Summer 2016

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Grove News Summer 2016

Calendar of Events 2016/17

For details please refer to our school events calendar at—”View All Events” SEPTEMBER


23 Grade 9 & 10 Parents’ Reception


Parent Pub Night (Peterborough)

24 Grade 11 & 12 Parents’ Reception Fall Fair/Home to The Grove Reunion


London, ON Alumni Reception




Toronto Alumni Reception



Through the Red Door Event (LCS)

29 Trustees’ Meeting/Dinner


Calgary Alumni Reception



Vancouver Alumni Reception


Halifax Alumni Reception


Admissions Open House


Waterloo Alumni Reception


Admissions Open House

24 Parent Pub Night (Peterborough)


1970s Old Boys Reunion (LCS)

25 Ottawa Alumni Reception


Regatta Day





Going Grove Graduate Dinner (Class of 2017)



Peterborough Alumni Reception

27 Montreal Alumni Reception


LCS Parents’ Night Out (Peterborough)






Andy Harris Cup: Grove Golf Tournament

Grove Society Christmas Gathering

Kingston Alumni Reception

Lakefield College Trustees 2015/16 Board Chair Nicole Bendaly ’93 Past Chair Nick Lewis ’77 Jennifer Allen Tim Bell ’00 Mary Blair Marilynn Booth Carlo Bos ’94 Andrew Clarke ’85 Stephen Coates ’90 Paul Desmarais III ’00 Peter Dunn ’62 Whitney Dunn ’95 Stephanie Edwards Amanda Ethier ’98 Ann Farlow Jock Fleming ’74 Romina Fontana ’94

Ian Fung ’00 Ross Garland Bill Gastle ’68 Janice Green Rick Green Sue Guest Terry Guest * Neil Hamilton Alan Ingram Brett Jackman ’03 Andrew Johnston ’95 Warren Jones ’88 Zack Kembar ’87 Janet Lafortune Nick Lewis ’77 Kim Little ’53 Ross Little ’81 Hugh Macdonnell ’85 Kevin Malone ’77 Cameron Maltman ’16

Patrick Marshall ’90 James Matthews ’58 Karen McKnight John McRae ’70 Val McRae John McWilliams ’65 Tom Milburn David Miller ’77 Tracy Morley ’93 Bill Morris ’70 Margaret Nelligan Andrew Parke ’03 Anil Patel ’93 Jonathan Popper ’87 Tony Pullen ’63 Vicki Pullen Sean Quinn ’82 Doug Rishor ’57 Gretchen Ross John Ryder ’77

John Schumacher Leslie Schumacher ’06 Murray Sinclair ’79 Scott Smith ’87 John Stelzer ’00 Tom Stevenson ’78 Losel Tethong ’89 Stuart Thompson ’91 Richard Tucker ’77 Tim Ward ’62 Alex Westcott ’16 Cara Westcott Chris White ’90 Terry Windrem HRH The Duke of York ’78

Foundation Honorary Chair HRH The Duke of York ’78 Board Chair Jock Fleming ’74 Chair Emeritus Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73 Secretary James Matthews ’58 Emilio Azcarraga Jean ’87 Marilynn Booth Bruce Boren ’87 Michael Cooper France Deshaies Lefebvre Andrew Durnford ’85 Bernard Gault John K. Hepburn ’68

Suzanne Legge Orr Angus MacNaughton ’48 Robert McEwen Bill Morris ’70 Rosemary Phelan Donald Ross ’48 Thomas Ryder ’53 Nancy Smith Géza von Diergardt Richard Wernham Directors in Bold * Honorary Alumni

(Front Cover) Run or ‘dye’ trying!” Colour Run. Part of a Leadership, Character, Values (LCV) initiative led by our Grade 11 students in June, this fun, school-wide run raised money to support charities chosen by our Grade 10 students’ as part of their philanthropy projects.

It’s Not Good-Bye, It’s See You Later! I still remember Closing

that comes along with being an

at The Grove, think of the insight

Ceremonies in 2003. It was my

alumnus/a of The Grove. On behalf

shared by Nicole Bendaly ’93 (p.iv)

graduating year and the excitement

of all of us, welcome to the Alumni

who said “you can always find it

of a new chapter ahead was coupled


within yourself to keep moving

with the unsettling reality of leaving Lakefield College School.

I also hope that within these pages, you find messages to take with

forward.” And finally, as your heads of school so rightly pointed out, it—life!— does go by too fast.

The night before Closing was

you as you go on your way. During

allotted time to reflect on our lives

Closing Ceremonies, wisdom

at The Grove. Chapel, followed

was imparted, like the advice by

by the slideshow, celebrated the

Struan Robertson (p.i) to “stick

Heartfelt congratulations, Class of

friendships we’d developed, the

your neck out.” He’s right. Life is

2016! All the very best on your next

lessons we learned, the fun we had

short, take chances and see where


and the unique opportunities we

the unexpected can take you. In

enjoyed. Although tears were shed,

his remarks, Anil Patel ’93 (p.6)

it’s the laughter and smiles that I

reminded us that we have “lots of

remember best from my last night

time to figure it out.” For the days

as a Grove student.

when the path ahead seems foggy

To the Class of 2016: As you read this edition of the Grove News, I hope you will feel the pride

and windy, I hope you’ll remember those words. For the moments when you yearn for the simplicity of life

Make sure to stop along the way to appreciate and enjoy it all.

Contributing Editor Emma Trottier ’03 is currently a graduate student at the University of Cambridge. She is also a Senior Policy Advisor for the Government of Canada in the area of corrections and criminal justice.

Grove News Summer 2016 | i



from the Head of School

Struan Robertson, Closing Address, June 18, 2016 are going to be times in your life when you have to stick your neck out. There will be challenges and, instead of hiding in a shell, you have to go out and meet them.” So really—what I am trying to tell you is stick your neck out and don’t be afraid to fail. Ah...the word “failure.” I can see people shifting in their seats. It is a word that we are not comfortable with as a society. When people say “failure” or “I failed something,” it is seen as negative. As I have passionately said before, there is great learning in failure, in fact, some might even say there is even better learning in failure than in success. When I arrived at Lakefield in 2012, failure was not a word that was often used. Looking around at the incredibly supportive and nurturing learning environment though, I could see that while we weren’t naming it, our students

To the Class of 2016, what an exciting Closing day it is for all

were learning about failure every day. Our teachers and

of you, your family and friends. Today marks a milestone,

staff were establishing nurturing relationships and offering

your high school graduation. For many of you, a sure sign

reflective processes so that our students learned about

that you are maturing and ready to fly the coop—on to

failure, about building resiliency and about navigating the

bigger and better things. Some of you are very ready to

path forward to avoid future failure. We just weren’t very

move on from LCS and, I believe, some of you are not quite

good about naming it. And trust me...the word “failure” is

ready. For those of you who walked through Lakefield’s red

not one parents want to hear.

door when you started in Grade 7, or if you walked through it for the first time this past September, today is special as

As we launched our strategic plan Our Way | More

it marks the last time you will go through that door as a

Intentionally Lakefield, we toned down the language a

student of Lakefield College School. So, ready or not, here

bit, using the 3R’s (rigour, resiliency and resourcefulness)

you go!

to describe the experiences that LCS would instil in its students. But trust me—we were talking about “failing

Class of 2016, I have very simple advice for you as you


prepare to move onto the next phase of your life. Be true to yourself and be a Terrapin. Be a Terrapin? Yes—be a

When, as grads, you share advice in your Chapel Talks,

Terrapin. Let me explain.

you most often share the value of getting involved in spirit events, trying out for sports teams or for a play. That is

In the last three years, you have adopted the Terrapin as our

called sticking your neck out. As The Great One, Wayne

Grove mascot. Of course the turtle, and turtle races, have a

Gretzky said: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

long history at The Grove, hence the Terrapin. While I will admit that standing on the sidelines of the rugby game and

Stick your neck out. See what happens. Because let’s face

cheering “Run fast. Terrapins,” is a bit strange, Grover, our

it—life can be hard. You will experience failure. It will hurt.

mascot, has become quite popular with you, our students.

There will be days when you are in a fog. After I finished my B.A. at Dalhousie, I wanted to go to medical school. I

I hope this quote from Dr. Ruth Westheimers’

enrolled at Queen’s to take physics, biology, chemistry and

Commencement Speech at Trinity College University

organic chemistry so that I could pass the MCAT. I studied

captures why I want you to be a Terrapin:

every day and night. It was so hard. And while I passed my

“My favourite animal is the turtle. The reason is that in order for the turtle to move, it has to stick its neck out. There ii  |  Grove News Summer 2016

MCATs, it wasn’t enough to get into medical school. I had failed. But then a friend told me about a residential don

program at Lakefield College School, which opened my

valued. But those who’ve had failures are valued, too—

eyes to working with young people and a new opportunity

sometimes even more so.

presented itself.

“Start-up companies often prefer to hire a chief executive

Life will move forward and you will learn from every

with a failed start-up in his or her background. The person

experience. Trust me on that one—you will learn from every

who failed often knows how to avoid future failures. The


person who knows only success can be more oblivious to all

I have watched our grads stick their necks out and

the pitfalls.

experience both success and failure this year. Some of the

“Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you

successes have been amazing and some of the failures

wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing

have been very difficult. But it has been part of life, part of

you have to offer.”

your learning journey, and I believe it has made you more resilient, more prepared, more battle-ready for what lies ahead of you. I believe, Class of 2016, that as you embark on your next journey, in your next opportunity to stick your neck out, whether it is off to university, college or a gap year, that you are ready to be Terrapins. If you have ever read the book The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, you know what I am talking about. Randy was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who had been asked to join the “last lecture” series. At the time he said yes, he didn’t know he was terminally ill. Randy went on to give his last lecture as a parting gift to his three children. I would like to read to you from a section of his book called Be the First Penguin, as I believe it connects closely with my message of being a Terrapin. When Randy was teaching the Building Virtual Worlds course at Carnegie Mellon University, he would present one team of students at the end of each semester with a stuffed penguin. And I quote: “It was called the ‘First Penguin Award,’ and went to the team that took the biggest gamble in trying new ideas or new technology, while failing to achieve their stated goals. In essence, it was an award for ‘glorious failure’ and it celebrated out-of-the-box thinking and using imagination in a daring way. The other students came to understand ‘First Penguin’ winners were losers who were definitely going somewhere. “The title for the award came from the notion that when penguins are about to jump in the water that might contain predators, well, somebody’s got to be the first penguin. I originally called it the ‘Best Failure Award,’ but failure has so many negative connotations that students couldn’t get past the word itself. “Over the years, I made a point of telling my students that in the entertainment industry, there are countless failed products. It’s not like building houses, where every house built can be lived in by someone. A video game can be created and never make it through research and development. Or else it comes out and no one wants to play

As Randy says—experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted. I believe experience is what you get when you stick your neck out, when you fail and when you succeed. In my experience, the learning derived from a failure tends to stay with you for longer, you reflect on it for longer, it creates a hunger to succeed again...and, I believe, that is a good thing. Class of 2016—you have so much to look forward to in the coming years. As each of your dreams are different, each of your experiences will also be different. Don’t be afraid to stick out your necks. Failing helps you practise resiliency. That’s the good stuff—the stuff that helps you get up after you have been knocked down or experienced a crisis or challenging time. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer, recently said, “You are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. Like a muscle, you can build it up, draw on it when you need it. In that process you will figure out who you really are—and you just might become the very best version of yourself.” Like a muscle, you can build it up, draw on it when you need it. That’s awesome! Being resilient is like a muscle—you have been building it up over the past four years of learning at LCS. You have been training for challenging moments that you will face next year and beyond. Your teachers have nurtured the resiliency muscle in each of you. Now you need to draw upon it when you need it. So—Class of 2016—instead of being the First Penguin as Randy Pausch talked about, I want you to go out and be Terrapins. Be courageous. Stick your neck out. Don’t be afraid to fail. Use the resiliency that you have built up during your time at LCS. Learn from your failures. You have the toolbox and the resources that have prepared you for success...and for failure. I wish you all the very best next year and beyond as a Terrapin.

it. Yes, video game creators who’ve had successes are greatly Grove News Summer 2016 | iii

Find Passion in What You Do Nicole Bendaly ’93, Chair of the LCS Board, Closing Address, June 18, 2016 Class of 2016, can you believe you’re graduating?

means. And one of the most astonishing realizations I

Congratulations! Everyone here is just thrilled for you,

have had this year is that LCS is still teaching me how

and I am incredibly honoured to be standing here

to be a better person and how to be a better leader—23

celebrating this very important day with you.

years later!

