Crawfish Tales (Volume V, Issue IV)

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Winter 2020


In This Issue...

District Officer, Trustee, and Committee 3 Updates

How to bounce back from the January Slump


Running For


Planning a Service Office 23 19 Project 17



12 Important Dates to Remember

21 23



Governor's Project District Board Contact Information 13



Governor's Note Hello LaMissTenn,

date. This year, our theme for DCON is

My time as your District Governor, as cliché

Space! We will be celebrating the service

as it sounds, has completely changed my

year while going to service and beyond.

life. Throughout the past year, I have met

Our estimated cost, which can vary from

amazing leaders from not just across the

club to club, is $250 which includes

United States but around the world and it

convention registration, a hotel room at the

has changed my scope on Key Club

hotel that you choose, and a convention

International as an organization. Thus far,

shirt. Talk to your club advisor for more

my position as District Governor of

specific information on your club’s plans. I

LaMissTenn has been my greatest

hope to see you at the 2020 LaMissTenn

achievement because of the immense

District Convention! Please contact me with

amount of self-development I have gone

any questions or concerns using the contact

through. This year has been a journey upon

information below.

which I have met many people who

To service and beyond,

collectively changed my views of Key Club

Yours in Service,

and lead me to a path of self development

Max Hailey

that changed me as a governor and as a

District Governor

person. With that being said, District


Convention, for me, will most definitely be

District of Key Club International

full of tears and appreciation because of

(985) 402-4888

the amazing year I have had as the District

Governor for the Louisiana Mississippi West Tennessee District of Key Club International. I look forward to seeing all of you at District Convention, or DCON for short, which will be in Natchez, MS from March 20-22, 2020. The LaMissTenn District Board has and will be putting in a large amount of work into creating the best convention to


secretary - Treasurer's Note Hello Everyone,

quickly approaching the end of the dues

It’s me, Hank, again! I hope everyone’s year

season which means that if you have not

is going great! Just keep in mind that we

paid your dues by February 1st, 2020, then

are quickly approaching the end of the


service year. With that being said, I hope

let me know if you have any questions or

your clubs are getting ready to elect your

you can contact 1-800-KIWANIS with your

new officers for the upcoming service

questions. Thank you everyone! Keep up

year. I will have a newsletter coming out

the good work! I cannot wait to see all of

very soon that will go through the duties

you at the 2020 LaMissTenn District

and responsibilities of both a Club

Convention in Natchez, Mississippi on

Secretary and a Club Treasurer throughout

March 20-22, 2020 where we will be

the service year. I also want to remind all

going "To Service and Beyond."

of you about District Convention or DCON

Yours in Service,

for short. District Convention is from March

Hank Rader

20-22, 2020 which is approaching quite

District Secretary-Treasurer

quickly, and I hope that all of you will be

Louisiana Mississippi West Tennessee

able to be in attendance. I cannot wait to

District of Key Club International

see all of you there. We will be electing

our new District Governor and District Secretary-Treasurer at the House of Delegates at District Convention. If any of you are interested in running for District Secretary-Treasurer or District Governor, then please message me, and I can either provide your with information on some of the duties and responsibilities of that particular office or provide you with the contact information of someone who would be able to answer your specific questions. The last thing I would like to remind you all about is Dues! We are


Bulletin Editor's Note year of service for the LaMissTenn District of Hey Key Clubbers!

Key Club International. Also, be on the

I hope your service year has been as great

lookout for International Convention

as mine! Thank you for taking time out of

information that will be coming out soon

your day to check out Crawfish Tales. I

and willl be included in the next issue. ICON,

would like to ask you to please encourage

short for International Convention, will be

other officers and members of your club to

held in the beautiful city of San Francisco,

check it out also. If you have not joined the

California and I hope to see you all there. As

Google Classroom yet then you really

the District Bulletin Editor, I have been

should. That is where links to the bulletin as

writing articles and messages for you, the

well as a PDF version are published on a

members, to read in hope of educating you

bimonthly basis. You can also send in

on the amazing things Key Club has to offer.

articles about your club to be published in

Key Club has provided me with more than I

Crawfish Tales through the Google

could have ever asked for. As a member, I

Classroom. The code, however, has

grew to love service, and as a student

changed from what it has been stated as in

leader, I have grown to love this

previous issues. The code is now

y7rx34n. If

you have any issues getting into Google

organization and what it exemplifies. In my eyes, Key Clubbers make up the next

Classroom, then feel free to contact me any generation of leaders in not just our home, time at As

schools, and communities but in our nations

many of you may know, the time for

and the world. I hope that I have put into

LaMissTenn District Convention is

this organization a fraction of what it has

approaching quite fastly. If you don't

given me. I encourage all of you to become

understand what District Convention is all

as involved as you can in this amazing

about, then I recommend checking out the

organization we call Key Club because it

article in this issue as well as the next on

can and will change your life.

