graduate School of Business.

Carvana (651)

Age: 65 San Juan, PR

President & Chief Executive Officer; Secretary since 2010; VP and General Counsel since 2008. Previously, VP and General Counsel at Puerto Rico Telephone. He holds a BA from Harvard University, an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and a JD from Stanford Law School. He completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard.


Management Corp.



Triple-S Management (716)

Age: 68 Pittsburgh, PA

ÁLVARO GARCÍA-TUÑÓN Independent Director Boards

"Phrases typically become cliches because they are true. Success is a direct result of a superior education and hard work. Retain your ethnic pride and culture but become part of the great American melting pot. E pluribus unum."

Àlvaro retired as the Chief Financial Officer of Wabtec Corporation, or Wabtec, a provider of products and services for the global rail industry, effective January 1, 2014. He remained with Wabtec as a strategic advisor until December 31, 2017. Mr. Garcia-Tunon was named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Wabtec in February 2012. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of Wabtec since December 2010. Prior thereto, he served as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of Wabtec since 2003. He graduated from the College of William and Mary with a Juris Doctor degree and is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce and Accounting. He is a CPA and a member of the Virginia State Bar.

Allison Transmission Holdings (839), Matthews International, MSA Safety

Board Members 2020.indd 54

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New York, NY

ART A. GARCIA Retired Executive Vice President & CEO, Ryder System, Inc.



Retired executive vice president and chief financial officer of Ryder System, Inc. Prior to this role, he was a senior vice president and controller for Ryder. Garcia’s qualifications to serve on boards include his experience as a chief financial officer of a Fortune 500 transportation and supply chain management solutions company and his experience in public accounting. During his tenure at Ryder, he led the financial strategy of the company, including establishing a new business model and implementing plans to improve profitability.

ABM Industries (462), American Electric Power (204), Elanco Animal Health

Age: 63

As President and a member of the Unilever Leadership Executive, Fabian helps drive Unilever’s mission of making sustainable living commonplace through a number of strategic initiatives including overseeing Unilever’s purpose-driven brands, industry-leading sustainable packaging development, and an inclusive company culture that makes Unilever an employer of choice. Formerly, Fabian served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Revlon serving between 2016 and 2018. In this capacity, Fabian initiated the transformation of Revlon into a digitally competitive enterprise, while restoring health to the company's iconic brands and creating shareholder value through the successful integration of the 2016 Elizabeth Arden acquisition. Prior to his appointment in Revlon, Fabian was Chief Operating Officer for Colgate Palmolive. He graduated from Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, with a B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering.

New York, NY

FABIAN T. GARCIA President, North America, Unilever Boards


Age: 57

Kimberly-Clark (175)

Age: 52 San Antonio, TX

As a marketing strategist, Luis develops behavior-changing communications and marketing campaigns centered around the impact of culture on beliefs and behavior. A native of Mexico City and graduate of The University of Texas at Austin advertising program, he founded integrated-marketing firm Garcia 360° in 1998 and joined MarketVision as president in 2008. He analyzes, strategizes and guides clients, helping them create culture-inspired marketing initiatives that enable brands to connect in meaningful ways.

LUIS GARCIA President & Lead Strategist, MarketVision Gray Television (962)

Age: 55 Charlotte, NC

MICHAEL GARCIA President Pulp & Paper Division, Domtar Corporation Boards

“Today, leaders are responsible for creating safe and inclusive workplaces where every voice matters. Through board service, I am exposed to new ideas and able to contribute my experience to help companies thrive by celebrating different backgrounds, perspectives and preferences.”

Garcia’s extensive operational leadership in heavy industrial industries brings valuable insight to his role. He is President of the Pulp and Paper Division of Domtar Corporation, which designs, manufactures, markets and distributes a wide variety of fiber-based products including communication papers, specialty and packaging papers and market pulp. He has served in this capacity since 2014. Prior to joining Domtar, Garcia was the Chief Executive Officer at EVRAZ Highveld Steel & Vanadium Co. in South Africa. He has more than 25 years of international management experience in paper, steel, and aluminum manufacturing and marketing. He has been a Director of IPL and WPL since 2020.

Alliant Energy (675), Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (Charlotte Branch)

Age: 68 Atlanta, GA

PAUL GARCIA Independent Director Boards

Truist Financial (217), Deluxe Corporation, Repay Holdings, Payment Alliance International

Board Members 2020.indd 55

Paul is a pioneer in the financial services industry, became Chief Executive Officer of NDC’s Atlanta-based eCommerce line of business in June 1999. NDC e-Commerce began operating as Global Payments Inc. on December 11, 2000, and the new company spun off from NDC on February 1, 2001. During his 14-year tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Global Payments grew annual revenues from $350 million to $2.4 billion.Garcia has served on the Global, U.S. and Latin American Boards of MasterCard International, West Corporation. Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, and the Electronic Transaction Association. Garcia holds a B.A. from Ithaca College.




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Age: 61 Mexico City, MX "Do right, enjoy, repeat. Essentially, life’s about integrity, passion and consistency."

ANTONIO O. GARZA Counsel to White & Case & Former US Ambassador to Mexico


Antonio Garza is currently Counsel to White & Case in Mexico City, one of the world’s leading global law firms with 42 offices in 28 countries. Garza served as US Ambassador to Mexico from 2002 through 2009 and formerly held statewide and local office in his native Texas. Drawing on decades of high profile, political, legal, and business experience, Ambassador Garza serves as a strategic counselor to CEOs, investors, and entrepreneurs. He is acknowledged as one of the top experts on U.S.-Mexico relations and on the business and political environments of both nations and currently advises a number of companies and investors active in Mexico, Texas and the United States.

Kansas City Southern (811), Moneygram

Age: 58

Since 2000, Garza has been managing director of Bravo Equity Partners, which provides capital to middle-market companies in the U.S. and Mexico, primarily in the financial services, retail, food, and educational service sectors. He is also actively involved in various private companies, including Bravo Pizzas Houston and Career Educational Services. He has gained a strong understanding of global and domestic macroeconomics and capital market concepts through his more than 25 years of experience in managing and advising companies in a wide range of industries on corporate finance, investment, development and strategic matters. He has also demonstrated leadership through his service on the boards of Vantage Bancorp, Inc. and First Texas BHC, Inc.

Fort Worth, TX

RAFAEL A. GARZA Co-Founder & Managing Director, Bravo Equity Partners Boards

Atmos Energy (802)

Age: 48 Tulsa, Okla.

CLAY GASPAR President & Chief Operating Officer, WPX Energy Boards

“I pride myself on being a good listener and want to hear ideas from others. I’m especially interested in ideas that we haven’t tried or in evolving technology that we need to evaluate.”

Gaspar has more than 25 years of experience in energy, both onshore and offshore and around the world. He has a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M and a master’s degree in petroleum and geosciences engineering from The University of Texas. He is a registered professional engineer and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.

WPX Energy (924), Catalyst Midstream Partners , Michigan Potash & Salt Co.

Age: New York, NY

After a successful corporate career including a 10-year tenure at Johnson & Johnson, Lili co-founded CIEN+ and CulturIntel. Her firm, headquartered in New York City with offices in Colombia and Mexico, is a recognized expert in big data market research, business consulting and cross-cultural marketing helping Fortune 500’s to successfully tap into diverse markets and turn cultural trends into profits. She is a regular TV commentator seen on Fox News, Fox Business and CNN en Español, and has been featured by Forbes, CNN Money, The Huffington Post, The NY Daily News, MM&M, among others.





Zumiez, AUA Private Equity Partners, LLC

Age: 61 Washington, D.C.

ANDRÉS GLUSKI President & CEO, The AES Corporation Boards

AES (310), AES Gener, Fluence, Waste Management (207)

Board Members 2020.indd 56

Andrés previously served as CEO of both AES Gener in Chile and La Electricidad de Caracas in Venezuela. He held senior positions in banking, telecom, the IMF and the public sector before joining AES in 2000. During his tenure as President and CEO, he has led AES through a dramatic transformation by focusing on simplification, risk improvement and innovation. He has led the company through a $5 billion divestiture program, increased the credit rating by multiple notches and initiated a quarterly dividend, which has grown at an 8% annual rate. Andrés has also overseen the largest construction program in AES’ history, with more than 5,000 MW of new power generation completed. He has been invited to serve as an expert witness at US Congressional hearings on the subject of energy policy and Latin America. He currently serves on the US-Brazil CEO Forum and the US-India CEO Forum.

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JORGE M. GOMEZ Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Dentsply Sirona Inc.


Xylem (530)

Gomez has served as Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Dentsply Sirona, Inc., a manufacturer of professional dental products and technologies, since August 2019. From January 2018 to August 2019, he served as Chief Financial Officer of Cardinal Health, a global, integrated healthcare solutions company. Hez held a variety of positions at Cardinal Health from 2006 until being named CFO in January 2018, including chief financial officer of the Medical segment, chief financial officer of the Pharmaceutical segment, corporate treasurer and corporate controller. Before joining Cardinal Health, Jorge held multiple executive and managerial roles at General Motors. He earned a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the National University of Colombia and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Hartford.

Age: 49


Charlotte, N.C.


Age: 52


RACHEL GONZALEZ EVP General Counsel & Secretary, Starbucks Dana Holding (367)



She previously served as chief administrative officer of Sabre, a leading technology solutions provider to the global travel and tourism industry. Previous to this role, she served as executive vice president and general counsel of Sabre. Prior to Sabre, she worked at Dean Foods Company, ultimately holding the title of executive vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary. She also held executive positions with Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. and was partner in the law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius.


Board Members 2020.indd 57

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Age: 65 Chicago, IL

RICHARD GONZALEZ Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer, AbbVie Boards

AbbVie (99)

Age: 49 Chicago, IL


Prior to AbbVie’s separation from Abbott in January 2013, Gonzalez was a 30-year Abbott veteran. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Abbott before briefly retiring in 2007. He also held various senior leadership positions in Abbott’s medical products businesses, including President and Chief Operating Officer of the Medical Products Group; Senior Vice President and President of the former Hospital Products Division; Vice President and President of the Health Systems Division; and Divisional Vice President and General Manager for Diagnostics Operations in the United States and Canada. Gonzalez has been a long-standing leader in the greater Chicago community where he is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago and represents AbbVie on their Civic Committee.

Tesla (124)

Gracias has over 15 years experience investing in a variety of sectors including private equity, public equity, and real estate transactions. Gracias is Valor's Founder and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding Valor in 2001, he served as Founder and Managing Member of MG Capital from 1995 through 2000. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of MG Capital's electronic connector holdings, Connector Service Corporation and managed the company through growth from $10 million to $125 million in revenue before exiting the investment in 2001. In addition, Gracias served as Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Powder Coatings, Inc., a $65 million revenue supplier to the auto parts and appliance sectors. Gracias holds a joint B.S. and M.S.F.S. (honors degree) in International Finance and Economics from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. He also studied corporate structures and economic development at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan.

Age: 72 Los Angeles, CA

LINDA GRIEGO Founder & Chair,MLK Health & Wellness Community Development Corporation


ViacomCBS (111), American Fund/Capital Group

Age: Hayward, CA


ROSIE GUMATAOTAO RIOS Managing Director, MacFarlane Partners



American Family Insurance Group (254)

Age: 66 Maryland

CARLOS M. GUTIERREZ Co-Chair, The Albright Stonebridge Group Boards

Griego has served, since 1986, as President and Chief Executive Officer of Griego Enterprises, Inc., a business management company. For more than 20 years, she oversaw the operations of Engine Co. No. 28, a prominent restaurant in downtown Los Angeles that she founded in 1988. From 1990 to 2000, Griego held a number of government-related appointments, including Deputy Mayor of the city of Los Angeles, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Community Development Bank, and President and Chief Executive Officer of Rebuild LA, the agency created to jump-start inner-city economic development following the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

Occidental Petroleum (148), MetLife (48), Price Waterhouse Coopers PwC, Viridis Learning

Board Members 2020.indd 58

Rios served as the 43rd Treasurer of the United States from 2009 to 2016. In her capacity as Treasurer, she had direct oversight over the U.S. Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and served as a key liaison with the Federal Reserve. In addition, she was a senior adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury in the areas of community development and public engagement. Rios is currently the CEO of Red River Associates. She recently completed her term as a visiting scholar at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, where she also earned her bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Romance Languages. Prior to her appointment to the Treasury, she was managing director of investments for MacFarlane Partners. Before that, Rios served in several California private and public sector positions focused on economic development and urban redevelopment. She founded and continues to lead Empowerment 2020, a non-profit focused on physical recognition of historic American women, advocacy for women in senior leadership positions, and investment programs for both women and girls.

Gutierrez is Co-Chair of Albright Stonebridge Group, a commercial diplomacy and strategic advisory firm. Prior to joining Albright Stonebridge in April 2013, Gutierrez was Vice Chairman of the Institutional Clients Group and a member of the Senior Strategic Advisory Group at Citigroup Inc. from 2011 to February 2013. He joined Citigroup from communications and public affairs consulting firm APCO Worldwide Inc., where he was Chairman of the Global Political Strategies division in 2010. He served as U.S. Secretary of Commerce from February 2005 to January 2009, where he worked with foreign government and business leaders to advance economic relationships and enhance trade. Prior to his government service, Gutierrez was with Kellogg Company, a global manufacturer and marketer of well-known food brands, for nearly 30 years. After assignments in Latin America, Canada, Asia, and the United States, he became President and Chief Executive Officer in 1999 and Chairman of the Board in 2000, positions he held until 2005.

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JOSÉ M. GUTIERREZ Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, AT&T Southwestern Bell


Denny's, Adient

Age: 49


Gutiérrez has more than 30 years of experience leading business transformations and creating shareholder value. He served as senior executive vice president and chief of staff to the chairman and CEO of AT&T from 2015 until his retirement at the end of 2016. Prior to assuming this position and over his 25-year career at AT&T, Gutiérrez held numerous senior executive positions, including president of AT&T Wholesale and Access Solutions, president and CEO of AT&T Advertising Solutions, president of AT&T Global Enterprise Solutions, and president and CEO of Southwestern Bell. Gutiérrez earned a Master of Management (MBA) from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. He earned a Master of Accountancy and a Bachelor of Accountancy summa cum laude, both from the University of Missouri.

Dallas, TX


Age: 57

New York

MAURICIO GUTIERREZ President & CEO, NRG Energy Boards

"I used to be a swimmer and what I learned was that hard work and discipline always pay off."

NRG Energy (324)

Age: 45

Xavier A. Gutierrez serves as the President and CEO of Arizona Coyotes, and is the first Latino team President & CEO in NHL history. He has a 20+ year career as a business executive, investor and dealmaker focused on investment management, corporate strategy & operations, finance, and business development. He was previously the Managing Director at Clearlake Capital Group. Gutierrez served as Chief Investment Officer of Meruelo Group, the family office of US Latino business executive Alex Meruelo, and President & Chief Investment Officer of Meruelo Investment Partners, the firm’s investment affiliate. Prior to Meruelo Group, Gutierrez was Principal & Managing Director with Phoenix Realty Group. In addition, Gutierrez has held positions with the law firm of Latham & Watkins working with private equity and venture capital funds, worked as a financial analyst with the investment bank Lehman Brothers, and worked as a financial analyst in the League Office of the National Football League.

Paradise Valley, Arizona

XAVIER GUTIERREZ President & CEO, Arizona Coyotes Hockey Team Boards

Gutierrez joined NRG in 2004 and helped build the company from a regional wholesale generation business to a national, Fortune 500, diversified energy company. Prior to becoming President and CEO, he held the position of Chief Operating Officer. During his tenure as COO, Gutierrez led NRG's engineering and construction activities related to new generation and repowering projects.

Commercial Bank of California

Age: 59

MELANIE HEALEY Partner, H Ventures Boards

Healey is an accomplished C-suite executive officer with over 30 years of global and operational experience in companies like Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and S.C. Johnson and in countries like Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and the US. She left P&G in 2015 after 25 years of service. Melanie was also a pivotal leader of P&G’s Feminine Care business globally, responsible for the successful launch of Tampax Pearl, Always Infinity, and the first and largest teen website - She is a graduate of the University of Richmond where she earned a bachelor of science in Business Administration in 1983.

Verizon (16), Target (39), Hilton Worldwide (324) and PPG Industries (191)

Age: 72 Miami, FL

ADOLFO HENRIQUES CEO, Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Boards

"The true character of a leader is revealed in how they handle the most difficult of times. Be willing to make the tough choices, do the right thing and lead with courage, grace, warmth and humility.”

HEICO (977)

Board Members 2020.indd 59

Henriques has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Gibraltar Private Bank and Trust, a private banking and wealth management company headquartered in Miami. From 2008 until 2010, he was Vice Chairman of The Related Group, a privately-held, leading builder of luxury condominiums and multi-family real estate developments. From 2005 until its sale in December 2007, he was Chairman, President and CEO of NYSE-listed Florida East Coast Industries, having served on its Board since 1998 and having been Chairman of its Audit Committee, as well as a member of its Governance Committee. From 1998 until 2005, he served as CEO of the South Region for Regions Bank (and its predecessor Union Planters Bank). Prior to joining Regions Bank, Henriques served in executive capacities at Bank of America’s predecessor banks since 1986, including positions as Chairman of NationsBank in South Florida and Executive Vice President of Barnett Bank. He began his career as a Certified Public Accountant.


Cincinnati, OH


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Age: 59 Miami, FL

CHARLES M. HERINGTON Vice Chairman & President Global Operations, Zumba Fitness


Molson Coors Brewing (298), Gildan, Quirch Foods, Hy Cite Corporation, Klox Technologies

Age: 62 Dallas, TX


Fluor (181)

Vice Chairman and President at Zumba Fitness LLC since August 2013. In May 2018, he was appointed to the board of Gildan Activewear, Inc. He previously served as a director of NII Holding (Nextel International) where he also served as Chairman of the compensation committee between 2003 and 2013. From March 2006 to August 2012, he held positions of increasing responsibility leading up to office of the Chairman/EVP of Emerging and Developing Market Group at Avon Products Inc., a global consumer products company. From 1999 to 2006, he was President and CEO of AOL Latin America. Prior to that, he served as President at Revlon Latin America from 1997 to 1999. From 1990 to 1997, he held a variety of executive positions in several different geographies leading to division president with Pepsico Restaurant International. From 1981 to 1990, he held various marketing and executive positions in different countries at Procter & Gamble. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering and Systems from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico.

Before being named as chief executive officer, Hernandez was the executive vice president, chief legal officer for Fluor Corporation and served as the company's corporate secretary. He joined Fluor in 2007. Prior to joining the company, he served as general counsel for ArcelorMittal Americas, a major steel producer which is part of the ArcelorMittal steel group. Mr. Hernandez has also served as general counsel and secretary of International Steel Group (ISG), Inc. prior to its acquisition by Mittal Steel Company. Before joining ISG, he served as executive vice president, general counsel and secretary for Fleming Companies, Inc., in Dallas. From 1984 to 1999, Hernandez served in a number of different legal capacities including assistant general counsel for Armco Inc. a steel company, in Pittsburgh. Early in his career, he worked as a civil engineer with HNTB. Hernandez holds a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from Purdue University and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Miami School of Law.

Age: 64 Pasadena,CA

ENRIQUE HERNANDEZ Chairman, President, CEO Inter-Con Security Systems Inc Boards

Rick is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc., a Pasadena, California firm that provides a full range of high-level physical security services to government and private industry worldwide. He earned both his Bachelors and Juris Doctoris degrees from Harvard University. Hernandez previously served as the Chairman of the Board of Nordstrom, Inc. from 2005 to 2016, and on the Board of Directors of Wells Fargo & Company.

McDonald's (156), Chevron (15)

Age: 75 New York, NY

ROBERT M HERNANDEZ Former Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Financial LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

Officer of USX Corporation



Roberto joined U.S. Steel Corporation, the predecessor of USX, in 1968, and held positions of increasing responsibility in the financial and operating organizations, including Vice President and Treasurer from 1984 to 1987, Senior Vice President and Controller from 1987 to 1989, President, U.S. Diversified Group from 1989 to 1990, Senior Vice President, Finance from 1990 to 1991, and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from 1991 to 1994. He is Lead Director of Chubb Limited and a member of the Board of Trustees of BlackRock Open-End Mutual Fund Boards. He was non-executive Chairman of the Board of RTI International Metals, Inc. from 1990 until 2015 and a member of the Board of Directors of USX from 1991 until 2001.

Eastman Chemical (343)

Age: 62 Pasadena, CA & New York, NY.

ROLAND A. HERNANDEZ CEO, Hernandez Media Partners Boards

Fox Corp. (280), MGM Resorts International (249), Take Two Interactive (845), US Bancorp

Board Members 2020.indd 60

Founding Principal and CEO of Hernandez Media Ventures, a family office primarily engaged in the acquisition and management of media and digital assets. Through April 2019, Hernandez served as the Chairman of the Board of Belmond Ltd., an NYSE listed company based in London. Belmond Ltd., formerly known as Orient-Express Hotels Ltd. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Telemundo Group, Inc. from 1995 to 2000, and also as Chairman from 1998 to 2000. Prior to Telemundo, Hernandez founded Interspan Communications and served as President from 1986 to 1994. Hernandez is currently a member of the Board of Advisors of Harvard Law School. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree, cum laude, from Harvard College, and a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School.

