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tips to improve your mental health


LIVE "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase" - Martin Luther King, Jr.



Join us for an innovative and structured program. Prime-Time Health is a scientifically proven plan for healthy aging taught by our certified health and fitness coach. This 6-week challenge includes four 60-minute interactive workshops hands-on activities, workbooks, healthy snacks, recipes and more. The four workshops teach how to: Open Your Internal Pharmacy Make Health Your Hobby Move Waste from Your Waist Live Without Pain and Inflammation In addition to the workshops, attendees can participate in: Online Pre- and Post-Health Assessment Pantry Makeover Smart Shopping Tour Easy Meal Planning We direct Fitness Demos and more YOU Benefits of Healthy Living Improved productivity Better concentration, focus and alertness Higher energy level Lower health care Reduced stress Weight loss

towards your health and wellness goals.


Live an Optimal Life.

Contents 6 8 9 10 13









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by Antoinette Kelly

by Gabby Laster

by Rodney Salters


by Lanelle Henderson





by Lanelle Henderson

Editor & Publisher Lanelle Henderson Contributors Angela Berry Antoinette Kelly Rebecca McClain Rodney Salters Gabrielle Laster Contributing Photography DGray, Canva, Oh Nellie Promos LIVEOPTI is published four times a year. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written consent of the publisher. Copyright 2022 by L'REH & Company, LLC, all rights reserved. Designed and printed in the USA. SUBSCRIPTIONS: LIVEOPTI is published Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. The cost of a subscription is $20 annually. For information, please contact us at

Editor’s Note Whoa! It’s the jump off issue and we are kicking off making new healthy habits. As time flies, days go by, its a new year...change is inevitable. I don’t know about you but I like reflecting on my life to make sure I am progressing. As I’ve passed the 50 year mark, I can say, I've accomplished a lot of my goals. I admire my dad for retiring at the age 50. Two things about him - he worked hard and played hard. Working and your health are important, because without your health you cannot work, nor take care of your family or do the things that you really want to do. My dad is now 82 years old, and I’m pretty sure he can still beat me in a game of paddleball, but I dare not challenge him because the last time we played he had me running around the court exhausted. Being healthy has always been a priority. There are times in your life, when situations can get you off track. I was working for tech firm to the point I couldn’t fake a smile. Spending weeks on the road with speaking engagements, it started to affect my exercise routine, eating, lifestyle and overall health, which lead to burnout! I needed regain control of my life and happiness. When my doctor misdiagnosed my symptoms three times, it was time to take control of my own health. My mom would alway open her medical books to compare diagnoses. When my doctor insisted on a blood transfusion, I resisted her calls for three days doing my own research. I decided to get certified in health, nutrition and fitness for my own benefit. During my training, I learned the top ten chronic diseases that Americans die from are preventable. We must get into a preventative mindset. I jotted down Dr. Sears four pillars of health, L.E.A.N - Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition and got super focused. Everyday we have the power to make the necessary change(s) to improve our quality of life. Humans evolve, science evolves, technology evolves so lets keep evolving. My happiness returned when I started to slow down, exercise, travel, and dance again to my inspirational artists. It’s The Jump Off (Lil Kim) that gets me out of my seat; I'm Every Woman (Chaka Khan), Control (Janet Jackson), U.N.I.T.Y (Queen Latifah), I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Whitney Houston) to name a few, but the list goes on…Music gives me life!

My grandmother Rachel was a trailblazer like so many others who keep me inspired. Bravo, to their pursuit for decency, equality, along with their contributions and significant accomplishments in this country through their oppression. I thank them for making it possible for me to rise up, show up and live my best life. Although, there is much more to do, this magazine is my contribution to pave the way and pay it forward. Every day and every month is Black History and Women's History. We all age, so it is important to focus on a health plan as our bodies change. Like gardening, we must water ourselves and indulge in the right nutrients, to remain healthy. Its time to take control of our health and age gracefully to enjoy the retired years. Take a moment to sit back and enjoy the nuggets of information from a few of my friends who walk the walk. Lets pop the cork and start the year off with loving yourself enough to prioritize our emotional, financial, mental, physical, and spiritual wellness to a prosperous and healthy 2023. To Living Well!