District Convention. You can also reach out

Yours in Service,

to your club officer, club advisor, or

Kailey Lipginski

lieutenant governor for more information

District Bulletin Editor

District Convention. I hope that I will see all

LaMissTenn District

of you in Natchez for this amazing event

Key Club International

that is a celebration of another successful


International Trustee Update Hey Key Clubbers!

with your email and you are good to go!

I hope your Key Club service year has

ALL PROCEEDS go directly to our goal of

been a good one and will continue that

providing clean water for Jamaica!

way for the remainder of the year. I

Are you ready for the good events to roll?

certainly hope you consider attending the

By now you probably are ready to attend

many exciting events that are heading

or have attended your Divisional spring

your way, including both DCON and

rallies! These are a great point to start if

ICON! As always, I am here as your

you are curious about what lies beyond

International Trustee to answer any

just your home club! Not only that, but

questions you may have, or just to be a

consider attending your district DCON in

friend as well! Don’t hesitate to reach out!

March! I’m a witness to the hard work your

First, I want to do a recap of what our

District Board put into planning DCON, it

Sistrict has been working on! To recap,

promises to be a great affair! Here’s my

our sistrict is composed of three districts

favorite part: ICON! Do you want the

to assigned to each Trustee! This year, I

opportunity to travel to San Francisco this

serve MissJamRock, which is made up of

year and meet Key Clubbers from all over

the LaMissTenn District, Jamaica District,

the globe?! From Jamaica to New

and Rocky Mountain District! As the

England & Bermuda, Eastern Canada to

governors and I sat down at LeadCON in

Florida, there will be Key Clubbers for you

July to plan for a year of success, the

to engage with! You also get to witness

sistrict put emphasis on two ‘projects’. The

the amendment proposals and be a

first is making sure membership growth

contributor to how Key Club International

and retention is never declining. It is good

looks in the future! Contact your LTG to

to know that YOU are still one of the

find out more information! It will be a

many members that keep this

week you will not want to miss!

organization going! Second, we are

If at any point you have questions,

working to fundraise to provide money to

please do not hesitate to reach out. I look

the Jamaica District to establish wells for

forward to serving you for the remainder

clean water in areas of Jamaica where

of my term and hope to see many of you

access to clean water is nearly

at LaMissTenn DCON and ICON!

impossible. That said, we have an

Yours in service and friendship,

opportunity on how you can help!

Conrad Gabriel

Between now and March, enter our sistrict

KCI Trustee

raffle to potentially win gift cards that

have a total value of over $100! All you


have to do is VENMO $5 to @MJRTRustee


Committee Updates Fundraising Committee Committee Chair: Sophia Galey Members: Storm Boyett, Jannie Nguyen, Alex Dale, Kaylee Drucker, and Avae Finch The Fundraising Committee has been working very hard the past few months to completely revamp the LaMissTenn Fundraising Booklet. Before, the book was organized by season. The committee decided to reorganize the book by level of difficulty. Projects were added and removed. A price estimate is also included for each project. Our committee also clarified project instructions and materials. Our hope is that the book allows Key Clubbers to have a more user friendly experience when planning fundraisers.

K-Family/Governor’s Project Committee Committee Chair: Jannie Nguyen Members: Rachel Pizzoloto, Sophia Galey , Max Hailey, and Conrad Nguyen At the beginning of the service year, the Governor’s Project, which is to fundraise enough money to build two freshwater wells in the scarce country of Jamaica, was joined with the K-Family Committee. In this, the K-Family/Governor’s Project was born. Its goals included creating a step-by-step guide to help Lieutenant Governors charter clubs, design various promotional flyers, cooperate with International Trustee Conrad Gabriel to initiate a strategic plan with the Jamaica District, and to educate the average Key Clubbers on all branches of the K-Family. At the end of each monthly phone call, specific tasks are assigned for committee members to complete prior to the next scheduled virtual meeting. Thank you K-Family/Governor’s Project Committee for the wonderful resources made and for widening the average members’ views of Key Club International.