While I am the Chair of the Lakefield College School

This year alone I have learned from Mr. Robertson, the

Board, first and foremost I am an alumna from the

Leadership Team, staff and faculty, board members

Class of 1993 and I am proud to have been among the

and the broader Grove community, each with different

first groups of girls to arrive at The Grove. Never did

lessons but one just as powerful as the next. From

I think, 23 years ago, that I would one day be the first

working more closely with Mr. Robertson this year,

female alumna to be chair of the school board...and I’m

I have been amazed by his resilience, momentum

sure I won’t be the last.

and energy—three essential traits of exceptional

I have spent a lot of time this year reflecting on Lakefield College School, including how it has impacted my life and what the Lakefield difference

iv  |  Grove News Summer Spring/Summer 2016 2008

leaders that Mr. Robertson has in spades. For the past four years, Struan worked tirelessly to achieve the goals of our strategic plan, and he has taught me the importance of digging deep to continue to move

“The reason why our staff, faculty and Leadership Team are able to give every ounce of themselves to students, parents and alumni alike, is because they love what they do and they are passionate about making a difference in the lives of our students.” forward, and reminded me that just when you think

will be times in your life when you are called upon to

you don’t have anything left to give, to keep digging

shoulder responsibility and lead others through both

because there is always one more step you can take

good times and challenging times, and I’ve learned

and you can always find it within yourself to keep

through Nick and the board that the best way to

moving forward. Struan, on behalf of the board of

broaden your shoulders is to simply ask two questions

directors, thank you for your drive, your resilience

more regularly, “What can I contribute?” and “How can

and for moving LCS forward. Over these past four

I make a difference?”

years, with Jennifer by your side, you have led the school to advancements in technology, enrollment, programming and fundraising, to name a few. We wish you, Jennifer, Jack, Molly and Aidan all the very best in this next chapter of your lives. The ability to drive forward and dig deep within yourself is easier when you are passionate about what you are doing, and this leads me to the lesson I have taken from the Leadership Team, staff and faculty this year—they reminded me of the importance of being passionate about what you do in life. The reason why our staff, faculty and Leadership Team are able to give every ounce of themselves to students, parents and alumni alike is because they love what they do and

I can easily say that I am a better leader and better person today because of Lakefield College School, because of this community and most importantly because of the relationships and experiences that LCS creates for all of us to embrace. So Grads, I’m here to tell you that while today might feel like the end of your LCS experience, the end of something so special and unique that only your fellow alumni can understand, I promise you, that this is truly only the beginning of an incredible journey with The Grove, if you choose it to be. Like anything you achieve in life, the experience you create is completely up to you. Congratulations Class of 2016 and good luck!

they are passionate about making a difference in the lives of our students. Each and every one of us benefits from their passion and endless dedication to this school. So Grads, no matter what path you choose in life, and no matter how you choose to contribute to the world, first and foremost be sure to dedicate yourself to something that you are passionate about, because it will be that passion that will fuel you and energize you so that you can dig deep, so that you can give yourself fully to making a difference in the world, no matter how you choose to make that difference. I have been incredibly honoured to be the Lakefield College School Board Chair for a grand total of four months now, and a board member for eight years. It is my privilege to work alongside 15 talented, committed and hard-working volunteers for whom this has been another busy year. I’ve learned many things from our board of directors, and one lesson stands out in particular. This year, Nick Lewis ’77, our previous chair of the LCS Board, taught me the importance of having broad shoulders—the importance of carrying the load for others especially in times of crisis. Grads, there Grove News Summer 2016 | v

A Warm Welcome to Our Head of School The Lakefield College School community is pleased to

Square Board and has been an accreditation officer

welcome Guy and Joanne McLean. Guy will be serving

for Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS),

as Head of School for the 2016/17 school year while the

leading many independent school accreditation

search for a new Head of School/Head of Foundation is

reviews across Canada.


Guy also has many ties to LCS. Throughout his more

An educator for more than 40 years, Guy brings a

than four decades of experience in education, he has

wealth of experience and accomplishment to LCS. As

worked collaboratively with many members of the LCS

the Headmaster at Appleby College in Oakville from

community. In addition, his father, Ian McLean ’35,

1987 until his retirement in 2012, Guy successfully led

was a graduate of The Grove.

Appleby through a transformational period that saw it emerge as one of the top independent schools in Canada. Respected as an empowering, collaborative and innovative leader, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for Education in 2012. Since retiring from Appleby, Guy has remained very active in the independent school community. He currently serves as Deputy Chairman of the Round

vi  |  Grove News Summer 2016

Guy and Joanne moved into the Head’s residence in Grove House in August and have already enjoyed getting involved in the LCS community, participating fully in the school’s Opening events and student orientations. Please join us in welcoming Guy and Joanne to The Grove.

Head Students’ Closing Address


Closing Awards—June 18, 2016


Connect to Causes You Care About: Keynote Address by Anil Patel ’93, Closing 2016


Bidding Adieu—and a Fond Farewell!


School Highlights


THRIVING in 2016/17


In the Words of Our Students


Hepburn Alumni Challenge


Mind, Body and Spirit—The Legacy of the Class of 2016


The Peter Dalglish Art Award


New Bursaries for Outstanding Students


Grove Society


The Andy Harris Cup: Grove Golf Tournament


Class News


Remembering Hugh Faulkner ’51, Charles Oliver McNeil Easson ’56 and Courtney Druce ’07


In Our Memories


The Graduating Class of 2016


Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Emma Trottier ’03; Editorial Committee: Heather Avery, Joe Bettencourt, Theresa Butler-Porter, John Runza, Shane Smyth ’96, Sarah Milligan and Stephanie Wilcox ’03. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondence to the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, 4391 County Road 29, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0 705.652.3324

Grove News Summer 2016 | 1

2  |  Grove News Summer 2016

Head Students’ Closing Address—June 2016 Cameron Maltman and Alex Westcott, Class of 2016 Nico [Laframboise} and Asha {Trott} stood here a year

community to make it the best year possible. We know

ago under this white tent, at this podium, under the

you will.

same heat and said that it all goes by way too fast. To be honest, we didn’t really believe them nor did we have a very good handle on what that truly meant, and

For the incoming Co-Head Students, Sophie Welch and Trevor Smith:

how valuable that piece of advice really was until now.

Sophie, you have the keen ability to observe and the

In hindsight, our Grade 12 year seems to have gone by

capacity to identify with those around you—this will

in fast forward. This year’s graduating class consists

serve you well entering the fall of 2016. You are kind,

of athletes, academics and artists, as well as a healthy

thoughtful, as well as goofy. You have a single-minded

dose of combinations, true enough, but in extension

drive to succeed and will be an integral part of your

we have a class of innovative thinkers, problem solvers

graduating class.

and creators with curious minds. We cannot wait to see and hear about all the things that will become of

Trevor, your enthusiasm for LCS and fondness for our

the Class of 2016. You are embarking on a new journey,

community will be an amazing asset. Your positive

one where you will be faced with challenge, hardship—

state of being and strength in communication will

not everything will go your way. But within each and

undoubtedly enable you to be successful in the big year

every one of you, is the desire or ablity to conquer,

to come.

succeed and overcome. All 103 of us came to LCS last September keen to have fun, learn along the way and make a positive difference. It was not the easiest of transitions, sure, and we certainly had our work cut out for us as the Leadership Class. But not a single grad wavered when faced with the opportunity to better this

We know that the school is in good hands with you two as Co-Head Students. To the Class of 2017, we would like to wish you the best of luck and every success in the school year to come; know that the graduates of 2016 are always within reach if need be.

community. We shared a commitment to the health,

We would just like to express our final gratitude to the

morale and spirit of those here at The Grove, and for

LCS community for helping us develop into the people

students in the years below us. Along the way, we

we have become. You have been our fans on the sports

discovered what it meant to be leaders, to be resilient

fields, a shoulder to cry on when we were feeling down,

in the face of failure, and to be humble in our success.

and the ultimate teachers who have taught us so much

As we look forward to the months ahead, we would

of what we know.

like to wish the best of luck to the Class of 2017, You

To the graduating class, we terrified younger grades

have an exciting year coming up and believe the Class

with our Haunted Halls, brought Christmas spirit in

of 2016 when we say that Grade 12 goes by all too fast.

the winter, and made this the best Camp Lakefield yet.

Before you know it, you will be standing under this tent

Alex and I just have one last thing to say… “Class of

in your blue blazers next year, passing on your legacy

2016 out!”

and becoming LCS alumni. So we encourage you to stop occasionally, look around, take advantage of all this place has to offer and discover why it’s like no other. You owe it to yourself, your classmates and this

Grove News Summer 2016 | 3

Closing Awards—June 18, 2016 Academic Proficiency Standing Top of Form

Grade 9

Claire Campbell

Grade 11

Matthew Lovick

Grade 10

Jack Campbell

Grade 12

Governor General’s Medal: Cameron Maltman

Curriculum Area Prizes Arts Awards

The I. Norman Smith Prize for Advanced Placement Studies in English Literature: Adam Milburn

Junior Art: Thomas Rozema

The English Writers’ Craft Prize: Sarah Williams

Intermediate Art: Brennah Danchuk-Lauzon Junior Drama: Anna Rasmus Intermediate Drama: Noah Tompkins The Hubert Eisdell Prize for Junior Music: Jack Zhang Intermediate Music: Maggie-Lu MacLean The David Bierk Visual Arts Prize: Philip Carr-Harris The Senior Music Prize: Lareina Liu The Senior Drama Prize: Daphné Mongeau

Modern Languages Awards Grade 9 Core French: Claire Campbell Grade 9 Applied French: Jason Chen Grade 9 Extended French: Kiera McCloskey Grade 10 Core French: Jack Campbell Grade 10 Extended French: Sophie Milburn Grade 11 Core French: Cristina Conesa

English Awards

Grade 11 Extended French: Jenna Hall

Grade 9 English: Ally Lovick

Grade 11 Spanish: Olivia Gao

Dela Fosse Prize for Grade 10 English: Betsy Macdonnell

The Core French Prize: Marlo Groh

Grade 11 English: Hanan Hammoud

The Advanced Placement Extended French Prize and The His Majesty the King of Spain Spanish Prize: Adam Milburn

Grade 11 AP Prep English: Ethan Jiang The Rosalind Barker Senior English Prize: Samantha Mauro

4  |  Grove News Summer 2016

Grade 10 Spanish: Rayan Alfuhaid

Curriculum Area Prizes Mathematics Awards Grade 9 Mathematics: Claire Campbell Grade 10 Foundations of Mathematics: Rachel Leung Paterson Prize for Grade 10 Principles of Mathematics: Lingjie (Jason) Chen Grade 10 Introduction to Computer Studies: Jennifer Cardona

Grade 10 Science: Jack Campbell The A.W. Mackenzie Environmental Award: Tess Wilson Grade 11 Biology: Matthew Lovick Grade 11 AP Prep Biology: Sophie Welch Grade 11 Chemistry: Hanan Hammoud Grade 11 AP Prep Chemistry: Matthew Lovick Grade 11 Physics: Trevor Smith

