Landscape Saskatchewan News, Spring 2020

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COVID-19: Important Updates for Industry Members Urban Healing Garden and Humboldt Broncos Memorial: We need your help!



Board of Directors Leslie Cornell Cornell Design & Landscaping Ltd. President Philip Rispens Rispens Landscaping Ltd. Vice President Robin Adair Arbour Crest Tree Service Ltd. Director Lane Bullied Gardens by Design Inc. Director Nathaniel Knutson See More Green Landscaping Director Aaron Krahn Lakeshore Tree Farms Ltd. CNLA Representative Anthonie Rispens, 306-699-7737 Rispens Landscaping Ltd. Landscape Canada Rep. If you are interested in joining Landscape Saskatchewan’s Board, please email Joel Beatson at Administrative Support Joel Beatson, CAE, CLM Executive Director Marnie Main Member Services Director

March 10/11 we hosted our Spring Symposium in Saskatoon. The event was well attended, and excitement was high for the coming season and the work we are doing for the Humboldt Urban Garden. However March 11th is also the day the World Health Organization declared the global pandemic. Every focus in our lives has changed, from our families to our businesses, to the association Landscape Saskatchewan in here to help the industry through this. Stay safe! Leslie Cornell RSE Landscape Horticulturist; PHC President Landscape Saskatchewan; Landscape Canada Chair Cornell Design & Landscaping Ltd.

A few thoughts re: COVID-19 How quickly our world can be turned upside down. Several weeks ago, many of us were following news about the corona virus with mild curiosity, some of us were wondering if we would see any cases in Alberta or Canada. And just like that everything changed. The Global Pandemic was declared two weeks ago, state of emergencies have been declared in every province and every major city, and we are on the verge of a “stay home” or “shelter in place” order, which threatens to shut down most business. This is a very scary time. I’ve heard from many members who are really questioning the chances their business will survive this crisis, especially in combination with the free-fall in the energy sector. Nobody has lived through anything quite like this before (or they are over 100). We are surely living in interesting times. I know this first few weeks has been overwhelming for me personally. Adjusting to working from home with two kids under 6 while trying to deal with all things COVID-19 related. Keeping busy sure has a way of keeping my mind off things. The Landscape Alberta staff has reacted tremendously to the work from home protocols (self-imposed) and we all continue to work behind the scenes to help our members. The news coverage, the ever-changing health orders, and daily updates on the number of infected and tested is relentless. It can be scary, panic

inducing, and just an overload of negative thoughts and emotions. A member commented to me today, that these tough times will make us all stronger, which is very true. Maybe the young kids today will get to tell their kids and grandkids about how tough they had it. All of this has reminded me of a speech I heard from Fred Rogers. His Mother, in times of crisis or disaster, would tell him to “look for the helpers”. They are often in the background or off to the side but if you look for them you will see the best of humanity in terrible times. When you see the helpers he ends, “you’ll know there is hope”. Search “Fred Rogers helpers” on YouTube to fine the video. Over the last week I’ve been inspired and given hope by so many members. So often there first questions I heard were about how to help their staff, about if they should be bringing up any workers from Mexico this year – in case they can’t get home to their families. I’ll tell you; this isn’t the behaviour seen in every sector right now. I’m blessed to work for an industry filled with helpers. The role of green spaces, gardens, and amazingly designed and built backyards will sure play a role as helper to Albertans in the coming months. The positive impact the work you do as members has on the publics physical and mental health has never been so important. We are all in this together, and Landscape Alberta is here to help you, the helpers. Stay safe,

- Joel

Cheryl Teo Bookkeeper Contact Us Landscape Saskatchewan c/o Landscape Alberta 18051 107 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T5S 1K3 Tel: 780-489-1991 Toll Free: 1-800-378-3198 Fax: 780-444-2152

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS July 6-8, 2020 Garden Centres Canada Summit Edmonton, AB More info:

November 19-20, 2020 Green Industry Show & Conference Edmonton Expo Centre, Edmonton, AB

September 18, 2020 Snow and Ice Symposium Deerfoot Inn & Casino, Calgary, AB

November 19, 2020 Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers Annual Auction Sutton Place Hotel, Edmonton, AB


Industry and Association News

Urban Healing Garden and Humboldt Broncos Memorial: We need your help! Landscape Alberta & Landscape Saskatchewan have partnered with the City of Humboldt, the Humboldt Hospital Foundation and Scott’s Canada and Communities in Bloom to build a “Healing Garden” at the Humboldt Regional Hospital. This garden will not only serve as a place of relaxation and tranquility for those receiving treatment and care at the hospital, but as a memorial for lives lost in the Humboldt Bronco’s tragedy. Construction of the Healing Garden project is planned to begin in late spring/early summer 2020. We currently working on the project coordination and timeline for the different construction phases and events.

