Fall/Winter 2008

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Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Calendar of Events 2008 For details please refer to our school calendar at www.lcs.on.ca, click NEWS





London Pub Night


Regatta Day



Grove Society Meeting & Luncheon (LCS) 3

Grove Society Pot Luck Luncheon


Edmonton Meet & Greet


Grade 8 Graduation Dinner


Calgary Meet & Greet



1960s Decade Reunion

Closing Grade 12 Graduation Dinner


Grove Golf Tournament

may Class Reps Workshop (Toronto) Toronto Pub Night



Trustees’ Meeting



Grove Society Annual General Meeting




Fall Fair & Home to the Grove Reunion

Save the Date: The Haddens’ Retirement Celebration

Trustees 2007-2008 Board Chair

Peter Dunn ’62

Howard Hickman ’60

John McRae ’70

Murray Sinclair ‘79

John Ryder ‘77

Andrew Durnford ’85

Tim Hyde ’76

Val McRae

Nancy Smith

Past Chair Jock Fleming ’74

Michael Eatson ’83

James Hyslop ’85

Betty Morris

Scott Smith ’87

Stephanie Edwards

Alan Ingram

William Morris ’70

Amanda Soder ’98

Bishop George Elliot

Warren Jones ’88

Christopher Ondaatje

Manal Stamboulie

Ann Farlow

Angie Killoran

Anil Patel ‘93

David Thompson

Romina Fontana ’94

Janet Lafortune

Karen Persson

Stuart Thompson ’91

Bill Gastle ’68

Kathleen Leonard

Travis Price ’85

Tim Ward ’62

Bruce Gibson

Nicholas Lewis ’77

Tony Pullen ’63

Gordon Webb ’72

Janice Green

James (Kim) Little ’53

Vicki Pullen

Chris White ’90

Jennifer Gruer

Laleah Macintosh

Sean Quinn ’82

Jamie White ’79

Terry Guest*

Kevin Malone ’77

Kathleen Ramsay

Terry Windrem

David Hadden*

Paul Mason

Douglas Rishor ’57

HRH Duke of York ’78

Tim Heeney ‘83

James Matthews ’58

Gretchen Ross

John K. Hepburn ’68

Scott McCain

John Schumacher

Paul Hickey

Andrea McConnell

Jeffrey Shier

Cindy AtkinsonBarnett Nicole Bendaly ’93 David Bignell Walter Blackwell ’56 Marilynn Booth Scott Campbell Brian Carter* Andrew Clarke ’85 Jack Curtin Susan DeNure

Directors in Bold * Honorary Alumni

(Front Cover) L-R: Grade 8 students Jacob Slobodian, Muaz Elharram, Nathalie Jennings, Nayna Maini, Cody McMahon, and Nora Hickey pose in an antique wagon at Northcote Farm in celebration of the wonderful gift of the property, made possible through the generosity of Donald Ross ’48 and the Gastle family.

Editorial Malcolm Johnston ’02 It was Grade 9, and my classmate had received an email from Mr. Hadden applauding his recent successes

a teacher,” writes Miller. “I always wished that he understood the impact he had on my life, and those of my peers.”

on the school soccer team. Naturally, the friend felt

Simply put, something special exists between staff

that such an email was best enjoyed publicly rather

and students at LCS—a relationship that is founded on

than privately, so he passed it along to a few of us in

mutual respect, friendship, and positive influence. It

good-natured, boastful fashion. Such a cheeky action

is this unique relationship that Richard Life identifies

deserved an equally cheeky reaction, so by way of the

in the school’s twelve-point response to its successful

‘Reply’ button, I typed out a sarcastic congratulations

review by the Canadian Education Standards Institute

(that may have included words not usually heard in

(p.6). Importantly, point two states, “Lakefield affirms

Chapel) and sent it to the friend.

its ‘relaxed and flexible’ school culture, with its

The unfortunate part was that the school’s email system in those days—Pegasus, if I remember

emphasis on ‘learning through relationships.’” Lucky for me.

correctly—did not work as email tends to now: specifically, clicking “Reply To” directed the reply to

I would not describe Mr. Hadden’s face as beet red that

the original sender, not the original recipient. That

afternoon in his office—probably more of a cherry

is, my somewhat earthy reply bypassed my friend

or tomato shade. As it turns out, headmasters don’t

and went directly to Mr. Hadden, Head of School and

take kindly to receiving irreverent emails from their

Seriously Intimidating Man. What’s more, I forgot to

students. Still, despite his obvious displeasure, I could

include a salutation to the email, meaning Mr. Hadden

tell that Mr. Hadden understood exactly what had

would think the email was intended for him.

happened, that the email was inadvertent, that I had meant no harm, and that I would most certainly learn

In reading this latest issue of the Grove News, I found

from my mistake. Underneath his substantial fury, I

this indelible memory coming to mind time and again.

could sense a wink and a reassuring smile, saying “It’s

The recollection was perhaps most pronounced upon

okay, kid. Just don’t ever do it again.”

reading David Hadden’s Christmas Greetings speech to the Grove Society (p.ii). In it, Mr. Hadden recounts

With the retirement of David Hadden, Lakefield

his first visit to the school 23 years ago as a candidate

moves into a new phase. But the special relationships

for the position of headmaster. He was struck by the

that existed before—and, evidently, during—his

unique interaction between teacher John Milligan

remarkable time at the school will remain as the school

and a student. “Immediately,” Hadden writes, “the

opens a new chapter. The face of things may change,

quality of their relationship seemed different from the

but the essence of Lakefield—its relationships—will

relationships I shared with my students at UCC. Their

undoubtedly continue as Lakefield warmly welcomes

interactions seemed so—for lack of a better term—

its eighth Head of School, David Thompson.

familiar.” The contribution by David Miller ’77, mayor of Toronto, tells a similar story. On hearing of the death of Richard

After backpacking through Europe on the British

Hayman, Miller wrote to Hayman’s adult children,

Alumni Travelling Scholarship, Malcolm completed an

Coryn ’92 and Patrick ’94, sharing their father’s lasting

honours degree in English and History at Trinity College,

effect on Miller as a student and graduate (p.36). “I

University of Toronto. In August of 2007, he entered the

know that to many Lakefield graduates, particularly

working world as project manager at ManchesterCF, a

those of my era, Richard felt more like a friend than

financial crime risk management firm based in Toronto.

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  i

First Impressions Remain True David Hadden, Head of School From “Christmas Greetings” to the Grove Society, 2007

Bob Armstrong, then director of athletics, proudly informed me, “At Lakefield, a student’s breach of trust and accountability for it never interferes with their

My love affair with Lakefield began on the day of my

participation in practices or games. At Lakefield,

first tour here, before I was even appointed Head of

we take a broader approach to education than other

School. Part of the search process, back then, included

independent schools.”

a tour of the school for the three finalists.

Richard Hayman, the Senior Master, talked

Susan and I came up for the day; we ate hard-to-

passionately about Lakefield being “a renaissance

manage tortillas at a table seemingly filled with

school where the students coming off the playing field

entitled senior boys who delighted in peppering us

were the same ones involved in school plays ... and

with all sorts of questions.

taking art.”

Two students toured us around the school and I met

John Milligan, the director of academics, wholesomely

one-on-one with several key faculty members, among

asserted that “academics should not compromise other

them heavyweights John Milligan, Richard Hayman,

important extracurricular responsibilities.”

and Bob Armstrong. Despite the “tired” state of the campus back then, the two students who toured us, seemingly to every nook and cranny, could not have been more proud of their school.

Towards the end of my meeting with John Milligan, a student politely knocked on the door. Immediately, the quality of their relationship seemed different from the relationships I shared with my students at UCC. Their interactions seemed so—for lack of a better term – familiar. I was bowled over when the student said, “Sir,

At the end of the tour, we visited one of their bedrooms

you have us for Math now and you’re 10 minutes late.

in the basement of Wadsworth House. The state of the

What would you like us to do?” At UCC, they would

room, shall we say, “left something to be desired.” It

have been gone after six.

accommodated four students in a room that would accommodate two today ... paint peeling off barren walls ... dishevelled clothes strewn everywhere. Incredibly, when we opened the door to this student’s

The pride of place of students and staff, the nature and quality of their relationships together, and the broad understanding and commitment that an education at Lakefield was far more than academics, captivated me.

room, he exclaimed unconditionally, eyes gleaming,

Driving home at the end of the day, I went from “having

proud as a peacock, “And this is where I live.” I thought

my hat in the ring ... what will be will be” to desperately

at the time, there’s gotta be a pony in here somewhere.

wanting this job.

The love these students shared for their school was

The very characteristics that attracted Susan and me to

overwhelming. It seemed, as we toured around, they

Lakefield, in the first place, are the same ones that have

knew everybody; everyone was so friendly and happy.

created our greatest source of joy and pride; the same

Their pride of place was thoroughly heartening. The

ones that have sustained us over our time here; the

same was true of my individual meetings with Masters

same ones that I know will be sustained after we leave.

Hayman, Milligan, and Armstrong. Each of them championed Lakefield’s holistic approach to education.

May our long-standing values always direct and reflect the essence of what is distinctly Lakefield.

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May we always take a truly holistic approach to

them in a personal way that invites them into our lives

education in an environment that is unpretentious,

in some meaningful relationship.

down to earth, and values-driven.

We know that our relationships with our students

May we do so in a manner that truly empowers our

are best established when we demonstrate a genuine

students, encouraging them to authentically be

interest in their lives, when they see us uplifted


by their accomplishments, when we share their

May we always understand that, at its core, Lakefield is all about the establishment of caring and committed

disappointment for their losses and failures, when we become emotionally connected to them.

relationships amongst our students and between them

One of my favourite stories to help illustrate the level of

and the faculty.

commitment we make to our students comes from the

For those of us who have had the pleasure of living

Talmud. It is a story about a king and his son.

and/or working here for some time, this much we know

As the story goes, they loved each other very much

to be true.

but they could not get along. So the son left home and

We know that it is our connection with our students that is our most important link to their effective learning.

went far away. After a while, word came back that the son was not doing well. The king sent a message to the prince and said, “Come home.” But the prince was too proud. He sent a message back to his father, “I cannot.”

We know that the establishment of relationships is

Then the king sent another message saying, “Just turn

based on trust.

around and come as far as you can. I will meet you wherever you are.”