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Age: 61 Oakland, CA

SANDRA R. HERNANDEZ President and CEO of the California Health Care Foundation


The California Health Care Foundation, is an independent foundation dedicated to improving the health of the people of California. She is a gubernatorial appointee to the Board of Covered California, the California health insurance marketplace. Prior to joining CHCF, she was CEO of The San Francisco Foundation, which she led for 16 years. Hernández previously served as Director of Public Health for the City and County of San Francisco and co-chaired San Francisco’s Universal Healthcare Council. B.A., 1979, Yale University; M.D., 1984, Tufts School of Medicine; Senior Executives in State and Local Government certificate program, Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

First Republic Bank (627)

Age: 72 Illinois

WILLIAM H. HERNANDEZ Former Finance & Chief Financial Officer, PPG Industries, Inc.


Hernandez was PPG’s corporate controller from 1990 to 1994. He previously held a number of positions with Borg-Warner Corporation and Ford Motor Company. Hernandez is a certified management accountant and has taught finance and management courses at Marietta College. He was named Best Chief Financial Officer for the Chemical Industry four times by Institutional Investor magazine. He was a member of the board of directors of Albemarle Corporation and USG Corporation. Hernandez earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and a master’s degree in business administration from the Harvard Business School.

Northrop Grumman (96)

Age: 64 Denver, CO

RICHARD J. HERRERA Director & Advisor Boards

Herrera was employed as Marketing Vice President/Retails Sales Manager for U-Haul from 1988 to 2001 and served on the Company’s Board from 1993 to 2001 and the U-Haul Board of Directors from 1990 to 2001. Herrera has a long history in the retail industry, including serving as Executive Vice President of Eastern Seaboard Packaging and Executive Vice President of ABUS Lock USA.

Amerco (663)

Age: 57 Washington, D.C.


GEORGE HERRERA President & CEO, Herrera-Cristina Group



Herrera is the founder and President & CEO of the Herrera-Cristina Group, Ltd, a Hispanic-owned, multidisciplinary management firm, specializing in marketing, communications, corporate diversity, public affairs, event planning, and research. Founded in 2003, with offices in New York City and Washington, DC, the Herrera-Cristina Group has an impressive roster consisting of Fortune 500 companies and national organizations as clients.

Wynham Destinations (640)

Age: New York

ROBERT H HERZ President, Robert H. Herz LLC Boards

Herz has been a director since July 2012. He served as Chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board from 2002 to 2010 and was previously a member of the International Accounting Standards Board . He is currently President of Robert H. Herz LLC, providing consulting services on financial reporting matters. Herz is a member of the Independent Investment Committee of United Nations Office for Project Services. Herz served as a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from 1985 until 2002. He also is an executive-in-residence at the Columbia University Business School, and trustee emeritus of the Kessler Foundation. Herz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Manchester, England, and is both a U.S. CPA and an English Chartered Accountant.

Fannie Mae (24), Morgan Stanley (61)

Board Members 2020.indd 62

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MICHAEL PETER HUERTA Former Administrator FAA Boards

Delta Air Lines (68)

Age: 61 Devon, PA

ANTHONY A. IBARGÜEN Former Interim CEO, Insight Enterprises Insight Enterprises (409), NewSpring Holdings

Ibargüen was appointed Chief Executive Officer of AquaVenture Holdings LLC in January of 2019 and has served on its Board of Directors since 2014. He previously served as President of AquaVenture since June 2014. AquaVenture is a New York Stock Exchange listed multinational provider of water purification and treatment services and technologies. Mr. Ibargüen has also served as the Chief Executive Officer of Quench USA, Inc., an AquaVenture subsidiary, since 2010. In 2018, Ibargüen was elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, where he is a member of the executive and management and budget committees. From 2004 to 2008, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Consulting Group, a privately-held IT consulting firm, and prior to that, Mr. Ibargüen was in leadership roles at several IT industry companies, including as President and member of the Board of Directors of Tech Data Corporation, a Fortune 500 global technology distribution company.



Before being named as Administrator, Huerta served as Acting Administrator of the FAA from 2011 to 2013 and FAA Deputy Administrator from 2010 to 2011. Throughout his career, he has held key transportation industry roles in both the public and private sectors. Before joining the FAA, Huertaa was President of the Transportation Solutions Group at Affiliated Computer Services (now Conduent), and prior to that, he held senior positions in the U.S. Department of Transportation in Washington, D.C. He served as Executive Director of the Port of San Francisco from 1989 to 1993, and was Commissioner of New York City’s Department of Ports, International Trade and Commerce from 1986 to 1989. He was recently appointed as Senior Advisor to Macquarie Capital. Huerta earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of California-Riverside and a Master’s in Public Affairs with a concentration in international relations from Princeton University.


Washington, D.C.


Age: 63


Board Members 2020.indd 63

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Age: 65 San Francisco, CA

Award-winning public and private company Board Director and former 4X CEO with a multi-faceted career in companies that disrupted markets and value chains, leading both early stage and F100 organizations through $2B in revenues across a variety of technology sectors. She has been named an NACD Directorship 100 honoree, Financial Times Top 50 Digital Directors, and is an NACD Board Leadership Fellow. She is the author of The Mandate for Corporate Renewal: A Leader’s Guide. BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University and an MS in Engineering Science from the California Institute of Technology.

BEATRIZ INFANTE CEO. Business Excelleration Boards

Ribbon Communications, Liquidity Services, PriceSmart (744)

Age: 67 Oakland, CA

JOSEPH JIMENEZ Retired CEO, Novartis AG Boards

General Motors (18), Procter & Gamble (50),

From 2010 to 2018, Joseph Jimenez held the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Novartis, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies. Under his leadership, Novartis developed one of the largest pipelines of self-originated drugs in the industry, driven by a strong commitment to R&D. Jimenez also transformed the company’s portfolio to focus on innovative patented medicines under Novartis Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Oncology, generics under Sandoz, and eye care devices under Alcon. Prior to serving as CEO of Novartis, Hez held the position of Division Head, Novartis Pharmaceuticals. He joined Novartis in 2007 as Division Head, Novartis Consumer Health. He graduated in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University and in 1984 with a Master of Business Administration from the University of California, Berkeley, both in the United States.

Age: 65 California

MERCEDES JOHNSON Former Interim Chief Financial Officer, Intersil Corp. Boards

Johnson previously served as Interim Chief Financial Officer of Intersil Corporation from April 2013 to September 2013, Chief Financial Officer of Avago Technologies, Inc. from 2005 to 2008, and Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Lam Research Corporation from 1997 to 2004. She has previously served as a board member for a number of public companies, including Intersil Corporation, Juniper Networks, Inc., Micron Technology, Inc. and Storage Technology Corporation.

Synopsys (723), Teradyne (921)

Age: 53 Florida


MANUEL KADRE Chief Executive Officer, MBB Auto, LLC,



The Home Depot (26), Mednax (691), Republic Services (305)

Age: 71 New York, NY

MARIA ELENA LAGOMASINO Managing Partner WE Family Offices Boards

Kadre is Chief Executive Officer of MBB Auto, LLC, a premium luxury retail automotive group, and previously was Chief Executive Officer of Gold Coast Caribbean Importers. He also sits on the boards of directors of The Home Depot, Inc., and Mednax, Inc., where he is the lead independent director. Kadre serves on the board of trustees for the University of Miami and on the board of directors for University of Miami Health System. Kadre is a graduate of Iona College and earned his law degree from Fordham University.

The Walt Disney Co.(49) The Coca-Cola Company (88)

Board Members 2020.indd 64

Maria Elena (Mel) Lagomasino has worked with financially successful families for more than three decades. As CEO and Managing Partner of WE Family Offices, a global family office serving ultra high net worth families, she engages client families to build their wealth enterprises and provide the support and control they need to manage their wealth as a successful business enterprise. Before founding WE, Mel served as CEO of GenSpring Family Offices. Prior to that, she served as chairman and chief executive officer of JP Morgan Private Bank. Her career in banking began in 1977 at Citibank. She joined the Chase Manhattan Private Bank in 1983 and was named head of Chase’s worldwide private banking business in 1997. In March 2019, she became a Trustee of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. A graduate of Manhattanville College (B. A.), Mel also earned graduate degrees at Columbia University (M.S.) and Fordham University (M.B.A).

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Mexico City, MX


Lara has been a Director since November 2004. He served as Chief Executive Officer of the Monsanto Company's Latin America North division, a position he retired from in 2004. Lara obtained a BS in Chemical Engineering by Universidad Iberoamericana.


GUSTAVO LARA CANTU Independent Director

"The key for business success is to develop the best people and a synergistic organization. This leads to the right strategy and to good implementation."

American Tower (414)

Age: 57

CEO, public and private board director, and value creation expert. Co-founder and CEO of Orrington Strategies, a management consulting firm dedicated to helping Fortune 500 insurance, investment management, and consumer products companies. She takes an analytical, data-driven approach to value creation, with a focus on distribution and sales, new business development, digital transformation, new market entry, strategic marketing, and brand-building. While leading two thriving businesses over the past 20 years, she was responsible for their P&L and operations management, and provided organizational leadership, financial oversight, and business strategy. She currently serves on several public and private boards, and was former Investment Fiduciary for her firm.

Chicago, IL

ELIZABETH LEVY-NAVARRO Corporate Advisor & Board Director Boards


Age: 71

Wilshire Mutual Funds, Inc., Burke Distributor Holdings, Gold Eagle Co.

Age: 60 Michigan & California

GRACE LIEBLEIN Independent Director Boards

"Especially at times like these, being adaptable can be a key success factor. Throughout my career, being able to quickly pivot with new situations was a skill set that helped me excel."

A retired Global Operating and Management Executive. She serves as a board member of industry-leading NYSE companies. Grace is known for her wide-ranging leadership and operating experience gained through broad GM executive positions. Her global operations and finance expereince was gained through leadership positions in both Brazil and Mexico. Grace holds a record of credible and exceptional leadership in developing and implementing strategy.

Honeywell (92), Southwest Airlines (141), American Tower (414)

Age: Houston, TX


Superior Energy Resources (991)

Age: 63 Albany, GA

NANCY LOPEZ KNIGHT Founder,Nancy Lopez Golf Company Boards

J.M. Smucker (407)

Board Members 2020.indd 65

In 2000, Lopez Russell founded the Nancy Lopez Golf Company, which focuses on the design and manufacture of top-quality golf equipment and clothing for women. In 2015, she founded Nancy Lopez Golf Adventures, which provides golf instruction and golf travel adventures domestically and internationally. Ms. Lopez Russell is also an accomplished professional golfer, having won 48 career titles, including three majors, on the Ladies Professional Golf Association (“LPGA�) Tour. She is a member of the LPGA Hall of Fame and captained the 2005 U.S. Solheim Cup Team to victory. She also serves as a member of the Commissioner Advisory Board and the Foundation Board of the LPGA.


JANIECE LONGORIA Former Chairman, Port of Houston

She currently serves as Vice Chairman of the University of Texas System Board of Regents, and on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Houston Branch. Formerly, Longoria practiced law as a securities and commercial litigator for 23 years at Ogden Gibson Broocks Longoria & Hall LLP, and previously at Andrews & Kurth LLP.


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Age: 58

Lopez’s focus is to enhance the performance of the business to benefit customers, employees, investors and other key stakeholders. Lopez has established himself as a strong and successful leader, serving as chief operating officer during 2015 and playing a leading role on the acquisition of Vitro’s Food and Beverage business in Mexico, the U.S. and Bolivia. He has also served as president of O-I Americas, with a focus on strengthening O-I’s North America operations. Prior to that role, he served as president of O-I’s South America operations, where he led the region through significant organic and acquisition-based growth, adding new capabilities in Brazil and Argentina. Lopez has held various other leadership positions at O-I, including global vice president of manufacturing and engineering; vice president of manufacturing, North America; and country general manager for O-I Peru.

Perrysburg, OH


Avery Dennison (435), O-I Glass (453)

Age: 61 Miami, FL

GERARDO LOPEZ Operating Partner and Independent Board Director Boards

In business, most of what matters boils down to two words: results and character. Don’t sacrifice, or confuse, one for the other.

A global business executive with over 35 years of experience leading transformations and creating shareholder value across diverse businesses and industries, including Hospitality ( Extended Stay America), Entertainment (AMC Theatres), Multi - Unit Retail ( Starbucks ), Food & Beverage ( PepsiCo ), Consumer Packaged Goods ( Procter & Gamble) and Supply Chain (Handleman Company). Since 2018, he has been Head of the Operating Group for SoftBank Investment Advisers, manager to the $100B SoftBank Vision Fund. He also has fourteen years of service as an independent Board member in public and private companies. He was also a Founder and Board co- Chair at Open Road Films, winner of the 2015 Best Picture Oscar for “ Spotlight”.

CBRE Group (128), Newell Brands (316), Realty Income, OYO Rooms

Age: 73 Tucson, AZ

HUMBERTO LOPEZ President, HSL Properties, Inc Boards

A University of Arizona graduate, a member of the American Institute of CPA's practicing as a CPA for five years with Deloitte. Since 1975 have formed over 100 partnerships acquiring and developing over 25,000 apts and other commercial RE totaling over $1 billion. He is currently a member of the U of A President’s Club, the Tucson Airport Authority, and the Dioceses of Tucson Finance Council. Past member of the Young Presidents Organization and currently a member of the World Presidents Organization. Current Development Projects include the development of over 1,000 luxury apt units and the remodeling and development of approximately 500 hotel rooms. Current holdings include in excess of 11,000 apt units, approx 1,000 hotel rooms, land, a shopping center, office and industrial buildings and a golf course.

Pinnacle West Capital (701)

Age: 57 New York, NY

Lopez served as a Senior Vice President at Estée Lauder Companies Inc. from January 2015 to July 2016, a Senior Vice President at Avon Products, Inc. from December 2012 to November 2014 and previously held various positions at The Procter & Gamble Co. for 25 years, most recently serving as a Vice President and General Manager overseeing its Eastern Europe business.


PATRICIA LOPEZ CEO, High Ridge Brands Co.



Domino's Pizza (679), High Ridge Brands

Age: 66 Omaha, NE

RODRIGO LÓPEZ Chairman AmeriSphere Companies Boards

Mutual of Omaha Insurances (300)

Board Members 2020.indd 66

López has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, most recently as Chairman of AmeriSphere Companies, LLC and, until 2017, as Executive Chairman of NorthMarq Capital Finance, LLC, a mortgage banking company dedicated to providing capital solutions for the multifamily industry. López was President and Chief Executive Officer of AmeriSphere, a company he founded in 1997, and which was acquired in 2015 by NorthMarq Capital, LLC. Prior to founding AmeriSphere, a company engaged in commercial real estate investment and development, he was Chief Lending Officer for a life insurance company. López has several years of experience serving as a director of several financial industry boards, as well as extensive leadership experience in investments and in the real estate and mortgage banking industries. He is Chair of the Investment Committee and a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the board.

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00LL-Tegna.indd 2

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Age: 62

He is a global financial executive with over 30 years of leadership experience, and most recently served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Univision Communications Inc. (Univision) the leading media company serving Hispanic America. At Univision Lopez-Balboa led the company’s finance organization and was responsible for corporate finance, treasury, risk management, investor relations, financial planning and analysis, audit, tax, procurement, real estate and corporate business development. He has a deep experience in the media sector where prior to joining Univision Lopez-Balboa was an investment banker working with a Telecom, Media and Technology (“TMT”) companies. Lopez-Balboa was a Managing Director at Goldman, Sachs & Co. for more than 20 years where he last led the firm’s TMT Investment Grade Debt Financing business. Prior to that, he worked in the Investment Banking Capital Markets Group at Merrill, Lynch & Co.

New York, NY

FRANK LOPEZ-BALBOA Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Cumulus Media Inc.


Epicor Software

Age: 55 Palo Alto, CA

ENRIQUE LORES President & Chief Executive Officer, HP Inc. Boards

“If HP’s history is evidence of anything, it’s that when you build a strong, purpose-driven culture and focus on making life better for everyone, everywhere, you also create the conditions for your business to thrive."

Enrique became CEO in November 2019 and is driving a bold strategy to advance HP’s leadership in Personal Systems and Printing, disrupt industrial sectors through innovative HP solutions. In his 30-year HP career, Lores has held senior leadership positions. As President of the company’s $20 billion Imaging, Printing & Solutions business, he consistently outperformed the company’s peer set with a focus on differentiated innovation, business model evolution and strategic M&A – including the company’s acquisition of Samsung’s printer business in 2017 – while fostering important ecosystem partnerships including Canon and Xerox. He was a key architect of the separation of Hewlett-Packard Company in 2015. He was instrumental in transforming HP’s cost structure while simplifying the organization and creating the capacity to invest in innovation to drive profitable top and bottom-line growth.

"The foundation of risk-taking is courage, and in ever-changing, disrupted businesses, risk-taking is essential, innovation is vital, and true innovation only occurs when people have courage." - Bob Iger

One of the most respected businesswoman in Corporate America, leads a private foundation that is working to ensure that more students who reflect California’s diversity complete a bachelor’s degree and access the opportunity for a better life. Prior to joining College Futures, Lozano spent thirty years in media as publisher and CEO of La Opinión, the country’s leading Spanish language daily newspaper and CEO of the parent company, ImpreMedia. Lozano led the business through its evolution from a newspaper company into a multimedia content company while maintaining its core mission to inform, educate, and empower the Latino community through relevant, unique, high quality content. She's also the 2016 Latino Leaders Maestro Award in Los Angeles.

HP (58)

Age: 64 California

MONICA LOZANO President & CEO, College Futures Foundation Boards

Bank of America (24), Target (39)

Age: 59 Chicago, IL


JUAN RICARDO LUCIANO Chairman & CEO Archer Daniels Midland Co.



Thucydides (Greek Historian and General):“History does not record intentions. History records results.”

Eli Lilly & Co. (145), Archer Daniels Midland (54), Wilmar International

Age: 67 Dallas, TX

GUILLERMO "GIL" MARMOL President, Marmol Associates LLC Boards

Foot Locker (397), Morae Global Corporation

Board Members 2020.indd 68

Luciano joined ADM in 2011 as executive vice president and chief operating officer. He was named president in February 2014, and in January 2015 became the ninth chief executive in ADM’s 112-year history. He became chairman of the board in January 2016. Under Luciano’s leadership, ADM has undergone a remarkable evolution, building on more than a century of heritage to create a global nutrition business, with an industry-leading array of ingredients and solutions that are opening the door to growth opportunities in key global macro trend areas. He has spearheaded the increased use of innovative technologies to meet customer needs, and led a strategic growth campaign that has expanded ADM’s global footprint, building capabilities and adding talent and expertise that allow it to create value at every part of the global value chain. Before joining ADM, Luciano had a successful 25-year tenure at The Dow Chemical Company, where he last served as executive vice president and president of the Performance division. Luciano holds an industrial engineering degree from the Buenos Aires Institute of Technology.

Marmol invest and advises early stage technology companies through his own firm Marmol & Associates. While at EDS, Marmol was responsible for planning, operations improvement and corporate development, he also led the acquisition of MphasiS a majorIndian technology services provider. Prior to EDS, Marmol served as CEO of Luminant, an Internet professional services company that he took public in 1998. He also was Chair of the Operating Committee of Perot Systems Corporation through a period of three-fold growth that included the successful integration of what, at the time, was the largest outsourcing contract in industry history. Marmol served as a director of McKinsey & Company. His work in organizational design has been recognized in a variety of publications including the Wall Street Journal. Marmol has a BA in Engineering and Applied Physics, Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard College, and an MBA with distinction from the Harvard Business School.

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00LL-GANNETT.indd 2

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Age: 72 New York, NY

Martinez has been a private investor since 2003. In 2003, he retired as Managing Director of Lehman Brothers, an investment banking firm, following a 31- year career with the firm. He served as a director of Alliant Techsystems Inc., a publicly traded aerospace, defense and commercial products company, from 2004 until February 2015, when Alliant Techsystems, Inc. merged with Orbital Sciences, Inc. to create Orbital ATK, Inc. and simultaneously spun-off its commercial products company. Mr. Martinez has served as a director of Orbital ATK, Inc. since February 2015. Martinez has served on the Board of Trustees of New York Presbyterian Hospital since 1996.

ROMAN MARTINEZ IV Private Investor Boards

Cigna (13)

Age: 65 Dallas, TX "No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt

SARA MARTINEZ-TUCKER Former Chairman of the Board of the University of Texas System


Former President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Math and Science Initiative. Tucker served as Chief Executive Officer and President at National Math and Science Initiative, Inc. from March 2013 until February 2015. She served as the Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education from 2006 to December 2008. Her responsibilities included overseeing policies, programs and activities related to postsecondary education, vocational and adult education, and federal student aid. Tucker served as the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund from 1997 to 2006. Previously, she worked for 16 years at AT&T and served as Regional Vice President of its Global Business Communications Systems.

American Electric Power (204), Nationwide (74), Service Corporation, Intl.

Age: 62 San Jose, CA

MARIA MARTINEZ Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Experience

Follow your goals with instinct and passion as your guides. Take risks in equal part to taking advice, but never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do.

Officer , Cisco


McKesson (8)

Age: 73 Miami, FL


MELQUIADES "MEL" MARTINEZ Managing Director, J.P.Morgan



NVR (417), Marriott Vacations Worldwide (612)

Age: 56 Miami, FL

JORGE MAS Chairman of the Board & Co-Founder of MasTec, Inc. Boards

Maria  oversees Cisco's $13 B  Customer Experience  (CX)  organization responsible for helping customers transform their businesses  using  Cisco's  full portfolio of  products and services. Maria brings more than 35 years of leadership experience from a variety of technology sectors including software, services, networking technology and hardware to Cisco. Most recently, she served as President, Customer Success Group and Success Cloud, as well as General Manager for Latin America at Salesforce.   She  holds a  bachelor's  degree in  electrical  engineering from the University of Puerto Rico,  and a  master's degree in  computer  engineering from Ohio State University.