Aging Gracefully by Angela Berry, CPT, CCES

Women near 50 years of age and older will notice their body functions and appearances beginning to change and for most of us, we really don’t like it. We are experiencing lack of energy, mood swings, hot flashes (personal summers), breasts heading south, abs in the form of a pouch, pooch, or lapped over, swollen ankles, and flappy arms (pancakes), etc. The two main reasons for these changes are menopause and lifestyle. The way you have lived has caught up and the results are showing. At this point of our lives, we must decide if we want to age gracefully and healthy to maintain our independence or become dependent on medication and family/friends sooner than later. In this article, I will address a couple of universal concerns women over 50 may have including sagging breasts, flabby stomachs, and poor diets. Sagging Breasts (Heading South) Menopausal women lose skin elasticity, which causes a natural gravitational descent of the breast gland that results in droopy breasts (ptosis breasts). Additionally, with the loss of estrogen, the breast tissue will become fattier, which leads to a volume loss, especially at the top of the breast, the desirable cleavage area. Ptosis is a natural consequence of aging. The developmental primary factors influencing breast ptosis over a woman's lifetime are cigarette smoking, body mass index (BMI), number of pregnancies, breast cup size before pregnancy, and age. Breast ptosis is also influenced by heredity, which determines a woman's skin elasticity, breast size, and the balance of adipose and glandular tissue. Upper body workouts like chest exercises can firm the muscles underneath your breasts coincide with arms and shoulder exercises. These exercises can firm the muscles and make your breasts sit slightly higher on your chest wall. However, exercise will not increase or decrease the amount of breast tissue in your breasts. Flabby Stomach (The Pooch) Fat redistribution happens after menopause; typically, it reduces from arms, legs and hips and settles around the waist and onto the belly. There are many reasons that exacerbate the problems, such as changes to hormone levels, decreased physical activity, slower metabolism and stress that causes Cortisol (a hormone), which increases the level of fats and sugar in the bloodstream. Cortisol will stack fats and sugars near to the liver (waist and onto the belly). The best way to maintain or gain healthy abs (stomach) is to strengthen your core muscles. These muscles help maintain your posture and balance to sit, stand bend over, and twist. They also help with bodily functions such as coughing, sneezing, urinating, defecating, etc, which are some of the functions we normally lose control as we age due to weak core muscles. Try these core exercises: plank, bird dog, dead bug, reverse crunch, glute bridge, side bends, and back extensions. Remember that abs and lower back is one unit. A weak lower back can cause weak abs and vice-versa.

6 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

Poor Diet (To Much Salt & Sugar) A healthy diet plays a major role in the proper function and appearance of our bodies. Reduce your intake of junk food, fried food, sweets (cakes, cookies, and pies), non-nutritional snacks (potato chips, flavored popcorn, etc.) and eat foods that are low in calories and fat (read the label). Consuming more fruits, vegetables, lean meat, poultry, whole grain, and low-fat dairy products in your diet will provide a balanced diet keeping you satiated and energized. Also avoid sugary and high calories sodas. Most sodas have 35 to over 60 grams of sugar and diet sodas contains mostly additives sugar and sodium (salt)! They don’t provide any nutritional value and unnecessarily add extra calories. Also avoid package foods, such as frozen dinners, prepared meals, meats, etc. Packaged foods have high sodium (450 to over 1000 mg) preservative ingredients to maintain the shelf life. Watch your intake of sugar & sodium. These two can cause not only weigh gain but chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer. So, get in the habit of preparing your meals! How can we age gracefully and enjoy life’s pleasures? We must change to a healthier lifestyle. Let’s face it ladies, our body is getting older and to keep functioning, we must maintain it by eating good nutrients, staying hydrated, and continuing to move. Your exercises should focus on improving strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility. Participating in outdoor activities such as: walking, gardening, hiking, etc. and indoor activities such as: aerobics, Pilates, Yoga, silver sneakers, and functional core training. Hiring a personal trainer who specializes in older adult and senior fitness is also a great option. It is always best to know the correct exercise technique to prevent an injury. Also, a personal trainer can help motivate and encourage you to meet and maintain your fitness goals. Exercising with an intensity level of low to moderate intensity is a great way to tone and strengthen muscles and reduce flabbiness. Burning calories by walking, cycling, running, and jogging not only helps in reducing a flabby stomach, but it also increases your strength, bones, and lung capacity. Sorry ladies, unfortunately, exercising doesn’t help with the loss of volume for sagging breasts (Ptosis Breasts), which was noted in the beginning of this article. The important issue is to keep the muscles and bones strong. So don’t fall for those marketing gimmicks. I highly recommend reviewing the following websites for quality information to help you prepare a balanced diet and incorporate physical activities. They are the following: Physical Activity Nutritional Remember, we must accept the things we cannot change and love our body. References: WebMD:,The%20skin%20of&text=The%20breast%20tissue%20itself%20will,breasts%20and%20reduce%20their%20volume. Piedmont: Cleveland Clinic: and,to%203%20grams%20or%20less.

7 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

Make it Smooth(ie) Making smoothies is a great way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Smoothies are an easy and convenient way to get the nutrients you need in a tasty treat. They are a great way to get in your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Not only do smoothies provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they can also be a great way to boost your energy levels and help you stay hydrated. Smoothies are also a great way to add fiber to your diet, which can help with digestion and overall health. Making your own smoothies also allows you to customize them to your own dietary needs and preferences. A smoothie is one of the simplest and most delicious ways to get your daily dose of fruits and veggies. For a nutritious and delicious smoothie, try blending up a combination of the following ingredients: Milk or yogurt: Choose a dairy-free or low-fat option depending on your dietary preferences and needs. Fruits: Bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and other fruits are all great options. Veggies: Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are great for getting your greens in. Seeds: Chia, flax, and hemp seeds are all great sources of healthy fats and fiber. Nut butter: Natural peanut or almond butter adds flavor and healthy fats. Sweetener: Honey or maple syrup can be added to sweeten smoothies naturally. Supplements: Protein powder, collagen, or other supplements can be added for additional nutrition. Finally, don't forget to add a liquid such as water, juice, or coconut water to help blend everything together. Have fun experimenting with different combinations to create your perfect smoothie!

It takes less than two minutes to make a smoothie. Now thats fast food.