We know that trust is our most important value. May we always meet our students wherever they are We know that we nurture trust by actively seeking out

with the knowledge that they truly belong here and are

and reacting to our students’ suggestions and opinions,

accepted by us.

by being open and honest and authentic with them, by believing and having faith in them, by investing in

(Below) David Hadden joins the troops at the French Café during the Grade 10 WWI Reenactment

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  iii

Hit the Ground Running The LCS Community is pleased to welcome John Ryder ’77 to his new role as Chair of the Lakefield College School Board of Directors. John joined LCS as a student in 1970, although as the great grandson of Dr. Alexander Mackenzie, and the son of Tom Ryder ’53, he was already quite familiar with The Grove. John and his wife, Lily Harmer, have two sons, Matthew (Grade 12) and Graeme, and a daughter, Jordan. John served on the Alumni Executive from 1982 to 1991, is Past President of the Alumni Association, and was an ex-officio member of the Board of Governors from 1989 to 1990.

John Ryder ’77, Chair of the Board The past year, like so many, has been an active year in just about every aspect of life at Lakefield College School. The most prominent event was the announcement of David Hadden’s retirement following 23 remarkable years as our Head of School. In the months ahead, we will have the opportunity to celebrate the “Hadden Years” and the wonderful contributions that David and Susan have made to our school and its students. The Student Recreation Centre construction is proceeding on budget and we are eagerly anticipating its opening in the fall of this year. With this project, the school has firmly embraced environmental sustainability with the inclusion of “green” design and materials, as well as geothermal technology. In addition, significant contributions to the Foundation’s endowment will ensure the continued strength of the school and its programs. These are just a few of the many achievements of 2007. As an alumnus and parent of a current student, one has a strong sense of the spirit and community in this place that we call The Grove. This has perhaps never been as apparent as over the past six months when I, along with

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the other seven members of the search committee, had the privilege to serve our school in selecting our new Head of School and CEO of the Foundation. We are thrilled that David Thompson has accepted our offer to fill these positions and we look forward to his return to LCS along with his wife Jennifer and two boys, Matthew and John. What was most invigorating during the search process was the great enthusiasm from The Grove community and the sense of unity around balancing the themes of “progress and evolution” with “tradition and continuity.” This is not a school nor a community that is content with the status quo; rather it is a community that has great passion and engagement. It is a community that is excited about its future while fiercely proud of its past. As we fondly reflect on an era in Lakefield’s storied history, the Board and Trustees look forward to embracing the change of leadership, while maintaining the spirit and traditions of LCS. Stepping into the large shoes left by our previous Chair, Jock Fleming ’74, I am energized about the future of our beloved school. (Below) John Ryder, front center, with the Lakefield College School Trustees, October 2007

Welcome David Thompson and Family! The Lakefield College School Board of Directors and

develop a broader perspective on global matters and

the Lakefield College School Foundation are pleased


to announce the appointment of David A. Thompson as the new Head of School and CEO of the LCS Foundation. Mr. Thompson’s appointment as Head of School is effective July 1, 2008; he will assume his role with the Foundation one year later, on July 1, 2009. Mr. Thompson is currently the principal of Greenwood College School in Toronto. He will bring to Lakefield College School 30 years of related experience in independent schools and a deep passion for

“Lakefield is a very special place and I feel honoured and privileged to be appointed as its Head of School,” Mr. Thompson says. “My family has had a fond association with The Grove for over 30 years and we are looking forward to coming home.” The school extends a warm welcome to Mr. Thompson and his wife Jennifer, their two sons John and Matthew, and their yellow Labrador Retriever, Morrissey.

challenging, guiding, and nurturing young people in their educational and co-curricular pursuits. Both schools are recognized for their commitment to the community, extensive outdoor education programs, staff development initiatives, and the support they offer all students through their academic enrichment programs. Mr. Thompson’s academic credentials include a B.A. in History from Trent University, a B.Ed. from Queen’s University, and an LL.B. from the University of Windsor. During his early career, he held positions as a teacher and housemaster at two Ontario independent schools (including Lakefield College School) and was the Director of the Norval Outdoor School at Upper Canada College. After completing his law degree in 1987, he worked for seven years in corporate, commercial, and environmental law. In 1994, Mr. Thompson became Director of Academics and Guidance at Crescent School and in 2000 was appointed Assistant Head of the Upper School at Upper Canada College. Lakefield College School is pleased to have found a visionary leader whose values and principles align so closely with those of the school. Mr. Thompson is an outdoor enthusiast and has led numerous canoe and hiking trips in Canada’s north. He believes strongly in education through experience and that students who participate in activities beyond the classroom will

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  v

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School Highlights


The Undefinable Grove


Lakefield’s 12-Point Response to CESI


Creating Intellectual Challenge—LCS Advancement Placement Courses


Taking a GAP Year


Running Rapids—A History of the Canoe at Lakefield College School


Over 20 Years at The Grove and Lovin’ It


Like No Other: Donald Ross ’48


Enhanced Portal Pages Now on the LCS Website


Running and Reading: Romina Tina Fontana ’94


Class News (Weddings, Births)


In Our Memories


He Was an Inspiration and a Friend (Tribute to Richard Hayman)


The Energy and Wisdom of Jack Matthews


Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Malcolm Johnston ‘02; Editorial Committee: Jeanne Armstrong, Heather Avery, David Hadden, Richard Johnston, Richard Life, Sarah McMahon, Tom Milburn, and Lisa Clarke. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondence to the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0 705.652.3324 tblodgett@lcs.on.ca

(Opposite) Front to back: Grade 9 nordic skiers, Jesse Anglesey and Paige Mackey. (Above) The Grade 7 class.

School Highlights Concerned with Climate Change

Gold for T1 Boys Soccer

The Grade 8 class has joined schools in Brazil and

Lakefield College School was victorious in November,

Mozambique in an international online conference

as the T1 Boys Soccer Team won its first-ever CISAA

program called Fire and Ice for a student climate

championship. Coach Chris Bocking credits the

change project . This program, made possible by

shutout earned by Jake Exton (Grade 11) as LCS

Elluminate Inc., gives students an opportunity to

blanked Country Day School 2-0 on goals by Chris

share and discuss their concerns about climate change

Horton (Grade 12) and Felix Kommoss (Grade 11).

through internet conferencing. Students have explored

The victory ended the season for the 20 eager players,

specific tragic outcomes of climate change in their

who compiled an impressive 8-1-1 (won-lost-tied)

region, brainstormed projects that they could initiate, and reported back on the projects they started.

record during the regular season. Almost as exciting as the championship win was finishing second in a

“Think globally and act locally” is the inspiration

tournament behind Ridley College, a T1-A school.

behind the student discussions. The Grade 8 class

(Opposite - Middle) The T1 Boys Soccer Team in a victory pose as the CISAA Gold Medal champions.

presented their ideas to reduce automobile idling on campus as a means to reduce greenhouse gas

Winter Concert

emissions. They also shared some information about the exciting geothermal heat projects in the new

On Saturday, January 26, the LCS community gathered

Student Recreation Centre. Our international friends

in the Bryan Jones Theatre to enjoy an evening of

shared their ideas including horticultural education

live entertainment starring members of the LCS

and soil enrichment/planting programs, and garbage/

community. The concert, a spirit event organized by

litter clean-up as a means of disease reduction.

Kane Miller (Grade 12), featured Kane’s bandmates

(Opposite-Top Left) Front to Back: Grade 8 students Nikki Gosselin, Rob Thompson, and Nora Hickey conferencing online.

Cody McMahon (Grade 8), Sarah Griggs (Grade 11), and faculty member John Kraus. Cody played several drum solos to get the crowd excited.

Sailor Greg Douglas Competes in Australia

Brodie Robbins (Grade 12) later joined fellow

Greg Douglas (Grade 12) competed in the 2008 World

bandmates Sarah Griggs and Steph Hodgins (Grade

Laser Competition, Standard Championship in

12) to perform a collection of their own songs. Joined

February in Terrigal, Australia. Entry to the Standard

by Felix Kommoss (Grade 11) and Joe Corner (Grade

race is limited to 150 of the best Olympic-level Laser

12), the band rocked the theatre. The atmosphere was

sailors in the world. Approximately 60 countries

also inspired by lighting arranged by Mike Wilson ’06.

were represented, with many competitors seeking to

Faculty member Alison McElwain also contributed her

qualify for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Competing for

staging expertise for the event.

Barbados, Greg had an impressive showing, finishing 11th out of 53 in the bronze fleet. (Opposite - Top Right) Greg Douglas posing with Lily Dash as winners of the Westwood Sailing Cup at last year’s Regatta Day

2  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

(Opposite - Bottom) L-R: Sarah Griggs, John Kraus, Kane Miller. Photo by Derek Shin (Grade 10)

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  3

The Undefinable Grove Lakefield College School is not a building. It is not

‘What is REAL?’ asked the Rabbit one day, when they

a beautiful campus. It is not the canoes or the lake

were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before

or the rink or even the trails or the forest. When we

Nana came to tidy the room. ‘Does it mean having

allude to the “Lakefield Difference” what we are really

things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?’

talking about is the spirit, not of a place or a time, but of a common belief in something that has survived

‘Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘It’s a

two world wars, the Depression, and a myriad of

thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a

changes that have spanned two centuries. We

long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves

sometimes laugh about it, often struggle to define it,

you, then you become Real.’

but always fear losing it. I have always loved the Trustees’ Dinner but I have never quite understood why. On the surface it has a lot of things going for it. It is one of the few times where I get to wear my suit and have at least some people think that this is something that I wear regularly. The Haddens’ reception prior to dinner is second to none

‘Does it hurt?’ asked the Rabbit. ‘Sometimes,’ said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. ‘When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.’ “‘Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,’ he asked, ‘or bit by bit?’

and of course the dinner always leaves me stunned.

‘It doesn’t happen all at once,’ said the Skin Horse.

