Approaching the Throne: 40 Day Devotional

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40 Day Devotional

40 Day Devotional

i ntr o “And from there he arose and went away to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered a house and did not want anyone to know, yet he could not be hidden. But immediately a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell down at his feet. Now the woman was a Gentile, a Syrophoenician by birth. And she begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter. And he said to her, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” But she answered him, “Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” And he said to her, “For this statement you may go your way; the demon has left your daughter.” And she went home and found the child lying in bed and the demon gone.” Mark 7:24-30


ot only is prayer the highest form of communication, but it is the most direct form of communication. Prayer should shape our day, our agenda and our speech. It’s like deodor-

ant…the more you apply it, the less you sweat and the better you smell. As you begin this 40-day prayer journey, written by the Lake Church staff, I want you to consider two things that we see from this passage: First, there is never a bad time to call on Jesus. Note that the moment the woman found out that Jesus was available, she didn’t let anything get in the way. What’s true here and most other places we see prayer talked about in Scripture, is prayer is usually in the “present imperative” tense. That means there is continual action! Secondly, keep in mind that the aim of satanic power is to cut off communication with God. Circling back around to the first point… this is why the Bible encourages continual action. Know the schemes of the enemy. With that in mind, here is my prayer for you as you begin: Jesus, intimate and sovereign Lord, give us ears to hear, humility to learn and persistence to see your mighty hand. In Jesus name, Amen. Pastor Eric Herrstrom

DAY one

Withdrawing “But he (Jesus) would withdraw to desolate places to pray.” Luke 5:16 In the middle of an endless opportunity to help people, Jesus went off to a quiet place to pray. Jesus was surrounded by people who needed his help. I often feel like I am surrounded by people who need my help. Whether giving leadership at work or in the home, there are countless ways I sense people clamoring for my attention. At times it can seem overwhelming. At times it seems like the world revolves around me to make a decision or to complete a task. This is a prideful place to be. We read in the gospels how Jesus, God in flesh, withdrew to quiet places to commune with God the Father. Jesus, full of authority and power, went to the Father to receive authority and power. Jesus the giver of peace needed a peaceful transaction from His Father to then be able to distribute peace to His world around Him. Jesus’ influence had everything to do with the intentional time He got away and rested in His Fathers presence. Our ability to have Godly influence rests solely in our quiet times with Him. The greater our sphere of influence, the greater our need to withdraw to quiet places to receive peace and guidance from Him. May we rest as though the world revolves around and relies on the Creator who hangs the stars and spins the planets and not ourselves. May we seek after our peace giver and trust His leadership. - Katrina Parlin


DAY two

You Don’t Have Because You Don’t Ask “Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:9-11 Several months ago, I was walking towards UT Arlington’s campus and passed by an old Lutheran Student Center that looked…well abandoned. This was puzzling to me in that it was right across the street from the second biggest university in the state of Texas and my primary place of ministry. But when I asked a couple of local friends about it, they both said that it hadn’t been used in a few years and the owners were unwilling to part ways with it. So, I approached Pastor Eric about it and we started gathering some information. Finding out that it was the Lutheran state board that owned the building, we reached out to them to inquire about the present status and were met with a closed door… A few days later, on a rainy February day, our entire staff drove over to the building and spent time praying aloud, asking God for the provision of this place. During this time of prayer, one theme pervaded, and that was God’s glory. Everything is to that end. After a few more months of inquiring, the owners agreed to sell us the building for half of what the property was valued at. Having since purchased this property, we now pray and believe this place will become a staple for God’s ministry on UT Arlington’s campus for decades to come. Our heavenly Father is a giver of good gifts. Gifts that result in His glory and our good. Ask. Knock. Seek. - Thomas Shroder


DAY three

Exceptionally Ordinary “Do not despise the small beginnings.” Zechariah 4:10 “Be exceptional in the ordinary things.” Oswald Chambers When our children were preschoolers, we had a magnet on our refrigerator that read, “The job of stay home parent would bring most CEO’s to their knees.” Not only is the job of stay home parent crazy hard, the day in and day out of care giving can often feel very insignificant and ordinary. The day in and day out hard work of prayer can feel insignificant and ordinary as well. The Red Sea did not part this morning, Goliath was not slain this week, and there was no blinding revelation on the road to Damascus all year long! Months of work helping a child learn to walk is celebrated in that extraordinary moment when they launch off on their own and do not fall. The child walks, and then runs, because someone was willing to invest the effort. Because I will not see most of the results of my regular intercession for others this side of Heaven, it can look and feel ineffective. The exact opposite is true (James 5:16). Spiritual evil hopes I never realize the cumulative ongoing generational impact! God occasionally allows me to witness the extraordinary touch of his hand through my prayers, and just like the parent knows it was worth the investment in that moment the child walks, I know my investment was worth it when I see those prayed for walk spiritually. Be exceptional in the ordinary. - Ed Laymance


