LWB Issue 952

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If you missed the aurora you’re in luck…

The Southern Lights are heading back to Queenstown Gardens as we speak. Yep LUMA’s gearing up for another instalment over King’s Birthday Weekend. It’s that time of year again - when you have to start thinking about which night (or nights) you want to get amongst it in the Gardens and catch up with those other nighthawks you haven’t seen in ages.

You also need to start working out which socks to wear and checking if the battery still works in those deelyboppers you got from the dollar shop last year. We’ve gathered up another one-off collection of performers, live music, sculpture and immersive lightscapes to explore. Remember it’s a long weekend so there’s no better reason to get together with some friendly faces and head off in search of those wtf moments.

The show runs from 5-10pm every night from Thursday 30th May to Monday 3rd June.

As expected, Saturday’s tickets are going fast, so if that’s your jam, you’ll need to get in there and book before it sells out, otherwise there’s four other nights to choose from.

If you’re looking to beat the crowds, Thursday night’s the one for you. Get in before everyone else and see what all the fuss is about Or Friday; you can pack up the whole family and get into town straight after work to kick off the long weekend in style.

We’ve already told you about Saturday. Last year the queue was a bit longer than we’d hoped, but if you’ve got a ticket you can just stroll up to the scanners and head on in.

Sunday’s great for locals, the hubbub has died down (ever-so slightly), the vibe is a bit more chill and you’re more likely to see the whole show in one go. Monday night, we slow down the tempo, take a breather, get together for one last gathering in the forest to celebrate the start of Winter, before we pack it all away for another year and start waxing our boards, mos and other things… You’ve probably already worked out that town’s likely to be a bit chockers and there’s really no point in bringing the car. Queenstown Centr\al are running the LUMABUS Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from 5pm so you can skip the hassles and spend your parking budget on refreshments.

LUMA has always been about re-inventing itself and of the ‘if it works, change it’ philosophy. This year we’ve swapped things around again just to improve the flow and hopefully give everyone plenty of time to explore. We’ve even got a Pixie Disco (make of that what you will).

So, in short, there will be five dark nights of unique soundscapes, bespoke installations, local eats and pop-up performances where you least expect them… and just like last year there will be sound. Big, bouncy, mysterious sounds everywhere.

Grab your crew and pick a night. One thing’s for sure, your photos won’t be the same as everyone else’s blurry, pink, stripy blobs from last week. Tim Buckley, Luma

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NEWS Bigincreasenumbersincancer-page3-
Wakatipu High School Year 13 students had their special night on Saturday with 240 of them turning out for the event of the year – the high school formal at Millennium Queenstown. This year’s theme was ‘A Night In Paris’. PHOTOS - Teaukura Moetaua

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Alarming increase in younger cancer patients seeking support

Alarming increases in numbers of cancer patients, and particularly in younger age groups, in the Queenstown Lakes - Central Otago region has cancer community agencies pushing for greater support services.

Society staff are currently working with 140 patients in the region, where community manager Tara Strahan says the number of referrals has doubled to between 20 and 25 a month, compared with twelve last September.

She’s noticed more young families impacted by cancer in this region, Strahan says and it’s “only the tip of the iceberg”.

“While typically patients are in their late 60s and early 70s, they’re now seeing an increase in patients under 50, and even into their 30s,” she says. This means more young families impacted and Strahan says there are also migrant patients with young families needing help. “For some migrants there are financial issues especially if they’re on visas with no family support.”

With younger families, there is a whole new raft of stresses to deal with like helping families arrange childcare and manage school-age children if a parent is undergoing treatment.

Cancer ‘navigators’ are trying to raise awareness about the community services available, so patients seek support earlier.

While the population is growing, anecdotally the number of cancer diagnoses has increased at a faster rate than the population growth rate with numbers predicted to double in 20 years.

While there’s no official breakdown available, those working in cancer support locally are concerned at the rapid increase in younger patients seeking help.

Approximately 80% of patients assisted by the newly opened Queenstown Hospice in Frankton are cancer patients. General Manager Marie Wales says the ages are getting younger and also a big increase in the number of brain tumours in younger men, with one very young female patient at 25. “We look at the whole family and we’ve had a lot of incurable brain tumours which are really impacting families,” Wales says. “Three were young men in their 30s and 40s and recently another two at 40 and 42. They’ve all got children.”

There have also been younger patients being diagnosed with lymphomas. “We seem to have more young people appearing, maybe it’s our younger population and we’re also a melting pot for the whole world.” Wales says a new nurse practitioner from Wellington also noticed the younger age group. “It is concerning, and we are actively looking for solutions as to how we can respond.”

Southland Hospice sends a clinical specialist to Queenstown who spends two days with patients every fortnight. The local hospice works with Lakes District Hospital on special palliative care if needed.

Wales says they also visit patients in their homes and work on a care plan with their GPs. Day programmes are offered caring for the carers, and also grief and loss support groups.

Southern Cancer Society

CEO Nicola Coom says the Society doesn’t have access to diagnosis data, but they’re observing more people under

50 accessing the Society’s support services, in line with global trends.

Access to health services is a priority in this area and they’re looking at how they can bolster local cancer services to help families. “We’re going to be investing a lot more into Central Otago with the changing demographics and so much growth,” Coom says. “We’re needing a stronger presence.”

“We’re discussing with public and private providers how we can ensure we are ready for the next 10 years.”

The Society continues to work with Government agencies and the health sector to find improvements and support initiatives that improve cancer outcomes. “We believe the future lies in early detection, particularly lowering of the screening age for bowel cancer to 45 years of age.”

It’s definitely getting busier with a marked increase in requests for support, in younger and younger clients and with more families affected, the Society’s head of cancer services Craig Watson says. Support is offered covering everything from decision-making and counselling, to accommodation for families during treatment and treatment management.

Private health providers are looking to provide more services closer to home so patients who can be, are treated at Dunstan and Lakes District hospitals. However, Watson says not everybody has private medical insurance so increasingly the Society is asked to help with support, including accommodation while patients are undergoing treatment.

Cancer pilot programme for Queenstown and Central Lakes

A Cancer Society pilot programme being run in Canterbury will be rolled out to Central Lakes in the coming months. The programme is aimed at providing people, particularly in rural communities, with greater access to the Society’s cancer navigation services. “They can book support appointments when, how and where it suits them online, in person, daytime, evenings or weekends,” CEO Nicola Coom says. This portal will also help connect with information and workshops, not only practical, but emotional support. “This is all part of trying to help make navigating the cancer journey a little bit easier.”



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Queenstown Relay For Life ambassador Andrea Balona, centre rear Southern Cancer Society CEO Nicola Coom Queenstown Relay For Life ambassador Andrea Balona knows what it’s all about


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Police have been dealing with drink driving, crashes due to driver inattention, late-night aggression and an unusual night-time assault on a female walking home in which the perpetrator used her phone.

Late night assault on female

Police are on the hunt for a man in his mid-20s with blonde hair and facial hair, of average build about 1.67m (5-ft 5in), who was wearing light coloured clothing, after the alleged assault on the female in Turner Street at 3.15am on 12 May.

