Focus Forward Newsletter - Issue 2

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Spring/Summer 2015


1879 Society

Creating your legacy for the future of Lakefield College School inscribed on back LAKEFIELD COLLEGE SCHOOL

Emma Trottier ’03

Benefitting from incredible opportunities


still remember the day I found out that I would be going to LCS,” says alumna Emma Trottier ’03. “I felt like it was the best news I had ever received.” From her earliest memories, Emma knew that she wanted to attend The Grove. Her aunt, who worked at LCS, would invite her to visit every summer. It was those summer visits— walking the grounds, enjoying Lake Katchewanooka— that instilled in Emma a love for the school long before she was old enough to attend. When Emma reached Grade 9, she knew she wouldn’t be able attend LCS, as the cost of tuition was beyond her family’s means. That is when her aunt told her about the

financial assistance program at the school. Financial assistance at LCS is focused on ensuring that deserving young people, regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances, have the opportunity to attend the school and benefit from all it has to offer. Continued on page 4

“It is our promise to anyone and everyone who has ever or will ever walk our halls and our fields to protect, nurture and grow the things that make Lakefield College School the special place that it is... Our promise is to put people first and to instill pride so that they may leave their own mark and continue to build the legacy that is Lakefield.” Our Way | More Intentionally Lakefield




Gifts for the Future that cost you nothing today!

A bequest is the simplest and most popular type of planned gift. At no cost to you during your lifetime, it allows you to create a legacy while sharing your values with your children or heirs. No matter the size of your estate, including your favourite charities is easy. It is also an important way for organizations such as Lakefield College School to help secure their financial future. A gift to the LCS Foundation in your Will can be a tangible expression of appreciation for everything the school means to you and your family. It allows you to make a gift that might be financially impossible during your working or retirement years.

• A GENERAL bequest says that the LCS Foundation will receive a specific amount of an asset, usually cash or securities. • A SPECIFIC bequest says the LCS Foundation will receive a specific piece of property, such as artwork or real estate.

• A RESIDUAL bequest allows the LCS Foundation to receive all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after other special provisions have been fulfilled. • A CONTINGENT bequest stipulates that the LCS Foundation would receive all or a share of your estate only after the death of certain other beneficiaries.

A BEQUEST COULD BE THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARITABLE GIFT YOU EVER MAKE Through philanthropy, forward thinking donors are helping to create a future filled with greater academic excellence and outstanding experiences for our students and the entire LCS community. When the time is right for you to include a gift in your will to charity, please remember Lakefield College School. We would be happy to discuss 1879 Society membership with you and your advisor to determine what options may work best for your specific situation. If you have already included LCS in your Will or estate plans, and are not a recognized 1879 Society member, please contact Theresa Butler-Porter CFRE, Philanthropic Relations, 705.652.3324 ext.329 today to arrange a confidential consultation. F O C U S F O R WA R D




“LCS teaches such great values – confidence, accountability, leaving places better than you found them. I want more kids to learn and live the values that LCS has to offer.” Jock Fleming ’74, LCS Foundation Board Chair When Jock Fleming ’74 arrived at the school in 1969, academic expectations may have been foremost in his mind, but he quickly discovered that The Grove offered so much more. “As students, we were encouraged to try new things, to get outside our comfort zone,” he recalls. “I was a little guy, but I played football. That wouldn’t have happened at a larger school. I was in lots of plays—that gave me a lifelong comfort with public speaking. We built fibreglass kayaks and had marvellous times racing them through white water rapids.” Jock also remembers the feeling of family among the school’s teachers, staff and students. “You learn how to adapt to different people, he explains. “To get along, you figure out how to communicate and work

Above: Jock ’74 and Sue Fleming with sons John ’03, George and Rob ’06

with all kinds of personalities. That helped me tremendously in my business life. Now that the school is co-ed, it offers even more of that. We need places like this, where boys and girls learn to relate as equals, friends and colleagues.” Because Jock values his experience at The Grove so much, he wants it to be available to anyone who might benefit from it, regardless of financial circumstances. “If our world is to become better,” he muses, “surely it starts with education. LCS teaches such great values—confidence, accountability, leaving places better than you found them. I want more kids to learn and live what LCS has to offer.” With two sons, Rob ’06 and John ’03 ,who spent their school years at The Grove, Jock and his wife Sue

understand that the busy family years are not always the right time for people to make the gift they might want to make to LCS. Estate giving—a bequest, an insurance policy or other planned gift— allows people like Jock to create a substantial contribution that will benefit the school in the future. “It doesn’t cost you anything now,” he urges. “If you have enough to live on in your senior years, consider giving through your estate.”

“Imagine your bequest helping a student who went on to make a significant change in the world! That’s why you want to support bursaries through legacy giving.”


Benefitting from incredible opportunities

“Lakefield—its staff, students and environment —provides you with the tools and skills you need to succeed. I would not be who I am today had it not been for Lakefield College School.”

Continued from page 1

Emma Trottier ’03

Throughout the decades, extraordinary levels of support have been awarded to deserving students: currently one in four students receive needs-based financial assistance. This level of commitment to students is unique in Canada. Based in the knowledge and understanding that the lives of deserving young people will be transformed, The Grove’s vibrant financial assistance program is an extension of the commitment and caring of the school as a whole. “Looking back at my experience at LCS, it was so special—you’re part of a community and you feel like a family” says Emma, “You are cared for and supported by those around you.” For Emma, that inspired her to do all she could during her time at Lakefield College School. “LCS gives you incredible opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom. What other school gives you canoe trips in Algonquin Park in the fall, and opportunities to go on a service trip to Kenya in the winter?” she says. Emma considered herself shy and timid before attending LCS, but the school enabled her to achieve her full potential. She believes that The Grove gave

her confidence, and encouraged her to pursue education and career goals she had not previously thought possible. Currently, Emma is Senior Policy Analyst in the Corrections and Criminal Justice Directorate at Public Safety Canada, and she has begun studies at the University of Cambridge to complete her Master’s degree in Criminology. Emma attributes her professional achievements to her time at LCS. “Lakefield College Schoo—its staff, students and environment—provides you with the tools and skills you need to succeed. I would not be who I am today had it not been for LCS.” Emma has not forgotten the benefits of the financial assistance program. “My experience as a financial assistance kid pushed me to take full advantage of the opportunities that LCS has to offer. When I give back to The Grove, I always direct my donation to the financial assistance program. It is so important to the Lakefield College School community, and it can make a real and lasting difference in someone’s life.”

Lakefield College School Foundation

Please contact Theresa Butler-Porter T | 705.652.3324 ext.329 E | 4391 County Road, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada, K0L 2H0

1879 Society

The information and opinions contained in this newsletter are obtained from various sources believed to be reliable, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Lakefield College School and its employees and agents assume no responsibility for errors or omissions or for damages arising from the use of the published information and opinions. Readers are cautioned to consult their own professional advisors to determine the applicability of information and opinions in this newsletter in any particular circumstances. This newsletter is under copyright; its reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of the copyright owner is forbidden.

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