Grade 11 Functions: Tiffany Lee

The Biology Prize: Jillian Torsher

Grade 11 Functions and Applications: Owen Uren

The Chemistry Prize: Ben Dahler

Grade 11 AP Prep Functions: Jack Campbell

The Mrs. A.W. Mackenzie Prize for Advanced Placement Biology and The Physics Prize: Asheesh Momi

Grade 11 Computer and Information Science: Ethan Jiang The Mathematics of Data Management Prize: Daniel Wang The Advanced Functions Prize: Daniella Douglas

The Advanced Placement Chemistry Prize: Cameron Maltmancial Science Prizes

The Professor M. Mackenzie Calculus Prize: Grace Zhu

Social Science Prizes

The Larry Griffiths Prize for Advanced Placement Calculus: Cameron Maltman

Grade 9/10 Information Technology: Kiera McCloskey

The Advanced Placement Computer Science Prize: Mingze Lin

Outdoor Education Junior Outdoor Education: Claire Campbell The Fullerton Prize for Intermediate Outdoor Education: Jack Campbell The Susan Guest Outdoor Education Prize: Trevor Smith

Grade 9/10 Civics: Fallon Dennis Grade 10 THB Symons Prize for Canadian History: Katherine Petrasek Grade 11 American History: Braeson Agar Grade 11 Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology: Jenna Hall The Classical Civilizations Prize: Thomas Hargreaves The Economics Prize: Tom Dahler

The Personal Fitness Award: Amanda Huang

The World History Prize and The Advanced Placement Politics Prize: Adam Milburn

Science Awards

The Canada and World Issues Prize: Katherine McNeice

Grade 9 Science: Claire Campbell

The Canadian and International Law Prize: Samantha Mauro

Character and Achievement Awards The Junior Grove Society Prize: Madison Sheward

The J.R. Anderson Award: Lizzy McLean

The Gaby Award: Kenzie McCallum

John Pearman Martyn Sibbald Prize: Skye Nadon

The Fred Page Higgins Award: Claire Campbell

The Monty Bull Award: Alexandra Rousseau

Junior Edson Pease Prize: Allie Avard

The Jack Matthews Humanitarian Award: Aikansha Chawla

The Jean Ketchum Prize: Alice Prindiville-Porto

The Whitney Prize: Lexie Krocker

The Stephen Thompson Prize: Matthew Lovick

Jean and Winder Smith Award: Delaney Stedman

The Harman Award: Isabella Runza

The Ondaatje Foundation Award: Cameron Maltman

The Senior Grove Society Prize: Brennah Danchuck-Lauzon

The Trustees’ Prize: Buzzy Lawson

The Milligan Awards:Alex Babineau, Caitlin Lovick

British Alumni Travelling Scholarship: Skye Nadon

The Grove Award: Asheesh Momi The Crombie Award: Abbie Masciangelo Senior Edson Pease Prize: Raul Ceron Pineda H.M. Silver Jubilee Award: Thomas Hargreaves The Nelles Prize: Alex Westcott

OPPOSITE (L-R): Anil Patel ’93 with Cameron Maltman ’16, recipient of the Governer General Medal. Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award recipients (L-R) Delaney Stedman ’16, Cameron Maltman ’16, Asheesh Momi ’16, Louis Fayolle ’16 and Aikansha Chawla ’16

Grove News Summer 2016 | 5

Connect to Causes You Care About Keynote Address by Anil Patel ’93, Closing 2016 Timeraiser events are like speed-dating for volunteerism with a silent art auction twist. Through the evening, you have the opportunity to meet with dozens of nonprofits to match your skills to their needs. So if your interest is in the arts, the environment, health care, social services or education, you can meet an organization that can make use of your time and talents. Once you make a volunteer-match, you can then bid on the artwork on display and it is made available in a currency that all can afford: time, not money. In a silent art auction format, bidders volunteer time in increments of hours to be completed in 12 months. Upon completion, they then bring the artwork home as a reminder of their good will. It gets better. Sponsors pay the artists fair market value for their work. It is a win-win-win-win. Nonprofits get access to skilled volunteers. Volunteers find Almost 23 years ago, as Head Boy, I was standing

opportunities that stick with them. Emerging artists

in nearly the exact same place, about to share a few

get paid. Our communities benefit from all the

reflections in roughly the same way.


The 1st Field Hockey Team didn’t let a goal in all

Since inception, we have hosted over 70 events across

season. The Montreal Canadiens clinched the Stanley

Canada, that have raised 150,000 volunteer hours,

Cup. The Toronto Blue Jays won their first world

invested $1.1M in the careers of emerging artists,

series. Toronto rapper Snow had a Billboard Top 10

supported the efforts of 500 nonprofits, and several

hit, Informer. Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel

thousand young Canadians have come out to pledge

Prize. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine premiered.

and participate in their community.

And like you Grads, the Class of 1993 was bursting with

While the numbers make our team proud, it is the

anticipation for our next challenge. For some it was a

stories of impact that are most meaningful to us. Here

gap year. For most it was off to university.

is one from artist Lisa Ochowycz:

Queen’s University provided me the opportunity to

“I was asked to present one of my artwork pieces to

meet more civically-minded people. My friends and

an enthusiastic volunteer who had just finished her

I regularly organized different charity events to raise

pledged hours. Not only was I delighted that my piece

money for the local hospital and international service-

had inspired her, but just think about all those groups

learning organizations.

who benefited from her expertise and hard work, what

After Queen’s, most of my friends and I ended up in

a truly rewarding moment!”

Toronto. We were holding good jobs, but finding it

Timeraiser events now happen all across Canada: from

difficult to connect with volunteer causes we cared

Vancouver to St John’s.

about. To solve this challenge, three friends of mine and I started a national charity in 2002; the goal of

Many LCS alumni have helped over the years; it has

Framework was to bring awareness to relevant and

been great reconnecting with alumni in so many

meaningful volunteer opportunities. Our main

places. Crisscrossing the country was a very enriching

program, the Timeraiser, goes something like this:


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In Vancouver, I was able to meet health care workers in

human rights awareness and raise funds to

the city’s notorious downtown east side. In Winnipeg,

support their media training programs.

it was working with a social enterprise catering company that provides skills training and support


Without Borders supports social innovations in

services for at risk youth. In Halifax, it was learning

Canada and Africa to break the chain of poverty.

about Hope Blooms, a local nonprofit working on food security. In Hamilton, it was Crazy Daisy, a social enterprise focused on the promotion of mental wellness. The list goes on and on. Through the work, I also expanded my personal growth and development—learning not always found in the classroom. First, it was learning to be empathic: putting yourself in the shoes of others. And most important, really listening to what someone was saying; reflecting on their hopes and dreams; and taking the time to reframe your initial thoughts or beliefs. Second, social change work is incredibly entrepreneurial. While the private sector often brags as the champion of entrepreneurism, my experience in meeting hundreds of young people over the years is that the community service sector punches way above its weight-class. Third, creating social change requires you to master the art of asking good questions. Social change is complex and contains many systemic barriers and challenges. There are no quick fixes—throwing money at societal problems, more times than not, doesn’t work. Social change requires the long view and will often involve many false starts and dead-ends requiring course corrections along the way. Speaking of journeys, I’ve kept abreast of the many things LCS faculty, students and staff have accomplished this year. There are wonderful examples of faculty, staff and students making conscious decisions on how to make use of their time, talent and treasure for the benefit of our communities. To the approximately ten graduates taking a gap year, I encourage you to make the next 12 months fun and meaningful and become more involved citizens. For the graduates that are off to college and university, your campuses will provide a buffet of opportunities to remain involved while you balance your studies and

Are you planning to be an Engineer? Engineers


Are you keen on local food sustainability? Meal Exchange empowers student leaders to take action locally and across Canada.

These are just a sample. But you’ll need to invest a little bit of time—just after frosh week—to find what is right for you. In 2001, Nelson Mandela was speaking at Ryerson University. He shared his remarkable story and then encouraged everyone in the audience to effect change—even when facing challenging situations or adversaries or obstacles. The profound moment for me came when he told us about how he spent 27 years of his life in prison—all for defending a cause he believed in. I was a 26-year-old hearing him tell that story. By the end of his speech, I left there knowing that I was going to find my path. Wherever you go from here, look for people along the way who share in your vision, hopes, dreams and aspirations. I met some great people who wanted to start the Timeraiser. The opportunity before you is not dissimilar to the mission of the Star Trek crew. You are graduating in a time and place affording you the opportunity to boldly go where past generations could not. You have been equipped and encouraged to chart your own path from this point forward. You have the ability to combine your passion and future vocation. This is a real choice amongst traditional career paths. You’ll have lots of time to figure it out. Whether it is during your gap year or on campus, you’ll find it. Continue to ask good questions. Remain empathetic to those around you. And connect to causes you care about. And because I referenced Star Trek earlier, I must close with one more. A phrase, in fact, from my favourite Star Trek character, Mr Spock. And a phrase that I hope is universally known and appropriate for a day like today: Live Long and Prosper.

social calendar: NN

Are you heading into journalism, communications or international development? Journalists for Human Rights Student Campus Chapters raise Grove News Summer 2016 | 7

BIDDING ADIEU—and a Fond Farewell! Heartfelt wishes to our Head of School, CEO Foundation and colleagues Head of School Struan Robertson Having served four years as Head of School, we say farewell with best wishes to Struan Robertson, Jennifer and their three children Aidan, Molly and Jack. In the spring of 2012, Lakefield College School first welcomed the Robertson Family to the campus. They arrived with great enthusiasm for The Grove and quickly immersed themselves into the LCS community. They could be found playing games on the Head’s lawn, cheering on teams on the fields and in the rinks, playing at the waterfront, skating on the rink, enjoying the plays, music concerts and dance recitals (even dancing themselves—imagine Struan in a tutu!) in the theatre. As a family, they embraced the Chapel and could often been seen joining the students for meals in the dining hall. Struan arrived tasked with the implementation of an ambitious

“I have been amazed by his resilience, momentum and energy—three essential traits of exceptional leaders that Mr. Robertson has in

strategic plan that included not only capital expansion but, for the first time, bold enhancements to the school’s academic program. His legacy at the school lives on in so many ways—under his leadership we saw the building of Uplands House, the introduction of the Mac

spades. For the past four years, Struan worked

laptop program and the establishment of a new online learning

tirelessly to achieve the goals of our strategic

management system, Edsby. His support and enthusiasm of the

plan, and he has taught me the importance of digging deep to continue to move forward, and reminded me that just when you think you don’t have anything left to give, to keep digging because there is always one more step you can take and you can always find it within yourself to keep moving forward. Struan, on behalf of the board of directors, thank you for your drive, your resilience and for moving LCS forward. Over these past four years, with Jennifer by your side, you have led the school to advancements in technology, enrollment, programming and fundraising, to name a few. We wish you, Jennifer, Jack, Molly and Aidan all the very best in this next chapter of your lives.” NICOLE BENDALY, LCS Board Chair, Closing 2016

Leadership, Character, Values Program and the LCS THRIVE program have helped to bolster this community and better prepare students for the future. Struan also prioritized the school’s core values which included contemporizing the Learning value and changing the Healthy Caring Community value language, from “tolerance” of diversity to “acceptance” of diversity. Struan consulted with students, he engaged his staff and he passed this change through our school board and trustees because, as a community, we all agreed that “tolerance” is no longer good enough. With this change in values, Struan then worked with our legal counsel to change our harassment, bullying and cyberbullying policies. The entire Robertson family embraced the Lakefield difference— Jennifer became an advisor to many students during her time here and embraced residential life. Struan and Jennifer were members of the Concert Choir and the two graciously opened their home to students, staff, parents and alumni on many occasions. We will miss them on their daily walks with the family dog, Bailey, the casual chats along the way and seeing them on the sidelines cheering on our teams.