DAY four

Go back to places that remind you of God’s faithfulness to renew your faith. “That this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ Then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.” Joshua 4:6-7 I (TJ) got some new wheels back in the Fall. My grandfather called me out of the blue and asked if I’d buy his Dodge Durango. I did, but even at the sweet price grandpa offered, I didn’t have the cash. On a whim and definitely a prayer, I posted my OLD car for sale on Facebook, just to see if maybe I could get close to having the funds I needed. Within an hour, a family bought my car, and another family just gave me the funds to purchase the Durango. It was unbelievable. I named my new ride Elroy. He’s got a nameplate on the back in big silver letters. I did that because I wanted my family to remember how El Roi, the God who sees, takes care of His own. I don’t ever want to forget that. I really don’t want my kids to ever forget. Every time we approach Elroy after work, after a funeral, after a lost ball game, before and after school, and any number of other days we are reminded God sees us, cares, hears our prayers, and actively intervenes in our lives. What are the “stones” of remembrance you’ve set up in your life? - TJ Lewis


DAY five

Omnipotent “…so shall my word be…” Isaiah 55:11 This is a word I heard in worship songs growing up in the church. It’s not a word I hear too much anymore. Omnipotent means having unlimited power. Just think about that word UNLIMITED, without limit. God is omnipotent. This revelation makes me keenly aware that God can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, however He wants. Isaiah 55:11 says, “… so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” My part is to partner with His will and purpose. I have found prayer is as much me listening to what He is saying, asking Him for what I need, and thanking Him for what He has done and who He is. I must seek the Lord on a daily basis to know Him, to gain the power to follow His will. This is what prayer is for me. It is spending time with God, hearing His will and His purpose, and receiving His power for me to partner with His purposes. I have found nothing in this life to be more fulfilling than my life with God. Knowing His will, and being a part of seeing it accomplished here on the earth! What a privilege that the God of the universe wants us to partner with Him. - Heather Craig


DAY six

Pursue Dependence > Independence “Therefore, let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found.” Psalm 32:6 To be a Christians without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing. Prayer, like breathing, is something essential to our existence. Breathing is necessary for everything we do. It enables every activity. Likewise, prayer is basic and vital; therefore, we need to become dependent on prayer. Dependent prayers are effective prayers. And, a needy heart is a praying heart. Dependency is the heartbeat of Prayer, and this learned desperation is at the heart of a praying life. When we live in dependence of God, prayer is natural like our breath...we don’t even think about it, rather it just happens. But, often we may treat prayer as something it’s meant to be used when we can’t “handle” something on our own. We may treat it like prescription medication meant to rid us of an infection. Once the infection is gone, so is the frequency and fervency of our prayers. But, prayer is oxygen for the Christian. It sustains us. So, it follows that prayer must become like our breath. Lord, help us become prayer dependent. That we’d walk in your strength not our own. That we’d trust in your power, not our own. Help me remember that I am helpless and You are my source of help. - Eric Herrstrom


DAY seven

Prayer Turns Us Toward God “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26.41 Often my default position is to do my own thing…as Sinatra said, “My Way”. However, that is always contrary to God’s Way. The disciplines of scripture reading, worship, and especially prayer, all work to turn me towards the Father. The discipline of prayer is specifically unique because it is always available. Always accessible, prayer can, and should be my go to practice to avoid temptation, make good decisions, offer grace, etc… It is through prayer in desperate times, or times of peace, that I should look to keep my eyes on Jesus. Being smart about the world around me, combined with the privilege of prayer, I can defeat the everyday temptations. While the world wants to pull me away from the Kingdom, the always available act of prayer, is the lifeline I need to talk with God. The more I talk with God, the more I am amazed at His creation, His provision, His goodness, His plan for the world as well as His grace and patience He expresses towards me, a broken sinner, but also a child of the King! God desires for me to turn towards Him. Praying in season and out of season means to pray at all times. As I pray, my focus is on God, not on the world and best of all, my focus isn’t on me. - David Chase


DAY eight

Making Plans “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16.9 Making plans for your future or your family’s future is wise and sensible. In fact, God’s Word tells us to seek wise and Godly counsel. Sometimes our plans can be good, healthy, or to us make all the sense in the world. Often, I think my plan is what God wants me to do so I set out to do just that. Then all of a sudden, I am stopped dead in my tracks! Just like Joseph, he had a plan, but God took him in a totally different direction. Truth is that God determines all things. I can get up in the morning and plan my day; what’s for dinner; do I stop at the store on the way home; how long will it take for me to complete a task, and the list goes on. But in the midst of all this planning, God will give me a chance to talk with someone, help someone, or give me a still moment to be with Him. God may permit my plans to move forward or He may override my plans, but what a comfort to know that while we have the freedom to make our plans, the Lord will direct our feet into the way best for us. The opportunities for God to direct your path are there, we just need to pay attention. - Sue Flahaut


DAY nine

Testimony “Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 1:8-9 I grew up with a Baptist father and a Buddhist mother. My dad died of lung cancer in 1997 and my mother suddenly died of a heart issue in 2001. Shortly after that I was in a vehicle accident that killed two people. I was arrested for intoxication manslaughter. While incarcerated, God got a hold of me and everything changed! When we share our testimony, we are glorifying God. Testimonies are great demonstrations of God’s love, mercy, and grace. They show people how God is present today and what He is doing in peoples’ lives. Scripture is a great way to share what God did, but testimonies share what God is doing. The enemy would love for us not to share our testimonies, he even puts shame, fear, and doubt in our thoughts so we do not share. But remember, God is Sovereign over all and when we place our faith in Him, the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth for those to see. So remember, the enemy would have liked me to keep my story to myself. He does not want people to hear about the greatness of God. So, I want to challenge you. Share your testimony with someone this week and bring glory to God. - James Burns


