Spring 2004

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Grove News Spring 2004


Calendar of Events 2004- 2005 September 12

Boarding Parent Reception & Information Session 15 Toronto & Area Parent Reception 22 Grades 7 & 8 Parent Reception 24 Student Career Day Grades 9 & 10 Parent Reception 25 Fall Fair 25 Grades 11 & 12 Parent Receptions 25/26 Home to the Grove Weekend


Halifax Alumni/ae Gathering


Trustees’ Meeting/Dinner

February 4 11

November 18 25

Grove Gathering Dinner, Toronto Waterloo Alumni/ae Gathering


Grove Society Meeting & Christmas Luncheon at the Haddens’

January Montreal Alumni/ae Gathering 21/23 Alumni/ae Ski Trip

Kingston Alumni/ae Gathering London, ON Alumni/ae Gathering

April 15 23


October 6


Vancouver Alumni/ae Gathering 1940s Old Boys’ Reception

May 6 14 28

Toronto Alumni/ae Gathering Trustees’ Day Regatta Day


London UK Alumni/ae Gathering London UK Dinner

June 11 15

Closing Grove Golf

Trustees 2003-2004 Board Chair Marilynn Booth Past Chair Bill Morris '70 S. Clifford Abraham ’74 Ian Armstrong ’84 Cindy Atkinson-Barnett David A. Bignell Walter Blackwell ’56 Gordon J. Blake Robert Bourgeois W. Brian Carter Andrew D. Clarke ’85 Janet E. Cudney ’94 John P. Curtin Peter Dalglish Paul G. Desmarais ’73 Abigail L. DeWolfe Peter H. Dunn ’62

Andrew W. Durnford Michael P. Eatson ’83 Jock K. Fleming ’74 William J. Gastle ’68 Bruce Gibson Kenneth B. Gill Heidi Gold ’04 Cynthia Gordon Janice Green Jennifer Gruer HRH The Duke of York '78 David Hadden Chris Hadfield Steven Harris Goodith Heeney John K. Hepburn '68 Howard J. Hickman '60 Timothy I. Hyde '76 James M. Hyslop '85

Alan Ingram Warren Jones '88 Ali Kara '04 Angie Killoran Howard D. Kitchen Janet B. Lafortune Linda Leus Nicholas H. Lewis ’77 James (Kim) Little ’53 Laleah Macintosh John (Bubs) Macrae ’33 Kevin J. Malone ’77 Jeffrey G. Marshall James G. Matthews ’58 Scott J. McCain John D. McRae ’70 Val McRae Betty Morris Christopher Ondaatje

Bonnie Patterson Travis V. Price ’85 Tony Pullen ’63 Kathleen Ramsay Douglas Rishor ’57 Diane Rogers Gretchen Ross John B. Ryder ’77 Thomas M. Ryder ’53 Maureen Sinden Nancy E. Smith Donna Smith Ivey Simon Spivey David Thompson Ann E. Tottenham Timothy R. Ward ’62 Christopher J. White ’90 * Directors

Cover Photo: Nick Pullen ’07 canoeing on lake Katchewanooka—a tried Grove tradition. Photograph by Simon Spivey.


Editorial Thomas Flynn '96

February, it was cold, and as my father and I turned off the highway and drove through the school I thought,

This year the Grove News has celebrated the traditions of the school and the successes of its alumni/ae. As Lakefield concludes its first 125 years, we acknowledge

where is everybody? I looked for some large building, saw only a collection of houses and thought, where is the school?

the contributions of students, faculty, and alumni/ae. Lakefield thrives today, 125 years after its founding,

I soon learned that there were people and there was a

because it has successfully maintained a link to its

school, but that the people and the school would not fit

unique history and traditions while bringing new

my preconceived idea of what a boarding school would

people and new ideas into the community.

be. In my five years at Lakefield, I had experiences and opportunities I could not have expected when I first

The histories of three families are acknowledged in this

walked around the snowy campus.

issue. These families have been so intimately connected to Lakefield for so many years that their

After graduation, our connection to Lakefield does not

histories, filled with the names we know—Mackenzie,

end. Many students return as dons and teachers, often

Pullen, Lampman, Sheldrake, Smith, Dunn, and

inspired by those who taught them. When I graduated,

Ryder—do not seem to be histories of unfamiliar

I did not expect to become an editor of the Grove News,

families, but parts of our collective history as Lakefield

and as I conclude my term, I look forward to remaining


connected to Lakefield in new and unexpected ways.

Most students, however, are introduced to Lakefield not

Thomas Flynn '96 graduated from the Paul H. Nitze School of

by three generations of alumni/ae in the family, but

Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University in December 2003 with a Master of Arts degree in International

through the admissions process, which begins with a

Economics and China Studies. Tom currently works at the Institute

visit and a tour. I remember my first visit. It was

for International Economics in Washington, DC, where he analyzes Chinese trade and monetary policy.

125th Anniversary Gala, Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto, May 1st, 2004. L - R: David Miller ’77, Jen Thompson, Kevin Malone ’77, Christine Lewis, Nick Lewis ’77, Lily Harmer, Terry Guest, Don Rankin ’63, Mona Malone, Peter Birkett ’74, Betty Pace, David Thompson, Jill Arthur, Ian Armstrong ‘83, Lin Ward, Jeanne Armstrong, Al Pace ’77, Rebecca Martin, James Grieve ’77, Ann Harris, John Ryder ‘77

piv “The hope of this chapel has always been to light candles within young people, to encourage light to flicker in any way possible and to hope that this light will grow on into the future becoming larger, kindling other lights elsewhere.”

Head of School, David Hadden Excerpt from his Closing Speech to the Students, Friday, June 11, 2004 It is hard to believe that 280 days have elapsed since September 6 when our 91 graduates assembled here, together for the first time, before the rest of the school arrived. You may recall, with lit candles in your hands, John Runza talked about candle light as a metaphor for your leadership when he stated, "Candle light is a great symbol for leadership, because just as we all have our individual flames, the light it makes joins as one great beacon to brighten the darkness." In his 1994 inaugural speech, President Nelson Mandela observed: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." The hope of this chapel has always been to light candles within young people, to encourage light to flicker in any way possible and to hope that this light will grow on into the future becoming larger, kindling other lights elsewhere. Each of us possesses our own distinct memories of the way we have been touched by the light of your chapel talks this year. Thank you for daring to risk. Thank you for helping us to gain a broader perspective on life. Each time one of you risks being open about yourself - about your dreams and aspirations, about your relationships with others, or even about your own shortcomings, you help to liberate others of us from our fears. Dani Scanlon talked about the importance of taking risks when she observed of her international community service project involvement in India: “While in India, an interesting man told me that ‘your comfort zone is a cage.’" She went on to talk about personal growth as a by-product of taking risks, of stepping out beyond our normal day-to-day routines. Remarkably, 32 of you stretched well beyond your comfort zones by participating in international community service projects at some point during your careers at Lakefield. I am always so impressed and enlightened by the simple truths you bring back with you from these experiences. Participants never view the world or their place in it in quite the same way.


Repeatedly this year, you have broadened our

think anything or anyone will stop me from

perspectives by sharing your reflections.

committing myself to helping other people...I hope

Charles McNestry observed: “My Lakefield-affiliated international involvement in Thailand has been one of the most profound character-changing periods I have experienced in

to experience all the joy that is manifested in the world, not by ignoring the issues that threaten our existence, but by defying them with love.” In her chapel speech, Mary-Anne Reid observed:

life. I learned about a society where very little is

"Some people come into our lives and go out quietly,

deemed to be very much. I met people who were

others leave footprints in our hearts and we are

more selfless, loving and thankful than I have ever

never the same."

known people to be. I was able to look at Western society from an entirely different perspective and

It's my sincere hope, on the eve of your departures

deduce and simplify the "complexities" of Western

from Lakefield, that you truly understand the

civilization in my own mind. Finally, I learned that

fullness of what you have shared together - that you

living a simple life can be considered a virtue.”

really appreciate the extent to which you have illuminated each others lives and the lives of our

Gandhi once observed: “When we row someone to

entire community. May each of you preserve,

the other side of the river, we get there too.”

during your lifetimes, a place in your heart for what

It would be my hope, as a result of your careers at Lakefield, that each of you would devote your talents and energies in generous measure to the common good, to the welfare of others less fortunate than yourselves.

you have shared. May you do so with the knowledge that as 2004 draws to a close at Lakefield, with 91 candles flickering, together, they flicker not faintly, but brightly. Shortly each of you will light your candle through which all of us will proceed. Do take note that your candle loses

I am uplifted by all that is good and hopeful about

nothing by lighting another candle. May each of

young people when Joanna Dafoe shares her

you leave Lakefield and light many, many candles


during your lifetimes and may it be said, for each of

“I hope, in some form or another, to contribute to making this world a better place. I am so inspired to work in international development, and I don't

you, that the world is a better, happier, and brighter place as a result of you being in it.


The Lakefield Difference - Making a Difference how his experience at Lakefield College School made a profound difference in his life. I listened carefully to how he described the values that became part of his soul. To this day, they make a difference in how he lives his personal and professional life. What does making a difference mean? Who makes a difference? Certainly, over the past 125 years at Lakefield College School we have been blessed with strong leadership—leadership that is values-based and focused on the creation of an environment that

Marilynn Booth Chair LCS Board of Directors Closing Chapel Speech, June 12, 2004

empowers each member of the school community to reach their potential in mind, body, and spirit. It comes from the commitment of the outstanding faculty members who care about each and every

I am very proud to be here to share in the

student. In the words of Mother Theresa when she

celebration of Lakefield's Closing Ceremonies and

was asked about how she had been able to make

to bring the very warmest wishes from our Board

such a difference in the lives of thousands of

and Trustees, a dedicated group of individuals who

people in India, her answer was "one person at a

care deeply about Lakefield. The 2004 celebration

time." The amazing faculty at Lakefield inspires

is a special one, marking 125 years of the "Lakefield

each student in ways that matter to them.

Difference." In closing, I would like to make a few comments to The Lakefield Difference - to me this means

our graduating students. You have had many

making a difference - a difference that has been

opportunities here at Lakefield. I hope that you

nurtured over the past 125 years. If you cast your

will go forward and cherish the values that

mind back 125 years to these shores overlooking

underpin the richness of the Lakefield Difference. I

Lake Katchewanooka, the school consisted then of

hope that you will go forward committed to caring

a large private house, some cow barns and a square

and relating to others in the way that you have

in front of the barns where wood was piled for the

been cared for and supported here at Lakefield. I

furnace. Fifteen boys and three staff members

believe that as graduates you will leave Lakefield

traveled by train and foot to Sparham Sheldrake's

well prepared to make a difference in the world

Preparatory School for Boys.

wherever you go. Whether as a university student, or later as a leader in whatever path you choose, I

Now, 125 years later, Lakefield is home to 365 students. We have 30 buildings, no cows, one barn and 110 staff. It is a special place and each of us here today has a special relationship with the school. I believe the Lakefield Difference has

hope you will feel empowered to make a difference. Every person makes his or her own choices—I hope that Lakefield has helped you to make choices that are good for you, and that you in turn will help others to make choices that are good for them.

remained the defining strength of the Grove. At the 125th Year Gala Celebration, I was touched by Toronto Mayor David Miller's comments about

Seize life - enjoy learning - make a difference! Congratulations!


Letters Thank you for the 125th Anniversary

sitting. I fondly remember each one of them on the

Commemorative Edition of the Grove News. As I

football team, and got a little weepy at the

read through the remarks and philosophies of

realization that some of them are no longer with us.

former headmasters and students, I feel compelled to add my reflections, belated though they may be. My time at the Grove was a short one—only two years. However, that period of time proved to be

I am grateful to the Grove for those fabulous two years - my favourite years as a student anywhere, for those were great times. Sincerely

very significant in my 33-year career as a teacher at Brockville Collegiate. The examples set by Jack

John Ballachey '59

Matthews, Andy Harris, and Larry Griffith definitely guided me in my interactions with my students. The following letter to John “Bubs” Macrae ’33, is I got off to a bit of a bumpy start at the Grove. On

printed with permission

my first full day, I was late for morning roll call which resulted in Jack's decision to send me on a

Dear Bubs,

trot to Griers and back before breakfast. This cured

The 125th Anniversary Edition of the Grove News

me of any procrastination in moving my body out

arrived in the mail this past week. I read it cover-

of bed when the wake-up bell rang.

to-cover and then have gone back to it a number of

Jack put me on the first football team, something

times. It’s a real blockbuster. Educational, too –

which I considered a great honour. When he

Mr. Sheldrake has always been a bit of a mystery

awarded me football colours at the end of my

man to me. Your article was particularly appre-

second year on the team, it came as a shock, but I

ciated as it covered some of the era that I

must admit that it did feel good. Jack did wonders


for one's confidence and self-esteem.