For some inexplicable reason, I love the speeches

‘You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t

given by people about old friends and times past that I

happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp

have not been privy to. This past October I understood

edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the

why. I think every October I bear witness to a thinning

time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off,

of time, an evening where people remember who they

and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints

once were and what the school meant and, above all,

and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all,

what the school still means.

because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to

I am quite certain that I cannot define the Lakefield

people who don’t understand.’

spirit, but on most days I get to see it in action. It is

LCS has never been defined by its buildings, lake, or

reflected in Mr. McGowan’s taking the boys’ skates

beautiful campus, but by those people who believe

to get sharpened in Peterborough on a Friday night

that being a student, a teacher, a parent or a trustee, is

for a Saturday game. It is reflected in the number of

to be part of something real, something that matters.

staff who attend most games and see every play—not because they have to be there or even because they


should be there but, profoundly, because they want to be there. Every year I find a reason to read The Velveteen Rabbit to my students and as LCS undergoes significant change I am reminded of the following passage: 4  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

(Opposite) LCS students exchange notes of friendship on Valentine’s Day

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  5

Lakefield’s 12-Point Response to CESI Richard Life, Associate Head of School The Canadian Educational Standards Institute (CESI) is the accrediting body of Canadian independent schools. Lakefield completed its CESI evaluation in May 2007. A team of educators from independent schools and from Trent and York Universities spent four days meeting with LCS students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and trustees, in order to formulate recommendations to help us to improve our school.

make constructive criticisms of

7 and 8, additional help for teachers

the school, they are fine points

with IT integration, and joining the

or nuances ...” The committee

CESI National Tracking Project for

endorsed Lakefield’s plans to

Graduates. Finally, the committee

make improvements to the areas

enthusiastically endorsed

identified in our self-evaluation:

Lakefield’s commitment to

the advisor system, student

learning support and differentiated

support and remediation in

instruction, through the Learning

mathematics and organizational

Commons Program.

skills, integration of international students, food services, and environmental sustainability. The committee also made a number of recommendations upon which the school took immediate action this past fall: the clarification of

The conclusions of the visiting

the administrative organization

committee were extremely positive.

chart, the implementation of

The committee concluded that,

a “lockdown” procedure, the

“in so far as [the committee] could

integration of curriculum in Grades

LCS students celebrate their love of the school with cheers during orientation week.

6  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

In the explanation to CESI of our educational philosophy (published in the Fall/Winter 2007 Grove News), we stated that “it is Lakefield’s philosophy that if playing first team sports, or being in a school play, or spending three weeks on a service project in the third world costs a student 1% or 2% on his or her academic average, the cost is worth the benefits of the

experience—many times over!” We

point response to CESI. The

program, including the concomitant

also emphasized the intentionality

following “points of principle” will

expansion of the school’s science

of our relaxed environment and

inform Lakefield’s short-term and

facilities with a particular emphasis

concluded that “Lakefield provides a

long-term planning. Over the next

on life sciences and bio-technology.

safe and loving environment which

several years: 8) Lakefield commits to orientation

... helps young people to learn about themselves, to find their own soul

1) Lakefield affirms its mission to

programs to help international

and to follow their own heart.”

provide a wide range of challenges

students adjust to the Canadian

and support to enable students to

academic culture.

The CESI visiting committee

grow as whole people. 9) Lakefield commits to expanding

challenged Lakefield to reflect upon our chosen balance between

2) Lakefield affirms its “relaxed

the range of services provided

academic and co-curricular

and flexible” school culture, with

to students who live outside the

programs. As well the visiting

its emphasis on “learning through

Montreal, Ottawa, and Windsor

committee urged us to consider


corridor (e.g. long weekend

the balance between affirming the individual and asserting community values in the Chapel Program in general and in Chapel Talks in particular. This challenge to our school culture was daunting, but ultimately valuable. Lakefield responded by bringing these issues before a meeting of the school’s trustees and students. On Saturday, October 28, students and trustees met in small groups and in a summary forum to discuss the important philosophical issues presented by CESI. The conclusions of these discussions were firmly in support of Lakefield’s philosophy, but the process helped

3) Lakefield affirms the value for Lakefield students of co-curricular

10) Lakefield commits to the

programs, including athletics,

provision of high-quality food

performance arts, expeditions, and

services, including healthy options

local and international community

to serve a wide range of tastes, and a


renovated dining hall with modern

4) Lakefield affirms the value of

11) Lakefield commits to an

provide differentiated instruction

inclusive, student-centred Chapel

and learning support for all

program, which emphasizes

Lakefield students (items 5 to 8).

universal values within the context

5) Lakefield commits to reducing

of the school’s Anglican affiliation.

the ratio of student advisees per

12) Lakefield commits to making

faculty advisor, and to ongoing

environmental sustainability a core

professional development for faculty

principle of its strategic planning.

advisors. 6) Lakefield commits to a

how different people interpret the

structured, intentional approach

words and ideas.

to the development of core

trustee discussions, plus input

preparation and service facilities.

the Learning Commons Program to

to bring a better understanding of

As a result of these student/


academic skills, including language, mathematics, and organization.

The CESI evaluation has been extremely valuable for the school. Lakefield is pleased to be an accredited member of CESI, but it is even prouder of its continuing commitment to an open and

from a committee of faculty, plus a

7) Lakefield commits to re-

reflective approach to making the

thorough review by management,

enforcing and expanding the

school a better place of learning for

Lakefield has developed a twelve-

Advanced Placement academic

its students. Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  7

Creating Intellectual Challenge LCS Advanced Placement Courses It is 3:30 on a Friday afternoon, the

subjects, and ultimately, provided

students in 491 schools across the

second week of May. Outside, there

they do well on the exam, to earn

nation participated in the spring

is laughter and the buzz of activity

a university credit. It is also a time

testing. AP programs are growing

as coaches and players heading for

for these students to celebrate

at a phenomenal rate: the number

playing fields and the waterfront

the completion of a rich, rigorous

of participating schools and

joke with one another, grateful for

educational opportunity that

students in Canada has increased

warm weather and a sunny day.

will have prepared them well

by 30% in just five years, with

Inside one room in the classroom

for the challenges of university

British Columbia, Alberta, and

block, however, students still sit


Ontario leading the charge.

The LCS students from Grades 11

Currently, LCS offers six AP

and 12 who are writing exams have

courses: French, European

all completed Advanced Placement

History, Calculus, Geography,

courses, courses with an approved

English Literature, and Biology,

For these students—an increasing

and audited curriculum that are

and is contemplating the addition

number at LCS—May marks

equivalent to a first-year university

of both Chemistry and English

not only the beginning of

course. The Advanced Placement

Language to its program. Each

Camp Lakefield, but also the

program today offers 37 courses

course offers unique opportunities

commencement of the Advanced

and exams across 22 subject areas.

in learning: more analysis, more

Placement (AP) exam period. It is a

In 2007, over one million students

depth and detail in content, more

time to display their knowledge of

worldwide wrote at least one AP

writing and problem-solving, more

and academic ability in particular

exam: in Canada, almost 13,000

independent study.

row on row in absorbed silence, the only sound the occasional scratching of pencil on paper or the turn of a page.

8  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Lakefield College School has

on a particular exam. LCS grads

pace of each course is faster, but

been involved in the AP Program

love the flexibility the extra credits

the students enrolled in our AP

for many years, but renewed its

offer them. Katharine Rogers ’04,

courses are more than ready for

commitment to the program in

for example, was able to lighten her

accelerated learning. LCS has also

2006, viewing the courses as a

fourth-year university workload

introduced “AP Prep” courses—

means of providing intellectual

considerably by “cashing in” the

sections of Grade 11 courses in

enrichment and challenge for

two additional credits she earned

English, Math, and Biology that

academically strong students, and

for her high scores on her English

begin students on the AP path,

of preparing students solidly for

Literature and European History

allowing them to cover additional,

university study. It was a sound

exams. Students can also be

more challenging content, as well

decision, backed up by some

permitted to skip introductory

as the regular Ontario curriculum.

recent research, including a study

courses in certain subjects based

It is too early to predict the effect

by Hargrove et al. (2007) which

on AP scores; hence Courtney

of this extra preparation (the first

followed the university experience

Cooper ’07 was permitted to

set of Grade 11 AP Prep students

of five cohorts of Texan high school

enrol in a more interesting and

will not have their AP exam results

graduates. The study established

challenging second-year university

until mid-summer of 2008), but

that students who had taken one

English Literature course at

the early response from LCS

or more AP courses and exams,

Georgetown University, based on

teachers has been enthusiastic:

and students who had taken one

her AP English Literature exam

students entering the Grade 12 AP

or more AP courses but no exams,


courses are now more ready for

significantly outperformed nonAP participants on all college outcomes in all years, after statistically controlling for SAT

For students applying to universities outside of Canada, AP

the rigorous course of study, and eagerly step up to the challenges it offers them.

courses and exams offer a means

score and economic status. In

of competing successfully on the

Will there come a time at LCS when

other words, the challenges offered

international college market. Given

there are more students writing AP

by the approach and content of

the wide variety of grading systems

exams in May than making their

AP courses—more close readings

and curricula among provinces

way to afternoon sports sessions?

in English, more use of primary

and countries, AP scores serve as a

documents in History, more labs in

reliable indicator for international

Biology, and tougher problems in

universities of academic potential.

Calculus—are in and of themselves

Many American colleges place

useful as preparation for university

a premium on an AP course of


study; UK universities such as Cambridge look favourably upon

Probably not. The high value placed by LCS on the education of the whole student and the value of co-curriculars in that education will always serve to ensure that our students do not follow the current (and much criticized) American trend of trying to complete as

A high score on the AP exam,

Canadian applicants who present

moreover, can also be very helpful

many AP credits as possible. But

AP qualifications with outstanding

to our LCS grads at university.

for our students who would like a


challenge, the AP program is there

The AP exams are scored out of 5, and many Canadian universities

Do students find the courses

will award a university credit to a

harder than the regular LCS

student who scores a 4 or higher

offerings? Yes … and no. The

to allow them to push themselves to be the best they can be. DR. HEATHER AVERY

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  9


Taking a Year Once upon a time, the main question facing Lakefield

both in Australia, and Carole McLaren to Regent

students in their final year of high school was: which

School in Thailand.

university should I go to?

“My job is based in the boarding house, and in the

Now, it’s a whole new world, and a new word, too. That

junior school I work on reading recovery and literacy

word is “gap.”

skills,” says Hannah. “The school is great and I really

The idea of “taking a gap year” is becoming an increasingly attractive option for Lakefield students. While once the number of students who didn’t proceed directly to post-secondary education could be counted

like it here,” she adds, of the school where she spent an exchange term several years ago. Like many students in similar situations, Hannah loves being able to travel at break times.

on one hand, in more recent years, 10 to 15 students

Carole is enthusiastic about the gap opportunity,

each year decide to “take a year off.”

even though she’s far away from home. “It’s pretty

The tradition of “taking a gap” has come to these shores from Great Britain, where this is a common practice

overwhelming sometimes to be so far away from my family and friends, but I’m enjoying life here a lot.”

for “school leavers.” Student culture in North America

Another popular vehicle for students taking gap years

has been slower to adapt to the practice, but the gap

is the British Alumni Travelling Scholarship (BATS),

year is becoming big business. Many companies and

awarded to a graduating student to help support him or

programs vie to arrange gap year experiences for

her while working and travelling in Britain and Europe.