Mastec (430)

Board Members 2020.indd 70

After more than a decade of public service, Mel joined JPMorgan Chase & Co. in July 2010. Based in Florida, he represents the firm to clients throughout the Southeast—from individuals and businesses to large corporations, governments and nonprofit organizations. Mel was elected to the United States Senate in 2004. Representing Florida as a U.S. Senator, he served on several committees including Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Armed Services and Foreign Affairs. While serving in the Senate, Mel led efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and was a trusted voice on foreign policy issues throughout the Western Hemisphere. Prior to his time in the Senate, he served as the 12th Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As the first Cuban American to serve in a President’s cabinet, he became known for his efforts to increase homeownership for all Americans and his aggressive efforts to end chronic homelessness. Mel also served as Mayor of Orange County (Orlando, Florida) and prior to his public service, he practiced law for 25 years.

Mas is Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of MasTec, Inc. and has been involved in all phases of the firm’s development since its creation in 1994. Mas began his career at Church and Tower, MasTec’s predecessor in 1984. Mas is also the managing partner of a Private Equity Group which manages a diverse portfolio of operating companies and investments. He has served on over a dozen corporate boards assisting in strategic growth strategies and corporate governance. Mas founded Neff Corporation and is Managing Owner of the recently awarded Miami Major League Soccer franchise. The expansion team is the League’s 25th club. He has testified before the United States Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere and lectured at university conferences and has written articles appearing in the Washington Post and the Miami Herald among other national publications. Mas graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 1984 and a Master in Business Administration in 1985.

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Mastec (430)

Age: San Antonio, TX

CMI is a leading informatics company that specializes in providing health-related software, bioinformatics, biotechnology, scientific, and technical solutions to the public and private sectors, which she founded in 1990. Mendoza serves on the boards of several entities, including non-profits, and has been an active member of her community for more than 30 years. She currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System and as a member of the board of directors of HCSC, where she serves as the chair of the Audit and Compliance committee. Ms. Mendoza holds a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University.

ELAINE MENDOZA President & CEO, Conceptual MindWorks, Inc. Boards


Mas was appointed CEO of MasTec in 2007 and during his tenure MasTec’s revenues have more than quadrupled and earnings have grown six fold. Since assuming the top executive position at MasTec, Jose has diversified the company into the growing fields of oil and gas pipeline construction, electric transmission line construction, renewable energy, and wireless infrastructure construction while expanding its traditional communications business, which includes both broad-band infrastructure and installation to the home satellite services. Mas has grown up in the business and over 20 years worked his way from the field to the boardroom. Mas is a graduate of the University of Miami where he obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Business Administration. He serves on the U.S. Department of Commerce National Advisory Council on Minority Business Enterprises.

Miami, FL


Age: 58

Rush Enterprises (492)

Age: 48 Ft. Laureldale, FL

Mendoza is an independent Herbalife Nutrition distributor with more than 25 years of experience helping people live healthy active lifestyles through personalized nutrition and coaching. Mendoza regularly tours the world, training independent Herbalife Nutrition distributors about the business, the products, and the importance of our distributor difference. He is an integral member of various strategy and planning groups for the Company. As a member of the Board of Directors, Mendoza brings a first-hand understanding of the function and specific needs of the Company’s independent distributors, the ultimate drivers of Herbalife Nutrition’s business, to the Board.

JUAN MIGUEL MENDOZA Independent Herbalife Distributor Boards

HerbalLife Nutrition

Dallas, TX

Prior to founding our Company in 2011, Mendoza served as the Chief Executive Officer of AMS, a leading distributor of wallboard, suspended ceiling systems, lath and plaster products, doors and other building products. Mendoza originally joined AMS in 1991 and assumed the Chief Executive Officer role in 2003 after several years as AMS’ Vice President and Sales Manager. AMS grew significantly under Mendoza’s leadership, particularly across the West Coast and Northern Mexico through Greenfields and strategic acquisitions. Mendoza attended California State University and has completed executive education at Harvard Business School (Strategy), Wharton School of Business (Management) and Northwestern (Marketing).

RUBEN MENDOZA President & Chief Executive Officer, Foundation Building Materials


Foundation Building Materials (955)

Age: 44 Dallas, TX

PABLO MERCADO Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, EnLink Midstream


Comfort Systems USA, Inc. (856)

Board Members 2020.indd 71

"Strive for excellence and work relentlessly to achieve results, but do it with integrity and a focus on relationships. It’s not just what you achieve, but how you achieve it."

Mercado has served as Senior Vice President and CFOof Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. since March 2018. Since November 2011, Mercado served in various roles at Forum Energy Technologies, Inc., including as Senior Vice President, Finance from 2017 to 2018; Vice President, Operations Finance from 2015 to 2017; Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Treasurer from 2014 to 2015; Vice President, Corporate Development & Strategy from 2013 to 2014; and Vice President, Corporate Development from 2011 to 2013. From 2005 to 2011, Mercado was an investment banker in the Oil and Gas Group of Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC where he worked with oilfield services companies. From 1998 to 2001 and 2003 to 2005, Mercado was an investment banker at other firms, primarily working with companies in the oil and gas industry. He holds a B.B.A. from the Cox School of Business, a B.A. in Economics from the Dedman College at Southern Methodist University, and an M.B.A. from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.


Age: 56


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Age: New Orleans, LA

Prior to joining Pan-American Life, Carlos was Senior Vice President and CFO of Principal International, Inc., Chief Planning Officer for Aetna International, CFO for CIGNA Latin America and, Assistant Treasurer for CIGNA Worldwide. While with Principal, he assisted in the development of numerous successful acquisitions and joint ventures in Asia & Latin America. He holds a B.S. from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia and an M.B.A in International Business from the University of South Carolina.

CARLOS MICKAN Chief Financial Officer, Pan-American Life Insurange Group


Pan-American Life Insurance Group, Regions Financial Corporation (446)

Age: 66 San Francisco, CA

LOUIS P. MIRAMONTES Corporate Director Boards

"Being an effective Board Member requires experience, commitment, business acumen and great communication skills. I bring these attributes and my passion to provide lasting value to each Company I serve."

Louis Miramontes is an accomplished business leader who is frequently called upon to provide sound advice regarding SEC reporting matters and regulation compliance to C-level executives as well as boards of public and private clients. Miramontes had a distinguished 38-year career at KPMG before retiring as a senior partner in 2014. During his tenure at KPMG, Miramontes served in many leadership roles, including managing partner of the San Francisco office, senior partner for KPMG’s Latin American Region, and a member of the KPMG Global Executive Team. He was also a co-founder of KPMG’s Diversity Advisory Board and the KPMG Hispanic/Latino Network. Miramontes received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from California State University, East Bay.

Rite Aid Corporation (150), Lithia Motors (252), Oportun Financial Corp.

Age: 54 Dallas, TX


“As a Latina on the Board, I am committed to making Companies better understand the significant potential of the Hispanic Consumer to become the growth engine of the Domestic market.”

Former CEO, General Manager and Global Marketer with 30 years of experience mainly focused on fast-turning Consumer Goods, Food, Health Care and Retail multinational Fortune 500 companies. Graciela brings to the Board a diverse perspective regarding Domestic and International Markets, Innovation, Global/Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Hispanic consumers, as well as a demonstrated capability in strategic planning, M&A, Diversity/Inclusion and cultural transformation.

ACCO Brands, WD-40 Company

Age: 64 Phoenix, AZ





HerbalLife Nutrition, Conduent (599)

Age: 57 Minneapolis, MN

JAIME MONTEMAYOR Chief Digital and Technology Officer, General Mills Boards

A former presidential appointee and Senate-confirmed official. He is also a senior advisor at LeadershipForward, a premier leadership performance firm serving Fortune 500 and small business clients. He erved as chief administrative officer and senior vice president, public policy and corporate affairs for Sodexo, Inc. Previously, he was a Bush White House appointee serving as the 19th assistant secretary for financial management and chief financial officer of the U.S. Air Force and concluded his tenure at the Pentagon as acting secretary of the Air Force.

Northwestern Mutual (102)

Board Members 2020.indd 72

Montemayor joined General Mills with over 20 years of experience in the technology space, having held leadership positions at 7-Eleven and PepsiCo. During his time with PepsiCo, Montemayor led IT-enabled business transformations in Frito-Lay Europe, Frito-Lay International, PepsiCo North America and PepsiCo Americas Foods. Montemayor also spearheaded the development of the analytics-at-scale strategy and deployed many market leading innovative commercial and consumer capabilities globally. Montemayor’s career has been global and multicultural with a focus on developing talent and building strong teams across multiple geographies including North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. A graduate of ITESM (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico), Montemayor began his technology career at Oracle Corporation, before holding leadership roles at Booz Allen & Hamilton and PepsiCo. He received his master’s degree in Computer Science from Stanford University in 1988 and has served on the board of trustees for Northwestern Mutual since 2017.

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Age: 67 Coral Gables, FL

Montiel served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of Deloitte LLP from 2011 through her retirement in May 2014. Prior to these positions, she held numerous senior management roles at Deloitte, including Managing Partner (Leadership Development and Succession, Deloitte University) from 2009 to 2011, and Regional Managing Partner from 2001 to 2009. During Montiel’s tenure at Deloitte, she was the Advisory Partner for many engagements in which Deloitte was the principal auditor.


Royal Caribbean, McCormick & Co. (523), APTAR Group (812), Comcast (28)

Age: 74 Miami, FL

JORGE MONTOYA Retired, President Procter & Gamble Global Snacks and

"Love what you do every day, never stop learning, practice servant leadership and always be humble."

Beverages, President Procter & Gamble Latin America


Gap Inc (199), Kroger Co. (23)

Age: 69

GNC Holdings, Inc., is a leading global specialty retailer of health and wellness products, and served as Chairman of the Board of GNC from 2017 through 2018. From 2016 to 2017, He also served as Interim Chief Executive Officer of GNC. He served as Chairman of the Board of PetSmart, Inc. (“PetSmart”), from 2012 to 2013 and as CEO of PetSmart from 2009 to 2013. He joined PetSmart as President of North American Stores in 1999, and in 2001 he was appointed President and COO. From 1998 to 1999, Moran was President of Toys “R” Us (Canada) Ltd., a subsidiary of specialty toy retailer Toys “R” Us, Inc. Prior to 1991 and from 1993 to 1998, for a total of 20 years, he was employed by retailer Sears, Roebuck and Company in a variety of financial and merchandising positions, including as President and CEO of Sears Roebuck de Mexico. He was also Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Galerias Preciados of Madrid, Spain, a leading department store, from 1991 to 1993.

ROBERT F. MORAN Independent Director Boards

Hanesbrands (436), GNC Holdings, Inc.

Age: 69 Washington, D.C


GEORGE MUÑOZ President, Muñoz Group



Jorge worked for 33 years with Procter & Gamble, retiring in 2004 as President P&G Latin America and President Global Snacks and Beverages. Starting in his native Peru in 1971, he became GM Spain in 1978 and in 1985 was placed in charge of Latin America, then a small 4-country business. He relocated the P&G LA headquarters to Caracas, Venezuela, including setting up a research innovation center, the only one of its kind for a multinational in the region. At retirement in 2004 P&G Latin America had operations in all countries and about $5billion annual sales. Jorge and his wife Costanza have a private foundation to support underserved children education in Peru and Venezuela. Jorge holds a BS in mechanical engineering (1969) and an MBA (1971), both from UC Berkeley.

“The majority culture in the Western Hemisphere is Hispanic. Latino Board members can bring valuable insights to this large and growing consumer base. ESG efforts can also be promoted with perspective of Hispanic Board members.”

Marriott International (157), Altria Group (167), Laureate Education (666)

Muñoz has over 17 years of experience in public company corporate governance serving as a member of the Board and a member or chair of Board Audit Committees, Compensation Committees and Corporate ESG & Nom and Gov Committees. Extensive experience in working with different levels of government and regulatory bodies. Muñoz was appointed and served as an Assistant Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Treasury Department during the first term of the Bill Clinton Administration (1993-1997). In that capacity, Muñoz oversaw management and financial matters for the Treasury Department and its Bureaus. He was appointed and served as the President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), an independent federal agency during the second term of the Bill Clinton Administration (1997 – 20 01).He has a law degree from Harvard Law School and a Master in Public Policy degree from Harvard University.

Age: 60 Chicago, IL

OSCAR MUÑOZ Executive Chairman & Former CEO, United Airlines Boards

Muñoz previously served as chief executive of United Airlines. His tenure as CEO of United Airlines began in September 2015. Prior to his role at United Airlines, Munoz served on the board of parent company United Continental Holdings (UCH) and held multiple executive positions at CSX Corporation and AT&T. Munoz was previously regional vice president of finance and administration for Coca-Cola Co. and held various financial positions at PepsiCo Inc. He joined the CSX Corporation in 2003 as chief financial officer and chief of strategy. Muñoz earned a BS in business from the University of Southern California in 1982,[3] and an MBA from Pepperdine University.

United Airlines Holdings (76)

Board Members 2020.indd 74

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00LL-Trinity Industries.indd 2

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Age: 61 Bryan, Texas

ELSA MURANO Director, Norman E. Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture Professor & President Emerita at Texas A&M University.


“Life is about seizing opportunities by pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone, never looking back unless it’s to learn from our experiences, and always being guided by a commitment to do the right thing, not only because it is right, but because it is how truly positive change happens”.

Hormel Foods (337), Ecolab

Age: 52 San Francisco, CA

ANTONIO FABIO NERI President & CEO Hewlett Packard Enterprise Boards

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (109), Anthem (29)

A graduate of Florida International University in Biological Sciences, received an M.S. in Anaerobic Microbiology and a Ph.D. in Food Science & Technology from Virginia Tech. She began her career as an Assistant Professor in food microbiology at Iowa State University in 1990, where she conducted research in food safety and was appointed Researcher-in-Charge of the Electron Beam Food Irradiation Program. In 1995, she joined the faculty at Texas A&M University as Associate Professor, leading the university’s Center for Food Safety as Director, and was awarded the Sadie Hatfield Professorship in Agriculture. In 2001, she was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as Undersecretary for Food Safety at the United States Department of Agriculture. In 2005, she returned to Texas A&M, where she was appointed Dean and Vice Chancellor of Agriculture and Life Sciences In 2008. Murano became the first woman and first Hispanic president of Texas A&M University and also serves as a member of the Council of Advisors for the World Food Prize Foundation.

During his more than 25 years at the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Antonio has held numerous leadership positions. Most recently, he served as Executive Vice President and General Manager of HPE’s Enterprise Group, which included the company’s Server, Networking, Storage and Technology Services business units. Prior to HPE’s separation from HP, Antonio ran HP’s Server and Networking business, where he was responsible for bringing new innovations to market and the execution of the go-to-market strategy. Before that, Antonio led HP’s Technology Services business, which provided technology support and consulting services for HP’s products and solutions. Antonio spent the earlier part of his career in various engineering and leadership roles in HP’s Printing and Personal Systems business units. Antonio graduated from Escuela Nacional de Educación Técnica in Argentina and attended the Universidad Tecnólogica Nacional. He is also a Professor of Drawing and Painting.

Age: 63

Nieto served as President of the Consumer Foods Group for ConAgra Foods Inc. from 2007 until he retired in 2009. He joined ConAgra in 2005 and held various leadership positions, including President of the Meats Group and Refrigerated Foods Group. Prior to joining ConAgra, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federated Group, a leading private label supplier to the retail grocery and foodservice industries, from 2002 to 2005. From 2000 to 2002, he served as President of the National Refrigerated Products Group of Dean Foods Company. Prior to joining Dean Foods, Nieto held positions in brand management and strategic planning with Mission Foods, Kraft Foods and the Quaker Oats Company. Nieto is the President of Nieto Advisory LLC, a consulting firm and is affiliated with Akoya Capital Partners.

Chicago, IL

LUIS P. NIETO President, Nieto Advisory LLC Boards

Ryder System (354)

Age: 56

Novo joined Ashland’s Board of Directors in May 2019 and he became Chief Executive Officer of Ashland December 31, 2019. Previously he was the President & CEO of Versum Materials and a member of its Board of Directors. Novo also served as EVP, Materials Technologies of Air Products. He joined Air Products in 2012 as SVP Electronics, Performance Materials, Strategy and Technology. Prior to Air Products, he was employed by Dow Chemical Company where he most recently served as group vice president, Dow Coating Materials. He began his career in 1986 with Rohm and Haas Company (which merged with Dow in 2009) and over the next 24 years progressed through a variety of commercial, marketing, and general management positions, living in South America, the U.S. and Asia. In 1998, he was named a vice president at Rohm and Haas, and in 2006 he became a corporate officer and one of five group executives on the corporate leadership team. He holds an industrial engineering degree from the University of Central Florida and an MBA from the University of Michigan.

Cincinnati, OH


GUILLERMO NOVO Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ashland



Ashland Global Holdings (794)

Age: 62 Boise, ID

ELLEN OCHOA Outside Director and Speaker; Chair, National Science

“Leadership provides an ability to influence the things that you care most about"

Board & retired Astronaut and Director, NASA Johnson Space Center


Service Corp. International (742), Mutual of America Life Insurance Co. (782)

Board Members 2020.indd 76

An outside director and speaker, following her 30-year career at NASA as a senior government executive, astronaut and engineer. During the time Dr. Ochoa served as Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center, the International Space Station transitioned to an R&D focus, and the Orion exploration spacecraft completed a successful first test flight. As the first Latina astronaut, Dr. Ochoa applied her technology and operations experience during four space shuttle missions, logging nearly 1000 hours in space. Prior to her astronaut career, Dr. Ochoa was a research engineer and holds three patents for optical systems. She earned a Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford, and a B.S. in Physics from San Diego State University. Dr. Ochoa is honored to have six schools named after her and six honorary doctorates. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), and the Optical Society of America (OSA).

06/10/20 11:03

Miami, FL




Fluor (181), Lennar (147), Consolidated Edison (256)

Age: 43 New York, NY

CHRISTOPHER ORTEGA Partner, TPG Capital Boards

EnLink Midstream (483), Jonah Energy Holdings LLC

Age: 70 Washington, DC

MARIA OTERO Former Undersecretary of State, U.S Department of State Boards

HerbalLife Nutrition

Age: 63 Los Angeles, CA

MARGARITA PALAU-HERNANDEZ United States Representative to the United Nations General Assembly 73rd Session


HerbalLife Nutrition, Occidental Petroleum Corp. (148), Conduent, Inc. (599)

Age: 75 Miami, FL

CARLOS PALOMARES President & CEO, SMC Resources Boards

Regional Management Corporation, Pan America Life Insurance

Board Members 2020.indd 77

From February 2011 through May 2013, Ortega served as a Principal of TPG, where he focused on upstream oil and gas, oilfield services, and the midstream sector. His responsibilities encompassed investment origination, structuring, execution, monitoring, and exit strategy. From July 2007 until January 2011, he worked for First Reserve Corporation, a global private equity and infrastructure investment firm focused on energy, serving as a Director there beginning in January 2009. He is also a Director of the General Partner of Valerus Compression Services LP (doing business as Axip Energy Services LP). He has previously served on the Boards of AMCI Capital, Barra Energia, Connect Resource Services, DOF Subsea, and LMP Exploration. Ortega graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and received a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School.

In 2009, Otero was nominated by President Obama and confirmed by the US Senate to serve as Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs. In 2012, Secretary Clinton named Maria Otero as Undersecretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights. She became the highest-ranking Hispanic official at the State Department and the first Latina undersecretary in its history. She was appointed by President Clinton to chair the board of the Inter-American Foundation and by President Bush to serve as vice-chair on the board of the US Institute of Peace. In 2006, she was appointed by Secretary General Kofi Annan to the U.N. Advisors Group on Inclusive Financial Sectors. From 2000 to 2009 Ms. Otero served as President and CEO of Accion International. In that capacity, she chaired the board of Accion Investments and represented Accion on the board of several microfinance banks. Otero also worked as an economist for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Women in Development Office of USAID.

Margarita Paláu-Hernández, was nominated by the President of the United States to serve as United States Representative to the United Nations General Assembly 73rd Session with the rank of Ambassador, is the founder and chief executive officer of Hernandez Ventures, a private firm engaged in the acquisition and management of a variety of business interests. She is committed to community engagement and leveraging that experience to help Herbalife Nutrition deliver on its mission of helping people live healthy active lifestyles. Paláu-Hernández is an attorney with financial and entrepreneurial expertise. Prior to founding Hernandez Ventures in 1988, she spent three years with the law firm of McCutcheon, Black, Verleger & Shea specializing in domestic and international business and real estate transactions. Since November 2015, Paláu-Hernández has been a director and member of the Compensation and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committees of the publicly traded ALJ Regional Holdings, Inc.