The design for the project has been finalized and we are now looking to secure product, labour, equipment and cash donations to complete the project. Visit our website for all product takeaways, as well as labour and equipment needs. At this time, we have no concrete construction days, only a general timeline, hoping to begin mid to late May. As we get closer to spring and begin to secure donations, we will be able to adjust our schedule and give a more concrete timeline for the build. If you are able to help with this amazing project in any way possible, please let me know. We thank you so much for consideration and generosity. Working together as an industry we can all give a little and make a huge difference. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kyla (, Landscape Alberta on behalf of the Humboldt Healing Garden Committee


Industry and Association News

Garden Centres Canada Summit 2020 Mark your calendars now because Garden Centres Canada (GCC) is hosting their second annual GCC Summit in Edmonton, Alberta, July 6th-8th for 2020. During this unique Summit, independent garden centre owners and operators from across Canada will come together to discuss, share and be inspired where everyone is invited! This event is over two and half days and includes a welcoming reception, all day tour of unique garden centres big and small and a full day of engaging speakers. We are very excited to have Corey Bordine as this year keynote speaker! We are still in planning mode with many ideas and more news yet to come. If you are interested and would like to be kept up to date on what is developing for the 2020 GCC Summit please let Anne Kadwell know at

Communities in Bloom announce an exciting new alliance!

awarded the equivalent designations, appropriate documentation and proof of certification will be issued under the new program.

The Canadian Landscape Association (CNLA) is pleased to announce that an agreement to acquire Communities in Bloom (CiB) has been reached. The governance and ownership of the CiB Program is now under the umbrella of the CNLA. This strategic alliance will deliver an orderly succession of directors and staff, sustain the integrity of the CiB Program, and will provide exciting new opportunities for the future. CiB and CNLA share many of the same values that promote the greening of cities and foster environmental, economic and lifestyle benefits to Canadians.

A live pilot of the web-based testing platform is currently underway and will inform guidelines for the resumption of hands-on practical testing for the technician exams this spring.

The new Board of Directors is comprised of five Directors from CNLA and four Directors from the former CiB Board. Bob Lewis, Susan Ellis, Darlene Kalawsky and John Lohuis (Vice Chair) are the former CiB Directors on the new Board. The CNLA members on the Board are Paul Brydges (Chair), Bill Hardy (Treasurer), Rene Thiebaud, Alan White, and Scott Wentworth.

Written tests continue to be delivered for the manager, technician and designer designations. Candidates who wish to find out more about written exams may contact the professional development team at or 905-875-1399.

“CiB and CNLA share many of the same values that promote the greening of cities and foster environmental, economic and lifestyle benefits to Canadians.”

The CIB board will take this opportunity to review the program and develop new strategies while maintaining the important relationships with communities, provincial organizations, existing sponsors and other partners. We look forward to sharing more as the program rolls out over the upcoming year.

USDA Amends Entry Requirements for Importation of Boxwood, Euonymus and Holly from Canada into the United States

The CFIA informed CNLA this afternoon that USDA-APHIS has issued a federal order for exports of Buxus spp. Euonymus spp. and Ilex spp. from Canada to the US. This relates to box tree moth. The official order is on the USDA-APHIS website and is effective immediately. The order regulates all of Canada.

The fully Canadian-owned and operated Landscape Horticulture Certification Program was successfully launched this January. The new program is guaranteed to deliver technical certifications to ensure Red Seal occupational standards for landscape horticulture are upheld nation-wide.

Shipments imported from Canada must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with an additional declaration (AD) certifying that the plants in the shipment fulfill the following requirements prior to importation into the United States and territories: 1. The plants have been produced in a facility or area officially recognized by CFIA as free of box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis); OR 2. The shipment has been officially inspected and found to be free of box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis).

CNLA and partner provincial nursery and landscape associations are working to seamlessly introduce the new program across the country. Certified people from the previous program will be

The CFIA should be able to respond to this quickly, but in the meantime, if this order impacts shipments to the US, please contact Jamie Aalbers, CNLA Growers Manager at 647-724-8630 or

Landscape Horticulture Certification Program Launched


COVID-19: Important Updates for Industry Members • Continue to follow recommendations provided around maintaining biosecurity and food safety standards. • Businesses that provide housing for their workers will need to ensure their risk management plan considers large numbers of employees being quarantined or requiring health care. • BC has a COVID-19 resource for employees in Spanish - https://www. healthfeature/hf_040_coronavirus_ covid-19-s.pdf

