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Carpooling. An enviro-friendly congestion killer or just bludgers looking for a free ride?

It’s likely that no matter who you are or where you’re from, you’ve carpooled. Defined as “an arrangement between people to make a regular journey in a single vehicle”, it’s a North American concept that in Kiwispeak is called “bludging a ride”.

As a self-confessed control freak, I usually find myself in the driver’s seat. Probably because I’m usually carpooling with my two children and their mates to various after-school activities.

Other parents will be familiar with the daily arrangements of transporting their precious bundles to the extra-curricular epicentre of Frankton and will also understand that the level of communication required to get these kids to gymnastics, guitar lessons or jiu jitsu and back again is mind boggling. In the spirit of enviro-conscious transport, however, we send what feels like 100s of messages each week for the sake of efficiency. We cut congestion, save money and try our best to take a full car out to Frankton. Even teenagers are masters of bludging a ride – like some sort of hormonal hive mind they always seem to find someone going the same direction as them and jump on in.

But for some reason, this all stops when we become grown-ups and get real jobs – even though we should all know by now that taking just one less car trip each week is an achievable way to take action on climate change.

The challenge of carpooling lies in meeting the right match. If you’re Silent Bob in the mornings, you don’t wanna be riding shotgun in the Mirthmobile with Wayne singing Bohemian Rhapsody at 6:45 in the morning. If you’re a time-obsessed clock watcher, an easy-going “time is on a continuum” type will just grind your gears. So, how do you find a ride that works?

Often we already know the right person to carpool with. Whether it be a neighbour or workmate, your future carpool buddy may only be one click away. To find a like-minded commuter, check out Qtown Carpool that recently launched as a private Facebook group.

We’re asking Queenstowners to join the group, post their ride requirements and match with someone local to them. No long-term commitment is required, and we’re encouraging an easy come/easy go approach to experimenting with carpooling. Aim for one day a week to start, and be upfront with your potential carpool buddy. Every carpool partnership starts as a trial and no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out.

Head to facebook.com/groups/qtowncarpool to join the group and help keep Queenstown moving.

Amanda Robinson, The Lightfoot Initiative

Visit www.lightfoot.org.nz for more information about what we do.

Pasta Cafés opening event on Friday evening was extremely popular with locals and visitors alike. Pictured Giovani Duarte, Felipe, Elisabeth Peña and Are Lara were four guests at St Margarets in Frankton. Pasta Café is on for the next three Fridays from 6:00 to 8:00pm to enjoy great food and great conversations. Image: Sue Wademan

‘That’s all it took, one wrong step’ - avalanche survivor

A snowboarder who was caught in an avalanche in the Remarkables backcountry on Saturday says it happened in an instant.

Queenstowner Joe O’Connor was adventuring with a friend in the east aspect of the Doolans, over the ridge behind the Sugar Bowl chairlift, when the size 3 avalanche hit.

“You know, we were there and then I just heard a boom, like a shotgun had gone off next to me, and then before I knew it, I was sliding, and I couldn’t control where I was going, “ he tells the NZ Mountain Safety Council.

O’Connor and his friend had checked the avalanche danger with The Remarkables Ski Patrol that morning and were carrying the right equipment, including a transceiver, shovel and probe.

“We got to the top of where we were going to drop in at about 10am, all our snowpack tests passed, and we thought, ‘okay great, it’s a mint day, of course there’s always the danger but we don’t expect there to be any super big happenings’.

At about 11am, O’Connor was skinning back up the hill on his splitboard (a snowboard which splits into two halves to become skis for ski touring), with his friend about 20m above.

O’Connor saw a piece of crust break off and start sliding towards him.

“Once that went there was a big wind slab just about 50m above us, and then it all dropped,” he says.

His friend managed to stay out of the avalanche, but O’Connor couldn’t turn his splitboard skis in time.

“Before I knew it, I was covered in slab and I couldn’t move, and I started just sliding down the hill.

“It was a pretty scary experience! There were a lot of thoughts going through my head as I was sliding.”

The crown wall, the start point of the avalanche, was about two meters deep and was about 200 meters long, at about 1800m elevation.

O’Connor, fortunately, was off to one side, and slid about 100m.

“By the time I stopped I was buried about waist deep, so I managed to get my pack off and dig myself out.”

They’d seen two other parties on the mountain that morning, but knew neither were below them when the avalanche hit.

He describes the day as an “eye opener”.

“You’re always aware of the risks of going into the backcountry. But we definitely should’ve shown a lot more caution.

“We thought we were doing the best we could with gathering info and tests, we just got a bit too comfortable thinking everything was fine, and that’s all it took, one wrong step.”

Since the start of the season, MSC and the New Zealand Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) have been reporting on a Persistent Weak Layer (PWL) in the Queenstown region. A month ago, it described the snowpack conditions as “spooky”.

“We didn’t see any weak layers in our testing, but obviously it was just lower

than the probe of 2m, but at that depth you don’t expect anything to happen. The PWL was there, it was just a bit harder to find,” he says.

It was only O’Connor’s second time in the backcountry, and he had just completed the Avalanche Skills Course Level 1 last month.

“It’s definitely left me a bit more weary, but hasn’t scared me off from getting back out in the backcountry though,” he tells the MSC.

He thanked the rescue teams for their quick response.

Queenstown Alpine Cliff Rescue Team coordinator Russ Tilsley was actually skiing with one of the other groups in the Doolans and saw the avalanche happen.

“We’d seen another couple just come up and ski down [that slope] straightaway,” he says. “They’d been in there on Thursday. Then Joe took off, went down and boarded it. “

Tilsley’s group was also planning to ski that slope and had dug an avalanche testing pit.

“We weren’t really happy with the results we got,” he says.

“There’s been lots of stuff happening in the snowpack, and it had warmed up quite rapidly from Thursday. When you get that rapid warning, it does change the snowpack conditions, there’s a precursor for avalanches happening, so we were very cautious.

“You really should at least do a couple [of pits] to get a representation of the slope. We decided to dig another pit, 50 metres over, and were transferring to there when it happened. “

Tilsley says the O’Connor was lucky.

“If he’d have been another 20m over, I don’t think the result would have been very good for him.

“It was big, big blocks. It’s not all fluffy white snow, it’s slabs the size of cars, ugly stuff that went down, and you would have been squashed.”

Tilsley says the conditions this season, with the Persistent Weak Layer, means both experience and extra caution are needed for backcountry missions.

On the day, he was able to quickly put out the call for help, despite being “99% sure” know one else was buried under the snow.

Three helicopters flew in Police SAR, Coronet Peak, Remarkables and Cardrona Ski Patrol teams, with three search dogs. They spent about two hours searching the debris field.

The search teams on the mountain, with the avalanche debris field in the background A closer look at the debris field, showing the size of the avalanche. Photos: Russ Tilsley


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National’s Queenstown roads plan

Queenstown Lakes will get $100 million for roads over the next decade from the National Party’s $24.8 billion transport fund, should they win the next election.

National leader Christopher Luxon announced its Transport for the Future programme last week, as the party campaigns for votes in October’s General Election.

Queenstown’s share is $100m, while there’s also money committed to progressively upgrading or replacing bridges across the Otago and Southland roading network.

Southland (Queenstown Lakes) MP Joseph Mooney says the party recognises the increased pressure on Queenstown’s roading network

Queenstown Lakes’ MP

from a growing population and the return to pre-pandemic visitor numbers by 2025.

“National will work with the Queenstown-Lakes District Council, local residents, and tourism operators to identify priority projects that makes best use of this funding,” Mooney says.

“The Queenstown-Lakes District is the fastest growing region in New Zealand. With an increasing population and high visitor numbers, it’s important that we invest in the roading network and deliver the infrastructure this part of the country desperately needs.

“This is a significant investment that reflects how important good roading infrastructure is to the south and to New Zealand.”

Waka Kotahi, under the Labour Government, is currently delivering the $115 million NZ Upgrade Queenstown Package, with improvements to Frankton Road, State Highway 6 and 6A, a new intersection at BP Roundabout and a roundabout at Howard’s Drive, the Lake Hayes Estate turnoff, and a new bus interchange at Frankton.

It has also funded $50 million of the $109m downtown bypass project (arterial route).

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The Kiwi Kit Community Trust: Hablemos de integración

Corría el año 2020 y luego de un extraño y duro período después del Covid (sí ¿se acuerdan del Covid?), Daniela Mercado y Franco

Nobell tuvieron una visión: crear una fundación en beneficio de los inmigrantes.

La tarea no fue nada fácil. Su experiencia en Nueva Zelanda había sido como la de muchos, enfrentando desafíos para encontrar un empleo relacionado con sus profesiones y sintiéndose desconectados de la comunidad.

Incentivados por la integración, fueron voluntarios en la Cruz Roja. Pero luego pegó el Coronavirus y fue ahí cuando se dieron cuenta de que no había ninguna información sobre la realidad de los inmigrantes en esos difíciles momentos.