Palomares has been President and Chief Executive Officer of SMC Resources, a consulting practice that advises senior executives on business and marketing strategy. From 2001 to 2007, Palomares was Senior Vice President at Capital One Financial Corp., and he was Chief Operating Officer of Capital One Federal Savings Bank banking unit from 2004 to 2007. Prior to joining Capital One, he held a number of senior positions with Citigroup Inc. and its affiliates, including Chief Operating Officer of Citibank Latin America Consumer Bank from 1998 to 2001, Chief Financial Officer of Citibank North America Consumer Bank from 1997 to 1998, Chairman and CEO of Citibank Italia from 1990 to 1992, and President and CEO of Citibank FSB Florida from 1992 to 1997. Palomares serves on the Boards of Directors of Pan American Life Insurance Group, Inc. and Banesco USA, a privately held financial institution. Palomares earned a B.S. degree in Quantitative Analysis from New York University.


ARMANDO J. OLIVERA Venture Partner, Ridge Lane Partners Ltd, Sustainability

Olivera is the retired president and chief executive officer of Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc. and one of the largest investor-owned electric utilities in the US. Olivera managed a multibillion dollar capital investment program that included expanded nuclear capacity, a new highly efficient natural gas, combined cycle plant and three new solar energy centers. After retiring from FPL, Olivera served for three years a senior advisor and general partner at Britton Hill Partners, a privately-held investment and advisory firm. He has also served on the boards of AGL Resources and Nicor Corporation.


Age: 69


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Age: 59 Dallas, TX

JAVIER PALOMAREZ Independent Director Boards

MasTec (430), DTE

Palomarez is the former President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC). He helped raise the profile of the USHCC through frequent media appearances, the establishment of strong partnerships with the country’s largest corporations, sponsors, Hispanic entrepreneurs and the promotion of the organization as a leading advocacy group for American small business and the Hispanic community in general. He has held senior leadership positions in marketing, business development, brand strategy and public relations and is credited with the creation of specialized insurance, telecommunications and financial services products, for leading corporations such as Allstate, Sprint and Bank of America. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Finance from The University of Texas-Pan American, as well as an Honorary Doctorate of Commercial Sciences from Westminster College.

Age: 63 Washington, D.C.

SITO PANTOJA General Vice President, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Transportation Department


Sito has served as the IAM General Vice President to the Transportation Department since January 2012. The Transportation Department operates from IAM Headquarters and administers contracts in the railroad and air transport sectors in the United States. Sito was appointed as the IAM’s representative to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC), which provides advice and recommendations to the FAA on rulemaking activity, such as aircraft operations, airman and air agency certification and airworthiness standards. In 2014, Sito was appointed to the IAM National Pension Fund’s (IAMNPF) Board of Trustees.

United Airlines Holdings (76)

Age: 64 St. Louis, MO

GEORGE PAZ Former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Express Scripts Holding Company


George Paz was Non-Executive Chairman of Express Scripts Holding Company (Express Scripts), a prescription benefit management company, from May 2016 to December 2018 and served as Chairman and CEO of Express Scripts from May 2006 to May 2016 after being appointed CEO in April 2005. He also served as President of Express Scripts from October 2003 to February 2014 and as a director from January 2004 to December 2018. He joined Express Scripts in 1998 as SVP and CFO. Prior to joining Express Scripts, Paz was a partner at Coopers and Lybrand from 1988 to 1993 and 1996 to 1998 and served as EVP and CFO for Life Partners Group from 1993 to 1995.

Honeywell (92), Prudential Financial (53)

Age: 62 Hollywood, FL


MANUEL PEREZ DE LA MESA Investor & Board Member



Perez de la Mesa served as Pool Corp's president and chief executive officer from 2001 until his retirement at the end of 2018; he served as president and chief operating officer from 1999 to 2001. Prior to leading Pool Corporation, he gained extensive general, financial and operations management experience with Watsco, Inc. from 1994 to 1999, Fresh Del Monte Produce B.V. from 1987 to 1994, International Business Machines Corp. from 1982 to 1987, and Sea‑Land Service Inc./R.J. Reynolds, Inc. from 1977 to 1982.

Pool Corp. (747)

Age: 50 Atlanta, GA

BEATRIZ "BEA" PEREZ Senior Vice President & Eexecutive Officer, The CocaCola Company


Perez aligns a diverse portfolio of work against critical business objectives to support brands, communities, consumers and partners worldwide. During her tenure of more than two decades at that company, she has held several leadership roles while garnering significant experience in marketing and sustainability programs. Perez also has experience in corporate governance matters and serves as a director of another publicly traded company, with additional responsibilities including a compensation committee assignment. Perez is a strong advocate for community service, serving on various nonprofit boards, including The Coca Cola Foundation.

W.W. Grainger (287), Primerica Inc.

Board Members 2020.indd 78

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00LL-Vistra.indd 2

24/09/20 10:35 a.m.


Age: 54 Atlanta, GA

JUAN PEREZ Chief Information and Engineering Officer, UPS Boards

“Our future as a society is as brilliant as the diversity of our people and our communities. We have a brilliant future”/ “Nuestro futuro como sociedad es tan brillante como la diversidad de nuestra gente y nuestras comunidades. Tenemos un futuro brillante "

Juan is responsible for all technology and engineering functions. He was appointed to his current role in 2017 after having served as Chief Information Officer since 2016. Previously, Juan was Vice President of Technology. Through different rotations in that role. His career has included assignments in Operations, Industrial Engineering, Process Management, and Technology in Corporate, U.S., and International business units. He currently manages a budget of over $6 billion between Engineering and IT. His Engineering responsibilities include Industrial, Buildings and Systems, and Automotive Engineering. Juan holds a BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering and an MS in Computer and Manufacturing Engineering, from the University of Southern California.

Hershey's (398)

Age: 65

Perez is an investment consultant with DeRoy & Devereaux, an independent investment adviser, where she has provided client consulting services since 2015. She was previously Owner and Managing Partner of The Medallion Company, LLC, a consulting firm, from 2003 to 2015. From 1996 until 2002, she was Vice President of Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Perez was co-founder of Medallion Investment Company, Inc. and served as President and Chief Executive Officer from 1991 until it was acquired by Loomis Sayles in 1996. Perez was previously a Director of GenOn Energy, Inc., a large power producer in the United States, where she was Chair of its Audit Committee and a member of its Risk and Finance Oversight Committee. Perez earned a Bachelor's degree from Baylor University in Finance and Economics.

Southfield, MI

LAREE PEREZ Investment Consultant, DeRoy & Devereaux Boards

Martin Marietta Materials (572)

Age: 63 Baton Rouge, LA “Throughout the course of my life, I have always believed that doing the right things makes the right things happen.”

SONIA PEREZ President-Southeast States, AT&T Boards

Sonia leads AT&T’s workforce, oversees operations including its technology deployment and infrastructure investment, and directs teams responsible for implementing public policy, legislative, regulatory and philanthropic initiatives. Prior to this position, Pérez was named the first female president of AT&T Louisiana in 2010, having previously worked in various management capacities at AT&T in Houston and McAllen, Texas. She currently serves as Chair of the Board of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, and is past chair of the state’s business roundtable, the Committee of 100. Pérez is also a member of the board of the National World War II Museum in New Orleans.

Sanderson Farms (707)

Age: 64 Indianapolis, IN

During the second half of 2007, Mr. Peru was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Swift Corporation (transportation) and prior thereto was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Phelps Dodge Corporation (mining and manufacturing) from 1999 to 2007 (“Phelps Dodge”). Peru joined Phelps Dodge in 1979 and held various finance and accounting positions with Phelps Dodge and its affiliates. Peru has served as a director of SM Energy Company (oil and gas exploration and production company) since 2014, UNS Energy Corporation (electric and gas utility holding company) since 2007 and Bluemedia, Inc. (large format printer) since 2018.

RAMIRO PERU Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Financial LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

Officer of Phelps Dodge Corporation



Anthem (29), SM Energy Company (859), UNS Energy Corporation, Bluemedia, Inc.

Age: 55 Rosemead, CA

PEDRO PIZARRO President & Chief Executive Officer, Edison International Boards

"We're all responsible for making the world a better place. I’m grateful to be part of the energy industry’s critical role to see that happen."

Pedro is president and chief executive officer of Edison International, the parent company of Southern California Edison (SCE), one of the nation’s largest electric utilities. Edison International is also the parent company of Edison Energy, a global energy advisory company delivering comprehensive, data-driven energy solutions to commercial and industrial users to meet their cost, sustainability and risk goals. Pizarro earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and held National Science Foundation and Department of Defense graduate fellowships. He earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Harvard University.

Edison International (259)

Board Members 2020.indd 80

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New York, NY

JULIO PORTALATIN Vice Chair, Marsh & McLennan Co DXC (155)

Age: 65 Chicago, IL

JOSE LUIS PRADO Chairman Tropicale Foods & Vice-Chairman Evans Food Group


“Latinos are called to play a huge leading role in building the Next America. As Latino Board Directors our collective job is to make the roads wider and less arduous and to help open the doors at the end of the roads for those who come behind”

Northern Trust (440), Hormel Foods (337)

Age: 61 Corvina, CA

NORMA ANN PROVENCIO President, Provencio Advisory Services, Inc. Boards

Beazer Homes USA (965)

Age: 57 San Francisco, CA

JUAN PUJADAS Retired Principal, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Boards

From 2016 and until July, 2019 he was Chairman and CEO of Evans Foods Group. Prado is also Former President of Quaker Oats North America, a $2.7 Billion division of PepsiCo, Inc. Before Quaker he was President from 2002 to 2010 of Gamesa Quaker, HQ in Mexico with more than 15K associates and revenues of +1.5 Billion USD. The first Mexican to lead a major PepsiCo business in NA, Prado retired from PepsiCo in 2014 after a distinguished career spanning 30 years, 6 countries and two continents including Leadership and General Management responsibilities in Mexico, Spain, Caribbean, Andean and South Cone in Latin America. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Cum Laude), Master of Science in Systems and Planning and Master of Business Administration, all in Mexico.

Wells Fargo (30)

Founder of Provencio Advisory Services, Inc. Norma has 30 years of financial consulting experience. Norma was with Arthur Andersen for 23 years and was the Partner-in-Charge of its Pacific Southwest Healthcare Practice from 1996 to 2002. Norma joined KPMG in May 2002 and was the Partner-in-Charge of its Pacific Southwest Healthcare Practice until she resigned her partnership in September 2003 and formed Provencio Advisory Services. Norma was responsible for the audit, business consulting, and tax practices at Andersen and KPMG. Since 1983 Norma has worked exclusively with healthcare organizations including serving the business advisory needs of hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, physician groups, and managed care organizations. Norma received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Loyola Marymount University. She is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in California and is a member of the AICPA and the California State Society of CPAs.

Pujadas is a retired principal of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and served as vice chairman, Global Advisory Services, of PwC International from 2008 to 2016 and leader of PwC’s U.S. firm Advisory Practice from 2003 to 2009. He held several other senior management positions at PwC, including as a Managing Partner for Strategy and leader of the Global Risk Management Solutions practice for the Americas. Before joining PwC, Pujadas was the chief risk officer of Santander Investment, the international investment banking arm of Banco Santander from 1995 to 1998. Before joining Santander, Pujadas was a principal in the Capital Markets and Treasury Group of PwC’s U.S. firm financial services industry practice. He is a member of the board of directors of UST Global Inc. and serves as a senior advisor to the Eurasia Group Ltd. Pujadas received a Bachelor of Science in Economics (BSE) in Finance and a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Applied Science/Technology, with a concentration in Computer Science, from the University of Pennsylvania.

Age: 60 Houston, TX

JULIO M. QUINTANA Former CEO, Tesco Corp. Boards

Newmont Goldcorp (419), SM Energy (859)

Board Members 2020.indd 81

Quintana served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Tesco Corporation, from 2005 until his retirement in January 2015, and served on Tesco’s Board of Directors from September 2004 to May 2015. Prior to his appointment as President and Chief Executive Officer, Quintana served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Tesco beginning in September 2004. Prior to his tenure at Tesco, he worked for five years in various executive roles for Schlumberger Corporation. Prior to Schlumberger, he worked for nearly 20 years for Unocal Corporation, an integrated E&P company, in various operational and managerial roles.




Prior to becoming Vice Chair, Portalatin served as President and CEO of Mercer, a business of Marsh & McLennan that delivers advice and technology-driven solutions to help organizations meet the health, wealth and career needs of their workforces in more than 140 countries. Before joining Mercer in 2012, he spent 20 years at AIG, where he held many senior positions. He actively supports several nonprofit organizations and currently sits on the Board of Covenant House International, which works with homeless youth. Portalatin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and honorary doctorate from Hofstra University and is a member of its Board of Trustees.


Age: 61


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Age: 49

Enrique first joined Pizza Hut in 2010 as Vice President, Finance and was promoted to CFO of Pizza Hut U.S. in 2011. In 2014, Enrique was promoted to Global CFO of Pizza Hut, focusing on leading and driving the development of strategic initiatives and financial decisions for the Pizza Hut brand (18,500 stores and $12.5B in system sales). In 2016, he took on additional responsibility for the Development function for Pizza Hut globally, and led a significant acceleration of international unit development through both organic growth and M&A. In 2019 he took on the additional role of General Manager of Pizza Hut Latin America & Iberia business unit. Ramirez is an 18-year veteran of the retail industry with various roles of increasing responsibility in the areas of Finance, Marketing, Strategy, Product Development, Operations and Real Estate. His career includes eight years with FedEx Kinko’s, two years working in consulting with The Boston Consulting Group and three years working in Investment Banking with Santander Investment Securities.

Dallas, TX

ENRIQUE RAMIREZ MENA General Manger / Managing Director, Pizza Hut Latino America & Iberia


Six Flags

Age: 62

David A. Ramon, 63, has served as a director of Generac since April 2010. He has more than 30 years of broad management, operations, and investment experience with both established and emerging companies. From 2014 to 2018, Ramon has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Diversified Maintenance, a specialized cleaning and maintenance services corporation. He co-founded Vaduz Partners in 1998, a private investment firm for which he continues to serve as a Managing Partner. From 2000 through 2007, he was also President, Chief Executive Officer, and director of USA.NET, Inc. From 1997 to 1998, he was President of the Coleman Outdoor Recreation Group. From 1994 to 1997, he held various senior management positions including President and CEO of New World Television, Inc. and director of New World Communications Group, Inc. From 1982 to 1994, Ramon served as the Executive Vice President and CFO of Gillett Holdings, Inc.

Alpharetta, GA

DAVID A. RAMON Manging Partner, Vaduz Partners LLC. Boards

Generac Holdings (946)

Age: 60 Raleigh-Durham, NC

Ramoneda previously served as Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Information Technology and Telecommunications at Progress Energy. With more than 35 years of technology experience, Ramoneda has led the continued development of innovative, robust, and secure information technology environments, giving her an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities within ScanSource's technologies, as well as the perspective for many of the Company's customers and supplier partners.

DOROTHY F. RAMONEDA CIO Governing Body Member, Evanta Boards

ScanSource (654)

Age: 51 Miami FL





“Let’s use our voice to unite and to move forward. To create a more inclusive and forward driving, even more beautiful America. To keep the American Dream strong and alive.”

Charter Communications (71)

Age: 57 Des Moines, Iowa

“Stay humble, stay hungry.”

DARREN REBELEZ President and Chief Executive Officer, Casey’s General Stores


Before joining Millicom, Mauricio was President of Liberty Global’s Latin American division, a position he held from 2006 until February 2015. During his career at Liberty Global, Mauricio held several leadership roles, including positions as Chairman and CEO of VTR in Chile, Chief Financial Officer of Liberty’s Latin American division, and President of Liberty Puerto Rico. He received a degree in Economics, a degree in Law, and a postgraduate degree in Financial Law from Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia.

Casey’s General Stores (378), Globe Life (592)

Board Members 2020.indd 82

As CEO of the fourth largest convenience retailer and fifth largest pizza chain, Rebelez offers a wealth of experience from his career as a senior executive in the convenience, restaurant and fuel industries. Prior to Casey’s, Rebelez served as the President of IHOP Restaurants, a unit of Dine Brands Global, Inc., which franchises and operates restaurants under the Applebee’s Grill & Bar and IHOP brands. He worked at 7-Eleven as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Before 7-Eleven, Darren held numerous leadership roles within ExxonMobil, and before that, at Thornton Oil Corporation.Preceding his civilian career, Darren was an Army Ranger and Gulf War veteran. A native of San Diego, he is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Foreign Area Studies. He went on to also earn an MBA from the University of Houston. In addition to his role at Casey’s, Darren serves on the board of directors of Globe Life Inc. (NYSE: GL), and as an advisory board member for the Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation.

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00LL-Commvault.indd 2

24/09/20 10:10 a.m.


Age: 58

Edward John Reyes has been the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Public Storage, Public Storage, the General Partner of Public Storage Partners II, Ltd., Public Storage Properties Ltd., Public Storage Properties IV Ltd., Public Storage Properties V Ltd., and PS Partners IV Ltd., since 1996 and serves as its Principal Accounting Officer. Reyes serves as Senior Vice President of PS Orangeco Partnerships, Inc., Public Storage Partners, Ltd., Public Storage Partners Merger Co., Inc., Public Storage Partners II Merger Co., Inc., Public Storage Properties Merger Co., Inc., Public Storage Properties IV Merger Co., Inc., and Public Storage Properties V Merger Co., Inc. He served as a Vice President of Public Storage Canadian Properties. He joined Public Storage Inc. in 1990. He served as Controller of Public Storage Inc., from 1992 to 1996. He served as a Vice President at Public Storage Inc. since 1995. From 1983 to 1990, he was employed by Ernst & Young. Reyes is a Certified Public Accountant.

Glendale, CA

JOHN REYES Retired Chief Financial Officer, Public Storage Boards

Public Storage (813)

Age: 68

Retired in 2011 as a Regional Administrator (position held since 2008) of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, a federal regulatory agency. He has extensive experience in the nuclear field and has held senior leadership positions with the NRC, an independent government agency that regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials such as in nuclear medicine. He joined the NRC in 1978 where he held progressively more responsible leadership roles before being named executive director of operations in 2004, where he managed the agency’s day-to-day operations relating to the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment. He also served as regional administrator for NRC Region II, overseeing all new commercial nuclear power plant construction in the United States as well as safety and operating plant inspections in the southeast United States. Reyes received his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering and his Master of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico.

Atlanta, GA

LUIS A REYES Retired Boards

First Energy Corp (294)

Age: 45

Prior to Ingersoll Rand, Vicente served as CEO of Gardner Denver since 2016. In this role, he was responsible for leading the company and driving its overall growth and profitability as a global supplier of innovative and application-critical flow control products, services and solutions. He joined Gardner Denver in 2015 as the chief executive officer of its Industrials Segment. Before joining Gardner Denver, Vicente spent 11 years at Danaher Corporation, a designer and manufacturer of professional, medical, industrial and commercial product and services. He also held various other executive positions at Danaher Corporation, including president of the Ormco business, president of the Pelton & Crane, KaVo business and vice president Global Operations for the Danaher Motion Platform. Vicente holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and Master of Science degrees in both mechanical engineering and technology and policy from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Milwaukee, WI

VICENTE REYNAL Chief Executive Officer, Ingersoll Rand Boards

Gardner Denver (822)

Age: 56 Santa Clara, CA


SANDRA RIVERA Intel Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer



"Surround yourself with people that lift you up - it changes your perspective & makes everything possible!"

Rivera has served as executive vice president and chief people officer of Intel since June 2019. Prior to assuming her current role, Rivera was a key leader growing the networking business for Intel for many years, most recently leading the Network Platforms Group as Senior Vice President and General Manager. Rivera joined Intel in 2000 as a marketing director after Intel’s acquisition of Dialogic Corporation. Before joining Intel, Rivera served as president of the computer telephony division at Catalyst Telecom and was a co-founder and president of The CTI Authority. She is a member of Berkeley’s Engineering Advisory Board and is part of Intel’s Hispanic Leadership Council.

Equinix (509), Berkley's Engineering (Advisory)

Age: 58 Miami, FL

SERGIO RIVERA Independent Direcotr Boards

Rivera is the former CEO of SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. He preciously served as Chief Executive Officer and President of the Vacation Ownership segment of ILG, Inc. from 2016 to September 2018. Rivera is also the former President of The Americas for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., a position he held from 2012 to 2016, and Chief Executive Officer and President of Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., a position he held from 2007 to 2016. Rivera served in a variety of capacities with Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. since 1998.

Welltower (542)

Board Members 2020.indd 84

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00LL-Comfort Systems.indd 2

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Age: 54 New Jersey

CARLOS RODRIGUEZ President & Chief Executive Officer, ADP Boards

ADP (239)

During Carlos’ tenure, ADP has nearly doubled the number of clients using its cloud-based services. Additionally, its Professional Employer Organization (PEO), ADP TotalSource®, business has nearly doubled the number of client employees served, putting it on par with the nation’s largest private sector employers. After joining ADP in 1999 through its acquisition of Vincam, Carlos held a series of positions with increasing responsibilities before becoming CEO. He served as President of TotalSource, which became the fastest-growing and largest PEO in the industry under his leadership. He also served as President of the National Account Services and Employer Services International divisions, which serve large companies, and spent several years as President of the Small Business Services (SBS) division. Carlos holds Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Arts degrees from Harvard University.

Age: 60 Long Beach, CA

DONALD RODRIGUEZ Chief Executive Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Long

While at the Boys and Girls Club, Donald has grown the club quite extensive. The organizationhas gone from three to fourteens sites. He has also expanded the reach within the communityand stakeholders. Donald has been awarded the recognition for "Executive of the Year" fromBoys and Girls Clubs of America. Previously, he was CEO of the Los Angeles Team Mentoring,where he implemented strategy for the agency, managing overall operations.