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Sarah McMahon, CEO Foundation “The LCS that we know in 2016 has been shaped by Sarah, and she has left her stamp on the school and on our hearts. We will miss her dearly.” Maya Angelou has famously written, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” When it comes to honouring Sarah McMahon, we feel about this quotation probably the way many of our students did when answering True/False questions on their final exams. This statement seems to be both true— and false. and son Cody McMahon ’12, both people who have, on It is certainly false in that we do not believe that the

occasion, set the standard for humour at LCS). Sarah’s

people of LCS will forget about what Sarah did. As

humour has brightened many a boring all staff meeting

our Director of Admissions from 1999 to 2008, Sarah

and winter morning Chapel. In fact, none of us will forget

attracted and solidified relationships with hundreds

the buzz when Sarah walked into Chapel while Interim

of families who came to love the school and what it

Head of School dressed head to toe as Cruella Deville,

offered. In her work as CEO of our Foundation, Sarah

with the staff dressed as fawning Dalmatians. Thank you

has led a team that has raised $33 million dollars in the

for that memory.

past four years, increased our endowment to over $30 million, and increased alumni donor participation at an

And Sarah could make us feel good by making us feel

unprecedented rate.

valued. With students, Sarah always had the time to talk, to listen, to encourage and to comfort. A fiercely

And, from 2010 to 2012, Sarah was our first female Head of

competitive athlete herself, she always knew the stars

School—an accomplishment for the history books in and

and the rookies on virtually every LCS sports team, and

of itself, and one that truly speaks to Sarah’s enormous

had pep talks ready for them both. With staff, Sarah has

talents and capabilities as a leader.

been generous in her praise, rewarding smart thinking,

So no, Maya Angelou, we won’t forget what Sarah did for LCS. But you are right, Maya Angelou, in saying that “people will never forget how Sarah made them feel.” Sarah’s strongest contribution to the school has been her gift for making people feel good—about their day, about their contributions, and about her concern and affection for them. A master of positive psychology, Sarah has always been able to make us laugh, and has always understood the importance of doing so. She has a playful sense of

hard work and innovation with kind and grateful acknowledgement. Finally, Sarah could make us feel good by making us feel cared for. She knows the elements in each of our lives that bring us joy, and she never fails to ask about them. She is particularly good, I must add, at making babies feel cared for. Sarah never met a baby she didn’t want to hold, and the tired moms and dads of LCS are in her debt. The LCS that we know in 2016 has been shaped by Sarah, and she has left her stamp on the school and on our hearts. We will miss her dearly.

humour (no doubt developed and supported by the two most important men in her life—her husband Bruce

Grove News Summer 2016 | 9

seamlessly, all computing hiccups and missing comments corrected before any damage was done. In tribute, after Rick supervised his last exam in June, he was clapped out by staff and was led down to the waterfront to join in the grad tradition of jumping into the lake at the end of their exams. But it is Rick’s accomplishment in learning in the outdoors that truly speaks to his contributions to the school. Few staff members, past or present, can rival Richard Hagg in terms of embodying the spirit of Outdoor Education at The Grove. For many of our younger OE teachers, Rick has been a mentor, a helping hand, and an inspiration. He has been there when someone needs a belayer on the ropes course, there when the temperature is minus 20 and the Nordic team needs help with a ski race.

Richard Hagg, Director of Academic Administration

As a coach, Rick also inspired love of the outdoors, particularly the wintry outdoors: 30 years a Nordic ski coach, he developed the LCS ski trails, chaired the OFSSA Sports Advisory

It is an honour to recognize Richard Hagg as one of our long-

Committee, and organized Nordic championships at the

standing LCS faculty members (35 years), a man who has truly

local, regional and provincial levels. Rick also developed three

helped to shape the spirit of LCS.

signature LCS outdoor programs: the Irving Expedition, the

Here is a man who can tell you LCS stories from almost every perspective. You can’t be a boys’ Head of House (Ryder and

Ondaatje International Expedition program, and the Ondaatje Medal program.

Ondaatje) for 13 years without having a few tales to tell.

LCS was lucky to have this generous and talented man serve

Rick’s wife Vaila was a school nurse and his children

us faithfully for so many years. We wish him all the best for an

Stephanie (Hagg) Near ’90 and Duncan grew up on campus as

active retirement.

well. A member of the LCS Guidance Department for twenty years,

Tom Fife, Carpenter/Facilities Technician

Rick has supported hundreds of students in achieving their

Thirty-two years ago, a young man named Tom Fife joined the

dreams, even when it meant getting them out of bed to write

LCS Facilities Department as a groundskeeper. In March of

SAT or AP exams! As Director of Academic Administration,

this year, Tom retired to spend more time with his family and

Rick made sure that events like exams and report card

enjoy his farm near Keene.

production were non-events, running smoothly and

Tom is one of the longest-serving employees of LCS and has served under numerous departmental managers. Although Tom eventually took on the role of the school’s Master Carpenter, he is truly a Facilities “renaissance man”—capable of fixing and doing pretty well anything that comes his way. Perhaps his greatest passion, however, is his love of fine wood and fine carpentry. When a work order would come through for a table or a cabinet or a bench, the machines in the workshop would start up and the smell of sawdust and glue would tell everyone that Tom was in “his world”… not to be disturbed. Over the years he has produced many a masterpiece— including all of the handmade garden benches presented to our retiring staff. But worry not—we did not ask Tom to make his own retirement bench! His was crafted by others.

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Tom has left his legacy at The Grove: as a man who is kind, helpful, caring and incredibly talented.

Sheila Wilson, Learning Commons Program When we talk about the caring relationships of Lakefield College School, we most often think about teacher-student or Head of House-student interactions. But, on the occasion of the retirement of someone like Sheila Wilson, we are reminded that this Lakefield difference is often created and maintained by our support staff as well. Sheila has been with Lakefield College School since 2000, beginning her career at School Stores. In 2002, Sheila joined the Guidance Office and when the school launched the Learning Commons program in 2009, Sheila assumed administrative responsibility for this program. of the course, Melissa’s work, and students ready to take on the In all these roles, she has been a vital member of LCS


administrative teams who seek to improve the learning experience of students, and she has always been willing

Melissa is proud of her strong relationships with her students

to grow and assume more responsibility as the school has

and the athletes she has coached. She has made widespread


contributions to committee work, and we have all benefited from Melissa’s willingness to volunteer her expertise and keen

Sheila is looking forward to spending her retirement with

eye for details. We wish her luck at Appleby College.

her ever-growing number of grandchildren—ten and a half at last count—and we know they will benefit from their grandmother’s generosity and kindness, just as The Grove has.

Melissa Rathier, Faculty Member Melissa came to Lakefield College School in 2005. She has earned the reputation of a very hard-working teacher completely committed to ensuring her students excel. Melissa takes great pride in the Chemistry program’s growth during her time at The Grove. The success of our AP Chemistry program has been the result of her expertise and tireless efforts to constantly fine tune and innovate instructional approaches. In this year, a record number of students have enrolled in the pre-AP program which speaks to the reputation

All the best to you in your endeavours! LCS bids farewell to the following staff members. We wish them well as they move on to a new chapter in their lives. NN NN NN NN NN NN

Katrina Brennan, Assistant Head of House Rebecca Calder, Assistant Head of House Taylor Coumbs, Teaching Fellow (LEAP) Clark Davis, Assistant Head of House Zoe Edwards ’09, Assistant Head of House


Paige Frigault, Assistant Head of House Travis Fuchs, Teaching Fellow (LEAP) Colleen Hohs, School Life Assistant Mary Elizabeth Konrad ’08, OE Teacher Stephanie Kruzich, Assistant Head of House Sean Munoz ’07, Assistant Head of House Carrie O’Toole, Academic Coach


Rachel Pearson, Teaching Fellow (LEAP) Matthew Savino, Director of Human Resources Lucas Tompkins, Teaching Fellow (LEAP) Natasha Turner, Assistant Head of House Grove News Summer 2016 | 11

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Learning from an MP

Trevor Smith ’17 and Sophie Welch ’17 were elected by

The School Life Class held a live video conference with

their peers and staff as our 2016/17 Co-Head Students.

MP (Member of Parliament) Rob Oliphant, Co-Chair of

Trevor and Sophie both started their LCS careers in

the House-Senate Committee on “Physician Assisted

middle school—Sophie in Grade 7 and Trevor in Grade

Dying.” Students presented stakeholder views ranging

8. Both Trevor and Sophie are excited about being

from patient rights, doctors rights, faith systems and

selected as Co-Head Students and they are looking

the Supreme Court regarding the upcoming vote in the

forward to leading the student body next year.

House of Commons. It was a very lively and interactive

A Great Year for the Lorelei Consort

experience where all students had to present and

The Lorelei Consort shared their musical talent with

receive feedback and questioning from MP Oliphant.

the Peterborough community by singing the national

The students in the School Life Class were extremely

anthem at a Peterborough Pete’s hockey game. This

engaged, articulate and appreciated by MP Oliphant

spring, Lorelei also performed in the Ontario Vocal

who concluded our session with an invitation to join

Festival and the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival

him on Parliament Hill.

speak to a particular stakeholder viewpoint and then

where the consort won first place finish and high adjudicator mark.

Volunteering in the Community

Ready to See the World

Lakefield College School students Adam Milburn ‘16

This year, the British Alumni Travelling Scholarship

Volunteer Service Awards ceremony in Peterborough.

was awarded to Skye Nadon ’16. She will be travelling

Adam and Sophie received Youth Service awards

in the UK and Europe beginning this fall, and will

from Jeff Leal, Ontario’s Minister of Agriculture, Food

speak at the annual UK Friends dinner in London in

and Rural Affairs, for their ongoing commitment to

January about her experiences.

volunteer service at Lang Pioneer Village, a living

This scholarship is funded by the UK Friends of Lakefield College School, a UK charity originally reflecting the gratitude of British Alumni who attended The Grove during WWII, but now funded largely by LCS graduates living in Europe. The purpose of each award is to enable a graduate of Lakefield College School to live independently for eight months outside the Americas, predominantly in Europe and beginning

and Sophie Milburn ‘18 were honoured at the Ontario

history museum located near the Village of Keene, south of Lakefield. The museum uses historical buildings to recreate life in the Peterborough area in the 1800s. OPPOSITE (Top to Bottom) L-R: The School Life Class in a video conference with MP Rob Oliphant; Adam Milburn ’16 and Sophie Milburn ’18 receiving the Youth Service Award from Jeff Leal; Skye Nadon ’16 this year’s British Alumni Travelling Scholarship recipient; the Lorelei Consort at the Ontario Vocal Festival. TOP: Trevor Smith ’17 and Sophie Welch ’17, the Co-Head Students for 2016/17

their travels in the United Kingdom. Grove News Summer 2016 | 13

Athletics Action Despite the hot temperatures, the 1st Girls’ Soccer Team topped off their season bringing home the CISAA silver medal!

with students and tour the schools of Harvard, MIT and Boston College. They attended a forum with the Mayor of Flint Michigan and learned about their water crisis and took part in a leadership case study at Harvard University. Serendipitously, the group also

The 1st Boys’ Rugby Team capped off a tremendous

met and had impromptu sessions with a Jamaican

season with a hard fought match where LCS topped

lawyer who is suing the British Government on behalf

Ridley College 26-19 and earned the CISAA gold

of the sugar cane slaves and a gentleman who lived

medal. The team finished the season with a 13-1

through the racial turmoil of the 1960s and is now a

record, outscoring opponents (excluding tournaments)

Harvard Fellow studying world religions. Highlights of


the trip included a private tour and very informative lecture about the Martin Luther King collection at

The Laramie Project This year’s spring play, The Laramie Project, was a great success. Our students presented a thought-provoking, powerful piece of professional-calibre theatre that was very well received by audiences. The LCS cast and crew worked extremely hard on this production and deserve to be commended for their efforts. The cast, who was very proud of the message of acceptance promoted by the play, announced that they raised $1000 for the CMHA program “Gender Journeys.” These funds will go a long way to help a great local organization and

Boston College, dinner at the John Harvard Pub (where Facebook began), a city tour of Boston with lunch at the Cheers pub, shopping at the Harvard Co-op, a tour of the MIT museum along with a crisis simulation workshop at Harvard with two Canadian graduate students. It was an action packed, stimulating tour. The theme the students heard over and over was to “know your story and be passionate about whatever it is you want to do in life.”