Meal Prep Make life easier by planning and prepping your meals for the week. Not only does it help you focus on eating healthier, it reduces waste. I use Sundays as my meal prepping day which makes the week go easy and less stressful. Meal planning can be a great way to save time and money. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Start by making a grocery list of all the items you need for your meals. Make sure to include all the ingredients for each recipe. Try to plan meals that use similar ingredients. For example, you could plan stir-fry one night, tacos the next night, and soup the night after. Make a big batch of something you can use for several meals. For example, roast a chicken on Sunday and use the leftovers for sandwiches, salads, and other dishes throughout the week. Plan for quick and easy grab-and-go meals like salads, sandwiches, and frozen meals. Make use of your slow cooker! You can make soups, stews, and other dishes while you’re away at work. Double the recipes you make and freeze the extras for later. Have a few go-to recipes that you can make quickly and easily. I hope these tips help! Good luck with your meal planning!

Looking for recipes? Join our mailing list at

Have you tried Yoga? Yoga benefits people of all ages with physical and mental health issues. Are you going through an illness, suffering from a chronic condition or recovering from surgery? If so, yoga can be vital to your healing and treatment. Consider working with a yoga therapist that will put together an individualize plan based on your specific situation. Here are 9 benefits of yoga: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility. Yoga helps with back pain relief. Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms. Yoga benefits heart health. Yoga relaxes you to help you sleep better. Yoga can mean more energy and better moods. Yoga helps you manage stress. Yoga connects you with a supporting community. Yoga promotes better self-care.

Numerous studies show yoga’s benefits in arthritis, osteopenia, balance issues, oncology, women’s health, chronic pain and other specialties.

Try it: Tree Pose Balance on one foot, while holding the other foot to your calf or above the knee (but never on the knee) at a right angle. Try to focus on one spot in front of you, while you balance for one minute.


10 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages.

We help prepare you for success. We address the pros and cons of homeownership and the challenges you may face and how to improve them. We'll show you what you need to know, review and analyze your credit profile, create a workable strategy, and provide tips to maintain a creditworthy profile. We break down the different loan programs, financing options and much more. In the Club, you will: Understand the home buying process Address your credit profile and how to fix it* Determine how much home you can afford What you will need to apply for a mortgage loan How to get started and much more Let us put you on a successful path to being an homeowner. *online course available for a nominal fee



Retirement Planning

When to Retire and Why Age Matters by Rebecca McClain, MBC, PCC, Strategist The age at which you begin receiving Social Security, you are considered retired. You can elect to start receiving retirement benefits as early as age 62. Should you elect to wait until full-retirement age of 67, your benefits will increase by 30%, on average. Should you delay retirement until the age of 70, your benefits will increase by an average of 60% more than at age 62.

3. Health Insurance Medicare usually doesn’t start until you reach the age of 65. If you stop working before 65, you are no longer covered by your employer’ssponsored health insurance. You’ll have to pay out of pocket. The question then becomes, “Do you have the means to pay out of pocket for health insurance should you decide to retire early?"

Of course, the choice is entirely up to you and there are some factors that will come into play when deciding the best age to retire. Here are seven factors you’ll want to consider when deciding on your retirement age.

4. Children With couples waiting until later in life to begin a family, it’s not uncommon to have dependent children well into their sixties. Children are a huge expense, especially when it comes to paying tuition. Consequently, the age and stage in life of your children may shift your timeline for retirement. You’ll want to start planning as early as possible.

1. Debt Carrying a large debt load may require you to retire later rather than early. Every dollar you owe reduces your retirement income. As you know, social security is fixed income; therefore, you want to work on getting out of debt as early as possible, rather than being strapped with a load of debt that could adversely affect your ease and comfort during your senior years. 2. Life Expectancy There is no crystal ball that can reveal how long we’re going to live. When deciding on when to retire you need to consider life expectancy. The current life expectancy for men is age 84; and life expectancy for women is age 87. Consider your lifestyle and family history. This data can help you determine how long you expect to live. If you determine to have a long-life expectancy, then you might decide to delay retirement until age 70 to receive higher benefits. On the other hand, should you determine to have a shorter-life expectancy, you might decide to start receiving benefits early, at a lower amount, but over a longer period of time.

13 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

5. Marital Status If your spouse dies, and they worked long enough to be eligible for social security, then you can begin receiving reduced benefits as early as 60 years old. You can switch to your own benefits as early as age 62. If you have a disability, then you can begin receiving your dead spouse’s benefits at 50, if the disability started within 7 years of your spouse’s death. Should you remarry after the age of 60 (age 50 if disabled) your remarriage will not affect your eligibility for survivors’ benefits.

6. Employment Status You can continue to work and earn an income while receiving retirement benefits. However, there are limits on how much you can earn each year between age 62 and full retirement and still get all of your benefits. The social security administration has different earning limits depending upon the age you elect to retire. The current earning limit for individuals who elect to retire before full retirement age is $19,560. In this case, the SSA will deduct $1 from your benefits for every $2 you earn above this annual limit. Should you start receiving benefits at full-retirement age, your earning limit jumps to $51.960. In this

scenario, the SSA will deduct $1 from your benefit payments for every $3 you earn above this annual limit. These earning limits are subject to change periodically. 7. Other Income With additional income sources such as pension, IRA, 401K or investment income outside of a company sponsored plan, you might consider delaying retirement. You might also consider retiring early and investing your retirement benefits rather than spending your benefits. The choice is yours. May you choose wisely.

Subscribe to Rebecca’s YouTube channel for more money talk and financial literary empowerment:

14 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

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January is


Hobby Month

There has never been a better time to explore the possibilities. Have you considered turning your hobby into a business?