Membership Committee Chair: Madison Tarifa Members: Storm Boyett, Marcus Davis, and Alex Dale The Membership Committee has been working on more of their Membership Packet. Specifically, this packet will include what Key Club is along with the benefits of being a member, the international and family aspects of Key Club International, personal experiences from Key Club members, and the benefits of a school having a Key Club. As a whole district, we plan for this packet to help increase membership in our division as the packet will be sent out to prospective Key Club schools and schools with lacking members. Also, our committee plans to have a list of frequently asked questions and terms so that all members, especially those that have just joined Key Club, understand and get to learn all that this great organization entails.


Club Recognition Division 4a- Mount Carmel Academy The Club of the Month for Division 4a is Mount Carmel Academy. During these past two months, Mount Carmel Key Clubbers worked to brighten the holiday season for their schools and communities. During the Thanksgiving holiday, they packaged food for their Kiwanis, Dawnbsuters’ Turkey Fry and handed out waters to runners as they raced to the finish line at the Turkey Day Race. Also, for the Christmas season, the Mount Carmel Academy Key Club hung up wrapping paper onto every locker in the school in order to brighten everyone’s mood and encourage the positive Christmas spirit during a stressful exam season.

Division 7b- Vandebilt Catholic High School Division 7B’s Club Spotlight goes to Vandebilt Catholic High School. Vandebilt not only does weekly projects like Bingo, but they also hosted a Santa Breakfast at their school. They worked with Kiwanis and other Key Clubbers to make this project a huge success. Vandebilt members also came to the Division 7B Spring Rally and Division Council Meeting. Keep up the great work!

Division 14a- D'Iberville High School For the month of January of 2020, I would like to recognize the Key Club at D’Iberville High School for preparing and hosting the Division 3, 14a, and 14b Spring Rally! Members stayed after school on Friday evening to set up tables, decorate entrances, blow up hundreds of balloons, and bond as a club. The next morning (01/18), the rally was a hit; thanks to “D'Iberville High School Spring Rally Committees” which consisted of Decorations, Register, Directions and Food, and Clean-Up. These committees were helpful as they decorated the rally the beforehand, welcomed guests, managed on-the-spot registration, sold raffles to fundraise for the Governor’s Project (building freshwater wells in Jamaica), set out pizza, drinks, and snacks during lunch, and stayed after the rally to clean up at school on a Saturday afternoon! I would also like to show gratitude to Stone County and Oak Grove High School for your partnership and participation at the rally, Mr. Travis Moore for being the wonderful keynote speaker, and lastly, Dr. Patricia Goyette (D’Iberville Key Club Adviser) and Ms. Dixie Griffin (D’Iberville Teacher) for being the trusty adults chaperoning this entire event! The Rally ended in laughter due to corny jokes, ringing ears from bad singing, and Michelle Tra as the new Lieutenant Governor for the upcoming service year! Good Job D’Iberville!


Winter Seasonal Service


MAKE MATS FOR THE HOMELESS Have everyone from your club bring in plastic shopping bags. Then, knot them together and weave them into a rug like pattern. A more detailed description can be found on You can then donate the mats you make to a homeless shelter. This project would provide donation and creation service opportunities to the members of your club and involve your club in the Quarterly Service Project for the months of January, February, and March.

START A FREE TUTORING PROGRAM A great way to serve your school is to start a free tutoring program. Members of your club could volunteer to tutor fellow students in a particular class, subject, or standardized test section. You can then set up a sign up schedule of available tutoring dates based on the availability of the volunteers. You can also reach out to teachers in your school for assistance and resources.

HOST A BOOK DRIVE Literacy is one of the most important skills in our society and reading is the greatest way to improve literacy. By hosting a book drive, your club could provide people with this resource. Simply set up boxes around your school and ask people to donate new or gently used books. You can then donate your collection to your local library, school libraries, or place them in Little Library boxes. Little Libraries are in public places where people can take a book and leave a book. You could also collect children's books and donate them to kids at your local pre-school or elementary school.


Winter Seasonal Fundraisers

DOG WASH Everyone has done a car wash before, but how many people have done a dog wash?

Dogs are

known as man's best friend for a reason, and owners will pay to pamper their fur babies. You need dog shampoo, clean towels, and access to water. Be sure to assess the demand for this service in your community before you begin planning this project. Have liability waivers for your volunteers and make signs that say friendly dogs only.

