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Photo by RobinLori



EARLY DETECTION SAVES LIVES. DO YOUR BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION TODAY While attending a health fair in Atlanta, I noticed this huge Sisters by Choice mobile clinic in the parking lot. Greeted by two doctors with warm smiles, they offered me a mammogram. The impressive and inviting interior included a waiting area, bed and bathroom, exam room and office area. My results came in the mail the following week. Learn more about Sisters by Choice at

m Exam Roo (L-R) Lanelle,

Dr. Yara Robe rtson and Dr. Ph

Mobile Breast Clinic

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Live an Optimal Life.

Contents 7 8 11 14 15 20 28 30 31 35


HYDRATION: H2O Interview with Dr. K



MODERN & CHIC by Rodney Salters


by Linda Diamond

WHAT ABOUT PROBATE? by Alexandria Lighty

WORKING FROM HOME by Lanelle Henderson

Editor & Publisher Lanelle Henderson Contributors Dr. Katherine Philips-Igah Angela Berry Noelle Abent Linda Diamond Rebecca McClain Alexandria Lighty Rodney Salters Anoyso Olejna Contributing Photography RobinLori, Canva LIVEOPTI is published four times a year. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written consent of the publisher. Copyright 2022 by L'REH & Company, LLC, all rights reserved. Designed and printed in the USA. SUBSCRIPTIONS: LIVEOPTI is published Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. The cost of a subscription is $20 annually. For information, please contact us at

Editor’s Note Life is for living, so make sure you live more and enjoy the journey. This issue is a relaunch from my 2019 debut. The pandemic affected so many projects but during this time, I was able to reflect and put things in perspective. Life is full of transitions. Like the seasons change, we must also change. Fall is a magical time. For me its a new beginning as my birthday is in September. The trees change colors and the leaves fall off. Shedding the old to make room for the new. These past few years was a wake up call for us all. Our health and home environments were a priority. With mandated quarantines, children out of school, and those who started working remotely, home had a new meaning. Finances became scarce for some and those loved ones who passed are memories we need to cherish. When I started my marketing company in 2003, I was going 200 MPH. My mom would always say, “Nell, slow down.” Although, it may not seem so, I know I am going at a much slower pace than before. After my mom transitioned from her battle with dementia October 2014, I took a long hiatus. Several lessons from my parents allowed me to grieve at my own pace. Their financial lessons allowed me to pause for a few years to mourn. Our article on Money Mindset by Rebecca on page 20 shares some helpful tips. My mom's estate planning made it a little easier and Alexandria share What is Probate? on page 31, so you too can understand the process. Experiencing burnout six months after mom passed, I needed to make my fitness routine more focused, and Angela helps us stay Fit through the holidays on page 11. I also learned how to meditate with more intention thanks to Noelle, read page 8, and the importance of does the body good with Dr. K. After 32 years in Atlanta, I relocated to Greenville. I’ve been visiting family in the Upstate for decades. It was the place I’d go to get off the grid and relax. This change made me reconsider how to use my marketing skills, so I obtained my SC real estate and mortgage license, worked for an ibuyer and learned a lot about this market and how people live. I wanted to continue helping people improve their quality of life, to make homes healthier and happier.

This publication is meant to share some simple tools and strategies to improve one's quality of life a preview of our January 2023 issue. We have witnessed so much in the past three years, its time to for a adjust to a new way of living. Looking to improve your credit? Need a new home? or renovate your existing home? Consider decluttering and adding some modern chic designs to your space. We have some great inspiration for you inside. Please take a moment to enjoy our Fall issue and take small steps to a healthier lifestyle. To Healthy & Happy Homes!




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by Noelle Abent

We're quick to invest in our physical through exercise, food or clothing for example, but we’re holistic beings, and we must take care of every aspect of our Self. This leaves the mental, emotional and Spiritual aspects. Ask yourself, How are you investing in these areas of your Life? When we feel out of balance it’s often because one of these aspects is lacking or overstimulated and we must come back into balance. When all of the aspects of ourselves are balanced our energy flows- not just the energy in our bodies but in our lives, in our manifestations - because we’re aligned with the energy of the Universe! As we’re balanced within, we create a balanced life without! Here’s how: 1. We live in a creative Universe! You must have balanced energy to create with. As we’re balanced in our own energy, we can align with the energy of the Universe in order to manifest our desires. 2. We live in an abundant Universe! Every tool we need to support us in our creations is available to us- it's usually just a phone call or Google click away! There is no lack, Seek and ye shall find. 3. We live in a loving Universe! You are loved- not just human love, but divine unconditional love. Open yourself up to receive this love, tap into it and feel the unconditional love and support of the Universe. -This love is the fuel behind your creations- this is why all the resources you need will show up. When you invest in your Spirit, your Life will begin to blossom. Say this affirmation to support you in your creations: As I create my life I feel the loving support of the universe and am guided every step I take.

7 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

Hydration: H2O An Interview with Dr. Katherine Igah-Phillips I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. K during an UPS Employee Health Fair. It was a breath of fresh air to meet someone who was speaking the same language and forging ahead with educating the community on holistic health and wellness practices. After attending her session on Hydration, I was hooked. Her seminar and teaching style went above and beyond anything I ever experienced. Her knowledge and presentation was realistic and easy to apply. She complimented my mission with first hand experience and knowledge from both conventional and natural medicine. After shooting our first video together, I could not wait to share what I learned. Below is the interview on why water and hydration is so important in our daily lives. I hope you get some takeaways you can apply today. Why did you choose the medical field? Dr. K: My family is from Nigerian so I grew up with a lot of natural remedies, doing herbs and healing products. I grew up knowing these methods worked and I knew I wanted to be a doctor. In medical school I was confronted about how heavy the curriculum was driven by drugs, pharmacology, disease pathology, surgeries, invasive procedures and pharmaceutical intervention but I was not hearing a lot of the things I grew up using.