Scholarships Awarded at Closing

they are thrilled to have the support. Thank you to

The Pinkerton Scholarship is awarded to a graduating

the entire LCS and Peterborough Arts community for

student from Ontario who demonstrates outstanding

embracing this important project.

community service, combined with high academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. This

Giving Back to the Community At the end of every school year, students are invited

award was presented to three students: Aikansha Chawla ’16, Asheesh Momi ’16 and Adam Milburn ’16.

to donate their gently used school uniform and other

Laura Lamont ’16 was awarded a British Alumni

clothing to the school. Last year, LCS students

Vocational Scholarship, a unique scholarship provided

Abe Mello ’16 and Rebecca Mello’17 started their own

by the UK Friends of Lakefield College School.

not-for-profit charity, The Mobile Wardrobe. They

Similar to the British Alumni Travelling Scholarship,

purchased a cargo van and requested donations of

this award is intended to support and further a

clothing from LCS and other local and independent

demonstrated particular vocational interest for up to

schools and organizations. They gathered the

one year of work, travel and study abroad. The recipient

donations and drove around needy urban, rural and

is expected to develop a plan for further learning of,

First Nations communities and delivered clothing to

and experience with, his/her area of vocational interest

those in need.

and to provide a written account of the year’s activities

An Adventure in Leadership This spring, 12 students along with Mr. Peter O’Grady and Ms. Vera Wilcox left for Boston on An Adventure in Leadership—Campuses of Influence and Corridors of Power trip. Upon arrival in Boston, the group met Leadership Coach Dr. Betsy MacGregor and the journey began. The group had the opportunity to interact

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and travels to be made available to future potential Scholars.

To view LCS news stories visit our website at (search by date and/or keyword) OPPOSITE (Top to Bottom) L-R: The Adventures in Leadership group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); the gold medal winning 1st Boys’ Rugby Team, the silver medal winning 1st Girls’ Soccer Team; the cast of The Laramie Project.

Grove News Summer 2016 | 15

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THRIVING in 2016/17 Positive Psychology, Supportive Structures and Student Engagement In June, Lakefield College School staff closed the first

In addition, we will continue to build staff expertise in

year of the THRIVE well-being project with C.A.M.P.

the pillars of the THRIVE program. Through a series

Lakefield (Curriculum and Meaningful Play)—three

of workshops and training sessions with staff from

days offering a smattering of wellness activities blended

the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH),

with our regular workday. Faculty and staff met at the

the school will work to ensure that we have a safe and

waterfront for early morning yoga, and had a lunch and

effective model of care for our students in terms of

a late afternoon devoted to activities such as learning

mental health management and early identification

to Stand-Up Paddleboard (or Knee-Up Paddleboard, as

of possible mental health issues. Training has already

one of the novice participants described it), meditation,

begun for the staff of the Health Centre and other key

yoga, slacklining, climbing and sailing.

staff members. By the end of 2017, the hope is to have

We closed out the year with an All-Staff game of Escape The Grove—an elaborate set of mathematical and other puzzles designed by faculty member Todd Harris—that led teams around the campus to uncover clues.

all residential staff as well as some faculty involved in training as well. The goals of that training will include awareness of mental health and addiction issues, empathic communication and reducing stigma and discrimination. Lisa Ducharme, Director of Health

The series of events marked an amazing opportunity

Services, and John Runza, Assistant Head: School Life,

for staff to enjoy our beautiful campus and stunning

will spearhead this vital program.

facilities in a way that there is rarely time for when the students are here—and to reflect on how these facilities and opportunities contribute to a sense of well-being.

Finally, three staff have been selected to earn certificates in Applied Positive Psychology over the 2016/17 school year, and then to develop a program to

Now, it is time to begin to educate our students! We will

educate and support all other staff in learning about and

hire Dr. Greg Wells again in 2016/17 to work directly with

implementing this key pillar of the THRIVE program.

our students, and the staff who work with our students,

Faculty members Kirsten Johnston, Libby Dalrymple

to share with them how they can improve their focus and

and Carrie Gilfillan will travel to Toronto for seven

performance through better sleep, nutrition, hydration

weekends from September to April, not only to learn

and exercise routines. Teachers are full of ideas about

about positive psychology, but specifically to learn

how they might make use of Wells’ expertise in their

how its principles can be applied in an educational

classrooms: not just in courses like Outdoor Education,

setting for both students and staff. To learn more

but in Computer Science (how do those Fitbits work

about this program, check out their website at: https://

anyway?), Biology and Psychology. Coaches are already

making plans for how a Wells program might support their team. And the students are excited! In anticipation of next year, they launched a Stretch/Breathe/Move set of activities before each exam, capitalizing on their

The momentum has started—we can’t wait to see how our students respond! HEATHER AVERY

awareness that these activities would help students to relax and focus.

Grove News Summer 2016 | 17

IN THE and Spirit of Our Students

Lakefield: My Home, My Family Lakefield College School is a home, and its community, a family. I see the family in the way that everybody has a spot in our community. Every member of this family is vastly different and yet it’s the differences that hold us together like glue. Each and every member brings different talents and different strengths to the table. Each and every member also brings different flaws and weaknesses. Consequently, because we are all tremendously different, we fill each other’s holes. One person’s flaw is another person’s talent. One person’s weakness is another person’s strength. Alas, within

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our family, we find a balance in our

need care. We find contentment in the

immense diversity. We even each

safety of our campus as a whole.

other out. Everybody is necessary and everybody is valuable in making the family what is it.

I am approaching my sixth year at LCS. Regardless of the fact that the majority of my life has not been spent at LCS,

I see the home in the comfort and

a considerable portion of my life has

opportunity LCS brings its inhabitants.

been spent here. The years that were

We find peace at the waterfront on hot,

most vital in nurturing me into who I

windy days at the beginning and the

am now were spent here. It is easy for

end of the year. We find intellectual

me to say that LCS is another home, and

invigoration in the classrooms with our

the members of its community are my

inspiring teachers and our motivated

second family. What has allowed LCS to

peers. We find excitement and passion

find such a special place in my heart is

on our sports fields, or on the water, or

the family and the home feel. I’m truly

on the track. We find our imaginations

not sure what it is that gives it this feel,

and our creativity in our music room,

but there’s something there that makes

or our art room, or on the stage. We find

it special in this way. It is the magic of

warmth in our health centre when we

Lakefield College School.

HELPING ME TO BE THE BEST THAT I CAN BE—“The thing that keeps me coming back to Lakefield is something I know I could never find anywhere else, and that is how much I can tell my teachers care about me. The relationships and bonds I have made with them have been the key to my success and have been the reason I thrive at LCS. I can tell how hard they work every day to make sure we all perform to our best ability and we all reach our highest potential. I’ve had the chance to be the best I can be and I am forever grateful.“


This year at LCS will be my last, but

school experience, inspiring personal

Everyone there is happy and engaged,

I know that the feeling I have for this

betterment through programs like LCV.

and we push each other to be better

place will never fade away.

LCV (Leadership, Character, Values) is

Lakefield College School is my home,

a teacher-run initiative that takes place

and its community, my family.

once or twice a month, and has four


Leadership, Character, Values

different groups for the four grades. At the meetings, we play teambuilding games, solve problems and learn how to become better leaders. This year,

every time; I always find myself in a better mood when I see it on the Grove Time scheduler. LCV makes the wellrounded ideal real. You can go to class and have all the knowledge in the world stored in your brain, but without good leadership and communication traits you won’t be able to share what you

All schools are founded on the same

the Grade 10 group (my grade) even

basic principle: teach. They all feed kids

ran a year-long charity drive, where

information about math, science and

we donated time and money to a local

LCV also pushes the development of

history, rarely worrying about how the

charity of our choice.

character and values. As an individual,

children are getting on. Very few schools actually try to make their students

The objective of the LCV program

better people which is what I think

is solely to make students better

makes Lakefield College School unique.

individuals outside of the classroom,

LCS moves beyond the traditional

and it is only able to function because of the time teachers sacrifice to run it.

know with the world.

I’m not very expressive by nature, but LCV has taught me to define who I am and pursue that image through everyday life. The fact that the people at LCS are willing to contribute time and effort to better the people around them is Grove News Summer 2016 | 19

heart warming and is what makes this

Our purpose was to make the day-to-day

me great joy. LCS was very supportive of

place truly one-of-a-kind. LCS is the

life of LCS students happy and positive

the Happiness Initiative and allowed it

only school I know of that tries to make

through little things. Some of the things

to be fully student run. Lakefield College

its students better, which is why my

we did were cookie decorating, music in

School has endless extra-curricular

experience here has been unique.

the hallways, free Freezies, anonymous

activities that students have the

compliment letters, free hugs, bubble

opportunity to participate in and there

wrap lining the hallway and compliment

is also the opportunity to run your own.

jars. We found little things like handing

Student leaders are celebrated and this

out juice boxes and cookies in the

is a truly unique aspect.


The Happiness Initiative LCS has had a massive impact on me for

library at study allowed students to

countless reasons, but the opportunity I

smile and take a quick breather.

was provided with, to use my leadership


Opportunities of the Hidden Side of Theatre

skills and passion, is something

The little things like music playing in

prominent upon my reflections. One of

the hallways during breaks between

many highlights I have from Lakefield

classes may not have been noticeable

Coming into Lakefield College

College School is an activity I ran called

to all but allowed others to escape their

School from a Grade 8 year in which

the Happiness Initiative.

stress for a moment. This was powerful

I had participated in one dramatic

for me because these little things were The Happiness Initiative met once a

production, I was very much a novice

student-to-student and they worked.

week on Tuesdays for half an hour at the

to the workings of the theatre and

Our reward was students smiling and

end of lunchtime. There were no rules

the myriad technical and production

laughing. It was beyond rewarding to

as to who could participate. Some would

elements comprised within a dramatic

spread happiness through the hallways.

production. I was eager to see what

come by once in a while, others came each week. Aikansha Chawla ’16 and I

The Happiness Initiative was not big

would meet often throughout the week

but it was mighty and it is a highlight

to discuss further things and ideas but

for me. There will be students running

we enjoyed working with the students

this again next year and I cannot wait to

that would come to participate the most.

come back and see the new aspects that they implement. This activity brought

20  |  Grove News Summer 2016

LCS offered in allowing me to explore technical theatre and to improve upon my own knowledge. I would learn that, when it comes to theatre, students are truly granted a great opportunity to learn, explore, and improve here

at Lakefield College School: with

the knowledge to design lighting for a

of musicals from Colors in the Storm

two dramatic productions, a dance

production and balanced LED lighting

to Little Shop of Horrors. Perhaps more

showcase, multiple concerts and

against conventional, I have also made

important, I will forever remember my

smaller events scattered throughout the

great strides in areas of leadership and

time in the tech booth for what it taught

year, the opportunity to learn is there,

understanding of different perspectives.

me about personal growth in a close

provided the initiative is taken. For my part, putting effort into my first roles in set construction and general backstage work in productions throughout Grades 9 and 10 allowed me to benefit from seeing multiple aspects of theatre

The productions I have dedicated my time at LCS to will always number among my favorites; I will forever be smiling at the humour of Brighton

community—a fact of life at Lakefield College School that extends far beyond the confines of the theatre. ADAM MILBURN ‘16

Beach Memoirs and singing the songs

production and to develop a great passion for working in theatre. At the start of Grade 11, I had the knowledge and the demonstrated work ethic to try my hand at lighting design, a position

DISCOVERING A PASSION FOR WORLD ISSUES —“A great experience I was able to take part in was the Round Square Conference in Singapore, with a pre-conference tour in Borneo,

I filled up until the end of my Grade 12

Malaysia. It was life changing. On the trip, I learned a lot about how

year. Like any work, there is always the

to lead, manage and work with other people to solve problems

fear that you will not be prepared for a

through a variety of activities such as prioritizing the world’s current

new responsibility or not sufficiently self-confident to fulfill it to the best of

problems, among others. The trip motivated me to do more, and I

your ability; this is where the strength

decided to try a co-curricular activity called Model UN and went to

of this school’s small, supportive

the University of Toronto Model United Nations conference. During

community comes in. Working with a

the conference, my committee and I tried to solve the problems

close crew and a number of supportive, encouraging directors over the past four years, my time in technical theatre

going on in Brazil. Doing this, I learned how to work progressively with people trying to solve problems, on a tight budget, with limited

has been a superb mix of technical

time. I had to do significant research, and I didn’t realize I had such

and personal growth; while I revel in

a passion for world issues.”