“The Cubes” you describe was dorm #3 when I

Andy Harris's creativity in making Shakespeare

resided therein, but the walls I’m sure were more

come alive made me addicted to the bard forever,

than five feet high, as we performed chin-ups from

resulting in visits to Stratford almost every summer.

the beams over the doorways. But then we

His presentation of E.J. Pratt's epic poem, Titanic,

residents averaged about four feet in height, so

turned me into a Titanic buff, forever scrounging

you’re probably right!

for both primary and secondary information.

My eight years plus a term at Lakefield began in

Larry Griffith laboured patiently getting me to

April 1932, when I’d just turned seven, overlapping

understand geometry and trigonometry. I have a

your years by four terms. I remember you coined

very clear memory of those tutorial strategies.

the nickname “microbe” for me. I had no idea what a microbe was, but as you always used it in a

Other fine recollections included Mr. Smith's

friendly manner, I assumed it, too, was friendly!

sincere, "How are you?" greetings in the hall, and Chief Brown's threats to "knuckle" me whenever

Later, when I was still seven, or possibly eight, you

my conduct got out of whack. He never did carry

invited me into the prefects’ room one evening for a

out any of those threats.

bowl of Shredded Wheat. What ranking it gave me. After that, there was no greater height to which I

When I looked at the group photo of the prefects of 1958, I wondered how John Dunlop missed the

could aspire!

pviii The Anniversary Edition triggers many memories,

of my experience at the Grove—and that includes

especially of my earlier years at the school: cycling

how to confront, include, and pass through

up to the General Store at Young’s Point for

episodes of failure and get back—as well as the

jawbreakers; to the cheese factory for buckwheat

moments of accomplishment and celebration.

honey; skating at Buckley’s Lake and up Clear Lake to Stoney; yelling hymns at maximum volume in the chapel; cooking Saturday night suppers in our huts in the woods; building rafts down at the lakefront. I have a thousand such memories. But my most meaningful memories are of all the people with whom I came in contact over those

The evening, through bringing to mind the richness of our shared past, provided a wonderful demarcation line for the next 125 years! Once again, thank you and congratulations on the 125th of LCS! Brian Hull '60

eight years: the headmasters, the masters, the senior boys I regarded with such awe, and lastly, the lifelong friends I made fromamong my classmates.

As I sat in the auditorium of the Regina Arts Centre

Those were the people I was so privileged to know

on October 18th waiting for the fall convocation of

and learn from while growing up at Lakefield.

the University of Regina to begin, I was reflecting on Craig's (Willis '93) childhood, high school, and

God, how lucky I was to go to that school. And how reassuring it is to know that the school is

university days. Now, of course, they all seem to have passed so quickly.

continuing to go from strength to strength—the last decade or so particularly.

Rod and I appreciate the significant contribution the Lakefield experience has been to his devel-

Sincerely, Peter Perry ’40

opment and to his having achieved a PhD in biology. We know that he was motivated by some exceptional teachers. We remember also how impressed he was that the headmaster would come

Thank you to you, the organizing committee, the

out to play touch football with the boys on a

production team and all members of the LCS

Sunday afternoon. The close friendships are still

community involved in presenting a truly over-the-

intact. Five former Lakefield classmates and the

top celebration of the 125th birthday of the Grove

older brother of one of them met him in Regina for

on Saturday night at the Royal York.

the Grey Cup game and a weekend reunion

I found the whole experience incredibly moving—a


powerful acknowledgement and celebration of the

This term, Craig has been teaching two courses at

huge number of people who contributed to me in

the University of Regina. Beginning in January 2004

so many different ways not only during my four

he will be making good use of an NSERC grant to

years at the school, but ever since.

continue research in a postdoctoral position at the

I don't have a shadow of a doubt that the possibilities for my own life are built upon the foundations

University of New England in Armidale, Australia. Faye Willis

In this Issue Head Students’ Closing Address


Academic, Character and Achievement Awards


School News


Four-Generation Grove Families: The Ryders, The Pullens, and The Dunns - Rosalind Barker


From Head Boy to Mayor: David Miller ‘77 - Christopher Howard ’95


The Tapestry That Lakefield Weaves Framework Foundation - Anil Patel ‘93


Cottage Dreams - Seana O’Neill and Tavis Valentine ‘88


Being a Volunteer - Riona Petticrew ‘03


Friends of Honduran Children - Daisy Moores ‘96


Lakefield’s Hockey Legacy - Malcolm Johnston ‘02


Confidence For Life - Malcolm Johnston ‘02


Life Art - Malcolm Johnston ‘02


The Grove’s 125th Anniversary Celebration - Chris White ‘90


A Royal Wedding - Hugh Macdonnell ‘85




Class News


In Our Memories


The Graduating Class of 2004


Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Tom Flynn ‘96; Editorial Committee: David Hadden, Richard Johnston, Tom Milburn, Richard Life, Sarah McMahon, Malcolm Johnston ‘02. Please address correspondence to the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield ON, K0L 2H0 705.652.3324 tblodgett@lakefieldcs.on.ca


Head Students’ Closing Addresses each turtle comes from its own individual background, they all

Others take their time,

share the common bond of

meandering along the path.

running the race.

They're in no hurry. Occasionally

Different turtles start along different points of the race.

Kelly Bignell ’04 Last night we watched the running of the125th annual turtle race. The athletes were strong, and the competition was fierce,

There is another group of turtles

depending on their size and age.

that don't exactly know where

This results in each turtle being

they're going. It is with the

assigned a "handicap" or

encouragement of the crowd that

"grade," if you will. Some turtles

they find their way. Our crowd,

complete the entire race, while

the staff, parents and friends, has

others only stay for a leg or two.

been the guiding force through

“We have all crossed the finish line and now stand at the edge of the lake

others. Thankfully no turtles were

waiting for the next race

harmed in the running of this

to begin. Although the

that watching the race really got

lake is going to be bigger,

me thinking. After seeing these

and have more

tiny little creatures frantically

challenges and obstacles,

scurry around in circles, crawling all over each other, not knowing what to do or which way to go, it

enjoy the scenery.

Turtles are placed into categories

but one turtle prevailed above all

year's race. I must say though,

they stop to take a break and

I know that we are

Turtle racing, Closing night 2004

ready.” the entire race. Without their

dawned upon me: they're a lot like students. In fact, Lakefield

Each turtle finds his or her own

support and enthusiasm, many

College School is just like a turtle

pace. Some make a bee line for

of the turtles would be lost and


the finish line, as they know

would not know which way to go.

exactly where they're going.

However, for the grads of 2004

For those of you who might not be familiar with the turtle race,

Those turtles are extremely

let me explain it to you. There

focused and determined.

are certain rules that go along with it.

this race is now over. We have all crossed the finish line and now stand at the edge of the lake waiting for the next race to begin. Although the lake is going to be

Each year the group of turtles is a

bigger, and have more challenges

different motley crew. These

and obstacles, I know that we are

turtles assemble from all over the

ready. It is the training and

world and congregate here. Some

experiences from Lakefield which

athletes have been training and

will allow us to succeed in the

fine-tuning for months. Though


p3 k

Participating in a variety of

Round Square projects, conferences, and exchanges. k

And last, but certainly not

School is a bit modest, as I

It has long been said that sending a child to Lakefield is like driving a new car off a cliff

completed 12,143 hours of

each year. Thank you to our

community service.

parents for the sacrifices you've

we have come from. This

The name Lakefield College

been the same without you.

least, this year as a school, we

“...let us not forget where

Adam Bishop ’04

time at Lakefield wouldn't have

made in bettering our education. To the graduates of 2005, next year is your turn to leave an

school, this community,

imprint on the school. If we

joins us all, and no

could offer you one piece of

matter where we end up

advice, it is to make the most of your graduating year. Before you

believe Lakefield is far more than

in the future, let us never

a school. If it is a school, then I

forget the memories

jackets and all, at your Closing.

think it is more a school of life

we've shared here.”

Good luck next year.

than a school of academics. In

To the 125th Graduating Class of

our day-to-day schedule, we find

As you can obviously see,

only five hours of class time per

Lakefield is much more than a

day. Not that we're suggesting

school. It's a community that I

more class time, this leaves us

have had the privilege of calling

with nineteen hours each day to

my home for the last four years.

do, well, aside from eating and

Over these years, the school has

sleeping, pretty much what we

seen numerous changes, but one

want to do. Over the course of

of the constants has been an

this year, LCS students have

extraordinary line-up of faculty

spent these nineteen hours

members and staff. To all the

working on a number of

faculty and staff who have helped

remarkable ventures including:

these blue jackets get where we


Winning a girls’ hockey

are today, we thank you. Our

championship. k

Winning a boys’ rugby

championship. k

Staging and performing the

first ever spring play, The Farm Show. k

Community service as a

winter term sport. k

Participating in musical and

debating endeavours.

know it, you will be up here, blue

Last embraces, Closing Ceremonies 2004

Lakefield College School, today as we each begin our own separate adventures out into the world, let us not forget where we have come from. This school, this community, joins us all, and no matter where we end up in the future, let us never forget the memories we've shared here.


Academic, Character and Achievement Awards ACADEMIC PROFICIENCY STANDING

Intermediate Fine Arts Prize

Paterson Prize (Junior)

Gemma Barker

Katie Duncan

Top of Form

The Drama Prize

Intermediate Mathematics Prize

Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11

Rhiannon Moore

Ji-Sun Kim

The David Bierk Visual Arts Prize

Larry Griffiths Prize for Geometry and Discrete Mathematics

Zoe Edwards Max Lafortune Mathew MacLean Molly Johnston Lara Osiowy

Beth Mullen

Wayne Chau

Governor General's Medal Meaghan Dyas

The Music Prize Adam Bishop

ARTS AND LANGUAGES English Grade 7/8 Humanities Prize Erica Thompson

The Dela Fosse Prize (Junior) Fiona McNestry

Intermediate English Prize Lara Osiowy

Modern Languages Junior Modern Languages Prize

Professor M. Mackenzie Prize for Advanced Functions and Calculus Meaghan Dyas

Laura Bocking

Intermediate Modern Languages Prize

The Mathematics of Data Management Prize Robin Sheung

Adriella Gauthier

The Core French Prize Heidi Gold

Science and Technology A.W. Mackenzie Environmental Award (Junior) Jeff Kloosterman

L - R: Mayor David Miller ’77, Meaghan Dyas, Brian Maxwell, Mary-Anne Reid, Monica Farlow, Fred Gaby ‘70

The Language and Literature Prize

The Extended French Prize Katie Richardson-Arnould

Intermediate Science and Technology Prize Lara Osiowy

Felipe Ucros

The English Writers Craft Prize

HRH Prince of Asturias Spanish Prize

Brendan Fell

Eric Uhlmann

Mrs. A.W. Mackenzie Natural History Prize for Biology Dayna Rashotte

I. Norman Smith Prize for English Studies in Literature Katharine Rogers


The Computer and Information Science Prize Bruce Lefebvre

Fine Arts Hubert Eisdell Award (Junior)

Mathematics Grade 7/8 Mathematics, Science, and Technology Prize

Johanne Edghill

Nicole Pinto

Robin Sheung

The Chemistry Prize


The Physics Prize Adam Cooper

The Earth and Space Science Prize Mary-Anne Reid

The Communications Technology Prize

The World Issues Prize Joanna Dafoe


Mackenzie Crawford

The Harmon Award


Max Lafortune

Grade 7 & 8 Social Sciences Prize

The Junior Grove Society Prize

Max Lafortune

Georgia Campbell

T.H.B. Symons Canadian Studies Prize (Junior)

The Fred Page Higgins Award Ken Wong

Georgia Campbell

Junior Edson Pease Prize The American History Prize

Helen Honig

Nathan Cragg

The Jean Ketchum Prize Susan Guest Outdoor Education Prize Andrew Grummitt

Kate Foster

The Stephen Thompson Prize Beth Mulvale

H.M. Silver Jubilee Award Charles McNestry

The Nelles Prize Casey McLeod

The J.R. Anderson Award Alison Farlow

John Pearman Martyn Sibbald Prize Kelly Bignell

The Ondaatje Foundation Award Ali Kara

The Monty Bull Award Joanna Dafoe

The Jack Matthews Humanitarian Award Brian Maxwell

The Whitney Prize Adam Bishop

Celebrating Excellence in Achievement “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” ARISTOTLE (384 BC - 322 BC)