Farmers Insurance (255)

Age: 64 El Paso, TX

EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ President, Strategic Communication Consulting Group Boards

Eduardo previously served as executive vice president and as a member of the board of directorsof Hunt Building Corporation, a privately held company engaged in construction and realestate development headquartered in El Paso, Texas. Prior to his three years with Hunt BuildingCorporation, Eduardo spent 20 years in the electric utility industry at El Paso Electric Company,a publicly traded, investor-owned utility, where he served in various senior-level executivepositions, including general counsel, senior vice president for customer and corporate services,executive vice president, and as chief operating officer.

Oneok (313) ONEGAS Inc.

Age: 49 Denver, CO


JAVIER J. RODRIGUEZ Chief Executive Officer, DaVita Inc.



Since joining DaVita in 1998, Javier has held several different operations and management positions, including senior vice president of operations for DaVita’s Northeastern region, a position he held immediately before becoming president of DaVita Kidney Care in 2012; he was named CEO of DaVita Kidney Care in early 2014. In 2019, he became CEO of DaVita Inc. Prior to joining DaVita Kidney Care, Javier worked for Baxter Healthcare Corporation in Finance from 1995-1996. He also served as director of operations for CBS Marketing Inc. in Mexico City. Javier earned a BS in finance and marketing from Boston College and an MBA from Harvard Business School, and completed an executive program at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

DaVita (230), Gilead Sciences (140)

Age: New York, NY

JESSICA RODRIGUEZ President & Chief Operating Officer, UCI Networks & Chief Marketing Officer, Uniivision Communicaions Inc.


Named COO of UCI Networks in January 2018, overseeing all programming, acquisitions, production and marketing operations for the Spanish-language media giant. She has spearheaded some of the Company’s most high-profile, award-winning campaigns as well as strategic partnerships with programmers and media partners, including an unprecedented deal with Netflix. As CMO, she leads an award-winning team driving audience engagement and culture across all linear and digital platforms. Jessica has risen the corporate ladder since joining Univision in 2000 as an intern while at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Burlington Stores(424)

Board Members 2020.indd 86

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00LL-Care First.indd 2

18/09/20 10:57


Age: 51 McLean, VA

HORACIO ROZANSKI President and Chief Executive Officer, Booz Allen Hamilton


Booz Allen Hamilton Holdings (450)

Since 2012, Horacio has led a strategic transformation of the firm, investing in innovation, advanced technology, and highly skilled talent, and reshaping its portfolio toward mission-critical, high-margin solutions. The company is now positioned in the defense, intelligence, civil, and global commercial markets as a leader in technology integration and adoption, a differentiation that has driven significant revenue and earnings growth in recent years. For more than a decade, Horacio has played a central role in major strategic initiatives, including the 2008 separation of the firm’s core government and commercial businesses into two distinct companies, Booz Allen Hamilton’s 2010 initial public offering, and its 2011 expansion into international and commercial markets. He holds a B.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and an M.B.A. degree from the University of Chicago.

Age: 65 California

FRANCESCA RUIZ DE LUZURIAGA Independent Director Boards

Director of OfficeMax Incorporated from 1998 to 2013. From 1999 to 2000, Luzuriaga servedas the COO of Mattel Interactive, a business unit of Mattel, Inc., one of the major toy manufacturersin the world. Previously, she served Mattel as its EVP, Worldwide Business Planning andResources,(1997-1999), and as CFO (1995-1997). Since leaving Mattel in 2000, Luzuriaga hasbeen working as an independent business development consultant. From 2002 until 2005, shewas also a director of Providian Financial Corporation. Since 2012, she has been a director ofSCAN Health Plan, a not-for-profit Medicare Advantage health plan, and in 2017, she becameChairman of its Board. Also in 2017, she joined the board of the SCAN Foundation and alsoserved since 2015 as a director of SuperValu, Inc., a retail grocery store chain.

Office Depot (297)

Age: 64 Plano, TX

ANGEL RUIZ Chairman North America Ericcsson, Boards

Past President & Chief Executive Officer for Ericsson, Inc. and MediaKind. He is also on the board of Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. and Liberty Mutual Holding Co., Inc. He previously was Head-North American Region at Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson. Ruiz has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Central Florida and a Master’s degree in Management Science and Information Systems from John Hopkins University.

Liberty Mutual Insurance Group (77), Media kind

Age: 52 Boston, MA

ISRAEL RUIZ Treasurer & Executive Vice President at Massachusetts LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

Institute of Technology



FM Global (447)

Ruiz arrived at MIT as a master’s student in the MIT Sloan School of Management. After completing his degree in 2001, he became a consultant to MIT, serving former president Charles Vest and former provost Robert Brown. In 2002, Ruiz formally joined MIT as manager of financial planning and analysis, becoming associate director of the Office of Budget and Financial Planning in 2003. He was named director of finance in 2005, leading an Institute-wide rebalancing that several years later yielded the first balanced general unrestricted budget in 15 years. Ruiz was named vice president for finance in 2007. Ruiz became MIT’s executive vice president and treasurer in 2011. Guided by President Reif’s vision of a new model for driving innovation from the lab to commercial reality, Ruiz led the development of The Engine, an accelerator for “tough tech” entrepreneurs from MIT and across the Boston area.

Age: 48 Rogers, AK

GISEL RUIZ Independent Director Boards

Member of the board of directors since May 2020. Most recently, served as executive vice president and chief operating officer of Sam’s West, Inc., a national chain of membership-only retail warehouse clubs, from February 2017 to June 2019. She is currently on the board of advisors at Santa Clara University serving the Retail Management Institute. Ruiz served on the board of directors of Walmart de Mexico S.A.B. de CV, a multinational retail chain, from October 2016 to May 2019. She also held multiple positions at Walmart, Inc., both in the U.S. and international business segments, from 1992 through February 2017, including executive roles from 2010 to February 2017. Ruiz received her B.S. in Marketing, Retail Management from Santa Clara University

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (767), Vital Farms, Inc

Board Members 2020.indd 88

06/10/20 11:03

00LL-Dollar General.indd 2

24/09/20 10:27 a.m.


Age: 68

In 2018, Ruiz was named a Mexicanos Distinguidos, by the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs in Mexico and honored with Geological Society of America's Public Service Award. One of the largest colleges at the UA, the College of Science has more than 7,500 undergraduate and graduate students. Its 21 academic departments and schools encompass the range of physical, mathematical, environmental, cognitive and life sciences. Ruiz was honored in 2010 by Mexico’s president as an outstanding Mexican researcher, one of the first Mexican scholars living abroad to be so recognized. He is also a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. Ruiz was president of the Geological Society of America for 2010-11. Ruiz joined the geosciences department in 1983, was named department head in 1995, dean of the College of Science in 2000, executive dean in 2008 and vice president of innovation and strategy in 2013. Ruiz’s lab discovered in 2002 that more than 40 percent of the world’s gold is 3 billion years old.

Tucson, AZ

JOAQUIN RUIZ Dean of the University of Arizona College of Science, Executive Dean of the Colleges of Letters, Arts and Sciences.


UNS Energy Corporation

Age: 48

Ruisanchez is a finance and entertainment executive with more than 25 years of experience. He served as the president and chief financial officer and a director of Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. an owner and operator of gaming, hospitality and entertainment businesses, from 2016 through its October 2018 acquisition by Penn National Gaming, Inc. Prior to becoming president in 2013, he served as executive vice president since 2008 and executive vice president of strategic planning and development from 2008 to 2011. Before joining Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc., Ruisanchez was senior managing director at Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. As senior managing director of Bear, Stearns & Co., he was responsible for corporate clients in the gaming, lodging and leisure industries, as well as financial sponsor banking relationships.

Las Vegas, NV

CARLOS RUIZSANCHEZ Founding Partner, Sorelle Capital Boards

Cedar Fair Entertainment Company

Age: 71 Miami, FL

Saladrigas Sr. is a pioneer in the Professional Employer Organization (PEO) industry. In 1984, when the industry was in its infancy, he co-founded the Vincam Group, Inc. Under his guidance Vincam became the industry leader and set the standards for excellence, integrity, innovation and world-class service. It became the largest Hispanic owned business in the United States and was profitably sold to the world’s largest payroll provider. In 2008, Carlos with his son, Carlos, Jr., and Rigo Diaz founded Regis HR Group, based on the same values and principles and with the goal to – once again – bring innovative leadership and outstanding customer service to the PEO industry.

CARLOS A. SALADRIGAS Co-founder, Regis HR Group Boards

Duke Energy (123)

Age: 68 New York, NY & La Canada Flintridge, CA


PATRICIA SALAS PINEDA Independent Director



“It’s important to believe in yourself, to work really hard, and to strive to be the very best you can be at whatever you do.”

Pineda is a former General Counsel and Group Vice President of Toyota Motor NorthAmerica, Inc. and New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. where she held diverse executive leadershiproles overseeing legal, corporate communications, corporate advertising, philanthropy, humanresources, Hispanic business strategies, and government and environmental affairs. She previously served on the boards of Anna’s Linens and Eller Media.

Levi Strauss (595), Frontier Airlines

Age: 65 Denver, Colorado

KEN SALAZAR Former U.S. Secretary of the Interior, U.S. Senator, & Colorado Attorney General


Salazar has served as United States Secretary of the Interior, United States Senator, and Colorado Attorney General. He is currently a partner at WilmerHale. WilmerHale is a top-rated American law firm with offices throughout the United States, Europe and China. Salazar started the Denver office for WilmerHale in 2013. He has been admitted to practice law in state and federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court. Secretary Salazar represents leading American companies in complex federal and state regulatory matters concerning consumer protection, antitrust, and privacy matters. He also represents clients as a legal and policy expert on energy, environment, natural resources, and Native American matters.

Target (37)

Board Members 2020.indd 90

06/10/20 11:03

00LL-Northwestern Allison.indd 2

17/09/20 4:48 p.m.


Age: 51 Oklahoma City, OK

CLAUDIA SAN PEDRO President, Sonic Corp. Boards

"I appreciate and embrace living by the Stockdale Paradox – Balancing optimism with realism by retaining the faith that you will overcome while at the same time facing the brutal facts of your current reality. It provides a timeless lesson for how to achieve success and overcome difficult obstacles."

BOK Financial (936)

San Pedro sets the strategic direction for SONIC and is responsible for overseeing the brand’s marketing, operations, and supply chain teams. She is also responsible for the growth and success of SONIC’s company-owned restaurants as well as the brand’s relationship with its franchise community. San Pedro joined SONIC in 2006 as vice president of investor relations and treasurer. San Pedro was promoted to executive vice president and chief financial officer in 2015, and was responsible for SONIC’s financial planning practices, as well as the brand’s relationship with lending institutions, shareholders, and the financial community. Prior to joining SONIC, she served as the director for the Oklahoma Office of State Finance (OSF). Appointed by Governor Brad Henry in 2005, San Pedro was the first female and first Hispanic to serve as director of state finance for Oklahoma. Previously, San Pedro served as the assistant director of the Oklahoma State Senate fiscal staff and a staff budget analyst for the senate appropriations subcommittees on education, human services, and general government.

Age: 61 Naples, FL

ADALIO SANCHEZ Presidnet, S Group Advisory, LLC Boards

Serving on public company boards is an honor and a big responsibility. It brings me the opportunity to “give back” by sharing the vast experiences and lessons gained over 30 years in operating large global businesses, while at same time providing a diverse perspective.

Sanchez is a 35-year information technology industry veteran in the enterprise hardware, software, and semiconductor markets. He was formerly senior vice president of Lenovo Group Limited, where he was responsible for the company’s enterprise systems, storage, and data center technologies business. Prior to that, he served 32 years at IBM Corporation in various senior executive and global general management roles. During his tenure at IBM, he was instrumental in leading the firm’s early personal computers division and later led the transformation and growth of several multi-billion dollar global divisions in the systems, storage, and semiconductors spaces. Sanchez holds a bachelor of science degree from the University of Miami and an MBA from Florida International University.

Avnet (169), ACI Worldwide, Mitre Corporation

Age: 57 Stamford, CT

Since January 2007, Mr. Sanchez has engaged in the private practice of law, representing individual and business clients in a variety of non-litigation areas. He was a full member of the Board of Ethics of the City of Stamford, CT, which he was appointed to by the mayor in 2012. Sanchez served as a director of Starz from 2013 until 2016.

DANIEL E. SANCHEZ Attorney Boards

Discovery (287)

Age: 61

Sánchez served as Under Secretary for International Trade at the U.S. Department of Commerce until 2013, a post President Obama nominated him to in 2009. As Under Secretary, Sánchez lead the International Trade Administration in its efforts to improve the global business environment by helping U.S. businesses compete abroad. As one of the architects of Obama’s National Export Initiative, with the ambitious goal of doubling U.S. exports by the end of 2014, Sánchez directed programs and policies that promote and protect the competitiveness of American businesses. During the Clinton Administration, he served as the Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Sánchez previously served in the White House as a Special Assistant to President Clinton, and Chief of Staff to the Special Envoy to the Americas. Sánchez obtained his B.A. and J.D. from Florida State University. He also received a Masters in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Washington, D.C.


FRANCISCO SÁNCHEZ Founder & Chairman, CNS Global Advisors



Archer Daniels Midland (54)

Age: 55 Miami

ROBERT SANCHEZ CEO Ryder System Boards

“Be a change agent. Whatever job or line of work you decide to pursue, focus on making things better.”

Ryder System (354), Texas Instruments (222)

Board Members 2020.indd 92

Over the course of nearly 30 years at Ryder, Sanchez has held many senior executive leadership positions including president and COO, CFO, president of Fleet Management Solutions, CIO, SVP of Transportation Management within Supply Chain Solutions, and VP of Asset Management. He has been a member of the company’s Executive Leadership Team since 2003. Sanchez played a key part in implementing the strategy to centralize Ryder’s asset management function and improve its cost management which drove an improvement in the return of capital and earnings of the company. Before joining Ryder, he held engineering positions at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and Florida Power & Light. Serves on the Board of Directors of Texas Instruments and a member of the board’s goverance and stockholder relations committee. Sanchez earned his MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania with a concentration in Finance and Strategic Management and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Miami.

06/10/20 11:03

DEBRA SANDLER Independent Board Director Boards

“My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style” - Maya Angelou

Archer Daniels Midland (54), Gannet Co, Phamavite, Dollar General (112)

Sandler has built and led ground-breaking multi-million dollar platforms, led start-ups and brand innovations; launched mega brands, and worked on multi-billion dollar segments as a management team member. In 2017 she founded Mavis Foods, LLC, an e-commerce Caribbean food start-up based on the recipes of her Aunt Mavis. The company successfully launched Bazodee®- a line of Caribbean gourmet sauces and marinades. Her career began at PepsiCo in a number of marketing leadership positions in the beverage and restaurant businesses. She then went on to Johnson & Johnson where she was the Worldwide President of McNeil Nutritionals and led the launch of Splenda®. She then went on to Mars Inc. where she held several roles including Chief Consumer Officer, Twix Global Brand Leader, President of Mars Chocolate North America, and Chief Health and Wellbeing Officer. She holds an undergraduate degree in International Business from Hofstra University, an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business, and an Honorary PhD from the Long Island University School of Pharmacy.

Age: 68

Director since 2015. Santa María, was Managing Partner of the San Juan Office of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Pwc), until his retirement in 2012. He was appointed Managing Partner of the San Juan office of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in July 2004, giving him responsibility for all lines of service of the Firm. Also at the same time he had responsibility for several audit clients. Under his leadership, PricewaterhouseCoopers became the largest firm in Puerto Rico with the largest market share of public clients. His professional experience included clients in the manufacturing, food distribution, pharmaceuticals and technology. It also included several clients in the banking and insurance industries, although to a lesser extent. Throughout his career he has worked as a volunteer with a number of nonprofit organizations, mostly with United Way of Puerto Rico.

San Juan PR

ROBERTO SANTA MARIA ROS President Fundacion Angel Ramos Boards


New Jersey


Age: 60

Triple-S Management (716)

Age: 51 Wilmerding, PA

A native of Brazil, Santana has roughly 25 years of commercial, product management andexecutive leadership. Most recently, he served as President and CEO of GE Transportation, aunit of General Electric company. Prior to that role, he was president & CEO of GE in LatinAmerica; Santana also served as president and CEO of the Turbomachinery Solutions Businessof GE Oil & Gas, Prior to joining GE in 2000, Santana worked for six years at ExxonMobil andBritish American Tobacco. Santana has a degree in engineering from the Universidade Federalde Minas Gerais in Brazil.

RAFAEL SANTANA President & CEO Wabtec Corporation Boards

WABCO Holdings (708)

CMO of Harman International Industries, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics working on designing and engineering connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers and enterprises worldwide, since 2013, with responsibility for all aspects of Harman’s worldwide marketing strategy. He is also responsible for Harman’s e-commerce business and runs its global design group which entails 6 design studios around the world and full P&L accountability. Before joining Harman, he served as SVP & CMO, North America, for Samsung. He also served 16 years at PepsiCo Inc. from 1994 to 2010, holding positions spanning multiple international and domestic leadership roles in marketing. While at PepsiCo, Inc. he also held positions with its Frito-Lay’s international and North America operations.

Stanford, CT

RALPH SANTANA EVP Global CMO HARMAN International Boards

Dollar General Stores (112)

Age: 65 Miami, FL

MARIA SASTRE Former President & Chief Operating Officer, Signature Flight Support


“I have devoted myself to promoting Diversity and Inclusion in order to improve perspective, innovation, performance and simply greater understanding and tolerance of each other’s unique contributions. By doing so in an authentic and sustainable manner, we greatly engage our employees and better serve our customers.”

General Mills (192) O'Reilly Automotive (314), Guidewell/Florida Blue

Board Members 2020.indd 93

Sastre is the former President and COO of Signature Flight Support, the world’s largest and market leading fixed base operator (FBO) network, for business, government, and private aviation. Prior to that, she was a Senior Executive with Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises between 2000-2008, where she held the positions of SVP, International for Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, responsible for the strategic market expansion and business development of the cruise line for Asia and Latin America. While at Royal Caribbean International she was also VP of Hotel Operations and her responsibilities included managing all aspects of hotel operations, private destinations, retail, port operations, and the guest experience onboard Royal Caribbean’s worldwide fleet of 25 vessels with over 30,000 employees. Sastre joined Royal Caribbean International after serving as VP of Worldwide Customer Satisfaction at United Airlines. In 2018, Sastre received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Business Administration from Johnson & Wales University.


Age: 51


08/10/20 5:09 p.m.


Age: 77 New York, NY

Allen & Company LLC, is a boutique investment bank, and has been employed by the firm since 1972. He has served as a financial advisor to several corporations including Coca-Cola Company, General Electric, CapCities/ABC, Columbia Pictures and QVC Networks. Senior also is serving on the following public company boards: Grupo Televisa S.A.B.; Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A. and Cinemark Holdings, Inc. He holds a B.A. in Architecture, a B.E. in Electrical Engineering and a B.S. in Industrial Administration from Yale University, an M.B.A. from the Harvard University, and an honorary J.D. from Emerson College.

ENRIQUE F. SENIOR HERNANDEZ Managing Director of Allen & Company LLC Boards

Univision Communications (837), Cinemark Holdings (736)

Age: 63 Dallas TX

CARLOS SEPULVEDA Chairman of the Board, Triumph Bancorp, Inc. Boards

“Resilience, persistence and unwavering commitment to delivering value are worth-while attributes to demonstrate in any environment. Be ready for and lay hold of opportunities!”

Cinemark Holdings (736), Triumph Bancorp, Savoya, Interstate Batteries, Camp Gladiator

Age: 52 Los Altos, CA

DANIEL SICILIANO Chairman Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Boards

Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco

Carlos has served as Chairman of the Board since its inception in 2010. Has served on the Board of Directors for Cinemark Holding, Inc. as a Director and as Chairman of the Audit Committee since 2007, and was appointed Lead Director in 2016. In 2014, Carlos became a Director on the Board of Directors for Savoya, one of the world’s finest chauffeured ground transportation service providers. He served on the Board of Matador Resources Company from 2013 to 2017. Prior to Triumph, he was at Interstate Battery System International for 23 years, the last nine years as President & CEO. Preceding his tenure at Interstate Batteries, he gained more than 10 years of experience in various roles with KPMG Peat Marwick Accounting Firm in Austin, New York City and San Francisco, where he was an audit partner and designated associate SEC reviewing partner with the firm. Carlos received his Bachelor of Business Administration with highest honors from the University of Texas at Austin in 1979. He earned his CPA in 1981, and is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and Texas Society of CPAs.

He is a CodeX Fellow at Stanford, Past Co-Chair of the We Robot Conference on AI/Robotics & Law, and the immediate past faculty director of the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford. He co-founded the Rock Center in 2006 and, as a Professor of the Practice and Associate Dean at Stanford Law School, led the Center until 2017. His teaching includes Finance, Governance, and Venture Capital and he has testified in front of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. In 2009, 2010, and 2011, alongside Bernanke, Krugman, and Icahn, Professor Siciliano was named to the “Directorship 100” – a list of the most influential people in corporate governance. Co-founder, CEO and Executive Chairman of LawLogix Group – a technology company named 9 times to the Inc. 500/5000, ranked in the Top 100 fastest-growing private companies in the US. He sold a majority stake of the company to PNC Riverarch Capital, continued as Executive Chairman, and led the sale of the company to Hyland Software/Thoma Bravo in 2015.