Grove News Summer 2016 | 21

HEPBURN ALUMNI CHALLENGE “Had it not been for the generous financial assistance that I have been provided, I would not have been able to become part of this wonderful family. I am very grateful for this opportunity and hope that my academic and professional careers both speak for themselves in the future. This experience has been life-changing for me and I truly hope that I can have the same impact on someone else’s life in the years to come. Thank you, again, for all of your support.” ~ HAC BURSARY RECIPIENT Year Two of the Hepburn Alumni Challenge is

The Hepburn Alumni Challenge Bursary is already

officially in the books. Once again, our generous

supporting two students, and once fully funded at

alumni community answered the call, hitting 35%

the end of five years, will support 3 to 8 deserving

participation—the best in Canada two years in a row!

students from alumni families each and every year in perpetuity.

Jane and John Hepburn ’68 launched the Hepburn Challenge in September 2014. At that time, roughly

Our tagline for the Hepburn Challenge is Strength in

1-in-10 alumni had been supporting the school on an

Numbers. This phrase is not only true of the power

annual basis. The Hepburns, believing strongly in the

of the Hepburns’ gift incentive offer, but also of the

positive impact that could be achieved through the

committed team working behind the scenes to execute

encouragement of others, challenged LCS alumni to

this ambitious program. Thank you to our 75 devoted

give back to the school with an inspiring $3 million gift

alumni volunteer Captains who work tirelessly to

incentive offer—$3,000 per alumnus/a participant over

inform and motivate our alumni. Without their

the five-year program.

support, the program could not succeed.

Now, two years in, the Hepburn Challenge has

Thanks to the generous support of John and Jane

transformed alumni participation at The Grove. More

Hepburn, as well as to each of our generous alumni

than 1-in-3 alumni are making annual gifts, and

donors, the Hepburn Alumni Challenge is a program in

our generous participants are on track to raise more

which the entire Lakefield College School community

than $3.7M over the five year term of the program.

can share great pride.

Hepburn Challenge Wins Another Award! The Hepburn Alumni Challenge continues to receive acclaim beyond the LCS community. The program was recently awarded a Prix d’Excellence from the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education (CCAE) in the category of Best Fundraising Initiative. This award follows on the heels of another recent Silver Medal win for Best Practices in Fundraising for our region from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Congratulations to John ’68 and Jane Hepburn, our alumni volunteers and all of our donors who helped create this now multi-award-winning program!

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MIND, BODY and The Legacy of The Class of 2016 The life of a Grade 12 student at LCS is a busy one and often finds our Grads focusing on what’s to come beyond The Grove, but it remains important to find time to soak up those final moments on campus. Since 2006, LCS Grads have honoured their time at the school by giving back, generously donating the cash equivalent of their Class Year (eg. $20.16 in 2016) in support of student financial assistance. Additionally, some classes have rallied their peers to support the purchase of a material gift, such as the LCS Terrapin mascot, donated by the Class of 2014. This year, the Class of 2016 took quick action, and prioritized supporting student bursaries. It was important to them to help provide for others the same opportunities from which they’ve benefitted. They also decided that they wanted to leave behind something original and long-lasting, something they could proudly visit on campus at reunions for years to come. Led by Co-Head Students Cameron Maltman and Alex Westcott, the Grads researched and commissioned a local painter, Kay Gregg. Kay spent a morning touring campus with students who helped her better understand iconic Grove locations and experiences. As she painted, she provided regular updates of the canvas by email, so students could follow her progress. The result: “Mind, Body and Spirit”, generously commissioned and donated by the Class of 2016. The piece hangs in the main floor of Grove House, where it will be passed by students going to and from the Chapel on a daily basis.

Congratulations to the Class of 2016—thank you for your generous and thoughtful gift.

Grove News Summer 2016 | 23

THE PETER Art Award at Lakefield College School “The purpose of The Peter Dalglish Art Award is to inspire, encourage and recognize artistic talent at Lakefield College School.” In recognition of their father’s affection for Lakefield College School, his love of art and his commitment to nurturing and supporting promising young artists, Geordie Dalglish ’89 and Kim Dalglish Abell established The Peter Dalglish Art Award at Lakefield College School funded by their endowed gift made in 2014. In September 2015, the first recipient of the Peter Dalglish Art Award, Jessie Pan ’16, was selected from six applicants by a committee of LCS alumni artists and program leaders including: Charlie Bierk ’05, Nick Bierk ’03, Erin Crowley ’03, Tony Harris ’82, Bill Reddick ’77, Joe Bettencourt, Assistant Head: Academics, and Dave Krocker, Assistant Painting: My Lakefield by Jesssie Pan ’16

Head: Teaching and Learning.

At Closing, Jessie’s art was presented to the LCS community as the premiere piece of the Peter Dalglish Permanent Art Collection at LCS. We are so grateful to the Dalglish Family, whose commitment to the arts and the creativity of students, has inspired the first-ever student award acknowledging the impact and value of the visual arts at Lakefield College School. “Life is like a camera. You focus on what is important, capture the good times, and develop from the negative. And if things don’t work out, you can always take another shot. The experience of failure is painful, and yet it also brings me inspiration. I will never stop my art journey, as I know I won’t reach the destination perfectly. As far as I am concerned, the spirit of an artist is to live a creative life, and lose our fear of being wrong. And I believe that also is the spirit of The Peter Dalglish Art Award.” JESSIE PAN ‘16

Is Lakefield College School in YOUR Will? Your future commitment to LCS ensures that the next generation of students will have you to thank for providing them with access to a unique educational community and the opportunity to flourish on one of the most beautiful and natural campuses in Canada.

If you’ve included LCS in your Will, I would love to hear from you—even if you wish to remain anonymous. A confidential conversation is important to ensure your estate gift will be used exactly as you intend. Are you in the midst of estate planning? I can help with information on how to ensure a gift in your Will has the greatest impact. Theresa Butler-Porter, LCS Foundation: 705.652.3324 ext.329 or

24  |  Grove News Summer 2016

NEW BURSARIES for Outstanding Students At Lakefield College School, our goal is to ensure that deserving and outstanding young people are able to participate in the unique educational experience offered here. We are committed to providing bursary assistance to students who otherwise would be unable to attend and are so grateful to our generous community of supporters who have made it possible to offer over $1.9M annually in needs-based financial assistance.

Introducing the

The McKnight Family “Pay It Forward” Bursary

When the McKnight Family joined the Lakefield College School community in the fall of 2012, they recognized immediately that LCS was more than a small high school in rural Ontario—it was a place for young people to become part of a community that nurtured simple and honest values and encouraged them to be all that they could be in a safe and supportive setting. Recognizing that not all families can afford to provide their children with access to an LCS education, the McKnights initiated the “Pay it Forward” Bursary—announced at Closing 2016—in order to provide financial assistance to deserving students and enable them to experience a Lakefield College School education. The Pay It Forward Bursary citation reads: The “Pay It Forward” Bursary is to be awarded annually to​a deserving student who embodies the values of LCS and​demonstrates an enthusiastic desire to contribute to both their​school and beyond.​ In the spirit of community building, it is the intent of the McKnight​Family that the recipient will, at some future date, be inspired to​‘pay it forward’ and help others as they have been helped.

The concept of ‘paying it forward’ resonates strongly within the LCS community and other families are already choosing to designate their annual gifts in support of this generous new bursary. If you would like to learn more about how you can help support a future LCS student by allocating your gift to the Pay It Forward Bursary, please contact Theresa Butler-Porter CFRE, Philanthropic Relations: or 705.652.3324 ext. 329. Grove News Summer 2016 | 25

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The Grove Society

Volunteering—The Road to Happiness! Lakefield College School volunteers are an integral part of the foundation of the school community. This year, volunteers have devoted thousands of hours to supporting the school through committee work, marketing, coaching, mentoring, baking, selling, recruiting, entertaining, event planning, entertaining little ones, outreach, supporting Admissions in promoting the school, hosting receptions…and the list goes on. Every year, the school recognizes volunteers who show outstanding commitment and enthusiasm and, through their efforts, have embraced the school culture and earned the respect of the LCS community. Nominated by their peers and the people they support, we celebrate these individuals with the Red Door Award.

This year, five volunteers were celebrated for their tireless commitment to supporting the LCS community: Tim Bell ’00, Ian Fung ’00, Kim Garland, Kerri Jobe and Catherine Pede. All of this year’s honorees initially became involved with the school through the Grove Society—through the Alumni and Parent Chapters—and, in the case of Tim Bell ’00 and Ian Fung ’00, have expanded their roles as school trustees. They all continue to support the community through encouraging engagement and supporting the advancement of the school through events, recruitment, volunteer support and fundraising. Please help us in congratulating our 2016 Red Door Honourees.

Grove News Summer 2016 | 27

ANDY HARRIS CUP: Grove Golf Tournament Thursday, June 23 was an absolutely beautiful day for this year’s Andy Harris Cup at the Peterborough Golf & Country Club. Parents, alumni and friends of the school gathered for comraderie and friendly competition, with the common goal of supporting LCS. New Location! Oakridge Golf Club, Port Perry

The volunteer organizing committee, led by Mark Soder ’00, set the ambitious fundraising goal of $31,000, but this year’s event exceeded all expectations, raising over $37,000 for financial assistance. The winning team was Dalton Andrews, Cody Ceci ’11, Andy Crampton ’09 and Donny MacPherson ’09. They were awarded the Andy Harris Cup, and were presented the Champion’s “Green Jackets” by Tony Harris ’82, Andy’s son. The Grove Society would like to thank everyone who participated, volunteered for and donated to this year’s event. Thank you also to our dedicated golf committee (Sheila Alexander, Adam Bishop ’04, Tracey Blodgett, Mike Corner ’03, Kim Garland, Jen Horrigan ’99, Andrew Parke ’03 and Mark Soder ’00) as well as this year’s generous tournament sponsors:

Dinner CGOV Asset Management

19th Hole Jones Collombin Investment Council Inc.

Power Carts Burgundy Asset Management Inc.