All winners benefit from being able to stay with Dr.

Many Lakefield grads have found success through LCS-related activities. Three 2007 grads have travelled

Tim Ward ’62 and his family for several weeks before venturing out into living in London on their own.

abroad to work as residential and program assistants at

“They were really welcoming and so nice,” reports

Round Square schools: Hannah Anglesey to Ballarat

Helen Honig ’07, this year’s BATS recipient. Helen

Grammar School and Nick Barbaro to Armidale School,

worked in the famed department store Harrod’s. “It’s

10  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

just such a London thing to do!” For the balance of her

Especially as a young woman, it really is daunting to be

time in 2008, she will travel through Europe.

in a major city on your own.”

Most BATS winners, like other gap year participants,

The top concern for most parents—or at least in second

report that the feeling of independence gained from

position, after worrying about the well being of their

travelling, and meeting so many different people,

children—is the question of making the transition back

leaves an indelible mark.

to university.

“I have a better perception of Europe and its many

As gap years have become more common, most

diverse cultures and I know exactly what kind of

Canadian universities are willing to grant deferrals

person I hope to become in this world,” says Bianca

of acceptance for a gap year, recognizing the benefits

Bell, the 2006 BATS recipient. “As I am slowly figuring

of the experience. Some competitive programs tell

out my role as a citizen of this world, I have come to

students they must re-apply, though.

realize that being travelled is an invaluable asset.”

The vast majority of students do in fact come back

Many students find the experience of living

to school, though, almost always enriched by the

independently, working and travelling for a year to


be significant later in life. Lindsey Hepburn ’02 is now the co-ordinator of travelling mission groups for the Presbyterian Church of Canada, doing logistical planning and intercultural facilitation. “All of my young years as a traveller have made their way to a very practical vocation,” she says. Of course, it’s not all easy. As one Lakefield grad notes, “the biggest challenge was being lonely for the first little while. The world is not like a Jack Kerouac novel!

In the end, the important thing to remember about gap years is that the experience is totally unique to each individual. What’s right for one person is not necessarily right for all! TOM MILBURN (Opposite) Peter Reid ‘06—on the beaches of Dieppe, France— took a GAP year and combined many experiences, including work and travel, in Canada and Europe. (Below) Fiona McNestry ‘06—in Beaune (wine country) France—met up with both Peter and Bianca Bell ‘06 at various points while away on her GAP year.

I push myself forward, Past my comfort zone, Past my boundaries. I paddle up stream, And down stream, Rain, and sun. Nothing stops me From pushing the boundaries. I paddle to my escape, Escape from structure, Escape from life. Canoeing is my freedom, And it lets me loose. JAMES MCDONALD, GRADE 9

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Running Rapids A History of the Canoe at Lakefield College School

We can never truly predict the

manufacturers, including the

Sheldrake. “Long before there was

direction of our journey, despite

Thomas Gordon and Strickland

much sense of a Canadian identity,”

a paddle, map, and compass.

Canoe Companies (which merged

wrote John Morgan Gray ’23, “Dr.

Rather, it is the valiant moose,

to create the Lakefield Canoe

Mackenzie was inculcating in us a

the rugged portage, the songs

Company) and the Ontario Canoe

love of what was special and to be

echoing off Precambrian cliffs that

Company (later the Peterborough

prized in Canadian life.” An avid

navigate our experience. Seated in

Canoe Company), had established

canoeist who had paddled down

the canoe, we steer a tool of both

themselves in the area’s growing

the Grand River as a young man, it

introspection and destination.

leisure market. Not just pleasure

was natural for the headmaster to

crafts, the region’s canoes were a

assume the canoe as an extension

valued source of transportation

of outdoor life at The Grove. Reg

and trade.

Blomfield (Class of 1900), one of

“Canoes have always played an important role in the life of The Grove and continue to do so,”

Canada’s outstanding canoeists in

wrote student Angus

In 1883, life-long canoeist Dr. C.M.

McCabe ’88 in his Grade 9 year. “It

Douglas V.C., father of George and

seems appropriate that a school so

Lionel Douglas (who attended the

geared toward canoes be located

school from 1883 to 1887), bought

in such a famous canoe area.”

the Northcote Farm north of the

The “birthplace of the modern

main campus of the school (p.26).

canoe,” the Kawartha Lakes

He patented a folding canoe called

“The canoe is essential to an

thrived with boating activities

the Tom Cat in that same year.

understanding of what it is to

and regattas during the mid-

His sons continued Dr. Douglas’s

be Canadian,” says John Boyko,

19th century. During that time,

passion for canoeing; his son

Dean of Social Sciences. “Consider

friends John Stephenson and

George was a noted canoeist and

that while others explored the

Thomas Gordon were inspired

explorer of the Canadian arctic,

wilderness in wagons leaving scars

to invent the cedarstrip canoe to

and Lionel was a master mariner.

upon the land, that Canadian

replace the dugout and birchbark

“George Douglas was my hero,”

explorers ventured forth in canoes

first introduced by the First

says Al Pace ’77, master potter and

—silent and leaving not a trace.

Nations people, propelling the

professional canoe tripper. “We

It is that heritage, that respect for

Peterborough area into a frenzied

all read his book Lands Forlorn

the environment, to which we

hub of canoe innovation and

—Headmaster Terry Guest had

pay homage every time we have a


a copy. He and Samuel Hearne

student dip a paddle into the water.”

Twenty years later, as Sparham Sheldrake first opened the doors

the early 20th century, like so many students after him, was inspired with a life-long passion for paddling due to this early encouragement on Lake Katchewanooka.

inspired my trips to the high arctic.”

During the early 1900s, students, like [Rev.] Roland Palmer , would go

to a preparatory school for boys

In 1895, Dr. A.W. Mackenzie

to the village Saturday afternoons to

in Lakefield, several canoe

took over the school from Mr.

spend their pocket money and roam Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  13

“This year the holiday was held on Monday the 25th. After breakfast we went down to the village, obtained our canoe, and returned to the school to pick up the school dinner that Miss Perry provides us. And then we

about “Mr. Hillyer’s canoe factory to watch the canoes being made and pick up scraps of basswood for various purposes.” It was from the local canoe makers that the school would rent canoes for the annual Regatta and to travel up to Stony Lake on the annual Victoria Day

tripping instructional program. “I

holiday weekend picnic. Each year,

would contend,” says Mr. Hodgetts

stopped and the sun came out, and it

groups of students and masters

in the December 1970 Grove News,

was fine for the remainder of the day.

would also make recreational

“that the finest opportunities often

spring and fall excursions “up

present themselves when together

the lake” to Northcote Farm, Eel’s

we can forget the worries and follies

Creek, and later to Algonquin Park.

of the ‘rat race’ and take to the out-

started up the lakes, and soon the rain

Arriving at the Point we portaged our canoe, there being about fifteen other canoes enjoying the same experience. We never imagined a canoe weighed

As Lakefield Preparatory School

of-doors in a canoe!”

grew through the century, so did

The mid-1970s gave birth to

so much, but we finally got it across,

the watercraft at the waterfront:

a curriculum-based outdoor

and safely launched it in Clear Lake.

Dr. Mackenzie’s beloved Gilpie I &

education program, which

We were doing what boys had done for over fifty years!” CARTER, FIFTH FORMER in The Grove Chronicle, summer 1931

II, Mr.Smith’s Happy Return, Navy

immediately flourished and

cutters, Albacores, Lasers, kayaks,

strengthened the focus of outdoor

a motorboat, and sailboards. Yet,

life at The Grove. The course,

the canoe was not abandoned into

initially for Grade 9 and 10

disuse. Rather, in 1970 as the Cadet

students, began with flatwater

Corps training was suspended,

canoeing, and explored hiking,

Master David Hodgetts began

Nordic skiing, snowshoeing,

the development of a canoe and

camping, orienteering, and rock climbing throughout the school year. The program grew to include all grades, exemplifying the school’s commitment to learning in the outdoor environment. “Canoeing is a link to Canada’s past and to our future,” explains Richard Hagg, teacher and trip leader. “It is a valuable life skill that will keep students connected to the outdoors as they move on and have their own families.” As students build their skills base, they are exposed to different levels of canoeing, not just on the lake, but

Grove Boys launching their canoe into the Young’s Point Lift Lock circa 1945

as Grade 11 instructors working with the Grade 9 classes. At the senior level, students champion whitewater canoeing, instructor skills, river rescue, and wilderness

14  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

first aid. “Students enjoy gaining

expedition down the Coppermine

of Ontario. Yet the next year, the

these skills, the team building

River to introduce exchange

first Ondaatje Expedition took

exercises, and playing swamptag,”

student Prince Andrew (now

place in Glacier National Park in

Mr. Hagg continues. “I’ve spent

HRH The Duke of York) to the

British Columbia and sparked a

so much time in a canoe, it’s like

Canadian North. The experience

new history of character-building

second nature. It is rewarding to

was so impressive that many of the

outdoor challenges at The Grove.

see kids enjoy themselves, work

original trip members journeyed

Sponsored by Sir Christopher

as a team, and operate the canoe

down the Keele River last summer,

Ondaatje, the expedition


30 years later.

was developed to encourage

In 1977, Headmaster Terry Guest,

Before adventuring into the

a seasoned paddler, planned

Northwest Territories, there had

an ambitious 26-day school

been no school tripping outside

Grove students in personal growth, physical challenge and international adventure. It was after the Nahanni River Ondaatje Expedition in 1983 that the Irving family became patrons of the Irving Expedition, promoting a uniquely Canadian canoeing experience. As a historically significant and largely untouched region, the North offers students a glimpse of a completely different environmental, social,

“The aeroplane dropped us on the lake, and then left. There was nothing, no contact for two weeks! But we had a ball! Based on our training, teamwork, communication, and leadership we were able to take risks we would not otherwise have been able to and were rewarded with complete euphoria.” HRH THE DUKE OF YORK (in reference to the 1977 Coppermine River Expedition from his 2002 NAIS address) Pictured left in 2007 with Terry Guest during a 30-year reunion paddle on the Keele River.