Benefits of Water Cleans the body Curbs overeating Good for the brain Keeps muscles moving Prevents constipation


When I inquired about it, I was shushed and told that’s not real medicine or it doesn't really work. This worked for my classmates but it didn't work for me based on my experience. After medical school, I dove into extensive training on more natural remedies, like acupuncture to nutrient IV, for any case and every condition from cold to cancer. Inquiring the knowledge was so fun for me, it became my passion. There is a time and place for both, a time and place for conventional medicine just as there a

The benefits of being hydrated?

time a place for natural medicine. Knowing the

Dr. K: There are head to toe benefits for being

dance between the two is where the magic

hydrated. A lot of people forget the brain for


some reason. People always do colon cleanses, liver cleanses and heart detoxes. The brain uses a

How long have you been in business?

significant amount of water to process. Just a few

Dr. K: In 2013, Returning to Nature started as a

moments of dehydration decreases your mental

movement that graduated to a platform for me

clarity significantly. You want to be able to have

to provide wellness education on natural

brain clarity at all times. Forgetfulness, where you

healing, mind, body, and spirit balancing where

put things, and brain fog where you can’t

people were wanting more. Webinars,

concentrate is due to hydration.

seminars and blogs became a great resource for many. I love writing so it complimented my

Water enhances your immune system and you get

practice. The Mind, Body Spirit Wellness Center

sick fewer times a year. In the face of sickness you

based in the heart of Atlanta offers integrative

can increase your recovery time.

medicine services to people who want to treat real-time conditions naturally.

Cardiovascular issues is claiming the most lives today, #1 for women and everyone really. For

Why do we need water?

women especially, our incidents of cardiovascular

Dr. K: Water is my favorite beverage on the

disease are increasing at earlier ages.

planet to drink. Knowing its importance I could not choose anything else.

You gave a formula of how much water you

Water is very important because every cell,

should drink per day? Share this with our

every organ, organ system needs water to


function optimally. There is no cell or organ

Dr. K: This is more customized for the individual.

that doesn’t use water. The immune system is a

The 6-8 cups of water we were taught doesn't

heavy hitter and needs a lot of water.

work for everybody, but its a good starting point. I should not drink the same amount as NBA Star

When you are dehydrated what happens?

Lebron James because we are not the same

Dr. K: You are robbing your organs of the fuel

weight and his physical exertions far exceeds

they need to perform, so they will not work

mine. Even my family in Nigeria requires a


different amount. Someone in sub-Saharan Africa under the sun needs more water than someone here in the States.

9 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

Here’s the formula: Take your own body weight and

sugary fruit. Berries are high in antioxidants.

divided that number in half - that is the number in ounces of water you should drink daily. For example a 200 lbs person, should drink at least 100 oz. of water per day. What is the best time of day to consume water? Dr. K: First - drink throughout the day. Some people will go an entire work day with out drinking water and come home and consume 1/2 their weight. You

There are so many bottled waters on the market, how does one choose? Dr. K: The most hydrating types of water are spring and alkaline for two different reasons, but they are tied for #1. Spring water that is cleaned and filtered, like God’s water to us with a perfect balance with minerals.

don’t want to chug the water all at once - its dangerous. Its not a good feeling and medically

On the other hand, Alkaline, clean pure water

dangerous. It throws off your sodium/water balance

enhances Ph qualities which helps to minimize

internally, so you want to drink throughout the day. The benefits of drinking in the early morning is you kick start your metabolism so you’re getting things going and organ systems processing before you have a meal and start moving physically. It's a great detox, energy and enhances brain clarity, within 30

preventing disease and more hydration…your cells grab the water and molecules easier. You can elevate ph, fighting disease, increasing antioxidant count in your body and hydrating a lot better with alkaline. Pairing different brands with types of water so it would make sense for people visually.

minutes of waking up.

My top brands are: Every hour or 2 hours set an alert on your smartphone to Drink Water, have a cup or two - (8) 16 ounces. We need to Schedule Wellness like we Schedule Appointments. Does fruit infuse water really work? How about the sugar? Dr. K: The reasons people don’t like water is because

Evian - common spring Fiji artisan water - like man-made spring water Essentia - alkaline brand with 9.5 ph balance. What are some tips to encourage people to drink more water? Dr. K: Start with realistic goals. Start with

its tasteless and boring. But its a blank canvas for

increments. The average person is walking around

me, and I can make it what I want it to be. Get

under hydrated. The reaction is usually WOW when

creative and switch it up. You can Infuse your water

they hear the formula. If that seems like a large

and get the same hydration count without robbing

amount you’ve probably been under hydrated

the nutritional value unless you put something in there that counters what we are trying to do. Don’t add extra sugar. For losing weight you can infuse your water to get your metabolism going quicker by adding items like cucumber, mint leaves, citrus like grapefruit and key lime which has great

most of your life. This should be your starting point. The beauty about hydration you can see benefits in 24 hours by increasing water intake. In a matter of days you will see your urine will lighten up meaning

enhancing alkaline properties and berries are good

your kidneys are awake and they are processing at

for people who want something sweet but not a

their optimal level.

Jumpstart Your Fitness Commitment During the Holidays by Angela Berry, CPT, CCES The holidays are around the corner. It’s time to plant your fitness seeds. Usually, most people give up their fitness and health goals for the holidays. They would rather wait until next year to start over. Why? So they won’t feel guilty when eating and drinking at parties with friends and family? This is selfish excuse. The holidays are the best time to begin changing to a healthier lifestyle. It is a great way to get a head start. Let me give you a few seed tips.

Eating Healthy During the Holidays Don’t go to a party starving! Eat a light snack before going to holiday parties such as a piece of fruit, a small carton of yogurt, or string cheese before you go. If you’re the party host, use smaller plates to help control portion size. Remember your purpose. Holidays are a time to reunite with good friends and family, to share laughter and cheer, to celebrate and to give thanks. Focus on “weight maintenance vs. weight loss” during the holidays. If you are currently overweight and want to lose weight, this is not the time to do it. Maintenance of your present weight is a big enough challenge during the holiday season. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals for yourself. Reduce the fat in holiday recipes. There are plenty of low fat and low calorie substitutes that are amazingly tasty. Try using applesauce in place of oil in your favorite holiday breads; use egg substitutes in place of whole eggs; and try plain non-fat yogurt in place of sour cream. Maintain perspective. Overeating one day won’t make or break your eating plan. It takes days of overeating to gain weight. If you over-indulge at a holiday meal, put it behind you. Return to your usual eating plan the next day without guilt or despair. Take steps to avoid recreational eating. Consciously make one plate of the foods you really want. Eat slowly while enjoying and savoring every tasty bite. When you’re done, pop a mint or stick of gum in your mouth and get a tall glass of water to sip on throughout the night. Also position yourself away from the buffet table and food trays. Choose your beverages wisely. Alcohol is high in calories. Liquors, sweet wines and sweet mixed drinks contain 150-450 calories per glass. By contrast, water and diet sodas are calorie-free. If you choose to drink, select light wines and beers, and use non-alcoholic mixers such as water and diet soda. Limit your intake to 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks per occasion.