Community and Youth Constable Amanda Shute says the man, who claimed to live on Hallenstein Street and gave his first name as “Kyle”, allegedly approached the female victim, grabbed her phone, and then grabbed her arm. “The suspect made a voice recording on the victim’s phone and returned it to her.” Police are now appealing for anyone who may have any information about the suspect to contact them.

Downtown assault

While patrolling in Camp Street at 1:50am, also on 12 May, Police witnessed a male punch another male twice in the head causing him to fall to the ground. A 28-year-old local male was arrested and is due to reappear in the Queenstown District Court on 6 June. The victim was taken to Lakes District Hospital with a suspected concussion.

Driver inattention – Crashes and fortunate escapes

There have been a number of fortunate escapes during the past few weeks as a result of driver inattention. Drivers are urged to be patient, double check before pulling out or changing lanes, and not to be distracted. Sergeant Tracy Haggart says a 32-year-old Glenorchy man was travelling too fast into a corner at 10:15pm on 8 May when he took his eyes off the road, losing control on the corner, she says. He crashed into a ditch, rolling the car which landed on its roof. Fortunately, he escaped uninjured.

A 32-year-old German man was distracted while driving on State Highway 6 / Kingston Road just before 3pm on 14 May, his vehicle veering into loose gravel. After over-correcting he crossed the centreline hitting a barrier.

A 36-year-old Korean man pulled out of a driveway onto Fernhill Road failing to see an oncoming vehicle, causing a collision on 11 May.

A 62-year-old Queenstown man also pulled out onto Stanley Street just before 4pm on 8 May, crossing into heavy traffic congestion. He was waved on to pull out into the lane but didn’t see an oncoming vehicle in the right turning lane. The two vehicles collided.

Drink driving

Police were called by a member of the public who’d heard a crash on Gorge Road, near Arthur’s Point, at 6am on 14 May. A 34-year-old Queenstown motorcyclist crashed and was located where he was breath tested, allegedly blowing 854mcg/l of breath. He is due to appear in the Queenstown District Court on 24 May.

A 44-year-old local female was breath tested after being stopped at a Police checkpoint on 9 May. She allegedly returned a result of 783mcg/l of breath and was suspended from driving for 28 days and will appear in the Queenstown District Court on 24 May.

A 29-year-old local male was also stopped, breath tested and allegedly blew 305mcg/l. He was issued an infringement notice.

Winter conditions

With winter approaching Police are urging motorists to drive to the conditions. “Keep your speed down and follow the recommended advisory speeds on corners, particularly when the roads are wet, icy, or gritted.”

The ski season also arrives next month and with it anticipated increased traffic delays. Police are urging motorists traffic to be patient.

To volunteer for Community Patrol email: queenstown@cpnz.org.nz

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Cocaine use on the rise as ski season approaches

Police are warning of a significant rise in the use and sale of cocaine in the region, with ongoing dealing and use of synthetic party drugs like MDMA and ketamine.

Otago Lakes Organised Crime lead Detective Sergeant Regan Boucher is urging people to avoid recreational drugs and warns of an increasing risk they may not be buying what they think.

Southern Police made one of the largest cocaine seizures in December, worth a street value estimated at $88,000 as part of a clamp down on recreational drug use through the area. Boucher also said higher levels were being detected in the wastewater.

Since then, drug usage has continued to rise locally. Not even the current tougher economic times appears to be impacting dealer profits. A recent New Zealand Drug Foundation report found cocaine use has almost doubled in New Zealand in the last two years.

Police say that it’s not just the visitors who are caught up in it but residents too. Boucher says Police are targeting recreational drug use and with the ski party season almost here, he’s warning not to take the risks and avoid all recreational drugs.

“Unfortunately, with chemically produced substances people taking the drug do not and cannot know what they’re putting into their systems,” he says. “Often what’s being offered for sale isn’t in fact what’s being sold, and this can have devastating, sometimes fatal, consequences.”

Illicit drugs are manufactured and/or imported by people “who put profit above all else and don’t consider the health and wellbeing of the end user”. “Our advice is quite simple. Don’t do it. However, to keep yourself safe, never accept drugs that you haven’t personally bought yourself, especially from strangers,” he says. “Ensure you look after each other and don’t mix with alcohol or other illicit substances.”

Look out for your mates

Boucher is also urging people to drink responsibly with the ski season approaching and more visitors enjoying eateries and bars.

“Most importantly, never leave your drink unattended, or accept drinks you haven’t personally seen poured, especially from strangers or someone you’ve just met,” he says. “Look after yourselves and look after your mates.”

He’s got a strong message for those who may consider “taking advantage of vulnerable or intoxicated people. “DON’T, and I urge anyone who has concerns, or witnesses this type of behaviour occurring to call it out,” he says. “Sexual assault is unacceptable. It’s never the victim’s fault and will not be tolerated.” Police will respond to, and investigate, every incident reported to them.

Call 111 in an emergency, or if you’re observing something illegal or suspicious, he says. If an incident has already occurred people are urged to provide information via the Police non-emergency number – call 105 or go online at 105.police.govt.nz


The Council Word

Get a grip this winter

Sign up to our winter road reports and get an email every morning with a heads up on driving conditions around the district. Road closures, black ice or sweet as, it’s a free service so sign up at www.qldc.govt.nz/winter-road-reports

Emergency alert test

The annual nationwide test of the Emergency Mobile Alert system is happening on Sunday 26 May. Listen out between 6.00-7.00pm. The test allows the National Emergency Management Agency to check the system, and lets the public understand how their phone will receive an alert in a real emergency. Find out more at www.getready.govt.nz

Further submissions on intensification

The proposed Urban Intensification Variation responds to central government’s direction for councils to enable more height and density in certain locations. Until 14 June, there’s an opportunity for original submitters and anyone with an interest greater than the general public to make a further submission in support or opposition. More at www.qldc.govt.nz/urban-intensification

Good dogs update their details

With rego renewal time fast approaching, now is the time for dog owners to update your details so we send renewal notices to the right place. If you’ve moved house or changed your phone number, email address or other key info please let us know – services@qldc.govt.nz / 03 441 0499.

Upcoming meetings & workshops

Did you know most Council and committee formal meetings and workshops are open to the public with some livestreamed and recorded? These are great opportunities to find out about decisions elected members are making for the district and your community. For times, venues and agendas visit www.qldc.govt.nz/your-council/meetings-committees

Rabbit night shooting

Professional contractors will be carrying out night shooting to control rabbits on the western Lake Hayes Walkway between Marshall Ave and Rutherford Rd. The operation is scheduled to continue from 8.00pm-2.00am on 18 June and 25 June but, being weather dependent, these dates might change. The area will be cordoned off with signage and personnel at all main entry points. Noise from firearms, while suppressed, might be heard around the area. Find full details and a map at www.qldc.govt.nz/pest-control

Alcohol licence applications

All recently lodged alcohol licence applications are on our website. Any objections must be made within 15 working days of the public notice being published. Visit www.qldc.govt.nz/services/alcohol-licensing

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Free Sparky and Plumber help for a community group in Queenstown

A membership organisation for independent electrician and plumber trades, Level Group ANZ, is rolling up its sleeves to lend a hand to a community group in Queenstown this September.