DAY ten

If God did it for them, He might just do it for me “For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.” Psalm 86:5 Each of us has a story about how we came to know Jesus. Whether we came to know Jesus as a child, a teen, or just last week, the moment was powerful and significant. When I came to know Jesus as an adult, my life was empty and filled with sin, shame, and guilt. I found at times it was difficult to believe in my head that my sin had been completely paid for and actually believe that He forgave me as He has for others who have called upon Him. I still struggle at times letting go of all my “baggage” and Satan loves to try to keep me there. We need to remember that once we have given Him authority in our lives, we start to become the best version of ourselves! The fact is, He has completely forgiven us. Knowing the things Jesus has done for me in the past, and the things he continues to do for me today, I know in the eyes of my Father, I will always be perfectly imperfect. He is completely aware of our imperfections and He still loves us! He never intended for us to live a cloud of our past. He has called us to a life of joy. The Lord promises forgiveness to all His children! - Kristen Woods


DAY eleven

Our prayers live on, long after we die “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19-20 Treasures…I have never really given much thought to that word in Matthew 6:20 until recently. I have always equated legacy with having children. Before I married, I had always dreamed of bouncing my great-grandchild on my knee. Well, reality for me was infertility and illness that made adoption impossible and a broken dream. Well-meaning folks tried to comfort me with encouragement to pray for children in my family or the kids I was volunteering with at the time. I languished in grief for years, so many prayers sent to Heaven for a child. I made attempts to be a part of nieces and nephew’s lives, but it is not the same as the responsibility and the opportunity to pour into your child’s life. It was not too long ago that I had given up on the dream, to leave a legacy for future generations; to begin a godly heritage. God promises to bless a thousand generations for those that love Him and here I don’t have one child...But God! Answers to prayers for health have come! The opportunity to adopt a teen from foster care is becoming a reality! Prayers for extended family have been answered! Thirty plus years of prayers. One day in Heaven there will be a reunion of all those before and after. I cannot wait to see what that looks like! That thought also encourages me to pray more fervently than I ever have! - Pam Mason


DAY twelve

Leaps of Faith “At Caesarea, there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion of what was known as the Italian Cohort, a devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God.” Acts 10:2 I love the way the Bible describes Cornelius in Acts 10:2. He is cast with great strength, dignity, and sincerity. He is a leader with a post commanding the respect of a hundred men. He is a man of devotion, devout in his pursuit of both God and family. He is marked by generosity. He is known for how he cares for the Jewish community in which he lives. And most importantly, he is a man of prayer, continually praying to God. Cornelius’ character traits are admirable and I want this description to be said of my own life—devout, a man fearing God, generous, a man of prayer. It is what Cornelius did with his character though that truly captures me. God had His eyes on Cornelius and He instilled in Cornelius a heart of devotion. He made sure Cornelius was up for the task ahead and just at the right time, God sent Cornelius his assignment. Cornelius had to be obedient and fulfill his responsibility to the kingdom at just the right moment. He was unaware of what the future held but he knew he had to bring others along with him. Cornelius packed his house full of people to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cornelius was chosen by God for an enormous task. Cornelius operated in faith and it paid eternal dividends for countless others. Our big steps of faith, lead to bigger leaps of faith. Let’s be like Cornelius and bring others along with us. - Phil Walleck


DAY thirteen

Too Much to do Not to Pray “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And then the tempter came…” Matthew 4:1-3 Do you ever read this passage and think, “Satan really is the worst man.” I mean, how typical is it of Satan to come when a man is at his weakest? Jesus just spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting… and then Satan decides to tempt Him. But if we read this passage a bit closer, it does not allude to Jesus being weak at all when Satan comes to tempt Him. In fact, it seems as though it was quite the opposite. In context, Jesus had just been baptized, and then proceeded to inaugurate His public ministry not by preaching to the masses or healing the sick, but by entering into the wilderness. The Greek term for wilderness (erēmos) can also mean the solitary place which Henri Nouwen defines as “a time and place for God, and Him alone,” and elsewhere, “the furnace of transformation.” So, Jesus begins His ministry by spending 40 days and nights in the solitary place, in the presence of God. And we see Him come out of this place not at His weakest but at His strongest. In other words, as His public ministry began, Jesus knew He had too much to do not to pray. Take advantage of the little solitudes that fill your day. Whether that’s your early morning cup of coffee before the kids wake up or your time in traffic on the way to work, leverage this time to be with your Father so that when Satan comes, you may be at your strongest. - Thomas Shroder


DAY fourteen

Nothing Is Too Big for God “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 For all of us who have received and believed in Jesus, who are called his children. We must remember who it is calling us children. Just who is our Father? Our father is the creator of all things, he placed the moon and the stars in the sky. The Psalmist reminds us of this: “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place.” There is nothing he cannot do. He is Lord of the impossible. Our challenge is to keep our eyes on what cannot be seen. What we see affects our view and understanding of who we were created to be and what God invites us to do. We have been invited by the creator of the universe to conduct our lives in his authority in heaven and earth. To live our lives on His playing field where everything is possible, we continually miss the mark because we forget our identity. We must remember Jesus sends us out to represent him, what he can do. It is not about what we know or how gifted we are, it is all about what he can do. Our hopes and dreams reflect on our Father, we must live as children of the living God. - David Balyeat