Desde esa experiencia, y Franco siendo una de las víctimas del desempleo post pandemia, se les ocurrió iniciar una organización de ayuda enfocada no sólo en los latinos, sino que para toda la comunidad inmigrante, y la que lograron legalizar con la cooperación de la emprendedora neoyorkina Kelsey Powell.

En 2020 realizaron el primer evento llamado The Great Migrant Brainstorm, donde se compartieron cientos de historias y organizaciones entendieron cómo cooperar desde la empatía. “Somos complejos, venimos de diferentes países, hablamos distintos idiomas y no era una comunidad fácil de entrar. Así creamos como un puente para conectar esa comunidad migrante con los servicios disponibles”, dice Franco.

Gracias a toda la información recopilada, crearon diversos programas y postularon a fondos para concretarlos.

Estos dos comprometidos amigos estuvieron casi un año sin recibir sueldo. “Nos gastamos todos nuestros ahorros en crear esto, la sufrimos, la pasamos mal por la causa, pero al final del 2021 tuvimos nuestro primer fondo y así hemos ido creciendo”, cuenta Daniela. Con ese soporte financiero, la fundación organizó su primera exitosa feria del voluntariado. A partir de ahí ha recibido numerosos fondos, logrando incluso dar trabajo e impulsar iniciativas como talleres de jardinería comunitaria, construcción, derechos laborales, salud mental, arte y festivales para celebrar la diversidad cultural, entre muchas otras que siguen en planificación.

Daniela estudió Derecho en su país natal México y trabaja como asistente legal en un despacho de abogados. Según su experiencia, “no hubiera llegado a este trabajo si no hubiera ayudado a la comunidad. Todo lo que Franco y yo dimos por la comunidad, se nos regresó de alguna manera”.

Por su parte, Franco, quien está en receso de la entidad, espera que gracias a esta ayuda “los próximos inmigrantes ojalá tengan que golpear mucho menos puertas. Cuando vino el Covid fue tan fácil darse cuenta de todo lo que nos estaba faltando y en todos los lugares donde podíamos progresar. Eso creó una comunidad súper resiliente y dio lugar a que se creen una cantidad de proyectos y organizaciones, y para mí eso es hermoso”, concluye.

The Kiwi Kit Community Trust ha hecho sin duda un trabajo inspirador y nos muestra cómo la colaboración y el compromiso sí puede marcar la diferencia.

• Los invito a compartir sus comentarios, ideas o preguntas a través de mi e-mail.

Tit bits Tit bits


Euclid’s First Images

The first test images of stars and galaxies taken by the European Space Agency’s Euclid Space Telescope were released last week. The milestone comes about a month after Euclid launched, reaching its final orbit roughly 1 million miles away from Earth.

Euclid is on a quest to survey more than 1 billion galaxies—each with roughly 100 billion stars—as it investigates the nature of dark energy and dark matter, which constitute 95% of the universe but remain poorly understood. Dark matter exerts a gravitational pull on objects but doesn’t interact with light, while dark energy remains hypothetical and is needed to account for the expansion of the universe.

The test images were taken to verify and review the operation of the instruments on the Euclid spacecraft. More detailed and sharper images are expected in October.

AR Technica

‘Barbie’ Scores Record $93M Second Weekend in U.S.

The movie earned an estimated $US93 million in its sophomore outing at the North American box office — one of the best second weekends of all time and the best second weekend ever for Warner Bros.

The female-fueled Barbie, which continues to shatter any and all expectations, finished Sunday with a domestic cume of $US351.4 million. Detractors had predicted it would fade away quickly after a history-making debut, but that isn’t the case.

Barbie continued to paint the overseas box office pink as well. It dropped 32.2 percent to $US122.2 million over the weekend for a foreign tally of $US423.1 million and global total of $US774.5 million through Sunday as it speeds toward the $1 billion mark. It will be only the second pic of 2023 so far to join the box office billion-dollar club after Universal’s The Super Mario Bros. Movie, which topped out at $US1.34 billion worldwide.


Electrified cement could turn houses and roads into nearly limitless batteries

Energy storing building materials could make on-demand power from renewables affordable worldwide. Researchers have come up with a new way to store electricity in cement, using cheap and abundant materials. If scaled up, the cement could hold enough energy in a home’s concrete foundation to fulfill its daily power needs. Scaled up further, electrified roadways could power electric cars as they drive. And if scientists can find a way to do this all cheaply the advance might offer a nearly limitless capacity for storing energy from intermittent renewable sources, such as solar and wind.

So far, the cement devices are small, only big enough to power a few LED lightbulbs. But efforts are already underway to scale them up. Science.org

Uber shares drop after revenue miss, despite first operating profit

Uber reports first-ever quarterly operating profit, but shares fall 6% as the company misses revenue expectations

Revenue for the quarter was up 14% from the same quarter last year. Uber reported net income of $US394 million, or 18 cents per share, compared with a net loss of $US2.6 billion, or $US1.33 per share, in the same quarter last year. That includes a $US386 million net benefit from revaluations of Uber’s equity investments.

In a prepared statement, CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said the ride-hailing company achieved two major milestones during the quarter: its first quarter of free cash flow over $US1 billion and its first GAAP operating profit.


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ST JOHN ROOMS FOR HIRE. 1 X office space with free WIFI. 1 x room seats 30, 1 x room seats 100 with whiteboards, smart TVs, projector screens, free WIFI, shared kitchen and fantastic views! Contact Sarah on 027 206 6340 or queenstownreception@stjohn. org.nz for bookings and more info.

FREE IMMIGRATION CLINIC. IF YOU NEED IMMIGRATION information or advice the Citizens Advice Bureau run an immigration clinic every Wednesday from 7pm. To make an appointment call them on 03 442 6679

Everything Else

QUEENSTOWN DHARMA CENTRE, 12 LAKE ST. WED (9 Aug), @ 6:30pm, Mindfulness of the Body - a Guided Meditation Practice with Alan or Annette; SUN (13 Aug), @ 10am, “Cultivating Awareness Practice” followed by “Social Sunday.” . All sessions are free with dana for the centre/teacher gratefully accepted. For session details, see dharmacentre.org.nz or FB.

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Queenstown’s on the rates podium

It’s official. Queenstown Lakes residents are paying the third highest rates in the country.

The Ratepayers Report, published by the New Zealand Taxpayers Union, shows this year’s 14.2% average hike puts the district in the top three of the 61 territorial authorities (11 city councils and 50 are district councils). The average residential rates here are $3,552 per annum, with just Carterton District Council ($3,938) and Manawatu District Council ($3,713) coming in higher. The lowest is Buller District Council at $2,155.

Queenstown Lakes is, however, down at 42nd on the list for the average nonresidential rates, with commercial properties paying $3,753 per annum. That’s in stark contrast to places at the top of the table, such as Wellington City Council, where the residential rates average is $2,972 but the nonresidential is $32,616, or Kawerau District Council, where they’re $2,398 and $31,411 respectively.

Lakes Weekly Bulletin will ask Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) for some context on this, along with some general comments on the report, which was published Friday afternoon, 4 August.

Taxpayers’ Union National Campaigns Manager, Callum Purves, says the report showcases the inner workings of councils all over New Zealand. “It provides an essential tool for ratepayers to evaluate their local council and hold decision makers accountable.”

QLDC serves a population of 48,000 in 20,403 households, across 8,720sqm.

It employs 448 FTE (full-time equivalent) staff and 124 of them are paid over $100k per annum, that’s more than a quarter (27.6%). Eleven staff members are paid more than $200k.

Greater Wellington Regional Council and its CCOs employees the highest percentage of staff at salaries over $100,000 (43.67%). The lowest is Wairoa (7.93%).

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There are 119 (FTE) managers earning $76,828 on average ($69,540 median). It employs 50 (FTE) infrastructure staffers, 28 regulatory and 12 customer service. It also employs 11 comms and marketing staff, earning $67k on average (74k median).

There were no dismissals at QLDC last year. There were 18 dismissals due to poor performance across all councils, with Christchurch City Council firing eight of them.

QLDC was one of a dozen councils which refused to supply information on how many consultants and contractors it uses, or how much it pays them. Hamilton spent the most on them, $314,971,368 – thee times more than Auckland Council. South Taranaki District Council spent the least, $155,184. QLDC did confirm it pays $295k to the Queenstown Business Chamber of Commerce, $69k to Local Government New Zealand and $48k to the New Zealand Society of Local Government Managers.

The net debt is 301% of rates income, coming in at $9,434 per rating unit. It pays $182 in interest per rating unit.

Auckland Council has the highest net debt as a percentage of rates income at 525% with a net debt per rating unit of $17,451. It also has the highest interest per rating unit at $673. Only nine councils (including regional councils) have net debt as a % of rates income at or below zero.