As part of its annual conference, Level Group has up to 50 attendees ready to help a community group in Queenstown with any general trades jobs that need to be done.

“We’re calling this part of our conference Local Impact,” says Level Group GM Matt Davies.

“We’re asking for community groups in Queenstown to nominate themselves via our website and let us know what they need. It could be what we’re known for - electrical and plumbing, but not just that. Our team is multi-talented and so it could be a building job, or a lick of paint, or yard work. So long as we can get the work done on 4 Sept, and the location is in Queenstown or within an hour’s drive, we’re keen.”

“We want as many charities as possible to apply and have made the process simple - and yes, all our time, goods and services are donated with all the necessary planning and signoffs”

“We’re partnering with Jennifer Belmont at Wakatipu Community Foundation to help us reach over 100 regional charities and their networks so more community groups can apply for the help.”

“With Jennifer’s expertise in the region, we’re expecting a lot of submissions to come through. It’ll be a hard decision, but we’ve created a judging panel with Jennifer, and set some criteria to help us select the right project”

“It probably goes without saying that mental health challenges in the trades industry are rife and extremely concerning. And so while we are casting the net far and wide across the region a community project that answers a call for help around mental health and is beneficial for youth is preferred”

“We’re excited to support this innovative conference-adjacent initiative from LEVEL ANZ, and spread the word far and wide among our deserving and hardworking network of charitable causes big and small in the Wakatipu region - especially at such a tough time for many” says Wakatipu Community Foundation CEO, Jennifer Belmont.

“We’d love to see other businesses follow Level ANZ’s lead and consider adding a fitting initiative to give back to communities all across Aotearoa” “Queenstown isn’t all glitter and glam. There’s real need down here, and we’re buoyed by Level ANZ bringing this marvellous and generous concept to our community first”.

Level ANZ Group are asking for nominations to come through via their website levelgroup.nz/localimpact by end of day May 31. Level Group ANZ Local Impact Day is set for 4 September 2024.


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Te Atamira turns 2

Queenstown’s multi-purpose community, arts and cultural space celebrated their second birthday on 15 May. The milestone was celebrated in the best way possible – with coffee and cake– as Te Atamira continues to organise amazing programmes for the region.

Director at Te Atamira, Olivia Egerton, has enjoyed seeing the space grow and develop over the two years. She says time has just flown by and couldn’t believe it’s been two years already. The initial idea came about when Three Lakes Cultural Trust created a cultural masterplan that included an app and cultural hub. As the idea gained traction, there was a handful of people championing the campaign to turn the space into a reality.

“We were born out of Covid – the silver lining of the horrible event – and in these last few years have become a vital heartbeat of Queenstown Lakes,” Egerton says. “I think a big part of that has been because the community created this with several different partners. After decades of waiting and feedback, we’ve been able to create a place that celebrates not only pathways for people to be able to actively relax or participate in weekly classes in the 22 separate spaces, but we’ve also enabled presentation in those same spaces. It gives people who may have had to travel in the past an opportunity to see high-quality New Zealand art. Having space dedicated for arts and culture has also meant that there’s a lot of opportunities for community groups to innovate their own programming and classes and put new things on.”

The charitable trust welcomes on average 2,300 people weekly to take part in creative pursuits. In addition to providing several itinerant music teachers with a permanent base, there’s a range of groups that weren’t previously able to hold classes due to a lack of space. As a result, the space has seen some new budding creatives come through; one such example is two young boys who have been learning pottery over the last 12 months and during the school holidays were able to put on an exhibition in the foyer of the work they’ve created in the past year.

“Being able to celebrate young people very publicly was amazing for the school holiday programme kids to see, seeing kids their age putting on an exhibition. It’s an awesome opportunity to be able to have a space where you can do that.”

As part of the birthday celebrations, Te Atamira launched a “Te Atamira is…” project, where the team are asking the community to share what Te Atamira means to them. It will continue to run for several weeks, and everyone is welcome to come by and write what the space means to them. They’ve also just closed their call for proposals and Egerton says they’ve received some amazing proposals come through for different creative projects over the next twelve months.

“We’ve become a real hub for the community where people engage and connect, and enjoy high-quality art experiences,” Egerton says.

They’ll be hosting the Te Atamira Folk Ball on Saturday, where everyone is asked to put on their dancing shoes and enjoy an evening with renowned choreographer Michael Parmenter and Dunedin dance aficionado Kate Grace – you’ll be guided through the dance steps, blending centuries-old European traditions with a modern flair.

One of the upcoming exhibitions is Te Whare Pora: House of Learning, which it curated by the legendary Awhina Tamarapa. It will provide a rare opportunity to see a collection of unique kākahu (cloaks) made by internationally recognised Māori weaver Rokahurihia Ngarimu-Cameron MNZM, along with hand-made taonga puoro (musical instruments) from Roka’s collection. There’s also a curator talk on Saturday 8 June with Dr Awhina Tamarapa, which has free entry.

Te Atamira is a not-for-profit trust that aims to bring arts and culture programmes to the community for affordable prices – they’re also currently fundraising for a new outdoor community space. To stay up-to-date and to help support head to teatamira.nz

L to R: Michelle Somers, Katie Boles de Boer, Claire Stewart, Erica Hastie, Olivia Egerton and Becky Reid


IanScott:PaintingNew Zealand


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Formoreinformationandtobook,visit: www.teatamira.nz/whats-on

Image: (Topleft)Image:IanScott,RitaAngusinTaradale,1987,acryliconcanvas (Bottomleft)ImagecourtesyofMichaelParmenterandOtagoDailyTimes