DAY Fifteen

Prayers Welcomed… “Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord teach us to pray.” Luke 11:1 I did not grow up in a family that prayed together or even at all. I never understood the power of prayer or simply having a conversation with who I know as my Heavenly Father until adulthood. I have since witnessed and experienced the power of real prayer! In my prayer life, I tend to get caught up in praying the right way or with the right biblical words, or doubt what I have to say or ask is worthy. I must remember this is simply not true, our Father loves to hear from us, we are His children. He desires for us to talk with Him about anything and everything, big or small. Prayer time with our Father should be opening our hearts, exposing our feelings, and letting our guard down. Simply, keeping it real. Our Father does not require fancy or scholarly, well thought out prayers. Whether you speak your message out loud, whisper it, or just think it in your head, our Father hears us. We should talk with our Father openly and at any time, even during the most “non-traditional” times, in a very personal way! Our Father does not put parameters or guidelines on our prayers as we speak to Him. He welcomes and hears our every prayer; we are his children who He loves! - Kristen Woods


DAY sixteen

If we don’t pray, our work won’t work. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear f ruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much f ruit, for apart f rom me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5 The word for nothing in V. 5 means…nothing. Shocking, right?


looked it up. Turns out, it’s such a strong word for nothing that specifically it “leaves no room for exceptions.” Jesus wasn’t playing around when He said “without me, you can do NOTHING.” I don’t take that seriously enough. I fail to acknowledge Jesus’ grace in my life by allowing me to do all sorts of stuff when I don’t recognize Him as the source of my capabilities. Worse still though is I fail to recognize that things I’m trying to accomplish for Jesus aren’t truly effective if I don’t ask Him to make it so. My preaching is f ruitless if He doesn’t speak. My serving is f ruitless if He doesn’t work. My kindness is fruitless if He doesn’t reach out. Now, because Jesus is gracious, He has often advanced His Kingdom around me, despite my failure to remember He is the source. Nonetheless, I and we, would do well to believe that nothing means nothing, but we CAN bear f ruit if we abide. Ask Jesus to help you today; ESPECIALLY with the stuff you can do on your own. - TJ Lewis


DAY seventeen

Dad’s Presence “But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.” Psalm 73:28 I was 9 years old when we took our first “big” vacation. From Baton Rouge, LA to Yellowstone, WY and back. I had no idea where we were going, but my Dad did. All I needed to do was stick with my Dad. So, we hopped into the ’64 Chevy pickup and the adventure began. I wasn’t worried where we were going, how we’d get there, or when. Dad was in charge. The family just enjoyed the ride. When we stopped Dad would tell us what we got to see and do. Every stop was a new adventure. It was amazing seeing and experiencing things we’d never imagined seeing. I’d never heard of the Grand Canyon or Old Faithful, until I saw them! The “big” vacation is one of the most cherished memories I like to tell people about my childhood. But I would have missed it if I had not been with my Dad. Sometimes, I find myself lacking that childlike faith I had then. Seems to be more issues chipping at my faith. There’s more stuff demanding my thoughts, time, and attention away from my heavenly Dad. All the more I must “make” the time to stay in Dad’s presence. “Lord, thank You that You are in control. I choose to stay with You. I don’t want to miss anything You’ve got planned. In Jesus’ name.” - David Jenkins


DAY eighteen

Persistence “And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them?” Luke 18:7 Every day gives me the opportunity to have a conversation with God, sometimes I will talk with Him for hours about the same thing. I don’t think He minds at all! The point is we can all talk with Him all the time, every day, every moment. When I was battling cancer and on chemo, I would cry out to God every day asking Him to help take away the cancer, the being sick all the time, and to give me peace. God’s Word will and can give us answers to all our problems, issues, and concerns, we just have to be diligent to ask and receive what He has for us. Luke 18:1-8 tells us the parable of the Persistent Widow. I believe this passage teaches the importance of persistent prayer. We should consistently talk with God about everything, the good and the bad. If persistence pays off with a corrupt human of limited power, as we see in this passage, how much more will it pay off with a just God of infinite power? We are His chosen ones, children of the One True God. Cry out to Him, day and night, be persistent in asking, listening, and receiving all the blessings that He promises. When we are faithful to depend on God, He is faithful to provide. - Sue Flahaut


DAY nineteen

Family Worship “…But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15c It is often said that a church leader’s family is his first church and I believe that is true. The Apostle Paul wondered how someone would be able to lead the Church of God if he does not know how to first lead his family (1 Tim. 3:5). When Pastor Eric invited the staff to 40-days of prayer and devotion, I did not want to do it alone. I invited my family to be involved too. We all went through the entire book as a family. Those forty days helped to strengthen our already-existing family time of Bible reading, worship, prayer, and fellowship. In the end, the devotional book became the second book we have read together as a family, after the Bible. There is a lot that happens spiritually when we read the Bible, worship, pray, and fellowship together as a family. Devotional time has become a standard in our home such that my wife and I are accountable to our children and they are accountable to us. As a father, I have seen God change us and resolve family conflicts in amazing ways just because we gather to read God’s Word and pray together. If you are already gathering with your family for the Word and Worship, keep doing so and refuse to give up when the enemy wants to take that time away. If you are not gathering as a family for prayer, praise, and worship, I would encourage you to begin doing so. There is great spiritual benefit in doing so. I believe that the Church’s greatest need today is the institution of the Word and Worship in Christian families. - Genesis Tinshu