11 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

Exercising During the Holidays Walking. Parking further from the entrance of the mall during Christmas shopping will force you to walk. Take the stairs instead of elevator whenever the opportunity is granted. Remember, every little bit adds up! Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you are planning to join a gym, do it now, you may get a better rate than waiting until January when the demand is high. Commit to some group classes 2-3 days a week and stick with it. 10 minutes of exercise. When you are really short on motivation or time, try to get at least 10 minutes of exercise. Chances are, once you get started you will finish up with the recommended 30 minutes. Even if you do quit after 10 minutes, that is still a lot better than zero! Exercise before eating. Get in a good solid exercise session right before a big meal. It will increase your will power and your metabolism. Clean the house! Hey, you need to get ready for the annual family visit anyway. Vigorous house cleaning burns about 150 calories every 30 minutes Find a workout buddy. Pick a good friend or family member who also wants to lose weight and together make a commitment to exercise regularly. Planting these seeds will grow into a great start for an exercising commitment and healthy eating habits.

References: Diet vs Disease. Retrieved from Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved from Houston Methodist Leading Medicine. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from Healthline. Retrieved from

C o m i n g S o o n ! R.SALTERS DESIGNS

SLEEP TIPS TO GET THE REST YOU DESERVE It may seem ridiculous to explain how to sleep to someone, but as busy adults with many responsibilities, it can be trickier than one would think to get a peaceful nightʼs rest. Sleep is important and a key part of our overall health. It is when our bodies repair and renew themselves, and our need for those functions does not lessen as we grow older. Try these sleep tips to get a restful night’s sleep and function better during the day. 1. Do not do strenuous exercise within the hour before you go to bed, though a few simple relaxing stretches are fine. 2. Limit phone calls, email, or any interchange that might be stressful right before bed. 3. Make sure your bedroom is cool enough. If the room is too warm, you will likely feel restless. 4. Greatly limit light in the room. Leave devices to charge in another room. 5. Spend 5 – 10 minutes reading your favorite peaceful selections. Take this important time to prepare your mind and body for rest.

Source: Dr. Sears Wellness Institute

14 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

Relocating to Atlanta Our first house The Summer of 1989, my parents and I decided to relocate to Atlanta, GA from New York City. Interest rates were in the double digits, good credit was a must and saving for a 20% down payment was the norm. They searched for an agent, and scheduled a visit to Atlanta in search for their new home. We spent several days driving and touring homes. We knew what we liked and didn't like. Our first home choice involved an easement which prevented us from buying so we had to keep looking. We found a beautiful new subdivision, selected a corner lot at the beginning of a cul-de-sac to build our new home. Dad went back to NYC and would retire a year later. Mom, Lil Dee and I would visit the home site every weekend to watch the progress of the construction. By the New Year, the all brick, traditional 4 bedroom/2.5 bath, 3,200 square foot home was ready to move in.

Following their foot steps After graduation, my son and I moved to Henry County, and purchased a new construction home with a similar look and layout as my parents. Being a part of my new community, I also became the President of our Homeowners Association.

Together, mom and I we would plant new rose shrubs, search for fabric to create matching seat covers and curtains for the kitchen and dining room, and paint each room in a different color. We made the house our HOME! It was the first time, I held a shovel, removed and planted shrubs and mowed a lawn. Relocating and learning a new town became an amazing adventure. We would drive to different malls, restaurants and shops around town. Get lost and find our way back. Laughing over wine and cheese. We got excited about the little things...Target and Kroger with a full bakery inside, much different from NYC. Adjusting to Atlanta life was the change we needed. Family would come down to visit and new memories were created. Most of our neighbors were also from the Tri-state area, New York, New Jersey or Connecticut, so we felt like a community. In 1996, I would co-owned a real estate appraisal business. Then moved closer to the city of Atlanta in 1999, and got my GA real estate license after graduating with my bachelors degree in Business from Georgia State University.

I knew first hand what is was like to move to a new city and start all over. I wanted to be that person that welcomed you to the neighborhood, help you get acclimated to the area and businesses and make your house a home! My experience in hospitality, sales and marketing skills was the perfect mix for me to start a Welcome Service and become known as the Welcome Lady. My first five years in business was life changing, and led to a better understanding of real estate and communities.

Relocating to Greenville The next chapter... After thirty two years in metro Atlanta, I was looking for a change. I started planning my move and took several trips to the Upstate to check out my options. Although I was visiting here for decades with family, this time I was looking for something for myself. I found a great two-story loft in downtown Spartanburg, graduated from their Citizen's Academy and took a tax pro course before preparing to study for the SC real estate. On December 31, 2019 I passed my real estate exam and took a tour of a new high-rise development in downtown Greenville. There was new construction everywhere. The building I was wanted to move into was not ready so I had to be patient.

Starting over has it pros and cons, but I've always been excited about trying new things. Learning my market, touring new communities and builders, meeting new people and finding the right networks is where I focus my time. Greenville reminds me of metro Atlanta over 25 years ago. Atlanta and even Henry County were in the Top 10 cities to relocate and now I am in another Top 10 city. I'm looking forward to planting some seeds, getting familiar with all the Upstate has to offer and finding a special place to call my own.

The pandemic hit March 2020 while I was out of town attending a wellness retreat. The quarantine had me stuck in Atlanta. After a long nine months, I relocated back to Greenville for peace of mind. Fortunate to find a new construction apartment community, I would get everything I need to tough it out for the next few months inside. Before committing to purchasing a home, I wanted to learn about the different areas before settling down. The Upstate consists of several counties - rural and lake communities. Working for an ibuyer last year, allowed me to get to know the area as well as the types of homes and communities that exist. This May, I joined the brokerage, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices C. Dan Joyner Realtors and spent the first four months getting as much training in new homes, new construction, remodeling, property management and mortgages. I want to fully understand real estate coupled with my appraisal know-how to make an impact. I would host credit seminars to consumers to help them qualify for a mortgage. Within my first four months, I would get four clients and close on my first deal by Thanksgiving.