The Senior Canadian History Prize

The Stephen Thompson Prize

Jean and Winder Smith Award

Tom Ironstone

Eric Uhlmann

The Senior Grove Society Prize

The Trustee's Prize

Quinn Richardson

Katharine Rogers

The Milligan Awards

British Alumni Travelling Scholarship

Felipe Ucros

The Economics Prize Charles McNestry

The World History Prize

Brian Maxwell

Joanna Dafoe

Kristin Hadfield

The Canadian and International Law Prize Holly Rutherford

The Crombie Award Mary-Anne Reidior Edson Pease e The Senior Edson Pease Prize Kelsey Ingram


School News Supporting Lakefield College School Students: The Paul and Hélène Desmarais Family Scholarship Program

L - Paul Desmarais Jr. '73 speaks in the chapel R - The Desmarais Family

On Saturday, May 15th, Paul Desmarais Jr. '73,

gathered outside the new classroom building as

Hélène Desmarais, and sons Paul (III) '00,

Board Chair, Marilynn Booth, officially

Nicolas '03, and Charles Edward, visited

declared the new name of the wing, "The Paul

Lakefield College School (Alexandre '03 was

and Hélène Desmarais Family Academic Wing."

preparing for an exam and unfortunately was

The Desmarais family had been instrumental in

unable to join the family.) During their visit,

providing a lead gift to launch the 1999 building

the family presented the Paul and Hélène

campaign, and the naming of this building

Desmarais Family Scholarship Program. This

recognizes their outstanding contribution for

endowed gift will fund the equivalent of four

which the school is most grateful.

full scholarships that will enable outstanding and deserving young students to attend LCS each year. The awards will be based on a combination of merit and need. The program will be phased-in starting in the fall of 2005.

Hélène Desmarais spoke on behalf of the family about this special naming opportunity and what it has meant to her, Paul, and the boys. The commemorative plaque hangs proudly in the hallway of the building.

Following the special chapel service to commemorate this gift, the entire school body

The Grove Bids Farewell to Some... The Grove bids farewell and best Benefits Administrator); Marilyn Wadsworth House); Residential wishes to the following staff

Hayward (Store Administrator);

Dons: Graham Angus, Trevor

members: Beti Canet (Records

Julie Moyer (Head of Memorial

Cory, Tanya Craig, Shannon

& Research Officer); Kate Carder House); Julie Murray (Social

Doran, Marc Hoare, Lisa

(Art); Karen Fife (Payroll &

Jamieson, Tanay Naik.

Science); Laura Tobin (Head of


... and Congratulates the Following in Their New Roles Kirsten (Bain) Johnston will

Carol Todd has moved from

moving from Grove House to

include the role of Academic

Accounts Receivable to Payroll

replace Glen Hamilton as Head of

Guidance in her portfolio this fall,

and Benefits Administrator and

Ryder House; Garret Hart is

replacing Glen Hamilton who will

Kathy Green's role as Director of

completing his two-year term as

be moving to Counselling. Janet

Development will be expanded to

Residential Don (Ondaatje House)

Markus will be stepping down as

include Board Secretariat.

and steps in as the new Head of

Assistant Head: School Life and will be joining the Admissions Office as the new Admissions Officer; John Runza will move from the role of School Chaplain and Director of Residences to Assistant Head: School Life; Bruce McMahon will leave his role as Coordinator of Residential Dons;

There will also be some changes in Residential Life. Amy Hollingsworth will replace Debbie Buckley as Head of Moodie House; Amy will be replaced as the Head of Upper Colebrook by Margaret Blanchette (past parent); Dan Moore will be

Grove House; Julie Moyer is leaving the Grove and is replaced by Ally O'Grady as the new Head of Memorial House. Also, Laura Tobin will be leaving her role as Head of Wadsworth House as she becomes the new Dean of Students at Grenville Christian College.

LCS Welcomes Bishop Ann Tottenham for Confirmation Excerpt from her Homily, April 26, 2004 I want to say a few words … about a verse from the

reality." Humble people are those who are

Apostle Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome.

grounded in reality, who can accept themselves for

"Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment." That's not the advice I would give you. It seems to me that, far from thinking too highly of yourselves, most of you do not think highly enough of yourselves. Even those of you who appear cocky and confident and seem to have everything under

who they are and, because of this, can accept other people for who they are. This acceptance is not something that happens overnight but something you grow into with God's power and grace working in you. It is a productive way to live because we can relax our efforts to make people think we are perfect when, in reality, not one of us is.

control are probably working like crazy to keep up

…So, as St. Paul says, "think of yourself with sober

a good front because you're afraid someone will

judgment" because we all have different gifts and

discover your inadequacies.

our community, our society and our world need

…I'm not going to exhort you—in opposition to Paul's message—to think more highly of yourself. My message to you is to learn humility. This doesn't sound very appealing because we aren't sure what it means to practise humility, to be humble. "Humility" comes from the same root as the word "humus" meaning the kind of good soil you put on your garden. Talking about humility is an old-fashioned way of saying "grounded in

those gifts. Erica Allingham, Carly Denure, Spencer Hodgins, John Orr, and Anjie Ober after confirmation with John Runza (L) and Bishop Tottenham (R)


1893 -2004 Four-Generation Grove Families

The Ryders, the Pullens, and the Dunns Dr. Rosalind Barker What does Lakefield mean to you? Ask any graduate of the school, from any era, and you will probably get similar answers. I recently asked precisely that question and other related ones to members of three families—the Ryders, the Dunns, and the Pullens—whose connections to the school, through service or academics, span four generations, and in the case of the Ryders, soon to be five. The articles that follow on each family highlight their answers and illuminate their contributions to the school over a period of more than 100 years. Thank you for the contributions from John "Bubs" Macrae '33, John Ryder '77, Tony Pullen '63, Peter Dunn '62, Brian Dunn '69, Gillian Dunn '04, and Lakefield College School: The First 100 Years, 1979, edited by Andrew Harris.



The Ryders Back Row: John Ryder ’77, Ian Watson ’77, Alick Watson ’80, Tom Ryder ’53, Flo Ryder, Alick Ryder ‘56, and Matthew Ryder ‘08 (front)


The Ryders

Stuart. It is through Flo and Jack Ryder, their children, grandchildren, and now great-grandson,

The Lakefield connection for the Ryder family goes back to 1893, when the school's founder and owner, Sparham Sheldrake, in ill health, called on TCS to

that the Ryder family will—in September 2004— enjoy a fifth generation connection with Lakefield, when Matthew enters the school in Grade 9.

send someone to help out. The young man who came was Alexander Webster Mackenzie. An

Dr. Mackenzie's major contribution to the school

excellent schoolmaster, an ordained minister, an

may well have been to instill qualities and values

avid sportsman, and a man who loved the outdoors,

that have remained true ever since. He passed

Alick Mackenzie very quickly (by 1895) was running

these on, not only to the members of his family, but

the school and very shortly bought the school from

to the teachers, students, and all those who became

Mrs. Sheldrake, who had by then taken charge of the

identified as members of the Grove community:


education of the whole person—body, mind, and spirit, a love of the outdoors, respect for oneself and

Alick Mackenzie—later Dr. Mackenzie when he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree by the University of Toronto’s Trinity College—preached short sermons, was such a fine teacher it was rumoured he could teach math "to a cow," and his love of virtually every sport imaginable meant that sports and the outdoors became key features of the school's program from the beginning. Alick began teaching at the Grove before he married Helen, but once Mrs. Mackenzie arrived on the scene, she became a great friend to the boys. Dr. and Mrs. Mackenzie had five children. First was Ken, who graduated from the school in 1917, joined the Navy, and while a naval cadet lost an eye in the Halifax explosion. He became Headmaster for two years following his father's death (1938-1940) afterwhich he returned to the Navy. There were four daughters: Winifred, who married Archibald Lampman, Mary Mackenzie, Florence, who married

others, friendship, service, leadership. The school chapel has always resonated with his identity and spirit. It is The Alexander W. Mackenzie Chapel. As the Most Reverend Edward W. Scott, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada declared in a tribute to him in 1978, "With all Dr. Mackenzie did and gave to Lakefield, nothing was more significant than the Chapel, its physical presence, and his presence within." Officially named on the school's centennial in his memory, it now bears a plaque with the words, "His life was the School and his lasting presence is in the 'Lakefield' of today and tomorrow." The Mackenzie's first daughter, Winifred Lampman attended the school for a time before going to Bishop Strachan School in Toronto. She and her sister Mary continued to live at the school until 1977. Win and her husband had four daughers; the third of them, Cubby Clarke, had two sons, Michael and Peter, who attended the school in the 60s. Win

Jack Ryder, and Francis "Billy" who married Otter L - Dr.Mackenzie and his son, Ken, circa 1935; R - Mrs. Mackenzie and daughter, Win, on the Head’s lawn, 1916

p11 was known for her oil paintings and her love of

Campaign for the Duke of York Hall; financial assis-

nature. She tutored talented art students, and one or

tance; and networking the residences. In 1997, he

two senior students lived in Lampman House,

received the Jeffery Page Rein Wadsworth Award for

keeping Win and Mary closely connected with the life

Volunteerism. He is also the father and uncle of

of the school.

outstanding fourth-generation Grove graduates: his

Florence Ryder, today the oldest member of the Ryder family and the sole surviving child of Dr. Mackenzie, was born in the head's house in 1906.

son John Ryder '77, stepson Michael Pooley '01, and nephews Ian Watson '77, and Alick Watson '80, sons of Tom's sister, Janet.

"Flo," as she became and is still fondly known, has

After graduation, John Ryder became involved with

always been a keen supporter of the school and an

the Alumni Association and served as its president.

avid sports fan. She was renowned for traveling to

He now continues his active involvement as a

just about every one of her sons' football and hockey

Trustee. What does John value most from his years at

games and for her enthusiastic support (also for her

the school? Lasting friendships. The reunions of the

sideline coaching, much to the chagrin of her sons!).

closely knit class of '77 embody much of what they

When she attended the 125th Anniversary Gala in

cherish from their years at the school. He believes

Toronto on May 1, 2004, she was surrounded by

that what ties him and his contemporaries to the

friends and admirers from every generation. Her

school "revolves around the admiration for the staff

husband Jack, a supporter of the school from the

and the experiences with them that have impacted

1940s until his death in 1978, a member of the Board

our lives beyond our time at the school-above all the

of Governors in the 1960s and 1970s, purchased and

governing principles of respect and consideration of

then donated to the school the 70-acre Grier property

others, and how these guide how one views, treats,

to the north of the school. Two sons, Tom '53, and

and interacts with people in both our business and

Alick '56, became third-generation Ryders at the

personal lives." This, John believes, is a true

school. In recognition of Jack's service and contribu-

testament to the legacy of Dr. Mackenzie.

tions to the school, Ryder House was named in his honor.

And what about the next, the fifth-generation Ryder? John's son, Matthew, will enter Grade 9 in September.