DAY twenty

Take in the view “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 Years ago, my wife and I took a road trip across the United States. One of the most beautiful places we visited on that trip was The Grand Canyon. We had heard The Grand Canyon was pretty amazing and we had seen plenty of pictures. Unfortunately, due to a gross miscalculation in grasping the definition of the word Grand in the title, our allotted time to visit the park was a total of four hours on a Thursday afternoon. Upon our late arrival, we set out to get the best view possible. Moving away from the masses, we jumped the rail and headed down the path. The further we went, the narrower the trail became. Optimistic the trail would open back up, we pressed forward. With our backs hugging the side of the canyon wall and our toes hanging over the edge of the trail we came to an impasse. We stood mesmerized by the view. And then—out of nowhere—an enormous gust of wind shook us. It was terrifying. The power of that moment still echoes in my mind. “What are we doing? All those rocks down there, used to be up here.” God used the might of the wind to save us that day. The temperature dropped about 40 degrees as it began to rain. What started out as a poorly planned four-hour trip got cut to about two. We were on a reckless path and the Spirit of God intervened to save us from ourselves. Take a moment to praise God for delivering you from a reckless path. - Phil Walleck


DAy twenty one

Spiritual Glasses “Call unto me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3 “The only way for you to know God’s will is for him to reveal it to you. You will never discover it on your own.” Henry Blackaby One day we noticed our young son squinting to see something in the distance. Sure enough, he needed glasses. I will never forget the look on his face when he put on glasses for the first time – amazement and wonder as he surveyed this clear, colorful brand-new world! One aspect of prayer is putting on spiritual glasses. We are able to see spiritual reality that is not seen with our physical eyes. I will not know the right question to ask, the best direction to go, or the counsel I even need to seek. This is why I am constantly asking God for his divine revelation and wisdom many times a day, all day long. Relying on my own best thinking is never a good plan! Sometimes God gives his revelation as I am in the process of asking. That always makes me smile. Wow. He really does know what I need before I ask! However, most of the time, his direction comes hours, days, weeks, months, even years later. Why? Because my confidence in Jesus can only grow as I trust him through the difficulties, adversity, and the hard things of life. Ask for revelation. - Ed Laymance


DAY twenty two

Looking Back “I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me…” Habakkuk 2:1 When I think about a watchpost or watchtower in my life, I think about being able to see what God has done in the past to encourage me to keep moving forward. It has been a practice in my life and I encourage you to make it a practice in your life. Take time to remember what God has done in your life because God has written our story, and everything that we go through is meant to help us move closer to him and to his plan for our lives. I know when I run into hard times or just times that are dry and feel unproductive or unfruitful, I like to remember how God got me through trials in the past. I remember a time where my family had moved from Colorado to Iowa and we knew very few people and I had to go to a new school. It was scary, but through that season, God grew our family closer together and help us to depend on Him more then the people around us. This continued to come true in my life, because God had plans to move my wife Jess and I several times after. Because I had a time to look back on those experiences, I could remember God’s provision in transition. I knew I could trust Him to continue to provide again! Take some time today to thank God and remember how he has worked in you. - Jared Phillips


DAy twenty three

God’s Kingdom or Our Kingdom “Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10 God’s Kingdom verses our kingdom. Do we seek guidance on where we fit into God’s Kingdom or do we strong arm ourselves into thinking our well intentioned plans are a part of His Kingdom? If you want guidance on whether or not you are seeking God’s Kingdom or your kingdom coming to pass, my limited advice would be to start praying out loud. Whenever I pray out loud, the intentions of my heart are exposed. Many times, the moment I finish a sentence of prayer out loud, God’s spirit responds back to my heart and either verifies the longing or seems to put a question mark around what I just shared. When a question mark appears it often reveals a desire of my flesh or a wrong thinking. Prayer is the way we escape the gravitational pull of the flesh and enter into God’s orbit. God’s Spirit responds in giving guidance into understand His will. Jesus taught us to pray in terms of the Kingdom of God. His Kingdom is far greater than anything we could ever imagine. He wants us to be included in the work of ushering in His Kingdom. May we seek His presence that guides and directs. - Katrina Parlin


DAY twenty four

Prayer isn’t the goal, it’s the process “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12.1-2 As a believer seeking God, He is doing a transforming work in me. It is a refining process which is full of joy, but it isn’t fun. I desire to complete tasks, make progress, see my finished product…but often what I really need is to step back and recognize that my goal isn’t always God’s goal. His is infinitely better, but it’s a winding path to get me where I need and want to be. It’s a process, a journey without a destination on this side of Heaven. My life is the daily walk in which I am able to be transformed by living for the Kingdom. It is my opportunity to become more like Christ. Living my life is not only how I serve others, but it is also how I carry out my own discipleship, renewing my mind towards the will of God. “We tend to view the goal as the goal, but in God’s economy, the process is the goal. It’s not about what we’ve done at all; it’s about who we’re becoming in the process.” (Batterson, Draw the Circle) - David Chase