One of my favorite spots is Falls Park on the Reedy, a 32-acre park adjacent to downtown Greenville, in the historic West End district. There is so much to see and do, its the go-to-place to take visiting family members and friends. Plenty of shops and restaurants to choose from as well as all the new developments. I look forward to seeing how this town grows and becomes the next "hot spot." What I love the most is the convenience to other destinations. Greenville is only an hour and a half to Charlotte, two and a half hours to Atlanta and three hours to the coast, where I often visit Hilton Head. I'll keep you posted on my progress in future issues! Welcome to the Upstate and Homes By Lanelle!

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Helping the Community by Lanelle Henderson The saying "You never meet a stranger" always applies to me. During an advocacy training event with Upstate Forever, I sat next to a warm and gentle woman name Gail. We teamed up on some tasks during the training and started sharing our experiences. She told me she worked with Habitat for Humanity Greenville and was looking for volunteers. We exchanged contact info and later met for an early dinner and conversation. I visited the website and learned so much more about the organization and their Women Build program. I met the team for Women Build and started attending their wall raising events to see what they were doing in the community. I was impressed. Throughout all my volunteer efforts in New York City and metro Atlanta, I had not yet to experience the true benefits of Habitat of Humanity. Hearing the commitment from the community partners, council members, mayor and local citizens, I was touched. The mothers and children sharing their stories of struggle and hope, made me want to be a part of this awesome community service.

"Everyone deserves to have a safe and healthy home." Together we can make a difference. I believe that a community that supports one another, makes for a healthy and thriving environment. You never know what can come out of just volunteering your time or donating to a cause. Whatever you decide, please consider a charity that is dear to your heart, so you can make a difference in one's life. To learn more about Habitat for Humanity in your community, visit their website, 19 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

Money Mindset

The Secret to Creating Financial Success by Rebecca McClain, MBC, PCC, Strategist In this article, we explore the money mindset and how we can recondition it from living in the moment, to abundance and vision. Money mindset is simply our own attitude and beliefs about money. It drives our financial decisions on a day-to-day basis. These decisions can either set us back or set us up. It’s our choice. Given the definition of money mindset, what is your relationship with money? If you view money as a means to an end, then money has no value except to pay your bills and perhaps buy the latest iphone or Louis Vuitton handbag. We must condition the mind to view money as a means of exchanging value where we’re not working for money but money is working for us. That starts with changing our beliefs about money. Have you envisioned having a debt-free lifestyle where it’s not a necessity to pull out a credit card to pay for anything; where you’re living well below your income; can purchase your next car or house with cash; own rental property; can live well now and leave a legacy for future generations? It is quite achievable, but most people don’t believe they have what it takes, and that goes back to their relationship with money. They see it simply as a means to an end. Subconsciously, they’ve formed a negativity about financial abundance. They haven't taken hold of the true value of money in their own lives. One of the biggest myths broke people believe

20 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

is that they don’t enough of have what it takes to build wealth. The truth be told, you and I everything we need to attain financial freedom for ourselves and future generations. The only thing that’s holding us back from financial success is our self-limiting beliefs. I’m here to challenge those beliefs. Let me share this story with you. My father passed away when I was only 10 months old. My mother had to go back to work and raise 5 children, with the oldest being 10. She received a cash settlement that allowed her to purchase a home with cash, which prevented us from becoming totally destitute. As you can image there were challenges as a single working mother, yet she managed. In high school I enrolled in a Vocational Office Training program where students were trained to work in administrative careers; secretaries and administrative assistants. We were assigned apprenticeships with local businesses. We would attend typing and shorthand classes in the mornings, then off to our work assignments in the afternoons. I worked in the front office of a local factory that manufactured healthcare apparel for doctors and nurses. I excelled in the program and awarded the VOT Student of the Year during my senior year. I grew up in a rural area where being a schoolteacher or secretary was considered a level up. These jobs were few and far between, especially for women of color. Most women were either working in a factory, cleaning hotels and offices or domestic workers.

After graduating from high school, I went on to enroll in college with plans of majoring in Secretarial Science with a minor in English. As fate would have it, during my freshmen year I met a wonderful gentleman who became one of my two besties for life, until he passed away 3 years ago. His major was Business Administration with a minor in Finance or Economics. He was very intelligent and studious. Being around him exposed me to a new level of thinking. He had very lofty goals that caused me to re-condition my mindset. By no means is there anything wrong with being a secretary but being around him caused me to have a bigger vision for my life. I changed my major from Secretarial Science to Business Administration. I later went on to graduate school and obtained an MBA in Accounting and Taxation. I was employed by one of the world’s top two telecommunications companies performing tax research and planning. I would later quit that six-figure job to start my own coaching practice. What is the point of my story? I want you to look at the four people you hang around most. On average, that’s who you are, because birds of a feather do flock together. Consider how they act, what they believe, how they talk, what they say, and see how it has affected your life. Broke-thinking people attract other broke thinkers. If you’re hanging around people who are unmotivated, you’re not going to be motivated. If they are not pursuing anything better, I guarantee the same is true for you. You can’t hang around complacent people and it have no affect your mindset. You just can’t. Will this be that defining moment when you draw a line in the sand and envision financial freedom for yourself? Wealth is a state of mind. Condition your mind to begin thinking abundance versus just enough. Once you change your mind, you can begin to set specific money goals and plot a strategy for how you’re going to get there. You don’t have to make a lot of money; you can start where you are. I’m often reminded of the Scripture that reads, “a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.” God thinks generationally, so we need to debunk anything to the contrary of what God desires for us, which is abundance. There’s nothing wrong with having money if money doesn’t have us. 21 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