Age: 53 Menlo Park, CA


SUSAN "SUE" SIEGEL Board Director, CEO & Venture Capitalist



Align Technology (888) , Illumina (687)

Director of Align since May 2017, has driven game-changing ideas and powered companies that advance industries and improve lives for more than three decades. Most recently, as GE’s Chief Innovation Officer and CEO of GE Ventures, she oversaw investment in startups, created and scaled new companies, and commercialized GE’s intellectual property. She also led strategy planning and oversaw the global marketing function. Before joining GE, Siegel was a Silicon Valley-based healthcare and life sciences VC. Prior to becoming a venture capitalist, she led Affymetrix as President and a board member, where she drove the company’s transformation from a pre-revenue startup to a global, multi-billion-dollar market cap genomics leader. She has held executive leadership roles at Bio-Rad, DuPont and Amersham after transitioning to a corporate career from early work in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Age: 55 Tampa, FL

ENRIQUE "RICK" SILVA Former CEO, Checkers & Rally's Restaurants, Inc. Boards

For 13 years prior thereto, Rick Silva served in various leadership positions at Burger King Corporation,including Senior Vice President, Franchise Operations East Zone and Canada; SeniorVice President, U.S. Company Operations, President, Latin America Region; and Vice Presidentand General Counsel, Latin America.

Realogy Holdings (490), Checkers Drive-In Restaurants

Board Members 2020.indd 94

06/10/20 11:03

00LL-Pan American Life.indd 2

17/09/20 4:54 p.m.


Age: 79 Arlington, VA

Jose was Special Assistant to President Reagan for National Security Affairs from 1987 to 1988; Peace Corps Country Director in Colombia (1976-1979), Senior Director for Latin America at the Security Council of the White House (Reagan) and U.S. Ambassasor to the U.N. from 1981 to 1985. Associate Professor of Government, Georgetown University, from 1969 to 1987. Jose has significant experience in governmental and international affairs, international business and a historical perspective on our growth and operations having served as a director since 1995. Jose has a PhD in Political Science from Georgetown University.

JOSE SORZANO Independent Board Director Boards

MasTec (430)

Age: 80 Miami, FL

From 1995 to 1998, he was Executive Vice President of Amoco Corporation. Prior to joining Amoco, Sosa served as Senior Vice President of The Dow Chemical Company, President of Dow North America and a member of its Board of Directors. Sosa was a director of FMC Corporation from June 1999 until April 2012 and a director of Northern Trust Corporation from April 2007 until April 2012.

ENRIQUE SOSA Former President, BP Amoco Chemicals Boards

Mednax (691)

Age: 51 Hollywood, Fl

MYRNA SOTO Chief Strategy & Trust Officer, Forcepoint Boards

Popular(820), CMS Energy (443), Spirit Airlines (658)

Myrna Soto recently served as COO of Digital Hands LLC. She was responsible for Security Operations, Service Delivery, Sales, Customer Success, Marketing and HR. Myrna was also a Partner at ForgePoint Capital and was a member of the ForgePoint Capital Investment Team. Myrna remains a Venture Investor & Advisor for ForgePoint Capital, a venture capital fund focused exclusively on investing in Cybersecurity companies. Prior to joining Digital Hands & ForgePoint Capital Myrna served as Corporate SVP & GCISO for Comcast Corp. Myrna has had over 28 years of focused Information Technology/ Security experience and accolades within a variety of industries. Prior to joining Comcast, Myrna served as CISO & Vice President of Information Technology Governance for MGM Resorts International. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Florida International University, a Master of Science degree in Industrial Psychology, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Nova Southeastern University. She also holds a Masters Certification in Program Management from George Washington University.

Age: 62 Norfolk, VA

Stewart retired from Norfolk Southern Corporation in 2017 after a distinguished 33-year careerwith the company. She served as EVP and CFO from 2013 to 2017. Her tenure at NorfolkSouthern included roles of increasing responsibility, including vice president of accounting andcontroller, and vice president finance and treasurer. Prior to her tenure at Norfolk Southern, shespent four years at Peat Marwick (a predecessor to KPMG). Stewart is a Certified Public Accountantand currently also serves on the board of directors of Simon Property Group.


MARTA R. STEWART Former EVP & CFO Norfolk Southern Corp.



Raytheon Co.(108), Simon Property Group (473)

Age: 64 New Orleans, LA

JOSE SUQUET Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, Pan-American

“Among our most meaningful achievements are the lasting relationships we forge and foster on our career path. Mentorship is an invaluable lifelong role and gift.”

Life Insurance Group


Pan-American Life Insurance, Regions Financial Corporation (446), Ochsner Health System

Board Members 2020.indd 96

In more than 15 years leading the PALIG organization, Suquet and his management team have more than doubled the size of the company through consistent organic growth and strategic mergers and acquisitions with a renewed focus on life, health and personal accident insurance, while expanding its historical footprint throughout the Americas. In 2005, he led New Orleans-based Pan-American Life through the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina swiftly establishing an emergency plan. Suquet was appointed Chairman of the Board of PALIG in 2008. In 2012 PALIG acquired approximately $675 million in MetLife Alico/Algico assets across 15 countries in Central America and the Caribbean. In 2015 Suquet led the merger between Pan-American Life Mutual Holding Company and Mutual Trust Holding Company. In 2017, PALIG acquires Hola Doctor Inc., leading digital provider of health and wellness solutions for Hispanic audiences. Suquet was born in Cuba and graduated from Fordham University (New York) with a Bachelor of Science and holds an M.B.A. from the University of Miami.

07/10/20 10:00 p.m.

Tejada is Chief Executive Officer of PagerDuty, Inc., a digital operations management platform for businesses. Prior to joining PagerDuty in July 2016, she was President and Chief Executive Officer of Keynote Systems, a software company specializing in digital performance analytics and web and mobile testing, from 2013 to 2015. She was Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Mincom, an enterprise software company, from 2008 to 2011. She has also previously held senior positions at Merivale Group, Procter & Gamble, and i2 Technologies. She currently serves as a member of the board of Puppet Labs, Inc., a private IT automation company.

JENNIFER TEJADA Chief Executive Officer, PagerDuty, Inc. Boards

Estée Lauder (215)

Age: 57 Los Angeles, CA

FELICIA THORNTON Independent Board Director Boards

Floor & Decor Holdings (983), 99 Cents Only, Covergint Technologies, CoolSys

Felicia has been the Vice Chair of 99 Cents Only Stores LLC. Previously, was the Interim Chief Executive Officer at 99 Cents Only Stores LLC in 2019-2020, CFO and Treasurer from 20152018 supporting its operational transformation and refinancing. Thornton also served as CoChief Executive Officer, President and COO of DeMoulas Super Market, Inc., from 2014 to 2014 with a successful sale to minority shareholders and as the CEO of Knowledge Universe U.S., the largest U.S. private childhood education company. Thornton served as CFO and led overall strategy for Albertsons, from 2001 to 2006. She served in a variety of executive strategic and financial roles from 1992 to 2000 for Ralphs Grocery Company, Inc., and for Fred Meyer, both of which eventually became part of The Kroger Company, a global retailer of grocery, where She served as Group Vice President responsible for retail operations. She received a B.S. in Economics from Santa Clara University and an M.B.A. from the University of Southern California.


San Francisco, CA


Age: 48

Age: 69

Marta is co-author and co-editor of several books, including of The Hispanic Population of the United States (1987), Divided Opportunities (1988), The Color of Opportunity (2001), Youth in Cities (2002), Ethnicity and Causal Mechanisms (2005),Multiple Origins, Uncertain Destinies (2006), Hispanics and the Future of America (2006), and Africa on the Move (2006). She has published over 150 scholarly papers in academic journals and edited collections, in addition to numerous research bulletins and articles for a lay audience. She holds a BA in Spanish from Michigan State University and a MA and Ph.D., both in Sociology, from the University of Texas at Austin. She received honorary doctorates from The Ohio State University (2002), Lehman College (2003) and Bank Street College (2006).

New Jersey

MARTA TIENDA Maurice P. During’22 Professor of Demographic Studies and Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University

Teachers Insurance Annuity Association (TIAA) (81)

Age: 60 New Hope, PA

DENICE TORRES Founder and CEO, The Ignited Group & Former

"Optimism, confidence, and resilience are a powerful combination, Optimism helps us dream, confidence fuels the journey, and resilience helps us get there when we face challenges."

Executive, Johnson & Johnson


Bluebird Bio

Denice has 25 years of management experience in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer healthcare. From 2005-2017, she served in senior leadership roles at Johnson & Johnson, including Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer for the global medical device business. She is credited for leading one of the most significant transformations in J&J history. Following a series of recalls and the initiation of a consent decree, Denice assumed the role of President, McNeil Consumer Healthcare. From 2011-2015, she led the recovery of OTC brands, including the iconic Tylenol portfolio. At J&J, Denice also served as President of Janssen Pharmaceuticals where she drove turnaround growth. Before joining J&J, Denice had a successful, 14-year career at Lilly where she was the executive director of global neuroscience and director of U.S. women’s health. Denice received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Ball State University, Doctor of Jurisprudence from Indiana University, and Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Michigan. She is a member of the Michigan Bar Association.

Age: 44 San Francisco, CA


Univision Communications (837), UBER, Cirque du Soleil, Creative Artists Agency, Ipsy, Layer 3 TV,

Board Members 2020.indd 97

Partner at TPG based in San Francisco, where he leads TPG's Internet, digital media, and communications investing efforts across the firm’s Growth and Capital platforms. Prior to joining TPG in 2006, David was a Vice President and Associate at GTCR Golder Rauner. David received an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and BA in economics from Yale University. David is currently a Director on the Boards of Cirque du Soleil, Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Ipsy, Layer3 TV, RCN Telecom & Grande Communications, RentPath, Univision Communications, and the San Francisco non-profit The Little School. David led TPG Growth's investments in Airbnb and Uber, as well as TPG's credit investments in Citadel Broadcasting and Clear Channel Communications. He previously served on the Boards of, Fenwal Therapeutics, HSM Electronic Protection Services, Sorenson Communications and, Triad Financial.




06/10/20 11:03


Age: 69 San Diego, CA

Trujillo also served as the chief executive officer and director of Telstra Corporation Limited, Australia’s largest media-communications enterprise, from July 2005 to June 2009. From February 2003 to March 2004, Trujillo was Orange SA’s chief executive officer. Before that, Trujillo was chairman, president and chief executive officer of Graviton, Inc. from January 2001 until January 2003. Trujillo previously served as a director of Target Corporation from 1994 to 2014. He currently serves as a director of WPP plc and Fang Holdings Ltd. (formerly Sou Fun Holdings Limited).

SOLOMON TRUJILLO Founder & Chairman, Trujillo Group, LLC and Chairman of the Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC


Western Union (528), WPP plc, China Silk Road Technologies (China), Bain & Co. Managemente Consulting (Advisisory)

Age: 57 Weston, VT

LUIS ANTONIO UBIÑAS Investor & Advisor Boards

No company without a Latino/a on their Board can believe it has adequate governance. How can they, the community represents 18% of the population and even more of economic growth?

Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, Electronic Arts (550), Boston Private Financial Holdings, EBSCO Industries

Served as President of the Ford Foundation, a senior partner at McKinsey & Company and an Obama-era appointee to both the Export-Import Bank and the International Trade Commission. Former President of the Board of Trustees of the Pan American Development Foundation, which invests over $70 million in development projects in Central and South America and the Caribbean. He led PADF as it expanded its work in Puerto Rico, Mexico and Central America. He served as President of the Ford Foundation from 2008 through 2013. While at the Foundation, he led a broad-based restructuring of the organization with very successful results. Prior to Ford, he was a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, leading the firm’s media practice on the West Coast. Luis is a graduate of Harvard College, graduating magna cum laude in government, with a Certificate in Latin American Studies; he was named a Truman Scholar. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Age: 56 Puerto Rico

Unanue has 33 years of experience at Goya Foods, Inc., a privately-held family business with operations in the United States, Puerto Rico, Spain and the Dominican Republic that is dedicated to the sale, marketing and distribution of Hispanic food, as well as to the food processing and canned food manufacturing business. Through his work with Goya Foods, Mr. Unanue has developed a profound understanding of Popular’s two main markets, Puerto Rico and the United States.

CARLOS UNANUE President, Goya de Puerto Rico, Inc. & Goya Santo Domingo, S.A.


Popular (820)

Age: 49 Dallas, TX “Struggle ends when gratitude begins” - Louie Schwartzberg


NINA VACA Chairman & CEO of Pinnacle Group



Comerica Bank (659), Cinemark Holdings (736)

Nina Vaca is a celebrated entrepreneur and one of the youngest Latina directors. For the past 24 years, she has grown Pinnacle Group to become a leading provider in the workforce solutions sector. During that time, Ms. Vaca evolved Pinnacle’s core capabilities from IT talent acquisition to include a full range of offerings, including managed services, business process outsourcing, and talent platforms. Through her various platforms as an entrepreneur, a 10+ year public company director, and her appointment as a Presidential Ambassador of Global Entrepreneurship, Ms. Vaca has also established herself as a leading advocate for diversity and inclusion. She has also represented the U.S. on four continents to share her incredible journey of entrepreneurship. Ms. Vaca is a former Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year winner, a Henry Crown Fellow with the Aspen Institute, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the recipient of three honorary doctorates.

Age: 54 Denver, CO

FRANCES VALLEJO Independent Director Boards

She is a former executive officer of ConocoPhillips where she began her career in 1987. She served as Vice President Corporate Planning and Development from April 2015 until December 2016 and as Vice President and Treasurer from October 2008 until March 2015. Prior to October 2008, she served as General Manager Corporate Planning and Budgets, Vice President Upstream Planning & Portfolio Management, Assistant Treasurer, Manager Strategic Transactions, and in other geophysical, commercial, and finance roles. Vallejo served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Colorado School of Mines from 2010 until 2016 and is a member of Colorado School of Mines Foundation Board of Governors.

Cimarex Energy (902)

Board Members 2020.indd 98

22/01/21 9:17 a.m.

“the testings of life are sent to make us, not to break us.” Anonymus

GADDI H. VAZQUEZ Independent Director Boards

Granite Construction (712)

Age: 47 San Carlos, CA

RAUL VAZQUEZ Chief Executive Officer, Oportun Boards

“Across all of my experiences as an entrepreneur, business leader and board member, I’ve learned that with the right opportunity and support, everyone has the natural capacity to be a leader.”

Intuit (445)

Until 2019, Vazquez served as SVP of Government Affairs for Southern California Edison. He was responsible for government relations activities at the Federal and State level, as well as Local Public Affairs. He began his 27 year career as a police officer in the City of Orange, California and has served at city, county, state, and federal levels of government. Vasquez has spent most of his life in Orange County and has been a leader in promoting health, safety, and educational opportunities for children and youth in underserved communities. Prior to Edison International, he served as U.S. Ambassador and permanent representative to United Nations Agencies based in Rome, Italy. He also served as Director of the United States Peace Corps leading an international volunteer service organization and on the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships and has been appointed by three California Governors to state boards and commissions. He received a B. A. in Public Service Management from the University of Redlands and has been awarded five honorary doctorate degrees.

Based in Silicon Valley, Oportun serves individuals who are typically shut out of the financial mainstream because they don’t have a credit score or have limited credit history. As of the end of 2019, Oportun has made over 3.7 million loans totaling over $8.4 billion to customers across 12 states. Customers have saved an estimated $1.7 billion in interests and fees by choosing Oportun over other lenders. Raul joined Oportun in 2012 after having held senior leadership roles at Walmart, including President and CEO of, and EVP and President of Walmart West. He has previously served as a board member for Staples, as a member of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Consumer Advisory Board, and as Chair of the Federal Reserve Board’s Community Advisory Council. Vazquez is a graduate of Stanford University with BS and MS degrees in industrial engineering and earned an MBA at the Wharton School of Business.


Orange, CA


Age: 65

Age: 72

J.Founder ANTONIO VILLAMIL and Senior Advisor, The Washington Economics Group Inc.


Pan-American Life Insurance, Spanish Broadcasting System, Mercantil Holding, Amerant Bank

Age: 67 San Antonio, TX

JOSE H. VILLARREAL Consuktant Senior Advisor Aking Gump Boards

Union Pacific (149)

Age: 69 New York, NY

NATICA VON ALTHANN Independent Director and Consultant Boards

PPL Corp. (408), TD Bank, Fuel Cell Energy Inc.

Board Members 2020.indd 99

In George H.W. Bush’s administration, José Antonio served as U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs. He is a former Dean of the School of Business at St. Thomas University, in Miami, Florida, as well as the former Chairman of Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors of Florida. Villamil founded The Washington Economics Group, Inc. and served as its principal. He was awarded a doctoral degree in Economics (hc) from Florida International University for "distinguished contributions to the Nation in the field of economics." He currently serves on the Boards of Directors of the Spanish Broadcasting System, Mercantil Holding Corporation and Amerant Bank, N.A. He holds a B.S. from Louisiana State University and an M.A. in Economics, also from Louisiana State University. He is a Ph.D. Candidate-Economics, Louisiana State University.

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, a national law firm with offices around the country and overseas, including San Antonio, Texas, and Washington, D.C. He previously served as an assistant attorney general in the public finance division of the Texas attorney general's office. Also served as U.S. Commissioner General to the Shanghai 2010 World Expo, a post to which he was named by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and given ambassadorial rank by President Obama. He also served on the board of directors of Walmart Stores, Inc.In November 2015, he received the Orden del Aguila Azteca (Order of the Aztec Eagle)—the most important decoration awarded by the Mexican government—for his endeavors that have benefited Mexico and Mexicans. previously served as chairman of the board of the National Council of La Raza, as a board member of the New America Alliance and Center for American Progress. He has held a number of senior roles in U.S. presidential campaigns.

She was a founding partner of C&A Advisors, a consulting firm in financial services and risk management, from 2009 until 2013. She retired in 2008 as the senior credit risk management executive for Bank of America, and chief credit officer of U.S. Trust, an investment management company. Prior to being appointed to the B of A position in 2007 after U.S. Trust was acquired by B of A, von Althann served as chief credit officer of U.S. Trust since 2003. Prior to joining U.S. Trust in 2003, she served as managing director at IQ Venture Partners, an investment banking boutique. Previously, spent 26 years at Citigroup, including in a number of senior management roles. During her time at Citigroup, among other positions, she served as managing director and co-head of Citicorp’s U.S. Telecommunications-Technology group, managing director and global industry head of the Retail and Apparel group and division executive and market region head for Latin America in the Citigroup private banking group.


Miami, FL


06/10/20 11:03


Age: 73 California

TONY WHITE Former Chairman, President and CEO of Applied

“I am very grateful that I was able to grow up in a country where I had the opportunity to participate with people from all backgrounds in the work of improving the human condition.”

Biosystems Inc.


CVS Health (5), Ingersoll Rand (881), Trane Technologies

Age: 64 Bethesda, MD

ALEJANDRO DANIEL WOLFF Independent Director, Retired Diplomat. Boards

Alexandria, VA

JUAN CARLOS ZARATE Chairman & Co-Founder The Financial Integrity Network Boards

Northwestern Mutual (102), Boston Dynamics; Cambridge Quantum Computing, North American Holdings; Chandah Space Technologies.

Age: 57 New York, NY

EDDY ZERVIGON Independent Director and Advisor Boards

U.S. Ambassador to Chile from September 2010 until retirement in August 2013, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-2010). He has more than 33 years of service in the U.S. Department of State, including service in Algeria, Morocco, Chile, Cyprus, the U.S. Mission to the European Union in Brussels, and as Deputy Chief of Mission and Charge d’Affaires in France. From 2014 – 2016, he was Managing Director of Gryphon Partners LLC (a global advisory firm focused on frontier markets) Other directorships include: Versum Materials, Inc. (an electronic materials company), since 2016; JetSMART Airlines, SoA (a private airline in South America) since 2017

Albemarle (683)

Age: 49


Former Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of Applied Biosystems, Inc. (formerly Applera Corporation), a developer, manufacturer and marketer of life science systems and genomic information products, having served in those positions from 1995 until his retirement in 2008. Formerly a director at C.R. Bard, Inc., a company that designs, manufacturers, packages, distributes and sells medical, surgical, diagnostic and patient care devices. White's wealth of management experience in the life sciences and health care industries, including over 13 years as Chairman and CEO of an advanced-technology life sciences company and 26 years in various management positions at Baxter International, Inc., a provider of medical products and services, makes him well qualified to serve as a director of CVS Health.

Maxar Technologies (987)

Zarate is the chairman at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a senior fellow at West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center. Lecturer in law at the Harvard Law School for eight years and is a published author, including his books “Treasury’s War” and “Forging Democracy”. Zarate was appointed twice by Pope Francis to sit on the board of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority. He also served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for combating terrorism until 2009. He was the first-ever Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for terrorist financing and financial crimes, where he led the innovative use of the Treasury’s national security–related powers, the hunt for Saddam Hussein’s assets, and the establishment of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI). Prior to 9/11, he served as a federal terrorism prosecutor. Zarate is a graduate of Harvard College. He. is a graduate of the Harvard Law School.