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  15

cultural, and economic structure. “It is interesting for me to see how kids are blown away by the remoteness and scenery of Canada’s North,” says LCS teacher and trip leader Richard Hagg in regards to the Irving Expeditions over the past 20 years. “We paddle in rivers used as highways by First Nations people and explorers for hundreds of years.” The annual Victoria Day weekend expedition also experienced an evolution in the 1970s. The formula of September weather, small groups with staff trip leaders, and a checkpoint system improved the annual canoe experience for everyone involved. A school-wide September trip to Algonquin Park became the new tradition. With the steady increase of students, the expedition became a leadership opportunity for the Grade 12 class in their graduation year. “There is nothing like appreciating the outdoors in a canoe,” says retired (Right) LCS Seniors on Expedition in Algonquin Park, September 2006

“I awoke this morning to the fresh smell of evergreen pines. As I paddle now, propelling myself through the serene waters in my quicksilver craft, I recall breakfast: its scintillating tastes lightly tinged with smoke giving its rewards heartily to my gnawing hunger. I anxiously await my next portage, enveloped in natural beauty as we tread among the pines and admire the gushing creeks.” GRADE 11 STUDENT (on the Algonquin Expedition, The Grove Chronicle, 1988)

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teacher and trip leader Doc McCubbin. “During

is about more than just history at LCS,” says Dr.

expedition, kids get to know each other, and prove

McCubbin. “It is about teaching students something

to themselves that a) they’ve done it and b) they’ve

about themselves.” Watching the disheveled but

enjoyed it.” Almost 50 percent of faculty also attend

triumphant Algonquin Expedition groups return to the

the Algonquin Expedition, giving them a unique

dock at Smoke Lake, he says, “I always reminisce about

opportunity to mentor the approximately 100 students

Dr. Mackenzie standing at the top of Matthews Hill fifty

in smaller groups. “In a canoe, there are no video games

years earlier, waiting for his canoe trips to return.”

or BMX bikes in the way of you and the real world,” says Chris Rowley ’87. “You are out of the social hierarchy,


and become in tune with the boat, paddle, lake, and yourself. We developed fortitude, the ability to plug along and keep going.” “When I reminisce with alum about our time at The Grove,” says Al Pace ’77, “we don’t talk about

“June 24th, 1914, saw three lucky Lakefield boys, fairly meticulous, leave the school wharf in a Lakefield

chemistry class or a dining hall meal, we talk about

canoe complete with camping equipment and dog.

expedition weekend; about just arriving at school and

August 8th, 1914, saw them slightly bedraggled,

immediately leaving for Algonquin.” Several alumni,

pulling their canoe out of the water on upper

including members of the Class of 1977, have returned together to the water to again experience the magic

Broadway, New York City, with two cents between

of expedition. Canoe North Adventures, a tripping

the three of them, but 855 miles behind.

company owned by past parents Al Pace ’77 and Lin Ward, also recently organized a “Women’s Klondike Expedition” to the Yukon that included many LCS moms and faculty member Vicky Boomgaardt. Parents

JOHN F. DAVIDSON ‘14 (of his journey with Don Cameron ‘14 and Master Gordon Grahame, The Grove Chronicle, Summer 1943) (Below) Photo of their departure.

and alumni both recognize that the respect in one’s own accomplishments, the value of teamwork, and the appreciation of nature during a canoe trip often makes a lifelong impact. This spring, the Outdoor Education program coordinators look forward to paddling “up the lake,” to the new Northcote Campus, following the legacy of several famous Grove canoeists. The Grade 9 OE students will each make their own paddle; enthusiastic athletes will attempt the solo paddle during the Ondaatje Challenge; and many will try to make the finish line during the crab and gunwale races of the annual Regatta, which has taken place for almost 130 years. More than fifty percent of the student body study Outdoor Education for at least six hours a week, and canoeing is integral to each course. “But canoeing

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  17

Over 20 Years at The Grove and Lovin’ It! KAREN STAUNTON

has been a familiar face

order to send their children to school. “It was so

to LCS students for over 25 years. Now the School

interesting to see the Nigerian women develop pride

Life Administrative Assistant, in the past Karen has

and responsibility,” remembers Karen. “A little thing,

worked with Development, Admissions, and Academics

like starting a business can make such a difference

to support the extensive growth of the campus and

in someone’s life. Just think how giving up a fast

student roster.

food meal or a movie once or twice a month can have such an impact on a family in the middle of Nigeria.

Having assisted Larry Davies, Simon Bruce-Lockhart,

I’ve seen how grassroot groups do benefit from

Richard Life, Susan Hazell, David Walsh, Doc

Development and Peace funding.”

McCubbin, and now Rev. John Runza, Karen believes strongly that the leadership of the school plays a

Living the values of the school beyond its walls, Karen

large part in its successful growth. “Seeing the school

feels she lives her faith in all aspects of her day. With a

develop from all male to co-ed has definitely changed

talent for creating extraordinary cakes and chocolate

its atmosphere by enriching it.” She has continued

candies, her delicious gifts, seen occasionally around

to be amazed with the devotion of the staff, citing

campus, are just one other way she can lift up

that one of David Hadden’s talents is to bring great,

someone’s life. “We have so much freedom and wealth

dedicated people to the school: “everyone seems to

here,” she says. “Everybody in the world should have

give 110%.

something to do, a use for their abilities. Unless you put your foot forward, you don’t know how much of a

“What I really like about working in School Life

difference you can make!”

is seeing the students spend time outside of the classroom block … I’m not just working in an office; I’m seeing kids change from Grade 7 to 12. We become so close to the kids and every aspect of their lives here. The students are challenged in so many ways—through co-curricular activities and sports—that they always find something to excel in. How can you compare a school in the middle of Toronto to this one?” With the encouragement of her two grown children, Chris and Jacqui, Karen has dedicated much of her leisure time to Development and Peace, an organization in support of people in the Global South promoting their right to control their economic, political, social, and cultural development. Through her church, Karen helps organize a fall educational campaign and a fundraising ‘Share Lent’ campaign, which currently focuses on mining and pollution in developing countries. As Diocesan Chair of Development and Peace in Peterborough for five years, Karen traveled to Nigeria to help local women start their own businesses in

18  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

(Below) R-L: Karen Staunton with Assistant Head of House Ian Matthews, Assistant Head: School Life, John Runza, and Assistant Head of House Megan Briggs. (Opposite) Tom Fife.

“The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure.” FRANCOISE DE MOTTEVILLE..

TOM FIFE has worked in various roles within the facilities department at the school for over 23 years, and plays an often quiet, but significant, role in the growth and beautification of The Grove. It is the dedication of people like Tom that keeps the campus well groomed and up-to-date. Tom first came to Lakefield College School in 1983 when he was asked to help cut grass before Closing. Although he enjoyed the experience, he continued to work on his family farm on Indian River and install satellite dishes. Next April, he was again enlisted to assist the maintenance crew as a full-time employee, driving the truck, helping the carpenter and plumbers around campus, and looking after the grounds. After three years, he was offered an apprenticeship with the head carpenter, and supported in going through school to get his official papers. With his apprenticeship complete, he was offered the position of carpenter at the school. Although not intentionally, Tom was following in the footsteps of his father who was a carpenter as well.

the Netherlands, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Hawaii, and Australia, Tom found it was the contrast of mountains, desert, and beach in New Zealand that he liked best. With his brother in England, and his worldtraveling partners in Toronto and Vancouver, Tom still

In the first years at the school, Tom met his future

takes the opportunity to visit new vistas. Although

wife Kathy who worked in the Business Office. Their

traveling has been an eye-opening experience, Tom

daughter Amy is now a teacher and engaged to be

says that right here in the Kawarthas remains one of

married this summer at the farm. Although a hobby

the best places to live in the world.

farm now, Tom keeps both his and his parents’ home on the property in top shape.

“I just love working here,” he states. “There have been huge changes at the school—all for the better.

With a love for photography, woodworking, camping,

Especially the change from a boys’ school to co-ed;

kayaking and hiking, he easily fills what personal

the girls have improved things a lot (they’re certainly

time he has. Yet it is his stories of world travel that

easier on the houses for repairs than the boys!)”

are truly remarkable. Before coming to LCS, Tom had

Watching capital projects and improvements over the

just completed a world tour with two co-workers from

years, he has seen the landscape change a lot. “I like

Quaker Oats. Traveling through Western Canada, the

the variety, it’s a friendly place with nice surroundings,

UK, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, Sweden,

I couldn’t ask for much better.”


Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  19

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Like No Other: Donald Ross ’48 2007 Jeffrey Page Rein Wadsworth Award Recipient Jim Matthews ‘58 From his Trustees’ Day Address, October 2007

and growth of the school, as well as serving as an inspiration to others.

The Jeffrey Page Rein Wadsworth Award is awarded

It is my privilege to announce that the school has

from time to time to a Board Member or a Trustee in

awarded the Page Wadsworth Award for Volunteerism

recognition of his or her commitment to volunteerism

to Donald Ross ’48. I would like to tell you something

which has resulted in outstanding service to the

about Donald and the tremendous contribution and

school. It was first awarded in 1997 following the death

support that he has given to the school for most of

of Page Wadsworth ’26. It was created to celebrate

his life. At the same time, I know that I do this at

and recognize Page’s belief that “it is a great privilege

some considerable risk. First of all, it is well known

to serve.” The award embodies the characteristics

that Donald does not like lawyers and I am a lawyer.

so admired in Page Wadsworth, that of dynamic

Notwithstanding, he has a brother and a son who are

leadership, sensitivity, commitment and vision, all of

lawyers. He also prefers to stay in the background with

which he so generously dedicated to the benefit of the

respect to his philanthropic efforts.


Donald came into this world on February 29, so he has

The Wadsworth Award is represented by a stained glass

been somewhat unique from the very beginning. In

window handcrafted by Eileen Nolan of Lakefield. It

addition, Donald’s brother initially told me that he was

depicts the school’s coat of arms, the Anglican Church

born in Japan—which would explain the origin of his

Cross, and the Kawartha landscape reflecting Page’s

cryptic directions and instructions requiring one to be

love of the school, his Christianity, and his love of

an expert in hieroglyphics in order to understand what

nature. The glass is framed in one of the clear gothic

he is talking about. However, he was not born in Japan

windows which were removed from the chapel prior to

but rather here in Canada, although his parents did

its reconstruction. The refinishing of the frame and

spend a considerable period there.

the construction of the stand were done by Alex (Doc) McCubbin. The winners of the award are recorded on a brass plaque on the window’s frame.