Understand that wealth is a relative term. What wealth means to me might be different from what it means to you. It doesn’t have to necessarily mean becoming a millionaire or billionaire. For me financial freedom means having enough money to control my own time and financial destiny. Here are 7 keys to condition your mind for financial success. 1. Create a positive relationship with money. Start by changing any self-limiting beliefs such as “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m too old”, “It’s too hard”, “I can’t afford it.” The truth is you can’t afford not to. I have learned that where there is a will there is a way. Challenge yourself to change those feelings. Make up your mind that you refuse to live in lack or just enough. You must come to that decision. 2. Make financial freedom a priority. I’m not talking about greed or obsession here. Money is a valuable commodity that we all need, and we should have a purpose for it. It’s true that money can’t buy happiness; it will only bring out more of what’s already in you. However, money gives you options and can create opportunities. Having money can determine where you live, the schools your children attend, the circles you can move in, your retirement and your legacy. I encourage you to set money goals. 3. Come up with a money strategy to level up your income. You’ll need a strategy for how you’re going to create additional income. I encourage you to get a side hustle to earn additional income for the specific purpose of investing. I have found that investing in the stock market is the best means of creating wealth. There are other investment vehicles including real estate and business ownership. Making money can be fun, but you must have a plan and a vehicle to reach your goals.

4. Plan your work and work your plan. Simply put, take action. Follow your plan consistently. You can start with a small amount. No excuses about waiting until you have more money to start investing. You will need to make some sacrifices, but it comes down to how bad you want it. Look for ways to trim your budget and put that money towards your financial goals. Again, I want to stress living below your means. 5. Master your own strategy. Guidance from others is a good steppingstone but you must master your particular strategy. There is no one-size-fits-all. We’re not all at the same stage with the same set of challenges. A person who is debt-free with a 6-month emergency fund might have a different strategy than someone facing such financial hurdles. The point is, become your own expert by understanding the nuisances of your strategy such as tax implications, etc. Do your own research and due diligence. 6. Build your foundation and stay the Course. Don’t become complacent when you achieve a milestone. Let’s say you paid off your debts. Celebrate but don’t be satisfied. Take that money and apply it to your financial goal. If your goal is to create an additional $2K a month to invest, keep building once you reach that goal. The key to growing your money and creating a legacy is to continue building upon the foundation. Once you achieve one goal, don’t just rest on your laurels. Continue to build.

22 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

7. Don’t let setbacks cause you to give up. Disappointments happen; sometimes by our own hands and sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. I’ve lost money in the stock market. I’ve gotten greedy doing options trading and took a hit but I didn’t stop investing. I kept learning how to navigate through crashes, recessions, bull and bear markets. I didn’t throw in the towel. If you lose some money, the business fails, or whatever the case may be, keep the faith. Get up, dust yourself off, learn what you need to learn and keep going. Just because you failed at something in the past doesn’t make you a failure. You’re only a failure, if you give up. Begin conditioning your money mindset for financial success. I know it might sound cliché-ish, but it’s true; ‘Change your mind and change your money. A healthy mindset is a wealthy mindset.’ My challenge is for you to create a financial journal. Take each of these 7 keys and write down an affirmation and action step for each one. Create a vision board and jot down a to-do list.

Subscribe to Rebecca’s YouTube channel for more money talk and financial literary empowerment:

My Real Estate Journey 18

by Lanelle Henderson I passed the SC real estate exam on December 31, 2019. As January 2020 approached, I was also relaunching my wellness retreats, then the pandemic hit and I thought no one would be buying homes. When I relocated to Greenville January 2021, I noticed a large grey building for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices (BHHS) at the corner leading up to my new community. This was a good sign. I contacted the BHHS office and spoke with the broker-in-charge, Matthew. We had a pleasant call, scheduled an interview and met where he extended me to join the team. I was ecstatic. The next day, I had another interview with an iBuyer company. In weighing my options, I decided to go with the salary and benefits to provide some financial stability during the pandemic. Matthew supported my decision knowing I would be commission only with monthly dues and encouraged me to stay in touch. Every month, I received a note, email or video from Matthew. After a year working with an iBuyer selling over 100 homes, and contemplating leaving the job for many reasons, I reached out to Matthew. He invited me to tour their new location. I met him for a grand tour along with the president, C. Dan Joyner himself, and was speechless. They renovated a building that was inviting, spacious, and high tech. I was sold! May 2022, I joined Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, C. Dan Joyner Realtors the Best in The Upstate, right in time for the Grand Opening where I met the CEO, Christy Budnick. My first four months involved training, certifications, licenses, and hosting credit seminars. At the end of my fourth month, my first client signed a contract to her new home. All the training paid off. I felt informed and prepared to negotiate the best deal for my client(s). BHHS C. Dan Joyner invests in his members and local organizations like the Sunshine Kids. I first obtained my real estate license in 2001, but 20 years later, the experience had an entirely new meaning. Taking full advantage of every opportunity offered and can now make a difference for those seeking a home.

Sunshine Kids Mascott, Buddy and Me

Want LiveOpti delivered directly to you each quarter?

Subscribe Today! June 23, 2022 Attended my credit and homebuyer seminar July 14, 2022 Submitted letters to credit bureaus for correction and updates August 31, 2022 Downloaded app to start searching for homes September 22, 2022 Got pre-approved for a loan September 24-28, 2022 Toured 12 homes in three days October 1, 2022 Signed new home purchase agreement with builder and submitted earnest check November 2022 Closing set before Thanksgiving. Note: Timelines may differ for each client.