The Wānaka App compared QLDC to other similarly sized councils around the country and residential rates are, on average, 22.8% higher.

QLDC also has 34% more council staff than the average for similar districts, one staff member for every 45 households.

The report is free and available to the public at www.RatepayersReport.nz

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Put on your dancing shoes

“One of our focuses is on the mental health benefits that moving your body can bring. There’s also a community wellness class that’s kindly sponsored by Nadi Wellness, and we’ve got a dance mob/ variation on the flashmob, happening outside of Patagonia on the Sunday morning. We’ve got performances at night, which everybody is welcome to come to, with performers across New Zealand and Australia. It’s a really high calibre that are coming to Queenstown to dance what we call modern jive.”

Katie describes modern jive dancing as an easy social partner dance to pop music, and compares it to salsa dancing with different music and without the footwork. It’s a simple and fun dance, and you don’t need to bring a partner as everyone will rotate around with different partners. The benefit of swapping partners is that you’ll be dancing alongside a variety of skill levels, helping you to improve quicker. In addition to the classes, there will also be a themed party.

A weekend of dance is coming to Queenstown from Friday and it will be packed with workshops, performances, parties, and an underlying message of wellbeing. Jive & Thrive offers events to suit all levels of dance, including those who have never danced, and will support Headlight, which is a Queenstown-based mental health charity.

Started out back in August 2021, Jive & Thrive aims to share the sense of joy felt when partner dancing. Instructors will be coming from far-a-field and around Queenstown. It’s also expected that around 100 attendees will come from around Aotearoa and across the ditch in Australia to take part.

Event organisers and avid dancers, Katie Bridges and Emma Dagg, are heavily involved in the local dance scene. Emma founded and runs Dance Social, which offers weekly modern jive classes at Te Atamira, and Katie was running modern jive events across Asia before coming to New Zealand, where she plans on continuing to run events.

“It’s a dance weekend for adults to learn to dance,” says Katie. “Even those with two left feet, we highly encourage to get involved. We have a community dance class for anybody without experience, or with experience, and any local residents who just want to give it a whirl – it’s really fun for connecting with people and making friends.

Arts+Culture News

Producer of global arts collective, Shared Lines Collaborative, Wellington’s Ōtari Raranga Weavers and co-producer of Urban Dream Brokerage, artist, Linda Lee (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Huia, Ngāti Kuri,Te Aopōuri, Te Rarawa) has been granted the soughtafter Wellington City Council and Massey University Te Whare Hēra Artist Residency from the 3rd -24th August 2023. Linda discovered she was whāngai at age 19 and as a mixed race artist - Māori, Chinese, Pākehā, Dalmatian/Croatian, this led her to explore identity, researching and reinterpreting family, whakapapa and further indigenous histories through exhibition, installation, photography and book form. Continued study around mātauranga Māori, raranga, rongoā and te reo Māori, as well as disaster management, have been woven into her years of practice.

“We always have a themed party on the Saturday night. In the past we’ve done a snowball dance and a fire dance, and this year we’re going to do a garden party – so everyone will come dressed in green or in their fancy outfits. We’ll also have a lunch on the Sunday at the Bavarian, which anyone can come to, and there’s going to be some cruisy dancing on that day.”

The charity that the event is supporting, Headlight, helps the community to talk about mental health and breaks down barriers to mental health support. They provide mental health workshops and their team of staff and volunteers frequently engage in community events to bring to life interactive opportunities for people to reduce stigma and discrimination relating to mental illness. Gold coin/koha donations from some of the events will be donated to Headlight.

“The reason why we are such fans of social dancing, Emma and I, is because of the human connection. The most important thing for me is that everybody feels that it’s very friendly, it’s not intimidating. Etiquette of these dances is that everybody asks everybody to dance, and you’ll always say yes to at least one dance. It’s very inclusive and we really strive to make sure that people do feel included – the best thing is to see a whole room full of people dancing to music and having a fun time. It’s all about having fun, although we do have a fun competition,” says Katie.

Jive & Thrive will take over Queenstown this weekend from 11 – 13 August and includes a range of classes, performances and events. You can view the full schedule, grab tickets for selected events and donate directly to Headlight at jiveandthrive.com


My Life Story


‘Nursie’ to the stars

The daughter of an illegal Dutch wartime immigrant, Toni Okkerse grew up in Wellington where her grandfather was a well-known importer of cars and classic motorcycles.

After meeting Toni’s mother while in a NZ World War II conditioning camp, she helped smuggle him back in with the RAF, her father’s business status earning him fast-tracked residency with the Immigration Minister.

They were married in six weeks, Toni arriving in 1947, the eldest of three.

Despite her Samuel Marsden College headmistress’s urgings to study at Victoria, Toni did nursing at Wellington Hospital, specialising in ophthalmology.

In the early 70s Europe beckoned on the first of two long OEs with Kiwi nurse friends, first working in London, buying a Ford Transit van with only two front seats and no windows for ‘sightseeing’.

“We all private nursed and three of us worked nights at St Mary’s Hospital.” Toni nannied for an extremely wealthy British family’s baby, spending time at their fully staffed country house with her own nursery. Expected to dine with the family at night, she had to sit at the table silently.

Travel also included a stint as an au pair to six children in New York.

Back eye nursing in Wellington a film producer friend offered her a job in 1980 as nurse on the film set for Race for the Yankee Zephyr in Queenstown, directed by English star David Hemmings. “I stepped off the plane and said, ‘Oh, my gosh! I want to live here for the rest of my life!”

It was the start of a rollercoaster adventure, but unfortunately two people died on set, including a local jetboat driver who flipped during a stunt and the set hairdresser who suffered a severe asthma

attack in freezing temperatures on the Crown Range, despite Toni’s desperate efforts. She was left to find a campervan and deliver the deceased man to the local morgue – a ‘shed’ behind the old Frankton Hospital.

On a Milford shoot two local helicopter deer recovery boys gave her a hair-raising live demonstration high in the mountains in thick cloud.

David Hemmings then invited her to a Cairns shoot where Toni had to learn fast about “bitey things” at a snake farm and have ‘Scarlett’ the tarantula nestle in her hand. “(Actress) Olivia Hussey had to run into swampy water in one sequence and I asked the local guy with the rifle why he was there. He said, ‘We dynamited the area for crocs this morning...just in case!’”

Back in Queenstown Toni had to tend Robert De Niro after he was wired to rocks in the Kawarau River during filming, before several Auckland

shoots starring Tatum O’Neal, then 18, and Jodie Foster.

After a season as Coronet Peak nurse for manager ‘Sugar’ Robinson, Toni nursed for a Disney film, The Rescue, on duty while 54 young men built the huge temporary Korean Fort set atop Frank Mee’s Deer Park Heights. No OSH or ACC in the 1980s and, amazingly, no incidents.

“STDs and AIDs were a concern then and the stories I’d hear after weekends had me thinking I should be running a sexual health clinic,” says Toni. “So, I went down to the pharmacy and bought two huge boxes of condoms one Friday, handing them out to the men. A friend phoned me after and said, ‘I went to buy condoms and the pharmacist said Toni Okkerse bought them all!’ That really tarnished my reputation,” she grins.

During filming of ‘Willow’ a stunt man who turned out to be an ex-prisoner had his hand crushed by a horse hoof. “It needed dressing so he came to my house each evening. I thought nothing of it. Afterward he turned up with a present and said, ‘Thanks Nursie.’ It was the hugest bag of cannabis I’d ever seen. He was shocked I didn’t smoke and said, ‘Does the doctor then?’”

In between film work she shared overnights and shifts at Queenstown Maternity Home (Bungy Backpackers) as obstetrics nurse in the wonderful days when mothers were nurtured for a week, also working as a practice nurse.

10,000 BC was Toni’s last film job – “hard yakka in the snow”, doing 10 more years as maternity nurse before retiring at 68.

In 1990 she and ex-husband, rafting guide Ged Hay, had hastily married on Toni’s Park Street verandah in preparation to adopt first daughter Georgia, then son Christian eight months later.

“One day I thought, ‘I’m 39 and I haven’t had children!’” Film connections matched her with beautiful redheaded Georgia, while soon after Ged’s rafting friends connected them with baby Christian. “I rang the man from Social Welfare to say I have another baby. ‘He said, ’Don’t tell me it’s in your bedroom already too’, which it was,” laughs Toni.