YARD SALE Ask members to clean out their closets and donate items they no longer need or want. Your club can offer service hours to those who bring in items. Your can then host a price night where your whole club gets together and price all of the items you received. You then hold the event in a high traffic area of your community and let the funds start flowing in from your yard sale



Penny wars are a great fundraiser because they bring out the competitive side in us all. You set it up as a war between the classes in your school. You set up jugs in a common area and every piece of silver change placed in the jar counts as positive points where as pennies count as negative points. For example, If you drop a quarter in your classes jar, but someone else drops five pennies in the jar, then your class has 20 points in the positive. Cash also counts as positive points. You can involve volunteers from your club to count the coins at the end of every day.


How to Bounce Back from the January Slump As a new year and new semester begin, many of us in Key Club find that our clubs are not as active during the month of January. This is known as the January slump, and it is something that affects Key Clubs all around the world. It is important to make sure that your club bounces back from the January slump as February begins and this year's March District Convention fastly approaches, but how do you do this?

Plan interesting Serrvice Projects There is nothing like an awesome service project to bring Key Clubbers together and reignite their passion for service in the new semester because all Key Clubbers share a common trait which is the love of service. There is an endless


Created by Key Club International

variety of possible service projects you can do. Some may include a clean up day, a work day at an animal shelter, or even a nice luncheon or breakfast to appreciate the faculty at your school. No matter what project you choose, an act of service will always bring Key Clubbers together.

Have a Club Bonding Event Coming together closer as a club can cause members to become more active because they then want to spend more time with their fellow members that they have grown close with. Club bonding events may range from a club movie night to a club picnic in a nice place in your area such as a park, but all club bonding events have the same purpose which is to allow your club to grow closer to each other.

LMT DCON LaMissTenn District Convention

"To Service and Beyond" March 20-22, 2020 Natchez Convention Center Natchez, MS

What happens at District Convention? District Convention is the one time during

"District Convention is one of the

the year that the entire LaMissTenn District

most amazing experiences I

Key Club comes together to celebrate

have had as a Key Clubber. You

another successful service year. There are

get to meet new people from all

many events that take place at District

around the District while becoming closer with the members of your club that also

Convention such as officer training, competitions, forums, the election of the new Governor and Secretary- Treasurer,

attend. Coming together with the LaMissTenn Key Club at District Convention in celebration of another year of

and the retirement of the past board. There are also social events such as the Governor's Ball where you can buy raffle

service is something that I look

tickets to win a dance with your favorite

foward to every year, and I can't

board member. There are also several

wait to see you all there!" - Kailey Lipginski District Bulletin

learning opportunities in forums.



What is Caucusing? Caucusing is when LaMissTenn members get to ask those running for District Governor and District Secretary-Treasurer questions in

"District Convention is one of my favorite Key Club events

a formal questioning format. Questions can vary,

but must be relevant to Key Club. You

cannot ask a candidate a question in relation to another candidate,

and you

because members are given the opportunity to experience a large range of activities all centered around the KEY theme of our organization:

cannot ask a candidate a personal question.

service. From the years that I

Each candidate will give a speech before

have attended DCON, I have

questions and may yield a portion of their

met fellow Key Clubbers in the

speech for questions.

LaMissTenn District that I have become best friends with and

What is House of Delegates? House of Delegates is where the District Governor and District Secretary-Treasurer are elected, International Candidates are endorsed, and amendments to by-laws are ratified. Each club in good standing that has completed their end of the year achievement report can have two delegates vote in the House of Delegates.


keep in touch with frequently."

- Madfson Tarifa Division 4a LTG

What should you wear? Dress code varies from day to day, but there are three types of dress code throughout the weekend. On Friday night, the dress code is casual and consists of the convention t-shirt and casual bottoms such as jeans. Saturday morning's dress code is business casual, but Saturday evening, for the Governor's ball, the dress code is business formal which means that gentlemen must wear a tie or they will be given one to wear be fore entering the session room. Business proffessional for ladies includes a nice dress or suit Shorts are unacceptable for both business casual and business professional. Your advisor should have a more detailed description of their expec tations as far as dress code goes. More information regarding District Convention will be released in the next issue.