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Listen to Lanelle's Two Minute Tuesdays on Facebook @HomesByLanelle and register for her online course at

Upcoming Dates: Saturday, November 12th and December 10th in Greenville, SC This in-person, interactive course is designed to assist you and we guarantee you will walk away with the newest and coolest version of Constant Contact and an understanding of the basics of creating mobile-responsive emails that produce real results. Join our award-winning marketer, Constant Contact’s certified partner, All-Star Winner and former regional development director as she leads you with the fundamentals on email marketing, social media and hands-on demos, to gain years of knowledge. During this course we'll cover: How to drive business and build relationships How to grow your list on your website, blog, social media and print material Basic strategies to segment your email list How to use existing data and tools to send relevant info Trends for writing great subject lines How to add personalization to your email campaigns Learn a simple formula to write any email Engage subscribers with an automated series Create a 15-minute social media plan New SMS Marketing and Much More! Register for 11/12 session at and 12/10 session at

Modern Classic Chic Design tips for your home by Rodney Salters The Home is a place of comfort a place of peace and safety. It is our sanctuary. There is nothing more rewarding than returning home from a 10 to 12 hour grueling, chaotic day at the office to unwind, relax, and nest in your favorite chair and decompress to a smooth cocktail listening to our favorite playlist and above all be surrounded by your favorite things. Your home should reflect your personality. Studies have shown being surrounded by beautiful objects has a positive effect on your mood (not only do you see them but you can actually feel them). They do something positive to the body, mind, and soul. I myself have enjoyed collecting many accessories for my home from all sorts of places sidewalk sales, thrift shops, online and street finds. You'll be amazed what people discard and no longer have any use for. Living in New York I've found beautiful furniture and accessories like chairs, tables, lamps, etc. Just by walking the dog or running to the supermarket. As they say: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” I think its fun decorating your home whether it be for a hobby, the holidays, dinner with friends, or family, or just for yourself. It's awesome to go to someone's house and their home is filled with treasures like vintage artwork, interesting books, and personal photos in beautiful decorative frames of family gatherings. These things enable us to develop interesting conversations about our interests like history, our favorite travels and possible future destinations we long to see. People seem to bond well over comfort, it’s very imperative that you try to keep your space peaceful, free from negative energy, clean, bright, and spacious. It definitely gives a welcoming vibe. I love decorating my coffee table with colorful large picture books of fashion, home decorating and coordinate them by color they act as art pieces and bring pizzazz to any room. If you're trying to create a more luxury look you should consider neutral toned colors white, off white, cream, taupe, beige and grays. These colors will blend a perfect color contrast like black and white. If you're unable to afford purchasing a new couch or reluctant to throw away your favorite chair, you can use alternative ways to make that room pop like using slip covers in your favorite textiles patterns of neutral colors. 28 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

As the holidays approach, there are so many ways to simplicity your home without the traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas clutter decorations that we dread dismantling afterwards. I usually decorate window sills or stair banisters and the front door with fresh Christmas garland and infuse them with miniature white lights to add more bling. For those who live in small places and unfortunately don't have the space for Christmas can substitute Christmas tress for fresh miniature trees like emerald petite arborvitae's potted in colorful pots, burlap, metal cans, or an empty glass, decorative bowls, from your local florists and scatter them around your living room, on top of the coffee table, window sills, fireplace mantle, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, or where ever you think is attractive. They are less expensive, usually ten bucks and provide a fresh pine aroma that makes your home smell like Christmas. And most of all you wont have to spend the entire weekend spending hours carefully removing intricate items piece by piece. Decorating can be fun and equally therapeutic. There are many resources available like magazines, HDTV, and the internet. Be resourceful and exercise innovative ideas. Be your own decorator. You may even find a new hobby or career by doing so. Happy holidays!

29 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI


When you are ready to declutter, you need to remember to stay focused and know your energy levels. Here are a few ideas for attaching the gremlins: Allocate Time Blocks – Schedule decluttering time blocks on your calendar. Respect The Calendar – Honor those appointments where you have designated time to roll your sleeves up and dive into decluttering. Come Prepared – Make sure you have your bags or boxes labeled for Give Away, Toss, Recycle, Repair, or Move to Another Room. Make It Fun – Turn up your favorite music, light a candle or get the diffuser set up with your favorite oil. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – If you cannot decide on an item, leave it for a rainy day and move on to the things that do not require too much brain power. How Will It Live – Know how you will honor the keepers. Make sure your treasures and essential belongings are placed in an area/zone that makes sense to your lifestyle and functional needs. Lock The Door (figuratively) – Do not allow yourself to leave the zone you have assigned to your clutter control time slot. Have an Exit Plan – Decide how you will get rid of the things you do not want to keep – are you donating to a favorite charity, is there a family member or friend who you want to gift an item to? Reward Yourself – Acknowledge yourself with a treat for taking care of tasks that help you breathe a bit easier in your space. Hopefully, this list will be just the encouragement you need to clean out your things for a simpler and less stressful home. So what are you waiting for? Go declutter something! For more info, visit


Who Gets What? You decide or the government will. by Alexandria Lighty

PROBATE Probate is the general administering of a deceased person's estate as instructed in his or her Last Will and Testament. When someone passes away, his or her designee will petition the Probate Court for authentication of the Will as well as permission to serve as fiduciary/executor, the person responsible for settling the estate. He or she must get written consent from every beneficiary named in the Will before the court will appoint him or her Executor. If written consent is not given by the beneficiaries, the petitioner (proposed executor) will be subjected to a court hearing in which the beneficiaries can challenge the petition. ESTATE ADMINISTRATION Estate Administration is for those who pass away without a Will (Intestate). The procedure is similar to that of Probate however in this case, for all intents and purposes, anyone related to the decedent can petition the court to serve as representative of the estate. Even an estranged spouse as long as they're still legally married. The surviving spouse has the right to over half of the estate, even if they broke up decades earlier. In either case Probate or Estate Administration, you will be petitioning the court for Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration, respectively. These Letters give the representative of the estate the power to sell the assets, pay the debts to the estate, pay the heirs-at-law (relatives), and pay him or herself as compensation for serving, in most states. Probate or Estate Administration is always required. In order to do anything with the assets left in a decedent's name, there must be an administrative process to sell, transfer, or distribute property. Some states won't even make payment arrangements for water/sewage charges or property taxes with anyone other than the owner or after a death, the court appointed representative of the estate (executor or Administrator). Also any debts (mortgages, credit cards, loans, lawsuits, Medicaid, etc) must be paid from the estate in a timely fashion. The cost for filing these petitions usually depends upon the value of the estate. In New York, any estate valued at $50,000 or more will cost $250 -$1,250 for the court filing fee. This fee varies from state to state. AVOID PROBATE The only way to avoid probate is to have a Trust. The Trust becomes the owner of your assets so when you pass away, everything will be distributed amongst the beneficiaries you've named in the trust. Having a valid Will at the time of your death will still have to be probated. A Trust however, will not go through any court process. It is a private legal instrument set up to distribute your assets as you wish.