THE GIFT OF GIVING A personal touch from the heart by Antionette Kelly

My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I

There were two ladies I worked with that taught

was about 10 years old. I can still remember how

me the craft, as well as quilting. I purchased my

proud I was to complete my first doily. I was even


more proud that my mother found a place for each


one – there were doilies under every lamp, on the


arms of the couch and on every dresser. I realized

embroidered gift for any occasion.














then that making them made me just as happy as the person receiving them.

People started placing orders with me. I was initially reluctant because I didn’t feel like I was

My mother was a seamstress/tailor, she sewed for

good enough to be charging, but I was convinced.

everyone in the family and the neighborhood! I can

As good as it made me feel to make someone

still remember those pleather suits she made one

happy with my work, it is costly.

Easter and the way her customers primped around in them when they tried them on.

Well, I was ready to graduate again to a new craft, so I purchased my first vinyl cutting machine and

I subsequently learned to sew and taught myself

heat press. I attended YouTube University and

how to read crochet patterns. I graduated from

learned the craft of vinyl cutting, sublimation,

making doilies to making baby clothes, blankets,

paint pouring and epoxy.

hats, and scarves. Today I have four different heat press machines, My gift giving became personal! It takes the

two vinyl cutting machines, a sublimation printer,

experience to another level. It warms the heart of the

and countless epoxy molds and supplies. I have

recipient to know you thought enough of them to

been working out of what use to be my guest

make that gift extra special. I prefer to make a gift

bedroom, where I birthed my business last year –

versus buying one. I love hearing people say, “you

Toni’s Touch LLC.

made this!” Yes! I made it especially for them in mind and I loved every minute creating it.

For at least a decade now I have been able to express my love of creating and personalized gift

In my 50’s, my creative juices were once again

giving and making money doing it. I know its

flowing. As a northerner living in the south, I started

cliché to say, “I’m not doing it for the money”, but

noticing women with monograms on everything

truth be told – I truly love doing it. When I retire, I

from their purses, blouses, jackets and even boots.

will dedicate myself to Toni’s Touch - making

These monograms were either embroidered or

more people happy with personalized custom

applied with vinyl. Of course, I had to learn. I initially

gifts from my heart.

started out with embroidery. 17 WINTER 2023 | LIVEOPTI

Winter Gardening Why gardening is important this time of year by Gabrielle Laster

Ah, don’t you love the scenery of Winter? It’s so beautiful this time of year, but if your anything like me you want to stay ahead of your garden duties, as well as, try to stay warm. This time of year, I do a lot of indoor gardening and prep work to get my garden ready for a healthy grow season. In the winter the earth goes through a process of death and then new life. During this time there are some of us who enjoy gardening so much we want to be prepared, ready to assist nature in ushering in the new life as much as possible. January through late April is the time to get a PREP START on your garden at home, your indoor plants, and even get to know your natural surroundings if you are a beginner and new to winter gardening. Here are some tips that will definitely help you get growing for the Summer! Tip #1 - Winter Composting: How I make my compost all year long! There is plenty of time to build that compost during the winter months. Not only is it environmentally friendly, it is also a huge money saver especially with the prices of inflation driving up the costs on gardening materials. Save your scraps (potato skin scraps, bananas, leafy greens, onion peels, coffee grounds, etc.) You can purchase a composting bucket or a composting bin. I have a huge flower pot that I reused to keep my compost. Blend these scraps to make the organic breakdown and decomposition easier and quicker. If you don’t have a blender, by all means throw the items in as is and they will break down naturally - just takes longer to get results. In my front yard I have a giant oak tree that sheds lots of leaves every year. I use them in my compost throughout the winter as a way to keep heat in the compost. Leaves are an essential part of composting and are a significant source of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Save your grass clippings Over the summer this past year I went all around my neighborhood and collected piles of grass left over by the landscaper. This is free composting material! Ask your neighbors if you can collect their grass clippings. Grass is nitrogen rich and also plays a big part in providing nutrients to the compost. Invest in wood shavings or sawdust (branches and twigs) You can go to your local agricultural or home improvement store to purchase wood shavings for under $10 or use left over wood shavings, but not too much. You can also collect branches, sticks, and break it down by hand to add to your compost. Wood provides carbon to the elements inside of the compost. Let the earth give you what you need.