Toni, as nurse, at the ready on set during a battle scene for the 1980s movie, Willow, shot locally Toni, left, with, her old Queenstown Maternity Home (Bungy Backpackers) nursing gang, at a reunion before the old home was pulled down, from left, Lindsay Jackson, Heather McDonald and Mary Butler

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Tuesday Happy Hour 4 - 5 pm Wednesday $10 Mulled Wine 5 pm - Close Thursday Quiz Night from 7pm Bookings Essential Friday Happy Hour 4 - 5 pm Saturday Après – DJ Ben Lock 2 - 6 pm Sunday Happy Hour 4 - 5 pm Monday Happy Hour 4 - 5 pm $15 FOOD SPECIALS & $7 HOUSE BEERS, WINES & SPIRITS EVERY DAY Tuesday $15 Pasta All Day! Wednesday Ladies night $10 pornstar martini’s Brett Walker 7 - 10 pm Thursday George FM 4 pm - 10 pm Friday Women’s World Cup Quarter Finals DJ Ribera 6pm - late Saturday Women’s World Cup Quarter Finals Jah Fire 6pm - late Sunday UFC Fight Nigh & David Bell 3pm Ben Lock 6pm Monday $10 ½ kilo wings 20% off all mains OPEN FROM 4PM DAILY Tuesday Hospo night DJ MAD Drink Specials all night and $4 Tacos Wednesday Open Mic Night from 9:30pm Thursday Pizza Night Quiz from 7pm Live music from 9.30pm Friday Live music from 9.30pm Saturday DJ Mad from 9.30pm Sunday DJ Mad from 9.30pm Monday Free Chicken Wings* *T’s & C’s apply DJ JUST BILL from 9.30pm OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 5 PM Wednesday DJ Bill + Happy Hour all night Thursaday DJ Swisha Friday DJ Tom Kotahi Saturday DJ Dam-G Sunday DJ Tom Kotahi HAPPY HOUR FROM 4-6PM
Steak Buy a steak or vegan steak, get it loaded with onion rings & roast mushrooms for free! Thursday Burger Night
any burger & a beer for $30* *on selected beers and drinks
Saturday & Sunday Apres at Atlas 4pm to 6pm Happy Hour $10 Mulled Ginger Bear or Mulled Wine Monday Bar Snacks Buy 1 bar snack & get 1 half price* *1/2 price on cheapest option
Tuesday Fernhill & Sunshine Bay Community
6 pm. All are welcome! Wednesday Quiz Night 7pm start, free entry, 2 hours of fun, food & beverage voucher
be won. BOOK EARLY, we fill up fast!! Email info@lokalqt.co.nz to register your team Friday, Saturday & Sunday Happy Hour 4 - 6 pm 15% off on selected beers, wines and spirits Sunday $27 Sunday Roast! Chicken & lamb, veg/vegan option too. 12 pm till late or sold out. Bookings are highly recommended! 03 442 5444 Tuesday $12 Pizzas all day! Wednesday Doubles Pool Comp 8pm Cash Prizes! Sunday Live Sports on 12 TV’s Monday Singles Pool Comp 8pm Cash Prizes! Wednesday Wicked $1 Wings* *until sold out Thursday 2 for 1 pizzas Friday $18 double cheeseburger, fries & house drink Saturday Signature Cocktail Special Happy Hour 8 - 10pm $8 Spirits, $8 Wines & $8 Tap Beer Now open Wednesday! With Latin Party, DJ Pirata! Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday Nightly House DJ’s from 8pm - 4am 1876


FREE VENUE HIRE T&Cs apply, contact us on 03 442 9995 or email queenstown@lonestar.co.nz to plan your next function. T&Cs apply, contact us on 03 442 9995 or email queenstown@lonestar.co.nz to plan your next function. Corner Tex Smith Lane & Hawthorne Drive, Frankton www.superliquor.co.nz | 03 442 9801 | manager@slremarkables.co.nz The bottle store with something more Now OPEN for email orders and contactless deliveries LIVE MUSIC DJ’S SPORTS BAR SPECIALS EVENTS OPEN FROM 11 AM - 7 DAYS A WEEK! Wednesday Je Marco live from 8.30 pm Wednesday TJ / Mo Ackermann live from 8.30 pm Thursday Danny Atkinson live from 8.30 pm Friday TJ live from 9pm Saturday Rob Glen live from 9pm Sunday Traditional Irish Trad session from 5.30 pm! Sunday Roast served all day! Monday Dave Bell live from 8.30 pm Monday Burger Night $25 Burger and House Drink Sunday Sessions with Danny Atkinson 5pm Fever Dream with DJ Swisha from 10 pm Tuesday DJ Tom Bongers 9 pm House Beats all Night Long Wednesday Silent Disco 9.30 pm Three Colours, Three Channels, Three Djs Thursdays with Mitch EP 9 pm Double Points All Day Long Friday Woman’s World Cup Quarterfinals Live 1 pm & 7:30 Kick Off DJ Stubacca Friday Antics from 9 pm - Late Saturday Warriors v Tigers 7:30 pm Kick Off ALL SPORTS. ALL DAY. LIVE & LOUD | OPEN FROM 12PM | FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM FOR ALL UPCOMING SPORTING EVENTS Tuesday TACO TACO HALF PRICE TACOS UNTIL 9PM Wednesday WING IT WEDNESDAYS HALF OFF WINGS UNTIL 9PM SMOTHERED OR DRY RUBBED | 21 FLAVOURS Thursday BIG DAWG DAY HALF OFF BIG DAWGS UNTIL 9PM Friday BURGER DEAL $2 OFF ANY BURGER 12 PM - 5 PM Saturday BREWDAY $5 OFF SELECTED JUGS 12PM5PM Sunday CAESAR SUNDAYS $2 OFF CAESARS & BLOODY MARYS ALL DAY LONG Monday HOSPO NIGHT 7PM - 11PM LATE NIGHT HAPPY HOUR & FREE POOL Wednesday Patio Session, Tap Beers n Cocktails Wednesday Silent Disco 9:30 2 Venues, 3 DJ’s, Free Entry Thursday Open Mic Night, 9 pm Bring your mates, play whatever! Friday Bailao Brazilian Night 9 PM Saturday Dolphin Friendly 9 pm Tickets Online Sunday The Rubens 9 pm Almost Sold Out! HAPPY HOUR EVERY DAY 4 - 6 PM (*TERMS AND CONDITION APPLIES) Tuesday $1 Wings* Wednesday All-You-Can-Eat Meat $35pp* Thursday $12.95 Schnitty* Saturday Oktoberfest Saturday! $38 menu package & $15 steins* Every day Try our Bav Fest! 2 hours beverage package & all you can eat meat $89 Monday $12.95 Burgers* Thursday Discothèque LENNI VIBE Friday Liquid Lowdown Presents: S.P.Y (UK) Saturday Seek Saturdays ft. Ribera + Tempo Schmempo DJs Sunday SILK (UK) Thursday DJ LJ GROOVE 10-4am Friday DJ JT 10-4am Saturday DJ FOZ 10-4am Sunday DJ ZAHN 10-4am 8 AUGUST- 14 AUGUST
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Queenstown Business Awards

The Queenstown Business Awards are now open for businesses to enter and be recognised for contributing to the local business landscape. The awards are a biennial event bringing the business community together, celebrating and recognising achievement, innovation, and the amazing businesses in the region. This is an opportunity for local business owners to show why their business is special and cheer those on doing well.

Anyone in business or NGOs / charities should consider entering the awards. Many local companies have made real achievements, and the awards are one of the few opportunities available to put a company forward to be evaluated by its peers and where they can measure and reflect on the achievements made and show just how great they are.

Hayley from Housemart, last year’s small business winner, said, “There is real value in the process. It’s like having a warrant of fitness done on your business.”

The final announcement of winners will be made at a special gala event at Walter Peak High Country Farm on November 4th.

Businesses do not have to be members of the Chamber to be nominated or to win an award.

The awards are open to all local businesses.

Past Winners - 2021

Award Sponsor Winner

Supreme Winner – Business of the Year

Realnz First Table

Small business of the yearTODD & WALKER LawHousemart

Excellence in marketing Shotover MediaFergburger

Excellence in sustainability Smart EnvironmentalZip Trek Eco Tours

Excellence in strategy and planning ANZ Active Adventures

Excellence in service delivery Destination QueenstowniFly Indoor Sky Diving

People’s choice awardMountain SceneFirst Table

Covid resilience & diversification

Remarkables Park xtravel

Employer of the year MyHR Millbrook

Excellence in innovation Southern Institute of Technology First Table

How to enter

Entering the Queenstown Business Awards can be done entirely online at businessawards.queenstownchamber.org.nz/entry-process. The process is simple, with only three-four questions per category. If you would like to recommend some talented and innovative people and organisations that may need a little encouragement to be recognised, then there is a ‘Nominate a Business’ option.

The categories

There are nine categories that a business can enter or be nominated in, with 11 awards altogether.

1. Excellence in Sustainable and Regenerative Business Practice

2. Excellence in People and Capability

3. Excellence in Innovation

4. Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion (new)

5. Excellence in Marketing

6. Excellence in Strategy and Business Solutions

7. Best Emerging Business

8. Excellence in Customer Experience

9. Excellence in Community contribution (new)

The remaining two awards are the People’s Choice and Supreme Business of the Year.

There are two new awards in 2023.

Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion sponsored by QLDC.

