September 2020

Page 48




Why is it hard to forgive those who hurt us? Our internal sense of justice goes against the idea of being exploited or hurt by others, that it oftentimes regards punishing others as an act of righteousness. It becomes righteous and fair to invest our anger and grudge in revenging or hurting the exploiter, in search for justice, healing, and reconciliation. Truth is, no matter how hard we revenge back, our wrong actions – that were driven from anger – will cause nothing but regrets, stress, and even depression. Unforgiveness is like a poison, the more you let it ignite within you, the more you will feel weary and heavy. Contrary to a popular belief, forgiveness doesn’t underestimate the amount of anger and hurt that one can feel during a hurtful event. It is normal to feel angry at someone who takes no responsibility for their hurtful actions. It is normal to feel angry at someone who asks for no forgiveness. And it is normal to feel angry at someone who hurts you intentionally and repeatedly. Forgiveness, however, teaches us to be stronger than the exploiter. 46 | SEPTEMBER 2020

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