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House Drink Thursday Poker Night 6.30pm
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Happy hour 4-5pm $8 Pints | $7.5 Spirits $8 Wines Monday $15 Nacho Wednesday $20 Pint & Poutine Thursday $20 Chicken Parmy & fries Sunday $29 Beer & Burger deal HAVE YOU JOINED OUR LOYALTY PROGRAM? TALK TO ONE OF OUR STAFF IN STORE TO FIND OUT MORE
$12 Classic Pizzas
and night
entry plus
| $20 Entry $12 Margaritas, $25 Pizza and Beer
Open Tue - Thu
5PM till late Fri - Sun 12PM till late
SIX NATIONS REPLAYS AT 11AM - SUNDAY & MONDAY Wednesday Bourbon Sour’s Derek Hibberd Live from 8.30pm Thursday Blake Corbett Live from 8.30pm Stonegrills $30 all day Friday Rob Glen Live from 9pm Saturday Brett & Mel Live from 9pm Sunday Trad session Live from 5pm Sunday Roast served all day Monday Stonegrills $30 all day
ALL SPORTS. ALL DAY. LIVE & LOUD | OPEN FROM 12PM | FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM FOR ALL UPCOMING SPORTING EVENTS Tuesday TACO TACO HALF PRICE TACOS UNTIL 9PM Wednesday WING IT WEDNESDAYS HALF OFF WINGS UNTIL 9PM SMOTHERED OR DRY RUBBED | 21 FLAVOURS Thursday BIG DAWG DAY HALF OFF BIG DAWGS UNTIL 9PM Friday BURGER DEAL $2 OFF ANY BURGER 12 PM - 5 PM Saturday BREWDAY $5 OFF SELECTED JUGS 12PM5PM Sunday CAESAR SUNDAYS $2 OFF CAESARS & BLOODY MARYS ALL DAY LONG Monday TRIVIA NIGHT Every Monday at 6:30PM $200 Total Bar Tabs for 1st & 2nd Place! Tuesday GRIZZLY Free Entry 9pm to Late Wednsday Silent Disco 2 Venues - 3 DJ’s 9PM Free Entry Thursday MITCH EP Free Entry! 9PM Friday Knock Off w GRIZZLY 9PM Free Entry all Night Saturday Ben Lock Beer Garden DJ’s from 6PM Sunday Reclaimed Threads 2nd Hand Market! 12-5PM Cash or Bank transfer only! Monday Burger Mondays $25 Burger’n’Beer Deal! 5pm Onwards Tuesday to Saturday New Dinner Menu! 5pm - Late! Book Ahead or Stroll In! Thursday Dinner Beats w Ribera New Menu | Local DJ Friday R!SK Patio DJ! Spritz Specials Saturday GIBSON XCVIII Live Band 9PM Start Every Day Coffee Happy Hour 8-9am 50% coffee when byo cup Tuesday Karaoke & Open Mic Night from 9pm Wednesday Surreal’s Famous Quiz from 7pm Thursday-Sunday Celebrate
last weekend
you know it! Closed from 27th May for exciting renovations. Keep your eyes on our socials for updates! CROWNE PLAZA, GROUND FLOOR, 93 BEACH STREET, QT Happy Hour from 4pm – 6pm Corona bucket $30. Wine $9. Tap Beer $9. Cocktails $14 Local Dinner Offer $60 per person 2 Course Dinner Menu including a house wine or beer. Complimentary valet parking. 03 442 5360 Everyday $7.50 QMTBC/ Hivepass membership handles Everyday Locals Loyalty Rewards Everyday Book our taproom for FUNCTIONS Saturday Saturdaze DJ LIVE DJ MITCH E.P 4-7pm Thursday-Saturday NEW Food Truck TACO JAGUAR Sunday CLOSED (*TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY) Tuesday $10 Hot dogs* Wednesday All you can eat meat $40pp* Thursday $18 Schnitty* Sunday Kids eat free!* Everyday HAPPY HOUR 4:30pm to 6pm Monday $16 Burgers*




Childhood trauma – effects, healing, and breaking the pattern of intergenerational violence

Catalyst Trusts next discussion focuses on childhood trauma and some of the multigenerational effects of childhood trauma.

Childhood trauma affects brain development and creates a distorted view of oneself and the world. But these impacts are reversible, as local woman Trish Johansen has discovered after almost 4 years’ studying and recovering from complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Trish wants to help people become more aware of the impacts childhood abuse has on health and well-being, and understand that with support, these can be turned around.

Register at humantix and please bring cash for your koha.

When: Sunday, 26 May, 6pm – 7.30pm

Where: The Rees Hotel, 377 Frankton Road, Queenstown


Light Festival


Switch on your winter with LUMA24. Once again Luma will be taking over the Queenstown Gardens over King’s Birthday. Luma is a light festival that includes interactive performances, illuminated art, sculpture, sonic environments, live music, local eats and plenty of unexpected moments of discovery deep in the forest. LUMA24 promises to continue the journey with a healthy mix of creativity and connection. New routes, more emerging artists, bigger sound. It’s all coming together for a massive celebration of our nightscape in one of New Zealand’s most stunning locations. Round up your tribe, gather the whanau and pick a night - there are five to choose from. Get your tickets at LUMA.nz

When: Friday 30 May to Monday 3 June, 5pm-10pm

Where: Queenstown Gardens, 29 Park Street, Queenstown


The Ivy Box Gallery

Ivy & Art is an evening celebrating the artists represented at The Ivy Box Gallery. Join them for this free event and transform your world with authentic art that’s created with passion!

The Ivy Box is a home for art that stimulates all the senses. Situated on Park Street, our lakeside gallery showcases artists from both Queenstown and through New Zealand. From paintings to jewellery, it’s art that’s created outside the square.

Artists showcased: Sean Crawford (Wairarapa) | Rachel Harper-Dibley (Queenstown) | Mandy Cherry Joass (Christchurch) | Morks (Christchurch) | Jane Sutherland (Kingston) | AND MORE!

When: Thursday, 23 May, 5pm-7pm

Where: The Ivy Box Gallery, 134 Park Street, Queenstown

Trade N Go available now

Comedy Night @ SkyCity

Ben Norris is one of the UK’s stand-up comedy legends and is the headline star for SkyCity’s Comedy Night on Friday 24 May. Norris will be supported by Justine Smith, NZ’S best female comedian and local hero and MC Paul Douglas. Norris is performing at this year’s NZ International Comedy Festival in Auckland however, he will also perform one show outside Auckland and it’s at SkyCity Casino on Friday 24 May. Tickets are available online at eventfinda.

When: Friday, 24 May at 8pm

Where: SkyCity, Level 2 Stratton House, Beach Street, Queenstown

Anna van Riel - “Tell Me About Love”

Anna van Riel is an award-winning songwriter with a passion for folk, blues and jazz. Her music career spans over 20 years, performing at some of the world’s highest musical festivals across Europe, North America and Australia. Anna hails from Invercargill; where she was inspired by the musical theatre and performing arts scene, and moved to Hāwea in her adolescence where she developed her own sound. Anna still considers herself a resident of both towns and collaborates creatively with the community in each place. Anna’s compositions weave storytelling with imagery, inviting audiences to journey with her through song. Tickets to the show are available online at humantix.

When: Wednesday, 22 May at 7pm

Where: The Blue Door Bar, 18 Buckingham Street, Arrowtown


SkyCity Stampede vs West Auckland Admirals

Watch the fastest team sport as local team SkyCity Stampede take to the ice for the NZIHL 2024 season taking on the West Auckland Admirals in their first home game.

When: Friday, 24 May at 7pm and Saturday, 25 May at 6:30pm

Where: Queenstown Ice Arena, 29 Park St, Queenstown

Wao Film Festival Queenstown

Embark on a cinematic journey celebrating the wonders of our world as Wao brings their film festival to Queenstown, running Friday and Saturday, 7 and 8 at Te Atamira. Brought to you with the support of Destination Queenstown and the QLDC, Wao has curated four of their top films, ranging from a deep dive into the micro beauty of life on this planet to addressing some of the biggest climate issues we’re facing. Join us in exploring “A Wonderful World” and secure your tickets at wao.co.nz for an unforgettable experience of inspiration and reflection.

When: Friday, 7 June and Saturday, 8 June

Where: Te Atamira, Remarkables Park, Hawthorn Drive

Queenstown’s newest outdoor market! Introducing an exciting addition to Queenstown’s vibrant creative community, the Maker’s Market at Country Lane Retail Village. A hub of all things handmade, showcasing the incredible talent and creativity of local artisans. Country Lane Retail Village couldn’t be more excited to invite everyone to experience the magic of their market firsthand. Experience exquisite textiles, unique jewellery, stunning ceramics, delicious artisanal treats, produce and much more. The Maker’s Market offers a treasure trove of one-of-a-kind finds. Free parking too.