Join us at the 2020 Louisiana Mississippi West Tennessee District Convention to take an adventure to service and beyond



A Word From the Governor At the beginning of my term, I selected a Governor's Project. One part being the Jamaica Well Fundraiser. I have been working with Jannie, the chair of the Gov Project/K-Family, and Sophia, co-chair of the fundraising committee, to set some goals for us. I want to raise $16,000 by March 1, 2020. The goal would be possible through great advertisements and talking to your clubs about fundraising opportunities. I have attached below a pledge form for you all to fill out to send to the District Office in Baton Rouge, LA (5253 Dijon Drive Suite B, Baton Rouge, LA, 70808). The pledge forms would give us an idea of what clubs are trying to fundraise. Now, if you all fill this form out, we cannot force you to complete this pledge; we can highly encourage you to. For some motivation: - The Indiana District, a much smaller District, was able to raise about $10,000 over about three months. - Clubs who raise $1,000 will receive an award at DCON. I cannot do this alone. I need your help! Yes, you reading this email:) You can help by setting up fundraisers at Cane's and other businesses and having fundraisers at your school. The goal will ONLY be possible with everyone participating. If we push this hard, I think $16,000 is a very attainable goal. For some fundraising ideas, check out the District's fundraising booklet you can get by talking to your lieutenant governor! Any money sent to the District Office in Baton Rouge, LA, the money's purpose, Jamaica Well Fundraising, must be notated explicitly in and on the envelope Yours in Service, Max Hailey District Governor Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District of Key Club International


Planning a Service Project

A step by step breakdown of how to plan a service project based on an observed need in your community

Step 1. Identifying Need Whether it is a trash covered park, old posters and tape around your school, or an abundance of dogs waiting for adoption in your local animal shelter, you need to identify the need you are trying to fulfill in your community. For this example, we will use an animal shelter in need of assistance with the additional care animals need during the Winter. Step 2. Choosing Project Once you know the cause you would like to support, you need to choose a specific project that will achieve your goal. If an animal is in need of assistance with caring for animals during Winter time, then there are a variety of projects that will help their efforts, but which should you choose? For this example, we will be holding a laundry day and collect blankets and towels.


Step 3. Developing Plan Now that we know what we want to do, we have to figure out how to do it. In other words, we need a plan. We will have club members meet on a Saturday at the animal shelter and we will wash and dry all of the blankets and towels at the shelter while others clean pens. We will have another group of volunteers set up at the front doors hosting a blanket and towel drive. Members will sign up for a station and shift to work that day. Step 4. Recruiting Volunteers Now, we have a plan ready to execute, but we don't have any volunteers yet. We will create a sign up sheet for stations and shifts to be passed around during a club meeting. We will also make posters advertising the project to be placed around the school, shelter, and businesses around town.

Step 5. Project Execution Now, we have a plan and volunteers. All we have to do is execute the plan. You show up 30 minutes before the project is scheduled to begin and speak with the shelter staff about the plan for the day again and prepare sign in sheets for those who volunteered ahead of time and those who will show up that day. You

Step 7. Follow up

set up the table for donations, make

After your project, it is important to

buckets of cleaning supplies for those

show recognition and appreciation for

cleaning pens and put laundry detergent

all those who helped in the success of

in the shelters laundry room. You then

the project. A great way to do this is to

greet those who volunteered for the

write thank you cards. If your list of

project and go through what they will be

people to thank is small, then you

doing. The day goes smoothly with only a

should write each personally, but if

few hiccups and your club has performed

you have a very long list, then your

a successful service project.

club is a great resource. Bring thank

Step 6. Clean up

you cards, envelopes, and markers to

Now that we have completed a

a meeting and simply pass them

successful service project, we need to

around the room. Before you know it,

make sure that everything gets cleaned

you will have a hand-written thank

up. We run a cleaning cycle in the

you note for everyone on your list.

washing machine, clean the buckets and

Another great way to follow up on a

things used for cleaning pens, throw

project is to write an article to be

away any trash, put the collection table

published in your local newspaper.

away, put away the donated blankets and towels in the shelter storage, and remove any signs that had been put up. We then calculate the number of hours each person was there and give the sign in sheet to the club secretary.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Ghandi 18

RUNNING FOR OFFICE Club Office Positions at the club level can vary on a club to club basis, so it is important to know what offices are available before you decide what to run for and how you will campaign. Also consider your experience in Key Club and other leadership positions you have held in relation to your readiness for an officer position. There are a variety of offices that can be held at club level, but the only offices that are eligible to receive recognition at the District Convention are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Class Represenatives.

President: Every club will have a least one president who presides over meetings along with other duties that may vary on a club to club basis.