31 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

TRUSTS There are many different types of trusts but there are two classifications of Trusts that everyone should know about. Revocable and Irrevocable. Both trusts protect you from Probate Court altogether. They also protect you from creditors after your death. However, one serves you well while you're still living as it allows you to specify exactly when, how much, and to whom disbursements are to be made. The irrevocable trust will allow you to pass your assets onto your loved ones in exactly the manner you decide, without any interference from the courts. It's a private document in which no one outside of those named in it will even know that it exists and you can distribute your assets to your loved ones while you're still alive in increments based upon whatever criteria you set. It can be set up so that only your loved ones can ever receive your assets, not their spouses or creditors. This type of trust also allows you to qualify for certain types of assistance if you should become ill or injured needing Specialized Care for an extended period of time. KEY TAKEAWAYS A Last Will and Testament will demonstrate your wishes as to how and to whom your assets will be distributed. However your estate must first pay all of your debts (credit cards, medical bills, lawsuits, taxes, loans, Medicaid and food stamp repayment, etc.) Opening your estate for probate also opens you up to liability. In addition, the courts will give priority legal standing to relatives over non-relatives as beneficiaries of your Will and if you intentionally leave someone out of your Will who you've supported financially up until your death, such as a spouse, the courts may grant that person funds from your estate commensurate with the previously established support. I personally know of a probate case in which the decedent had no family and left more than $25M to various individuals and organizations. The Surrogate's court in New York City required his executor to commission an exhaustive DNA search of his ancestry home of Dublin, Ireland and every city within a 100 mile radius to ensure that there were no blood relatives who could challenge the Will. Dying intestate (without a Will) has outcomes similar to probate however in an Estate Administration proceeding, the courts decide who gets your assets based upon the laws of intestacy. There is no regard for your personal relationships. They only consider the legality of your relationships. Therefore, children, spouses, perhaps brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, parents, etc. will be the next in line to receive your assets. I know of another case in which the husband and wife had been separated for 38 years. He was deported when their eldest child was 2 years old and never sent support for her. The mother never divorced him legally but had a 30-year relationship with a man who helped her buy two properties. At the time of her death, she had no Will. Therefore, her husband was legally entitled to the first $50,000 of her estate and half of all of her assets with the remaining half going to her children. Her domestic partner would get nothing and at 78 years old would lose his home of more than 30 years. Trusts are the only Legal Instruments that allow you to enjoy your assets while you're alive but transfer to whomever and however you desire, once you've passed on. Regardless of the legal instruments you choose to protect your assets and perpetuate wealth in your family, you should take action now. Tomorrow is not promised, but for now we get to stay! Need help? Contact Alexandria Lighty at 32 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

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Featured Spotlight

Toni's Touch Meet Antoinette Kelly For decades, I have been sewing and making personalized gifts for my family and friends. When I started getting requests for gifts, special events, like reunions and girl getaways, I invested in additional equipment. While working a full time job, it became apparent that this could be a business. I started researching and putting together a price list, but was missing how to legally create the business and start promoting beyond word of mouth. Last year October, I reconnected with Lanelle and shared my thoughts. I knew she took the leap a few decades ago with much success and asked for her thoughts. She immediately loved the idea and was all in to support me in this new venture. We scheduled a Zoom consultation the following week, and with pen and paper in hand, I was ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship. On October 29, 2021 I was officially a legal business. I sent Lanelle a picture of my business license. She wrote a draft press release and shared with me. I replied back with "Wow! My first thought is, am I at this point now? Am I ready? The draft is wonderful, but please let's get all the essentials in place before releasing this. Thank you so much for being here for me as I truly need your guidance! So what do I need to do next?"

Hello! I'm Antoinette Kelly, the proud winner of this Chromebook from the Babs - A Memoir promotional contest. To say I was excited to win, is an understatement. More exciting for me though is finally getting to read this book. My cousin Barbara, was a jewel and missed by all. I am grateful and proud of Lanelle for this Labor of Love as she shares her mother's life lessons.

We proceeded to go down the list... business checking account a logo domain website and social media accounts Once the initial items were complete, I could now focus on my passion and build a sustainable business to provide for me and my family, who also supports the venture.

Contact Antoinette for your customized designs by emailing her at

WORKING FROM HOME The beginning to a new way of living. By Lanelle Henderson and Anyoso Olenja It was March 2003, when I decided to resign from my role as Director of Sales for a historic hotel in Downtown Atlanta and start the welcome business. I had other business ventures, but this time was going to be different. There were many reasons for the leap, like the commute to and from our new home was over an hour one way, being more available for my son who was starting high school and wanting to be a part of my community. My sales manager told me about a welcome business a lady started in North Atlanta. I was intrigued and started doing some research. After a few weeks, I contacted the local Chamber of Commerce and asked if they had this service in Henry County and the receptionist, Phyllis, replied "No, but people always called and inquired about one." This was the sign I needed. At that moment, I went full speed ahead to start a Welcome Service in Henry County, which was the 4th fastest county in America. We just moved into our new home two months prior to me starting the business and decided to set up the downstairs bedroom as my office. We drove to Staples and purchased the following items: desk, high back chair computer, printer, phone with answer machine and stationery. We returned home to put 35 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

everything together. Next, was forming my LLC, an EIN, business license, business checking and merchant account, and a website. I was all set and ready to conduct business. Since I was new to the community and no one knew me, I needed to get out and network. I needed customers. I was nervous and excited. Shortly after getting set up, we were faced with tragedy in my new marriage. My son and I got counseling and I had to start generating revenue. The mortgage was due and I was stressed, but I kept day at a time. On our last counseling session, the counselor saw me on the front page of the Henry Times and she said, "I think you and Darryl are going to be just fine." This was the birth of Welcome 2 The Neighborhood, LLC (W2TN) and the Welcome Lady. I joined the Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Development Center and set up a meeting with SCORE. I stayed up many nights working on my business plan. During my consultation with SCORE, the representative, said, "Why did you need to meet with me? You have everything you need to be successful." The confirmation gave me hope and I continued to network and promote the business any and every way I can. I attended every networking event until I was exhausted. One evening before heading out the door and obviously looking tired, my mom said "Nell, do you