When: Sunday, 26 May 10am - 3pm and fortnightly in winter

Where: Country Lane Retail Village, 26 Hansen Road, Frankton

162 Glenda Drive, Frankton | 442 9926 | lakesmowers.co.nz



Gain an insight into our unique cultural history with this introduction to the Treaty of Waitangi workshop. This programme will cover several aspects of Te Tiriti o Waitangi - Aotearoa New Zealand’s founding document:

- Powhiri - Learn about how our creation stories have determined our tikanga, the story of Atua.

- Mana whenua - The Ngai Tahu migration story and the histories relevant to this area.

- Te Tikiti - Understand the timeline leading to the signing and the immediate and long term impacts.

- Te Mamae - You’ll be taken through what intergenerational trauma looks like and the consequences of it.

- Tangata Tiriti - Significant impacts for Maori and all New Zealanders and how the legislation impacts how we work.

Presented by Darren Rewi Wednesday 29 MAY

9am - 3pm

$45 pp (including a light lunch & tea and coffee).

Te Atamira - Puawai Space

Dart House 12 Hawthorne Drive FRANKTON

A light lunch and tea & coffee provided. REGISTRATIONS ESSENTIAL. Please phone Southern REAP on 0800 111 117 or email info@reap.co.nz to enrol.

Southern REAP Inc www. reap .co.nz
Original document pictured below - Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Monthly Column

May has brought us some beautiful weather here in the Wakatipu basin. It’s also a big month in politics with this Government’s first Budget being delivered May 30th.

Budget 2024 will focus on rebuilding the economy, restoring law and order and delivering better public services. The first priority will be achieving the best possible outcomes for the money spent on taxpayers behalf.

The Government will deliver on its election promise to provide tax relief with a focus on middle and lower-income workers, increasing the take-home income of 83 percent of New Zealanders over the age of 15, and 95 percent of households.

Working New Zealanders have not seen any changes to personal income rates for 14 years, despite prices being 40 percent higher now than in 2010.

For a median income worker that’s meant the average tax you pay increased from around 15 percent in 2011 to around 21percent today. Meanwhile government spending has ballooned, with costs up 80 percent in just six years.

Our Government intends to rebalance that and let workers keep more money in their pockets.

This Government is also on the side of wealth-creation, innovation, enterprise, and industry. New Zealand and our region face challenges and opportunities as the global economy shifts its weight from the Atlantic to the Indo-Pacific.

We’re also investing for the long term, establishing a new standalone Social Investment Agency from 1 July to power-up social investment and drive positive change for our most vulnerable New Zealanders.

Government currently invests more than $70 billion every year into well-intentioned social services, but has not seen the outcomes we want for all New Zealanders.

The Social Investment Agency will lead social investment across government using better social science evidence and advances in technology, whilst working with community, non-government and iwi providers to empower kiwis.

I’ve also been excited to see the $67m commitment for structured literacy in schools. This is a great move for all students, including those with neurodiversity.

The goal is simple - improve reading and writing standards for Kiwi kids. Beginning in 2025, all state schools will be teaching reading using the proven structured literacy approach. This involves teaching literacy skills such as spelling, vocabulary expansion, comprehension, and writing. Domestic and international evidence shows this method is the most effective way of equipping children with strong reading skills critical for their futures.

A number of schools in our region already teach structured literacy and have experienced significant improvements in student achievement. We want all children to have this opportunity.

Also in the pre-Budget announcements has been the commitment to Queenstown with our transport upgrades included in the Roads of Regional Significance (RoRs) programme.

This is a Government committed to delivery.


Ayudemos a Brasil con gran rifa solidaria

Casi tres millones de personas se han visto afectadas por la catástrofe climática más grande en la historia de Brasil. Por eso, un grupo de la comunidad está haciendo un llamado a la solidaridad, organizando una rifa para enviar ayuda monetaria al país.

Rio Grande do Sul se encuentra en estado de calamidad, luego que fuertes inundaciones golpearan 435 de las 491 ciudades de la zona, dejando millones de daminificados, mientras que más de 300 mil personas han tenido que abandonar sus hogares a raíz de la destrucción. La urgente necesidad de donaciones despertó la idea de un grupo de miembros de la comunidad brasilera de organizar una Rifa Solidaria en Queenstown. El dinero recaudado será destinado al Rotary Club de Rio Grande do Sul, una organización sin fines de lucro que está ayudando a las ciudades afectadas.

La rifa será completamente virtual y se llevará a cabo el próximo 2 de junio a través de un vivo de Instagram en la cuenta @paulabuch perteneciente a la organizadora del evento, en un horario que será anunciado días previos al sorteo.

El valor del número es de 10 dólares y para comprarlo deben llamar o enviar un mensaje a los siguientes teléfonos: Paula Buch 0273614026 o Emily Siqueira 0276497489

Diversos negocios locales están cooperando con la causa. Serán un total de 15 los premios a repartir, que serán entregados en vouchers:

• Fin de semana en Marsden Cromwell Lake Resort + $100 Meal Voucher - Marsden Group

• 2 x Wine Sample Tour - Altitude Wine Tasting

• BBQ Experience para dos + 2 x Brazilian Cocktails - Fogo Queenstown

• 2 x Wine Tour día completo - Hop On Hop Off

• 1 x Brow Lamination - BrowbyHelena

• $85 Sushi Platter - Matsui Sushi Cromwell

• $70 Meal Voucher - Mora Wines & Artisan Kitchen

• $50 Meal Voucher - Mr. Picanha Cromwell

• $50 Voucher - Tradie Food Jack’s Point

• $50 Just Cuts Voucher - Vanessa Campos Hairdresser

• Relaxing or Deep Tissue Massage 1h15m - Alessandra Gonçalves

• 2 kg Coffee - Ryder Specialty Coffee

• Free Tax Return for self-employed or 50% off for businessQueenstown Small Business Services

• Meal Voucher – Yonder

• 2 x Walter Peak Lunch

Únete, participa y promueve esta rifa solidaria, así más miembros de nuestra comunidad podrán brindar apoyo a Brasil y a su gente, que tanto lo necesita.

TUSSOCKS FOR SALE. Free delivery Queenstown area. Big and small pots. Healthy and bushy. Enquire with Tussockman today. Ph or text on 021654008.

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An English version of NUESTRA VOZ is available on lwb.co.nz
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My Life Story


Flying with the funnyman

He’s best known as a quick-witted funnyman MC and broadcaster, but behind all the hilarity Grant Stewart also has an impressive serious side.

The 61-year-old has landed many visiting tourists safely back on terra firma in his 35 years as a pilot, clocking almost 7000 hours, and earned several degrees.

Born in Timaru, he moved to Queenstown at three when his dad, a K-Force vet, got a job managing Europa’s Frankton Service Centre.

Grant excelled at school, skipping a year, and leaving after sixth form to join the Air Force, turning down preferential entry into veterinary science.

Despite being renowned for mischievous antics on air during 10 years of ‘The Odd Couple’ – Q92FM’s dynamic breakfast duo with ‘Ferg’, Grant ‘sat up the front’ at school. “But we were the cool buggers – me, Alan Todd, and Steve Boyd. I had a Raleigh Chopper bike,” Grant grins. “I always went to the cliff and had a wee look over the edge.” But he never jumped. He was good at physics.