Zervigon has been a Director of Maxar Technologies since, 2019. He previously served on DigitalGlobe’s Board of Directors from 2004 to 2013, and again from 2014 to 2017. He has been a Special Advisor at Riverside Management Group, a boutique merchant bank, since 2012. Previously, he was a Managing Director in the Principal Investments Group at Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, a global financial services firm, from 1997 to 2012. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Zervigon was a Certified Public Accountant at the public accounting firm Coopers & Lybrand, which is now PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and currently maintains his CPA credentials. He has also served as a director of Bloom Energy and MMCinemas, Impsat Fiber Networks, Inc., TVN Entertainment Corporation and Stadium Capital Management, LLC. He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a master’s degree in taxation from Florida International University and an MBA from the Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.


Board Members 2020.indd 100

06/10/20 11:03

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05/10/20 4:28 p.m.

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17/09/20 12:14





Centene's purpose has remained centered around the health of the communities we serve since our founding in 1984. Today, the company provides health coverage access to one in 15 individuals across the country, and we stand united in our resolve to help effect change and an equal society for all. HEALTHCARE represents an industry of rapid growth, each year becoming more and more complex. In the midst of a global pandemic, the systematic racism and inequities that have plagued our communities have again rightfully come to the forefront. Centene ensures that we do everything possible to eliminate obstacles to progress and create better solutions. Centene’s Chairman, President, & CEO Michael Neidorff leads the Centene Board of Directors, which includes eleven additional executives who reflect diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experience. These accomplished men and women provide exceptional business and healthcare insight that has helped shape our corporate culture of accountability, ethics, and integrity. The company’s board and senior leadership team understand that the demand for high-quality, affordable healthcare only continues to increase in the U.S.—a fact that is illuminated even more during this year of continued uncertainty. Centene’s commitment to making a difference positions us to deliver results for our members, customers, communities, and shareholders. Centene’s achievements are also due to the talent, skill, and dedication of our more than 71,000 employees, as well as their commitment to providing the highest quality of care to the vulnerable populations entrusted to the company’s service. 104 LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

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10/7/20 11:14 AM

Centene CEO Michael Neidorff and Centene Directors David Steward, Orlando Ayala and Tommy Thompson visit with local physicians at the University Hospital of Vinalopó

We are an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion. Our vision of success requires a diverse workforce that reflects the communities we serve, allowing us to better solve the challenges faced by our members. Throughout the organization, Centene’s workforce illustrates our commitment to diversity. Of our total employee population, 50% identify as people of color, with 36% of those individuals in supervisory positions and 26% at the director level and above. Approximately 16% of Centene’s workforce identify as Hispanic/Latinx. On our Board of Directors, 42% identify as female and/or as a person of color. Centene provides a wide range of programs focused on early identification and accelerated development of diverse talent, including: •

Employee Inclusion Groups (EIGs): Centene cultivates company-wide Employee Inclusion Groups to offer professional and leadership development opportunities for women, military veterans, and individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ+ and multicultural employees.

The St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative Fellows Program (SLBDI): For more than a decade, Centene has served as a proud sponsor of this 12-month leadership development program designed for professionals of color.

The Hispanic Leadership Institute (HLI): Centene is committed to actively developing a workforce representative of those we serve at all levels of the organization. Resources such as the HLI are one of the tools we leverage to support that commitment. The HLI gives professionals the opportunity to enhance for-profit and not-for-profit management skills, and network development, while giving back through community involvement.

Executive Immersion Program: The Executive Immersion Program provides emerging leaders with an opportunity to accelerate and broaden their development through a formal rotation program, enabling individuals to work in up to three different parts of the business via one-year rotations.

RISE: Centene offers a formal, one-year cross-cultural mentoring experience tailored to advance the development of Centene’s female and diverse leaders at the VP level and above. Mentoring discussions are focused on mentee career development goals, networking, and key leadership competencies.

We continue to gain national recognition for our commitment to diversity and inclusion. ​Centene was recently listed as one of the Best Places to Work by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation after earning a perfect score of 100 percent on the Corporate Equality Index (CEI). We are honored to be included on the 2020 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity list, the leading assessment of diversity management in corporate America. Centene also scored 100 percent on the Disability Equality Index® (DEI), a national benchmarking tool that measures businesses on their disability inclusion policies and practices. Centene holds a deep commitment to equality and social justice, and it’s critical that these values are upheld across the company. Fostering a culture that prioritizes diversity and inclusion is the one true way that we can achieve our mission to transform the health of the communities we serve. With each step forward, Centene remains committed to the principles upon which our company was founded. Strong societies and communities cannot be created, nor sustained, by only serving the few—we succeed when we serve the larger, vulnerable populations who are integral to our purpose. AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020 LATINO LEADERS 105

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10/7/20 11:15 AM



Elsa Cavazos

BEHIND THE STORY OF A WOMEN LEADER Graciela Ivonne Monteagudo speaks with wisdom and knowledge, as she looks back on her past. Every move she decided to make has led her to where she is today, which has allowed her to spread awareness on executive culture, specifically for women. Now, she teaches others how to be as successful as her. GRACIELA WAS BORN and raised in Mexico City. Monteaguado considers herself an engineer but at the same time she doesn't. “I never worked as an engineer but I always thought as an engineer. My thinking is like that, its analytical and I love numbers,” she said. She recalls having a happy, middle class childhood. There were two books that marked her while growing up and inspired her as well. “This book called the Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir really opened my eyes to a lot of things I didnt realize in terms of history of women and I read it when I was 16 and I think I never looked at the world the same way,” she said. “Also, Atlas shrugged from Ayn Rand, I had no idea of how significant it was in the U.S. my father gave it to me and I love the fact the main character is a woman and it is another book that really influenced me growing up,” Monteaguado said. Because of her engineering background, she said she never thought she would turn out to be a marketer. Today, Graciela credits her fascination about psychology and really understanding how people think and how to influence them. "Marketing is in a way a psychology of the masses,” Monteaguado said. Her first job in marketing trained her to be a mini general manager, she said. Her superiors expected her to know everything, to lead the strategy and know her numbers. At the same time, she remembers the crowd being quite young for what was the norm back then. Her success continued to grow with time and led her to bigger roles. Graciela grew to become a general manager. “I was responsible to be the head of the business and set the tone in the culture. I started working on understanding how I could impact the culture of my business and everyone that reported into me,” Monteaguado said. As a country manager, she had a group of people with different functions, men and women which she considered to be very balanced. “I started doing my first steps in terms of trying to drive my organization. I learned a lot of diversity and inclusion and best practices,” she said. Graciela joined the Asociacion Mexicana De Mujeres Ejecutivas, where she met other women managers and directors. By meeting these other women, she saw how different their experiences were from hers. Years went by and she was able to attend the International Women’s Forum fellows program in which she was the first Latin American woman to do so.

“I began to realize the barriers women face are very much the same everywhere in the world. What varies is the degree of intensity, there are places where the glass ceiling starts at school,” she said. It was then when Graciela learned about the difficulties in different places in the world and started a legacy project. “I summarized all the learnings and did a one hour conference I gave to lots of women.,” she said. She also began presenting in companies both in the U.S. and internationally. Graciela likes to ask women, “While the world changes what can you do for yourself?" She stresses on teaching women how to present themselves as executives and have authority. Something even the most skillful woman can lack off. “Understanding leadership style, women in business are walking a very fine line. If you are too soft it's bad and if you are too aggressive it's bad too,” she said. After working for Sam's Club Mexico and Walmart, Mead Johnson offered her the opportunity to run their North America business in Chicago. She decided to take it and made the permanent decision to stay in the U.S. “I didn't know how they would react to having me there. I had curiosity about how they would receive me,” Monteaguado said. Graciela knew that a core target audience were Hispanics like her and wanted to understand more about it This led her to become CEO of Lala U.S. She began to realize the target audience was people like her and wanted to understand more about. She identified the power of multiculturalism. “Businesses do not understand how big and important the hispanic market is,” she said. Though she is a busy woman, it has not been too hard to balance it all out. “I always had a balanced life, I work to live and always wanted to be successful. I don’t like to take life for granted,” she said. “When it comes to being a woman, "you need to find someone who is supportive and treats you as an equal partner in the whole sense of the word,” Monteaguado said.


106 Monteagudo-incopy.indd 106

06/10/20 11:21


SAVING THE HOUSE ON FIRE, FROM CEO TO BOARD MEMBER. How does one step from being a corporate executive to serving on boards? Joe Alvarado has succeeded in finding his way to executing plans to leading internal change. One of the reasons that Joe believes Latinos lacked in the steel industry was the fact that they were not available to work on rotations and didn’t live with the flexibility to be moving between cities. As Latinos we usually put our family first and feel limited when it comes to making decisions. Joe decided to do things differently and take all the promotions and rotations he was offered in order to gain different experiences.


was very fortunate to have lots of work opportunity to develop skills”, Joe states. The former Chairman, President and CEO of Commercial Metals Company, expresses how one of his best lessons he had when moving up throughout his career was the exposure to all his directors. “I had good exposure to what it is expected of board members and the relationship they have with directors.” Joe was encouraged by his director of the time to consider the opportunity to serve on a board. He then decided to join Spectra Energy, his first board ever to serve. He describes his experience as a learning moment for his own role as management. It was in this first board where he learned more about things such as how to run meetings or implementing different practices. It was all about getting exposure to how other people ran businesses. Joe has seen boards change throughout the years. He was joining boards where he inherited practices that he might of not believed in and was exposed to the changing expectations of not only shareholders but of banks and accountants. “20 years ago directors would be picked by a chairman. They were usually handpicked but then things started to change.”, he says. These changes brought new practices for the selection of directors such as the selection of women. We all hear the cry for diversity on board rooms. This cry “has grown even stronger as a result of social actions and failures of our society”, expresses Joe. He states how today there are two priorities for companies: operations and agenda. Especially now with the effects of COVID-19 and our current political climate, Joe describes how boards are building new committees such as an advocacy committee, which carries both an internal and

ABOUT JOE ALVARADO Joe is the former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Metals Company, a Fortune 500 global metals firm, which under his leadership was active in recycling, manufacturing, fabricating and trading. Alvardo received his master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance from the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Notre Dame.

external component. “There are key critical components of how we influence policy and decision making in an organization. We have to be mindful that we haven’t given the priority of diversity and inclusion.”, Joe says. “There is a changing face in America that is more colorful that what has been in the past.”, Joe explains. He pushes the fact that the weakness of companies comes when the workforce and management does not look like the other side of the equation, being the customers and suppliers. It then creates such disconnection.

Before the current social movements and the global pandemic we’re currently living in, Joe described all efforts as just leaving things as how they were. Today, Joe describes his work with CEO’s who have been risen to unseen challenges and seeing them doing it really well. There’s been a broad range of what has been happening internally to companies and every CEO has had to react differently. He describes his boards as always having a good balance of operations, governance and financial. “I can assure that in each of boards that I serve we do talk about taking inclusive decisions.” What does the company of the future look like? We all might have our visions and it most definitely looks more diverse but Joe also wants companies to realize that the house is on fire and that it is urgent companies look internally first to survive. One of the first steps companies should be taking is opening the pipeline and realizing the talent coming from different groups of people. “I have an obligation today to represent latinos and other people of color who are underrepresented.” Joe knows that this will all be a slow change but Corporate America should take advantage of all the people they can add for value, from the lowest to highest levels.



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06/10/20 11:33

00LL-Kemper.indd 2

18/09/20 11:23


LCDA'S BOARD ASPIRING LEADERS Rafael Alfonzo Managing Partner, Radien Legacy Partners/Former CEO, Datum Technologies

Entrepreneur and attorney with more than 20 years’ experience operating, investing in, and representing startup and growth businesses.


Anne Alonzo Chief Sustainability Officer, Corteva, Inc.

Former Chief Information Officer, The Hershey Company

Recognized global food, health & wellness, agriculture expert with diverse career in the public, notfor-profit and corporate sectors.

President, Business Banking, Back of America raul-a-anaya-0b18334

VP-Internet-of-Things Group/General Manager-Visual Retail, Intel

Senior executive with significant experience in digital optimization, businessdevelopment, and growing new ventures/start-up, marketing and technicalorganizations.

Anthony Barrueta SVP, Government Relations, Kaiser Permanente

Goverment relations and health care policy legal executive focused on advising senior executives about implications of legislation and regulation.


Business driven and results-oriented technology and shared services executive withextensive experience at the intersection of business and technology in Fortune 500companies


Raul Anaya

Jose Alvaro Avalos



Carlos Amesquita

LATINO LEADERS is proud to profile the Latino Corporate Directors Association’s (LCDA) Executive Members who represent senior executives ready to serve on corporate boards of publicly-traded and private companies. As members, these senior executives are able to benefit from programming offered by LCDA's affiliated foundation, Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation (LCDEF), including its premiere BoardReady Institute (BRI) whose curriculum is designed to prepare and position highly credentialed Latino executives and national leaders for corporate board service. The BRI’s offerings are developed in collaboration with the KPMG Board Leadership Center, the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford Law School, Boardspan, and LCDA’s search firm strategic partners, to assist candidates on their journey to the boardroom.

Vanessa M. Benavides SVP/Chief Compliance & Privacy Officer, Kaiser Permanente

Health industry legal and compliance executive with years of regulatory oversight and risk management experience.


Commercial banking executive focused in consumer products, technology, entertainment, finance and aerospace and defense.

Ana-Mita Betancourt Fmr General Counsel-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World BankGroup

International development attorney and executive experienced in sustainabledevelopment projects, policies and programs in emerging markets across the world.



Board Aspiring Directors.indd 109

06/10/20 11:08



Sandra Campos Former Chief Executive Officer, DVF (Diane von Furstenberg)

Accomplished entrepreneur and operating executive within the retail and consumer products sector.


MarĂ­a-Elena CarriĂłn Founder/Managing Partner, Multicultural Capital, LLC

President/CEO, Corro Nobil Associates

Mergers and acquisitions and investments Noel Colon financial expert experienced in mid-marketprivate transactions in emerging SVP, Chief Quality Officer, Medtronic markets including Latin America.

CEO, Kloudspot

Global fundraising and event management leader both in the for-profit and non-profit management sectors.

Fmr SVP/ General Counsel/ Corporate Secretary, Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc. sergiogarciaesq

Terhilda Garrido Former VP-Health IT Transformation and Analytics, Kaiser Permanente

Transformative global business leader and innovator focused on accelerating culture through people, process, and technology.

EVP/Chief Marketing, Digital and Strategy Officer, Target Corporation

Head-Investment Solutions Group-Capital Markets-Global Wealth and InvestmentManagement, Merrill Lynch

Investment management executive experienced in capital markets products andplatforms including secondary equities, secondary fixed income, new issues, ultra-highnet worth solutions, and market-linked investments.

Romulo Diaz, Jr. Fmr VP/General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer-PECO Energy, Exelon Corporation

Experienced governmental and external affairs executive in energy, public financing,environmental protection and public service.


Senior executive, attorney and trusted advisor to CEOs and board of directors, with aconsistent record of overachieving strategic growth initiatives and protecting brandequity of mature and emerging public and privately held companies in medicaltechnology.

Alberto Garofalo

Technology executive realizing the strategic value and maximizing opportunities of healthcare information technology transformation and analytics.

Alessandra Ginante Award-winning Global Human Resources executive driving business changes through Yockelson cultural transformations, succession and


Rick Gomez

Patricio Diaz



Sergio Garcia

Global quality and regulatory affairs executive in the medical device sector.



Guillermo Diaz, Jr.

Former Group Head, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)

Financial executive with extensive experience in investment banking, diplomacy,engineering and government.



Lizette Corro

David Carbajal

Chief CRA Officer and Head of Community Banking & Development, Bank of America alberto-garofalo-955247a

Chief Talent Officer and Global HR Executive-Technology and PointNext Services, Hewlett Packard Enterprise alessandra

Experienced marketing and brand management executive with demonstrated successin the consumer products and retail industry.


Operator and customer service leader with over 16 years of experience in all areas of Multicultural Call Center management, Banking Center Operations, and leading large teams.

Jose Gonzalez VP and General Counsel, CNA Insurance

talent management, executive compensation, organization design, inclusion and diversity, M&A and post-merger integrations, across Technology, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Automotive and Financial Services sectors. Senior executive with over 25 years of in-house and private practice legal and compliance experience within publicly-listed and private global organizations.



Board Aspiring Directors.indd 110

06/10/20 11:08


Cynthia Guerrero Partner, California Strategies

Leading policy and political strategist advising high growth companies in the technology sector.


David Guzman Former Chief Information Officer, Staples Solutions & Former Chief Information Officer, H.D. Smith

Award winning, innovative digital transformation executive driving significant business revenue, game changing cost reductions and productivity gains in global technology.


Miriam Hernandez- Operations executive with 20+ years of transformational experience consulting in Kakol thecommunications and media industry. Global Head-Management Consulting, KPMG US LLP miriam-hernandez-ka-

Veronica HinojosaSegura Associate Vice Chancellor, The University of Texas System;

Executive leader with extensive, diverse experience in healthcare, higher education,government & technology sectors. Deep knowledge of corporate finance, treasury,internal controls, and business performance analytics/metrics.



Ofelia Kumpf Regional Vice President (Field Vice President), McDonald’s USA

International food and beverage operations executive with over 20 years of experience in quick-service foodservice.


Anthony López Former Division President/​General Manager-Medical Global Business Unit, Ansell Ltd.

SVP & Director of Legal Division-Popular Bank, Popular, Inc.

Medical device executive experienced in operations, manufacturing, supply chain,sales & marketing and general management

Esteban López Market Lead - Healthcare and Life Sciences, Americas at Google Cloud

Managing Director, Head of Leveraged Finance Product Strategy, BlackRock

Rodrigo Mazon Vice President, Content, Netflix



Roberto Medrano

Cybersecurity pioneer focused in Adriana Mendizabal technology fields of AI, Blockchain, IoT, middleware, API security, microservices, President-Latin America, Stanley DevOps, software, SaaS, cloud, SOA/API Group Black & Decker, Inc management & enterprise architecture.


Carmen OrtizMcGhee EVP, National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC) carmen-ortiz-mcghee-7ba9121

Results-oriented physician leader recognized as a change agent and healthcare thought leader with proven success in P+L and medical management.


Financial product strategist delivering solutions in product development, marketing, and client service.

Chief Executive Officer, Beach View/ Former General Manager-Software, HP, Inc.

In-house legal executive supporting strategic initiatives, digital transformation, bankoperations, human capital management, and risk management oversight.



Maybel Marte

Christopher Lalan

Media and entertainment executive driving programming strategy as well as tv/film co-productions and acquisitions for Latin America, Spain and the US Hispanic market.

C-Suite blue chip executive with full P&L responsibility experience as Business Unit President and Global Chief Marketing Officer in top 500 companies.


Sales and operations executive with over 17 years of experience in advocacy onbehalf of diverse asset managers and developing deep relationships within theinstitutional investor community.

Flavia Pease Vice President/Group CFO-Medical Devices, Johnson & Johnson

Finance executive with 25 years of diverse management experience including mergers & acquisitions, licenses, and compliance.



Board Aspiring Directors.indd 111

06/10/20 11:08


01/10/20 2:50 p.m.


David Perez CEO, The Santa Fe Group and Shared Assessments

Entrepreneur with a successful track record of starting and building consumer focusedtechnology businesses in healthcare, digital media and marketing.


Javier Saade Founder/Managing Partner, Impact Master Holdings;Venture Partner/Fmr Managing Director, Fenway Summer;Associate Administrator/ Chief of Investment & Innovation, U.S. Small BusinessAdministration javiersaade

Hon. Pedro Pierluisi Accomplished public servant and

Anthony Salcido

Fmr Governor, Puerto Rico

Fmr Chief Accounting Officer, Toyota Motors North America

litigator in the private and public sector.

Venture capitalist and investments executive focused in digital inclusion, technology,impact/ESG investing, venture capital, entrepreneurship, diversity, social innovation,digital finance, corporate leadership and capital stewardship.

Strategic accounting and finance leader with extensive experience with governance,regulatory and financial matters.


George Pita EVP/CFO, MasTec, Inc.


Jaime Ramirez SVP/President-Global Tools and Storage, Stanley Black & Decker Inc.

Financial expert experienced in capital structure,treasury, tax, SEC reporting and compliance, investor relations, financial planning,information technology, cyber security andrisk management focused in engineering, construction, specialty retail and wholesaleconsumer products industry.

Diana Sanchez

Tools and storage veteran with deep knowledge of emerging markets, innovation andlearning, global perspective.

Casey Santos


Julio O. Ramirez Former CFO, Braidy Industries


Ed Rivera Founder/CEO, Digitax Technologies, Inc./Former Chief Innovation Officer, TouchTunes

SVP, Small Business, Client and Franchise Solutions, Bank of America elizabeth-romero-8417a939

C-suite executive with extensive senior management experience in strategic partnerships, change management, acquisitions, and market entry engaging transformational technology and innovation in telecommunications. sanchezdiane

SVP, Head of Business Process Innovation, Automation and Workflow, AllianceBernstein

Senior business technology executive with a focus on strategically enabling positive business outcomes via innovative technology and operational change.


Qualified financial expert with international experience assisting companies to refinestrategy, leverage technology, expand globally and achieve and sustain a competitivecost structure in metals, industrial manufacturing, CPG and professional servicesindustries.

Jesus Soto, Jr.

Marketing and sales operations leader delivering product development, innovationand operations strategy in the entertainment industry.

Elias Tavarez


Elizabeth Romero

Former President and CEO, Telefonica USA

Chief Operating Officer, Mears Group, Inc.;President/CEO, JSJR & Associates, Inc.

Natural gas industry executive focus on operations and cyber security affecting fieldand pipeline systems.