DAy twenty five

No Fear “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 God does not call the qualified He qualifies the called. We must have the faith to take the first step. Once we take the first step, God will reveal the path and guide us through it. The enemy likes to tell us we are not qualified enough. But, the only qualifications we need is the trust and faith in God. Most recently, I was asked to create and lead a devotional for my Facilities Manager organization. I was hesitant about doing this, and the enemy started putting doubts in my head. He started telling me how I was not qualified. “You do not have a seminary degree, you are not a pastor, and you are not versed in the Bible enough.” But, I decided to trust God and took the first step by leading the devotional. God took over and planned exactly what He wanted me to say and on the day of the townhall meeting, I was more than qualified. The Holy Spirit took over, I was not even nervous, every word just flowed out and afterward, my brothers told me how great the devotion was. I am not even sure exactly what I said that day or how I said it, I only remember the general context of the devotion. God took over and got the message He wanted out. It would have been easy to say no and get someone else to lead the devotion. But, I would have been disobedient. By being obedient and taking that first step, God lead me through the other steps. Do not be afraid of the first step. Have faith and take it because a whole new path will be illuminated for you. - James Burns


DAY twenty six

The Father is Smiling “The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man …sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32 Do you ever wonder if what you do for God really matters? It does to Him! If He cares about the birds of the air, the lilies of the field, the number of hairs on your head, then He cares about the “little things” you do for Him. The parable said the farmer sowed the littlest seed. No matter how small you may think your work or faith may be, do it in obedience, knowing your Father is smiling. Keep doing the small things, the ordinary things. They matter to God. Do the work and leave the results to Him. Oswald Chambers wrote, “It is inbred in us that we have to do exceptional things for God; but we have not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things”. If we are obedient to do the “ordinary”, God will add the extra to it. From the song of Keith Green, “You keep doing your best. Pray that it’s blessed. Jesus takes care of the rest. Yes, the Lord said He’ll take care of the rest.” “Lord, I believe in You. Take the work that I do and the seeds that I plant, and make them grow for Your glory and for the salvation of others. In Jesus’ name.” - David Jenkins


DAy twenty seven

My prayers are planting seeds for my children and grandchildren to feast on later. “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 Some of you were here when Lake Church was born. There’s at least one family in our church who was part of the planting that now have grandchildren here. That’s a pretty incredible thought; the blood, sweat, tears, prayers, and work of folks who took a pretty big chance in moving over here is now being enjoyed by their grandkids over four decades later. One of my former pastors in another city has told me for over a decade that he and his bride pray every Wednesday morning for God to help me disciple students effectively. Even after I left his church for another, they felt impressed to continue those prayers. As “fate” would have it, I’m now the youth pastor of their oldest granddaughter. They’ve since told me that “occasionally” I receive more than just Wednesday morning prayers. We pray for dozens of things daily, with a plethora of motives behind those prayers. One of the beautiful things about our Savior is we never know how or when He will answer them, but we can trust that because He’s good, eternal, and extravagantly kind, He can and will do more than we sought. And, know that His kindness is very often extended way beyond us. As you seek the Lord today, pray with your great, great, great grandkids in mind. Implore Jesus to work in such a way that long after you are gone, your family whom you’ll never meet is still basking in the fruit of things that you petitioned the Father. I believe Jesus wants that even more than we do. - TJ Lewis


DAY twenty eight

God’s Master Plan “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18 My family and I have circled South Walton Florida in prayer for the last few years. We believe God is sending us to pastor and shape South Walton for His glorious name sake. As we have prayed and visited this community, we have become aware of a need for new gospel-centered, mission-minded churches in that area. We have also become aware that this community will continue to have this need for years to come unless someone intervenes. The more we pray and visit South Walton, our awareness turns to affection. We love South Walton and want her to know Jesus. As we have spoken with local pastors and convention leaders about the area, we are continuing to hear that they need help reaching this people with the Gospel. How divine! When we unite under a divine call, in a divine plan, we participate in divine binding on earth (Matthew 18:18). God’s will is accomplished through us by the Spirit’s guidance of His faithful and faith-filled people. Our church circles South Walton in prayer because we believe there is a divine binding in process. There is a holy authority given to the people of God that coincides with God divinely building His kingdom. Each of us who are in Christ today are a part of a master plan that God has been coordinating from before we were born. God is acutely aware of every detail in His plan and He knows exactly who is needed for His plan to be accomplished. - Phil Walleck


DAy twenty nine

Rest “And on the seventh day, God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” Genesis 2:2-3 I am naturally a doer. I like marking things off a checklist and achieving all the gold stars. I am one who struggles to stay present in a dinner conversation and not worry about someone’s drink constantly being on a coaster. I can often wrestle to sit with my husband on the couch if there are twenty other things “needing” to be done. But, here’s the truth… I tend to find my worth in the doing. My tendency is to focus on the 6 days of creation instead of also remembering what God did on the 7th. But, here’s another truth… God has gifted me to be efficient. God has gifted me in organization and gifted me to flourish with managing tasks. But, here’s the final truth… The problem arises when my worth transfers to my gifts instead of the creator behind the gifting. The problem continues when my knuckles are white, and my fists are closed. Rest is a struggle because my need for control is present. Rest is a struggle because I am not dependent on seeking the Lord and remembering I had no control in the first place. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14. Notice the 4 key ingredients here are to humbly approach, pray, seek, and turn. In Jesus name, let it be so of me. Let it be so of us. - Hannah Morris