As school athletics champion, he cleaned up South Island titles.

His first night skiing was aged 12 – a fundraiser for the ski club. “Sugar Robinson’s son was in my class. They still had a halfway station then and they’d lit orchard pots along the runs.”

School holidays were spent pumping petrol, working for Lyn Kramer’s kayak hire, and stoking on the Earnslaw.

After his Air Force training Grant was posted to 40 Squadron at Whenuapai as a ground engineer on Hercules, then Hobsonville, working on Iroquois for 3 Squadron, and back to the Sonic Testing Bay in Blenheim before completing a NZ Certificate in Engineering.

His Teacher’s College Bachelor of Education didn’t get used. Instead, he worked as a barman at Skyline and got into river guiding with Whitewater Adventures, Dane’s and Kawarau Rafts.

He was enrolled to do his Masters in Psychology at Canterbury Uni when he met an American girl, following her to the US where he worked guiding for Downstream River Runners, earning some easy cash.

But aviation was always the pull, so Grant trained commercially at Boeing Field in Seattle, completing 230 hours up to his multi-engine instrument rating, before completing his instructors rating and gaining his commercial pilot’s licence in Nelson.

Pumping petrol at night, Grant would pester Q92 DJ Andrew Patterson to play his favourite heavy metal. “The Grunge movement was just kicking off and I went in for their public, have a go Desert Island shift one night. Chas (Drader) thought I sounded good and offered me a job.”

That launched a successful career in radio, including national copywriter for big corporate events like Winter Festival, and ‘The Odd Couple’ with Ferg. “Chas gave us a lot of rope. I was hired on my 1970s music knowledge and Ferg because he was a Junior All Black,” Grant grins.

They were the last of the independent stations, and when the networks took over Grant got out. He reckons he’d go to prison now for some of the live on-air pranks they pulled – one temporarily got him and Andrew the sack one day. “An unimpressed Chas called us into his office and pulled out the old typewriter and started writing. We knew that was it.” However, once he got settled at McNeill’s Chas called. “I’ve got a few ads for you to write if you can come back this afternoon,” Grant says. “But he kept our resignation letters in the office.”

The US Secret Service took the bait when Grant and Ferg convinced listeners they were hiding in the undergrowth outside Millbrook waiting for visiting US President Bill Clinton to appear during his 1999 Queenstown visit. “The Secret Service guys were looking all over for us. They came in later and autographed our studio walls.”

Grant’s live on-air Michael Hill impersonation also had pub owner Clark Frew worried for his bank account during the NZ Golf Open when his golf ball dented a giant wētā sculpture at The Hills.

Grant and Andrew Schollum’s late night Extreme Noise show drew in big American names and won them Special Commendation at the NZ Media Awards.

He’s also flown for Air Fiordland, escaping with his and his passengers’ lives unscathed when forced to crash land with frosted wings in 2005, and flew for Real Journeys and the Aero Club.

In 2014, he was accepted into the University of NSW completing a Post Graduate Masters in Aviation Psychology (Human Factors), combining years of flying experience and relationships with SAR teams, police and tourism companies.

But his bumpiest ride was still ahead. In 2016 he was diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma in his head and neck, losing his aviation medical, but saving his life.

Doors opened in aviation safety, with Ngai Tahu Tourism, Heliworks, and now as safety manager for HeliSupport International Antarctica, holding senior CAA safety roles.

And yes, that pilot’s licence has been reinstated.

Grant with fiancé and former Flame co-owner Dawn Sherbrooke Grant Stewart entertains for Q92 at the 1997 Upper Clutha Dog Barking Championships
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For Sale


SHOES UNLIMITED HAS A FANTASTIC SELECTION OF the popular CC Resort boots - ankle and mid-calf, black, brown, taupe and chestnut - check out our selection instore in the Queenstown Central shopping centre or www.shoesunlimited.co.nz

For Rent


SHOPFRONT TENANCY AVAILABLE FOR 2 YEAR SUBLEASE in Queenstown Central/Five Mile Area - 6 months free rent! There is the possibility of extending at the end of the 2 years. 50m2 space that can be fitted out as suits. Call 0275135509 for more details

Trades & Services


DUMP RUN - QUEENSTOWN'S JUNK REMOVAL SERVICE - Price by Item or Load - Get in touch for a FREE no obligation quote! 0210533673 queenstowndumprun@gmail.com

EASY ADMIN - INVITING LOCAL BUSINESS, WE do: PAYROLL, XERO/MYOB, GST, CASHFLOW, AR&AP, INVOICING. Office Management & Consultancy. hello@easyadmin.co.nz | 0210 823 7381


Everything Else

LOVE YOUR RECYCLING! YOUR YELLOW BIN IS for mixed recycling - Recycle clean plastic bottles, trays and containers marked 1, 2 or 5, cans, paper and cardboard. Pizza boxes free from grease and food can go in your yellow bin too. Thanks for recycling with care.


QUEENSTOWN'S new market at Country Lane Retail Village, 5 minutes from the airport. Running fortnightly on Sundays through winter 10am - 3pm. Free Parking. @makersmarketcountrylane

WHAKATIPU DRIVE MY LIFE ARE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS to become mentor buddies to help our vulnerable people achieve their drivers licence. If you are interested or have any questions contact Louise Ward louise@reap.co.nz


TUE (28 May) @ 5:30pm, Feldenkrais “Awareness Thru Movement” TUE (28 May) @ 6.30pm, “Deepening Mindfulness” with Grant Rix SUN (2 June) @ 2:30pm, Shantideva’s “The Way of Life of a Bodhisattva” with Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche Dana for the teacher gratefully accepted. See www.dharmacentre.org.nz or FB


The Hypnobubs™ Positive Birth Program is small, in-person, group classes to prepare you for whatever path your birth may take. Next dates Jul, Aug, Sep &Dec. More information: mamagaiabirth.co.nz


Support our cause and win daily prizes throughout May by joining our World Challenge Fundraising Raffle, helping send students on a life-changing expedition to Nepal.

Buy a raffle scanning the QR code.


1.In Marvel's Iron Man films, what is the name of Tony Stark's personal AI system?

2.A person suffering from pruritus has an owerhelming urge to do what?

3.Which actor starred in the 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?

4.Which lake is known to the French as Lac Leman?

5.How many symphonies did the composer Beethoven complete?

6.Which relatively new watersport was added to the Olympics in 1984?

7.In a game of water polo, what is the colour of the cap worn by the goalkeeper?

8.How many oars does each rower have in a sweep boat?

9.Which 2001 crime thriller starred Gene Hackman and Danny DeVito?

10.Which band had albums entitled The Great Escape and Modern Life Is Rubbish?

11.Which amount is equivalent to the pre-1971 shilling?

12.What is the literal meaning of "Algarve"?

13.The Victoria jubilee Bridge in Canada spans which river?

14.On the Beaufort Scale, what is Force 8 called?

15.Which actress starred in the 1989 film Dead Calm?

16.How are Jake, Milo, Bella and Fizz known collectively?

17.Which port is part of the city of Edinburgh?