COVID-19 Special Member Briefing This special bulletin is intended to assist members in dealing with issues related to COVID-19. As you may know the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this a pandemic emergency. Given that our industry is gearing up towards the start of the season and welcoming back many employees, it is crucial to be well informed. COVID-19 protocols are rapidly changing, and we will endeavour to keep you informed as things change. In the spirit of every challenge being an opportunity, the restrictions on international travel are like attitudes post 9/11. In the year following that event there was a strong trend to staycation and people invested heavily in their outdoor living spaces instead of travel. What a great time to garden or enjoy your backyard. How to manage in the workplace • Ensure you have hand washing protocols in place • Ensure employees understand their responsibility to report if they are feeling ill or of any activities that put them at risk of COVID-19. • Communicate with your employees about HR policies around sick leave (if any). • Ensure employees understand why they may need to self-isolate, support them in this decision and make sure they

Economic Response Package from Canadian Government for COVID-19 understand they will be sent home from work if they present with symptoms. • If an employee has to self-isolate, employees and employers should work together to explore alternate working arrangements: • Working from home or remotely • Doing work that requires limited contact with other • If an alternate working arrangement is not possible, employees can use paid sick time, if available • The Government of Canada has removed wait times on Employment Insurance which can be used for self-isolation or care leaves. • Limit or restrict visitors to the business operation (not customers) • Consider restrictions on business and personal travel

The Government of Canada has announced details on the $82 billion aid package for Canadians and Businesses. This includes the information below that details how and when assistance will be arriving. We encourage all employers to share the resources below with employees. Each company will have to best decide how to achieve a contingency plan with help from these aid programs. Combined support for both employers and employees offers the best option to maintain health concerns with being able to have a business to return to. There is a potential as the pandemic progresses that all non-essential businesses will be forced to close. Please ensure you are taking that possibility in to consideration when planning for the next weeks and months.


COVID-19: Important Updates for Industry Members

The full details on the Government of Canada Economic Response Package can be found at the link below. Please visit there directly for more details.

As of March 20, 2002 Canada provides update on exemptions to travel restrictions to protect Canadians and support the economy department-finance/news/2020/03/ canadas-covid-19-economic-responseplan-support-for-canadians-andbusinesses.html

The Government of Canada is providing an update on travel restrictions put in place to stem the spread of COVID-19. Exemptions to the air travel restrictions will apply to foreign nationals who have already committed to working, studying or making Canada their home, and travel by these individuals will be considered essential travel for land border restrictions.

Support for people who are sick, quarantined, or in directed self-isolation The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) We will provide a taxable benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months to: • workers who must stop working due to COVID-19 and do not have access to paid leave or other income support. • workers who are sick, quarantined, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19. • working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children that are sick or need additional care because of school and daycare closures. • workers who still have their employment but are not being paid because there is currently not sufficient work and their employer has asked them not to come to work. • wage earners and self-employed individuals, including contract workers, who would not otherwise be eligible for Employment Insurance.

• seasonal agricultural workers, fish/ seafood workers, caregivers and all other temporary foreign workers • international students who held a valid study permit, or had been approved for a study permit, when the travel restrictions took effect on March 18, 2020 • permanent resident applicants who had been approved for permanent residence before the travel restrictions were announced on March 16, 2020, but who had not yet travelled to Canada

Allowing foreign workers to enter Canada recognizes their vital importance to the Canadian economy, including food security for Canadians and the success of Canadian food producers. The arrival of farm workers and fish/seafood workers is essential to ensure that planting and harvesting activities can take place. There will always be jobs available for Canadians who wish to work on farms and at food processing plants. Those affected by these exemptions should not try to travel to Canada immediately. We will announce when the exemptions are in place, which we anticipate will be early next week. These exemptions follow others announced earlier this week, for

In addition, a temporary modification is being made to the Labour Market Impact Assessment process for agriculture and food processing employers, as the required 2-week recruitment period will be waived for the next 6 months.

Work Sharing This Federal program allows for employees to remain working during times where there is a reduction in normal levels of business activity. Employees wages are supplemented by EI payments. This has been expanded to 76 weeks due to COVID-19 related issues. Please note this does not apply to seasonal staff and must be by mutual agreement between employer and employees. Full details here - https://www.canada. ca/en/employment-social-development/ services/work-sharing.html

The exemptions include:

In addition to health screening protocols before travel, all individuals entering from abroad must isolate for 14 days upon their arrival in Canada.

We are also increasing the maximum allowable employment duration for workers in the low-wage stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program from 1 to 2 years. This will improve flexibility and reduce the administrative burden for employers, including those in food processing. To safeguard the continuity of trade, commerce, health and food security for all Canadians, temporary foreign workers in agriculture, agri-food, seafood processing and other key industries will be allowed to travel to Canada under exemptions being put in place to the air travel restrictions that took effect on March 18.