Putting Competition Holdun Family Office

Skill Hole Grove Society The Boland Family

Hole Aramark The Blair Family Chemong Home Hardware Building Centre Class of 2000 David Forest Financial Services Ltd. Hendren Funeral Home Holiday Ford

28  |  Grove News Summer 2016

Kawartha Lakes Construction Leon’s Peterborough McWilliams Moving & Storage Ltd. The MacKenzie Family The Soder Family The Stewart Group WB White Insurance

Hi Ho Silver Holdun Family Office Iain MacKenzie ’11 James Hicks ’84 Jane Waterous Kawartha Orthodontics Lakefield College School Lakefield Flowers and Gifts Lakefield Foodland Lakefield Home Hardware Official Sunscreen Lakefield Pantry Provider Lakefield Vision Care Uvalux International Inc. LCS Class of 2016 Louise MacKenzie Auction and Raffle Van Gogh Flowers Bill Morris ’70 Marilynn Booth Bill Reddick ’77 Mark Soder ’00 Brendan Dunn ’98 Monty Johnston Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. Moosehead Breweries Limited Euphoria Wellness Spa Neal Brothers Foods Flannigan’s Butcher Shop Newell Brands Greenhouse on the River Norma de la Vega Happenstance Books and Yarns Pammett’s Flowers The Henderson Family Peterborough Golf &

Country Club Peterborough Landscape Supply RBC Runner’s Life, Peterborough Salon Sorello Sandra Welch Smithhaven Brewery Steamwhistle Brewing Company Sticklings Bakery Stone Willow Inn Tim Hortons Tony Harris ’82 Tony’s Clubhouse Tribal Voices Village Pet Food and Supply Village Pharmacy Wildfire Golf Club

Catching up with our Alumni BELOW (L-R) top to bottom: We enjoyed catching up with our alumni at the Lakefield Shinny and Alumni Reception; welcoming Richard Life, Jane Zupo and Paul Mason into the alumni community as Honorary Alumni at this spring’s Alumni Dinner in Toronto; at the Peterborough Alumni Reception; and catching up with a big group of alumni in Kingston!

Grove News Summer 2016 | 29

LCS Alumni—Class News! 1960s


West Territories. The school is one step

After 20 years as Master of Massey

Susie Hendrie ’93 welcomed her son

institution. The Department of

College in the University of Toronto,

William Chaplin Hendrie on April 5,

Education, Culture and Employment

John Fraser ’64 retired and travelled to

2016 at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto.

said it’s working on legislation that

Africa, Europe and the Canadian Arctic.

closer to becoming a degree-granting

would allow Dechinta to grant degrees.

A year ago, John accepted the challenge

Adrian Seligman ’96 and his wife Lina

More information can be found from

to start a new national ethics board for

welcomed a baby boy, Henry Louie, on

the CBC at

journalists and journalism in Canada,

March 29, 2016 in Norway.


Congratulations to Alethea Arnaquq-


the successor to a number of regional press councils.

Baril ’97 whose film Angry Inuk

1970s Bruce Good ’74 saved the life of a man who would soon become a dear friend, Warren Kettlewell. Bruce was just notified that he is being officially recognized by the OPP for that brave act. He will receive the Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner’s Citation for Bravery.

received the most viewer ballots to take

Malcolm Johnston ’02, his wife Robin

home the Vimeo on Demand Audience

and big sister Vivienne (2) welcomed

Award at Toronto’s Hot Docs Canadian

baby girl Tessa Kathryn Johnston on

International Documentary Festival.

March 21, 2016 in Toronto.

Alethea was also interviewed on Canada AM before the film’s premiere.

Alex Reid ’02 and Alex Verwegen welcomed a baby boy, Strider Michael

Exciting news for Erin Freeland-

Reid, on March 28, 2015.

Ballantyne ’99, founder of Dechinta, a land-based learning centre in the North

1980s Members of the Class of 1983 had an impromptu reunion in Whistler, British Columbia in May (Mike Eatson ’83, Marc Owen-Flood ’83, David Goult ’83, David Kitchen ’83). Always looking for an excuse for a get together, Kitchen and Eatson (along with son Graeme Eatson ’14) travelled to catch up with more classmates in Vancouver and Victoria.

The Class of 1983’s impromptu reunion in Whistler, British Columbia

Susie Hendrie ’93 with son William

Duncan McCue ’88 and Hilary Bird ’06 after winning awards at the RTDNA.

Adrian Seligman ’96 with wife Lina and son Henry

Duncan McCue ’88 and Hilary Bird ’06 were at the RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association) Awards held in Toronto on June 4. Hilary won the Dave Rogers Prize for a short feature for television on Colville Lake, NWT’s struggle with student attendance and education funding for CBC News North, and Duncan won for a compilation of stories he did on violence against aboriginal women.

30  |  Grove News Summer 2016

Jay Allingham ’03 and his wife Ashley

Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken, into a

welcomed a baby boy, Landon Tyler

cookbook deal with Appetite by Random

Allingham, on May 20, 2016.

House. Stay tuned for her book to be released next year!

Dominic Crossan ’03, along with friend Roger Scholes, won The King’s Cup, an

Coreena (Taylor) Abernathy ’04, her

air race in the UK. Dominic and Roger

husband Robert and big brother

received their award, presented by HRH

Nicholas (2) welcomed Allison Irene

The Duke of York ’78, at the Royal Aero

Abernathy, on May 2, 2016 in Seattle,

Club awards presentation.


Kevin Mako ’03 was recently featured in

Adam Cooper ’04 married Sarah Griess

the Globe and Mail article, “Attention

on August 16, 2014 at St Peter’s Church

Canadian businesses: Each office

on the Rock, Stoney Lake, reception

abroad means a new set of rules.”

followed at the Cooper residence on

Malcolm Johnston ’02 with daughter Tessa

Clear Lake. Adam and Sarah were Claire (Blanchette) Townshend ’03,

celebrated by many LCS alumni in

her husband Kyle Townshend and big

attendance including: Andrew

brothers Logan and Hunter, welcomed

Grummitt ’04 (Best Man), Angus

baby Cameron on May 19, 2016 in

Gastle ’04, Eric Uhlmann ’04, Randy

Peterborough, Ontario.

Mako ’04, Kevin Mako ’03 and Robert Blanchette ’02.

Sam Turnbull ’03 has turned her very Alex Reid ’02, wife Alex and son Strider

successful vegan cooking blog, It

Jay Allingham ’03 with wife Ashley and son Landon

Cooper Wedding (L-R): Kevin Mako ’03, Eric Uhlmann ’04, Angus Gastle ’04, Sarah Griess (bride), Adam Cooper ’04 (groom), Andrew Grummitt ’04, Robert Blanchette ’02 and Randy Mako ’04

HRH The Duke of York ’78, Dominic Crossan ’03 Logan, Hunter and baby Cameron, sons of and Roger Scholes at the King’s Cup Claire (Blanchette) Townshend ’03

Allison Irene Abernathy, daughter of Coreena (Taylor) Abernathy ’04 Grove News Summer 2016 | 31

LCS Alumni—Class News! Maria and Angus Gastle ’04 and big

Ned Loach ’04 and his husband Robert

sister Ella (2) welcomed baby boy Carter

Gontier are thrilled to announce the

Angus Hugh Gastle on April 6, 2016 in

birth of their twins, born June 2, 2016.

Edmonton, Alberta.

Harper and Emmett are both healthy and very happy babies!

Martha Lowry ’04, Head Distiller at Mill Street’s Beer Hall, was featured in a

Cassidy Richardson ’04 married Nick

Toronto Star article, “Boozy root beer

Miller on August 6, 2013 in Kenora,

coming to Canada—just in time for

Ontario. They were celebrated by LCS


friends including: Charlie Bierk ’05,

Farlow/Troy Wedding (L-R): Back Row: MaryAnne Reid ‘04, Heather Ross, Alaina Connelly, Laura Jackman Kelly Bignell-Asedo ‘04, Laura Reesor ‘04, Monica Farlow ‘08, Emily Farlow ‘03, Hilary Coburn ‘05. Front Row: Cameron Bishop ‘01, Alyson Olsheski ‘04, Andrew Troy (groom), Ali Farlow ‘04 (bride), Kelsey Ingram ‘04, Sophie (Grossman) Byers ‘04

Sophie (Grossman) Byers ’04, Kelly Ali Farlow ’04 married Andrew Troy on

Bignell-Asedo ’04, Kelsey Ingram ’04,

July 9, 2016 at the gardens at Casa Loma

Quinn Richardson ’05, Raif

in Toronto where they were celebrated

Richardson ’01, Kate and Alex

by LCS friends: Kelly Bignell-Asedo ’04,

Ramsay ’53, and Martha Ramsay ’06.

Cameron Bishop ’01, Sophie (Grossman) Byers ’04, Hilary

Jeff Kloosterman ’06, Garret Hart

Coburn ’05, Emily Farlow ’03, Monica

(current faculty member) and son

Farlow ’08, Kelsey Ingram ’04, Alyson

Jameson Hart donned kilts and took

Olsheski ’04, Laura Reesor ’04, Mary-

part in the Perth’s World Record Kilt

Anne Reid ’04, Alaina Connelly (LCS

Run this past June!

Staff), Laura Jackman (former don) and

Ned Loach ’04 with husband Robert Gontier with twins Harper and Emmett

Heather Ross (LCS Staff). Sophie Grossman ’04 married Ed Byers on Saturday, June 2, 2016 in Rosseau, Ontario. The happy couple were celebrated by LCS friends: Koh Araki ’04, Kelly Bignell-Asedo ’04, Janice Green and Dave Bignell, Jenna (Grossman) Poole ’02 (Maid of Honour), Catie Cundall ’03, Ali Farlow ’04, Kelsey Ingram ’04, Brian Maxwell ’04, Alyson Olsheski ’04, Cassidy Richardson ’04, Dani Scanlon ’04 and Stephanie Wilcox ’03.

Ella and Carter Gastle, daughter and son of Angus Gastle ’04

Grossman/Byers Wedding (L-R): Stephanie Wilcox ’03, Alyson Olsheski ’04, Catie Cundall ’03, Kelsey Ingram ’04, Dani Scanlon ’04, Sophie Grossman ’04 (bride), Kelly Bignell-Asedo ’04, Brian Maxwell ’04, Ali Farlow ’04, Cassidy Richardson ’04, Mary-Anne Reid ’04, Sho Araki ’03

32  |  Grove News Summer 2016

Cassidy Richardson ’04 with husband Nick Miller.

Garret Hart with son Jameson, and Jeff Kloosterman ’06 at the Perth Kilt Run.

Daniel Walsh ’06 and his wife Rachel

Madi Redfern ’09 and Tim Mcnitt were

are thrilled to announce the birth of

married on June 4, 2016 at the Georgian Bay

their baby girl Eva Rosalie Walsh born

Club in Collingwood, Ontario.

May 27, 2016. Daniel writes, “Special thanks to Auntie Elise-Marie Walsh ’03

Kaitlyn Gillis ’10 has started a new job with

who, as our doula/massage therapist,

the Oilers Entertainment Group as an

gave Rachel the strength to have a

Account Representative for the Edmonton

natural birth after 28 hours of labour!

Oil Kings.

Proud grandparents are David and Eva, daughter of Rachel and Daniel Walsh ’06

Margaret Walsh. Ecstatic Aunts are

Kelsey Slobodian ’10 has joined the LCS

Megan (Walsh) Lohmann ’00 and Elise-

team as the Administrative Assistant,

Marie Walsh ’03.”

Academic Program.

Sarah Lindsay ’07 has launched Polar

Congratulations to Trevor Jones ’15 who

Wellness—a consulting firm providing

was named to the Rowing Canada Team

practical advice on mental health issues

that will be competing at the 2016 World

in the workplace. With a decade of

University Championships in Poznan,

experience in chronic illness


management at school and work,

Madi Redfern ’09 with husband Tim Mcnitt

Sarah Thompson ’06 was recently featured on the Peterborough Explores blog about her adventure with her father to The ‘W’ in Patagonia’s Torres del Paine National Park.

starting during her days at The Grove,

Michael MacKenzie ’15 made the roster for

Sarah shares real world do’s and don’ts

this year’s Ultimate Canada U20 National

with companies and institutions across

Team, winning the silver medal at the

Ontario. See more and get in touch at

World Junior Ultimate Championships in

Wroclaw, Poland this summer. With close to 250 players rom across the country trying

Liss Ross ’07 recently moved to

out for the team, the competition to make

Columbus, Ohio to work with the

the team was harder than it ever has been.