18.What is the capital of the US state of Delaware?

19.A chemical reaction that absorbs heat is described by what word?

20.How is the bell tower in the Piazza dei Miracoli famously known?

21.What is the animal symbol for Scotland?

22.Which West Indian island has Bridgetown as its capital?

23.In which country is the raceourse of Redcar?

24.What was the title of the first single released by Simply Red?

25.What is a red-hot poker, if it is not a fire implement?

26.Which actress starred in the 2018 film Red Sparrow?

27.What type of creature is a redpoll?

28.Which strait separates Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

29.Women were first allowed to swim in the Olympics in which decade?


JARVIS | 2. Scratch


Lawrence |

Pisa |



Unicorn |


Barbados |


1. | 3. Brad Pitt | 4. Lake Geneva | 5. Nine | 6. Synchronised swimming | 7. Red | 8. One | 9. Heist | 10. Blur | 11. Five pence | 12. The West | 13. St Lawrence | 14. Gale | 15. Nicole Kidman | 16. The Tweenies 17. | 18. Dover | 19. Endothermic | 20. Leaning Tower of 21. 22. 23. North Yorkshire | 24. Money's Tight (to Mention) | 25. A flower | 26. Jennifer 27. A bird 28. The Red Sea 29. 1910s(1912) | 30. Tuck

Ph: 03 409 2800



Operations Manager

Ultimate Hikes operates multi day guided walks on the famous Milford & Routeburn Tracks in the Fiordland and Mt Aspiring National Parks. The operation combines hiking these iconic tracks with eight private lodges that are staffed and serviced over the hiking season. We are seeking applications for the position of Operations Manager. Reporting to the General Manager, this senior management role is responsible for managing a core permanent team and a large seasonal team.

Over 140 people are employed during the summer walking season to work as Guides and Lodge Staff alongside Maintenance, Helicopter and Logistics operations. These teams provide an experience to our guests that consistently exceeds expectations. Accordingly, effective people management is key to success in the role.

Core responsibilities of the role are:

• Staff management: Manage all stages of the employee lifecycle; provide effective and motivational leadership. Maintain high personal standards and provide coaching and support to both direct and indirect reports.

• Guest satisfaction: Monitor guest satisfaction and address any issues promptly.

• Communication: Establish clear lines of communication and implement standards and procedures to provide a strong and supported working environment.

• Manage health and safety systems to continuously improve the quality of our guest experience and work environment.

• Logistics, maintenance and track operations. Ensure effective systems are in place for the smooth operation of the season, including helicopter operations and delivery of supplies, transport of dangerous goods, and personnel movements.

• Compliance Meet all obligations for Lodges and Guide operations. Identify risks to compliance and put in place plans to manage.

• Emergency management: Ensure systems are in place to manage emergency events, and adverse conditions such as weather, which are reasonably foreseeable in our environment.

This is a very challenging but highly rewarding role for a great team player. One that requires resilience, a passion for the outdoors and for helping people, and strong communication skills.

You will have proven experience as a leader supported by a sound management skill set. A background in the outdoor or adventure sector, is preferable, but we equally welcome applications from candidates with successful experience in complex operations or project management. Previous experience with helicopter operations would be advantageous.

This is an outstanding opportunity for the right person to join us in delivering one of New Zealand’s iconic tourism experiences. To discover more about our company, please visit our website www.ultimatehikes.co.nz

To apply, or to have a chat before deciding to make an application, please email noel.saxon@ultimatehikes.co.nz


jet boat driver

Whetheryou’re already a skilledJet boat driver or have what ittakesto become one;we have an exciting opportunityto jointheworld’sfirst commercial Jet boating company.

This is not just a job; it's a lifestyle.You'll be part of a close-knitteam, sharingyour lovefor adventurewith peoplefrom allwalks of life.Wewant passionate individualswhothrive in high-energy environments.

If you're readyto live life inthefast lane, possess some mechanical knowledge, and have a burning desirefor adventure,then come and join ourteam of adrenaline junkies!

For entry levelJet boat drivers,we have atraining program, so atwo-yearfixedterm contractwill apply. KJetthrill customersyear-round, sothisfull-time positionwill includeweekend and public holiday work.

For more information and to apply, please email your CV and cover letter to brett@kjet.co.nz.

Page 16

Lodge Assistant

Ph: 03 409 2800



QRC Halls of Residence is looking for a Live In Lodge assistant to join our team in Fernhill. This is a diverse, key role assisting in daily operations of the lodge and supporting our tertiary students. We offer a rostered full-time position which includes a one-bedroom self-contained unit in your salary package. If you're ready to dive into a dynamic role where every day brings something new, apply now for this exciting opportunity. The role will work closely with the Lodge Managers and Student Services Team.

For more information, or to apply please email tili.naivaluwaqa@qrc.ac.nz


About us:


Partnerships Manager

Queenstown Trails Trust manages the world-renowned 130km Queenstown Trail Network that receives hundreds of thousands of trail users a year, and the Trust has ambitious plans to expand the network. To help achieve these goals, we are on the hunt for a trail lover who is passionate about making an impact and has a proven track record in relationship management and fundraising.

The Position:

We’re looking for a Partnership Manager with a can-do attitude. This role will play a pivotal part in building and nurturing relationships with key stakeholders, securing funding opportunities and new partnerships, and implementing strategies to support the continued growth and sustainability of our trail network.

This position suits someone who has the ability to work as part of a busy team to help cultivate lasting beneficial partnerships and host a range of trail related events.


• Partnerships – manage QTT’s Official Partner Program including all communications; recruit new partners; invoicing and planning annual partner hui.

• Fundraising – Develop and implement a comprehensive fundraising strategy to support the Trust's projects and initiatives, including fundraising campaigns, donor liaison, special events and functions, grant applications.

• Reporting – Maintain accurate records of donor interactions, contributions, and fundraising activities. Provide regular reports and updates to the Trust's Board of Trustees and stakeholders on fundraising progress, goals, and outcomes.

Core Skills Needed:

• Genuinely enjoy the trail network – we don’t care if you ride, walk or run on the trails, we are just interested in your passion for them.

• Super organised with great communication skills and a passion for building relationships.

• You’ll have a can-do attitude and be happy to work independently and take the lead regarding your own areas of responsibility.

• Proven experience in building and maintaining strong relationships with diverse stakeholders including donors, sponsors, volunteers, and community partners will be of benefit.

About us:

Do you want to be part of a family that prioritises wellbeing and the collective strength of the team?

We are looking for teachers and relievers who are passionate about providing education and who share in our ideals.

If you have experience with children and would like to be part of a team that believe that a connection to ourselves, each other and our learning

environments both indoors and out, is essential for learning, this is for you!

We work as a cohesive team, but we also recognise that individual talents and interests are golden!

• Flexible hours

• Competitive remuneration

• No working on weekends!

• A great environment, full of amazing humans who want to make an impact.

Submit your applications to: recruit@gems.net.nz or visit www.gems.net.nz

The vision of the Queenstown Trails Trust (QTT) is ‘Inspiring Adventures, Creating Experiences and Connecting People’. Core areas of QTT’s business include managing the ‘Great Ride’, the 130km Queenstown Trail network, facilitation of new trails in the district, advocate for active transport, sustainable fundraising and encouraging greater participation of the trails. Visit www.queenstowntrails.org.nz for more on what we do.