Vice President: The Vice President presides over the meeting in the event of the President's absence and assist in Presidential duties.

Secretary The Secretary takes minutes at the meeting, keeps track of attendance, keeps track of service hours, keeps an accurate club roster, and submits monthly secretary reports to the district.

Treasurer: The Treasurer keeps a record of the financial standing of the club including a current balance for any club accounts. Some schools do not allow students to handle money, so the duties of a Treasurer may vary widely on a club to club basis.

Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Representatives: Class representatives are elected by their graduating class to represent its views on the club board. They may have other duties assigned to them that may differ on a club to club basis.

Tips for Answering Questions 1. Restate the question before answering it to allow yourself time to think about your answer. 2. Ask if your response answered their question to show you value their question and aren't trying to dodge it. 3. Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know, I will have to get back to you." It is better to respond at another time with a correct answer than that moment with an incorrect answer. 4. Insert personal stories or information when it suits the question to allow the audience to get to know you as a person and a candidate.


District Office The LaMissTenn District


Bulletin Editor:

Board is composed of the

The District Secretary-

The District Bulletin Editor is

executive board, Lieutenant

Treasurer is elected by the

appointed by the District

Governors from each

House of Delegates at

Board after submitting an

division, and appointed

District Convention and

application for review. They

positions such as Bulletin

serves on the Executive

are responsible for creating

Editor and Web Master. You

Board. They take minutes for

Crawfish Tales which is the

can get applications for any

all official board meetings,

LaMissTenn District

District Board Position from

create a district directory,

Newsletter that can be

your Lieutenant Governor.

and perform many other

found on

District Board members must

tasks vital to the District.

attend 5 Board Meetings

Lieutenant Governor:

Web Master:

throughout the year as well

A Lieutenant Governor, or

appointed by the District

as the District Convention at

LTG, is elected at the Spring

Board after submitting an

the end of their term.

Rally for their division. They

application for review. They


serve as a link between the

are responsible for updating

The District Governor is

schools in their division and

and maintaining the

elected by the House of

the Board. A LTG must hold a

LaMissTenn District website,

Delegates at District

Divisional Council Meeting or

Convention. The Governor

President Council Meeting

serves on the District Board

once a month, create a

and International Board and

monthly newsletter, and

has a large lists of duties

complete other assignments

that affect the District.

from the executive board.

International Office The International Board consists of the International President, International Vice President, and 13 International Trustees. All members of the International Board are elected by the House of Delegates at International Convention. In order to run for an International position, you must first run for an endorsement at District Convention.

International President: The International President presides over the International Board and International Council as well as the House of Delegates at International Convention. The International President also visits various Districts throughout the year.

International Vice President: The International Vice President assists in presidential duties.

The District Web Master is

International Trustee: International Trustees serve as the link between their assigned Districts and the International Board. Each International Trustee is assigned 3 Districts that will be a Sistrict for that year. International Trustees also visit each of their Districts during the service year and keep their Districts up to date with what International is working on through periodical emails and Trustee calls.


Important Dates to Remember:

February 8: Spring Rally - 7a & 12 15: Harry S. Himmel Scholarship application is due to Key Club International Clubs with unpaid dues become inactive Spring Rally - 11 & 5 22: Spring Rally - 13a & 13b 20: All materials for the March issue of Crawfish Tales due


March 5: Secretary Reports are due 15: Crawfish Tales will be published 20-22: LaMissTenn District Convention Natchez, MS


LaMissTenn Key Club District Board Contacts

District Governor Max Hailey

District SecretaryTreasurer Hank Rader

Division 3 LTG

Division 4a LTG

Vishnu Karthik

Madison Tarifa

Division 4b LTG

Division 4c LTG

Rachel Pizzolatto

Amber Verdin

Division 7b LTG Sophia Galey

Division 11 LTG Storm Boyett


Division 10 LTG Marcus Davis

Division 12 LTG Travis Sharpe

Division 13a LTG

Division 13b LTG

Shelby Core

Kaylee Drucker

Division 14a LTG

Division 14b LTG

Jannie Nguyen

Avae Finch

Division 15 LTG

Bulletin Editor

Alex Dale

Kailey Lipginski


Southwest Zone Leader

Ben Labrie

John Magness

Southeast Zone Leader

Assistant District Administrator

Jennifer White

Anthony Simmons

District Administrator Jean Benoit


Thanks for reading!

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