The involvement of the Ryder family with volun-

He has already enjoyed a 24-hour trial visit, and in

teerism, philanthropy, and trusteeship is ongoing.

going to classes enjoyed most the interaction

Tom Ryder has been continuously involved with the

between faculty and students. His Grove experience

school since the 1970s: as member and then Chair of

will and should be uniquely his, but will no doubt

the Board of Governors; chair of several fund-raising

include many of the values he has inherited from the

initiatives, including The Lakefield Challenge


L - Flo Ryder, in the stern of a friend’s boat, Stoney Lake; M - Tom Ryder, 1st Hockey Team, 1953; R - John Ryder, 1977

The Pullens Vicki and Tony Pullen ‘63, with their son, Nick ‘07


The Pullens

prominent lawyer K.C. Britton Osler; and Birchill Marling, a member of the school's staff, for whom

The Pullen family connection with Lakefield goes back to the era of Dr. A. W. Mackenzie. When Dr. Mackenzie bought the school from its first headmaster, Sparham Sheldrake, in 1903, eight years after he came from TCS to help with instruction, this was a major decision for a man who was an ordained minister and an inspired teacher, but not by nature or experience a businessman. He managed in the early years, taking money out of his

Marling House is named. First on Dr. Mackenzie's agenda was a new Assembly Hall. The Board was still cautious. According to "Bubs" Macrae '33, the day before the Annual Meeting Frank Pullen advised Dr. Mackenzie not to mention his wish for a new hall at the meeting, since it would take time to raise that much money. Frank Pullen's advice came too late. Dr. Mackenzie replied: "But Frank, we're putting the roof on the hall today!"

own pocket when student fees did not cover the cost of additions and upkeep to the buildings. By the

Nevertheless, the Board members all played vital

early 1930s the school had run out of funds.

roles in the school's survival and growth. Britton Osler, Chair of the Board from 1925 to 1938, was

Fortunately, Dr. Mackenzie had some volunteers who provided the financial experience and guidance he needed. One of these was Frank Pullen, a member of the school's first Board. Frank also sent three sons to Lakefield: Hugh, later Rear Admiral H.F. Pullen '23; E. G. "Duff" Pullen '26; and Thomas, later Captain Tommy Pullen '35.

followed as chair by Frank Pullen, 1939-1946, and later Frank's son, "Duff" Pullen, 1964-1969. Duff continued to serve on the board until his death in 1994. Frank's sons also sent their sons to the Grove, who became the third Pullen generation. Six grandsons of Frank Pullen became Lakefield Old Boys: Hugh's sons Jamie '46, and William '67, Duff's

The solution to the school's financial problems was

sons Christopher "Kit" '57, and Tony '63, Tom's son

to change its constitution and simultaneously its

Tim '67, and (Frank's daughter) Gwyneth's son Mike

status from a private business to an independent

Young ‘46. Gwyneth's husband Ralph Young also

institution in the public domain, the Province of

went to the Grove, graduating in 1925. The fourth

Ontario, around 1933. With the change, the school

generation boasts two Pullen family members, both

became entitled to go to the public to raise funds for

grandsons of Duff Pullen: his daughter Judy's son,

maintenance and for capital expansion. The Board

Losel Tethong '89, and Tony's son Nick '07, this year

included, along with Frank Pullen: Dr. Mackenzie's

in Grade 9.

brother Dr. Michael Mackenzie, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Toronto;

Frank Pullen's sons also had important naval careers after leaving the Grove. Rear-Admiral Hugh Pullen

L - Frank Pullen with his sons, Duff ’26 (L) and Hugh ’23 (R); R - Duff (Standing at back with pipe), Flo Mackenzie (second from right), and Gwyneth Pullen (smiling, sixth from right) with Lakefield College friends on Stoney Lake.


L - Duff in 1942; M - Christopher “Kit” Pullen, LCS Cadet in 1955; R - Judy Pullen’s Son, Losel in his graduating year, 1989

served in the Royal Canadian

overtaxed system up-to-date (not

and above the regular academic

Navy in World War II, and became

the kind of need that can be

and sports programs.

executive officer of HMCS

easily, charitably funded.) He was

Uganda, the largest and strongest

also instrumental in getting

warship in the Navy. Tommy

necessary financial support from

Pullen trained in the navy on the

the McLaughlin Foundation for

British destroyer Frobisher after

the building of the original Bryan

leaving Lakefield, qualified as a

Jones Theatre. More than a

gunnery officer, and served in the

problem solver, Duff Pullen

North Atlantic on destroyers

served often as an elder

during most of World War II. Duff

statesman, the voice of wisdom

also served during the war as a

and reason on many issues.

Colonel with the "Black Watch"

When asked, "what strengths does Lakefield have that you would like to see continued?" Tony responded: “‘the Groveiness’, the ‘little Engine that could.’ It's a school where 'aspiring' is important; a school about difference. It must always be aspiring; you don't want to get there and then have nowhere to

From the third generation of

go." Tony also values the humility

Pullens, Duff's son, Tony, has

that comes with the Groveiness.

followed his father's and grand-

You have to try harder; if you

father's example, and become

don't do it, no one else will. He

similarly involved with school

describes his family's

It was Duff Pullen who, of Frank's

affairs as an active member of the

commitment to the school as

sons, became the most

Board and lately, as a Trustee.

"one of sticking up your hand;

committed to Lakefield College

While at the school in the early

you grew up with that."

School over a long and valuable

sixties, with the example of two

period, including his years as

naval uncles before him, it is not

Vice-Chair and Chair of the Board

surprising that Tony particularly

in the 1960s. As the school grew,

enjoyed Sea Cadets, a feature of

the sewer system became

school life in the 1950s and 1960s.

overtaxed. In 1965, it was

His brother "Kit" was also

revealed to the press that the

involved, and was a platoon

school was dumping effluent into

commander in Grade 11. Spit

Lake Katchewanooka. Duff’s

and polish, platoon drills, the

challenge was to deal with the

band—the whole naval context—

negative publicity while finding

seemed a very relevant part of

the necessary funding to

school life instilling a sense of

ultimately bring a badly outdated

pride and accomplishment over

and had many critical duties with general staff including an active role in planning the invasion of Sicily.

Now that his son Nick is at Lakefield, with three years ahead, Tony enjoys seeing another Pullen become involved in some similar and also different ways. Nick enjoys drama, debating and politics, and right away became involved last fall in Les Mis. Most recently in an ensemble production of The Farm Show, Nick gave an excellent character performance in the newly rebuilt Bryan Jones Theatre.

The Dunns L - R: Tim Dunn ’35, Gillian Dunn ’04, Stephanie Dunn ‘01, Brian Dunn ’69


The Dunns

school, which consisted of a large private house, some cow barns, and a big woodpile. Years later, he

Gillian Dunn, the most recent member of the Dunn family to come to Lakefield, arrived as a Grade 10 student in the fall of 2001. She had come earlier for a tour, stayed overnight, and had an interview with the Headmaster, Mr. Hadden, the next day. This is the way she describes it in her Grade 12 Chapel Speech: "He was a big, tall man and since I was shorter back then, he scared me. His first impression was one I will never forget. He proceeded to stare at me in complete silence and then say in a deep and serious voice, 'Hello, I am the evil headmaster.' Alright. I had a brief meeting

recalled: "when my mother left me I went out and leaned against this pile of wood and bawled and would not go in for lunch, but eventually—there being no longer any tears available—I joined Sheldrake's son, Lorimer my age, had my supper, and went to bed in a dormitory alongside this lad."


So began seven years for Gwyllym at the Grove, first under Sparham Sheldrake, then under the Reverend Mackenzie, who, Gwyllym recognized, was not only a great character-builder but also "a master mechanic with a cane," and a keen athlete and sportsman besides.

with him in his office. It was game over. I was coming to Lakefield. I decided it was time to begin

In total, a "baker's dozen" of Dunns have attended

a new chapter in my life."

the school, spanning some hundred-and-ten years: First, Gwyllym, class of 1900; then the second

Compare that with the experience of the first Dunn who entered Lakefield as a student in 1893, Charles Gwyllym Dunn. He had been born in 1886 in Brandon, Manitoba, with family roots that were linked to Susanna Moodie and Catherine Parr Traill. Some time after his father died, when he was five, his mother decided to move east with her young son and chose Lakefield, Ontario. She had heard about a private school in Lakefield, started by Mr. Sheldrake, and she had relations there—the

generation: his sons, Tim '35 and Stuart '38. Stuart joined the Air Force in 1940 and was killed over Scotland in 1941. A stained glass window of St. George, in Stuart's memory, is in the chapel. Tim's sons, Peter '62, Stuart '64 (named for his Uncle Stuart), Robert '66, and Brian '69, made up the third generation. Adrian '92, Matthew '95, Whitney '95, Brendan '98, Stephanie '01, and Gillian '04, are all fourth generation Dunns. Gillie is "the lucky 13th family member at the Grove."

Stricklands, Moodies, and Traills. Mother and son moved into a house next door to and owned by

Tim Dunn's era was dominated by Dr. Mackenzie,

Catherine Parr Traill, now the home of former

Headmaster from 1894-1938; the generation of

Headmaster Jack Matthews and his wife Jane.

Peter and his brothers by Winder Smith, Headmaster from 1940 - 1964. There were many

When September came following Gwyllym's seventh birthday, his mother took him to the

similarities, especially the amount of time spent outside the classroom. As Peter remarks, "How

Brendan Dunn ’98 (fourth from the left) and housemates at Formal 1998


L - Tim '35, Peter '62, and Gwyllym Dunn, class of 1900, circa 1958; R - Alice Dunn with her son, Peter ’62, at the opening of Moodie House1989

could it have been otherwise with our exposure to

1981, the first Dunn wedding there. Dunn family

the outdoors and the lake, and admittedly, lack of

members perpetuate the tradition of service,

exposure to academics! I can still remember

volunteerism, and philanthropy. They have served

Winder Smith teaching us algebra, using as

on Board committees, supported sports facilities,

examples the Toronto Maple Leafs and the

and enhanced school programs. The Dunns were

Montreal Canadiens!"

responsible for Jean Chrétien's visit to the school to

Happily named, Susannah Moodie House, completed in 1989, was built specifically to accom-

speak on a Bryan Jones Day, just before he became Prime Minister.

modate the school's first female students, and its

The values that stand out for Peter and others in

construction was due in large part to the generosity

his family are lasting friendships, individuality, and

of Susannah Moodie's descendants, the Dunn

leadership. In her chapel speech, Gillie said she

family. Both Stephanie Dunn and Gillian Dunn

had grown ten years in the three years she had

have spent their years in residence in this house.

been at Lakefield - a fine testimony to her personal

What a dramatic difference from the residence

awareness of growth and change, to the school's

Gwyllym Dunn moved into in 1893; he recorded

motto—mens sana in corpore sano—and its

that "when I was there we had to pump the water

ongoing mission for every student, To challenge

out of the well, heat it on the kitchen stove, pour it

and enable students to reach their individual

into a wooden tub in which the three of us would

potential in mind, body and spirit.

have our Saturday night bath, and, as toilets were about a hundred feet outside, in the winters it was not very pleasant, especially at night." Today, Moodie House has nine showers and eight toilets for 27 girls! The house's setting, however, amid the wooded area overlooking the lake, can easily bring to mind an earlier era.

Finally, there are the special memories. Peter Dunn records one of his: "A highlight was the centennial in 1979, when our family rented a motor home, which we parked at the lake. One night after dinner and a glass of wine, my brothers and I decided to go and catch turtles in a canoe. Well, it won't surprise anyone to learn that all we managed

Peter comes back to the Grove frequently, "for

to accomplish was to overturn the canoe and

events and for meetings, out of a sense of devotion,

return ignominiously from whence we came!"

and love for the place that provided me with some

Along with leadership, individuality and friends,

of my happiest moments." Brian Dunn and his

many of the most cherished memories of time at

wife Leslie were married in the school chapel in

Lakefield are of simply having fun. 1. 1979, Andrew Harris: Lakefield College School, The First 100 Years; p.20

L (middle)- LCS Head Boy, Dave Miller, leads fans at a championship football game, 1977; R - Keynote speaker, Mayor David Miller, catches up with Dr. Rosalind “Ma” Barker at LCS Closing Ceremonies, 2004

From Head Boy to Mayor: David Miller ’77 Christopher Howard '95

stunningly beautiful, amazingly stunningly beautiful … then it snowed. So we were in

On May 21st, 2004, I spoke with David Miller, the newly elected mayor of Toronto, about his time at Lakefield College School. Six months after his election, David reflected on experiences that contributed to who he is today. David also told me

Algonquin Park and it was snowing and bitterly, bitterly cold. And when it warmed up, it rained for four days and we didn't have rain gear. So that was fairly tough; surviving that weekend was a formative experience."

about the important bonds and values he maintained that helped him in the election last fall.