18 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

Bust down the myths about compost As a first-time composter, I started watching educational videos and did research at my local library. Two misconceptions are: you don’t have to use manure, there are other ways to get that nitrogen source, and you don’t have to turn or mix your compost everyday. However, when those warmer months start to move in you need to stir and mix that compost. Mixing the compost keeps the temperature right for decomposition which is between 90-140 degrees Fahrenheit. Tip #2 - Know your ZONE and SOIL! I’m from a small town in Selma NC. Johnston County home of sweet potato, cotton, and tobacco farm land. This is mainly because this area is considered the Inner Coastal Plains of North Carolina, and in this area holds mostly Loamy Sand soil type. I have the best memories of picking sweet potatoes for the holidays and sharing them with all the elders that couldn’t get out into the fields anymore. I would help my mom and grandma clean the sweet potatoes and cut them up for winter storage. I can almost still taste the candied yams after a long day’s work prepping those sweet potatoes for the family and community. Below are some key things you can do to get to know your soil and prepare for healthy crops. Keep in mind the fundamentals There are 3 types of soil and those are Sand, Silt, and Clay. There are other compound soils such as sandy clay, loamy sand, silty clay, and sandy clay loam, sandy loam, clay loam, etc. Find out which soil you have by researching what region your city is in according to your states regional map. Based on that information alone you can find out what soil type dominates in that region. Dig to see the layers of the soil that exists in your own yard. You can also Google your zone which tells you what grows best in the climate where you live. In the Upstate of South Carolina, our zone is 7a-9a, the Piedmont region that holds Sandy Loam soil with some red clay. Apply your research to your garden Once you know your soil type, you will know what nutrients your soil lacks. Some will find that the soil they have is not the best soil for growing. That happened to me, and the neighbors in my community. We would complain about the stubborn red dirt stopping the growth of our plants and gardens. I found that with my type of soil it lacked good drainage and nutrients vital to exceptional growing. So, I added my own nutrients like Lime Pellets in the sum of about 2.5 pounds a year to areas that I want to grow my produce and some flowers. I get my lime pellets at a local nursery in Spartanburg SC and add my compost, which helps get the ball rolling when I am ready to transfer my indoor plants to the outside. Tip #3 - Try hydroponic and indoor growing! During this time of year, I also start working on my hydroponic grow station. Its easier to have both methods - old school and new school ways of growing a garden. It allows you to be able to grow all year long with no excuses! Hydroponics is the process you use to grow plants in sand, gravel, or liquid. Use starting seeds, that is great for transplants as well. I used the hydro method to duplicate my tomato, and basil plants last year and let me tell you while some people were planting their tomato garden from seed my plants were already rooted and ready to transfer over to the ground. If at first you don’t succeed try, try, try again! As you practice hydro growing you will get better. Anyone can grow hydroponically, anytime, anywhere. Don’t be afraid to watch a few videos or read books to help you understand hydro growing in-depth. Right now, I have aloe plants, hibiscus and bamboo growing in water, that I brought inside to keep safe from the winter weather, along with two types of Mandeville species. Maintaining the plants with the proper nutrients and as much day light and artificial light as they can get, is how I keep them healthy. Indoor growing keeps the ball rolling and is just as therapeutic as outdoor growing. Getting plants that are good for oxygen, offers health and mental benefits. Don’t let winter stop you from trying new ways to grow a garden!

19 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

If recent events have taught us anything, it’s this: we have more work to do. Racism is real, tragically so. Discrimination, in all its forms, still casts a long shadow in this country, and too many are being denied the opportunities that all Americans deserve. Our commitment to the diverse communities we serve starts with a Code of Ethics. Our code sets a higher standard for fairness in housing than any federal law, it’s backed by a culture of member accountability, and it extends to our work on Capitol Hill, where we continue to advocate for meaningful change. At the National Association of REALTORS® we believe that fairness is worth fighting for, and we won’t stop until the fight is won. Because that’s who we are.

If you experience or witness discrimination in real estate, we urge you to report it. Visit to file a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

REALTORS® are members of the National Association of REALTORS®

Harlem Sweeties by Langston Hughes Have you dug the spill Of Sugar Hill? Cast your gems On this sepia thrill: Brown sugar lassie, Caramel treat, Honey-gold baby Sweet enough to eat. Peach-skinned girlie, Coffee and cream, Chocolate darling Out of a dream. Walnut tinted Or cocoa brown, Pomegranate-lipped Pride of the town. Rich cream-colored To plum-tinted black, Feminine sweetness In Harlem’s no lack. Glow of the quince To blush of the rose. Persimmon bronze To cinnamon toes. Blackberry cordial, Virginia Dare wine— All those sweet colors Flavor Harlem of mine! Walnut or cocoa, Let me repeat: Caramel, brown sugar, A chocolate treat. Molasses taffy, Coffee and cream, Licorice, clove, cinnamon To a honey-brown dream. Ginger, wine-gold, Persimmon, blackberry, All through the spectrum Harlem girls vary— So if you want to know beauty’s Rainbow-sweet thrill, Stroll down luscious, Delicious, fine Sugar Hill.

Happy Birthday

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15th

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Inspired by History Showing gratitude to define your space by Rodney Salters Recently, I went to the Smithsonian African American

could. She emancipated herself and hundreds

Museum in Washington D.C., and let me say...I was

from slavery to freedom, never losing a passenger.

completely elevated by the experience. Although it was

No food, no water, no money, no car, no team, no

impossible to complete the entire museum in one day -

GPS navigation system, no bathroom. Do we even

artifacts dated back from the slave trade, like the

wonder how she did it? We don't give her enough

original shackles, slave cabins, auction blocks, Emmett

credit for the sacrifices, struggles, and mental

Till's exhibit, there was so much [Black History] to see,

trauma she suffered.

I was left in awe. The outstanding accomplishments we have made since our unexpected arrival in 1619

She was advised by new friends and abolitionists in


the dangers of returning, but she knew she could execute another mission.

During this visit, I was looking

Arguably it is mentioned that

forward to see one woman who I

Harriett lead over 300 slaves to

truly admired for my entire life -


Harriet Tubman. In my opinion she

during the bitter cold winter

is the Real Deal, The Supreme

nights. She figured she'd leave

Queen Mother. Harriet Tubman is

town on Saturday evenings

Black History and Woman History.

since the newspapers would not

There is no need for me to

print runaway notices until

summarize her accomplishments.