Democratic Party as a Campaign Field Organizer on the Hillary for America campaign. She shares that she is fiercely determined to secure a win in November.

Terrapin Spotting The LCS Terrapin has been spotted across the world—on vacation in Mexico with Carly Zubrickas ’12, riding on a camel with Alison Corner ’07 in Morocco and on the beaches of Thailand with Jamie Bignell ’05 and Gill McRae ’06. Where will you take your terrapin? Tag your photos on social media with #LakefieldCollege.

In Mexico with Carly Zubrickas ’12

In Morocco with Akison Corner ’07

In Thailand with Jamie Bignell ’05 and Gill McRae ’06 Grove News Summer 2016 | 33

From The Archives

Thank you for your help in identifying our alumni!

The photo featured in our last issue of the Grove News was identified as the Grade 6 Class from 1968:

2 1 4

6 12


10 9




34  |  Grove News Summer 2016


1. Paul Keaveney

7. Bruce Thompson

2. Bill Buckham

8. Chris Anderson

3. Tom Hussey

9. Fred Conlin

4. Mark Machold

10. Stephen Sherin

5. Robert Bates

11. Gerhert Pratt

6. James Roy

12. Andrew Lawson

Remembering Hugh Faulkner ’51 (1932-2016) Hugh Faulkner (Grove Boy 1943-1951), who died this spring in Switzerland where he’d been living for some time, had a remarkable career. A graduate of McGill, he worked and studied abroad, then taught briefly back at The Grove until he was elected MP for Peterborough. The last time I saw him was some years ago in Ottawa when he was a cabinet minister in one of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s governments. Following politics, he worked for Alcan in Canada and Asia before moving to France and Switzerland. Alex Ramsay ’53 worked on one of Hugh’s election campaigns and still admires Hugh’s nationalist stand

then Brooklyn Dodgers signed a young black man,

on the arts. Tom Ryder ’53 said, although Hugh lost

Jackie Robinson, to play for their Montreal Royals farm

twice before winning a seat, “he never seemed to get

team on his way to becoming the first black in Major

down and certainly never gave up.”

League Baseball. We followed sports pretty closely

I met Hugh at Lakefield—then called The Grove—in the fall of 1945. At 11 years old, it was my first year at the school. Hugh, a year older, had been there for two years. It was an all boys school then—most boys coming from Toronto. However, a clutch of us, including Montreal-born Hugh, Evan Gill ’51, Fred

but I guess knew little of racism in the United States beyond that it was good the “ban on Blacks” was being challenged. Hugh, as I remember, was the only of us to say that not only was this good for baseball, but that it would have social ramifications far beyond baseball. He was 13 at the time, and how right he was!

Vokes ’49, Ian Rochester ’48, Percy Sherwood ’51,

Among other memories is Hugh playing in our sea

Angus MacNaughton ’48, Bruce MacNaughton ’52 and

cadet band. John Easson ’49, Hugh McCulloch ’51 and I

Bob Minnes ’52, came from Ottawa or Montreal. Hugh

were on snare drums, Terry Clark ’51 on the bass drum

and I immediately became friends.

and Hugh and five others—whose names I forget—on

Slim and tall, much taller than the rest of us, Hugh was called ‘The Duke.’ I suppose it was because of his height and, I guess, his ‘regal’ bearing. He was great fun and a great athlete. His height and reach made him a formidable end in football, goalie in hockey, fast-bowler in cricket. He was also a good tennis player,

bugles. Occasionally, if we were short a bugler, a “silent bugler” or two would be called upon to march with us, holding the bugle to their mouth to make it appear that they were playing so that we had a full band. (Hell, carrying a drum or a bugle was a lot better than lugging around a World War II .303!)

skier and golfer. His favorite football player was the

Hugh was great fun, great company and had a great

Montreal Alouettes’ Virgil Wagner. Mine was Tony

and curious intellect. He was far from ‘silent.’

Golab of the Ottawa Rough Riders. At every break from class or organized sport we’d run outside and play the


parts, tossing a football between us. But one of my most telling memories of Hugh has nothing to with his sports. In the autumn of 1945 the Grove News Summer 2016 | 35

Charles Oliver (“Buck”) McNeil Easson ’56 (1937-2016) Charles, or “Buck” as he was known to his family and friends, attended The Grove from 1947 to 1954, during which time he participated in all sports, excelling particularly in football, cricket and track. A summer spent on a mission boat in British Columbia, while still a student at the school, was probably the fire that drove him to pursue his theological studies at Waterloo University some years after completing high school. His endeavours took him in many directions, including two years’ service in the second battalion of the Black Watch in Gagetown, New Brunswick. At the age of 67, he was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in Churchill, Manitoba where he served a fulfilling two and a half years. Upon his return home to Burlington, he embraced the role of Assistant Curate at St. Cuthbert’s Church in Oakville. In addition to this, he undertook the arduous task of becoming a student to secure his master’s degree in theology, supported unreservedly by his wife Gail, his son Steven, his daughter Lynn and their families. Although his health prevented him from completing his studies, to honor his devotion to the church, his great faith, his courage and his enormous work ethic, Trinity College of the University of Toronto granted him posthumously a licentiate of Theology on May 10, 2016. Buck is remembered with love, admiration and pride by his wife, son, daughter, daughterin-law, son-in-law, his eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren and his sister and brother, Jane and John. JANE BENSON AND JOHN EASSON ‘49

Pre-1960s Old Boys reunion at The Grove 2014

36  |  Grove News Summer 2016

Courtney Druce ’07 (1988-2016) To know Courtney was to love her. Few people can light up a room like Courtney could:

meaningful for us all. It was just what ‘Druce’ would

Her passion for people, for their stories, was magnetic.

have wanted.

Whether you had known her for a moment, for years, or for her far-too-short lifetime, Courtney made you feel special.

Some of the final words at Courtney’s celebration of life came from her mother, Chantel Druce. Chantel asked those who filled the crowded pews to help keep her

Courtney radiated optimism and positivity. An alumna

daughter’s memory and spirit alive by doing something

of Lakefield College School and Queen’s University, she

Courtney did each and every day: Think of others.

was a cherished friend and a ray of sunshine in the lives

Make a meaningful gift to a charity you believe in, hold

of so many.

the door for a stranger, buy a meal for someone less

On the eve of graduation from LCS, Courtney received

fortunate, smile as you pass someone on the street.

The James Birrell Award. This award, only presented

Whether your actions are big or small, ask what you

when truly deserved, is given to the student who

could do to make someone’s life a little bit brighter—

has overcome personal obstacles, shown incredible

just as Courtney’s smile and laughter did every day

courage, and has been an inspiration to others. There

of her life. If you’d like to share your actions with her

are few descriptions that are so apt, but that one

family, consider posting on Facebook with the hashtag

captures Courtney’s essence perfectly: A friend, sister


and daughter, Courtney is our inspiration. The Grove community held a special place in Courtney’s heart. To have had the opportunity to say our final goodbyes to her in the Chapel, surrounded by friends, family, past teachers and coaches, was deeply

As our community mourns, thank you for helping us share the thing that Courtney valued most: Love. KATRINA VAN LAREN ‘07, HILARY WINDREM ‘07, ALISON CORNER ‘07

“Courtney taught me about two big words: grit and joy. She embodied them like no other. She taught me that resilience, courage, resolve, and perseverance—grit—paradoxically, leads to happiness, gratitude, confidence, and optimism—joy. She lived and embraced all of these qualities of character in a way that few of us ever can. She taught me about the power of influence we have over our own—and others’!—attitudes. She taught me that life’s most important lessons come from positive, passionate and daring people, regardless of their age. She taught me to be thankful. Lucky me to have known, loved, and learned from Courtney. May her big dreams, filled with such love, continue to inspire and guide all of us.” DAVID HADDEN

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In Our Memories John Sellers ’48 on March 9, 2016 in Castleton, ON.

Alexander Fleming on May 10, 2016 in Peterborough. Father of Ian Fleming ’74.

Doug Jones ’47 on March 6, 2016 in North Hatley, Quebec.

David May on May 27, 2016 in Peterborough. Father of Charles May ‘89

Charles Easson ’56 on March 27, 2016 in Port Dover, ON. Brother of John Easson ’49.

Bill Nurse ‘48 on July 22, 2016 in Toronto, ON. Grandfather of Andrew Richardson ‘09 and Will Richardson ’07.

Hugh Faulkner ’51 on April 18, 2016 in Switzerland. Courtney Druce ’07 on April 27, 2016 in New Jersey.

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Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2016 Sixth Row (Back): (L-R) Ross Ramsay Daniel Wang Maximilian Bremer Tavis Simms Christian Gill Florian Hirsch Louis Fayolle Sam Stainrod Joshua Thomas Hargreaves Loran Hale Luke Torsher Sebastian Truetzschler Asheesh Momi Jeffrey Williams Vergara Ahil Fidai Greg Bond

Philip Carr-Harris

William Torsher

Valeriia Syrovatska

Jessie Pan

Tobi Omole

Cole Dennis

Sarah Williams

Laura Lamont

Buzz Lawson

Harrison Black

Ashley Gao

Adrien Mindjimba

Nickie Mak

Skye Nadon

Front Row:

Francesco Mansutti

Han Yan

Abbie Masciangelo

Thompson Hew

Alex Babineau

Reagan MacDonald

(L-R) Johnathan

Cameron Maltman

Mark Walter

Emma Cooper

Aidan Nordholm

Jonah Lehman

Daniella Douglas

Ernst von Puttkamer

Marc Gulyas-Doy

Philipp Oberbracht

Alexandra Rousseau

Liam Sinclair

Lizzy McLean

Louis Sirois

Alex Westcott

Luke Berg

Daniel Pazos

Kyle Rasmus

Julius Siekmann

Mingze Lin

McNeice Nathalie Heyden Emma Nie

Samantha Mauro

Tom Dahler

(L-R) Delaney Stedman

Amanda Huang

Sarah Mayo

Maggie Thompson

Melissa Pede

Victoria Boisclair

Sarah-Nicole Elliott

Emily Hanson

Abe Mello

Claudia Dargis

Scott Murphy

Nate Hough

(L-R) Daphné Mongeau

Fourth Row:

(L-R) Anwar Kanja

(L-R) Katherine

Matthew Elphinstone

Carter McKnight

Fifth Row:

Jordan Cassidy

Esme Munoz

Caitlin Lovick Shanelle Konye

Tom Tian

Second Row

Third Row: Aikansha Chawla

Raul Ceron Pineda Marlo Groh

Alejandro Ríos Agustí Ben Dahler


Sydney Ginns

Habib Diabaté Nour Taji Farouki Adam Milburn Justin Griefahn Matt Williams

Lanna Zhang


Jill Torsher

Michael Lu

Fiona Murray

Joel McGarrity

Lexie Krocker

Sequoia Richards-

Rachel Thomson


Abby Lindsay Ether Liu

Grove News Summer 2016 | 39

OUR NATURE BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN THEIRS. Your child won’t just appreciate their Lakefield experience— they will forever look back on it with fondness and joy. At Lakefield College School, an outstanding a cademic reputation is just the starting point. It’s in our nature to nurture a strong sense of community and a lifelong love of the outdoors that prepares students not only for university but also for happy, fulfilling lives.

O P E N H O U S E , O C T O B E R 1 5 — S P R E A D T H E WO R D ! L C S . O N . C A /O P E N H O U S E

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