DAY thirty

Waiting for answers is growing time “But they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint.� Isaiah 40:31 Waiting is a hard thing to do. In the world we live in today, we seem to think that nothing takes time anymore. Everything should be available when I want it or I need whatever will make my wishes come true right now! When we box ourselves into this kind of predicament, we fail to allow God to take part in our lives. We initiate the request and apparently know exactly what we want when we should have it, etc. As the Lord seeks to shape us and mold us to be more like him, we must allow him to do with us what he wants even if it is not what we want for ourselves. I have found that sometimes for God to use me for even a few seconds, I may have to wait for hours. In other words, timing is a very important component that is not valued much because there seems to be only one type of timing, NOW! Many times, God will provide us an opportunity to grow not while we are doing but while we wait. After all, patience is also evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us. - David Balyeat


DAy thirty one

Don’t Forget And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2 The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory. So often we think that we will always remember the God things in our lives when they happen, so we forget to write them down. The problem is that without writing it down, you give yourself the chance to forget. I have done this so often and have to remind myself to write memories down, or at least type them out, so that I can look back and see what God has done and is doing in my life all around me. When I read the statement above, I am intrigued because it is so true. Even people with the best memories forget things. I don’t want to give myself a chance to forget anything God has done in my life or the lives of those around me. Take some time today to really think back and write down any God sightings in your life as well as remind yourself that writing things down is important. Pray and thank God for the opportunity of seeing him do his work in and through you. Ask God to give you more opportunities to write about his work in your life! - Jared Phillips


DAY thirty two

Prayer Changes Me from the Inside Out “One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 Prayer for me is communion with God. It’s being with Him, in His presence. I can’t be in the presence of the King, the Most High, and come out the same as I was when I came in. Like any other relationship, the more time I spend with Him the more like Him I become. In Psalm 27:4, it says, “One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.” Prayer is seeking the face of God. Seeing His face changes us. His beauty, His holiness, His grace, His mercy, His love. Then in Psalm 27:8, it says, “You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, Your face, LORD, do I seek.” The veil was torn so we can enter in to the Holy of Holies. Prayer is spending time with God to know Him. To allow His goodness to change us. To turn our hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. To fill us with hope and joy, the ability to walk by faith and not sight, to strengthen us, to give us wisdom, revelation, and knowledge. To have peace no matter the circumstances. We can find shelter, refuge, provision, protection, freedom, and healing in the secret place of prayer. - Heather Craig


DAy thirty three

If the Holy Spirit prompts “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:19-20 I work our Lake Church Produce Bank Thursday afternoons. I am a social butterfly, enjoy meeting new people, and talking with everyone who comes through the line. I know most of the people who come are truly in need and I say a silent prayer for each of them. If time allows, we try to get to know them and look for opportunities to share our faith. One Thursday, a man came for the first time and he was so appreciative. He mentioned he had just lost his job and he did not know how he was going to pay for groceries. It is not the first time I have heard that since we have been part of the produce giveaway, but this time was different. I sensed that I needed to ask him if I could pray for him right there. I hesitated…I reasoned I could do this for everyone that comes through the line. BUT, the Holy Spirit literally moved me to the driver’s door and I heard myself say, ‘Can I pray for you right now?’ He said ‘Yes!’ I asked him his name and asked those around us to join and we prayed. We prayed for peace, provision, and that God would make Himself known to this gentleman and his family. I may never know on this side of Heaven how God answered that prayer, but I am grateful for the opportunity to mark territory for God. - Pam Mason


DAY thirty four

Your Will “Father, if you are wiling, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” Luke 22:42 We want to practice what we believe. That means what we believe is important because it will shape the outcome of our lives. If I believe an error, I will wholeheartedly practice that error and defend it as best as I can. If I believe the truth, I will practice the truth and guard it. When it comes to prayer, what we believe about prayer greatly shapes our expectations when we pray. While I understood prayer as an opportunity to come to God in worship, praise, and thanksgiving with my supplications and requests, I did not understand that more than that, prayer should be a time to seek to understand what God’s will is concerning what I am praying about. That changes my expectations in prayer. It moves me from a place of expecting to receive what I prayed for to expecting to see what God might do with the requests I offered to him. When Jesus asked His Father that His will be done (Luke 22:42), it is not because Jesus did not know exactly what to ask for. He was submitting His will to His Father’s. Again, the purpose of prayer is not to get what you want; the goal of prayer is to discern what God wants, what God wills. - Genesis Tinshu


DAy thirty five

Seek “Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His presence continually!” (Psalm 105:4) “Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while he is near.” (Isaiah 55:3) Scripture says we are to seek the Lord continually. Why? Is God lost? No. God is always with me. He’s omnipresent. He’s always with me in the sense of His covenant commitment, through the blood of Christ. “Behold I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). But I get easily sidetracked away from Him. If I am distracted, persuaded by the flesh and the world’s culture, I become neglectful of God. The sense of His presence and face are “hidden behind the curtain of [my] carnal desires”. That’s why I am to seek Him continually. What does it mean to seek Him? John Piper explains, “Both the Old and New Testaments say it is a ‘setting of the mind and heart’ on God. It is the conscious fixing or focusing of our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection on God” (1 Chron. 22:19; Col 3:1-2). I want to experience more of His presence. So I continue to give myself to set my mind toward God through His creation, through His Word and through those who have received His grace. That means calling to Him, as Jesus did each morning and that night in the Garden. Jesus called out to His Father continually. So must I. So must we as His church. “Lord, teach us to pray. Teach us to seek You continually. In Jesus name.” - David Jenkins