This Award will recognise an organisation that has put people at the heart of their business by successfully developing and implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives that foster wellbeing, connectedness and belonging, benefiting employees and the wider community.

Excellence in Community contribution sponsored by Queenstown Airport.

The Awards recognise organisations that have implemented initiatives that have positively impacted the community as a whole or sections of our community and strive to generate outcomes that have long-term benefits for Queenstown.

Sara Irvine, General Manager of Sustainability & Corporate Affairs, explained why the airport saw the Excellence in Community Contribution sponsorship award as a strategic fit for the airport. “At Queenstown Airport, we proudly sponsor the community contribution award. We aspire to be an airport that people love to travel through, and that the community takes pride in, so this award fits well for us. I think the judges will be looking for a business that’s shown leadership and made a significant community contribution and thinking beyond an economic contribution but something that really adds value and gives back to the community.”

Entry Deadline: Monday 4pm, 25 September.

QT BUSINESS August 2023



Free winter wellness sessions

The last event in the Winterdaze winter wellness series occurs this week at Happiness House. This week is a short mindfulness meditation followed by a munch and mingle, with food and tea provided. No previous experience in meditation required. Free to attend and all welcome!

When: Thursday, 10 August 10.00 am - 12.00 pm

Where: Happiness House on Park Street

Winter walking challenge

Stay active over winter with a series of self-paced, local walks that begins this week. Complete each one and be in to win a three-month gym and swim pass. The Winter Wander is all about maintaining, or creating, long lasting healthy habits to reap the physical and mental benefits of low impact exercise.

How to participate:

One walk will be released each week beginning Monday 7 August.

You get these straight to your inbox or follow on QLDC social media where the walks each week will be published. More info and registration at qldc.govt.nz/winterwander

Pasta Café

Pasta Cafe is back for the Friday evenings in August. Wakatipu Church and Queenstown Lakes District Council invite everyone to come and enjoy free home baking, music, full plates of pasta and good conversation.

Pasta Café is open to anyone in the region whether visitors, here for a few days on the snow, ski workers, families or local residents, and especially those sleeping in their cars and others coming from their mansions. Sometimes it’s a struggle to connect in this busy town for individuals or families or to feed themselves. This is a time to enjoy great food and great conversations.

Last year Pasta Café served over 600 free meals over the 4 nights we were open, this year they expect to surpass that figure.

Pasta Café is brought to you by Wakatipu Church with support from Queenstown Lakes District Council.

When: Fridays, August 11, 18 and 25 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Where: St Margaret’s Presbyterian Church, Ross Street, Frankton

Kids Fitness and Stunt workshop

Unleash your child’s potential at this kids fitness and stunt workshop.

If your child is bursting with energy and has a love for adventure, this could be the perfect blend of fitness, fun, and learning the basics of stunts.

This is an opportunity to get kids involved in an actionpacked adventure that they’ll never forget and may boost their confidence and fitness at the same time. Dedicated instructors are skilled in fostering a safe and supportive environment for kids to shine. To learn more stayft4life@gmail.com or book online at juggu4.wixsite.com/ stayfit4life

When: Saturday, August 12 at 8:40 am

Where: Shotover Primary School, 57 Stalker Road, Queenstown

India Independence Day

Come and celebrate India’s Independence Day with Bhartiya Samaj Queenstown Charitable Trust. Flag hoisting, cultural performances, a lot of food and fun! All welcome.

When: Sunday, 13 August, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Where: Lake Hayes Pavilion, 719 Lake Hayes-Arrow

Jct Hwy

Ranger Reads - Storytime

As part of Conservation Week local DOC rangers are at the library for a special Storytime to celebrate Conservation Week and ‘take action for nature’! Bring your pre-schoolers to enjoy a free Conservation Week-inspired storytelling session, read by one of the DOC rangers.

Bookings requested - contact Queenstown library to RSVP from the 31 July 2023.

When: Monday, August 14, 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Where: Queenstown Library, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown

Hannah Kidd: Leave All Gates As You Find Them

Hannah Kidd’s life-sized sculptural animals simultaneously lovingly acknowledge and subvert the ideas and forms of Kiwiana. Using the most rustic of metal materials, thick steel wire and flattened corrugated iron, the artist creates works which glorify but also cast a dispassionate - or at times jaundiced - eye on the rural lifestyle.

When: Thursday, August 3 – Monday, August 21, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Where: Milford Galleries Queenstown, 9a Earl Street, Queenstown

Pigeon Island Native Regeneration with Neill Simpson

Neill is an eminent local Botanist, retired DOC Regional Botanist (Otago) & Chairman of Whakatipu Reforestation Trust.

Neill will deliver a fascinating presentation about how a group of Queenstown locals took action for nature and formed the Wakatipu Islands Trust to restore native vegetation on Pigeon & Pig Islands. Once heavily forested, the island’s timber was extensively cut down and used for boat building and mining props. Thankfully, small pockets of the original diverse forest remained, allowing for remarkable regeneration after the removal of sheep and goats in 1984. The island is now a sanctuary for endangered plants, and being free from animal pests, it serves as a refuge for local bird species including weka, which have been successfully reintroduced.

Explore this inspiring journey of Pigeon Island’s restoration and hear about the challenges and setbacks, the successes, and the lessons learnt have paved the way to preserve other district’s ecological heritage areas.

When: Friday 18 August 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Where: Arrowtown Community Centre, 12 Centennial Avenue, Arrowtown


Dolphin Friendly - That’ll do TeurQueenstown

Dolphin Friendly, are a hard-hitting, Ōtautahi rock band who will deliver five tracks of their unbridled, groove-laden rock with WON’T BE FOOLS EP- their unapologetic salute to 90’s grunge anthems blended with elements of psychedelic rock, hip-hop, and reggae. Tickets available online at Undertheradar.co.nz

When: Saturday, August 12 at 9:00 pm

Where: Yonder, 14 Church Street

Synthony in the Snow

Night skiing meets electrifying beats at Coronet Peak for a world-first experience – Synthony In The Snow!. Experience the thrill of night skiing before SYNTHONY begins at the base of Coronet Peak with 30 years of the biggest dance anthems, orchestra, vocalists, instrumentalists, DJs, and mesmerizing lighting and visuals.

Reimagined club classics from Eric Prydz to Avicii, Energy52, Fat Boy Slim, Darude, and more!

SYNTHONY No.1 promises to ignite your senses and leave you breathless.

When: Saturday, 19 August from 4:30 pm

Where: Coronet Peak

Queenstown Toastmasters Meeting


Queenstown Toastmasters is growing so the next meeting is at the Sherwood which has a bigger space and no stairs. Everyone is invited to come along and find out what Toastmasters is about.

Start challenging your public speaking paradigm with impromptu speaking, elevator pitches and planned speeches all on the menu. As a guest learn from the Toastmasters team how they feel the fear of public speaking and do it anyway. Toastmasters are a friendly and new members or guests don’t need to have any training, you just show up and check it out. Bring a friend or come along solo.

When: Tuesday, August 15 and 29 from 6:00 pm

Where: Sherwood, 554 Frankton Rd


Jive & Thrive - Queenstown’s Modern Jive Weekend

This is a weekend of dance filled with wellbeing: Workshops, Performances & Parties!

Jive & Thrive returns to share the sense of joy & wellbeing from partner dancing. With instructors coming from across the country and Australia, Jive & Thrive appeals to a broad cross section of dancers – both in the Modern Jive community and for anyone new who wants to give it a whirl. During the weekend there are 2 Gold Coin Donation classes open to everyone: a yoga class & a Newcomers dance class.

Community Events that are open to everyone are Yoga on Saturday, 12 August, 9.45 am - 10.30 am and a Newcomers Class on Saturday, 12 August, 3.45 pm - 4.45 pm. More information is on the Jive and Thrive website.

When: Friday, August 11 from 6:30 pm to Sunday, August 13 at 3:30 pm

Where: Queenstown Memorial Centre, 1 Memorial Drive

If you would like your show, event, exhibition or meeting promoted in Goings On drop me a line at davidgibbs@qmg.co.nz with the details

Bay Dreams moves to Queenstown

Organisers of Queenstown’s hugely-popular Mardi Gras are bringing their massive Bay Dreams festival to town.

Bay Dreams South will be held outdoors at Queenstown Event Centre on 5 January, 2024.

The festival is moving on from Nelson after a five-year stint, where it attracted a crowd between 12,000 and 20,000.

Festival director Toby Burrows says: “Nelson has been an incredible home for the festival but the vision has always been to tour the brand and with the securing of this amazing venue the timing is perfect.

“We know it’ll complement everything else the region has to offer over the holiday period.”

The festival skipped 2022 due to Covid restrictions but was held in Nelson in January this year, headlined by Grammy-nominated artist Diplo, along with Sticky Fingers, Hybrid Minds, and Denzel Curry.