David's life at LCS was very busy. He was involved in just about everything—from winning debating

When I asked David what inspired him to attend LCS, "cricket" was not the expected answer. Ottawa in the 1960s was not exactly a hotbed of cricket so, for a young English boy, the Grove's cricket program piqued his interest. David's mother, Joan, was a teacher in the public school system, yet she believed that the traditional values of an all-boys education were especially important for a young boy who grew up without a father. With the

prizes, to acting, soccer, rugby, and cricket. He managed to squeeze in time to make hockey rinks in the winter for shinny games, which took place before chapel. Any free time that was left over was spent reading voraciously or sailing. He even tried out for the choir, practicing long hours and learning a lot about music, until finally, with the full support of his friends, he came to the humble realization that he just couldn't sing.

combined weight of the cricket, his mother's convictions, and a significant scholarship (without

When it came time for academics, cramming for

which he would not have been able to attend), the

exams during his years in Colebrook and later

decision was made: David would start at LCS in

Grove House was another "academic" expedition

1972. The Grove would be his home and proving-

that brought everyone together. One of the hardest

grounds for the next five years.

challenges David faced was Dr. Barker's English class:

One of David's earliest tests was not overcoming homesickness, nor even the name-calling , but

" ‘Ma Barker's’ English class—she was

rather it was an expedition weekend to Algonquin

unbelievable. It was impossible to get an ‘A’ in


her class, so when I finally did get one, it


meant something. She taught me how you have “...One of my very formative experiences was in Grade Nine. I went on a canoe trip with the Headmaster (Terry Guest) and the science teacher (Mr. Bird) over Thanksgiving weekend in Algonquin Park. The first day was

to set standards for yourself. She had very, very high expectations for her students and it made me work incredibly hard to meet those expectations. It took time, it was very hard, but I did it. She was the one who suggested that I apply

p19 to Harvard. This had a lifelong impact on me in

During the campaign his classmates would further

a similar kind of way Lakefield did. So both her

help him in a variety of ways. Al Pace and Jake Sane

teaching skills and styles and passion for

(a classmate from Harvard) produced 80,000 full

English and advice to me made an enormous

color pamphlets for the Miller Campaign from

difference in my life."

leftover paper from a job Al was doing at Jake's

After leaving the Grove, David kept up his love of canoeing and went on expedition trips regularly for class reunions. Even with his enormous workload, he found time to go on an expedition to the Northwest Territories for his 25th class reunion. With him on the trip were Donald Grant '77, Mark Herold '77, Tim Hyde '77, Nick Lewis '77, Kevin Malone '77, Al Pace '77, and John Ryder '77. This trip, just six months before David announced his mayoral candidacy, would revitalize his spirit and his commitment to his cause. "Expeditions to me have been important. I have kept up my canoeing since leaving LCS. That particular expedition was very important because it was with a group of friends who were in my class at Lakefield. The trip was unbelievably tough. It was supposed to be a leisurely paddle downstream through beautiful tundra, but unfortunately the weather was bad so it became a physical challenge of survival for ten days. And it was very important for me to refresh my ties to the wild parts of our country— in this case Nunavut—but the other thing it did was to steel my resolve because the mayoral election campaign was an incredible test of endurance; now it was eleven-and-a-halfmonths, not 10 days, but it ended up being very important to me because it taught me I could survive very tough conditions and that's what running for mayor was like. My friends really pushed me about what I believed and why I was doing this; I mean they were very supportive. Youcan't hide anything from your friends, and one of the things it did for me was make it really clear in my own heart and mind why I was trying to run for mayor and what I wanted to do for the city of Toronto and it also made me able to defend my positions because a lot of my friends don't agree with me politically. So it was a little microcosm of what was to come in the campaign."

printing shop. Because David remained close with his friends, they all looked for opportunities to help. Several were in fundraising, and many more emailed friends and co-workers with their personal convictions about why David should be mayor; in political campaigns, these personal relationships can make all the difference. The relationships opened up more opportunities to help his campaign, and it seemed that everyone was doing all they could to help a friend who had earned their respect and confidence right from the beginning of their time at the Grove. Miller's experiences, such as his expeditions and the common (if near-impossible) struggle to get an ‘A’ in "Ma Barker's" English class, helped to both form and then reaffirm the strong bonds with his classmates. They were also the building blocks of trust, respect, and confidence, principles on which David's outlook on life is based. As a message to new students at the Grove, David could not emphasize enough the importance of "having no free time," and of trying everything in order to explore one's limitations. Along the way, strong bonds are formed with one's fellow students. Miller continues to frame his life around his core principles, and he is a perfect example of how those principles, and the support of friends, can contribute to success. 1. A skinny British boy with pale white skin got a few, though David assured me he has not been accused of being skinny as of late.

Biographical information David Miller and his mother emigrated from the UK in 1967 when he was in grade four, settling in Ottawa. In 1972 David began at Lakefield and by 1977 he was Head Boy. He went on to Harvard University and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Economics. Upon completing law school at the University of Toronto, he joined the Upper Canada Law Society and the Toronto law firm of Aird & Berlis. He later became a partner (David had worked at Aird & Berlis during a Lakefield placement in his senior year). After a successful career in law, he decided to pursue a political career. He ran for city council and was elected in 1994. In late fall 2002 he announced his mayoral candidacy and spent the next eleven and a half months running for mayor.


The Lakefield Tapestry Following the thread that joins together the Alumni/ae experience. “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” HERMAN MELVILLE (1819 - 1891)

GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY Framework Foundation Anil Patel '93 Written on behalf of Brendan Pennylegion '93, Ian Carswell '93 Jamie Lamont '93, Kelly Dimitroff '93, Mark Riddell '93, Mike Laidlaw '93, Nicole Bendaly '93, Rich Smit '93, Sam Ault '96, Sue Holland '95

believe it to be a moral compass

leaving the Grove. But the

that embodies where we want our

Lakefield Difference is embedded

future to head.

in most of us, where we feel

Generations of students have been challenged to ask themselves what the Lakefield Difference means to them. No

compelled to be a part of giving back to the community. And for a group of Lakefield graduates from the mid-90s, this is exactly what has happened.

Not to long ago I stumbled across

doubt each answer is a little

a vintage Lakefield prospectus

different amongst the thousands

We brought the inaugural

(circa 1980) that was in my

of people the question has been

Framework Timeraiser (April 24th,

collectibles box; the same one

posed to. But certain sentiments

2004) to the CBC Broadcasting

that solidified my decision to

seem to rise to the top: it is the

Centre in Toronto. At the

enrol at the Grove so many years

people—the faculty, staff, and

Timeraiser, 400 Torontonians,

ago. While flipping through it, I

students—that bring the school

aged 22 to 35, 'got in the picture'

was stopped dead in my tracks

alive. The school's persona is

by pledging 13,500 volunteer

when I came upon the phrase,

then a collection of personalities

hours to 50 charitable agencies.

“the Lakefield Difference.”

living in a shared space and

The evening event was also an art

I took a few hours to reflect upon

shared values; it is as alive as the

auction where participants could

its meaning and have become

people. This is where the

bid hours, not dollars, after

satisfied that it is both a question

connection between the

affirming their pledge to

and an answer. Further still I

individual and the community

community. The artwork featured

converge. For me, this is the

that night was some of Canada's

Lakefield Difference.

hottest emerging and mid-career

Anil Patel of Framework Foundation

Community service is one of


Lakefield's many proud traditions

Winning bidders now have 12

where the convergence is very

months to complete their

evident. It is important for all

volunteer pledge before they get

graduates to remember this

to bring their artwork home. In

because there are so many things

the meantime, our corporate

competing for our time upon

partners that allowed us to


L - Cottage Dreams founders, Seana O’Neill and Tavis Valentine ‘88 with sons, Jackson (2) and Jaiden (4) ; R - Inaugural “Framework Timeraiser” April 24th, 2004 at the CBC Broadcasting Centre in Toronto.

purchase the artwork (at fair market value!) get to

O'Neill have created a unique organization that

display the art in their location of choice.

helps those in a time of need. "As a life-long

Volunteers find meaningful volunteer opportu-

cottager, I understand the benefits of being at the

nities, agencies get energetic volunteers, artists get

cottage and how fortunate I am to have had the

paid for their work and donors spend their money

experience," says Seana, Founder and Executive

twice (first by a direct investment in the arts

Director of Cottage Dreams. "This is how the idea

community then leveraging that investment to

of Cottage Dreams was born at our own cottage in

inspire volunteerism); a win-win-win-win situation.

Haliburton. My mother is a 15-year breast cancer

The Framework Foundation plans to host the event annually and develop a long term plan to bring the model across Canada by 2007. The spirit of community is alive and well in Toronto and it was the Lakefield experience that made all the

survivor and both Tavis and my families have lost relatives to the disease," adds O'Neill. "It is quite moving, and it is with the generosity of those who are fortunate enough to have a second property that we have been able to move forward."

difference. It was a huge undertaking, but worth

To date, over 120 cottage owners have offered to

every minute of it.

donate a week's stay to Cottage Dreams participants. This year Cottage Dreams will place twenty-

Cottage Dreams Seana O’Neill & Tavis Valentine ‘88 "It makes me cry when I hear of people like you that want to help us, and believe me these kids and families deserve a break" says the mother of fouryear-old cancer survivor Alex of Cottage Dreams Recovery Initiative. Cottage Dreams is a charitable organization that offers recent cancer survivors the opportunity to get away to a donated cottage for a week of rest and relaxation after a time of often severe emotional, physical, and financial challenges. Following in the Grove tradition of community service, Tavis Valentine '88 and his wife, Seana

five families in the program, and the focus is now on finding corporate sponsors and raising funds so many more deserving families can take advantage of these cottage owners’ generosity. "This one-of-akind program has met with great enthusiasm from participants, donors, cancer support organizations and health care providers," says Tavis, President of the Board of Cottage Dreams. "With their continued support and guidance, we look forward to being able to accommodate many more families in the future." Both cottage and financial donors will receive a tax receipt for their contributions, although to date that has not been the motivating factor for most.

p22 Many donors have their own cancer stories, and are

available. This turned out to be the Case for a Cure

involved simply to make a difference in the lives of

which is sponsored by the Canadian Diabetes

families coming through an extremely difficult time.

Association (CDA). The Case for a Cure involves

Tavis and Seana use properties in Haliburton, Muskoka, Parry Sound, Georgian Bay, Owen Sound, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Prince Edward County,

standing outside the beer store collecting empty beer bottles, which were then cashed in with all proceeds donated to the CDA.

Madawaska, North Bay, The Kawarthas, and Nipissing

The CDA had touched my life two years earlier, when

as well as those offered from as far away as

at age 11, I was diagnosed with diabetes. The volun-

Newfoundland, Alberta, Quebec, and New York State.

teers at the CDA office had been so helpful with the

Future plans for expansion include providing time at

transition and lifestyle change that I had to make at

other recreational properties such as ski chalets and

that time. It seemed so natural to choose the CDA

condominiums across Canada and the U.S.

for continued involvement in community service. I

The only cost to the participant is a fully refundable security deposit, groceries, transportation and sunscreen. Pilot program participant Valerie, a 39year-old breast cancer survivor, wrote, "I hope you realize what a truly wonderful thing you have done for all of us." She, her husband and two toddlers spent a fun-filled week at a donated cottage in Parry Sound. It was an especially poignant placement as the cottage owner recently lost his own young wife to breast cancer and was thrilled to help someone else. "Getting this kind of feedback is really the most satisfying part," Tavis stated. The Cottage Dreams program is available year-round to Ontario residents of all ages who have been out of active treatment for up to six months. For now, the program can't accom-

started out just doing little events like the Case for a Cure but then I became an office volunteer answering phones and helping people who came into the Peterborough office of the CDA. The most rewarding thing I did as a volunteer however occurred in 2000 when the Trillium Foundation granted the Peterborough office $30,000 to write and produce a booklet on everything you need to know about diabetes. I, along with several other volunteers, was responsible for researching and writing articles and for putting the final publication together. Today this publication is distributed throughout the Kawarthas. It has been so successful that discussions began last year with the Toronto branch to have a similar booklet published all across Canada.

modate anyone in chemotherapy, radiation, or other

My volunteering has not just been limited to the CDA

cancer related treatments, but already it is showing

office. I took part in many other activities such as

promise in its ability to alleviate some of the stress

World Vision, Amnesty International, Big

that goes with the aftermath of one of the world's

Brothers/Sisters and the list goes on. I also traveled

most dreaded diagnoses.

to Scotland to participate in a Round Square work

http://www.cottagedreams.org soneill@cottagedreams.org 705.448.9190

project. I worked on a nature reserve trying to make the area more people-friendly by building pathways large enough for wheelchairs and outdoor class-

Being a Volunteeer Riona Petticrew '03 My active participation in community service began when I started at Lakefield in Grade 8. During the fall term I saw how eager the older students were to perform community service and how it seemed to be the "cool" thing to do. So wanting to be part of this cool thing, I signed up for the first thing that became

R - Riona Petticrew ’03 pictured with the front cover of the Diabetes Directory that she helped produce

rooms for class trips. My community service involvement helped me to achieve my silver and gold levels in the Duke of Edinburgh program. My eagerness to volunteer also

Daisy Moores (L) and LCS faculty member, Libby Dalrymple (R), volunteer for “Friends of Honduran Children�

assisted in placing me on two councils and one

limited access to health care because of a lack of

committee during my first year at the University of

financial means and/or availability. Brigade members

Western Ontario. I plan to continue my involvement

worked for months collecting donations of medicine

in these councils next year and for the remainder of

and raising funds. We then spent five days providing

my time at Western.

medical care in different communities and saw over

My volunteering, in particular with the CDA, has inspired me to have the goal of becoming a paediatric

1000 patients during temporary clinics run out of schools or village medical centres.

endocrinologist and help children diagnosed with

Our patients were very poor campesinos. The thing


we found most discouraging about our work was that

Overall, volunteering has been a great way for me to get out and help people and make new friends. It is important to give back to community because you never know when you might need someone else's help!

we could only provide temporary relief for most of our patients. Many of their aches, pains, and illnesses are a result of the hard lives that they live. Working the land by hand, carrying firewood, water, and children up and down mountain paths, eating limited diets, living closely with smoke, animals, dirt, and no

Friends of Honduran Children Daisy Moores '96

running water takes its toll on people's health and none of our medications could change these circumstances. It made us realize how education,

It was the end of the day in the hot, dry mountains of

economics, health care, and social change really have

Honduras, and the last few patients were being

to work together to improve people's standards of

ushered into the isolated clinic. The woman who

living. It also reminded us of the incredible variety of

entered the small exam room carried a baby in her

services and resources we have access to in Canada.

arms. She explained to us that she wasn't sure what to do; despite her best efforts, her baby was not growing like her other children had. As we examined the baby it became quickly apparent that though beautiful and cared for, she was severely developmentally delayed. The child would probably never walk, talk, or grow like its siblings.