We build trails for everyone, and to do that well, our team ideally represents all the users we serve. That’s why we welcome applications from every age, gender identity, race, physical or mental ability and ethnicity. However, you must have the right to work in New Zealand.

If you love Queenstown’s tracks and trails as much as we do - we’d love to hear from you! Send your CV and a cover note telling us why this is the job for you to Info@queenstowntrails.org.nz by 30th June 2024

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LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 21 May 2024 - 27 May 2024 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 21 May 2024 - 27 May 2024 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | enquiries@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 17
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Ph: 03 409 2800


Experienced Cabinet Maker


Bring our clients designs to life by producing expertly crafted pieces of furniture and cabinetry.

Come and join our experienced team at One Dog Furniture in the heart of Frankton, minimum 5 years experience in cabinet making working with solid timber, veneers and particleboard, with trade certification NZ or equivalent.

Enquires to info@onedogfurniture.co.nz or ph 03 451 0010


Both full & part-time positions available. Awesome job opportunity for someone that loves both horses & the outdoors.

• Must have experience with horses, be hard-working, energetic with exceptional customer service.

• Current First Aid Certificate required OR the ability to obtain one.

• Prepared to work weekends.

• Fluent English required

Please send a CV to Lloyd.brown@xtra.co.nz


Skilled and Unskilled Labourers

Traffic Controllers

Looking for casual, temporary or long term work??

Queenstown Personnel and Labour Hire are looking for labourers for a variety of jobs around Queenstown with an immediate start.

Contact Sharleen - 027 778 7377 or email sharleen@qtplabour.co.nz

Qualified Carpenter Wanted

For full time residential new build and renovation work

Competitive hourly rate

Good level of spoken English required

Contact Mike on 027 566 3489 or email mikekelly@tahunabuilding.co.nz

Support Tutor

Do you enjoy teamwork and want to make a difference in someone’s life? Are you up for helping disabled people to live each moment to the full? We need flexible support staff who are positive and capable. Positions are available for the following casual positions: Day, evening, weekend and overnight. Positions are in the Lakes District. Experience preferred, wages dependent on your qualification $23.38 -$29.10.

For enquiries and application pack contact vanessa@livingoptions.org.nz or phone 03 448 7748

We are currently seeking a licensed


wanting to take the next step... All the usual requirements: must hold a valid work visa, speak fluent English and of course have a Duty Managers cert or being willing to obtain one. Also looking for


Send CV’s to manager@smithscraftbeer.co.nz or apply in person and speak to Pat or Chris.

Queenstown Stopping Services are looking to hire EXPERIENCED PLASTERERS and TRAINEE PLASTERERS to join our team. If you would like to learn a trade with a progressive career or have valid experience and meet the following criteria we would like to hear from you:

• Be willing to commit to at least 2 years

• Have a valid work visa or permanent residency

• Have your own vehicle and full New Zealand drivers license.

• Have a good work ethic and work well in a team.

• Have a good level of physical fitness to work in a fast paced environment

We are a well established local company with a sociable team and can offer competitive hourly pay within the industry.

Please email your CV to queenstownstoppingservices@gmail.com

Joiners Wanted

• Must have NZ residency or valid work visa

• Must be trade qualified in cabinetry and timber joinery

• Must have minimum 5 year’s experience in a similar position

• Must hold current full drivers licence

• This is a full-time role

• Remuneration by negotiation is relevant to experience

To apply please email your CV to: queenstown.joinery@xtra.co.nz

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LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 21 May 2024 - 27 May 2024 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 21 May 2024 - 27 May 2024 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | enquiries@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 18

Apprentice Diesel Mechanic

QCVS – Queenstown

Queenstown Commercial Vehicle Services Ltd (QCVS) is a privately owned and operated business with a history of well over 30 years.

While QCVS services and repairs all makes and models of truck and bus, QCVS has relationships with Volvo, Scania, Isuzu and MAN which provides access to diagnostics and support on a wide variety of vehicles. These relationships also provide access to many training opportunities on these brands meaning QCVS is able to invest in personnel upskilling and experience in order to meet customer requirements. These training opportunities also keep staff up-to-date with new models and diagnostic equipment.

QCVS is a single branch, small (12-15), close knit team and is a business that has an ongoing apprentice program to keep talent coming through and give back to the industry.

This position could be filled by a youth or adult apprentice, QCVS has trained both in the past. As an apprentice diesel mechanic you will become an important part of this team and will possess the following:

• Eligibility to work in New Zealand

• An interest in vehicles and mechanics

• A positive can-do attitude

• Listening skills and ability to follow instructions

• Eagerness to learn and prepared to follow through with theory assignments in your own time

• Preparedness to start at the bottom and work your way up

• Team player ability

• Drivers Licence would be an advantage

If this sounds like you, get in touch so that we can have a chat about you and this career starting opportunity.

Contact the Service Manager – Don McLeod Phone 021 02395041 or don@qcvs.co.nz

Queenstown Expeditions & Professional Touring Drivers, Queenstown Based

Our brands have a long association within the tourism industry since the inception of company in 1993. Products such as Professional Touring offer a huge range of transport solutions from Conference and Incentive business to bespoke day tours and local transfers. Queenstown Expeditions operates local tours in the Queenstown area from Mercedes Sprinters through to larger Coaches and 4WD Man Trucks to compliment our variety of work.

We are in need of drivers to join our growing team. If you have 1, P or Class 2 & 4 licenses with Passenger endorsement. We have permanent and casual positions available, We are looking for team members with a can do attitude, excellent driving skills and an ability to relate well with clients and colleges in the work place. Our business offers an enjoyable work place environment, with excellent remuneration.

If you have any of the above class licenses we would like to talk with you.

Please reach out to us to discuss further.

Ewen or Morgan P: 021 801 946 / 027 325 7117 E: transportsystems@gmail.com

Staysouth.com Ltd. is a 7 day/week property management company managing boutique & individually owned luxury apartments and villas in and around Queenstown. We are a small team of key like-minded people who enjoy working with each other and we are looking to add to the team and recruit:

• A “Head of Housekeeping” to run our team of housekeepers and all housekeeping stock, linen and amenities

• “Housekeeping Supervisor/s” with a keen eye for detail to work alongside our cleaners and help the Head of Housekeeping and the Operations Manager run a successful housekeeping team and maintain our properties to the highest of standards

• Housekeepers

All positions require you to be:

• Motivated, mature, reliable, honest, a hard and efficient worker with a keen eye for detail

• Able to work alone as well as within a team

• Able to communicate fluently in English – both verbal and written

• Able to work weekends

• Have a full driver’s license without restrictions or convictions

If you think any of the above could be a job for you and you are interested in applying or receiving more information; simply email a cover letter with your CV and an indication of which position you are interested in to housekeeping@staysouth.com

Page 19 VACANCIES LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 21 May 2024 - 27 May 2024 LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 21 May 2024 - 27 May 2024 SITUATIONS VACANT Ph: 03 409 2800 | enquiries@qmg.co.nz | jobfix.co.nz Page 19
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