But its owners, Trademark Group, decided to refresh the event this year with the move south, and chose Queenstown Event Centre after they successfully held dance music one-night festival Mardi Gras there in June, seeing its potential for a larger gig.

Bay Dreams 2023 in Nelson

Trademark Group, owned by Burrows, Mitch Lowe and Carwyn William, is one of New Zealand’s leading music festival and entertainment, putting on 200 events per year covering multiple music genres, including Soundsplash, Plane Sailing, Audiology Touring and Fabrik.

The line-up for Bay Deams South is yet to be announced.

The council-run Queenstown Events Centre, in Frankton, is home to the Sir John Davies oval, which boasts some of the best views from cricket ground in the world, looking out over The Remarkables.

Bay Dreams quickly rose to fame upon launching in Tauranga in 2016. By 2017, it was the largest festival in the country, bringing some of the largest acts in the world to New Zealand every summer.

It expanded to include a second date in Nelson, with the same acts playing both venues.

And Bay Dreams North is on the move too from its Baypark home. This year it will be held at Wharepai Domain.

Bay Dreams North Festival director Mitch Lowe says: “We are wanting to run a festival surrounded by trees, with beautiful natural shade and within walking distance of town with convenient transport options.

“Wharepai Domain is the natural fit for where we are going as a brand. It is aesthetically stunning, but at the same time functional, ticking all the boxes for an amazing event.

“In true Bay Dream’s style we are expanding the site beyond what any event has done before in the space and we cannot wait to see it come to life.”

Queenstown Mardis Gras

Japanese rugby taps into our motivational man of the mountains

He used a song by American rapper Eminem to illustrate his point. “I told them that if a poor boy from a trailer park in Detroit can overcome his fear of performing on stage to become number one rapper in the world and a little rural Kiwi kid who had Perthes’ disease can climb Everest, there’s no reason why they can’t win the World Cup.” Dagg defied the odds, overcoming Perthes disease as a youngster after his parents were told he’d never play sport and would always have a limp.

“You can do anything you want if you believe it. The mind’s an incredible thing,” he says. “I’ve been tired climbing, but you just force it out, step by step. That’s how you develop that inner strength and realise you’re stronger than you think.”

His message for the team was one of “overcoming odds”. “They’ll be up against Tier One teams in the World Cup and they’ll have to fight and work like never before to achieve, just like Eminem and me.”

“Being older and still achieving stuff helps. You’re only old ‘cause you think you’re old. I’m not waiting for my retirement to do things,” says 63-yearold Dagg. “I wouldn’t have been offered this opportunity if I hadn’t climbed Everest.”

Not one to miss an adventure opportunity, Brian took his climbing boots and, after his team commitments, climbed another mountain - Mount Fuji. “I started at 6pm thinking I’d time it right for sunrise.” Walking alone at night he got up there a bit earlier than expected. “It was freezing cold. Luckily, I was able to wangle my way into the huts.”

In contrast, the accommodation with the team was “incredible”, as was the sushi and sashimi. “The players were incredibly polite and quite reserved, but they’d come and chat to me one on one, which was great.”

“Everyone was so welcoming, they just made me feel like part of the team in their campaign.”

Japan’s World Cup rugby side is opting to inject more mental determination and grunt into its game, having just enlisted some motivational help from Queenstown high country shepherd Brian Dagg. Dagg, a mate of former Kiwi Japanese All Black and Japanese Rugby Team coach Jamie Joseph, was invited to join the team at a two-week training camp during the past month, bringing some of his life and climbing expertise with him.

A long-time player and supporter of Wakatipu Rugby, Dagg, the former Coronet Peak Station runholder, successfully summited Mount Everest in 2016, and has climbed the world’s Seven Summits in seven continents. He’s also coached rugby in Canada and Malaysia.

The Japanese Rugby World Cup campaign is themed around climbing Mount Everest and Dagg was there because he’d achieved big goals from humble beginnings, proving that you can do anything with “set goals, strong willpower and mental agility”.

The ‘Southern Man’ face of the Speights billboards and TV ads on his horse, Skipper, in the 1980s - before rugby turned professional, Brian met Jamie through his All Black promotional work for Lion Breweries.

It was a huge honour to be invited to work with the team on motivation last month, he says. The Japanese were particularly impressed that he’d summited Everest and wanted to know what skills he’d used to accomplish that.

A big focus was achieving what you think you can’t do,” says Dagg. “It’s all about drawing on your inner strength and your self-belief.”

He gave three presentations at the first camp and one at the second, both well received, drawing comparisons between mountain climbing and rugby.

“If I make a mistake when I’m climbing that can result in serious injury or death, but if you do that in rugby you just put your hand up and smile.”

He encouraged the players to take what they do more seriously and have accountability for their actions, “even though it’s only game – ‘a profession’.”

Sitting alongside former All Blacks like Jamie, Tony Brown and the rest of the coaching team was an honour. “They were amazingly free with sharing their ideas and imparting their knowledge.”

“They’ve set a target to do better than before, working with a sports psychologist,” says Dagg.

He and wife Dale took time to travel and explore. “It was a huge life experience. I went to Japan with Wakatipu Rugby in 1987, but to go back and do what we’ve just done was an incredible opportunity.”

The main problem now was which team to support come September. “They’ve got a couple of new supporters now. I will have a foot in both camps,” he grins.

Brian, front centre, at the Japan A game with the non-playing players Brian atop 3776m Mount Fuji on sunrise at 4.30am


Stepping up to the plate

KiwiHarvest is calling for urgent ‘in kind’ support so it can move location to the vacant Whakatipu Community Hub Charitable Trust leasehold site at Frankton, after government funding cuts means the food rescue organisation can no longer afford its Glenda Drive site.

It was yet another devastating blow to the charity, already under the pump with financial donations massively down and lower surplus food donations. Sadly, the winter KiwiHarvest Givealittle fundraising campaign has only raised $565 with a target of $50,000. “That money goes into stocks for charities who have to buy food if there’s not enough donated,” says KiwiHarvest Queenstown manager Gary Hough. Help agencies have had to restrict food to a small paper bag. “We just don’t have enough food,” says Hough. Some people genuinely can’t afford to help any more, even through supermarket donation trollies, but Hough says there’s a growing apathy that those needing help should ‘help themselves, get out and find a job’, which is unfair as most people KiwiHarvest is helping are working families, some with two jobs, he says.

Donations are down and KiwiHarvest needs between $20,000 and $30,000 to set up operations on the vacant site, should final approvals come through. KiwiHarvest’s now calling for local businesses to offer free services to help get them set up. “We need two 7m (20-foot) shipping containers, a groundworks contractor to flatten and gravel the site, an electrician to hook up three-phase power for our refrigeration and chiller, help from a civil engineer and a fencing contractor to secure the site.”

KiwiHarvest helps feed 800 people in the district, supplying Wanaka and Cromwell charities, local agencies, community trusts, and Queenstown Playcentre’s hampers for struggling families.

With just two months before Hough and his team of twelve local volunteers have to move and donations way down, he says they don’t have time to try and fundraise for the necessary money. “We’re on borrowed time.”

Hough’s so grateful that the Community Hub Trust is hoping to save the day. He, and the numerous charities KiwiHarvest supports, are incredibly grateful to those in the trust trying to make it work.

“It’s not 100 percent finalised but it’s looking very positive,” says trustee and former chair John MacDonald. “This is absolutely the reason why we’ve driven this thing. It’s a classic example of what happens to these poor people

trying to do the right thing by the community and they get shoved out the door.” Queenstown’s needs secure, affordable, long-term rentals for the community’s social sector, he says.

If the proposal gets official approval

KiwiHarvest can operate there until the new hub is built and Hough says they’d then be keen to move in, once it’s completed.

“These are the kind of clients we’re looking for,” says MacDonald. The trust is hoping to start construction late next year, fundraising going to plan. “We’re still fundraising from various trusts and private donors.”

Meanwhile, Hough is keen for more volunteers to take on shifts with KiwiHarvest and share the load.

If you are able to help email Gary Hough on gary.hough@kiwiharvest.org.nz or phone 021 286 9808

Local teen climbers heading to World Youth Climbing Championships in South Korea

Two local teenage girls and members of Queenstown’s climbing community are gearing up to compete and represent New Zealand on the global stage. Seventeenyear-olds Azaria Briscoe and Lucy Sinclair have been selected to represent New Zealand at the highly anticipated IFSC (International Federation of Sport Climbing) World Youth Climbing Championships, taking place in Seoul, South Korea later in August.

The IFSC World Youth Climbing Championships will see young climbers from all corners of the globe showcasing their skills across various disciplines, including lead climbing, bouldering, and speed climbing. This prestigious event serves as a platform for these talented athletes to test their abilities and compete against the world’s best in their age group.