have to attend every event?" Feeling tired, I looked at her and said, "No!" and went upstairs to bed. It was the first night I slept over 10 hours. Next year makes 20 years in business. There have been many transitions during this time, but it has been rewarding. Life happens - always has and always will. How you adapt and prepare is how you survive. Here are a few lessons I learned along the way to be productive at home and build a sustainable business: Balance your work and personal life. Create a self-care routine Develop a workday schedule Make time to exercise-yoga, walking and TaeBo are my choices. Have a healthy breakfast like eggs with vegetables, smoothie or oatmeal. Take 15 minute breaks at intervals Get the right equipment to do the work Be a part of your community Smile I added a note in my email signature that I check emails at 8am, noon and 4pm. It's easy to get distracted if you're not disciplined. I got excited when the phone rang. This meant a potential customer, and if you don't have customers, do really don't have a business. Managing your time effectively can prevent procrastination and ensure you get your most important work completed on time. I started my business before Zoom and social media were a thing, so preparation was key then, and now. When I started getting nominated for awards, requests to speak or media interviews, I realized I must be doing something right. The main thing for me was to enjoy what I was doing so it would not feel like work. I made the Welcome Lady a brand and had a great time in the process. In 2008, the financial crisis required me restructure my business. My clients wanted me to help them market, which allowed me to remain in business. Recently, I met a lady, Anyoso O., at the grocery store and we talked for over an hour in the parking lot. She is a recruiter for an international company. We started meeting weekly for coffee and sharing experiences. You never know where a business referral may come from. 36 Fall 2022 | LIVEOPTI

Since the pandemic changed how we worked, I wanted to get her insight to transitioning from an office to working at home since it has been decades for me. AO: At the beginning of the pandemic, the decision to move my department to WorkFrom-Home (WFH) was announced 30 minutes after my arrival that morning. It was the first time that I can recall feeling a sense of relief mixed with a glimmer of joy. My first day working from home, I configured a functional work area that I created in my living room right next to a window. I always hated the amount of time that I spent working under superficial lighting at the office. Many days I went home with headaches and eye strain. I really flourished in the WFH environment. I was finally free from the physical, emotional, and mental stress that I faced on a regular basis due to a very toxic workplace. I felt safe. Home has always been my refuge from the stresses and chaos that exists in the world. The reason why so many people are seeking jobs that are remote, is because they’re exhausted with the leadership found in most corporate companies.

40% of us workers say their job has a negative impact on their mental health. I now work for a company and recruit for WFH positions. Many of my candidates are new mothers looking for work with the convenience of being home with their children. The workforce is changing and I hope now more companies see that there are options for getting the work done. WFH gave me the opportunity to reconnect with myself and to realign my professional endeavors with my values.



Join us for an innovative and structured program. Prime-Time Health is a scientifically proven plan for healthy aging taught by our certified health coach, Lanelle Henderson. This 4-week challenge includes four 45-minute interactive workshops include hands-on activities, workbooks, healthy snacks, recipes and more. The four workshops teach how to: Open their Internal Pharmacy Make Health Your Hobby Move Waste from their Waist Live Without Pain and Inflammation We direct you towards your health and wellness goals. In addition to the workshops, attendees can participate in: Online Pre- and Post-Health Assessment Pantry Makeover Smart Shopping Tour Cooking Demonstration: Easy Meal Planning and Preparation Fitness Demos and more Benefits of Healthy Living Improved productivity Better concentration, focus and alertness Higher energy level Lower health care Reduced stress JOIN OUR MAILING LIST TO GET UPDATES FOR THE LAUNCH!


Schedule your free homebuyer consultation today! Your consultation includes the following: Getting to know your wants and needs Understanding the home buying process Helping you determine how much home you can afford Recognizing the types of mortgage options What you will need to apply for a mortgage loan An overview of todays new and resale market How to get started Call me at 678.362.4143 or email or There is no cost or obligation.

1. Do not make major purchases like furniture, appliances, jewelry, vehicles or vacations. 2. Don't change or quit your job. 3. Consult with your mortgage professional before withdrawing, depositing or moving large amounts of money in or out of your bank account. 4. Do not pay off debts or collections (unless instructed to do so by a mortgage professional). 5. Avoid using case for a good faith deposit - cash is difficult to verify and could result in a closing delay. 6. Don't have your credit report pulled too many times - this can hurt your credit score.

Once upon a time, real estate was thought to slow down as the new year approached, giving way to hot cocoa and flurries of snow. These days we know better and when winter comes around, it’s also the time to buy or sell your house. So, grab your mug, sit down by a fire and find out why now is the season of homes for the holidays: Twinkling with holiday lights, your house will shine bright to eager buyers looking for their perfect home. Temperature isn’t the only thing dropping this winter; mortgage rates are still historically low. Homes are new beginnings for buyers and sellers. When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, sellers will want to start fresh and buyers will want to be all settled into their new home. Tax benefits are the ultimate holiday gifts for both buyers and sellers who close before the end of the year. (See your tax advisor for more details and the best advice to take advantage of a transaction that takes place before December 31.) Serious buyers are out. Your home won’t be subject to casual window shoppers, (they’re too busy at the mall or on their computer searching for holiday gifts). Buyers have extra time off from work, which means more hours in their day to search for a home. You can increase your relocation business. January is typically the month when employees are transferred to new positions. To capture these buyers, your home must be on the market now because they often can’t wait until spring. Contact me for information about buying or selling a home this holiday season. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices C. Dan Joyner, REALTORS Lanelle Henderson Sales Associate/REALTOR® 678-362-4143 1016 Woods Crossing Road Greenville, SC 29607

©2022BHHAffiliates,LLC.RealEstateBrokerageServicesareofferedthroughthenetworkmemberfranchiseesofBHHAffiliates,LLC.Mostfranchiseesare independentlyownedandoperated.BerkshireHathawayHomeServicesandtheBerkshireHathawayHomeServicessymbolareregisteredservicemarksof ColumbiaInsuranceCompany,aBerkshireHathawayaffiliate.Informationnotverifiedorguaranteed.IfyourpropertyiscurrentlylistedwithaBroker,thisisnotintended as a solicitation. Equal Housing Opportunity. SC Lic #: 116733

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