laduelips SOCIE T Y
Valentine's Day Is Saturday
February 14th OPEN 8AM to 5:30PM THURSDAY, FEB. 12 FRIDAY, FEB. 13 OPEN 8AM to 5PM SATURDAY, FEB. 14
burr oak camp For boys and girls in preschool through sixth grade A traditional full-day camp that emphasizes swimming instruction and includes crafts, sports, woodworking, and games. Lunch is provided. Extended day is available.
Three two-week sessions from June 8 through July 17 For information: 314/993-4045, ext. 249
Romance youR Valentine Fresh cut flowers and beautiful blooming plants, always the finest gifts to say
“Be My Valentine”
755 South Price Road • 63124
9776 Clayton Rd. I 314-994-7304
FEBRUARY 6, 2015 {}
Sound the trumpets! The WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT Class of 2015 has been announced: CAROL BARTLE (Community Betterment), LISE BERNSTEIN (Social Justice), SARA BURKE (Cultural Enrichment), MAXINE CLARK (Educational Leadership), BETSY DOUGLASS (Educational Empowerment), DR. GHAZALA HAYAT (Multicultural Leadership), LEE ETTA HOSKINS (Youth Enrichment), CAROL LOEB (Educational Philanthropy), SHERI SHERMAN (Humanitarian Concerns), and PAMELA TALLEY (Community Advocacy). The ladies will be celebrated for their exceptional volunteerism in the community during the 60th annual Women of Achievement luncheon on Tuesday, May 5, at The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis. Visit or call 421-2005 for ticket information. Stay tuned for upcoming editions of Ladue News for profiles on each of the 2015 honorees. Ladue News is a proud presenting sponsor of the Women of Achievement Luncheon.
A Kirkwood High School senior is one of only seven students in the world to earn a perfect score on the Advanced Placement (AP) Exams. CAMERON KELL earned every point possible on the AP United States Government and Politics exam by answering all multiple-choice questions correctly and achieving full points on the free-response section of the test. Cameron is a member of Kirkwood’s football team and Pioneer Pride Marching Band. Well done!
Women of Achievement vice-president Joni Karandjeff, president Nanci Bobrow and 2015 luncheon chair Karen Castellano
The Emperor’s New Clothes will be presented at Clayton High School this Sunday, Feb. 8, to benefit a local literacy program for youngsters. The Rep’s Imaginary Theatre Company will perform a one-hour new musical adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen classic to support READY READERS, which helps preschool-age children from low-income communities. Doors open at 2 p.m. for first-come seating and family-friendly activities. The show begins at 3:30 p.m. Admission is $18 at the door.