Monday morning, so by the

We know them (or should know

time Monday rolled around she

them), but I would like to take the

and other slaves would've made

time to share some of her sacrifices, cause she did the work.

it half way to freedom. I could not imagine traveling, alone by myself, in

A Black Woman born a Slave. She

the freezing cold by foot for weeks with only a few

was illiterate and unfortunately suffered

resources. The heroic efforts she made are so

seizures from a brutal attack by her oppressor that

impressive. A strong-willed, courageous black

caused her to fall unconscious her entire life. Harriet

women made such an impact in the African

(standing only 5 feet tall) made the first attempt to

American Diaspora. I'm so proud. Let us take the

escape slavery with her two brothers after learning

time to think not only of Harriet but thousands of

they were going to be sold. Unsure of the route North,

our ancestors who made so many sacrifices for us. I

they gave up the mission and returned back to the

don't think we often take the time to think about it.

plantation. The second attempt was solo, she

Thank You Harriet for not forgetting about us, for

successfully made it North to freedom. Just her alone,

not leaving us. Thank You for making the sacrifice

two feet and some brain power.

so many times to come back to emancipate us. You are appreciated.

With no family or friends to celebrate her victory

We salute you.

mission when she arrived, she was determined to

We couldn't have done it without you.

return to liberate as many family members as she

Great work Harriet. Great work!

23 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

“Your brain is the CEO of your body. Train it wisely.” -Dr. Sears

5 tips to improve your mental health 1. Exercise regularly - Regular physical exercise can help improve your mood, help you sleep better, and increase your overall sense of wellbeing. 2. Eat a balanced diet - Eating a balanced diet packed with vegetables, fruits and healthy proteins can help you stay energized, improve your focus, and support your mental health. 3. Spend time in nature - Taking some time to step away from your daily routine and enjoy the beauty of nature can help to reduce stress levels, boost your mood, and help you relax and restore. 4. Connect with others - Building strong and meaningful relationships with people is incredibly important for our mental health. Make sure you take the time to connect with family and friends regularly. 5. Practice mindfulness - Taking the time to practice mindfulness can help you to become more aware of your emotions and reactions to different situations, helping you to better manage stress, anxiety and depression.

Download a Daily-Do List

Need professional help? Consult with a mental health specialist.

How to add spiritual mindfulness to your life Adding spiritual mindfulness to your life can help you find peace and balance. To start, make sure to set aside some time each day to focus. Here are a few ideas to get you started: Take time each day to meditate or practice mindfulness. Focusing on your breath and body can help you become more mindful of your spiritual self. Connect with nature. Spending time outside in nature can help you reconnect with the spiritual world and find peace. Learn about different spiritual traditions and cultures. Researching different faiths and beliefs can help you develop a better understanding of the spiritual world. Read spiritual literature. Reading books about spiritual topics can help you gain insight and knowledge. Practice gratitude. Taking time to appreciate the good in your life can help you better connect with your spiritual side. Join a spiritual group or community. Being part of a spiritual community can help you grow and learn from other like-minded people. Spend time in prayer or reflection. Taking time to pray or reflect on your spiritual journey can help you become more mindful of your spiritual self. Take up yoga or go for a mindful walk. Additionally, it can be helpful to have a designated space in your home, like a corner or a room, which you can use for your spiritual practice. You may also want to incorporate items such as crystals, stones or candles into your practice. Lastly, find spiritual resources that you can turn to for guidance, such as books, podcasts or online videos. With a little bit of effort and dedication, spiritual mindfulness can be an integral part of your life.

"More than Spinach" Cookbook What your doctors don't tell you.

The Empire State Building is an Art Deco skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan.

The Space Needle is an observation tower and icon of the city.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is the largest mosque in the country, it is the key place of worship for daily prayers

AROMATHERAPY by Lanelle Henderson

The first time I used essential oils was over 30 years ago

stress levels, as well as my concentration. I offered

when I was pregnant with my son. My knowledge was

blends to my family first. My grandson was having a

basic, but peppermint oil eased my headaches. It was

constant runny nose, I made a blend for his bath and

during a Mother's Day weekend in Miami at Canyon

one to rub on his body. We started to seeing

Ranch where I learned about aromatherapy. Experiencing

improvements the next day. My son, who had his first

the different areas that provided benefits to healing

ear infection in his early 30s requested a blend for his

made me stay all day. My massage therapist at The Palm

debilitating situation. He was walking slow, head

Hotel during another spa weekend, introduced me to

down in excruciating pain. I made a blend for him and

chakras. I couldn’t wait to learn more about this practice

gave him instructions on how to use it. Twenty four

and how the essential oils and aromas offer multiple

hours later, I asked him how he was feeling. He said


"Mom, whatever you did it worked. I forgot to tell you I don’t even have the same symptoms anymore." He

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses

now requests my blends as "Black Girl Magic Potion." I

essential oils to promote physical and emotional well-

was almost in disbelief, but it is truly the benefit of

being. It is believed that essential oils have healing

essential oils.

properties that can help improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation. Aromatherapy can

I continued studying and experimenting with more

be used in several different ways, including through

oils and sharing blends with others who would tell me

inhalation, massage, baths, and diffusing essential oils

their ailments. Each time, I received positive feedback.

into the air.