The organizations we worked with in Honduras do amazing things for the people there, and we were proud to be a small part of their efforts. Being part of the brigade reminded me of Monday afternoon community service at the Grove, where experience taught us the importance of giving of ourselves to others. Unfortunately we had little to give to the

This was one of many defining moments for the

concerned mother. Libby assured her that she was

Peterborough Medical Brigade, a group of doctors,

taking wonderful care of her baby, and explained to

dentists, nurses, medical students, physiotherapists,

her some of the challenges she and her child would

interpreters and others. Libby Dalrymple, an LCS

face with very few resources available to them.

faculty member, and I, a registered nurse in the NWT,

Afterwards she headed off into the crowd with her

were part of the brigade. We were working through

baby, her gait slightly easier from the relief of now

the Friends of Honduran Children, a Peterborough

simply knowing more about what she had to do.

organization, and the Sociedad Amigos de los Ninos,

www.saninos.org (Sociedad Amigos de los NiĂąos) ldalrymple@lakefieldcs.on.ca daisyandadam@nt.sympatico.ca

a Honduran organization. We went to Honduras to provide some temporary support to people who have



G. Winder Smith, Mackenzie's eventual successor, provided encouragement as well. Tim recalls, "Windy Smith was great at that. He'd really talk us up before the game and get us excited. TCS was a much bigger school, but we had the heart." Grove hockey players on lake Katchewanooka in 1898

And Lakefield's idyllic country setting may also have played a role in the school's athletic

Lakefield‘s Hockey Legacy

I'd be darned if I wasn't going to

prowess. Tim recalls, "We weren't

Malcolm Johnston ‘02

compete with the big boys." And

allowed to go into town without

he did just that, making the first

an excuse, so there was little else

team in hockey, cricket, and

to do, besides schoolwork, except


play sports. We spent a lot of

because of a budding interest in

The boys—Tim, Jock, and

time outdoors, but no one really

the law. He recalls, "The house-

Rickart—shone brightest on the

wanted to go to the big city,

wives, in those days, used to put

ice, under the instruction of Dr.


the milk money out on the back

Alick Mackenzie, the school's

The love for the athletics instilled

step for the milkman. One day,

second headmaster. Tim recalls,

by Mackenzie and Smith would

my neighbour-the local judge's

"I remember that Dr. Mackenzie

stay with the three boys for their

son-and I decided that we'd

loved his hockey, and he used to

lives. After graduation, Rickart

better go ahead and help

get out there on the lake with us

played hockey at Queen's

ourselves. Well, my mother found

and teach us the game." The

University and then for Kingston.

out. My uncle soon visited and

teaching paid off, for both

Before joining the navy, Tim

told my mom about this school

Tim and Rickart assert that in

played defence at McGill, and

near Peterborough. Soon enough,

those days Lakefield beat Trinity

Jock played at University of

at eight and a half, I was sent off

College School "quite often."


Rickart Hepburn's '35 arrival at Lakefield Preparatory School from Picton in 1925 came about

to Lakefield to get some sense into me. I have been proud and pleased of the place since my first day." Soon after his arrival, Rickart met two of his classmates, Jock Maynard '35 and Tim Dunn '35. Tim was small in stature but big at heart. He remembers, "When I started at Lakefield, I was only seven. I was short for my age, but I enjoyed the challenge. I decided

L - David Hadden, Jock Maynard, Rick Hepburn, and Tim Dunn, 1985; R - Hepburn (L) and Dunn (R) with teammates, 1935

p25 Sarah played on the national field hockey team in the 2001 Canada Summer Games and hopes to help the national team qualify in 2005 for the World Cup. For Sarah, Lakefield's relaxed country setting shaped her Lakefield experience. She says, "The outdoor element of Lakefield got me into stuff like Scoreboard 46.3 seconds before winning the first ever Girl’s OFSAA Championship in 1999.

Seniors, Kalen Ingram and Jenny McRae in 1999.

Some 65 years later, another

full circle. She says, "My

range of city and country kids, all

hockey trio came together on the

coaches…all served as role

stuck out in the country. But by


models for me. They inspired me

the end, the city kids were all

with their work and with what

country kids; there was no

they give back to the students,

divide. We had all blended into

which has eventually led me back

Camp LCS."

kayaking, canoeing, and sailing— things I wouldn't have done elsewhere. Also, LCS had a good

In 1999, the LCS girls' hockey team, led by Captain Kalen Ingram '99 and Assistant Captains Jenny McRae '99 and Sarah Simpson '00, won the first ever Girls' OFSAA Hockey Championship, defeating Havergal College 5-2. For Kalen,

to pursue my own career in the [teaching] profession."

For Kalen, the small-school "heart" that Tim recalled is still

“...when we were

ever present at Lakefield. She

successful, it was all the

says, "Lakefield is a small school, so the expectations on us were

who would go on to play hockey

more enjoyable and

at Harvard, athletics at Lakefield

impressive. We were the

to the larger schools. But, when

were more than mere games. She

little school that could."

we were successful, it was all the

says, "Lakefield's hockey team

accordingly low when compared

more enjoyable and impressive.

was the first that I had pride in. It

Sarah, after graduation, enrolled

We were the little school that

was the first time I played for

at the University of Victoria,


more than winning; I was playing

where she helped the varsity field

for pride in the school. That

hockey team to win the Canadian

spirit carried on into Harvard."

Interuniversity Sport

At Harvard, Kalen captained the

Championship in 2003. A carded

university's women's hockey

(government-funded) athlete,

team to a 30-3-1 record en route

From the days when Rickart, Jock, and Tim dominated the ice, to the days of the trio of Kalen, Sarah, and Jenny, some things never change.

to reaching the NCAA Championship in 2003. Jenny, having finished five years of varsity hockey at the University of Toronto, plans to play in Canada's National Women's Hockey League before becoming a teacher. For her, the Lakefield experience has come

Captain Kalen Ingram with Assistant Captains, Sarah Simpson (L), and Jenny McRae (R) pictured below with their teamates in the winter of 1999


THE COURAGE TO EXPRESS Confidence For Life Malcolm Johnston ‘02

1990s Matt starred as agent Matt Praeger in Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal, and in 2000 won the Gemini Award for Best Performance in a

"When I came to Lakefield, I was catatonically shy," says Matt Frewer '76. "I had actually been planning to go into honours biology, but I guess I realized it

Children's or Youth Program or Series for his work on Mentors, in which he played Dr. Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin.

wasn't for me." A new career path was born when Matt, with the encouragement of certain LCS staff

At LCS, Matt, who shone on the stage as well as in

members, turned his attention to the stage. "Bryan

hockey and football, learned the value of

Jones, Andy Harris, and Richard Hayman," says

community. He says, "Working on anything - a TV

Matt. "Those were the 'Big Three,' and anything

show, movie, play - you can always find a sense of

with those guys was always great.

community, because the objectives are the same: being on a team and working toward a common

"One of the most important things I learned at Lakefield was to be brave and unafraid to make a

goal; I think LCS fostered that, in both drama and sports, too."

fool out of myself; I was encouraged to try stuff. The theory there was: 'Fail? So what? Swing for the

The community Matt found at Lakefield endured

fences, because you'll either succeed or fail…big.'

even after his graduation from the school. He

LCS made me reach for stuff, which you have to do

remembers, "In my first or second year after leaving

as an actor because there are so many others

Lakefield, I was in the National Youth Theatre,

competing for what you want." For Matt, that

which toured all over Canada, and one of our stops

ambitious approach to life carried into the world

was in Peterborough. The night of our performance,

beyond Lakefield.

Richard Hayman showed up with at least thirty LCS students to watch the show and cheer me on. I

After leaving LCS, Matt attended the prestigious Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in the UK, and

remember thinking that it was just so touching that he'd make that happen.”

toured with Canadian National Youth Theatre. In the 1980s Matt landed the role of Max Headroom,

Richard Hayman was probably the biggest

the star of the cult classic of the same name, and

influence on what I did with my life. He was always

also provided the voice of the Pink Panther. In the

a real gas to be around, one of those special

L - Matt Frewer (Simon) opposite Fred Wood (Felicity) in the LCS production “Beyond the Fringe” , 1976 R - Matt Frewer, 2004


L - Ali Kara sharing a few laughs with Co-Head Student Adam Bishop R - Ali Kara and Spencer Hodgins in “The Farm Show”

teachers for me…He was a teacher and a mentor,

to adopt the mind frame of the patient?' I think

but also a great friend."

acting does that for me."

Whereas Matt entered Lakefield as a shy youngster,

Ali sees the connection between the stage and life.

he left a poised young man. Says Matt, "At LCS, I

He says, "Every day in acting, you see things

learned how to communicate effectively, command

approaching the end product; you walk out of the

attention, and translate ideas clearly. I left

theatre knowing you're one step closer to the final

Lakefield a much more confident person."

goal. Many students get involved in drama and ask,

An energizing dramatic arts program continues at LCS. Ali Kara '04, who delivered a high-pace performance as the narrating square-dance caller

'Is it really worth it?' I say, 'In acting, the more effort you put in, the better the end product. This is true of academics, drama, and life.'"

in this spring's The Farm Show, is headed this

Ali credits much of his love of drama to his

summer (August) to the Stratford Festival of

teachers. Says Ali, “Mr. [Greg] MacPherson helped a

Canada, one of the premiere drama festivals in the

lot with my acting. He's really good. He's

world. Ali will appear in William Shakespeare's

committed to the job, gives valuable insight, and

King John.

can balance fun with seriousness. And he sacrifices

"My experience in the dramatic arts at

a lot, like his lunches and evenings, for us to go over the material to make sure we are comfortable

Lakefield has reinforced the idea that

and prepared.”

there's nothing to be afraid of. In short,

“At LCS, we are really fortunate to have teachers

it gave me confidence for life."

who are committed to what they do. We have faculty who make our experience in acting as good

Like Matt, Ali did not foresee a future on the stage,

as possible in hopes that we might pursue acting

even as a hobby. He says, "When I came to LCS,

futher down the road."

acting was the furthest thing from my mind. I had always enjoyed debating and public speaking, but wasn't really involved in the dramatic arts." Still, Ali, who plans to study medical sciences at the University of Western Ontario next year, sees a parallel between acting and his career choice: "A doctor must be able to put himself in the patient's shoes. He must ask himself: 'What [is] the best way

Like Matt, Ali, who graduated this past June, leaves Lakefield a more self-assured person. He says, "In life, there are always many things that we don't want to do but need to in certain situations. My experience in the dramatic arts at Lakefield has reinforced the idea that there's nothing to be afraid of. In short, it gave me confidence for life."


EMBRACING THE CREATIVE Life Art Malcolm Johnston ‘02

"I painted portraits of [NFL player] Lynn Swann and some of the school's skiers; others painted guys like [Led Zeppelin frontmen] Robert Plant and

"The art room was always open," recalls Tony

Jimmy Page."