• foreign nationals travelling at the invitation of the Canadian government for a purpose related to the containment of COVID-19 • close family members of Canadian citizens • close family members of Canadian permanent residents • a person who is authorized, in writing, by a consular officer of the Government of Canada to enter Canada for the purpose of reuniting immediate family members • a person registered as an Indian under the Indian Act • accredited diplomats and family members (including NATO, those under the United Nations Headquarters Agreement, other organizations) • air crews • any foreign national, or group of foreign nationals, whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Minister of Public Safety • members of the Canadian military, visiting forces and their family members • transiting passengers

COVID-19: Important Updates for Industry Members While the CFIA’s business continuity plan is in place, industry must continue to comply with requirements pertaining to food, animal and plant health and remains responsible for the safety and quality of the food that it produces, imports and exports. The CFIA is working with industry and is continuing its critical activities so that Canadians continue to have access to safe food during this difficult time.

As of March 24, 2020 The CFIA is prioritizing critical activities during COVID-19 pandemic The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is taking action to preserve the integrity of Canada’s food safety system, while safeguarding its animal and plant resource base.

In an effort to protect the health and safety of its employees and their families and while providing critical services, the CFIA continues to monitor developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and to support the efforts of the Canadian and global authorities in their responses by making adjustments to its service delivery plans.

The CFIA has activated its business continuity plan, which introduces a temporary suspension of low-risk activities that do not immediately impact the production of safe food for Canadians in order to prioritize critically important services during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The food safety system remains strong.

The CFIA understands the concerns of industry and consumers with respect to COVID-19 and the unprecedented impact around the globe on businesses, economies and people and is committed to communicating its ongoing activities.

This approach to temporarily suspend lowrisk activities allows the CFIA to continue to safeguard the health and safety of its staff while refocusing efforts in areas of higher risk and towards activities that are critical to the safety of food, as well as animal and plant health.

As of March 27, 2020

The Government of Canada is working hard with partners at all levels to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic as it develops. This includes continuing to perform the critical activities and to deliver needed services to preserve the integrity of Canada’s food safety system.

Allowable Business Services

CFIA is prioritizing: • Food safety investigations and recalls • Animal disease investigations • Inspection services • Export certification • Import inspection services • Emergency management • Laboratory diagnostics in support of the above CFIA is temporarily suspending: • Food inspections and investigations not related to food safety • Low risk surveillance or sampling activities (food, plant and animal) • Inspections of preventive control plans and plant and animal inspections in areas of low risk • Low risk labelling and domestic facility inspections • Low risk feed, seed and fertilizer permissions

The SK government has publishing a list of businesses that continue to operate during the pandemic. All the Allowable Business Services still need to update their business practices to ensure safety of employees and customers. Nurseries, production greenhouses and sod farms (Agricultural service), and landscape contractors are both directly named. Greenhouses and Garden Centres can continue to operate. Retail sales are currently restricted to delivery and curbside pick-up. Landscape Saskatchewan is working with the Saskatchewan Greenhouse Growers Association and Government to set conditions for modifying this restriction by mid-April. https://publications.saskatchewan. ca/api/v1/products/104570/ formats/116449/download Managing Staffing and Leave New rules allow for protected leave for employees dealing with COVID-19 related leaves. More info here government/health-care-

administration-and-provider-resources/ treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emergingpublic-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/ covid-19-information-for-businesses-andworkers/managing-staffing-and-leave Provincial Sales Tax Saskatchewan businesses who are unable to remit their PST due to cashflow concerns will have three-month relief from penalty and interest charges. For more information call the Saskatchewan tax inquiry line at 1-800-667-6102 or email us at Submit a penalty and interest waiver request Provincial Utilities All Crown utilities will implement bill-deferral programs allowing a zero-interest bill deferral for up to six months for Saskatchewan customers whose ability to make bill payments may be impacted by the COVID-19 restrictions. Self-Isolation Support Program The Self-Isolation Support Program is targeted at Saskatchewan workers forced to self- isolate in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, and who are not covered by recent federally announced employment insurance programs and other supports. Administered by the Ministry of Finance, the program will provide $450 per week, for a maximum of two weeks or $900. To be eligible, residents of Saskatchewan must meet these criteria: • They have contracted COVID-19 or are showing symptoms;or • They have been in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19; or • They have recently returned from international travel and have been required to self-isolate; AND • They are not eligible for compensation including sick leave, vacation leave from their employer; • They do not have private insurance covering such disruptions; • They are not covered by other programs such as federal employment insurance that has been updated


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