Donald attended Lakefield from 1942 to 1948. His two brothers also attended. As his father had recently died, his mother had intended to move to Scotland with her

Page had a lifelong association with the school which

children but ultimately decided to remain in Canada

spanned 73 years commencing with the years when

because of the war. It was a very fortuitous decision for

he was a student here from 1924 to 1926. During that

the school. G. Winder Smith ’20, then headmaster of

period, his contribution, leadership, and civilized

the school, became Donald’s stepfather in 1948 when he

manner made a fundamental impact on the evolution

married Donald’s mother.

(Opposite) L-R Mary Elizabeth Konrad (Grade 12), Donald Ross ’48, and Jen Reader (Grade 12) arrive in style as voyageurs at the dedication of the Northcote Farm, October 2007 (p.26)

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  21

Donald was a very enterprising school boy. One

Northcote property (in conjunction with the generous

probably had to be in those days at The Grove. He once

gift of the Gastle Family) which was celebrated during

informed David Hadden that he used to sell buckets of

Trustees’ Day. He also made possible the acquisition

apples, putting the bruised ones on the bottom with

by the school of Fort Smith and the reconstruction

their good sides up.

of the Chapel, and has over the years supported

I gather that Donald has many interests and passions but at the top of the list would be his family, his business at which he has been very successful, his race horses, and of course the school. He has six children and stepchildren. It is rumoured that one of his

numerous students who otherwise may not have been able to attend Lakefield. In addition, somehow he has found the time to support a number of other causes, including being very instrumental in the resuscitation of the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough.

daughters may have been named after a stallion named

As you may have gathered, Donald is his own man

Victoria Park who was Canada’s horse of the year in

with his own way of doing things. For example, as I

1960 and a winner of the Queen’s Plate (now that’s

mentioned earlier, he was a driving force with respect

consolidating your passions).

to the reconstruction of the Chapel. As such, he was also a member of the Chapel Committee which was

From this brief description you can recognize that

chaired by Walter Blackwell ’56 who, on one occasion

there is a lot more to Donald Ross than one might at

after considerable debate as to whether real stone or a

first realize, including how great a contribution he

concrete block structure should be utilized, called for a

has made to Lakefield over the years. Not only has he

vote. True to form, Donald agreed, but added that after

made random and substantial financial donations,

the vote, he would decide.

but he has initiated and carried through significant projects, the most recent being the acquisition of the

22  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

(Below) Jim Matthews ’58 presents the Page Wadsworth Award to Donald Ross ’48 at the Trustees’ Dinner in October 2007.

Enhanced Portal Pages Now on the LCS Website Looking for a list of upcoming school events and a quick link to register for them (and to see who’s coming)? How about the eNews, important announcements, networking, and mentoring opportunities? These things and much more are now available online in the enhanced portal pages. You can even create your own personalized portal page. Visit LCS.ON.CA and click on ALUMNI or PARENT in the top right corner, then login with your username and password in the left column.

Questions? Contact Richard Johnston at rjohnston@lcs.on.ca

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  23

24  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Running and Reading: Romina Tina Fontana ’94 What’s the connection between running and reading?

founder of The Running and Reading Club, soon gave her

Stupidly, I don’t put the question to Romina Tina Fontana

a cause to support.

directly, but after our conversation I resolve to check out the Get Lit website (below) and see if I can glean the answer for myself.

Ms. Ruegger is the founder of The Running and Reading Club—an after-school program that encourages children in underprivileged Toronto neighbourhoods to become

Romina spent only a single year at The Grove, a time she

physically active and learn to love reading, so breaking

characterizes as “brief but wonderful.” Her introduction

the cycle of generational poverty. Inspired by the

to the school came through Chris Howard ’95, and her

success of Ms. Ruegger’s program, Romina knew she had

unofficial tour guide on a visit to the campus in the

found her ideal charity partner. The result was Get Lit, a

summer of 1993 was Caitlin Sainsbury ’96—who Romina

literary evening at which eight inspiring Canadians read

describes as “still one of my closest and dearest friends.”

and discuss an excerpt from a piece of writing that has

After graduating from Lakefield, Romina spent a year at Queen’s, majoring, she laughs, in Political Science and

truly moved them. In a single evening, Get Lit—which will now be held annually—raised almost $5000.

sailing. She then took two years off, and travelled to

So what is the connection between running and

Costa Rica (where she studied Spanish and volunteered

reading? The Get Lit website makes an eloquent case

at a rainforest reserve), and subsequently backpacked

for a relationship between physical and mental health,

with a Grove friend, Ashley Campbell ’94, through

and the importance of promoting both in a context

Mexico and Guatemala. The next year took her to

where physical education programs have been cut in the

Trent: “I should have taken Dr. Barker’s advice in the

schools, and where literacy may not be highly valued

first place,” Romina says. “Trent was the right place for

in the community. The Running and Reading Club

me.” There, she roomed with another dear Grove friend,

program is currently operating within numerous inner

Andrew Parker ’94, and was well looked after by the

city schools, servicing over 700 children in the GTA,

Parkers, her adoptive Peterborough family.

throughout Ontario, and across Canada.

After Trent, Romina moved back to Montreal for several

Before our conversation ends, Ms. Fontana gives a very

years, during which she worked for a small NGO and

professional plug for the Framework Foundation, a

consulting group. At the same time, she helped produce

charity whose Founder and Executive Director, Anil

a short film (starring Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip)

Patel ’93, is another LCS graduate. Apparently his

based on an Al Purdy poem. The film was selected by

Foundation’s annual event, The Timeraiser, which aims

several prominent film festivals, including Sundance.

to increase volunteerism among young Canadians, has

She then went on to graduate school at the McRae

provided Get Lit with several first-class volunteers—

Institute in Vancouver, followed by some time in Paris,

people who Romina credits with making her event the

where she worked in the marketing department of a

success it is.

French multinational. Eventually, however, Romina found her way to Toronto, where she went to work in advertising. “But I knew I needed a special creative project on the side,” she says, and an introduction to Silvia Ruegger, a former Olympian, Canadian marathon record holder and

For more on Get Lit or The Running and Reading Club, please contact Romina at 416.500.0448, or visit getlit.ca PAUL NICHOLAS MASON (WITH FILES) (Opposite: Above) Running and Reading Club members pose for the camera. (Below) Romina Fontana (far left) with Get Lit participants. Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  25

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! On Saturday, October 27, 2007 (Trustees’ Day),

Susannah Moodie described in her book Roughing it

Lakefield College School was proud to host a special

in the Bush. The school has also used the grounds to

event in recognition of a generous donation to the

reenact the The American Civil War and Upper Canada

school. At a picnic lunch and dedication ceremony,

Rebellion of 1837.

Donald Ross ’48 and the Gastle Family Trust were acknowledged for their significant donation of approximately 160 acres of land and about 6000 feet of shoreline located three kilometers north of the school.

With such a long-standing friendship with the school community, it is befitting that The Grove will continue a legacy of education, sports, and outdoor activities at Northcote Farm.

During the ceremony, Associate Head Richard Life and John Boyko, Director of Northcote Campus, officially

To read about recent events, news, and

name the land The Northcote Campus. Northcote

view snapshots, please visit our website at

has long been a part of LCS history as it has provided

www.lcs.on.ca, choose NEWS/MORE

outdoor activities to thousands of people for more than a century, including skating parties, cross-


country skiing, Sunday picnics, campouts, educational excursions, and sleigh-rides. This fall, students picnicked and camped in a clearing on the farm that

26  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

(Below) Associate Head of School, Richard Life and Dean of Social Sciences and Director of Northcote Campus, John Boyko, accept the “Key to Northcote” on behalf of the school.

Class News—What Have You Been up to Lately? Richard “Kings” Warren ’38 (below) sported his red LCS blazer at his 88th birthday party on September 28, 2007 in Kingston, Ontario. Richard and his wife Julia live in Port Elgin, ON

wilderness journeys to Canada’s Arctic. These two passions were inspired at The Grove. “Legacy Wild” is an exhibition of new work in stoneware celebrating Al’s 30 year odyssey of art and wilderness adventure hosted by The Canadian Canoe Museum, Peterborough, May 10 - June 1, 2008. Info: www.pacepottery.com or www.legacywild.com

The 1960s Dave Norton ’61 reports: “I was married in July of 1967, had our first daughter in April of 1970, and had a second daughter in March of 1973. They both went to university, one to Brock and the other to Laurier. Both got married after university and have each given Barb and me two grandchildren, a boy and a girl each. I was retired from Nortel Networks in 1995 after over 32 years and have kept active by working at two golf courses during the summer, the LCBO for the Christmas rush, then leaving for Florida the middle of

Congratulations to Fred Gaby ’75 who was presented with The Empire Club of Canada’s 2007/08 Community Service Award at a luncheon on December 13, 2007. Fred was recognized for his leadership as Executive Director of Adult Disabled Downhill

January and coming back the middle of April

Skiing (ADDS). It was through ADDS that Fred first learned to ski

to start the cycle all over again.”

in 1983. As part of the award, a financial contribution was made

The 1970s For 30 years Al Pace’s (’77) original pottery designs have been inspired by his many

by The Empire Club of Canada to ADDS in Fred’s honour. (Photo above) L-R: Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor David Onley and David Edmison presented Fred with the award. Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  27

The 1990s Lindsay Carswell ’90 has been living in Vancouver, BC for the past seven years. For the past year and a half he has been managing the Vancouver office of MacLaren Momentum, a division of MacLaren McCann that specializes in sponsorship and event marketing. Nicole (Morgan) Barton ’92 and her family are moving from Atyrau, Kazakhstan. Their latest move brought them to Anchorage, Alaska in January 2008. Nicole’s husband, Chris, works for Schlumberger. Alison (Mace) Cole, P.Eng. ’93 is living in Vancouver with her husband, Brian, and two daughters, Meredith (4) and Macey (1 1/2). She is an Environmental Engineer for Synergy Environmental Strategies Inc., an environmental consulting company specializing in contaminated sites work for the upstream oil and gas industry. Synergy

Bill Reddick ‘77 is a well-known potter, based in Prince Edward County. Among his most notable works is a set of porcelain serving plates acquired by the former Governer General the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson for Rideau Hall (photo above)

is a BC company with offices in Vancouver and in Fort St. John. Alison would love to hear from other alumni who are involved with the upstream oil and gas industry. acole@synergyenvironmental.ca Trevor Burgis ’97 has returned from Australia, where he completed his Law

The 1980s Jim Barker ’82 is the Director of Supply Chain for Occidental Oil and Gas Corporation and resides in Houston, Texas. David Ferrabee ’84 is a management consultant in London, England and having quite a good time on the conference circuit in Europe. He has published a book —a compilation of more than two years of his popular blog on organizational communications. People Power is available through all online bookshops.