Chief Financial Officer, Harvest Sherwood Food Distributors;

Global senior finance executive and leader with 20+years of experience combining financial, operational, and people managementexpertise in the multinational foods and beverages industry.


Experienced retail banking, franchise, and cash management executive.

Rafael Torres SVP/Head of Corporate Development & Strategy, Varian Medical Systems

Financial services, investments and venture capital executive focused on growththrough acquisitions, investments, and partnerships.



Board Aspiring Directors.indd 113

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Michael Troncoso

Senior attorney with extensive policy, legal and public service experience.

Vice President/Head of Justice & Opportunity, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Former President/Corporate Officer-Natural & Organic Operating Unit, General Mills


Peggy Turner VP-Lexus-Customer Satisfaction and Owner Retention, Toyota Motor North America

Extensive expertise in strategic planning, business process improvement, customersatisfaction, and supply chain optimization.

Heather von Zuben Global Head of Client Portfolio Solutions, Alternative Investment Manager Selection, Goldman Sachs

Leading expert in cybersecurity, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.

Yasmine Winkler Fmr Lead-Diversity & Inclusion/Fmr CEO-Central Region, UnitedHealthare



Partner/Chief Human Resource Officer, TPG Global

Experienced business development professional skilled in Investment Management, Capital Markets and Investment Strategies, including Private Equity, Credit, Real Estate and Hedge Funds.


Retired Major General, U.S. Air Force/ Director of Operations, National Geospatial - Intelligence Agency

Anilu VazquezUbarri

Accomplished executive and dynamic enterprise leader widely recognized for catapulting consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands through innovation.



Linda UrrutiaVarhall

Carla Vernon

Global human resources executive focused on evolving and driving the firm’s leadership, talent and diversity strategies.


Sebastian Zugman General Auditor-Global Banking, Markets, and Regional Strategy, Bank of America;

Innovative leader of community and state service delivery models focused ondeveloping and matching health insurance business solutions to the marketplace.

Corporate audit and financial services leader with experience in risk management andindustry/global markets.



Board Aspiring Directors.indd 114

06/10/20 11:08



The Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation (LCDEF), in partnership with its parent association, the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), has been supporting the work to increase the numbers of US Latinos serving on corporate boards by preparing and networking the supply of board-qualified, board-ready Latino talent. LCDEF’s BoardReady Institute (BRI) is a comprehensive program designed to prepare and position highly qualified Latino executives and national leaders for corporate board service. The program’s tailored curriculum was developed in collaboration with the KPMG Board Leadership Center, the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford Law School, Boardspan, and LCDA’s search firm strategic partners, to support senior executives on their journey to the boardroom. Graduates of the BRI, such as Gisel Ruiz and Denice Torres whose stories are in this edition of Latino Leaders, benefited from the board governance educational programming, the coaching by our search firm partners and Director members, and the board-level networking they were exposed to during their time as LCDA Executive Members. Our talented pool of aspiring directors also served as valuable links to their success. This year, 3 former LCDA Executives landed board seats and are now Director members – we

expect another two placements before the end of the year among our aspiring members. As you will read, invaluable to their success was the support they received from our partners and our Director members who “pay it forward” by mentoring and coaching aspiring directors as to the steps, contacts and opportunities they can take while on their journey to the boardroom. Programming, preparing, networking, coaching, peer support, feedback, paying it forward, and good old doing the work – all play a role in ensuring that talented and board-ready executives like those that go through our BoardReady Institute are successful and land the board opportunities they are passionate about. While there is no guarantee one will land a board seat, when you put talent, preparation and networks together with timing and opportunity, you have a winning combination. Read their stories and learn more at LCDEF will be accepting interest forms for the next round of LCDA Executive Memberships and BRI program in the spring of 2021. If you’re interested in applying email


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06/10/20 11:23


GISEL RUIZ How did you become interested in board service My interaction with our board of directors at Walmart, both through my executive role responsibilities and through my participation in a board mentor program, sparked my interest in learning more about board service. Through interactions and exposure over several years, I came to value and appreciate their role and how the diverse perspectives in the room came together to constructively challenge our thinking. They were there to ensure we were all protecting the long term success of the company, and beyond that our board pushed us to develop individually as leaders and executives. While they weren’t running our company day to day, but they absolutely had a role to play in the success of our team and business. What competencies do you believe will serve/serves you well in a corporate board setting? The combination of having held executive roles in Operations and Human Resources at various levels has been the best source of my development as a leader and executive. Strong financial acumen, strategic thinking and understanding of performance management in a business are key. But having said that, effective board members have well developed advisory, coaching and development skills. You are in effect coaching and constructively challenging an executive team on behalf of shareholders. I find that I lean on soft skills as much as my business skills, and always practiced with the utmost integrity and an independent mindset.

LCDA is a community of US Latinos at the highest levels of corporate leadership that are committed to paying it forward, what does that mean for you? I’m a proud member of LCDA. I believe in the mission and support the active partnership with other diverse organizations who are also working to make a difference to advance diversity, equity and inclusion across business. Not only is it the right thing to do, but research shows that companies with diverse boards and executive teams perform at a higher level. It’s a competitive advantage. An LCDA membership connect companies with ample sources of talent. At LCDA we pay it forward through our commitment to leveraging the strength Why did you choose to accept the invitation to of diverse perspectives in the board room by helping compaparticipate in the LCDEF BoardReady Institute (BRI)? nies source diverse board qualified, capable executives. Former Sec. Aida Alvarez who was previously on the Walmart Board of Directors invited me to attend BRI. She has been a Do you have advice for those seeking a board seat? mentor for years and she and I share in our advocacy of lati- What to do and what not to? nas and all people of color. As I learned more about LCDA Take your time to learn about the company and don’t shy and BRI, I knew I wanted to be part of the network and felt away from unique or unlikely opportunities. Ask yourself: it could be an opportunity to continue my work around the Can I make a meaningful difference that’s worth making development and advancement of Latinos. I also looked into here by joining this board? It’s not about what value the comthe story behind LCDA, how it was founded and who was pany gives you, it’s about what value you can bring to the cominvolved. I have followed and admired many of the founding pany because you have a seat in the board room. It’s hard work LCDA and board members and I considered it an honor to and you have to care about what you’re working towards. have been invited into the program. How am I aligned with who they serve? This is an un usual question, but for me it’s a connection to the ultimate What were your biggest takeaways from the BRI shareholder and customer. Draw on your personal experiprogram? ence as much as your professional background. Draw on I was taken aback by the vast talent in my cohort. It turns what resonates with you that will fuel your curiosity and out my network was quite small and was about to expand intellectual capacity. significantly with the introduction to so many wonderfulWhat is their growth trajectory? Board service is not ly talented fellow latino(a) executives I met. I was also en- short term. Consider it as you would a long term investment. couraged by the level of support coming from search firms, I chose to serve companies with ambition and a desire, and private equity firms and LCDA corporate partners who set path to transform either an industry or their own business. recognize the gap in diverse representation on boards and I’m interested in how companies think about innovation and want to make a difference. relevancy in an ever-changing market and environment.


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A Q&A WITH DENICE TORRES Can you describe a special moment in your career that you feel has led you to where you are today? There wasn’t one specific moment that changed the trajectory of my career. Instead, there were a series experiences and points in time filled with opportunities, challenges, wins, lessons. Importantly, I had "career angels" who helped me along the way, opening doors and sharing invaluable lessons.

sure all employees are physically safe and equipped with the tools to meet customer needs. The board has a responsibility to look more broadly at the business so that the company remains viable - short and long-term - in the midst of changing customer needs. How do you see the future of Boards? Like all other parts of business, change is constant. I think a higher value will be placed on developing a board that can bring different perspectives to the table to address short and long-term growth as well as challenges. What worked last year or five years ago may no longer hold much predictive value. The ability to look at the puzzle pieces with a fresh lens will be even more critical. Ken Blanchard was so right when he said, "none of us is as smart as all of us.”

How do you describe your role as a Board Member? My role as a board member is fiduciary at the foundation. It also includes helping the company thrive in a "new normal." To do that, board must balance the demands of today while building a stronger value proposition for tomorrow. I have 30 years of experience in healthcare. I was fortunate to have terrific marketing, operations, strategic and transformation roles. I actively pursued participation in the LCDEF Board Ready Institute to gain insights on how to secure a board po- Do you have advice for those seeking a board seat? What to do and what not to? sition and expand my network. Securing a public or board position is hard work and for During today's turbulent times due to Covid-19, have most can take several years to land that first role. Of course, you seen the role of being a Board Member change? it is always helpful if someone we know is already on a board If yes, how so? and recommends us. Relationships and exposure are key. Try I do believe the role of the board has changed dramatically. to connect - directly or through your personal network - to So many new and evolving forces are at play. Covid-19 has board recruiters. LCDA can really help refine your board protouched nearly every part of business. Today’s board must en- file as well as connect with influencers. Lastly, don’t give up!



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“THOUGHTS FOR BOARD DIRECTORS ABOUT THE COVID PLAYBOOK” Kimberly Casiano, Member, Board of Directors, Ford Motor Company & Mutual of America

The “playbook” of innovation and collaboration brought on by Covid is still being written. It is too soon to know what changes to the way we work will be sustained in the longer term. But it is clear that Covid has not only accelerated innovations that were already partially in process, but also been the catalyst for new innovations. IMMEDIATELY AFTER the emergence of Covid and the shutdown of many economic activities, management and boards should have focused on financial strength and liquidity. Prudent boards were targeting all sources of cash – and deciding whether to draw down corporate lines, take on additional debt, or explore other sources of financing in order to have a “war chest.” No one really knew – and we still don’t know -what form or timeframe economic recovery will take. But we all know that this economic recovery will be plagued by issues of additional outbreaks and variability by geography and industry. How effective will executives be at managing overseas operations without travel? Specifically, as a board member, and as a member of the Audit Committee of every company on whose board I serve, one of my principal duties is financial and internal controls oversight: I am keenly focused on the Internal Audit Department and how effectively it can function when audits are conducted remotely and audit personnel are not permitted to travel. I am especially concerned with countries which have higher risk profiles. The most obvious area where Covid has advanced the pace of change and impacted technology is in the workforce. And this goes way beyond the IT Department’s implementation and training for Zoom or Microsoft Teams or WebEx or GoToMeeting. There have been some definitive up-sides to the wider acceptance of a virtual workplace. For example, more customers and prospects are able to “meet” the CEO and top management because in a virtual world, the CEO can “meet” with customers and prospects all over the world in a single day. Board members must ensure that their company has undertaken an exhaustive analysis of their workforce to distin-

guish between “knowledge” workers whose jobs can be performed remotely and those members of the workforce who must work on-site. Regarding the “knowledge” workers -- whose jobs can mostly be done remotely – we as board members must ask about four areas:

1) Efficiency and productivity 2) Teamwork, innovation, simulation and collaboration 3) Human Resource functions and how they must be re-imagined 4) Cybersecurity Covid has been the ultimate Black Swan event. It is no time for “faint of heart” directors. The board must ask – head-on – several key questions: What are lessons learned of how responsive, flexible, and innovative our company has been during the Covid crisis? What is the future of work in general, and specifically to our company?What are the implications of the change in our work paradigm on the risk profile of our company?


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THAIS LOPEZ VOGEL, A LATINA LEADING A CLIMATE CHANGE REVOLUTION 1. Share with us your background, your roots. I’m a mother of 6, wife and a native of Caracas, Venezuela. I was lucky enough to grow up in a free Venezuela, with many possibilities; a time when emigrating was not in anyone’s mind. I graduated as a lawyer from the Andrés Bello Catholic University and I practiced my career working for an oil company, paradoxically; PDVSA, the Venezuelan oil company. I’m now 50 years old and have been living in Florida for the past 26 years. Currently I am managing VoLo Foundation. 2. Who or what has been your inspiration for starting this organization? First and foremost my kids, a growing concern for the future of our children, whom are always present regardless of their age. When we established VoLo, the expectation was to help those in need; in terms of health and education, but after analyzing the scientific data related to climate we realized that the greatest threat to the well-being of future generations is the climate crisis. 3. Why is VoLo Foundation so special and important? VoLo will be my legacy for my successors I want to be part of the solution. Because it is crucial all generations learn and understand that the environment has a direct influence on those things most people consider important; it affects agriculture, therefore food, health, economy, migration and education. All those aspects are negatively altered as a result of climate change in a form of domino effect. 4. What have been some of the top challenges you’ve faced during your career? The most difficult thing has definitely been attempting to change behavior patterns, trying to modify the way of thinking of how we have lived so far. Those who are aware need to help others reflect on climate matters, since it 124 LATINO LEADERS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020

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is about reshaping the basics with which we have grown up. That’s why I think an environmental education should begin at home, and ought to continue in schools, so that in the same way it becomes a natural, automatic action.

VOLO FOUNDATION: FACTS • Since its inception, the organization has supported 93 projects.

5. What role do you see Latinx playing in the future of climate change? Latinos are taught to fight for what we want from a young age. "We are warriors by nature", I feel confident the Latinx community will adapt and unite to face the challenges a changing climate imposes...

• The projects have impacted over 10 million lives that have been positively changed. • VoLo Foundation launched Climate Correction in 2018, an annual conference that takes place in Orlando and is dedicated to sharing and collaborating on the solutions of climate change and which targets individuals and businesses trying to make the transition to renewables profitable and cost-effective.

6. What are you working on right now and what are some dreams you’re still looking forward to achieving? Right now our organization is growing and expanding, reaching more communities, implementing new strategies to educate the public locally and worldwide. With the elections coming up, we are also encouraging Latinos to go out and vote for a better planet. Dreams? many! It is never too late to have a new dream or a new goal, I have many yet to fulfill, but I will not share them so that they can actually come true. 7. What message would you give to the Hispanic community about climate change? We need to be more proactive on the subject. It is no longer a remote possibility; it is something that is happening right now, it is a reality hidden in plain sight, and low income communities are more affected by the climate crisis. “There is no future without environmental education” and lately the Covid crisis has clearly shown us that we do have the capacity for adaptation and change, “When we align our love and compassion with scientific data and facts, we can create, develop and implement systems and processes to solve major global challenges”… United we are stronger. 8. How could they get more involved and why should they care as a community? There are many ways to be part of the solution, and it is quite simple. We have to start by learning more about climate change and pass on that information. Our website is a very active page and it’s constantly being updated with our own research; you can visit us there to learn and understand more about this subject. We can also help by limiting the consumption of red meat as well as the use of fossil fuels; replacing it with renewable and cleaner energy sources. In addition, exercise our rights as consumers putting an end to the purchase of products contributing to pollution. Being aware of our shopping habits is great way to support, since food waste is another source of greenhouse gases - apart from being a waste of money. If we choose locally grown products, carbon savings will be generated, because we would be avoiding the transportation of products from or to distant places. Lastly, something very important, use your voice supporting candidates who favor climate solutions.

VOLO FOUNDATION Is a non-profit organization founded in 2014 with a mission to accelerate change and global impact by supporting sciencebased climate solutions, enhancing education, and improving health.


01 Thais and her husband David.



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“TACO ART”, WHAT LATINO ART IS NOT. Classifying what ​leading​Latino art is supposed tivated taste-favoring elaborated over the simple, the unrestrained over the confined, to encompass​is not an easy task; simply having a utilizing diverse mediums and distinctive ‘Latino flair’ or Latino name does not categorize “Cholo” iconography representing strength the work as Latino art... and power.


y aim is to share my knowledge and enrich our own bicultural intellect. As a collector of Latino and Chicano, it took me some time to understand how we express our ways as Latinos, how our brain and rational

structure work. We all presume classifying Latino Art is delimited only by the usual and somehow mundane ways constantly placing it in the classical forms. But yet I ask myself, how would you define what it is against what it is not? What uniqueness or similarity do they see that we don’t? Undoubtedly, we are proud of who we are and all that we have in our culture, as we are “the real thing”. When this rich variety mixes with attitudes it becomes an urge to communicate a message and some people want to call it art. Unfortunately, it shows that some artists, have not thoroughly studied the art of communication. It seems that they belong to a new generation that has lost their identity and is forgetting that art as a communication channel has only one purpose; to educate and enlighten. One of Chicago’s most important Latino artists Marcos Raya recently said, describing the Pilsen Street Art and Chicago Muralism, that it has been distorted by the so-called “taco art” or “arte chicharronero” as he also calls it! He calls it “taco art”, art that is as cheap as a street taco and without any message or value. “There is a nationalist infantilism” Raya affirms, which does not expand art in the community. This “art” is represented by

easy and stereotypical iconographic images and instead of taking art seriously, they spend their time copying and redesigning the same images. “This is a very simple or chicharronero way of making art,” “painting Frida Kahlo has already reached the level of stupidity… They have already distorted it a lot”. Said the artist in an article published by Perhaps the term sounds offensive, but this pseudo art is a fact we see not only on the streets, where monotone images are being utilized and copied time after time. Images distracting the seriousness of the real artists and their art of communication. Where the characters are diminished by implementing iconographic images in a totalitarian injustice to a dystopian realism. As a viable solution to this devaluating contradiction the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego MCASD classifies the artists’ works in a very assertive way. In a recent exhibition “Arte después del Chicanisimo” the curator catalogued Latino and Chicano art to each one’s origin and identities. Considering the bifurcation between cultures, activities, expressions and mental spaces as cultural chronicles. In a flexible and shifting way where the Latino culture mingles and coexist cleverly fitting reassuring colloquial words. To make my point, I compressed a small account of each classification, where I think the respect and depiction of every sub area in this genre is all about. Conferring with the traditions and veneration of Latinos and artists everyday experiences. Border: A permeable, flexible and shifting state where culture mingles and coexist. Rasquache: An attitude–a kind of cul-


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Domesticana: The feminist reworkings of “Rasquache”, an underdog aiming to interrogate gender relations contradictory nature of the domestic and family world with particular attention to religion and ideas of domesticity replacing the conventional macho culture and empowering the oppressed women. Labor: Activism, related to working rights and conditions, and the physicality of manual labors recognition. Those who work and uphold the infrastructure of society. As Latinos, avoiding the devaluation of our art is our duty! Not only in the muralism, but applicable to all forms of distorted Latino Art where the lack of visualization and respect to our culture is present. Capturing all radical perspectives that are deeper into the psyche without any fear of an emotional scoop of shallow education of those pseudo artists. I’m sure you will agree with me… Marcos’ thought is right on target and goes way beyond the muralism! As Latinos, avoiding the devaluation of our art is our duty. Not only in the muralism, but applicable to all forms of distorted Latino Art where the lack of visualization and respect to our culture is present.

03 Para Domesticana: Delilah Montoya, “La Virgen”

07/10/20 9:53

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24/09/20 10:06 a.m.


YOUNG VS MATAURE Jorge Ferráez @ JFerraez_Latino Luis E. González

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S I WRITE THIS, I’m devastated to learn about the destruction and damage that the Fires in the Napa and Sonoma Valleys are leaving behind. What a horrendous times for our good winemaker friends, but also what a big hit for our domestic wine industry. Let’s by California wine, al least for some time until they can start recovering, because they will. They are a strong and resilient community that don’t break easily. I will keep monitoring, specially to our Latino winegrower friends and their wineries. Hopefully we won’t be reporting any additional loss. I have recently been debating with friends about the taste for mature versus young wines. I have seen two types of wine drinkers; the ones who are obsessed with old and mature wines, those 10, 15 or even 20 plus year olds which are now showing some of their best; ripe fruit, silky textures and ample and complex characters. And, on the other hand, I have seen those who enjoy the young, fresh, fruity, bright and succulent notes of infant wines, those within the first 5 years of their vintage date. I confess that some time ago I was more inclined toward the latter group, but nowadays, I’m kind of in the middle. I have been fortunate enough to have tasted over the years fantastic and delicious aged wines. Those Bordeaux, Barolos or Mature Riojas are simply awesome! I have even started to enjoy and look for mature California Cabernet Sauvignon.

01 PRIDE MOUNTAIN VINEYARDS MERLOT 1998 • Region: Napa & Sonoma Counties • Varietal: Merlot • Price: $62 • Aromas: Vanilla, Rosemary, Plum • Flavors: Toasted Coffee, Dark chocolate, black cherries. • Impression: Right at its best moment! • Structure: Full body, still muscular • Drink with: Steak • Why I loved this wine? Perfumed, bright and Silky • My Rating: 97 pts.

02E. GUIGAL SAINT-JOSEPH “LIEU-DIT” 2013 • Region: Rohne, France • Varietal: Marsanne based blend • Price: $78 • Aromas: White flowers, baked apple pie, peach compote • Flavors: Green apples, pear, nectarine extract • Impression: Creamy, flowery • Structure: Ample, rich • Drink with: Roasted Turkey, White fish • Why I loved this wine? Spiced and refined • My Rating: 96 pts.


• Region: Russian River Valley, Sonoma Co. • Varietal: Pinot Noir • Price: $76 • Aromas: Spice, rose petals, currant • Impression: Complex, balanced and round • Structure: Medium body, very ample • Drink with: Cornish Hens, Roasted Duck, Pork Chop • Why I loved this wine? Well positioned fruit notes, succulent • My Rating: 98 pts.

What’s your preference?

01 Pride Mountain 02 E. Guigal SaintVineyards Merlot Joseph “Lieu-Dit” 1998 2013

03 DuMol Wester Reach Pinot Noir 2016


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05/10/20 4:25 p.m.

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01/10/20 2:58 p.m.

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