Azaria and Lucy have already made names for themselves in regional, national and international competition. In the Australian National Youth Championships in 2022, Azaria placed second in lead climbing and Lucy placed 3rd in bouldering. They both attended the 2022 IFSC World Youth Climbing Championships in Texas, USA. Already in 2023 , Lucy won in bouldering at the Australian National Youth Championships . Their training regimens intensified in recent months, encompassing physical conditioning, mental fortitude

training, and technical refinement. Their dedication to training, perseverance, passion and sheer hard work have paid off, securing their spots in Seoul. Their ability to conquer challenging routes has positioned them as a joint force to be reckoned with in the climbing world. Lucy and Azarias’ journey has been shaped by their membership in the Climbing NZ youth development team. The guidance and support provided by local, national and international coaches and mentors have been instrumental in their growth as climbers. Speaking about their selection, Azaria expressed her gratitude, saying, “Representing our country on the world stage is a dream come true. We have trained relentlessly for this opportunity, and we are excited to compete against some of the best climbers our age from around the world.”

Lucy echoed her sentiments, stating, “We are determined to give our best and make New Zealand proud. This competition will be a stepping stone towards our future goals in climbing.”

As Climbing New Zealand counts down the days to the IFSC World Youth Climbing Championships, we hope the local community will also rally behind these exceptional young athletes. Climbing in Seoul commences on August 17th and wraps up on August 28th.

Lucy Sinclair competing in the Bouldering Discipline in the 2022 IFSC Youth World Climbing Championships in Texas, USA KiwiHarvest donation trolleys are at most local supermarkets

Funding cuts gutting to food rescuers locally

Queenstown’s KiwiHarvest crew are scrambling to find new premises after government funding allocated to food rescue operations nationally was cut by more than $9 million.

Government staff say funding allocated to food rescue, foodbanks and help agencies from 2020 was “time limited”, part of the Covid response. However, KiwiHarvest Queenstown branch manager Gary Hough says demand for help is much greater now than during Covid times.

The cuts mean KiwiHarvest can no longer afford its current Glenda Drive site, see story in Community Notes for more .

Hough says the need is greater than it’s ever been. “We have more than 800 people that we’re supporting around the Wakatipu, Wanaka and Cromwell, who are having to depend on charity to eat,” “Everyone is definitely feeling the pinch with mortgage rates, rising food costs, everything.”

“People we help are generally employed, hardworking people – the core of our town, often with families. Many, too embarrassed to even ask for help but seeking it once or twice a week just to get through.”

“They feel shame about registering with Happiness House or the Sallies for food parcels,” says Hough. All charities say their donations are down. The general public are struggling.”

News the government’s cutting its financial support by 87 percent post Covid, is hitting food rescue the hardest and is devastating, says Hough. “Ours is the most cost-efficient method, rescuing food that would otherwise go to landfill and channelling it to those who need it and other help agencies.”

“We’ve been able to provide nearly all 12 charities in Queenstown, Cromwell and Wanaka until now,” he says.

Supermarkets and cafes are extremely supportive donating fresh produce, meat and dairy that’s close to its ‘best before’ date, but they too are working harder to reduce waste. While supermarkets say they’re giving the same amount, help agencies say there seems to be less to go around.

Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance’s Iain Lees-Galloway, a former Labour Cabinet Minister, says the $150m the government’s invested in food organisations since 2021 was fantastic, but members are feeling “a bit abandoned”, after working hard through the Covid crisis.

Food rescue organisations nationwide can’t meet demand. “Now isn’t the time to withdraw that support.”

“Members supply foodbanks, schools, women’s refuges and the likes. The 20,000kgs of food rescued daily translates into 61,437 meals.

That’s food going to people rather than needlessly ending in landfill,” says Lees-Galloway.

“Every dollar invested in food rescue generates $4.50 worth of social return.” With the government pushing for greater sustainability and climate change it seems illogical to end that vital investment now.

AFRA is calling on all political parties to commit to $12m annually for food rescue. “That, combined with philanthropic funding, would rescue food at a huge saving,” says Lees-Galloway.

The profile of those needing help is changing. “We’re seeing more employed people with mortgages and renters as living costs skyrocket,” he says. Supermarkets at the same time are reducing waste, which is great, but then there’s less for food rescue, he says. From farms and orchards to supermarkets, restaurants and cafes, there’s a lot of food that can be rescued, as long as organisations have the resources,” says Lees-Galloway. He’s urged Queenstown food retailers with surplus to help KiwiHarvest. “Often it’s product that’s simply mislabelled, or packaged with the wrong weight. It’s not just about shelf life.”

MSD spokeswoman Serena Curtis says over $150 million has been invested in the community food sector since July 2021.

“Government is investing $30.8 million over two years to continue to support access to affordable, healthy and culturally appropriate food,” she says. “This includes an additional $6m in June allocated to support the community food providers to transition away from reliance on government funding”. However, welfare help agencies say this doesn’t include food rescue.

Salvation Army Queenstown Community Ministries Director Andrew Wilson says as a welfare organisation they won’t be affected by the same cuts as KiwiHarvest. “But I was gutted. We rely heavily on KiwiHarvest to support 100 clients a week from our food and produce pantry,” he says. “If we don’t have that support it will be a huge knock. We just won’t be able to do it.” Demand is so high.”

Countdown Queenstown store manager Jason McQuoid says while there’s been no change to its giving, Countdown has been focused on reducing food waste recently.

“We had a bit of a drive in-store to beef up our donation trolleys with a great response, one of the best in recent years.”

Foodstuffs spokesperson Emma Wooster says its grocers partner with foodbanks and food rescue organisations. New World’s recent Foodbank Appeal saw record donations with $250,000 distributed to foodbanks.

KiwiHarvest’s Beth Lyons and Carmel Sealey gratefully receive donations from Countdown Fresh Food Manager Ajesh Nama, left

Offering cancer patients a helping hand

An experienced Korean Hand Therapist and acupuncturist in Queenstown is now offering people battling cancer a holistic helping hand.

Don Kim has been practising acupuncture and various self-treatment methods like Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) for more than 35 years and is keen to help local cancer patients boost their defences so they can better cope with the disease.

Don, who trained in Korean Hand Acupuncture at a specialist clinic in Korea, is offering a natural complement that patients can use to manage symptoms, like pain and nausea, using simple hand acupuncture tools.

He says he’s had a good response already to the five-day programmes he’s running to teach patients these self-management methods.

“For years I’ve wanted to offer something like this to patients here to help them along their journey,” says Don.

Patients attend a five-day immersion clinic with Don teaching them mainly how to use the various simple Korean Hand Therapy tools, including hand needling, themselves. In Korean Hand Therapy each pressure point in the hand correlates to a particular area of the body.

Don says that by stimulating these pressure points, using the correct method, the body’s natural health defences are supported, enabling its systems to remain healthy and better fight off cancer or any other disease. Acupuncture has long been used to treat pain and Korean Hand Acupuncture can also be helpful in managing pain, he says.

Together with wife Hera, an experienced Oriental health food advisor and cooking tutor, their week-long programme also includes healthy, nutritious meals, and cooking tutorials with Hera in how to prepare these. “Getting the right food and nutrition is an important component in fighting any disease,” says Don. Hera shares her recipes with the clients, including use of fermented foods like kimchi in cooking.

“Eating the right foods enables the body to be in a better place to fight disease,” says Hera.

Their programme is not only designed to support cancer sufferers, but also their caregivers who can help administer the various hand techniques for the patient.

“I’m fortunate to have gained special work experience in Korean Hand Therapy with the specialists in Korea. “It’s so easy to learn and can be applied to managing symptoms for a variety of conditions.”

Don also learned various therapeutic, self-treatment methods over the years and he’s excited to combine his experience into a programme that will hopefully help support cancer patients and others suffering debilitating disease.

“I’m looking forward to bringing those decades of expertise to patients here, giving them these extra management tools to hopefully help them before I retire.”

The newly launched local programme is open to anyone affected by cancers, or struggling with any difficult or painful conditions that Korean Hand Therapy may be useful in managing the symptoms of, he says.

The five-day programme covers Don’s self-treatment training, selftreatment practise with the relevant equipment, and cooking classes with Hera, who also helps patients tailor a diet specific to their needs. She teaches her unique recipes and healthy cooking principles.

Don and Hera have already attracted a great Google review from one grateful patient who flew in recently from Christchurch to attend the programme.

“Over the years I’ve seen many of my patients suffering from cancer, which is very hard to watch as an acupuncturist,” says Don.

“Ever since I learned about Korean Hand Therapy at the Korean Cancer Clinic, I’ve long wanted to offer something like this for cancer patients, in particular.”

“There are two other things that enhance my programme’s special offering,” he says. These include adding various self-management methods to Korean Hand Therapy that Don believes are only available in NZ through his clinic, like Korean traditional heat therapies, special ray therapy and Don’s own ‘invention’ – ramekin moxa.