Harris '82. "Around exam time, you'd have ten guys sitting in the art room together, pulling all-nighters,

"Hayman set a standard for arts that

and working on art. Mr. Hayman was always in

was very professional, and which gave

there because his house was attached to the art room. He'd have a big pot of coffee on the go, and

us, as students, a lot of confidence.

he'd sit and paint into the night with us."

Whether as an artist, actor, author, he

Hayman's dedication to his craft made an impact

gave us great exposure to the 'top

on his students. Michael Heeney '76, Executive


Director of Bing Thom Architects in Vancouver, recalls, "Hayman set a standard for arts that was

In blending art with life, Tony found a way to

very professional, and which gave us, as students, a

capture his passion for the people and places he

lot of confidence. Whether as an artist, actor,

enjoyed most. Throughout his five years at Bishop's

author, he gave us great exposure to the 'top end.'"

University, Tony painted portraits of his football

Tony, now a professional artist, also credits much of his professional success to Hayman's teaching. He confesses, "I learned my work ethic at LCS. The approach there was not 'here, finish this project then take off,' but instead, we saw art as a way to make a living. It was and is something I love." Hayman brought education to life, encouraging his students to combine art with their areas of interest.

teammates. And recently, Tony completed the 125th Anniversary Commemorative painting in celebration of LCS. The print, featuring the Grove and the Head’s house, was unveiled at the May 1st gala in Toronto. Says Tony, "Doing the 125th print was like being a student again. It was like coming back home." 'Home,' at its core, has remained much the same.

Says Tony: "His greatest strength as a teacher was

Charlie Bierk '05, son of the late David Bierk, an

that if a student was passionate about art, he'd let

internationally renowned artist, is a talented young

you explore your love." For Tony, that meant sports.

artist in grade 11 who, like a young Tony Harris,

L - Tony Harris presenting the 125th Anniversary Commemorative painting

R - Detail from Tony Harris painting, 1982

p29 LCS is great, because there is structure but still the freedom to experiment in things you want to do.

“To put it simply, the teachers here are excited about what they do. That enthusiasm lends itself to all areas of life.” We've worked with collage (both two-dimensional and three-dimensional), pencil portrait, acrylic painting, pottery, and more." Still, oil painting— portraiture in particular—remains Charlie's love. "There's something in a human face I find interesting that most people don't seem to understand. I feel like I am able to see those things in art and in life." Detail of portrait painted by Charlie Bierk

While the landscape may change (the art teacher doesn’t live beside the art room anymore) what

aspires to make art his career. And like Tony, Charlie makes no distinction between art and life. Charlie, next year's Co-Head Student, recounts of his upbringing, "Whereas most families take walks after dinner, my dad would place an object in the middle of the table, and my four brothers and I would sketch it." Works by Charlie, his brother Nick '03, and David hang in the lobby of the newly renovated Bryan Jones Theatre.

makes Lakefield memorable endures: the "Haymanesque" dedication lives on. Charlie expresses, "Ms. Carder has been very influential. If I'm stuck, she always helps me to think of ways to solve the problem. And although Dr.Markus doesn't teach art anymore, every time I finish a painting, I bring it to her office and we always end up 'talking art.' To put it simply, the teachers here are excited about what they do. That enthusiasm lends itself to all areas of life."

Lakefield has given Charlie the opportunity to explore different media. He says, "The program at

L - Charlie, one of next year’s Co-Head Students, speaking at closing ceremonies R - Nick Bierk ‘03, working on self portrait


The Grove’s 125th Anniversary Celebration Toast by Chris White ‘90 May 1, 2004 Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto As I prepared for tonight, I wondered what exactly it is that we should be toasting to celebrate 125 years of Lakefield College School. *

Is it the serene setting of forests and fields on the shores of Lake Katchewanooka?


Is it the world class facilities in which our students learn and grow?


Is it the diverse programme that ensures a balanced upbringing, athletic development, an appreciation of the outdoors, dedication to community service, good citizenship, and a solid academic foundation?


Is it the spirit which challenges each student to reach his or her own potential?


Is it the 125 years of unique traditions and culture that could only be found at the Grove‌things like Ted Pope Day, the Ghost of the Grey Lady, the Grade 12 Christmas Party, Chapel Talks, the Round the Lake Run and expeditions in Algonquin Park, Canada's far north and around the world?


Perhaps it is the leadership of past generations of headmasters and teachers with names like Rashleigh, Mackenzie, Smith, Matthews, Armstrong, Harris, Jones and so many others, including many with us tonight, who have instilled skills, confidence, citizenship and strength of character in their students.


Are we are toasting the 4300 alumni who have spread the Lakefield experience beyond the boundaries of that rural Ontario village to contribute to society through their leadership in business, politics, teaching, sports and the arts and sciences?


Are we toasting the school's current incarnation; its Board and Trustees, its Headmaster - David Hadden, its faculty, staff, parents, students and friends who are advancing the Grove as Canada's leading independent boarding school by introducing new technology, programmes and curriculum while proudly honouring its history, tradition and values, developing in each student a sound mind, a sound body and a healthy spirit?

We are toasting all of these things and many more. But, what sets Lakefield apart is what we call the Lakefield Difference. Led by the values cherished and lived by members of the Lakefield College community, these elements come together to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts. It is this Lakefield Difference that is both unique and constant for each of us. It has endured and evolved for 125 years and is sure to last forever in our hearts and on the shores of Lake Katchewanooka.


L - Gala Committee (from left) Rowan Marsh, Mary Malone, Trish McCain, Vicki Pullen, Victoria Lang, Tracey Blodgett, Heather McLeary, Lori Allingham, Cate Woodward, Kathleen Leonard, Sue Matthews, Fay Leslie; M - Marilynn Booth, Tony Harris ‘82; R - Sid Dickson, Kathie Houghton

L - Rosalind Barker; M - (from left) Alison Farlow, Brett Thompson, Jason McKague, Adam Bishop, Michael Wilson (back); R - Mayor David Miller ‘77

L - Ruth and Hugh Smith; M - Valdy Horsdal ‘62; R - (from left) Rosetta Whetung, Ron Whetung ‘83, Kate Porter, Marc Porter ‘83, Lynne Hoppen, Michael Hope ‘83, Alan Fullerton ‘87


Best Wishes to a Class Friend left). The mood in Madrid was highly festive; this wedding marked the first Royal Wedding in Spain in almost 100 years and served as a timely counterpoint to the Madrid bombings two months earlier. The wedding was highly anticipated and guests included dignitaries from all over, including members of 40 royal households; an array of representatives from Spain's political, cultural, sporting, and business communities; and (a frail) Nelson Mandela. Royal Wedding...Prince Felipe ’85 and his bride, Letitzia Ortiz. (Source:http://personales.ya.com/fororeal/royalweddingfl.htm)

The service—all in Spanish—was very moving and quite personal. The snapshot of the Grove crew in formal dress (bottom right) was taken in the

A Royal Wedding Hugh Macdonnell ‘85 Five members of the class of 1985, together with Terry and Sue Guest, gathered in Madrid for the

Cathedral at the end of the service. After the service, the 1,400 guests repaired across the square to the Royal Palace for drinks, good lunch, and more drinks.

wedding of Crown Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz

After saying our goodbyes to Felipe and Letizia, the

on May 22, 2004 in the Almudena Cathedral.

Canadian contingent headed back to their hotel

Together with their spouses, Chris Dennis ’85 came

around 6p.m., shuttled through the streets of

from London (and acted as one of Felipe's

Madrid which were still abuzz with the day's

witnesses); Stephen Smith ’85, James Darling ’85

events, but slowly returning to the tapas and drinks

and Andrew Durnford ’85 came from Toronto;

of a typical Saturday night. It was a great day for all

Hugh Macdonnell ’85 came from New York and

the guests and wonderful to see Felipe and Letitzia

Terry Guest came from Warsaw.

happily married. They were going to head to the

A few days before the wedding, there was a casual

South Pacific for a three-week honeymoon.

party for Felipe's friends from the Grove (bottom L - James Darling ’85, Stephen Smith ’85, Prince Felipe ’85, Letizia Ortiz, Chris Dennis ’85, Hugh Macdonnell ’85 R - Front row: Janet Durnford, Sue Guest, Margot Macdonnell, Linton Carter(Darling), James Darling ’85 Back Row: Terry Guest, Andrew Durnford ’85, Hugh Macdonnell, Sarah Powell (Smith), Stephen Smith

p33 p33

What’s New?

Toronto pub May 7

Ottawa pub April 15

Montreal & Bishop’s pubs Jan 22 & 23

Kingston & London pubs Feb 6 & 13

Waterloo pub Nov 28

Please visit us at www.lakefieldcs.on.ca To see what's been happening recently at the Grove, and view the latest snapshots, visit the Friday News (What's New? page) online, and browse by date.

On the Fairway - The Andy Harris Cup Thank you to all of our sponsors, supporters, and golfers for a great day raising over $25,000 for Student Bursaries Lead: RG Group Lunch: Firstbrock, Cassie & Anderson 19th Hole: Mapleridge Mechanical Power Carts: J.C. Clark Hole in One: Ellwood Hamilton Enterprises Ltd. Putting Competition: Scott & Trish McCain Longest Drive: Accenture Closest to Hole: Baynes & White Sign Sponsor: Grafton Utility Supply Ltd. Hole Sponsors: Goodmans LLP Legg Mason Canada

McColl Turner LLP Microbix Biosystems Inc. Stephen Coates Select Accoustics W.B. White Insurance Ltd. The Pullen Family Taycott Enterprises Inc. C&S Logistics Green Sponsors: Murray Brothers Lumber Company Hooey Remus Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Tee Sponsors: Amsterdam Beer Company MIC Mechanical The Fleming Family Roy & Janet Gaysek Eagleridge Roofing Supporters: Frumcor Development Group MIC Mechanical

Prize & Auction Donors: Angela Mark Designs AON Inc. Aramark Dr. Bernie Uhlmann The Briars Buckeye Marine Edgetown Ford Farmhouse Fuji Kathie Houghton & Sid Dickinson Hunts Brothers Inniskillin Lakefield Florist Lakefield IGA

Mapleridge Mechanical Mark's Work Warehouse McLean Budden Moose FM Nike Protectors Group Quaker Revlon Rubbermaid Steam Specialty Sales The Stewart Group Stone Willow Inn TD Securities Telus Tony Harris ’82 UVAlux

The Most Senior Foursome : L-R Peter Perry ‘42, Bob Langmuir ‘46, Bruce Crickmore ‘39 Absent: John Easson ‘49

Regatta Day May 29


Class News The 1930s On June 4th, 2003, Honorary Lieutenant Colonel Athol Stewart '38 accepted an invitation to receive the Oath of Allegiance from his grandson James Astor. The Enrolment

US Patent Office and the National

The Surrey Central SkyTrain

(US) Inventors Hall of Fame.

Station in British Columbia has

Will's invention was chosen out

been named the world's best real

of move than 2000 entries from

estate development in the 2004

across North America. The

Marche International des

exposition was held at Universal

Professionels de l'Immobilier

Studios in Orlando Florida on

Awards, in Cannes. The MIPIM

March 25 & 26, 2004.

Awards are the Oscars of urban

Ceremony took place at the

development. Michael

Canadian Forces Recruiting

James Boyer '68 will be

Heeney '76, Executive Director of

Centre in Toronto.

welcoming his classmates and

Bing Thom Architects, was the

their wives to visit him and his

associate in charge of the project.

The 1950s

wife this summer to the

Archbishop Andrew Hutchson

Maritimes for a week of golfing

'50 was elected the 12th primate

and lobster. Those expected to

of the Anglican Church of Canada

attend include: John

by lay and clergy delegates in

Hepburn '68, Murray Hunter '68,

May 2004.

Leonard Brizio '68, Bob Mackett '68, Jim Carrique '68, Bill Gastle '68 and Alan Belcher '68. Old Boys interested in joining the festivities can contact James at carolynjamie@hfx.eastlink.ca

The 1970s Archbishop Andrew Hutchson '50

The 1980s Jim Harris '80 is the elected leader of the Green Party of Canada; he won with over 81 per cent of the votes cast in a threeway race in 2003. Jim is a bestselling author and has written six books. He's also on the professional speaking circuit as one of North America's foremost authors and thinkers on change and leadership. Jim speaks internationally at over 50 conferences

Jonathon McQueen '79 is

a year and conducts strategic

currently appearing in The Stage

planning sessions with executive

West (Mississauga, Ontario)

teams, focusing on the most

Former Master Jim Embury '63

production of Fiddler on the Roof.

pressing issues: leadership,

and his wife, Anne, have opened

He is known as "BJ" (Big John)

change, CRM, e-learning,

a Bed and Breakfast (Ann Chy

these days. He would love to

innovation, and the creation of

Coth) in Flushing Falmouth

hear from the "old gang".

learning organizations.