When my hand was injured, I took the medication and topical ointment prescribed by the doctor. For

It was Winter 2016 when I’ve finished my health and

months, I continued to be in pain with limited

fitness certifications and I wanted to focus more on a

mobility. By the second refill, I decided to create a

holistic approach to taking control of my health. After

blend for my hand. Two days later the inflammation

burnout, you just want to feel your best again. As I

was gone, I was able to move my fingers and grab a

started to study the benefits of foods and oils, I was

cup. It was like magic. I had scheduled a follow up

convinced of the power of aromatherapy. Using certain

appointment, because I was concerned that there

blends, I noticed an improvement in my digestive system,

were going to be long time effects from the injury. I mentioned my oil blend versus the ointment to the doctor and he recommended that I continue using my oil blend and curious to which oils I used. This practice has sparked a new business venture with specific oil blends and candles focusing on four areas - Comfort, Concentration, Romance and Energy to start. This holiday, I rolled out two aromatherapy candles, Memories - a romantic blend and Comfort - a calming blend. Both received raved reviews. To learn more about our launch and blends for healing, sign up at

28 Winter 2023 | LIVEOPTI

Stacey Abrahms

Chaarlayne Hunter-Gault

Michelle Obama

Margaret Walker Alexander

Althea Gibson


Debbie Allen

Bertha Knox Gilkey

Ophelia DeVore-Mitchell

Ernestine Anderson

Beverly Loraine Green

Rosa Parks

Marian Anderson

Charlotte Louise Bridges Forten Grimke

Carrie Saxon Perry

Maya Angelou

Clara McBride Hale

Georgia Montgomery Davis Powers


Ruby Nell Bridges Hall

Phylicia Rashad

Josephine Baker

Tamron Hall

Charlotte E Ray

Angela Bassett

Fannie Lou Hammer

Henrietta Cordelia Ray

Daisy Bates

Anna Arnold Hedgeman

Rachel Robinson

Dr. Patricia Eva Bath

Dorothy Irene Height

Wilma Rudolph

Delilah Beasley

Lauren Hill

Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

Mary Frances Berry

Billy Holiday

Beah Richards

Mary McLeod Bethune

Melody Hobson

Edith Spurlock Sampson

Unita Blackwell

Lena Horne

Sonia Sanchez

Sarah Boone

Whitney Houston

Dr. Gloria Dean Randle Scott

Gwendolyn Brooks

Winson and Dovie Hudson

Jill Scott

Yvonne Brathwaite Burke

Zora Nelson Hurston

Betty Shabazz

Harriet Elizabeth Byrd

Jean Blackwell Huston

Althea T. L. Simmons

Sherian Grace Cadoria


Nina Simone

Naomi Campbell

Etta James

Norma Merrick Sklarek

Alexa Canady

LaTanya Jackson

Willie Mae Ford Smith

Irene Cara

Janet Jackson

Ellen Stewart

Elizabeth Catlett

Beverly Johnson

Niara Sudarkasa

Leah Chase

Cora Lee Johnson

May Eliza Church Terrell

Shirley Chisholm

Lois Mailon Jones

Johnnie Tillmon

Septima Poinsette Clark

Barbara Jordan

Jackie Torrence

Dr. Jewel Plummer Cobb

Leotine T. C. Kelly

Sojourner Truth

Janet Collins

Chaka Khan

Harriet Tubman

Margaret James Strickland Collins

Coretta Scott King

Cicely Tyson

Marva Nettles Collins

Queen Latifah

Wyomia Tyus

Johnnetta Betsch Cole

Autherine Lucy

Sarah Vaughan

Bessie Coleman

Eva Jessye

Dinah Washington

Alice Coltrane

Mary Eliza Mahoney

Alice Walker

Anna Julia Haywood Cooper

Winnie Mandela

Madame C. J. Walker

Elizabeth Cotten

Oseola McCarty

Maxine Waters

Dorothy Danridge

Josephine Riley Matthews

Faye Wattleton

Julie Dash

Jewel Jackson McCabe

Ida B. Wells

Angela Yvonne Davis

Amaza Lee Meredith

Marie P Williams

Ruby Dee

Queen Mother Audley Moore

Priscilla L. Williams

Katherine Durham

Mamie Till Mobley

Rachel Williams-Stuckey

Marian Wright Edelman

Toni Morrison

Serena Williams

Myrlie Evers

Janelle Monae

Venus Williams

Lola Falona

Constance Baker Motley

Nancy Wilson

Ella Fitzgerald

Nichelle Nichols

Oprah Winfrey

Virginia Powell Florence

Eleanor Holmes Norton

Dr. Ionia Rollin Wipper


THE EVOLUTION OF A SMALL BUSINESS Leveraging technology to improve your business By Lanelle Henderson March 2023 makes 20 consecutive years of being in business. I’m excited and proud to have stayed the course. The road has been bumpy, like highways, streets and turbulence - we survive. We learn to keep going. There were times in the beginning when I wasn’t sure. After the first year, I remember a dear friend named Julie and I would hug and have a small celebration. We did this for the first three years. We were overjoyed to still be in the game, even though there were roller coaster moments. There are many people who don’t succeed in business. By the five year mark, I learned valuable lessons. I started my business before social media. We had newspapers, tv, radio, websites, and email marketing was just surfacing. I made sure to master the program and use my graphics background to brand my business. Having a background in technology helped tremendously. I witnessed the evolution of technology over the last few decades - its a must for any business. I started with weekly press releases and newspaper announcements. Leveraging the media and a website helped with visibility. Now we have social media and it has changed the game, requiring more content and consistency which can feel overwhelming and out of control. The algorithms control your visibility online, so 30 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