He says using specialist equipment that he believes is unique to his clinic in NZ, like Ceragem, Platinum Diamond Photon Dome and Thermo, Acubeam, e hand moxa and Korean hot stone, is another added bonus.

“What we do is all about offering people an alternative to managing their symptoms, hopefully enabling them to help themselves in a non-invasive way,” he says. “I’m so passionate about this…Korean Hand Acupuncture is easy and safe to administer, and I offer a detailed easy-to-follow selfmanagement plan.” Don is also happy to administer hand therapy himself if patients wish.

A free Zoom presentation for the programme: Monday, August 14 - 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm

• What is the programme about? How does it work? What benefits are expected? Q & A session.

• Bookings essential: Email - oawcentre@gmail.com

Korean Hand Therapy specialist and acupuncturist Don Kim Don Kim and his wife Hera
Specialist equipment - PDP Thermo & Dome, demonstrated at Don’s Queenstown clinic.
Page 26 VACANCIES LAKES WEEKLY BULLETIN | 8th 14th August 2023 8th August 2023 - 14th August 2023 SITUATIONS VACANT Page 26 We’re looking for superstars! kitchen
The Frankton Arm is the Local’s Local. A busy venue with great beer, great food, gaming, sports & a community feel. We’re looking for a Venue Manager to take the reins & really become the heart of the place. You’ll be the kind of person that always puts customers first, loves great beer, enjoys good yarn & makes friends with all the familiar faces with a passion for hospitality. It’s a job with a lot to it, you’ll be in charge of hitting targets, managing the team, following & implementing procedures, organising functions, preparing KPIs, rostering & managing stock. Sound like you? To apply please email hr@republicqt.co.nz with a CV & cover letter. We look forward to hearing from you! we’re hiring! venue manager Get in race shape for the QT full marathon, half marathon or 10km. Receive a personalised training programme along with weekly interval and strength sessions to improve your running. $240 Runners of all levels Book online at qldc.govt.nz/runningw cost book who qldc.govt.nz/recreation @QLDCSportRec running workshop TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, 6.15AM TO 7.15AM. STARTS FROM 22 AUGUST

Property Management Superstar

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Divine Property is a boutique property management agency that offers long term residential leasing, holiday house management and home concierge services.

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If you believe you have the skills and attitude to thrive in this role, please apply now to info@divineproperty.co.nz

Applicants for this position should have the right to work in NZ. Applications close Friday 11th August 2023.

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Screen Printer / Trainee Screen Printer

We are a small family run business and have a great team supplying uniforms and merchandise to local businesses.

We also design and print our own garments and sell these in our own retail stores.

Ideal candidate would have some textile screen printing experience but we are prepared to train the right candidate.

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Do you want to be part of a family that prioritises wellbeing and the collective strength of the team?

We are looking for teachers and relievers who are passionate about providing education and who share in our ideals.

If you have experience with children and would like to be part of a team that believe that a connection to ourselves, each other and our learning

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Cocktail Bartender Wanted

• Must be customer service focused.

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• Must have NZ open work rights.

To apply email kenna.matthews@whiteandwongs.co.nz


We make people happy by making epic drinks and giving incredible service!

Bluekanu is looking for a rockstar Bar Person and Senior Waiter to help us deliver this promise and become part of our team.

If you love people, have a good knowledge of food and beverage, know how to make a good cocktail, and can work in a fun busy environment then get in touch.

Please forward your CV to our General Manager: warren@hhgroup.nz

Must have a valid NZ Work Visa.

Reservations & Administration Weekend Warrior (x2)

Part Time and Full Time Role

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We are a small tightknit, nimble team who are passionate about what we do – if you are a sharp, customer-focused go-getter who can expertly tip-toe the fine line to balance fun and professionalism, we want to hear from you!

We are looking for a hard-working individual who is confident working autonomously but can also seamlessly integrate to be team player. Both positions will be working weekends, with mid-week days off. There is the potential to work from home two days a week on weekend days (after the initial trial period), but the position would be office based on weekdays. We are happy to sponsor the right candidate. You will be responsible for liaising with guests, coordinating and completing guest reservations, and delivering a world-class customer experience. Additional tasks may also include scheduling social media posts and engaging our social media audience, maintaining online listings across multiple OTA booking websites, and general admin. You will need to have incredibly high attention to detail, and be computer savvy – bonus points if you have experience working with Reservations or CRM systems.

If you think you can bring something special to our team, please get in touch and tell us a little more about yourself.

Please email applications to: operations@majordomo.co.nz

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Love food? Love events? Love In2Food!

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We are a popular Queenstown based catering company in search of some fresh faces for another big season of events at exclusive venues. Our catering business is looking for the following to join our team for another busy season:

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If this sounds like a position that you want to get your hands on then send your application including CV to thilo@in2food.co.nz

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Full Time & Part Time Positions Available

Required at Super Liquor Remarkables Park Frankton Queenstown.

Who we are looking for:

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Must be honest reliable have retail experience and be a Team Player. Forklift licence an advantage, but not necessary.

If you have what we are looking for please contact the manager Heather Wilson at remarkablespark@superliquor.co.nz or call (03) 4429801.

and be a part of Republic Hospitality Group

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Come and work with us on the Milford and Routeburn Tracks

Ultimate Hikes are the exclusive operators of multi day guided walks on the famous Milford & Routeburn Tracks. We are guardians of the environment we operate in. We are leaders in the safety and education of visitors to the region and we are responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of the people who live and work there on our behalf. We take this commitment very seriously and pledge that everything we do will be in keeping with our own Tiaki Promise - caring for people and place.

We are looking for great people to live and work with us in our remote lodges and guiding on the track - applications are now open for the following positions:

Lodge Managers & Relief Managers

Lodge Attendants (Housekeeping + Food & Beverage)

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Greenstone Hosts


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for more information and to apply online ultimatehikes.co.nz/plan-your-walk/employment/ Applicants must have the right to work in New Zealand until mid April 2024. Applications close 1 September but we will shortlist applicants for interview as applications are received so
our website

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Retail Sales Assistant/ Duty Manager

Liquorland at Frankton is looking for a Retail Sales Assistant/Duty Manager to join their team. Preference will be given to someone with experience in the Liquor industry.

Please email your CV to wakatipu@liquorland.co.nz


Centre Manager

We are seeking a dynamic Qualified Early Childhood Teacher for our RIE and Reggio inspired Centre. You will need to be enthusiastic, energetic, motivated, passionate, respectful and be able to lead and work as part of the team.

We have opted into Extended Pay Parity to ensure all our teachers are well respected and able to give their all to our tamariki.

Free parking is provided for our Manager. You will be managing and teaching in a lovely small boutique environment.

Please email your cv and covering letter to fran@zigzagzoo.co.nz www.zigzagzoo.co.nz Job Description is available on request and any enquiries welcome. All applicants will be treated with confidentiality.


We are looking for Staff to fill the above roles for busy local company. Plumbing Experience Necessary. Some construction experience a benefit if applying for assisting roles.

Contact: Andy Langford Phone: 021 426 393 Email: andy@flints.co.nz

Part-time / Casual

Driver Guide

Love wine? Looking for extra hours?

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Email interest to: sarah@appellationwinetours.nz

Chef de Partie

Botswana Butchery is looking for a Chef de Partie to join their team. Two to three years’ in a similar role with experience in high volume, high quality cooking.

Please contact stefano.demartini@botswanabutchery.co.nz

Restaurant Manager

• 2+ years experience in similar role.

• Proven experience in running the day to day operations of a premium restaurant.

• Drive the team to deliver excellence to every guest’s experience.

• Excellent attention to detail.

• Have sound understanding of the financial aspects of the business.

• Duty Managers certificate preferable but not essential.

• Must have NZ open work rights.

Please send your CV through to Dianna.kelly@goodgroup.co.nz

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page 28

Offering cancer patients a helping hand

pages 25-28

Funding cuts gutting to food rescuers locally

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page 23

Japanese rugby taps into our motivational man of the mountains

page 22


pages 20-21

Queenstown Business Awards

page 19

My Life Story

pages 14-15

Arts+Culture News

pages 12-14

Arts+Culture Put on your dancing shoes

page 12

Sports Massage Therapy

pages 10-11

Tit bits Tit bits

page 9


page 9

FOR A RENTAL? National’s Queenstown roads plan

pages 6-9


pages 30-31


pages 29-30


page 28

Offering cancer patients a helping hand

pages 25-28

Funding cuts gutting to food rescuers locally

page 24


page 23

Japanese rugby taps into our motivational man of the mountains

page 22

Bay Dreams moves to Queenstown

page 21


pages 20-21

Queenstown Business Awards

page 19

My Life Story

pages 14-18

Arts+Culture Put on your dancing shoes

pages 12-14

Sports Massage Therapy

pages 10-11

Tit bits Tit bits

page 9


page 9

FOR A RENTAL? National’s Queenstown roads plan

pages 6-9
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