Chris Finley ‘80, Peter McArthur ’80, and Steve Selby ’80 (Right L-R) hadn’t seen each other since shortly after graduation until they reconnected at their 25 year reunion in 2005. They have tried to stay in touch since then including a day out on Steve’s boat on Lake Ontario this past June. 28  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Degree at Bond. He is now completing his article period in Peterborough.

Volker Helmuth ’87 married Jessica Berglund on Jersey, Channel Islands, in 2002. Volker and Jessica live in Vancouver with their son Hugo, where Volker is legal counsel and Director of Planning and Research with the Vancouver Police Department, and Jessica, also a lawyer, practises in the area of occupational health and safety enforcement (photo left).

race in the world.” I’m hooked. I doubt this will be my last Ironman! And, perhaps most importantly, I’m extremely proud to report that I hold the unofficial title of the fastest Ironman on record with unshaved legs (I may be the one and only)!” Matt Chellew ’97 has graduated from University of Toronto Medical School in June. He is interning at

Amanda Soder ’98 finished the Master of Management

North York General in Family Practice.

and Professional Accounting Program at the Rotman School of Business at University of Toronto, and works

Eric Siebert ’97 completed the Ironman Florida

at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Ottawa where she is

triathlon on November 3rd, 2007 in Panama City

pursuing a CA designation.

Beach, FL. The race consists of a 3.9 km swim, 180 km

The 2000s

bike race, and a 42.2 km marathon run, which Eric completed in 12hrs 04mins 31secs. Eric shares, “With

Tiffany Sly ’00 is working as a licensed real estate agent

the tough weeks of training behind me, I can now

in Toronto. She has teamed up with Sheila Gallagher,

say quite definitively that this race was an absolutely

one of Toronto’s top real estate agents, with Chestnut

wonderful experience (perhaps even slightly easier

Park Real Estate Limited, one of the most successful

than I anticipated), and I highly recommend it.

firms in Toronto. Visit www.sheilagallagher.com

While professionals dominate in terms of results, the majority of racers are motivated amateurs (18-78

Danielle Vincent ’00 is living in New York and has

years of age) who want to challenge themselves with

started an independent cosmetics company. Visit

what is commonly referred to as “the hardest one day


Have You Registered Yet? Have you signed up for the Mentor Program? The Mentor Program connects alumni seeking guidance regarding career and/or business development (mentees) with members of The Grove community at varying stages of career progression (mentors). The principal mechanism for facilitating these connections is the LCS website. Check it out today at lcs.on.ca. Once there, choose ALUMNI and then login (at top left-hand corner) to access the Alumni Portal and “Networking” channel. Whether you choose to sign-up as a mentor or as a mentee, the networking possibilities are available for you to keep in touch with fellow LCS graduates. Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  29

Weddings Congratulations to Shane Smyth ’96 and Aurora Ratcliffe (top photo), whose wedding took place in West Vancouver,

BC on May 19, 2007. The Grove was represented by Jason Tsao ’96, Shelly Tsao, Tom Flynn ’96, Michael Eddy, Tracey-Lee (Smyth) Eddy ’99, Shane Smyth ’96, Aurora Ratcliffe, Dawn Danby ’96, Kathleen Killen ’96, and Andrea Knowlton ’96.

Erin Stephenson ’99 and Kevin Forestell celebrated their wedding at St. George’s Anglican Church in Guelph, ON, followed by a reception at the Ancaster Old Mill on August 25, 2007. Erin and Kevin were honoured to have several Lakefield alumni in attendance. (Second Photo) L-R: Lakefield alumni Elena Zorilla ’99, Ola Wierzbicki ’00, Erin Stephenson ’99, Dorothy Wierzbicki ’99, Meghan Stephenson ’96, Lena Miller ’99, and Miwa Inaida (nee Takahashi) ’99.

Andrew Sparling ’92 and Manon Laframboise (third photo) celebrated their wedding on September 1,

2007 at their home just south of Ottawa. In attendance were Robert Sparling ’94 and his wife Sophie and kids Esmee and Rose, Ehren Mendum ’92 and his wife Melanie and son Emerson, Jason Haigh ’92 and his wife Heather, Steven Hutchinson ’92 and his wife Sonja, and Wilson Edgar ’92 and his wife Kristen.

Nicole Bendaly ’93 and Jason Groves were married on September 15, 2007 in Muskoka. (Bottom Photo) L-R: Anil Patel ’93, Karie (Gawenda) Steinberg ’93, Jason Groves, Nicole (Bendaly) Groves ’93, Michael Laidlaw ’93, Kelly (Dimitroff) Maiese ’93, Karen Awrey ’93, James Lamont ’93, Tracy (Fenn) Morley ’93.

30  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Christopher John Gibson ’95 and Julie Michelle Morrow (Top Photo) were married on September 15, 2007, at

Graydon Hall Manor in Toronto. Christopher’s LCS roommate Derek Johnson ’95 travelled from Calgary to attend the wedding.

Chris Howard ’95 married Danielle Kain on September 1, 2007 in Kingston, ON. (Second Photo) Back Row L-R: Scott Ross ’95 and Whitney Dunn ’95. Middle Row L-R: Nick Howard ’99, Andrea Knowlton ’96, Sue Holland ’95, Peter Howard ’01, Kim von Arx ’94, Shane Smyth ’96, Carlos Berrocal ’95, David Nicuesa ’95, and Kathleen Killen ’96. Front Row L-R: Danielle Kain and Chris Howard ’95

Kelly Crothers ’96 and Charlie Smith were married on September 22, 2007 in Toronto. (Third Photo) L-R: Tony Willson ’97, Colleen Sommerville ’97, Barbara Ann Bernard ’97, Ashleigh Dempster ’97, Michael Unwin ’96, Kelly Crothers ’96, Charlie Smith, David Hadden, Will Bernard ’96, Jimmy Bernard ’01, Cait Sainsbury ’96, Megan Boriss ’97, Heather Hadden ’97, Sue Hadden, Jess Fitchette ’97 Also in attendance but not in picture were Mary Sunderland ’97, Kelly Dimitroff ’93, Janie Smith (former Don of Moodie House & sister of the groom), and Garrett Hart.

LCS staff member, Jackie Dunn was married to Gary McQuade (bottom photo) on November 3, 2007 at the A. W. Mackenzie Chapel.

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  31

What’s in the Water? Jacqueline (Johnson) ’98 and

Andrea (Francq) Sealy ’95 and

Jonathan Coughlin, along with

her husband Kevin are happy

big brother Cameron, are pleased

to announce the birth of their

to announce the birth of Quinn

daughter, Katherine Victoria

Marie on February 16, 2007.

Sealy, born on October 4, 2007 in Kingston. The parents were in

On March 2, 2007 Makenzi

good hands as the newest Sealy

Mondoux Tennant was born to

was delivered by fellow LCS alumni

Carolyne Mondoux ’00 and David

Kate Munnoch ’96, Senior Resident

Tennant ’99.

in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Kari Burgis ’95 and David

Andrew Jonathan Popper was born

McFadden are proud to announce

October 18, 2007, to Sara Knapp

the birth of their daughter, Shanen

and Jonathan Popper ’87, and big

Burgis McFadden born on May 16,

brothers Benjamin and Oliver.

Quinn and Cameron Johnson-Coughlin

2007. Kristi, Tenzin, and Losel Cameron James Gray was born July

Tethong ’89 would like to

19, 2007 to Jennifer Hughes ’93 and

introduce Kai Tashi Tethong, born

Chris Gray—a brother for Andrew.

November 7, 2007 in Toronto.

Proud uncle is David Hughes ’91, proud grandparents are Susan

Beverley Hildebrand (Library) and

Hughes and Jack Hughes ’59.

her husband Dennis had a baby

Makenzi Mondoux Tennant

boy, Robert William Owen, on Krista Dunford (School Stores)

November 20, 2007.

and her husband Art Dunford welcomed twins! Their son A.J.

Monica and Jim Barker ’82 had

and daughter Abby arrived on

another addition to the family.

August 22, 2007.

Zachary David Barker was born on November 26, 2007.

Jamie Stafford ’89 and his wife, Ruth, welcomed Dylan James on

Louisa Kay Dalglish was born on

September 20, 2007.

December 6, 2007 to Swith and

Shanen Burgis McFadden

Geordie Dalglish ’89. Faculty member Vicki Boomgaardt and Matthew Dunkin welcomed

Terry Ross ’92 and Nancy Ross

Griffith Boomgaardt Dunkin on

proudly announce the birth of

October 1, 2007.

their first daughter Noa Isabel Ross on December 25, 2007.

Beti Canet ’95 and Jacob Grodzinski are thrilled to

Greer Carolyn Thompson was born

announce the arrival of Lía

to Sara and Stuart Thompson ’91

Grodzinski Canet, born on October

February 9, 2008. Big sister Avery

4, 2007 in Stratford, ON.

is thrilled!

32  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Cameron and Andrew (Hughes) Gray

A.J. and Abby Dunford

Katherine Victoria Sealy

The Barker family with baby Zachary

Baby Dylan Stafford with his brother

Andrew Jonathan Popper

Louisa Kay Dalglish

Vicky and Griffith Boomgardt Dunkin

Losel, baby Kai and Tenzin Tethong

Nancy, Noa Isabel, and Terry Ross

Beti Canet ’95 with baby Lía

Robert William (Hildebrand) Owen

Baby Greer and sister Avery Thompson Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  33

In Our Memories Peter Hellyer ’55 on May 3, 2007 in

George Freethy ’45 on October 12,

Scarborough, Ontario.

2007 in Toronto, Ontario.