DAY thirty six

Too Much to do Not to Pray “Jesus frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray.” Luke 5:16 6:30 AM, alarm goes off… rub your eyes, check your phone… social media says the world is burning down… staff meeting at 9:30 this morning… coffee sounds nice… walk down to the kitchen, no one did the dishes last night… go wake up the kids for school, Johnny forgot to do his homework… make everyone breakfast, get ready… don’t forget lunches, running late, forgot to make coffee… Does Starbucks offer espresso transfusions? Drive the kids to school, speed off to work… did I put deodorant on? Get to our staff meeting, sleep sounds nice… 12 more hours to go. We live in a hurried world... one that takes a toll on us physically, mentally, and spiritually every day. Yet when we look at the gospels, a hurried Jesus is not only absent from all four accounts but hard to even imagine. “Yeah, but He’s God,” you say… You’re right, yet in no way did he model for us self-dependency. Jesus “frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray,” (Lk. 5:16), to abide with the Father, to be strengthened and led by the Spirit. Why? Because Jesus had too much to do not to pray. In fact, there are nine stories in the Gospel of Luke alone where Jesus responds to the busyness of life by first seeking His Father in prayer. So, let us follow in the footsteps of our Teacher today, because in our hurried world, we simply have too much to do not to pray. - Thomas Shroder


DAy thirty seven

Spiritual Markers “Set up road markers for yourself; make yourself guideposts; consider well the highway, the road by which you went.” Jeremiah 31:21 “Going back to places of spiritual significance can help us find our way forward again.” Mark Batterson I had a defining moment on a hillside at Falls Creek Oklahoma on a Thursday afternoon in 1966. It was there that I wrestled for about 5 hours with the question of whether or not I would go all in with Jesus. I decided yes, and that hillside became a sacred place for me. I reaffirmed my decision there every year I was at Falls Creek over the next 39 years. I took my wife there our first year of marriage. As Youth Pastor, I took students to the place and told my story. When my own children were at Falls Creek as campers, I took them there. I have some pictures of the place and several pieces of rock from the hillside. I have not physically visited that spot since 2005, but I go there in my spirit regularly when I look at the pictures or touch the rocks. There are other markers like this that I have as well. I do not know who suggested I start doing this early in my walk with Jesus, but I am so glad I have done so. These markers are not just about remembering, they help me renew past commitments and better engage present challenges. Make spiritual markers. - Ed Laymance


DAY thirty eight

I Trust You “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.” Mark 16:20 Jesus charged his disciples to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel. Talk about intimidating. He was asking them to go tell a story that they experienced and knew was true, but into places that had never seen or heard about Jesus. That is what Jesus is still asking us to do, and he wants us to step out and trust that he will provide for us. I am a person who wants to know all the answers before I move forward. Sometimes I freeze in place because I don’t always have the greatest faith. Jesus told the disciples that he would send a helper and that through the helper he would always be with them. I have to remind myself that because I am a follower of Jesus, he is always with me and will give me everything I need to accomplish what he is asking of me. I don’t need to have all the answers because he is the answer and that is what matters. The same is true for you! When you asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life you were telling him that you trusted him and would do what he asked you to do. His request of all of us is to proclaim the gospel to the whole world, all of creation! How is God asking you to do this today? Ask God to give you the faith to step out and take risks for him for the gospel! - Jared Phillips


DAy thirty nine

Jesus is the Vine “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.� John 15:5 Gods wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. He wants it to be second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. God does not want us to leave His side. He Loves us so much that he wants us to have that personal relationship. Just like the branch needs the vine to live, so do we need Christ to Live. When we sin, it places division between God and us, but having that minute by minute relationship allows for us to stay part of the vine. I know when I do not constantly have that minute by minute relationship I will backslide. It starts with one sin and then one adds to another until God is not even thought about. At one point in my life, the only time I thought about having a relationship with God was Sunday. Monday through Saturday I was too busy. Of course, as I ignored God, I was returning to my old ways. When I have a minute by minute relationship with God, for me, life is less of a struggle and I can accomplish more. I believe the best way to have a personal relationship with God is to never stop pursuing Him. - James Burns


DAY forty

Seek God’s Presence > God’s Provision “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” John 17:4 In the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9–13), Jesus helps us understand that our requests should begin with “Our Father”! After establishing God is our Father who is as compassionate as he is capable...Jesus reminds us that God’s power aims to advance his agenda, not ours. Jesus shows us that Christian prayer begins with longing for God’s presence before his provision. May we remember that most of our prayers are answered in the context of a larger story that God is weaving. Because God is economic in all that He does, meaning, He’s accomplishing all sorts of things at once, we need to have the humility that He is weaving a beautiful tapestry we may not be able to see fully yet. So, as you continue to pray, press in to the person of Christ before you ask for the provision of Christ. He will further inform you of what you need; shape your desires and longings; and meet your greatest need… To be known. - Eric Herrstrom




Glorify God. Pursue People.

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