Cornwall, England. Old Boys


The 1960s

Mike McCarney '83 has accepted

visiting the UK are encouraged to Kevin Malone '77 has been

a position to teach at the

appointed National President of

Canadian International School in

Will Hendrie's '64 patented

the Ontario Duke of Edinburgh

Singapore, beginning in August.

invention, SAF-T-CHECK, a tire

Program. John Turner '79 and

inflation indicator, was chosen as

Tom Stephenson '79 are on the

Dr. Paul Clark '84 has been

a finalist in the Invent Now

Ontario Board, John as the new

named the 2004 Outstanding

America competition. The

Ontario President.

Philanthropist by the Association

visit and stay at their B & B.

competition is sponsored by the

of Fundraising Professionals, the

p35 largest association of charitable

in head and neck oncology and

Meghanne Reburn '97 is working

fundraisers in the world. Paul is

microvascular reconstructive

at Denali National Park in Alaska

the founder, chairman, president

surgery at the University of

as a Mountain Guide and

and CEO of The Copernican


Naturalist. She has been working

Foundation Inc., a leading

as a ski guide for a B.C. Cat ski

national provider of education

Elizabeth Irwin Harrison '92 is

operation in the winters and next

and philanthropic services

moving to Guayaquil, Ecuador

spring will be guiding a trip up to

headquartered in Toronto,

during the summer. She and her

Mt. Logan, Canada's highest

Canada. The award recognizes

husband, David, will be teaching


him for his ongoing generosity

in an international school for the

and commitment to the Iloilo,

next few years. Their son, Toby,

Kara Big Canoe '99 will be

Philippines community through

will have the opportunity to speak

attending Law School at Osgoode

his many contributions and

his first words in Spanish. In

Hall in September 2004.


addition to moving from

The 2000s

Budapest to Ecuador, she is also Tony Harris '82 welcomes former

taking a few classes at Oxford for

LCS faculty member, John

her MA.

In-Course Canadian Millenium

Milligan, into the Bishop’s University Hall of Fame this

Christina Seewald '93 is living

summer. Tony was inducted for

and working in Zurich,

Football and now John joins him

Switzerland after completing her

as he is recognized for his contri-

studies at the University of Zurich

butions in hockey and football.

in Social Pedagogics. She sends greetings to her teachers and

The 1990s On July 1st, Kevin Fung '90 joined the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Western Ontario as Assistant Professor. He will be based at London Health Sciences Centre, Westminster Campus. He is completing a two-year fellowship

Meghan Roach '01 received the


Scholarship for excellence. She was also the recipient of the D.I. MacLeod Dean’s list with Distinction Award as one of the top students in the Queen's business program. Former Faculty Member Kim

Craig Willis '93 received his PhD in Biology from the University of Regina. After teaching at the university, Craig is now continuing his research in a post doctoral position at the University of New England in Armidale, Australia.

Krenz has written and published "Deep Waters", a first-hand, nontechnical account of the early days of Canada's development of nuclear power. Copies of the book can be purchased through McGill-Queen's University Press. www.mqup.ca

Come Home to The Grove September 25 and 26, 2004 Spread the word, round up your classmates, and come celebrate with us at this year’s Home to the Grove Reunion. Featuring classes ending in “4” and “9”. All alumni/ae are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Alumni from the class of ‘98 came “Home to the Grove,” 2003



Lakefield graduates (all from class of '93) represented in photo L - R (Back Row) Richard Smit, Steve Fagan, Brendan Pennylegion, Mark Riddell, Jamie Lamont. (Middle Row) Mike Laidlaw, Anil Patel. (Bottom Row) Krestena Sullivan (the bride), Ian Carswell, Craig Willis (Mac), Steve Patterson

Andrew Johnston '95 and Kirsten Bain

Boston University and Caroline is a stockbroker at Deutsche Bank Alex Brwan. They live on Beacon Hill in Boston.

Ian Carswell '93 married his long-time girlfriend, Krestena Sullivan in Kitchener, ON on December 21, 2003. David Gidley '94 and Natalie Diener are happy to announce their marriage in Perth, Australia on April 20, 2004. They now live in Adelaide, Australia where David is studying medicine at Flinder's University. Jacquie Keats ’94 and Greg Jack were married on July 3, 2004 in Blacksburg, Virginia. Jacquie is a chiropractor and Greg works as an assistant track and field coach for Virginia Tech University.

Andrew Johnston '95 and Kirsten Bain were married on June 20, 2004 in Vineland, Ontario. Michael Kulas '87 and Katie Griffin were married on June 12, 2004 at The Eglinton Grand Theatre in Toronto. In attendance from Lakefield was Best Man Evan Davies ‘87 and Hugh Rance ’88. Terry Ross '92 and Nancy Kay Hollingshead will celebrate their first year anniversary in August 2004. Terry and Nancy are living in Edmonton, where Terry is working for Alberta Innovation and Science, the department of the Provincial Government that

Bradford Hudson '80 was married to Caroline Coco

supports provincial science, research and

in May, 2004. Brad is a development officer at

technology commercialization activities.

Michael Kulas '87 and Katie Griffin

Terry Ross '92 and Nancy Kay Hollingshead


Births On February 21st, 2004, Anna Guest was baptized in the A.W. Mackenzie Chapel. Anna is the daughter of Jennifer and John Guest ’85 and the granddaughter of Terry and Susan Guest. Hudson O’Neill

Katelyn Ashely Fung was born on

Shane O'Neill ’91 and his wife,

April 1st, 2004 to Samantha and

Charity, are living in St. Louis,

Kevin Fung '90.

MO with their son, Hudson,

Faculty member Lorraine Brown

(born June 2003). Shane is

and her husband, Renato,

nearing the end of his residency

welcomed Ella Kay on April 30,

in Emergency Medicine.


LCS Faculty members Stuart Lee

Anne and Euan Mars ’92

and measured 21" in length. Big

and Diane Rogers are pleased to

welcomed Griffin Patrick Max

sister Madia is very excited to

announce the birth of their son,

Mars born on June 15, 2004 at

welcome home her new sister.

Tilson, on February 5th, 2004.

8lbs. 1oz. He's got the Grove

Below - “ The Leaning Tower of Tilson”

Below - Lorraine, Renato, and Ella Kay

The Grove waterfront - photograph by Simon Spivey

Griffin Patrick Max Mars

blood in him and Mom and Dad are very happy. Harper Mary McGowan was born on June 28th,2004 to Kristeen and Jim McGowan (faculty). She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces

Below - Harper Mary McGowan


In Our Memories Ross Little '25 on July 31, 2003.

uncle to Matt Frewer '76 and

Patricia Bastedo on February 17,

Grandfather to Chris Little '02,

Patrick Frewer '75.

2004 in Newfoundland. Mother

brother of uncle to Kim Little '53, and great-uncle to Ross Little '81 and Michael Little '84. Predeceased by his father, James Little '24.* Catherine Gordon, on October

J. Arthur Kingdon on December

to Robin Bastedo '69.

28, 2003 in Peterborough. Father

John Bayly on February 17, 2004.

of Randy Kingdon '66.

Father of Tim Bayly '97, Melissa

Campbell Seagram '54 on December 28, 2003 in Toronto.

McCracken '92. Harold Williams '57 on May 26, 2004 in Campbellford.

24, 2003. Grandmother of

Andrew Binnie '48 on January 10,

Christina Cox '96, mother of

2004 in Toronto. Father of

Joyce Frewer on June 17, 2004 in

Heather J. Cox and mother-in-

James '91, brother of Ian ‘48,

Toronto. Predeceased by her

law to Geoffrey Cox (former

uncle to Max ‘98, and Allie ‘93.

husband, John Frewer '34.


Bill Howe (Captain), Father of

Mother of Michael Frewer '68.

John Frewer '34 on December 12,

Decatur Howe '68 and Gordon

Cliff Abraham’74 on July 2, 2004

2003. Father of Michael

Howe '74 on January 12, 2004.

in Toronto. Father of Sean ’05,

Frewer '68, brother of Frederick Frewer '37 and Philip Frewer '40,

Mary Bewley on January 18, 2004, in England (see below).

brother of John ’76 and Robert Abraham ’76.

*Editor's note: In the Fall 2003 issue, we failed to include the Grove Family Members' names for Ross Little and Catherine Gordon. We would like to extend our sincere apology to the families for this error and have republished these announcements as they should have read.

Mary Bewley, Grove Matron Tim Ward ' 62

She attended our annual alumni dinners in London unfailingly, where she often met Henry Scott, famous

Miss Bewley was matron from about 1953 to 1962. We saw her as both a comic figure who attracted affection and as someone we thought rather intelligent.

for staying at school over the Easter break and forging a letter from the Headmaster to all parents saying the start of the summer term had been put off for two

She contributed greatly to the life of the school, not

weeks because of a local outbreak of some disease.

least by proposing and then writing the lyrics to a

She much enjoyed embarrassing me by regaling

very successful operetta based largely on the Mikado,

anyone who would listen with the story of how she

which she called Merrigrove. One of the songs began,

met me, aged eleven, walking towards Lakefield

"A Wandering Master I, a man of threads and

village one day in my best raincoat. When she asked

patches," which summed up a whole string of

me what I was doing I replied, "running away." To my

wandering staff who stopped at Lakefield for a year or

great benefit she said, "Oh no you're not. You're

two - usually, but not always, out from England. She

coming back to school with me."

herself stopped for about ten years and always had fond memories of that time of her life. She would recall with tremendous glee how the little boys used

She loved Lakefield and the funny things that happened there. The school is grateful to her for who she was and what she did while in Canada.

to behave, hurtling up and down the corridors in the junior school just before bedtime with very littleon, yelling after each other.

She is one to whom we show sorrow on her departure.


Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2004

Back Row

Fourth Row

(L-R) Paul Davies Pete Macnee Matthew Sheppard-Brown Bruce Lefebvre Jay McKague Mike Studli Angus Gastle Aram Melkoumov Geoff Silva Martin BrulĂŠ-Brosseau Brian Maxwell Brendan Fell Randy Makowchik Sebastien Kaine Chris Henry Jeremy Bird Ned Loach Wayne Chau Ramsey Shehadeh Felipe Ucros Charles McNestry Brandon Barbaro Andrew Walshe

(L-R) John Shin

James Cho Chad Edwards Koh Araki Kelly An Holly Rutherford Meaghan Dyas Amy Koza Danielle Scanlon Laura Reesor Gillie Dunn Kimberley Payne Katherine Rogers Kristin Hadfield Bo Ra Kim Karli Positano Andrew DeNure Brett Jan Corey Hunter

Third Row (L-R) Matthew Conway Heidi Gold Kelsey Ingram

Kelly Bignell Alison Farlow Mary-Anne Reid Lisa Park Rhiannon Moore Shakira Millar Siobhan Antoni Niki Garcia Cassidy Richardson Erin Northey Alyson Olsheski Dayna Rashotte Casey McLeod Josselyn Arsenault Sophie Grossman Callum Murray Bryan Goselin Simon McCleary

Second Row (L-R) Nisha Pinto Michele Buckley Natasha Heaselgrave Liz Kerr Sonya Park Martha Lowry

Beth Mullen Robin Sheung Leslie Han Katie Big Canoe Katie Byce Dyer Caity MacLeod Joanna Dafoe Coreena Taylor

First Row (L-R) Ali Kara Andrew Grummitt Adam Cooper Jordan Bragg James Ward Sam Clifford Leo Judek Eric Uhlmann Jesse Davids Adam Bishop Jackson Nai

Autographs from the “Grove Chronicle Summer and Winter Number 1956 - 1957�

4391 County Rd. 29, Lakefield, ON Canada K0L 2H0

If addressee has moved, DO NOT forward. Return with present address if known. Mailed under Canada Post Publication Agreement # 40025808 The Grove News is published twice a year by the Advancement Office. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please contact Tracey Blodgett at 705.652.3324 or tblodgett@lakefieldcs.on.ca, or visit our website at www.lakefieldcs.on.ca

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