Patricia Steinhoff in August 2007.

Alasdair Wallace on October 18,

Mother of Tom Steinhoff ’95.

2007. Father of Margaret Wallace ’93.

Donald Macrae ’34 on August 7, 2007. Predeceased by his brothers,

John Trethewey on December 8,

John “Bubs” Macrae ’33 and

2007. Father of Colin

Morson Macrae ’30.

Trethewey ’87.

Jim Wright on September 1, 2007.

Charles Perry ’44 on December 9,

Father of Melanie Wright ’02 and

2007 in Toronto, Ontario. Brother

Kathleen Wright ’98.

of Peter Perry ’42.

Jack Matthews, former

Constance Stuart (former secretary

Headmaster (1964 to 1971) and

for G. Winder Smith) on January 3,

Honorary Alumnus, on September

2008. Predeceased by her brother

7, 2007. He is survived by his wife,

Harding Stuart ’32.

Jane, sons Angus Matthews ’71 and Tam Matthews ’73.

Michael Armour ’48 on January 13, 2008 in Toronto, Ontario,

Richard Hayman, former LCS faculty member, on September 23, 2007. Father of Coryn Hayman ’92 and Patrick Hayman ’94.

Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  35

He was an Inspiration and a Friend From a letter by David Miller ’77 to Coryn Hayman ’92 and Patrick Hayman ’94 in memory of their father, Richard Hayman.

Without a doubt, Richard Hayman was the most influential teacher in my life. I tried to tell him this several times after I was graduated from Lakefield but I am not sure he ever either understood, or was concerned either way. I knew Richard from Colebrook House, from soccer and rugby, from drama, from art, and from simply being available to talk with students as an equal. He was an inspiration, a friend, a confidant. He taught us how to achieve excellence in sport, drama, and (for others, I was not capable) the arts. Most of all, he taught us that life is complicated, passionate, and worth throwing oneself into—and that maybe, if with the right spirit, it was okay to bend the rules. There are so many stories about Richard I could tell. Hopefully these three will show sides of his incredible talent that we respected so much: In 1973 the school play was the Insect Comedy by Josef and Karel Capek—an anti war play. Richard chose the play. He was the director, and brilliantly created what is still the best piece of theatre I have ever seen, or acted in. For example, when the yellow ants attacked the red from the back of the theatre, accompanied by remarkable music and an eerie and frightening whoop by Scott (The Blade) Elliot ’75, it was so real and so frightening that at every performance, patrons left! At the Ontario Drama competition finals at the St Lawrence Centre The Ants was clearly the best play, bar none, but strangely came second. The adjudicator said that the decision was incredibly difficult, but that The Ants, as an ensemble play, did not have enough “acting,” so it would finish second. Richard was outraged. He yelled, “You are all acting, what are they talking about?” He was so skilled to bring out the talent in each of us, and so passionate he fought against an unjust result with complete fervor. My second story is from soccer, although Richard was also my rugby coach and left me with a passion for both games that allowed me to fight Toronto City Council (and win) to create the National Soccer stadium in 2006, showcase for the FIFA U20 world cup final this year, and successful home for Toronto FC.

36  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Our soccer team was mediocre, but well coached. Nick Lewis ’77 led the defence that played the “W” successfully enough to make us hard to score upon, and Mark Herold ’77 (MVP) fed Bob Hunt ’77 and I enough ball that we could score regularly. Our one weakness was odd—our goaltender (Barclay Hope ’77) was the best in the league—except for some unfathomable reason, in the first five minutes of every game, he was totally asleep. So we were always coming back after being down one—nil after five minutes, despite Richard’s best efforts in coaching. About halfway through the season, Richard got fed up. In a scrimmage, when I was about to kickoff, he came up to me, very agitated, and said, “Miller, give me the ball.” He had noticed Barclay was not paying attention—just like the first five minutes of our games. He then proceeded to take the kick off, dropping the ball over Barclays’ head, into the net, from center! Unbelieveable. And then he yelled, “Hope, will you learn to WAKE UP.” We all know about Richard’s tremendous talent in the arts, and for teaching the arts. Richard taught Al Pace ’77 and Bill Reddick ’77 how to throw pots. I watched them be introduced to it, and thrive. Their work has been shown from Rideau Hall to the Vatican—and many places in between—and ultimately, it was Richard’s passion and talent that instilled this gift in my friends and peers. I know that to many Lakefield graduates, particularly those of my era, Richard felt more like a friend than a teacher. I always wished that he understood the impact he had on my life, and those of my peers. Despite the fact that when I tried to tell him he moved on to other topics, I think in his heart he understood. Richard was a remarkably talented, passionate man, who was an outstanding mentor to young men. I hope he is able to rest in peace. Grove News Fall/Winter 2008  |  37

Memories of Jack Matthews Tam Matthews ’73 From his eulogy to his father at The Jack Matthews Memorial Service, October 2007

I think I was 13 when I went to my first wedding. Dad threw Aunt Elenor Irwin in the pool—not knowing she was wearing her new dress from the world exposition in Japan. All the colours in the dress ran into smudges.

The life of Jack—I can vividly see Jack in three images: First, the boundless energy and enthusiasm, barreling down the ski hill at full tilt yodeling as happy as could

Jack felt badly—he went to the dollar store bought a new dress and cut and sewed a Holt Renfrew Label into the replacement dress and mailed it to Aunt Elenor.

be. Jack wanted to open a ski hill on Armour Hill in

Jack loved music—the casavant organ in this Chapel was

Peterborough and on the Trent University drumlin. I

added during his time at the school. Jack played banjo,

remember Dad telling me the highlight of a United World

harmonica and a wicked set of spoons. Why at age 60

College meeting in Switzerland was where he and Lord

would he take up classical guitar? He was tone deaf, his

Henke on a beautiful afternoon headed to the mountains

football fingers covered three strings, but he insisted on

and rented skis and boots. They skied in their business

playing at 6 a.m. each morning on the verandah.

suits and Lord Henke with his British black bowler on. One of Jack’s many contributions to his students was teaching Prince Charles how to ski. Second, is the image of Jack and Jane sitting on the

Dad was loving, playful, adventurous, and at times he would just break into song or verse of his favourite Robert Service poems—he was simply the best Dad one could ever dream to have.

bench on the point of Peddar Bay at Pearson College.

As we celebrate Jack’s life, we also celebrate my mother,

Officially married for 56 years, but having grown up

Jane, who helped more Lakefield and Pearson students

together one block apart in Peterborough, their bond

and staff than you can imagine. How many events,

began in childhood. Family life was picnics, walking,

dinners in our house, or strawberry shortcakes did she

and cross-country skiing. I think when Mum and Dad

make in the kitchen for hungry students? Jane supported

spent the year at Gordonstoun they hiked every hill in

Jack on just about every idyllic dream he had.

the Cairns together.

Today we sing and celebrate Jack’s life and we all carry

The third image is of Dad the educator. It is very simple

fond memories of him. You know Jack had big ideas—

for all of us to understand Jack’s inspiration—from

Lakefield, Pearson College, the Trent International

the front lawn of the school take a walk straight down

Program, Canadian Canoe Museum—and you know

to Lake Katchewanooka going past the log cabin that

what they all had? A lack of funding. It seems Angus and I

Dad and the students built in the 60s. The beauty and

have continued to live in the not-for-profit world. I look

wisdom of his life is there in the trees, in nature, and when you look out on water from the Kawartha Lakes, linked to Canada’s Great Lakes, and to the oceans—water

around the Chapel and I see many people here who have worked and generously supported the future of these deserving organizations.

that touches most people in the world. Look beyond the

Tony Wyand ’62 from England and his classmates

glistening water—you will see your dreams and, I hope,

helped to raise the academic standards of The Grove in

your grand passion like Jack did.

the 1960s. He writes, “[Jack] was an inspiring leader, a

Now a bit about family. Have you ever asked yourself why your parents did some things? Some of my favourites

brilliant headmaster and a real friend to us all. More than that, he was a Canadian of the international stature of whom we were all proud.”

were the embarrassing yodeling, skating on Buckley’s Lake, my poor mother when sailing from Pearson to

Jack was unique—his gift of communication with all

Victoria, worse still—Jack setting out to sail with six

ages, his enthusiasm and vision, his sincerity and

students around a Gulf Island; and Dad would cook

wisdom make him a very special being.

occasionally—why smelly kippers for Sunday Breakfast?

Thank you Dad, Jack, Pa.

38  |  Grove News Fall/Winter 2008

Jack and Jane Matthews Scholarship Fund As one alumnus announced following the September

Philip Carr-Harris ’43 wrote, “Jack Matthews was

30th memorial service for Jack Matthews in the

destined to reach more lofty levels in education just

Lakefield College School Chapel, “Honouring Jack is a

as he was destined to become Headmaster in 1964.

privilege and I am blessed to be able to do so. He had a

We were fortunate to have had Jack’s vision, energy,

great impact on our lives at The Grove.”

and leadership. Jack leaves an indelible mark in the

This sentiment of respect and affection has contributed to the success of the recently established Jack and Jane Matthews Memorial Scholarship to provide financial resources for a deserving student to attend LCS. Jack believed that education was the world’s last great hope. He believed that every child, every young person, was

annals, perhaps the maturing years, of the school’s development.” In Jack’s obituary, it states that: “Nature shaped his soul and nurtured his grand passion for life.” He communicated this love in classrooms around the world. His presence will be missed by many in his global family.

entitled to and deserved an education that was more

Donations in memory of Jack may be made to the Jack

than what the traditional classroom could provide. His

and Jane Matthews Scholarship Fund established

vision, his energy, his passion and his leadership were

at Lakefield College School. Please contact Theresa

the beginnings of the Lakefield College School that we

Butler Porter at 705.652.3324 ext. 329, by email at

are proud of today.

tbutlerporter@lcs.on.ca, or online at www.lcs.on.ca/

In the 1971 Grove News, upon Jack’s retirement from the school, then Old Boys’ Association President

DISCOVER/SUPPORT. (Below) Jack Matthews circa 1980s

Lakefield College School, 4391 County Road 29, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada K0L 2H0

If addressee has moved, DO NOT forward. Return with present address if known. Mailed under Canada Post Publication Agreement #40025808 The Grove News is published twice a year by the Advancement Office. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please contact Tracey Blodgett at 705.652.3324 or tblodgett@lcs.on.ca, or visit our website at www.lcs.on.ca

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