you are consumed with feeling the need to post and repeat. Depending on the engagement, it can leave you feeling happy or anxious. In the 90s, I worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a graphics designer and web designer where you had to know HTML code. Software updates would occur every six to nine months. We would load several new disks to update our system(s). I use to think that was fast, but disks are obsolete and online updates can happen overnight. What I’ve learned in 20 years, is there will always be something new. Systems will evolve and its up to you to evolve too. I use Eastman Kodak as an example. Founded in the 1880s, they consumed the film industry. When digital surfaced, Kodak didn't evolve as fast as they should've. Other businesses were also impacted by the digital era. It’s a true sign that you must evolve with the times. It’s important to build strategic alliances. Business is about relationships. I joined the Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Development Center and other organizations to hone my skills to keep me relevant, as well as network with like minded people.

In 2004, I took a job as a flight attendant after my first year in business, for income and flexibility. I met an attorney during a layover and he offered to buy me a cup of coffee. We got to know each other and a month later he insisted on buying me a BlackBerry. He said "you need a BlackBerry to leverage your business." Sure enough, It changed the game for me and my business. PDAs and smartphones came on the scene, there was no longer a need for carrying my laptop as often, and my business started to grow. In 2010, I met an airport engineer who was a Apple user Mac, iPhone and iPad. He showed me all the things that can be done with his iPhone and iPad and the synchronizing. I was sold. I went out and bought an iPhone and for my birthday, he bought me an iPad. This was game changing, and then I invested in a MacBook that synced with my iPhone and my iPad. I was officially a woman on the move, using the latest technology to leverage my business. New opportunities came my way. Technology took my business to a new level. People started to notice. During a technology training event, I met a lady and we hit it off right away. She offered me an opportunity to work with a tech firm to teach small business tools to small business owners. That relationship exists today and she still recommends me for new opportunities. You should always be learning, so take a class now and stay current. When I joined the tech company, I gave the reigns to my son. He just finished his time at St. Johns University and had been watching me for years. When you launch a business and can no longer operate it personally, you must have an exit strategy. Are you going to pass it on, sell the business or close it? He stepped right up and excelled. Our best client, over eight years strong is from my son attending a networking and tradeshow at my alma mater.

One of the takeaways we would share with small business owners was deliver a “Wow Experience.” Let your customers remember you by how you deliver your goods or services. They will say great things which will spread the word faster. Now, online reviews can make or break a business, so make sure your customers say great things about you and your business. A few years later, I returned to my company, Oh Nellie Promos, so my son and I could care for my mom dealing with dementia. I continued educating small businesses with in-person events and then virtual platforms became an option. At the beginning of the pandemic when I could no longer do in-person events, we created online courses to stay in business. A lot of companies went out of business during the pandemic. From our participant's feedback, the courses were a huge success, so we launched Oh Nellie Academy. When I started my business, I wanted to find a way to be happy and enjoy what I was doing, so I created it. Nellie, my childhood nickname, was a time when I was having fun, not thinking about bills and enjoying life. Have you considered starting a business? What are your goals? What is your purpose? Start with "Why" and make the best of it!

31 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

7 Ways to Keep your New Year's Resolutions An average of 8% of people stick to their resolutions. To keep your on track, you need a strategy. Use these tips to plan and achieve your 2023 New Year’s resolutions.



Set realistic goals Setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) is key. Example: I will take 3 yoga classes per week to become flexible, focused and less stressed.

Make a commitment


Factor in what matters most to YOU, and only YOU. Focus on what has positive effects.


Write it down All ideas should be written down. This solidifies your intentions and 42% more likely to achieve them. Try to come up with alternatives too.

Be accountable.


Share your goals with someone close, like friends and/or family. Ask someone to help you stay on track. Motivation from a accountability buddy makes you achieve your goals.


Post your goals. Place your written goals where you can see them daily. The visual reminder will help you stay focused of your daily tasks.

Set reminders. Use a calendar, white board or your smartphone


with alerts. Schedule motivating emails periodically throughout the year - focus on the journey that will advance you toward your goal(s).


Reward yourself. You deserve a "treat" when you've reached a milestone. Make sure to reward yourself on your progress. Make it healthy and fun. You got this!

Here’s to another year of healthy resolutions! These seven tips will make your New Year’s resolutions more successful.

Accounting software for small businesses FreshBooks makes small business invoicing and billing so simple, you’ll be amazed at the time you have to focus on doing what you love and how much faster you get paid. Try it free for 30 days. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

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Grow your audience.

Be social.

No list? No problem. Attract new customers and grow your list faster with landing pages,

Create, schedule, and launch posts to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and/or LinkedIn

social ads, text message sign-up, and more.

all at once with our easy-to-use dashboard.

Deepen customer relationships.

Give them what they want.

Connect with people where they are—via text, email, or social—all from one platform.

Drive engagement and see better results with time-saving email automation that delivers relevant messages and offers to your audience.

Check out our upcoming events at

Start your home journey here. Lanelle works with consumers and agents in South Carolina to save you time and money. She is always ready to answer your questions and be your dedicated home loan professional. Whether you are buying, investing, refinancing or renovating a home, call Lanelle today to guide you in the right direction.






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